The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 28, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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WILL trade for rood runabout a Swiss
watch; strike hours, quarters and mtn
utes. split seoond timer; full calendar
dials; cost $700; might pay some differ
nce. What have you to offer? A 717.
Oregon tan.
FOR SAJ-R or trad". seven-pass r.ger auto
mobile White atfamer. In tirst-elufs order.
MOORE investment company,
I loom 5 Laiayett Bldg.,
6th and Washington uw.
AL'TOMORrLES. $150 and up, for sale or
tradu. W. G- Hartman A Co., 46 2d at.
toft. Birds. Etc.
FOR SALE Fox hounds, beagle hounds,
and all other breeds of sporting and pet
dops. fancy pigeons, ferrets, rabbits,
guinea pigs, cat tie. sheep and swine. 60
paga catalogs. 10c: sO-page catalogue
with poultrv combined. 12c. Mount fnn
Kennels. Reading. Penna. V. S. A.
FOR SALE The finest German. English
and domestic canaries at Portland Bird
Co.. yl Union ave. Phone, Kwt 6391.
Don't buy trash, when you can get first
class, guaranteed birds from old, reliable
BOSTON" terrier, main and "females, pups
and grown stock. F. A. Weyers, Wood
. stuck. 4 blocks north of postofflcc.
CANARY birds, singors and females cheap.
4: Market st ; Portland Heights car.
Phone Main 6273 before $ o'clock.
PEDIGREE Scotch Collie fr sale, very rea
sonable, J. Caaandres. 67 N. 14th St.
FiU SALE Thoroughbred English bull ter
rier pup. 13S Nebraska sc. Fulton.
CANARY BIRDS for sale; fine singer. 98
Kant Taylor.
FOX TERRIER puppies. 5S4 Hoyt.
siUeiT sell my piano at once; almost new and
in fin condition. Address N 72o, Ore
gon 1 an.
14ETR06TYLE piano, almost new; very rea
soaaiie. J 694. Oregon i an.
FIRST-CLASS pin In every way for aale
cheap. Main 625.
TO RENT A pweet-toned upright plana.
phone Main 44 IS-
VFRIGHT piano, mahogany case, nearly
new. 1150 cash; cost 4313. 454 Taylor.
PIANO New Kimball at sacrifice. 421 6th
$45 NIAGARA steel range, with reservoir
and 20-inch oven, good as new. $J.5o;
four burner gas range. $7.50; oak bed
room suite, 3 pieces. $13.50. $73 14-foot
solid oak extension table, $23; sideboard
" to math. $25; $100 black walnut bed
room suite. 3 pieces. $23; good Iron beds.
$2; $15 new nineneedle mattresses. $6 50;
nltd oak library table. $7 NO. We are
complete hnueef urnlshers. We carry the
largest Ptck of new and first-class second-hand
household roods in the North
west We buy, sell and exchange every
thing that is useful. Western Salvage
c 629 to 631 Wash, st., corner of 20th.
Mam lios. A 3793. McGrath A Girvan,
--Inch pipe. 6c per foot.
2-lnch pipe. 12Vc per foot.
3- lm h pipe- IK" l"8""
4- Inch pe. 2-to pt;r foot.
All dipped Inside and out free of charce,
new thre.! and couplings; every foot guar
anteed; we carrry the larite-t -ock of bl- k
and galvanized pipe in the city: any size,
to 12-inch. We do ail kind of pipe
The a or wih the money-back policy.
J. csfMON PRO.,
244-246 Front t.
AXYTHIMJ from a set collar, pulley,
gear, shafting, cable, etc.. to any size or
"ilET Ol'K PRU'ES.
GAIN'S." 347-3.i3 GMsan St.. cor. Eighth.
Edison's and Powers motion picture
machines; dissolving stereopticons, cal
cium and gas outfits, new films. 3000 euo
jfecis: guaranteed no repeaters; largest
fcuvers of new films In United Btats;
slides to order and stocked. We teach you
to operate.
214-216 Wells-Fargo Bldg-. Portland.
10x13 "Mundv" road engine.
3 0x10 "Mundy- englnea
2 ftxll "Willamette"' road engines
complete, with sleds, lines, blocks and rig
ging; also several small loading and hoist
ing engines.
23 Pine SL, Portland.
l-ply, $1.23.
S-ply, $1.75.
S-pIy. $2.25.
Every roll guaranteed new.
244-246 Front St.
HONEY, pure, rich quality, delicious flavor;
1 case, 10 gal.. 120 lbs., net $11.10; 3
cases for 121.60; freight prepaid to all
R. R. stations In Orison. "Washington and
Idaho: reference, "Bank of Nam pa." T.
H. Waale, Nam pa, Idaho.
FOR SALE at Campbell ranch, 8 miles
south of Ridgefleld; 2 head good heifers.
2 and 3 years old; 14 will soon come In;
also few fresh cows. Take any Columbia
River steamer to FaJes Landing or tele
phone E. A. Blackmore, Ridgcueld. Wash.
803-817 Rothchlld bldg-. U "till looking
for more business; will rent films and
' songs as reasonable as any house on the
Coast, and carries all supplies for moving
picture t heat era
WHAT are you In need of? We handle most
Myth lag and everything In machinery,
piping and miscellaneous merchandise.
244-246 Front St.
One 1x12 logging engine.
One 9x10 logging engine.
72-74 First at.
We have a few slightly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
see them at White Sewing Machine Store.
H. X. Jones, 420 Washington, cor. 11th st.
ABSOLUTELY not In the trust; no combine
with us; estimates given free of charge.
Help ua fight the trust. '
244-246 Front St.
J. tilMON A BRO.,
NEW and slightly used automobiles In first
class condition, from $100 to $1500; for
- bargains see as. Portland Auto Commis
sion House. 034 -8ft Alder.
Main 4453 AUTOMOBILE ROW A 4455.
W E can save you from $50 to $100 on your
plumbing. We are not in the trust and
sell to all.
244-246 Front St.
TWO diamond rings worth $,100 cash. $200;
conoession clearing $- weekly, $200, or
wlli trade either or borb on auto I can run
or rent. Owner. R 703, Oregonian.
TWO fine fresh young cows one large Dur
ham, one Holstrin; both bis; milkers; only
$45 and $33. or trade for fat cattle. Rrowa
house orpcelte Ostley Green. St. John car.
H H. P. gasoline engine, horizontal 4
cvcie. perfect condition. Including mag
neto and extra parts. Phone Main 4164.
330 14th t.
MAHOGANY roll-top desk revolving); cus
tomers' chair; nearly new; cost $.".0.
pri'v, $1-3; bank furniture. 3i3 Failing
F R SALE Laying hens; Rhode Island
Red cockerels. 673 South ave., Sell
wood carliue.
THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouth Rocks
and Brown Leghorn eggs, $1 setting. 15.
Mils. 69 West Fay.
AT A BARGAIN One Dayton machine lathe,
complete, 13-Inch awing. Address J 690,
Lagging and housing engines.
LARGE Edison standard phonograph, 113
records, one large horn and stand. Price
$40 Phone Main 44MS.
BUILD canoe on form I have used, now
for sale cheap. W. J. Sheehy, 844 Wash
ington. MOST beautiful diamond, suitable for lady or
gentleman, cheap: will exchange. 215 Com
mercial block. Main K&4. A 2; 11 4.
6NAP !000 cords first -r1as fir sturapage.
close In on railroad, $375. AF 651. Ore
gonian. NEW BARGE at a bargain. 60 feet long,
2A-foot beam. 5 feet deep. E. Carey, 1S1
McMlUen st, city.
PERFECT 44 K diamond: I need money;
price, $43$. E 711, Oregonian.
2 64x16 bol.era.
1 54x15 bul.-rr.
2 44x12 boilers.
1 4o-H. P. n re-box bolter.
1 12-H. P. Ore-box boiler.
1 15-H. P. upright holier.
1 4-H. P. uprignt boiler.
1 3-H. P. upr.ght botier.
1 12x12 Bati-Uuod high-speed engine.
1 3u-tt. P. Ames engine.
1 4u-H. P. engine.
1 2w-ri. P. Urownell engine.
1 2v-o-K. W. dynamo.
1 35-bL. W. dynamo.
1 in.i-light oyoaiuo.
1 aoxi tank.
1 J. A. V uods olaner.
2, suitable for fire protection, 10-
Inch suction, a-inch cucna-rge.
Several smaller eize buuiuk.
Above is only a smaU list of machinery
that we. tave now stored at our yards and
if in need of any boilers, engines, ay
namos, pumps, puiieys, belting, cable, shait
lng boxe, donkey engine, raUfl, gear
wneels or anything else in tne macnineiy
line, see us, ma we have the largetrt. stock
of second-nana machinery in the city and
no drtubL caji aive you money.
We guarantee everything we sell as rep-
resenud or your money rerunuta.
"The store with the mccey-baek policy.
J. SIMON & BHu.,
241-246 Front St.
BECOND-HANLi baling jiress; bed murt be
not lw than two feet wide, four feet long,
Amea Harris Nevllie Co.
Not In the trist.
Not In the trust.
We s-11 to ail.
We avU to all.
J. fclMON BRO-.
244-246 Front St.
n-wiriT nvnivtniF rilsDlaT table. $15: 24
foot office rail, -lnch Iron pipe size, with
2 swinging doors and itanaarai,
National Cash Register to., iu an sc.
FOR SALE 4 howcaei. small wall cae,
cash reeiter. lunch counter. Z-galion cor-
fee urn. refrigerator, etc. 174 E. 34(h St.,
cor. Ya'nhlll. . s. car. rnon a m.
HOUSEBOAT for sale or trade, best on the
river, 5 room 8 cost $3000; win sell for
$275 if taken at once. Merrui, ia anu
Oak; afternoons.
OREGON MAP SALE Full colored sectional
map of Oregon,! 73c. Entire output for
stilts exclusively ny tu.'? l rti s u hj-,
b:il Cham. Commerce, Portland, Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $o. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; re n Otis, $3
per montn. pacinc siauonery et -ig. xjn..
203 2d sL
Ca R PETS and linoleum for sale 1n steam
heated apartment; 5 rooms. Inquire Jan
itor. "The Kearney, zist ana Nearacy.
Main 5674.
Film service that wins, bteropticons.
slides, supplies. 165 hi 4th st.
SEASONED wood, $1.25 per cord; 3 smiles
north of Rose City Park, on Columbia
Klver. C. w. AUman.
SELL chean one 1 l-l-karat and one
karat solitaire rings, absolutely perfect.
x fe.s. uregonian.
PflR SAT.E Hest drv 4-ft. nr and oak wood
at iowest market prices. Hoover, 313
Water st. phone Mam 7431 : A 044.
ONE STEAM woodsaw and wagon, in good
order; saw $V, wagon $2o. G. G. Pickett,
Fourth and Park, Vancouver. Wash.
BLAK-TOP tent, size 24x4S, best quality,
in-foot nlde walls, for sale cheap. Par
ticulars, Newman. 213 Burnside.
NEW Klondike pool table $20. one electric
sign and front Xery cheap. 434 Hoyt,
corner 11th st.
ISO-EGG Cyphers Incubator, first-class con
dition. 1 90S Mod:l : also brooder. Phone
Main 23S5, or call 182 17th st.
CARLOAD new cattle and poultry fencing.
244-246 Front St.
ALL variety fancy pigeons, pheasants, fer
rets, angora cats, to close out. Portland
Bird Co.. VI Union ave.. East 6391.
I L. C. SMITH, 1 Underwood; the type
writer are almost new; Investigate. AC
306, Oregonian.
2 GOOD Remington typewriters; will sell on
terms. B 72V, Oregonian.
THREE Karat diamond ring; 1200 less than
value. Room 1, 163 Park st.
$rtno SET rold-plated coach harness at a
bargain. Merrill, 7th and Oak; afternoons.
OAK dresser, . book case, Indian basket,
dontlst's outfit. 410 Dekum bid..
BURROUGHS ADDING machine, good
new. $2u0; terms. N 710, Oregonian.
BLUE-WHITE diamond. 2H 0C. A bargain
If bought quick. E 712. Oregonian.
FOR SALE A new White sewing machine,
quite reasonable. K 718, Oregnolan.
monthly guaranteed. D 601, Oregonian.
8 H. P. launch and houseboat, cheap If
taken soon. Y 613, Oregonian.
FINE silver-laced Wyandotte cockerels, also
eggs for setting. Phone B 233a.
SILVER-PLATED Conn baritone; good con
dition; cheap. Y 627. Oregonian.
WHITE Leghorn eggs for setting. Wood lawn
1979. 052 E. Glen ave. N-, cor Prescott.
FOR SALE 30 laying- hens
Hawthorne ave.
cheap. 1061
FINE white diamond, t K.; must sell
quick. A snap. D 716, Oregonian.
FINE graphophone, with 32 good records,
cheap. C 692, Oregonian
FIRPT-CLAPS motor cycle, price $160.
Ralph R. Ruffner, 124 8d st.
FIRST-CLASS fresh milch cows, big milk
ers. 1480 Macadam st-, Fulton.
FOR ALE Black Minorca eggs for setting.
239 Bain St. C 1333.
TWO fine fresh cows. Inquire 709 Harold
ave. Take Sell wood-ave. car.
FOR SALE $10 Winchester? nearly new.
cleaning rod. Address K 710. Oregonian.
CHINA geese, Pekln and Indian Runner
duck eggs. Main 9143.
8-H. - P. LAUNCH and boathouse, cheap If
taken soon. Y 613. Oregonian.
FRESH Jersey cow for sale; T blocks south
Ockley " Green. H. Ivrown.
WANTED To sell set Modern Eloquence;
new; $25. N 719. Oregonian.
CH EAP 2 white Minorca cockerels from
prize stock. Phone East 2262.
2-STONE ruby and diamond; ladles' ring.
Price lllo; cost, $1S0. D 717. Oregonian.
SUIT of clothes made for slim man; 35
breast; $10 paid on. 404 E. Morrison.
A SNAP In t K. diamond; perfect stone.
E 714. Oregonian.
50 SHARES United Wireless preferred stock.
What am I offered? D 710, Oregonian.
CH EAP Two mission tables. 8 ft?et by
34 feet; covered. Call 403 Morrison.
FOR SALE A well-bred 'bulldog, two years
old. cheap. B 719. Oregonian.
ONE Niagara ga sprayer, in good condition.
A. Neihaus, Hood River, Or.
FOR SALE Houseboat, furnished or unfur
nished. Phone A 2933.
WANTED Industrious young men, floaters
need not apply. Call at Baltimore Lunch,
27 Washington st.
WANTED Two expert coatmakers; steady
work. Grant A Ketnjohn, 203 S wetland
RAPID. ail around A-l architectural
draughtsman; state experience and salary.
L 675. Oregonian.
WANTED Architectural draftsman; state
age and experience. A 715, Oregonian.
WANT good salesman with $100 for hfgh-class
profitable business. L 716. Oregonian.
WANTED Man that can sell etock; no other
need apply. Phone Main 7298.
A. M.
323 Wuh. at., at 10
ERRAND BOY wanted,
printer, 90 1st.
PHYSICIAN wanted by an old-establlsehd
Incorporated medical Institute; a iwe. nusi
ling. competent physician to take charge of
local office as chief phyeictan; one who will
invnir a anna n amount to secure an in
terest can get into a good business and a
good money-making proposition. Aaarew n
Q. Brown, 2407 North 83d st,, Philadeipnia,
vc a MRU a thorourhlv competent and ex
perlenced credit man by a large whole
sate house In Seattle; applicant must be
thoroughly posted on credit work and
capable of assuming confidential position:
nnn others need atDlv: salary $200 and
ovr- rtiii treat d strictlv confidential
reference required. Address B 706, Ore
1O.0O0 TOtflTTO?iR for rraduates iast year
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions,
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor: tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 33
is. 4tn st., Fortiana. isr.
MEN WANTED, good vision, under 80, over
145 pounds, for brakemen and firemen on
railroads In this vicinity; experience un
necessary; pay $76 to $100 monthly; pm
ni'nea k cououcior or wjir i . w
$2M monthly; state age, weight, height.
iuuway AAeociauon, ureiouuiu.
WANTED By large concern entering auto
mobile business on Pacific Coast, manager,
garage foreman and salesman; none need
apply except who have and can maxe
good; answer la detail, giving reference,
previous employment and all particulars.
Box O 1 10, Oregonian.
We are opening up in this field biggest
money-making proposition of recent years.
only class A, experienced men answer, vva
drens. own handwriting, giving experience,
references, address and telephone if have
one. AE 0Vh. Oregonian.
a ay siue una; per uy t rsu.iu aaimife
Junt-a-Lfrk Gummed Stickers o business
men . sen at signi. aupucme orars eu
.... nAA.4As4 . Ant
free. Address Economy Printing Co., 345
WE have a high-rate remunerative nosUin
for a salesman of character and reputation;
experience unnecessary. Write, own hand
writing, giving previous occupation, rerer-en-'tf,
P. O. address and phone if have one.
AE 656. Oregonian.
MAN for retail tea and coffee route, city; If
you are a rustler and can sell goods this
Is a fine opening; wagon, equipment and
splendid line of premiums to help secure
trade; reierenccs. tirana Lnion iea o.
473 Washington.
AUTOMOBILING. plumbing. electricity.
pricmaying ana plastering taugnt oy ac
tual work In shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
free. Coyne National Trade School. Xiv
, 8th St., :Fan Francisco.
$1X PER month or better, increased month
ly, according to your acuity; city ano oi
trlct managers wanted to sell our health
end accident policy. Fidelity Mutual Aid
Association of Portland, 618 Worcester
WANTED Young man of neat appearance
and good address to travel in ireron
and California. Experience not necessary;
good position, salnry and Interest for
hustler; little money required. Apply
007 Ablngton bldg.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants In their
territory; elegant side line, convenient -to
carry ; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mf. Co., Cincinnati. O.
WANTED Resident salesman In every town
in Oregon; can make $30 to $50 per montn
and a biwinew for life; $200 required. Ad
dress Royal Medicated Food Co., 464 Glis
an st.
WANTED Traveling salesman; we have
exceptional good slue line; soia easily
to grocers and gerveral merchants; lib
eral commission paid. Address Manufac
turer, 402 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Subdivision saieiman for A No.
1 protositlon ; liberal commission.
200 Chamber of Commerce.
See P. E. Cleland.
AGENT In every town of this tate; new in
vention ; good seller; quicx returns; prerer
one that has some experience in carpenter
work. For particulars write to A. J.
Drury. 76 West Park st., Portland, Or.
LADY or gentleman with $3000. with or
without services, can secure good paying
Interest in old reliable firm. Money pro
tected to suit investor. An opportunity
worth investigation. C 716. Oregonian.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; high commissions, with $109
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Mich. -
COMPETENT bookkeeper for out-of-tow po
sition; single man prererrea; present sal
ary $75; promotion for merit. Address in
own handwriting P. O. Box 97, Astoria,
Or. .
YOTNG men. over 18 years old, to learn
automobile driving and repairing, aay ana
evening classes. Portland Auto Commis
sion House. 17th and Alder. Phones Main
4435, A 4455.
Employment. Office Men's Department.
36 North Second St.
Phones Main ai d A 1526.
Help free to employers.
WANTED Experienced typewriter and
capable young Dustiness man witn iow Hun
dred dollars, would Invest if inducement
were agreeable In new corporation. Ad
dress Box 116. Elgin, Or.
TWO reliable young men for "Hotel Clerks"
for Montana; must oe rename; rerer
ences" ; salary. $75 month and board.
Address E 710, Oregonian, or Albemarle,
Livingston, Mont.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line to
sell gerreraJ trade in tne West, an unex
celled specialty propoMition. Commissions
with $35 weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio.
month and commission with expenses
w hi le traveling ; m ust invest $.100 ; new
and prosperous corporation. Y 619, Ore
gonian. CITY SOLICITORS, experienced in the sale
of gas aT'ptmiices. Commission basis in
large districts. Appiy Northwest Gas
Equipment Company.
START dyeing, cleaning and pressing es
tablishment; no capital needed ; we tea m
you by mail. Particulars free. Ben
Vonde Co.. Dept 146, Staunton, Va.
SOLICITORS wanted, salary or commission.
Accident and burglary insurance. Answer,
giving experience and qualifications. D
718, Oregonian.
SEWING machine men. If you are looking
for good territory to make money in, write
J. F. Booth, manager. Singer Sewing Mar
chine Co.. Walla Walla.
WANTED Man to work at home making
photographic prints; no canvassing; steady
work; $12 week. Particulars, Photo
graphic Co., West 34th St., New York.
WANTED Man and wife on five acres;
woman to assist in nousewora. Apply to
Mrs. D. N. Twomey, Center station. Take
O. W. P. car.
BRIGHT! young man to learn good busi
ness and sell oiuce gooas to D us mess
houses, -31 Stark st.
WANTED First-class architect" and
draughtsman. Edgar m. juayuras, j.uiv
Board of Trade bldg.
OOOP opening for man with $250; steady
position ; can maxe s-w a nionn; 100a
this up; a snap. 607 Ablngton bldg.
31 AN of neat appearance to solicit mem
bers for our cleaning ana pressing ciud.
309 Stark st.
WANTED Young man that , will work 8
hours day; f2b week; 1jO casn required.
Room 14. 323 Washington.
ANTED Bright office boy. Apply Edgar
M. Lazarus. 1010 Board of Trade bldg.
Apply bet. 9 and 10 o'clock.
WANTED A good painter and paper-hang
er, to go to MCMinnviue. can xirst at
1024 East 6th at. N.
WANTED Coatmaker, $8.50 and up. Steady
Job for good man. U. A. peters, zuw w.
Main, Walla Walla.
SALESMEN wanted for the Spring rush;
hundreds of good openings all over the
country for trained salesmen; our free em
ployment bureau with offices in five cities,
is constantly in touch with thousands of
the best firms in the country; let ns pre
pare you by mail In eight weeks for one
of these high-grade positions; we have
placed hundreds' of our graduates who had
no former experience ae salesmen In good
positions, where they now earn from $100
to as high as $500 a month and expenses.
If you want to enter this great profes
sion, now Is the time to prepare; get ready
for the Spring and- Summer rush. Write
nearest office for our free book, 4A Knight
of the Grip" today. Address Dept. 654,
National Salesman's Training Association.
Chicago, New York. Kansae City, Minne
apolis, San Francisco.
A FIRST-CLASS man wanted to represent a
large Oregon financial institution now en
gaging in a financial busine.s thoroughly
advertised ond of world-wide knowledge;
large income certain to right man. Address
President, 615 Beck big., Portland, Or.
SECURITIES. XV, Oregonian.
RAILWAY MAIL clerke; wanted $S00 first
year; promotion to $1800; examination in
Portland May 15; common .sohool educa
tion sufficient with our coaching. We guar
antee where others promise. Full particu
lars free. Ask for Booklet T. R. Wash
ington Civil tier-vice School, Washington,
D. C.
CIVIL service employes are paid well for easy
work; examinations of all kinds soon; ex
pert advice, sample question s and Book
let 369, describing positions ana teuing easi
est and oulekeat wav to secure them free.
Write now. Washington Civil Service
School, Washington, D. C.
MEN wanted by large Secret Service cor
nnratlnn Kxnerienna unnecessary. Ref
erences reouirnd. Wa Instruct you. furnish
necessary literature and keep In close
touch with you. .write toaay. J ne na
tional Secret Service Co., 277 -Bruneon
bldg., Columbus, Ohio.
A RESIDENT of The Dalles, with $20
cash, can secure an established cash busi
ness paying $125 per month. Only part
time requirea. particulars, see Lnanci
McEwen, Hotel Albert, Tne uaues, Mon
day 10 to 12.
ANYBODY, either sex, can make $4 dally
all year raising mushrooms tor noteis ana
restaurants with my spawn, in cellars,
sheds, boxes, etc. ; free illustrated in
struction booklet, r Hiram Barton, $29
West 48th. New York.
held soon in Portland. Circular tl, giv
ing full particulars as to salaries, posi
tions, dates of examinations, sample ques
tions previously used, etc., sent free by
.National uor. institute, wasnington, u.
WANTFTD I have nosltions for two good.
active, intelligent men;, must come well
lecommended and have some cash to put
up for outfit. J. M. French & Co., 7
commercial Diag., cor. o. ana n iuiuus
ton sts.
WANTED Man; must be willing to learn
and cHpable of acting as our representative;
no canvreing or soliciting; good income
assured. And-ewi Tsational Co-operative
Realty Co., 792 Marden bldg., Washington
D. C.
PRINTER, good, with presses, who wants to
learn Junior Linotype, Eastern uregon
county seat office; wages $12. Reply, stat
ing age, experience, references. A T18,
SALESMEN wanted for a strictly high-grade
specialty proposition ; very profitable and
nleasr.nt for able salesmen : straight com
mission. Boston Piano ft Music Co., 522-40
Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
WANTED Sales agent for valley town;
staple article, permanent position, jjn to
$75 per week; $f00 required to cover bal
ance on consignments. Call at 202 Mar
quam bldg.
WANTED Man to go to Frisco, take charge
of a business that win pay sis to $40 per
week : must invest $350; money is secure;
no scheme. Owner. Address K 712, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced salesmen, by one of
the largest companies or its Kina on mis
Coast; only men of ability and experience
need apply. Call Monday 519-321 Ablng
ton bldg.
WANTED Two energetic, well-dressed
young men for s tea drv position, tall net.
11 and 12 A. M. Sunday. 400 Oregonian
bldg.; also call before 9 A. M. Monday.
EXPERIENCED solicitor and clerk in gro
cery; one speaking -Swedish preferred.
Shaughnessy & Townsend, Archer Place,
Phone Tabor 044.
SALESMAN calling on retailers, to sell Mill
line Dress uoous, flannels, mankets; Pan
trade, on commission ; valuable sldo line.
F. C. Hollmann & Co., Philadelphia.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad te
legraphy; permanent positions when com
petent. Oregon College, 83 5th St., fifth
YOUNG men for railway mall clerks to pre
pare for examination soon; aiout $0 a
month to start. Call o- write for free par
ticulars. Pacific States School. McKay bldg.
WANTED A good advertising solicitor.
lady or gentleman. lor Hon vi lie s western
Monthly. Apply at once, 41i4 Marquam
WANTED Honest man who has $200 to
invest in the motion picture theatre busi
ness; business will make $5 to $10 daily.
Particulars Newman. 293 Burnside.
MORE men of right stamp for Nome dis
trict, good pay, work on ditch, free trans
portation; must have $100. 615 Board of
Trad a.
AGENTS wanted In every county In the
states or Oregon. Washington, $5 to $15
per day, exclusive territory ; machine
every farmer wants. Y fclT, Oregonian.
WANTED Railway mail clerks, $9C0 flr!t
year; examination Portland. May 15.
Preparation free. Write lmmediateiy.
Franklin Institute. Rochester, N. Y.
A FEW more men to make $3S3 monthly.
sparo time, at home. No capital, I guar
antee to show you how. Frank C. Voor
liies. Desk A X, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Few pupils to Join evening class
in study or common branches; 3 months'
term; experienced teacher; rates reason
able. Address Box 73, city.
WANTED Live real estate hustler; pre
vious experience not necessary. a 714,
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers
ana stenograpners. commercial Abstract
Co., 407-&-9 Commercial Club bldg.
MEN can have $2 a day and learn plumb
ing, oricKiaying, plastering , required.
Pacific Trade School, 416 Arcade, Seattle.
TOU WANT work: we want help; costs noth
ing to investigate; mg jire income proposi
tion. Pushing Onward Club, Denver, Colo.
For Men 256 Burnside Street.
Phone Main 5694.
WANTTD Experienced greenhouse men at
Pfunder s greenhouses. Last 40th and Base
Line road.
WANTED Experienced sash man ; must un
derstand cut-up work. Address Klchard
eun & Elmer Co., Seattle, Wash.
12 North 2d st. Both Phones.
WANTED Productive special edition ad
vertising solicitors, call room 409 Com
mercial bldg., Monday noon, March 1.
WANTED Old man to work two or three
hours in the morning, caring for horse and
lawn. etc. ; references. F 629, Oregonian.
STOCK SALESMAN Wanted for city to
follow up advertising campaign; good
commission. Koom 3, Raleigh bldg.
COMPETENT, reliable man and wife for
dairy, truck, poultry and fruit farm, on
shares. AB 655. Oregonian.
MUSICIANS for orchestra; those desiring or
chestra practice, apply today (Sunday), 267
Sherman st, near 3d St., West Side.
MAN to take contract cutting wood and slash
ing brush. Call or addresp Room 10, Done
gan bldg., Vancouver, Wash.
ADVERTISING solicitors wanted: best pay;
best publication. 419 Board of Trade bldg.
A BOY would like to work In country and
go to school. AD 619, Oregonian.
WANTED A few men as demonstrators and
solicitors. Call at once, 62 6th st.
BOY wanted to learn trade. Apply 271 &
Morrison St.. room B.
MAN for ranch work and gardening. Smith,
East 27th and Killings worth ave.
DUCEItS Times are not eo hard but thai
you can make from $5 to $10 a day sell
ing our great, new proposition: Library of
the World's Great Mystery and Detective
Stories v6 vols.), the Review of Reviews
($3) and $1000 free accident policy for one
year; all for $7.50 on easy terms; other
fine sellers, too. A call Is worth your
CO., 318 Flledner bldg. Ask for O'Connor.
WANTED Tallymen for sawmill, must be all
around man, $65 and board; 3 bridge car
penters, $3, city; 3buckera, $2.75; 2 rigging
lingers, $3, board $4.50; farm hande, $25
and $30 and found; tiemakers for long job
In good second-growth fir timber, 12 cts. per
tie ; 6 to 10 laborers in city for Monday
A. M. C. R. Hansen Jr. Employment Of
fice. No., 26 N. 2d st.
ARE you buying, selling or trading? See us.
We are In everything, real estate, business
chances, rooming-houses, timber, farms,
mortgages. Inventions, loans and all en
terprises of legitimate commercial value.
List your wants. City Business Exchange,
A. B. Whitty, Mgr., 215 Commercial
block. Main 6384, A 2384.
Millwright, blacksmith, edgerman,
Til.iner feeder. mill hnndn. vard men.
farm hand. Eastern Oregon; largo list of
other jobs too numerous to mention nere.
Office open Sunday 10:30 to l . M.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St
WOULD communicate with good reliable
baker with $500 to $700 to invest as part
ner with me in an old-established bakery
and coffee-house: must be capable of tak
ing entire charge of bakeshop; good oppor
tunity. Phone B 1301 or address AD
WANTED Good, live, energetic man to so
licit and build up fire insurance business
on commission basis; fine opportunity for
the right man; must have best of refer
, ences. Strong & Company, Financial
agents, 605 Concord bldg.
WANTED Middle-aged man and wife who
will rent worklngmen's rooming-house:
all furnished; good proposition to right
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
WANTED Younr man 25 to SO. single.
some experience in collecting; references
ana bona required: salary to start s.-'n
per day; chance for advancement. Call
toaay. room 4lo oregonian Diag.
I HAVE an estahlinhed cash business In
Salem paying $150 per month, which re
quires but a few hours time daily; $300
will handle it. See H. W. Dickenson,
Willamette Hotel. Monday 10 to 12.
ETXPERIENvED advertising solicitors. Great
Eastern Number Mt. Angel Magazine,
Benedictine Fathers, publishers. 603 Good-
nough bldg., lo.OOO copies guaranteed.
CASH business paving $125 per month be
side large profits; $750 required. If you
have the money I can show you. Call
Monday, 10 to 12, 209 Commonwealth bldg.
ADVANCE man at once, for dramatic road
company; small capital required; no
trifiers need apply. Address B 72S, Ore
BOX OFFICE man immediately, for dra
matic road company; no trifiers need ap
ply. Address AC 567, Oregoniaa.
BXPERIF.NCED advertising solicitors; be
proposition In Northwest. Addreesi, with ex
perience, N 724, Oregonian.
WANTED Young man of neat appearance
with $L'W as partner in real estate Dull
ness. 326H Washington st., room 414.
MAN with $50 take Interest In money-mak
ing business; Rose City Hotel, 6th and
Manaers, Koom 12. t;au today.
YOUNG man as porter In family hotel,
tioard and room Included. Apply Monday,
.Alexandria Court. 53 Ella st.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer and typewriter
or gooa cnaraeter, tor out ol city position.
N 728. Oregonian.
LADY with business ability wanting to learn
stenography and who would appreciate a
good position, af 6W, oregonian.
TO EXCHANGE Dental work for carpenter
worK and caDinet work. nz.
We have a large number of situations
for Monday morning, including cooks,
waitresses. chambermaids. camp wait
resses, dish washers, housekeepers, house
girls, etc.. etc.
Call early and get your pick.
Dept. 205 H Morrison St.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and genera!
housework, German preferred. Apply
mornings. 809 Lovejoy st. Phone Main
2!29. A 4940.
DRESSMAKER Must be able to fit, cut.
manage and superintend, R 707, Orego
nian. SHIRTMAKERS Thoroughly competent, on
high-grade shirts. Jacobs bnlrt Co., zuife
HOM E for gfrl, 1 2, wh ere she can assist
with light work ana at ten a scnooi. ahj
662, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED person to make cross-stitch
initials and embroider monograms on
shirt?. Jacobs Shirt Co., 291 14 Stark.
TH REE teachers, city and rural, $50 and
510 per month. Call Monday, don t phone.
012 Swetland bldg.
HEALTHY wet nurse, in city, moderate fee;
state terms and address ior interview, a.
720 Oregonian.
WANT cook housekeeper to go to Idaho
mines, z 10 tu; pay can iu 10 z
today. 291 14 Morrison, room 3.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; German or Swedish preferred. Call
154 S. 18th.
WANTED Elderly lady companion for sick
ly lady, room ana Doara. y. tni, urego
jiian. AT ON'"B, in private boarding-house, girl
for kitchen work, inquire 77 west pars:
LADY assistant for vaudeville magical act,
w experience unnecessary. Address S 734.
WANTED Competent typewriter operator.
Clackamas Tine to., 010 unamoer com-
GIRL for general housework, 712 Flanders,
cor. xa. can mornings. .f none Main
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages, 1025 Raleigh.
GI RL for second work, mending and plain
sewing. 690 landers st.
WANTED A few ladles as demonstrators
and solicitors. Call at once, 62 6th st.
WANTED A good woman to do light Jan
itor work. Apply 374 Third street.
APPRENTICE girls wanted, learn millin
ery. 403 Morrison st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
three in family. 148 2itn st.
JANITRESS wanted. Apply head janitor
Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington.
WANTED Girl for general housework, easy
place, no washing. SOS East 12th North.
WANTED Waitress today at 287 4 Alder
GIRL for general foousework. Call 43T E.
16th st. North, Irvington car.
WANTHD Girl for general housework. 692
Hancock St., Irvington.
THOROUGH course of millinery taught In 6
weeks; terms reasonable. 147 11th st.
SECOND girl, 777 Flanders st. Main 2528,
A 2528.
sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington,
GIRL to assist with general housework. 682
Schuyler st. Phone East 1984.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
wages. SOI N. 10th St.
GIRL for general houeework; small family;
good wages. 586 Tillamook st.
265 14th St.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 434 Salmon st. References required.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 610
Spring st., Portland Heights.
GIRL wanted for general housework; small
family. 625 E. Ankeny st.
APPRENTICE in dressmaking shop. Room
2S. The oneonta. 17 Yamhill.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. 7S9 Kearney.
GIRL for housework, family of 2. good
wages. 522 Tillamook st., Irvington.
WANTED Girl for dining-room at 225 11th.
WANTED Chambermaid at 204 Madison.
GIRLS 16 to 18 years of age to work in fac
tory. Apply at once. Ames Harris Neville
Co., 5th and Davis st.
3431-3 Washington st.
5 factory girls $1 day.
2 laundry girls, $1.10 a day.
Nursegirl, $30.
Housekeeper (city), $25.
Housekeeper, country, $18.
Kitchen helper, $18 and $20.
Waitress, $20 and $25.
Chambermaid, $25.
Cook (country), $35.
8 family cooks, $30; 8 housegirls and girls
to assist.
6 ALES LA DIES for ladies' Suits Our palace
of style largest and most magnificent
shop in the West for ladies' apparel, opens
March 15. We have splendid positions for
the very best and most experienced sales
ladles of recognized ability. None others
need apply. Applications received in per
son at our Market-street store, San Fran
cisco. S- N. Wood & Co.
Cooks, $35 and $40 month : family
cooks, $30 and $35; girl for housework,
country, $30 and $U5; 2 housekeepers,
country, $15 and $18 ; waitresses, city,
$20 and $25; country, $25; kitchen helpers
and second girls. $26 Washington st.,
room 307.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis.
YOUNG girl for light housework; no wash
ing; German or Swedish preferred; good
home for right party. CaU all day, Sun
day or Tueaday, between 10 and 2 o'clock.
200 16th BU North.
Good position for thoroughly experi
enced and first-class fitters; none other
need apply.
LADY or gentleman with $3000. with or
without services, can secure good paying
interest In old reliable firm. Money pro
tected to suit investor. An opportunity
worth investigation. C 716, Oregonian.
WANTED Agent in every city to sell Opal
cream, 2Pc, for hands and face; liver
beans, 25c, for the liver; samples free;
good profit; bonus. Address room 314,
607 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal.
$2.00 PER DAY paid to one lady in each
town to distribute free circulars and take
orders for Concentrated Flavoring in
tubes. Permanent position. J. S. Zieg
ler Co., Chicago. 111.
GIRLS wanted, not under 16 years, for cir
cular folding. Apply bindery Kilham Sta
tionery & Printing Company, -6th and Oak
streets, Monday morning.
GIRL for housework, family of three: mut
bo thoroughly competent and first-class
cook; call before 1 o clock, apartment o,
600 Flandors.
WILL pay you liberally for your spare time;
no canvassing. rite, own nana writing,
giving prst-nt employment, addiess. tele
phone and references, AB 658, Oregonian.
S43H Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Women for general housework
three adults; no washing; must be gmd
cook; references required. Apply Monday,
Main 5945; 370 Park st.
YOUNG lady stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper, an owner of a typewriter;
state salary wanted, and former experi
ence. AF 654, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework. Must be good
cook. 5Ki Rodney avenue, cor. Knott st.
Take "U" car. walk one block. Mrs.
George E. Johnson.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family; German, Swedish or Danish
preferred. 362 East 30th st. Telephone
Tabor 588.
WANTED Young ladies to learn millinery;
pmall pay while learning; come Monday.
Mr. A. R. Rafferty. cor. E. Morrison and
Union ave.
BY young married couple, no children ;
lady to do light housekeeping; small
house. 1082 East 13th st. N., near Al
berta. WANTED Woman to do housework, 4
miles out; no objection to a cnnu.
today at 524 N. 24th St., bet. 10 A. M. to
12; end 23d-st. car.
GIRL to assist in general housework, small
family. Call 437 East I6tn st. iMortn, irv
ington car.
NURHEGIRL to assist with the care of two
children. Call 4i7 East lUth St. iNOrtn,
Irvington car.
GOOD girl for general housework and cook
ing; small ramny; t-weaisn, imnisn, ur
man preferred. 673 E. Madison, cor. 14th.
WANTED Lady with ref rences; position In
office or one of responsibility ; salary rea
sonable. A 3219 or N 723, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady solicitors to get prospects.
I do the selling; salary and commission;
give phone number. A C 551, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girls to make shirts
and overaiip; also gins in trimming de
partment. 75 First st.
326 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Girl to assist with two children
and. housework in exchange for good
home. Woodlawn 1985.
Ladles' Department. 205 hi Morrison st.
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
313 H Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs
Phone Main 2192.
TWO competent girls, cook and second
work, in the same family ; gooa wages.
G 717, Oregonian.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over-
shirts. Apply Standard Factory 2so. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
A NEAT, refined young girl for manicuring
and hair dressing. Apply 411 Flledner
MADAM JCLIUNNE Up-to-date milliner; or
der work epeclslty; remodeling and trim
ming; wire frames; 60 cents. 147 nth.
EXPERIENCED tailoress to put linings in la
dies jacl:etfc 429 Washington. J. Iv. stern,
Ladies' Tailor.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
laundry work. Phone Main zuiu, A lirjj.
Answer Monday.
A GIRL for general boueework; must be
good cook; family or two. loo isortn itn
st, corner Johnson.
WANTED Wide-awake woman for position
of responsibility; nurse preterreu. to
lN experienced girl for general housework;
three In family; wages $25. 5S4 East
WANTED Experienced trimmer for men's
hats. Apply 249 Aider st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re-
WANTED Five energetic lady or gentlemen
solicitors for Portland; no houpe-to-houe
canvassing; permanent and good-paying po
sition. A. B. Norton, state manager, 2d
floor entrance, 6O0 Alder st.
. 1
WANTED Neat-appeartng boys and girls,
over 14 years, to represent us In all parts
of-Portland; work after school and Sat
urdays. Apply after 4 o'clock at 1507 B.
13th st., Sellwood, phone Sellwood 905.
MAN or woman to take over a home cor
respondence business paying $75 a month;
must have $200 and a typewriter. A D
614. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED marker and distributor;
man preferred. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand
ave. and East Salmon st.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th;
$5 for term of 3 months to beginners. In
classes of 2. Students' entrance on 13th st.
FINE Income, correspond for press er write
stories; easy to learn. Send for booklet.
Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
SHORTHAND and typewriting taught by
expert, $5 month. 269 14th near Jeffer
son. WANTED Apprentices and helpers for
dressmaking, at once. 49 N. 20th st.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers
now. 6x2 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 4871
FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes, $1 per
month to beginners, 452 Morrison.
- Bookkeeper and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER and general office msu,
wide experience in agricultural implement,
machinery and kindred lines, manufactur
ing and jobbing, open for engagement with
responsible, progressive house; familiar
wKh ail details accounting, shipments,
consignments, etc. Thoroughly experi
enced in contract work, adjusting ac
counts, handling collections and corres
pondence, familiar with rules pertaining
to contracts, sales, agency and collateral
branches: reference, former employers.
C 715, Oregonian.
6 DAYS' TRIAL I am willing to lake all
the risk; will work for you one week
without charge; if you decide to keep me
will work for very moderate salary, ae
curding to worth and ability: desire posi
tion as assistant, under a competent book
keeper; have studied bookkeeping thor
oughly at home evenings, but have had
no practical experience, hence this of
fer; am young man of good habits and
w ill furnish best of references. L 70H,
HARDWARE and stove man, experienced
salesman and buyer, capable of taking
charge of store, desires permanent posi
tion ; can gi ve best of reference. A 712,
POSITION wanted by competent young
man willing to do any clean work : can
keep books: best of references. Addres
U. N. M., 295 Alder st. Phone Main 75,
between 8 and 11 A. M. or 2 and 6 P. M.
CLERK, assistant bookkeeper, stenograph
er. Underwood typewriter, wants position
city or country: railroad construction, en
gineering, newspaper experience; $85
monthly; no agents. D 719. Oregonian.
WANTED A position by a young man hav
ing fair business education, can keep
books, collect, shipping, receiving or che"le
clerk; no objection to leaving city. Ad
dress C 693. oregonian.
BRIGHT young man with 5 years' office ex-
perience, good stenographer, wants posl-i
tion with wholesale or commission house ij
moderate wages to start. A 719, Ore- j
gonjan. (
YOUNG man, good stenographer and genemfj
oft ice man, wants position in fire insure J .
ance llr.e to learn business; wages to starts;
no objeot. 0 711, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and office manager. 8 years'
exparience. age 40, wants connection wltbJ
good house; references. AD 696, Orego-1
WANTED Situation in general merchan-
dine store; 12 years' x perience; country
preferred ; best references. N. S. Berg,
Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer;
general office man, aged 3rt, city refer-
ences, must have employment Immedl'
ately. 1030 Grand ave., N.
DRUG CLERK, registered manager, 20J
years experience, wants permanent post-
tion In good place ; best Eastern refer-
ences. G 720. Oregon iHn.
UP-TO-DATE Boston shoe salesman and
buyer wants position ; country town pre
ferred. B 716, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN 24. with high school educa
tion, desires any insidn position; very
good at figures. Sell wood 1325.
FIRST-CLASS hotel clerk or manager, goot
addre.-, wants position; moderate salary. O
718. Oregonian.
WANTED, by American, 27 years old. mem
ber of M assachusetts Bar since .1103. op
portunity 011 Willamette Valley farm, to
-arn practical business method handling
dairy cows, sheeift hogs, poultry and rais
ing forage crops: Fair wages. D 715,
WANTED By an elderly man, a situation
as porter in a wholesale or retail houie.
dry goods, groceries or hotel, or s watch
man, night or day; strictly sober and re
liable; understands steam heat; city refer
ence. A 721, Oregonian.
FI I :ST-CLASS window trimmer. 12 years
expcrUnce. would likv to make change)
at once; ha ve best of references as to
ork and character; prefer d epartnv'iit
store work: can do show card writing.
Address AC 56&, Oregonian.
DO you ned a Chicago representative? Sell
ing, buying, freight assembling. dis
tributing, in tonna tion obtained, collections,
payments, etc. P. WT. White. 1828 Reta
st., Chicago.
PLUMBER Middle-aged man wants steady
position with practical plumber; 3 years'
experience as helper; not afraid of work;
good references. VV. W. Howett, box 285,
New berg. Or.
MAN and wife would take charge of dining
room In city or country hotel, or would
take entire charge of hotel during own
er's absence; competent, experienced. AD
627. Oregonian.
AM PROFICIENT in running any size fruit
farm, or of laying out and planting same:
anywhere in Northern Oregon or State of
Washington; six years in last position;
married. B 714, Oregonian.
POSITION by young man, big and healthy,
not afraid of hard or dangerous work, of
good education and appearance, prepared
to leave city or, country; city references.
J 723, Oregonian.
POSITION as foreman and manager b
practical farmer, understands Irrigation
and feeding stock for market. D 6S9, Ore
gonian. MACHINIST 2u years experience construct
tion- and repairs, steady, reliable, first-
class references. Address Scot, D 71 1
MARRIED man. aged 40, as real estat
salesman. 1 can show and sell farm or
orchard land : also understand running;
and care of automobile. A 711, Oregonian
YOUNG married man wants position, has)
had 2 years' experience in on ice worh ;
can give good references. K 71-4, Ore-
CIRCULAR sawyer and general millman de
sires position; aide to file and take cars
of fcaws; best of references. B 710, Ore-
FIRST-CLASS cook (married) wishes post
tion In restaurant or large camp; references
E. Kircher, 42S Stark st.
HANDY, reliable Ja paneire wants work f e if
hours evenings; best city references. 0(
722. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants any kind of
inside work; well educated. N 713, Ore-
TRAP drummer wants position with band of)
orchestra, experienced m dance and con
cert work. O 724, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position ae dishwasher is
a boardiiig-hoiiiao or hotel, city or country,
M 719, Oregonian.
SWEDE, 25, one year in country, wishes
job inside, good habits and steady. N 72'J
ELDERLY MAN wants work of any kind,
inside or outside; wages moderate. AF
6.0 7. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced engineer, capa
hie of installing, repairing plant, wishes
position. Address D 714. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS patternmaker from the East
wishes position at once. Address 1024
East 0th. Phone Woodlawn 1576.
FIRST-CLASS planerman or stlckerrnan
wishes position: S years' experience.
Phone East 1007.
FIRST-CLASS man wishes pncltlon handling
stallion for season; references. J 716,
Or? gonlan.
EXPERIENCED gents' furnishing salesman,
and window trimmer wishes employ men V
Y 629. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with god rcfrencs desires1
p.vttion as chauffeur in private family. Ad
dress K. t;i2, Oregon km.
CITY salesman calling on grocery trade wants)
side line. Y 634. Oregonian.
TWO ft ret-class painters want work by day
or contract. R 697. Oregonian.
BLACKSMITH wants work in logging camp,
AC 6."'8, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS all-around machine or logging;
camp blacksmith. AI 615. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Fine thoroughbred B. P. R,
coekereiff. Torgler. 210 E. 21st.
JAPANESE BOY want situation. Address
M., 51 X. 4th St., city.
YOUNG Japanese boy wjshes position aa
schoolboy. AE 630. Oregonian.
CARPENTER, firPt class, active man, worth,
his money. C 717. Oregonian.
HOUSECLE ANING by day or hour a pe-
cialty; city reference. Main 3903.
JAPANESE crew wants millyard, shovel
work, or any kind. O 630, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boj wants a position as school
boy. I. 718. Oregonian.
FOR paperhanglng and tinting and paint
ins phone Ea-st 1025. C. N. ijardy.
WANTED WTk of any kind by steady mar
ried man; references. H 720, Oregoniaa,