The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 28, 1909, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 41

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When the
Shanty, Shack, Saloon
Will Invade THIS PAR'
Portland The
Choice Residential
Section Lying
in the North
eastern Part of
the Rose City
Lots SOxlOO, $450 Up, Including Improvements. Ask About Our Rebate-to-Builders Offer
Chamber of Commerce
Rose City Park
Many Dwellings Springing Up
on East Side.
Several Expensive Houses of This
Material Are Under Way and
Building Movement Is General
Throughout the City.
The Portland Building Association has
let the contract for a 10-room residence
on Alnaworth avenue. In Piedmont, three
stories and 80x46 teet In dimensions, with
an 18-foot porch extending across the
front of the house. The first story will
be constructed of vitolite and It will be
the first building In which that material
is used In the city. The second and
third stories will be of asbestos shingles.
The building will have hard floors and
the interior finish will be of Oregon fir.
The cost of the building is estimated at
17000. For the Portland Building Asso
ciation another stone residence is being
erected on Garfield and Mallory streets.
It will be two stories and cost $9000.
Several carloads of water pipe has been
delivered at Klmhurst and Is being dis
tributed along the streets. It will be
laid at once. Twelve teams are used In
the street grading In progress In tlhs
tract. Contract for cement sidewalks
will be let during the month. Much im
provement will bo done In this tract
during the Summer.
Two modern residences are projected to
be erected In Jonesmore, Montavllla, this
Spring. One will be for F. R. Bryant,
and will cost 12000. The other Is for
George Bonner and will cost J3600. It
will be partly of concrete i blocks ' and
partly frame construction.
An eight-room colonial house Is being
buiif on Wiberg Lane for J. Carr. 30x24.
and to cost $3500. Clinton Stone will
erect a two-atory cottage In Rose City
Park to cost $2500. Work has been start
ed on both these cottages.
"Owners of the Wellesley Hill tract, . at
the end of the Rose City carllne, have
let the contract for the erection of a
building to cost $2000 to the North "West
ern Butldlng Company, to be used by
the Jacob-Stlne Company. The company
has reserved 100x100 at the end of the
carllne for the erection of a general club
house. It Is announced that the carllne
will be extended to this tract within six
months. Bull Run water and cement
walks are to be put In. -Sunday that
suburb was visited by hundreds of pros
pective investors.
G. Ij. Buland, president of the Bank of
Castle Rock. Wash., purchased a slx
room modern residence in Sellwood for
' S2S&0. He made the purchase for an In
vestment. H. C. Jacobs was the former
Hartman & Thompson sold six lots
during the past week to parties living fn
Walla Walla. Wash. They purchased
the property for an investment.
A. W. Qcobock gold 10 acres in the
Hampton Kelly donation land claim to
the Security Savings Company. Consid
eration Is given as $10, but property Is
valued at $1000 an acre.
A large force of men Is employed on
the foundation of the Jefferson High
School building now being erected In
North Albina, and the work Is being
crowded forward as rapidly as possible.
William Fragmire has had plans drawn
for two-story brick building to be
erected on the corner of Albina and
Killlngsworth avenues, to cost $15,000.
Work will be started on the foundation
as soon as the small cottage, which now
occupies the corner, has been moved
off. Mr. Fragmire has given the cottage '
to the. Rose Culture Club, which will use
It as quarters for a public library and
reading-room. x
The Oregon Mineral Point Company
has purchased a three-acre site on the
Lower Peninsula, near St. John, and will
start on the erection of a palntr plant
that v will have a $2500 monthly payroll.
The company will erect a three-story con
crete block butldlng. There will also be
some additional buildings for the plant.
St. John will erect a $40,000 high school
house in the oenter of that place and a
$10,000 grammar school in East St. John,'
wmtn is in me aisirici, out still out of
the city. In addition to the achoolhouses.
the Knights of Pythias . will erect a
S12.000 brick hall nn a Inf it,l. ...
cured for. $35,000i
Charles Foss is completing the clear
ing of a 69-acre tract for J. B. Holbrook
on the Lower Peninsula. It Is the largest
clearing contract let on the Pelnsula for
several years. Sales have started In this
C N. Rankin, has sold a 54-acre tract
on the Reams road, near Clamle, east
of Montavllla, to Peter- Roggerone, . an
Italian. The consideration named Is
$10. hut the price was In the
neighborhood of $200 an acre, the pur
chaser not desiring the exact amount
published. Mr. Rankin received double
the amount of his Investment made in
the purchase of this tract one year ago.
C. F. Swigert and H. C. Campbell have
sold to R. L. Gllsan their property at
Tabor Heights, which Includes about
two .blocks. Consideration is withheld
from the public.
Lents to Ilave Good Water.
The Lents district expects Bull Run
water as soon as mains can be laid. The
present supply Is limited; during the Sum
mer there is a great shortage. Petitions
have been circulated asking the Water
committee to lay a 24-lnch main from the
upper Mount Tabor reservoir to the
Powell Valley road, there to attach to
the pipe of the Woodmere Water Com
pany, so the district may have a supply
the coming Summer. (
The district has set in motion a move
ment to secure a 40-acre park on Millard
avenue. The tract Is known as the Cor-
vallls Addition, It is covered with a
growth of small fir trees and could be
made a fine park with little cost. It lies
along the east side of the electrio rail
way and is accessible to that whole
Good Progress Made in Completing
Structures Now Under Way.
Real Estate Notes.
Last week there was aulte a rtesJ of
activity noticeable on the site of the
Olds, Wortman & King building to be
erected on the Pennover hlrvk Tk.
block was covered with gangs of work
men and wagons and more progress was
made in the excavation than any week
since the work was started. Material fnr
the big building will be assembled by
tne nrst week of May. '
Good progress is being made with the
foundations " for the. Lewis building at
Fourth and Oak streets. The heavy piers
of concrete are in place and by another
week the work will begin to appear
above ground. D. C. Lewis Is giving
close attention to the construction work
and makes frequent tests of the material
going In to avoid any possible mistake in
the preparation of the "concrete.
Partition walls in the north end of the
Alnsworth building are being removed to
enlarge the space for the United States
National Bank, which Is to occupy the
entire ground floor of the building.
The cornice course of white terra cotta
Is going into position on the Meier &
Frank building at Sixth and Alder. This
sky-scraper, now nearlng completion,
presents a most imposing- appearance
from many points of the city and the
high-class of the improvement Is pointed
to with pride by Portland "boosters."
In the convention hall of the Com
mercial Club Tuesday night the Realty
'. Board is to hold its annual election.
Menry w. Fries Is president of the
Board and James O. Rountree secretary.
It Is upon these two officers that most
of the work of the organization falls.
While a little quiet talk on the question
of new officers is being Indulged In, there
is no formal announcement made of
Bonnes, Hendricks & Tobey are pre
paring plans for. a church building for
the Sunnyslde Congregational Church,
which is to be constructed of concrete
The Star Sand Company Is having the
dock restored that was recently wrecked
at the foot of Seventeenth street. -
' The Board of Education at its last
meeting awarded contracts for the erec
tion of seven new achoolhouses. These
are the Albina Homestead, . Creston,
Irvlngton, Ockley Green, Peninsula, "Ver
non and new Williams-avenue. The total
cost is estimated at $136,810.
' James S. Birrell, cashier of the Bates
Bank in Albina, purchased lot 17, block
14, corner Williams avenue and Russell
street, from Mrs. M. A. Wise for $5000.
The lot is occupied with a frame build
ings which is used for store purposes.
R. C. Wright -has awarded the con
tract for a frame store building 30x70
feet, to be erected on . the corner ot
Belmont and Bast Sixty-ninth streets,
on the Mount Tabor carllne.
The G"eorge Davenport Trust Com
pany bought lots 82, 33 and 34,' block
15, Sunnyside, of B. F, Reeves for $6000.
' J. E- Cameron has let the contract for
a $10,000 residence on the corner of
Bast Twenty-third . and Tlmpson
streets to J- Turnbull.
A 822-acre farm located within one
mile of Corvallls and owned by L. B.
Geer was sold the past week for $16,100
by Oabney & Dabney.
Michael Clohessy has bought through
C. B. Fields & Co. lots 6 and 7, block
2, Council Crest Park, for $2000. The
property has a frontage of 231 feet,
with an unobstructed view of the city
and the mountains. It is Mr. Clo
bessy's intention to build on the prop
erty this Summer.
Florlan Fuchs reports the following
sales this month: - The James M. Stott
10-acre tract on the Peninsula to. a lo
cal investment company for $15,5jD0.
The tract will be platted and sold in
lots. The Sheridan Flouring Mills and
Electric Plant to G. G. Bushraan, of
California for $15,000. The I. A. Welk
10-acre fruit ranch at Reedley, Cal.. to
i James M. Stott for $7500. The 185-
acre farm of I. Bumgardner, near Sa
lem, to .William Kuyath for 311,000,
and lots 18 to 22, block 21, in Hoi
brook's Addition to St. John, to Twins
El A. Switzer, of Tpsllantl, Mich., for
osoo. inquiries from Easterners for
investments, farms and homes indicate
a very active real estate market for the
coming Summer.
Pumps that fit at Rosenthal's.
the overflow In this building for over 500
pupils attend. The district will shortly
be -compelled to provide two new Bchool
bouses, one at Lents and one between
Lenta and Arleta to provide for the chil
dren of this growing suburb. Settle
ment extends southward from Foster
road for over a mile. A portion of this
j ' - .
Marked : Improvement Noticed In
: Growing Suburban District
of East Side.
"The. average advance of. all lots in
the Mount 6cott district," said W. H.
Spicer yesterday, "for the past 12 months
has: been $100 and the increase Is going
on. Closing of the Madlson-etreet bridge
ana tne- lack of Bull Run water, are
hurting us somewhat but these will come
in time the Madison-street bridge will
be rebuilt and we will get . Bull Run
water In the course of time. Just how
many houses are being built out here
would be hard to say. but tha number
runs up into the hundreds."
Conditions in this fine auburn with fully
16,000 or more people Justifies what Mr.
apicer has to say. The growth here Is
remarkable. Beginning at creston, which
is on the north side of the Powell Valley
road, along that road for miles new
homes are being erected. Clearing of
land is going on. This settlement has
extended southward toward Syoamore
station on the O. P. W. line near Gilbert's
crossing. At least 20 houses have been
erected at Gilbert Crossing district. Most
of these homes are' on from one to five
acres, a garden and some poultry, and
the people are thrifty. This suburb is
about seven miles from Portland. Two
years ago the district was covered with
logs and brush, and was most unpromis
ing in appearance, but the soil has proved
excellent. .... . .
Lenta is the business center of this
portion of the Mount Scott district. It
Is five m(lej from Portland. . A rein
forced concrete Grange hall Is being
completed at a cost of $7000. A brick
building has been erected by.O. R. Ad
dison and Is now. occupied. A big paint
store will occupy the lower room of the
Grange hall, one of the largest in Mult
nomah County outside of Portland. A
large frame business house is being built
on Main street. Between Lents and
Creston on either side of the Foster road
every acre with a few exceptions has
been . platted, and 90 per cent has been
sold otff to home builders. On both' sides
of the Foster road the growth is re
markable. The schoolhouse erected at
Arleta is overcrowded and portable rooms
must be used In connection with tha
Creston building. At Lents the 12-room
schoolhouse Is too small and two port
able classrooms have ,been provided for
territory will become part of the city
by July through the annexation vote of
last June. The old Mllwaukle road, or
Gray's Crossing. Is the dividing line, and
yet more than half of the settled por
tion of the Mount Scott district Is still
left out. The part which comes in con
tains 10,000 people, perhaps more.
On Salem Electrio Line,
Edgewood at Tigardville
Fine Soil, Cleared, Sightly Location.
$225.00 to $300.00 per Acre.
Easy Terms.
316 Chamber of Commerce.
The nw'eat and beet book on Bungaloif
building, is just ready. Paso 8x11 Inches,
richly illustrated, large clear plans with
descriptions and estimates. Houses from
$360 to $3000. Bungalow doors, windows,
fixtures, etc., mantels, buffets, fireplaces.
The most complete and practical book on
the subject ; Indispensable to every home
builder. Price $1 post paid. H. A. EYMANN,
403 Chamber of Commerce, ! Angeles, CsX
? Engineers, Foaoders,
Machinists Bud Boilermakers,'
Building and Structural Work,
Fire Hydrants, Log Hauls, Cast
Gears, Hydraulic Giants, Water
Gates, Lumber Trucks, etc.
Hawthorne Aye. and East Third
Beaverton-Reedville Acreage
SSOO aerea platted Into tracts of from acre to SO aeret 'each,
Traded and traveled roads alooa each tract) -to minutes' ride from
Washington street, on Fourth-street railway, 3 trains each -way per
day. .Road soon to be electrified. Soli unsurpassed for fruit, nuts
and vegetables.
fnt7ny,tt250?d,n,T rtCh ",earcd' 'Iowa
mJractm "et "P"1'" "ree years ago, and now bearlnar, S400 per
Tracts with rood home buildings, at 8400 Per acre.
''Why go further away and pay 400 per acre for timber la ad, with
roads not made, and $400 per Tot for town lota, with no buildings?
Timber and stump land SlOO to S200 per a or a
Cleared land... ..1T5 to 8250 per acre
l With building- or orchards $350 to 8400 per acre
Small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser.
Consider this proposal aad call r
245 Vi Stark Street.
7 An essential element in home com-
i -Fa-m- . I . : .
xun, ouu oiuaciiveuess IS correct
lighting. We offer you the serv
ices of lighting experts without
jrk additional cost, and the newest
'lifu and most artistic fixtures in the
greatest variety we've an im
mense stock.
3 W 0