IN.VVORLD'S COURT United States Again Resorts to Hague Tribunal. GIVES IT MUCH, PRESTIGE Newfoundland Fisheries ' Dispute With Britain and Venezuelan. Concessions ro Be Decided' b'-. Peaceful Means. . WASHINGTON, April S. Again the ood offices of the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague are to be in voked to settle Important International disputes in which the American Govern ment is vitally Interested. It will not be the first occasion in which recourse has been made tp that august tribunal ,i is sues' in which this Government has fig tired. Neither or the former cases was of as great consquence as the interpreta tion to be placed on Article 1 of the treaty of :isi8. touching the rights of . Americans to flsh in the waters of New foundland, and the issues to be arbitrated "as a result-of the agreement recenUy -reached between. VvV I- Buchanan, the 'American special - eomuiissioner. ' and , President Gomes, of Venezuela, both of which are to gro' to The Hague. ' Important Fishery Dispute. la submitting; to The Hague so im portant, a principle as that involved In the fisheries controversy, both the American and the British governments .are Riving, that tribunal a prestige which is regarded as an occurrence of ; the- nrst magnitude and calculated to .Inspire similar action by other nations. 'The findings of the court will be awaited . with, the greatest Interest and impatience by the New England .fishing interests. Their treaty rights have been questioned, their work in terfered with and they have suffered rrom the attempted enforcement of certain local laws or regulations, the -right to enact which has been warmly .contested by this Government. It will ;be more than a year before the ques tions in dispute are fully before- the ..tribunal-for decision. Settlement With Venezuela. o,Yfar f efrort 'a of arguments by the State Department failed of success in reaching a basis of settlement of the dis putes with Venexuela. until ..Secretary Root sent Mr. Buchanan to cV-ieas at the invitation of President GoiYfea. and the protocol was negotiated. The willing ness of the Cnlted States thus to dispose of the dlxputos demonstrates to the na tions of this hemisphere Its faith, in the honor and fairness of the court, leaving to the fate of that tribunal questions af fecting the Interests of countries In which tills Uovernment ; in some respects exer cises a paternal Interest, and In whose behalf It. always stands ready to uphold the Monroe Doctrine. Various phases of three disputes go to The Hiigue rh a result of Mr. Buchan ans negotiations, namely:' That of the I tilted Utates & Venezuela Company. 'Which rays it 'has been deprived of the right to mine asphalt and to build a railroad; that of the Orinoco Corporation, which claims large concessions, coveting iron mines, asphalt privileges and hard wood concessions, and the case of the thinoco Steamship Company, which claims exclusive rights of navigation on branches of the Orinoco River. In the '.two.;4U- cases the court ls to pmniai-ily whether the Judgments of pre vious arbitrations or decisions of um- iPlres, worst correct and are to stand and . If act. tuctn they ar to be heard on their merle. , Three arbitrators are to be ap pointed and mere than a year will elapse b.fore a decision is rendered. BRUTE JAILED FOR LIFE Italian AVho Assaulted Cullfornlu ' tilrl Given lxyig Term. SAN RAI-'AEL. Cal.. April 3Giuseppi Pla. convicted recently of an attack upon illj.s . tliabeth Grapes on the night of -bruary , was sentenced to life Im prisonment today by Superior Judge Len non. A motion for a new trial made by I ia s attorneys was denied. The con demned man was extremely nervous in court today and, almost collaps.d when the sentence was pronounced. The crime or which he was convicted was of an atrocious character. .Miss Grapes, formerly connected with a Icx-Al . ncwspupr. was walking down the street .and tad stopped to listen to -the ntushi from hall where a dance was In progress, when she was approached by "la. who, without a word, struck her overul blows on the head, rendering her unconscious. When she recovered her senses a few moments later she found that nearly all of her clothes had been torn from her, and saw fiu. bending over her. She again became unconscious and her assailant made his escape. She was lound.. eonie time later, al most nud. and In a dazed condition, by tnends, who took her to her home. Sus picion was directed toward i'ia by the facts that he Had been heard to make Improper remarks about her. and had disappeared immediately, alter the as sault, on returning to this city he was arretted and positively identltied by his victim,. An attempt to prove an alibi was unsuccessful and I'ia was quickly convicted.- ... CLATSKANIE FOUNDER DIES Ulnar J. , Brjunt: Alo Discovered Towtler ICiver Mines. Omar J. Bryant. an early pioneer of lortluml. died at IS iaast Tenty-eishth .trvct .North, u.t Monday afternoon at 1:4 o clock Mr. Bryant WU6 born at f-rawforavUlo, Ind., In M. and lived on a farnt near there during hl boyhood. In 1N'.2 ha crossed the plain, with h ,,ar enu . ly ox team. The were eix montus on tHe wy.-a,Th-in in Portland October SS of the same year, where they spent the w inter. in March. Mr. Bryant s father took up a donation land claim on Clats kanle Ktver. In Columbia County, on the she oX tha jnent town of Clatskanle, which u platted and laid out bv lather ami ,n. The town was called Bran M.le. but was afterwards changed to Its present name. In IWl Mr. Rr?nt went to Eastern Ore nn"We ' mining, and was one ef tho. discoverers of the Powder River mine., new Hak.r on v. r After ipeudtns: a year. In EasterrJ - ... w v iswmnie. in ir.,'"" h's loirty and cam. to rt!and to spend the remaininn vears of hi lit.. biyui a In IrvinKton.' Mrs Bryant survives hlm. as does a brother" ry'.Vl- of Clatskanie. and two t' f'. Mrs. ITann. Conyers. of Olatskanle and Mrs. Mary C Lockwood. of Portland' CBA?fP CENTRA!. STATION. J AUCTION SALES TODAY. H CTZT BouUiera Pacific Leaving- Portland Rweburs Passenger Cottage Grove Pusmiter... California 1 Express San Francisco Express. West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Foiest Grove Passenger..... forest Grove Passenger..... Forest Grove Passenger.... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger... Roseburg Passenger Portland Express West Side Corvallls Passenger......... SheridiLii Passenger. ........ Forest Grove Passenger..;. Forest Grove Passenger..... Forest Grove Passenger 8 1 5 a- m- 4:15 p. TO 7 .45 p. m. l:SO a. m. 7:20 a m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 p. m. l:O0 p. m. fi:40 p. m. 1 ..I 7:15 a. m. ..111:30 a. m. . .1 6:30 p. m. . .111:13 p. m. I . . 0-20 p. m . . lo . 3o &. m. . - 8:00 a. m . Jll.50 a. m. . . I 4 '50 p. m Orrcon Railroad Navlcntion Co. l eaving Portland I Pendleton Passenger.- I T:45 a- m. Chicago-Portland Special 1 9:15a.m. Spokane Flyer I 7:OOp. m. Kansas City &. Chicago Exprew. 6:00 p. m. Arriving Portland I Spokane Flyer 1 9:00 n. m. Chi. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. J 7:20 a.m. Cnicago-Portland Bpwcial I 8:50 p. m. Pendleton passenger J 5:45 p. ra. Northern Pacific Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express. Korth Coast & Chicago Limited. Overland Express. ....i. ........ Arriving Portland North Coast Limited............ Portland Kxpress Overland Express ; 8:30 a. m. 2 :0O n. m 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m 4:15 p. zn. 8:85 p. m. AMoria fc Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express.... 8:00 a. m. Rainier Local , l is p.m. Astoria Passenger. 6:00 p. m Kalnler Local Ll;20p. m. Arriving Portland Rainier & Portland Local 9:05 a. m. Seaside & Portland Passenger... 12:15 p. m. Rainier and Portland Local....) D:10p m. Seaalde & Portland Express 10:OO p. m. Canadlan Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Sopkane 7:00 p. m. Via Seattle 11.4S p. m. Arriving Portland , C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a. m Via Seattle f 7:00 a. nx JEITKHSOX-SIREET STATION. Southern Paciilo. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger. . .. . Dallas Passenger Arriving Portland 7:40 a. m 4.15 p. zn. Dallas Passenger 110:15 a. m. HaHas Passenger 5:5Q p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS.. PAJibEN OEK STATION. Spokane, Portland ft Seattle Railway. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:15 A M For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis. Walla Walla, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles. Ooldendale, White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver aud Intel me diate points. North Bank Limited , 5:40 P.M. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis. Spokane, Sprague, Rita vilie, Lind, Pasco, Roosevelt. Uranddalles, White Salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited ...7:80 A M From Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Spokane, Sprs gue, Rita vilie, Lind. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, hlte Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver Inland Empire Express.. 5:25 p M. From Walla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Ooldendale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate points. Time Card Oregon Elect rio Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. Sta tions 6:5. 8:00. 11:00 A. M.: 2:00. 8:45, 0 20, 6:40 P. M-. Limited for Tualatin and Salem :15 A. M. Local for Wilson vtlle and Int. Stations 6:00 p. M. Leaving Portland for' Forest Grove and Int. Stations 7:00, 8:65, 10:25 A. M ; 1.30. 4:10, 5:30 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem end Int. Stntions S:40, 10;B5 A. M. ; 1:15, 3.40, 6.00, 8:20. 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin. -.45 P. M. Local from Wilson ville aud Int. Stations 6:55 A. 11. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Ii.t. Stations 8:30, 10:00 A. M. : 12:15 2:50 5:00. 7:20 P. M. Portland Railway. Light A Power Company Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder Streets. CARS LEAVE. Oregcn City 4:00, 6:30 A. M., and every 80 minutes to and including 9PM then 10:00. ll:O0 P. M.; last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6 53 7.45, S:45. 9:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 245 8:4S. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 7:45. 11:15 P M Falrview and Troutdale 6:55. 745 8-4V 9:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 3:45.' 4 4? 6:45. 6:45 P. M. Cazadero and Intermediate points 655 8:45j, 10:43 A. M. ; 12:45, 2:45, 4:43. 6:43 For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:25, 8:00. 8:35. 9:10, :50, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10, 1:50. 2:10, 8.10. 3 50 4:30. 5:1. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13l 9-25. 10:85. 11:45. On Third Monday in Every Month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M Daily except Sunday. Daily excent Monday. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal Australlan. Wyoming- and Washington -oal delivered promptly In any quan tity. Phor.n us your ord.r. Star coal Co.. 0 2d st. Phones Main 161S. A 1884. Coal Kemmerer coaU the best Wjo " ming coal; Bives more heat and las. ash Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sis. Phones Main 931, A 3!31. Prices Reduced i vl Irompt delivery. Steel Bridge Fuel Co.. Alblna ava. Phones E. i4; C 1773. Florist Cut lowers always Ireah from 'our on conservatories. Martin 4 Forbos Co.. S47 Washington mt. Both phones. Electric Fixtures" Mn;1 prUes are right. All work guaranteed. estern Electric Works. 61 Sixth street. Platiner n've. Fjrtj and all Bllverwar. jl uuS reputed as good as new. Oregon ".J.'S? orka. Itith and Alder. Main S57S, Coal K'hmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal & Ice Company, opposite city Library T)oth phones MEETfXO NOTICES. ALT. MPMRFVS wi:r .-- MAH CAMP 77. W. O. W.. re- kiuestea to attend the funeral of titr lulu 'VAlvhKA z c ii'im.i v- "'wmib pariors. nth and Alder streets. Next Tuesdav at 2 P M J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. EUREKA COUNCIL XO. 204. K. AND L OK S. Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. William W Wetsler. today at 2 P. M., at 1020 East Main! No flovert. Services at crematorium. Pri vate. THE PTTHIAX SISTERS will give their next whist and dance Saturday evening April 10. at the K. of p. Hall. Eleventh and Alder Prises. Music by Fox's orch.s. trs Admission 15 cents. orcnes IXDl'STRT LODGE. NO 8. A. O. TJ. W Officers and members are requested to at tend the funeral of our late brother, V W Wetsler. from residence. 1020 East Main! cor. S4th. today. April 4. at 2 P M Our services at house. Omit Bowers. Service, at crematorium private. By order E W Crosby, Master Workman. F. A. BROWN. Rec UTOPIA REBEKAH LODGE. HO 6 I O. O. F. The decree staff will give a "Five Hundred" social Wednesday afternoon April 7. at Its hall, corner of East Aider and 6th. streets. Admission lo cents. ROYAL CIRCLES. 528. w. O. W.Whist and dance Y ednewla- evening. April , w o w Hail 12 llth St. Members and frienrti in vited. Admissun, 10 cents. Union rr.uic COMMITTIiEi MOUNT HOOD TENT. XO. 17 K O T M . will give a free whist and dance party Ihurnday. April S. at Lpchurch Hall, mil and Marshall- Prises. - - TTC STTXPAT v-.K,I?n'",A,lction H0. cor. 2d and tjSEeer 10 J- T- -vV11son. anc- DEED. 'W7'K.?Xf At residence, B51 Fourth street. April 3. J. Frederick Wllkins. aged 28 n 1 ,the John H- Willclns. The deceased leaves a wife, mother, sis-M-tSf brothers. The remains are at McEntee-Erlcson's Co. chapel, 409 Alder street. Funeral notic later. BrZt2Z,la" thls cltJ'- Aril 3. Lena S Kyle," t? 3rr"" T "min are at FlnieV. parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. ITER.tI. NOTICES. LCXDEEX-At the Residence. 514 Htrvt street. April 1. Charles Lundeen. aged 64 . and 5 tnohths. Frtendr arfdT ac quaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services at McKntee Erlcson .chapel today (Sunday) April 4. r. M. Interment Greenwood Ceme- JOHNSON In this city, April 8. at her xt Iesllen. 86 Eaet Twentieth street, Mrs. Louie Johnson, wife of Albert Johnson! 2,V;th. i Ellth. Florence and Melvln Jo on. aged 41 years, 6 months. 1 day. Fu E."1"" take place Monday. 2 P. U.. from s. Dunning: a undertaking parlors. ZZtZ iortl1- Majora Anderson, of S.ii tTne "e'-al service, will f, hal"at the above residence at 2 P M ISf ?nda- Friends Invited. Inter ment Rivervlew Cemetery. , WwT?,SRwTtl- fnner1 services of th. late 'nl Wetier will b. held from the faml.y 1020 East MalaT. it G aMr '"l" 'Sunday). Members of th. rh.(w. 'riends invited. Services at flower Prtvata. Keao. omit KENTON In this city April a, at th. family d?nf- Goldsmith si.. Jolm Ray mond, infant son of Mr. and Urn Luther Fenton. aged lo month, and 8 days" Th. funeral services will be held it X .bo residence at l:SO P. M. Monday April B FHend. mvited. Interment RlSeivlew Cenf: E22"r JS1" cltr- APr 3- Harry C S 1 so afedMa8.y',ar,Ramaln8 til leave Tacln!? Aw M:;nia5, APr" B- tor tacoma. Wash. Remain, at the parlor. Sixth" sm Dunnln- Alder and Ea.1 Dnnnisc, McEntee Jk Glibansrb Tn.i Directors. 7th and Hia ri? MalJ"S? Lady A..Utat. Offlc. .1 Si, cl".,! EDWARD IIOI.MAN CO Funerml dl or., zap gd .t. Lady J,.lLt l t"'l M.l , P. FIXLEY SOX. Sd and Madlsam. Lady attendant. Phone Main t.A liil ZELLER-BTRXES CO.. Funeral nl 2718 KmtseU. East loag ll.o ..ulaul l.8r.5UKNIXG-.Cndenk. 4 East Alder. Laity altanf. Fhone East 6SL McEXTEE-ERICSOX CO. Undertakers, lady assistant. 409 Alder. M aiSi ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1, 190S. Dally or Sunday. One Sim. Per "f'- &ame ad two consecutive time! 220 8ame ad three consecutive times "IlSuS ? or ?" consecntlv. times 6 So words count a. one line on cash sd-7hIt?m'Bi?- D1 no ad counted lo? l,,"ne-..Wh71 advertisement iS SoplfeS? conscuUv "at, th. one-tlm. rata undee -r".tMM"I,ply advertisements S tnat on. W anted. Male. Slt.Mtlons Wanted!. Female. flsSrSd l,1? ih "New Today" column, ls nsnred by measure only 14 line. loth. XKW TODAY. 0 YOU WISH TO UT A BOHI,' . 1 hen be. HA.?uAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce 13th Street Close-ln yuarter block on 13th Btreet flne apartment hoose sHe; a rare gain at $17,000. Arlington Club e QU? block 0PPslte Arlington Club for $13,000; worth .60,000. 12th and Harrison l"ine corner for SS500. D. PARKER BRYON & CO. The South of Morrison Spectalist-201-2-J COMMERCIAL CLUBLDG Phone, Main 5908. Modern Homes ripjt. Can give terms. i-room house. 100 feet hard-nurfaro pavement, all paid for. in IrvinVo " A full corner Only $5000. Good teFms 10-room house. South Sixth, walking distance to P. O. Pine lot. Only $?iS? House worth tho money. Part cash: F. O. Northrup 315 Couch building, 4th, near Washington. FOUR-STORY BRICK !Tyi p?r cent net for a Period of years on lon lease. ' 3 v,?aU on street near the center of city. A reascnab'.e amount of money will han dl. exceptionally good investment Full information and details to inter ested party. . er F. W. TORGIER 106 Sherlock Building. PLATTING PROPOSITIONS OX . Hawthorne SEE US QUICK. ROSS ENGLISH IV. CO, 222 Mohawk Bids. 4th Street 100x100. south of City Hall; first-class flat or apartment property; $75 per month income now. Call for price and full Dar ticular., " F. W. TORGLEH, 1O6 Sherlock Bldg. FINE HOME FOR SALE New modern house, built last Summer 7 roo.ns and den. team ceilings, up to date .a every respect: No. 855 Northrup street. For particulars, apply to ALKY GEVURTZ. 173 1st su Phoned maiffiit LARGE 15-ROOX HOrSE, LOT STxlOO. 1th and Jefferson streets, at a bargain! Every convenience. C. V. HOYLE. 727 Hoard of Trad Bids. OHEG0XTAX, PORTLAM), AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Monday, Wednesday,-Friday EACH DAV ATIOA.M. t ?JNr.AX'K'e sell a SPECIAL, FYRtn?A eOUOWf: COSTLY HAND- mw'l,80 .OA: ?uSfSOAK ehifronieandli1 8 feet: MAHOGANY 5- P't8 and dressers; MISSION buf ietg tables and chairs ; GOLDEN OAK Mita' tnson tables iSi cha Morris chairs; Iron beds; springs inci mattresses; bed davenports; rSckers SI oliTHEV AND GAS' RANGE! Ihfhes etc! Uuoleum: carpets and rugs; cJ?.E?N?SD-VSr ANT FRIDAY - Sales ?S rf,fra J?me.lete lina of household r Bftnr 'he PARLOR, HALL, DIN J..?.0?1' ,BETROOM and KITCHEN; carpets; linoleum; kitchen utensils: disbl es. etc. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Residence Sale THURSDAY AT 2 P.M. 861 E. Taylor, Corner 28th St. Having received Instructions from Mr. hUS,- "Vtchmson. who ls leaving for f PS? 1 wU1 8811 lhe furniture of his tf???,,1""188' as follows: Morris chair A5 UPHOLSTERED ROCKERS CENTER TABLE; LADY'S DESK' hall TTriT trRFf? ' OAK EXTENSION TABLE: GOLDEN OAK LFATHPR fER,SIyri CHAIRS: GOLX OAK .COMBINATION BUFFET AND OnTXT01"0-?5 BED DAVENPORT: SSStRA? DRESSERS: IRON BED 3; SPRINGS; MATTRESSES: chif fonier; GOOD BRUSSELS CARPETS S5Sur??l: clock: Kas range; linoleum dishes; kitchen utensils; lawn mower: hose; garden tools. " J. T. WTLSON, AuoUoneer. Two Special Sales TUESDAY AND THURSDAY At 10 A. M. Each Day ARB STILL SELLING AT THE OTBBFT Th.CTI? HOUSE, 232 'FIRST STRLji,T This entire stock must be sold. It comprises a full line of home and of furniture, as follows: ROLLTOP DESKS; SAFES. ETC.; SETTEES Sfe'Sr SSL1 Ttes: Couches; Buffetll riSSP??81 EXTENSION TABLES Chairs; Dishes; Curtains; Stands; Pic tures; fahadis; Iron Beds; Springs; Mat tresses; Dresners: Commodes; Carpets a"2 RcuXx?dlnK; Toilet Sets; NEW and SECOND-HAND Gas and Steel ufeifslfs Elates; Linoleum; Kitchen Terms, Cash; NO RESERVE. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. WB PO A RETAIL BUSINESS, and will seU anything we have In stock ev ery day during the week. Our prices are low; -oroe and investigate. If you have A.n4243 dl8P3e of. caU Main 1626, AUCTION SALES .BY THE PortlandAuctionGo. (INC.) Ml FIRST STREET. Private Residence Sale Extra ordinary WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 At 10 A. M. At 769 Savier, Near 23d Street ?ylnstrtlon3 from fhe owner, we will Sni-t Puble auction the contents of this feTS? "US1 QUARTERED S&k . OAK EXTENSION TABLE, with chairs and sideboard to match So?wlS61"? Machine, fine ComS Mon Wood and Coal Heater (cost $28) al most new; very fine Cuckoo Clock, elab ZIH, Ian,a-carved golden oak Morris J,r?bination Bookcase and Writing Desk. 9x12 Axminster and other rugs and carpets. QUARTERED GOLDEN OAK SFr?? TYPEWRITER DESK, good S5J?U B???V Dressers. Chiffoniers? IX HOLB MALLEABLE STEEL RANGE (nearly ne.v). Gas Range, EDISON forI,2,n0,GRArH--with. golde" oak cabinet (original cost J.S), with about 200 UD-to-date records; Rockers, stands. Couch finn LARGE REFRIGERATOR, cos? $32 and is almost new; Kitchen Utensils, Wring er, etc.. etc. You'll find tills an extra well and up-to-date furnished house and cannot afford to miss the sale if you need anything in the furniture line. Sale Wednesday, April 7, 10 A. M. PORTLAND AUCTION CO. Sales at Our Rooms 211 First Street TUESDAY, THURSDAY AT 10 A. M., FRIDAY 2 P. M. Our rooms are crowded to the doors, and we MUST UNLOAD AT ANY PRICE. We have Extension Tables of all makes and descriptions. Dressers in mahogany and birdseye maple, golden oak and fir; Rockers from tl up to S30 China Closets. Buffets, Bookcases. Writ ing Desks, all kinds of metal beds, couch e3, mattresses, springs, etc. but what's the use? Come and be convinced that we get the goods and sell them. PORTLAND AUCTION CO. ijttioriales Several consignments of good Quality Household Gotds and Furniture are re ceived at BAKER S AUCTION HOUSE for the next auction. ON TUESDAY NEXT 10-foot round extension table, In quar rrf boj-seat chairs, very fine loloruj.1 sideboard, very neat buffet en suite, costly oak bookcase, davenport in dark green verona, handsome rockers in figured plush, Mission rockers and f PS a i" leather seat. English breakfast table, divans, chinaware and glassware, yv litem velvet bordered carpet .imported Axminster rug. Brussels stair carpet, all brass and iron beds, best springs, silk floss, felt and other mattresses, pillows, wool blankets and bedding, several dressers, lace curtains, portitrs, set of very an tique -ruit knives with stand, rosewood desk, ainut bedroom set, hall tree, easy rockers, large quantity of utensils, cook stove and other effects. This is a money saving sale for parties furnishing. On view uimorrow. SALE TUESDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK (Prompt). ON THURSDAY NEXT we have the furnishings of eighf-room house to remove fiom North Union ave nue for positive sale at 10 o'clock. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. RUGS! RUGS!! For one day only, WEDNESDAY, we - i oie ax tne greatly reducid prices, as follows: Axmlnsters JJViJ. e.taU for 30- and J40, xl2.size ONE DAY SPECIAL at 3.76 each! WiU ton velvet, price for ONE DAY SPE CIAL, S20.50. Seamless Brussels, regular price 35 ONE DAY. SPECIAL ll 7 Also about 30 Tapestry Brussels Rug- a.t l1?-,13 KlGS ARE ALL NEW DE SIGNS. MANUFACTURED IN WOOL. We have no jute or shoddy Axminster spclMaus. ru' in thl Office and Salesrooms, 152 Park street. APRTE I MW TODAY. I SEW TODAY. . I S15.000 One of the most sightly wix roruana xieignts, splendid view a.11 directions. A magnificent borne site, will trade for high-class Improved property, paying 10,000 cash difference. 12.000 80-foot Nob Hill lot, facing north, with large dwelling, that cost $9000 to build. A splendid home, or can be transformed into apartments or flats. SIO.OOO An almost new dwelling;, full lot, splendidly located . on Nob Hill, near 24th. ooOO A splendid new and sightly home on Willamette Heights, best of surroundings, near car. line. Let us show you. SSOOO 8 -room dwelling, with acre and half of ground. Portland Heights; splendid rural view: . very easy terms. S4000 A cozy 6-room modern dwell ing, .south front. East Madi son, near 22d. Half cash han dies it. S3TBO Corner and three old houses South Portland, paving well. , Must sell.- Make offer. S1ZOO Bunch of 15 lots, near Gregory Heights; surrounding proper ty selling for double the money. SHOO A Portland Heights lot we think will appeal to you. v 870O A South Portland lot, 60 feet from carUne. RIVER. UOMK About 6 acres, on Co lumbia River and North Bank line, near Van couver. An ideal Sum mer home; station near. Good auto road and boats can land at place. TO TRADE 6 acres choice irrigated land for cottage, paylnsr some cash. JACKSON H DEERING S4 STARK STREET. - - Phones Main 346, A 3457. S650G for $5500 BEST APPOINTED HOME ON THE EAST SIDE A choice place for the man hard to please. We have the house and lot. "We have the correct price. We are will ing to show vou the best two-story, best-selected, best-appointed home on the East Side. Couch street, west of 24th. SWEET-HHD-IEHCKE 1462 Fifth Street. M. 6680. A 6267. o DID YOU KNOW you could purchase sites containing 2 to 3 lots for $1250 and up on Port land Heights, with splendid view and on Portland Heights carlineT There are no better building sites in the city, considering everything. CHAPIN & HERL0W 332 Chamber of Commerce. CASMUR ACREAGE "When you have made up your mind to buy property you should consider ita location a. to future value, will an acre la the country ever be as -valuable as an acre In Portland t We think not. t .Mniur AcreaKe hu the advantage of a magnificent location aa to view, cleared and level, and ia practically right in the city, on the Barr road. What you can buy for hundreds now will be worth thousand, shortly. CASMUR has not alone its magnifi cent location to commend It, but its soil ls particularly adapted to straw berry and vegetable culture, and in fact It. aoll ha. been so cultivated for 15 years. We wlU be pleased to take you out aad show you Caamur. 2V AND 5-ACEE TRACTS. $500 PER ACRE TERMS MURPHY & CASWELL 230 STARK ST. Good Farm None Better 157 acres level farm. 75 acres plowed 25 acres timothy and clover, 1 acre bearing orchard; balance oak and fir pasture land; 7-room house, large barn 60 rods Eagle Creek station, o. W p' B. R.; 20 rods school, P. O. and stores; living water, good road; have to see this farm to know Us worth. Price and terms, etc, J. L. WELLS CO. 804 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $16 i nnn v I West Side business corner; Lit Mil good rental. This is a ' tmup. $5000 . Two modern 6-room dwell ings in Sunnyside. Corner 128x5S. A good invest ment. I-.arge West Side residence, fine corner; rqora for flat. T(rm ho I'm.... .. . . $5000 na-vt, Ul GOOD BUYS. - See I'.. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO. IS Board of Trade Balldlns. Write Fire Insurance. $4500 HiS?!00" PortIani Heights; a most decVtrtc" "r- HJ"-cla SeeTheSpanton Co. 270 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS 1 owct nln .ad term, lo .nit. etBl rate, aad favorable term, oa lain loans bularH properties. Knad. for PrlTat. I.tmIsts. A. H. BIRRELL CO. SAWMILL Capacity about 20.000. nearlv new with contracts on 7 millions of timber1 less than three miles to deliver product to R. R. Will sell ' or trade for real estate. A. E. BORTHWICK, SI Chamber of Commerce. ARDlVIORE THE HIGHEST GLASS RES IDENCE PROPERTY IN THE CITY, SURROUNDED BY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN PORTLAND GEO. D. SCHALK 264- STARK ST. 10 ACRES of finest soil for fruit and market gi on excellent road, about 1J miles from city, close to elec ;.vCa.Vlme and ra"road. All but alI ac,re beared and In hiKh state of cultivation. More than 1j0 bearing fruit trees of the best va rieties, and 125 more Lambert cher s Bej out- tes beina 2 years .J?n(i dolnB e. The famous Sebb cherry orchard is in that vi cinity and gives proof of the ex cellence of the soil.. Plenty of berries pf all kinds. Good 7-room ..?e:, T.ished, good bam and outbuildings, horse and buggy and ail tanning implements go with the place. Oood well, also creek. Cleared land without any tmprove menfs is selling at t300 per acre. We shall sell this place, with all Improvements as it stands for J5O0O. $2000 CASH ' Improvements alone worth, the price. Call and investigate. KAUFFMANN6 MOORE 325 LUMBER EXCHANGE. BRYN MAWR PARK b the Only RESTRICTED Acreage for Ideal Country Homes Ever Offer in Portland. Evry ? w'hm we have shown this beautiful tract has selected a home site You will do the same if you will look it over. Just four choice tracts fthlB YN M.AWR PARK is located within five miles of the city limits: reached by automobile in 30 minutes via two macadamized roads. Has TWO trolley lines and another building MAGNIFICENT VIEW . RICH SOIL ROSS ENGLISH INVESTMENT CO, 822 Bldg, 3d d Morrison. Close-In Acreage Here you are a snap, for a few days only: 13y2 ACRES. . . on S. P. West Side line, this side of Bertha station, 1300 feet frontage on R. R., just north of Capital Hill; ac cessible to 5c carfare $650 per acre. B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Building. BEST APARTMENT HOUSE SITE IN CITY Northwest corner Third and Mont gomery, 100x100 feet, being 11 blocks from Postoffice. Price $25,000 $10, 000 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. L K. MOORE 717-18 Swetland Bldg. A REVENUE PRODUCER Corner, on Grand ave., 2-story brick building, leased for five years $55000 CHAPIN & HEELOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. WE BriLD ARTISTIC HOMES OX 1-ll.llKSTS LET VS BUILD OJE FOR YOU. WHY NOT? Butterworth Stephenson CoM Inc. Ue.iKnera and Builders of Artistic Homes, Lafayette ldc Gtb and Wa.hlngtoa A GREAT FUTURE Semi-business property in the Thur- mau-oiicei uusiness district. Income - - $ 1320 - 316,000 Price Lind &. Hig.ey 132 Third Street. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 5 acres highly improved; 1 acre bearing grapes; young orchard and other small fruits; neat 6-room house in lir grove; fine water; five blocks from Oregon City car. Inquire one house south of Court ney Station, right-hand side, Oregon City a i TRACKAGE 1000 FEET ASK ROSS EXGLHH, :t2 Mohsnk Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, a Board of Trade Bonding. Phones Main 5407, A kkw xorxaT. THIRDSTREET WATER STREET North Portland TRACKAGE KVvV T'wv on sjiaM see ua. v"i--o aua lerm NICOLAI STREET Ta . ,w fna traction, with Tnite Railway trackage. Let us tell you wuaJ we now flhnnt x-l.i,.i ... 1 J u NICOLAI STREET 'TJY? 1o,s and a fraction, with son HrfiSf t" w,th, tckage: the prJ Md price. ' JOU 0i tile locatlo GLISAN STREET 100x100 cn Olisan street, close in. Let ui give you location and price. EAST SIDE TRACKAGE 100x100 on East First and East Osl streets. Frico H8.000. All improvement! EAST FIRST STREET .ST.n3r OI.East First and East Oal lw" Pr,3e i10-000- Tuls one of th best buys in the city. UNION AVENUE 0x100 on fhe northeast corner of TTnloi avenue and East Couch strett. This it only one block, from Union avenue ant rast Burnside one of the best buslnesi ?r?fJ5.?U lte J331 S4de- Tllls is oftere at 1S,000, which is at least 20 per ceni less thin anything offered dn the vicinity UNION AVENUE 60x100 on tho northeast corner of TTnloi avenue and East Glisan street. They saj J?at. new pteel bridge is going in sj fcrfist olisan street. For prices and terms) EDW. P. MALL CO. 309-310 AB1NGTON BU1LDINO. MILWAUKIE 25 acres of best soil, in high state of cultivation, on main county road, close to electric carline. Good hearing orchard and plentv of ber ries. Good house, with bath, hot end coM water. Engine-house, ex cellent barn, with all conveniences, and other outbuildings; everything of the best and in good condition. 12 good milch cows and all farm .mplements go with the place Price, S60 per acre. 46000 CASH A very Bightly place, which would make a beautiful suburban home within easy reach of the citv nd a money-maker besides. This will stand fullest investigation. Land in same vicinity sells at ilOOO and improvements are not naif as good. KAUFFMANN6 MOORE 325 LUMBER EXCHANGE. Investments C O fff Corner on tTnion ave J0,UUU 2"his, is rlBht in th. ;,ooo Burnside district and is bound to be. ent "rental "per mont'T1"5"5'5 Pre $10,000 amo'J ,., sightly and convenient location: easy walking distance on Wesi Side; always rented; a fine home anJ sure income for you; nets 10 per cent See us about terms. STRONG & CO. Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. 361,500 200xiZ00 Sixteenth St. Admirably located for an Investment Sure to increase in value rapidly, lot come about $260 per month. Sengstake & Lyman tM Fifth St. $15,000 The finest quarter block, with hand. some residence, on ' East Morrison Street Close in. An Ideal location for flata See this. GEO. D. SCHALK, 264 Stark St. MODERN, WEST SIDE 8-Room Residence for sale, located In Nob Hill, 20 minutes walk to Postotce. block from bamt caj service in city. L. K. MOORE. 717-71 Swetland Bldg. $175,000 To LOAN on Portland business prop erty at 5 per cent. Nothing undej $25,000. THAD T. SWEEK 611-612 Swetland Building. NEW MODERN SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW On East Side. East face; one blocs from car; high and sightly; easy terms vjWNEK Telephone Woodlawn 817 or Main 733S A Nice Little Farm Close In 1 mile from the Mount Tabor Reser. voir and cars, 2 acres, with a 5-roori house, a small barn and plenty oi fruit, for 4500. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO 24S Alder Street. APARTMENT SITE Quarter block. 20th and Kearnevr would make an local apartment hou'a. or flat site, and would yield an enor mous income on the amount Invested. PRICE $16,000 LIND & HIGLEY X32 Third Street. "