The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 04, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Portland Agents for "Nemo" and "Mme. Irene" Corsets, "Trefousse" and "Perrins" Gloves, Butterick Patterns and Publications, Etc.
TomorrowThe Meier :-r Frank Store's Great
Annual Sale
00,000 Yds. Mew Embroideries'
42-5-yd. Strips, $3.50 vals. 95c Strip; $7 vals. $1.45; $ 12 vals. $ 1.95
- f)M
Tomorrow our great annual Spring Embroidery Sale An event thousands of Portland women have been anxiously awaiting A sale
sales 200,000 yards of beautiful, high-class embroideries in 4 1-2 and 5-yard strips to be sold at prices bordering upon the ridiculous
Y,r- An immense purchase from the largest and best manufacturer in St. Gall, Switzerland, the embroidery center of the world A manufactu-
rer with whom we do a vast amount of regular business and who takes a personal interest that our special sale offerings are the best
leave the country
-Magnificent styles and assortment in Swiss, nainsook and cambric, edges and insertions to match 1 1-2 to 27 inches
of m-rr
umDinauons oi uaoy irisn, met, t rencn emoroiaery, Datiste ana coiorea emcroiaery, aiso nne oauste appuque, Jtoi mcnes wide
Beautiful embroideries for lingerie gowns, waists, women's and children's undermuslins, infants wear, etc. 200,000 yards for your
selection By far the grandest values it has ever been our pleasure to offer you Store opens promptly at 8 o'clock Better plan to be here bright and early if you want
to share in the best values The major part of the first-floor aisle tables will be given over to the selling during the morning hours 1 OO extra salespeople and 20
cashiers in addition to the regular force promises the best service ever inaugurated for this big annual event Although the quantity of embroideries is enormous we
. 4L V V a. ; i . a Tl , . v a : . ?Tf
cApcvt tuc actiiiis w uc tuc uv curat, we ever experienceq, so come eany io avoiu qisappoimmeni, i ne vaiues are tne greatest ever Known ee two lttn-street f "rtd ,ws
Values to $3.50 for 95c Strip Values to $7.00 for $1.45 Strip Values to $12.00 for $1.95'Y
Portland Agents for the Celebrated "Ramie" Linen Fiber Underwear, "Ostermoor" Mattresses, Kiser Photos of Oregon Sce
Easter Shoppin
$ 1 Silk Suitings 69c Yd Great Easter Sale of Dainty
$ 1 .25 Silk Suitings 89c Yd and Pretty Muslin Underwear
Great Sale of Messaline Silks
. . . , yJ
test -Dbrie atHEe Meier '.(& Frank Store
.Two immense lots of fancy. Silk Suitings in the season's best styles for waists, shirt
waist suits, children s dresses, etc.; stripes, checks, figures, etc., in the newest color
ings and combinations; silks of superior style and. quality, at. extremely low prices:
Regular $1.00 values, at, the yard, 69 Regular $1.25 values, on sale at, yd., 89
; 5000 yards of new Messaline Silks in a complete line of new colorings ; the popular
, siik oi me season lor waists, costumes, suits, etc.; exceptional values, at these prices:
;75c quality, at, yard, 57S-$1.00 quality, at, yard, 77 $1.25 quality, at, yard, 98
bee the new bilks Motora, Salome, Rajahs, Tussahs, Foulards, etc.; all the newest ef
fects and colorings, all prices. Take advantage. Don't fail. to see this assortment.
' it Jt?-
$36 Tailored
Suits $24.45
1MM - lip
;A( :. t
Dainty and pretty lingerie at very
tempting prices all this week Entire
new stock to choose from Best values
in the city guaranteed Second Floor
French hand-embroidered Chemise, made with
double scallops, double eyelets, drawn with rib
bons; very handsome styles; regular tO ACk
$4.00 and $4.50 values, on sale at, ea. .
1000 women's short white Underskirts, trimmed!
m lace and embroidery edgings, tucks and inser
tions; values up to $1.75 each, on sale at.. 98
2000 handsome new Corset Covers, hemstitched
and embroidery-trimmed; all sizes, grand, OC
assortment; regular 40c values, at, each".
Women's fine- cambric and nainsook Drawers,
trimmed in good quality Hamburg embroideries
and lace edgings, tucks and hemstitch-, C7
ing; regular 75c and 85c values, special.
Women's fine cambric, lawn and nainsook Com
bination Garments,' two and three-piece, trimmed
in linen and Val. laces and embroideries; edg
ings, insertions, beading and ribbon; (JJO 0"7
Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store I 5 00 and 4s6 00 values, at, garment
offers for Easter week the best value
in high-grade Tailored Suits An en
tire new line just received from New
York's largest and best maker Semi
and tight-fitting garments Medium and
long length coats Fancy trimmed and
strictly tailored suits in serges, Panama
cloths and fancy .worsteds trimmed in
silk, braid and buttons, skirts plain
gored with flare at the bottom and
trimmed to match the coat Navy blue.
black, green, Copenhagen, tan, cham
pagne and leather shade Plain colors,
also checks and stripes in large assort-
ment All are handsomely tailored
throughout and finished in the best pos-
sible manner Regular $36.00 values
Your choice of any suit while they
last at this very unus- tf A Jk C
ually low price, each a?HpJ
We offer great special Easter values
in silk and novelty dresses 2d Floor
New Long Tan Covert Coats just received.
New Costumes and Wraps in exclusive models.
New Dutch Neck Lingerie Waists at- all prices.
New Coats and Dresses for misses and children.
You should see the new Geisha Suits for children.
Easter Millinery $5-$Z5
Our Easter Millinery showing
is the largest and most attract
ive in the city Comprising
every new and pretty style,
shape, effect and coloring
The best efforts of the cele-
1 a i n " i &v r i.
yratca rans aim new i orn - f j
ti'sts as well as original crea- It
tions, the product of our own
Great Easter Sale of Parasols
At $4.?9-$5.87-$8.98 Ea.
Special Easter sale of women's high-class novelty Parasols many beautiful styles, col
orings and combinations; exclusive novelties, on sale at prices far below regular value:
$6.00 to $7.50 values, $4.79 $9.00 values, $5.87 $10.00-$13.50 values, $8.98
Great Easter sale of Ribbons all this week great values. Take advantage of the sale.
Easter Sale "Baby Things'
Infants apparel at sale prices all this week New and pretty articles of
apparel for little tots at a saving mothers will appreciate 2d Floor
Infants' White Pique Shoes and Slippers, all new, OC
attractive styles; regular 75c values, on sale at. OC
Infants', French hand-embroidered Bibs, lace 411 fZCk
trimmed; values from $2.50 to $4, special, ea. .P Of
Infants' white cashmere Wrappers, daintily embroidered
in pink, blue and white; the best regular t1 QO
$3.00 values, on sale at this low price, each. .V A0
Infants crocheted Carnage Robes, in white dJO A 7
with pink blue borders; $3.50 values, each..P
Iufants hand-crocheted Caps, lace and rib- JJO CQ
bon-trimmed; $3.00 and $3.50 values, at, ea. .yiiOf
Children s Turkish Bibs white, pink and blue; "I
regular 35c values, buy all you want of them, ea. AOC
Infants' French hand-made Slips, made of fine French
nainsooks, Bishop style, tucked yoke, lace- J
rimmed; $2.50 values, on sale at, special, ea. .k
French hand-embroidered lingerie Pillow O OO
Fine French Underwear
Large, beautiful showing French Lingerie, new,
dainty styles, sheer materials; exceptional values.
$4-$5 Silk Hosiery at $2.98
50c to 85c Veilings at 28c Yard
Great Easter sale of 1000 pairs of women's high-grade embroidered Silk Hosiery, in
light blue, pink, champagne, tan, white,' navy, gray with self-colored embroidery, black
with self-colored and fancy colored embroidery, etc.; grand assortment of VL't QQ
styles; double soles, heels and toes, garter top; $4.00 and $5.00 values, pr..V"l,'0
Great Easter sale of 3000 yards of high-grade Mesh "Veiling, single and double widths,
plain and dotted; black, white and colors; 50c to 85c values, on sale at, yard. .28
$2.25 to $5.00 Handkerchiefs $1.78 Each
$7.50 to $10.00 Handkerchiefs $2.98 Ea.
Sale extraordinary of women's magnificent French hand-embroidered, and hand-hem-stitched
Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful styles for Easter gifts ; great special bargains :
Regular $2.25 to J 5.00 values for $1.78 Regular $7.50 to $10.00 values, ea., $2.98
Great Easter N e ck we ar Sale
75c to $ 1 .00 Values 53c Ea.
Special Easter sale of 5000 pieces
women's new Spring and Summer neck
wear This season's prettiest pieces in
cluding real Irish crochet neckwear -
Rabats, jabots, stocks, tabs, Croats; linen
collars, lace yokes, . etc.', etc. 1909'
novelties in endless assortment A great
special purchase from a large New York
manufacturer enables us to offer regular
75c and $ 1 .00 values at the ex- C)
tremely low price of, each piece JOC
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled
We are showing the greatest variety of new novelty neckwear to
be found in the city - Prices ranging all the way from 25c to $50. OO
20,000 yards of wide Ruching, 2 to 5 inches; black, white, pink, light blue, OQ
champagne, etc.; regular 50c to $2.00 values, on sale at this low price, yard.S'fC
'It hiJk-Vrf&
workrooms Becoming hats;
tor women of all ages and).cg!
A A a
laaie, aiiu prices io u. every
purse We direct particular at-'
tention to the wonderful val
ues we are offering in trimmed
millinery s e 1 1 i n g at prices
ranging from $5 to $ 1 2.50
Hats of equal style and quality
are marked $10 to $2Q at
other stores New tailored
hats in grand variety at prices
from $3 to $15 New hats for
misses and children; values we
know you can't equal in city
$4 Net Curtains on Sale at $3.35
New Silk Mulls 35c to 50c Yard
2000 pairs of plain Net Curtains, with Renaissance braid borders and band effect ; in
both white and ecru: very best styles; 21j yards long and 40 inches wide. See' them:
Regular $3.25 Net Curtains, pair, $1.95 Regular $4.00 Net Curtains, at, pr, S2.35
1500 yards of Ecru Bungalow Nets, filet and block designs; 45 inches wide; OO
the best regular 50c values; buy all you want of it at this low price, yard. OOv
In the Wash Goods Department, a great showing of 500 pieces new Silk Mulls, in all
the latest designs and colorings; great values, on sale at, the yard, 35c, 50c and 60
New Cotton and Linen Suitings buy all you want of them at, yard, 25c to $1.75
$ 1 8 Waists $5.45 Each
Another timely sale of high-class dress Waists.
-Alt new, 19Q9" models at prices about one-
half their value Messalines, chiffon cloths.
taffetas and plain nets Plain, fancy and Dutch
necks Very stylish waists for dress and eve-
ning wear Trimmed in plat val. venise, cluny,
filet, Irish crochet, Baby Irish, applique, silk
embroidery, folds of satin or silk bands, silk
cord, narrow or wide allover tucking, crochet
or silk buttons White, cream, rose, navy,
gray, taupe, wistaria, green, brown and black;
waists selling regularly at prices up to $16
each An advantageous purchase enables us
to offer you your choice at this
marvelously low price for each
See our Fifth-street window display of waists
5000 Boxes New Stationery 33c
Box of 250 Envelopes 35c Box
Great Easter offering of 5000 boxes of "Berlin's" and ' Whiting's Stationery, finest
quality linen, engraved with your initial or ' Portland, -Oregon," in colors; OO
the best regular 50c values buy all you want of it at this low price, the box. OOC
2000 boxes of Commercial Envelopes, good quality white wove, in 5 and 6-inch OC
sizes; 250 envelopes in a box; regular 50c values, on sale at this price, the box. 0Jv
Steel-laid Scissors and Shears, pair, 23 Solid Steel Scissors, $1.00 values, at 59?
$ 1 0.00 Mesh Bags $4.98 Ea. "Trefousse" and "Perrins" Gloves
$3.50 German SilVer PurSeS $1.69 Great Easter sale of our entire new importations
Covers, regular $4.50 to $6.00 values, at, each.
Infants', white cambric and nainsook Skirts,
lace-trimmed; regular $2J15 values, on sale at.
Easter offering of German Silver Mesh Bags in popular sizes; all new de- Cjl QQ
signs; regular $10.00 values, on sale at this price, each take advantage. .P"x70
Easter offering of German Silver Purses, nicely lined, very pretty styles; fiQ
regular values up to $3.50 each; on sale at this special low price, each. .P
"Billiken" "Jewelry, in sterling silver scarfpins, fobs, etc., selling at 50c to SI. 75
Entire new showing of Leather and Wash Belts, on sale at all prices. Let us show you.
Special "lot of men's thin model gold-filled Watches-
7 -jewel movement, 20 years' guarantee; (Q Q
the greatest values ever offered at this low price, each take advantage. .!'-'
"Howard" Watches, the finest made, at $35.00 and $50.00. Don't fail to see them.
Complete stock of women's Watches, on sale at all prices. Best values. See them.
Men's Watches
of the celebrated "Trefousse" and "Perrins" lines
real French Kid Cloves "1909" styles and skins;
gloves of the latest fashion and best grades at a
decided saving Gloves for street, dress and eve
ning wear Every pair fully guaranteed OHr
showing is so large and complete that there'll be
no difficulty in pleasing every individual
Buy your Easter gloves this week Mail
will be carefully filled at sale prices Order today