The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 04, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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NO. 31.
Jju "d barn ; ote good work team.
rni lmptprnnis and crocs: 2
to good town up the vallcv, 26
from Portland,
mil ra
41 ercs. 2 1 In a high state of culti
vation, balance pasture and timber: good
i room houKf, barn ami other outbuild
Jt,"'. Rood well an1 running water; good
.ung orchard; 2 miles from town. Price
per acre; tlOOO cash: terms on hni.
NO. 31.
nn arro. In cultivation; 3 miles from
g-ort town; miiu to school; is all Rood
land; rood ft-room house; barn and other
outbuildings; is on good road up the val
1 -y. 2 miles from Portland; line young
orchard; price S'J750.
NO. 41.
1.1 at-ifg of choice land adioining the
town; W-rooni house; rood barn, plentv of
fruit; suitable for a small dairy, fruit or
truck farm; splendid location; price $2000.
NO. l.
24n acres, near Sheridan; i mile from
school and church: Ho In cultivation, bal
ance 1 1mber and pasture: fair house and
a large barn; plenty of fruit; running
waier; price $00 per sere.
NO. 7S.
170 acres of rhoice land: 85 acres in cul
tivation. 44 acres pasture, bal. timber;
nn creek and spring : 1 mile from Wil
lamette River; all fenced; 30 miles up the
valley; price $40 per acre
w acre near Gaston; 65 aeres in culti
vation, balance pasture and timber; frond
7-room house and Rood barn; water piped
to bouse from good spring; good family
orchard; some English walnut and almond
trees In full bearing; for sale cheap. Ail
the nbnve farms are In Yamhill County.
W. II. LA NO. 414 Abington Bldg.
ft Acres fr $tw0.
u. mile from electric line; 1 mile from
Oregon City; 4 acre good bearing orch
ard ; splendid spring; Hue view ; cabin,
chicken-house, etc
5 miles from Oregon City; 2i miles of
electric line; 10 acres In cultivation ; 500
apple trees, 5 years old. of good variety;
good soil ; house, barn, good well : on pub
lic road; R. K D.. etc. Price $1500.
Very best river bottom land, all level;
15 arre In cultivation, balance open pas
ture: easy cleared; family orchard, run
ning water; 5-room bouse; barn, granarj,
rhickeri-house, etc: S mile from It. R.
station; 3 mile to Canby cm splendid road;
It. F. r.. etc. This is a bargain at $;HM)0;
270 V Washington. Room 1.
o acres, all Improved and on good county
road. 1 mile from el a lion and S mllea from
Tort land : crop all In; good buildings: a
dHiidy little farm and well , worth the price,
S."soon: terms if desired. t
Also loo acres. 05 acres In cultivation
and 30 acres In crop, all fenced: no build
ings: a beautiful tract of land and only A
mile from station. A bargain at $100 per
And 163 acres. 1 U miles from station";
finr new house and all outbuildings, good
well, springs and running water, located
In the center of the best walnut and apple
district In the Valley. Price. $5O0. in
cluding 40 head of cattle, goat, horses.
hogs, chickens and all the necessary tools
and machinery to run the farm with. T h
1-e.ft buy on the market today. George W.
Turner, 4i-i7 Kotncnua biag.
0 seres of excellent land, nearly all
cleared: natural grove: ,i mile from
Orejdiam; superb view, overlooking" the
w hole country, where a dairy will main
tain a family independent or owner s la
bor. Several springs of water; buildings.
orchards, etc; unsurpassed for a aani
40 acres, near "Boring; 1ft in cultivation:
orchard, buildings, etc.: MOO per acre; 15
acres additional, all cleared, for SIOO.
Several SO and lOO-acre unimproved
land; some easily cleared, $10 to $30 per
. W. P. LAND CO..
Waiting-room, 1st and Alder.
f3 a res. li'-j miles from Dallas. Or., e
end 1nrgct lumber manufacturing town In
Oregon; So acres of this all under cult 1
aton. 1 acre in orchard, balance In rich
pasture land, ground hvel, no waste land,
the very best deep black soil, plenty of
c od v a te r . 2 ba riw. 1 large hog house. 2
. cMU Ken-houffes. hore. cows. nogs, chick
ens, form implements, etc.. R. F. D. route,
telephone school house within i of a mile;
along R. R. track, on county road; posfes
sinn given at once. Price. $7S0O; will give
good terms. For further particulars In good
farms call or write 507 Abington bids.
Will sell or trade for Portland property:
loo acres of line fruit land; about 20
Hiren planted and In bearing to fine
h pplea, cherr'es and other high -class
fruit; house, burn, etc.; one mile from
prosperous R. R. town on county road ;
t Ms la the garden spot of Oregon. Un
improved land sells readilv for $1 !0 per
net-... Wo offer this for only $SOO0: its
worth $1 "J, Oi0 or more. Owner going to
Scotland. PIhti of furm at office.
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
Faring and riuiry ranches of every rlze
eatol i.Tito in Benton County. Oregon and
Klickitat 'ounty. Washington.
240 acres of land 2 miles from the Co
lumbia. River and railway. Columbia
County. SI. 25 per acre
200 acres south of Roscburg, fruit land.
Hi'l acres within the 4-mlle limit of the
United Electric Railway to Hlllsboro. Good
l imhi-r
Inquire William Oscar Mast, room 35,
LrM.C Mdg.. third floor.
140 acres. 40 acres plowed, balance pas
tut e and t ImbiT : fair buildings, rich soil,
prtco $4000; terms.
TtKO acres. ;tv0 under plow, balance pas
ture and timber: tm better Ittnd In Ore
gon : good buildings. mile to town :
stock and machinery go with the place
at an acre; easy terms.
Stark St.
flS-ACRE farm. ;t5 in cultivation, 20 acres
piashrd ntid seeded to grass, balance tim
ber, house, barn, 2 good wells; 1th the
place K' iM farm maehtnerv and tools;
orchard of 10 trees TimMly Winter apples,
red varlAfv. This place is wltVin 2" miles
of Portland. Price $4750. reasonable terms
can be arranged
o"4 Chamber Commerce
ALL ABOUT TEXAS The Texas Realty
Journal given reliable information on entir
ihk; it te la it Unit l noe. iro-1ictK raised.
devclopiornt gomg on; puts you in touch
with llnw hnvttig farms nd
land.-' for sale: gives a!i matters of interest
t iiii, coiilempiatlng moving to Tex:
Don t ma We Invest mem s unt 11 you read It :
:i months subscription 25c. Texas Realty
.lournat. lIoueton. lx.
"tf you wlh to buy a gd home or farm
in Oregon, investigate our large list of
chole farm burgains. All lxes and klnus
of Ixntis; $10 a day and exienses paid If
not f'Miml rs represented.
F. KlYHS, 221 S Morrison st.
50 acres, 35 acrvs cultivated, good orchard,
rice -room lnuw, big barn, a lot of good
timber, near bo,u landing and town; $3000.
212 Abington Pldg.
10 M'KFS. gently undulating, only miles
from center of Portland, reached bv two
.si-lines; the whle tract, or lo acres at
ST-V per acre. Nothing on the market to
etiunl it.
.1 K. COMrrOX, H0 Abington Bldg.
A''RK farm. acre? bottom land. 20
sons cleared, lots of water, r mlies to
R. R.. i:ool at d"or, all household goods.
;cck and farm lmplemertJt; $13 per acre.
MiiTiin Kawetikv Fik City. Or
i splendid place for $1.000. it will
t 'i.'jiKate this, as it is one of
best in the valley. Get the particulars
C j. Mccracken, 304 McKav bldg.
lt A"i:KS fr-uit 'and. adjoining tract selling
st kf cr; planed; 6 mCM from
.mi n. rri-. per acre;
T. K. I'hlillps, ;h8 McKay blug.
Buy Arkansas land for $2 per acre
trade it f-r Western lami. J. B. Ilarver
.11.. Hnnford. Wash.
FINE stock and dairy ranch, adjoining rall
rcud station and ?choolhouse. Good out
range: acres; $ per acre. Address
Ow per. Box 2K, Corvaliis. ir
0 A'i;i:s, high-class garden land. 50 acres
cleared, half bt t bcaveroam. 2 railroads.
1 miles fiom Portland. fck;e owner "oi
S wetland bldg. ' "
120 AOR1X dairy farm, house Tnd barn
VorJ..V.t ' ... ' Lrf'; spruce.
. .4.-,..." .-.n-, .M-n-wrn nnrber
5JO Lumt-er Eat change bldg.
FPI.KXDTO farm. 124 acres, all fenced; sood
bui:dtn: v- to M.uU-c; f.r a'.e or
Ja.le tor lVrtind. property. 311 Stearns
?' A 'RES. 4 mtlM from city- HI'tsda' sts
M..n inquire FriccHand-r. 2is' Washing
ton 9'.
ftKVD ' for our lut of Willamette Valle
fa-ma hfrt-. bn-tng: lands Kwa fr--T
Uau.tead. Xnd Qq fiaUm. Or.
$7000 53 acres in the famous Tualatin
Val'ey : 5 acrs In fine state of cultiva
tion. fam;ly orchard. 3 acres timber, new
I'i-atory 7-room hous. new harn and si;o
and all other necessary outbu'iding. wind
null, water pied into the house and barn;
one horse, new wagon and harness, new
mower, rake and disc separator, all Kind
of farming implements and tools: V mile
to school. I mile to store, on a main county
road. 14 miles Into Portland. Tbla is
oi.e of the mom eightly farm In Oregon and
there ie no better land In Oregon's famous
Tualatin Valley than this Is. Will give
term of a third cash and the balance for
a long period of years. The place is ab
solutely as advertised.
Beautiful 2oO-aere farm li miles from
Corvallis; J0O acres in fine state of cultiva
tion : good 2-story 8-room house, good
la rg ha rn. a ! i well-fenced and cros
f en ted ; nice family orchard, some timber;
living water: this is- one of the finest
dairy farms In Oregon; a! ho lies nicely for
p.amng in o and iw-acre tracts: small
tracts are in good demand so near the
college; 9 head of- horses. 16 milch cows.
sjome young stock, separator and all kinds
of farm implements; price only $S2 per
acre, inducing all personal property; give
gooa terms, ir you are looking for
good investment, investigate this before
.t.if acre 5 miles from R. R. station and
boat landing, near Columbia River; IOO
seres In fine state of cultivation, free from
mumps; 2 SO acres fenced with 4 and 3
wires, creek and 3 fine springs; 6 acres
bearing orchard. 2 large barns, one 6-room
houe and one 6-room house; R. F. D. and
telephone; 1,4 mile to wchool ; good location
and b.-st of black soil; good team, new
w agon and harness, farm implements; SO
acres seeded to Spring grain. This is one
of the best dairy ranches on th. market,
only 2R miles from Portland. This place
could be divided into 2 farms with build
ings on each place. Guaranteed as adver
tised. Price only $42 per acre. Give rood
term. .
S"5 Gerllnger bMg., cor. 2d and Alder. Of
fice. Main 830; residence, WooeUawn
2169. Portland.
TOO . acree. 3 miles from railroad station.
It lias buildings that are modern ; lO-room
resinence. ana barns that no one need be
a shamed of : over 300 acres In crop ; 2X
acres of pasture and 200 acres of timber:
8 head of horse, a good mower and binder
and a number of plows and harrows; the
whole business goes at $40 per acre. This
farm Is the best farm in Benton County
and ill make a splendid farm for tome
one to set out In fruit or Franquette wal
130 acres; 75 acres In cultivation: 7- house and fine dairy barn. 40x70:
water piped to the house and barn; 12
cows, team of horses and team of colts:
15 hogs; a Rood mower and binder: cream
separator; the whole business goea for
acres. 3 miles from Blodeett atatlon.
Renton County; of the best soil in the state;
4. acres In cultivation. balance easily
; nas smaii nouse ana bam : is
eplf-ndld farm for the money; price $225.
11 acres, close to city; one-half mile from
elect rlc ear station ; house and barn ; $350
per acre.
316 acres: 90 acres under cultivation;
about 12 Oacres of good fir timber. Splen
did orchard of varieties of fruits; also
email iruits ; good H-room nouee ; barn
wx and many other small buildings;
water piped to house and bam ; 1 mile
from school and 4 miles from good
nwn. leiepnone in nause; on good road;
this would make a splendid dairy ranch.
as the cream wagon passes the place
daily; $05n0 will buy this place; $6000
cash, and the balance at 6 per cent. There
is a iso a targe amount or stock which can
he bought with the place: 18 head of
cattle. 11 Horses, 25 hogs; a lot of chick
ens and other personal property which can
uf ooiignt very reasonable.
133 First St.
$8500, only $2500 cash, balance terms; 21
acres, all well improved; fine orchard.
lurge prune dryer; sood bouse: imorove-
nients costing $5000; close to R. R., town
unu. river; i mues irom fortland.
120 ACRES.
JC500 Half cash; 70 acres cleared; 14
nines iu .; umaii orcnard. ail neces
sary farm buildings: some good timber:
running water; only 22 miles from Port
lft ACRES. $2500.
10 miles from citv. near SvcnmnrA sttii-
tlon, 5-room house; about 6 acres orchard.
uHiuucu easily ciearea.
r.06 Commercial Blk., 2d and Wash. sts.
1 2 miles from Portland,
on Columbia
Close to electric line and railroad.
Boat landing on place.
Hell in tracts of 200 acres and larger.
Partly In cultivation.
SiO to $70 per acre.
Terms, one-quarter cash, balance S years
at u per cent.
See owner. H. P. REIMERS
70 Corbett Blug.,
Morrison St.
ft fine dairy ranches.
lOO-acre tract for platting.
1 RV-aere tract with houee. $100 per acre.
a lu-aore tracts, wen improved.
i ltr-acre tract. unimproved ; running
ttr; per acre.
1 bO-acre farm, well improved; S75 per
Mci e.
1 three-acre tract on carline. Improved;
Small tract on carline, $60 per acre and
SO ACRES in Columbia County; rolling
gooa sou; xencea ; acres under cultiva
tion: creek, spring and well: orchard and
all kinds of small fruit : good 6-room
house: barn 45x70; lean-to barn for imple
ments: chicken-house and other outbuild
ings: wagon, m mower, rake, harrow, etc.;
all implements go with the place; on good
roan, mues irom good u. K. station ;
20 miles from Portland ; price $5000 ;
.iuuu on.'ii. bai. terms at n per cent.
20S Stark St.. Room 17.
240 acres. IS miles from lortland. -
room house, large bam, etc., running
water. io acres in cultivation, crop al-
mcst In. 35 head of milch cows, a head
ot horses. all tarm lmplemerts, every
thing goes for the price of unimproved
land near it ; lies well for cutting m In
Fmaii irac's. i nis is a bargain. Reason
able terms.
417 Board of Trade.
n-n"nii no use. mrge new nam. otner out-
nniiiing!. good weiie. family orchard, ex
cept iottaJly fertile dl : lies beautifully: con
venient to good school and church; on good
county roau. miiet rrom fort land. 1
mile from station; want a house in city.
Pric. $3000- to $5000.. Address R 777, Ore
gon ian.
page book "Vat-ant Government Land
describes every acre In even' count v
V. S. How secured free. 10O9 diagrams
ana tames, aii about rree irrigated -farms.
Price 25c postpaid. Webb Tub. Co., Dept.
For sale by owner, an elegant lO-acr
Tract mues from town on main road;
all et to trees; 2 acres bearing. 3 acres
r-r-. in hiiiih itics , price ilu.vuv; terms
L. J. Goodnough. R, F1. D. No. 1, Hood
iiiver, or.
IrtO acres rolUns land, 3000 cords of
wood on place, fine soil. 2 miles from rail
road in Willamette Valley; close to good
fc?wu oi popuiaciou; easy terms; snap.
14S Fifth fcSt. Main 66S0.
30.O0O ACRES In Umatilla County, wheat
lands, large and small tracts, easy terms,
diversified farms along the streams; sub
urban homes at Pendleton.
2'0 Chamber of Comireroe.
LANPS. In the Twin Falls d:s;rltt tthe
famous Bnake River Valley, 50.iK0 acre
open to settlement BY DRAWING, on
June S. 1009. Write C. B. Hunt. Boise.
2S-ACRE ranch at Saver. Polk County, on
southern Pacific: fully stocked: two ' good
houses. outbuildings. farm Implements ;
owner Is a business man and win sell
cheap. O. Parker lytvn," 403-4 Commercial
Cub bldg. Main 14it.
SMALL acreage tracts for chickens, clover,
alfalfa, berries, fruit or nuts; also several
tarms. to 0 per acre; good terms.
Perle Mark. Sheridan. Or.
CHOICE Hood River orchard tracts for sale
on easy payments. Improved and rare!
fr on 5-year plan. Would consider trade
for good improved city property for part.
F 775. Orogonian.
1 .
55 acres, absolutely the best farm buy In Clark
County; $.:O00- Alfred A. Baker. Abington
CHOICE 2oo-acre farm on R. R.,
'fiotv, ftr se'e. whole or part.
4& Chamlwr of Commerce,
3oo acres. t5 acres tideiands. balance
bench and roll ins lands: 15 acree under
cultivation, balance pasture: 4 acres or
chard, ail kind." of small fruit a. good soil,
with b-th spring and ere ok on the place
and partly fenced; on good county road ; 4-r-
om ceiied; has panto' and in fair
condition ; barn and full iet of other out; f lies 2 miles from county eat
and R. R town; Quite an amount of good
fir saw timber; lies right along good deep
water and 2 miles from a win ill ; more
than enough timber to pay for p'.ace alone;
price $5h.s, $3000 cah, balance 5 years at
6 per cent.
23o acres, K0 acres fine level tidelands,
balance bench land; 50 acres under culti
vation, baj ance pat ure ; a ssorted ore ha rd
of 150 trees, all kind of small fruits; best
loam soil, with clay subs-oil; 3 mllee from
Toledo, Or., 1 mile to school; fine new 5
room house with pantry, built 2 years.
ceiied and painted; barn, eheds and other
utouiiamgs; place is all fenced, nas plenty
of living water and Ilea along river and
railroad: lb cows, t head of young cattle. 1
borsw, a bogs. 25 head of Angora goats.
x.ock of chickens, new wagon, dlec har
row, nayrake. new cream separator, gaso
line launch, rowboat, new scow and full set
or tarm implements, new and in O. K. con
dition, also household goods, etc.; everything
goes for $5T5o, cash, balance 3 years at
6 per cent. Ail kinds of outrange back
ot i nis niace.
132, 2s miles from good Valley town
ana muK condensing factory, ion go'
county road; 70 acre under cultivation, all
seeded to wheat, oats and vetch; good
room house and dairy barn on place; on
R. F. D. and miik route; telephone In
stalled In "house, water nlnpd lc hm: nnri
barn; good team of horea, 1 2-y ear-old
oolt, 13 dairy cows. 9 calved, IS hogs, now
oinuer and mower, wagon. 2 plows, new
cream separator, all garden tools and farm
lmpiements too numerous to mention: about
liX chickens; thLs place lies very convenient
xo senoojp. church and -other requirements, i
which goe3 to make a modern srural home, 1
ana this place is easilv worth SH.VKJ: for a.
short time we can tell for $75o0, $4o00 cash,
balance long time at 7 per cent.
w aorea. level land, best loam soil all
under cultivation. excent 5 ficrea Email
brush which is slaabed; only 2 miles from
city limlte of Salem, Or.. 1 miles to sta
tion, on Salem Electric line. -xi mile to
chool and church, on R. V. IX route; place
all fenced, has living water on It; is on
level county road, has coo1 well nrt k-
room house.- painted, celled and 2 fire
places and Is the best bargain going at
$3500 and the most tiberal terms can be
12s acres, 100 acres under cultivation 28
acres ash ewale. 2 acre orchard, best of
Valley soil; creek runs through place, all
fenced; S miles to R. R. etation, mile to
store. P. O. and school, R. F. E. past door;
ti-room. celled hotiKe 2 hirni fnlp an.l
other outbuildings:" price S525U. V. 'pash.
balance terms.
80 acres roll in er land. 15 ncro ivi
dow, under cultivation; 1 million feet flr
saw timber, bearing: orchard of 163 treee,
me small fruits, good soil, with clav sub
soil; V, mile to echool. store and churc-h A
miles to R. R. stut ion on R T."1 T mmo-
1 1 ving water on place and a 1 1 fenced : on
county road; ft-room house, with pantry. 2
barns, also milkhouse, chicken-house and
root cellar and some tools. Price $2500
These are a few of out Tnaiiv o nrul hnva
We have others from fnihiirhnn Wimo. if a
few acres up to the largest stock and dalrv
ranches in Oregon and Washington. Cut
at our office for further particulars or
write to us.
5Q9-610 Buchanan bldg.. 2S0 Wash.' st.
0 acres. 2 miles from Tlgardvllle, 27
acres under cultivation. 4 cr-s in wMine-
orchard. new C-room bungalow, -ood barn
""' iiiitnt-u-iiuuhe. gooa wen, new
wagon. J sets harness, all Implements to
farm the place. This place is one of the
sightliest places In the country and is an
country nome. Boil Is first-class
Price SttOUO: will take somr tro.lo
; 50 acres, known as the Krfckson place.
jocatea on the rhu-kamao rw-i- n
xrom eiectnc line, o acres under culti
vation, finest of soil, some tine bottom
land ; swell 1 1-room house, hot nA
water throughout, concrete basement, nice
ii g Darn. i dox stalls, pigeon-house,
chicken-house, duck-houses, noiato-hniisp.
carpenter shop and tools, in fact all the
iicessivry ior a nrst-clfiss fartn:
- springs on place, gooil orchard, beauti-
xui wwwvrs una snruonery, fine couutv 1
' ?od J33"35 through place; Clackamas !
River bounds place on the north, fine !
trout fishing; there goes with the place
1 bUKST. 1 hay baler. 1 mower, plows, har
rows, harness, in fact all the implements
w me piacc. j. nis is an ideal home.
juu can run your automobile to this I
place tne whole year. If you want some- j
thing better than the average man has, I
look into this, just 12 miles from Portland.
17 Chamber of Ctdmmerce.
$65 per acre.
12 milce from Portland."
Quarter cash, balance 8 yearn 6 per cent
4 miles of deep water frontage.
?: miles of railroad through place.
Electric line quarter of mile
Reautiful location.
Bh acres in cultivation.
Never was nor ever will be a second op
portunity offered to you like this.
ine greater part of this land will be
i". 1 i re m a tew vears
finest proposition for townsite
708-709 Corbett Bldg.
liu acres. 8 in cultivation, all nice, level
land, no stone or gravel; two creeks of
,U1"""K a.n-r. o acres good saw timber,
seven-room houee. barn and out build ins-:
Jo miles from Portland: railroad mtinn
place; price $7000. $::000. balance long time
6 per cent. For further particulars, See
700 Corbett Bldg.
-l taores' s0 ln cultivation, all nice.
a wnv or gravei ; 2 creeks
of running water. 20 acres good saw tim
ber, 7-room house, barn and outbuildings
mues irom Jt'ortland.; railroad station
on place; price $70 per acre; $2000. bal
ance long time. per cent. For further
H. P. REIMERS. 709 Corbett Bldg.
40 ACRES, nicely Improved nlaco in
. v - mues irom Gil-
awu, a" acres cleared; 8 -room
house. Fmall barn. a creek of fine 1
water running through place all year
round: mail delivered every day except!
Minday and telephone line: the soil i
very rich red shot; there are a few apple
trees set out on it and some 5 acres beav
erdam land on it; price for a short time
- - ' . 1 Jtn. rest to suit. ft
- oa.iiiuii. sen.
United Railway: convenient to good
svnoo:. watered by never-falling
15 acre- cTaatWI i
brush Klsrw. Cr.u.,"Vca " .
" . -, t w cvy nmoer: win
orus wooo; son verv fertile
r.o rock or gravel: suitable for eub-divid-
2453 Stark st.
WE have some sood bargains, of which the
iv.n.-tn in ii paruaj list;
Five 4P-acre tracts.
Three 80-acre tracts.
vue i-acre tract, all near O. W. P.
Vi 1 t. ,v"m 10 luo nr acre;
all fine soil. y rorn -j to 10 acre tract
near Gresham. For particulars write to or
V" vaieaimai. xteai restate to., Gresh-
DO you want small tracts of best quality
. -icx-'.i oi pai l ciearei. on t ie-
S'm Electric line, where depot is located
wnere you can get high bench or bottom
j.u i-r mm or garaenr tan get beaver
dam if desired : nlentv of mnnimr u c.-.
price $200 per acre; at Oak Park Station. I
Write or call on owner, E. W. Haines. '
t, - Je iana ia one mile
HO ACRES, all level land: very rich soil; on
i:uiit roaa , gooa b-room house: fln
well, with pump; orchard: will make one
of the very best of farms when all in cul-
"omiiuii. ior 1 11 ii particuia:-s see
J. F. COMPTOX. IOO Abington Bldg.
.v cas.i tor -jo acres fine rolling
land in Washington County. i miles to
R. R. station, :S miles from Buxton 15
sj'ieiium nr imioer, ; acres slashed-
imuse. nam ana icnce; a bargain Mc
Dowell & Kline, room 422 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE by owner. 5
2 miles from Oregon
'TPs, partly c!eard
ty; 3 -room house.
p:astereu. we !. woodshed. chicken-hrm--
l-i Ice $1100. terms. M. E. W alworth. Ore-
S'n City, Or.
FOR SALE by owner, a well-improved farm
in Willamette Valley. mile from good
R. R. town. 28 miles from Portland Fo
particulars apply to Fred Anderson, Aurora
7 ACRES in cultivation. 5 acres In 3-year-oli
apple orchard. -2 acre grape vines- new
4-room house, barn. 2 tns of bnv. 2 wagons
with farmin; tools. Price $jyu0. 143 First
$1600 BUY'S 74 acres, in cultivation. mile
from Beaverton: this tract Is all a gar
dener needs. Terms.
J. F. COiUTO:. Iu0 Abluston Bids.
40-acre farm on electric line; towns on
all sides: milk route, telephone. R. F.
D-. and all conveniences; a)l in cultiva
tion; running water: good house and barn:
all nice and level, with about 20 acres of
bottom land and 3 acres of genuine
beaverdam; family orchard; all stock
and implements, consisting of 2 dozen
chickens, fine big team. 4 first-class dairy
cows. 2 calves, doubls and single harness,
wagon, buggy and cart, barn full of fine
clover bay, plenty of oats, wheat and po
tatoes; all kinds of farming implements,
such as plows. cultivators, disc plow,
mower, rake, binder, seeder, drills, har
rows, etc.; everything in first-class shape,
and the best bargain in Washington
County. This is a snap and must be taken
at once; offered on forced sale; otherwise
it would be held at $orOt; it is now offered
for $5800; easy terms.
160-ACRE STOCK RANCH. $1000.
This land is located tinr Grand Ronde.
In Yamhill County; 4u acres level, 15
acres in grass. 5 acres in cultivation, bal
ance good bench land, not steep ; an ex
cellent stock ranch with, plentv of out
range; has some creek bottom land; nice
running streams; adjoining lands selling
at $12 per acre. Land in the Grand
Konde has more than doubled in value in
the last 6 months. Why isn't this a snap?
Owner in the office.
35-ACRE FARM $3 500.
85 acres of the rich Willamette Valley
lana, jo acres in cultivation, 20 acres pas
ture and timber (timber worth S400)
Place has an old house and barn and out
buildings, and Is all fenced; situated 25
miles from Portland and. 6 miles from a
R. R. station and town. Price $1500; $600
down. We have seen this place and know
it is a snap.
v 605 Corbett Bldg.
ISO acres rolling land; 30O0 cords wood
on place; fine soli; 2 mi lee from R. R. , In
"Willamette Valley, close to town of SOOO
peculation; price $15 per acre; one of the
cheapest buys we have.
104 acres near Yaquina R. R., in Benton
County; To acres level, easily cleared; tim
ber on place easily worth $1800; on county
road; all good soil; plenty water; only $Z5
per acre ; $7oo cash will handle deal, bal
ance payable $400 yearly.
277 acres, mostly cleared; electric road
going through place; good buildings: near
live town of bOOO population; $HX per acre,
one-third cash, time to suit on balance.
196 acres good' grass land. In Tillamook
County; house, barna and- other improve
ments; will exchange for residence; pries
130 acres. 10 acres cultivated; very rich
soil; 5-room house, new barn; $2000.
160 acres in Polk County, joining the
finest pear and apple orchard In state; all
cleared and in crops; 5 acres in various
kinds o fruit : good house and bams and
other farm buildings ; on banks of Wil
lamette River; one of the fineet tracts of
land in the state for fruit or walnuts; nly
per acre: well worth $100 at present
time; part cash, time on balance.
$160 acres, $15 per acre; rolling land;
SOoo cords of wood on place; gooil soil: 2
miles from R. R. and town of 8000 popu
lation; easy terms; a positive snap.
770 acres 30 miles from Portland; elec
tric road will go through place this year;
In Yamhill County; choice walnut land; only
$58.50 per "sere. We will invest In this
property with you and place it on the
market in small tracts.
See us Monday morning bv 11.
146M! Fifth Street.
SENTED. SO acres very richest botora land, no stone
or gravel, perfectly level, thoroughly drained
ana nieu; i acres nigniy cultivated, 7 acres
fine saw timber, 6 acres bearing orchard ;
extra good house, 2 splendid barns, ever-running
creek and 2 springs; faces on 2 good
county roads; R. F. D. and creamery route;
10 head best Jersey cows, 1 thoroughbred
Jersey bull, chickens, hogs. 40 tons of hay.
hack, wagon, harness, all machinery and
tools; new $2500 fruit dryer, complete; cream
separator, including boiler and engine;
mile to R. R. town, church and school. Price.
10.000; $3.jOO down, long time on balance:
(above farm will pay tor itself in a few
years) .
13.l-acre farm, very beat of deep, rich, soil;
75 acres highly cultivated. CO acres rich river
bottom land, 30 acres elegant oak and fir
timber, 25 acres seeded to vetch and oats.
2 acres bearing orchard; 7-room house, barn
and outbuildings, in very best of shape
ever-running creek through farm: also in
eluded 14 cows, 4 heifer calve, 10 hogs. SO
cnicKene. gooa norses. namess, 100 bushels
oats, 1 wagon. 2 buggies, drill, mower, rake,
, binder, plows, etc.; close to school and 24
miles from R. R. and town ; price, $SO00;
wo uown, naiance long time.
Rooms 615-516 Lumber Ex., 2d and Stark,
i20 seres, all in cultivation. 000 In
crop, only S2h ner acre, half cash: this
year s crop will bring half of the purchase
420 Lumber Exchange.
Two hundred acres1 of th a rri.
land ln White Salmon Valley, located one
uuc-uMii ranes irom i,naerwood Sta
tion, on tee .-sortn Bank Ralli-oad. on
county road of 5 per cent grade; White
Sal mon River borders t h is- proi ert v ; th ! s
district produces the very finest quality of
iruu a prize-winner at the Spokane Frrr
Fair; five-acre tracts In strawberries nam
$io0O net last year and were readv for
market two weeks earlier than elsewhere :
this land does not require irrigation, but
water for all purposes is piped from a hill
side spring; 40 acres cleared, 10 acres in a
3-year-old orchard, balance in Spltzenberg
and Yellow Newtown apples; this Is an Ideal
platting proposition and positively the bet
located In White Salmon Valley. For fur
ther particulars, price and terms, apply to
owner, 315 Chamber of Commerce.
SO ACRES in city limite of Dayton, Or., now
pwniea iu nops; ;no. 1 nouse and barn; very
87 acres, 1 mile west of McMlnnvTlle; 45
acres In hops, balance in walnuts and cher
ries: walnuts are 6 years old; new 6-room
house, modern plumbing, 2000-gallon tank.
Ask us for price.
3M acresj-.120 In cultivation. 60 ln timber
easily cleared, make fine orchard; 5 miles
south of Independence; half mile from rail
road station; house and barn; 175 acres in
bay. and more to be put in; $65 per acre
terms; will exchange for Portland real es
110 Second St.
59 acres, all in cultivation, fine land no
rocks; large orchard, all farming Imple
ments in good shape; large lO-room
house. 2 large barns, workshop, chicken
house and a number of other outbuildings
two good springs, water piped to all
buildings, lawn and gardens; two miles
from O. W. P. carline; easy terms For
particulars, call Monday,
10SH ACRES, 0 acres improved : good
fences: on public road. 34 miles from
Silverton; good house and barn, eplendii
water; mile to school: team, harnen
wagon, hack, buggy. 3 cows. 3 calves 8
igs. all the chickens, plow and spring
tooth harrow, 8,11 other tools belonging
price $5000. half cash: this ia an A-l home
G. A. Wrebb. Silverton, Or
AN extra good bargain: IOO acres. eerv rich
son. boat landing on the place. 8-room
house, 2 bams and other outbuildings, horses,
rows, etc.; ail farm implements; everythins:
$10,700. Crops all in.
212 Abington Bldg.
We have one of the best wheat farms In
Morrow County: 5 miles from lone; 5-room
house, barn, granary, etc.; can be handled
with small payment down.
21$ Commercial Club Bldg.
SO ACRES 7 miles from Lyle. Wash., on main
county road; 35 acres in cultivation. 12 in
orchard: the best of soil, plenty of water
for irrigation; a small payment down will
handle this. ,
Sll Merchants Trust Bldg.
152 ACRES. 3 miles south Reedville; 60
acres cleared; 2 good barns, large house;
5n acres timber and pasture; estate must
be sold. Full particulars recorded - at
Owner, Realty Association, 305 Abington
40-acre farm. 3t in crops, very best of rich
black soil; 10 acres fine green saw timber,
4A bearing fruit trees, fine fruit dryer,
large 2-story farm house, email tenants'
house, good well, 2 springs, good team young
hor-s, 3 good cows, sums hogs, chickens. 2
-wapons. harness, all too 1b and Implements,
close to town and river, mile to graded
school: no rock or grave. Price, $3500; $200u
cash, balance time.
7t-acre farm, highly cultivated; land
lies level, no rock or gravel, running creek,
several springe, bearing orchard, all kinds
fruit, new farm house, best of outbuildings.
11 gooa cows, - heiiero, 2 calves, chickens.
3 good horses, harness and wagon : all tools
and implements included; incubator and com
plete creamery outfit. mile to town school
and river. A bargain at the price asked.
Price, $ooOO; $:totio cash, balance time.
So acres. 40 acres In crops, several acres
elashed. balance timber: 3 acres old bearing
orchard, all varieties small fruit, good 6-room
farmhouse and outbuildings; land lies level:
included 4 good cows. 10 hogs, 2 calves,
large span horses, 2 colts-. 2 wagons, har
ne5e, all farming Implements and tools, some
potatoes and grain; R. F. D. and creamery
route; close to school. R. R. and river; a
snap at $5000, $2500 cash, balance time.
67 acrs, mile from Willamette River;
soil a rich deep fandy loam, no rock or
gravel; 15 acres in cultivation, 4 acres of
hops, several acres slashed, balance fine saw
timber; farmhouse and outbuildings: 1
miles to Salem Electric; land adjoining sold
for $135 per acre; will exchange for Port
land property; price. R8500.
127-acre farm, near Oregon City; best of
aaxic ncn son; o acres or bearing orchard;
SO acres In crops, balance pasture and tim
ber: 2 running springe in pasture: 2 good
wells of water, telephone. Eood 6-room house.
2 good bams and outbuildingw: main county
road and creamery route: will exchange for
Portland property; price, $70; terms, $2500
uown, oaiance time.
2O0 acres, rich bottom land; 75 acres In
cultivation. 15 acres slashed, balance tim
ber and pasture : rood farmhouse, splendid
barn, good outbuildings, 20 Jereey cows. 1
Jersey bull. 2 good horeE. harness and wag
ons, cream serarator complete. all kinds
farming machinery and implements Included;
SW per acre, $3500 cash, number years on
the balance.
Kooma 010-010 LumDer i.x.. zx ana. start,
40 0 acres ln Benton County, 100 acres
ln crop, balance in timber and pasture.
5.000,000 ft. Eiw timber on the place, new
sawmill just uuilt 3 miles of place, build
lng-R.'R. past one corner of the farm. Is
6 miles of town of 1000 inhabitants, on
county road, has R, F. D. and cream
route, ana telephone, rood a-room house.
3 large barns, fenced in several different
neios. living springs ln every field. 40 cat
tie, part good cows, team horses, wagon,
plow, narrow, threshing macmne, horse
power mower, binder and rake, cream sen
arator and othor small tools and $17.50
per acre ouys it; some terms.
Here is another good one
600 acres ln Lincoln County, over 200
acres level river bottom land. 70 in culti
vation and hay, 0 more can be got ready
ln short time, has 2 sets of buildings,
school. P. O., and sawmill niite, on
9 main county road and one of the best
stock and dairy ranches on the Pacific
Coast; controls thousands of acres of
out-ramje; this is an estate, and is to be
settled up, and for quick sale will be
sold for the remarkably low price of
$12.75 per acre; think of it. won't mora
than pay for the improvements; come
quick if you want a chance at it; first
man that has the money gets it.
Room 301. 28 Washington St.
5 acres, 1 miles of Foretrt Grove, all in
cultivation; a-room ' house and barn; only
$1100, $300 cash, balance to suit.
5 acree in cultivation. 5-room cottage,
barn. 5o fruit. SO grape; m. of Foreat
Grove and college school ; only $2000, la cash.
20 acres. 6 ln cultivation and in orchard;
pome good timber; 20.000 feet of new lumber
end 20 Angora goats go with the place; only
46 acres, email house, abundant good tim
ber; 4 miles of Forest Grove; only $1600.
part cash; this is a big snap.
60 acres extra fine land, SO in cultivation;
8-room house, some orchard, balance in good
oak and ash timber; 22 miles south of Port
land Heights, on the Southern Pacific R. R. ;
would take city property up to $4000: price.
$iOo; land all around there celling $125 per
acre and more.
Washington Bldg., Room 3.
60 A ORES of fine level land. n ear Forest
Grove; 12 acres in cultivation, balance pas
ture, ash ewale and some beaverdam: fli-Mt-clas
house, cost $2000. cement basement
good barn and other buildings; all kinds of
fruit and berries; 2 springs; $5400, $2500
casn nanoiea tnis.
Some choice f ru it farms, equal to Hood
River and one-quarter the price. For par
ticulars apply to T. H. Llttlehales. Forest
urove, ur.
Fancy -Spitzenberg and Newton tracts.
five acres and larger: one and one-half
miles from Underwood Station, North Bank
Railroad, fn W hite Salmon Valley : watered
irom miisme spring; a-i etrawoerry land
berries ten days earlier than Hood River
berries between apple trees- netted $300 per
acre lasx year. 1 or runner inrormat on
apply to owner, H. E. Riner, 3151 Chamber
or commerce.
Yamhill County. 6 miles to R. R. , 41
acres, half cultivated, best location poisible
tor nuu or apples, rair house, splendid barn
spring water to both, orchard, 7 acres wal
nuts, intersct with cherries. pear and
peaches: team, harness and wagon, 2 fresh
Jersey cows; crop all In; you can make an
independent lortune on this: price, $.000,
easy terms, see owner, oua uoroett bldg.
FOR SALE 17 acres. 20 acres ln cultivation
fair house and barn, family orchard. 16
acres hops, hopbouse: close to Buena Vista
price $2t5oO. or will cultivate hops and get
them ready for harvesting and sell crop and
place all for $P0O0; easy terms if desired.
For further Information address J. D. Winn,
Buena Vista. Or.
Contains about BOO acres1 applet, pears
and other fruits, larger part in bearing;
cloe to Roseburg:' strictjy choice river
bottom land; very best Investment or spec
ulation on the market; good reasons for
selling; no agents. R 802. - Oregonian.
HIGHLY Improved 36-acre farm. 12 miles of
Portland, with stock and tools, all for $5O0O;
will accept Portland property for part. Call
613 vhamber Commerce.
IOO ACRES. 2V. miles from Centralia. well
improved, stocked and equipped, at bargain.
See owner on ranch and save commission,
or write Box 024. Centralia. Wash.
5 ACRES, in cultivation; considerable fruit;
sightly building spot; view of passing elec
tric cars, and beautiful improved country.
T. F. COM PTON. 1 00 Abington Bldg.
I WISH to purchase, direct from owner,
20.000.000 to r0.000,000 feet of flr timber
that will be suitable for mill setting.
516 Abington Bldg.
WANTED A tract of timber on McKenzie
or Umpqua Rivers ; unless you can show
authority for delivery, don't answer. S
8-"i0, Oregonian.
TIMBER wanted, from owners only. We have
clients ror large or small tract of timber
626-627-U2S Corbett Bldg.
Timber in Tillamook County.
621 Board of Trade Bldg.
I HAVE a customer for 25,000 acres of white
pine, timber in tJoos or curry Count v. Ore
gon. Address Mark I. Kady, 6O0 Oregonian
SILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims
from owners.. Nelson & Whittier, 617
TO Bt good homestead, or good home-
k:h.(i location or relinquishment for ca?b.
sl. e.n. jregonian.
WILL PAY cash for timber in Oregon and
naaniiiBion irom u acres upward. O 739,
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J- McCracken,
oo-j ictvay DiQg-
WANTED A good improved ranch, worth
$10,000 to $15,000; prefer it be stocked
and have complete line of implements. F
f. uregonian.
I WANT Improved farm. 25 to 50 acrns
alnng Willamette River: give complete de
scription ana price in nrst letter. M 841.
Very deelrable corner, within one block
of Jefferson-street depots; will build for
nesirauie tenania to suit requirements.
rrmcipaj'i anares. a t; oregonian.
TO LEASE Vx;0. Jefferson St., bet. Front
and ist. win nuiid lor suitable tenant.
I want vacant lots; if you want to sell
yours, see me. am my lie is low; will get
you quick action, no matter where situ
ated: aito want good houses, but price and
terms must be right. Call or phone.
J. R. STIPE. 730 Chamber Commerce.
S ANTED Information regarding a good
farm for sale; not particular about loca
tion; wish to hear from owner only, who
will sell dlnect to buyer; give price, de
scription and state when possession can be
had. Address L. Darby shir. Box 1901 E,
Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED To buy from a to 10 acres of
well-improved land without any building?,
on a good automobile road and not more
than S miles from the citv. 6o7 Com
mercial bldg.. cor. 2d and .Wash. sis.
FARMER I want a large tract of land to
cut into small farms, within reasonable
distance of railroad or steamboat landing;
please give location and full particulars
in first letter. H S52, Oregonian.
HAVE a client for 100x100 two blocks north
or south or Morrison st , orl East Side; will
buy at once if a snap; must be between
12th and 25th.
BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 2d St.
I WILL pay up to $750O for a good, new
irictiy modern oung&iow of or 7 rooms;
Nob Hill. Hawthorne. Irvington or Holla
day Addition. N 83S, Oregonian.
w a.n 1 u.l Modern home. I have some '
East Side lots and acreage of $1600 value
i want to traae m as first payment on
a nome. b-ts. uregonian.
WANTED About one acre between Portland
and Oswego, fronting on or near the river;
either side; give price and location. AF
Ji. Oregonian.
WANTED AT ONCE desirable lot worth
800 to $1000 cash as part payment on
some sood 41. ruber land. M. JO IS, or A
TRACT of land from 500 to 1000 acres in
Douglas, Jackson or Josephine counties.
near railroad; no wet or rocky land
wanted. 011 Commercial bldg.
GOOD. 6 or 7-room house, good location.
ground for sarden: must be cheap; Dart 1
down, balance monthly; full details first
letter. AF 72o. Oregonian.
WANT modern home, ft to 8 rooms. Port- !
land Heights or Nob Hill district pre-
rerrea; muse pe reasonaoie in price. w
t52. Oregonian.
I HAVE clients for small homes. SlOO t
S'100 cash, balance monthly payments. Let
me see your property. Thos. McCusker.
zu5 coucn biag. .
WANTED Good modern 7-room house on
East Side bet. Hawthorne and Russell
sis., and west ot ittHh; owners only. T
HAVE lot, value $700. and $30 cash as first
payment on home about $350O: not too Tar
out. on the East Side. AD S45. Oi -
WANTED 5 or 6-room house and fractional
lot. W est Side, walking distance; price
aoout auoo cash. K. J . Geiser. 221 1, Mor-
1 ijwii i. rnone oiain aoo.
WANTED Two lots. North East Side: small
payment down; or will trade modern 5
rcom cottage close in. A 841. Orego-
11 mil.
LOT. not over $500. for immediate building;
unrestricted; not over 20 minutes' out;
xioo down. U 849. Oregonian.
WAN T ED VA large tract of logged-off land
suiiaoie ior BUDaiviaiug into farms. H 851,
I HAVE $2500 cash to apply as first payment
on improvea residence property west of 5th
anu soutn or rayior st. j S4o. Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or ti-room bungalow, in good
neighborhood, can pay $S00 down. J 36,
care Oregonian.
& TO 8-room house In Sunnyside. $L00 to
.uu casn. balance si.- to per month;
no agents. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED 6-room. modern house , Wei
side. $2000 casn. naiance on time; state
location. Jv SoO, Oregonian.
FRACTIONAL lot. Irvington or Holladay s
Audition; give price and location. A 824,
CASH for Siletz relinquishment;
price ana location first letter.
J S-io.
SMALL house and 2 lots; must be reason
able; state terms and full particulars.
jonnson, union are.
x-it' t-r. tt 1 i in iew lorn. Michigan or
Pennsylvania, value from $10,000 to $25,
000. 611 Commercial bldg.
IF YOU have a lot ln Irvington and price
is right can sell at once. McDowell He
inline, room 422 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED -Residence lot on West Side.
not too Tar soutn nor too far north. Ad
d ress A B S 5 0, Oregon ian .
WANTED House and lot. or food lot.
Seaside, cheap for cash. T 851, Oregonian.
VACANT suburban lots, will pay cash for
snaps. " bo.s. oregonian.
FROM OWNER only, quarter block In Irvlng-
ton; must oe oargain. tr 7. Oregonian.
CASH for lots, deed or contract; give price
ana location, &M, oregonian.
W ANT F.D 1 or 2 Irvin g t on lo t s ; must
bargains. AC 851 , Oregonian.
WANTED One to 5 acres for country home;
not too tar irom car. soa. oregonian.
iVACANT lots; owners only; must be cheap.
as cnion ave., cor. coucn.
RESIDENCE lot on West Side, restricted
district, about xOOO. T 855. Oregonian.
15.0)0 ACRES or more, suitable for colony;
iiiuhl us rtutunauie, -j. e-n , oregonian.
WANTED Farm suitable for poultry
fruit. C. W. H.. 788 E. Salmon.
CAN LOCATE good homestead and timber
ciaima; gooa iruit iana, near railroad;
reasonable fee; one 120 -acre homestead.
with improvements costing $450; relin
quish for $600. Wheat land ln Morrow
county, Oregon. 737 Chamber of Com
JUST returned from trip through Eastern
Oregon. tan locale you on 1GO acres x-
tra fine land, bordering small town, with 1
spienaia ruture. Alvin S. Hawk,
FOR SALE Good nomestead relinquish
ment, few improved farms, several sec
tions raw wheat land, all ln great wheat
ofii, r-asirra jYiitKiiai. atone ros., J3ick-
IN the best locality in Oregon, Siletr re
serve, soil rich, well watered, fro irriga
tion ever needed: good fruit and dalrv
country; only 3 left. K. Bezemer, 305 3d
HAVE homesteads on Deschutes River.
which are open for filing. Call and we will
t?n you about them; one party leaves ln
ic iny . mi sucnunan oiag.
I WILL relinquish my homestead. $350
miles from R. R. S 831. Oregonian.
5 CHOICE homestead locations. also 3
cnoice rennquisnments. ..13 Abington bldg.
At-itfeJAtit or farm, not too far out. suit
able ior suoaivision. Aaaress L S51, Ore-
wanted 10.000 acres, or more, suitable
ror an irrigation project. J S57. Oregonian.
WANTED Good homestead relinquishment,
Siletz preferred, and more timber the bet
ter, yj. Auriana, 4 sandy road. city.
$10O 2 Vi miles from small town, well
place. 873 E. Couch.
HOME TELEPHONE stock exchanged for
diamonds of good quality. J15 Com
mercial block. Main 5384. A 2384.
HOME TELEPHONE bonds to exchange for
real estate. Address or call 702 Rothchtid
FEW city lots at Newport. Or., balance
cash, for auto, Btilck or Cadillac runabout
or touring car. Main 1125. 26 N. 15th st.
WHEELOOK piano, practically -new, exchange
for vacant lot or cash. 42 Union ave.,
cor. Couch.
20 ACRES fruit land to exchange for gro
cery stock on East Side. Room 311 Mer
chants Trust bldg.
WILL exchange 6-room new modern house.
Sunnyside. for vacant property. Address
J S39. Oregonian.
COOS BAY, information bureau; reliability of
firms, land locations, and values given free.
311 Commercial blk.
A LARGE solitaire diamond ring, value
JMfMia, to trade in equity for b una a low
or lot. W J6. Oregon! an.
A modern 3-story brick hotel on a ftOx
IOO corner in Newberg. Or,; the most pro
gressive town of the Willamette Vallev.
with a population of 3O0O.- Is tho, closest
hotel to the depot, a block and a half
distant. Streets are improved, Buildlns
was lately remodeled and contains ;i
bedrooms. It furnished throughout with,
all necessary. . furniture - and bidding.
Kitchen and dining-room furnished com
plete in modern style. Everything. $10,
Otm. Will take Portland property in part
payment and give time on balance, or will
trade the entire amount for desirable
property. Will sell on easv terms.
714 Couch Bldg.. 10 Fourth St.
RESTAURANT, grocery and confectionery
combined. 4 furnished bedrooms, ail other
equipments. Price $15O0. Will exchange
-for property of ejual value.
acres, on uregon Electric, at Oak
Park. 6-room houn n ll nr.-hn r.
change, for improved lot or income prop
erty. Livery barn, horses, rigs and dwelling.
Price $4000. for Valley farm.
Town property and several farms to
exchange for Portland property. . .
For town property. farms, "business
chances or exchai-ces. call on or address.
ROSWTRM & CO.. Forest Grove. Or
Lovely modem home, East Side, for
telephone bonds.
.Meritorious stock for limber,1 farm or
city property.
t0 acres Missouri land, clear, for tele
phone bonds.
1OO0 acres Eastern Oregon, or anv part,
for city property. Almeda. Alaska Pet &
Coal, or Fidelity Copper stock.
225 acres Washingto County, cheap, for
cash, or will trade.
$30S.424 Colorado Mining Stocks, large
.or small quantities. k
Three lots. 43.5x107 each; 4 -room mod
ern bungalow, near Wood mere. $1 l..o
C.IVi Ji'.- ade for BUSINESS
LINE, or will sell for $450 cash.
714 Couch Bid.
& ACR E S . ininroved .
all kinds of citrus and deciduous fruits
fine location, beautiful view, close to car;
this is an ideal country home, yet cloe
to business; close to Pasadena and ios
Angeles. Cal.; owner wants to exchange
rr Income property in Portland or vicin
ity; California property is valued at $10,000
and Is well worth the money.
Suite 420 S wetland Bldg.
PROPERTY in Oakland, Cal.. for real es-
iiK Portland or vicinity, equity of
xi-OO on fine modern sunnv cottage of
rooms: living-room 15 ft.x24 ft., hand
some open fireplace, porch, lawn, flowers,
high basement that can be finished as
fiat large new barn in rear can be
finished as 4-room cottage: tine location,
near S cariines. B 840, Oregonian.
A fine78-acre farm,, fully stocked, handy
to Salem Electric Hue and boat landing on
Willamette, with all the stock and Imple
ments, for .tjt50o. Will take a g.Kd money
making general store m the uu to
$oOOO as part payment.
F. KUOHtf. 221 u, Morrison st.
40 ACRES of land in the Rogue River Val-
,ev- l- miles from railroad. 2 miles and
a half Trom postoffice; fine soil; in the
best fruit belt in the world. Exchange
lor South Portland property, confectioner v
or cigar store, rooming-house ,or auto
mobile. Owner. AE 758. Oregonian. .
WILL H(H 4 V1 1." wiin i-A DM
Modern b-room houe, full concrete basement
electric lights, porcelain hath, large recep
tion hall, china closet, nice lawn lot
100x100, within 2 blocks of carline, in desir
able neighborhood- nric
jjiunucr f.xcnange, 2d and Stark.
WANTED--An Impmved ranch, worth $15.-
x"-.. u '-'.wt. wnn good iuir -improve-ments.
well located, in exchange for Port
land property Improved and unincumbered
will take stock j and Implements U necej
sury; will pay ahy small difference' In cash
r 180. Oregonian.
Fine -cottage, 5 rooms, full corner lot, on
Iteeeh st.. hot-water heat, cement basement.
ga and elec, shower bath, paneled dining
room; a swell home; will trade for acreage,
lots, or small fruit ranch. J. W. Grussi "'05
Washington, near 3d. Room 7.
HAVE 5 nice full lots and nearly new 8-room
nouse in gooa location, price $600o; will take
$4uNt worth of empty lots, a good timber
claim, or small farm, as I do not want
to bother with tenants. Am non-resident.
Ask my agent.
F. FICHS, 221. Morrison st.
WILL exchange for Portland -property 17x4
, - i "iv k .a hi t-u inna, on 1 h-
lou.c River. 14 mile Hoojer Sta., Adams Co.,
Wah. ; 2 railroads and lies lino. j; oUtf. Or
egonian. TO EXCHANGE.
$1000 equity in an up-to-date 5-room.
bungalow, worth $2550; will trade for lot
up to $500. balance cash.
A. A. HOOVER, 813 Gerlinger bldg.
HAVE some unimproved land nni 11? e
Klamath Falls. Or., will trade for prop
erty in Portland and pay balance cash
See G. Hof strand. 1878 Oreely sc.. Arbor
Lodge station, St. John car.
0 LOTS in center of town nf TrnmioL
Wash.; would make a fine corner for
store building. What have you ? Want
land or automobile. R. Field. White
Salmon, Wash.
WANTED An Improved ranch from X4o t
$toOO. stocked or not, near Portland, or on
quick transportation, in exchange for citv
H,roiT5ty2'alu'vl at -r3500, balance ln cash.
r iHb, Oregonian.
WALNUT land; extra fine for platting, 24
-., '.5 . uiue gooa tiniDor; would
take clly property or stock of goods up to
$i000, balance easy terms. G 848. Oregonian.
A DANDY gasoline launch to vhHnr.
real estate in Washington or Oregon . "
50y-ftii Buchanan HIdg. " 1
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
oc.i -vi irue Dusinees or property,
lol.ow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor.
rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED To exchange tine- 7-T-.n-
$4000 Studebaker auto for resl estate im
proved or unimproved. phone A 3U41 or
address AD 84 S, Oregonian
FOR SALE or exchange. first-cTa"ss 6-chair
oaroer siiop; good lease and fine loca
tion; good reason for selling,: Phone Ta-
' , ui urneonian.
WII,L GIVE modern O-room house, 1 block
irom car, itioxioo greund In boaring fruit
and garden, for farm. Will pay no com
mission. A E 70O. Oregonian.
92500 160 acres to trade for house and lot
or lots; modern 7-room house,. $2000- easy
texms. Tabor 1S72 or 1445 E. Glisan st .
WE have hotel in good growing town near
Portland to trade for farm or citv prop
erty; this is a good monovmuker Fletcher
& Jones. 404 Buchanim bldg.
1 WAsT a White steamer, must be in good
y..w.wV, . w in imuK reai estate. Uletcher
& Jones. 404 Buchanan bldg.
WILL take good auto or fancy driving team
in part for cottage or block of lots. Owner
AF 728. Oregonian.
GOOD wheat ranch for sale or trad.-" clo
to R. R.. good w ater and buildings. 61 1
Commercial bldg.
WILL EXCHANGE new leather traveling
bag, leather lined, for gocd. camera or
kodak. E 840. Oregonian.
WILL TRADE a lot for a rooming-house of
lo or 12 rooms; must be close in. J 854,
240 ACRES timber and mineral land Josa
phine County. $ per acre. Address Lo k
Box 22U. Medical Lake. Wash.
, MODERN 8-room nous-. Nob Hill, for land
5 to 2o miles from Portland. K. Moore
718 -Swetlan bldg.
6 LOTStin Newport. Oregon's finest Summer
resort ; exchange- for furniture: a. J.
Krider. 242 Madison st. Main 6202.
WILL exchange equity in California
bungalow for lot In Irvington. V 5li, Ore
gonian. 40 ACRES in Eastern Oregon ; can be irri
gated; to exchange for auto. . Address
P. O. box 307.
An ideal dairy farm, over loO acres In
cultivation. H 849. Oregonian
TOURING car or runabout for real estate.
or diamonds. .Address N 433, Oregonian.
WILL trade for wht "ou have. Gut Smith.
301 Buchanan bldg.
FOR SALE or trade, R-acre tracts on Ore
gon City carlino. 611 Commercial bldg.
PIANO Almost new, to tran fir a lot. CI1
after 8 A. M. Sunday. 1251 East 11th North.