The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 04, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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TOraCHAyE- "B8AU, t t 1
Nico cottage and two lull lots In ML T
bor for 10 Korea Improved. Timber claim
and lot for house and lot. A good Iowa
farm for houn and lot. A grocery store for
I'fim. Modern 8-roomed bouse and lot for
$25t cash. Farm for general merchandise,
r'-r ths above and any other kinds of trades
tall at 101 Board of Trade.
f HAXOK for five-passenger automohle In
a-jod condition; 40 acres, bearing orchard.
RXd buildings. 6t$ miles from town: price
$uoot part difference in cath. remainder
' mortgage to suit. Address Geo. Li. Cul
bertson it Co.. hading land agents. Hood
ltier. Or.
NICE 4o-a.cre place in California; house,
1-srn. good spring water sufficient for Ir
rigation: all level, value $2'00; will ex
change for diamonds, Portland Home Tel
ephone bond or vacant lot in Portland
and give or take difference. Write owner,
P. W M.. tK East 18th atreet.
120-ACRE dairy and IflO-acre stock ranch,
valued $2506 each, for grocery; 4 block
with n-room bungalow, worth $-000. to
trade for acreage or rooming-house.
2C3Ss Washington tit.
KC R PALE or trade a paying moving-picture
rnitnes In Southern Oregon town; must
sarrlfloe this on account of health: will
T?2.l2."Z Portland property or acreage.
AD Oregon ian.
FOR S A LH or exchange for farm. 100x100 cor.
fl lth and Linn ava. ; two new, modern
houses, in fine l-catlon; consideration, $5000.
By owner, A. MuGinley, 61 -i Linn ava.
10 ACRES timber land. 5.000,000 flr and
cedar, in Douglas County, close to R. R.
?,nir.'ver' for clty proptrty or farm land.
F Ti9, Oregonian.
nitST'USS dressmaking for room, must
he clean, light, convenient and no objec
tion to sewing for others; no sign- pri
vate customers only. H 841. Oregonian.
RXCHANGB Automobile for real estate' 5
passenger, 20-horae power, with top. Call
at room S32 Sherlock bldg.
i h S nange 180 acres (Ins second-growth
m- for United Wireless preferred stock. Box
7. Stay ton. Or.
E?"Tr In T 11 vacant lots, to
trade for auto or furniture. Main 0115.
E'YHH,ANri.E: .1.,'" J"r P1"00 or automobile.
Address T 8.12. Oregonian.
Horsem. Vehicle and Haraesa.
h . "V vd c-rload of mares and
horse, from Grant County, Oregon, welgh
v ?.' ,m 10? to 140"- broken; now is
' r . a.n'7. for farmers and business men
lv.Oo.J'sr ipr'ns ,,upplv- 505 Albina
av e. Open Sunday ; take L. car.
BiJ.H?,RS5' 'V worker: gray horse.
. $W: Mack mare, weighs lL'OO lbs, price
B. sorrel mare, weighs lloo lbs.. $.,.-,
one team ponies. S and 6 years old. $):
one brown delivery horse, weighs lloO
lbs,, price $S5. 26 North J5th st
:e?,1v.FMII'Y driving mare. 1150 pounds.
' woT,""1 r,Lr.,'"y eomle, suitable n
women or children. aio rubber-tired
buggy ana haraneaa. 531 Tanlno ave., Sell-
PAIR of chunky mares, both In foal, age 7
o"w 8hr'.'iVbinWe'fr,,t 21,0 lh" '' -" t of
11th stT n harnoss; price $21C. 26
GOOSENWCK wagon, from 1 to 5 tons.
handmade grocery and laundry wagons al
ways In wock. Columbia Carriage & Wagon
Works, 3Q Water st. Main 2SH2. "aon
Fort S.U.K-One bay horse. 1200 lbs.: good
uy w'iiTk "TJ1" J""1 ultble 'or family o?eir"ld.h,,"p- Ba A- Bellamy
grocer. 401 Hawthorne.
!Tii'fnD brTd. m"re. years old. broke
h?.-"?" "r 1rlve. gentlo and stvlish. also
Tm.mJJ""" A OT.onlan. 248
Bm,'?.S,NjrTif'm of, mares, weight 2290.
.e. kL. , , k H.ny p,Hce- w lth brand new
set breeohhig harness complete, 10. 2K4
J!!, Ya r,?lr b,K nares. with new heavy
m.Zrl CC' !J' 1,1 A condition; true
R,,- ont Stables. 15th and
Rurnslde ts. Mr. Stephenson' team.
TT. tt"l,1 hor"" ,,or "ale with or without
saddles, etc : gentle and city broke, at Sid
Horns .tables, itith-st. entrance of fair
FOR SALE A line blooded Shetland, pony
Toi'F"' Hi"' and "eutle. Phone Main
r,, . 'ohange 20. E. L. Thompson,
-list and Carter st.
175 A WHtlAIN -Oood farm or delivery
5nr."i, ound- "Prlng wagon with top
suitable for camping, also light double
haiuesa. 7.1 Tenlno ave.. Sellwood.
uio.,1 d've.ry wagon In good oon
dltioa; both shaft, and tongue go with
wagon; can be seen at Ben A. BellamV.
grocery. ol Hawthorne. - "
CHKAP -Nice 6-year-old driving mare, also
cheap delivery horse and good M.dlle: will
take oow In exchange. Sou Eat 2Slh at..
Woodstock car to France, ave.
1 f,T.?"Z!',,?'V,'"- b""?l!. harness, or
saddle, of all kinds. Red Front Livery
. and Lxohange Stables, lstu at., off Wash
ington. Main 1126.
r(i!!,HND, HEIGHTS express, must be
h.frA?dyeran,1 ve"ln"- "and.
F, nt15r.or lea,e- Commodore,
wel.h! '19mmonwt"Jln- y Onward:
weight 12.'io. age 6 years. Handsomest
stud on Coast, o. R. c: Ham.
S,,LN., h,d, ?d V"0 horses for
1? "J oltbla Barn, on Front st -weights
from 1200 to 1160
tHr S AL- -1 three-seated Studebaker rub-
h :Llr'.dwtallho 144 E. 2d t
north. Phone East Ws.
SADDLE horse. tK0 pounds, black cood
week" VT, f.Tr '""'r- l0i " aaenBthl,
week. 1 80. oregtnian.
Ilf.0 HUTS bay mare
broke, .in K,r:'.':."i r"y
hartusa "il Z, ""asy, new
"iitoii ..4 Montgomery.
4 COMBINATION saddle and drivers from S
t4 UK AD homes S00 to 120O lbs., well broke
ITOR SALE t single three-cjuarter buggy
and harucsa. 410 Ji. 10th St.. near llau
cock. A OOOP second-hand platform spring bak.
ryonX &r aCO"d '"a Columbia.
roR SALE? One 2-horM S-ton expresa and
one Hht delivery ,n cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 8th.
iroR SALE Span of registered Morgan
T'T'' t 'in'ra- at a bargain. s
A. A. B.iker. 112 Ablngton bldg.
ITOR SAI.B One H.tmbletonlan horse 4
year. old. 144 K. 2d St.. North. Phone East
a'l? Z- v, "',ltabl f"r rarm. must weigh
t Mrday morning; m be cheap
4 etark St.
IMR "ALBStsndard bred stallion. "Lexing
ton Comet" 40111. see Frvy. 2 Unlonavf
North. Eust 1749. a9-
--R SALE. CHEAP One horse, .tillable for
saddle, buggy or wagon: also wagon and
hams.a. l SJ4. Oregonian.
A KICK, gentle 0-ar-old Welch pony: nice
IaCh V ? ' r'lW r drlT' fJr 1 cheapT
10S6 l.ladslone ave.
BfVS a goc-d ranch hrse. harn-.. and
..-spring wagon i leaving city; must sell. ut-j
tlad9iune ae.
ONK ranch hack and harness. $20. loss Glad
une ave.
HVKR.T V"U-,3W Front- bu
hraa. vehicles; low rates on business rlga
n!;'K;E' hr,v'- "y horses. See them.
04 RusmII st. I'hone East 87S.
"F.1"; mar", rig. and hints, of all
kind, for sale. 24 Montgomery.
GOOD delivery team with or without wagon
Inqu're 14 Grand ave., corner Helmont.
4-TEAR-OLD reglsu-red thoroughbred rid
ing horse. Main sjtl.
HORSES ar.d mares for sale. Rose city Sla
bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 3.10X
trXPRFSS wagon and harness at a bargain
. must bo wild. 10 Washington bldg.
GI'ARAXTKSD harness: lowest prioea .ellar
Harness Co.. 4S X. sixth St. ""r
KvR OAl.E Nearlv
ew breaking cart.
cheap. O 40. Oregcinan.
iJi S AlJ' "l"0? driving and riding horse.
I none Last A40.
TAtR mule, harness and wagon for sale
r will trade for vacant lot. 4S Ma'on st.
it FAD rood work haraea. 12oo ta lo0 pounds
4t Uaat Stark.
Vehlclee and Han
eJ"'3h" 23 lb" - ara oina nd true
E.i 5f' a,.so heay sewn trace harness.
mi.,h"i complete, price I240; team
matcned browns, weighs S40O lbs, drive
...?. ?T flouble, new heavy harness, price
n h"ad delivery or general pur
P2 horses, suitable for any business; aet
good heavy double harness. $26.50: set
2SWh,"uriey harness. J23: set second-hand
52u bl harness. $15; single driving har
ness $5. another $tl.50; one for tlO: ex
press harness. $12.50: another, 114.50;
Jadle..nd hridle, $13; rubber-tire runa
new; one 2-horse express wagon
cneap e exchange anything in our line.
?Kirrt.JJV!ry- Sale and Exchange
Stables. 15th. off Washington. -
PAIR of dapple gray geldings, age 7 and
6 years, weight 3240 lbs., sound in every
way and good workers; dark bay team,
extra w-ell matched, weight 2S30 lhs., age
B and 7 years; pair of good chunks, age
and 8 years, weight 2530 lbs., work sin
gle or double; pair of light farm mares,
age 8 and 9 years, weight 22-'.o lbs., will
sell separate: a nice single drivers, one
good saddler, gentle for lady; also 13
nead of other horses and -mares suitable
for farm delivery or heavy team work,
we handle all kinds of harness Rose
iLtyS!,e sta,'l's. Hth and Jefferson.
Phone Main 3300.
WHT D"v a second-hand vehicle when we
ran sell you a new vehicle at about the
"'"? J?- 06 M you would pay for an old
one .' v e are located ouwlr.e of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price:
driving wagons, bugggles, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. 'WADES 4 CO..
322 Hawthorne Ave.
Just arrived, carload of Eastern Oregon
rr8 a"d ,nares. weighing from lOOo to
lwOO lbs. Thia is a fine assortment of young.
ound tock, and a horse for moat sqt pur
pose can be found among them. Call and
Stockyard Exchange stables, North 17th
and Qulmby Sta.
FOR SALE Well-bred mare. 8 year. old.
weight about 1150; over 16 hands high
good traveler, thoroughly city broke; a!
a. nne trap, buckboard and two Bets of har
ness; owner having no use for them, will
trade for real estate or Home Telephone
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagon, to rent by month or
year: we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day, week or month
Phones Eaat 72, B 13, Hawthorne
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave
r. Ar of Ilora arrived from Grand
KoncUs Valley, consisting of some well
matched teams of general purpose horses,
from 1100 to 1300 lbs., all young, sound
and good workers. For inspection call 204
Montgomery st.
BAY horse, weight 1100 lbs., rides or drives,
gentle for ladies' u.e. new. full leather
top rubber-tire buggy (studebaker beet),
nice hand-sewed ham-fa, all complete, prioo
$H0. Call Red Front Boarding Stables.
Ask for Mlas Day's rig.
$2S5 TAKES pair of horses, weight 31 OO
lbs., age 10 and II years, with set of new
first-class heavy team harness; these
horses are absolutely true but a little
gore from street w ork. Rose city Sale
Stables.' 11th and Jefferson.
MCE) horse, weight lo0 lhs., sound, good
rider or drivel, new rubber-tire runabout
and harness; price $150. Call Red Front
Stables. 15th tn., oft Washington. Ask for
Mr. Denver's rig.
WE! HAVE just received a' car of horses
and you will find 25 head of the best
horses and mares in the city for the
money at the Rose City Sale Stables. 11th
and Jefferson.
HANDSOME chestnut gelding, IR14 hands 8
years, weight 1100 lbs.; slngle-foota trots
canters, gallops under saddle, trots In OJI
nese; safe for lady. 26 X. 15th st
FIXE new Studebaker surrey, canopy top
used eight timet; cost $240; sell for half
new Iiaiiey speeding buggy, cost $250. sell
for half. Can be seen in storage at 26 N.
loth st.
FOR SALE, or will exchange for real estate.
4-cylinder Franklin auto. AF 746 Ore
gonian. "WILL trade 12 h. p. Holsman auto for lot
Sla location. N 849. Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up, for sale or
trade. W. Q- Hartman & Co.. 48 2d it
log. Birds. Etc,
OR SALE Fox hounds, beagle hounds,
and all other breeds of sporting and pet
dogs. fancy pigeons. ferrets, rabbits,
guinea pigs, cattle, sheep and swine 60
j age catalogue. 10c. Mount Penn Kennels.
Reading. Pa.. U. S. A.
FOR SALES Small Cuban spaniel trick dog
fond of children. 1111 Belmont st. Phone
Tabor 1737.
NEW high-grade 450 piano cheap; must
be sold. Oregon Timber &
Chamber of Commerce.
A $200 EQUITY In piano for sale cheap, or
trade for suburban lot. Phone Tabor 1301.
FOR SALE Marble soda fountain, cost $.-)0,
will sell for $75 and throw ln brass tank,
cost $35. 80S Larrabee st.
. SALE cheap, stable 20x40, story and
Hair, lumber good as new: easily taken
down. Call 171 East 23d, near Belmont St.
FOR SALE Large Durham cow, fresh. J4a
one Jvrsey bull, 2 years old. $30. 14S0
Macadam St.; Fulton car.
MACHINERY for lce-maklng plant. Harris
make, in good condition, 7 tons capacity
The J. B. Martin Co.. 447 Belmont st.
FIRE! FIRE For sale half price, moving-
Slcture machine, song slides, etc. Newman
otion Picture Co., 293 Burnside
ENGLISH setter, registered and broke
also Winchester shotgun for $50. 530
ONE second-hand t.aie In good condition;
t eap-.In.lulre' 124 Grand ave., or phono
Last 480, B 1NS0.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-tt. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
VVater st. Phone Main 7451-A 5445.
W ANTED Poker players, send $1. best com
plete poker player publisher. Maple Leaf
Specialty Co.. box S2S. Mount Vernon, O.
T1l??.rGHBRF Orpington 7
. : -----. u.av n. aaniorcas, i, tj.
31at and Emerson. Tel. Woodlawn 119s.
Film service that wins. Steropticons.
slides, .uppliea 165 4th C
HOUSEBOAT for sale; 5 rooms, partly fur
nished, fine condition. Owned by H E
Judge. Phone Sellwood 12o6
15 H. P. Regal engine, complete. $250- can
be seen running at Palmer boath'ouse.
west end Steel bridge.
A GOOD Smith-Premier and Remington type
writer; your choice $17.50. N S55 Ore
gonian. A..M,OTkOR CYCLE for sale or trade for
xiuVao".10' or anytnl"K f value, phone
Alain oiioif.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Sllver-laced Wv
andotte egg. for setting, and a few On.
cockerels. Call B 2aS0.
FR SALE Two mantel folding beds in
Mam wSS.8" C"aP- 235 12lh " Fnoca
BEAUTIFUL diamond, suitable for lady or
fflT..,,,."' Commercial block.
GENT'S carat stud. lady'. carat ring,
white, perfect diamonds. V S..2, Orego-
3 FRESH tows. 1 Holstcin. 1 Jersey, good
ones. 15S4 Division and West av." Tabor
6. C. BLACK Orpington egg. for hatching.
J3 and $5 per setting. D. Skinner, 650
T- pahur.
YOUNG BULLS, 3 14 year, old; t 24 years
car vr""er- Center Station. Oregon City
"OR SALS Swcft-sinpinR ranarjr bird
tti cage. $5. phone Main H2 or A 420i.
WANTED A nice little jrirl to board, nlca
home and reasonable. M. SR9-i.
NEW hand-raade cart for aaie chean 41
V nion ave., cor. Couch.
RKAU ESTATE office, furniture and flx
ture. a bargain. A sm. Oregonian.
GOOn moTlnv-picture machine and nlra
cheap. s Oregonian.
SET of ew Portland block booka. cheap
O 8M. Oregonian.
X 1-1 BU'FI perfect diamond cheap. FJ
FrhouVkE27.rchia Tin- - !i
1 15 H. P. marine boiler. $75.
2 54x1 boilers
1 4hxl4 boiler.
1 40 H. p. fire-box boiler.
12 . P. tire-box boiler.
1 4 H. P boiler.
1 20 H. p. upright boiler.
1 23 H. P. engine.
2 40 H. P. engines.
1 ,12xl? high-speed. automatic. Ball
1 3o K- w. dynamo.
1 2oOlight dynamo; several smaller
c namos.
s Fairhank-Morse pump, 10-ln. suction,
a-in. discharge.
Buffalo pump, 10-in. suction. 8 -in,
?.'--Lvtet.baI,,i new Prp- 12-Inch.
TMJJ 'ee' brand new pipe, 4-Inch.
1 -!i H p- tubular boiler.
1 4Sxl tubular boiler.
244-246 Front St.
A?i.ainoa,nt axge-size pipe, suitable for
L?i .I... iS a110"1" beams. Rails.
aI., j We furnish rails for concrete
t ?d cXl ln len5th. to suit.
1 80iK-gallon tank.
1 1000-gallon tank.
1 4-mold Berg brick press.
31 iron cars.
ehTLhrv !L':'me', 1 an"'t8r the ma
fr ?h, eltv wB nl1,'" 'J18 largest stock
.havehtnCetock.a at w.
244-246 Front St.
y. hlns ,n P'P from H-ln. up to 14
lr... either black or galvanized, in n-w
money? hand- Get our Price. 'and save
... M. BARDE & SONS.
.J?,'"3'3 wl'san St.. cor. Eighth
PIPE pipe: PIPE.
2-inch pipe. 8c per foot.
J", a -Inch pipe, 12c per foot.
J-inch pipe, 15c per foot.
4-inch pipe. 20c per foot.
e 18 onIy one Place to buy cine
Jtid save money. We dip all our ElSe
int"?- out lr" ot "barge aSd gSa?!
antee the same to be practically new
24J-246 Front St.
F?olntnIrE-1 a"y-Ped spra, soda
1 National cash register.
1 peanut roaster and warmer
1 4-gaUon cnrlee urn. with stone crock
stols' linoleum, electric fan. ex-
iSrl'-.eie.11 a'S -'tlon-. at
- - - w- " -. oregonian.
MERCHANDISE purchased from Sheriffs,
manufacturers end receiver's sales; we
orei?S on look-u' for bargains,
SLiho-'? wr3. snaps, and are in a
position to savn you money on anything
in the machinery line
244-248 Front St.
B.T.H it,,bai lavatories, closets, sinks, holi
cope'ti'tTon tray- at Prlc" that dfy
We sell to all.
Positively not In any trust or combine.
244-246 Front St.
T-.tJ .sed pJm.b', furnished on all 1obs
Kstimates cheerfully given. Let us flgura
on your plumbing and save you money
J. SIMON & BRO.. ''
244-246 Front St.
wn iBT't'0"preM 3b Printing office
lLnd ,fr Prmtln8 "nd bookbinding
doing good business; contract for $2000 worth
of work, with no stock to buy- win sell
cheap; owner leaving C1,y. ySon'e
K. S03 Oregonian.
Bb'VTjKSMITHS' machinists' vTclLT
picks, crowbars, mattocks, sledges, wedges'
and "ackT"' rOPe' pulleys- blocks
244-246 Front St.
3 JkE-DIr fresn o"' all heavy milkers.
must be Been to be appreciated; would trade
'r fat cattle; satisfaction guaranteed
srW,n,hOU5e PP8l'e Ockley Green Statton
ot. jour car.
that'wlfr h.a .oei? "I'shUy used machine,
tnat will be sold very chean Call .nri
Y,..HTlnf Machl'kofo3
" mgi.oo, cor. 11th St.
W"' WYANDOTTE eggs for hatching -tlan
t"" 398 Russell st., u. p. sta.
THOROLftH-BEED Brown Leghorns, 6 pul
lets laying; 1 cockerel. 151 Shorty st
Seoh, kS DOrth Stewarts Statlan? M.t.
ocott car.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film? we are
independent, do not belong to t no trust!
land.tiCOr:"ra C- 303 Rotb"d bld Por"
eT0110'0?, Barred Rock and S. C. Brown
Leghorn,. $1 per setting. 8 per hundred
.""'ndale. quarter mlleast ot n?
land. Addreea Lents. Or., R. R. No 1
u" SALE-550 quick-meal range almost
new; w 11 sell for $30: must sell on aSoSnl
of moving. 563. E. Morrison. Phone East
PU?,E. whlt buH terrier puppies. months
dirio;;0ranShamplo,,s' "e in fine show con
dition and can win at the coming Port
land bench show. Phone B 255"
F?j7cAsi 230-egg incubator and 2
brooders for sale very cheap; almost new"
int.'"? ,Ciiy 2 CI'morn:
- - - --- j-c.iy o ... c unon 1 ILrit
EXCHANGE for Portland real estate- 00m
Plate outfit of machinery for small 3?b
printing plant, and some other material
Address the Timberman. Portland? Or
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fullv
guaranteed, easy payments; rental, 13
203 2d.t paclflc Stationery & pig 'ci;
FLOCK of goats, as wo nro through with
them; have not been sheared; $2 BO per
head. 166 E. 18th st. Phone East 4187.
EA5TlAN" 10'iak. Petaluma incubator. Brown
lgorn roter, eggs for hatching-. B
P"sRtTr,EH0J poor famlly- 8 containing new.
satin lined coat, two dresses, 6 other a-ti-cles.
15 Qantenbeln ave. a'U
DONKEY engine. 84x11, fully equipped for
logging; will sell at a bargain. a. K.
Howltt. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 623.
12 LAYING hens. 1 cockerel: s. C White
Leghorn Calkins strain; cheap, lltfd I E.
Taylor, Portland. J1"
EGGS Thorouglbred Black Minorca. ono
C.eveland ave. Phone Woodlawn 1084 $1 5u
setting. "
FOR SALE 15 Bhares United Wireless TeV
graph stock pref, rred and transferable.
Bargain. Address AD 846. Oregonian.
B.A?GE at a bargain. 60 feet long
McLTlJen'cfty"" E" ?si
LV51, "J wna,1 nave ln exchange?
Tat'for Va 350- Ed Hoyt- 2
CALL and see my 80-foot speed launch before
buying elsewhere: ready for the water In J
days, at a bargain. Tabor 1682.
f ArrJVSti Poshed range, cheap. 321
SUSg- bono A 2068. Call forenoon
FOR SALE cheap by private party, one eet
blacksmith s machinery and tools, nearly
new. 721 Mississippi ave.
n8ALE-ir oT.'go'ni'a'n91 " "
GOOCT fireproof af. $40. C
2d and Oak at at.
O. Pick.
THOROUGHBRED For Terrier pup. 2 K.
FOR SALE-Launch and boathouso. Phoae
Main 755 Monday.
TOl'NO thorough-bred red dauschund flog
for sale. F. W. M.. 00 Eat 18th st.
PRACTICAL Remington typewriter for sale.
Inquire at 48 Harding at.. Albina.
DONKEY engine and 14)00 feet line, cheap.
O. IX 831. lllard. Eugene. Or.
FRESH two Jerseys. 1 Durham Holsteln big
rich milkers. Phono Etmt S505. OS E. 30th.
l?i PERFECT diamond that I will sell
cheap- F 77S, Oregonian.
yJ.13 wlckr gocart. 1210 East Yamhill
B 16J.
tiO Moving picture outfit, 2 lenses, etc la
North Bd st. "
ONE 20-FT. P. gas engine In flrst-claM con-dltlon-
Apply a.)g ravt t. a
A 60 POLDIXG BED. 12. Oaborao Hbtoi.
room 3. Orand ave. and As-h.
SLI1H TROMBONE for ceUe. Conn. 635 Mont
gomery st. Home A 703.
OOLDINO go-cart, good condition. Phone B
216.. Address lift E. 11th ex.
EI.B1AKT furniture of 5-room apartment, ln 86h piano. T SM, Oregonian.
N'V, itfm4'h- n-w: Ss- K"Ptional offer.
1J &52. Orvgonian.
I I nr t.r V 1 r. L JlVLB.
f.? sideboard, 13.50: quartered
Ubrar- taWe. 36x24 in.. 114; fancy
folding .creen 12.50: extension table. 4:
t;irak Ja'. high back. $8: No S
Lniversal cook stove. 12: No. S20 Niagara
ateei range. with reservoir. 30; four
gS?o"r,Rei.ialla, S.T.50: dresser,
7oi5-u5 2? chiffoniers, S7.50 to 15
folding beds. Jo: good iron beds, 2; tls
electric fan. 10: refrigerators. go-carls,
hardware, crockery, cooking utensils, glass
ware, carpets, rugs, linoleum, bedding, cur.
Prtiere. everything to furnish a
house complete. We carry the largest
rfiihJ?, a?d Iret-clasa K-cond-hand
xvi?- tura"shlnga. In the Northwest.
5. W?,alvat.jF - 201,1 4 -Washington,
prolfrielorl: 3,8i Mth Gervais.
1FIX need or any hollers, engines, dvna-?i-sApump5-
Pl,e-. shafting, beliiug,
gearing. sheet-iron. roofing, material!!
cnain. rope, cables or an-thing else that
.of iror- ae8 UB- as wo positively
Jf.rrj th largest and most wmplew
city ocond-hand machinery In tho
-. . J- SIMON BRO..
tne store with the monev-baclc policy
244-246 Front St-
D?Jnelcated pheasants may be now sold
Sn, vmaet: Mler raised and Tar more
Eable.,t?n 'lcken; egge. expressage
f,"8"1-. 3-00 d: 5. 8.00: 100. $16.oT.:
fun instructions. Write for circular. Slmp-
- orvaiua, ur.
WILL SEI.r. or
1 Western elevating gracter.
J.V, Austin dump wagons,
blips, fresnos, plows, etc.
Complete cooking outfit for 60 'men.
Blacksmith's outfit.
M. 2018. 432 Chamber of Commerce.
BOCKOOD'S anti-tuberculosis underwear
lor men and -women made of pure unadul
terated wool in bright, airy rooms, under
i?-uprv"imniof I)r- att, S 50 per gar
"jent. Manufactured by Geo. Rockwood &
Co.. Bennington. Vt.
y?ZtSALE:r"1 Tm,n 1 sanitary sleep
ing couch, almost new. 5 large rugs 1
Sfr- al2..a Player piano ln HrstTclas.
Piny ?S condition, original value 750, will
account ZVS. J'?"f?" ? mij jkiorn&oa 8L
DIAMONDS, suitable for lady or gende
U,t 1taL?,c8ht r ohange fof good
llwi- AIm.ed Con- "Ofk or Home tele-" '238415 Cm-'a'
5? Jt113 outflt- Good 12-passenger
launch and 8-room houseboat. fu-T fur-
MaYn 7791 Wrth ,90- 3,13 Corbe" bid-
LAI? toJwn: brand-new 50-Inch roll-top
drop-head desk, office chair and 2 other
f- ai?' S?T JuT Prioe: ""I ual months.
G 84o, Oregonian.
oo.uoo feet, guaranteed new, 4c per ft.
244-246 Front St.
A LATE model Remington typewriter and
two other makes of good visible, for sale
cheap: must go this week. O 851 Ore
gonian. WlMi excna,nB new large gas range for
good wood range. 28 Sherman. Main
tBSlng and hoisting engines.
WANTING This is the time to prepare"
warm weather. We call your attention
pecially to Panama hats, that we clean
bleach without the use of any acid or
injurious chemicals; our preparation is
solutely harmless to the fiber. Why
our price, lower than anvboriv
can afford it. Investigate. The Royal
Works.. 320 First. Main S442.
some brand new attractive premium offers
that you can easily make from $6 to $12
a day with liberal installments; we ad
vance commissions; it will pay you to In
vestigate. The Review of Reviews, 317
318 Fliedner bldg. Call mornings. B to 10.
ANTfcD Barber to investigate location at
Front and Gibbs Ms., a good trade having
been built up there and can be secun-d
by opening a shop at once, old tenant re
tired to country. Act quickly. Apply to
I. Gevurtz. 173-176 First m.
WANTED Several men to learn the con
crete trada and draw waires at same time;
go to work at once; should have a few
hundred dollars to invest in business
the coming business. Write for partieu
lara. N S47. Oregonian.
WELL established restaurant, central loca
tion, for sale very reasonable; we will
loan you 2-3 of the purchase price on
this place. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett
WELL established restaurant, central loca
tion, for sale very reasonable; we will
loan you 2-3 of the purchase price on this
pdace. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett
BENCH HAND, 3: stickerman, $3 to $3 50
planing mill: carriage maker. $3.50; man
and wife, farm, $50 and found.
18 North 2d St.
One or two men of good appearance and
best credentials to call on merchants for
bonding sales promoting corporation. 616
Chamber Commerce.
SENDING 300 men to Nome. Alaska. June:
ditch work: good wages; transportation
both ways: all employed Invest $100. Ap
ply 615 Board of Trade.
BARBER wanted at once: must be first-class
workman, steady and sober; married pre-
v 1 u . souu wages, a. ad. retereon, As
toria, Or.
EXPERIENCED gardener and yard man;
steady place for reliable man; references re
quired. Apply wwt end of Carter st. on
21st, Portland Heights, or phone Main 2053.
WANTED Strong boy or man to work
around apartment, room, hoard and sal
ary. Madison apartment. Park and Madi
Desires the services of special edition ad
vertising expert, excellent proposition, 61G
Chamber Commerce.
YOUNG man under 20 for general office
work; salary r0 to start. Apply ln own
handwriting, with references. S SS3 Ore
gonian. WANTED All-around blacksmith: eoort
wages to right man; steady work. Address
. ocrrvner, rieppner, or.
THE Meier & Frank Store want, experienced
pressera ln their cloak department alteration
FIRST-CLASS canvasser for bottle beer; lib
eral commission; state experience and full
particulars. A 839. Oregonian.
TWO lumber -salesmen, ono for city and
one for out of town; state experience and
salary expected. AB 851, Oregonian.
WANTED A boy who -wants to learn the
printing business. Inquire Welch-Carson
Pts- Co.. 263 Yamhill st.
WANTED Salesman for specialty Hiva;
must have good references. H 844. Ore
gonian. WANTED Office boy. m years old. Apply
Superintendent, between 7 and 8, Mon
day. Marshall-Wells Co.
MAN . to clear 6 acres of land by contract:
esoy to clear. 771 Belmont st. Phono Tabor
WANTED One coatmaker and one small
Job maker; union wage.. Apply Robb
Clothing Co., Nampa, Idaho.
FIRST-CLASS ornamental ironworker that can
ao nup own DiacKsmitmng. Pacific Wire
Plating Works. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Man to drive team; must be
good teamster and not afraid of . hard
work. Inquire 724 East Ash.
WANTED Two live solicitors: make $5 dally;
commission paid daily. 366 North 26th
Phone A 5320.
BAKER An excellent chance for a baker
that can run a shop.' 320 S wet Land bldg ,
oth and Washington.
SALESMEN, experienced, side or regular
-....t. pruuiBuie, staple ana pleasant.
National Iowa City. Ia.
TWO hustlers to sell land; good commis
sion to right people. 717 Board of Trade.
WANTED Apprentice on typ; must b
luvu. ocnwao r-rinting (Jo.
BOY with wheel to deliver hats after schooL
i i . -4 c ueaner Diag.
BOY wanted to feed Job press. Nash. 205
WANTED Ten men acquainted with city
...... J - j ' i' - - - a urana ave
WANTED A coatmaker; good salary: steady
position. RU. M tn c
GOOD coatmaker. all-round tailor preferred
acy work. C. FTanseen. Astoria. Or.
WANTED Delivery boy. Call room 42 Han7
11 ton bldg.
APRIL 4, 190JF.
A NTKD Salesmen and dealers to sell our
tailoring direct to the consumer; our line
f am"'3 contains 500 of the nobbiest
f. ? i wool!as: quality ot materials
iL tbesl; orkman.Ws and fashions
TjfJT tppy: you will never lose a cus
tomer with our line; many of our local
-.a.iSrs and "alesmen sell from $4000 to
fhi. Kia eason: write today and secure
this big line for your town exclusively;
foirir1 experienced tailoring salesmen
to travel and appoint dealers: we pay sal
t.u ? commission; our road salesmen
sell from 10.000 to $25,000 per season:
i.f.S yViK, opportunity if you are expe
rienced Address C W. Worth, Mgr., Dept.
16. Lock Box 360. Chicago. I1L
ST,?'IPH CYCLE or horse and bu
Juralsned our salesmen for traveling
we pay you In addition S5 per month
tg. and
expenses to take orders for the greatest
portrait house in the world. You will re
ceive, postpaid, a beautiful 16x20 repro
duction of oil painting In answer to this
fler,t -Ts'j" A'ir Particulars. r j. Martei.
Dept. 7S4, Chicago.
. ner m nni h , n ,1
WANTEDBy large, old-egtabltohed St.
Louis concern On A-AA.t-
. r-- w w miiuiuous sales
man, position can be made one of great im
portance; none but man of first-class abil
ity and best references need apply; co;n
SsV,5nwin be adequate to proper patty.
Ah 36, Oregonian.
f?8 to handle entirely or side line
our IXp0 accident insurance; 15 weekly
indemnity; with registration and identinca-i-.-i5.,rvor!,;ua1::
l'bal commission:
J-5O.000 deposited for protection of poltcy-
- J "Mr x New Jersey Registry Co., New-
wen l0r easy work; examinations of all
fi!IL " "Pert advice, sample ques-
? s a"d book et 369 describing positions
a."5 'J,n easiest and qulcket way to se-
cY5fl JS, trSai. Wrl,e now- Washington
civil Service School. Washington, D. c.
ANYBODY Either .ex. can make SI daily
an year raising mushrooms for hotels
and restaurants with my spawn in cel
aI!; sheds, boxes, etc.; free illustrated
instruction booklet. Hiram Barton. S29
c-- 48th St.. New York.
WANTED Salesmen, calling on plumbing
gas fitting, steam fltrln- Y.i3i; .P.?'
and machinist, supplies to handle a prac
V, PfClalty; exclusive territory. Kev
cLgo! HI? StCk C- 75 W- th-t, Chl-
S. POSlTW-aminatlons
da"MI"71C.U,'.,r'1 t0 'aries. posftic-ns:
r,r?.,.wexamlnation"- "ample questions
previously used, etc., sent free by Nation.
wimiBton. (J
tive; nS canvassinV'o? ."licit In gTd" nl
come assured. Adrfress National Co-oSera-Ing'toS.6
C.CO- 7a3 donbldg?.0 glln-
SEVERAL live, energetic salesmen
2 P. M. n nd apply- CaJ1 Sunday 11 to
oQl-2-4 Board of Trade Bldg.
llrS K Salesmen for the most complete
llnra of post cards and novelties. Liberal
commission and prompt pay. Largest
house in West. Arthur cipher. To"eka!
Ejwori,nfanWar,t'''H " .""LIP"" JS"'
f erred Uo5 7" J.1' Pre
toria, Or.
A. E. Peterson, As-
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 Ncrth Second mt.
Phones Main and A 1626.
neip tree to employers.
.AIT?Sart"s'naker capable to .run
Campbell machine and good all-round fee
cnanic Good wages and steady work for
EV anS tndustrlous man. Rudolph
Bertsch. Grangeville, Idaho. '
LEARN Oriental panel work; work for your-
. " , -uw, , buu iuc tor clrcu-iaSrfdT,u,am,p',es-
F- 11 Mathewson.
FINE Income; make money writing short
stories or for newspapers; pleasant occupa
tion for you; send stamps for booklet; tell.
..ixlo, oan r rancisco.
WAmT D Cpmpetent traveling salesmen to
odd "reworks as side line on commission;
- , Bioit territory covered
and references. Address N 840, Oregonian.
-.EpS,"knced on ladies-' suits and coats,
wanted at once. '
WAN1u5I2 uood experienced river drivers
uiivti wages. J2.50 to $3.50 per
day and board, according to ability. Cas
cade Lumber Co.. Cle Elum. Wash
B ?rtER "WANTED All-round man on bread
. Bnop; no machinery;
maerbtoi'ilad.y- . Apply Brown's Horn
Bakery, 2448 Center St., Baker City. Or.
WANTED Railway mail clerks. $800 first
, ...... , m -ortiana May 15:
preparation free. Write Immediately.
Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y. "
9?,At MoONT.H- .,7 expense allowance at
- .w i,a. uui. .uciuntuiaise ana erocerv
wtlmi"?"- ,Ma." rar House. American
Home Supply Co., Desk 40. Chicago. III.
WANTED Advertising solicitors to present
high-class medium to business public
RooJ",-doCou.ntry- Cal1 Monday morning.
Room 222. Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED 2 custom pants operators at
once. Room 17 Breeden bldg. -
A PLAN that always makes big money at
home; spare time; no canvassliig- decide
yourself from free particulars. Frank i
Voorhles. Desk AX. Omaha. Neb.
WANT?T7Pjy B.ds aleman. accustomed
to handling silks; answer, with age and
OregonhTn.1 permanent employment. J 837-
iSa'atZ": briKht- actiye ana hon'-
GOOD opening for experienced tea and cof
fee wagon route, established, in Eastern
tagton11' Union, Tea Co., 473 Wash-
WrftTE.R!'L,?kl!r, .manufacturer wants men
with established trade who can sell $'. 000
S, 01ve.u11 Information in confidnece
first letter. Address J 851. Oregonian
MAN of neat appearance to solicit members
ir, our cleaning and pressing club.
Lnique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st
WANTED Boy about 16 years old to da
chores on a farm; $10 a month and board
Address Riverside Farm, Castle Rock Or
W A NT ED Married, experienced grocery
clerk; must move to suburb. A E 754
perienced salesmen in their men's furnUh
ing goods dept. Apply at once.
WANTEDA. first-class telephone lineman;
in reply state age. experience and refer
ences; good wages. E 830, Oregonian.
BO?KKEE,PER' wholesale house; opportunity
if first-clase; state age. experience, refer
ences. AD 847, Oregonian. .
$160 PER month for special fire insurance
work; good man can have permanent
place. Address Y 745. Oregonian. """"""
OPENING for young man; services and
small capital required, call SMy, Wash
ington St.. room 405.
WA:TE-D Private teacher to teach Eng
lish East Burnsld thereby, Japanese stu
dent. Home phone A 2&2.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel
egraphy; permanent positions when comDe
tent. Oregon College. 83 6th. 6th floor.
WANTED 2 flrstcclass eoatmakers" at once
steady work. Crown Tailor Shop, 4th and
etark sts.
VR a!e,lnen "-re making $100 a week sell
ing $20 lots. Call Greenoa Heights. 414
Lumber Exchange.
BAKER A good baker can hear of a rood
opening by calling at 40S Gerlinger bldg
must be capable of running a shop.
STRONG BOY to learn hardware business;
Kate age and references. G 828. Ore
gonian. WANTED Man with team, to contract for
hauling about 4O0 cords of wood- good
roads. 2S Stark, room 17.
LOCAL manager to represent large mfg. con
cern; exclusive contract. W. F. A. Co. 1606
Gough St., San Francisco.
ADVERTISING specialty salesman, aggres
sive firm offers unlimited opportunity ad.
vancement. A 840. Oregonian'
MAN to do adverti.ln
The Wardrobe, TBI
WANTED First-class
Bros.. 346 Alder st.
A cI'EW.p'.riencd. newspaper solicitors.
Call 512 Gerlinger bldg.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wine
- -jiv. vi. jqain 4:212.
W ANTED Delivery boy. Call 128 First st.
MAN to clear hand. Main 883.
SALESMAN WANTED No former iti.
I le"c 'required; we receive hundreds of
call, from the best firm, in the countrS-iioXT-J.118
aalesmen earn from $looo "ti a year and expenses: no profes-
,, . " - -wiu or otters as good
chance for steady employment: we will
teach you to be one by mail in eight
-f.V" a , as'lst you to secure a position
r.I? "liable firm: scores of our gradu
ates who formerly earned from $2., to $75
JrneLi ??T ,arn rrm $100 to $500 and
oi? rrit Lf want to a BOod money.
w ihb00k- A Knlht ot the Grip.''
?or I, . OU.Aow- Writa uearest office
lor It today. Address Dept. 606 National
New As7oPciatU,n-. cS.csgo
Francisco Kans" City. Minneapolis. San
1-ACCII)EiT Insurance policy tor $200;
Oregon "'S ft:r eTery railroad towi in
ci.5Jei Y,a.ShmEton, to sel1 thse POI1-lAtuVai.,-by
aa old- lonB-cstabllshed
iurpTSS " ropany. with a half million
can"b. Vr0.' . alr"dy to 'be delivered.
?o an? 7J a.ln agenfs --.ocket and sold
ae woman 15 to 65 years of
each apnoVmrOCCO PtKoot given with
And ought to make a good side line
Aw:oman can sell them even better than a
ber'aExchaeJfibCldgC,Ml A8ney, 530 Lum-
Ww?gTef-DToolanlnK mi" 'oreman. good
wages, boom man for pile driver -
rigging slingers. $2.75; cut-off mi5l $V;
fr?nr,d ian' J$2 ,0; mUI laborers aand lari
".h iJ-Vn""1 u?: 10 R- K- laborers for new
dob. $2 50 per day; laborers for new- hridVe
Bang $2.50; choreman and $ -f
d aUd r5om- b,,d maker. $2o boa"rd
and room; dishwashers at alt prices-
5?5 coofhr'--- - ck whaler.:
lists" o?newn?ons.m0rn'nS tUe bl
. 26 North Second Street.
TS. ZZZrh ylslon. under 30. over
rallrnlf.ilf f '.I"" brakemen and firemen on
railroads ln this vicinity; experience un-
m.e? w ,T5 ln 100 monthly pro
?CO m,v,0nducfor or nglner. 10 to
RVi?wnOT,ihly:. mate "eight, holg-ht.
Railway Association, care Oregonian.
weTlrlY, a,nlKI'-Brad" "alesmen who are
i L educated, of good address, with flrst
Hass business experience, selling our line
ch!nn,,ra.Stor 8 "nd road-building ma
ncanfi 0U do not hav ,hee quali-
6 b? boY,!.311 .and "-nager for one of the
ofOUSM ln Portland; must be a man
"ty and fXPhC,r h" eulne business abll
r?rt2.','"fh character; a splendid op
S1 'or a fiit-class man; do not
HPP7I3.,foi'egon"n"0t m Address
1000 POSITIONS for graduate, la.t year
Srt." f "a barber trad, fa
Sl7i ... ek": ne'P to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weeklv:
P"t instructor; tool, freef write for
S? a1? ? ,oh',er ytem ot fcollegeV 35
N. 4th st.. Portland, Or.
s?rfi aSf S" boy ,or man Bnd wife for
mial ho"swork in country; good cook ;
small family; modern conveniences; good
Slovtrt to '& party; other Japanese em
Ploy eel. Apply fa Front st.. betT 11 and la
SALESMAN Experienced ln any line tit
VL ;eeral trade in the Westf an unex
Jio1sd wT,Ph ciy Proposition;- commis
sions ,with $35 week v advance for ex
&Iho. C"nen-tal
Ab7iOBILINa- Plumblns. .lectridty
tialwo'rlf ST. P'aaterlng taugh?CDy a
vnr.J shop, and buildings; ad-
fre! c-ntt .,earn wBe.; catalogue.
SthV.0 FucisJc, Trade ScDooi- 230
WnoTSS S,nd b3S at J Angele,;
C?if p ,nsB " learn trade of plumbitiK
Sn CS ; ,?r .'ec",,ty : Practfca! w"rk
half r-i '.1 tne Hme a-n1 Etudy man
naif. Catalogue free. ITnlted Trade
School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles.
,8??ar0mi;8v tOT. railway mall clerks a
ear. many appointments yearly; examln
lH2.n,r?? Portland and Pendleton May 15-
: ,.um. -i v r. v oiag., city.
WANTRH finll.H , '
in- iraj i i "venence not neces
Sfo? ? . 'Jducements; call at nearest
"oa -f.-6?1 -amencan Importing Tea Co
40 Washington, near inth; 287 1st near
Jefferson. 4o24 E. Burnside, near 8th
G?? f"r Partially established tea
and con-ee wagon route; out ot town- fine
?.iSfed'-0rflnrle1!, Pa"y: waK,,n equipment
Onion Tek Co 'i2f lT!Ie Boodi'- rand
nion lea. Co., 4i3 Washington st.
Tri?Vih,? "alesman to sell our blankets.
dFrTct ,S r.,ud 5'nforts. for Fall trade!
direct to retail Btores; good commiKton
d"lrable .ide line. South PhflsTwooren
Co.. Box 1841. Philadelphia. Pa7 '
T1J?,RE. ' a good opportunity for a bright
ambitious boy to learn a wholesale busi
ness. Answer in own handwriting, giv
ing age. experience and references. A
821. Oregonian.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
"taPle line, high commissions; with $100
monthly advance: permanent poi tion to
M?ch JeM H- Smlta c.3i,e?roi"
ENERGETIC salesman, to represent well
t T'.110"1"8 exclusive lln of
L?StWotnler, But.? 5"br references. .
WA,o"T.EI EfPerlenced real estate man
those experienced acneage preferred - In' ROM- 8" Chamber1-Com!
?rA young man to learn real es
liKe buslnessi must be neat in appearand;
liberal commission paid from start. M 859
BAND musicians wanted; can give eiiinlov
t '? most any trade For particulars ad
i! x, Howser. Manager Corvallis Ma
rine Band. Corvallis, Or.
WANTED Reliable man each countv to
represent mail order house. $18 weekly
steady employment. Clarke, Co., 815 Ter
mlnal bldg.. New York City
WA-oTEI? Salesmen with ability to earn
" and more per week handling new ad
Proposition; side line V eX
slve. Desk 34. Cruver Mfg. Co., Chicago.
FI?STCC:L'.A"SS "alesman that knows the
A, fa 'Tad? an make Eood: nave done
usmess in Juneau, Dawson. AB 583. Ore-
.i k" ' '""ruction ln salesmanship, po
sition as traveling salesman with reliable
firm secured. Write for particular. Brad
street system. Rochester. N. Y.
WANTEDA few Al stock saleemen on
commission; big money if you can come
7U; MAVW- Searle- E- Glisan and
7otb sts. M. V. car.
TRAVELING salesmen -wanted carry art
goods side line; state line vou now han
cago " 218 B" Washington ?. chi-
EorEE.NCE? fP'alty salesmen, handle
our line exclusively or side line- liberal
commission. The Ward Safety Razor Com
pany. 356 Dearborn st.. Chicago
AN A-l salesman, has been buver and man
ager ot dry goods for 10 years; flrst-cUiss
references. AB 852. Oregonian.
A BOY to work two hours in the mornine
Say.5hcYIy'Vh6 aterno- Ca?lMon-
A YOUNG farmer (married man), to take
arK?. ?. APP'y at Paclfi? Coast
Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts., cltyf '
WAJED7;LiI5 "Bents to sell photo ecu
pons. C. Elmore Grove, 362 Wash. st.
XAf SlQ a Bood strong horse; easy work.
4o4Vt Last Morrison. Call Sunday.
Y(2!rNO B'n to take care of children.
690 Everett St.
TWO good sewers to learn to make ladies"
man-tailored garments, at 400 Fliedner bldg.
WANTED Talloress for alterations. J. Har
ris, 128t4 5th .U, upstaira.
AN experienced and reliable child", num
Apply to 65 North 21st street.
DOMESTIC Highest wages paid for serv
ice rendered. 1103 Thurman st
st. Main 203a. Mrs. Richardson, Mgr.
.GIRL to assist ln housework, small family.
186 North 16th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 66
North 20th st.
WANTED A second girl at 163 12th wt-.
cor Morrison.
WANTED A girl to assist ln general house
work. Apply 706 Flanders t.
WANTF3D Waitress at New Western Hotei
3-12 Glisan st.
YOUNG girl to assist ln housework, phone
A 3731.
WAITRESS wanted at 434 Wash. t. today.
frietciJ11 t FRANK STORE want. .
Stow 25flM,md'" ln department.
' sets "."wear. ribbons, millinery, cer
tain' Veil 'IT0 tipertenr6d eewers for cv.
lain aept. workroom. Apply at one.
fac'o ppfyt04 to -AMEFi?tIdS-Ea.I-St5
"bSXT-rr- lit: 4Pff7
rdmn V'- -hamrJrtnaldS",! 'Say
cTtv $f JSTi;: "re-s. out of 'y'
tin - i,d Blrls $30 aad $25:-Gr.;
Sptfr io.dUhw.?hcr J houseket.p7r!
houwork$g0ir,'am"y r0"" and
. '"S Washington St.
nt. anS .n,aka "i25 weekly selim our
East 0368. Hancock. Phone
&jsr; o,fo'ch?Mtoofh'!',
home;, ary.f Pnon. Vrinoon
Louis . Agency. 245i, Washing'tonf'WtrT
rooms and cookie, f o . "r
oman to do chamber
taS z
G'waIg..",25,",:ra1' houwork and cooking;
Ea Ash" 'n faau,ly: no washing.
Ladies Department. 205H Morlm 1
Phones Main 10S2. A "004
Washington .t.. Room 807.
.-,.,, wr A -V-titi.
Last Taylor, or phone East or B lot.
8434 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 26BS.
ilv m0" 'r, responsible position with
Oregonian. refences. M 853.
GIRL to assist in housework. 81 Schuvl-r
O A. ystjgy pj,y ftw.r.U
WANTED Experienced girl for general
shaTo".r.ckor. GndV3 ApP'? 3"
EXPERIENCED hands to help on ladle tal
lored suits; apply at once. A. Llpman R.K
and Alder, over the Grand Leader.
WwaVTsa hLJL housewo-rk; reasonabT.
a. ms; ErstSoB2Mondtty trom 8:13 ' "
staL look,"a74nTt,ram
st. Irs-ingtun car. Phone East 3448
WANTED Girl for jreneral housework- ref-corrne?S12,S,UB1t:ad-
APP'y " "
WOMAN for general housework- must be
good, plain cook: good wages io right
Party. Phone Tabo? 161)
SU., serves cafeteria iunch.o'n1 an S
LADIES I teach manicuring, halrdressiii
. vYasnington sis.
YiLTN'G GIRL to take care of 2 children"
craeyhstme and 8ma11 remuneraUou S33
WAN,i;KD Middle-aged woman to care for
children and tend to .lck wife
1Q75 East 13th North. Take Jubfrti' ca?
WANTED Girl for general housework and
care of 2 children. Call 209 RotSchlld
GIRL wanted for general housework- mu.t
know how to cook; only 2 in C .
Call 660 Flanders St.. apartment S ramll-
YOUNG lady wishes working girl for
pany; share housekeeping rooms. I
B 848.
WANTED Competent girl for general
street"""'1' SmU" iam"y- 03 MarsS!!
EXPERIENCED clerk for bakcrv and
wA'ni:- Ko5ai Baking Co., Vance
WANTBI) Exiierlenced starchers. Apply Star
itny ,L C- V"i0n aVa" "nd 2 "
WT,BP-ZCompe,nt B'rl for cooking and
N "4th houseworK- Apply at once, 231
COMPETENT cook with references. Apply
Sunday. 0 to 10. or Monday morning. 653
WANTED Girl to assist with housework:
pTone East'lVsO."0"" Prrred:
WANTED Capable and experienced nurse
not over 40 years, for child: references re'-
quired. Apply mornings. ls Lownsdale.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework, small family, good wages
H1 !4th. corner Morrison. -.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
Last loth st. Phone East 10D3.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 610
Spring st.. Portland Heights.
WANTED A competent girl for second
work. Call 818 Lovejoy .t. second
WANTED Girl for general housework- good
wages. 721 Second st. " mooa
W;N",EI'??, "rwe-lenced pressor.. The
Wardrobe. 751 Washington. M
WAwTE.?"airI f,or Beneral housework. Ap
ply 602 Hancock st.. Irvlngton.
C(stre:etand "econd s'rl- APPly 74 Everett
A COMPETENT cook for general house
work. Phone Main 4152. nouse-
EXPERIENCED girl for housework Call
791 Tillamook St.. Irvlngton. Cal1
SHIRT polisher wanted at State Laundrv
305 Broadway. ' '
WANTED Nurse girl who can sleen at
home. 265 North 20th. steep at
WANTED Woman for general houswork.
who can tay home nights. Phone A 34SO.
AArpp"yL2fr5r N00!, "J!3 eMnrt anwo7.
WANTED Cook at R40 Hassalo at. Good
wages. Call mornings.
GIRL for general housework. 706 Homer
ava.. Portland Heights, phone Main at.
FIRST-CLASS sewers. Chicago Costume
House. 8t8 Morrison st.
GOOD seamstress, shop work. Call Monday
morning Mrs. Frost: 473 Alder.
WANTED A girl for general housework la
small faniiiy. 327 12th st.
jfj'j,11 to d' 'Eht hourekeeping work. 3$
TV ANTED Girl for second work. 46 N. tJet