The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 24, 1909, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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TTHKRE ! more stored-up vitality nd
bustle in your body now than there will
ft, 20 ears f rum now. Your brain is
go ore tcuvn than It will be In th3 yeats
W come. You are more fit for life's itk
aj now than you will er ha agato. Do
you ant lo coin your energy, determina
tion and brain activity into present tom
Vrt and an oM a; of plenty When your
ra of life are burning low It will be too
late. Today la the time, Portland la the
pi are, and llerrln la the man to put you
nrtit, A food opportunity for the right
man. I. C. llerrln. G-ner.U Agent, 3i6-7-
Urcgonlaa bid(. Portland, Or.
BAII.WAT M A IT clerk wanted 0 first
year. Promotion to 1oo. Examination
In Portland. May 15. Common school edu
cation sufficient with our coaching. We
guarantee wht-n others primif. F"U
particular free. Ak for booklet T R.
Washington Civil ervlce School. Wash
ington. D. C.
BRICHT young man or lady with about
SOO one with musical ability prnM i.
bign-grade. educational entfruinmeni
touring Northwest; arranjre dates with
churchea. society -a: good salary and pro
file; esoerience unr cwary; write for in
terview. Pickering. Heaver Apartments.
mA NTKD at once for a nrst-cla hotel.
American and European plan, a first -class
working r.nef -steward; also a flrvt-cl.iss
batter. Answer, fully stating past e1J
rienrea. nationally, ape. reference and
alary eapexjted: no tooss-flghteis wanted.
Add re AB 556, Oregunlan.
for easy mork: examinations of ail klnis
soon; prt advice. a4ie, questions and
booklet 39, describing positions and tell
ing easiest and qui. kest wav t "''cure
them, free. "Write now. Wasmngton Civil
Service School. Washington. D. C
SVANTRD Man. niuat be willing to learn
and capable of acting aa our representa
tive; no canvassing or soliciting; good in
rm assured. Address National Co-operative
Realty Co., 7o2 Marden bids-.
Washington, I. C.
It- district managers In Western Oregon
for the Brotherhood of American Yeoman.
Pnlendid contract to right parties. Ad
dress W. A. Bullock. State Manager, 430
T orceater Bids., Portland.
BELESME.V wanted everywhere to handle
the "Leech Mgn r ran ucks io me
show windows by rubber suction cups.
Make from SIS to J-i dally. Berry
l.awrance. No. ICS E. 10th St.. Kansas
City. Mo.
10XGN up for coming season before Spring
rush closes vacancies; pick and shovel
work and ditch in Alaska: good pay and
psssage, $100 required, payable in in
stallments. W 482, Oregonian.
SOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and
station work, good position guaranteed.
Address Telegraph Dept.. Hlbernta. bldg..
Market A Jones St.. San Francisco. CaL
OOOD agents wanted to sell our coupons;
mufft . soher and reliable: rood propo
sition and easy seller; no graft proposi
tion. Hayes t Hayes. M JW v aamngioi.
EXPERIENCED sal earn an wanted to repre
sent a line of gloves lo retailers and job
bers. Apply to Nielsen Glove Co., 158
Green at.. Jamaica Plain, Mass.
1FJNTIST wanted, one having coneiderable
experience ana gooa c i i "t. n.
cite 4, S. W. cur. West Park and T aablng
ton. $90 A MONTH. $70 expense allowance at
start to put out merchandise and grocery
ca talognea: mail-order house. American
Home Supply Co., Desk Sv, Chicago. 111.
WA NT ED Salesman for our special offer
of 50v0 free postcards. Vest -pocket sam
ple. Moat profitable side line eer of
fered, ii. G- Zimmerman & Co.. Chicago.
WANTED Experienced retail dry goods
man to act as superintendent ; state sal
ary and aire; aio give referencea Ad
dress C Oregonian.
WANTED An up-to-date, live and ener
getic candy salesman; stat experience;
give reference; bond requested. L 663,
.W ANTED Honest man to attend store,
learn business-; VK) required; waga $3 per
Hy. Cail ts6 Swetland bldg.
ALES MAN Experienced In aay line to sell
general trade In Oregon; an unexcelled ene
ctalty proposition ; commission with t.t3
meekty advance for penw. The Conti
nental "Jewelry Co., Cleveland. O.
WANTED Specialty aa learn en. new $49
article, big commission. O. F. Foes, 422
Marquette bldg.. Chicago.
For Men ?3 Bumslde Street.
Phone Main
t t?XPERIBXCED candy-makrtr. helper. mr.
hocolate and bon-bon dippers. D 673,
'WANTED 4 good-appearing men to carry
banner. Austin, second floor front. S. W.
cor. Park and Washington.
Js'AVTED Partner la real estate. wII e--tahiwhed.
ail at M9 Williams ave.. 10
o cAhk- A- M. Mor. day.
12 North 2d St. Both Phones.
A' ANTED -iood live man to work on com
mission basis, real estate: have weli located
offices, good furniture. 1 wetlanI bldg.
aVX PRR FI BSC BD advertising solicitor f.r
apeclaj e-litlon. leading monthly. A pply 9
A. M. Monday. 6ia Chamber of Commerce.
5T TI ON g an g a new R . R. w o rk , ZMO to
X-x-ard ptes. free fare. Details from
C. R. HANSEN. JR.. 1 N. d st.
WANTED Mn's laundry; like mother used
to do; no chemicals or machinery. Hand
Laundry. Main 2073. 2J 3d.
MAN to clear land for tjae of same; fenced,
some cleared, house supplied, on carilne.
M 5V3, Oregonian.
fipn"IALTY salesman, will guarantee $1.V)
month and 2 per cent on Investment ;
$-300 required. Address D wi'?. Cregonlan.
i Httuations secureil for high-class hulp. free
to employer. Benson bldg., ith and Morn.
'WANTED Young man with $1io. good
wages, money secured. K 5A. Oregonian.
1 Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
i Depot. P. Lorati. 14S 4th. Main 5AOO.
i WANTED Starcher and polisher, cnerry'a
New Laundry. La Grande, Or.
! CITT salesman for crockery line. Cor
; bett M'!g.
S43H Waahlagton at., cor. Tth. upstairs,
Phone Main and A 2R92.
Help Supplied Free to Em ploy era,
a a NT ED Girl for general housework In
famllv of three; must be able to do plain
conkliir Call Sunday. ft7f. Weldler iu
Take Broadway or Irvlngton car.
WANTED Shirt flnlshrs or Ironers, Ap
ply Ptandard fihlrt Factory No. 2. Grand
ave. and East Taylor St.
COM PKTBNT glrL mostly cooking, small
family. Phone East 44. 714 Tilia
mfKik at.
4Z Washington ?t.. Cor. 7th, Upstalra.
I'hone Main 292.
WANTED Refied. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavt Co. 60S Roth
ehlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
COMPETENT girl to rare for- baby and
anaist wlh housework: references re
quired. Call S4&i 10th st. Main 1244
'Li. Tl-.iKlnvfnn fit Rrtnm 207-
Maln or A.
fiTRONO young woman for ho-ork ;
wages Zi; reference. Phone Kast
WORKIN houifk"ivr in rertnrd home;
mages J30; referencea I'hone Kast
WANTED--A girl for general housework.
Apply 327 L?tli st.
OTRL for general housework. Call or
phone bet. lo and 2. aKi Eugene. C SotHS.
WANTED Nuts girl. 3 In family. Par
ring ton. $ Broadway.
PRIVATE TEACHER, good wages.
Swetland bldg.
. WANTED Sales people, waist depart rrvn t ;
also expe'n ed wrapper. ;rand Leader.
W ANTED gtrl f r general housework.
1X1 K. 1th st. Phone Kast li3.
tl'ANTKU Mildte-aed woman to care for
bsby. Phone C
TATTTED -Millinery arprcntccs. Celesta
room Soft ruodner bkig.
MUTIner. country, $18 a ek.
office girl, city.
Nurse (confinement nurseglrl for chil
dren. Cooks. second girl", chambermaids,
waitress.", girls for general housework
and rooking and other new places coming
lu daily.
SJSS Washington St.. Cor. Tth. t pstalr.
SALESMAN and district manager, male or
female, for Oregon and Washington, only
tho-e of ahllltv and accustomed to hand
ling high-grade prooositions. Call or write
tociav and all week. N- W. S. Co., Inc..
r4U Hoard of Trade. Portland. Or.
WANTKD At once, good motherly woman,
dmclpllnarian. to take full charge of
home; parents In business: 2 boys. 8 and
13 years; kjp laundress who assists with
housework; must be permanent. 14 20th
st.. cor. Laurel. Portland Heights.
TWO GOOD SOLICITORS for biggest maga
zine combination offer at the season; 918
weekly and tree transportation; Al refer
ences or bond necessary. Call after
P. M. R. H. Mad dan. &UJ Swetland bldg
Poriiand. Or. ,
WANTED Stenographer for wholesale
house; good opportunity for a girl that s
rnreful and n-t afraid to earn an increase
b-fire she gets It. Answer in own hand
writing, giving experience and references.
B S. Oregonian.
WANTED A woman for general housework
in 4 -room apartment; must be a ilrst-cls-s
cook and room outside of hout;
with reference. Apartment No. 1, The
WANTED Woman or girl to take care of
children two ur three afternoons or everl
Inir ach week: prefer one living- near
College su Call 31 College at. Phone
A ibtt.
GRADUATE from an Eastern musical school
gives le.4on on the plaao for 25 centa;
beginners and children a specialty. A E
4:JL. Oregonian.
WANTED To furnish office rent free to a
competent young lady public stenographer
who will In exchange V rward maiL etc
Address D 54. Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted to help manage one of
my branch offices. This fas a proposition of
mrit. it's the man I want. Austin, room 3,
Kaleigh bldg.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
houscaork. small family, must be willing
to leave city. Salary 4 per month. Ad
dress J. J. Buchter. Medtord. Or.
EAFflKIEN'CED shirt operators wanted. Ap
piy sudnrd factory No. 2. Grand ave.
and East Taylor st.
GIRL wanted to assist with light house
work; two In family. Call Monday morn
ing. 624 Weidler at.
PI A N I FT wanted for January 30. Call for
Auc-tin over Royal Bakery, S. W. cor. We
Park and Washington.
WANTED Business, woman, mature years,
to assist manager; one who could leave
Uy preferred. X S.'.G, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl fnr gcenral housework; give
references and wages wanted. Addreea T
WANTKD .Experienced young woman to
wait on table and do chamber work. Call
Sunday after S. 3:t 17th st. North.
WANTED Maid to do general housework; 3
adults: new houee; good wages. Apply at
7J Hoyt st. after 10 A. M.
WANT ladv cashier for shooting- gallery. 72
North 4th st., Monday at 2 F. M.; good
WANTED Woman kitchen helper, from tt
in morning until 3 In afternoon. Apply the
Galley Restaurant, 25 2d st. near Anken.
WANTED Flrst-dnss tailoress and waist
finisher, phone Main WHO. Call today after
10 A. M. M. Bagley, 2.'t0 FUedner bldg.
A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, over 13. to assist
in light hoi!(enork. for room and board.
Phone A 41S2, or call 341 14th st.
LA DIE? fine waists and linens; no ma
chinery or chemicals; absolutely by Hand
Laundry. Malu 307S. 262 3d.
BTENOC1MPHFR. brirht. active young lady
for broker's office; give references and sal
ary required. Address X 507, Oregonian.
GI RL to do general houeework, good wages.
Inquire Dr. Lab be 's readence, head of Love
Joy st.
WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for
genersl housework; good home. Call Wood
lawn 1 636.
LA D Y to chaperone and give lessona on
' horseback. Stephenson. 603 y Alder su
Phone A 2l1.
QPKICE clerk and stenographer. expe
rienced, willing to work up. B 506. Orego
nian. YOCNO or middle-aged lady to do geoera!
housework, small family; good home.
Phone East
WANTED Young lady to answer phone and
mind office 1 or 2 hours during nor.n time;
slate wages required. C 4M. tiregonlan.
Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison 8t
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
WANTED Gfrl for general housework. 721
Halney at. Phone East 1100.
WANTKD First-class ngrkers and assort
era at Kast Side Laundry.
GOOD waist hands and apprentices. 424
tilh st.
THOltOITGH onnnse of mininery taujcM la
J m e ks; terns reasonable. 147 11th st.
WANTED Rxperlenced girl, housework, small
family. 207 Stout at.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 3 In
f.imiiy; good wages. Call 603 Kenton bidg.
TAILORESS, also sklrtmakers. Call 2 to
4 P. M- today. 20S Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED Iady mualc tftacher, good In
theory. Address or call 221 West Park. ,
GIRL to assist with housework and baby.
776 Johnson st.
LADV for cooking and general housework,
family of 3. Karrington, ot8 Broadway.
FinsT-CLASS chocolate dipper; best wages.
Good Roblln Candy Co.. Vancouver, Wah.
WANTED Experienced waitress at the Bev
eriy. Park and Yamhill.
WANTED High school girl, good home for
light service, call E- 6723.
GIRL for light howwork; good home, small
wage. Main 62v. C4 Water sc.
WANTED Girl for general housework 231
East 3d st. North. East 1149.
COMPETENT cook for general housework;
small family. 775 Kearney.
DO YOU WANT to make some money 7
Young people or women do well with our
proposition. Agents wanted In every town
on the Coast. No money invested. Good
h vitimate work. Write or call. 206 .Fen
ton bldg., Portland, Or.
GOOD. FRIGHT, ludustrrous salesmen and
saleswomen demonstrator, district mgrs. ;
a clean, high-class proposition and a big
money-maker, which none but the Intel
lectual can appreciate; none but absolute
ly the beat need apply. 900 Marquam bldg.
WANTED representatives In this vicinity to
handle high-grade specialties. Experience
r t necessary. Call or address today and
Monday. N. W. Co., iOl Board of Trade
-Hldg.. Portland. Or.
W A NT ED cms who ran operate a power
'wir.c machine and Is willing to learn
shoo stMcning. J. A. Keia Co., cnton ae.
and Ah.
CATHOLIC ladles and gentlemen; light em
ployment during spare time, no money
required. Ren hHc tine Fathers publishers,
603 Uoodnough bldg.
WANTED Young lady or young man to do
tictil janitor work In exchange for part, tni
tion In a business college. A 591, Orogonlaa,
G l 8' U'RRETTE. e1-r teanu and spe
cialty act-. Stevens Moving-Vlctnre
1 Zt 4th, booking dept.. room liT.
SCHOOL oF MUSIC. 452 Morrison, cor. ISth;
.". for term of ; months to beginners. In
classes of '2. Students' entrance on 13th st.
Fl V K persons to learn Spanish, preparing
for itov eminent positions; reasonable
tarma. 403 Common ealth bldg.
LADY from LondVa and Paris gives lessons
privately or class, French and piano. A
now. 612 Swetland bMg. Phone Main 471.
writing. 26J 14th st. Phone Main 39:t
FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes. $1 per
month to leginners. 452 Morrison.
WANTED Scholars for dramatic class, JJ
cents lesson. Y 60S, Oregonian.
INCREASE your salary Now is your oppor
tunity ; earn $101 to $300 weekly. How to
escape fr..m milk can filled with water
after locked In; packing-box escape bor
rowed or built on stage, glass caae. trunK.
mail pouch; hlghcat paid and most sensa
tional act in vaudeville; baffles the world;
absolutely guaranteed to contain the or
iginal secrets of tbce great acts. All ouc
Jewel Novelty Co., Marshneld. Or.
SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS Boyd syllable
svstem. writing with only nine characters.
No "positions." "ruk.d lines." "shading,
"word-signs" nor "cold notes." Speedy,
practical svatem. that can be learned in
an Huv- of home atudv. utilizing siar0
time. Chicago Correspondence
112 Clark St.. Chicago.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
OFFICE man. diversified experience, fair lo
cal acquaintance, good correspondent and
accountant, capable taking office manage
ment; bf st references; wants position; would
leave city If necessary. A Oregonian.
YOUNG man. English college education,
wants position with mercantile housvt;
nrst-cloaa selesman; stockkeeper and as
sist on books. K 5SS. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position with lumber
company; two years' woods experience on
books; commissary, stores, materials, etc.;
excellent references. K 585, Oregonian.
WHO requires the services of yoittlg man
capable of holding position of trust? Best
references, w. a. Jackson, 124 East 61st
St., Seattle, Wash.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, commissary
clerk, etc.. wants position In logging
camp: two years In last place. K
WANTED Position by thoroughly compe
tent bookkeeper, accountant and office
munager. Gilt-edge references Address
p o3. Oregonian.
BY experienced accountant, correspondent
and office manager, now employed, wants
larger responsibilities; cty references. D
30, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED accountant and auditor de
sires books to audit or write up; charges
reasonable; city references. C 454, Orego
nian. WANTED Position by young man as clerk,
collector or solicitor; willing to work
hard. N 5i0. Oregonian.
THOROUGH practical bookkeeper wants po
sition in or out of town; moderate salary.
Address D 589, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper of middle age and
good references wants situation. C 6SG,
WANTED By man and wife, experienced,
hotel on salary or position as camp cooks
N 599. Oregonian.
GOOD apprentice barber; will be up for
examination before Oregon State Board
this April; I want Job in fcood shop;
guarantee expected. Address H 5S7, Ore
gonian. Phone East 510.
NURSE or attendant Position wanted by
young man of experience.1 graduate doctor;
maeaage given; used to travel; would take
elderly gentleman or mildly insane person;
best of references. L filll, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, Swedish, wants work, honest.
Industrious and all around man, very fa
miliar with horses. Address or -call at 7
East 11th st.t city. Phone East 200, B
JAPANESE couple want positions, man flrst
clnss cook, wife to do housework, city or
countrv. Care Japanese M. Mission.
Phone Main 9361.
BY GOOD baritone or tuba player, to locate
In town where there H band that will se
cure me light employment, or I would
buy small business. L 5S9. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes position around ma
chinery; understands gasoline engines and
automobiles ; chauffeur Job preferred. S
680, Oregonian.
ELDERLY gentleman of steady habits would
like position of running an elevator. Ad
dress G &S 7 Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese laborers want
mill, yard or cutting wood, any kind of
work. S SSL Oregonian.
FIRT-CLASS patternmaker from the East
wishes position at once. Address
East 6th. Phone Woodlawn 1370.
WANTED Position aa Janitor of flats or
apartments by experience man; references.
Address R 646. Oregonian.
MAN and wife, cooks, want position as cook
or cook and helper, hotel or camp. Address
K 592, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as elevator opera
tor or Janitor; experienced. L 5U2, Ore
gonian. COMPOSITOR and Job printer. Several
years' experience. Good recommendations.
R 547, Oregonian.
BUTLER Position wanted by experienced
Eastern man In private family; bet of ref
erences. Address M Oregonian.
CARPENTER work done by day or contract;
estimates furnished on plans. T 631, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as manager or clerk In
hotel, city or country; 10 years' experience.
AB 549, Oregonian.
WANTED By colored man and wife, situa
tion an cook in hotel. In or out city. Phone
Woodlawn 404).
JAPANESE schoolboy wants position before
and after school hours; speaks English. G
593, Oregonian.
UPHOLSTERER and carpet man. 15 years
experience in or out of city. Address 1100
East Grant.
ELDERLY man wants permanent work;
energetlo and reliable. D 583. Oregonian.
POSITION as watchman, day or night,
sober, married man. F.3rtS. Oregonian.
MAN wants Janitor work by hour or day.
Phone Main 6109.
WINDOW cleaning, floors waxed and pol
lened. Thomas Green. Main 0573.
MIDDLE-AGED man desires work, inside
work preferred. A C 441. Oregonian.
JAPANESE contracts any kind of Job. 249
Couch St.. city. S. Ozaha. A 435S
JAPANESE wishes position 3 hours daJly.
N. Frank. 40 North 1st st.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes a situation as
schoolboy. E 591. Oregonian.
A ROT of lfi wishes work at running an
elevator, or bellboy. B 586. Oregonian.
EXTBRIE-NCED carpenter would do Jobbing
for house furnishings. B 592, Oregonian.
GENERAL housecleanlng by day,
hour. Thompson. Main 3519.
Job or
Bookkeepers and Rt enogra phera.
WIDE-AWAKE- young lady of good appear
ance and real business ability and nerve
wants an opportunity In any legitimate
business to make something -more than a
salary; soliciting not considered. It 530,
aTNPERIENCfJD bookkeeper and stenographer
. where ability and apiication to details are
appreciated. Call Woodlawn 114.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenograpner
wants position; best references; employed,
but wish change, j ?7S. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. S years
experience; referencea; reasonable salary.
B 675. Oregonian.
WANTED position bookkeeping. other cei-
lcai wora, si eiiogra.puy it requireo, mou
erate pay. P. O. Box 2:!0.
6TKNOGR APT1ER owning machine copies at
home, dictation on request. Phone B 1419.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position,
best of references. D 579. Oregonian.
YOlVO lady would like position as office
girl. K 597. Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer, several years expe
rience. M 5W0. Oregonian.
SEWING by the day. Phone Woodlawn 50
Call from 10 to 12 A. M.
WANTED -By a young lady eamstres, em
plo3TOent m a private family. E 588, Ore
gonian. DRESSMAKING Children's clothe by day
or at home; reasonable. East 4818.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engnge
menta by the day. reasonable. Main 6297.
RELIABLE dresnraklng and plain sewing by
day. Mies Ch is holm. Main H06.
EXTERIRN'CFTD dreanniaker wis heat few more
engagements by day or week. Main 5107.
DRESSMAKING Children's work In families.
Piwne A 6269. CaU r- dreamilter.
SEWING bv the daj;; girls' dresses, boys
waists and pants, ladles housedresses and
waists, very reasonable. Sunday and eve
nings, phone Sellwood 405.
"EXPERIENCED dressmaker will ;o out by
da v. 'fit and work guaranteed, i'hone Al
LADY wishes plain sewing: will sew for ho
tel or do children's eewlng. J 599. Ore
gonian. COMPETENT seamstress will take more en
gagements; children's work a specialty. A
6iKl, Oregonian.
Shirtwaists, suits and fancy underwear.
Phone E 1921.
GOOD WORK, reasonable, rooms 7 1-9 Vj.
"Beaver Apartments." A 4560, Main 6771.
DRESSMAKING done out or home, $1.50 per
day. Phone after . A 3470. 354 Clay st.
EVERHART, dressmaking. 424 V 6th st.
Phone A 3S27.
LADY wishes sewing by the day or at home.
Call Sundays or after 0 P. M. Main Si:i9.
FIRST-CLASS tJ-essmaking a: lowest irlcea
Mrs. Angeles. '242 6.b and Main.
PLAIN and children's sewing. 882 East Da
vis. Phone East 3959.
A GERMAN girl wants to assist In general
housework or do second work. Call Main
WANTED By a 15-year-old girl, a place to
assist with housework. Call 1406 Winona St.,
LADY wishes day woak for Wednesday and
Thursday. 1.75 day. Main 344.
COLORED woman with reference wants work
by day or week. Main 39u3.
PROFESSIONAL nurse with new. mod
ern home, take chronic, helpless lady: ref
erences: faithful, trusty, competent. Phone
Tabor 951.
WANTED A position by nurse to care for
nervous patient; good references. Phone
Woodlawn 1414.
SITUATION by practical nurse; no objec
tion to light housework; personal refer
ence. Gertie Fisher. Tabor 1517.
NURSE. 10 years experience, wishes more
engagements, maternity, seinl-lnvalid ; can
leave city. A 2824, Main 20.19.
TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements.
No objection to light housework. Terms
to suit. Main 8C96.
WANTED Position by experienced practical
nurse. A 590. Oregonian.
ELDERLY practical nurse, confinements;
references. B 1238. 867 East Davis.
A REFINED widow of middle age wishes a
position as housekeeper; caji take full
charge; no objection to children; references
given and required. Mrs. M. E. Wilson,
78 Eighth street South, fJat 8, Minne
apolis. Minn.
WOMAN with 2 children wants position as
housekeeper; wouldn't mind going in the
country; not too fax school. Address 691,
WANTED By young widow, position
as housekeeper for widower; one who
has a home preferred. AB 661, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper In private family or rooming
house. Phone A 2210.
WANTED By middle-aged woman, position
as housekeeper or companion; reference.
A E 429. Oregonian.
. j
MIDDLE-AGED Eastern woman would like
position aa housekeeper for widower. F
576, Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged
woman with girl of 6, in widower's family.
C 579. Oregonian.
WOMAN would like to assist with housework;
homo more object than wages. W 485, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position housekeeper or charge
of dining-room hotel. S 690, Oregonian.
REFINED young woman, excellent personal
appearance, wants position office or store;
experienced saleswoman; good wages neces
sary; lives nt home. Room 12, Young Wom
an's Christian Association.
A MARRIED woman wants a position as
cashier In restaurant or to ran a boarding-house,
or housekeeper for hotel. A
dress B 598, Oregonian.
WANTED By responsible party, position of
trust In family; willing to assume charge
of orphaned children; references exchanged.
Addrea A E 430, Oregonian.
WANTED By Eastern woman of neat ap
pearance, position doctor's office; would
work for small salary. Phone Main 4420.
TWO ladies winh situations together as first
class cook and second, or chambermaid.
C 588 Oregonian.
GERMAN" woman wishes to work on Mon
days and Tuesdays, washing or house
cleaning. Call Sunday, East 1376.
RESPECTABLE family would care for girl
8 to 12 years old; good home; reasonable.
494 Jefferson st. Phone A 6403.
WILL give Individual and class Instruction
or read and entertain Invalids, day or
evenings. AE 438. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED private exchange operator
v. lshes position ; references. 11 585. Ore
gonian. BY widow, fancy laundry to do at home, or
few hours' work each day. Call Mrs. Bvarts.
Phone East 1809.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position to do
second work; private family. H 599. Ore
gonian. CAPABLE woman as caterer will give
services to dinner parties or lunches.
Phone Main 4349.
WE'LL educated", experienced young woman
wants work : speaks English, German,
French. AC 442, Oregonian.
LEFINED lady about 33 years, would like
a responsible paying position. Address
B 590. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and general office assist
ant, salary to begin $lO per week. Address
L 598, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work for
firi-t of week; best of references. S 5S6.
POSITION as helper In tailor shop, have had
experience. B 694, Oregonian.
LADY wishes work by the day or to take
home washing. A 592. Oregonian.
CfTORED woman would like work by the
day or general housework. Phone Main 1493.
FA NOV laundry done at home, work guar
anteed. Main 844. A95 Johnson st.
YOUNG WOMAN wants any kind of work by
day. Phone Tabor 1879.
YOUNG woman would like day work. Apply
at 222 North 15th st.
LACW curtains washed and stretched, 40
cents a pair. A 4387, Main W28.
LADY will care for children day time.
Phone B 2321.
TWO experienced waitresses want short-hour
mork: wages 55. H 5h8. Oregonian.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretc.ied
40c paid. Phone Main B59S, A 409:.'.
LADY would like care of rooming-house; ex
perienced. Call 230 Columbia street.
COMPETENT cook wishes work where sec
ond girl Is kept. Woodlawn 89.
COLORED lady wishes day work or cham
ber work. Phone Main 9201.
WANTED Work by hour or day by capable
woman. Phone Main 4394.
A LADY wants general housework by tbe
hour. Phone Main 52r7.
POSITION by a teacher. 5 years experience,
references. H 593, Oregonian.
A TEACHER and cashier wishes position of
any kind. G 590. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman wants any kind of
day work. Phone Monday. Main 5170.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day.
780 Multnomah.-cor. 24th. East 6101.
WANTED Washing and housecleanlng.
Phone Main 6427, room B.
WOMAN wants work by day. Mondays or
Tuesday; no half days. , Woodlawn 1611.
WOMAN wants day work.
Main 4349.
A LADY wnnts work washing -und house I
cleaning, x nous iii ami avxx
AGENTS Fortune maker. Wonderful self
working washer; does the washing by Itself;
runs automatically by waterworks preswure;
saves all the hard work of washday; new in
vention; sales unprecedented; agents wanted
who can handle high-class- proposition; exclu
sive territory; $3o to 4)0 per month. The
Eagle Tool Co., sole mufgrs., Dept 5 Jo, Cin
cinnati, Ohio.
WANTED AGENTS Gents- or ladles to sell
the best household article that was ever
patented and put on the market; no ex
perience necessary; It will sell itself, just
nhow it and they will buy; every house
keeper wants one; agents are nuking -to
$10 per day. Send 35c for sample, or
call at my orflce. 8 to 12 A. M., 1190
Rochester ave., Woodstock, Or. R. . Pool.
MERCHANTS and salesmen wanted Become
our representatives taking orders for our
fine line of custom-made suits, trousers
and overcoats; large line of samples ar
ranged In attractive manner furnished free;
33 1-3 per cent commission; write for fur
ther Information and territory. Warrington
Wonted and Woolen Mills, Dept. b4, Ii3
Adams St.. Chicago.
FOR $50, hustling salesman or saleswoman
can procure general and exclusive agency
for article salable to every man, woman
and family; work it alone and make $30
to $60 per week; employ agents and
greatly Increase your earnings; the article
can be had only through you; outfits for
six agents worth on hand. Geo. Curtis,
311 Couch bldg.
ACTIVE agents make $25 to $100 weekly
selling first practical, standard, two-hand
keyboard, visible writing, portable $15
typewriter ever sold. Does work like
luu machines. Everybody wants one. Big
profits, easy sales, exclusive territory. Gt
full particulars today. Dept. P. O. Junior
Typewriter Co., 331 Broadway, N. Y.
AGENTS Make 1909 prosperous year; selling
guaranteed toilet soaps, perfumes, etc., di
rect from manufacturer; household necessi
ties; everybody buys; one young man cleared
4947 In 6 months straight. Are you doing as
well? If not send poetal today. W teach
you how. Davi Soap Works, 481 Carroll
ave., Chicago. -
AGENTS H. Burgher, Chicago, made $1475
profit in 7 months handling out Patent
Gem Steam Cookers. Want experienced
and capable agent at once to have exclu
sive control of city. $2400 prizes 30 days
credit. Write quick for the greatest prop
osition In country. American Aluminum
Mfg. Co., Dept. A, Lemont, IU.
AGENTS New Invention; never before sold in
your territory; coin money. Automatic
hatne fastener; horse ownwrs wild about
them; aclm on sight. Any person getting
territory will make a fortune. Free sumpi
to workers. Write at once Automatic
Fastener Co.. D 1049, Cincinnati, O.
MONEY IN SOAP $1.25 pair patent tension
shears free with each box. "Sells like blue
blazes at 75 cents," Sample box 30 cents.
Large circular free; tells all. $45 daily profit
if you can give away ICO pairs $1.25 shears
dally. You can do it. Try. Write. Parker
Chemical Co.. Chicago.
AGENTS Make $103.50 per month selling won
derful self-sharpening, patented sclHHora and
cutlery. V. B. Giebner sold 22 pairs in 3
hours; made $13; you can do it. We show
how. Free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co., 600
Fourth st., Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS Lincoln's Washington's birthday
and St. Patrick's day buttons, emblems,
badges, shamrocks, postal card; largest,
bewt and cheapest line In the world. Ca:a
logue free. W. F. Miller, 168 Park Row,
New York.
WANTED District managers of either sex,
to sell the bet and: most up-to-date insur
ance policies and to appoint agents. Top
contracts to richt parties. Call or write.
Oscar Ilk man. 313 Eitel bldg., Seattle, Wash.
AGENTS Earn $25 to $50 weekly selling
new styles "Merry Widow. "Mexican and
Swiss embroidered waists, etc.. catalog free.
National Importing Co., Desk D, 099 Broad
wa y , New York .
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful 8-piece kitchen set; send for sworn
statement of $12 daily profit; outfit free.
Thomas Mfg. Co.. 600 Jefferson St., Dayton,
WANTED First-class man In every town
In Oregon to sell "Diozo;" cheapest and
most perfect disinfectant known; $5 to
$10 a day easily made. Diozo Disinfectant
Co., 3234 Washington at., Portland, Or.
"WE PAY $90 monthly salary. fumtfh rig and
expenses to Introduce poultry and stock
remedies: new -plan ; steady work. Imperial
Co., D 78. Parsons, Kan.
AGENTS Men or women, wanted to handle
quick selling household specialty; big
profits. Westfield Supply Co., Box 427P,
Oakland. Cal.
AGENTS wanted; extreme novelty; Initial
window-shade pull; everybody's initial;
69.O00 sold first fortnight. Kaytwo Mfg.
Co., Boston, Mass.
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, pref
erably with private bath, by 2 young sin
gle men. Address P. O. Box 504. State
location and terms; will exchange refer
ences. WANTED Clean room, with h?at and ath
and arranged for light "batching" by man
w ho does not drink or use tobucco ; give
particulars and price, or you waste your
' time. C 453, Oregonian.
LADY wants room and board In refined
private family, handy to carline and
w here there are no other boarders. Give
phone number. D 527. Oregonian.
WANTED Board by month; man and wife,
with baby 15 months old; give beat price,
with phone and location. AB 5iu, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent, small farm, adjacent to
good scnool town; anywnere in estern
Oregon. Pay ,cash. Address, giving full
particulars. J. P. Barron, Salem. Or.
YOUNG couple with infant wants perma
nent room and board, private family; fur
nace heat, walking distance. Give phona
number. X 655. Oregoniaoi.
IMMEDIATELY, by family or 3 adults. 5
oc 6-room house, rent not exceeding $2".
walking distance. West Side preferred. AE
40, Oregonian..
W A NT E D On February 1 , by 3 adults, 4
furnished houel.eeping room-, oulh of
Morrison sC. walking distance; must be
reasonable. C CR5. Oregonian.
SMALL modern cottage, furnished or un
furnished. East or West Side, by Feb. 1;
state terms and location. D 594, Orego
nian. YOUNG lady attending business college
wants place to work for room and board.
T 522, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, healthy, wants open-air sleep
ing room; give phone number. L 681,
WANTED Modern housekeeping rooms for 2;
private family; references exchanged. L 593,
GENTLEMAN 32 would like to meet matri
monially Inclined lady. Give phone or
addresa. AD 522. Oregonian.
4 OR 5-room flat, furnished or unfurnished;
must be central. Address A 595, Ore
gonian, stating price.
WANTKD Furnished house, 7 to 10 rooms,
Feb. 1, West Side, walking distance P. O.
M 52, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN and mother want two house
keeping rooms In private family, walking
distance. Address M 594. Oresronlan.
GENTLElMAN offers piano. English or Latin
lessons for room. Address A 683, Ore
gonian. TWO young ladles want rooms and board,
private family: eMerJy people preferred; in. , 11 590. Oregonian.
WANTED By two young ladles, board and
room in private family, centrally located;
state terms. J 598. Oregonian.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private
family, respectable neighborhood; 3 In
family. R 545. Oregonian.
WANTED By lady employed, room, with
or without fcoard. West Side; electricity,
references exchanged. II 592, Oregonian.
YOT "NO man wants roo m and board with
private Catholic family. F 509. Oregonian.
FURNISHED hous or apartment by Feb. 1;
adults only. K 591, Oregonian.
BY business woman, room and board, pri
vate family, clone In. L 597, Oregonian.
WANTED Desk mom by dealer In real es
tate. Address L 599. Oregonian.
WANTED Feb. 1, 4 -room apartment; West
Side; state price. S 692, Oregonian.
WANTED Today, a furnished cottage. B
583, Oregonian.
WANTED Desk room, with desk.
A 599,
0 to 8 room modem house. West Side, by de
sirable tenants. Box 70V, city.
TWO or three unfurnished rooms by young
oiuu &o cniMiren. aw svragonian.
WANTBD Furnished and unfurnished rooms,
apartments, flats, houses; we have parties
waiting for something close in In above de
scribed properties. List with uo for quick
rental. F. M. Crawford & Co.. 420 wet
land bldg.
WANTED; By middle-aged business man of
good habits, homelike room, well lighted
and heated, with brcakfis and dinner;
good, wholesome cooking and advantages
, of refined home desired; permanent if suit
ed; references. Address H 5Srt. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE Eastern couple without chil
dren require furnished house about April
1; good neighborhood, one yoar; -would as
sume care establishment during owner's ab
sence abroad. B 506, Oregonian.
YOUNG married couple would like 6 or 7
roora furnished house for few months If
rent is reasonable; best of reference
given. Please give full description and
location. D 5SS, Oregonian.
WANTED 6 or 6-room modern house in
good residence district; Piedmont pre
ferred; have 5 lots well located on the
Peninsula, value $1000, balance cash. A
597, Oregonian.
8-ROOM modern house, wel 1 located, over
looking river preferred. B 5S9. Oregonian.
WANTED People to' raise mushrooms; good
Income: experience unnecessary; we buy
them back on contract; now is the best time
to start this Industry. English & French
Mushroom Spawn Co., 170 S. Water St., Chi
And anything else you have to sell.
Main 6665. A 4121.
WHAT have you to trade or exchange for
house and lot, mining claims. Gold fields
stock, 50 shares bank stock. 3 patents, 1S
acre farm near Portland, 33-room hotel?
We trade anything. 13 5th. Main 0377.
WANTED Boats and boathouses; have cus
tomers waiting: what have you? We deal
with owners only. A 3253 or Ray's Hos
pital Motor boat Club.
WANTED Pedigreed sable and white collie
puppy. 6 to 12 weeks old; give pedigree,
price and full particulars. Address C 590,
ANGORA CAT. white, male, for stud serv
ice; will pay usual price. $10 at time of
service. Mrs. Lillian Short, 309 1st.
Main 7489.
WANTED To sharpen your knives 25c,
razors 35c, and returned the same day.
The Keen Edge Co., Postoffice box 625,
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes;
we also buy household furnishings; highest
prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 03
Sd st. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTBD A dog. Inquire or bring dog to
Ernest M. Biddings, at Washington Cream
ery, corner 11th and Washington sts.
"Pays the price' for second-hand furni
ture. East OSS. B 2311.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture.
Phone East 5204. 368 Hawthorne ave.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1007.
YOUR old furniture taken in part payment for
new. Main 9193.
CLOTHING Clothing. Phone Main 1493.
Highest price paid, tt N. 3d st.
GO-CART, high chair and nursery chair, must
be reasonable. Phone Tabor 498.
I WILL buy a diamond If perfect and cheap.
A 6Ut, Oregonian.
WANT to buy Job printing press cheap, Geo.
Lowe, 1191 Albina ave.
I WILL BUY good barber shop. What have
you got? A E 434. Oregoniatu
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, suit
able for gentlemen. Kamra bldg., 1st and
Furnished Rooms.
Now Open, 208 Third st.
Has every modern Improvement. Thor
oughly renovated and under new manage
ment; steam heat; hot and cold water In
every room; private baths; elevator; spe
cial "rates to good, permanent roomers.
THE LARRABEE. 22T-4 Larrabee st. At
tractive, newly furnished, thoroughly nitd
. ern bay-window rooms, handsome brick
building, electricity, steam bent, hot and
cold water every room; call -bells, bath;
walking distance; 75c day, $2.50 week, up.
THE) BARTON, iSth ana Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; room $10 month up; suites with run
ning water, $22.60 to $30; elegant publlo
parlor ; phones and baths free.
WE are headquarters for rentals. Those de
siring to rent give us a call; if we haven't
wrat you want on our list will ue our best
efforts to get it for you. F. M. Crawford &
Co., 420 Swetland bldg.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burn side; in the
heart of the city; everything brand new;
finest rooms In town; an ideal Winter
home; rates reasonable: free bus to all
Nicelv furnished, heart of the city; elec
trio light and gas, at the Marquain,
and Alder.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. PrachL proprietor.
HOTEL KEN YON. 18th aad Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping ; running water, private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 490.
OHIO HOTEL, Front and Madison, furnished
rooms, outside $2.50, Inside $2.o0; also fur
nished suites and unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms. Nettie Connott. manager.
Washington and 17th. tlrst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. Main 5047.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished bay
window rooms; steam heat; porcelain
baths; walking distance. 445 Columbia st.
Phone M 7410.
PRINCESS HOTEL, 84f East Burnslde St.;
only fireproof hotel In city; modern in
every reaped; reasonable prices. East 171.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts
Furnished rooms, best in city for money;
$2 per week; modern; free baths; no dogs.
THE ESTBS Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and bathe free. 82714
Etark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J- Estes.
NICELY furnished, comforta-ble. light
rooms, $1 to week ; heat, bath, free
phone. No. 2 Utii st. N.. near Washington
NICELY furnished rooms; central; free
phone and bath; every convenience. 427
Alder st., near 11th et.
VERY desirable furnished rooms, all conve
niences, close In ; $3, $6. 472 East Oak.
Phone East 4113.
HOTEL ROSEMOND, 67 Vi 3d St., cor. Pine,
newly furnished. H. Levins, prop.
FINE, comfortable furnished rooms, close
In Inquire 201 10th, corner Taylor.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished. $2 to $5;
also transient rooms. 343 y Motisorj.
THE ANGELES. 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments: both phones.
NEWLY furnished room, heat and hot
water. 474 Alder nt.. cor. J4th.
A STOUTLY room, heated by furnace; ue of
bath and plume. Main 13ii3. 40 larrabee.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
yicBLY furnished rooms, gas. bath and phone,
IS month. 26" U North 10th.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for young
man. $S- 4S Main.
$1 WEEK, nicely furnished rooms, private,
family. 773 Roosevelt st. Main 6174.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, private fam
ily. A 1949. IMS N Kith St.
$10 -Nicely furnlphed steam-heated room;
every convenience; central. I'hone A 4970.
FURNISHED room, close in, private family.
Phone A 3107.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent. S6 Park
Ili'-j . TH ST.. sultn of housekeeping
rooms, neat and clean; all conveniences.
NICELY furnished front room. 402 Cla
FURNISHED room. 211 N. lth st.
FURNISHED1 room fos rent. 492 Clajr. mU.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE) comfortable, well-furnished front room
with luge olovt: ntlemen only : Anr-e
blocks from postoffice; private faraili. -4T
0th. Phone Main 307&
THREE" comfortably furaUhed rooms, each
suitable for one or two persons: gas. bain;
In easy walking distance; reasonable. 4-9
East Davis st. '
NEWLY furnished .front room. gas. bata
and furnace beat; walking Hnce suit
able for two. Phone Main 4294. 5SI
Hovt st.. bet. lSih and lth.
LARGE furnished room, Wg closet, bath,
gas, phone. h":it. in private home, talk
ing distance. 39 Hancock st, bet. Union
and Grand aves. .
FRONT parlor room, bay window and fire
place; tires furnished evenings and Sun
day. 3 a week. Call 348 Montgomery or
phone Main 0S15. .
LARGE. ISRht, well heated, lower bay-window
room with alcove. large and sma.I
room, walking distance, all convenience;
also smaller room. 3rtl 10th st. '.
CHARMING room in private family; no children-
view of the mountains. 235 21 at
North, corner Marshall. "W" car. . Main
7593. .
COMFORTABLE room, well furnished, $5 rr
month; 2 carllnes. 25 K. 12th. Phone East
COZY, warm room, widow's home, very rea
sonable to rertned gttntleman; gas, pboaa.
M 584. Oregonian.
A NEAT front room with home comforts
for elderlv person in small German Jam- '
lly. M 597, OreoniaJV ,
NEWLY furnished outside room, modem
conveniences; price very reasonable. 429
Market street. - -
NICELY furnished front room for 1 or t,
pleasant cottage, walking distance, rea
sonable rates. 183 17th st., near Yamhill.
SINGLE furnished room, suitable lor gentle
man, furnace heat. 84 H 10th t. Main
213 12TH ST., near White Temple, nice rooms1,
modern. well-heated, reasonable; private
family; gentlemen only. A 6092
LADY living alone In housekeeping apart
ments would like a roommate. S 599, Ore
gonian. NICELY furnished front room, comfortable,
very reasonable. 10 17th St., cor. Tarn
hilL J
PLEASANT front room, adjoining bath,
for business person; close In. Call Sun
day. 94 N. 16th st.
$3 pleasant, well-furnished room, modern
conveniences; elegant flat. 187 ; 16th, near
Yamhill. - " ": ' ,
NICELY furnished front room; steam heat,
bath, phone, walking distance; auitabls for
one or two. 325 1 2th nt. -
" 5 '
262 12TH 2 nicely furnished rooms with
running water, furnace heat; price reason
able. '
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, mod
ern conveniences, walking distance; refer
ences. 30:i 12th at. Phone A 3B4Q.
NEW modern flat. Just furnished; close In:
suitable for one or two gentlemen. 1691,
loth st. Phones A 33T7. Main 3377.
, -
NICK rooms in mndern new homse; walking
distance: good table; reasonable. - Phone
Main 22i9.
A VERY nice room for two with board; fins
location. 392 Salmon. Main 6037.
NEWLY furnished rooms, free bath, phoneV
furnace heat. 115 12th, corner Washington
NEWLY furnished slnglo or double rooms ni
28 E. Gth st. North, phone East 2o3.. ;
FURNISHED room for gentleman, wita
bath. $2,50 week. 892 24th st. North.
$10 Light. well-furn!fihd room;' gentlemrAn
preferred. 094 Everett .
HANDSOME suite of rooms, suitable for
two or three, reasonable. 323 Mill. A 496,
$2.50 Small, cozy front room, with clothes
press, walking distance. 401 Oth st.
FURNISHED rooms, also light housekeeping
rooum; furnace heat. 4o5 Stark at.
NICE furnished, clean end new rooms; rea
sonable rent. 432 3d St.. flat C.
NICELY furnished room; bath, gas, heat,
phone; $2 week. 649 -, Morrison.
NICELY furnished room for rent, with pri
vate family. Phone E 2400.
PLEASANT room for gentlemen; central and
rtasonuble; private family. 292 12th.
$3 WEEK Front parlor with piano. 424
Jefferson St.
$2.59 WEEK Newly furnished front room;
modern flat. 421 Jefferson.. '
NICE- big front room; gentlemen preferred;
also housekeeping rooms. 241 6th st.
GENTLEMAN wants roommate; modern con
veniences. 215 13th.
PLEASANT furnished rooms, . walking dis
tance, 687 Gllsan st.
LARGE front room, central, conveniences,
very reasonable. Call 493 Everett, st.
SNAP Two nicely furnisJ-.ed rooms. 185 33th
st. I'hone, heat and hath.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TO RENT An unfurnished front room; bay
wtnk.w and alcove. 133 12th. Telephone
A 3230.
TWO nice unfurnished rooms, three blocks
from postoffice. Inquire 214'j 4th.
Rooms With Hoard.
Three of the most elegantly ftimlsh4
suites tn Portland. Just vacated by parties
going to California for the Winter; very
modern ; steam heat, bath, private phone,
acrens to pool and billiard tables. Corner
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year;
rooms with board, use of g wing-room
and library; Women's Exchange, Mr.
Ella Raw lings. Supt.. 610 Flanders st.
1 B5 10th st., cor. Morrison. Fine large
rooms, thoroughly steam heated, lowest
rates, best place In the city for a home.
THE LLVDELL, 3S9 Market Nicely fur
nished rooms, home cooking; steam heat
electric lights, baths, phones, $6 weekly.
THE MARLYN, Washington aad 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
THB MORRISON, 633 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern, sew management; board op
tional; best table board; prices moderate.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 18th.
ROOMS and hoard; hot and coLd water. The
"Ozark," 225 11th. . - -
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
ROOM with board, home cooking: terms
reasonable; walking distance. 41 Ella
St., bet. 20th and iilst, near Washington.
RKSPKCTABLH fainliy would board one o
two children; good heme; rates reason
able. Phone labor 427. -
NICE room and board: private family; cen
tra I. reasonable, modern; refereaoes. Main
BOARD and room with j.Yivate family, suit
able for 2 voung gentlemen- 647 'A Yam-
bill. A 4190. ' "
SPECIAL rates .on hoard and room for
2 voung men; home privileges. Phone
Main 6947.
BEAUTIFUL front room . suitable for two;
$20 each; furnace, bath, parlor. 423 7th. A
2910. - ' . t
GOOD front room and board for two la
private family; all modern convenlenoss.
1SSV.1 1-th at.
loS2 1'iTir Larce, hardsom frost room,
with board: suitable for two.
BOARD, roam private family; very reason
able. 725 Hawthorne ave. R 2207.
FOR room and board In private family call
Kast 5(i9. ' ,
ROOM with board, home rooking, free
phone and bath. Phone East 5749.
NICELY furnished room, home cooking,
private, modern, reasonable. f;t Couch,
ROOM for two; breakfast, dinner, plain
washing, home comforts; $18. East 1690v
FRONT and side room, with board; home
cooking. Z2& 6th st. Phone A 3622.
$20 PJeasant furnace-heated room and board;
ideal home. 4TO Main st.
Ft'RNTKIIKl) rooms, with board,
st. Phone A 16S.
SbS, llttx
t20, room-aad, .board $91 Vpratfc-V'-