The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 28, 1909, SECTION SIX, Page 5, Image 59

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Has been achieved by us
through giving the public en
tire, "satisfaction. .This .has
been our aim since the incep
tion of our Corset Depart
ment. Being specialists in
Women's 'Apparel, we have
constantly in mind the close
relation between the corset
and the fit of the gown,
whether it be the smartest
tailored effect or the sheerest
draped creation. Our new
"ODETTE," here pictured,,
retains all the original lines
and attributes that have made this model famous, but has
been lengthened across the abdomen, the hips have been
reduced and the back below tie waist has been, length
ened. The model now conforms with the ultra tendency
of fashioning the figure before the waist made of white
broche cloth suspender web garters attached side and
foot. Price $4.00
Same model in the high-grade "Binner" .$8.00
Showing of
In these indispensable garments, not only the height of
comfort but economy in Undermuslins has been achieved,
for in every case two or three garments combined can be
purchased for-little more than the price of any one of
them. Our combinations are known for their correct cut
and fit, and the daintiness of the designs. The showing is
large, the prices running from $3.50 up to $6.50.
Dainty undermuslins of every description for every purse.
8f sEli?
FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN One-piece Frocks, with coats to match, coat street dresses, tailored suits, tailored cus
tumes, morning dresses, street frocks of silk and cloth, afternoon costumes, evening and dinner gowns, street and dress hats, tailored
coats, children s school coats and dresses, blouses of tailored linen, lingerie and silk, negligees and undermuslines, neckwear and
dress accessories. The most noted foreign creators, and the best American designers have contributed to this extensive showing of
new apparel for Spring. While the number of models shown is very large, giving opportunity for exercising individual choice in selec
tion, the styles are exclusive, as they were imported, designed or adapted especially for us. Among the newest and most prominent
fashions for the Spring will be the one-piece frocks with coats to match, and the coat street dresses, made of cloth or silk. One does
not have to go to Paris to secure the newest fashions we have brought them here.
Silverf ield's
Exclusive Easter Millinery
This week is an especially advantageous time for the selection of t.h
. . . new Spring Hats, for although Easter comes late this year,' we are ready, as
never before, with the smartest models that will be brought out this season. One of the features most com
mented upon -in our millinery section is the wide range of charming styles, showing a remarkable diversity
of shapes and beautiful color combinations, as well as many original and fascinating new ideas in trimming
So many widely different models offer unusual opportunity for the selection of a becoming hat for everv true
of face, and for every occasion. v ..
Besides the elaborate creations for the most formal dress affairs, we have a line of exceedingly pretty and
practical hats m which delightful effects are attained in simple ways, for $5.00, $7.50 and up to $12.00
Order Your Easter Hat Now
To those ladies desiring to make their own Easter Hats, we call particular attention to our Untrimmed-Millinery Department
shtowln gJ?a?,Itnetyf lfeW SpriHg shaPes- Trimmings, Malines, Wings, Artificial Flowers, Feathers, Velvets,'
Ribbons, eta; in fact, all the materials for the making of a hat, at most economical prices. Our experienced salesladies wili
be pleased to. aid you in the selection of shape and trimmings. FINEST ASSORTMENT OF FLOWERS IN THE CITY
for Easter
COSTUMES The season's newest styles, in the most ex
clusive effects. We searched the style markets of the world,
as it were, in order to secure the smartest creations.
COSTUMES A very large collection of stunning costumes
in lace, lingerie, satin, cloth, chiffon, etc. Every one a work
of art, $45.50, $65, $75, $85, to $100.
Easter is the finest we have ever made. They are so smart
and the styles so becoming that they appeal to women of
taste. Some beautiful foreign models of taffeta, satin, voile, serges, imported worsteds and linens in
exquisite colorings. Prices $50 to. , ." '
' V-
the most
New Arrivals in Tailor' d Suits $30,$35,$40, $SO
IT m
Raw Furs..
Easter Apparel for the Babies
Mothers! Just tJ remind yon that while your thoughts go toward Easter
apparel for yourself, DON'T FORGET THE BABIES; and wa par
ticularly wish to remind you that we cater especially to their require
ments and are better prepared to fill their wants than any other house
in the city. We will furnish the little one's wardrohe complete Jit money
' saving prices. A few items worth remembering:
Children's Dresses, Coats, Jackets,
Hats, Bonnets, Hosiery, Etc.
In fact, outer and undergarments of all kinds, that the baby wears or
The Little Things Pertaining to
the Easter Dress
That this house fully recognizes the great importance of correct
adjuncts in dress is shown in the perfect equipment of our ac
cessories department. New fancies in NOVELTY JEWELRY
WEAR, HOISERY, ETC., are obtained by us at the earliest mo
ment procurable, so that our customers are assured of always
finding here the most advanced ideas in accessories of all kinds,
and all these stocks are conveniently arranged on the MAIN
Remodeling and
Repairing of Furs
Greatly Reduced
Send for
New Booklet, . .
The Proper Care of
Free on Request.
THERE Is not likely to be a rad
ical change In the use of trim
mings this season from that In
vogue last Winter, at least regarding
its application. Button effects will
predominate, and in this regard the
new Spring models show much more
taste exercised In their application. It
is certain that the vogue for satin has
not worn itself out for trimming pur
poses, hut corded silks, particularly the
hengalines and crystals, will be more
utilized than the satin fabrics. Many
Tlatn materials will be used, as this
tendency seems to grow stronger each
season. Stripes and striped effects are
also good. Laces and embroideries
command a lot of attention now, as
nearly everything is embellished with
these trimming accessories. One of
the new features in the lace line is
the button effects. These vary as re
gards size and usually run about an
inch in diameter. They are expected
to grow stronger In popularity as the
season advances. Buttons and balls
are starting out very strong on all
the Spring garments and are worked
up in almost every conceivable form,
being used as fringe on guimpes as
well as an adornment for bands and
all-overs. A new effect is that of
tucked silk and metal-embroidered
all-overs. Nets and tuckings are of
conventional description, tucks being
in series. The design is on the plain
net. between the tucks being a silk
metal thread. A very clever arrange
ment Is the running of a little silk
thread through each separate tuck.
This makes it stand out and gives a
very striking effect. Metal effects will
play a very Important part on the
Spring costumes. This season the vogue
for embroideries promises to reach its
height and dainty all-overs, insertions
and flounces will be seen lu profusion.
The new embroideries are wonderfully
sher and line; the work in many in
stances is done on hand looms and
they have quite as lacy an effect as
real Val or Normandie lace. Many
of the patterns are as delicate as lace
and far more effective. On' Summer
frocks the panel or stole of embroid
ery will be much used.' Some panels
are weighted by large tassels of
crocheted cords. Embroidery motifs will
run riot on all Summer dresses. Plaited
frills are seen everywhere on shirt
waists, collars and cuffs, neck ruches,
gowns and hats. These frills have un
limited possibilities for adding charm
to one's outfit. In shirtwaists they are
to be laundered; the cost is not much
more because of the frills. twid by
tacking them together before washing
they can be preserved for a long time.
In such materials as net chiffon, they
keep fresh almost as long as the fab
ric lasts. The plaiting can be had at
any of the stores, by the yard" at a
small cost, in a great variety -of col
ors and textiles. Ribbons will be used
extensively in all widths and all sur
face effects. The colors that seem to
command the most attention are dark
navy, medium navy, dark and medium
Copenhagen, electric and ciel in the
blues. In the greens, myrtle, Russian,
hunter's, reseda, emerald, or Empire
and bronze. Browns in leaf. Havana,
and mustard. Reds, in cardinal, Bor
deaux and cerise. In pinks, there are
raspberry, coral, azalea and mountain
ash. These will be the most popular
shades for the season.
Evening scarfs are among the ac
cessories In every girl's wardrobe if
she goes out much in the evening.
Crepe de chine is well adapted for
these, as it hangs well, comes in ev
ery lovely shade imaginable, and laun
ders beautifully.
Among the other fabrics used for
these scarfs are printed wash nets,
cotton or silk voiles, gauzes that are
part silk, Japanese silks, and similar
with silk and trimmed with buttons, as
are also the pockets and cuffs. The ma
terial used in making the suite are plain
cloths and fancy mixtures. Novelty
etripes of a pronounced character, are
fashionable. Shadow stripes in light
weight broadcloths are also very good.
Stripes in mohairs are also widely shown.
The skirts are. mostly plain, although
folds or buttons are seen on a numbfer
of models. Trimmings are of simple ef
fects in self or contrasting colore.
Juniors or children's coats are made in
semi-ntted effects. In the tailored effects
the trimmings are shown on the collar,
cuffs and pockets, many novels ideas are
shown In this designing. Coat-collar ef
fects are most favored, although many
pretty ideas are shown in the collarless
style. Plain, novelty mixtures and shad
ow stripes are principally shown in the
children's coats. Shepherd plaids are also
shown with contrasting trimming effects
on the cuffs, collar and pockets. Striped
coverta are also popular. In the washa
ble suits and dresses many novel effects
are shown. White, color and natural lln
ens come in herringbone stripes and are
Smart Styles for the Young Girl
THE rMrectoire and Empire styles
so patronized by the older folks
have carried heir influence to the
misses as well, and fh the Spring styles
there are many modest suggestions of
this trend. In the coat suits these ideas
are mainly carried out in the long
straight lines in both coat and skirts
and In the fancy jackets and trimmings.
Buttons were never shown in greater
profusion as a trimming and are espe
cially .pronounced In the trimming of the
back jot the coat b?low the waist line,
accentuating the long hipless effects,
whirlp are quite as much of a feature
c U' younger, generation's garments
as of the women's. Skirts are shown
mainly in the gored styles, although
plaited models are also used and for the
juniors promise to be quite popular. The
three-piece effects give promise of being
very popular. In these, skirts are either
gored or plaited and the bodice is in
jumper style and is, attached usually with
a girdle or belt. The jumpers have a
round neck and are sleeveless, simply
trimmed with a piping of silk in a con
trasting color, wnicti also forms the
trimming of the collar and cuffs of the
coat. The coats are semi-fitted and a
trifle shorter than those of last season.
The collars are usually made in simple
coat-collar effects and are often Inset
used in the designing of suits. The skirts
are gored and the coats are simply made
in tailored effects. In the dresses, the
one-piece styles have the preference over
all other designs, although many sailor
suits are shown. Many guimpe or Jumper
effects are also shown with the kimono
sleeve. There is a tendency to shorten
the waist line In the back, while the
front of the waist remains the same.
Dutch collars are used extensively on
the children's dresses. These are of lawn
or batiste and trimmed with .lace edg
ing. Windsor ties are worn with these
collars, tied in sailor knots or bow form.
Little girls are now wearing black stock
ings with patent leather pumps.
THE conspicuous note in .the shape
of hats for young girls is the fact
the styles demand just the oppo
site from what was In vogue last sea
son. Instead of the hats turning up, this
Spring, all brims are turned down. All
children ' can wear turned-down brims
with becomlngness. even if they are try
ing to their mothers and older sisters.
The brims turn down over the head all
around, except just in front, or, rather,
a little, at the left of the front, where it
is caught with a big rosette of satin.
Ottoman silk is used widely for dress
hats for young girls. It is shirred on
reeds and trimmed with dainty flower
effects, flat roses or colored ribbons.'AU
trimming on children's hats droops at
the back. For children, dainty little
bonnets made of muslin in hemstitched
tucked effects, or of all-over embroid
ery are shown in close-fitting French
styles, and poke bonnets which inva
riably have a short, puffy back. Effec
tive little ribbon arrangements ending
in tiny bows are used to a great ex
tent In their trimmings, as well as the
always favored rosettes, over either
ear with ties to match. Lace ruches
are used around the front of the bon
net, the narrow Valenciennes ruching
-being given the preference. Straw bon
nets are being shown to quite an ex
tent and promise to be a feature of
the season. These bonnets are made
mostly in close-fitting French styles and
are trimmed with ribbon bows, rosettes
and tiny flowers.
We offer for the Easter season this year
the most superb assortment of Flowering
Plants, Foliage, Ornamental Plants and Gut
Flowers in all varieties found at this season
of the year that we have ever displayed.
The stock exceeds in number, variety
and quality all of our past efforts, and
we cordially invite the public to inspect
our EASTER DISPLAY at any time.
are of .the greatest factors in making the "Home
Beautiful," yet the name "Oriental" alone is
never a guaranty of such a result. The name
"Oriental," given to rugs made in Turkey, Persia,
Turkestan and Caucasia, also to rugs manufac
tured in East India and further still, is even ap
plied to rugs manufactured in this country with
patterns and designs Oriental.
It requires years of experience, thorough
knowledge of the different weaving districts and
a special study of colors and designs in order to
bring together a collection from which an average
purchaser can safely select. It needs but a visit
to our store to convince anyone that our large
display of Oriental Rugs measures up to that
Our new importations are coming in- one after
the other. Each rug is a perfect example of its
kind, carefully selected by Mr. G. Atiyeh, who has
been traveling in the Orient for one whole year..
We cordially invite you to see our new display,
. and while we are showing none but dependable
qualities, true to our principle, yet our prices are
no higher.
394 Washington Street
Corner Tenth