THE SUNDAY- OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, APRIL, A 1000 mm K V " ffiEW TODAY. i NEW TODAY. I REAL ESTATE DEALEBS. I FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. f . - . i , Eleventh Street "xinn feet on the east Bide of 11th irei. between College and Jack Jon street, whlrh we can sell for 3o00. If taken at once. Fourteenth Street ??fj00 on the we"t 'd of 14th street, between Harrison and. Hall streets; restricted district. Hoyt Street S0100 feet, northeast corner of letn and Hoyt streets; fully im proved and a bargain. Johnson Street 8J t frontage, southeast corner or 25th sc; high and sightly loca tion; Ideal residence site. Lovejoy Street 50x100 feet, between 23d and 24th Jts.; with good 8-rooro house; at a bargain. Marshall Street 40 feet on south side of Marshall "t-, 100 feet east of 20th St.; price only $3500. Northrup Street 611.00 feet on the north side of northrup st., between 25th and 25th sts.; restricted residence dis trict. Overton Street 100x100 feet. cor. 26th atl. for resi dential purposes only: will divide to suit. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 22 STARK STREET. UNUSUAL BARGAIN ONLY $800 DOWN 7-room story - and - a - half bungalow; reception hall, liying-room. dining- room, kitchen, pantry and two bed rooms on first floor, 2 bed rooms above. An ideal home with cement walks, splendid lawn and plenty of roses, etc. AH street improvements in and paid for. Close to car and close in. Priced for im mediate sale at $M100. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 146U Fifth Street. M. fitiSO. A 6267. ACREAGE hc?,.A.,ES--A,I ,n cultivation, lies beautifully, on corner of two 60-ft. streets 1 ,,,-re in raspberries, within iiio, rrom center of city. Price II 100 per acre; cash. 2 ACRKS Very choice land, all in raHpherri.-s. on 60-ft. St.. within SH ml lea from center of city. Price $1000 per acre; . cash. 4H In cultivation 4 rnom house: fine black soil: on electric carllne; close to city. Price $2500. Kasy terms. This la a snap and will last but a few days. w,8AC,?.E'1 An ln cultivation, fine Mack soil, on electric carllne and on rine macadamized road, close In. This 1 a beautiful tract. Price $4600. and can be sold on easy terms. Jordan & Garbade SSaH Washington St. APARTMENT SITES I3TH AD 8 AI.MOX, the S TV cor 100x100; but a stone's throw from the business, district; price reasonable and fsvorp.hle terms. Must act quickly 1TH AND MOSTBOMERY, the S. W or.. 1 lOxlDO: h close-in. sightly local ity, overlooking the entire city. See it and you will be convinced there is nothing better in the city for the monev. RT1I AXD MONTGOMERY, the R. K corner. 100x100; present Improvements askld "bo,l- per cent on price Uelay are dangerous. See us at once. STRONG & CO. Ftaanrlal Agents, 0 Concord Bids;. Capitalists Investors Hameseckers ro ot Overlook Hood River. Opportunities of a lifetime. Bearing; orchards that will earn 25 per cent net. Partly Improved farms that will double In value within three years. Unim proved land that can be devaloped at bin profits. Business Investments un nenrd of before. City property that will pay (rood Interest when Improved. In fart every opportunity for certain profits. Seo us for Hood River propo sition that are sure winners. We tell the truth. J. H. Heilbronner 6 Co. The Reliable Dealer. ROOD lllKK. ORHiON. Platting Proposition 10 acres, 300 feet from carline. ma cadamised county road on two sides; 19 minutes out; $10,000 handles it. The price will advance as soon as cer- lam developments now pending are I made public. BRUBAKEiU BENEDICT 602 McKay Building. Holladay's Addition Tke one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and HOST DES-IRABLE residence property o: the city. EKIUfO IS BCITEVIXO FETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under constructloa and the Im provements gainff on. The Cresoa Real Estata Company GKAND AVB. AND MULTNOMAH ST. ' - r O LADD'S ADDITION The most perfectly appointed resi dence section of Portland. The most perfectly improved. The most complete of modern con veniences. Complete water and sewer systems. Cement walks. Streets all paved with asphalt. Nice and unique park svstem: shade trees in front of everv lot. Wide avenues, with 14-foot alleys in every block. A reasonable building restriction. Only 20 minutes' walk to business district of citv. llany new homes now building. Don't fail to see LADD'S ADDITION when looking for a homesite. Liberal terms to homebuilders. Terms, if wanted; 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent month, 6 per cent interest. Abstract showing perfect title; full warranty deed given. For full particulars call on F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. PORT ORFORD ORCHARD TRACTS Planted arid - cultivated for 4 years at $200 per acre. A .small cash pay ment and the balance monthly secures an inde pendent home and comfort able income for life in a cli mate that cannot be ex celled on the entire Pacific Coast. THE LEE-BOWLER CO. 303 to 313 Abington Bldg. Both Phones. West Side Business Property $220,000 Waterfront. 200x216, between Mad ison and Steel bridpes. Terms. $35,000 Improved property in heart of the city. $100,000 Quarter block, improved property. THE LEE-BOWDLER CO. 303-313 Abington Bldg. SAVE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Seven-room modern house on ele gant East Side corner. S2500 This property is worth $3000 of any man's money. For a few days only. M0ULT0N8 scobey 913" Board of Trade Building. OIT.HT TO INTEREST A FARMER, Here is ten acres of good soil, eisln In cultivation, and two acres nice younfc timber; Rood house and barn, two ftood rhicken-houes; fine prlng and a gooi well; C bearinir fruit trees, half acre raspberries; land is hlirh and sifrhtlv. Two miles from Oregron City. Price 12000. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO, SIT Orea-omiaa Bl. FOR SALE: "HtLCVOX LODGE," SMside collate of the late t". W. Knowles. Iarite house, strounds. wiile veranda, ftrenlace. bath, steel rinjc, furniture, dishes, linen. Addresa MRS. C. V. KNOW LBS, Seaatrie, Oregon. F. Abraham. 205 A binr-T nn bid. Vmtn - . Andrews.F.V. A Co. il. 3349. 30 HtmUwn br Baker. Alfred A., lis Abington bide.' Beck. William G...312 Failing bldg Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bide. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay big. M 54S Chantn u.lnw --, 1 - - - . 1 v.uatuvo umiuvm COOK. B. S. Co.. 603 Corbett bids: Fields. C. E. Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co, Main lftS- 209 Oregonian. I-ee. M. E-. room 411 corbett hid. Parrlsh. Watkins A Co.. 230 Alder st Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. club bldg. Schalk. Geo. D.. 264 Stark St. Main or A -39a Sharkey. J. p. 4 Co.. 122H sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) Waddel. w. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. Tl w 9T li. ti -. v. , . FOB SALE RKAL ESTATE. MOORE A HALL, 612 Abington Bldg. Phone M. 802. EAST SIDE BARGAINS. 2100 for 6-room house S3o0 down. -&,tO for ti-room housed $5t) down. SSud for ft-room house. $1000 down; bal-aji-e can be paid same as rint. These houses are all modern throughout; cement basement, etationary waahtubs, . wood lifts ; location the best, near 34th end Hawthorn 5O0 DOWN" AND J25 PER MONTH For the greatest buy we have yet offered: new two-story six-room house, modern throughout; reception hall, parlor. din!r,g- uu caoinei aitcnen on nrst floor, three large, light bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; cement basement, atlou ary washtubs and furnace; this bauti'u', Iioroe Is in a good location on the East Side surrounded toy houses, of the same class and only one-half block from the streetcar; there is not another place In the city that can touch it for the money; $3160 will buy It on above named terms. .. 50 IOWX. $20 PER MONTH TM11 buy a $27O0 bungalow, modern ln every way. with fine steel range and cur tains Included; parties leaving city; must We have a large list of" houses and lots ln all parts of the city. Come end see us MOORE & HALL. SI 2 Ahingtoj Bldg. Phone M. 802. THE swellest bungalow (3 rooms), and the finest four lot3 in East Portland at a bargain tespecially built for Eastern Ore gon man); he isn't after money, but wants the place sold right away; the contract price on house was $1565 and the i2ur lot" cost hlm S"0; he will take 21.0 and will take very email first pay ment down and balance either by month or by the year: take M-V car. get off t Villa ave. and Hihbard and walk 5 blocks east (house stained dark green) -owner's son there from 1 to 4 o'clock today A LITTLE BEAUTT. New 8 room bungalow, large plate-glass mirror in reception hall, built-in china cLpset. window seat, plate rail, opening be tween dining-room and living-room, full cement basement, laundry tray; electric light and gas; Improved street a peach $850 JSOO cash, balano? $26 per month and Interest. Come today. Hawthorne Realty Co., E. 34th and Hawthorne: T. 51$ SNAP. $700 Full lot. aoth and Holladay; $50 down, balance monthly. EQUITY INVESTMENT CO, Suite 508 Gerllnger Bldg. CAN you beat It? lOOxioO near Killings worth, $1100; easy terms. block, with 6-room modern bouse, near carline, only J17U0; easy terms. $o00 cash and $0 a month buys well furnished 5-room house, full lot. Goldschmtdl's Agency, 253 U Washlng- ton street. 2 GRAND SUBURBAN HOMES. W have for sale at very cheap prices 5 beautiful homes close to carline. TneAe nomes are large, with lots of rrounil ffnd fruit, garden and magnificent foliage; no rrettier places offered anywhere; will sell Liieiu at suci ince. HEILMAN & LATHROP 51 Abington Bldg. fl-ROOM modern house, with lot. Union ave., Holladay's Addition; occupant would rent 6 months at $25 per month; walking distance to West Side; good future for in crease: $3500. $1500 cash, balance 2 or 3 years on mortgage. CULVER, tj2:t chamber of Commerce. MtKB YOUR WANTS KNOWN We have that house you've been looking or. GET OUR LISTS. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, 14i4 Fifth st. , M. 6080. A 6267. 2 ACRES, with nice B-robm house, close to car, nice fruit and berries; very fine place ior coicKens: only t-iuu; win exchange for modern cottage close in and assume some difference; thie la a snap. Call r13 Chamber commerce. CUOSE IN, WALKING DISTANCE. COR NER LOT. Beautiful corner for ewell bunsralow owner Intended building. but baa other plans; will sell corner at eacriflc. Phone -fc-itst or a liH4. ?o agents. NEW BUNGALOW. Built for a home; owner left city; 6- i uim. iiiducm ; locaieu it.. ot n St.. in IfawthornB Place: first -class car nrvlc: price $25O0; terms. Frank I. Ball. 701 PAY RENT to yourself; six-room bungalow on full lot, with plenty of shade and beau tiful unobstructed view; tmail payment lanes equity, oaiance pavment rent, owner Main l!i3, A 127. FORCED SALE, owner leaving city 5-room moaern cotiae. nice yard, with nice fur niture. Trice, $2400 for both, eaay terms. F. J. STBIXMETJ! & CO., 193 Morrison St. $650 Two fine lots ln tunnel townsite Add., $2.r.O cash, balanoe reeular contract. !ui a month. These are right ln the path of i ne srei t n mps noing on tne iJen insula. u. ti-ogcrs. m; K,otnomid building. FOR PALE BY THE OWNER. Iot on Eaftt Main street this side of R6th rtret. In Sunny si do; f ar-es south ; price for a few days. $775. Call on H. Gordon, 40 ACRES unimproved, 3H mt!s from Tazadero, Clackamas County; ideal land. .or appie; price jizu per acre, o 802, Ore jronian. WEST SIDISv no brtdtrew" tn r-nam $-2im. cash; nice 5-room cottage on Jiiuiiimn fi.. S. IUI! DBSeilinnt. LIXD A HHiLEY. Third st. NEW modern 4-room bungalow, -with Int. 2 blocks from Be car; an ideal place for .-iiii-n-ni.. r none louay r,ast oWlS. MOD day.-Main 2218. IF you contemplate buildingr and ant to save some money or borrow some, see RandvMph & Hayes. Architects and Builders. 2u4 Ab ington bldg. tlino ( large rooms in fine addition, lot 40 by 1(1,1. lots of fruit, 43(i down, bal ance fir. per month. 341 East 81st st Montavilla car. MODERN house. 6 rooms, comer, fine view roses and lawn, concrete walks and full basement: price tluOO. N Soli, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. S lot j near Arleta choolhouse. ST50. C. J. Slmonson. 734 Kearney st. 100 Seven lots, house and orchard. Mar quam Hill. Newton McCoy, room T15 Ore gonian l.ldg. NO objection to colored folks for mv good -room house: very easy terms "M " V O. box 178. city. 60x100; GRADED streets, city water- "O SMlVTh f.t0mMalny:s&l7S U,ck -l NEW. modern -room house, also new bun "ub": 'UA '0t' W" A" Taylur 4151 Com- BARGAIN, choice Irvtngton lot. south of Knott St.; easy terms. AC 6o2. Oregonian. SIGHTLY Raleljrh stneet lot; very beat bar gain in this locality. Owner. Main 2018. 6-ROOM modern house. lot 60x100 East Side, tsaco. X ?5l. Oregonian. gir.SO CASH Choice quarter. N. W. cor 12th and Going sts. Phone East 4(3. BARGAIN 6-room house, comer Jot, 1 block from car- Tabor 200. LOT. near 247 East Everett; barrmin tf sold at once. AC 856. Oregonian. $3000 8-room house. 14 acre ground. Mount Scott carline: Archer Place. Tabor 130. 100x100. Thompson St.. corner 9th: will di vide: terms. Main 6942. ili'.HTLT -om-r lot. East 2th St., lSoO from owner. G S."S2. Oregonian. V, BIXX'K in Woodstock, li:o; terms. X 80. Oregonian. - n.,- 1 " .u. - - - WJfc BALJfe KEAI. KhTATE. 1 . . . EAST TO GET. OWXEHS WANT MONET. $2350 Acre, 5 rooms, fruit berrif" 6c tare, 1 140o Lot 80x100. 4 room. 14i Lot 101'xloO. 4 rooms, biwood. 2wu 7 rooms, electric lighte, swell finish. 2 lots, near good car. $110" 4 rooms, new. x-ery cheap. 6 rooms. West Side, ehort walk. $1250 Acre; fruit, berries. 6c fare. . $75 1 4 rooms, full lot, Sellwood. $15 & rooms, gas. fuU lot. $ttuO 4 rooms, nice lot. fenced. SMALL ACREAOE. $llOO 3 acres, cleared, fenced. $11 OO 2 acres. 4-room house. $!.5o0 5 acres, cieared. fenced. $!o,to 10 acres, 5 rooms, stream. $14St 12 acree, house, bam. well. Sl-Ni Acre; fruit; berries; 5c fare. :wJO Acre tracts, Salem line, good soli, easy payments. OREXJON HOMES CO.. Room 8. 2211, Morrison, near First. DO TOTJ WANT A FIRST-CLASS INVEST MENT? Well, here It is. A brand-new 4-flat house. 4 rooms to the flat: full basement: gas and electric lights; first-class plumb ing: lot EoxlOO. with 15-ft. alley: 100 ft. from car; price only $6000; $3000 will handle: this is your chance. Call at once. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg. 6-ACRE walnut grove: trees are now over 2 years old; Royal Ann cherrv trees bet. the walnut trees? will be in bearing next year; beautiful view; magnificent resi dence site for party who wants a country sunaoie tor all diversified crops; a home for some one with a for. tune growing' all around; grove will be cared for three years more if desired without extra cost. AMERICAN TRUST COM PA NT, 200 Chamber of Commerce. ENGLISH WALNHT8 . " the largest owners and planters In Oregon Wo have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill. B-acre ' Panted. $100 cash. $18 per month. CHI-RCHILL. MATT'JEWS C5., INC Lumber Exchange blc g.. 2d and Stark at JSOO0. terms; a choice 6-room house: all improvements in. gaow'0' terms' take corner lot and- bun- h.M,2".0, erm": 2 lots, corner, and hard to beat. J2500, terms, a modern 6-room cottage. ,., DARLING. 814. Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. . tl-,tHe?freS' JaM ,in hiBh ",at of cultlva 1:11; fln Karden land. Modern home, new two ii oh'cen park. 5 blocks from SPc'VisSSr- T-rm.3 m"eS P t,. THE STROUD-FRT COMPANY. 61S Lumber ExchanKe Bldg.. Portland, and Beaverton, Or. I'VKSTfPVT ("f f'2re, bu,,rlln8 in rapidly growing auiianie lor drug fftore or COnfOCtionerv a n rem .-. . .month; priue only 26x. bait cash, balance SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. M. 6fiKn. iotn irth Bt. A 62B7 SPLENDID opportunltlee to make money. irvHM a u "ivesurm in jonn Irving, t,l """"""f Jionnion. tne onls true roeidence portion of Portland, where one can realise t.r, ih.u hflrn man i. fl 1 , U"BJ"!'. i ana o-room nomes, and a. great number of choice lote BOLEN & UERPMAN, C 1993, E. 896. H?R? ,s .J;ou.r chnce If you are looking for a beautiful .a ,ij . c . i.T- . - v . Lu "una a nome, we ha-ie ten of these lots left and will sell from ,bn. S?y -ey "t "locks price g.too and $2.10 for the Insld?: wewftl Buchanan bias"" ,aU' & A GOOD LITTLE HOME. -loVli acreB,', 4 blocks from station, on electric carllne. 30-mlnute service; splen did soil; good little house, some fruit trees and small fruit; barn? new wagon. J2600 harness; furniture all goes for HENKLE & HARRISON", 511 Gerllnger Bldg. A NICE LITTLE HOME POR A NICE LIT "room modern bungalow with bath and - .. giuuou mreet, goo a eurronoftinw rtui,, eKii ' SVVEKT-HEAD-LEMCKE, 1401, Flftn st. Phones M. 6680, A 6267. R 370 IDEAL 6-room home In restricted district, every convenience nnH manv n.i. . lving-room. d I) ne.rnnni I and .'1 large bedrooms, ba'th. furnace, flre- . auiisuiiiuai ana artistic; no ginger s'?,?.'? : ,1?.Jo;i0xlf0' caRt front- fir trees; ?i , 1 -J1n casb. balance as rent. Mc- """clt xvinie, rpom Board of Trade. :to0 c a Balance ?20 per month, a rooms and full lot 60x100; gravel street, cement walks, nne lawn and roses; house fully modern .w m cm-, price oito. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE , l6Ja Fifth St. rhones M. 6680. A 6267. R 230 YOUR CHOICE for J350 down of 2 prettv bungalow on large adjoining lots; each 5 rooms, pantry, bathrooms, rustic porches, baths, sinks, patent toilets, hot and cold water and concrete foundations- JilSOO: discount for all cash. Portland oiru-a-t- oirEi Walking distance, full lot. nice 8-room lOltxlOO. fine view. 8-room bouse, with all conven1nn- - sft.nn ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Lot oOxlOO. 51 feet from Rose Cly Park car; also 9. W. corner. 101x111. front on Sandy road and Aldton streets cash cr easy terms, with Inducement to LMiiuuvr. j. jr. uroazse. owner. 105 Fail lng st. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6 rooms, modern and up-to-date, lo rated in best residence district, street: improved, oest car service, evervthlnsr first-class; price reduced to 43650 If sold C. B. LT7CA.S. 408 Corbett Bids. TWIST Q T JWyw rL' iit . 7-room house, sleeping- porch, electricity etc.; yc-ry be.t of surroundings; full lot' one diock this Pid of Went ave.. near , ' ""o part cacri: hurrv. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber ComTnercV RF.AT'TIBT'T. TrT TI A x-t-w UKir,T.n $r.M)0. cor. Chapman and Elm. lOOxlOO, L6EWENSON TiKOS.. 103 Sherlock BldR. BY OWNER A nice little cottage on enr-n-r, 1f ,4tn and s'"vens sts.. of 5 rooms and bath. gas. fireplace ln parlor, berries and fruit trees; also 100 rose bushes SNAP 140(:-new, modern, 5-room cottage, center Woodstock, one block of cor.; easy trms. Inquire Woodstock Drugstore Phone Sellwood 65. " FOR SALE At Center Station. 2 blocks Horn O. W. P. carilr.e, 2 acres consisting of 1 1 lots; S500 will handle this. McDowell Kline. 422 Board of Trade bldg 6-ROOM house, new, modern: fractional lot "v est Side, near Thurman: $3S.j0: pay ments like rent. Hatfield. 1654 4th $4000 8-room house, corner in South Port land, fine view: a very pretty place. LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third St. FOR SALE BY OWNER 8 houses, ' 1 7 rooms. 1 6 rooms', just completed, strictly modern. 1 3 rooms, at Montavilla. 723 72d et. FOR LEASE OR SALE N. E. corner Front and Mill sts.: 60x100. Owner, Max Smith f8 North 16th St.: no phone Information! ,1500 Very fine residence lot. 50x100, 26th and Hancock sts. ; cement walks: terms 609 Rothchitd bldg. S2OO0 TAKES a good 7-room house and stoves. Phono Main 6034. East 1836. Call 618 Board ot Trade. OWNER has two corner lota ln Waverly. best lots in this addition; bargain for cash E 632. Oregonian. NOB HILL flats, paying 10 per cent net: new: walking distance: desirable. 243 Stark. 10-RuOM house and corner lot. 18th and Savler. Address owner, AC 858, Oregon ian. 1RVINGTON home; must be sold; new. mod ern; desirable location. . G 844. Oregonlan. TWO lota and small cottage, bet. Centerrille and Long Beach. A 8S7. Oregonian. BRA1TI1TI.LT located lot. close in. I 8S4. Oregonian. FINE Alberta comer st $4.V; .W cash, S10 monthly. Owner. K 851. Oregonian. CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. East 21st. near Hancock at.. 820110. C 771. Oregonian I , ,. ,, i I " I r Jt, BALB-'lUlL fcM.IIE. SM ALL INVESTMENTS. CLOSE IX O.V WEST S1PE. S630O Only J i3 OO cah; 50x100 on 11th t.; 2 flats and small coitae; lot la worth the money. 2 new 5-room flats, all modem; half cash. $4500 Over 2 full lots and nearly new modern 6-room house. S 'i RoO lSo od 5 - room h ouse and frac tlonal lot: walking distance: half cash. S6730 Corner on 10th, with nearly new 7-room house. VACANT LOTS, WEST SIDE. J2750 32x50 on Hall, for flats. $7250 1 OOxlOO on Kearney st. 9000 50x100 on 2lat, near Washington FRED A. KING. 500 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Wash. sts. NEAR Wood bum. On Southern Pacific R. R. R. R. station on the place. $50 to $0 per acre. One-quarter .caeh, balance 6 yeara All or partly in cultivation. Tour choice of 2S0 acres. Finest of deep black aoil. No stone; no gravel. i-ana ia all level. Fine timber on each tract. Running water the whole vear. One mile to college and school. One mile to creamery. Select your 10 or -0-acr trsct now. while you have your choice. Don't buy before you have wen this See owner, H. P. REIMERS 7 09 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS. 100x127, 6-room house, new furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling-, built-in bookcase; price with terms, $5000. 50x100. 6-room modern, complete home, walking distance; price $5000, with terms; photos at office. 50x100. new, modem 6-room house; this is just finished for home: business calls party away: nrice. with trm t.umn 50x100 This Is an elegant home and at vi Bivcn is a snap; price oiOO. ZIMMERMAN'. 621 Board of Trade Bldg-. FOR SALE A very flna tunisa in Irvington, - . ...nuiuvn , ntxa o mrge, light rooms, attio, full basement and every modern convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. Price $6o00; $3500 required. w -""uic. unci wjsi ru, can on COLUMBIA TRUST COM F ANT. 1 34 Couch Bldg. 109 4t.i St. irto-ci nne lots 3,-iOxiOO and a strictly o-rwm nouse (just nnfshed). in Terrace Park, at price and terms vou ?-rtAt-flnd duplicated in city; $3300; 00 down (and if you have permanent r- tn&a lew), ana fzo a raontb. Sunday. Take "M-V car. get off Cason ct.. walk 3 blocks east. 7.POOV 1 in fin y L ouut on year ago. walk t h n "l OIUC- iV mmutes Good 6-room house on Hall st.. near Park, in minnto noiv . t- . 100x106, corner on Alberta st., nar w 3. A. KASPER. Ph. E. 6363. 221V, Morrison t. Room 10 ET7NNTSIDE Two flno modorn S-room houses; One comer 12Sx5S; room on lot aiiuuter iiuse. j nis is a good Invest ment, and a bargain at 5000. Terms, bal ance at B per cent. Let us show vou. Portland Success Realty Co.. 818 Board BEAUTIFIX new 6-room house, near Union . f.nuv, easy terms. nirS0rnj "ttaBe- Sunnystde; 300 cash 6-room house; 91400: terms. CITY REALTY & BUI1.DIXQ CO. 4.1Q Worcester Bids. Main 1B40. SBL1.WOOD 5 lots near Golf Links; these lots are o t- 5 tne carllne; located tiodo "L" "nn ana Oclioco ' H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. VS-hy not look at this pretty little 4-room DUn IT a. IOW lllMt mnlA(o iscii n . I.N& RENT.' bnlv : ti SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE . 14 Fifth St. Phones M. 66SU, A 6267 R 106 A FINE BUY. ,u i-uiuviTion on tne Salem electric, at WTiltford. seven miles . "ft"1 vuCM,y; mw tract ad station, also on the county BRONG-STEELS CO.. 110 2d st. WOT? Sii r k. . n. . . . 1 : . J w " " . u v cr 't oiock in irv Kln:o eo"a fr(om cottage and - gooa JKi.i - i... '-..i " can Main -5.o. -room cottage. Just completed; best buy J?85o 61de: cla" lo crlin nd only SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE v 6i4 Fifth St. Phones M. 66S0, A 626T. R 102. A SNAP. r me b-room modern house on 3 lota lo cated at Kern Park; $2850: 100 rose bushes. 40fIU ; Iovel Plare: easily worth BROXG-STEELE CO.. 110 2d at. A SIGHTLY residence lot. 60x100; cement . v. " "a , nun i.un water; J 5 in In ntes out; price 540; terms. Come to the Office. KOPTIT t' I ' 1 ... I . . . . 7 and 8 Commercial Club Bids;.. 0th A Oak H . 1 . . modern flats ln Nob H1U ln J120 per month, for n.i nno ti.. 1.. Is 66x100. The flats can be bought seD arateb- for $6500 if taken at once. Du.v-OiE,E,L, LU, 110 Ud St. molern home. 6 rooms, y-u,nMi,, ttune in; good terms, ne range, carpets and ehad-s; salesman chan lng headquarters: a bargain If taken next " Aoarass A 1 . Oregonian iwu run-size lots on East l!san near flOth street, considered worth fiX; I want a quick mm ana win not refuse a decent offer fo cash. Davis, care Reed-French Piano Co Sixth and Burnslde; forenoons onlv. E. Burnslde corner luh, quarter block, modern, all street Improvements in- loca tion right; price right; terms right.' Come Hni see. ' C. B. LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. DO you want a bargain in new. mode B-room cottage? Block from car lr rn. nrovd street, cement walks; terms. Call " ai'oiiti juoniaviiia. FOR SALE A few days onlv. by owner beautiful 6-room house, modern J27O0 $500 cash.. $23 per month and 'interest' 25" CASH, $25 monthly, 6-room modern HOWARD-BEHXKB CO. 519 Swetland Bldg. 2700 Beautiful home. Catltn ave., south Hawthorne: gas. .electricity. ' wash trays, fireplace, bath; 2O0, 25 monthly. Phone Dr. Darling. 2,I! ZAKKS '-room house, furnished, on 60x100 lot. high an4 sightly, near car ilne. close In; balance. $t:oO. on very easv terms. AD 857. Oregonian. NICE 5-room house and 75xl)0 on 46th near Hawthorne ave.; S2R10'; ftjuo caeh. balance 10 per month. LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third st. REAL ESTATE MEN. Portland Block Books, up to date, can now be obtained through my office J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. CHEAP By owner, 5-room. new, strictly modern buncalow. at Firland, 1 block from car. $19."0: terms. F. P. Shaughnessy Archer Place. Tabor 644. $1100 Feurer". Addition. 100x100 corner 14th and Rhine sts.. $550 cash; balance terms. Lewis & Co., 251 Washington. FOR SALE Fine residence, lot 50x100- Wil lamette Heights, head of Raleigh st In quire of Kade, 74 Thurman st. E 7TH and E. Ash. 50x100, 10-room house. $7000; lot is cheap at the price: will double. 243 Stark. INVESTORS or warehouse parties, this is your opportunity. Madison street trackage, near Union; easy payments. F 782. Oregonian. 2 MODERN 6-room houses on E. 30th and Alder. Portland Success Realtv Co.. 618 Board of Trade bldg. Main 375. A 1213. $j:50 BUYS 7-room house. TO37 East sth s;.. cor. Alberta; easy terms. Howard Behnke Co., 519 Swetland bldg. SNAP By owner, nice cottsge. 2 lota, fruit tree1, bearing, on good street. Neep. Kern elation. 208 N. Mora St., Mt. 3eott car line. 2 LOT. near Peninsula school for sale bv owner; leaving city: at a bargain for cash B 841, Oregonian. TAYLOR ST. Home. 6 rooms; almost lew; $R0O cash handles. 243 Stark. E. E. - MILLER, contractor and builder; term to milt. 430 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE House and lot. 892 Hall st- GOOD HOME. REASON VBLE PRICE PRICE.. WW. 30 acres. 17 in cultivation and 3 stand Jhg timber, with running stream: one of tne nnest suburban homes near Portland: has new. modem house of nine rooms. ?e.',tw of rtv'r nd good lawn; soil : ot the best, free from rock; god ,ote two barns, up-to-date chicken plant 250 trees of best varieties of fruit, best of water. This place to close to Oregon City. ' CHAPIN A HER LOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. : ANY ONE) OP THESE TT-'jTcr'ase ln THc within eix months: 4.xS5. Concord Heighta; this is below the market at $425. 40x100. South Portland; high and lust the place for a bungalow; $19;,0. Here is the cheapest quarter block in the district: 100x1(0. about three feet above grace: cement walks in front: just two blocks from car: located at the corner of Broadway and 4Sth st: price Jl.'KHV see the homes around this. Take Rose City Park car, get off at Hancock et. A quarter block for 50 down and balance 10 per. month; price $550; In. Woodstock near car. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. oor. Third and Oak sta. WALNUT PARK AND PIEDMONT RES .A? -Beautlful 7-room house, lot 6ux 100. Walnut Park full basement, furnace, nreplace gas and electric lights, cement walks; give good terms. $4350 Modern 8-room house, lot BOxloO, nedmont, full basement, furnace, fire place, gas and electric lights. $5100 Lovely home in Walnut Park. Just completed, modern 7-room house and lot 50x100; full basement. furnace, fireplace, also cemer.t walks; give good terms. .1. H. SHIELDS. 303 Gerlinger Bldg.. Cor. Id and Alder Office. Main 8430; residence. Woodlawn IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Ox93H. Comer Tillamook and . Rlst St.; water, cement curbs and walks. H ASS AM PAVE MENT. ALL PAID. $2500- building re striction: only $2150: $250 CASH, balance $10 per mo., interest 6 per :ent. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. BARGAIN OV riRl.TVR 8-room bungalow, full lot. on one of the t best carlines in city; the house Is new and I eiy moaern: nullt-ln buffet: beautiful view; full concrete basement, with laun- nry ana iruit rooms; this is worth $4000. but if taken immediately the owner olTois It for $3000, and you will say It is worth the price. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. TABOR. A choice -home on the west slope of Mt. Tabor; beautiful living-room. L'S ft. long; elegant fireplace, beam ceilings, panel dining-room, built-in buffet, modern kitchen nice breakrast-room, library room, modern bath, full basement, with furnace and laundry tubs; 100x100 grounds; 1 block from car. HENKLE HARRISON, 511 Gerlinger Bldg. THINK OF IT. 20 acres located near Garden Home, on the Salem Electric, which can - be bought very cheap-If taken at once; ten acres in cultivation, balance partly in timber; fine 5-room house, barns, chicken-houses, etc.; the buy an exceptionally good one. See us at once Jf you want a snap. The new S. P. R. R. cutoff almost touches this Prop erty. BRONG-STEELE CO., 110 2d St. 100x100 corner. Williams and Ainsworth, Pied mont. 100x100 corner lots. 9-room house. 1 block from car in Piedmont, for a tew days only at $41150. 4 lou near Kenton: a snap at $800 caeh. 3 lots on Columbia blvd.. Swin ton. below list. 21 acres near Bell sta tion: a good buy at $800 ; fa cash. 4-", acres 14 mile from Parkplaee. on Oregon Electric; a good Investment; your own terms. See us at room 4, Commercial Club bliig. C. F. SMITH & SON. $550 DOWN. Bungalow of o rooms, well arranged to Include reception hall, parlor, dolning-room, den, bath, kitchen and pantry; fireplace In living-room; full basement, large front porch; $2i00. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. 146V Firth St. Phones M. 6680. A 62tl7. R 167 SACRIFICE! -PIEDMONT! SACRIFICE Am leaving town, will sell below mar ket value; no reasonable offer refused: new, modern house, 75x100 corner, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, pantry, china closet, combination fixtures, bath. 2 toilets, 2 bav windows, window seat, linen closet, large attic, lawn, fruit trees, etc. 254 Ainsworth st. IRVINGTON HOME. 9 -roome, the most select and up-to-date home in this district; every modern con venience, east front, bltulithic street. 2 blocks to car. This la something a little better than ordinarily offered for sale; $75110; good terms; will Include more ground if wanted. J. R. STIPa. 720 Chamber Commerce. A PRETTY HOME. 7-room modern house, corner lot. cement walks, basement, etc.. near tw-o carlines. Small payment down, balance easv terms at 6 per cent interest. WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade. CORNER 20TH AND EAST ANKENY SweM 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, etc., everything modern: $.".5U0. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bidg. FOR .SALE By owner, 7-room house. 2 im proved lots, plenty fruit. 15 min. from center city, 2 blocks of L'nlon ave.; small cash pay ment, balance 5 year. 7 per cent Price $3300. B 835. Oregonian. 8-ROOM cottage and full lot. newly reno vated, first-class plumbing. 1441 E. Bth st N.. 2 blocks from two carlines; six fruit trees. Terms. Phone East S02. IRVINGTON 8-room house: lot 75xIOO; choice location, near street-car: modern In every respect; terms. 609 Rothchild bldg. WEST PIEDMONT LOT Northeast of the car barns.' fine lot 60x100, east front. $loo0. part cash J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. NEW. moaern nine-room house, suitable for one or two families; 100 ft. from carllne Phone Tabor INVESTORS Go to the Owners- Realty As sociation: buy direct of ' owners and save commission. 205 Abington bldg. FOR RALE Fine residence lot sxioo Wil lamette Helehts. head of Raleigh. Inquire S. Kade. 742 Thurman st. NICE 5-room house. East Yamhill St.; walk lng distance; a snap at $27.".o LIND HIGLEY. 132 Third et. .soo cash. J2ii per month: fine bungalow- in Vernon, I block of car; price $2400 HOW. ARD-BEHNKE COMPANY. 519 Swetland uius. 4 BLOCK, near carllne, Woodstock. $5.0 11 i-n soou. irom owner. A F 72io Oregonian. 2 LOTS. E. 24TH ST.. $900. 2 fine lots at a bargain; must be sold. Call 519 Swetland bldg. GIRL bought 6-room house at Anabel Sta tion: must leave city, will sell her equity for half: no agents. S 828, Oregonian. LOT or fraction for apartments, between and 10th. Jefferson and Hall; all cash. E 841. Oregonian. IO ACRES, house, barn; fruit: ln country town; 50 cents fare; $1500: easv terms LIND A. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. FOR SALE; A 7-room house, modem, 204 E. 20th, by owner. Ben A. Bellamy, grocery. 401 Hawthorne ave. BELLE CREST lot; Improvements In: only $500. worth $750. Owner. AF 728. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, West Side, no agents. 294 16th st BY OWNER 3 cottages, easy terms. Call at 1256 East Clay st. NOB HILL apartment site: verv cheap: near, car; 6t!xl"0. 243 Stark. IRVINGTON Two choice lots, fire elevation: sell separately; terms. G US. Oregonian. $6500 Modern 8-room house, almost new, lot 85x50, oor. Stark. Owner. 75 E. lth. $sn CASH. $10 month, fine lot In Vernon, near car; $4S0. Call 619 Swetland bldg. IF YOU T A'T A swell residence lo on the West Bide, where you will be surrounded by nne homes and have an unobstructed view, venue and see us. We have Just purchased a Mock of seven lots. eich .VixUX. which we will sell separatelv so cheap vu will be surprised. Don't hesitate, those are bargains. SX!TTH 4. EVERETT. S0P-S10 Falling Bldg. RENT MONEY IS GONE FOREVER. -Buy a home of your own. TTp-to-at e;-e;1h1h',me.,.nrI,iao'- '""--'. twS toileu.. J?,1' ,ha. "ake home complete; I-,- P'a'' ! suit anyone; price only $.1o.j0. $lcoo down, balance W Vr month '1'i'1 . corner Mot. 5-room wifJS i,' --'" "Shi. -wer. cement waik; all for $27i; only $250 down. ?!ak." ''fl '" !or nw H-room cottage two blocks tram Klllingsworth . corner lot, ouxloo. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OV OREOOK. ' E- cor- Third and Oak sts: VACANT LOTS i lots in Macgly Highland. av bits on Killingsworth. west of Union lot on I Killingsw orth. easV of Union 1 lot on Manhattan st 4 lota on rortlami boulit.' in Park Ad. to Alblna. 2 lots on Emerson and 22d at.. North. . lots, corner. In Vernon. 1 lot. with small house. K. 23d st N Park '" 1 R"u"" Prw. "car Highland 1 lot 50.N. corner Market and 14th s.. .ti '"J?V. m" mnr ' K1 lei-otion. all parts of the citv. I'lllTTEXDEX Jfc OTTO, 2HK Stark St., R.u 17. ', OOxl21. HOLLADAY PARK. Southeast corner of 27th and Wasco sts.: .-, houses can be hnilt on this prop erty; $.!Of. ns for terms COLUMBIA TRUST CO 714 Couch Bldg.. 109 4th St. BleiXBSH AND RERIDENCG PROPER TT store ground, also v. blk. of residence property with 2 houses, in one of the richest county-seats of Eastern Oregon -store joins P. O and drug store: iswelrv business established 17 years: optician badly needed; only $4000i will sell busi ness if desired call st office for particu lars and see photos. ZIMMERMAN'. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. HOLLADAY PARK s.,1 Yt asco. being ihe 11. rtheasr corner of K. 2rtth and Wasco sts; 2-storv tl rooms; modern throughout : easv terms If you wish to turn your rent monev into a modern home, this is your opportunity COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Um"' 1 14 Couch Bliig., 109 Fourth St. COUNTRY HOME FOR $00 1 Va acres, fronting on a lake and ln sight of the river; souk? bearing fruit trees: on fine road, few blocks from, elec tric 'line: splendid sen-ice; elegant soil -,6-room house, good, strong-, spring; carl c,ive terms; places like this are asmlng scarce. , v HENKLE A HARRISON. Ml Gerlinger. Bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY. 7-room modern house in Vernon; lot 50 100. mo ft. from Alberta carllne; " cement walk, large fine lawn, choice roses, fruit and berries, chicken park and house; hon estly constructed; $2400, terms. 1041 19th Take Alberta car. COUNTRY HOME 2 acres oh' O. W P. car line; lovely modern 6-room bungalow; ce ment basement and walks: good well and windmill; has its own gas plant; all the comforts of the city. This will surelv please you. Let us tell you more about it. Portland Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. SUN N VSIDR BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, new, s-trictiy modern, fireplace beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, built in buffet. Dutch kitchen, complete plumb ing. S-ft. porch, just completed; a snap, $2SOO. easv terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION,. lOOxliM) southeast corner Weidler and K. 30th sts.. one Moelt south of Broadwav, for teas money than any oth?r quarter la held in thill vicinity. LEONARD BROS. 334 Chamber Commerce. 60x100 LOT on Rodney ave., near Going st for $lvd0: street graded and lot will be just right with dirt from cellar; tetnw can be . arranged. ' CHAPIN & HERUAV.' 1 332 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 WILL buy this- ideal suburban home: .close to station and the city: good new 5 . room house, barn and other hl-Igs. ; 10 acresi of excellent land. The Improvements cost . $25on and the land is worth $1500. See me at 607 Commercial bldg..-cor. 2d and Wasn. MI ST sell, traveling man's home; quarters have been changed; G-room house; walk ing distance, good location. T W Mar shall ii Co., :t:ith and Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 864. BOfE CITY PARK. new. modern. 8-room house, one-half block from car on Carvil ave., cheap for cash, owner gotmr East and must have money. Will be at piai-e Sunday. ' $32(iO 7-room house, attic and basement and modern conveniences; 2 lols. 14 fruit trees, berries, ruses, chicken-noil.- : very e.glitl ; end of Mt. Tabor carline, 1 block" north IV. east. WHY PAY RENT? We design and build modern homes on reasonable terms. ... A." C EMERY CO.. INC.. Main BaOl . 824 Chamber of Commerce. NORTH PORTLAND HOME, fine 2-story house of 6 rooms and bath, 00 21st, near Upshur; price for few days only $4250; good terms. ... M'lil'IRK CO..- SIS Board of Trade ANOTHER SNA?! 30x100 feet, on Irving St.. near 24th, in cluding a very nice 7-rocm house. f-.r 5on '.owners leaving city: this i a bargain BUONG-STEKI.E CO.. 110 2.; t. - . CHOIcfe WAREHOUSK. - -ti block. K. Portland, on S. P. track: 3 small houses on property renting for $30 per month. O. W. P. Land Co.. waiting room. 1st and Alder. 4-ROOM Btri.-tly .modern cottage, corner lot. electric light, bath, crnient basement. Vernon disnict. Air-rta car; onlv $l.,ii owner. Ecknian, 314. tlerllnger ; - bids' Main 4793. FOR SALE rr. P. ..ix-room cottage, by owner. 630 . la barn and fruit 13th st. SEVEN-ROOM house. nioiern. fractional . corner lot, Iocate-1 East Yamhill and 30th. Telephone owner. Sellwood 136. 50x100. 6(Xl feet to car line: $45o.' $50 will hankie; this fine location. A E 750.- Ore gonian. $wOO SNAP 5-ronm house,, one acre -cleared, near car. Angeles. 32tl Washington St.. room 417. FOUR-ROOM furnished house and lot, near car line, with fruit and rosea. Inquire 2S2 Holladay eve. FINE business corner in heart of tft. John, on Jersey st.; owner lea-ving eity;, bargain.' A D 821. Oregonian. - j $2'V-o. $.loo. $420 Three nice homes near Kaet Anfceny line for aula by. pwnre; . no agents. R 790. Oregoniaii. ... $3.10 Very attractive 6-room hones on Haight st.; full cement, basement: gas and electricity; terms. t09 Rothchild bldg. $5350 Warehouse lot on railroad. North Portland, with two houses of 5 and a rooms, by owner Y 743. Oregonian. NICE lot on Porter St.. betwen Corbett and Hood; fine view; $:;coo. LIN" D HIGLEY. 132 Third ft." LIST your real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley A Co., 311 Stearna hldg NEW. . 7-room housa on. a corner, --modern. For particulars Inquire 850 Belmont.