THE SUyDAY OREGOmX, PORTLAND, MARCH 28, 1909. I DLLOW IB CO BS-M1E CO. AD THE MAN WHO DID It is only two years since The Jaeobs-Stine Company advised this man to buy a lot and build a home on the easy-payment plan. He took the advice and built the home. He is now occupying it. He has nearly paid for it at less per montU than he would have paid for rent. Today the property is worth double the purchase price. In other words, this fellow followed the advice of The Jacobs-Stine Company and prospered. Today he is happy. MORAL: You buy a-lot today in WELLESLEY-ON-THE-HILL while the price is low. Build at your convenience. You will be just as happy as this fellow is. . . ARE YOU TAGGED? - Is there a "For Sale" sign in your window? Is there one hi your front yard? Do people stop in front of your house and say you do not own it? Do these signs proclaim to the world that you are a renter? Do strangers come at the busiest time of day for the wife and want to look over the rooms? Are you on edge all the time for fear your land lord has sold the house over your head? MORAL: If you are tagged and want to be forever free under your own roof, The Jacobs-Stine Company will take the tag off if you are-willing, LARGEST REALTY DEALERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST TH -a 1 "t. jTf a i a 500,000 IN 1912 . : "Where "willZthey-J live?' With the "West Side over-popylated" al ready, and the East Side growing so rapidly that nonpublic, facility can keep pace with it, explain, if you can, where the people will live if not in WELLESLEY-ON-THE-HILL, and in that vicinity. There is moral in this. You may be able to pick up a home most ; any time. -But the thousand a month that are coming right now will find it more difficult. , "Why wouldn't it be a good idea for you to buy half a dozen lots in WELLESLEY-ON - THE - HILL and just hold them? They will be worth two, three, four or five times the present price in 1912, if not long before. WELLESII ."., r . f ' " t - - ' ' ' IMPROVEMENTS Every street graded. Cement walks and curbs, wide parkings, Bull Run water, telephone and electric light service, streetcars every 10 and 15 minutes all day long. A pergola 20 feet , wide will be built in " the center oi a 140-fot boulevard, with trellises; creeping vines,, rest benches and beautiful shady:, walks. ' High elevation, pure" air, magnificent scenery. The .' most charming spot on the Pacific Coast. Build ing restrictions guarantee first class neighbors.' YOU'LL PR OSPER THE MAN WHO DIDN'T - It is only two years since the Jacobs-Stine Company advised this man to pur chase a lot, and build a home on the easy-payment plan. He was a "Doubting Thomas. He feared he would get sick and not be able to make his payments He a-lot of otlJer things. He was afraid. Since then he has paid his landlord $300 a year rentals. Today he owns nothing and is liable to be evicted at any time he fails to pay his rent.! : - MORAL : You can buy a lot in WELLESLEY-ON - THE - HILL and never miss the money Either come to our office, visit the property, or let us take you out in an automobile. - - .- . T7T7T7 LI ORDERED OUT This is the old story, though always a new "one and ever a true one. It doesn't make any difference how long you may have lived in a house you are now renting. It doesn t make any difference how much rent you pay. Your landlord will always be glad to rent to some one else for $5 more a month. "Why keep on being ordered out? Order the landlord out and reverse conditions. MORAL: It does not take a bit of nerve to buy a lot and build a home of your own. Merely, make up your mind to do it, and you will: be surprised to see how .easily it is accomplished. JACOBS 148 TI FIFTH STREET WE GO. FOLLOW THIS COMPANY AND PROSPER