SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 12 VOL. XXVIII. PORTLAND, OREGON, , SUNDAY MORNING, MARCII 21, 1900. NO. 12. Neckwear, veilings, handkerchiefs New arrivals in Wellington Neckwear fancy colored ribbon and lawn jabots and bows, soft finish linen stock collars and tabs, new Dutch collars in linen, lace and embroidery. Real Irish crochet Neckwear of all kinds, from 75c upwards. Exclusive novelties in Veilings and Kerchiefs. Our "big value" glove sale at $1.15 For Monday's selling at Lipman-Wolf e 's busy Glove Section, we have assembled five great lots to sell at $1.15. Two-clasp real kid Dress Gloves, " one-clasp Dent style Gloves, 6-button Biarritz Gloves, one'-clasp GJ" "t C pique-sewt Mocha and 1-pearl-button tailored Chamois Gloves..?? Inviting your verdict on spring millinery styles Women's $2 tailored waists, $1.38 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .... .... , . t The most striking feature of the new shapes is the thick, massive, high crown, in contrast with the wide, rolling brim effects of the past year. The variations seem endless, but this dominating style note pervades practically every new mode. Our extensive display embraces models : from the leading milliners of Paris, Robinson & Wells' London Tailored Hats, hats of leading American makers, adaptations and originals from our own workrooms,-each the product of an individual artist, and each expressing some " particular phase. . Prices $2.95 to $75.00. ' Special showing new untrlmmed hats Our Untrimmed Hat Section has everything that you could want in novelty shapes and materials, as well as practical every-day wear. These comprise chips, rough braid leghorn, imported hair and nov elty straws. Also 50 imported untrimmed shapes, direct from Daniels of Paris, at surprisingly low prices. Millinery for misses The dominating styles are same as for grown people adapted by exclusive juvenile' milliners; prices from. $1.95 to $8.00. Materials are Chips, Leghorns, Milan and Fancy Straw Braids; trimmings of ostrich plumes, fruits and flowers. Special for Monday sale Women's Strictly Tailor-Made Waists, of finest quality white lawn, linen finish. Made with the new coat shirt front and directoire sleeve. Selling reg- C- O O larly at $2.00, for this sale - - Heatherbloom petticoats at $1.97 Petticoats of finest quality black heatherbloom taffeta will not crack and will wear twice as" long as silk taffeta. Made with extra ' full flounce and trimmed with deep ruffle, with a row GLf of side plaiting. Regular" $3 values, for Monday pX.7 Folding asbestos table mats e, s.cHon exactly like illustration, ; made Folding Asbestos . Table Mats,, size 45x45 inches square, each. .$4.00 Folding Asbestos Table Mats, 48x48 inches, round and square. . .4. 50 .Folding Asbestos Table Mats, 54x54 inches, round, each .$0.00 Folding Asbestos Table Mats, 60x60 itiehes, round, each $6.00 Folding Asbestos Table Mats, 66x66 inches, round, each .S7.00 ' Also round and oval Doilies,- from Asbestos Table Leaves, 12x45 inches, each. . . ; :.$1.00 Asbestos Table Leaves, size 12x48 inches, each 1.2o Asbestos Table Leaves, size 12x54 inches, each $1.50 Asbestos; Table Leaves, size 12x60 inches, each Jj51.50 Asbestos Table Leaves, size 12x66 inches, each S1.60 5inches to 12 inches. if Ma 77 ft US Vi fit ' JS -v. Vft! I Is a ; J ft 5000 yds. 27-inch colored pongees, $1 yard 46-inch French dress linens, 60c We will show on Monday 5000 yards of 27-inch Colored Pongees for coat suits, in all, the new shades, such as wistaria, old rose, catawba, new gray, reseda, khaki brown, champagne and black. All pure silk and the best value ever shown 00 Portland's largest showing of Foulards Foulard Silks are the . most popular of Spring fabrics. We show more foulard: silks than all other, Portland houses combined many individual patterns no two alike. A special importation of . French Dress Linens quality that never sold at less than 75c; full 46 inches wide; at a straight saving of one-fifth. . All the leading shades. Colorings include light blue, pink, wistaria, lavender, steel and Alice; the ideal fabric for Summer dresses; regularly 75c, now, yard, 60 New Spring prunella cloths, $1.35 46-inchi All-Wool Satin Finished Prunellas, the most up-to-date Spring dress fabric; beautiful : line of colors in plain and self-colored stripes tans, grays, C1 Q Z browns, navy, electric blue, sea green, canard, wistaria, smoke, etc .". . j?X4Jcf "Tussah royal" and "albion rep" Priestley's new Mohair Fabrics uncrushable and unspottable very rich, silky luster; oome in black, navy, royal pongee, cream and brown; "yard. .............. .r. ... . SJ5X.75 and $2.00 Lace news tor the spring of 1909 Newest modes in tailored suits Sprin Portland women who are looking for novelties in laces andi trimmings, will ' find many exclusive patterns in our new im portations for Spring and Summer, 1909. Besides the new patterns in the staple styles of venise, net top, Cluny and baby Irish laces, we have a large assortment of colored and Persian trimmings and laces in the best styles shown. There will be a great demand for Colored laces, which will be found in our stocks in . great v arieties and to meet the most exacting tastes. Beautiful new patterns in allovers, edges, insertions, bands, galloons, medallions, etc., in white, cream, ecru and colored effects. Tucked net in plain and dotted effects. Imitation tucks also in white,, black and colored effects. . ' Plain and fancy silk dress nets, 45 inches wide, in all colors. ; AVe have also an assortment of black and colored spangled cabochon laces and allovers, which will be used by exclusive dressmakers this season. Gold and silver effects in styles too numerous to mention. Heavy silk effects on nets are among the new styles. $2.50 battenberg scarfs at 98c Three-center battenberg lace scarfs, size 18x50 inches; values to $2.50. We will place them at this Mon-QOn day sale at the extremely low price of each 270W $3.50 scarfs at $1.48 Three-center Battenberg Scarfs with fancy Japanese hand drawn centers, size. 18x50 ins.; also squares to match, 30x30 inches. Regular C1 $3.50 values for. . . .P $5 cluny scarfs $2.50 Cluny Lace Scarfs, with elabo rately hand-drawn centers, size 18x54 inches. Also 30x30-inch Cluny squares to match. Val- $5.00. For PO Cf g jewelry novelties . ues Monday sale Women's Spring underwear 59c Women's medium-weight Vests and Tights, hand-finished and silk-taped. Vests are made high neck, long sleeves; high and short; low neck. CQ,, and no sleeves; tights knee and ankle length; 85c values OC Demonstration an Hie- 4iM I I 5 T I Jl I ! 1 11 f.4'. d.specia To give something distinctly different, something with that touch of exclusive ness which women of fashion appreciate ; that originality that transcends imita tion, is the aim the achievement of the maker of "PELLARD" Tailor-made Suits for women of fashion for which Lipman, - Wolfe" & Company are exclusive Portland representatives. Both the conserva tive, plain tailored gowns and extreme dressy models ; are fashioned in unbroken, evenly draped effects. , The smartest Spring fabrics in black and newest costume shades are well represented. ; Two-piece suits $30 New 36-38-inch highest class Tailored Suits in the finest French serge, plain and striped prunella cloth, black and white shepherd checks, in all the newest Spring colors, black, navy, rose, olive and smoke; every garment strictly tailored and lined with silk; skirts all newest flared and gored 00 Three-piece Spring suits only $32.50 wf W e consider these sunerh Suits eTtraordinarv values at. tnis introductory sale price ; they are made of finest striped prunella cloth and chiffon . Pamana, in navy, reseda and Copenhagen ; the coats are made 38 inches ong, trimmed with braid and lined with self-colored taffeta silk ;. the jumpers are made with silk and braid trimmings in newest princess effect; IJOO introductory sale .price ipO.OVr Spring tailored suits Monday $27.50 Out of the many hundreds of new Suits we have select ed this lot to sell as extra values at $27.50; they are the smartest 1909 suits in black, navy, reseda, rose, olive, smoke and gray; made of finest all-wool serges and fancy prunella cloths, in plain tailored and trim'd styles; every garment lind with peau de cygne or taf feta silk; every suit extraordinary- tO7 yalue ; priced at, the suit'. . . . .'. .". ...... P 1 sale or the Iambus "Jewelry-store jewelry at department-store prices" is the attraction at Lipman Wolfe's. New Spring, nov elties in Easter jewelry from, the style centers of Europe and America are here. Our designs are ex clusive in Portland. We call attention to some nov elties: Belt Buckles, two-ton grunmetal and grold. $5.00. Belt Buckles, guntnetal and sold, one - piece, flowers set with Tuby stones, $6.00. Belt Buckles, two-piece, dip shape, set with amethysts, $6.00. Belt Buckles. French gilt. Egrp tian design, with tassel, $4.00. Belt Buckles, Egyptian design, with tassel, amethyst and emerald settings, $6.00. Sash Pins, pointed oval, rose gold, hand-chaaed. green gold leaves and applied flowers, $2.00, $2.50. Saah Pins, pointed oval, butterfly and floral designs, chased Roman and English gold, $2.25. Hat Pins, large ' inverted cone, with or without stone settings, $1.50. Hat Pins, large rhinestone set tings, in round, square, ball and fancy designs, 50c to $2.50. Earrings, pearl, turquoise or coral, with rhinestone drops, $2.00, $3.50, $4.50. Back Combs, solid gold mounted, neat scroll patterns, $2.50 and $5.00. 7r Bracelets: new chased and ham mered, gold filled, $4.00. $5.00, $6.00, $8.00. . . Cuff Links, solid gold, plain or chased, rose and English finish, $2.00 to $8.00 pair. ' Waist and Collar Pins, solid gold, plain or chased, -very pretty new patterns, $1.25 to $2.50 pair. Rings in a wonderful new collec tion of plain band, chased, en graved, signet and set designs, from $1.00 upwards. 1 The new Salome Rings," set with jade, turquoise, coral, moss agate, carbuncle, etc, $4.00. , i Scarf Pins, gold filled and solid gold, in new patterns, 50c afid up. The new Billiken Jewelry, in watch fobs, scarf pins, hat pins, brooches, cuff links, etc. Sterling silver, 50c up. The Helen Taft Sash Pins, wears and looks like sterling silver. Very popular. Engraved with.; your ini tials, special 98c. Watch Fobs, new gold - filled mountings on gros grain ribbon, with safety catches, $2, $2.50, $3. Onyx silk lisle hosiery, 35c Women's Silk Lisle Stockings, celebrated "Onyx" brand, in all the new shades for Spring tan, burgundy, green, smoke, car dinal, navy, champagne, sky, violet, pink, white. Regular 50c quality, for Monday 35c pair, three pairs 95c Children's fine black Cotton Stockings, lxl ribbed, guaranteed fast black; made with double heels, soles and knees; seamless foot. CQn Extra good value, 3 pairs for.. emo" corsets "N 7 Mi A ' ' 1 M, SELF-REDUCING No. 520 An educational corset event Mrs. A. L. Craig, one of the most expert of all the New York corsetieres, has been sent here by the Nemo people to show our customers the very newest and most stylish models in the famous ,". Nemo " Corsets. " Mrs. Craig will be in our Corset Department on Monday, and throughout the week, and will be pleased to give our patrons the benefit of her expert advice as to the selection of models, fitting and adjustment, bhe will undertake to end your corset troubles. Nemo "flatning-back skirt" The greatest corset novelty of the season. Newly invented and patented, and applied only to No. 520 (Self-Reducing) and No. 501 (Willow Shape). This ingenious device applies reducing pressure only when you STAND. When SEAT ED the "Skirt" relaxes, and you are as comfortable as if you had no corset on. This novel invention produces the Nemo "New American Shape" in its perfection. It is the LAST WORD in scientific corset making. - New nemo "relief bands" A distinct novelty, which is applied only to No. 404 and No. 405 (Self-Reducing). The RELIEF BANDS are an improvement over the famous Nemo Relief Straps. They are extra wide and strong, follow the convexity of the lower abdomen, and give perfect support from UNDERNEATH. Model No. 404. for very stout women, is made in sizes up to 42. It is the largest ready-made corset ia tho market, r . ' mi I ' t if i r f P' 11 l JJ?S.j2l, Corsets for stout women The famous Nemo-self-reducing Nearly every woman knows that the Nemo "Self-Reducing" is the only cor set ever made that really helps a stout woman to reduee her abdomen with ab solute comfort and hygienic safety. " It is now sold all over the world. . . Three nev features SELF-REDUCING No. 4C5; FIRST The "Fla'ming-Back Skirt" (in-model No. 520 only). A newly-patented invention which produces degree of reduction never before possible. Its full power is exerted when, you stand, but the "Skirt " relaxes ;when you -are seated, and you are comfortable. SECOND The new" Nemo Relief Bands, an improvement on' the famous Relief Straps (in models 404 and' "405 : only) y extra wide and perfectly support the ab-: domen from underneath. THIRD The long, unboned skirt effect; in No. 405, whereby the upper limbs, as well as the ' hips arid back, are greatly reduced. - --- ---- - . ' . There is ; a Nemo Self -Reducing Corset to fit every type of stout figure. Our new No. 404, with Relief Bands, is made in sizes up to 42. ' - Prices for Self-Reducing Corsets $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $10.00 There is no -lunger, any reason why anyl stout woman should have her corsets made to order. ' Game this week and be .fitted ia.a-Nemo, ... WILLOW-SHAPE Us, 6C1 Corsets for slender forms The famous Nemo "Back-Resting" "Willow-Shape" "Military Belt" "Swan-Shape'.' " Dress-Adjusting " Don't imagine that all Nemo Corsets are made for stout women, just because mil lions of stout women will wear no cor set but the Nemo "Self-Reducing." Our new Nemos for slender figures are equally superior in their way, and each has some hygienic or practical special feature which does something valuable for you. Nemo back-resting corsets $4.00 "It rests you? back," gives support where you need it most, . relieves back ache like magic. Nemo willow-shape corsets $5.00 Has the novel " Flatning-Back Skirt," and makes a slender figure even more sylph-like. Nemo military-belt corsets $4.00 No. 305 has the extremely long lines of present fashion; induces the wearer to stand upright and breathe freely. Nemo swan-shape corsets $2 to $4 "With all the graceful chic of the Boule vards, but with American excellence of workmanship. The acme of correct style. And there are other Nemo models for medium and slender forms, all with the well-known Nemo style and durability . a fit for. every figure. llKv:-': -!.. ... ... frttniTii i I -mmm SELF-REDUCING N. 323