The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 21, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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A Great Special Sale of Women's
Sample Neckwear
i ess
.The greatest Neckwear
snap of the season. Hun-
lSO n dreds of pieces of the most
3:1 beautiful, stylish and desir
1321 ahle neckwear. A wonder-
ey&A ful assortment to choose
from, shown in all the new
plain shades, white and
color combinations. The
prettiest neckwear we have
ever shown, on sale at a ri
diculously low price.
85c Jabots
8.5c Stock Collars
80c Dutch Collars
8"k Lace Gibsons
S5- Lace Bows
$1.2-1 Net Stocks, -with Tabs...'
$1.25 to $2.25 Directoire Ribbon Ties
35c Ascots, in colors and white, priced at ..23
35c to SOo Bows, Tabs, Stocks and Gibsons at 23
35c Lace Gibson Stock Collars at 17
Your Choice
While They
Mail Orders
Our Prompt
The Most in
The Best in
This is an important event at this store, for it is something more than a showing of a few early arrivals. It is an exposition of
the new-style tendencies in every phase of women's wear, and the various assortments are large enough and the varieties are
broad enough to satisfy every demand. It is an interesting occasion for every dress-particular woman. You will enjoy" it.
We want you to come and pass judgment on our displays, to acquaint yourself with our qualities,' our styles and our prices. You
will be cordially welcomed, if you only come to "look around." Of course, our new stocks of Dresses, Waists, Dress Goods, Silks,
Neckwear, Wash Goods, etc., have arrived, and await your inspection. Altogether, it's a style exhibition that cannot fail to
make your visit a most pleasant one.
Men's Undearwear
and Furnishings
Men's Underwear at 55c a. Garment
A showing of men's Spring-weight merino Shirts and Drawers
in natural gray; the shirts are made with fine ribbed cuffs
and bottom, neck and front bound with tape; the drawers
have tine ribbed anklets, suspender straps and good pearl but
tons. These shirts are made of nice, soft-finish ma- K fcr
terial and will wear extra well. Best 75c values... -
Men's Neg-lig-ee Shirts at 79c
A sale of men's Soisette Negligee. Shirts, made with soft, button-down
collars, soft cuffs; they come in eream and assorted
shades of tan and white; all aras felled. Best $1 lt Qf
values, specially priced for this sale at...; t- '
Men's Golf Shirts at 29c
A saU of men's Golf Shirts, containing several broken lines
tliat areslightly soiled. These shirts are made with cuffs at
tached, and with one pair separate cuffs; splendid wearing
quality. Regular values up to $1.00 your choice of 4T Clf
these extraordinary bargains at W t
Extraordinary Values
at Ordinary Prices
Such is in store for you at Portland's greatest popular - price suithoase. Wonderful
suit values here that ridicule comparison. We enumerate a few below, merely to
enlighten you as tothe range of prices: .
Extraordinary ValuesOrdinary Prices
Great Spring Sale oi
Fine Embroideries
3 to 5-inch Hamburg Embroidery and Insertion, reg- -ular
10c kind, at DC
3 to 10-iuch Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, 20c -Ck
and 2c kinds, at . . . J t5
l'2 to 5-inrh Swiss and Nainsook Baby Sets, 20c t C 1
35c kinds, at J.5V2C
4 to 18-inch Swiss-Hamburg and Nainsook Embroid- C O r
eries. 35c to 75c kinds, at a iCOL
12 to 18-ineh Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroider- OO-k
ies, bOc to 85e kinds, at 1 OuU
18-inch Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries, 85c Q A
to $1.25 kinds, at , OiJC
Swell suits of novelty t "1 O &Lf A' "man-tailored suit ia" Yi frr g
serge : , " . . V A w tJ VF several fabrics tj VF
Beautiful suits of fancy Of -? ff Smart plainly tailored (QO tlf
worsted. VJLUtWV effects. . . . , ;
Exclusive styles in many popular materials . $23.00
Swell Wash Suits from $1.25 to.$10.50
The swellest stock of Spring Jumper Suits we have ever shown; better m material
and workmanship and far more beautiful in style. See them, and you will wonder
how we can sell them at the price. Made of finest quality linene, swiss and per
cnle iu all desirable plain colors, stripes, figures and polkadots. The most service
able, practical and comtortable garment for Spring and bummer flj" g Cf
f -m.
wear. Monday and Tuesday, 1.25 to.
Pretty Spring Waists
at $1.95
We have shown piany great waist values
before, but these excel them in every
respect. In quality, of material,' style
and design they are unapproachable.
Mide of the best of lawn, with em
broidered fronts in many - different
pretty designs; also finished with clus
ter tucks, long sleeves, with insertion
and tucks. On sale to- Q R
morrow at. .P 7 3
Spring Jackets
'in Covert Cloth, Sale
at $7.50
Plainly tailored . effects in jackets' of
covert clot.h. The smartest thing we
have ever shown, and just right for
Spring wear. We have them in sev
eral shades of tan, plain or in shadow
and fancy stripes. Au alegant gar
ment, at a reasonable tfj K K f
price. Tomorrow at . P w
Heather bloom Petti
coats at $1.75
Petticoats made of the genuine article
Every garment stamped "Heather-
bloom" enough said for quality. In
style they are not a whit behind. Two
styles; lo-inch. flounce, in plain corded
effect, with ruffle; another with 15-in.
flounce, shirred, featherstitched and
finished with stitched ruffle and un
derlay. Worth $2.25,
tomorrow at.........
12 TO 16 POUNDS FOR $1.00
Best Quality California Sun Dried Raisin
Tou "Will Be Delighted "With Our
New Showing" of
Dress Goods Silks
It is by far the largest and most com
plete assortment ever displayed in
this city, and buying in such large
quantities enables us to provide un
usual values. This interesting sale
comprises the newest, prettiest and
choicest fabrics ever shown at such
J low prices. The styles are Spring's
I best, the colors are those most in
jtj vogue. It is a sale well worth full
f! consideration. Included are:
oaxm x ouiaras
They are 23 inches wide and come with a rich, lustrous finish;
shown in a complete liue of new and effective designs in all the
new Spring tints taupe, smoke- gray, tan, olive,-wistaria, mole,
apricot, .navy, brown, rose, castor, lavender, etc. Excellent qual-
uy siiks.. -
Satin Foulards at $1.00
The same quality silks that are sold in other scores at $1.25 a.
yard.. It's a soft, clinging, graceful fabric that drapes. beauti
fully, and is.shown in high art designs in conventional and f lcnal
effects and neat dots; come in all the new Spring shades. A
siik tnat must be seen to be appreciated.
Swiss Messalines at Sl.OO
An immense assortment of fancy self-colored Swiss Messaliues,
shown in the new season's most popular weave; softspotproof
and non-crushable ; come in neat small self-colored designs in all
tne new &pnng shades, have a brilliant finish and are verv
ueauLHUl. - -
"Woolen Fabrics at 75c
Fine all-wool fabrics from 42 to 46 inches wide Wool Taffetas,
French Batistes, French Serges, English Henriettas, corded (and.
shadow striped and solid-colored fabrics in every new sltade.
Also 45-inch hard-twisted Worsteds, novelty Panamas, ombre
striped Serges, shepherd cheeked wool Taffetas, iu black and
white. In fact, not a desirabla new fabric is missing from this
great showing.
, Novelty Fabrics at $1.00
Fine, high-class all-wool fabrics in 42 and 44-inch widths,
shadow striped wool Directoire Satins of high, lustrous- finish,
shown in all-size self-colored stripes in all the new shades and
pastel tints; imported fabrics of beautiful finish and exclusive
designs. .Great values at this price. '
"Woolen' Fabrics at 50c
.. . - - -, v..Tiv-t .nif.ii i M.-., iuusveu-
ing, wool Batiste, English Mohair, Henriettas, novelty Silk Lus
ter, Sicilians, etc., shown in desirable shades of piuk, light blue,
nile green, lavender, champagne, rose, reda, electric, apricot'
white and cream. Desirable fabrics for Easter gowns and early
Spring wear. The best values to he found in the city at this
low price. -
"Women's Sweaters, S 5 Values at $3.98
Very special values. We have just received a special purchase
of women's new-style Sweaters, made of all-wool worsteds,
- with fitted waist and two pockets; they are well made and
neatly finished, with mercerized piped edge; shown in all the
new shades scarlet, maroon, gray, green, taupe, tan. lWit
Diue, Drown., navj ana wmie. oweaiers tnai are o S f Q
fully worth $5.00, priced for this sale. at.
Entire Country Demands Eight
Battleships to Keep Navy
Above Next Nearest.
tor Warner irtae2 tonight that Mr. Had
ley was not an aspirant for any Federal
Judgeship, preferring; his present office.
Senator Heybum today urged the Presi
dent .o appoint Jlr. Fulton.
The lxesident has let it b known he
will defer to the wishes of Senators In
making local Federal appointments. This
may have an important bearing on the
Oregon Judgeship appointment, as the
candidacy of Mr. Fulton has not the sup
port of either Senator Bourne or Cham
berlain. The Republican National Committee or
ganization is hacking Mr. Fulton, but the
opposition of Oregon Senators may pre
vent his appointment.
Speak Good Word for Spokane.
't ington, March 20. Senators Files and
Jones today called on the Fostmaster
Qeneral and urged that Spokane be desig
nated as headquarters of the new mail
district recently created in the North
west. No action has been taken.
Populace Pauic-Strlokcn and if Ap
peal Should Be Made to People
Present ItariU-al . Party
Would Lose Out. v
County Officials in California Try
to Collect Polltax; Strike Snag.
Government Will Not Press for
LONDON, March 20. The dramatic
confession from the Cabinet Ministers
in the recent debate in the House of i
Commons that Germany had caught the
British Admiralty napping and stolen
a inarch on this country by expediting
tne construction oi ureaanougnts, ana
that Great Britain would have little, if
any. margin In the number of new
ships In 1911-12, has been followed by
something like a panic throughout the
United Kingdom.
There Is no doubt ?hat were Premier
Asquith at this time to appeal to the
electorate, little would be left of the
present radical party in the Commons.
Demand Eight Ships.
The direct vote of censure which A.
J. Balfour, leader of the opposition, will
lead against the erovernment on Mon
day will bring the Issua as to whether'
four or eight Dreadnoughts should be
definitely included in this year's naval
programme squarely before Parliament,
although there is a chance that the Na
tional outcry will cause Premier As
quith to yield and give definite assur
ances that the four "phantom" Dread
noughts trill be constructed this year
In addition to the four provided for in
the estimate.
All the adherents of a big navy want
this promise, and have started cam
paigning the length and breadth of the
country in support of It. The Navy
league, which represents no particular
party, is In the forefront of thiB move
ment. Xavy League Active.
The movement has the support of
the most Influential people of the coun
try, and plenty of funds are prom
ised. The league Insists that the min
imum In the programme for the con
struction of Dreadnoughts in 1909-10
must tee eight, claiming that less will
not suffice to maintain Great Britain's
navy supremacy.
The newspapers, ever since Tuesday's
debate, have been filled with lurid pic
tures of the "German peril."
OXNARD, Cal., March 20. Serious la
bor trouble is threatened In the beet !
fields here over the situation created by
me attempt to collect a county poll tax
from the 450 Japanese living in Oxnard
and employed In the beet fields. This j
OtlMlint artAf thai, V,o A a U . 1. A l .
tax In this city, caused great resent
ment. The Sheriff and Deputy Asses
sors in many instances seized horses
and goods owned by the Japanese and
later forced the i to pay under threats
of selling their property.
Some of the Japanese have already (
leit for other parts of the state where
Japanese labor is In demand, leaving
the beetgrowers in serious straits for
Tonight the Sheriff and Assessor say
that it is probable the county will re
cede from Its position and return the
money collected.
Missouri Oovernor Not Candidate
for Oregon Judgeship.
ington. March SO. A statement was pub
lished i.ere toUiy that President Taft in
tended appointing Governor Hadley of
Missouri to a Federal Judgeship In the
Northwest in accordance with , promise
Siren Bene. tor Warner, and it was inti
mated that he would go to Oregon. Eena-
Two Cruisers Will ,Visit Important
Pacific Ports This Summer.
TOKIO, Monday. Feb.' 22. Two shlpa
of the Japanese training squadron, leav
ing Tokosuke on March '14, will visit
various points on the Pacific Coast dur
ing the Spring and Summer. The ves
sels are the cruisers Aso and Soya.
Their itinerary Includes the following:
Honolulu. April 1 to April 10; Hllo,
April 11 to April 14; San Francisco,
April 25 to May 8; Esquimalt, May 12
to May 15; Vancouver, May 15 to May
22; Tacoma, May 23 to May 27; Seattle,
May 27 to June 10.
Furniture Shippers Make Gain.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. The
fourth day of the hearing before In
terstate Commerce Commissioner C. A.
Prouty was given over to the defense,
furnished by railroads charged with es
tablishing minimum weights upon car
loads of furniture and other bulky
commodities that cannot be loaded in
the regulation size cars. Commissioner
Prouty declared himself satisfied that
certain grades of furniture and other
bulky articles could not be loaded up
to the established mlnimums. and di
rected that the evidence be applied di
rectly to the number of short-weight
Dismisses Charge Against Men In
dicted With Borah and Will Be
Cautious, Not to Attack Men
on Slight Pretext.
WASHINGTON, March 20. (Special.)
Attorney-General Wickershara has , di
rected the dismissal as to persons against
whom it is still pending of the indictment
in Idaho against Senator Borah, mem
bers of the Barber Lumber Company and
others for conspiracy to defraud , the
United States of timber lands in Boise
County, Idaho. Mr. Borah stood trial and
was acquitted. John I. Wells and Pat
rick Downs, two of the' other defendants,
filed picas in abatement to the indict
ment br.sed upon the alleged Improper
conduct of District Attorney Ruick be
fort the grand jury in urging the. return
of the Indictment. Their pleas were sus
tained by judge Whitson In the United
States District Court.
Todxy's action of the Department of
Justice is believed to mark the beginning
of a more careful policy regarding land
fraud piosecutions la the West. The new
Attorney-General and new Secretary of
Interior, while believing that the pursuit
of land thieves,- as conducted by the
former Administration is commendable,
are coavincsd that in many instances the
men have been unjustly accused. Scores
of spiral agents and secret service men
had been employed to collect evidence,
and as a. r3ult indictments were obtained
in cases where there was little or no
promise of obtaining a conviction in the
courts. In several cases the reputations
of la v-abiding citizens were damaged be
causa their indictment was secured on the
basis of flimsy testimony.
It will be the policy of th8 present ad
ministration to prosecute land fraud
cases with vigor, but not to press for
indictments before the grand juries un
less tb.2 evldnc9 of guilt is convincing.
Wright's Pupils Learn to Fly.
PAU. France. March 20. Successful
flights on the Wright aeroplane were
made here today by Count de Lambert
and Fuil Tissandier, Mr. Wright's pupils.
Kach man went up alone and remained
in the air 20 minute.
New Tork. Twenty-three paintings, most of
them by members of Barbiion school, brought
9i.ti5 at the Ciariana sale here Friday night..
New York. The body of the Rev. John "W
Simneon. who nrifheJ Thursday night In the
fire which swept through the Fifth avenue
apartment houe. was found covered by
piece of tin roofln.
New Tork. Resuming for the time being
his custom of several year ago. District At
torney William T ravers Jerome conducted two
rales on alleged gambling house on the East
Mie at midnight Friday. j
Barrow-m-Furness, England. A gangway
connecting the battleship Vanguard with the
wharf at the Vlckers Eons-Maxim yard col
lapsed Saturday to the dock. Three workmen
were Killed and 40 injured.
New Tork. The United States Steel Cor
poration bas decided unless business speedily
improves to clone down the principal plants
of the Tennessee Coal Iron Company at
.tnsiey, Aia., o& April a.
San Antonio, Tex. Because she refused to
promise to marry him, Edward F. Fisher, of
Kelly's Island. Ohio, shot and mortally
wounded Mrs. Louis Cook Turnlpseed and
Kiuea mmeeix j-Tiaay.
Roswell. X. M. Frank Shirley, as adm
Irtrator of the estate of his .brother, Ollle S.
?h Irley . today brouch t sul t In the T t ric
Court against "W. T. Welles, capital J t and ex
tensive property owner, asking Judgment la
a claim for 117,000 for TVell alleged act In
shooting and killing his brother.
Chicago.-One arrest wa made and more
are expected in the attempt to unearth the
labor plot which was at the bottom, the police
declare, of the blowing up of the $.'100,000 rail
road bridge at Indiana Harbor Friday.
San Francisco. A gang of safe-blowers
wrecked the safe in the Palm Cafe Saturday
and succeeded in escaping with 500 after a
battle with Henry Danz, proprietor of the
place, and Benjamin Daly, a bartender.
Minneapolis. Minn. A bear foueht a crowd
of citizens in the streets Friday and after a
long batt le was killed. The beast probabl y
came down the Northern Pacific track or the
river and was discovered by a boy.
Mount Vernon. 111. David Mver- a. farmer.
living near here, has had returned to him
$3o.ou0 by detectives who investigated the
robbery of the Iron box in Myers' home six
months ago. Altogether, $53,000 was taken.
Lincoln, Neb.MrH. Lena Margaret LUlie
won her jmit against the Modern Woodmen
Saturday when a iurv awarded her S4283.7&.
She sued for S3U00. the amount of the doIIcv
held by her husband, and Interest. She had
Deen accused of murdering him... ,
Pittsburg. A younsr man. who xvatt beaten.
robbed and thrown from an east bound Pennsyl
vania train at v iiKensDurg rriday night, saya
he Is J. l. Ryan,- 25 years old, a graduate of
Tale and resided in Chicago. His condition
is critical and It is probable he will be par
alyzed for life. ...
Washlncton.----Renrefienta.tlvA WaIuv r,t
Wisconsin, has 'Introduced a resolution direct
ing the Secretary .of Commerce and Labor to
publish a monthly statement of the total num-
oer of bushels of malt and other era In, urm!
by brewers and distill ere of the United States.
St. Louie. A revised list of landing nn ttw
Missouri Kiver, compiled from recent Govern
ment surveys, shows that the distance from
tne moutn to Fort Benton, Mont., is 2283
miles. Government survei-s made in i7S
showed the length o the river at that time
an miles. This indicates that the Missouri
Biver has shortened itself S20 miles.
Baby Boy Carries News of Sister's
Sudden Demise.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 20. With a.
pale blue strip of cloth, such as might
nave oeen used for the tail of a child's
kite, tied so tightly around her neck
that it left a great red mark, the body
of 7-year-old Lena Muzio was found to
day In the' cellar of a vacant house at
Silver avenue and Cambridge street, a
few hours after the child had left her
parents' house to play with her 3-year-old
Drotner. .
The finding of the body at first led to
the belief that the little trirl had ht.n
the victim of a serious assault and was
strangled, but a Coroner's autopsy
showed that her death probably was due
to oronchial pneumonia.
Lena was the daughter of Amll M.
Muzio, a vegetable gardener, who lives
at 700 Cambridge street. She left h
early today with her small brother Her
bert, who a few hours later returned to
the house and babbled incoherently that
some harm had befallen his sister. -The
child's mother and jaquimo Salvia, a
lodger, .t once started In search of the
missing child, each in opposite directions.
xne Dody was found .by Salvia.
Launching' of Huge Hudson River
Steamer Is Like Memorial.
CAMDEN, N. J., March 20. Christened
itn water trom the well at Clermont,
on tne Hudson River, where Robert Ful
ton landed from the steamer Clermont,
after the memorable maiden voyage in
his boat a hundred years ago, the magni
ficent passenger steamer Robert Fulton
was launched this afternoon at the yards
of the New York Shipbuilding ' Company
in this city.
The sponsor was Miss Anita Merle
Smith, granddaughter of Commodore Al
fred Van Sant Voord. founder of the
Hudson River Day Line, for which the
new steamer was built. Miss Katherlne
L. Olcott, a daughter of the president of
the Day Line, rang the original dinner
bell belonging to Robert Fulton's C'lare
mont ' The new steamer will be able to com
fortably carry 4000 passengers.
Roosevelt Forgot Subscription
to Duell's Book.
practically the route of the Roosevelt
party. The Duchess has not abandoned
her idea of returning to Africa, and she
is even considering a visit to King Mene
lik of Abyssinia.
Authorized Publication of Article
and Photograph ' in "Fads and
Fancies' Help Town Topics
Defeat Photographer.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., March 20. Ex
President Roosevelt's testimony in the
suit of a photographer who seeks to re
cover $5000 from the Town Topics Pub
lishing Company for the publication of
three photographs of the ex-President
in the book, "Fads and Fancies," was
taken by deposition here today.
Mr. Roosevelt said that, when public
attention was first attracted to the pub
lication In question, he did not recall
that he had ever.griven permission for
the use of pictures He thereupon dis
cussed the matter with Secretary Loeb,
and, as the latter also had no recollec
tion that permission had been granted,
he allowed a statement to this effect to
be published. Some lime afterward,
however, the ex-President said, Mr.
Loeb came across the letter in which
he had authorized the publication of
tne pictures.
Caught in Forgetting.
"We are caught not in a falsehood,
but in a forgetf ulness," Mr. Roosevelt
told Mr. Loeb, according to his testi
mony today.
Mr. Roosevelt added, according to
counsel lor the publishing company :
"I had no knowledge, of course, that
the photographs -had been given until
Mr, Loeb had found the latter. Of
course, in giving 'but any pictures or
other matter pertaining to me, he acted
witn my run autnonzation."
The letter referred to. was in part as
Loeb's Letter to Duell. '
OYSTER BAT. N. X.. September 23. 1903.
jny iiuase: l am in receipt of -your cutiuBing prout or article, -wlilch I
return to you with a few Blight additions.
It is all riBht tn n ( t m t nt i
dr not have it appear as in any way in
dorsed ty the President or myself. You
win uuuciHiatiu ray reasons ror this.
1 send you the following nlclurcx vhih
are all that I have on hand suitable for
the purpose: The President's house at
Sagamore Hill: the tennis court uiH Theo
dore. Jr.: the President on the lawn and
mc ricaiucm Q.i nis sumper. .Uleistine.
Faithfully yours,
Hon. Jtwnes M Duell. 402 Fifth Avenue,
New York.
The photographer brought his suit
snortiy after the publication of the
r i '.aiucu u a ueiuui mat ne naa author
lzea the use of t e pictures.
Intrepid Woman Traveler "W ill Give
ex-President Advice.
NAPLES, March 20. Theodore Roose
velt's stay in Naples on his way to Africa
will be short,, possibly not more than 24
junoaaBaaor onscom. who- will come
down from Rome for the purpose of meet
lng Mr. Roosevelt, has arranged for i
private meeting between Mr. Roosevelt
and the Duchess of Aosta. The meeting
is aesirea Dy me idleness, who last win
ter made a trip through Africa covering
Two Thousand Persons Have Narrow
Escape From Death. .
KINGSTON, Jamaica, March 20. Fire
that broke out last night in a public
halL at Kingston, wiere a moving-picture
show was in progress, created
great excitement and endangered the
ives of all present. The films caught
fire and the roof was soon ablaze.
Nearly 2000 persons had assembled in
the building and the yard." which waa
surrounded by a picket fence. The)
fence was thrown down and the people
got away without serious Injury. Tlia
hall was destroyed. ,
Kaiser Decorates Areneznelan.
BERLIN, March 2,0. Emperor Wil
liam today received Jose de Jesus Paul,
the "Venezuelan Commissioner to Eu
rope, In audience. . The Emperor con
versed with him pleasantly and con
ferred upon him the crown order of
the first class.
Four Firemen Injured.
WORCESTER, Mass.. March 20. Four
firemen were Injured, none fatallfr. in a
fire Jhat destroyed the plant of the
Wright Wire Company here todav, caus
ing a loss of $100,000.
i The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, - creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unequaled list of cures 46,366 tes
timonials in two years proves its merit.
Sarsat&bS For those who prefer medicine
in tablet torm. Hood's Sarsaparilla is now put up
in chocolated tablets called oarsatabs, as well as
Mrs. J. F, G. 50 (jould Street, b tone ham.
Mass., sars: 'In 25 years ei peneni t have never
Known xi 00a s oarsapamia to lait. tor sprtne
fn the usual lianid form. Sarsatabs have identl
raliT tba name curative TroTierties as the lianid
form, besides accuracy of dose, convenience, econr humors and as a eeneral blood Dmifier: it enrea
orny, there beixic no loss by evaporation, break- scrofula, eczema; has no equal as eeneral
age, or leakage. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, spring medicine. It gives me genuine satisfao
C. 1. Hood Co.. kowell, Macs, tion to say this.
Tomorrow Is Washday, Avoid Its Troubles by
Sending to the
,. Where Linen Lasts
Rough dry 5c a pound, rough dry by the piece lc up
Lace Curtains 30c Per Pair .
Call Main 398 or A 1123
The onlyGenuine
f 1
Brand ret h's Pills
77ie Great Laxative and Blood Tonic
Tt Nll.Miliiniiii.i. -m mi . T