THE SUNDAY OREGON IAN. PORTLAND. APRIIf NPTW XOOAT. $125,000 Quarter block, near 6tli and Stark. $80,000 Quarter block, 6th near Da vis. Vays 6 per cent net. $50,000 Apartment-house, corner, ten minutes' walk from Postoffice. Rents $890. Pavs 15Net $25,000 Apartment-house near the West Side High School. Leased $200 per month. Morrison Street Quarter Block $45,000 Near High School. North 15th Street 200x100, on track, $50,000 150x100. on track, $45000 Seventh Street Fractional corner. four blocks from Hotel Portland. $16000 Glisan Street 100x100, corner, near 14th, $30,000 100x50, corner, near 14th, $19000 Washington Street i-vxiju, corner, near '20th $5500 80x100, near 19th, $27500 Apartment House sites, close in. West Side quarter block, near 17th and Davis, $20,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224. Failing BldS. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. ON 19TH STREET Modern 5-rooui house, has 2 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large - reception hall, porcelain bath, wash bowl, fine linen closets, nice living room, china closets, fine kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink with back, nice front and rear porches with lights, cement basement. stationary tubs. House 2 years old. Nice terraced lawns and shrubbery; good neighbor hood. Price $2650. Part on easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett Building. BROADWAY CAR TO BUNGALOW FOR. $4500 .fMlrt cash for balance. and monthly payments rire rooms, sitic. sleeping- pore oh. cement basement, with stationnrv nK and furnace; paneled living-room and tlininfr-room. fire-place, hall entrance to both: lot .VfxlOO. facing cast. CHAPIN 8 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. j 10 PER CENT NET i j BONDED LEASE j 2 A Business Property. Price 926.50O. I I Lei us tell you about it. j EDW. P. MALI CO. : 300-310 Abington Rldg. t TW TODAY. Option Nearly Out Look It up today. Must sell 100x100 on northeast cor er of 14th and Clay sts. this week or rice advances. Present income $1080. TVR A t A UTlfCVT CTT17 I A nnn ill handle. Irvington Bargains Co aee them today. ttl ARTER BLOCK. On the southeast corner of E. Sth st. N. and Tillamook; ail improvements In and said. Price. S3750. $6250 Southeast corner of E. 12th st. N. ind Tillamook; fine 8-room modern tome, new and fine location. $6750 4 54 K. 2Sd St. N.. new 7-room mod rn house and a bargraln at the price. $7000 S27 E. 17th st. N.. fine 8-room mort ern home, hardwood floors, built-in china closets, etc. If you can't see these todav, let us take you out Monday. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. 21 Corbett Bids. Phone Main 8143. BUNGALOW This Handsome Just completed. Contains 6 rooms, with full basement and large attic, living-rocm SO feet long, with 6-foot fireplace, large seat, four bookcases and beamed ceiling; dining-room paneled 6 feet high, large windows and seat, Dutch kitchen, white enamsled chambers and bnth: rm.m. large and airy: house now being dec orated: fllll 1 fit in .nn I V. V. V. 1 near carllne. Price $3M0; reasonable terms! eee ownerv A. C. EMERY 24 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 3501. Investigate This Quarter block,' corner Bast 19th and vi ashtngton, streets, with elegant, new, modern. 9-room house, hardwood floors furnace, fireplace, garage connected with sewer, high and sightly, walking distance and on best carllne In city. Terms. $12,000 FEW DAYS ONLY Corner, West Side, vicinity 23d and Inlanders. 2 modern x-rnm hnuaas the best corner in city for apartment va Amis a . 1.111s prive. $12,500 DEVLIN &TIREBAUGH 510-511-812 Swetland Building-, Reinforced Concrete Home. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; strict j. iiioaern, ana a Deauty: West Pied mont; beautiful trees, shrubbery, etc. $3750 CHAPIN 8 HERLOW Chamber of Commerce. Choice Vacant Property S65 00 100x100. TVllliams ave.. be- '!" nroaaway and Hancock. 9 200 9'JxlOO, corner 25th and Haw thorne ave. S3150 90x100. facing Williams ave. a inut fark. 3150 100x100, corner STth and E. Morrison sts. S3SOO 210x100. Southern Portland. 83SOO 80x100, corner 4th and Hooker streets. Otto & Harkson 133H Ht Street. SIX ROOMS IRVING STREET Between 21st and 22d streets, faces north; lot 2714x100; im provements all in and paid for. $3000 cash; price $5500. CHAPIN G HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS Quarter Mock. 2-story brick, on Third street, pays 8H per cent net, B140.0OO. Quarter block. Fifth street, near Ull san. Lot on Sixth St.. near Glisan. 94.1.0O0. Lot on Flanders, near Third, 10.OOO. Lot on East Stark and ISth sts., C2O00. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO. Main 33 SIT Worcester Bids. $425 GREAT BUY 2 per acre, on Columbia boule vard, 4& acres of the choicest garden land on earth. X gold mine tor a gar dener. Nothing around for such a price. F. FtTHS, 331 Vj Morrtsoa Street. j I Must Have Money i 1 tiv i H . in .....if. . , . two day. mv 1500 shares of Alaska Pftroleum and Coal stock. My loss will he your (tain. Send me vour best i bid. A K "69, Oresonian. Owner. "iiJnifi?fiii 'iirlitiitfiiiiiiriMnimiiiifcM .iiiiMMiiitT1 JiEW TODAY. BARGAINS x IN HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS ..23V4 ACRES, almost in the heart of the valley, only 3 miles from town of Hood River, on mam county road; very deep, rich clay loam soiL All un der high state of cultivation; lies with just enough slope to drain well. All fenced with good board and wire fence. There Is a commercial apple orchard of 516 full-bearing trees. 12 years old: 700 Yellow Newtowns, with 200 peach trees as fillers, just planted. A few Bing and May Duke cherries. Balance of place seeded to " wheat, oats and vetch; 6 inches of water stock, also abundance of free water from living stream, which runs across 'the place. Improvements consist of good 5-room ulastered. wood fitter hnna.- hull,- torn ' years ago: beautiful lawn, larte 2- :tory barn, apple - storage room and rll Ellli.hl. AiiiKii;MtT,it. Tt.1. f Ideal apple orchard and absolutely the best value In Hood River Valley. Price, is.auu. terms. ACRES finest kind of InnH nnlv s miles from the town of Hood' River; 6 acres In commercial bearing orchard; some strawberries. Horse. wa un-n hickens, implements and farm tools 11 cr with tViA nlnt... IIRAA ta D n.m handle It. and will give a years' time n the balance. A genuine bargain and n ideal little noma for NnmA nna Price. 4-VK. Devlin & Firebaunh Mala Office, Swetlaad Bids., Portland, Oc. Branca Office, Hood River, Or. FINE EAST SIDE RESIDENCES $8500 with large attic, full cemented plumbing, two toilets and many conven iences; full lot. $6500 basement, tel; fuH car aervic $3600 Nice 8-rcom house with re ception hall, recreation and hilllarH rnmn full '' nomont basement, furnace, fireplace, tile man tel: fuN- lot: (rood neighborhood : in car service. Nearly new 6-room bungalow, with hardwood floors in hall, Kirin (Vwnm. r, n .4 l.,t 'beamed eel line; and fireplace in ltvinir- room. extra Rood plumbing, Dutch kitch- rii, uanciiieui, WOOQ HO I SI ; EUII IOi; Bur- rounded by attractie homes; cash. oaiance at 6 per cent. STRONG & CO. Financial Agents. 605 Concord Bids- Good City Homes TERMS Fine Lots HO DOWN 5 MONTHLY, Farms and Fruit Lands Best I Nortkwrats All Prices; Easy Term. Timber Lands, Sawmills, Etc. Homesteads and Timber Lands Located. Reasonable Fee. Only 6 Miles Prom Railroad and River Steamers. Business Chances Goon OKiKS Fl'RMSHED HOl'SES OR HOUSE. ' KKF.H1SG ROOMS FOR BEST, GOOn BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. G. W. McCoy 6 Co. 737 Chamber of Commerce. -S 1 ears in Portland, Or. Bank Ke Terence. NOB HILL HOMES 877RO--?room house and fraction al lot on Marshall st., near 24th; built for a home; modern in arrangement and convenience; fireplaces In livinc and bedrooms. B SIO.OOO 9-room house on Johnson St.. near 23d; reception hall, front and back parlor, dining-room and kitchen on first floor; fine basement and heat er: full lot and room for garage. Sll.OOO Kearney st.. near 25th: eifrnt rooms and full lot, facing north sightly locality and fine neighborhood1 very desirable. STRONC & CO. Flnanelnl Aprentn. AOS Concord Bids;. INVESTMENTS HALF BLOCK, EAST SEVENTH BETWEEN YAMHILL AND TAYLOR 55x100, NORTH SIDE MADISON STREET, NEAR SECOND CHAPIN & HERLOW 3:32 Chamber of Commerce. Three Lots and Cottage Has fruit, shade trees and view of river; it faces Dr. Rocker's prooertv. in Riverdale. rtusn price, &oim. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP East Side Warehouse District Quarter block on S. P. track south of East Morrison street can be had at an extra low flgtire If taken at once. Apply to W. M. Co.iklin Co.. Inc., successors to Conklin Bros., 407 Wells-Fargo Bids. Phones. Main 2S69 or A 174T. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW and i lots OxliK. East 25lh. half block from carllne: nrepU.ce. mantel: paneled dining-room, large piazza, gas and elec tric, lenient bctcnitnt and laundry trays and all other modern conveniences; at a Kreat bargain: must sell; small cash pay ment, balance monthly, installments. CALL ROOM. 12 HAMILTON BLTX3. NEW TODAY. JAMES J. FLYNN 512 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENTS EVERY ONE A BARGAIN ?125,000 Sixth Street, north o Burnside; fall quarter block; three story modern brick building; $S15 monthly rental. $120,000 Fourth Street, within 3 blocks of Washington; quarter block, 0 per cent income: trood re tail location. S 80,000 Seventh St., near Oak, 2 lots, with corner location, well situated and sure of rapid increase. 50,000 Fifth Street, few blocks north of Burnside; full 'x N block; some income. SoO.OOO-Sixth Street, south of Morrison, 100 feet front; good im provements, 9 per cent income. $42,500 Sixth Street, north of Burnside, full size corner lot; 7 per cent income. $42,500 Front St., near Wash ington, full lot, 2-story brick build . ing; 8 per cent net income. $37,500 Tenth St., near Stark, full corner lot, choice location and first-class building site. Sj536,000 East Side, choice loca tion, postoffice for Albina district tenants of the building; full block, 3-story modern brick build ing; 8 per cent net income. $31,000 Fifteenth St., just north of Washington; full quarter block; some income. 26,000 Modern Apartment house, llth street, within 10 blocks Postoffice; income more than nets 10 per cent. $22,000 Front St., near Wash ington, 25x100 feet, 2-story brick building; 8 per cent net income. 914,000 Flanders St., near 10th, iun size lot; monthly income; $4000 cash will handle it. $9000 North Portland, full quar ter block, fronting on Wilson st.; five cottages, always rented, and paying 9 per cent net. SpoOOO Everett Street, near 10th, fractional lot, 6 per cent net in come. APARTMENT SITES o w . OU.UUU X rinitV Plae. nur Washington St., 100x100 feet, east front. $16,500 Washington Street, near -urn, iun size lot. C . f rwm .... . . i.o,uifu iwenuetn street, near Irving; full quarter block, east front; ideal site for apartments; se lect neighborhood. WAREHOUSE SITES $60,000 Fifteenth Street, full V- diock, j.vv ieei on track. $5O,OO0 Fifteenth Street, full X block, 100 feet of track. 42,000 Glisan Street, full y4 block, east of Tenth street. $25,000 Fifteenth St., 100x100 Seet, with trackage facilities. $18,500 Fifteenth St.. near Gl san, full size corner lot, 50 ft. track $17,500 Fifteenth St., full s corner lot, 50 feet of track. $15,000 York St., full y. block J.UU ieei oi tracK. $ ll.OOO Twentieth Street, n Thnrman, full 4 block. JAMES J. FLYNN 512 Chamber of Commerce. FOR THE SMALL SPECULATOR $500 Down lull half acre, and 5-room story' ana-a-half house; barn, cistern, wood shed, chicken-house. 20 fruit trooe- t- blocks from carline in rapidly grow ing aisrnci. t'nee SUO. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 14612 Fifth Street. M. 6680. a 6267. $55,000 5. near Third streets: income. Pays now 7 per cent See net. Wake up. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. A WALKING-DISTANCE BARGAIN on E. Ash, near 20th; 7-room house, full lot; $2900 cash; $3000 on time. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, 317 Chamber of Commerce. XFW TODAY. JONESMORE Is an addition where you can see the value w Graded streets, electric lights. Bull Run water, Complete abstract, warranty deed. Size of lots are 50x100. The price $400 to $600 Take Montavilla car. Agent at tract. GEO. D. SCHALK 264 Stark St. Riverdale Station on the White House Road RIGHT AT THE STATION. Four hundred n large dock, built at cost of 5000 houseboat of 11 rooms, the strongest, most complete in comfort and lnxnrv of any houseboat Jn Oregon, and a large launch and boathouse. all for Sale for S10.000. Thi r,m...,,. i os' the owner S30.000. It la tr away the best bargain offerer! unv. where tn or around Portland today. Fifteen minutes' ride from the heart Of tOWn. Without th. .mnb. I manufacturing anywhere in sight or sound. AND WHERE TOU DO NOT HAVE TO W AIT FOR DRAWBRIDGES "u'i juur oinner snoiis. . a. Kenton W. NICHOLSON. Bldg, from 2 to aia 5 P. M. RiVERWOOD A strictly high-grade residence river front property. City conveniences. 16-minute ridn from town. Acres at the price of lots in anv restricted district. IT PAYS TO SEE US Chapiii 6 Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. COLONIAL HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE DISTRICT BTjILDING restrictions CtiOSB TO BUSINESS CENTER Far enough away from Stock Tard IMs trfT tn ha fM. ni- Hawthorne avenue will be paved with hard-surface pavement this Summer. Madison Bridge will be rebuilt imme diately. WHERE CAN YOU BEAT IT FOR $1800 for Full 50x100 with ALL IMPROVEMENTS In and paid for. J500 down on any lot. SENGSTAKFfc LYMAN 90 FIFTH STREET. Notice of Sale $4250 Buys It ONE OF VNION AVENUE'S BEST BUSINESS CORNERS. This belongs to a corporation wind ing up business and placed in our hands for immediate sale. Full lot, new. largre. modern house In back end! costing 2800; room for two large Btores and flats overhead besides. With an expenditure of- less than $3000 can be made to bring: in 100 per month. No fooling: with this the lucky one will have to act quickly. J. P. Kennedy, fag 1 nlnn ave. North. $115,000 $115,000 Three-story building, leased $600 per month; full lot; less than block from Hotel Portland. In line of progress and near new skyscrapers. $115,000 $115,000 JACKSON DKKRIVO, 24 Stark SC. 104x100, NORTH END Warehouse Site for the near future, with good in come property on it, while you wait. 104x100 for $13,500. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, 317 Chamber of Commerce. Washington Street 72 feet frontaee near King street, only $6000 cash. $14,000 on time. RUSSELL & BLYTH Commonwealth Building. SEW TODAY. WEST SIDE NO BRIDGES TO CROSS $1500 Lot 42tixll0. on Kelly st; fine view; can't be shut oft -room cottage on Curry St.; o00 cash, 20 per month. 4-room cottage on Kelly at.; a snap; easy terms. 6- room cottage on 2d St.; 500 cash. 20 per month. 7- room house, near 2d and hitaker: 500 cash. bal. easy. Nice 4-room cottage. 2d and Curry; J500 cash. t2Q per mo. F'ne 5-room cottage, near Children's Home; easy terms. Fine new 5-room house, on $1600 $1700 $1800 $2000 $2000 $2150 $2500 $3100 $3250 X.inn 3ood 8-room house on Lincoln OJIUU st.; 1300 cash. Iice 6-room cottage. 4th t. near Sherman; 2000 cash. Modern 7-room house on Hood st.. walking distance; terms. 10-room house for two fami lies, on Hood st.; a bargain. Nice 8-room house. Curry st. corner; (2500 cash. 8-room house and corner lot 60x106, on Hooker St.: a big bargain. ?rr?omhouse on Corbett St.. $3500 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4250 $5000 S5300 $5500 ,ut ovxiju; nan cash; snap. Elegant, new, modern. 6-room uuuse. iun lot; Grover at. Double house. Water st.. rent ed for S36 per month; terms. New. modern. 7-room house, corner Corbett and Glbbs: half cash. A swell house. Modern 8-room house. 25th and Raleigh; 13000 cash. Good cottage and full lot. on 3d. st. near Lincoln. 5-room cottage, full lot. Mont gomery near 3d; 82900 cash. Fine 6-room house, furnace fireplace, near 12th and Mill; $6000 $6500 $6500 ouu casn. 4 houses and quarter block, rented for S.S8 month, on Kelly st; half cash. 8-roni house, corner lot, i'A'L st- close In; rented for $8000 $8300 a.cti;. worm S10.000. $11 000 100x106. with 4 good houses, rented for J79; on Porter st. J. W. GRUSSI -OS Washington, near 3d, room 7. HOMES HOMES HOMES UP TO $20,000 IN ALL OF THE BEST RESIDENCE DISTRICTS SWEEI-HEAD-LEMCKE 146y2 Fifth Street. M. 6680. A 6267 Special! Note This!! $18,000 QUARTER BLOCK ON York Street xvauroaa switcn in Iront of prop erty; prices lower than any other quarter on the street. Income, $75 per month. Best bny in North Port land. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark, Near Second. WANTED Responsible person to join us in building ten dwellings, as good as sold; $10,000 needed. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. Lumber Exchange Building, 10212 Second Street. Three lots for $1500, 4 blocks from carline, and faces Dr. Rockey's prop erty; view of river and shade trees. This will be our next sale. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. TRINITY PLACE 57 feet frontage on this" street, sit uated 100 feet north from Washington street. Price $9000. This is the cheapest property offered in this lo cality. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. HAMILTON BUILDING. 131 THIRD ST. Telephones, Main 3349 or A 3329. $45,000 Quarter block, East of Sixth, south of Morrison; near Postoffice; income. Be quick. See A. H. Birrell Go. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Warehouse Site Full corner lot on Upshur, near 19th; pood trackage facilities, some income: more- ground. If needed. F"or price and particulars apply to owner, S. Rox worth y, at Neustadter Bros. RIVERDALE SEW TODAY. HOOD RIVER 40 acres virgin soil, big apple or chards all around it; 6 miles from Hood River. 2 miles from R R Price, $150 per acre. This we guar antee is the biggest snap in that vicin ity. See us Monday before 11 A. M. A MONEY MAKER 22 acres on electric line in Van couver. Very desirable for platting. Adjoining lots are selling for $2o0 per lot, $450 per acre. If yon have $6800 ycu can clear up over $10,000 in a short time. Don't take our word; go and see the property. as 146 FIFTH STREET. GERVAIS ACREAGE Fertile and Populous Section .of Marion County, on the Main Lino of the S. P. Co. This is the first small acreaca tracts to be offered in this section. Sold in one and five-acre tracts and upwards. Price, $125 to $200 per acre; lies nice and level., adjoining town: soil the verv best. anA nrmltip. tive; esneciallv adanted to small fruit berries, gardening and orchardine. Walnuts do well here. One miln from the Oregon Electric line and 39 miles soutn irom r-ortland. Call on or address WM. J. CLARKE, OWNER, Gervais, Oregon. WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE . 100x300 feet on 22nd' and York streets. Has 400 feet of trackage. Full particulars on application. F. V. ANDREWS 6 CO. HAMILTON BUILDING, 131 THIRD ST. Telephones, Main 3349 or A 3329. $5750 Xew modern 6-room dwelling, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace; East Taylor and 27th streets. Will sell all or part of furniture. Part cash. $2700 Six-room dwelling, East Taylor and 36th streets. A good buy. Part cash. We have some good bargains in ' HOSIER fruit land. McCARGAR, BATES & LIVELY,. 315 Failing Building. $9500 2-story building, nearly new. Al construction. 1 large stores face Union ave., 2 fine modern flats above; income now $75.00; June 1, $87.00; over 8 per cent net; corner, 624x100, choice property and location ; room for another store and flat; consider near future advance in this property. Eugene and Union avenue. A. H. BIRRELL CO. McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. $25 an Acre EASY TERMS Fruit and Walnut Land in Yamhill County. 470 acres; lies fine; rich, deep soil. 200 acres ready to plow; 3'2 miles to depot. OREGON lAND CO. 248V2 Stark Street. FULL BLOCK near 28th-street bridge, for sale at a very low price. If you want a bar gain, call on R. GORDON, Room 332, Sherlock Bldg. Third and Montgomery 100x100 corner, APARTMENT SITE Some income now, and $5000 below anything in that neighborhood; price $20,000 One-half cash, balance long time. J. W. 265 Washington, GRUSSI, Near Third, Room 7. GEORGfc BLACK.. Pl'BLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches ) 823 Worcester Bids. Pbonas. Ma. In 83T1, A 401V A