. SOME OK (M'R CLARK COL'N'TT BACOAINS. acrws, bPt of oii, acres under koov tate of cultivation, balance in fine green timber. 5 crs fenced chicken HkM. new modern -room cottage with flreulnca. good rustic barn, chicken houses, fruit hours, etc, lt bearing fruit trees of as sorted fruits, go-id well, telephone and K. F. D. service. In pood neighborhood and 4 mile from Vancouver, on good road ; bargain fr $3oW; 2ltM cash, balance to uit purchaser. SO cres. ll miles from thia city; 2j acres under cultivation, new 5-room yiue. barn 52x'-. and all other necessary outbuildings, a miles from railroad town. 2, miies from church and 1 mile from f;n srraded school in excellent neighborhood. Inmily orchard of aarted fruits, 2.04M.00 feet of exi-elient saw timber. team of inulea, hart.ew, wason. cow, heifer, 2 calves, n tons of hay and some small tools; price $4o. $140 cash, balance can stand 2 or i years. 12 nTr. i0 acres under fine state of cu'tl vat ion. ba'ance very easily cleared, ti-rooni houe. new bam and other neces sary outbuildings, family orchard, living stream and fine well. 10 miles from Van couver. 1 -j miles from country town, church, stores, shops, etc., 1 mile from enrol. In good community, team and Z -olLs coming 3 this Poring, 8 head of cat tle, some hog, chickens, wagon, harness, TifnJc. buggy, plow, harrow-, cultivator, na v- and crain hand ; pric if sold at one -rtoO. $:;o cash balance Jt or 5 year p-r cent interest. Owner too old to tV cara of place and is offering a bargain. THOMPPnv PWAV. Citizens' National Bank Bid., Vancouver, Wash. ONLY $!T!V TEH ACTtK. An Kaitern Oregon ranch of 1V-0 aeree; goo acnes lirxt-clnss bottom land, all In high staf e of cultivation ; perfct water right, all Irrigated: balance fa grazing land, well watered and fenced; there is a larg orchard. In splendid condition, p plea, cherries, plums, pmnea. peaches, pears and all kinds of small fruit In great abundance; splendid 8 -room house: clos e's, pantry, bathroom and water system piped all through the house; also B-room ranch -bouse. chicken-house. Icehouse, smokehouse, bimkhouse, blacksmith shop, completely fitted with tools; 4 fine wells: In fact everything that makes a flrat-clasa place. This price Includes all machinery, bamesaes, wagons, work horses, cows, etc.. and Is one o? the arreateat bargain that haa ever been offered. Come In and let us tell you more about It before It ia too late. IDK-MTARTHT LAND COM PA NT. Stl-314 Ablngton Bid. TWO LITTI.K FARMS. Oie of them contains 20 acres. 10 tn cultivation. 6 In atump pasture and 4 In timber; nl little spring brook across one end: a g"od -room house. gxxi bum. chicken-bouses and yards: plenty of fruit fnr' family use: valued at S-.'lOO. and a g.ir-d buy at that price. The other one oontai 40 ares ami adjolna the above; 9$ acrea under cultivation, the balance timber and pasture; a fair 7-room box house, barn and all other outbuildings; wei and running water, a good large or chard and m fairly g-d condition; this tract la a good buy at 300; terms !f de !red. Both piacej ar only two mllea from god town and market and only 34 mil's from Portland. Geo. W, Turner. 416-17 RothchtJd bids. IN FEAUTIFtX CTTF1TALEM VALI.ET 11 ACRES. Splendid soil, lies tine. C acres orchard: house, barn, etc.; 10 minutes' drive out of New berg on good grave road; R. F. I. and phone line; onlv $1250; easy terms. 7 a:rks. 15 m inutes drive out of Newberg. on aplendld gravel ro.id; R. F. IX and phone line; fine, rich soil; watere-i by creek, and well: 5 acres In high ftate of cultivation: 8 acres good bearing 'orchard ; near fruit cannery; 3-room house, barn, 3 cbJcken houees; prico $1SoO: term. CAPONAli & DURHAM. 270 Washington at.. Room 1. rOR SALE Or will traile for suburban I .'roper ty In Portland, ten-acre tract on t'hehaleni Mountain, one mile north of Sprliigbrook. Yamhill Co. One mile from cannery, school and church; good hou.e chicken-house and barn: some young fruit tree?, about 2M)fl Cold-dollar strawberries, blackcap raspberries and good warden ground. Soil a deep sandy loom, fine for early garden as it Is above the frost line; god pasture, plenty of wood, both fir anrl oak; two large pprlngn, water can be piped to the ltoue at small expense. Thia prop erty I among the famous cherry orchards. Price $16m0. or property of like value. V. U. Go.; land. Springbrook. Or. yOT'R acrea on Base Line road. H mile of town, level land and under cultivation; 8 room house, barn and other outbuildings; orchard. oi00 strawberries, 5lK dewber ries, lOOO gooseberries. Price. J2000. ft acres. X mite from Forest Grove, on base line road. 30 rods of S. P. and elec tric R. R. station; young orchard; 7-room house, painted and plastered; barn 32 feet square; a snap at fLMOO. Terms. Town lots, town property, acrea ire Im proved and unimproved, farms all sizes and prices from $lUOO to $20,000. Call and aeo un or write your wants. ROSWURM &. CO.. Forest Grove. Or. $S0"0 SNAP. For sa!e or trade for city property, 21 acre. 20 of which Ls In prunes; one of the finest orchards In the country, with $f000 worth of Improvements; splendid aetghbor hood. near Portland. A GOOD BUY, SKT00. 1 20 acres. 70 acres cleared ; about fWO cords of wood cut. ready for market: tim ber enough to cut Rot) cords more; 1 'i to R. R. station. 2-hour service; 2 team of good horses, all necessary farm bnilolngs. FRBt C. KIXG. A06 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. st. ftFIVRtfT dairy farm In Oregon; 200 acres, half In cultivation; r.ear Woodburn, 25 miles from Portland, elation on place; fine deen black soil, no gravei; two fine cwlat through place; all level land, good drain age; to waste or wet land; loG acres of fl ne 1 1 mber. 7-room house, barn. 2 hop- houses, sidetrack In to farm. with, ware hou.a; one mile to college and high school, on mile to church and creamery; $65 per acre; terms 4 years, 6 per cent; will sell half of this farm. THK CROSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 70t Corbet t Bldg. CANNOT BE D1TPLICATKD. 117 acres. 30 acres tinder cultivation, enomjli timber on the place to pay for it, creek and springs, good 4 -room house, barn Puv50 and otlr outbuildings; I fam of horses, $ head cattle. 2 wagons. 2 sts harness, plow, harrow, mower, rake and all farm tools. 4 miles from good Jl. R. station and boatlamllng. 20 miles from .Portland; price $t0t0: 3000 cash, balance to sutt at 6 per cent. CHITTENDEN Jk OTTO, Stark St.. Room 17. -10- ACRE FARM. SALEM ELECTRIC CAJtLlXE. 40 acres of :he finest land In Marion County, mile from station on Sa 1cm electric carllne. about 15 miles from Port land; SO acre under high state of cultiva tion 10 acres light clearing, trniall house, good bam, hophouse and dryer on place; alo large spring, woven wire fence around entire farm; price .."oo. terms. UEVM.V A PIPEBACGH. Mn-511-512 Swetland Bldg. II8-ACRE farm at Stiver, SO miles south of Portland on the West Side branch : Sno acrea under plow, balance in oak; R. R. runs through land; ' I modern 7-rjom bungalow and a i-room cottage on prop eity; barn, windmill, tower, tank, out buildings, etc. In first-class shape; horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, etc for sale; owner Is a business man who la tlrd of ranch life. Address owner. A. J. Paul, Suver, or.. Polk County. FARMERS AND HOMES SEKERS. If you want the best value for your money in choice farm land any sine or kind, do not fall to Investigate our large list of farm bargains throughout the Northwest: can place paor and rich according to their means. F. KLTHS, 221 fi Mjrrtson Street TO IS 19 A FINE BUY. 30 acre, located n mile from the Salem Electric, 7 miles out; a fine modern 5-room bou and good barn on the land, beside chlcken-hou s; 1 acre. i clear, the bal ance mostly In timber; big bargain if takea at once. AE M2. Oregonian. THE very beat dairy ranch In the state of Oregon; present owner made a fortune on It: t.4' acres, within 14 mile of port land: 4 barn?, fine lO-rooiu house and windmill; well-built, strong dock: rbh oil: almost all cleared. Jind Jk Co., 329 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. 244 ACRES, whole or part: easily watered: 7ft m i 'e above Da lln: cap! t 1 fruit, berry or a.falfa land: 3 week earlier than Hood River: steambotj at your door; on O. R. N. R. R., North Bank road across river; easy t-rms. Address, owner. 72V Clackamas ave,. Por'.lacd. Or. IARK ym looking .for a farm? If so. call and ee ue. W e have farms for sale In Yain hll. Multnomah, Washington and Marion counties. HAR ALA STEVEXTON, 7K&4 MisJdSBtppl ave. Phone. Wood lawn tiSl. JttiOO. Farmers see this bargain : srea rich, lev! land. IT acres in culrhation; Ik miles out. on good v road; 3 miles to Sherwood. Jt. T. ABsTEIX. 1025 Board of Trade Bide. CHf'K'KN ranch with one acre younr oe rhurd, gra.pe and ?m'l frut. close to town; price eZoOtX, K COO, Oregonlaa. WE GUARANTEE THESE A3 REPRE SENTED. 0 acrea very richest bottom land: no stone or gravel; perfectly level, thoroughly drained and tiled; 73 acrea highly culti vated. 7 acrea fine saw timber, 6 acres bearing orchard; extra good house. 2 splendid barns, ever-running creek and 2 springs; faces on 2 good country roads; R. K. D. and creamery route; 10 head beet registered Jersey cows, 1 registered Jersey bull, chickens, hogs, 40 tons of hav. hack, wagon, harness, all machinery and tools; new J2.VH) fruit dryer, complete; cream separator. Including boiler and en gine; 4 mile to R. R. town, church and school. Price 10,0O0; $300 down, long time on balance: (above farm could pay for Itself In a few years.) A MONEY-MAKING FARM. 1.13-acre farm: very best of deep, rich soli; 75 acres highly cultivated. GO acrea rich river-bottom land. 30 acres elegant onk and fir timber. 25 acres seeded to vetch and oata. 2 acres bearing orchard; 7-room house; barn and outbuildings. In very best of shape; ever-running creek through farm: also Included 14 cows, 4 heifer calves. 10 bogs. SO chickens. 3 good horses, harness. 100 bu. oats. 1 wagon. 2 buggies, drill, mower, rake, binder, plows, etc.: close to school and 2 miles from R. R. and town; price $8000; $4500 down, balance long time. ROSE CITY REALTY Jt INVEST. CO.. Rooms M 5-510 Lumber Ex.. 2d and Stark. A SPLENDID FARM BUY. B0 acres fronting on the Willamette River; noarly all in cultivation ; nearly all level; all fenced; good 9-roora house, barn, granary; very best soil (sandy loam); will produce anything that will mature In this climate; especially adapted to peaches; has several acres of straw berries and other fruit; has boatlanding ; Is only S miles from Canby; a good. .'Ive little city; on splendid road; can be traveled at any time of year; It Is one of the choicest pieces of ground In the Willamette Valley. Price. $7500; t.rms, half cash. $;U0 a year for the first 4 years; balance In & years at S per cent. One of the choicest S 0-acre tracts In Clackamas County; 1 mile from town, railroad and boatlandlng; land all level: 70 acres under cultivation. 3 acres of good timber, watered by spring and two wells about 76 bearing fruit trees, good J -room house, barn 76x7 S; price $9S4o; t cash, balance at per cent ; with atock and implements, of which there ia a full line, prioe $!0.ono, same terms. OTTO 4k HARKSON, 133 is First St. HERE ARE SOME FARMS THAT WILL PUT FARMERS TO THINKING. AND THE WISE ONES WILL BUY. 40 acres close to Willamina. 7 miles from town; 11.000.000 ft. of saw tlmb?r; itiM.000 feet of plHng; 100. acres of land nice and Ivel bottom land cleared, with a reasonably good house and large barn; price $17 per acre. S3 acres of good farming land, slightly rolling; fenced and cross-fenced Into 5 fluids; highly improved; 2 houses, 2 barns; price $4&oo with the following personal property; $ cows, 2 calves. 2 horses, cream separator, 2 plows, a sprinir wagon or hack, a farm wagon, etc. ; place is near Monmouth. Or. 24 acres: If bought right away will sell for $110 per acre; It lies Immediately between Oranco and Witch Haaol, joins both towns; Rock Creek Is the north line of the place: a small house and barn; 10 acres cleared. You can't buy the ad Joining land for less than $200 an acre. TUB DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 243 Alder Street. BBAVF.RTON BARGAINS. a-re.s. all In high state of cultiva tion; good house and barn nnd other farm building.; stock, crop and Implements; on good county read, R. F. D. and mi!k route; close to scNo! and electric line; price $72u; 2tH)n cash, balance your own time at 6 per cent. ft acres, near- electric 11ns station; all In high otata of cultivation; running water; no buildings; price $2000, $800 cash, bal ance your own terms. We have what you want. Come and see us. THE STR0T7D-FRY COMPANY, 519 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland and' Beaverton, Or. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS. 16 acres, 6 In cultivation, baiance pas ture, some good timber, orchard. 8-room. houee, splendid barn 24x40, near Forest Grove; $2100. 20 acres, 6 cultivation and In orchard of SO Ring cherries. 150 Royal Ann, some peaches and walnuts. 6 acres pasture, bal ance timber, etc.; 20.000 new lumber goes with place; only $1800. 5 acres level land, in cultivation, orchard; B-room cottage, barn 20x36, other outbuild ings; Vi mile from college, school and For est -Grove; $2500, cash. - DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington bldg., room 3. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. 120 acres 5 miles back of Lyle. on good county road, adjoins good bearing orch ard; $30 per acre If taken at once; owner needs money. Also 40 acres 4.Va miles from Lyle for S3A per acre. Land In this vlclnitv selling for $50 per acre. MANCHESTER & WILSON, 247 Stark at. 15 ACRES, all good level land, close to O. W. P. Rjr. and store; considerable plowed, Teady to plant; running water; a goon p:ae and cheap; $1500; good for few days only. 6 and 10-a ere tracts at Curt Is s, Boring and Barton; good terms. Good properties In large and small quan tities all along the line and In the city. List your property with us for square deaiing and quick returns. O. W. P. LAND CO.. Waiting-room, 1st and Alder. SNAP LOOK, READ. lf.0 acres -hop and dairy ranch; one of the bee farms in the Valley, close to Port land; 50 acres plowed, 40 ash, oak and fir timber: 70 in fine pasture and fenced In five fields; good orchard, 2 houses. 2 barns and other outbuildings; 7 acres of fine hops, good hophouee: 4 mile to school. 3 miles to railroad; $.12.50 an acre buys it if taken this week; here is a chance for some one to make some money. Call Lincoln County InveOTent Co., room 301, 288 Wash. st. CLARK COUNTY. SSI acres. 7 miles from this city. IS acres tinder fine state of cultivation, 7 acres flue green timber, 4-room house, good barn and all other necessary out buildings, fine orchard of assorted fruits, i, mile from school, mile from store, in excellent neighborhood, including 3 fine milch cows. 4 shoats, all maU tools, etc. Price $3r0O: terms if desired. THOMPSON A SWAN. Citizens' National Rank bldg, Vancouver, Wash. 130 ACRES. 60 acres under cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, all fenced, good new 11 -room house, hot and cold water in bouse, good barn and outbuildings. 3 or chards In good condition; 3 miles from R. R. station and boatlandlng; 1 mile to school. 20 miles from Portland: price 313, 600; rt cash, balance terms A per cent. CHITTENDKN OTTO. 23 Stark St.. Room 17. 27 ACRES of choice land, all set out to a good variety of English walnuts, 3 years o:d and growing nlce!y: deep rich soil up the Valley. mile from station and boat . landing: price $.1000. 44i acres of red hill land. the cholceM walnut and fruit land in Oregon, all In cultivation: near the famous Dundee wal rnt farm; price $00 per acre. W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. 2700-ACRE stock ranch in Wheeler County. Oregon, well improved: 400 acres under cultivation, 100 well Irrigated bottom land, 600 acres best quality timber, baiance best of pasture: 220O head good sheep, horses, cattle, farm Implements', orchard, berries, etc.; 2' miles good town. Raines A Co., 721 Board of Trade. GOVERNMENT farms frea. Our 112-page book "Vacant Government Land" de scribes every acre In every county In U. S. How secured free. 1909 diagrams and tables. All about free Irrigated farms. Price 27c, postpaid. Webb Pub. Co.. Dept. 271. St. Paul, Minn. 15 ACRES southwest of Gresham. near Es tacada car line, mostly all In fruit end berries: good house, two large bams, place will pay for Itpelf in a few years; $470l If sold soon; terms. Fred Broetjl, Mt. Ta bor. Or. 40 ACRES near Dufur: 20 acres in choice ap ples; witer for Irrigation; sood. rich bot tom land; $6500 or will exchange for city property. DUFl'R REALTY CO., 802 Corbett Bldg. 411 "tES. 50 In cultivation: good buildings, gi. id lies good. fine, soil; enough timber to pay for the place; $40 pel" acre, or will sell In smaller tracts- at different prices; terms: 4 miles from Orjgon City. E. H. Cooi-er Co.. Oregon City. THK best bargain In an 80-acre tract in the Willamette Valley; 40 acres cultivated: 10 acres In walmits. apples: new S-room house; price- J"S0n; s?AO0 will handle this. I H WE acres under Carey act. best land In state, free water, only S.tS per acre.. Taos. McCusker. 205 Couch, bids. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS SOME SAMPLES: LIFE'S OPPORTUNITY. 15C acres, nearly all cleared off ana over 70 In cultivation; on a good roaa. less than mile to school, stores and. cheese factory; place has fine Hv'HS springs and Is fenced, and haa fine 1 room house, large horsebarn and large rowbarn and lota other buildings, all in O. K. condition ; this Is right on the peacn ana na una v carry over - neaa (ii easily. Owner musteU on account or old age. Call and Inquire about this snap; price ju,uuo. onB-ima ence terms to suit purchaser. STEALING A FARM- J acrea, 10 miies n miles from 8 good towns; 20 acres under cultivation: uncultivated fand easi elearea; line living spun, " . 77 house, dandy barn. 86x4Sx24 with lull basement; placa ail wen cross-fenced; all best of soli, nearly half river bottom, z acrea umium - -In tha Sherwood onion district: good span mares. 5 cows. 2 heiters. chickens, wagon. bUKsry. mower, hayroke. P1,ws-.vha"owf; V. S. cream separator And all other farm tools Included; price $6000, one-naif caan, balal ce eay terms. ANOTHER STEAL.. 30 acres. 1 miles to Tlgard.. on Sa lem Electric: 22 acres under cultlvat.on, , i . n. all fAm-ea B acres umuer. dci i ....... and cross-fenced, tine aprins of llvln water ana in excein-iu mile, from Portland on a fine count- road: onlv fl.tO per acre. Just think of It one-half rash, balance pood eay terms. HERB IS A HAMMER. IS," acres. 6 miles from bherldan. ail fine soil. 10 acres urder cultivation, lo acres bearluE orchard, on county road and R. F. D. route; place all fenced, never falling eprinss. and located In heart of the fruit and walnut belt; house ana barn are old. hut can be used for some time yet; price 5(i per acre. cash, balance terms or will take nice Portland homo to $40OD. balance cash. Farms, ranches, acreage along- the Elec tric line. ltv homes, vacaut lots and business investments can be secured at right prices for risht kind of Roods s.t IIXK TREK IJND CO. OiV.i-10 Buchanan .Bldff., 2SH Washington St. FARM 3. Partial list of our many farms s-lo" the Columbia River In Columbia Co. This Is the best farming ai'd dairying part of Oregon; both rail and water trans portation : 110 acTes. 40 acres In culti vation; 20 acres slashed: r.0 acres fine timber: good house, a fine barns, gralnery and all kinds of outbuildings; 5 head of work horses. 2l milk cows, 5 calves, JW large bcarlnc fruit trees; machinery in cluding hinder, mower, rnke. harrows, plows and cream separator and numerous olher things; good well water and living spring: well fenced: 2 m!le from station on rood road and 20 miles from Portland. 102 acres. 2 acres in cultivation. 30 acres In tine pasture, 82 acres In good saw timber; 'i mile from sawmill; has an offer of 20HQ for timber alone; small house, good barn and outbuildings; fam ily orchard; 8 cows, 8 heifers, 3 calves, 3 horses, 2 wagons and all kinds of ma chinery; l',k miles of R. R station and 2 miles from boat landing.. This Is a good buy at $7M0; good terms. 38 acres. 8 in high statn of cultivation. J.I In good pasture, balance In timber; small house, good barn, family orchard, good ' .fences; creek runs through place; miles to postoffiee, school and church; SM miles from R. R. station and 3 miles from boat landing: gi-aveled road hy place. Trice for a short time. 1809; good terms. 17i acres. 5 acres In cultivation; small house, barn and outbuildings: SO fruit trees. large strawberry patch, also variety of other berrlea and small fruit: line well of water, good fences; 24 miles from Houlton and 3 miles from St. Helens. Trice 11600. If you want a fatnn. come and see us before buj-tng, as we have good farms for the price you may pay Xor a poor one. J. M. KERR CO.. 2(iS Stark St., Room 10. FINEST DAIRY FARM IN OREGON. Near Woodburn, station on the place, 1 mile to creamery: all fine, level; deep black soil, finest of running water year through; largest part can be Irrigated, 120 or 1W acres, about half In cultivation, bal ance fine timber, cultivated, part fenced with woven wire fence, 1 mile to Mount Angel College and high school: sidetrack Into farm; valuable buildings; largest part of cultivated land is in crop' now. We sell at $70 per acre and can give most liberal terms. If you are looking for an Ideal dairy farm don't miss to see this; there Is not a second one In all Oregon to compare with the above. We will gladly take you out to judge for yourself. THE CROHSI..EY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. A BA-RGAIN CLOSE IN ON SALEM ELEC TRIC LINE. 50 acres, ail in cultivation and only 1 hour's ride from Portland; fine rich land, of which SO acres are in grain, fine 8-room house In first-class shape, good barn 32x r.0 ft., well painted and finished, good telephone service, good family orchard of variety of fruits, fine big team, harness, hack, 2 cows. 8 hogs. 100 chickens, all farm Implements, all hay and grain and potatoes; all for $7500. on easy terms RALPH ACKI.EY. 605 Corbett Bldg. 1000-ACRE ranch up the Valley. 30 miles from Portland: Is all choice iand. partly bottom land: 400 acres in cultivation, 100 acres in timber, balance pasture; a splen did water-power on the land that is worth tha price asked for the property; a good 12-room house and 2 good barns, other outbuildings; price, $26 per acre; term. W. H. Lang Co., 840 Chamber of Commerce. $55 PER ACRE 250 acres within 21 miles of Portland and only milo from carllne; 45 acres cleared; good house, barn and outhouses; fine springs on place. As good fruit land as there is In the Valley; terms half cash. ADAMS. DAVIE & BLAIR. Phone A or Main 32:!6. Commercial Club Bldg. 040 ACRES on the Deschutes River, on the new railroad survey; 360 acres Jn wheat: the balance can be broken up at small coot; will yield 40 bushehi per acre: will double in value when new road Is built; price $50 per acre. DUFUR REALTY CO., 602 Corbett Bldg. A SNAP. 320 acres: over 200 acres under the plow; this is one of the best farms in the West; close to Portland; only $50 pe acre. It must be seen to be appreciated. Can arrange easy terms. Would make ideal dairy or stock farm. Edw. P. Mall, Room 6. C25 Washington St. YOUR last chance to secure a good timber claim cheap. We can locate 60 claims if taken at once. No claims less than 6.000. 0OO feet. We mean business and can deliver the goods. Bank references Call Wednesday. 516 Abington bldg. 3d street, between Washington and Stark. FARM BARGAINS. We have a meritorious list of walnut and fruit farms, stock ranches, grain farms, dairies, etc., at investment prices. THE VETERAN LAND & BUILDING COMPANY. Inc. (Brown ft Eareckson, Managers.) 822 Chamber of Commerce. &7 ACRES, half mile from Oregon Electric, near Tualatin and on the 6outhern Pacific; 45 acres In cultivation; can all be culti vated; can be cut up Into small tracts: flrst-class soil; will sell the coming week for $100 per acre. DL'KT.'R REALTY CO., 6o2 Corbett Bldg. 14X ACRES In Montana: fine stock country, highly improved; 3o0 acrea under cultiva tion: 70 head cattle, 35 head good horses, hogs, chickens, etc, all farm implements; 8 miles of G. N. R. R-. 48 miles from Helena: a bargain; Vj cash. Raines 4 Co., 721 Board of Trade. FARM of 375 acres S7 miles from Portland, 840 In cultivation: In heart of walnut belt; desirable for fruit, walnut culture or oth er diversified farming; suitable for plat ting; i mile to good public school and High School. Price, SS0 per acre. Owner; No agents. E 711. Oregonlan. FRUIT ranch, three hours' ride from Port land, directly beside railroad, ten acres planted to apples, strawberries, walnuts and other fruits, all high-class varieties nearly ready to come into full bearing: fnlr house, outbuildings, space for garden; $24X10. Ben Riesland, Failing bldg. HOOD RIVER SNAP. A very attractive 25 acres, 4 miles from Hood River; 15 acres In orchard, part bearing; good buildings; fine 'location. Owing to' sickness, it must be sold. In quire at 173 3d. Portland. A GOOD BUY Wheat farm, good tarms, 1160 acres. 800 cultivated. 400 In wheat, 12 work horses, farm machinery. T-3 cash or trude. balance crop each year. Write owner; In city now. AB 630, Ore gonlan. TWO farms of 200 and 160 acres, with run ning water, ail complete in every respect: fine land; will take city property in trade for one-half. A few other fine farms. R. Beuttkofer, 265 Salmon. A FINE 160-acre farm, half clear, suitable for stock ranch; reasonable price; easy lorms. ijermantown Realty ' Co., Mer chants' Trust Bldg. 85 ACRES on river and R. R. : 26 miles from rortland; walnut, apple, prune, cherries and other fruit: only $4000. Thus. Mc Cusker, 'Mi .Couch bldg. . $ ACRES, half mile from O. W. P.. over looking river; half cleared; bearing fruit tre2s, cabin and outbuildings; flue spring; some big timber. A snap. Price. $700; terms. Ralph E. Ladd. 180 Front at., city. WASTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. 100 men to buy their farms, city homes or acreage from us: we have got the goods and can save you money. PINE TREE LAND CO. 50B-10 Buchanan Bldg., XsOhi Washington St. WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, de scription and state when possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshire, Box 1901 D. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED REAL ESTATE Want for client 20 acres on Salem electric; must be handy to station and littla cleared; not over $100 per acre. VANDUYX & WALTON", C16 Chamber of Commerce. WB WANT. Farms, acreage or city property: If your prices are rlclrt. list It with us; we have the business. PINS TREE LAND CO., 60B-10 Buchanan Bldg., 2864 Washington 6t. - WANT to lease for a term of years, with option to purchase, for cash rental payable yearly in advance. 40 to 100 acres of im proved land, close to city and near car line and good road. Address J 68i, Ore gonian. HOOD RIVER. Beautiful coontry home and Income or chard, with stock and implements: 1000 voung trees coming on; ideal home and investment. Address Marlon Mao Rae, Hood River. CASH for your real estat. business or other property, no matter where located. If j-ou want to buy or sell, write us at once. Northwestern Business Agency, Mlnneapo llss. Minn. WANT to buy a 6-room house and lot. lot must be 60x100. house in good condition. Will pav from $100 to $200 down, the rest like rent. O 718. Oregonlan. HAVE few thousand to Invest in good va cant lots or small houses and lots; own ers only; send descriptions and best prices at once. H 716, OregoniaiK WE have customer for a 6 or 6-room bunga low on- East Side. Alblna or Irvington pre ferred; owners only. 519 Lumber Ex change bldg. WILL pay from $2000 to $2500 cash for a lot on West Side, walking distance; state location and price; no agents. C 694, Ore gonlan. WANTED Bt contractor, lota to build on, in Irvington. Piedmont or other high grade residence districts; will deal only with owners. G 690, Oregonlan. WANT a good house In Portland: will give 40-acre farm near Cottage Grove and cash for same. Call 513 Chamber Com merce. WHAT have you for sale between Washington an Overton. 16th and 24th sts. Improved or unimproved? . No agents. Y 636, Ore gonlan. WANTED -4 or 5-room modern house, to cost not more than $2100. must be easy terms: give full particulars. Y 637, Ore gonlan. , I WANT to buy a lot or 2 lots near Mount Scott line, between Anabel and Tremont; must be bargain for cash. AD 629, Ore gonlan. PRIVATE party desire! residence lots near Hawthorne ave., between 15th and 40 Ui sts. S 722, Oregonlan. ONH. TWO acres, car line, cultivated; state price, terme. location; deal with owners only. AC 657, Oregonlan. WANTED 5 to IS acrea good land, cleared. - . . ... T. Til Oro. near swlkiii, v . . - . - gonlan. GOING to get married: will pay about $300 down and $30 per month for home of 4 to 6 rooms. P. O. Box 179. WANTED A fraction of vis. Ash, 12th to 20th, 729. Oregonlan. a lot between Da on East Side. 3 WANTED Modern 6 or T-roora house or va cant lot; must be bargains; owners only. Palmer. 617 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED Modern t or 8-room houee 'In Nob Hill district; owner only. Address K "07. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow or cottage, strictly modern; not over $3200, $150 down, $25 per month. M 722, Oregonlan. ONE to 10 acres between Portland and Linn- ton; state price and terms; advertiser Is not real estate agent. AF 658, Oregonlan. WANTED A modern 6-room. well furnished flat. West side, walking distance, mono Main 6789. BUILDING LOT, good location, within 4 blocks of car; owners only. Call 30Z Swetland bldg. WHAT will $1000 cash and $1000 each year for 8 or 6 years buy 7 I am the owner. A 714, Oregonian. ABOUT 6 acres on Salem Electric, near Gar den Home preferred: give exact location and price. E 690. Oregonlan. WANTED What have you for $15,000. West Slue; owners oniy. -nv uu., w , i.. ...... . WANT small Ideal home, choicest locality. cheap for cash. m. iuJ, uregonmii. I WANT to buy a lot In Vernon, cheap for cash. N 732, Oregonlan. WANT 5 or 10 acres near carllne; give price ana location, jc oo. uicivuiwi. ONE or two lots In Irvlhgton or on Port land tieignts. Auure .n.. kJ WANTED To buy a good paying cigar store; state price, a. oat, uregonian. WANTED 'Fractional corner. 5 th to 23d, Flanders to College. au Oi. uregonian. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, not over $3000. Purse. 818 Chamber or commerce. WANTED Real estate for Home Telephone bonds. L 713. uregonian. TO EXCHANGE. WANT country hotel In good town: will trade interest m diuca whu houses, renting for $75 per month, to value of $6000. 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. TIMBER LAND 160 acres, about 4.000.000: good Iruit lanu; w;iiuvi w , 40 acres easily cleared; take city real es tate. AE 659. Oregonian. LATEST model Densmore typewriter to trade as nrst payment on a guou .iu lot. Smith-Wagoner Co., Chamber Com merce. 120 ACRES wheat land In Eastern Oregon; only 4 miles from railroad: to exchange for good rooming-house. AF 664, Ore gonlan. ONE of the best mining stocks In Oregon for "timber, real estate or an automobile. AD 6"J1, Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage, good barn, corner lot: ex change for rooming-house or acreage; $1000 equity. N 722. Oregonlan. WFST SIDE home, 11 wra, on corner lot. SSxlOO. for sale or trade. Call 1019 Board of Trade. NICE modern house and lot. also 2 other houses and lots to exchange for improved acreage. 1019 Board of Trade. WANTED $1000 loan Monday; gilt-edge real estate security. 8 per cent. Dubois Crockett. Washington bldg.. Room 3. DIAMONDS exchanged for. city lots. Almeda Con stock or Home Telephone bonds. 215 Commercial block. Main 63S4, A 2384. LARGE modem home In unnyslde to ex change for Telephone Bonds. 1019 Board of Trade. WILL ret yon anything In trade for any thing you have. Metropolitan Exchange, 507-8 Ablngton bldg. TIMBER CLAIM, cash value $1300. exchange for $300 to $600 property and balance cash; what have you? H 723. Orergonlan. FOR SALE Cheap. 2000 shares of hospital stock, or will trade for acreage. F 653, Oregonian. WE WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 1019 BOARD OF TRADE. TELEPHONE bonds to exchange for real estate. L 712. Oregonlan. WILL trade desirable suburban lot for me , dlum-sized safe. A D 611. Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade? Call 312 Board of Trade. HVB fine house and lot, bet district, want exchange for ranch. $3000. B 694. Oregonlan. PIANO with interior player, for Automobile runabout, N 730. Oregonlan WILL EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 67-acre farm. 14 mile from Willamette River; soil a deep, sandy loam; no rock or gravel; 15 acres In cultivation; 4 acres of hops, several acres slashed, balance line saw timber. Good house and out buildings; within lVj miles of Salem Elec tric; land lies level; adjoining land sold for $li!5 to $150 per acre. A positive snap for price asked. Cash or trado; $3200. If cash, easy terma 69-acre farm. 1 mile from R. R.; good town and school; 60 acres highly culti vated and very best of dark red loamy soil; 12 acres in bearing orchard; Jl springs. 9 acres of oak timber; good i -room 2-story painted house: new barn, etc.; all stock and implements included; special price, cash or trado. $4S00. 127-acre farm; best of dark, rich soil; 6 acres in bearing orchard; 90 acres in crops, balance pasture and good green timber: 2 springs and pasture. 2 good wells of water; telephone In house; H mile to good town, school and church ; good 6-room house. 2 good barns, gran ary; on main county road and creamery route: near new proposed electric car line; free from encumbrance. Price, cash or trade, $7000. If cash, $2500 down, bal ance number years. WE HAVE OTHER BARGAINS IN FARMS ON WHICH WE HAVE THE EX CLUSIVE OPTION FROM $3(100 TO $30. 000 VALUATION. CALL AND SEE US. ROSE CITY REALTY & INVEST. CO.. Room 515-516 Lumber Ex., 2d aud Stark. LIVERY barn with mall route In connec tion, netting $1050 per year, with 6-room dwelling. In a growing Valley town; horses, buggies and all necessary equip ment. Price $4000. Terms. Will ex change for Valley farm. 64 acrea of highly improved level land for Linn, Lane or Douglas County farm to 100 acres up. 240 acres Kansas land for Valley farm or business. 46 acres. 4 miles out. for Income Port land property. And many more places for exchange. Call and see us or write your wants. ROSWURM & CO., Forest Grove. Or. BEAVERTON BARGAINS. 20 acres, 4 miles from Beavertos: 8 acres cleared, 5 acres pasture, balance tim ber land; family orchard, fair house and barn, crop, stock and implements; price $3500; will take $1000 Portland property, $1500 cash, balance time. 36 acres; 3 aored timber, balance all In fine state of cultivation; fine farm build ings and orchard: stock, crop and Imple ments to go with this farm: price $200 per acre; will take $1000 in Portland prop erty. THf? STROUD-FRY COMPANY, 619 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Portland and Beaverton, Or. EXCHANGE. 200-acre farm within 20 miles from Portland; 60 acres In cultivation, good house and barn, running water, good or chard. 16 cows. S horseB. 14 sheep, 2 sows, chickens and all machinery and farming tools; price $10,000; will take part city property. JORDAN & GABBADE, 232 & Washington St. EXCHANGE. An elegant little farm well equipped with team, cows, hogs, chickens, all farm machinery, good buildings; on the R. R Rnd overlooking the Columbia River; a nice home and a money-maker; will take some good Portland property as part pay. HENKLE HARRISON. 611 Gerllnger Bidg. li ACRES, improved farm, Washington County. Oregon, 714 miles from Portland on good county road; new 6-room house, good harn; fine milch cow and heifer; hav, seed potatoes and small tools for working farm; price, 000; V, cash or Tortland property, balance easy terms. The Stroud-Fry Company, 51 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland, and Beaverton. Or: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For land or improved city real estate, an old estab lished manufacturing business paying $10, 000 net profits a year. Former owner's ill health gives us the opportunity to dis pose of this fine business; experience un necessary: will bear closest investigation. Perclval-Porter Co., agents. Des Moines, Iowa. 80 ACRES of fine fruit land, S miles south of Mosler, Or.; good house of 8 rooms, barn, apple-house, spring water, 6 acres of orchard, 10 acres more ready to plow: Will sell or trade for Portland property; $7500. MOSSMAN & PARTRIDGE, 408 Commercial Club Bldg. MY 10-ACRE IMPROVED IRRIGATED FARM, 1 MILE FROM KEXNEWICK HIGH SCHOOL. WILL PRODUCE $1000 TO $1200 OF STRAWBERRIES AND AS PARARGUS m NEXT 90 DAYS. A SNAP FOR SOME ONE. W. R. CRAWFORD (OWNER). 623 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG.. PORTLAND. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 10 acres, 6 miles out, on the Mt. Hood K. R. A mile from the station, near school, church and stores; in full bearing, balance planted to 2-year-old trees, all commercial varieties; value $S0OO; exchange for Portland property or telephone bonds. N 717, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE. General merchandise store, carrying a stock of $5000 and ths building worth $3000; doing a good business; within 20 miles from Portland; will take x in city or suburban property. JORDAN & GARBADE. 232 (4 Washington St. TO exchange for a house and lot or for vacant lots that can be improved with dwellings, a ranch with good buildings, well stocked and In a desirable location, valued at $4000; will assume a reasonable mortgage and add some cash where ..the property Is desirable. B 718, Oregonlan. WANT to exchange acreage and line income property in live city of 18.000 population on this Coast for good close-in ranch, about $6W0 valae; no livestock or implements wanted; will pay cash difference. N 721, Oregonian. ... EXCHANGE. Fine improved farm in the Valley; stock and machinery; will trade for good mer cantile business. HENKLE HARRISON. 511 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE or trade for house and lot In Portland, 10 acres all In miscellaneous fruit, 1 mile west of Fisher or 7 miles east of Vancouver. Price $4000. $2000 cash, terms on balance. Inquire, Owner, G. S. Allen, Fisher, Wash., Van. R. R. No. 1. 10 ACRES A-l land, 7 In cultivation, 200 bearing fruit trees, running water, 6-room house and good barn, surrey and horse, tools and furniture. 7 miles from Port land, electric line; will take-$2500 house. Call 413 Buchanan bldg. A WELL-IMPROVED farm of 130 acres in the valley, south of Portland a few miles, close to town; wl'l take as part payment good Portland home; give particulars and price; land worth $87 per acre. SC 702, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE. Good Improved property In Portland bringing good rent, will trade for land near Shanleo, Or.; pay cash difference. HENKLE Jt HAKKiSUX. 611 Gerllnger Bldg. AUTOMOBILE TO EXCHANGE. 5-passenger car In excellent condition, Just thoroughly overhauled; will exchange for farm or suburban acreage. Call or address C. P. Wells. 231 Worcester bldg. WANTED Hardware business In exchange for a hlghlv Improved farm few miles south of Oregon City: all level valley land: consideration about $14,000. A 709, Oregonlan. WILL sell or trade for houee and lot or va cant lots in Portland 160 acres In Klamath County: 100 good farming land, balance fine timber. S 732, Oregonian. OF COUR8JB! CERTAINLY I If yoa want to buy, sell or trade business or property, ' follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor, , rooms 810 and 811 Buchanan bldg. 5 RESIDENCES. Fargo. N. D-. and 660 acres of good land, fight at the town of Streeter. N. D. ; exchange for Portland property. Ad dress I. D. Worden, Ocean Park. Wash. &2 ACRES of land, highly Improved, near Albany, to exchange for farm in Eastern Oregon or Idaho; must be In a Swedish neighborhood. B 709. Oregonian. $150040 H. P. 7-passenger automobile, fully equipped and in fine condition, to trade for real estate. F 615, Oregonlan. LOT, 50x60. near best 5c car; take piano ordiamond as 2-3 payment; very cheap. Owner. AB 600, Oregonlan. PROSPECTIVE businesp, K.0 ft., on beet car line, $50O; will take horse or good rig part pay. Tabor 12C9. FOUR-ROOM modern brick, two lots, close to car: trade for Oregon property. Dagnall, 912 Lowell Boulevard. Denver. CHOICE lots on the Peninsula to exchange for Home . Telephone bonds. Address R 695, Oregonlan. WILL trade for wtiat you have. Gus Smith, 801 Buchanan bldg. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds. Address N 423. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE residence equity. Boise. Tdaho, for unimproved realty. AK 048, Oregonian. $1500 KQL'ITY for Mt. Pitt stock; might take others, B 1114,- 160 ACRES 20 miles eouth of Portland, near railroad: 1C0 In cultivation. 12 in hois; line new, modern 9-room house, splendid Im provements, tools and Implements; $12,800, half caslu balance 6 per cent; will take house and lot to value of $3000 part pay ment. 80 acres 5 miles of Woodburn; 60 in cultl ratlon; $6000; will take Income-bearing property to value of $2o00 as part payment. 2-3tory etone building bringing good in come. In llye Eastern Oregon town; $7500; will take Valley farm in exchange. ATLAS LAND CO., 420 Lumber Exchange. EXCHANGE. 127S acres wheat ranch. 700 In culti vation and fenced. 220 in Fall wheat. The whole tract can bo plowed ex cept about 75 acres; fair house, large barn and one of the best wells in the county; this place Is located in Morrow Co., 1 tntles from the famous Butter Creek: will exchange for general merchan dise stock; valuation $20,000 to $30,000. JORDAN : GAP-BADE. 232 Washington St. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for 2O0 acres Yamhill Co.; 45 acres cleared, some timber, balance pasture, all fenced and cross-fenced, house. 2 barns, dairy and woodhouse. goatshed. family orchard, wal r.ut trees; creek through place; water piped to house and barn: 13 cows, 1 bull, crenkn separator and farm implements; want nice home In Portland; value $6000. 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO EXCHANGE 80 acres of good land cov ered with hardwood timber for Oregon property. Wanted An improved farm In the vicin ity of Walla Walla or Kennewlck. Wash.; will exchange good vacant lots and a gro cery stock valued at $5000 for same. 340 Chamber of Commerce. YOUR last chance to Fecure a good timber claim cheap. We can locate 50 claims If taken at once. No claims less than 6.000. 000 feet. We mean business and can deliver the goods. Bank references. Co U Wednesday. 514 Ablngton bldg, 3d street, between Washington and Stark. EXCHANGE FOR GOOD FARM. Modern 6-room house, electric lights, concrete basement, porcelain hath, large porches, etc., lot 100x100, 1 block of car line: a bargain at $3300: state price; give complete description; stock and imple ments must be included. AB 667, Orego nian. 6-ACRE highly-Improved farm: fine build ings, good stock: 12 miles of Portland: only $5000: will accept $3000 In Portland property, 3 years' time on balance. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $500 MORTGAGE on city property. 10 lots in Newport, eight-room house, lot 50xl.v, in Astoria, bal. cash, to exchange for rooming-house up to $40n). 26 N. let. Main 1125. F. W. Murphy. WE have a 5-roomed house at Montavilla. 4-room house st Anabel. $1000: tele phone bonds and $1M0 cash to trade for a nice home, vacant acreage or apartment house. 1019 Board of Trade. ONE 6 and 2 10-acre places, all Improved, to exchange for city property or business: we have all kinds of good exchanges. What have you? H. W. GARLAND. CO., 191 4th St. WANT farm for rooming-house; value $5500. 523 Lumber Exchange bldg. ACREAGE. BEST and cheapest acreage in Oregon. See ing Is believing: Near Woodburn. 25 miles from Portland. On Southern Pacific R. R. R. R. station on the place. $00 to $SO per acre. All or partly in cultivation. Your choice of 280 acres. Finest of deep black soil. No stonefor gravel. All level' land. Fine timber on each tract. Running water the year through. One milo to college and school. One mile to creamery. Select . your 10 or 20-acre tract now while you have your choice; easiest of terms; do not buy before you have seen this. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 708 and 700 Corbett Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. An up-to-date place, 6 acres of the very best of soil. In the highest possible Htate of cultivation; 70 bearing fruit trees, berrv bushes of all kinds; good 7-room hard finished house; some household furniture: canned fruit, potatoes, etc.; ' good barn, 3 tons of hay, 1 cow, 1 horse, spring wagon and harness, all farm im plements, 10 hives of bees, 2 chicken houses with cement floors, 2 scratching sheds, 2 fine brood houses. 2 chlckau yards with water running through them, 60 fine hens, 1 bone cutter, 1 bone grinder. 1 feed chopper, etc.; all this for $3800; terms $1000 cash; 214 miles of Oreg.m City. IK miles of O. W. P. line; R. F. D. and phone lir.a. CADONAU & DURHAM. 270 Washington St., Room 1. MILWAUKIE ACREAGE. S acres, fine and high, set to fruit and nuts; running stream: beautiful site for country home; price $800 per acre; terms. BEAVERTON ACREAGE. 1 10 acres, part cleared, balance easily cleared; fine fruit and berry land; can be cut up' In small tracts. See us for price and terms on whole- or part. . WESTERN LAND CO., 417 Board of Trade. 6 ACRES In the town of Beaverton. Or.. IV, miles from Courthouse in Portland, on good road; platted In acre tracts; on ac count of other business owner must sell his contract on tills property; will easily bring $500 per acre if sold in acre tracts, or would make a fine suburban home; price $3250; $40O cash will handle this tract. The Stroud-Pry Company. 519 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland, and Beaverton. Or. ACREAGE ON OREGON CITY CARI.1NE. We have one 8-acre tract on the Oregon City carllne, near the station; high anil sightly, perfect state of cultivation; 30 minutes' car ride, spring water, the most beautiful suburban location adjacent to Portland; $650 per acre; eary terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. . 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. FROM 1 to 5 acres, near electric car. 8 miles out. quick service, iand 30 per cent cheaper than adjoining prices and lies high and sightly, in good locality that is growing rapidly. Alfo 40 acres, suburban, to exchange for timber land or city property. A. E. BORTHW1CK. 816 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT. 1 acres, well Improved, with good barn for 2 horses, a cow, and has an 8-room liouse; th finest In the town of Clack amas, 11 miles out: all kinds of fruit, berries and flowers; $150 for the whole year. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 24S Alder St. ACREAGE NEAR CARLINE. 10 acres at the finest upland soil, one mile from station, on Oregon City carllne; perfect state of cultivation; beautllul view: $350 per acre; terms can be ar ranged. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 610-511-012 Swetland Bldg. $2000 MONDAY ONLY. 19 acres near Sycamore Station, O. W. P. line; 5-room houee, about 6 acres cleared, fine car service. FRED C. KING. 606 Commercial block, 2d and Wash. sts. 40 ACRES extra good land 11 miles from Courthouse; 30 acres in cultivation: house and barn, good young- orchard, nice creek on the land; price $130 per acre. W. H. LANG. 340 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acres suitable f-r platting; 2 blocks east of Mr. Scott csrline. on Sec tion Line road. Call on B. C. Matthews. 804 Fenton bldg. No prices given over phone. 10 ACRES IO. 144 miles from city limits. House, ber ries. Terms. A. TJNDERHILL. 29 Hamilton bldg. ACREAGE, small tracts, suitable for truck farming, within 20 miles of Portland: owners only; send descriptions and prices quick; must be cheap. H 717, Oregonian. 30 ACRES, suitable for platting. 3 blocks from car line, 5 miles from courthouse: all cleared; $500 per acre; terms. 609 Couch bldg. HAVE 2, 8 and 5-acre tracts at Jennings Lodge; take Oregon City car, see owner. George Morse. WE BUY, sell, exchange anything and every thing. Metropolitan Exchange Offices 507-8 Abington bldg. ACREAGE for sale, 20 acres at North Mt. Tabor, ripe for subdivision. H 715. Ore gonlan. $7S AN ACRE 10 acres 314 miles east of Vancouver. 1 miles from river: 10-H. P. traction engine. $200. 190 Park st. 20 ACRES, fine for chicken farm: will take lot or equity and eaey terms for balance. Main 5115. 40 ACRES, Base Line road: cheap if sold this week. 425 Lumber Exehange. TEN acres apple or walnut land. Oregonian. A.CREA-GH. 30 minutes' ride $325 per acre. Ee .owner. 209 Lumber Exchange. , 2 HOMESTEAD relinquishments near Ksl ama. cheap: good fruit and grazing coun try; plenty water. Call evenings, Matthle sen Hotel; Parker. QUICK action and $400 secures valuable homestead relinquishment. L 720, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ' - A LITTLE HORSE SENSK If you are in doubt as to whether your horses, carriages, harnese, saddles ar.d bri dles are cared for properly, send them to Kramers Stable, loth and Alder sts., where they will receive the best of care that Is possible to give them by men who know; clean, fresh straw for bedding, the best hay and grain the market ait'ords; 4 lire exits: men on the place day and ntglu. Come and see the bett appointed suihle for fine horses on the Coast; board $25 per month; no extras. Horses and ponies for sale. Phone Main 543, A 2114. WE have a lot of young, sound horses and mares weighing from 1000 to 1500 It., all broken to harness- and ready for work: in cluded in this lot are two 2S00-lh sorrel teams, a choice team dapple grays, suit able for buss or coach, good assortment of general purpose hor.-es weighing around lSMi-lb. mark, two teams of hcay chunks and some .-ingle and twiddle horses: come and Inspect this stock if you want good horses. OREGON HOUSE SALE CO., : Stockyard Exchange Stables, . -North 17th and Quimby Sts.- - PAIR bays, horee and maro, weight 2S00 lbs.: mare in foal by Imported Shire stallion; are sound. Just off the farm: extra heavy hsr new, collars, all complete: price $275.' Pair nice young mares, one in foal to German coach stallion, ride or drive, price' $150; pair chunks, weight 2600 lbs., horse and mare, good pullets, good set heavy, har ness, price $200: pair goldtngs. rangy, good workers, weight 24uO lbs., price $175; 10 head good delivery homes, also few onoap farm mares. 26 N. 15th St. 83 HEAD of horses ranging in weight from S00 to"l00 lbs., ages from 3 to 10 years: these horses are ail broken to "harness and among them are some very nice sin gle drivers: ota matched pair of blacks, weight lOeO. ft and 6 years of age. They are an exceptionally nice pair; S- head of brood marcs; a few cheap farm horses one gaited saddle horse, weight 1100; biack IVrcheron, 4 years old. weight 15o; would like to buy mate. Rose City Stables, 11th. near Jefferson. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one; we are located outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons and farm wagons. R. M. WADE A CO., 3-2 Hawthorne Ave. 25 HEAD of general purpose horses and marcs from 1100 to 13W lbs., all young and well-broke; 1 5-year-old horse, 1560 lbs., 3 combination saddle and driven. 1 7-year-old verv chunky built dark gray mart, weight 1S30. with foal by ton Percheron. PALACE SALE STABLES, 5th and Montgomery Sts. 80 HEAD of horses and mares of all kinds, suitable for any purpope; if you have a horse you don't like, come and exchange it: aio wagons, bugek-s, harness, paddles. Ked il-'ront Livery, Sale & Exchange Sta bles. 15th St., off Washington. . M. 1125. FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week or month. Phones East 72, B 1369, Hawthorne stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One fine span of match bay mares, weight 3:100 lbs.; and 10 years: gentle and kind to work; price. $,-,00. One line 4-vear-old Clvdesdalo gelding, weight ItrOO lbs., will make 1S00 lbs.; price.. $ ;o0. P. L. Kenady, Woodburn, Or. MUST sell by March 1 bay horse. 7 years old. weight ltioii, new set of single har ness and rubber-tired buggy; all In good condition. 1'rlce $165. Mr. Hutchlngs, M 3300. WANTED A small horse or pony. 900 to 1100 pounds, broke to ride and drive and gentle. $25 to $5u: shall surely buy Sun day. Call Tabor 375, In the early fore noon. $150 BUYS black gelding, weight 1100 lbs.; very stylish; nearly new harness uad new rubber-tire top buggy (Stutlehaker). Call boarding stables. 15th and Burnside sts. 4 TEAMS of voung well-broke horses, weight 1000 to 1400 lbs.; also 6 head of young horses, weight from 950 to 1300 lbs. E. 17th and Karl. $150 BUI'S fine delivery outfit, black horse, weight 105o. nearly new harness and fine delivery wagon, all complete. Call Ked Front Stables. 15th St., oft Washington. EXPRESS WAGON, 1100-lb. team and al most new set of ball name breeching harness complete; $200 toduy only. 264 11th st. FOR RALE One black team, 2400 lbs.; one gray team, 2!HK lbs.; sovoral single horse, these are all broke ana young horses at 505 Albina ave. 20 HEAD of horses and mules, weighing from 1200 to 1000 lbs., good condition. G. Iv. Howltt, 41 SOth St., Montavilla. FOR SALE One large truck horse, 0 years old, 1050 lbs., and he is a good one. 503 Alblna ave. PAIR small horecs, weight 1050 each, ride or drive, also heavy harness; price $100. Mr. White. 26 N. 15th St. $200 TAKES black team of good farm horws, weight 2700, and new harness. Park and Mill sts. TO RENT Can you use gent'e 2400-lb. team, harness, spring wagon? Make offer. M 715, Oregonian. TEAM Maivs. 6 years old: well matched; weight, 3000 pounds. William Spencer. Oswego. 1200-LB. team, new Rushford farm wegon, new set of harness, complete for $286. Rose City Stables, 11th and Jefferson. WILL exchange nice driving horee fox safe. Phone Main 1125. HORDES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HUBERT A HALL. 8S0 Front, buy, sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. $25 BUYS good gentle farm horse. 294 Montgomery st. HORSES of all kinds for sale at the O. R. C. Stable. 14th and Yamhill st. 6-YEAR-OLD COLT, city broke, buggy and harness. $135 cash. 684 Hoyu Main 4-94. GOOD second-hand bakery wagon in good repair. Call at 313 Water st. FIRST-CLASS mares ar.d horses at Madl-son-st. stable. lt5U. near bridge. $50 BUYS my horse and delivery wagon. Slmjwon, 355 Mill at. $35 BUYS nice sorrel pany. 294 Montgom ery st. FOR SALE Good family horse, cheap, ride or drive. Phone Tabor 690. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 33O0. 1500-LM. work horse. $150. 294 Montgomery street. FOR SALE New buggies, plows, hayrakes, etc. Call J. T. Wilson. 175 2d. BEST harness at lowest prices at Keller Harness Co.. 41 N. oth st. AtltomoblJes. FOR SALE or trade. 1S08 Stoddard Dayton 45 h. p.. 7-passenger touring car; full equipment: first-class condition; party leaving city. N 714. Oregonian. WANTED Touring cars and runabouts In good condition at once; Immediate sales Portland Auto Commission llousei 534-0 Alder. Phono A and Main 4155. - WANTED Automobiles and runa-bouls to trade, sell; quick returns, good results. Metropolitan Auto Exchange. Offices 607-8 Abington bldg. PACKARD automobile, new; never userl ; ' now in San Francisco: will deliver hers $800 loss than cost. Address B 713. Ore gonlan. 1200 40-H.-P., 7-passenger car. fully equipped and In good order: ,wlli demon strate. W. G. Ilartman & Co., 46 2d st. FOR SALE Buick runabout, new tires and fully equipped. Cheap. 315 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE A 28-horsepower auto. In splen- ; did condition: good as new: must have money; will sell cheap. B 717. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE, gasoline, steam engines re,-,, paired: prices right. Grunstrom & I'erlll, Supple's boatyard. MOTORCYCLE. Indian Tain, for ea!e cheap for cash; good condition, .lames Mitchell, Wntrin & Rllvlns. l.'.Oi. Fifth st. NEW Cadillac 30: cheap for spot ' cash Address A 710, Orcgoalan ....