The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 04, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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enviable record as a student and received
nis oacnelors degree before his 19th birth
day. He was also prominent in athletics
and debate.
After leaving Oregon. Higgins com
pleted a law course at the University of
Washington and was admitted to the bar.
A few years ago he waa appointed as
special prosecutor for the King County
Bar Association and immediately made
war on all attorneys of questionable
standing. As a result of his efforts 38
attorneys were disbarred in the short
space of 18 months. Higgins has gained
a prominent place at the Seattle bar
and is an authority on personal injury
cases. He is a Republican and is 50
years of age.
tX?kt to know what smartly dressed
Commander of Spanish Fleet
at Santiago Dies in Puerto
Real After Long Illness.
Man Who Was Last IIoimj of Spain
in Cuba Had Led Illustrious Ca
reer ;ives Oraphic Account
of Urcat Naval Battle.
r-UKRTO REAL, Spain. April 3
Vice-Admiral Pascual Cervera, -who
commanded tho Spanish fleet in the
battle of Santiago. Cuba, died here this
The members of the Admiral's family
ere present at his bedside, as were
Rear-Admiral Kulate. who was com
mander of the Viicaya at Santiago.
Admiral Cervera in his last hours asked
(hut no military honors be paid him. He
showed great fortitude, and beseeched
his relatives not to grieve. He retained
tonsciousncss until within a few minutes
of his death, which was directly due to
heart disease.
Story or Career.
Vice-Admiral Cervera was retired from
the active list of the Spanish navy re
rember 14, at his own request on account
of failing health. Shortly afterward he
proceeded to Puerto Real in the hope
or Improving his health, hut during the
last month lie was in a critical condition,
bflng kept alive only by the use of
oxysen and hypodermic injections.
Admiral Cervera was born February 18
1.. He was graduated from the naval"
academy at San t'ernandlno and was
commissioned to foreign service In 1809.
He served in Morocco and the Cuban
rebellion, and was recalled from Cuba
to hold the office of Minister of Ma
rine. On the outbreak of the war with the
I nlted States he sailed from the Cape
erde Islands with four cruisers and
four torpedo-boat destroyers on April 29
1KH entered the harbor of Santiago de
t una May 1! and lost hia entire fleet off
that port July 3. In an attempt to force
his way throiiRh Admirai Sampson's
blockading squadron.
Tells or Heeat.
In his own description of the destruc
tion of his flagship. Admiral Cervera
"The enemy's fire produced terrible
damage on board the Infanta Maria Te
resa, destroying the elements of defense
- among others, the net for protection
gainst fire. In this critical moment
the captain of the ship, Senor Concas
fell, wounded, and it was necessary to
withdraw him, I taking command of the
vessel, because It was. impossible to find
the second commandant.
"Immediately afterward they reported
to me that my cabin was burning in
consequence of an explosion. The 'fire
soon became very great and ignited
other parts of the ship. I gave orders
to my aide to flood the after maga
zine, but it was impossible, dense clouds
of smoke impeding walking in the
passages and practicing any kind of op
erations. In this situation I could only
think of beaching the ship, and did so
running aground on Punta Cabrera
"The contest was impossible on our
side and there was nothing more to he
done but to save as much as we cor-Jf?'
woMfliroESEefs him
Sweetheart Turns Against Him
When She Learns or Du
plicity or Cleln.
STOKA.NE, Vah.. April S.-(Special )
K woman s Jealousy is figuring In the
rase of Paul Cleln charged with the mur
er of A. Lewandoskl. whose mutilated
body waa found on the Fort Wright mill-
urK.Iw"7.atn.two wo,,ks ce'"
Is basing his defense upon an alibi fur
nished by Mrs Ida nouglas. his Spokane
Jweetheart. who was tho chambermaid at
his They were to be mar
ried fcoou and Clein was with her the
bight of ths murder.
She never knew that Clein had been
married before until his arrest or that ha
had another sweetheart.
May Randall, of Kaslo. B. C. appeared
en the scene today, declaring that she
t the fiancee of Clein and is here to aid
him. Her appearance has stirred the
Houglas woman, and according to the
authorities, who haw interviewed her to
day, she will not testify In Clem's behalf
inc ah hwa learned of his deception
' Inmates Veel Like Boy After
Taking- First "Chew."
SEATTLE. Wash.. April 3.-(SPecian
A nice concrete bathtub was tilled with
gallons of warm water containing a
solution cf toba.-co and sulphur, and the
bears at Woodland Park Zoo were given
their annual bath yesterday.
Not that tho bears bathe only ouce a
year, for they enjoy a shower from the
hose otten. especially in warm weather
but at least once a year they are given
dipping to ward off mango and skin
'-. The tobacco mixture made all
the frvarx siek.
Tt's just like a boy taking his first
ihew, said Park Superintendent J. W
iliomrwon. "Hy tomorrow they'll be feel
In tine again."
Th. principal ingredients of the bears'
taih. were tobacco and sulphur. "Tobac
co. said the park superintendent, "is
first rate as a disinfectant and germi
cide, tor manse and skin diseases It
T.""" v1"rTs' ful Purpose. Apparent
l the animals do not care to take It
internally, however."
tiowrnor Hay Appoints J. I. Hljj
jrinson on V. or W. Board
OLYMPl.V. Wash., April 3. (Special )
overnor Marion K. Hay has appointed
John C. Higgins. of St-attle. as a regent
of the University of Washington. nig
ging is a native of Monmouth, Or., and is
a graduate of the University of Oregon.
Willie ia college at ilugene he made an
Seattle Chamber or Commerce Ob
jects to His Tarirr Views.
SEATTLE, April 3. As a result of the
reports that J. J. Hill had appeared be
fore the committees of Congress openly
advocating the removal of the duty on
lumber and on coal, the trustees of the
Seattle Chamber of Commerce this aft
ernoon, at a special meeting, sent a tele
gram to Mr. Hill, urging him, in the
name of the people of the Pacific North
west, whose prosperity contributes so
largely to that of the railroads he con-
ffi.v est
1 i
Vice - Admiral Paseiial Cervera,
( nmmandrr of Spanish Kleet at
Santiago, Who Died Saturday.
trols. to oppose rather than urge any re
duction in lumber duty.
A protest against reduction of the tariff
on coal and lumber waa likewise tele
graphed to Chairman Aldrich of the Sen
ate finance committee.
San Francisco Firm to Furnish Cup
Tor Ocean-to-Ocean Race.
SEATTLE, April 8,-The prise for the
best design for the M. Robert Guggen
heim tronhv fnv tin. x-,. i- . . . .
automobile race was awarded today to
.v w. w., ji ctu.ii rTancieco. The
cup will contain 500 ounces of silver and
Kold and will h A9. inhAa ,n i.
ost jjooo. " " w,u
Mr. Guggenheim left today for New
York to make the final arrangements for
the ocean-to-ocean race, which will begin
ui mm, ana end at the
gates of the Alaska-Tukon-Paciflc Ex
position. Me win f ..1 r , i, -
in the race In his own machine from
Granger, Wyo.. to Seattle. Mayor George
B. McCIellan will fire the shot which
will start the automobillsts on their long
" "'J a revolver nnished in
Alaska gold.
Give Vp Secret PostofXlce Soxes
Rather Than Give Rererences.
SEATTLEJ, Wash.. April 3. (Speclal.)
Consternation reigns among the renters
of a certain class of private boxes In
the local postoftlce. since on April 1 an
order was Issued by the officials of the
Seattle office that references must be
furnished by all holders of postoffice
Caused by Impurities and Bacteria in
the Blood.
That the blood Js a natural antiseptic
and powerful germ destroyer is a fact
recognised by all leading medical men.
There are certain cells in the blood
whose sole mission Is to keep It free
from impurities, and which seem to
have nothing tn particular to do on
ordinary occasions but to float about
on the blood tides, and wander through
the various channels and tissues of tho
body watching other cells work.
Wut the moment those cells come
upon, a foreign particle, disease germ
or impurity in the blood or fragment
of worn-out celjs, they pounce upon it,
wrap themselves around it. and either
digest or destroy It, or carry It off to
a safe place of deposit, either within
the tissues or without.
A great deal of lore has accumulated
about these wandering scavengers of
the blood, and they seem to be of great
importance in many ways, and are
known to medical men as phagocytes.
Whenever the blood becomes very im
pure and tha number of germa within
it are large, the phagocytes are vastly
increased numerically, a condition
known as phagocytosis.
Thus a tierce struggle between the
germs and the phagocytes rages. The
phagocytes usually win out and destroy
the germs, but it sometimes happens
that the phagocytes are completely
overwhelmed by numbers, so rapid is
tho increase of germs and blood impu
the most powerful germicides, anti
scorbutics and alteratives, or blood pu
rifiers il the United States Pharmaco
poea. When the phagocytes are over
come by disease germs and blood Im
purities, these wonderful little wafers,
when taken into the system, exert a
cleansing, germ-destroying and purify
ing effect on the blood, assisting the
phagocytes in driving all foreign mat
ter from the system, thus freeing It
from all skin and blood diseases, and
so rapid and efficient Is the work of
purification performed that a complete
change for the better Is noticed in a
remarkably short time.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers should be in
every homo. Every one needs a blood
purifier occasionally at least. For sale
at all druggists at SO cents a package,
or send us your name and address and
we will forward you a free sample
package, and let you test the remedy
for yourself at our expense. Write to
day. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 175
Stuart bids.. Marshall, Mich.
Mmdl ? I Mil Ij VH "
l feTO'i if
I WtHm Is '4;
I f ?f r. flVl . '"Mi
l J''Spil !fi :;j -
ft Mf-fiV J ' MI
why you should purchase your clothing
I BUY more clothing. 1
I SELL more clothing than any
other concern on the Coast. Controlling
5 stores in this city gives me
purchasing power equaled by none.
I PAY CASH for everything
I buy, receiving a large
discount, which is passed on to you.
I have the choice of the BEST
MAKERS in the country.
Is there ANY reason why you should
not buy your SPRING SUIT of me?
PRICED $20 to $40.
boxes whose business is unknown to the
fuBiut aumonties.
Since the issuance of fhe order, nearly
60 persons, all of them women, have dis
continued the renting of postoffice boxes
rather than court investigation by the
local postoffice officials. Coincident with
the general cleanup of the city. Postmas
ter George P. Russell has determined to
clean up as far as possible some of the
abuses of the postoffice. among other
things the holding of private boxes for
clandestine correspondence.
Pursuant to this determination of the
postmaster, notices have been placed in
a number of postoffices Informing the
holders that they must furnish refer
ences or discontinue the use of , the
County Loses on Rebates.
VANCOUVER, Waah.. April 3. ( Spe
cial. The sum nf Q4tt 1. -
lected In taxes from February 1 to
April 1, there being still left to col
lect of the 1908 taxes tl2I,04g.26. By
reason - of the 3 per cent rebate the
county lost $3985.69, as most of the
taxpayers who paid took advantage of
the rebate offered. During the two
months there were 2600 receipts Issued.
Detectives Do Rapid Work in China
town and Catch 17.
Rapid-fire raids on Chinese gambling
games were effected last night, by De
tectives Howell and Tichenor, who cap-
Successors to Conklin Bros.
Real Estate
Designers and Builders of Artistic Homes
This firm in its real estate department, transacts a general
real estate brokerage business negotiates mortgages, collects
rents, writes fire insurance.
In addition to its business as general contractors this firm is
equipped with its own architectural and home-building depart
ment and will draw or furnish plans to prospective homebuilders
and build either for cash or on easy terms.
a he quality of our work -we guarantee to be of the highest only.
C 100x100, E.- 28 fh and Oak sts., 2100.
terms; cheapest buy on the East
R- 1 Rose City Park. 2 lots, corner Bandy
Road, face, east, high ground.
SHOO: easy terms.
B. 866 1-3x100, E. Tamhill and E. Slst, a
bargain at J2000; terms.
S. 1 Bungalow. 6 large room sjcorner lot 50x100 artistically nnished tinted
w-alls. e ectric fixtures, fireplace, paneled walls, built-in buffet and
cb'"a closet, Dutch kitchen, large bedrooms; only 2800: down.
t , Jm:,5w2".Pst home ln walnut Park tor the money; faces
easi. lor ooxioo. . lare rooms, furnace, modern and complete in
xi o .SfJT. way: Bt,reet improvements in and paid.
ti. s J.-MW0. terms: splendid, well-built 2-story home on E. Taylor st
close in. lot 50x100. lawn and -ones, best plumbing, full basement!
"replaces and furnace, restricted district; let us show you this
Other homes for sale in all parts of the city from J1700 up.
J- t2eSJ once best West Side apartment house: will net the Investor
la per cent. Full particulars at the office.
W. M. CONKLIN & CO. (Inc.)
A 1747, Main 2859
407 Wells Fargo Bldg.
"Watch the Movement Down the River.
. in n il sin lmmn
Cars Run to HARBORTON Next Week.
... IT . 1 , ..
v fiuic0i a. nm ptu-apiiernaiia or
the fantan games and broke in the doors
of two different places in the course of
only a few moments. The first raid was
made at 130 Second street. The Ah
family, comprising Ahs Lee, Mow, Sins,
Pong, Man, John and Joe, were taken
in a well-known gambling den ln the
rear of this store. One of them quick lv
secreted tha gambling stakes but they
nmra nnahl. t n tret ournw v. t
Leaving this place under guird the Bailed A" the PIaypr-
officers proceeded to 93 Second stWtl 2 d 0Ut by tl,e PrPnetors of tho dens.
going through the same performance a- I Ree.1 Bros.. Tailors. 349 Alder st
Ttedr.?nn Dock- I'ow 'Jim Lie.
Ah TnhhUnfA,h Wah' Ah Son..Ah cSon
Ah John, Ah Junk. Chinese snrt ri v-.'
moto Japanese. All the Dlaver. wr.
ILvery Soit
Special Raster
"We are offering a great special that 'will interest those ,
ladies -who have not yet purchased their Easter suit.
Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday we place on sale a
splendid line of ladies' New Spring Suits,' and, in order
to introduce our Shoe department, will give free with
each suit a fine $4.00 pair of ladies' Shoes the "Anna
Held Pomp,'" guaranteed to be the equal of any $4.00
shoe on the market.
New Tailored
Spring Suits
There are many models from which to choose, in all the
newest, popular shades; the long coats," wide pockets,
fancy cuffs, satin and silk lined, fancy braid and button
trimmed; made of the best materials and workmanship
of the very best. Fine tailored Spring suits, becoming to
any figure, and on top of the low special price, a free pre
mium that no one can afford to overlook.
All alterations absolutely free on all sale goods this
week. Make a small deposit and then Sgl.OO A WEEK.
Pair of $4.00 Shoes Free
Packard's "Anna Held Pomp," absolutely correct fit
ting, in tans, patent leather, vici kid, etc., button or lace,
strictly up to date in style. Positively free with each suit
sold Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If not quite
ready to make your purchase now, a small deposit will
reserve your choice until you are ready.
A" I V' 11 " Nil ir Nvjj H NNL Xjl X3i "J
- Cor. JJnion. Avenue
o cisL.jDurnsiae: