The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 28, 1909, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 52

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' s ,s iT'
NEW YORK, March 27. (Speirlal.)
This is the first picture made of
the -House of Representatives of
the Sixty-first Congress. It was mad
by H. p Raess at the opening session,
March 15. when the fight on the organ
ization of the House was made and the
battle half lost by the insurgents. The
victory of the insurgents is of doubtful
value. There was reason for postpon
ing the fight on the rules, in that it
would have delayed the consideration at
this time of the tariff bill. But when
the House meets In the first regular
session next December, there will be
the same reason because of sonic legis
lation of importance and there will
also be less strensth in the insurgent
rorces. It Is quite possible to punish
the Insurgents In the making of the
tariff bill, so that they will be glad
enough to get ito line with the
breaker in December: ami "Uncle Joe"
knows the possibilities of the situation
and may be trusted to take advantage
of them. Besides the time to force a
change of the rules Is when you can
bring pressure to hear through the de
sire of your opponents to pass a parti
cular hit of legislation: and this would
seem to have been the time to force the
House into a revision of the rules
through fear of a failure of the tariff
"Uncle .loc" Cannon inav not be as
young as some. hut. he is strictly up-to-date,
lie rides from his home to the
' "p,toL a" "'omobile everv dav
''' Tom Reed was Speaker he walked
and liis big figure was one of the inter
esting sights of Pennsylvania avenue
every morning.
The present strike of the telegraph
operators of France brings into relief
two figuresthose of Clemenceau. the
r"ere.'rr Tra." and M" I-'Pine. the
t rtf.-tt. ,s the fommisaioner of
Police, or rhief of Police for Paris- but
nis post is much more dignified than
that of the chief of police of one of our
great ctties. M. T,eplne rides in vic
."Jl Var" the rihbon of the Legion,
and is treated at official ceremonies
as though he were one of the chief
firm. iit White Tfmple. Twelfth and Tay
lor jrtrrets r.ev. J. Whitcorab Bronthtr
T. IV. pastor, lo A. M.. "one-accord" prayer
WMiuiK. 10:30 A. M.: public worship;;
rpcaker. Thomas Moody, the famous mis
lonry from Africa. ll hss a thrillinir
V' '.I d,"t- M1-S!" ,:,hf" shea and
J- w. Belcher: 12 noon. Bible school, with
U.-T" ge!,: p- M- bright young
Popl service m lower temple; 7:30
o rlook. popular evening service. with
?.r"',''h.!r": .b' 1r- Brounher: pubject. -Some
tool Men. a companion wrmon to "Some
"ni-.V ". niusic. w ith gospel solo
o Miss Ktliel Shea.
tn,'r"!i,y Pa,k " A. K. Vialtz. pas-'or-
undav school, lo A. M : worshlpT 11
A. M ; sermon, -The christian PuKiliJt":
" P. l :no P. M.; worship. 7:: P.
"mon. "A IlylnB Robber's Request."
..t,!" o Ka"J. s"'nt n1 Kat Ankeny
tree t a Preaching. 0:::o A. M. and 7::iO p.
iVi..Un"X ",!,o1 """"I Young People-.
2m J-M- rreachlng by Rev. John
Bentilen and rtev. Tlramas Mood v.
tentral Kart Ankeny nnd Kast Twentieth
lrett Krv. v. T. .Ionian, uastor. Prcb.
anu i ;r0 p. M.
by the
i1"!' iunaay school, 12 .
young peo-
;i,r. t '' " J"ie by mala
i t T,op"" r wm": "Present Dutv
and "Well of Salvation"
Mount Olivet, Seventh and Kverctt atreeta
ii , B. Johnaon, pastor. Services.
It A. M. and i:30 p. M. by the pastor.
Immanuel services by Rev. A. B. Mina-
lJan,''-!iVl-?nnt' Gibbs streetiL
lo:no A. M. and 7:30 p M Sun
mitTni"0!."!? .Brac and Philathe. clas
mtln. 12 M. ; B. T. P. IT.. S:30 p m -prayer
meeting. Thursday, 7-30 p M
Grace. Montavilla Rev. a. E. Patch" m.b
tor. Sunday school. 10 A. ..'rv1caf5
-Wlh ,PMV..Topics of "ortnons.
With bteadfast FaitV and "How to Be
come a Christian." ae
Pev,l"Tx; ;!"" E'Shth nd Grant tret-
i o i Mo,nro'- Pastor Sunday school.
10 A. M.: aervlcea. 11 A. M. and 7:30 p M
r.ev. oordon W. Hill, evangelist, will preach!
both morning and evening. Services a-2
night during th. wck. -orviwea each
a onj-nf:h. corner East Main street
! -. J -tVV ,Vf :
I " IJ) I ; II
Neverth'eleLthMnLin?nea"iniStrat I
lace official "..-w ?i f Sid '
tace orticial. During the last strike he
personally took charge of his forces on .
xne street, and directed the rilsneraoi t :
mnh. ,v, :r.
-..1 i.i ivu i in; uibuvi
moos at the risk of his own life. And
at the beginning of the present strike
It was he who cleared the room at the
telegraph headquarters of the turbulent
strikers, and was somewhat bruised In
doing it- His authority is all the great
er because of the personal respect in
which he is held for his bravery.
S. F. Cody Is the American who is
Rev B. C. Cook, pastor. Sunday school,
i - M.; services, 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ;
B. Y. p. TJ.. 6:45 P. M.
rI?ta,TRev- E- A- 'Smith, pastor. Sunday
school 10 A. M.: Junior Union, 3 P. M.; B
J:30 P M P" M': preac:,lnc; 11 A- M- d
Swedish. Hoyt and FlfteentS! streets Rev
.rlc Scherstrom. pastor. Preaching. 10:45
A. ss. and 7 :45 P. M ; Sunday school. 1- M.
St. John Rev. John Bentzien, pastor
Sunday school. 10 A. M-: preaching, u A.
Ta?.5 P" M': B" T- p- u- :30 P M
I nird. Vancouver avenue and Knott street
Rev. R.. Schwedler. pastor. Sunday school,
10 A. M.: B. Y P. u., 6:45 P. M : aervlees.
11 A. M. and 7:45 p. M. Treadling by the
pastor morning, union services at night lu
Jorbes Presbyterian Church. Preaching by
Kev. George Saltau. n. D.
First German, Fourth and Mill streets
Rev J. Kratt. pastor. Preaching. 10:45 A.
an.d 1:"2.F- M-; Sunday school, 3:45 A.
M. : B. T. P. TJ., 6:45 P. M.
Sellwood, Tacoma avenue and Eleventh
street Rev. n. W. Thurston, pastor. Sun
day school. 10 A. M. ; services, 11 a M
and S r. M. Treachlng by the pastor '
tunnyside (German). Forty-nrst street and
Havthorne avenue Preaching by Rev c
Feldmeth, 11 A. M.; Sunday school. 8:45
Union-Avenue Mission tSwedish). skid
more street Sunday school. 10 A. M.
Second German, Rodney Lvenn and Mor
ris street Rev. F. Buerrmann, pastor
Preaching, 11 a. M. and 7:30 P. M.f Sun
ay achool, 9:45 A. M. ; B. T. P. u.. 6:4S
Highland. Albe-ta and Sixth streets
fl?v". E A" Lonard, pastor. Sunday school
10 A. M. : B. Y". P. v.. 7 P. M. Special
services every night. Rev. 1. . Leonard
preacher. '
J-ents. First avenue near Foster road
VVJ-.V- Heacoclt- pastor. Sunday achool.
i w kM. pr'achlnS- " A- M. and 7:S
P. M. by the pastor; 6:30 P. M . B. Y.-p it
fT""?, ,opiti?:, "The General Judgment"
and "How Christ Attracts."
,l-J.n G-R". c. Feldmeth.
ff f SU"la hool, 10 A. M. ; service
IX A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and
v. -V yUrr-J
' 7
o f
tryinS-' Under the auspices of the arm.,
t0 develoP aeroplane for use by the
British In time of war Mr rvH iii
enoueh I, n A,r-?2 J" dd'
m. . ";.." J,K-e
uv.u iiaiiiesane. jne nas had
iiniucsa&e. ne nas nad
charge of the aerial work of the British
army for some time. His aeroplane
which is of the double-decked variety',
with fixed planes, flew a quarter of a
mile recently, but the horizontal plane
then broke and the machine came to a
smash. Colonel Cody was not hurt, and
he is continuing the experiments at
Aldershot, which is the British military
Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie. D D
pastor. Low- mass at 6. 8 and. A M -high
mass and sermon at 11 A. M.; vespers!
instruction and benediction at 7:43 p M
St. Joseph's (German). Fifteenth' and
Couch streets Right Rev James Rauw V
G.. pastor. Low mass at 8 A. M..; high
mass and sermon at 10:30 A. M.; vesoera.
benediction at'3:30 P. M.
St, Lawrence. Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. c. Hughes, pastor. Low mass at
a?d -8:S0 A- M-: niEh mass and sermon
at 10:30 A. M. ; vespers and benediction
at 7:o0 P. M.
.St-. r'Strlck'" Klneteenth and Savier
streets Rev. E. p. Murphy, pastor. Low
r.a".o aA ? A., M : nisil mass and sermon
3-SO P M vespers and benediction at
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill
streets. Jesuit Fathers Low mass at 8 A.
M. ; nigh mass and sermon at 10:30 A. M -ve-pers
and benediction at 7:30 P M
St. Francis- East Eleventh ' and Oak
streets Rev. J. a. Black, castor. Low
mass at 6. 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. ; high mass
and sermon at 10:30 A. M. : vespers. In
struction and benediction at 7:30 P M
lomaculate Heart of Mary. -Williams
ave.nue and Stanton street Rev. "W A
Paly. pastor. Low mass at 6. S. and 9 A.
M. ; high mass and sermon at 10:30 A. M -vespers
and benediction at 7:30 P M "
Holy Rosary, East Third street and' Union
avenue Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. O P
pastor. Low mass at 6. 7 and 8:30 a" m";
high mass and sermon at 10:30 A, M
vespers and benediction at 7:30 P. M
Sacred Heart. Milwaukle street Rev
Gregory Roblo. O. S. B.. pastor. Low
mass at 8 A. M.: high mass and sermon at
A. M. ; vespers and benediction at 7:30
P. M.
Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue Rev. Ed K. Cantwell.
c. 8. R-. pastor. Low mass at 8 A. M
h mass and sermon at 10:30 A. M -benediction
at 4 P. M. '
St. Andrew's, Ninth and Alberta streets
"evi Thomas Kiernan. pastor. , Low mass
at 8 A. M.; high mass and sermon at 10
at 7T30 pe3Mra' 'nstructlOD an benediction
.Holy Cross, University Park Rev J p
Thi.lman. C- S. c. pastor. Low mass at
8:30 A. M. ; high mass and sermon at 10:30
A. M. ; vespers and benediction at 4 P. M.
St. Stephen's. East Forty-second and East
Taylor streets Rev. W. A. Waitt. pastor.
Low mass at 8:30 A. M. ; -high mass and
sermon at 10:30 A. M.
St. Stanislaus, Maryland avenue and Wil
lamette boulevard Rev. C Soroskl. pastor.
Low mass at 8 A. M.; high mass and ser
mon at 10:30 A. M.
St. Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J., pastor.
Low mass at 8 and 9:30 A. M.; mass, ser
mon and benediction at 10:30 A M.
Ascension. Montavilla Rev. "j. p. Flts-'
patrick. pastor. Mass and sermon at 9 A.
M.. in chapel at the Sisters of the Precious
First. Park and Madison streets. Rev. Lu
Vf.ur. B" J0". D- pastor 8:4.- A. M..
Bible school: It A. M. and 7:45 P. M..
Olvine worship, with aermons by the pastor:
themes, morning. "Perils of the Busy Life";
evening. "Do It Now. or the Creed of the
Real Booster. Y. P. S. C. E. at :3P P.
ij,prayer meeting Thursdav, 7:45 P. M.
Highland. East Sixth and Prescott Rev E
S. Bolhnger. pastor. Sunday school. 10 A.
M.. James D. Ogden. superintendent: worship.
11 A. M. ; "Light in the Way of the Cross":
I :30 P. M.. "Danger Signals In Safe Places":
1. P. S. C. E., 6:30 P. M.
Hassalo, East Seventh and Hassalo streets
Rev. Paul Rader. pastor. Morning eervloe,
II o'clock: subject. "Beginnings"; evening.
I :30. "Ghost Worship." second in series
'Gods of Men": Sunday school. 10 A M. :
Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 P. M. ; mid-week prayer
meeting. Wednesday. 7:45 P. M.
Sunnyside, East Thirty-fourth and Tavlor
etreets Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor. Services
at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. : Sundav school,
10 A. M. : Junior C. E., "3 P. M. : Senior C.
E.. 6:80 P. M. ; topics. "The Final Analysis
or Power" , and -"Relation of Thought to
Rodney-Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott
street Rev. Thomas G. Picton. pastor. Sun
day echooI.v9:4o A. M. : preaching rervice, 11
o'clock, subject. "The Transfiguration of
Christ": no evening service at the ehureh.
Union meeting at Forbes Presbyterian Church,
conducted by Dr. Soitan.
First, Park and Columbia. W. F. Reasror.
minister Services at the usual hours. Sermon
subject. "Vision of God" and' "Somethings
Wrought of God." Bible school at 9:45: C.
E.. 6:30, and midweek meeting, Thursday,
1 :45.
Krn Park, Rev. E. M. Pattereon. minister
Scrviee 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. : Bible
a.'hool, IO A. M. : Christian Endeavor. 6:45
P. M. Themes. "Christ Living Within" and
"What Chance Has the Sinner?"
Central. East Twentieth and Eat Salmon
streets Dr. J. F. Ghormley will speak at
10:a A. M.. theme, "The Church With a
Message." and 7:45 P. M..' "The Way of
Salvation." Special music by chorus choir.
H. A.. Kaston. chorister.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Scottish
Rite Cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale
streets Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ;
subject of leBson - sermon, "Reality"; Sun
day school at close of morning service;
Wednesday evening meeting, s o'clock.
Second Church of Christ. Scientist.. Wood
men's Hall. East Sixth and East Alder
streets Services. .11 A. M. and 8 P. M.;
subject of . lesson aermon, -"Reality"; Sun
day School, 11. A. M. ; Wednesday meeting,
8 P. M.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martvr.
Thirteenth' and Clay streets Rev. H. M.
Ramsey, vicar. Holy communion. 7:30 A.
M. ; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. ; Bible class,
IO A. M. ; morning service, 11 o'clock; even
ing service. 7 :3 o'clock. At 7 :30 A. M.
there will be the corporate communion of
the- local assembly of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew; celebrant, the Bishop of Ore
gon. Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. a. A Morrison, rector. Services at
8 and 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday
school. 9:45 a. M. : evening, lecture on the
Emmanuel movement.
St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont
streets Rev. Henry Russell Talbot, rector
Holy communion. 8 A. M. ; Sunday school.
J:4r, A. M.; morning prayer and sermon, II
o clock; evening prayer -and sermon. 7:45
St. Paul's. Woodmere Rev. J. E For
syth, priest In charge. Service and sermon,
II A. M. ; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M
Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver
avenues Rev. John Dawson, rector HolJ
communion. 8 A. M.; Sunday school 8:45
A. M. ; morning service, 11 o'clock; evening
,?hCe' J :3 o'clock. The Right Reverend
Bishop Scadding will administer the rite
or confirmation at the evenlne service
bt. Matthew's. First and Caruthers streets
Rev. W. A. M. Breck, in charge. Holy
communion. 7:30 A. M. ; service and sermon.
:V i': eveninT service at St. Helens
on the "Columbia River, at 7:45 o'clock
w2aCe Men?orU. East Seventeenth and
Weidler streets Rev. George B. Van Waters
D. D., in charge. Morning prayer and ser
mon. 10:45 o'clock: Sunday school, 12 M -Friday
evening service at 8 o'clock
.m S.r0n.,f Savior- Woodstock. Rev J
B. Forsyth, priest In charge Evening prayer
and sermon at 7:30 o'clock. v"M"g prayer
St. John's Memorial. East Fifteenth .-h
J,?"?1 a" -iak,St,1WO? S?koly Euchar
ist. 8AM.; high matins. 11 A. M rirocea
sional. 464: "Venire." Aldrlch- "B?r?S
daCt2'"T2o""S: "Bjedlctu. Jacobs;, hfmns"
89 and ,9: recessional. 510; vespers 7"
P. M. ; processional. 464; "Magnlflcat " Rob
inson; "Nunc Dimltis," Garrett- hymns !
IoVm' receMionai: 357rSundaymschoeo4U
Haisalo East Seventh and Hassalo streets
Rev. Paul Rader. naatm- un, , '
11 o'clock ...hi - ervice
'Belnninge"t evral
ond In series- Gods of Men." Sundav- -hS
. . . .w, imofit .-.r V. n
onost worsnip," sec
. s. C. E.. 6:30 P. M mid
PM prayer meet'ns- Wednesday" 7:45
Sunny'side. East Taylor and East Thlrtv
fourth streets Rev. J. J stauh r,i.;y
Services at U A. M. end 7:30 P M riaT
school. 10 A. M.; Junior C E. 3 l""
Analysis of Pow: and "Re'lation 3,1,F,,!2,
to Lite." Kelatlon of Thought
Drlllur 0:11.1. M.. tortlca "i-v.
First (German). Tenth and Clav Btrvt
The Laurel wood Jlethodist F.r,
Church will be dedicated April 4. in
the morning at 10:30 o'clock Bishop
Charles W. Smith will preach. In the
afternoon at 3 ' o'clock there will be a
platform meeting; under the ' direction
of the district superintendent. Dr. W.
B. Hollingrshead. There will be speeches
by several laymen and Dr. Hollinss
head will dedicate the church. In the
evening the meeting will be under the
auspices of the District Epworth
League, with W. H. "Warren in charge,
Music, "both vocal and Instrumental,
will be furnished by the . Hawaiian
men and women at all these services.
Entertainment will be furnished to all
who wish to remain for the evening
service. Rev. E. H. Bryant, the pastor
in charge, has done splendid work
since coming to this field.
. I"--;f; ': rV
22 Tears a Leader in Painless Den
.. tal Work in Portland.
22-carat - Gold or Porcelain
Crown for jjq
22-carat Bridge Teeth (guar
anteed) . tich $3.00
Gold or Knamel Fillings.
each gi
Silver Fillings, each T.Sol?
Inlay Fillings of all kinds.
.ta?h .- 2.50
rn- ivuooer x'iates, eacn . . . sj.00
, parn...a.uu
er Plates.
a lie oral iea iiUDCfe
eji c-li
Gold Plates, upper or" lower.
Gold-Lined Plates, each "!!!15
- Celluloid Plates, each .....SIO
Painless Extracting, local
anaesthetic 50
Painless Extracting, with '
somnoform Sl.OO
VAI1 Instruments Thoroughly
Another feature of this office
there's no danger of Infectious dis
ease. Every instrument is carefully
sterilized by an expert attendant
every time It is usea.
DR. W. A. WISE, President and Manager.
Assisted by Dr. H. A. Huffman. Dr. A. B. Stiles, Dr. Van R. Bilyeu. Dr. D. S. Bomgardner, Dr. J. j. pittlnSer.
THE FAILIN-G BUILDING, Third and Washington Sts. SJfe, 11
10:-).-. A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; topics. "M'hy
la the Passion of Jesus Not Understood?",
"Asking Jesus to Depart": Sunday school.
5:30 A. M. ; catechism, 2:3d p. M - Y F A
7 P. M. I- -
Betania Danish. 640 Union avenue J Scott
Patur -services on Sunday. 11 A." M. and
, p- -M ': Sunday school. 10 A. M. Bible
' ,.P- - , Toplc" ot sermons, "When Do
T. rr'"e,M,'y B11?" and -When
I? ?. i.!"?."1 of aod Against the Wisdom
v J No"Jfn? society. Wednesday. 2
? d" iy .1' H' Honseo. 243 Cook avenue;
Friday M8ThM,:'?day- 8 P" M" " Lent aervice
Norwegian synod. East Tenth and East
Giant streets. Rev. O. Hagoes. pastor Ixiv
service at 11 A. M.; evening service at 7 30
8 -in soclty meets Thursday evening- at
St. James' English, West Park and Jeffer
son streets, J. Allen Leas, pastor Morning
services. U A. M., eubject "Caesar's Chris?
tians. In the evening the pastor will give
a stereoptlcon lecture on the "Passion of the
Lord. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; Luther
League at 7 P. M. .'
St. Paul's German, Kast Twelfth and Clin
ton streets F. Krause, paetor. Morning
service, 10:30 A. M. : evening service. 7:30
,: Sunday school, :30 A. M.; Lenten
service. Thursday. 8 P. M.
Betania Danish, 640 Union avenue J. Scott
pastor. Services Sunday. 11 A M and 8
Sunday scJiool. 10 A. II.: Bible class.
' P- topics o eermons, "Wnen Do We
Really Praise Maryy Blessed?"; "When Is
i, Wisdom " 00,1 Against the Wisdom of
Man? ; Women's Society. Wednesday 2 P
M.. by Mrs. H. Hansen. 243 Cook avenue- y"
P. meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M. : Lenten serv
ice. Friday. 8 P. M.
Norwegian Synod. East Tenth and Grant
streets Rev. O. Hagoes. pastor. Lay serv
lcee. 11 A. M. : evening services, 7:30; Y.
P. Society meets Thursday evening at 8:15.
Taylor-Street Dr. Benjamin Toung, pastor.
a:M A. M.. classes: J0:30 A. M., morning ser
mon: subject, "America's Immigration Prob
lem"; 12:16 P. M., Sunday achool; 6:30 P. M.
Epworth League: 7:30 P. M., evening sermon
' Divine Irrigation."
Patton. Mlctilff-nn ax-Anna -,1
street D. A. Watters. nastor. Commiminn
f"!' A- M-: Preaching in the evening
I "ui'-i. uprinienaent. -ifr. vv. B.
" .niiiuoj wunooi, iv a. m, ; in
termediate League. 3 p. M. : Senior League
6:30 P. M. ; quarterly conference, Thursday.
7:45 P. M.
Sunnyslde. East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill
streets W. T. Euster. pastor. Sunday morn
ing subject, "Christ In the Storm and What
It Meant for Those Xearejtt Him"? veni...
ubject' "A" Indictment of the American
Saloon, the Great Criminal of the 20th Ccn-
e"-in uoi vy niai; cnorus ana
ChOrllB Phoirr offrlnr-c- tmrAn- Snnir 1
! 9:50 A- M-; Ju"for League 3 P. M. ; Bovf
5 ' M. : midweek mr-ctlnp Thnrsrii - nLi,t i "
Y m
Do You Need a Set of Teeth?
To those unacquainted with this method it mav seem ' k.j .
but we are prepared to prove it bv the same men ari wad statemi5t.
pearance speaks for itself. At a verv smaU olJst a vnnTh'i" w,,os' P
can be restored. We can and do make seta f youtlf"l appearance,
teeth or. the old plates, and in th"s wav "ften c?ecVT? T "'"v
work. Ve will give an examination free. correct defects In dcntal
Teeth without the .lightest pafii to the Ba.nt .nJ and Ki,,in
any number of teeth extracted without fee ingPth. aniy.u. cTn have
pain or suffering any toad after effects. e""s the Mshtest twinge of
t in r.cia I y(5
Without Plaits
We Attach a Bridge
Which works perfectly and chews
your food as well as the natural
teeth. A well-made bridge is one
of the greatest blessings it is
possible for a skilled dentist to
provide his patient. A well-placed
bridge lasts a lifetime and never
causes annoyance of any kind.
Drop in and let me tell vou
what is needed. You can have the
work done to suit your conven
ience and pocketbook. Our terms
re the most reasonable In Port
land, considering the high-grade
work always supplied.
lOWed bv Slinti-nv rhAnl taahw ui
Epworth. Twenty-sixth and SavTerRev.
Charles T. McPherson. pator. Service. Sun-
day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. : mornln
y Reed: Clayton. Wents will
sing in the evening: sermon by the pastor;
ounaay sonool. IO A. M. : Epworth League.
b:JO t. M. ; concert by the Columbian Choral
Society. March 31. at 8 o'clock.
Central. Woodman Hall, 334 Russell street
C. L. Hamilton, pastor. 8:45 A. M., clees;
10:30. aermon. subject. "Complete In Christ";
12 M., Sunday school; evening union evange
listic services at Forbes Presbyterian Church.
Firet Norwegian-Danish, Thirteenth and Da
vis streets Rev. H. P. Nelson, pastor. Preach
ing by the pastor, 11:45 A. M. and 7:30 P.
M. ; Sunday achool. 9:45 and Toung Peo
ple's meeting. 7 P. M.
South. 371 Vj- Second street. Foresters' Hall
E. H. Mowre, pastor. 10 A. M., Sunday
school: 11 A. M., services, conducted by
Woman's Home Mission Society: A:80 P. M..
Epworth -League; 7:80 P. M., regular preach
ing. Trinity. East Tenth and Grant streets
Lewis F. Smith, pastor: Sunday achool, 10
A. M. ; public worship, 11 A. M.: claas meet
ing. 12:15 P. M. ; Epworth League, 8:30 P.
M. ; evening service, 7:30 P. M. ; prayer meet
ing, Thursday eveaing, 7:30; Junior League,
Friday afternoon, 4 o'clock.
Centenary, East Ninth and Pine streets
Clarence True Wilson, D. D., the rator.
will preach on "Breaking Up Fallow
Ground," and Mr. Riddle will follow with
a talk at 7:30 on "A Demon tsratlon of
Triumph Over sin .and Sickness." He will
be In Centenary Church each evening next
week except Wednesday: on Wednesday the
meeting, will oe held at S.SO In the after
noon; Sunday school, 13 M. ; Epworth League
6:15 P. M.
Swedish. Beech and Borthwlck streets Rev.
John Ovall. pastor. Morning service con
ducted by the deaconess. Miss Olivia Eostrom,
from Brooklyn. N. T. : topic for evening serv
ice, "False Security": Sunday school, . IO
A. M. ; Epworth League. 7 P.. M.
Mlllard-Avenue Services at It A. SI. and
7:3) P. M. ; Sunday school 10 A. M.
First. Alder and Twelfth William Hiram
Foulkes. minister. 10:3O A. M.. morning
worship, sermon. "Backsliding"; 12:10 P.
M., graduation exercises of the Sunday
school: 6:30 P. M., Young People's meeting:
7:15 P. M., organ numbers by Mr. Coursen.
7:30 P. M. ; evening worship, sermon by the
minister, "In Vanity Fair," being the fourth
in his Pilgrim's Progress series. Special
evening music by the quartet.
Third. East Thirteenth and Pine streets
Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, rastor. Services.
10:3O and 7:45: morning subject. "Nerded,
a Special Work of Grace"; eveningj "A White
Kenilworth Communion service. 11 A. M-:
Rev. J. S. Dunning will preach; Sunday school,
12 noon. '
First Society. Western Academy of Music
hall. Second and Morrison streets All-day
anniversary meeting: excellent programme.
Mediums' and Ministers Association All
day anniversary services, beginning at 11
A. M. Auditorium Hall. Third street near
The State iPpiritualiats Association of Ore
gon will hold anniversary services at 1:30
and 7:45 P. M. in hall 4K Alisky building.
Third and Morrison streets.
Ockley Green, Gay street and Willamette
boulevard Rev. J. . Bowersox. pastor.
Preaching, 11 A. M. ; Sunday school. - IO
A. M. : K. I- C. E.. 6:30 P. M. ; preaching,
'The Sowers and Reapers." 7:30 p. M.
Church of Our Father. Tamhill and Sev
enth streets Rev. w. G. Eliot, Jr.. minis
ter; Rev. T. L. Eliot, T. D. . minister emeri
tus; Rev. N. A. Baker, assistant minister
Services. 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; evening
sermon by Rev. N. A. Baker. "The Awaken
ing of the Life of the Soul"; Sunday school
9:45 A. M.; kindergarten, 11 A. M. : Y. P F '
6:30 P. M.
Church of good Tidings. East Eighth and
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of our efficiency and permanence in
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LtLexV;nRtvenss of organization to
warrant Incorporation. It is an as
surance to patrons that the offices
will be continued, so that thev may
have their work not only done to
day but five or ten years from now
V the case may be. It maffes the
sruarantee of this dental organiza-
J uo - nuai tt Bays,
Tster W-Ik JfmS' Corby. ,,.
morning thim; "Th--?' ni 7:30 p- M.;
t?nJ3 1E..J,"meA. He'P f Being Iden
there h. . i. . . .: at T:S0 P- M.
old torn! it" "lu""ei about the
. Dentin .a." ' -v" ringiana
Lent.n :rj.LJ?' England. Special
Divine Truth Center Servic . .
Hall 201. Alisky ornidlng R." 1LA' M"
Green '"TVi ""Stor. Se" RevT
WRESTS J f " OrJLrf-i
-"SS Service-, rt
S?loeF. M?nC" meet"" Toy d Frtda
-to" Anm?'- Con 1, 265 Davis street
mee'tlni- l 3n ' i "St' 11 M holme
rneeting, 130 P. M. Sunday school: 3:SO
V Christian praise meeting: 6PM
Young People's Legion; 8 P. M great dem
onstration. Adjutant A. "VtTiitneyrom Se
attle will conduct these services
Rev. Henry Victor Morgan th x-
Though evangelist, will coniuc?' service. Su1
lubje,cfht",eANJ w"- Th.'rd "SrSon.
Son1 of Sex?? Woman'" the Redemp-
Swedenborglan. New Church Society Lay
SS.tn1 Uder1.?" f
tretf2II!rtd'Hrjr'St G'rnlan' Tentn d Stark
streets G. Ha frier, pastor. Services at 10-45
M.: Y. Pnds8. f-pM.Sundasr school. 9:30 A.
thenl"dfcBo"me EPerience. There" l
at the Y M c ren by Thom,"' Mooiy
T" . ; C- Sunday afternoon meet-
S S. clock- Mr. Moody has lived and
worked in Africa for some years. Musician
fhS6 t ED- AIle"' h solota"
xrfT1"!?8 ,Church- 53181 Thlrty-BCth and
Main streets Lindley A. Welle na.tnr
Preachlng at 11 A M. and 7:30 P. m
school at 10 A. M.; Christian Endeavor prav!
Early lioman Humor Brought
Hate by Parish rricst.
p to
PARIS. March 27. f Special.) A de
lightful retort was overheard in a rail
way carriage on the suburban railway
the other afternoon. Among the travel
ers were an elderly priest and three
young men, who had the bad taste to
chaff him. The priest was evidently a
curate of a small country parish, and
had both the roughness and the shrewd
ness of the countryman.
"Have you heard the news?" one of
the young men asked the cure.
"No." he replied. "I left home early,
and have been out all day, so that I have
had no time to read my paper."
"Well, then," said the young man, "you
will be glad to hear that the devil is
dead." '
His companions roared with laughter
at the poor Joke, but the laugh turned
against the joker when the priest, pro
ducing half a franc from his pocket,
said :
"Will you accept this, my friend?
are to hi kind to the orphan."