The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 21, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier & Frank Store the Home for Butterick Patterns, TjeAPenjnes Nemo. Cossard and Madame Irene Corsets, Columbians, Arnold's Knit Goods for Infants, Willamette SewingMach!
I I I i"7
At The Meier Frank Store
Onr Express and Freight-Receiving Departments are certainly taxed to
the utmost capacity during-these rush days. The extensive purchases
made by our many representatives in the East are already making a
splendid showing. We are receiving consignments xor many aepuiiucui.
The special attention that our suit-buyer has given to secure stunning
and novel effects has certainly been realized. We are receiving daily
beautiful creations, which you will find demonstrated in our Suit De
partment. An early inspection is solicited. Department, Second Floor.
f I fir I IbV
New Spring Suits
First Special Sale of
Tailored Suits $25
Coats are 32, 35 and 33-inch lengths, semi-fitted
with fancy patch pockets, trimmed with buttons,
and silk collar. Also tailored suits, stitched, with
plain tailored pockets. Skirts are plain gored with
girdle top and trimmed with buttons to match the
coats. Materials are fancy striped serge, prunella
cloth; colors are green, tan, taupe, rose and navy,
fancy stripes and mixtures; on sale CO? Aft
at this special low price, the suit. . .'Y
First showing of new Spring Suits in three-piece
effects so popular for early Spring wear. The gowns
aye empire and transparent yoke of lace with high
collar or the new empire jumper effect, without
yoke or sleeves ; bodice fastening to one side, with
cloth-covered buttons extending to bottom of skirt.
The coats worn with these gowns are long and hang
straight. The front is fastened with three large but
tons.0 On sale at prices ranging from $35.00 UP
New Hose for Women 57c
Women's new extra wide welt or double top Hose,
something the hose supporter will not tear out the
first time that you put them on; come in and let us
show them to you. Special sale on 75c silk lisle in
black and tan, with the double top, special ... 57
Also our 65c, 75c and $1.00 lines in all colors and
shades of tan, grays, blues, reds, pinks, whites, Lon
don smoke and black. Our lines are complete in
every description. Take advantage of this great sale.
New Ribbons
At our Ribbon Section you will find Brocaded Taf
fetas, Brocaded Satins, new Beltings and Sashes,
new Neck Ribbons, new moire and satin stripes,,
suitable for millinery purposes, at popular prices.
-New Spring Silks
We are now showing a most complete line for the
Spring and Summer season of 1909. The indications
point toward this season being one of the greatest silk
seasons ever known, and here are just the silks you
have "been wanting. You should not faij to see them.
Messaline Phantomi in all the new shades, yd. .$1.25
Caroylan Silk in stripe and figured, the yard. .SI. 00
Directoire Satins, 36-in., all neutral tones, yd. .$1.75
Cheney Bros.' shower-proof Foulards, one of the most
desirable, fashionable silks of the season, yd. .$1.00
Satin Faille, one of the newest silk3 in the, market, es
pecially adapted for evening gowns, and come in all
the wanted shades; at this low price, yard. .$1.25
Satin Pongee, one of the desirable rough weaves for
three-piece suits, at this low price, the yard. .$1.00
Spring Dress Goods
New Dress Goods on sale for Spring and Summer wear.
We are now showing a large assortment of up-to-date
fabrics, suitable for any style of a gown that DAME
FASHION would stamp her seal of merit on. Avfew
of the new things shown only here, at these prices:
44-inch imported satin finish Cashmere; see the new
shades; on sale at the low price of, the yard $1.50
44-inch invisible hairline satin twill, the yard. .$1.50
50-in. lightweight Poplin, every new shade, yd. $1.50
46 to 60-inch ombre stripe Worsted Tailor Suitings,
on sale at these low prices, yard.. $1.50 to $3.00
36 to 54-inch two-toned worsted Suitings, all the new
shades, pekin and ombre striped, yard, 50 to $2.00
Picture Sale $1.50 Values 49c
Another picture sale of new and up-to-date pictures,
colored subjects in gilt frames, large assortment to se
lect from. Don't overlook this sale. Best AQ
picture values ever offered, vals. to $1.50, sp'l. . vZfC
Showing of New
Spring Millinery
Our new Millinery is arriv
ing daily, including import
ed Pattern Hats, as well a3
smart tailored effects, at
prices that will be a sur
prise and revelation to you.
The styles include fancy
straws in all the new
shades and shapes. The
bead festoons are very pop
ular, as well as jet bands
and ornaments. Occasion
ally you see a soft drape of
silk or chiffon. Flowers
will be used in abundance,
as well as breasts, wings,
aigrettes and quills. We
earnestly solicit the favor
of an early visit, as we of
fer exclusive styles in Hats
at lowest prices, ranging
from $5.50 to $20.00
Mail Orders
New ideas in Spring Neck
wear for women. The new
Prince Charles collars, new
embroidered collars, rabats,
jabots and bows, new ruch
ings, new Windsor Ties.
The lace-trimmed Dutch"
Collars are new and Dressy.
Don't fail to see them.
New Tailored Waists
Just reoeived a new line of tailored and fancy waists,
made in all-over fine tucking, large plaits with one3nch
bands in colors on white, yokes trimmed in dainty new
laces and insertion, or hand-made embroidery in Frenoh
and Coronation; materials are linen, batiste, barred
dimities, crepe, dotted swiss and lawn, fancy or plain
long sleeves. Values from $2.50 to $30.00
New Petticoats
A full line of Petticoats in moreen, satin and heather
bloom, also a new assortment in wash petticoats in
gingham and chambray, in fancy stripes, plain, or
plaids. Price from QO to $7.50
-Infants' Needs-
Mothers will find all the necessary articles for the baby
in our Infants' Section. Below we offer some timely
items at special prices. Separate room for selecting,
with women in charge. Read the following items:
$3 -$3.50 Bishop Slips $1.98
Infants' hand-made Bishop Slips, embroidered, finished
it neck and sleeves with hemstitched bead- p 1 no
ing and lace; regular $300 and $3.50 for. . h
$2.25-$3 Flannels, Yd. $ 1 .98
Flannel for Infants' Skirts, handsomely embroidered
wool and silk and wool; regular $2.25 and ' 51 Qfi
$3.00 per yard; on special sale at, the yard. . P 0
$2.50 Buggy Robes for $1.89
Infants' Buggy Robes, woven of fine yarn, striped in
blue and white or pink and white ; the best on
regular $2.50 value, at this low price, each. . s I .O
$1.25 Pillow Slips for 97c
Infants' Pillow Slips, 14x18 inches, trimmed in lace,
tucks, embroidery and insertion; the best reg- QP-,
ular $1.25 and $1.50 values, on sale for, each. .-7 C
New Embroideries
$4 Merry Widow Emb. $2.98
The Merry Widow Em
broidery, something new;
an dimity ground, for com
bination garments. Regu
lar $4.00 values, on special
sale at this ?0 OR
low price, ea. . N-,-'
10,000 yards Swiss, nain
sook and cambric embroid
ered Edges and Insertions
" for w o m e n's and . chil
dren's wear; neat, desir
able patterns, to 9 ins
Values to 40c, at, 1 rr
special, the yard..''
Special Sale Convent
Made Embroideries
Special sale Convent Em
broidery on soft-finished
cloth, imitation of hand
work, 1 to 5 inches wide:
25c values, at, yard, 10 45c values, at, yard, 33
-New Low Shoes-
Women's $5 Shoes at $3.85
We place on sale tomorrow
many new stylish low cuts
and pumps. The popular
ankle straps, one and two
eyelets, sailor ties, Gibson
ribbon, custom straignt lace
oxfords, all the newest tan
effects in leather, buck
skins, demi-patent velour
and Russia calf, patent colt,
vici kid. They come in any
shape toes, any style heels,
from the low common-sense
to the extreme hiffh Cuban.
Six new lines in this extra
ordinary offer, all the lat
est stvles. every size and
width. They come in brown
kid ankle pump, 1-eye sail
ors in patent colt, gunmetal
and tan Russian calf, vici
kid and velour bluchers' custom straight-lace tan
calf oxford3. They all have welt soles, plain or tip
toes, spike Cuban and military heels ; every C l Q S
pair worth $5.00, special sale price, pair.
Muslin Underwear
We have provided some remarkable bargains for this
week's selling. Our Muslin Underwear Section always
offers the best bargains at the lowest price and the
items for this sale are all new goods. Let us show you.
$ 1 .50 Cambric Und'rskirts 98c
Special lot white Cambric Underskirts, made with wide
tucked flounces, plain or iace-irimmeu ; sep
arate dust ruffles; regular values $1.50, special. .
Ladies' Cambric and Nainsook Gowns, made low round
and square neck, trimmed in dainty lace and embroid
ery edgings, tucks and insertion; the best o 1 fQ
regular $2.50 values, at this special price. . . P
65c Sleeping Garments at 39c
Special Children's fancy stripe and white outing flan
nel Sleeping garments, wim aim wimuut
Ages 2 to 8 years. Regular values 65c, special
$6.50 Comb. Garments $3.98
Ladies nainsook and Lawn two-piece combinations Corset
Cover and Drawers combined, trimmed in dainty Val, lace,
edgings and insertion, beading and ribbon; also a few made
of wide embroidery. Regular values ranging $0 QO
from $5.00 to $6.50; on sale at, special, garment. .Y-
New Corsets
lip $7.50 Est elle
Estelle Corsets, made of fine silk
brocade, white ground, with pink
and blue figures ; made long hip
and high-bust style; a very smart
model for the new gowns; regular
$7.50 values, on sale mo in
at this special price... pO. lO
Custom Made and none better
One of our new models that will give
the beautiful long lines and hipless
effect so much in evidence this season.
Important Items About NewTrimmings
Appliques in the festoon effects,
all the new, delicate colors;
priced at, yd., 65 to S6.75
If interested, send for samples.
We are receiving daily novelties
in Lace Bands, Gold and Silver
Trimmings and Allovers; new
colored Nets and Persian effects.
Very handsome line of fancy
Drops and Tassels, black, cream
and gold, all lengths, on sale at
prices from, ea., 35 to $2.50
Beautiful line of new Trimmings just arrived. Fancy embroidered Net Bands in all the new colorings,
all widths. Prices, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.75, $3.00, $3.75, $4.00, $4.zd, d.uu, Jfo.ou,
56.00, $7.50 and $10.00 per yard. Don't fail to see this splendid line of Trimmings. Let us show you.
Qold and Silver Net Bands, in new designs; come in all widths; prices ranging from 40 to $4.00
$10-812.50 Men's Frock Coats $2.98
A special purchase of odd coats left over from
hieh-price suits: materials of these coats are strictly all "wool, of fine black unfinished worsteds, ?t u d
v, single coats oniy; $iu.uu w ?iz.uu values, oyca, c..
Sale of 200 odd Frock Coats, $10.00 and $12.50 values.
high-price suits; materials of these coats a
dark silk mixtures and black clay worsteds
New White
Fancy Short White Aprons, round
and square, made of fine swiss and
lawns, trimmed in dainty laces and
embroidery, beading and ribbon.
Regular values 75c and 85c JO
each, on sale at, special, ea. . VJUV.
New materials for evening and afternoon
wear in fine Eolienne Crepes and Eoli
enne Voiles, in all the dainty colors, oh
sale at these prices, yd. 50 and 60tf
60c Tumblers 43c Doz.
L07600 thin-blown Tum
blers. A plain glass table
tumbler that sells at 60c
per dozen. Buy all you
seant at 43 per dozen.
Basement. A splendid
value; do not overlook.
Sale of Fine Stationery
Mousseline de Paris pound
paper; great val., lb.. 28
LOO sheets of fine linen
paper to the pound. Reg
ular 35c lb., special. .2S
Envelopes to match,pk.8
Engraving done to order.
Speciai Sale Bathroom Supplies, All Nickel Plated
Tnoth Brush Holders, snecial 12d
Match Holders, reg. 25c, spl.19
Toilet Paner Holder, snecial. . .8
Toilet Paper Holder, special . 19
Robe Hooks, reg. 25c, special. 19J
Glass Holders, reg. 60c, spL.47
Glass Holders, reg. $1.10, spl.87
Whisk Broom Holder, special.. 8
Bath Tub Seat, reg. 90c, sp'l. 71
Head Rest, reg. $1.50, spl. .$1.19
Bath Spray, reg. $1.50, sp'l. $1.19
Combmation faoap ana mass
Holder, reg. $3.00, special. .$2.39
Sponge Holder, reg. 75c, sp'1.59
Soap Dishes, reg. 85c, special. 67
1 2 Cakes Soap lor 23c
5000 boxes of the famous
Wild Thyme hotel soap, 12
cakes in the box, special
box.. 23
Phone orders will be
promptly filled. Take ad
vantage of this soap sale.
$ 1 Rubber Gloves 39c
Sale of Rubber Gloves,
pure gum stock for house
hold use, in black, white
and red, sizes 6 to 9. Reg
ular $1.00 values, now on
sale at this very low spe
cial price of, the pair 39
U I P 1
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