6 . Jir-HK it IS l-rurn new mori, ,,-. ... ..virr.- YiT' -7ln: " View and "m meBt 'urnare- verythlng modern. $r,850. Tnt Sftxl.Kl . , , . . r;t,!". ,IrJ":v ?.d , ,v,,K , ni up. juth of Broadway. Hoiladajr Addition. Thl. 1 genuitl. snnr, "C .-. .. . $475. ..- , 'ab on. Norte from ,. ,' : '"- " improVM district. $1P". rEVLIN KIREBAIT.H 01U-MI-S12 Swetland bldg.' .. OWNER S-ROOM KOI'FE. Will Sell, lliclorl....- 1..., Irl,-fixtures, canopy In dinlr.g-roora. plate helv-n. eari.rt on stairs and hall, llu eoleum In rmry. kitchen and bathroom: i. .--.iiuiiicn; rurnace, 'ern-nt cellar and -anlks arcund hou.-e; Includ-' Jewell k.R, rooking Hove; shrub bery lawn all in; If so'd Inside of two JtrtoO. half rash o- n. better term, with right party; handsome dlrii.ig.room furniture and other If de- .,,. ... usu-pnes. on. Oregonian. BEPT BUY IV PORTLAND. LOTS Jn BlumBner'i Addition at 30th and Pacific streets for - "nn. ISO down and balance monthly. Take -M - ir E.-A. Knee city car to 3lst at EQUITY INVESTMENT f'O Suit 508 Gerllnger Bldg. " 1-3 AORK WITH ROOD BROOM COTTASB. 1 U m " rm center of .;lty. oa carllne; beautiful lawn: bearing fruit trees, red raeoherrles. chicken-park; price $-40o-terms COLUMBIA. TftrST COMPANY 71 Couch Bldg. 'IV?r:Vi-.T'",Vo1. c",,ar" cheap. If taken Wo'.dTaa n' 361 ' " N $flfw COUNCIL rr.ERT $W i-.I. a Ilr" b,,y ln ,n' rapldiy'grow-i-Tt.V Tri,"'i lrT"lc residence site. S WKET- HEAD-LEMCK B l6l Fifth dt. Phonea M. ariso, A 6i'7. CHOICH Bi;iI.niN(3 SITES. TVlberg Helalita. IxixlOu. cement walks. S'reeui graded; One view; JlK up. Ros, 1 ' p,! k- 'ot- SoxlOli. JOUO. Lots on Woodstock carllnc. 80x100. 27B- V 2I?; .?''re aI'd a'i tracts on Mounl tarnia l very Iow Pr'ca and aiy O. B. LITOA3. 40S Corbett Bldg. CHOICE PROPERTY. Two modern -room In. noes on a fine corner in central East Side, handy to Vashlnaton High School, one of tha nne.t locations, easy walking distance to business. No better rental property I-ion t guess nt this. Let us show you HENKLE t HARRISON. 811 Oerllnger Bldg. IP YOU WANT SOMETHING FINE C.lnmunlcata with tba owner. Strictly new atx-rTH.ru furnished house, right up to dsta In every particular, construction and material the best; close in. line view, on car line, very attractive. Immediate pos sesion; .move right In; reasonable price; terms. H 87. OregonUtn. . PORTLANTJ HEIGHTS. I..noo ij0t K'.xloo. on carllne. loooLot 7:. ISO. Terrace road af.00Lot 88x40. Hills crest drive, have grand view. NATIONAL. REM.TY & TRUST CO.. S2a Washington St. s'i5"3 CITT PARK BARGAIN-. w down, balance 15 par month, wilt buy 2 choice lota In this district, one-hair property" C""' ' 1CO le than joining SWEBT-HEAO-LKMCKE 148a Fifth St. i.Ml 3 rice lots In Sunnyslde. northwest corner n. Salmon aud USth at. All lm provementa paid. Lot on southwest rfwner E. Madison and .T5lh Look at It and come and make us a cash offer for It. LEONARD BROS. . Chamber Commerce. WEST 6IPK Large residence; fine corner room for anotuer building: furnace, gas and electricity; owner needs money and imist sell at once; only $1750 cash needed to handle, balance at H per cenL Call i?d-, r ' "bout thla snap at 61S Board or i rade blda. IKViNUTON LOT. .jr-'...!;?,'. ,50100- aHh Thomp son. Mtuiiuilo street. line building site am going to build oo this lot. If you want " ana t will build to "lt you. Call 720 Oiamber tof Com merce. GOOD BAR(1"1NS. -..""'b?.t."0,d thl" """"h. 4-rnom bouse. ' .r"x-fc-. University Park; lot iix VTth ' K1 Ch" ''ist Jour rP"- HOME I-.EAL ESTATE CO P"! Lumber Exchange HIdg. EAST COI'CH AND 81ST Modem s-room house, with Inclosed sun porch; ibis is a very attractive home, and can be-handled on terms , U P. PAJLMRR. 13Comruerolal clai Bldg. BUNGALOW In Kunnysido, B rooms- new and - modern In ev.ery detail; l.vst-bullt I ,'?., l,1-Priced itiprty obtainahle elooo cash; en.y terms. 1191 e Sal mont. Phone B 2M.S. e..-.-U, 14 th St.. 2 cottases. lot SOxlvO ea.-h snTS.i. or the two 7i..A halt cali ' K-elly. owner, the Morrison. 8 to ' 10 C-V, ,n'.o4or.n- c."'" house, with one or bnrgsln; part cash. bal. tcrm" 1-nv-,t:"U'""" L "ind Alnsorth "el a auc.Hiver avs. ITt-''y11, i thl T rooms, new ..nld tako vacant lot as patt pal sii owner. 441 .Sherlock l.ldg. Sae SKAlTIFbL S-room. thoroughly modern home on East lmrnshle. near .Tn2 district; only .HXH); good terms M'C.l IRK Co.. a US Hoard o Trade, Houses for sale In all prts of the cltv acreag. .lose in and farms In Ore"n and Washington. Phone Mai,, 44Sik Kinney S.ampher. S31-5a Lumber Exchans.bTd MOnv.RV 7-rooeiv house; ele.-tnc lichts furnl.,,.t or unfurnished; -J lot. J "i . Je.U-'Vrm- 14y -hn Wood- OR S A I K 7 -room col tape and fi-.tir.ni torm. $;oi.0 .f.h. b.lnnc mori. "s-i Awnr. SIS ViUnK hUK b PI NS1-T TARK . If'J' ,n? t"A,k "mr T-ast Burs, sl.le. mirarlsm street, onlv l00 F o Smtbrup. an touch bide ' ' V.IN1.:. nf.'lern S rKm house, rui. l..f ck lW. ll'Vrt -er- 1-'1 "I'il.KV, '.v Third ,t. CORV Ell tieonitn sn.1 Jersey t. St John heart .. the .-Ity; o,Tra-r leavln. ,i,t aln If taken at on.-e. a Sot, o'efonlaa BY ow.WR room modem house fu.i lo, Tth"f Zt?n I'"'""- ' termV Phini Tabor ,M. or address p 4S, OreKonlan FN'.'rnV.,,,l" for!,,1"- "P. by w.r. n it," n Phono Sellwood 12S1. tor luforma.- tMloli'R ln.v,ro-beKrlna e,,rn ... K, . l rhtld bids; li st.. north of liur.M.' ' . . v... nuio- riXKt.T Iwatsd acre tract. Oregon Vlee rle atatlon. 8o tare. oer. AK 7.V4. o?e Roman. jre- asioo-r.m b,,u.. . Hlrhl.rd -iM jliat.KT. 1S2 Third st. '"Jj MTOX Improved eorr.er lot. near 2 Car-llr-a. cheap: terms. F 7M. Oregonian Car - BV f'""N"KR. romer lot Sl'xlOO 1-Th aid Lve).y. App.y 4MS Sd. VOnTTR.- buncalow. rear Hawthorn, a, . Phoua, B ISJS. or Tabor jSJ1110 - TAII. - T rOKSAir-KK.rrc.r. I FIXB new modern 7-roora house. Kaat 26tH casl.00rnr IOt' d buy 450di 1000 Kln 6-room cottajfe, all late improve ments, near carllne; only J3250; 1000 f- ' wiU take sood lot in part pa v. a- 5 ro',m cottage, lot ROxlSO, Kast 4 near Mount Tabor cariin?. S17S0 JMt to 00 cash, balance instaiimeiits. tood S-room cottage, lot 5xia, with fcllfy in rear. S1000; J350 cash. Kine (arm. 180 acres, 10 in cultivation, rood 7 -room bouse, good barn, fine young orchard just bearing. running -Rater, good spring, about 1.000,000 feet of tim ber. 7 miles from boatlandlng and R. R town, lauoo- win im,u a v. - ca. klswu. uiruo and lot. Fine, 10 acres well located, good bouse, fair barn, fine garden, ll kind of fruit. near carllTi nnl R Xt .tatinn nnn acre; 500 caalj, balance 1, 2, 3. 4 ano years t ikt cent f ine s-acre tract, all in cultivation, running water, fine neighborhood, school, church and store mile; $300 per acre: good terms. Pine lo-acrvs tract, well located, near SChOOl. Church and Itfira .aallv la.l running water, mile' from carllne! SlUlfU; $150 cash. CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial Bldg.. Phone Main 8965. TEXAS. TEXAS TF"VAR tfa a Q Make money growing oraofceff, figs and vi uv . iu me coast, country or Texas, nne climate, warm Winters, cool Summers: flve- ac-re tracts flne land near South Houston ro.u iu ?tx-v; terms caah and S10 month ly: no interest, no taxes until contract is paid out; larger tracts If desired; finest market for products; best railroad service; lnterm-ban electric line assured; South H-.uton growing rapidly; schools, fine col- "s ma lactones. uon't take your fam ily Into a wildemeM far f i-i.m ritie nn.i rsilioads; they will be homesick; you won t r..-c'-u. ixdiie nere ana tney win tie happy. Only 20 minutes' ride from the heart of Ho us tan. Write for literature and iiap. me Western. Land Corporation. ROOUE RIVER VALLEY. OR., THE n ITALY OF AMERICA. Over 10,000 acres of choice fruit, dairy and farm land to sell cheap In Rogua River Valley, "the Italy of America;" from 1 to 6 00-acre tracts at $ 10 per acre up and going up irrigation ditch under construction for whole valley here; good brick business houses for sale i.nd choice residences. Write H. B. Hendricks, real estate; office near depot. Front St.. 'Q and fith." Grant Pass. Or. ONE of the handsomest hrmew in Irvington, r.. m.1 Ec rwiiu ana Data. targe rtotp tion ha.il, full cement basement, furnace, combination fixtures and everything that Is m.Kiern In a new, up-to-date home: hard wood floors downstairs, upstairs all finished white enamel; lot lVOxlOO, fine lawn. This was buiit for a permanent home; party La leaving city and will sell for lu.000; 3ooo will handie this: will a!o ell furniture. Phone Main or A 224 Li; after 0 o'cJocJc East 62714. splendid Birrs. $3600 for 6-room -house and nice lot 62 60. on Belmont, easy walking distance; not iem than $1000 caeh down. 55M) On easy terms for a fine 8-room mfedern house with tine lot. eaay walking distance, near Belmont; genuine bargain. sMtWO For a lovely homeaite 34x8(, near ashingtou, just the thing for high-class people to be among the big fellows. F. FUCHS. 221 a Morrison st. HAVE you a nice lot that you want a uanuHome moaern residence built on? Do you want something tasty and different In appearance from your neighbors? If so. we are In a position to build just what you want where you want it.. Modern bungalows of all designs; also fine two story residences. F. M. CRAWFORD - CO., Suite 420 Swetland Bldg. ACREAGE. S acres of choice land in one of tn e neatest suburbs: all the land is in culti vation ; some fruit ; neat cottage, hall, bath, pantry, all nicely furnished, at sta tion on electric lii?: chickens, cow; all goes at a bargain; small amount of cash required. HEN'KLE & HARRISON, fill Gerllnger Bldg. HOW IS THIS ? 2l0 DOWN. Here Is a new 6-room bungalow, Mi block from carllne, in a district where values are rapidly increasing, house now rented for $10 per month; "price $2Suv. SWEKT-HEAD-LfiMCKE. 14o4 Fifth Street. Muln 6W50 A 0267. FOR SALE S20 acres suburban property. Falls near the upper lake, close to the Oregon & Eastern R. R., a part of it near the R. R. is good for factories and warehouses, about 1 mile to boatlandlng .U4 vii. oi nits growing iiy or tuamatQ nm sitaeiL'tir iiue. ocnweratmaiin, Hillsdale. Or. ELEGANT HOME. Strictly modern, up-to-date, six rooms and den. basement, bath, pantry, china closet, furnace, carpets, shades, fixtures and screens; paved street, lot f0x!20; 20 foot alley. For quick sale, $4200; part cash. C B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUY IN THE $2150 for a full lot on Savler and 29th sts. ; grand scenic view, nothing finer; all improvements" In and' paid for. LOEWENSON BROS., ltfj Sherlock Bldg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. Just completed, strictly modern throughout, street Improvements, large lot. fine location, easy terms; located be tween 30th and 40th on E. Taylor st. ! owner on grounds Sunday 1 to ". Phone week days. Main 402 or A 3602. H. M. Hansen, owner; no agents. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Over 8 lots; splendid view; ideal loca tion for fine home: grounds Improved; for price and terms see ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. OUTSIDE BUSINESS. Compels me to sell my two new flats. 5Vx 100. near E. 10th and Broadway, finest modern Improvements, leautiful lawn; they are a snap for $8000; terms if de sired. V 855. Oregon! an. CHOICE lot on 7th St., one half block from Alberta st., 8 blocks frotm Union avo. ; ex- - v ., a.i.fc v ,ii sn iL-r, o uinerent canines; owner offers lot for $S00 cash. 1006 Grand ave.. North, or G fe42. OreRonlan. $3200 Now. modern 6-room house and attic L' i" iMninifswonn aves. Terms SIOOO cash, balance time. nn LEONARD BROS. So4 Chamber Commerce. 00x1 00 LOT. $?.75. Has new walk, city water, graded street sio shafk in dlstrirt: 2 blocks to bet oar line; 12 mln. ride from bridge. Call room Gib Ablngton bldg. ?2."00 Holladay Addition, lot 50x100; hard- and paid for; $600 cash will handle, bnl-Hiu-e 6 per cent. Owner. 60 Rothchild bldg. EAST 19th and Alberta, modern S-room initea. m-st electric fix tures. A baraaln for uul. k sale. Terms Owner on premises Sunday. 2 to G P. M. $JK CHOICE residence lot. Bast 23d. i-ement -RalR: Jiso down, $r.O 1V.ry . 8 m,'',h- J- F. Coiupton. 100 Ablngton bide. DENTISTS An established $3000 a year dental - , "'u a uiooern o-room house with an a-r .f itr,.und In a -arowlnR Montana town good reason for selling. Call phone East SS. 1.Mmi s-room cottaae. lot V,hhi. ....r rne blo.-k south ot Powell Valley road and street. JlttOO for TCxloo or s MO for SOxUMJ-foot lot. Phone Tabor S43. VKAV 6-ROOM HOME. r?r.,.':t-l; anJ E- Vainhlll. for ;aw. worlh :'.S..0: .an be Inspected mornlnai toJ'ijH vrt-"'" Sunnyslde. 7 rooms. Tor I40O0. S..O, Oregonian. ritTrr' "vT.CrltnC; St 0"r''- "'Shtly Rose . i !' biook from carline. at price wav below market yalne; terms cash. In quire K. Qak. Phone K. S724 Port SAT.K N". p. corner 17th and Ciliasr, lj. ox 1.10. with houses Term? Own" L'ito"1, s8 -NorIh mhi " h : BEAITIFTI. HOME .""noloo'0?'' h,ouV basement. Phono1 MT,n frm W-ANTEP Oood rt or S-room house ln a aood location. Phone K. 1836 M Si. Call 51 Board of Trade. 4- TW O Bnelv situated lots In Rose CIIT Park must sell at once; terms. Inquire owner - SK E. Oak. Phone East S724 u,r nr riN-E 7-room house, full- lot. a nice home on K r.lima st.. a snap nm LIND A HIQUSr, 1S2 Third at. KICK kom. on lnstallmenta Inquire of "and ' ajJso v. Sell-aood. Pcrt- CONTRACTOR8 Several H blocks of cheap St r'k"8 ' n carlln: rsonable. S43 CHEAP y owner. 6-room modern house X ?h C"'1- 00 "ImS- S5 jS.t ltb A ,R5 ch"n,-- T lots. l fruit trees and good Vroom house, onlv $2.on io Swet land bid.. 5Ut and Washinrton. TIIE SUNDAY . I " SAU& REAL KSTATE. f w WB CHALLBXGE To find an Ideal hnn, mm-m. ' complete than this one: In the midst of Z ,7Z s en, ironruents where many new nuliaings complete a picture of archi tectural beauty. The most fastidious homeseeker will appreciate this six-room beautiful home with all the necessities lor comfort and convenience: high ele vation; one block from, excellent car service; walking distance: asphalt streets, cement sidewalks, parking, shade trees. . i fSe bushes, fruit trees. etc.; ail ,moiern Improvements: price S0500. Pull description upon Inquiry. Our list of desirsihlo . . .,., places that others cannot sell you.. Teli us e nave it. CHl'RCHlIi MATTHEWS CO. I-umber Exchange Bldg., I'd and Stark Sts. 200 CASH. EAST WAT TO GET A BEAUTIFUL HOME. aI,d 7-room houses, strictly modem, gas and ele.-rricitv .. . stationary wash trays, excellent location JLnna-Jts"ience diflct, right on the carllne. w hy pay rent and have nothing to show for it? Why not let it appl? ?ZJ- urcnse Price of a flne home? trme ln ear.y Monday morning and see DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-316-317 Abington Bldg. run SALIC, i cres. 12 miles from Portland, rall- ?r .1 "QJoming place: railroad full length through the land, 4 miles of deep water frontj. River. 500 acres In cultivation, all level Ti to,n'- electric line quarter of a mile from nlnce No better Investment in Portland at Jt!5 . tka as a whole, one-quarter irii.. i " ,lu year at B per cent, oth. , .r awmi". packing plants or other factorte.- ni . ' aises to suit. " " For further particulars call THE CROSSLET CO., 709 Corbett Bids -ni5.X1fPS.FOR THOSE WHO BUT. paUret,cDu!af. 2?3? '? " bw? i en-room bungalow, modern and lh a luarter block of ground- two i-1$Vrs,ation at Woodstock. Juu Modern 7-room house, piped for f? . and J"u "r ele.triclty; loxlOO feet i-.5om, Mt" Scott i;ar line en roT,nYter ?Iock- n,oe lawn a" v-en-room modern house new and complete. THE. Dl. XN-IAWREXCB CO 248 Alder at. AT RIVERDALE. WEST SIDE OF WILLAMETTE Jour. ,ult lots- e-room house, modern Z wSf" porcelain bath. abSnd oo brarfinn;e V&'oE fartTc'uaree4001 '"S THE CROSSLET CO.. 09 Corbett Bldg. ,3blarTnaRf?,HMS- moup- 100x100 lot. 20 caHine ,ml Sma" truit- 1 "lock 140-f o5o5tlotr0imSi ra.od.e. "'eh terrace, distance: easy1 terms" C WalklnB of n22,0xlFohJ 7 rooms." modern. S blocks raTrSr l0t' alIe a,- F. M. CRAWFORD & CO suite 420 Swetland Bldg merfaSn.,,,le ''"f "'!?':: ?- for mine: time u e3 It i b ocas fTom vt;itrn'Ver3lt5r Park- 2 lo's 1" heart of Un jerslty. worth flooo. will take br,o"2 blocks aH- . Nwaey Beach, lot now seml V i "-n'-ur &?0l rhonesr ACREAGE. doo.", Z,,11" fln?sl P'ees of acreage out doois. all In cultivation: some fruit- nil trim' c'i ya,mu'dlnS a"u ma L,m ,y !lmit on level road; handy to 5n .."oh?01- "tores and tehuxchei: will sea pn easy terms to the party who wants improve or trade (or U resfdence." ' HENKLE & HARRISON, all Gerllnger Bldg. MOUNT TABOR. trT "l0Pe 7"room modern bungalow. E. 60th and Belmont. $4200; 1 lot adjoin ing, above J1700; good terms. aQJom p 7JX i: ,2odern 8-room house; near terma Taylor. 4000; good Txr ..? W- P" LAND CO.. Waiting-room. 1st and Alder. A SURE. SAFE AND, SANE INVESTMENT. ' If you cannot look affr this 1 tars and guarantee It to net you 10 ner bu" h"e Snd"f1,H0' th.e LeaBe c.nf.? Duy the land and put the property In its present condition for lesi than tSsoEl and w 607 Commercial bids " cir l and -Vash. sts. J. M. French & Co. WEST SIDE FLATS. alwav,' soeantl,ard new' ,w-nanted and .taa so. this is riaylng well and th. rent can be increased ; this place is closl ' not for trlnera. Hi-NKLE & HARRISON. oil Gerllnger Bldg. . A FINE ACRE. c??r. "room house, within 6 blocks ot carllne a snap buy at 2st. J.-.OO down. SW Eh r-HEAD-LEMCKE 14 Fifth Street. Main 61S0 A 62il7 SUBDIVISION ACREAGE. 3S acres near carline for onlv SS5 per ReiriTA "V"11 J.r P'a"ins. adjoining acrefe selling for J2.0 per acre. 14 ZIMMERMAN. 6-1 Board of Trade Bldg Bho't-rw0aIt,er0W.fAr; SaVe """"Mission; 6 rooms. woodllft. nice porch, south front- take lot wIrPort;E.-f0-rJermS- KlnB- B?oad or hi 84J. Oregonian. r(lnSUli;,A:. heautlfully situated comer. 53x -v.VwwV V', ciear. o-room house, sbnfbbery, fruit trees, rose.; wlUHn walking distance; room for flats; value 000- w7ll 5h torT-30- 81,1 E- Yaml" Tioiwr -5th. Phone E. 1659. F SALE RT OWNER, ton- 55 h"s ".eva,d corner lot 45x 1K. graded sireets. cement walks citv w-ater; small house and shed: 12 mln car ride. AD 84. Oregonian. 6 ACRES. CHEAP. Near Kelly Butte, on Powell Valley rosd level, m second growth, flne soil I-5 rer acre. Juo the tract. J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber of Commerce. "Jr?5 Voar wlth 3 '"W. ham. garden and fruit trees: East 12th one block to0'.neCar""ei his ls an ""en? clmm-e m chaEh ome: prlce t;i600- half cash. 4ltt Chamber Commerce. DIRT CHEAP. Modern S-ro"m houee. 60x100 corner owner going to Callrorr.la; l block from car: no better buy offered: only $2S0O Call mornings, room 516 Abington bldg ' IRVINGTON QUARTERS vo nave several choice quarter block In Irvington at attractive prices. H. P. - PALMER, 213 Commeicial Club Bldg lO ACRES well improved on Base Line road near Montavllla: win . J. as pa.t pav. " v'v Pe"y LIND & HIC.LET. 132 Third st. ,Fli corn-'- lo'- Bood 6-room house; has to he seen to be appreciated. 30th and East Rurnslde. s SIX. Oregonian A BARGAIN IOOx-IOO Irvington corner; . ... .-,ullaffl pavement in on Ro'hch.Vbfdr 1ot: liberai terma- 600 FtrR. P--l-E Modern 5-room bungalow, fin. U . '"ln"' "oors. fireplace, cement base- targe attic. Owner no e gents. $4.i.0. 7S.-. K. Salmon. B 2t:!.s 2 A "RES jn Milwaukee. Or.: all knd. of fro t mi.t ,.-iA. . L s..iiu ot , -. . ...r-i..m nouse and out- .VwaTle. 'or""" AWr"S R" E" . IRVINGTON LOTS One of the finest corners and Inside lots in Irvington for sale by owner very cheap" no agents. V 853. Oregonian. HOLLADAY RESiDEXCE. ,11 Tifr n!ar '-arllne, containing all the latest Improvements, for S6DOO worth s:;oo. V 857. Oreeonian. -o. 7i 711 Snsp; 4-room rlastered house 2 lota. reet graded: ML Scot carllne: parT cash baj. ear terms. 221 ti Morrison Main CALIFORNIA bungalow, new. modem, fur Ph'gne ErsJxn4Ul'he,1; OPPOalta SOUTH yORTLANP 5-room cottage- frao. corner, near Falling School; snap; 2&io. Stark- HW-HALF BLOCK and good house. East -1st st. Terms. J. p. Compton. 100 Abington bldg. BARGAIN Must sell by Tuesday a choice corner. il. 13th. near Columbia. 11--VM. Owner. F 7 Si. Oregoniax ' OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. I I i r-.-vt r,- 1 I r,. 1 FOR S4ir ri. . MODERN" HOMES AT SACiaPlCES. - ot ij, . 1 r..i , oign of Horeeab r.-. .... 5-516 Abington Blrtg. ci ,1 modern home, corner Hassalo. ek.se in. 10 rooms. 6 bedrooms hot water heated, garage, very modern ." .,1m,. modern. high pari E. Taylor corner furnace, laundry, bath. 2 tolleti; w. Jrr.P "arSe for -ar. Easily It jhmt '""a and "' Sacrtflce pirk'ii'i1 neW- mod" '!. Walnut f . fireplaces. 2 toilets, large roonss eaet facing, will seU very cbeap ' I... me- Mt- Tbor. t rooms, with loox onkd reet. Will sell thia place ioTntefe.tf- W'U il"d!e- M-Kieru 8-room house. Sunnyslde- owner J -l'oia: beautiful lawn, gar! Gen and flowers. r' a11 Holladay bungalow: owner gone to Chicago; very modern, new. never been occupied: will sell les than owner kfe .1 oontrac';: ? . built-in wrin klea and novelties; cheapest bungalow In Holladay; price 4760. n HEILMA.N & LATHROP 615-&16 Abington Bldg. tSlgn of Horaeahoe. IRVINGTON HOMB. Fine neighborhood; lot Soxloo. with lawn, roses fir. fruit and shade trees; new. mod ern six-room house, cement basement, fur nace, large fireplace, fine eieeping porta ciatj. ""H,; term; mUBt be seen to appre A CHEAP HOMH. Five rooms; lot 75x100, garden, shrubbery. roses, frujt trees; a finehome for the monev; E-...'f.rin flve blocks from carline; Seiti 0 ca."h. talanoe monthly pay- J. P. FORD AGENCY. 613 Board of Trade Bldg. . Main 2657. A 2657. hfi? w Du.n&alow with nice reception hall, fireplace in parlor, very large porch, cement basement and all modern conven- c.lmeiLt "ioewalks. also cement walks around the house, eewer in and paid fr nice chicken park and a few fruit trees 111 'CO Io.catlon. one block from Union ave., near shaver; piloe only $2700 half cash; owner wants to leave city and la v, ,h l ,eacrlflce- Ca'l and let i ahow ou the place. A map. Kauflmann & Moore. 326 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAINS. 1 on Heights Terrace Drive; unobstruct ed view; nice place for $4500: terms J on Chapman st 300O; terms 1 on Chapman St.. $4000: terms EQUITY INVESTMENT CO Suite 508 Gerllnger Bldg. A MODERN 6-room home on Improved street in built-up locality; 12S50. terms , HARTMAN- & THOMPSON, Crfamber of Commerce. & BLOCK CHEAP. No better buy ln the city; this Vi block lies between Union ave. and Williams: suitable for flat or could build 4 houses on this bringing ln good Investment ; no better Investment open to the Investor: owner wants money for business. Call 516 Abington bldg. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU ? 6 lots, 33 1-3x100, Portinoutli, $2100; lots, $1000; 2 lots on corner with cottage. $1500; also 10,000 square feet in University Park for $000. Must have money immediately. Owner, AF 744. Ore gonian. GOOD 8-room house on Alder St., near 20th has bath, pantry, cement basement, fur nace; full size lot with bearing fruit trees, flowers, garden and lawn; ln hlgh J'.wT. reaid?n: district and a bargain at 5.5, -J;alt. casn; Green-Whitoomb Co.. -43fr Washington st. Main 8033. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine building sites, nearest points, over looking entire city; only 6 blocks to Mult nomah grounds. See those beautiful bunga low sites for $1500, worth $2500. Price will be advanced after this week sure JESSE HOBSON, 603 Corbett Bldg. BAD LUCK Compels me to sell my 7-room. well-finished modern residence, with full brick base ment, on 60xl00-foot comer lot. with fruit S. . lmD,'o.v6d streets, good car cervlce. minutes from heart of city; price $270O liberal terms. Phone Sellwood 1242 Nloo' fertctly,'noaern 8-room house, lot 75x .".-uv.uu, KiuH. to car lot ls worth $900 and house cost $1800; if sold at once, win take $23oo and give easy terms, as owner la going away. Call 613 Chamber WR?H?USHI. OR FACTORY SITE on rail- road, rlnca in Ti'asf ciu. , . .. . 1 - II 0U(3t H.OOUT. ill I II X J 1 pr ce $800. only $3000 to handle; como,r, price per square foot with other prices. st,r,enet?em"-4aLOSan- MAKE MONET. 6-room 2-story house, corner lot, 60xl0O b. E. cor. E. 31st and Hnvt; 150 feet from proposed carllne; price. $2900. J. J. OEDKR. -or. Grand Ave. and H. An ken y. CLOSE IN. WALKING- DISTANCE, COR NER LOT Vful Jcornpr for bungalow; owner intended building. but has other Plans: will sell corner at sacrifice Phone East or B 1894. No agents. ' PI?J"D.,?F!?H.'!:S--Un!,urIaseea view; Height; lots 60X1OO? price' very reionTb" and terms easy. R. F. Bryan. 605 Chani ber Commerce. Main 1963, A 1227 SteI ming distance, nice homes, 6 rooms, $3000: 6 room. $3600- 6 rooms. $3750 ; 8-room, modern, $45O0. Some of these are on very easv terms L1ND St HIGLEY. 132 Third' st f COME In and see our list of small acre tracts and farm lands wn. . . cheap places Also a fine list of 5 and 6-room houses In all parts of the city. PalmT& Co.. 204 Abington bldg. Phone Main 8147. FOR SMALL HOMES Bee SWEET-HE AD-t.EMC'KJU. 20O to select from. 146-V, Fifth .-'t. M. 6880. A 6267. IF TOU WANT ,r . $S5 lou for 500 "ach, all r I1 mlm" of the postofflce, on t.ast Slile. answer this ad and I will n-iv. full particulars. H So4. "oregonian. B EAST SIDE PROPERTY Then you want to buy or sell East Side property, see J. J. ODDER. Cor. Grand Ave, and il Ankeny. MODERN 6-room hous. full lot, concrete basement, nice lawn. bath. gas. built-in ch na closet, woodllft. $2500: 765 cash balance $20 month. Owner. 477 Florence' Phone Woodlaw-n 1142. 2-STORY house ln Ladd-s Addition: 8 rooms Urff. ... e,.1. l .. . , 1. , j.j 1 U"T large porches. splendid view, lot 40x128: price SSUOu terms. SPENCER : CO.. 102 Second st. KENTON". Very desirable residence pro-,erty 100 X1O0. at a cash price that will double your money in less than six. months. Owr.er. v 8..0. Oregonian. FULL lot and small house, renting for $1" i..r,? ave-. between Meagly and Beech; ui! or casn. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. A-N.VP 50 acres on Estacada carline, near Halley station; 4 acres In cultivation, bal- ana can &? easily cleared. Price $200. Terms, if desired. Phone E. 1821. $750100x100 Riverdale. near Durham.. x- -c '"wi'wu. win nandle. balance 5 y ea rs. THOS. M'CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. $2100 New modem S-room cortege, on 7t1i. near -,ii.cria. iivuu casn. balance easy D. C. Rogers. 615 Rothchild building. $2500 New. modern 5-room cottage. Sunny- -' .uui, ,er-- easv terms; an Improvements ln. C 856, Oregonian. 4-room house. 2 lots, 68xlOO. E. 16th St.. Ver- " ". -....J -"-,' . it uown. j. j. oeder. cor. Grand ave. and B, Ankeny. FLATTING proposition. S or 6 acres. Ban- .vwu. ncci nanwar Aaoirion. 750 per acre. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce, 50x100. CORNER. bltulithle pavement choice East Side location; terms; this is a. oi.u. sib, oregonian. IRVINGTOH, 60x100. east front, only $1200, , ; v ' - ' .1.3. suKy. jaa. C- --""' o- vvasningLon st. room 415. $3000. HALF cash, buys good 7-room house. Morrison t. , room 9- M BLOCK. West Side, 3 business houses on It: revenue-producer: $32,000. T 854. Ore- SM ALL house and lot. Kem Park. $000; - -...c t in in ii ot ir-aa Mas. tlSSQ TWO small houses, lot 50x1'JOl 770 APRIL ion?. $60.000 Half block on R. R.. with ware-?-e?;,iUpay 8 or 1 Pr cent net. Po,rtlanTHalt b'OCk n " - h .j-12049 Corner, North Portland, rented net15'00 East Side, corner. 7ti per cent J17.000 100X100. 13th St.. south of Mor rison; nne apartment site. $11.500 Business building. East Slde good income. $10.500 100x100. East Side, near Steel bridge. $10.500 100x100 on R. R. North Port land. $000 .House and full lot. Harrison st ; good t-crms on this. $500 Flats. Nob Hill. 10 per cent net. $11.500 10-room house. Marshall st. $9500 9 -room bouse. Marshall St. 5 and 10-acre tracts, part of Ladd and P.eed farm, near Carlton, $75 to $100 per acre. THOS. M'CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. A NIFTY, SNAPPY BUNGALOW designed ln the MISSION COLONIAL ORDER, .with 5 rooms, bath and Dutch Colonial Kitchen, full basement, double exterior walls, double hard wood floors, beamed and paneled celling and walls, fireplace, china closet, art glass windows, window seats and flower boxes, broad veranda, en ameled and nickel-plated bathroom fix tures, wood hoist, 3-way flush switch, electric wired and gas service; will guar antee the construction of this bunxaiow. complete by first-class carpenters for $iw)n. Plans and specifications can be seen at the otTice of the designer, H. M. Fancher, architect, r.17-519 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. A SWELL BUMGALOW. Full lot; 5 fine big rooms, hardwood floors, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitch en, fireplace; everything strictly modern; fine location; $1000 will handle this bar gain. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. Suite 508 Gerllnger Bldg. WE have 1 or more lots In Waverly hav ing a north and west outlook over the city, graded streets ana cement sidewalks, sewer and water system complete, 2 blocks from 2 carllnes, that we will-build mod ern homes on for any party, or parties, having $500 or more to make the first payment, the balance can be paid at any time or In any way to will purchaser. Call at 517-519 Lumber Exchange bldg., or phone Main 3917. HOME TOO LARGE. With beautiful roses, small and large fruit, elevated corner, fine view, 7 rooms and reception hall, furnace, bath. 2 toilets; buy now, get benefit of garden and fruit; place easily worth $5000; will sell for $4500. Phone East or. B 1894. 9-ROOM line home near Broadway, $6000; 8-pootn modern house, near car In Vernon, $25oO; house and two Iols $8O0, easy terms; 12-room modern house. West Sl.le $50o0: 6-roomed house. ' all modern, full' corner lot. near Hawthorne. $2500. Multnomah Investment & Realty Co. $3000 FOR $2500. The best residence buy in Portland to day; seven-room modern house on elegant East Slae corner; well worth all of $3tK.0: for quick sale owner wiil accept $2500 See us at once. MOULTON 4- SCOBET. 816 Board of Trade Bldg. SNAP $J 400 cash, secures new bunga-iowj 4 rooms and bath, all latest, modern conven iences, a beauty, located on high, sightly lot. near. Ainsworth ave., overlooks new city park site, sacrifice to quick buver. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Washington street, room 415. 101 ACRES on the beach between Tillamook arM Nelialem Bays; the finest piece of acreage on this beach with fresh running water; the railroad runs through this land; on the market for a short time at a low figure. Call 410 Falling bldg. FOR SALE Two lots on .Tarrett and Pat ten avenue, $600; one lot at Woodlawn, $300; four lots at Arbor Lodge. $250; fur niture of 12 rooms, paying well, close in; terms, cheap: come and see. 355 Salmon st. Phone Main 3961. MODERN 7-room house, almost new, beautiful lawn, close to car, fine electric fixtures; price reduced to ?2600; Just a small pay ment down; would accept lot as part pay ment: owner la leaving city. Call 618 Cham ber Commerce. $600 CASH buys my new. beautiful $4000 modern residence, reduced to $.i50 If Bold at once; close to "high and grammar sch..ols and three carllnes: nrst-cias- neighborh. $ d Call Woodlawn 31 or S04 Haight ave. Owner. LOT, with new 8-room modern bouse, Sun nyslde. 3 blocks from Belmont car, $3000, of which 1-3 may be vacant lot in ex change and balance $2000 in monthly payments of $25. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. vVHY pay rent? Own your own home on less than you pay for rent. Wc have some choice small homes In best district on East Side that you can buv on easy terms. Call 26 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d st. IRVINGTON We have several choice corners ln Irv ington at the right prices. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. SUNNYSIDB. Fractional corner lot. 6 rooms, recep tion hall and bath, new, modern, for sale by owners 307 Board of Trade. ACRE tract, lies fine, good soil, on 16-minute car ride. 6-cent fare; a -bargain at $S(H on terras to suit you. M, E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. BARGAIN $500 buys lot 50x100, on East 26th st., near Clinton, adjoining carline; easy terms. B. J. Gelser, 221 & Morrison street. $SOO BUYS a very choice acre tract on the West Side: hantly to carline, 6-cent fare; ideal for home or investment; easy terms' M. B. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. i a triifiB. new modern, o-room bunga low, warm and sightly. 1 block from car East Xlst l Plinna 3.i,iriav 1 Sellwood S1G. ' ALBERTA SNAP GOING EAST Dandy modern 6-room home, half block to car. S2250; terms. Courtola, 1033.East 29lh North. ADJOINING Woodstock, sloping west, over looking tlio city. 9 acres at $1000 per acre: the last acreage in this lncaliiv The Queen Investment Co., 410 Failing bldg. FLAT building. 4 apartments, eay walking distance. West Side; over lo per cent net ..n price asked; no agents. 408 Macleay bldg , A COZY 6-room bungalow, on the river bank WlUamette station. See the owner. East BEAUTIFUL homeslte, on carllne, only minutes out: price. CO; $S25 cash wurhan dle. P. O. Box 276. Portland. LOT 204x208, 5-room house, good, bam $3.".0O; fine residence district. East Side' AE 744. Oregonian. K140A) fi-ROOM plastered house, barn; flne improved place; will rent for $15. 029 Meridian street. Montavllla. 7-ROOM bouse, modern. Rodney near Tilla mook ; $ 1200- UNO A ITIGLET, 1.12 Third St. A HOME in Irvington: if you are looking fora home ln Irvington phone owner, C 60x100 CORNER on Overton St.; improvements psld- price, $6150. H cash; no agents. Owner. 4u8 Macleav bldg. 6 FINE IRVINGTON IX1TS. JIOOO each easy terms, large profit assured. Jap. c. Logan 326S Washington St., room 415.' $12.500 9-room residence, Portland Heights sll modem Improvements; view of entire city. c 833, Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-room house, one acre b'ock from carllne: $2.V0. worth $.J5oo. Bennett & Wells. Stewart station. Phone Tabor 660. MODERN 7-room house, near good carllne $400 cash and balance at $10 per month' Call 410 Failing bldg. FCR SALE! One acre. CasUlloa Rubber. 2 years old. $250. Address Box 8K7 st John, Or. MOST Ideal home. 6 rooms, 100x100 fruit and berries. $2200 today. Owner. Phone Sellwood 1047. IRVINGTON 50x100. close ln. $1550" must sell immediately. Owner. L 847. Oregon ian. MAR the Steel bridge, new. modern 7 room house, comer lot. terms Call 410 Falling bldg. IU FOR SALE 5-room modern cottage, fine lo 4ths't. B' 152' 787 EaSt Salmon. "ear SET of new Portland block books chean G 8.10. Oregonian. ONE lot 48x120. good cash bargain Calt Main 882. Sunday A. M. FOR SALE Lot tn Warerlctgh Height' $100 less than atliolnlng lota. East 41oa! I " I AfREAGB. - : " NOB HILL HOMES. s-room new and modern hon,e ce ment basement, furnace, rtrcr-laces and' un-to-datc conveniences: full-sic lot. 50xl,, reel, east front: choi.-e location. 22d at. This Is absrcain and sure to go quick. $,75) S-room modern house, strictly ur-to-aate: o nrenlaces. i-ement basement and furnace; fractional corner lot; good location -4th st.. south of Marshall. 9-room modern home, well planned and convenient, concrete basement furnace and fireplaces; choice location. Johnson st ff-.Ti?- ,?u'lh fro-'t- hard-surface street. ! . 8-r'x"n new and modern dwell, ng choice location, near 24th and Marshall- con crete basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood trim' "C': ,ul,-'Ie Iot. feet. no:th JAMES J. FLY NX, 612 Chamber of Commerce. . 5-ROOM NEW COTTAGE. lnil?..ca-''t, P mo-: PrK" tl: lot ,. : t-ast Sfd'- 2 blocks from Mt. Scott carllne: house is nicely finished ins Me hav ing china closet. h.,t and cold water nor iV.a j ba,h- '""'- lights, sink. narVirv with drawers, large porch ln fr.,nt and i.an ... . baok: ' homo and cheap; beau tiful location. We have several others H. W. GARLAND 4- CO.. 191 4lh st $10 DOWN. $0 per month, lots 45x100. 2 block, from car; nice location; price $:t50 EQUITY INVESTMENT CO Suite 508 Gerllngor Bldg. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Modest home at a modest price. The neighborhood Is exceptionally choice- two a-,.',ne" Kwltb"l na!f a olock. S-minute service, house has 5 rooms and basement. ?i soli order, and the prio ls J1600 tl a?h- 15 pr month. Call 4S3 Cham ber of Commerce. IRVINGTON". We have a number of rlrst-class. residence properties ln this desirable district. Phone us for Interview. SWEET-HE AD-LEMCKE, 1461-i Fifth st M. 66S0. A 6267 WEST SIDE 6-ROOV. COTTAGE. III sell at once m 6-room furnished cottage; close In. waiting distance, near Morrison St.; rent is only $23 per month: J-ll ready to move into; will sell at sacri flce, $C50. Call 616 Abington bldg. STRICTLY A-l residence In Holladav Addi tion; lot 75x100: eight large room.: all modern conveniences; price $9000; terms Come to the Office. , NORTH PACIFIC TRUST CO., and 8 Commercial Club Bldg.. 5th & Oak XEW COTTAGE. $1650. 6 rooms, large corner lot. at Archer Sta- Iin-.,i o',' car: S5 cash- balance monthly; 2 blocks from car. Call 315 -ouch bldg. or phone A 1506. FOR SALE BY THE OWNER 6-room house. Just completed, modern in every way: located on East Davis near -2d streets; price $S600. H. Gordon. 332 toherlock bldg. $d..O LOT 50x100 on Ivanhoe st.. St. John, near good residences; handy to school and not far from. car. Owner. A 822. Ore gonian. ' .modern T-room bouse on East 17th full basement, lot 50xlO; price S290O $hoo cash, balance easy SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second St. 3?!?"F1nest cornr on the East Side. 60xlO0. lth, near Hawthorne ave. This Is a bar! 8?4?' BandolPh. 204 Abington bldg. Main A BEAUTIFUL 8-room home for sale by owner at a bargain. 730 Broadway. In quire at house; terms. CORNER LOT in good residence district, East Side. $1400. Owner. D 850. Orego- B1sv0rinh.OU"2 ?r "2.le cheap: on Union axe carllne; hot and cold water. AC 8o7, Oregonian. 6"?J0PMeJ-J,"'-.,lVilIan,M, Heights, on oar line. $4;.00; $17W cosh. Ll-N'l HIGLEY. 132 Third St. SMALL river steamer, good condition, fine excursion boat; a snap. AD S33. Ore gon inn. 'yR SALE TIMBER IAXD. , . SAWMII.I, WITH 100 MILLION FBET OF TIMBBR. Brand-new. modern sawmill with a capacity of over lOO.OOO feet per day. together with timber land, located on Puget Sound, where vessels load at the dock, and has side track age in the yard of three of the largest trans continental railroads ln the country. For full particnlars. address ALRERT C. PHILLIPS : CO.. Udellty Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. - MT SPECIALTY. Bawmllls ana sawmill locations. Any l J15 ,fom $500 to S50-0"". Can secure 3 to 12 months' contract for your out put; now is the time to get in while you "S b7dg.re ,n,p' :- c- Sbay- 816 Ab,h- TIMBER LANDS. foJrL.'1 T .d?'8 1 can on"er . 000.000 feet of good timber, well located, for $4.", - W -f' 1 Part or ail. I 'also have other good buyB that you should Investi gate before Investing C. J. M'CRACKEX. 304 McKay Bldg. LrJElrteen million feet fir and cedar timber. 20.000 capacity sawmill, combina tion yard and skid donkey, two teams and wagons. 6..000.000 feet timber convenient to mill on wtream, can be logged. AF 722 Oregonian. . ' TIMBER LANDS OREGON WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Ch.cn go. New Orleans. Seattls. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. TIMBER CLAIM in Tillamook County, near svr-,rmsy: eBS"y -'ceIO'; heap. on AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 20 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER. -760 acres, cruising about I38.OOO.000 ery accessible, for onlv $40 per acre ZIMMERMAN. ' 6-1 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON TIMBER & CRUISING CO INC Tim1'i.'Jc,i:"JM' timber bought and sold'." Timber lands cruised and certified re Ports furnished. "M re 517 BOARD OF TRADE BI.DO. 25.000.OOO FEET yellow fir stream, for sale or trade for income prone-try; you can treble your monev T.rT Vtf- timber very quickly. See .,wr,.- . 7, ;herlock bldg. "f flr- '" P thousand. "laim-.R, vreson earn- logeinsr to Mt t-- m $10 per ACRE 2to acres tlmberland Crook we ? JV, rfy '"KKK to stream. -North-Wng' M -5, ;- 5- lM"'b" Fxchanse IXfo;EbI.AD.HKE.S5J.K.8-Se. us Iinqul.'.ments; also farms and fiulta"landa Staples Land Co., 218 Worcester bldg. I HAVE several pieces of city property to exchange for timber: no agents C. C. SHAY. 516 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres timber at bargain for few dars. 4.r0. to 5.0.K1 .On- town 3 south, range S west. AF 71.1. Oregonian.' W?r.e h'alq.iarter. for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds t.-.J L Stampher 531-33 LumbeVnExchage''ab:dg 2" Sf SXr??1..00""" tnr "' 'heap. THE MAI -HOLLAND COMi'ANY, INC 626-627-628 Corbett Bldg. P?fcn'RSonVrr,ead rellnnulshment; 4.00r.- - cuetx. m .-7, Oregonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. 327 V. ORCESTEK BLOCK. ACBJLHG. H-ACRB tracts, cleared, level, on carllne S miles from Portland P. O.; $400 to 5oo per tract; eaay terms. Room 318 Alisky bldg. 11 ACRES, one mile from "reson Ci'y good soil, running water. $1200. A 84"' Oregonian. 9-ACP.E tract. 1 blocks from Alberta car inquire owner. AC 859. Oregonian. LAN!! for subdividing, near Portland street carline. $7-, acre. AC .::. oregonian. $65010 acr-s. 4 of Vancouver. nillcs east of the center AE 762. Oregonian. IO ACRES nar Portland; $100 an acre 1019 Board of Trade. EXCEPTIONAL BUYS. . .EASY TERMS. a have a tract of 96 acres divided im. thTl?n,a11 :racts at Greenburg Station, oa the Oregon Electric Ry.; $Jw per acre. sju..l. a5""" eight miles out oa the O. W P.--i,J. terms to suit. ' am Tract 'l0"."" chan to buy a choice 10 S P Ai'ir. b"w! the Oregon Eleclric and for $JSi- a r-, w""ln 'our-mlle limu. $! 0l4. . :ins tracts are selling for fiance tlu." '";U ln tratla l su; hoeac7uri5rShn5"?uirr orrchard- -" Kv ,m, - - 6 blocks from O. V. P nMr lxa"a: Price $3500. terms: good "hJSe'plen'" " Bal""nia. Cal.; change foT'dai'.'y farm1"1 " c.T?l:?ST Souse "Ku!:""-: 1S a--" $2tw, tcrnis. - aU!' "". e'e.; from 1-ortland: 250 fruit tree,; $1 mUP" -lr Jor''' "-t Beaverton; t- mil. to r M1S; Wll,"?.' lnSJrali"snd.oltarranSe f0r 'arma- '-J.aV' a Mmi,!r ot mall tracts of f pourtrf u"ab,5 'or small fruit poultrj. Let us show you the rivmer-v f com and rroperty. L1St 'slvEETLEOK'r W- 146U, Mfth subset. ' , Oom ai'rM no"h for a big Income, vome ln and see these tracts MURDOCK & YOUNG. 4H Buchanan Bldg. ELEGANT SUBURBAN HOM'J lprvnFHEi T: 7-room"'hyou "on'Th Si . k. J " barn" and chicken-houses; this is the finest buy on the East Side and can rVec?,M ,K, are near station of Salens. Elect! lc Line not further than a mile: acres, house, barn, fruit. n ranch? hUae' barD' tTUlU 'ooi :ni 10 acres, good garden ground. acres. 5 cleared; house. 29 acres, anicleedfcpart beaver dam. 228 Stark st? -O.-. ,u ACREAGE TRACTS. 4 . 1 havo a few small tracts from I to 5 acres each, on Oregon City carline "uJl Siocm,i.nres;.ra from Portiandblsu: titul location, nigh and sightly- snrii.i n $fSo'hx-t.';,aCt: near' .faP,n! terms. '0l per acre- Ver a'y DE-L1N- & FIREBAUGTI S10-611-612 Swetland bldg. 5 ACRES. On Milwaukle line, mile from n,.i. mas station, can be purchased I $ 1, cneap: 5VsoDsellB.tU,,elKhborin 'a'd; wPl also sell cheap a 5-aere tract near Game., ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE 10 acres of the finest upland soil on. mile from station, on Oregon City car line' 3M per acre; terms can be arranged. DELIN &. FaUEBAUGH 510-511-012 Swetland bl.ig CA.?.MURT;-1-' and 5-acre tracts, cleared and '"Itivated. high and level, command- clfy-V'eno nnmrUntai"? a,,d a t part f vXl.lS nner ioation for a home in and:J"? better strawberry or vege table land in Oregon; $500 per acre term.. Murphy & Caswell. 230 Btark t ha1-dr'nnT-:LaiCr bsauUful home; 4-room. naro-flnlhed house; water piped in tb. or ani fi,""ed; suitable for ohi'oken rancn SL.Mny P"rPoae: must be sold within two .c mount bcott car. "".i8"1 Selon Line road, all slashed fermsPart cleaI'ed- only $200 per" VcVel ''ome to the Office. T .J9HJH PACIFIC TRUST CO. 7 and b Com, club Bldg.. 3th and Oak St.. . THIS IS A SNAP revel' and-,c,earaCrS 11 takea " Ia"d BRONG-STEELB CO H0 2d st. quire s. E. corner HawhM. and Ki at ."tl 4. A'RES, all under cultivation; good 5-room Urfh' barD.' ,cbS?kan-hoU!,e: all fenced? rlSi on the electric lino; 11 miles from PortSnd fjoom 17Chlt,eoden Otto. 2682rk-;t if fcres Bpt out to Jtfnit and walnuts. ' .? Fortland- flno building site" r Jilll sell part of it, 2 or 4 acres near eloc- TVad"118' Wealem Co417 Boaa SUBITRBAN HOMB gNAP SlJU."Vi fnm Mu,tnomah Station, on th fine ind .r,".Yi "-al5"ln. 0n.tiva.O0n: lies brong-stekTco.. no m .t.1 FOR SALE OREGON CAREY ACT PTlo. JHCT 20.Ot ACRia. PARTLY OTPlSI QUIck. G 81fl, ORDGONIAN". ACT? vmS1,''? ln S or 10-acr tracts, finest E'V""1, on R- R- and not far from ffiork '.TL10 100 J""" acre! ItlUH. M CUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. , LOOK HERE. " PrV, . " t-Z. A n."ar Tualatin on railroad. ; A .?' rr':'?;t,Iii0Td'", li T month. A. c. HARRIS, Laurelwood, O, W. P. car. A,,KE"T wo on t8 Oregon City carllne. at TVetzlers Station: 3-room Summer camp .See us. Purse & Co., 818 Chamber Com merce. THREE nrres one mile from 7".-cent car line; flee garden soil. Price $1200 Term. OREGON REALTY CO.. i"rra"- Room 2. Hlcks-Cliatten Bldg. 1S ACRES. Multnomah Station. Oregon Electric, high, sightly, tine soil. $500 cash balance terms. Owner. AE 757 Ore gonian. J? bargains ln acreage or farms in Washington. lit mon and Lane counties The Stroud-FTy Company 619 Lumber Ex change bldg.. Portland, and Reaverton Or READ THIS. 6 acres on eleclric line; all Improved small house and barn. Price, $1500 H S4S. Oregonian. , 20S ACRES of land In the famous Rich land alley tor sale by owner; would a. t-cj.t good income property ..n it or pay dlii.reiic.e. See owner. 441 Sherlock bldg. SIN acres I'i miles from r.-cent carllne level and good soil. Price $2100 Terms ' "IlKUOX REALTY CO """ Roo.n 2. Illcks-Ohatte.11 Bldg. ACRBAUE for sale; have some fine a rena close 10 river, at Jennings lge; take Ore gon city tar to station, see owner. Geo Morse. 1000 ACRES. n.-ar Eugene, fruit or dairy- I KB" of buildings: lot of stock goes- i-'o O'lQ per acre; terms. H 842. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL home, 5 acres cultivated ha-tT rhfcktn-house. well, orchard; no faro, 10 min utes from .'ar. A 825. Oregonisn. lino seres of fine Valley land, well IrnT r0r.'eKinr'o?r' "f acra- Can yoa beat It? , A D 840. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARM A. Jl.Vi-ACRR farm. J2.-.0. half work: V. acres rich loam soil; more two miles, school one mlie. se.wmlll hnif mile. R F I) Mn.l telephone; ir .od river, lots of salmon." large nrcbard. .50 boxes apples last year: fine market: unlimited sh'ep or stock range; furnished house and farm tools 10 stands iT", Addr.ss at once Mrs. Sutton. Coles , alley. Or. FARMING OR DAIRYING 40 acres culti vation. 20 fenced pasture, large outrange; miles Portland, H-mile station. Apply owner, 759 East Couch. Portland. Fore noons and after T:30 P. M . FOL RI.NT House, ham. about 15 acres t-ond r-otaio Ik.1,1 res.ly fo- use about 14 mi.es northwest of porlfHiul Want to hire tenant to clear about 2. a.-res additional land. ;..JO hamber of tJomnicrce. 6 ACRES on Oregon city carline. suitable for chickens or gardening. Anlv m owner. J. F. Davie.. au Charles UoteL ! at ,rtio'i'''T trac". readJ ''T lr:e markt 7 Wr : close to electric line- an r.ng. .lose to city of 17( population "f::u miles troin Portland, one-third m, uaidiu-e to suit. ' A