J THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 24. 1909. FOR SALtV-KEAL FTTK. HtlLMAX A UTHROP. P gn of the Horseshoe) T Ovr Merchant Nat. Bank. ' PORTUNti HKIiJHT? lot on Flixah-th : n ah. b;in pr cent; ptvM atret. on crlln. for burga.ow. S'jm of the Horso I'Nfos a V E. ot.. m im in ditrlt; lBipr.vmrn!t paid; no better buarness in- S'sm of f h Hnwho t"XNYSilE. co in: rn- building lot. mi'-a!iTn w. . cmnt a:k. n-r. water, bead ot strt. fl:i v'.ew; $I2o" tstim or ti H"rw;io- CX.DL.A v X corner i"t. g- d ell 1"s. 1 blonc from I'nicn-eve. carllne; Sign of th Hr"iw.) K. SAI.Mi'N' St.. orr..r. . in. flr. .o-- x on. ;vaty). south famine cb-ayfc; on tne srt; Sign ft th Horsahoe) quarter HIh K, v-sin.t Park dts- tr.--; good for ti.ree or f"iir houses or bun ara.own. ewer. atr. Ra. 2 i rt bl'-"ks frum W'tl hrji cm. .1 f:..m Crn; 2"OV. gn of tb H-irf-V) PF3T t HriAP l.'VT. ! mln fr-.m Wiih trgon st : g-arJ str-t. ater. i-oard sra.k; lot t c.erd: rMt trni; . iS:ti of in llTaeb' ) El. I. 8 r-oins ',sm haT, KuM i beaer, a ; I im oruvemn t a. rorner f i-g. beautiful lawn with shrubbery: 7oA. VERT MODERN. T rooms; hot water heat. vr cot"P?!; cbolca location; a prfe'-t hm; HAROAIN. 7 rooms: nre'ace. larg fur mar, bes ylumhmi. eloee in. lmproe- VF.H.VON BtNCAIiW. 1 b'o-k frm car, ft rooms; FlM Run trm. OOZY H(ME. room and bath; mod ern pMmbmg. f u 1 baement. corner lot. -r proved street: fln brri". t-. ; D.ocks from ft-mia. car aervlce; $24lV. KE1I.MAX A LATHRt.P. 8l of th Horn) Orar MirchaDt Nat Bank THESE PErL.B WANT MONET: S..Vj cah 4 Momi, mtvVrn. otie lot. fnrvii; fruit, garden; Mt. Sott car. .-) C cah. 4 rooma. boxed, one lot. 2A-fo-.t alley. nar car. $tyo-u casrti. lS0. H-llwood. 4 rooms: fruit, a-arden, stable, near new car barn and c.;ubhi. . H2f doan. I0 per month. 4-room b'lrctow. new. near ear. $-jjra 5 momt modern, amah lot. Trur van at.; ren'a ij0 rwn. r"oma. modern. rat S:rk. rr .kth; nice ho-re. acre, fen-ed. houfe. fruit treea. lib .'are. Im) in are. house, fine stream. nr ew: miul be :d. $l2u-5 a.-ra. a 'J cleared, bouse, stream, m : frotn jm car. f,4,vi l, cas. 1-4 arrea; house, bam, nar -ar. 7.V casa 4 rooma. cr.a!I . a.kir. 4 te t a nee. 5 tut 'or fru: ork ;".n IP "s t o , LOT BAKL1N. $ oo Ni-r It ou F.an Ahler. west or r.7rh; atreei and er yioAil Lot 4"xIh K. YamhiM. near .th. part rasit. balance time. $I:;.1A ln. E. J4ih. hr Hmnxlde and An- kny; very "air term. $750 3 lots, c t E- :t7th and Aider; na.f sh. , S.iao I'ttl I S w.it. E 14ih and Diaion; Hmali ho'i?-; li ir:- ' $:.VW .".mtoo and - i-n-oin cottages, near h-uth in t. $:.vo 7-room T-iie. K :lli. n-r An- knv : hnif : r ap Ijs.-n ,"iti2.". 7-room K" d h-i!f. va'h f rtu'H a; . nr I nl 'n ave i.tM 7-r..iT goot h"U r- rn-r lot. Eat Taylor i . eat of ?.'th H"i h-rnnm nfanr ie lone, pear llawthornf . and K U-d; $l'UKt . tli. ba! nre t Ime r. W. TOR4.1.KI1. !' her lit k ".Idn Hinna...Quror ho.-k. '-Md and Washington. ;i.im 1imx M. n at Li!i and T'nurinali. ."t7"n I W t o. 2"' b. new r N trolal. 7.w 4 l .t on peninsula, niar Swift's Tro 1ik imi. Kiverdale. J-. ah. bal-an- . a ears lOi pr i--e. 5 and lO-acre trarta or the I Add ar Reed farm, near Carlton. p.r a-r. 3 arres. H mllra out on R R per a re. i'O acrea near Raae Line on p. rtv. tTi'tfi per are. ."0 acres near Linnton road and t'nited v roe in. TI!.'S. M'n KKH. Couch bldg. N KV H-rontn hou?e. mmrr. i o. a. rioe f Portland houieard: 'JI". terms niall hn:im and lot. nar Portland bi;itesrd. Na. md-rn. ft-r-mn f-ottage. full corner lot. on Killing ort h nf.. $- I .". ter:nt. iH-siri ole lot?, at re:iaon;ile prlf-i a id tei m any part of the peninsula. Farma or arre'jre for gale or tr-de. If ou have anything to or vant lo buy or rent, rail and "e i9 Willamette lal Estate Co.. Won eter hldg. or WIl lamatta btation. Ht. John car. j-jan It 2"x1. Wea Hide. $t.n Ixt J'.xli'o, W-! Side jitr.o T 4 '! 10". Wet ide. tvwi Lot 5.al0i, West Hide 7.rt I,ot 42 ' x KK, West Side. $:,Q IM r.OxliO, West Side ! per cent eah and 2 per rent a men' h on a n v oT the above. Pui'dirg site, beautiful river view, tlx 2.;a. 17At ra.-h .( P. KENNEDY. Marquam R.d WE ALSO BPILP HOMEd. Rut !n a new and ipfterer.t why. If ou own our lot. we'll furnish jnu -.iffTlrent tnone'v on monthly payments to huiid wSiat toU want. We can ae ou full 20 per cent In b'tlMlng We hae a number of plana to select from; If we h.Trn't what yeu warit ww can g-t it: emtte fur rhed free, call on a-rhlTe-t at .MT Lum ber Exchange b!dg . f-r lnfnPTt"h. 15 ACRES adjoining Oiitol Hill. Sc carfare; 2' peara. l.V prunes. 7." cherr'ea. 40 app'et. grapei. .1 acres a-rawbvr -.s. H acre fine tomato and celerv !.-nti. good spring. 7 arret In o ts and wheat it ar. 7-room house. L.:t- chlckeK - house, granar-. bugav ahed. t.arn. ei- A afl--n-oid income from off rf the crows. An in vestment with the future certain. Chuptn V Herlow, Chamber of Commert e. -STORY building, a'.l ren;ed and paying 10 per cent on prtre asked . w til trsde for good rarant property cr house and lot; pn -e 0.h. 7-room hou. full haement bT h and tol: ; w 110 v rr.cr. a: l"nlver-ty Park: $"Jjn. only 1 2 TV cash halnnre raine as rem. MTTH-WAf;NER CO, i'namber Commene MI"?T f n J ATA F R 1 FP B 1 of the choi. e lots in tivi-ie;n A f.llrion. b ght -h-n the ;rat ftrit ojened. both face cn William ave. CAI'NAf Ac DI EHAM C7tS W ahinun at., ro. m 1. 4-ROOM. modern bunralow. corner ,Vx 1 'X: 11 replace, (u II cement r aeemeni ; t ri n $.'.V.; for quick eaie. $2 terms. 5-room cottae rn I t .Vx1h on Eat M st. rented for ? nontn; the (round a'one Is worth $:'-hi. We can sell this for $4""0 ! FRARV SV:iT7. I LPi Vii t. j KT RIVER DALE ' west side of r.lverk. ft- : room uouae. 4 full lota, bearing fruit tree, barr etc.: modern convenience. puro mountain water electric light ran I j hsd; JH); '! cah. I alam liKe I r,l,t TJtE CROSSLET COMPANY. 7" and 7o Corbett bldg. j siirHTLV residence 1-it. 14' feet deeo. near 1 -nun try lub: graded streets, good car service. Bull Run ate-: only ; easy terma oroe to tre omre. ATA MS. PAVIE : BLAIR. phones A or Main 'J omtnercial ( tub bldg. I 4 HFAI"TIF''L Cal'forclJ burg ; fi :a-Re and l'ght roina. a:l on one flimr; nrvi-m In everv we: re ent Jn-men. vith laundrv an-1 rurra e: o( nn., on prne-1 etreet. b..e ! Sunnve.ie rv, "4. io n. ha't to suit, t onk..n Proa '. Jt2 R-.:h. r.:!d bif'g. CHEAP HOMES FOR SVI.F Ranging in price from IS'H) to 1-000; Cflnvcm-r.t to r.irlines. THE VETERAN UNP CO. i pro n A Ears. kon. Manager ) b Chamber of t'ommerce. r,.rr's Artpmfv. A -1 htr.e. h.ock f rm Ha wtho-re en-; ha -da or-1 fl- ra. 'a-se. alrv t or,i, fl:ie out'oci. hjv ii f jr $-ti 11 J .u e a home on Xb Hi 1. B. S. C'.OK A CO.. Corbett Bl !g IF you want to buy acreage for subdividing en any of the electric lines, d. e to ' Portland ; don't fail to see t he Vussley I fompanv. 7s and i" orneti oiug.: have the chotce of the land and bargains only. ' ON HM1.UIMY AVE. M 1-3 fet fro-,,' ;e. r S'e! hr.'i: Bt. w"r cf E t. : for fia' bu'.I ing pr.' Per f t hWr- e rr -r ' s a:: pair.. S M.r Cor k : in Hron.. a-i rtoih-h.id n".Jr CHEAP LOT FOR SALE. fV7 s"! no. id ttt nil pflrm of the city. THE VETERAN I AND CO.. (Brow ti A Karerlrson. Mtinncera.) 62- Chamber vt Commerce. FOR PALK HEAL ESTATE. fi-room bunralow. not in i hoje but up an 4 ciifhtly. fuil lot. blork from ool rar-.u-: w!l btiilt and worth rha money. Large attic and furnace, 4JO00. K-rmim tningaiow with cement waikn around hnue. full lt. beautiful nnirh. firp.Hce. handy to rartin nd ia Pieo mont; $4 cn good term. A neat 5-room bungalow, very homey, h orient lv built and full of convenient-; ftrei-lare. cabinet klt-jhen, bookcase, full tiflS'-ment, cement alk; In ffod subuib, 0VxlM lot; fjood term?. $;iMHi. NEAR BROOKLYN SCHOOL 6-moni houae, basement, bath, toilet. pintrv. closet, ball. - porhts nice lot, ea.t from, high croun!. improved street, !a n. frui:. nica roet garden, etc., $ 1 7o0. HENKLE HARRISON. ."11 Orllntfer bids. NOW IS THE TIM f! To buy real estate. See this nice home nn East Mad i -ton tret ; tJ room one bed room on first floor- larff lot ; plenty of roses and fruit. Improved atpcet. Choice locatfon. PORTLAND TRTST POMPAXT UK OltEOON'. S. R. Cor. Third and Oak S:i. CHOICE Bl'YS. $7.-ii) blocK southeast corner 27lh and Savler. lfOaIW. no fei facea aouth on Pavler at. deep, juat west of 2m h. unin terrupted lew harbor, mountain an. I rl-. One block to W car. Wil lamette H-la;hta. A H BIURELL CO., Mcslay Bids.. Third and Stark. MT. TABOR WAT. Thia side of "Aat ave. ; block from ear; a noo-i 7-room house, wlrfc fine open air bedroom; full lot ; aurroundlngs of the best; owner la jrolna; Eaat February 1. Our price la S3200. t ome and see It, and if vou honeaily think It la not a bar gain, then you make the price. Part cash. J. R. STIPE, 7i'0 Chamber Commerce. $2150 SOO CASH. Go alx blocks from a arline for th sake of eettins; a beauti fully flnlahed bunralow at a great bar gain: 5 rooms, perfectly modern, and we believe It to be the finest finished of lta ai In the city. CHAPI.V aV HER LOW. Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES at Wichita Station; 30 mlnut-i from Firts nnd Alder streets. '00 feet on the track. An excellent and onvenl- nt place r a coun ti y home, or for an investment, price s:mo. Easv terms. KNAPP MV'KEY. 113 Board of Trade bldg. TAKE Montavitla car to 67th st. and pick out one of my II newly-built bungalows, a rooms, attic and basement, modern and right up to date; lots ."iOxIihi; cement side wnlks. ahade trees end unobstructed view. Prtre $JJmi on installment ; JlO0 for ca?h See owner, F. Michels. on the premises. ACRES $lii0 buva a ry .nolco J-arre tract all srt oui tn strawberries. 3 m:les f r n cenir'r of city; beat of soil and lies level; hv f.tTe; can make a lining on thia tiaci, one-foui th cash. JORPAX OARBADE, Washington St. CITY ACREAGE FOR SALE. Fin tracts In appealing localities, ready for p!attlng. at price that will never again preva il. THE VETERA N" LAND CO.. i Brow n at Earvvkaon. Manasera.) UJJ Chamber of Commerce. HEAL'TIFl'L KfNOALOW. a rooms: hardwood flmir. hot-water 1-,'at. art windows nrepiac. all beautifully finished; lot KtxlnO. ZIMMERMAN. Board of Tratie Bldg. A BARGAIN In a lot near ?4th and Hal sov for I lor.o; all Improvements (n the Street and fine buildings on balance of blok. its a inp. HA PIN HERLOW. 3TJ Chamber i f C mmeice. j.mi Spien.iid cottaae rooms and bath. lot ;,ixloi, ! tun led On Verr.on aveuua. station ary t.ib. j-aii'ry and other. Improve men la. g-"to rh, balance easy. .See The tipajuon Co.. ml Hiark L j,(0iM3i-roo:n hotel in Portland, lot 10x100, good paying house. In fine shape; must tie foid at once. MA'HE?TEn Wlt-SON. Wells-Fargo bldg. $2.V- West Side Int. cloe In. TM cash. te xl". U averley Heights, two of the choice; Kr in this beautiful tract, l.- niimrea' rlde frjm town; bal. 5 per er,t. Chamber of Commerce. F"R A LE or exchange for farm or Port innd prprtv or iniere-t In goon bufllnefa, good residence property in Everett. Waan. s P. i "ope. 1 7t; oneonta at.. Wood lawn Stat ion, Portland, tr. I2HOO ONLY Far brand new 6-room modern No. A-l buiiKHlo on Kaat Gliaan. Good termi. lmoola a- Crockett. Waahlngion bldg.. room S. FOR SALE Very chap. small, cosy, mod ern cottaiie. the bt of plumbing, line lo cation. i'i!fl to A rarlines. Improved treets and cement walks; terma. Call ai'p Worcester bldg. will earn you "-' ipi Summer If you buy t!-e 5 a-rrs e offer. h f cleared. Hc car are hourly ervi'-i. Rrubaker Benedict, 6 '2 M- Kay Building, ad and Stark. S-t ?- Whole block facing on Grand and Cnlon avenues, this la the cheapest lot to be had In thas vlcinll and will net a sub jar.Mal profit a a sr-culation. Ee The Span ton Co., 27 Stai k ft. M VN and wife to take charge and man age small da ry larm with city milk route: none but experienced dairymen need apply. Inquire northeast corner 1st and Ankf ny at a. lutx 1 2 t Corner, east front, graded street. frt!t free, fair -room houe. J(0"- A -room modern house, very easy terma. ft 700. Inquire luOi Maryland ae. Phone Wood lawn 0. BY OWNER Modern -room houae: two fireplaces; furnace, bath, closeis, large basement, high, full lot; near carltnoa ahd srhoola. 50 East Taylor at. Phone, B S403. FOR SALE flood -room house, corner lot. on- block to carMne, ttn week only, price 1 1 term. $1."o cash. per montii. Call Corbett bids;. Phone Main 3R."I iXImi Ea it Main near 17th; south front; cement sidewalk, macadam atret, sewer, g.-ia; price vet v low for quick sale. See owner. .IU Lumber Knehsnge. 7S0 EAST Salmon si., rear i'td : modern leal- d-n.-e: furnace. e.trlc ligl.t. laundry tutw; $Wa cash, balance easy trtni. For sa.e by owner. Inquire 11 premise. NEW 5-room cottng on Improved street, ith crrr;e wa.k. cloae In. on East 8id; crl e Z2Z0. ay terms and monthly pay roeritsv Call 410 Falling bldg. IRVl.VfiTON HOMK 'New. modern, very d s'rhle: built for -owner; circumstancea r'take It necessary to sell. A B 551. Ore goinau. A SNAP 4 full lots, southwest slope of Tnhor Heights, one block to car. wit It macnincent tew ; only 16ho. Dubois A Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 3. I HI' Y and rtl all kinds of teal estate and umber land. Li-t your property with roe anil get result-: Claude E- Hicks, .ViN fo.bett bldg. FH SALE Fine 0-room house, modem, with bnth. den. reception hall, closets. 2 carllnes. :ir. I" rash. V. W. Helm bach V Co.. 7 Hothchttd bldg. IRVIVdTOV SOxIOO feet in the very best location In this district; eaat front, bitu liMnr a choice home site: $100. j k. ST1 PE. 7.0 Chamber Commt rce MOPERX 4-romn house. Willamette Heights. Fractional lot ; ".; IISSO cash, balance easv ten t. No lm-4 Hiirman at. MARTIN J. II IGLEY. 13J Third Si choice hlok. prospective business propert; al"o corner lot at a bargain, m i-ioe an estate. 317 Failing bldg. rhone Vain S4l".. a Ft Ml A LB Two lots on Unlm avenue: fine IfK-atti-n for flat buildings. :15 Chamber of Commerce. S-ot0 "CASH will handle corner. ftrtglOO, with U-roum cottage. 30 Dekum bldg. Main 7 44-Ra?M bouwe close In., good walking dla- tar.ee. ;J0 Swells ndb'dg. ltoE CITY PARK, corner lot. on carllne; snap. U 5. Oregonlan. TH REE lota In Pendleton, Or. cheap; bargain. A -id rasa W 47. Oregonlan. FOncEP sal of rea! estate: If you want a bargain, mil at filM Corbett bids. -,rtt rra: tona corner, -d and WeUUer. Own i'. 4-1 Hr'Jwa. Phone E-st 2i-'7. HIT ae-l exchange invthlng yo-i hare, gutek returns, at 4f4 Swe-Jand bldg. t con FfR cholc lot facing eat on Eat 2'Jd at., near Burnside. 3iT Worceater bids;. FOB 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. HERE ARB YOUR SNAPS. $5.100 7-room bungalow, nsodern in. every respect. AH double walla and double floored ; f urna; concrete basement and floor: lot oOxIimi. close In on East 12Mi st. $4 Too Modern 6-room houae. concrete tw semen t and walk. 50x1 oO lot, on E 17th near Tillamook. $-jAiN 3lt and E. Main. A strictly .moaern bungalow cottage, $b00 down, bal ance on easy pa menti. f H"M) M-room house, modern conveni encea; elertrio lights and modern plumbing- Hist and Gladstone sts. $0'0 6-room cottage; modern conve niences. Hot and cold water. Lot 4xlo0. situated on E. 34th and Grant. flSOfj Half acre with grapes, apples and cherries; abundance of fruit. 4-room cottage, close to Lents carllne. f "00 dow n. balance easy payments. $L'.00 6-room houae. corner lot. 45th and E. fctark ats. $3O0 Lota A and 6. block S half block from Bt. John carline In Northern Hlil Addition. Must be cash. Sj)0 enxioo lot on Florida at., clfe to Fulton carMne. Llea fine. Easy payments, THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., Alder &t. CAPITAL WANTED. Respors'lbie firm warns capital to invest In large tracts of land in the vicinity of Portland, Or. 8 ier cent Interest and 25 per cent of profits to investor. Absolute aecurity given. National Bank to hsndle ycur money. Al bank and other references. Correspondence solicited. D 60&, care Orsaoaiaai. ENOLIPH WALNUTS. We ar the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have the on;y planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. YamhliL 6-acre tracta. planted. IIOO cash, $15 per montii. CHURCHILU MATTHEWS CO.. INC 110 Second sC WEST SIDE, cloae to the Hill-Harrlman purchases on Quimby St.. an 8-room house in fine condition, and 30x100 lot. House haa modern plumbing, gaa and full brick basement. The street improvementa are all in and paid for. Walking distance from business center. Price for a few daya $4150. $1150 cash, balance 10 years at per cent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sis. $300 buys 2 -room house, 2 lot 9 xW, Ray burn ave.. $750; $.JOO cah, bal. $15 per month. bungalow 5 rooms, modern, 4 blocks from Mt. bcott carllne on Powell Valley road, $ 1 2X rah, $ttu0 bal. $20 per mosuh. - ft -room house and lot, Willamette l&elghta, $4ioo: cash fluOo, bal. terms to milt. NATIONAL REALTY A TKL'sT CO.. atHi Washington St. EXCKPTIONAL OFFER. Must realize some money at once and will offer for a few days only lot AuxK). facing ess:, one block from car. In Im proved district, PRICE. $475; $27 S cash, balance $10 per month. DEVLIN at FIREBAL'GH, 510-511-51 Swetland Bldg. VERNON ii U N O A I A W S . NEW. $17m -4 room, mooern and up-to-de; $4tt down, bo'ejice monthly ; fine view. ;'.MJ'roomi. fine and up-to-date; good terms and a bargain. $'j:;oO 6-room. on a corner, near car; will make ood terms. If you want snaps, call and see. Phone evenings, C 1-H7. F. L. Plar.cha.-d, 840 Chamber of Commerce. A HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE FOR 8 A LB. On t he West Side, in the moM exclu sive residence district In the city. 2U story. 14-room house. beautifully appoint ed : every detail modern ; 15 blocks from c-oMofftce. Prie $,K,VO0. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. (Brown Eareekson, Managers.) Chamber of Commerce. $200d Two nice building lots, northwest corner East Salmon and 3aih ats. $17,00 PWxlOO, half block from i:nlon ave.. Jut east of Piedmont. $noo Corner lot. East Madison and 35th sts. LEONARD BROS., 3.14 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON Quarter block. 100x100, beau tiful, site for a fine home, hard-surface pavement on one side, cement sidewalk, sewer all In; nice elevation; only $3M0 if taken now; 30 minutes' walk from center of city; cars or no cars. C. F. Pfluger Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. LOOK THI8 VP. Lot 50x10 and beautiful 8-room hftuss new; furnace, etc.. sleeping porch, ele gant fixtures; this is a bargain at $7R00; will sell If desired; fine carpets; easy walking distance. ZIMMERMAN. ?1 Board of Trade. 10Ot1Oi. corner Belmont, $14.00. WdtlOO. Grand eve.. $11.00". looxioo, corner Bast Oiay. $SO00. --.xU to. Be I roont , $7 500. ox 100. corr.er Union ave.. $4100. PCOTT MDOUG ALL. 432 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE SALE. $c)tK For an elegant ltr-room house with fine corner lot 72g100. Owner going to Europe and wlli sell on very easy terms or take mortgage 00 other prop erty as first payment. F. FITCH S. T2l9 Morrison St. FOR ALE BY OWNER. New R-room modern cottage; vestibule, bath, etc.; full concrete basement; hot and cold water, gas and electricity; Dutch kitchen; 2 blocks of Clinton Kelly school, In Waverleigh Heights; price, $750. Call 851 East Kelly. W.-W. car. WE RECOMMEND Menefee Addition lot, because we know that you will make mowy by investing In them. Improvements in. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. 82x100 on Hawthorne a'e.. beautiful corner with two new houses and room to build another; a real bargain, fcc us about it. KN AFP sV MACKEY, 213 Board of Trade bldg :tw Brand-new bungalow. 4 rooms and bath, piae-ment, all modern conveniences, corner sightly location, short walk to mr; down. bal. monthly. James c Ijogan, 3264 Washington St.. room 416. $50 CASH. $15 P month, buys $."00 lot, ftOxluo, Including all iniprovemcnth, lo cated near Hancock St.; high and dry; 22 minutes from Morrison bridge. Addreaa P. O. Box Ifi. Station C, Portland. RIPLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINE to 5 acres, ail in cultivation, best of land- C. W. Rlsley, owner; P. O., Mil waukee. Thone Oak Grove. Bed 12. M OSIER orchard land In lots to suit for sale; will exchange for Portland prop erty Tel. Woodlawn 475 or R 554. Ore gonlan. HOUSES for sale In at parts of the city; acreage close In and farms In Oregon and Washington, phone Main 44So. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Must be sold this meek. It's glng cheap. Come and see ua. ROSS A- MURPHY, 514 Swetland bldg. ALBERTA SNAP. Make fair offer fur my S-room bungalow; 3 block from car; going East. Lots fflxlGO. 10S4 E. 2.lh, North. $l,-,oO Bt'XGALOW. on carline. new. 6 room, bath, electric lights, water, streets improved. $:t"u down, balance monthly. P 6W4, Oregonlan. SX4.P for quick aale. Small 4-room house, r.ew. modern, full lot ; owner in house-. lH.r Mallorv ave. Take Union or Williams ave. carllnea. R 5."3. Oregonlan. CHI' 'KEN RANCH blo.-ks from carllne, itf0. 1 150 do n. $15 per month ; 5-room house, water, lights and fruit trees. S 503. Oregon ian. XEW modern 7-room house. Holladay Park, on tVnaco. near East 19th St., $5000. T 532, Oregonlan. $450 unfinished house. $W) worth lumber and :'4tU'0 in Vernon; other bargains. 1150 Bast 10th street, north. A car. FOR SALE Rv owner, handsomest bunga low in Irvlngton. Call and see It. 482 K. aid st. North. FOR PALF- 2 i-rm Improved land. 5 btocks north of Gray's Crossing. Mxmnt Scott car. Phone Tabor 1431. HOUFE' and lot in Woodlawn to trad for prop erty eloser in; will pay difference. 320 Swt1and bldg. LA RO E 5-room cotage ; must sell ; owner 1 $Loo. 43 Conch bldg. MODERN 7-room, in Sell wood, cheap if taken soon. Owner. Eaat 4701!. CORNER. 50x1o, near Montrfvllla car; good buy;terms. M 598. Oregonlan. FINE f-room house; Highland : $$7eA. alARTLN J. HIOXKY, 132 Third SL FOB 6 AXE REAL ESTATE. $1 LV) 5-room new- plastered cottage, cor ner lot. 1 block from car; small cash pay ment, balance 6 per cent. $27.10 6-room new modern beautiful bungalow, beamed cell In r. paneled dining-room, with plate rail ; full lot : clo to car; furnished or unfurnished; less for cash. snno 7-room modern home. 2 fire places, full corner lot. streets improved, cement walks, fine neighborhood; terma to suit. Two vacant lota in fine neighborhood; owner compelled to sell. Call and see me for bargains. F. J. FTEINMETZ & CO., 193 Morrison st. 125-ACRE well-Improved 'Willamette Valley farm. 25 miles from Portland, to ex change for Minnesota or Dakota prop erty. Acreage with improvementa, $3500, for North Dakota property. Portland business property. $11,000, for cheap Oregon or Washington land. Oregon wheat farm tor Improved small Valley farm. Colorad o. S. Dak.. Nebraska. Iowa. Minn.. Wis.. N. Dak. and Kansas property to exchange for property on the Coast. Let u know what you have. -COAST COMMERCIAL CO., Dekum bldg. INVESTMENT $13.000 NOB HILL i BLOCK A fine house on one side of the lot and room for APARTMENT BUILDINGS that will produce large returns on the Investment. Come In and let us outline the proposition to you. We think it THE BEST EVER Columhia Trust Company 714 Couch bldg. lo9 4th St. IRVINGTON. A most select location. 8 rooms, con taining every known convenience, large rooms. Interior finish and arrangement unsurpassed ; hardwood floors, built-in li brary, vestibule and r?ceptlon hall, panel ed dining-room, fireplace, best steel fur nace. In fact, one of the best-built, most pleasant and up-to-date homes In - the city; full lot. east front, bltulithlc street. $7600, or will include more ground If wanted; terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. 10-ACRE country home. 16250. H mil tft either O. W. P. line or Mount Hood Rv. Beat road east from Portland to place: fi room house. 2 years old. with full cement l)M?ment. hot and cold water In pa 11 try and bathroom: fine well, gasoline engine and water tower; fine new barn; UH) fruit trees 3 years old. 30 French wal nuts, one acre at raw berries, all kinds of briar berries; all land cultivated; this is a snap. CHAPJV & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES. 6 miles from Vancouver, on good road, close to river and North-Bark sta tion; sightly location, choice fruit land, easy to c'.par. Non-resident offers cheap for quick sale; easy terms. Will re-se!l M per cent advance next year. A fine in vestment. 14 ar r?s, close to the above, all in fruit, only $20t per acre, part time. For an income-producer this l. a snup; don't fail to investigate; other good bvys Vnnduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. WE are sale agents for the Linda Vista tract, a close-in subdivision; fine, level lots, close to car, and the price can't be duplicated; $."oo for Inside lots; good terms: we furnish plans of neat Califor nia bungalows and build to suit purchaser; own your own home and stop paying rent. F. M. CRAWFORD & CO., 420 Swetland bldg. ' SUBURBAN ACREAGE FOR SALE. 40 acres for $15,000. 1 block from car line: He tare: t ' - is 1 a. we insider. an Investment. Owner will show property to reliable parties seeking such an invest ment. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. " Brown Ert reck son. Man agora. ) 812 Chamber of Commerce. $liXM) lOiixl 0O. between Hancock and Broadway, finest view and elevatior on East Side; .22 minutes from Morrison bridge; cement sidewalk and curb, graded si reet, an Ideal residence location ; $10 cash, balance easy terms. Address P. O Box 15. Station C. Portland. $6000 FOR one of the swell homes on Clackamas st.: lot is more than ftnxlOO, In fine shape, facing south: 7-room house wih attic and basement; house and the neighborhood swoll; it's the bargain of that vicinity. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENT "i BF.OCK CLOSE IN. New raiiroad and city bridge will croa over to Ea hl Side at Oregon street; wiil sell for cas-h .flna V block 1 block from approach atre-t for $I2.ttw; owners asking $20.(0i to $25.fHi0 for adjoining corners; ro agents. Call room 3, over Merchants National Bank. $7500 Very desirable block. E. 15th and Belmont $3100 Choice ' block. E. 27th and Yam hill sts- $180 Choice M block. E. 2'Jd and Ivon st. A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. 201: McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. FIN K quarter block and new R-room house In Seli wood, near golf llnko and 3 carilnes; price $2'V. Also a dandy fi-room cottase in the same locality: $itfoo, easy terms. CADONAU DURHAM. 270S Washington st., room 1. 7-ROOM H OM E V E R Y CHEAP. From owner. 100x100, bath, toilet, large ehicken-houee. paved street; ,i block from E. Morrison St.. car. I must -!! at once at big sacrifice; $1 500 cash will handle; ha lance no interest. Will show Sunday. East or B 1894. HO LLA DA Y ADDITION. loOxlOO, with modern eight-room house; this la a' beautiful home, hfirh and sightly, end will be sotd at a .sacrifice price fr a few davs. Get full p-ttculnr.s at the office. THE 8TKW A RT-HOIVHK ISS CO., 303 Chamber of Commerce. A SAFE Investment. Hood River orchard. 10 acres. 5M: miles out, income will be from $1500 to $2000: house and other out buildings; price $;00O. Can you beat Iff Chftpln & Herlow, 3:t2 Chamber of Com- merce. $4,V0 The choicest available building sites on Portland Heights loOxlOO, S. E. corner 17th and Soring, splendid view, and one block from carllne-: ex 'eptionally good buy, $25O0 cash neeJed to handle. See The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. I k I A 1 T f r RI DPk' 1.M10 Fine, high quarter block, in Woodstock, onh- $500. Three blocks from car. "PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. EAST 3D. north of Hawthorne ave., a dandv lot, east front, improved street, ce ment" and parked walk; all paid; good surroundings: come in and see what you can get it for. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SCENIC IXT. $50 will handle, balance per cent, on prettiest paved street, on carllne. ij, block t rom Chapman : cheapest buy on the Heights: owner must have money for business. Both phones 3116. CORNER FOR FLATS. K0x60 on a close-in corner; just the pot for flats; $250f. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sis. 5-ROOM house, full lot; nice home In Fir land, near car; $1500. $500 cash. bal. $J per month. This is the cheapest buy m that district. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. ill Third St LOOK INTO THIS 2 tine fl-room modem houses on lOOgiOO. $5O0. half cash, bal ance 6 per cent. Will sell single. Port land Success Realty Co.. A. J. Gantner. 20 Board of Trade bldg. OWN FIR needs money will sacrifice 5-room mo-lern buncalrw. beautifully finished. 1 4 block to car. tlSAO; 1.0 ctsh. Call r.43'i Washington at., room 3. RUnI N ESS l"t $125f, 2:h street, near Raet Couch, half cash. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Fldg. $050 each Two choice lets on Tillamook St.. adjoining Irvingion. cemented walks and, curbs In and pa d- These are bargains. Sea The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. )0,V0 Beautiful 50x100 corner, with new 8 room modern houve, on list and Multno mah sts. Portland Success Realty Co.. w . CIO rj . n T-.,1. K'.In LOT 58x100. a snap, on Francis ave. and 31st ts. with improve! street rvA ce ment walks; $673. Fhor.e Main i426. GIRL wanted to assist In housework. 1153 Thurmnn St.. Willamette Heights car. Phone Main 6708. FOR SALE A new. modern six-room bunga low in Oaklard. Cel., cheap. .'U5 Chamber of Commerce. BIG snap, modern 8-room house.- north Mt. Tabor; $2000. $500 down. Owner. 170 2d t. EAST SIDE Tot. walking distance, worth fOOO. OK Mnin St.. Oregon City. $-ROOM houe. Nob HM1. close in; ?500. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 1S2 Third St. LARGE 4-room house, Piedmont: $r,7?;( MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 1.2 Third Si FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. " BARGAINS in , VAC-ANT LOTS $500. 60x85 corner, Hamilton ave. and West st. Elegant unobetructible view. 12000 ' 4 lots, 200 feet frontage on BROADWAY $50O cash and your own way for balance. And it's onlv a few blocks east of IRVINGTON at that. 2 LOTS, 25x100 EACH Onlv 50 feet off PIPPIN ST. and THE NEW CARLINE to PACKING TOWN. Along PIPPIN ST. for QUICK MONET! In less than six months LOTS ALONG PIPPIN ST. WM1 bring such prices that You'll WONDER how long- YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP. Buy good vacant Iota. DO IT NOW. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch bldg. lOtt Fourth st. $1150 5-room new plastered cottage, corner lot. 1 block from car; small cash payment, balance 6 per cent. $2750- rt-room. new. modern, beaut If til bungal.iw. beamed ceilings, paneled dining-room, with plate rail; fuH lot; close to car; furnished or un furnished; less for cash. $-'lH,0 7-room modern home. 2 fireplaces, full corner lot, streets Improved, ce irent walks, fine neighborhood; terms to suit. 2 vacant lots in fine neighborhood; own er compelled to sell. Call smd see us for bargains. F J. STEINMETZ & CO., 393 Morrison St. A PORTLAND SUBURBAN HOME. 20 minutes' ride from center of city. Good 7-room house; Summer log house; fine barn and fruit dryer; chiek-an-house and yard; iy acrea land; 2 acres meadow, or garden: 8 acres orchard of apples, pears, prunes and cherries, of choicest varieties. All In excellent condition. 2 acres raspberries. blackberries, Logan berries and strawberries. One Jersey cow, 40 chickens, 2 light wagons. 2 plows, cul tivator and harrow go with the place. This may be had for a short time for $10,000. Terms. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. HAWTHORNE AVE. 100 feet north of the avenue I have for sale the choicest home in the vicinity; 8 rooms, reception hall. d.an, polished floors, splendid electric fixtures, furnace, full cement basement, laundry-room ; in fact, everything anyone could want In a home; east front; over a full lot. some fruit trps; barn or garage. Improved street, cemont and parked walk, all paid. Re member, hard surface ts going on the ave nue: also new bridge at Madison St.; then you will pay more; $5u00. Terms. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. $21.Ho Hoif block in warehouse district on Fust Third sr.: one of the bom. buys on the East Side;'$5oOO will hurdle it. RESIDENCE. Modern eight-room house. East Tenth at.; full lot; cement sidewalk; all for $3500. $4ft0t. MODERN RESIDENCE. East Morrlon at., nar lUth st, LAM BERT-WH1TMER COMPANY, 4o4 Eaat Alder st. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. TOO LARGE For owner; elegant throughout: hot water radiator In every room; Rund Instantaneous gas? heater, built-in buffet, leather-made eettpe in fine-finished dining-room, huilt-in mirrors, working pass pantry, double pol ished fioons. bedroom or large den lower floor; east facing corner; fruit trees, etc. ; all large rooms; finished attic and base ment; price $7500. Buyers only. Phone East or B 18H4. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. With over H acre of land, under per fect cultivation, right on Oregon City carllne, near station. 25 minutes out ; 5 rooms, bath and pantry, spring water piped in the house, beautiful large fire place, beamed ceiling in living-room and dining-room; veranda 0x30 feet; for quick sale $2.'t5; aui table terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 510-511-51 Swetland bldg. ACREAGE ON OHBGON CITY CARLINE. We have a few 2 4 -acre tracts left on the Oregon City carllne : high and night ly, perfect state of cultivation; spring water; the most beautiful auburhan lo cation adjacent to Portland; $.0 per acre; easv terms. DEVLIN ft FIP.EB-AUOTT. 510-AU-512 Swetland Bldg. 5 ACRES. Close to Estaeada carline. i In cultiva tion, young orchard, small fruit, small house, barn and chicken-house, good well; price $1 f00 ; easy terms. This is a very cheap place, as the bare land is worth $400 por acre. JORDAN A GARBADE. 23Zi Washington St. I WANT TO HELL This new 6-room cottage; never been oc cupied. It's a p netty place, and excep tionally well built; selected Interior flnisn; on the East Side; lies high; flno city view ; choice surroundings; 20 minutes' walk If you hurry. Come get the key ; see for yourself; $L'6flO; sonva cash. J. K. STIPE, 7 JO Chamber Cumnnrae. A SPLENDID BUY. 00 acres. in cultivation, small house, spring water, good timber more than to pay for the land ; 3 miles from Forest Grove, 14 miles to R: R. station; only $2500; $0oo down, balance to suit. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington bldg., room 3. $;t240 New 2-story 6 rooms, attic, bath and icrptlon hall, dwelling, well-built, pannelled walls, den and all modern improvements, full iot. situated on North Itith st. Wil make exceptionally good t'rms If sold with in the next week. The Spanton Co., 270 SlarK st. $20u BUNGALOW on corner. 1 block from "A" car. lot ftOxlOn. 2-story. 6-room house, full basement : ft as, electricity, Dutch kitchen, built 100S; fixtures and curtains included; good lawn; $1000 down. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. BUKNSIOK DISTRICT. Wc have a swell six-room.- modern house, up-to-date in every resptct, on corner lot for $55no. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Fldg. FOR PALE Modern 7-room houae near Mon tavitla carline, $25oO; also two other fine n-fidtnees near carline. Address B. T. Hart. 233' Grove St., Montavilla, or phone Tabor 042. ABOUT 1 ig acres on Columbia Slough and County Road, to bo sold for $22o0; small pavment down. This is a fine speculation. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. VERNON lots- for sale I or 2 best-'aying. full 50-foot, east front, block from cn r. r.o cuts, no fills, reasonable. Seaberg, the Beverly, city. A 3256, Main 7082. $50 each Two choice lots witn Ideal est view. Mount Tabor, can be bought fvr $25o down and $16 per month, very desirable for home. See Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. irrRE INSURANCE My interest In fire In surance agency for a:le. Good business 1 on booka; large company; liberal carrier. . For interview, address P o00, Oregonlan. (I.OSK IN. EAST SIDE. 7 rooms, modern, new house, on East Stark at ; lot 50xi0: near 20th sr.: a snap at $25t'0: 'i ensh. balance easy terms. G. A. Kasper, 221 'a Morrison St.. room 10. PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot. 12Sxll2. the best buy at Heights'. Portland Sucess Realty Co.. A- J. Gantner. 820 Board of Trade bldg. WEST SIDE. 7-rnom. modern house, on Grant ft., for sale; half cash, balance 0 per cent. Portland Sucee Realty Co., A. J- Gantner, S20 Hoard of Trade b!dg. FOR SALE Five-mom cottage: new and mod ern; electric tlx tun; two block.1 from car line; a srap if taken this month. 313 Cham ber of Commerce. HOLLADAY ADDITION Splendid chance to buv, beautiful, improved quarter block; fine residence district; close in. A B 552, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Income-bearing warehouse "prop erty on 15th etree:. a quarter, a half or a whole block; gnod terms. 315 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Modern flat building, West Side, close in: paying over 10 per cent; a sne.p. and easy terms. 316 Chamber of Commerce, BUY a lt. $5 monthly; stop paying rent; price $2"-0 each; now Is your chance. Purse. SIS Chamber of Commerce. ' NEW modern 5-room bungalow; fireplace, full ' coroer lot; $26.".0. . 323 Washington t. Room 414. WE WILL build the house on your plans ana vc n. . ... v. Phone Main o-. 6-ROOM r.ott.ff on Thnrman, near 2th $S"00: frarthijisl lnt: Vj canh. MARTIN J- HIGLEY, 132 Third St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $21oo New 5-room bungalow. modern In everv wav: lot 50xlo0. on E. 48th. near Hawthorne, ami feet from carline; small payment down, balance, easy monthly. $2"oO New, modern 5-room bnngaiow. on . E. 34th. at., near Hawthorne, on very easy terms. $23on New, modern 5-room bungalow on F. ."10th st.. near Hawthorne, two blocks from carlline; up-to-date, finished nicely, with paneled Mining-room : smail payment down, balance monthly like rent. $3tv0 Beautiful new 6-room bunga!ow, modem in every way, on E. 3fth and Hawthorne; fine flrpiace and every mod em convenience; terms. $3000 New 6-room house on sightly lot near E. 34th arid Hawthorne; modern in every way ; on small payment down, bal ance monthly easy. Z3Q0 Ne w modern 6- room 01 1 nga 1 o w, near 30th and Hawthorne; flne fireplace and s.11 conveniences; term. PACIFIC BROKERAGE CO.. 501-502-504 Board Trade. M. 751. MAKE MONEY. Portland real estaie buyors always make money; try these: EAST SIDE. j60n 50x100, Ea?t 25th st.; easy terms. $900 60x100, East 21st; cash. jlSrtO 50x200, East 7th St.; very cheap. $4000 Fine cor. on Union ave., close n. WEST SIDE. $fi00 30x50, Hall St., for flats. $3SiiO Full lot, near Salmon st. $4500 Full lot. Montgomery st. IS500 xOxlOO on Hoyt St.; nothing bet ter in th city for flats or apartments. $5650 7-room house and lot on Grant st. N E W W EST SIDE HOM ES. $4000 50x100 and modern -room house, near Mill at. $50 00 40x100 and 8-room house, nearly new. ground worth th money, close In. FRED C. KING, 606 Commercial Block, 2d and V ash. Sta NEAR WOODBURN 280 acres, deep black soil. 140 in culti vation. 100 timber, balance brush or stumps; 30 milea south of Portland, R. R. station on the place, sidetrack Into the farm, most all In crop: 2 fine creeks of running water the year through; C ath olic Church, high school, creamery within one mile; not a foot of waste land; all level; $75 per acre; favorable terma. THE CROSSLEY CD., 708-709 Corbett Bldg. $500 WILL handle elegant bungalow: con sider well-located West Side rooming house or acreage. Great snao. 130x100 feet on East -nth. carline, Clinton School; only $500. $550 for full corner lot in Piedmont Park. Lookins for a home in any part of the city '.' See the Goldscbmidt s A gency, 2'i:i Washington st RESIDENCE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Our lists embrace properties in the most select neighborhoods at very rea sonable prices, ranging from $30,000 down to $3200. We would be pleased to show them to possible purchasers. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. t Brown Ea reckson, M ana gars. I 822 Chamber of Commerce. $1,000,000 GIVEN AWAY" bv Rockefeller, but I am not In his class yet; however, to prove that I'm all right. I will give 12,000 acres of Irrigated land to those; who want It. This is a Carey act project, and is bona fide. Apply at once. THOS M'CUSKER, 205 Couch bldg. BUYERS, when looking up farms and city realty, call or write H. T. ABSTEIN, Realty, 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. (No. 10 Bargain, unseated fruit land.) ( No. ft River dairy land, sometning good) (V0- 14 pick-up equity In city lou. ( No. 2 5-acre home, fruit. Electric . BUY the home while thoy are at work fin ishing it, and have something to say about the woodwork, tinting, etc. wo have one at this point. Price J40O0; $10O cash. Has six rooms, is in good neighbor hood off the end of Broadway carline. ."HA PIN & HERLOW. 3o2 Chamber of Commerce. CUT THE PRICE. CUT THE PRICE. SAYS OWNER. 7-rnom modern house, nice lot SOxlOO, In th-e vicinity of East Ankeny and 2Sth sts. ; price reduced to $2S 00. .1. J. OEDKR. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. STEEL BRIDGE. Near east end, splendid corner. 100x100, with 2 houses, earning $-10 per month; must be sold to close an estate: only $2uih cash required. 6 per cent on balance: room to erect a 4-flnt building without disturb ing houses. Conklin Bros.. 3'.'2 Rothchlid bldg. A COZY 5-room California bungalow; living room, with fireplace, paneled and beamed dining-room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, lot 50x1 , nar Hawthorne ave. ; $i!75, $.-H down. 'erms. Conklin Bros., 32 Rothchild bldg. NOT a house, but a home for $".000: 1 rooms, full cement basement, cement sidewalks, wash tiHvs, Dutch kitchen: will sll on ensv terma: I will take a lnt as first pavment. Come and see. Tabor 11 ill, B 16- TREMONT PLACE. 2 good lots, well located in the best part of Trv-mont Place, only $12S each. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OK OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. UNEQUALKD BARGAIN AT HOOD RIVER 10 acres. 4 miles Irom Hood Uner, trees. part bearing. balance yieadow ; free water; owner will arrange to ca.ro for trees; $4h0, with $2500 c;ih. for quick sale. Call at or address 3;4 C. of C. 10 ACRES nn Estaeada line, partlv cleared, some timber, some bottom land, hno creek, cabin, chlrken-hou.se and tools: only $1-00; on easy terms; write me. B 567. Oregontan. TWO flne residence lots. East Portland Heights; refused $sot) 2 years a. so; if taken at one. $himi; well worth lono. Renshaw Osburn Co., JOm) Belmont b;. Phone Tabor S40. WORTH $1000. will sell for $700. beautiful corner site for home, r.oxUMi. 1 block from cur. fmdde of Piedmont, half cash. Mr. McCarthy. 20 13th st. SURE Investment. 50x100, north end of 22d st.. $7ouo, $."5io cash; no agent. Don't ansner If not ready to buy. AC 41Q. Ore gon! in. FURNISHED (i-room modern ftouse. by owner, lot ooxloo, at a baigalu; best cir service in city; term. rhone Woodlawn 1414. D 5S7. Oregonlan. EAST BURNSIDE CORNER. Southeast corner E.- Burnside and E. F!xth; good huMlnes location. E. , J. S hlfgel, etiU First st. BELMONT corner, OOxlon; income nn In side bt 14 j month ; eorm r a cunt ; t.iS'H); tm ma ; a real bargain. Walling & Good win. '-'4 Stark. 5-ROOM cottage. E. 27th. near Ankeny car barns. JltSOO; easy terms. Webb. S3' 3d at., room 341. 6 ACRES on easy terma, near carline: trade for mortgage or house and lot. Boggess, 2-1 '4 Morrison, room 5. 4-ROOM new. modern bungalow; full corner lot. only 100 feet from Sell wood carime; $lO0. :i20 Wahlngton st.. room 411. $ ACRES Inside city limfia $39'i0; pint this and double your money. Inquire SS's 3d St.. room 341. FOR SALE 6-room cottage. COxloo lot; c::d and Lovejoy ats.. $500; look this up. 40t Couch bldg. EAST SIDE home, bargain: modern 5-room house, close in; price $2100; terms. Phone East 405a. MODERN fi-room house, full lot. Vancouver ave s;:ono ; $oo cash, balance easv pay. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. K! J Third St NEW modern 6-room house, good location; easy terms. O. M. Smith. gAP 5 aores. near Rose City Park. $3!5o. Webb, 241 Sherlock bldg. ACREAGE. A CR K AG E SNAPS 21 acres. 2 in cult i vr t ion. balance partlv cleared. Fine soil. ad;ip:ed to fiuit, poultry or gardening: 0 miles from C.mrt house. 4 or a mile from electric ear. Surrounding land sold at $325 nnd s;,.Vr an rra uncleared. Will sacrifice at SC.'iOO. Also a 5-acre tract uncleared, same poll nnu 0 nun. v Kay bldg. No agents. OWNER leaving city. Must be seen to be appreciated; 12i acr-s of the finest fruit land In Oregon. This land is worn $5n0 an acre. If not more. it ts oniy n mncn j from I'oruanu on t" ic" -j w which passes by t.ha land. A fine oarn la on the land as well. Can ba had for 3fi0 an acre if taken at once. A uB Ore gonlan. I'M; ACRES. 17 miles from Portland, will sell nt a bargain. I0tl Board of Trade. IIOMXSTKAU REI.IXQI'ISHMENTS. i GlOn hom"tacl relinquishment, with rood honp and rarr i.iih miiu tiwieq umi in nrrhard. Fimiiture In house. A snap, only IU0. Address t ence. D 595, Oie-gonlan FOR SALB FARttS. ROGUE RIVER INVESTMENTS. 40 acres. li'mil'v from city of Grants Pass ; 5 acres grapes, balance easily cleared. Price, $::50. - ...... 4 ' 120 acres: 12 miles from city; young ap ple orchard; several springs; good grape or appie land. Price, $2Mm. 0 acres. 6 miles from railway town-; 24 lt anres apples, mostly bearing: ZH acres young peach trees; price, $12,000., 1 30 acres, t mi les from rlty; 5 a erei graphs. 15 acres young orchard. 3 acres alfalfa. 2 acres potatoes, 35 acres gralsi, 20 acres under ditch. Price, $$hj. . 56 acres. t mile from nice town ; IS acres apples. Splttenbera: and Newtowns, SOU Royal Anne, Ring and I jam be rt cher ries. 3 0OO ranpbcrrieF, o tons tomatoes yearly. Trice, $10."00. 305 acres. 5 miles from railway statlojs; ft acres commercial apples, 1 1 acrs al falfa, 10 acres wheat, e.OOO.ooo good saw timber, a hydraulic mine fully equipped and yielding profit of $3000 yearly. Price, $55 per acre. , , 1350 acres, 4i mile from rail ar sta tion ; 50 ncres can be Irrigated by own right; 500 acres ready to be pur In shsp for apple or g;-app p la tit in g. There ar now planted 0O acres apples 1 yea r oui, 20 walnut trees 1 year old. 15 acrf pears l year old. .V 0 grapevines; All fins, red soil, price, $00,000. 693 acres, 3 miles from Grants Pass; flne bottom land, and some of dm fii.-t bench ; 40 acres bearing apple and pear orchard. 18 acres same 1 year old. Price for whole tract. $27,000; for tho 06 acres of the orchard tract. $1.mh. THE VETERAN LAND A BUILDING CO., (Brown & Earoikson, Managers, 7 822 Chamber of Commerce. $ 110 ACRES of finost soil, close to good town and mile to railroad and school, 20 acres In oak pasture, 50 acres grain land. 40 acres in orchard ; fruit of the best varieties and In excellent condition; samples of fruit grown on the place can be seen at this office; good 9 -room house, with hot and cold water; large new bun and outbuildings, all In best repair; $12,000, $4000 cah. 40 acres, partly Improved, 1 Vi miles from Castle Rock, Wash.; good soil and water; 3 acres in bearing orchard ; fruit ot the be tit varieties; 4-room 2-atory house, rooms newly papered . and fi nished ; barn and outbuildings-; $2J00, in cluding stock and implements. 40 acres of finest apple land, partly im proved. 4 '4 miles from Mosler: good roads and water; 3-room house, barn and out buildings; about ,"I50 bearing fruit trees of the best varieties, all in tine condition; plenty of wood and outrange; $4.uO; half cash; school close by. For particular apply to Kauffmann & Moore,. 325 Lum ber Exchange. 600 acres, in Benton Co., on the Luck&mute River; 1C0 acies cleared, rich1 bottom land; another 100 acris of sloshed pasture, seeded to orchard grass and timothy; all level land; I'O acres slightly rolling of lirt. growth fir. estimated at .1,uimo i.et, balance slightly timbered and affords splendid pasture the. year round ; an Ideal dairy ranch, well watered with uunerois springs and creeks; 3 small houses In fair condition. 6 barns. ;i goat sheds, 2 rioall orchards and telephone connection; $12 per acre. 200 acres, 5o ares under cultiation. bal ance rah-ture; fair 4-room house, good young orchard, g-xid. barn, fine water, located ner CrawfordsvlUe, Linn Co., Or. ; $7.50 per acre. 25 acres, 10 in cultivation. 5 in t lei eit of city limits, 1 mile trom electric carline; fine roads; $175 pr acre. W. W. Helmtiach & Co., 307 Rothchild bldg. HERE IT IS JUST THE PLACE Tou have ben looking for 1H acres all flie very best of land. 73 cr In Cultiva tion, 5 nres In timber. 10 in timothy and clover. 15 In vetch, 10 in wheat and !0 in oats, the balance of land to be planted in the Spring; a good family orchard of apples, pears, cherries, prunes and all g kimis of niall fruit: a nice 8-room house with closets and pantry, nice wood house, waah-house and drying-room. two good barns, hog house and three chicken -houses, all the buildings In good condition, on gor-1 county road. mile to church, , 'j m! to good graded school and R mil1 .to town and mari.et ; a beautiful home an1 a bar gain at $0SOO; terms If dred. Geo. W. Turner. 41H-17 Rothchild bldg. $7S00 Buys 202 acres, most all In cultiva tion. JS10O btiyw 324 acre?. IftO acres In culti vation , good Improvements. ;tfM buys M2 acres, 45 acres In culti vation, new buildings. , $l.'JiM buys 22 htm. 14 acre In cultiva tion, good Improvements. $1IKio buys 40 acres, all In rultivwtlnn, 21 aires seeded to wheat, oats and vstch. $1840 buy l2 acrer all r!-h bottom land. The above described farms are ail In heart' of tho Willamette Valley. ..us before buying a home and profit t heresy. For further information Iun"w J. D. WINN, Realty Broker, , Buena Vista. Or. ' 12-ACRE FRUIT RANCH. IO acres under cultivation, bet of sott, 2 aero pasture, modern p-room house. neat"d by furnace, b:n n lHxfl2 am! e.th.r outbuildings, 2 horses, cow. wagon. -2 other tools; 3.,i a pple t rees, cherry tree, all kinds of small fruit; the bt located and finest ranch within 4 mile of Mii uoiiUlc; will take modern residence as part payment. CHITTENDEN OTTO. UtiS Stark St. Room 17. GICT A HOME TN "SUNNY STANISLAUS" CA LIFORNIA. Alfnira land In ModeMo-Turlock irriga tion rt! -trlct. the mos-t product Ive section In California; .adapted' to alfalfa. fiuTi, etc ; trpcN to suit ; tor m liberal, im proved and unimproved : 3 mllejr wets ? Modr s-to. 'count y scat, a crowing tow n, -i.viu inhabitants: hours' ride from San Fran cIfco. Correspondence solidfe-l. J. p. Nash, I0 Bacon bldg. Oakland. Cal. tiOK! LISTEN! l.'u acres on the beautiful Yaqulna Bv. S miles from Newport, 1, mi !e front Ys -nuina City; over 1 000 corrls of ood tm place now being cut and br;n g $ t a cord at Newport. Can yoH-bit it? $14 nn acre buvs It. ANo a Isrse huse and :t Jots in est Yaqulna facing the bay; a bea ut if ul Summer home ; price f Lin coln Investment Co., room ;;01, 2Si. Wa.u ington Ft. FARMKRS AND HOMKSERKKR4. ' $i a day and expenses paid if not found as represented ; tlii ice f iiruis throughout Oi'i'Kon of all sizs and klr.d.". If you want to be placed riKht and reef-Ive good value for our money, in e t igate our bargains before ou buy eNe w hero. F. Pft'HS. 221S Morrison St. CLOE ' IN TRACT. suitable frr sm-sll serrate; finest of olI fr fruit and vgi.--tables, r early all rel. 1 uiie to electric er et-irlon; h'-si money maKer oti the nin rkf t : must he oM. DONALD MACLEOD "0. . 3o Cotu-ord blrip.. 2d ar.d Stark. YAMHILL CtlUNTT W A IA I T LAND IH acres of red hill laud, suitable for walnuts, and 2-5 acra of first -rlaas val ley farm land. 12 acres of which is seeded 10 oatf and eich; good house and hul!d Inpf: stock. f-m machinery and Imple ments all go: price. $::rf: term. DEVLIN & FIKKHAL'OH. 510-51 1-.1 12 S ethind Rid if. CHEAP LAND FOR SALE. 40 acres, $S pr-r acre, situated on wet and south slo:ie foothills of Mount Hoori ; -;;20 acres ran be planted lo hlgh-crad a ppres : three lnoitni a in-fed trout streams vi.:-s t hrnnh pro pert y, Till-: VETERAN LAND CO, 1 Brown A- fv,''4'h',"n- Managers, H''2 Chnmhcr of t'ommerce. STOCK RANCH Ft.tR SALE .".into acres. $20 per acre; 2 tnlle from railwav and oniy mile frooi i'ortland, fulH equipped for larjie number pf rattle; offered fur a short time only. THE VETERAN LAND CO;, (ftrnwn & Kareckaon, MnunsersL '2 Chamber o Commerce. BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS. Do yon want a farm'.' Tf so. we have soue of tl:e b'st b" in Orgon. Come nnd "e us before buying. We an sav you money. cwti t.tncolri county Itneii mcnt c,,.. r--.om '.UU 2-i Wa'Wiigton s, IRRIGATED lands cpnp now at Orland. Cal.; highiv civilized region; fine road, bUdges. schools. colleges; ri'h vsliey land, all cultivated; sunny, healthful cli mate; farmers' paradise. W. W. Payne. 1210 Williams ave Itio A'HKS n.ar 'ortlen0. $M.t nn a-r. 2r. rn cleare-l; lli.r. iji fXi.U' -worth pooil timlvr nn this r-lscp: ihl. will b. ativ worth $l "i( an am - In "lEiit month. si((? 'owner. 4'. C'hanilK-r of rmtimiTfe. A K.tltM Jil-'J mnvtf hi tine fruit ,rtlon. n,ftr . goo.1. prtsperous city; hocsf, barn, fence, etc. : terin. ORKUl'N LAND TIMBF.R CO.. Room Jl Washington hitlg., Tli'-i ah, t. FOR SAI.K r.9 areg. 4 mllea from Oreaton Mty 2 milts from carlit. li mllea from rortland; A 1 improvements; a nan. Mr.v Krlrkson, Oregon fity. Or. R. F. T: route 2, box 5. g t:-r for our Ilt of wuianiett. vll. ferma hef'.r. 1-uylnir: land" ahoivn fre. Olnisted Land Co.,. Falem. Or, HWF otne .mull trarii or limNer f ' r Iiphp. Kir. eedar nnd pine. A. K. Mat haws. J0f ftn'ch bl'iv- ( FOR HALF. l"n ' T't n"ar SharlJan, prt In eultl ation ; your own terma. Addr.i R 540. Oregonian.