" - - j . xr t1 A X it f FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1 TOR SALE-TLMBKR LANDS. TOR A1.E-REAL K8TATE. 1 FVB MLS-K"i. . I . " I ALL WINN EES Av'ti EAST TO GET AND EASILY f AID FOR rmt of jnonev you would otherwise fool awav or spend needlessly. 10 per cent rash nil Just a trifle each month Boys a HfiVlB SITE In BROADWAY and Han cork St. Additions; T00 is the price, and $70 do.n and $10 per month make you the owner: the price includes fradea treat. cmont curb ud wa,k "". Hun water inside the curb. The i.w will be pared THIS SPRING. These lots ra right In the MM IRVINGTON DISTRICT and fins nomas are now bu:.dlnc mere, and wh'r. the paving is done tiiese lots will be Die equal In every way of Irvlng ton lots and tost you only half as muon. In this dlstrl -t we have one magnifi cent quarter Llock covered with fine bear ing fruit trees, on an elevation affording a superb view of Mt. Hood. ML Tabor and Portland Heights; 4 blocks from car. witn all Improvements paid for except the pav ing, which will positively be done this poring, and we can sell It to you for $1750. about $2O0 cash and balance any way to suit you. It will be worth $25O0 in less tban six months. Look at the per centage of profit on the cash Invested and 1,11 u7f" this at-peai-s to "ror. PORTLAND HKI'JHTS !s attracting some builders m.re this Spring than ever, and w have home sites at all prices $no. so cJh and balance $10 per month buvs a fine sldehlll lot (not too steep) on carllne with line outlook. $7)o. $70 cash end 10 per month buys another, and Its a rood one. too. Then there's one site containing so.noo sonar feet. A fine vie-, point: t street fronts, one block from rar: fine home surroundings; all for $::oim). notr-r tlie cream or all Heights prop , art. The view is unsurpassed, practically j level, on beautiful scenic drive, one block from car. 2 lots for $350u. Let, us show you these properties and urroundlr gs and tell you of the homes , now bulldlnc nd to be built adjoining them tills b'pring. Thi Is the lost chsiKt vou ""ill ever have to bur choice PORT LAND H EIGHTS PROPERTY CHEAP, and It's selling raptdly. These Are Golden Opportunities. Will You Ava.il Yourself of ThemT If so. DO It Now. rm.rwuiA truet cotpant. 714 Couch Bide. 10 Fourth St. TINF1 modern T-room house, comer lot. East Tavlor; only S4500: rood terms. Fine modem 6 -room house, lot 50x10. well located, at Mount Tabor; only $21:00; good terms. Vine lo-acre tract, all In cultivation, oa fond road, only $2500: $509 cash, bal r ance 1. 11 and 6 years per conL. Fine 1 and J-acre tracts on carllne; $:of. $300 and $400 per acre; $100 cash. Fine u block, on carllne, well located. 5"0: $;eo. Fine tract 100x"OS; $1700; a Itood bur. Pine i-acre tracL 10 or 12 In cultiva tion; fair bouse, good barn, orchard, print;, soil rood; must be sold; $1400. i cash. . rHARLESOM & CO.. 411 Commercial Rldg. Phone. Main 89S5. ACRES berry lard, near Lents: Be fare; ftOr per acre; will trade for city prop erty. room modern house; Gantenbeln ave., J. blocks V car; Improved street, cement Walks: $2300. 6-room. modem, square bouse, new; r. J 6th t . near Hawthorne; bearing fruit trees; improved St.. cement walk"; $42on. r Fast Alder, near IDth; 7 rooms. Vath, light, full basement, furnace, im proved St., cement walks, full lot. ocar ina fruit trees; out-of-town owner and ' price a put down in order to sell quick; a snap at $3&u). Reasonable terms on any of the above. TV. I.. GREEN. 24.V Wash. St.. Over Merchants Nat. Bank. BARGAINS. IMPROVED AND UN rM PROVED City and suburban acreage. CITY ACREAGE All parta of city. HOTSE AND LOT investments la all additions. CITT LOTS In all additions. VPOX examination, ail of the above will appeal to the conservative investor. THE VETERAN" LAND & UCILUINQ COMPANY, Inc. (Brown 4fe Eareckson. Manaprera.) . C2 Chamber of Commerce. $lO0. HALF CASH. A One opportunity to secure a 7-acre tract for platting purposes. The same Is rlaht in a line tract that Is now being put In shape to be put on theT market and adjoins property that ia now being held for f.'tjflo per ". In three blocks of lrvtngton; XJ0 cash will handle It. Z acres acrors the street from Alameda Park; corner acre J-Jvo: Inside acre S20u. There is a good increase In this during the Summer. SMITH-TV AOONER CO.. Chamber commerce. FIR LAND. Tf von- are looking for a home In a Bice clean, quiet, restricted district, come and see these: room modern house, 2 lots, east front. In good location, a bargain at $2300; STuO down, balance terms. :-room modern cottage, near car, $21O0; ' $;.oi down, balance like rent. 1 have others. j. ir Don man. Flrland Station. ML Scott Car. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. f4:. Exceptional 'i block. :tli st. and Jutnihy. oast and south front, un interrupted view of harbor, moun tains and city: also 1 full lots on Vulmby St.. adjolntnjr this prop erty. $1600 each. Tf you are look ing for investment, loans, farm, meant or Improved city property, call on A H. TURRET .L CO.. :1 McKay Bid?., id and Stark. S rooms, new modem plumbing, con crete foundation, cement floor in base ment: furnace; complete electric textures: gs stub: cement laumlry tubs', full lot on fto-f.iot street, near North Albma school; terms. Another 6-room house, same as above, on comer lot; 100 ft. cement walk; sower in : S.t.MK cash. Can't bo beat. Sl-'luo, ft-room modern bungalow; easy terms. 11 KIlllnKsworth ave. Phoue Woodlawn 245 or tk. EAST SIDE HOME. Ftno new eight-room bouse in La'l.l' Addition, of pe.-foct constructu.n : handsome xierior appearance and beautifully ar ranned Interior: a mo-lel hrise. fit for a king. bee "s nn to price and t rnis. STRONG i CO., Financial Agenta, 6t'3 Concord Bldg. WEIDLER ST.. IRVING! UN. Nice S-toom cottage, modern, fireplace, etc.; full lot. niro liwn a;id irhat's lli use. on Know tluit district and you know it's the best ever. If vou wunt tliis place cotne and get It for Ill'jr.O; part cash. J. H. STIPK. 72t Chamber Commerce BEVEX-ROOM house. In Irvins:on. with clos ets, large bathroom, porcelain tub, toilet and washbowl, cement laundry tuls. elec tric lights, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, full lot. ruees aiid trees. In quire of owner, l'hoce Eat ielo. MUST SELL. Must sell on account of sicl:ness, 5 and -room house, not quite complete, but I will tin it. h. will be a.rlotly modern. Will take anv reasonable otfer. Phone Wood lawn Una. C I!v.. HAPPT PAT ADDITION, near East Kt. John, where lots are selling for many times the price asked for these lots; come and get a bargain while they last. Smtth Wagoner Co, chamber Commerce. ACRES on the O. V. P. Ity. tstallon to tM built at corner of tract!: 2 acres 'cleared; PT-i,o $1000; easv terms. KXAPP & MAi'KEY, ;1S Board of Trade. (Vr 100 UNION ave. for $.1000; between Hal sey and Weidler; some good fruit trees on rear of lot. At this price n Is the greatest bargain in that vicinity. Chapin A Herlow. ;l.".2 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOME. A neat r.-rootn coitage and fractional lot. lo minutes' walk from P. O., 42.".o; "or wiM sell furnished. Owaier, AF 000. Oregor.Ian. TWO elegant 6-rocm flats, strictly nvidem. j.erfect arrangement, tine corner, walking distatice. Faift side, fine investment. THE CKOSSI.EY COMPANY. "On and Corbett blilg. flRPT-CI-AS Investment: i;ood ' 7-room house, fractional 'lot. walking distance, got'd for J27 per month rent; $2ilO0; terms. E. C HuMburt. 201 Gerllnger bldg. PIEDMONT. Two choice lots. 2 l.o-k frtm car; will s'l at a sacrifice. Ad.ircss J. 6:12. Ore gon Isn. WE HAVE a few good houses and vacant lots close In 011 East Side that are good buva. Call 1018 Board of Trade. asIE lot on Port-r st.. between Corbett and Hood, fine view. ::noo. MARTIN J. 11 Hi LEY. 152 Third St. FINE 7-i-oom house, full lot. a nlre home on K Ollsan St.. :. 'MARTIN .1. lll il.EY. Ia2 Third St. a-rooui houe, rent or s"ll cheHp; all modern, up to .lute. Call 22ols Pine al., room 4. V-so fins: lot. Em 2-'d. near L'hlslon t, auxOi 1200. b( .a. PRIVATE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY, Five to) separata parcels of real prop erty in Caruther's Addition and Caru the'r s Addition to Caruther's Addition to the City of Portland, containing eight 5 lota and a fraction of a lot, together with certain houses and other Improvements thereon, all of which formerly belonged to Henrv J. Thompson, deceased, will be sold at private sale on and after the flftli t.'.th) day of March, A. D. 1009. at the address given below. This property Is now owned In undivided equal shares by the five t5 children ot said Thompson, two of whom are minors whose shares will be sold by their eus-r"-inn under an order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for the County of Multnomah. The remaining three (3 sharea will b sold at the aame time and place by each ot the others of the said children. Abstracts of title will be furnished for examination, and the property will be transferred free from all Incumbrances to the highest bidder. Terms, cash. H. M. ESTERLY. Attorney for Owners. 414 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. WEST SIDE. g-ronm house, modern, no cheap .con struction, from rellar to garret everything first-class. 4 large bedrooms upstairs, it voti are looking for a house on v est Sloe "this Is It; located btt. 21st and 2JJ on llovf si., nice walking distance, price I7UO0; half cash. 'balance to suit. JORDAN - OARBADE. 232's Washington. READ CAREFULLY. THEY'RE GOOD. Mortem house. 8 large rooms. E Asn. nd 2vth St.. 48.6x120; prle 4St; terms. Oood 9-room house: Powell and E. 16th t.. x200: fine garden; 4300; terms. Good 9-room hoiu-e. clos..' to 14th ana CIst sts.. 60x100: price 000; terms. Modem 11-room house, walking distance on 6lh St.. 42x104: price M00; terms. Ixit BOxlOO. Southern Portland, on car llne; aU Improvements In; price sou, terms. LOEWBN.OH PROS. JOS Sherlock Bldg. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. OR., THE ITALY OF AMERICA. Over 10.000 acres of choice fruit, dairy nd farm land to sell cheap In Kogu? River Vallev. "the Italy of America; from 1 to 500-acre tracts st 10 pet acre up and going tip Irrigation dltcn under construction for whole valley here; good brick business houses for sole and choice residences. Write H. B. Hendricks. ral estate; office near depot. Front St., 'O and fith," Grants Pass. Or 1RVINGTON HOME Lot loOxlOO. facing south; If you like a large living-room, see this $75"K) place; terms can be ar ranged; lann Is first-class, house Is per fectly modern with Immense fireplace, beautiful flr paneling; three porches from first floor, and two second floor, one or which is very fine aleeplng porch. Owner leaving city. . CHAPIN A HERLOW. 81)2 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME ."00 cash, balance like rent; this Is an elegant seven-room house oil full lot. facing east; has beautiful woodwork, extra fine lighting fixtures, furnace, fireplace and very close to car. Owner wants the Interest, so the price is 110 higher than If you pay cash; only S6000. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332 Chamber ot Commerce. A REAL BARGAIN. ONE ACRE. Good soil, lies well: new 7-room house, chicken-house, etc; on Oregon City car line; price 1T0. CADONAU A DURHAM. 270 s Wash St.. Room L FULL acre on Sc carllne; small house: good 7-year-old orchard consisting of cherries, pears and Winter apples; alro straw berries and other small fruits; good productive soil; only Ave blocks from the station. DABNEY A DABNBT, 411 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. jtiVi! 100x140 sightly corner head of Love Jov: east front, excellent view. tr.80o 6xl40. beautiful east front Nob Hill comer, suitable for two houses. S4il oxl22. Nob Hill, east front. .VxlOo. Overton: excellent for flata. SCOTT A M'DOUGALL, 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED PART SNAP. Owner leaving the state, hence hia ele gant residence, with furniture, piano, etc.. at a sacrifice price; part In vacant lota, some cash. LIND A CO.. . Room 829 Lumber Exchange B.flg- PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT FOR SALE. On carline; fine negliborhood; a ood lnves;rre--r. : price $3700. Til K VETER AN" LAND A BUILDING COMPANY. Inc. iBrown Jk Eareekson. Managers.) S22 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. rooms, hot water, art windows, hsrd wood floors; lob- soxlOO; fur price and terms see ZIMMERMAN. 21 Board of Trade Bldg. JISOO S-room house, concrete basement and pavement, bath, full lot. south front. Brooklyn st. and East 2uth, 2 blocks to 2 carllnes. A. H. BIRRELL CO., -0; McKay Bldg.. 2d and Stark. AN exceptional opportunity for a man to get into manufacturing business; handle your own money. Don't fall to see me if vou want a good opening; not much money required. E. C. Huriburt. 201 Gerllnger bldg. RIGHTLY iot in restricted residence district, 2 minutes' ride hard-surface pavement, cement walk, curbs, parked streets, sewer, water, etc: '.o cash. 2 monthly. Addrcjs AD 618. Oregonlan. SWELL home near Hawthorne ave. 37th st district. 5 rooms, all modern, extra well built, something worth while, S27SO. easy terms. Jas. C. Logau, 32ttl Wash ington St., room 415. ia BLOCK, one block from Msdlson-et. bridge; mue-t be sold this week: Slti.tKsTI. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO., 217 Ablngton Bldg. THREE lots on ML Scott line for 1500 cash; adjoining IoLi J200-I400 a piece. Address Owner. IS" 17th, or phono Main 4607. bet. 12 and 1 o'clock. MODERN HOME Nice o-roomed cottage, close to Hawthorne-ave. carline; price Ilij0; S.",S0 cash, balance like rent. A. A. Clark. 310 Board of Trade bldg. 5-ROOM cottage In Irvington. on 12th, be tween Tillamook ar.d Thompson: fine loca tion: lot .VixliiO; ?."23Ju If taken at once; terms. AE 632. Oregonlan. 2 ACRES on Powell Valley road, perfectly level, finest soil; all under cultivation: price $2400; terms. Spencer & Co.. HJJ Second st. FOR SALE A choice residence ' property for sale cheap at Forest Grove, half block from carllne. Address Lock Box 503, For est Grove, Or. MODERN 5-room cottage, bath, fuel, base men'.: reasonable if sold at once; parties leaving. 325 Maon St.. Wllliams-ave car. DO you want a home on Portland Heights? I have the best proposition on the Heights; it's a bargain. Phone A 29S6. 4M90O CASH: 10 acres. Oregon City carline. and a acres fruit land Hood River; no agents. iOi Everett, near 14th. BEST bargain on Nob Hill, large 12-room house on Gllsan st.. l..t 50x100. $,'JOO0. Particulars at 30 Failing bids. IRVINGTON lot. surrounded by beautiful homes: East 21ot, near Hancock st:; 60x 100; $20o: owner. L 710. Oregonlan. EXCELLENT new bungalow, Holladay Ad dition. 6 rooms, fine location, very neat. Phoue E. 96. C mas. Doleti A Herdman. FOR SALE, at Seaside, Or., 6-room modern cottage: completely furnished; 11000. Phone Main 7U2. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty Al "soclation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablr.gton bldg. FOR SALE By owner, handsomest bunga-l-r.7 In Irvington. Call and see 1L 482 S. 23d st. North. A SNAP- 2 choice lots close to Swift pack ing plant. Owner must sell, phone Main 4:;aJ. READ Gregorys proposition. ee page 9. section 3. KHATi ' Gregory's proposition, fee page 9. s -cl Ion 3. x-vuin New hunaalon: jtjoo cash. J2t mouth. if. 44 to, iuf Hawthorn. Tabor lttiS. J .-,-.. MlB SAIX-RF.AL ESTATE. I c - . I . IKVINUTON. B owner, swell home in ewell residence location: contalra hardwood floors, ha... living, library, kitchen. 4 ned rooms bath. 3 toilets and fireplace; plate-glass windows, large porch, furnace and cement basement, wall electric and gas fixtures w.1!,dw shades, frescoed all over; at 8..n0, terms. 433 E. 15th St. N.. near Tillamook. SALE OR EXCHANGE V $4000 7-room. all modern house, lot 60xK0: Fargo St.. near Union ave. 135041 7-room. all modern house; lot 60x100; East Davis at., near Slst. X4200 7-room. all modem home. lot lOoxliXi; East 0th St., near Mason st. 42oo A-room. all modem home; lot 100x100; Haight ave.. near Shaver St. 22CO Fine bungalow; 6 rooms; lot ou Xli3200 10-rpam flat; lot 40x100; near "$2000 t-room. new bungalow; lot 60 xlOo. READ CN. These are only a few of the many good homes that we can offer the public. ..111 sell on eas terms or will exchange any of the above places for good improved farm property or acreage. Jyjok these up and you will find that our prices axe right and not a padded proposition. PINE TREE LAND COMPA.M, 509-10 Buchanan Bldg.. 286 Washington St. 7000. , , A new 8-room house, located In Wal nut Park: modern In every way; IfOOO will handle It. Do not miss this, as It Is a bargain; the price asked Is leu than cost. $4309. New T-room house In Upper Alblna; this is a corner, with all Btreet assess ments paid; full concrete basement. $2500 Two house on 1 loL 50x100; 8 room each: modern and In good condition. Thi la a bargain. $575. Will take 3 lots in Portsmouth; these are cheap at the price asked. Many other good Investments worthy or your consideration. Call and let us show you where you can make some money. HATHAWAY tr. BROWN". Main 302. Room 10, Washington Bldg. MULTNOMAH SNAPS. $1.125 2-room house, nice well. Improved lot 50x100. several fruit trees, new plumb ing: $500 cash, bal. $10 per month. ll50 4-room cottage, lot 25x100. ce ment walk, some fruit trees. $2100 5-room modern' cottage, lot 60x1 00, half cash. $2fi00 New 6-room houee. lot 60x100. on Missouri ave., near Fremont. $2100 tiood 7-room house, cement walk, lot 6"x10u. well Improved. $250l Good 8-room house, lot 50x100. on Minnesota ave., near Fremont; $500 cash, bal. $'-" per month. Good 9-room house, lot 00x100, near Fremont; H cash. Also several other good buys. , HARALA 8TBVENTON". Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn S8. START A CHICKEN RANCH. We have a half ncre tract convenient to trolley; price $500; terms of $10 cash and I0 per month. A sure moneymaker. Let us show you. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., (INC Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark. LITTLE LUCRE FOR LOTS. J.ot 47, 4 8. 49 and SO. block . Mans field's Addition to Montavllla, only 13 16 for the whole bunch. Lot 15. block S. Williams' Addition, fronting on carllne, sixe 50x143 ft., ouly $350 net cash. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. (Inc.) Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark Sts. PUT your savings into one of Oregon's finest and grandest orchard enterprises and make a hundred per cent interest year after year. . , . We are sole agent for the 401 Orchard fc Land Company. Over 20.000 trees planted: HU00 will bear this year Get our booklet. "Fortunes In Fruit. It will Interest you even if you don't buy. There is only a limited number of snares left. Don't miss your opportunity. In stallments if desired. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 708-7UU corbett Bldg FOR QUICK SALE. Large, modem house, 10 rooms. 2 large hall, bathroom and laundry-room, lot 5ix 127, fenced: new roof; house newly paint ed: H first-class condition; electric lights; wash trays; sidewalks; half block from carllne. in Montavllla: price $2600; $400 or $&00 cash, and balance $1:0 a month and per cent Interest. Owner lives in bouse. Call and see me. 533 Smith street. HOWS ADD. i cottages, each having full lot 50x100, one block to new Richmond Srhoolhouse and only 2 blocks to W.-R. carline; loca tion East Caruthers. bat. East SSth and 41st sts.; brings in fair rental; will be old separately or together. Apply to A. H. BIRRELL CO., 20! McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. IF vou are Interested In rear estate you can not do without our new sectional map. 25 miles of Portland' surroundings; if gives townships, ranges and section numbers, R. R. and electric lines, etc.; price 60 cents, postpaid. Send stamps. THE CHOSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 7u9 Corbett Bldg. ONLY $8500, whole 200x200 block and new 11-room house In Upper Alblna; house is modern In every respect, large cherry trees and other fruit, finest and sightllest block on the East Side; half cash, balance time at 6 per cent. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg... 2d and Morrison streets. 8t ACRES, Estacoda Heights. Estacada. Or., right In the town; line lor platting; very sightly; will double In value this vear: owner must have money: $t50 buys the tract. $.100 cash, balance easy terms. The Stroud-Kry Company, 5111 Lumber Ex change bldg., Portland, and Beaverton, Or. . BARGAIN In a six-room new house just be cause It has neither fireplace nor furnace: price $34U0, $300 cash; it Is IOO ft. from Union ave.. on one of the best streets; 15 minutes' ride from Washington ft. Owner leaving tile city. CHAWS HERLOW. S32 Chamber of Commerce. RAISE FRUIT, FLOWERS AND GARDEN on this nice suburban place, small bunga low, new, all modern conveniences, corner, " lots, sightly location, near Ainaworth ave., $500 down, balance $25 monthly; snap price. Jas. C. Logan. 12ti V4 Washing ton st., room 415. Main 7601. $2230 SNAP. One-third cash, balance time, new mod ern bungalow at 72o Gantenbeln, near Ivy, full cement basement, piped for gas; wash trays In basement; must b seen to be appreciated. 8-ROOM house and comer lot, 50x104. well located; streets Improved, cement side walks; $7S0 cash, balance on easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY. 213 Board of Trade. THIS SIDE OF MOUNT TABOR. Good 5-room house and lot. Good sur roundings. You can have It if you hurry for $11iM. Easy terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. NEW. modern residence In Ladd Addition, strictly modern and up to date, newly furnished throughout: owner compelled to sell; very easy terms to right party. See owner at 410 Failing bldg. MODERN 6-room house. Willamette Height Fractional lot. $4500; $1050 cash, bal ance easv terms. No. 1004 Thurman st. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. SOUTH PORTLAND cottage. Meade St.; good surroundings; 15 minutes' walk to P. O. ; frac. corner; very cheap; $2650 Owner. 243 Stark. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful lot 60x100, near 24th on Wasco: all Improvements In and paid for. AC 639. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Bargain If taken quickly, small house nd lot in Kern Park: $ti50. terms. Gruber, 824 Board of Trade bldg. I-ROOM house and lot. and water In, for $625 at 6 Marion ave., Sellwood. FOUR fine lots set In strawberries, cheap. Y 626. Otvjgonlan. THREE lots. Borthwlck and Stanton, near business. Alblna. Owner, 947 Garfield ave. LARGE S-roim house. Highland. $1700. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. IHS CREOORi; Jjlea, ca pa, aeclloa 3. SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 28, 1909. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Everv woman know how tiresome and unsatisfactory that house-hunting Is. After diligent search we have succeeded In se curing some wonderful good bargain, which we offer for sale. Among the many home properties that have been offered to us for sale, we have selected the following as positive, bar gains. Our expert has thoroughly inspect ed everv one of these properties and those in the market for a home either for oc cupancy or Investment, will do well to call at our office and see photocraphs, plans and detailed information concern ing each place. Bargain No. 1 5-room modem cottage In Upton Park. 23 minutes' trolley nU. 6-rent fare, large living-room. built-in china closet, book cases, seats, etc . porce lain bath, electric lights, concrete foun dation, good basement, lawn, nice level lot 45x133 feet, running through J,1"0?1 street to street: this is a cozy, neat little home and a decided bargain at $1900; $500 cash, balance terms to suit. .Bargain No. 8 New 8-room modem house, lot SOxlOO. near trolloy. 20 min utes' ride, electrlo lights, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, nice garden, etc. A snap at $2250; $1000 cash, balance mortgage. Bargain No. 8 New B-rocm imodern house troom In tfjtlc for 3- more rooms), concrete foundation, cement basement, wired for electric lights, one acre of ground in good location, few blocks from trolley. 25 minutes' ride. 5-cent fare. street on two aides, good soil, no snivel, voung fruit trees, enough small fruits for family use. stable for cow or horse, eiilcken-houae, etc. A good suburban home that Is constantly becoming more valuable. Price only $3230; $1750 cash, balance, terms. ' Bargain No. 9 Modem 8-room house, on E. Davl t.. 2 block to carllne. double floors throughout, best construction, near ehool, nice lawn and walks. built-in china closet, seat, etc. A very nice home; $4250, half cash. Flan at office. Bargain No. 11 7-room gnodera house, concrete foundation, full basement, fur nace, porclean bath, electric lights, re ception hall, corner lot 115x100. 20 bear ing fruit trees, otrawberries, fine garden, rose galore, nice lawn: a beautiful su burban heme, near trolley, nice neighbor hood. 6-cent fare. 25-minuto ride; price S3000: term to suit. Bargain No. 12 Modem B-room bunga low, concrete foundation, cement basement, double floors throughout, nice large rooms, fireplace, electric lights with fixtures, tiled kitchen and bathroom, best plumbing; lot T.'.xtOO. nlre garden, abundance roses, cement sidewalks: all carpets, shades, linoleum, etc.. go with the place; price only $2500. $1500 rash; location near car, 25 minutes' ride. 6-cent fare. If yon are In the market for a home it will pay you to see us. CHURCH ILL-MATTHEWS CO. (lno.). Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 10m 2d St., main entrance. HAVE YOU Seen our new nome in SWEET3RIER. $U00. Near end f R"se city Carllne. ADAMS. DAVIE & BLAIR. Phone A or Main :;2:;6. Commercial Club Bldg. t ACRES, near Council Crest. Improved, never falling spring. 50 fruit trees 1 acre strawberries. $900: $1900 cash: also 2'i acres, new modern 5-room house. Sc fare, big snap. $2150; $650 cash, balance lo suit at 6 per cenL 622 Worcester block. M 6179. WEST SIDE FLATS WITH GOOD INCOME. $SO0 2 flat buildings; Income $63 per month. , ,0 $13.500 4-flat building; Income $118 per month: half cash. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO., 217 Ablngton Bldg. SPECIAL. FOR QUICK SALE. 7-room new. modern bungalow, fireplace, plp.'d for furnace, lot 50x100. in Vernon; price only $2700. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR PALE 5-room modem bungalow, 2 blocks from Sunnyside car. with fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry, and front -room tinted throughout, finished floor gas and electricity, cement side walks: price $.1100: $1000 cash, balance easy terms. F 656. Oregonlan. Tabor 898, J33.-.0 NEAR 24th St.. 50x100; H cash; re stricted neighborhood. P- O. Box 34T. city. TWO BIG SNAPS. -room house, lot 48x100. on Jefferson, near 14th: must sell, $1500; half cash; also modern 6-room cottage, lot 4SxlOO. College St.. olose in. $4450 cash. 622 Worcester block. Main 5179. CORNER. UNION AVENUE. T have a good comer 50x100 on Union avenue for sale cheap. .1. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and East Ankeny. TWO fine houses on East 10th St.: on 100x 100 lot: $."..10, part cash, balance 6 per cent. Rented for $36. Will sell together or separate. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc., BIS Board of Trade Bldg. 6-ROOM new bungalow, especially woll built, everv way modern, fine lot. close to car only $2400: terms. See it and you'll llko It. Call 613 Chamber Com merce. YOUR ATTENTION. $1900 buvs a good 7-room house, full basement, "modern plumbing; lot 50x100, on Albina ave. carllne. E. J. GEISER. 221 Morrison St. 17 LOTS, cement walks, curbing, streets graded, city water: thi side Montavllla: $210 each: easy termB: 20 buildings con tracted for In this tract; price will ad vance. 320 Swetland bldg., Eth and Wash. 2i; ACRES close In. West Side, only 16 min utes' car ride, 6-cent fare: fine eoll; Ideal chicken ranch; a good buy at $12C0. on easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. NEW and most moflern 20-room fiat bid. In Nob Hill. 1 block from Washington st.; can be bought for less than cost, $13,500; $6000 cash, balance 7 per cent. AD 625, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON. near Broadwau; charming new huncalow. extra well built, fireplace, attic, basement; $4250; good terms. R 700. Oregonian. TWO snaps 7-room house, modern, lot 50x142. $3500: 5-room cottage. $1300; terms on both: Irvington Ad. By owner, David M. Holbrook, tailor. Couch bldg. OVERTON street, corner. 50x100, warehouse district, with new 6-room house, cement walks, good streeta; $12,000 caeh. L 715, Oregonlan. PRETTY acre, 4-room plastered house. 4 blocks from Mount Scott car. close In. 50 fuH bearing fruit trees. $1500: $750 cash. 522 Worcester block. Main 5179. 15 ACRES, easy driving distance from Port land, 11 acres under cultivation; new 7 room house, good barn and well; price $4000; terms. See owner at 102 Second st. FOR SALE OR RE-NT, An fi-room cottage overlooking the ocean. Seaside. Phone Main 9591. NEW modem 7-room house, full lot. good fruit, cloee to car; only $2500. -'00 cash and $20 per month. It is worth investi gating. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. WHAT a snap Irvlnston lot. $1(100; one at $1130. $1300 and $1400: choice neighbor hood: terms. F 057. Oregonlan. 28 ACRES on the Peninsula can be had at a bargain; price fine for plotting. D. H. Smith A Co.. 523 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6-ROOM plastered house. 2 lots, comer; car two blocks: $1050: terms. Inquire office. Mann's Station. Woodstock car. slxp 8-room house, E. 20th, near Davis, $:t30H $875 down; better see this. Webb, 341 Sherlock bldg. ELEGANT 50x10(1 lot on th St.. seven min utes' walk from Postoiflce. for $2X03, If taken at once. AE 392. Oregonlan IX1R SALE New. modem' house and lot 7nx 110; fruit trees and shrubbery. Apply owner. 431 2th and Sherman. ONE ACRE within limit, graded street, 'water "laid; $1500 takes it. Owner, D 720. Oregonlan. UNION AVE. Must sell house and lot; big bargain. 836 Union ave.. N. CORNER lot. 4."xlcn feet. East Side; $2c0 cash. Call M9 Eat stark. MODERN alx-room house, 428 North 21t St., by owner.; jsasy ternu. X'ngn Main 5614. CONKLIN BROS.. 40T WELLS-FAP.GO BLDG. Designers, builders and broker of artlstlo homes. Office open today from 10 to 5 $4000, part cash, balance long time, buvs a modern six-room house, in Wainut Park; lot) feet from Killlngsworth ave.; well built In every particular, furnace, full basement, etc. This is below market value. (W.. 2) , ,. $2SO0 Extra large East Side comer lot. ne.v 5-room bungalow. 4 blocks to car, G-m!f,ute service. 20 minutes to 1st and Alder. Manv j. $5000 to $10,000 home not finished as well as this; handsome panel ing, larce fireplace, built-in buffet and china clDseL Whole house arranged and finished with an eye to artistic perfection, complete to lighting fixtures and tlnt.ng; can be handled on easy payments. The house is not onl7 a gem. but the price mnkes it a sn.-.p. (S. 1 $2500 That's the price for this little beauty; all street Improvements In and paid. Including sewer, cement walks, etc. The house Is a story and half affair, with full cement basement; the worst feature is the size of the iot, which Is 50x00. The value Is all there, however, and the place la worth Investigating. fS. 18) We have other buy equally as choice. In all parts of the city. Call and in spect our lists. We will also loan you the money to build or build for you in any part of the city, on easy term. CONKLIN BROS.. 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747 or Main 2S59. Office open today from 10 to 5. A GOOD, SAFE INVESTMENT 7-room house near Union ave.; rents for $-50; will sell for $20. , Fine corner lot In South Portlsnd for tore or flata, or the two combined; only $25;io. Five-room house and comer, 60x100. for $2250; near East 2Sth and Gllsan; a bargain. PIEDMONT. F,1n quarter block. 100x100. 2 block from car: $'2000. Single lot 50x100, $900. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Half block of level ground, commana Ing unobstructed view the city, rivers ana mountains; will sell all or part; a build ing site here cannot b surpassed In view, price, or ease of access. A good house and four lot, with fine view; close to car. A fractional loL with good view, at a bargain price. R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. BUY A HOME. We have a 6-room modern, good as rew. home. cor. Cleveland and Maegly. that must be sacrificed: one block from Vi II llrms ave., all improvements In, nice fruit In yard. A snap at $3500; about $800 cash, balance $23 monthly. B. S. COOK A CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg. Both phones. HERE Is your opportunity to make big money: We have for sale the finest acreage in the vlcinltv of Portland for platting for fine homes, unsurpassed by anything yet attempted; nothing cheap, only the price of the land. See ihe PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO., 217 Abington Bldg. WEST FIDE 7-room house In fine repair; lot 23x10": otllv $2950. S26is Washington St., Room 41. YOUR last chance to serine a good timber claim cheap. We can locate 50 cl asn is if taken at once. No claims leBs than H.ot't'. OoO feet. We mean business and can deliver the goods. Bank references, tall Wednesday. 51R Ablngton bldg. 3d street, between Washington and Starlc. A MODERN 7-room dwelling. 716 E. Davis; new and first-class In every particular; re quire $1030 caeh to handle this; let us show you this place. DUFUR REALTY CO., 602 Corbett Bldg. WEST SIDE, fine 7-room house and lot on Clay at. near 12th; Improvements all In and paid; only a few minutes' walk from Post-office- only $S250; for a few days only. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison st. FLAT RITE. 4sno 00x100. near large apartments and fiats, and 1 block to car: Nob Hill dis trict. E. J. Daly. 222 Falling bldg. . QUARTER block. Alberta and Commercial sts.; fine residence site; $2100; terms. If you want somo fine suburban lots, choice, sightly, see us at once. WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade. jono NEW bungalow on lot 48x140 ft., two blocks from carllne; good neighborhood and easy terms. ADAMS. DAVIE A BLAIR. Phone A or Main 3236. Commercial Club Bldg. ON West Side, one block from car. 3060, $1630; also 55x00 (corner) for $3500; also good, old, 8-rooro house, with 35xS0, for $3750. CULVER. 623 Chamber Cowimerce. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Here is one Just completed, modern in every particu lar. R rooms, 4 bedrooms, everything fin ished In the best style. D. H. Smith A Co. 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. BEST-BUILT and one of most magnificent homes In Portland: every convenience: modern in every detail; beautiful quarter block. Owner at house, cor. Garfield and Sumner sts. Union ave. car. $3000 BUYS S acre-, lies fine; good soil; handy to car. 5-cent fare; adjoins property selling for $300 per lot. For home or Investment, thi cannot be beat; terms. 1-3 cash. M. HL Lee. room 411 Corbett bide. 1 ACRE. X2750: C-room house. 5 large ohlcken-h'ouses; good living can be made on this place with chickens. A snap. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., Inc., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. 6-ROOM modern cottage, cement basement, nice comer lot 50x100. s. K. cor. Glen ave 1 block south of Hawthorne ave.: prlve $3150. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave and E. Ankeny. $"00 CASH and $10 month buys 3-room cot tage. 2 lots, fruit trees, city, water, on East 4th street, south of Hawiorne ave.; price JD00. E. J. GEISER. 221 Morrison St. WALKING DISTANCE. 5-room modern cottage, E. 10th St., lot 55x100; price $3100. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. SUNNYSIDE HOME 7 rooms, cement base ment, corner, 50x100; a beautiful place; $3730 part cash, balance at 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAIN tf sold right quick, good rooming house, best location In city: 22 rooms; reason for selling, business elsewhere; no tgents. C 690. Oregonian MODERN cottage, 450 Montgomery St., be tween 12th and 13th streets, now vacant. See owner on premises between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Monday. 6-ROOM, new. modern house with corner 50x50- Broadway, between Union sve. and K loth; $3650. third cash. 'CULVER. 623 Chamber Coiiimerce. 2 ACRES on Powel Valley road, perfectly level, fine soil, good locality; all under cultivation: price $2400; terms. Spencer & Co.. 102 Second street. IRVINGTON home; large lot. 8 rooms, hard wood floors, modern throughout, desira ble location, asphalt streets; bargain. L 725, Oregonlan. GRAND AVE., half block. $17,000 quarter block $S500; 50-foot lot. S4O00. This property will never sell so cheap again. Webb. 341 Sherlock bids'. 50xloo LOT near entrance to Fair Grounds, 18o0- a bargain; must be sold this week. Phone Main 6S2H. Monday. LOST My job: Sweden for me: will sell my eyllity in good house. $SC0. for $400. O 721, Oregonlan. IS IT possible? Yes. Irvington .100x100. on Brazee street. $2750; very easy tesms. A F 601. Oregonlan. PIEDMONT Fine lots, block of car, for sale hv ov.-ner; $12uO each. Telephone Richmond 291. FOR SALE 2 new 5-room bungalows, all Improvements; also S-rocm cottage; owner leaving city. Owner, 394 Rodney ave. C 2245. - TWO beautiful building lots on West ave.. from owner. Call 3S7 First or phone Main 22ii6. FOR SALE Modern 8-room bungalow, near Hawthorne carllne. Phone Main 8948 for price and ternis TWO fine building lots near 14th and Al berta, sacrificed for quick sale, price $:i..0, half cash. C 723, Oreconlan. BUNGALOW. East 10th and Hancock: price $5500 terms: immediate possession. Inquire of wwner. Ralph R. Ruftner 124 3d St. GREGORY The worker- friend. See page 47, faction, 3. $6.600 9-room house on E Salmon St., west of 15th, corner lot 50x100, modern and up to date; this la a snap and can be han dled on terms. w. $7,500 Eight-room house (corner lot SOJIO"). facing on Broadway, west of loth St., oak floors. beam celling. pane.ed room.", flreplsc-: everything first-class, fine lawn, cement walks; $250 cash. $5.500 six-room mooern nousc on Droad way, close In (lot 50x100): this is a brautv and mortem; easy terms. $2,600 Modern five-room cottage on B. Wash.; full basement, fine plumbing; easy terms. $2,900 New six-room modern bungalow a blocks from 3 carllnej.; near new High School; $500 cash, balance terms. $4.000 Eight-room modem house, on 35th and Hawthorne: this is a snap, and can be handled for $3oo caeh. These are onlv a few of our many bar gains. We have a big list of them. Also in vacant lota, farms, small acre tracts, grocery stores, drug store and other busi ness chances. List your property with us. PALMER. 617 Oreconlan Bldg. Phone Main 8147. $14.000 NEARLY quarter block. 23d and Wa.sh. ; some Income, good future. $11.500 10-room modern house. Mar shall, near 23d. $9500 9-room house, same locality. $3500 100x100. 25th. near Nlcolal. $750 100x100, Rlverdcle; $250 cash, bal ance 5 years. X700 4 lots on Peninsula, near Swift s. Warehouse prooerty, $15,000 to $05,000. Good acreage. $100 to $H0O. THOS. McCUSKER, 2Q5 Couch Bldg. $3500 'EQUITY In -room house, corner lot. close In, East Side. In desirable lo.Htlon: or will exchange tor acreage or farm at right price. , . $3700 6-room. new house, full lot. all Improvements; E. 32d. near two carllnes $44100 About IVi acres on carline. about hair-way to Mt. Tabor. ' $1600 Fine lot: East 30th st.; terms. I. G. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Comiiierce: DWELLING A stupendous bargain In this house; situated East Taylor and 40th sts., two blocks from carllne: sightly location, modern 7-room house; electricity and ga. bathroom, toilets, in fact every convenience that goes to make up a modern, up-to-date dwelling; mecial price $2750. $iW down and $30 per month. DUFUR REALTY CO., 602 Corbett Bldg. $24.10 AT elegant 5-room. modern bunga low. extra large rooms, paneled "mnf: room with beam celling, large front fid back porches, cement basement, double . walls and tloors. 50x100 lot. .. vie li blocks to car. 23 minutes on., s.ino cash. A. A. Hoover. 313 Gerllnger bldg. GILT-EDGED BUT. A 7-room, double-wall, brick house and vard neat as wax. one block from Richmond car; 2.n0 stoves, etc., go In. Reduced from $..000. Owner leaving town. B. S. COOK A CO.. 60S Corbett Bldg. Both phon.s. THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL JCs in Irvington and has 8 rooms. " beautifully finished and as conveniently arranged as can be found In Portland. Owner built for home: Is leaving town. R. F. BRYAN. 503 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 1227. ROSE CITY PARK. Tf you are looking for a lot In this vicinity, don't fall to see us be fore vou buv as wo have a few flne lots left at prices which will save you money. ADAMS. DAVIE & BLAIR. Phone A or Main 1216. Commercial Club Bids. IRVINGTON. 1(10x100 corner, east frontage between Thompson and Brazee sts wide street. $1000 cheaper than neighboring -"rn-rs. Also 8 inside lots, choicest 'n Irvington. $4O0 cheaper than neighboring inside lots. Owner, D 72-2, Oregonlan. $2700 TAKES THIS. Modem 5-room cottage: electric lights, gas for cooking; house almost new; lot 60x124; nice lawn and rose bushes: Sun nvslde district: terms. Phone Tabor 3 Sundays or evenings. 17500 NOB HILL home. 8 rooms, j baths, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch; a beau tiful home In the most select part of Nob Hill: exposure is exceptional; about 8 year old. F 626, Oregonlan. ORCHARD PLACE Beautiful lot. 1 block from Peninsula Statjon; 50x100: only $4tm. Owner going to Europe and needs money. This 1 a snap. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. Inc., 618 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO SPLENDID ACRES. Ten minutes from Hawthomo car now. rearer socn: no gravel, fine hnras build ing, close to school ami Mt. Tabor Park. ' B S. COOK & CO. M. 953. 603 Corbett Bldg. Both phones. FIFTEEN LOTS. 30x100. TABOR PARADISE ADDITION. 4Uth and East Salmon. 1-3. less than value Monday and Tuesday. Owner must have money; easy terms. WILKINS REAL ESTATE CO.. 228 Stark. BUSINESS PROPERTY On Union ave., west front, for $4730; sure increase In Income and valuation. Who will be the lucky buyer? This must be sold before March 3. Owner. D 721, Ore gonlan. 4 ACRES, good soil, running water: Ilea fine for chicken business: handy to two carllnes, 6-cent fare; a bargain at $1SC0. $300 cash, balance to suit you. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FIRST-CLASS, modern home In Holiday's Addition, close in; nine rooms, furnace. IOO fine roses In yard, cars every two minutes; $5500; terms. Ben Riesland, Falling bldg. CHOICE EST .CIDE LOTS Full lot, E. 1?th and Everett. $2750: full lot E. 10th aiid Bunrside. $2500; business lot. Missis sippi ave.. $1130: other good buys. Webb. 341. Sherlock bldg BRAND new 3-room house and lot 40x100 on Mount Scott carllne; price $850: terms A snap at till price. Spencer A Co.. 10 Second street. FULL lor with C-room house: Sunnyside, 2 blocks from car: gas. electricity: $2500: terms. Culver. 623 Chamber ot Commerce. 7-ROOM modern house, near 32d and Haw thorne, new; will sell for actual cost. Frank Bollam. 128 3d. TABOR PARADISE ADDITION East 49th and Salmon: 1-3 off Monday. 228 Stark. VERNON Two full corner lots, $550 each ; terms. 1030 Grand ave.. N. . HAVE some monev to Invest In real estate. Unproved or unimproved; must be reason able. E 715. Oregonian. AT a sacrifice, 5 rooms, cottage. Seaside; close to ocean. Phone A 3731. SIX-ROOM modem house, flne location, two carline. Call Main 2018. GREGORY The worker's friend. See page 9. section 3. TABOR PARADISE IOTS 1-3 off Monday and Tuesday. See Wilklns, 228 Stark. FOR RENT FARMS. YOUR last chance to secure a good timber claim cheap. We can locate 50 claims If taken at once. No claims less than ti.000. 000 feet. We mean business and can deliver the goods. Hank references C.ill Wednesdav, 516 Abington bldg. 3d street, between Washington and Stark. TEN acres, all under cultivation. Joins town, n'1. acres bearing orchard. 2 acres chicken park, fenced : 1 '-a acres beaverdam, fair improvements: $250. Terms. ROSWURM & CO.. Forest Grove. Or. 32 ACRES gsrden land, 6-room houee. bam "end outbuildings; 20 fruit trees, one aero strawberries' plenty of water for Irriga tion. 61.-. mile-s from Courthouse; Macadam Road: cash rent for term ot years. F K59, Oregonlan. DAIRYING OR FARMING 40 acres culti vation; large outrange, good fanccs. barns, houte: 9 miles from Portland: H mile station. Apply to 759 Ka.it Couch, Port land, after 7:.K P. M. Phone East 1346. W XTED Direct from owner, large tvnet timber; send full particulars. F. W. Sherman, 403 American Bank bldg., Seat tle. FOR RENT Two hop yards, one of 30 and one of 40 acres: good lease to right party. Y 640. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 6 acres, with house and barn. 6 miles out on Powell Valley road. 395 2d st. FARMS WANTED. WANT a farm of from 3 to 20 acres, not too far fror.i l'ortlsnd; ntt uillinir to go as far as 40 miles out. Y QUI. Oi-ogoiii.iu. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH MEXTS. CHOICE HOMESTEADS. 4SOX 114. ECHO. OR. ...... r , Tl . Tl C I T VI DOUGLAS COUNTY 400.000.000 feet. 6;20 acres; strictly rail proposition; pric reasonable. JACKSON COUNTY 79.0OO.0O0 feet, 43iiii acres: sugar pine and y. How pine. 102.000.000 feet; 0640 acres; sugar ana yellow pine. JOSEPHINE VOUNTY 4C.O00.0OO feet; 1920 acres; sugar and yellow pine na "relinquishment S. 000. 000 feet; 1C0 acres; 0 miles from So. Fac. Ry RELINQUISHMENT 7.000.000 ft. 100 acres; 20 acres improved; miles from so. Pac. Ry: 19.000.000 fen; 800 acres; 8 mile to So. Pac. Ry. POLK COUNTY 18.000,000 fcet; acres; red fir. $:o MARION COUNTY 18.000,000 feet; 4 acres. YAMHILL COUNTY 40,000.000 feet; 960 acres. Price, terms and location upon inter THE' VETERAN LAND A BUILDING COMPANY. Inc. (Brown A Karcckson. Managers.) S22 Chamber of Commerce. SAWMILL FOR SALE. New modern double circular sawmill with 35 horsepower Atlas eiltmc. double surface Happy Thought planer 24xu; . horse power tubular boiler, all modern appliances, skid roads. all "m,b'"rJ vard. and about S.OO.l.000 feet of green timber can be had by paying $1 per thou sand. This mill Is situated 2t miles from North Bank Road and Columbia Rlv'r and 7 miles from Vancouver, oil ''' roid A good investment. Price only $..0011, $2500 cash, balance at 6 per cent Interest. THOMPSON 611 Citizens' National Bank. Vancouver, Wasn. WE offer for. sale an allottment of 100 shares, par value $100 each, of Interna tional Timber Company stock. The hold ings of this company consist of H0O.OOO. 000 feet of the best timber in British Co lumbia. Only a small amount of stock will be offered. Logging operations will begin soon, and returns on stock will be prompt. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMFANI, 311-314 Ablngton Bldg. WE offer S5.000.ooo feet of timber, mostly cedar, yellow cedar, Alaska pine and fir. located on the mainland of British Co lumbia, right on water: easy to log; a first-class proposition and at a very rea sonable price. We have blue-prints, maps and detailed cruise. Let us show you this. IDE-JI't'ARTHY LAND COMPANY. 311-314 Abington Bldg. FOR RALE New and complete mill; the controllng Interest or all: 40.11OO capacity, with electric light plant; located on Til lamook Hav advantageously for coastwise or rail shipments: also 30.0iKi.ooo let fine timber, principally fir; on tide water near the mill. Address Lumber Co.. Box lo, Kay City. Or. YOUR last chance to secure a good timber claim cheap. We can locate 50 claims Iff taken at once. No claims less than 0.000. Ois) feet. We mean business and can, deliver the goods. Bank references. Call Wednesday, '51 Ablngton bldg. 3d street, between Washington and Staik. THE OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO. Pacific coast timber. ater powers located and examined, taxes paid for nnn-resl-denls. timber lands cruised and accural e!-tlmnte.s furnished. Room 317 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 8607. TO INVESTORS. If vou wanl pine or fir timber In large or small tracts, I want to figure with vnu. I have some very attractive buys in tracts from 10 acres to 50.000 ''res, ranging from ."o cents to $2 per thousand. C. J Mcllracken, 304 McKay bldg. LOCATIONS guaranteed on liometesd and desert land In the Yakima ValleM leal es tate, fruit, limber and coal l;inile I.. .1. Hub.-ock room 22.1 Empire Hotel, North Yakima, Wash. Phone Main 5HI. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chb-ago, New Orleans. Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. OREGON TIMBER A REALTY CO. Headquarters for logging propositions: timber lands, farm lands and business cnances. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. Phone M 350. A 338U. FOR valuable timber land. Improved and unimproved farms In the Cow Creek Vnl lev. address lli Glndale Real Estate Agency, Glendale, Or. Correspondence In vited. FOR SALE Quarter section flne (timber; cruise 7,000.000 feet: .10 miles from Salem, 6 miles from R. U.; Ilea flne for logging. Owner. J 718. Oregonlan. CENTRAL OREGON HOM F.STK A DS No alkali, excellent water, railroud soon. Write for information. L. C. Rich, Wash augal. Wash. 160 ACRES timber land In Douglas County, with 6.OOO.O00 feet yellow fir and cedar, cheap. L 723, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Timber claim. 160 acres. 7.000. 000 A-l vellow fir, guaranteed; $.1600 cash; well located. D 691. Oregonlan. HAVE a few good homesteads for Immediate location. Oliver & Ilavilund, 1119 Board Trade bldg. WE BUY. sell, trade, 'Imher lands, logged off lands a specialty. Metropolitan Ex change. Offices 007-8 Abington bidg. 80 ACRES In Clackamas County: will cruise 3. 5011.00O feet; price $1000. 622 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner. 1 '4 sections good tim ber lnnd. Umatilla Co., Oregon. Addres Box 696. Weiser, Idaho. WE ere headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney 4c Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg FOR SALE 40,000, 000 fine yellow fir: logs to Lewis River; cheap. A. E. Mathews, 209 Couch bldg. 120 ACRES of timber land at Mchania. Ma rion County, or.. $!5c0 cash. Inquire 714 Water st. Phone Main 6801. FOUR timbered homesteads for location on river bank; good timber and fine soil. 609 Couch bldg. IF you want timber In small or large bodies see Mr. Elliott, .105 3d st TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. .127 WORCESTER P.1.00K. WANT1CD TIMBER LAN DO. FOR Immediate offering, we want choice tracts ot British Columbia timber, large or small, that are attractive and "ill bear Investigation. American Timber Co., 714 Marquam bldg.. Portland, Or. HAVE- the capll to pay for single claims from entrvmen In Lake County; give full par ticulars and description. Y 6119. Oregonlan. IT ACRE on Tabor Heights, value $2000, to "trade for timber claim; give location. AD 612. Oregonian. WANTED Bargains In timber hinds from 10 acres up: will cruise Immediately and pay cah. AE 634. Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted, . J. MoCracken, 304 McKay bldg. WANTED AIKEAI.K. WANTED A piece of scr.aso near Port land to plat Into small tracts. W. L. GREEN. ' 245',x Wash. st. Phone Main S033. WANTED Acreage, with and without Im provements. Goldschmldt's Agency, 2j3!4 Washington st. FOR SALE FARMS. 10O ACHES good wheat land In GHlIsm County. Oregon: all in Summer fallow wheat- one-third goes with place; small house 'and barn; railroad siatioii one mile. Address l:. Newton. Dundee. Or. WE BUY. sell and exchange farms, large and small, locations. Oregon and Yt asli Inglon: for snao In farms call nnd so our list. Metropolitan Exchange: Offi ces, 507. 008, Abington bld. . WE li'ive a splendid proposition for Ihe man of smail m-nns to gel 10 acres of fruit: let us explain it to yu. MOSSMAN PARTRIDGE. 40S Commercial Cliib Bl.lg. fino ACRES. 2.V) plow land, rich soli. 4 miles fnim cltv'; finest dairy farm in Oregon; 41) horsepou'er waterfall; $14,000. tern. Box 15s. Kails City. Or. FARMS, large and small; term to suit purchaser and our prices are always right. J. M. Ktrr A Co.. 268 Stark St.. room 10. SEND for our lis. of Willamette Valley farms beftre buying: lands shown frs. Olmsted Land Co.. ialem. Or. re. fine level sage- hrusii land' with creek Cash Must be sold .Monday. A. I'tiderlilll. 29 Hamilton bldg. 16 ACRES at Hell station. EMacada car line, $4O0 per acre. C. W. SchJld. FOR HALE a60-e wbeat farm. D T24, Oregonian.