r- iiUNDAiUHiliUAm, fOKimi), Ai'ltLL. 4, lbOl). NEW TODAY. 1 . j . ' " ' . ' S " W TODAY. I ; EW IODAT. I JTKW TODAY. I ' 1 aaaaaa.. I - 1 I i. - i - . v-.a,. rir : 1 Oraville Tracts j $10 Down and $5 Per Month. J J Fractional and half acres, all a cleared, with water piped to J each tract; 15-minute car serv- ice, 5-cent fare; $.j0 and $o00 Z J per tract. Take Woodstock car. 2 Agent at end of line from 10 o'clock until 4 o'clock todav. ? LAHBERT-WH1TMER CO. I 107-108 Sherlock Building, or Z 404 East Alder Street. Z MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Real Estate TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Chamber of Commerce. FINE INCOME PROPERTY "ear the Depot, $75,000 Investigate Thin. QUARTER BLOCK CLOSE TO BURNS1DE On 11th street. A fine Investment, $40,000 New f.ats, close to Steel hrldge. 12 per rent Income, rent $153.50. $15,000 LIND & HICL.EY i:i2 Third street. Acreage Inside City Limits t One-acre tract between two carlines. fronting on two streets, lies fine, soma nice shade trees, city water, street Im proved, good soil, tine neighborhood; a bargain, price, $1100: one-half cash. 11-3 acres clone In. near the carline. all e to orchard. 3 years old: o-room house, well 'and city water; price J-100; terms. w. h.Iang 414, Ablnston Building. YOU CAN NOT EQDAL IT IN TOWN 100 feet square, facing: E. Yamhill nil 40th streets, filled with fruit and shrubbery and a handsome lawn. A 10 room house, with modern conveniences, furnace, modern Dhimhlnir iw.r..aia. bath and cas; in fact, everything to --- pit?Hta!ii: nome. I'rlce 94950 or will let It no for J4B0O by 'assum ing the sidewalk and street Improve ment. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder Street. Hood River Ranch l am not permitted to publish a de scription of this place: but I will con vince you that it is the best buv in the valley tor JlS.foo. The owner i swamped and needs the money. Invesfisute this if von wish to invest, for It will be well worth your time. C. J. S0 McKay Building Overton Street Lot between Cist and 22d. facing north: f.OxlOO; half cash. Price $1000. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Cltnniher of rommcrec. rORTIAXD. .V1. 000 IX 1912. If You Believe This $22,000 ,ZJ Xa J best wholesale district on the West Side oil cannot tlnd a better investment in business property in l'ortland. J. M. FRENCH 6 CO. '7 Commercial Building. IRRIGATION FIFTV MILKS OP PITCH THIS TR R r inesi 1- ruit Laud in the World. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY T--V,'?.I-MV: OK TH '- K,r RKP API-I.E i-K.ir LAND AT .A KM ru ICES. Churchili-Riggs Land Co. GRANTS PASS. OR.FX.ONT. 600x200 HARBOR FRONT J,r,"'k,s' heart of citv; harjrain FUiTOHt.lt, AMnKton Rids. ORCHARD AND GARDEN LANDS ALONG THE COLOMBIA RIVER Right In the midst of a rapidly devel oping, level tableland, all cultivated. The owner will sell some choice 5-acre. tracts on payments of $100 down and 110 per month. The location is exceptionally favored with :. ihipplng facilities, having all trains of the North Bank R. R. and the O. R & J". in plain view, and now a line of boats landing In front. Fruits and almonds grow here to per fection, demonstrated by the orchards and vineyards, and without failure from, year :o year. Watermelons, sweet pota toes, corn and garden products, within six hours' delivery of Portland. Spokane or Seattle markets, will pay for the land before payments are due. No locality In Oregon or Washington can offer more encouraging inducement to the fruitgrower, vinedresser or gar dener, looking for a home, than here, "wher-i the ri-ln and sunshine meet." W ith sunny days in Winter and an open sky in Summer makes the climate ideal for the outdoor workers. An inspection is all we ask and guar antee rn Indorsement of all our state ments or the expense of the trip re turned. For a booklet jiving full information write or call on B. S. COOK & CO. 508 Corbett Bldg. Three Blocks from High Sclwol I I itoroi L $6.000 DtYLG. QrSQft. FOR SALE WASf6T0N WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO. MI21 Corbett Bids:' HOMES Sl'MVVSIDE. New G-room house, modern in every way. One block from carline, for $3500. ?000 cash. Nine-room house, with modern con veniences, on lot 100x100. Fruit and shrubbery of all kinds. $4600. Terms. 1 . ST MKTEB!STH ST. Nice new 7-rooin house, full base ment with furnace and wash trays. East exposure. $5250. Half cash. REAL ESTATE DEPiBTMEVT. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 247 WASHINGTON STREET. HILLSBORO ACRES I -ft t s show you the most desirable acreage near Portland. Every foot fine soil. One-third of subdivision sold and now being improved with orchards and small fruits and made into attractive subtiroan homes. Close to steam and electric roads, and only a few minutes' ride from Portland. Payments can readi ly be made from crops grown. CALL. 607 ROTHCHILD BUILDIXa. CHEAPEST Bl'y o EAST SIDE. Close in. 80x100 corner. East Hoyt. block to car, only $1600, H cash, This is a snap. D1BOIS CROCKETT, WttKbington Bldg- Room 3. Six Room House S2250. ' Near corner East Everett and Rose mont. One lot. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 3,'ta Chamber of Commerce. "ALAMEDA DISTRICT" ONE EIVEtWNT VIEW LOT LEFT 1RVINGTON HEIGHTS. $0. $300 down, balance on or before 3 years 6 per .-ent. ' GEO. J. SCHAEFER. 317 Cham, of Com. 5 Rooms and Den Furnace, full concrete basement; lot oOiilOO; $SO0 down. $20 per month. S2600. nnpi HERI.OW. 332 C hamber of . ( nmmprre. 100x100 on 6th Street JsOO. a snap, AVest Side; good income property. Howard-Behnke Company SIP Swetland Building. 7 Rooms $2500 Fast 1 St h i st.; lot 25x100. between Pine and Oak. Terms if necessary. CHAIMX HERLOW. 33a Chamber ol Commerce. HOLLADAY HOME $1500 balance monthly installments. Six-room modern home, full two storv: furnace bascme.it; attic; every convenience; near both car lines. OWNER. 416 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS The finest qvsrter block on Heights' swell location: level, natural foundation one block from car. OWXER. Main 49i.' SloO.OOO or a reasonably large pan available for a 'U ll.UIXG LOAX. KIMVARI) V'.. (iOVDEV, orbett Hulldtn-c. OR. ?A,-K' "? Modern Coltatr, XXfSt Side, walking distance. 450 Mont gomery st. Owner. Phone East 1559 I . VHP To . Suit Your Purse A tract of 65 acres inside the city limits level and easily cleared. Suitable for platting. Very easy terms. 40,000 Forty acres, less than 4 miles from the Chamber of Commerce. One half cash. S3O.O0O Twenty acres, adjoins Rose City Park; all cleared: easy platted. 1O.0O0 A block of 20 lots, street im provements. Includes cement sidewalks, parking, curbs ar.d water mains; $1000 cash. 11009 every three months. SOO Business corner on East Side. Can be made to pay large income. Above price for quick sale. 11.SOO Income property in -Cob Hill district. A bargain at this figure. C2A50 Will buy two acres in Crest View Villa. Adjoins platted property selling for double this price per acre. 3630 New modern six-room house; corner lot; a beautiful home. Only J650 cash. -000 Buys a business corner in Rose City Park; half cash. 930O0 For a 7-room house in East 28th St., near Oregon; easy terms. C3OO0 Six-room modern house on Rose City are.; street improvements added; $1000 cash. C2300 Three lots near East 2Sth and Glisan. SIOOO Corner lot 60x100 -la Logan's Addition, 4 biocaa -from East 28th st. school. ifiHii a mum CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WEST SIDE BUYS S27BO 6-room house, 2 stories; lot 45.J0. S1SOO 4 rooms. Lot alone worth the money. R4000 6 rooms, new and modern; excellent buy. S3500 7-room modern; lot 25x100. S-IOOO 8 rooms, modern; corner 60x50. S7250 S rooms, fractional corner; very close in. Big future. SR6SOO 7 rooms, fractional corner, in fine location. Xou can make a big profit on this in a short time. S14.000 11 rooms, fine home. Nob Hill district. $13,500 10 rooms, modern; choice corner. S13.500 2 houses; corner, over 1 lots. In district with big future. 8000 New flat building. North Portland; pays over 10 per cent. $21,000 Income property on 12th St. Pays good interest. Money to Loan on Anything We Sell. M. E. LEE Room 411 Corbett Bldg. LOT BARGAINS 1)nfl 60100. corner E. 20th and Tag- wIZUU gart; easy terms. (lIRn 83 l-3x 2-S, E. Washington, w ludU near E. 19th; very easy terms. tlKKfl 1001,0. on E. Salmon St., near V I JOU 45th; easy terms. tlRKfl 1. corner lot, E. Yamhill V luOU and 2oth; easy terms. HOUSES t9G flO 6-room house, 100x100, cor. E. WlOUU 34th and Ivon; easy terms. tOUfin '-room house, E. 31st, near (9Z.0UU Ankeny; half cash. tQTKn s-rom cottage, 60x100. near 00JQU Steel bridge. Si? And 5?rorn house nearly new, 8SS w tww - J tlllllllll. $5500 S-room house. E." 22d, near Haw thorne ave., $500 cash, bal. time. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. GOOD HOME; REASONABLE PRICE PRICE $8000 tfHfcrfi- JI ,n cVltlvatlon and three standing timber, with running stream. One of the finest suburban homes near Portland. Has new. modern house of nine rooms, fine view, or river and good lawn. Soli Is of the best free from rock; srood slope. Two barns up-to-date chicken plant. 250 trees of best varieties of fruit. Rest of water. This place is close to Oregon City. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 3X1 Chamber of Commerce. Business Property wuarrer mock with substantial 3-storv building, leased for $7200 per annum- Third st., nea.' Burnslde. Price $80,000 Splendid investment; go and see it. Goldsmith 5 Co. Room WS Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak Sts. Owner offers fine 5-room bungalow all modern improvements, just bein" completed: large attic and good base nient; beamed dining-room. lVch kitchen, cooling closet, etc. White en ameled chambers and bath. Excellent neighborhood, near carline and school Price only $2500, on very reasonable terms. A. C. EMERY Main 3S01. 824 Chamber of Commerce. Fourteenjth Street Quarter block, close in: income $175 per month. Bargain at .f22.500. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 203 o Washington, Corner Third. j Union Ave. and East Oak Southeast corner, owned bv non resident. Bargain buy. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 2o3 2 Washington. Corner Third. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. "00 Three lots on RavensT-iew ririve, Portland Heights, northern view. WOO 100 x 100 feet, corner, 27th and Thurman sts. Has a future. SRttOO 55x100 ft.. Johnson, near 20th st. 7ooo 150x100 ft.. Guild St., betr Thur man and Vaughn sts. 7Soo 100x100 ft.. 19th and Elm sts. ! 57 ft. fronting on Trinity place. 9500 100x100 ft., with 8-room resi dence. East 8th and Hassalo sts 10,000 50x100 ft., with 8-room resi dence. 24th st.. south of Northrup st.. in best neighborhood. 12,0)M) 50x100 ft-, corner, on 23d St. Improved. On two carlines. S 12,000 54x100 ft.. Everett, near 21st St.. improved. Rental value $1080 per annum. 12.000 100x120 ft., with seven - room residence. Portland Heights. aSOO 110x100 ft., on Johnson St., bet. 19th and 20th sts. 915,000 100x100 ft., .with 4 new mod ern 6-room houses, northwest part of the city. Rental value $1440 per annum. A safe Investment. F. V.ANDREWS 6 CO. Hamilton Itullillnt. 1M1 Third S. Telephone Main 0340 or A 3329 YAMLAND To the farmer who wants a farm complete in every detail, or to the in- " " " van uuiiulu xaeai piai- f.uoiuuu, we oner ror sale Bo acres of the choicest land in Yamhill uuui.v. i property is only ao miles town of Yamhill and mile from R. P ,statlon- If Put on the market In 6, 10 and 20-acre tracts, a handsome profit can be realized, as no better soil can be found in Oregon. This is the original home of the "Big Red famous walnut belt. We solicit the closest investigation. For further information see MALL S VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bid if. Third Street Quarter block with two-story brick block. Price $55,000 CAN YOU BEAT IT? Goldsmithfi Co. Room 105 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. RIVER MILL SITE . $40,000 Oyer 1000-foot: frontage on Willamette River, close to Portland; has Southern Pacific trackage and best of wagon road. The several buildings may be valuable, tine dock and deep water. CHAPIN T HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS IN LAND Forty, acres,- at $40 per acre; $200 cash, balance $10 per month. Ten acres, five acres Just set in trees, all under ditch; $200 per acre; $800 down, $15 per month. Twenty-four acres; 130 apples,. 4 to 7 years old; 400 2 year old. all newly fenced, 2 acres in strawberries, build ings on place, 6 Inches of water from spring. Price. $5000: $1000 down and $800 per annum until pala. Iv S52, Oresronlan. A SNAP Corner lot with 8-room residence 24th and Northrup, Price $8000 Goldsmith 6 Co. Room 106 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. TALK WITH FLETCHER. PIBDMOST 3-lot corner on Killlngs- W'orth. bargain. . WALM T PARK 2-lot corner; snap. YAMHILL AXD FIRST 50x75 feet SWIXTOX 3 lots at original cost nut ccd. E. SAI.MOX CORNER 60x100. near IStb, below the market. $3300 cash will, handle it. Will pay 12 per cent now and room for more buildinirs HOOD RIVER 25 acres fruit land cheap. 2-3 Abintcton Bide Business Property (Ann W-ft. frontage on Burnside iSll I I ftreet "car 7th. with build (IlLUiUUU ,nss. rents 6 per cent. In ' come right in line with skyscrapers; a snap. Goldsmith & Co. Room 105 Sherlock Bldg Third and Oak Sts. JUST LIKE 23RD AND WASHINGTON 5 splendid MxlO.; corner lots. cIos to tho O. R. & N depot site at the Swift Company s business center. These are the wMtn i of investment in Portland to day. t.hall be pleased to show them to you. Price. $600, $2. down, balance eas A. A. CLARK Board of Trade Bulldin:. A COIXTRV HOME FOR I.ITTI.E J.cr.e" an'1 half srround. and a splen did six-room house, cement walks and basement, nice little barn and chicken house, and good wen; rlsht on the I'.P-,11"-"1 .ha,lf hour to Fortland. Price $32o0. including furnitur WALLACE 1 VKSTHEXT CO 51 1 Oregonian Bhig. portlanOeigiits- 3:1 l-3xla. fin-; view. $1.a. TiOxHi. exceptional view. $17.v. 4-Ox. clos'-st view point. $2oi"0 -KxS6. near Vista ave.. $1500. House. 6 rooms, nearly full lot. $3?00 All on easv payments. JESSE HOBSOX. 503 Corbett Bldg. SS12SO for nice little 4-room cot tage in Sellwood; modern plumbing cement basement; only 5 blocks from carline: lot 65x85: $500 cash, balance $20 a month. This is a genuine snap and must be sold this week. Go and look at it today. 681 Bidwell st. I. C. HCM.KIIS, 13 Rothrhild Bldg. The Shaw-Fear Company 245Va STARK STREET 100x100, 15th street, near Savier street S25.000 100x100, 15th and Overton streets SI""! nrf 50x100. 4th st rents at ' $187.50 ner mn-nth erf 8-room modern house, two lots, near East Sth and Mason streets 5,000 4,500 4,500 3,200 2,600 2,150 1,500 750 50O 8-room " modern house. S blocks Steel briflu-e X 6-room house, modern, in bouth Portland , $ 6-room house, near Kelly and Gibbs sts., S. Port...js 10-room house, modern. Montavilla line SR 6-rm. house, modern, near Alberta car line Lot 50x100, Portl'd Hgts.. Lot 50x100. Broad wav Ad.SjS 50x100, E. 15th st.,' near Alberta jg Ys-kcts home sites, 40 min- ntes out 150 ' xVi acres, elegant build ings, 7 miles out $ 8,000 7y3 acres on Mount Scott line, ready to plat $ 5,000 10 acres, 9 miles out, one mile from station, good buildings; will exchange for home in city, from $3000 to $5000. J2 acre, store building, with living rooms above, warehouse, stable, etc., located at good suburban station; stock of goods and established trade; will exchange for good city property. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US Will buy a well-improved quarter block on 12th st., in the heart of the city. This is a splendid investment, and nothing better for the money in that locality. It bears investigation. Will buy a flat on Park st., well lo cated; rents for $50 per month. OttoS Harkson Realty Co. 13312 First Street. TRACKAGE U LOTS ON CORNER 13th and Irving. Temporarr income of $125 a month, at a very attractive figure. $20,000 cash will handle. TOM M. BURNEY Room 15, 270i2 Wash. St. Here Are a Couple of Cottages That Will Pay You to Buy Tour money will earn 10 per cent as it goes along-. Five rooms, all fixed up and readv to occupy, on the Base Line. Price $1250 And o-room cottage, finished up In rood style and lot 50x100. All kinds of berries and fruit; three . blocks from c&rs. $ I ZoQ. , Anybody that can beat these prices can get our money. THE DUNX-UWREXCE CO., 48 Alder Street. Hotel on Glisan street, ravine n good rent ; leased for a term of years ; terms. C E. FIELDS 412-113 Board of Trade Building Phones Main 4561. A 2561. WE B17H.D ARTISTIC IlOtlES O.V EASV PAYMENTS I,KT I'S BI II.D ONE FOR YOU WFiy Not? Butterworth Stephenson Co., Inc. I'esisrners aud Huildrrs of Artistic Homea. 3S I-afayelte Bldg, XI h and M ahlnRton FIRE! FIRE For sale at your own price Motion Victure Machines. 500.000 feet Film Song Slides, Phonograph Records, etc. NEWMAX MOTION PRTIRE CO, -.113 Burnside. $7500 7xl0'i. on Schuyler St.. near 21st 7 room modin house: laiRe sleeping porch; high-class neighborhood. Easy terms. GEO. D. SCHALK Mala 32. A 2.-. 24 Stark St. FOR LEASE A good business location. West Sidu especially suited for manufacturing new brick building. A long lease wHl be given to right party. KNAPP & MACKEY 313 Board of Trade. $8800 l FOR SALE BY Mall 6 Von Borstel Beautiful Quarter 25th and Northrup Sts. Price, ?9500. 100x100. situated on the southeast corner of 2Sth and Northrup streets. A beautiful residence site. We can ar range terras. Apartment House Site i wr , " 1 Jim h 0 -mar i . i i xiAiictcBiibu o6 marsnau jsls 100x100 on llm nn.tV.-... . I ith and Marshall sts. See us for I price and terms. . Third, Near Glisan Price, ?17,00O. Lot 25x100. on the east sIHo nf Ti.i stl:et- near Glisan street. This prop- f Rival nimrc. oeing- at llie entrance of the new brldsro. This prop erty lias an income of $'i3. Second and Columbia Sts. 150x10'" and 7 houses, situated on the southeast corner of 2d and Columbia " , , noues are all rented and pay & f al r ininm rrt tha i n ir -n. 3 ' ond treet is a good street. This prop- " - " , tj-jti tuiure. ror price and terms see us. Savier Street 6 Rooms Price, $5750. .-vi ana o-room modern house situated No. 907 Savier street and be- -viii . vii e can ar range terms. Pettygrove St. Price, $3750 Each. We have four lots on the north side of Pettygrove street, between 24th and 2th sts. They are cheap. We can ar range terms. EAST SIDE 15th and East Burnside Sts. Three Houses Price, $10,500. 100x100 and three good houses, one being a 9-room and the other two be ing 6 rooms each; situated on the northeast corner of K. 15th and E. Burnside sts. It is a bargain. See it. We can arrange terms. Marguerite Ave. Price, S5500. I-ot 100x138 and 9-room house. Vieins: No. 384 Marguerite ave, A beautiful home. Lots of fruit and flowers. Take Hawthorne ave. car. Terms. E. Ankeny St. Home Price, $4000. Lot 50x80 and 7-room modern house at No. 690 K. Ankeny St. We can ar range terms. Building Lot E. 25th and Tillamook Sts. Price, $2300. Corner lot 66x100. 'situated on the southeast corner of B. 25tfc and Tilla mook streets. Terms. - ALBINA Rodney Ave. Two Houses Price, $4500. 50x125 and two houses, situated Nos. 542 and 544 Rodney ave. We can ar range terms. E. Couch Street 8 Rooms Price, $3850. Iot SOxlOO and S-room house, sit uated No. 956 K. Couch street. Terms. East Everett St. Home Price, $2650. Lot 50x100 and modern 5-room house, being No. 785 E. Everett street. Terms. East 9th Near Burnside St. Price, $3650. Lot 46x50 and 6-room cottage, being No. 9 East Ninth street north. Terms. East 10th Street Price, $4000. 9 Rooms. Lot 50x100 and 9-room house, being No. 124 East 10th street north. Terms. East Irving and Union Ave. Price, $15,000. 75x100 on the southeast corner of Union avenue and East Irving streets Terms. East Pine Near Grand Ave. Price, $6300. 53x50. situated on the north side of E. Pine st. and bet. Union and Grand avenues. There are some improvements on the property, bringing in a fair in come. We can arrange terms. New Broadway St. Home Price, $2850. Terms $600 Down Lot 47x100 and new 6-room house situated on tho south sido of Broadwav and next to the corner of E. 29th st. it is a bargain. See it. Mall 6 Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Kxchaage Bids;. TRACKAGE 200 FEET And terminal facilities, V2 BLOCK Of warehouse property on the East Side. Splendid buy. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. YAMHILL FRUIT LAND $30 Per Acre i,i?it40. a.ores valley and upland In foot hills between McMmnville and Sheri dan. Deep, rich soil, well adapted for walnuts, aoples or other fruits. A fine dairy proposition, and would be suit ah.c to sell in small tracts, halt in cul tivation, all under fence, rive houses and barns. This is a snap. Investigate at once. For particulars write MURTON & MACY McMlunt file. Ore-icon. Do You Want? S2500 50x100. new -room house 3 blocks from carltne. on East Side; $-.00 down. $20 per month. 26 50 100x100. -rood 7-room house. large barn, chlckenhouse: 1 block from carline. 4500 50x100. on Northrup St., near --d st. No restrictions. S4750 100x100. corner, on Portland HelirHts. SSOOO Full lot. 7-room house, on , eidler st.. near E. 9th. One block ?30r"tun io,t east n' u,.- o-date buniralow. on E. 17th st.. Irv- 1nff-r-t-n i win canine. 8SOOO 50x100, with S-room house, on .-JS-tA1kenl'- bet E- ISth and 14th. 3dO Lot 50x105. new S-room house, sleeping porch; Clackamas sU. near 26th st. $6750 Very sightly corner, 100x100. on Willamette Heights. 98500 100x150. East 21st st. lrv ington: ill improvements paid 'for. S6000 lOnxluo. on East 9th st., Uol Isdoy Add.: improvements all' in. S7500 75x100. on Schuyler si., near 2lsi with modern 7-room home. Are you looking for a home in a high class neighborhood? Easv terms. One of the best quarter blocks with handsome residence, on East Side walking distance, part of propertv can be Improved with flats that will bring in excellent returns on invest ment. Geo. D. Schalk STARK STRKKTt. Mats 393. A 2393 IsslIIi One of the most beautiful resi- dence districts in Portland. The ideal site for beautiful homes.. It will pay you to look at Rossmere before purchasing elsewhere, as you will find, in addition to the choicest location, even- modern up-to-date improvement, such as graded and graveled streets. 10- fool parkings, cement sidewalks curbing and Bull Run water lall in. complete and paid for. Ross- niere sells itself. If you once sea it. no further urging is neces- sary. Look at. Rossmere today the sooner the better. . : A I.I. LOTS 54)x1O0: a-.-noo BriLTJ- o TSn RKSTRH'TIO-VSt SO TO 7BO FKIt LOT, IVCUUIMTVG IMPROVEMENTS. We guarantee a perfect title Take Rossmere car. Third and yamhlll. Agent on tho ground afternoons. o Clark-CopkCompany j Board of Trade Bnlldlng. J Phones t Slain 6407, A 325. Z A HOME IN IRVINGTON Lot SOxlOO. s.phalt i-lre-.t, close 1o th Ji'i 5?r f.t"Jco jn Portland, lo minute!-' ride from Hfth and Waj-hin-tton slrect- s-w and modern house, hmlt of the r-st materiaU oy oay s work. Cement basement, with fur nace, cement fuh and toiiet, large Ilvlna room with llreplace. Attract! dlnlng-ronm and large kitchen and pantries. Four bed rooms, up-to-date bathroom and lar-fe sleen imr porch. Double floors throujchout. Must he ., to be aprreciated. Prlca l richt and can make desirable term. ROUHTREE " , DIAMOND 241 Stark Street, Corner Second. Owner going to Europe desires to sell at a sacrifice new, modern residence, with furnishings; good terms may be made. Smith & Everett 309-310 Failing Bldg. DON'T MISS SEEING THIS A modern bungalow, well located front room and diningroom beautlfullv paneled. finished in golden oak; two good-size bedrooms, kitchen, sink with porcelain back and sides, wood lift pass pantry, cupboard and bins, built in china closet, doublo floors, large at tic, front and back porches, good elec tric fixtures, concrete basement sides and floor, stationary tubs and cement walks around the house. Price, 12450; $i00 cash, balance easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY -1 .1 Board of Trade. Nob HilT Xew modern residence. , Smith & Everett 309-10 Failing Building. $700 10th St.; hlg ; great barga Lot or. K. 10th st.; high elevation; fine location; great bargain. See The Span ton Co. 2TO Stark St. RESIDENCE LOTS "West Side restricted district, $2200 each ; terms. SMITH sTeVERETT 309-310 Failing Building. A BIC SNAP Klegant. modern eleven-room resi dence, large lot, on Hawthorne ave. io00. part cash, part smaller residence, part mortgage on property. - H. "VGTIKOFKn, raoae Main 6455. 2 HZ Salmoa Sv