The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 04, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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" K
Lets It Win Exciting Game
From Portland by Two
. Pieces of Luck.
Iilln'it Men Swerp Away Barrier
In First and Cutch Beavers Nap.
lInt Revival In Seventh In
ning Comes Too Late.
clubb. I;.M ? : i
'' i: l: I: i
I. .I.M. .
-ififc'. Rnolu.
Portland. 2.
V 1 ; Oakland. 0.
.-i-amento. I.
tb Cluba.
I.os Ariffeli'B
Hrri tiit-n to
an Krnn . .
I'ort'and . .
Wrnun . . .
Oakland . .
I 2. SI -ii a 3
. Bl'.T
IXS AXGEUSS, Cal.. April 3. Spe
cial. Dillons Angels got away with the
barrier in the firHt Inning today and Mc-r-dles
pets could not heart them. The
final score of 4 to 2 shows nothing of
the exciting plays that marked the same,
in whlrh the Angela were victorious sole
ly through a couple of pieces of luck.
tiodwtn was hit by the third ball
rlti-hed by Oarrett and stole second.
Then Hrern let Dillon's easy one go
through him. and Godwin loped home,
Iillon meanwhile annexing the sec
ond bag;. He advanced to third on
AVheeler's out at first and scored on
an lnlield hit by Smith.
There was nothing doing: then until
the sixth, when the Angels made two
more runs. Dillon doubled to the cen
ter field fence and reached third on
Wheeler's inneld hit; then he and
A heeler attempted to squeeze a play.
Wheeler fulling- to connect, but Dillon
reaching the plate. When Johnson
threw wild to Murray, Wheeler scored
on Smith's single over second.
In the seventh the Portlandera woke
MP, and Kennedy was pushed over the
plate after walking: to tirst and reach
ing third on Murray's hit when the
bull was thrown to second with no one
to receive it, scoring on Breen's hit.
Kyan scored in the eighth on Mc
fredle's sacrifice, after a clean single
ami a balk by Hosp.
A feature of the game was the sen
sational catch of oodwin. when he
picked a high fly off the fence in the
first inning. Olsen carried off the
fielding honors for the visitors, get
ling four putouta and six assists with
out, an error.
AB. It. 1R PO. A. E.
I'nley. cf . . . . .
lotlwln.- If
Wheeler. 2b.,
pnitth, ah
1'clnuiN, 3
Thompson, rf.... 3
Orendoiff. c 3
liovp, p......... 3
Totals. .
. ... 29 4 6
AB. R. IB.
27 18 .
nyan, cr 4 1
llaon. S3 3 ft
'rl. If 4 0
Mit'redie, rf 2 0
Johnson, 3h ,3 0
Kennedy, lb..... 3 1
-Murray, c 3 0
. 4 0
. 3 0
. 1 0
PO. A. E.
lireen, 2b. . .
Hart ett. i. . .
Totals. . : .
7 24 15
- t i
"l'Utlea lor Mnrrnv tn nun,
I.os Angeles 20000200 4
,, niV' 10010300 6
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
liHs 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 7
Stolen bapes Godwin, Smith 2 Ort 2
T wo-buse hits Orendoiff, Olson and
J Ml Inn. lla.tes on balls Garrett 1
llosp 2. struck out Garrett 1. llosp 3.
Double plays liosp to Wheeler to Dil
lon. Hulk tlosp. Hit l.v pitcher
Olson. Godwin. Time. 1:40. L'mulre
l.atlling Game AVith Oakland Keeps
Pans at Fever Heat.
SAN FRANCISCO, April S. The lo
cal team won from Oakland today in
the last half of the ninth inning, after
two men had been retired. - Tho work
x.i,.n?.,h f,"chers excellent. The
ginning run was made by Melcholr,
Mho scored from third base on Mc
tasey. fumble of Henley's tst
D. Lewis hurt his hand in sliding
vnT,"VJ "nd pav rlaoe to Manager
il'ittron, whose re-entry into the
game was greeted with cheer. a
high win, blew throughout the game.
Rome Zel.ler. who played the short
Mop posluot, for the Seals iast year
has been released by the Chicago
Americana, and will soon be seen back
in Ins old station. Score-
Oakland . .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 4 S
t-an Kran...n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 1
Hattertes Marc and C. Lewis; Hen
ley and Kerry. t'mpire McOreevy. '
Snrriuiu-nto 1-ox-s on Krrors.
lo,AVlnvU;rNT0, A,P'" -ramento
lost today because the Senatorial aggre
gation did not give support to Pitcher
1-Vo.l Hrown Errors mute
cal times. R was . rltl.her s b ,
twee,, urown and Senator, the latter
winning 1US second game of the serW
and the only two won by Vernon. The
xcore: R H K
Vernon 0 0001030 03 1
Sacramento 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 01 4 3
Rat (orl, s-Schafer and Hogan; Brown
and Graham.
V. M. C. A. Wrestlers to Meet Mult
nomah Men April
A tram of wrestlers representing the
Salt Lake -city Y. M. C. A. is coming
to Portland to engage In an inter-city
tournament with the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic Clubs grapplers, and the date
of the meeting has been set tor April i
The Mormon City grapplers are also
Fcheduit d to meet the mat artists of the
Seattle and Spokane athletic clubs while
m tliia tour, and tlw expenses of the trip
: - - -
t - . Vi
HOI its'
u --.'
it s J : ' '-' IT ' I
It' - ' wU A
It. K. McDonald, Uilh Catch of
Fifteen Trout.
THE DALLES. Or., April 3. -(Special.)
Pishing is better up
Mill Creek this season than at
any time since the burning of
the old wooden dam, a short dis
tance from the city limits. R. R.
McDonald caught 15 trout Sun
day In less than three hours, and
avers there are thousands of fish
in the creek this spring. The
catch measured from 18 to 20
inches and averaged one and
three-quarter pounds. The fish
were caught at the forks of the
are to be borne equally by Multnomah
and those two 'places.
Physical Director EL S. Brown, of the
Salt Lake Y. M. C. A., will accompany
the grapplers on their trip, as will Wrestl
ing Instructor M. R Yokel. The Salt
Lake wrestling team will comprise nve
grapplers who will wrestle at the fol
lowing weights: 115, 125, 135, 145 and 158.
which means that the programme be
tween Salt Lake and Multnomah will in
clude five Inter-city matches in addition
to the preliminaries.
Instructor Yokel, of Salt Lake, enjoys
considerable fame in Salt Lake by rea
son of his recent meeting with Martin,
("Farmer") Burns. Burns agreed to throw
Yokel twice in one Jiour, but Yokel suc
ceeded in holding Burns level, and was
not thrown at all.
The tournament April 9 will consist of
special matches of best twout of three
falls to count, and each fall of 15 minute
duration. The Salt Lake contingent will
appear at Seattle on April 21 and at
Spokane on April 23.
The Multnomah Club will hold tryouts
In the near future for this event, and all
of O'Connell's grapplers are anxious to
represent the club in the tournament.
Fortland Revolver Club Invites En
tliusiasts to I'se Ranges.
At the regular meeting of the Port
land Revolver Club, held last night, the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: President, George W. Wil
son; vice-president, Walter Hanson; sec
retary and treasurer, B. M. Henley, and
range officer, C. F. Johnson.
The club extended a vote of thanks to
its retiring 'president, Captain of Police
J. T. Moore, who has officiated for the
past three years without missing a meet
ing. Thla .lnK 1 m, ......
Vnited States Revolver Association and
Ptationnl rrt Bi .. 1 .. .. v. , , . . I
:T. ,, "-"""Piunauip snoots
are held annually, the winners receiving
handsome medals.
The club possesses indoor and outdoor
ranges and at its meeting last night ex
tended a welcome to all persons interested
In revolver shooting. The range officer,
who may be found at 151 First street, was
Instructed to give all the necessary in
formation to revolver enthusiasts who
wish to use the ranges of the club.
At the recent indoor competition just
finished, covering a period of the past
week in which 12 entries participated
George Wilson won the revolver cham
pionship and Walter Hanson the pistol
Properties can be placed
with this Company upder
will or by deed, same to be
disposed of later in any
manner directed, and prop
erly and efficiently man
aged by it meanwhile.
Since the Company is a
perpetual organization, the
trust a preferred one, and
the administration i,he most
economical, those possessed
of estates should make pro
vision for their disposition
during their lifetime rather
than leave this important
matter to the uncertain
ties of probate after their
We solicit interviews or
correspondence on this
247 Washington Street.
S A SaxUAJair
Gum i
Rtnna tnnihaeha
' whether there ia a
caTity or not. Nerer
rinwt Tin nr itm
Keep it in thehonse
foremeTKenciea. Imi
tation don't do the
At all tirUKSUU. 1 ceuL nr
Dent's Corn Gum
ti. a. ufcNT a CO.. D.trort. Mich.
again hook up with the Jacksonville
team, and Medford will journey to
Grants Pass. Ed Finance reported this
afternoon and witnessed the game from
the bleachers. Score:
' R-H. E.1 R.H. E.
Portland ..4 8 2 1 Medford ...4 10 3
Batteries Portland, j. ender, Cole
man, .Fournier and Troeh; Medford,
Amer, Gardner, Osburne, Beaumont
and Harrington.
Ed Plnnanee Reports and Seoa Game
From Bleachers Casey's Team
Plays Jacksonville Today.
MEDFORD. April 3. (Special. )Af
?r,IPy "Jf il lnn,nss in atmosphere
that would have made a polar bear
laugh out loud. Manager Casev with
drew his recruits, leaving the game
standing tied in a bowknot and the
score 4 to 4. Pender and Coleman offi
ciated on the mound for Casey, and
Ames, Gardner and Osburne wiffed
them down the alley for the home folks.
..Im",8""" """Shout, in spite of the
chilled muscles, was a slashing good
one, and the ham.ful of fans that turned
""J, fruhle'i -hen the game was
called. Both sides failed to make a
scratcn tn the opening canto, but in I
,..u,ng mey made two all.
The outfield took care of Mullen's sky
scraper and Garibaldi was sajte on an
indeld boot and stole second. Swanton
failed to count. Staton singled, scoring
Garibaldi, and then, when Beaumont
IOuna that lad
asleep at the switch. Fournier came
Isaacs found Ames for a single in
Medford's turn in the same inning, and
Mcbarland scored him with a Jong two
bagger. Beaumont filed and' Osburne
hit for two more bags, scoring McFar
land. In the sixth Portland sent two
more runs over the pan. Garibaldi was
presented with a free ticket after two
had been retired, and he scored when
Isaacs let Staton's single ramble to the
center-neld fence. Staton's two-bagger
scored Swanton.
This was all for Casey's hopefuls.
In the fifth a couple of singles and a
boot put one more In Medford's kit, and
in the sixth a single, a passed ball and
an intield error presented them with,
another. Here they died also. In the
ninth Inning both aid . were prevent
ed from scoring by double plays.
Tomorrow afternoon Casey's men
Two Crews Lead Alternately to
Barnes Bridge, Then Oxford la
Leader to Conclusion.
PUTNEY, April 3.-In a nerve-racking
struggle today Oxford won. from Cam
briage, the 66th annual boat race on the
Themes, by three and one-half lengths.
In the fast time of 19:50. Ten days ago
tne Oxonians were not believed to have
a chance, but today under the leadership
of a freshman, R. C. Bourne, who was
rowing his flrst varsity race, they de
feated a crew whose stroke, D. C. R
Stuart, thrice had brought his eight to
At the crack of the pistol. Bourne the
Oxford stroke, caught the water firet and
immediately showed his veteran opponent
that Oxford, was ready to fight it out
from start to finish. The crews quickly
settled down to the most thrilling race
of years. First the one and the other
forged ahead until two-thirds of the
course had been covered, when the dark
blues' superior weight and stamina .be
gan to tell and slowly they crept to the
By the time Barnes bridge was reached
clear water was visible between the
boats, and thereafter It was only a ques
tion of how badly Cambridge would be
beaten. Stuart called o his men for a
final desperate spurt, 'it although the
crew was plucky, the Tally was short
lived and did not. cut down their op
ponents' lead, which at the end was being
gradually increased. By this time the
enthusiasm of the spectators on the
banks of the Thames had grown to a
fever pitch and deafening shouts of "Ox
ford, Oxford." showed that the victory
was a popular one.
Before the struggle was half over it
was apparent that Cambridge had been
overrated. The bow half of the boat
was already showing signs of the gruel
lng contest, while the Oxonians were
Stain Your Hair j
a Rich Brown
Simple Preparation of Walnut-Juice
That Defies Detection.
An interesting little book has been issued
on the remarkable effect of walnut-Juice
in staining gray, faded or bleached hair. It
nas the advantage over hair-dyes of being
non-injurioua to the hair, containing no
silver, sulphur, lead -or other poisons
cause halr-f ailing and containing no odor,
no oil. no sediment and no grease. At the
same time, an opportunity Is given to every
one who wishes to stain the hair .to send
for' one of the laboratory trial packages
which Mrs. Potters Hygienic Supply Co,
41 Groton Building. Cincinnati. Ohio, will
send by mall in plain, s .-a led wrapper.
Those desiring to procure a trial pack
age of this walnut-juice hair-stain, as well
as their book on hair, should write to the
above address, and inclose twenty-hve cents
in stamps or coin, and if it is desired to
continue the treatment. the preparation
may be obtained at drug-stores generally
at on dollar for a full-slate package.
It is said that the stain blends so softly
with the actual color of the hair as to de
ceive experts. It can be applied in a
few moments with the comb every 30 days
It stains nothing but the hair, and does it
evenly from tip to root. Any shade can be
obtained from a beautiful rich brown to
almost black It does not rub off on the
clothing. One boitje ordinarily lasts a
Send, tor the 25-c-nt trial package today.
Mrs. Potter's Wainut-Juice Hair Stain is
recommended and for sale In Portland by
woodward-Clark Drug Co.. Wholesalers and
Retailers: Eyssell's Pharmacy, asa Mon-t-
son street; fa. ii- Skidmore A Co., 151 Third
For the Coming Week We Announce a Most Extraordinary
Made possible by a great carpet deal made by oxir buyer, Mr. Phil Gevurtz, vhile in the East la.t February Bv '
a fortunate combination with other buyers, they took an immense nuantitv of tJw SflV r Tl l
securing thereby an extraordinarily low rice for Bieelow CJaSST qUantlt7 o the BlSelow Mllls' product,
U -
A Twenty Thousand Dollar Pi
Tnilnyl 11 -4-1, J.J? jt - -. ,
Including all the carpets for the new -Seward," the grand hotel we are furnishino-' oii Tenth street forced the
Grand Opportunity to Carpet Your
There are six beautiful natterns
in this lot not a "cull" carpet, but
most perfect patterns. You will
find a grand pattern in' tan, with
the. popular Empire wreath, brown,
green, tan, two-tone effects, small
brown shadow effects. They are
superb carpets. Remember, these
are the genuine Bigelow, with the
name woven in the back of each
pattern. There can be no imitation
Bigelow. The price is the lowest
ever quoted in Portland.
v a yard
P 1
vorth $2.25
This offer is remarkable, both from '
the standard of quality and valued
A grand Bigelow Axminster for
only $1.49 the yard. How can we
do it I We have told you how ,we
succeed hi doing the carpet busi-'
ness of Portland. We go to the"--manufacturer
direct, and buv-his
entire output of certain popular ;
patterns and then ship them by the;"
carload. We pay no more than ilie
wholesaler. In this . instance, we
were more than usually fortunate
m riving a good bargain
le, 1557 Brussels 85c Special and Exclusive Lines
We are also showing an -t.o o-..- i .
sels Camet, rn tprria oTiitw ilri. i tapestry 5rus-
hprfU Aa"iC panors, dining-rooms,
fTi rr1 sewea, lined and laid 0 C ,
- "-""voi, pic per yara. Uuu
The Gre
Don t miss seeing our exclusive patterns in Bundhar Wiltons, bfeWT
Axmmsters, high-grade Velvets, etc. Wilton Rugs, Axminster
Rugs Body Brussels Rugs-a fine line from which' to choose. ::
Also Inlaid Linoleum of the best grade.
aiest crass Bed dale fever I
" ...U x.x Is ' 7 TTJ SW. 1J Kj-J l- ts-v-M
Tn "Pn-nf lon ,'n z ....
realize f or our tSdel?,T..
- pm-cuases ior this extraordinary sale: 4 ' - -
passive j-mch continuous post brass bed with heavy 4-inrh mounts
fh Centf rostst construction throughout, in Sfft V
the bright or satm finish; sale price only . ....... ....... c4U
Massive Colonial Bed, in the Massive 2-inch post Colonial
combmation square and round style brass Beds,Pheavy inter
patterns, with heavy spin- QQC rods, best English lt7 Oft
dies; special sale price.... 5d3 quer; special fale pre . .' . S2 9 :
as low BedS' in bright r Satin fhlish' fop 50
3s5Q Lace Curtams, 600 Pairs, for $1.90
-.- inji stj-. i miLlN 1 o
$1 Down
a Week
Geyiif tz Sells the Chekpestfe
i " i " mwmwi ai m my un mt uarroaii AiOlJvV
- Mil
mm. nwr
First and Yamhill
Second and Yamhill
pulling eaeily and strongly. When the
eights were approaching; Barnes' bridge,
it was seen that No. 3, in the Cam
bridge boat, was almost in a state of
collapse, and at the finish the entire eight
except Stuart was utterly exhausted.
Oxford's Great Improvement,
Oxford's improvement during the last
ten days was little short of marvelous.
From a ragged ungainly eight it de
veloped into one of the best crews that
has represented the varsity in years. The
crew was not pushed at the finish, or it
might have lowered the time made in the
race considerably. Evidence of the eight's
rapid rounding into form is shown by the
betting odds, which dropped from 20 to 1
against Oxford two months ago to 5 to
4 just, before the race.
The length of the course is about four
miles. The best time was made by Ox-
Ranges Sold
for ;
$1 Down
equalled by Cambridge In 1900.
Baker Captain of Aloo Club.
ALBANY, Or., April iSpeclaI.)
Claire Baker has been elected captain of
the Alco Club baseball team for this sea
son. The squad has now begun active
practice and from present prospects the
club will have one of the fastest amateur
teams in the state. Dr. H. J. Kava
naugh. manager of the team, is arranging
a good schedule. The first inter-town
game of the year will be played in
Dallas April 11. The personnel of the
team will probably be as follows: Catcher,
Driver; pitchers, Stevens and Patterson;
first base, Rowell; second base, Dooley;
third base, Torbet; shortstop, Baker; out
fielders, Cusick. Kennedy, Archer and
Tomorrow Is Washday, Avoid Its Troubles by
lending to the
Where Linen Lasts
Rough dry 5c a pound, rough dry by the piece lc up
Lace Curtains 30c Per Pair
Call Main 398 or A 1123
The Great Laxative and BlnadTonic.
M I PflPK1? The Only Genuine
"Watch the Movement Down the ; River."
23 Minutes to HARBORTON Next; Week!
iHthoe.o i