G reat Remodelin On the first of April the drug store now occupying the corner of Second and Yamhill streets will vacate thus giving over to Gevurtz & Sons the entire frontage on Yamhill street of 200 feet. We shall beghx thl wo k of remodehng at once, and we realize that this enterprise will seriously interfere with our pre-Easter busTness unless we exert extra effort to stimulate trade in the meantime; therefore we have dcteriug3e" g Sale . " -Cf Easter Sacrifice Sale of StartM - - 55 111 1 Tl or QTir wnmon i-n T4-1 -1 i- ' t i t . fe r J xuiuduu lu accommodate lierselt to an Kastpr o-nwn af o i.nnviuu ing m price, shall sacrifice our profits to a large extTtA oVZt Xs .ith too much stock.,. Never have prettier styles been offered you than righl Weight wl g IMagiLiitade 'fv $40 Tailored Spring Suits, Priced for Special CJOQ 7C Sale at These suits are from ouf magnif icent display of Ladies' Tailored Spring Suits. The elegant, the individual, the practical are rep resented in a collection that is a feast to the eye that delights inv beautiful lines, lovely colors and faultless tailoring. Every woman in Portland who dresses well will.-be interested in this special sale of new Spring goods and the practical saving of dollars made thereby. Spring fashions are now fixed; there will be no radical departure from present modes, and we have a full repre sentation of all the newest stj-les each style ' new, correct and well chosen many distinguished models, exclusive, out of the ordinary. Distinguished Tailored Suits of imported serges, finest import ed chiffon panamas, imported . mixtures, etc.; mannish styles and elaborate models used for afternoon and evening wear. Suits are featured by the strict ly tailored coats in the new hip less effects, with long; graceful lines, which hold undisputed- sway with the leaders of fash ion, and are becoming to most any figure. The little tonches of button and braid trimming i add to the attractiveness of both skirt and coat. New gored skirts, some with the liio-h irir- dle; in all the new Soring shades, such as faded rose, eoslin ereen. stone mrm. taupe, new blues, wild duck, catawln, browns, tans, etc., too numerous to mention. Ko better illustration or more convincing demonstration can be given of the atttractive values that are offered in this great special remodeling sale than this offering. We cannot make our descrip tive language more forceful than we have, but can (f()Q TP only assure you that we are giving you values up to jK'A r 71 the $40 mark at this special sale for only )JAKJmJ J Ladies' $25.00 Spring Suits, Priced for Special Sale at $14.75 $32.00 Suits for $21.75 Made of prunella cloth, panama, worsteds, serges, etc., m all the latest shades of green, tan, brown, blue, gray, etc., and also old rose; lined with best' satm taffeta; elaborately trimmed with silk braid, m the Persian effects, and also buttons; long 36 and 37-mch coats, wide pockets, newest sleeves; the smart hipless effects. Ladies' and misses' trnely tailored suits that cannot be equaled at the special sale price we are quot- rf C 1 pv n ing for this week $32 values JKJJ J 5 Ladies' $14.50 Dress Skirts This sale places it within the reach of every Portland woman or miss to posses a new Easter suit, and at values that are remarkable for this season of the year. "We are "showing in this lot (No. 1) suits exactly like the cut here, and many more models just as new and .lust as pleasing. Read the descrip tion given below and then visit our suit department on Mon day morning. . Ladies' and misses' sizes, made of plain and fancy serges, worsteds and fancy panamas": new style of gored and flared skirts; jacket lengths, from 30 to 36 inches, silk braid and elaborately bntton trimmed; colors are all the new shades of blue, brown, green, tan, smoke and light popular stripes meeting with such favor this Spring; silk and satin lined; made by the foremost manufac turers and guaranteed absolute ly correct in every detail, and brand new stock. " These are positively the best val ues offered by any Portland suit house today. There is something 1 definite and tangible about this advertising; you" can form a fair idea of the suits! -wo ar-o te mne- C?e in and examine them and you will be convinced that they really are $23.00 values we place on special sale for only. . .... f . - . $40.00 Foulard and Satin Dresses Special Sale (01 7E! Price Only J & .38.75 O .10 1 opecial iSale Price Only Lot 1 A special that will be at tractive to every woman in Port land. Fine Dress Skirts for only $8.75, worth . $14.50. New wire voile, fine taffeta .and satin trimmed, with new vertical trim ming, and new gore effects; values regularly $14.50; spe-' flJO JZZ cial sale price only. . . . . Lot 2 Made of fine Chiffon Pan ama, in black, brown and blue, satin trimming and strictly tail ored effects; values QtZ to $10, sale price pDyD $14.75 Tailored Waists Ql li; Special Sale Price HM.leJ oidered and $1.15 Attractive street and aft ernoon dresses. Smart frocks that are service able and pretty. Made in finest satins and foulards, latest styles, and all new color shades; not a gown among them worth less than $40.00; Remodeling kale price for lot No. will be only. Fancy Silt $30 Val ce ior tot INO. 1 $24.75 $17.50 Silk Jumper Suits $9.75 Jumper Suits and Princess effects, in seersucker, many col ors to select from; $17.50 values for only $9.75 lies All pastel shades, some dark colors: accordion pleated. Val. lace and velvet ribbon trimming made of plain tafte . ta and Persian silks; $30 values on sale for only $12.95 " 1 I 11 I I l ASi.XVvVCS.N5 a" w W 93 f J 1 1 i 1 1 1 I -J II 111 Hlk.lllV .X T "W..-. XI'lijl Petticoats Special $12.95 In Lot 2 we have a fine skirt iu irood" quality taffeta, in dark and pastel shades ; regular $15 values, on special sale at only $8.95 Ladies' Entrance on Yamhill, Near Second JTfi i W II. W U El. ftefir JMrM We place on sale Monday .morning about 300 plain tailored waists, in nov elty stripe, madras, dimitv, linon and novelty waistings. These' are strictly- tailored, collars ami cuffs attached.: Also 200 lingerie waists of fine batiste, long sleeves, tucked, embroidered and iace Trimmed. All on special sale at the low price of. .... . SPRING JACKETS REDUCED Everything in the house is now reduced in price, including a line of Sprintr Jackets in coverts, taffetas and lace. We cannot illustrate these but you are invited to inspect them. The price will be worth vour while - Ladies' Latest Spring Raincoats Values From $22.50 to. $40.00 Sale Prices $14.95 to $24.95 This is not old stock, but con sists of goods ordered for the Spring trade. All the wanted color shades. A great oppor tunity to secure your raincoat at a money-saving price for all cut prices are legitimate genuine true. Raincoats in plaids, stripes, novelty stripes and many colors. '