TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 28. 1909. ft 8r ( fm$mS TrWTiTf (nfiinr y & - iWi i a&iz& tiLA' " III f"ii .t 5 ! I fl l wJU.W S --rrr- . iVi' ,t lriM.4ltlS , I Hf-. " I WsarSKSSSSSSBSSS I & SJfrjFfJW&t '$lTkf i AFTERNOON GOWN. Illll si ti!!k 'VX7 ii IH'"' . Wrt Just clear the ground, but M .the llllf J J & 4 f ' f i J& 4 4. I ' Bon advance there U no Question but V Ml 1 1 l W itT X- JV-S? I ? 55 - """"-t shorter skirts will be in vogue. - Jni ' kXX&SliiW f 2&rZ& h -aSrKT I Lingerie dresses are being, made of . ' . " HiiB ' 92$ ' x . sLV " V f Tf 1 sheerest mull without a bit of lace of M!SHy'r 17?i&ISi$l -5 . ny Wnd, but. covered with a bold floral II -N , Sf" ' I i af I "Viivss" ' ' ST ' '' des'n Jne In white and richly raised. W . , lA I, I n I aesign is massed about tne bust, I. ' T, --T I1 .r I Kl ' I waist and hips, the skirt set on to the I MnmUMmMUMJliimiumMmmmmmmmmm.mi.9!ntBmmMmm i i i J1 1 SMART RECEPTION TOIUETE. it M AY your ' shadow ' oiever yrow less" is an old toast that would not be accepted with much fa vor by the women who strive for correct i fashion effect this season. In fact,, the j efforts are being made by ail to reduce the shadow tor- a minimum. The sil houette effect is the one dominant note Of all the gowns, dresses and suits for this Spring and Summer, and never , be fore has one style been, so. uniformly ac cepted as this one. Figures, hairdress and even the natural walk have been al tered to conform with the present styles, llow long this fashion will reign is "spec ulative, but t is safe to say that all this season and well into the next the Direc toire and Empire styles' will obtain. They certainly . are .graceful.. and picturesque, and one color idea from head to foot keeps well in hand the woman who in other days was prone to inharmonious color comhlJietiona., The long, close-flt-tlng sleeve and the Jiigh waist line are seen in everything In the shape of gown or dress.-Thls style in Itself Insures sim plicity in effect. This is always artistic hence welcome. When we adhere to the graceful lines of Nature we are much closer to graceful symmetry than we were with the exaggerated sleeve effect and accentuated waist and hips of a few seasons1 back. Therefore, remember to be in accord with the season's edicts you must adopt the close-fitting- sleeve, the high waist line and the narrow skirt. A skirt two yards and a half wide is the strictly proper -thing, but if you Insist wpon exacting a greater desrree of com fort, fashion, conciliates by allowing you to go to the extent of three or even four ysrds, but there you must halt, for be yond that you are "outre." In your gowns you are permitted to choose be tween two effects, the close or semi fitted princess that clings or to-the draped effect made with, soft, limp materials that will do the clinging for you. Either of these styles will give you the tube or silhouette appearance so arbitrarily de manded. Another marked tendency of the present styles is noted In the evening toilettes of the decollette effect. The square decolette effect is for the time being supplanted by the V shapes. In tnese gowns the:, fuller drapery effect under the bust Is conspicuous and is a welcome compromise to many who found the severe' flat effect vers Irvine, but In the hipless feature of the skirts there are no concessions made. The nearest thing to a concession is in the overskirt and ouhle-&klrted -styles, vwhlch. however. must be draped to preserve the clinging effert. This is accomplished by the use of supple materials and by draping the ver part - nig n up on the figure or by making , the frent short and the back mg. or" vice versa, to conform with in dividual" prefernfcnt. The old Greek peplum styles are very fashionable just now, with the top of the -overskirt com ing well over the bust, and what little fullness there is being drawn in at the waist ajnt then allowed to fall in soft folds over the "hips and at the sides. To mane tne overskirt costume successful the undersktrishould be long, if -not with trains at least-a couple of inches on the ground. ,For early Spring wear and for evening gowns., however, trains are the thing. vea f-r afternoon costumes the fishtail trains, or what has been called the mertuaid effect, 'are being shown In the smartest circles. .Greek and Roman i"-jjed effects are shdwn on nearly all ine gowns, in some of ... the smartest gowns brought over .recently there is decided dip at the back and a noticeable loping at , the front of the ; tunic, -de signed to ireveaJ the- dlrectoire sash, trimming the underskirt and ending in a fancy bow in front. Tne sash is put on after the skirt Is completed and is caught aoout tne skirt Just below the knees. This ample-overskirt is a departure from tne sheath skirt, and to produce the de sired lines miift be a material of a cling adhere to the color scheme of the bodice decorations. In coats, the long straight lines must be preserved and the coat must be but slightly fitted at the back. Cutaway fronts are shown on neariv everything. These are caught together across the bust with buttons, which, by the way, are very important this season. Many of the coats are left open and a smart waistcoat shown underneath. On these garments two styles of sleeves show the most popularity the full coat sleeve with the turnback cuff and the close-fltted model without a cuff. Some are made with pointed reveres, while others are shown with the high Consulate couar, wmcn are very effective with women of slender necks. Some are also made collarless, to be worn with sep arate ruffs. In all these coata severe tailored lines are the most fashionable and coverts and broadcloths are the ma terials most favored. The lengths will vary from 32 to 42 Inches, according to the style of the garment. Advance stvlea Indicate that 36-inch lengths will be the most popular. in two and three-piece suits the semi-fitted coats, and hloless skirts are correct. The coats .are-all out in a manner that make thent -short-walsted and ere of the cutaway "style with rounded corners. They show one. two and three buttons and mock button holes. All these coats hang . loose from the bust and are from 32 to 3e-incK lengths. Sleeves are of the coat shape. witnout fullness at the top.. In these snits there is a tendency toward plain fabrics, although self , stripes, mixtures and regulation fancies are widely shown. lapels are shown on everything. . The Napoleon collar is a feature of the new garments. It is made of thevsame or contrasting material, gold embroidery et. fects being very fashionable. It is -very high, rolls over In a huge sweep and fastens with a scarf. The skirts are fin ished in -habit style, and the best effects are fastened In front, for the back panel and belt are cut In one. Buttons are the most favored trimmings. In many model the. sides lap over a narrow front panel in plait fashion and the skirt fasten on the left side under the plait. The skirts 5ust clear the ground, but as the season advances there is no question but what shorter skirts will be in vogue. Lingerie dresses are being, made of sheerest mull without a bit of lace of any kind, but. covered with a bold floral design done In white and richly raised. The design Is massed about the bust, waist and hips, the skirt set on to the bodice with a beading and a sash wound looseljr twice about the figure, but weighted at .the ends. This sash is in printed silk, with the design massed on the ends above deep fringe. The neck and hem of the mull gown are trimmed simply with hemstitching and tucks and CARRIAGE GOWNS AND WALKING SUITS. the short embroidered sleeve is straight and wide enough to reveal the arm bare to the shoulder, its hem plain. NOVELTIES AND VANITIES w -OMEN'S dress accessories have never been shown in a wider and more fetching range of styles than during the present season. The current e-tyles are especially adaptable to the use of accessories. The dlrectoire' trend Is particularly conducive to girdles, buckles and button novelties. . Buttons are, in a large measure, of enameled effects in colors to coincide with the. gowns, such as green, blue and rose. The button trimming Is a strong, feature of the new gowns. Gold buttons, bur nished and dull oxidized silver effects are popular as are all the mold effects cov ered with silk. Jet and cut steel novel- It's the Fashion TO CONSULT Dr.B.LWright IF YOU DESIRE THE BEST IN DENTISTRY PAINLESSLY ADMINISTERED . 342 i Washington St CORKER SEVENTH. Office Honrs 8 A. M. to 5 J. M. Sundays, A. M. to 12 M. l4 TEARS IN PORTLAND. ties In buttons and buckles are fashion able, the latter especially so on hats. In girdles and fancy belts satins with fringe or tassel ends are quite a feature of the Spring styles. 'By the way, the true dlrectoire girdle laces or fastens at the side. The well-dressed woman spends a goodly portion of her allowance on pretty belts. For the severe tailor-made type, the plain leather belt is most desirable; there Is a variety of width, color and the shaping of the buckle. Very pretty effects are in .colored moroccos, with leather thongs' of a -contrasting shade threaded through. Buckles covered with stoft leather, studded or embroidered with steel qr other metal, are on many of the wide belts. The most ornate elides are reserved for silk, ribbon and elastic belts. Narrow patent leather belts in all fash ionable colors and white are very smart Combination white and black patent leather belts are also shown. The most fashionable buckle effects of today -are the old-fashioned designs of our. grand mothers, brooches set in coral, iet. cameo, amethyst, turquoise, matrix, iajta. topaz, pearls and garnet. Even mother of pearl and amber are desirable. - These can be set for buckles and clasps at a very small cost. Tinsel tissues embroi dered In Persian designs of gold or silver threading are Very fashionable. Suede and ooze belts are also stylish. eit pm novelties are taking the n!a of girdlea in' many quarters as the new style tendencies are to conceal the waist line rather than to accentuate it. Hat pins are chiefly shown In sold and sil- CHARMING EASTER MILLINERY AT POPULAR PRICES 145-147 SECOND STREET Becoming . . Hata. for . everybody at . every : body's : price. Best ' -Styles j best materials and 'best values-r these are the reasons for the great popularity of this .' big hew . ; store. ' " We- have " inade " extraordi- - -nary preparations for ; the Easter trade; our: grand collection of- ' pretty,- stylish Hats is . - unsurpassed, and our moderate prices are un- s , equaled by any Port-. : land house. ' Splendid Trimmed Hats $2.95 and $3.95. We Sell the BEST $5.00 HAT in America Charming Tailored , and Dress Hats, jj5S.OO, $7.50 S8.00. $19.00, $12.00 and $15.00. New? Ladies! Furnishings for Easter Smart, ptylish Neckwear,- in all the "popular new styles,"from 10 npV New Barret tes, back and side.'Combs plain, or fancy, from 15 up. Dainty- new Undermuslins, pretty new, Shirtwaists and dependable new Hosiery. JEWEL CORSETS IN THE NEW SPRING MODELS Your Easter Grown, to fit properly, should be worn over one of these new Corsets; prices from $1.00 up. X ver initialed seal effects, imitation flow ers and. gold mesh tassel Ideas. Large headed hat pins are the rage in tortoise shell, coral, jet, rhlnestones and fresh water- pearls. The hand bags are larger than ever and should really be termed arm bags now, as they are so large that they are more comfortably carried under the arm; Some of them and almost large enough for a traveling s. .me nags sim Deits are to match ana to harmonize with the gown. Don't Duy a red Dag unless you have a red uuii. eueae.Dags in grey are very popu lar as also- are those of champagne tints. Seal and walrus- are the most popular hides used, though the patent leather has some following. Alligator also is a strong favorite. These are trimmed with heads, paws and claws and are- shown In alt the fashlbnable shades. Russian calf skin and pin seal are also extensively snown. unen nana Dags, shaped like the old carpet bags, are novelties of the season that may catch on. There are many novel shapes shown in the shops in various leathers. One is keystone shape, another fan shape, but it is pretty safe In getting a good durable bag that is to last a couple of seasons to stick more to conventional designs. Chain pvirses and bags in gold or silver mesh are still very smart. The old-fashioned portemonnaie is again in vogue and is -shown in German silver, carved sterling silver and gold. In toilet articles and boudoir pieces, nickel and ebony are now more popular than silver, the former Initialed in copper and the latter with silver or gold. It is quite in accordance with the trend of fashion that women should be daintily perfumed these days. Essence is not used as much as sachet. There are now small slips of papier mache about the size of a visiting card which are sold a dozen in a box. They are perfumed with flowers and are of a delicious fragrance. They are to be put into the lining of the coat or gown, hat, blouse and scat tered around the bureau drawers. They will Impart a subtle fragrance to hand kerchiefs, neckwear, bags and veils. Calling cards for women are nearly equare and should be engraved In old English or Roman block letters. Hand kerchiefs for street use are very small, not much larger than infants' size, while those used with handsome toilettes ar far larger. m u(tg anii arts Jlobe! V its- n & It is not necessary to go to New the latest ideas in suits, Ae York ideas to you. All of personally selected for- their York - to find bring the New garments are exclusive fabrics. our designs, colors and tkeir adaptability to thel needs of Portland women. ; i ' - The jacket suits are semi-fitting, : hipl in lpiess - mo man-tailored dels, fashioned new the of soleile and other satin-finished cloths, worsteds, serges, and panama, in mixtures, stripes, new grays and blues, hunter and olive green, ashes of wistaria and all the reliable plain colors. rose. com Our three-piece suits, which combine the plets trim-fitting gown witk the coat ' of like material, are also among the popular new models at he House .of Tone. artfjolometo Ca- 392 Washington Street ing nature. The color of the sash must T1 T T r r-ww x ne xxouse or 1 one