n THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, POItTLAXP, JANUARY 3, 1909. ; ' CHRONOLOGY OF January. 1 Prohibition o.-s Into effect In Cleorsla and roanv Alabama numif Dominion 'KrfmiMi buy! the. Boll Telephone sys tem In cnni. M. 2 John D Rockefeller solos S-lOioOO n his gifts to CHrii" litivf-Miy. making tb total amount ,.X'0 Receivers appointed tor lh iteaboatd Air Lina Ftaiirad. t S-Pltnp for releasa of ths Westlnrhouss Mar. tin i'ompiny mads public. Inter national Sundav school conference rseom menda that the international system of Ifiiom be ronllnu.-d. v..th the Introduc tion of crad'd Instruction. Kditor Vax Harden, of Berlin. sentenced t" four month.1 imprlsonm-nt for llbellns. Count Kuno von Moitke NlicM rid-r raid Russellvllle. Ky.. dynamiting and burning Inblri'O warehouses. 4 r;Mr(e A I'ettlbone acquitted at Rotss. Idaho, of eomnllrity In the murder of ;ornor Sleunenberf : ca against Mover dismissed, fourth trial of i.aleb Pov era for aldlnjr the a-sass'.r.atlon f Senator fiob-l of Kentucky ends In disagreement or the Jui v. Bomb eplode la the base ment of the Kanm City Natl -nal Bvnk. Muncle. Ind.. tn-nf of car strike riots, placed under martial law. United States supreme Court annul ths employs- liability act. 7 Aldrirhsflranrlal bill and Knox corrected employers' liability DIM Introduced in the Senate. Warranta I'sucd at lUrrlsburg. I'a . for the arrest f.f Col.gresman H. Kurd I . Architect Joseph M. Huston and Contractor John H. Sanderson on ad dlilnnol rharg's in connection with the i amtol building scandal. F. AKunui Hlnse arreted In N'e Tori;, chaiged with false certification of checl.s. a Kowler financial hill Introduced in the House Chicago Crrat Western Railroad placed' under a rccelvedshlp First train passes through tunnel under East River. New York i'itv. District Court of Appeals of San 1-ran-clsco -t- aside the conviction of ex Mayor Sehmitr on the charge of estor ;on t V Berlin Socialists' demonstrations in "favor of manh.Hid suffrage end in riot. 13 Rhoads Opera-House at Hoyertm. I burns and IT" peraons perish 14 Japanese Cabinet crisis tided nve- Pate of Installation of Cuban government fixed at February I. !!"!. . 15 John R. W.lsii failed, Chicago banker, convicted of misapplication or hank funds. 19 Anarchist plot to blow up the American Mule. Mr. A ct at Rio Jsneirc discovered. "(VPentiavlvanla I-c-.nt fare a-t decided hv State Funreme Court to be Inoperative ao far as the Pennsylvania Railroad Is ronre-ne.l rian of reorganisation of the W eatlnah.iu-e Klectric and Manufacturing ornpanv made public In New lwk. il Judge rhllllps. of 'lev-Hand, orders rtis olu'lon of the Amalgamated M Inflow c.iaaa Workers' Inh.n as a combination In restraint o trade. Jt National Window Glass W-rKers organ ised In Cleveland In place of the .v,nal- gsmsted Window Glass Workers. dis solved hv order of mint. Andrew Carne gie conditionally pledge., 2ii."uo to Bcra College. Ky. . ... 55 4ttornev-i;rneral Bonaparte orders tne beginning of suits for the dissolution of ths Standard oil Company. Sabine Lake Canal In Texsa r.p-ncd to traffl-'. J7 -Morris K Jessups will hcqoe.iths !. ooo rm to h Aroerl.-an M'.-eeiim of Natuia! Ttlstorv. New York. United Slates Sie-I Corporation announces its first esn-a proflt-sharinf dividend for employes. h...4 per cent. (10 fitnt-ld prohibition rejected by the Mirh!an Constitutional Convention and the South Carolina Legislature gt President sends to Color's a sensa tions! message d-noimdng corporate law lessness and ll'ain ths .assage of an employers' liability law. February. 1 Kins Carloa and the Crown Trlnce, of Portugal a'sasalnated and the Infant Mamiei aounded: Manu-I proclaimed Kinf. Federal tiovernment files at Salt UVs Cl'v a b.'l In equity seeking disso lution of the H.vrnmsn raiboad combine. larrv Thaw acoultted on tii ground of Irsanltv; sent to Matteawan N. II Avl'im. g Pfctator Franco of Portugal relf no.nl-.hes power: Rear-Admiral do Aoiaral forms a coalition mlniMrv. I niied Stales Supreme Court dectdeg that labor hcvcoila are un lawful. he!n-r In restraint of trade. a president suspends from offt. e Public Printer "tllMngs pending Investigation of the office. West Virginia lower house paeses the proposition to submit to toe people a prohibition amendment to the Mate Constitution, .hanc-llor Bullock at Nesh'-llle. Tenn.. renders a de.-inon an nulling the Incorporation of the Cumber and Praabytertan Church Inlo the rrcs byterlan church. 1". S. A. II Mrs. Dora McponaM acquitted in Chi cago of the murder of Wrh-ter I'uerln. Taft wins Ohio Republican primaries al most without opposition. Iff Window Glass Blowers' and Gatherers' Fmtactlva Association orgimixed in Pitts burg; and establishes harmonious relations with the Cutters' and Klanencrs' Asso ciation and with the manufacturers. Presbvterian Men's Missionary Conven tion In Philadelphia de.idea lo raise $3.rton oc-ri within a year for foreign mls s:ons. Missiaslppl Senate passea a prohi bition Mil. 14 wee Virginia Senate defeats prohibition amendment lo State I'onsiitniion. Torna does In the vicinity of Tyler. Tex., and Mossvllle. Miss, destroys several villages and a a:ore of lives. 15 Rcelvers appointed for the Mutual Re serve. Life Insurance Company. IK Charles TV. Morse, financier, arrested In New Tork Jn Temporary injunction obtained by atnyvesant Fish, r-slralning Harrtman Intereats from voting Illinois I'entral atock. dissolved. Russian court-marttal sentences General Stoecl to death for the premature surrender of Tort Arthur, but recommends commutatton of sentence. Fifte terrorists arrested neevr the palace of Grand I'uka Nicholas Nb hoUlevlch In St. Petersburg. Kxploslon of nitro-glycer-lne In Hercules Powder Works at Pinole, ca!.. kills 30 men. 11 Pennsylvania Railroad rompietea Its frst tube under Ka-st River between Man hattan and Ijng Island City. New Tork. 4 I'nlted States Supreme court decides In the Great Northern Railroad case that the F.'kira r"bste law was not repealed by the Hepburn act Nuns"io Nfil. Italian es-Minls'er of Public Instruction, sen tenced bv the Seuete at Rome to impris onment for peculation from the treasury. J.-, Giuseppe Alia murders Father I.eo at a Cathoilc church altar In Denver. Receiver appointed f-r the International AY Great Northern Ra"road. 27 Three, arrests In Washington disclosed alleged conspiracy to steal and destroy paient office papers. JS F.n-Govcrnor William O. Bradley. Re publican, elected Lnited States Senator from Kentucky. Attempts made D pemb-thrr-wers to assassinate President A'corta. of Argentina, and the Shah of Persia. Mau-ch. 3 T. a tarns Aeerbuch, anarchist, shot dead whl's trying to assassinate George M. Shlppey. Chief of Police of I'hlcago. Bandits rob Banco Minere at chihuahua. Mexico, of which Ambassador creel Is president, of ivii. 3 National Fellowship of the University Militant establishes headquarters at Kan sas city. Mo. 4 Two teachers and 17t pupils perish In the burning of a schnolhouse at Collln-w-eod. near Cleveland llerriman party controls ll'lno's Central P. iilroad election. 3 Nebraska Democratic Convention adopts a pla'.form on National Issues constructed ma.siy hv William J. Bryan. Bowline 1 sen Trust v'ompar.v of New York a-ks for a receiver for the Western Maryland Railroad. f .Minnesota Stare Democratic t 'nmm i ttea Indorses Johnson for the F'residential nomination after voting down indorsement o Rrvan. Nine Chines sentenced In Poston to be banged for faction murders. f First International Convention of the Toung people'a Missionary Movement be gins in F.xposlllon Hall. Pittsburg-. II Wesley Brotherhood and the Brother hood of St. Paul agree to mrge under the name of the Methodist Brol herhood. 12 Giuseppe .Via. murderer of Fa'her l.eo "Hetnrlclia at Denver, condemned lo death. I - t ontractor John H. Miidrrson. ex- Audltor-General William P. Snvder. ci tate Treasurer Wtlliamel.. Mathues and ex-Supertntendent of Public Grounds and Buildings James M. Shumaker convicted at Harnsburg. Pa . of conspiracy to de fraud the state in the building of tht Capitol. Banker Walsh, of Chicago, aea tenced to Hv years In the penitentiary. 14 Norwegian Cablneta resignation ac cepted by King Haakon. Ij Haitian revolutionary plot summarily suppressed by tlte execution of a dozen conspirators; many take refuge In foreign legations. ;g House passes a bill to restore on coins the inscription. "in God We Trust. ' United S'sies Supreme Court decides In the packers' esse thai railroads must not sry fro-n published freight rates Two thousand rioting students of Michigan Upiversitr wre. k a nlcks theae. IH Harry orchard sentenced to death, but court recommends commutation of sen tence. In St. Petersburg General Fock mortally, wounds General Smirnoff in a duel. 13 Ohio House of Representatives passes a resolution for subn.lttlng- to the people a proposed Initiative and referendum amendment to the constitution. 20 -senate passes ship subsidy bill. Sen ator J Foilette- introduces his Tariff Commission bill. S3 In Minnesota and North Carolina cases the United States Supreme Court holds that Federal Courts are supreme when they conflict w ith state trtounals on Fed ersl constitutional points: decision nulli fies rsllroad rate acts of those states. Jspsnesa coasting steamer Mutsu Mini sinks In collision: about 24n perish, co rean agitators In San Francisco shoot and mortally wound Durham White Stevens. American diplomat In Japanese service. 24 French parliament enacts a divorce law. 20 president sends a message to Congress recommending corporation. Industrial and other legislation. Translation of "Sav ings of P.uddha" completed by Justin H. Moore. Columbia University- student. 2rt Earthquake In Southern Mexico de stroy Cnliapa and several other towns. 27 Senate passes Aldrlch currency bill. DEATH CLAIMS EARLY SETTLER OF GILLIAM COUNTY r t -v. Jnarphua Martin, Deceased. for himself and .amilv John-sot;, wno survives mm. i mu four of whom are living-. They are G-i'trudo and Raymond Martin, all of To this Fanners' Deposit National Bank, of Pitts burg, reports amount of alleged defalca tion bv- former employes. I . in.'.,MMi. 2 Mxploslon In Union Pacific coal mine at Ilanns. Wyo.. kills K'Jj men. Bonib-throw -Ing In anarchist riot In Union sn"a:e. N York city. results in one man's death n British House of Common adopts Recl mond's resolution favoring Irish home rule. Chester Gillette, murderer of his sweetheart. Grace Brown, electrocuted at Auburn prison. N. V. 31 enexuela correspondence submitted to the Senate. General suspension of coal mining takes place throughout the coun try. April. 1 In a letter to the Indiana Republican con vention through ncpresentatlve Overatreet. VI, e. president Fairbanks urges tariff re vision by extra srseion of Congress to as semble Immediately after the Presidential ele-lion. Senator Warner Introduces ad ministration bill amending the Sherman anti-trust law. -Senate ratifies The Hague arbitration treaty. , B Populist National convention nominate Thomas E. U at son for Presii'lent and sam ii'l Williams for Vice-President after bolt of Bryan supporters. S-nsie confirms the nomination of Havtd Jayne Hill to be Am bassador to Germany. Massachusetts su preme Court decides that sympatheilc Mrlk-a to prevent looen shop are un lawful. Andrew Carnegie sdds $S.nOO.riO to hla gift to tho Csrnegie Foundation, so as to provide pension for state university professors. -lv rg clwsrd accepts the resignation or Premier Canipbell-Bannerman. f Great Britain. Monarchists win Portguese par liamentary elections: troops unpre-s rloi-ij-g In Msbon with bloodshed, llouee pauses Sterling emplovera liability bill. 7Prohiblton scores gains In local option elections In Illinois. Michigan. Wisconsin and Nebraska, although most of the larger towns vote for license. Great Northern Railway Company convicted in New Tork of naming rrhites to the Sugar Trust. Sc Hamman'a cfTer to purchase note resx-ues Krlc P.allroad from defaulting on the same Sterling House empk.y.g-s' liability bill passed by the Finale. President sends a special message to Congress dealing with Anarchism. 10 importation or strike-breakers causes car strike not at Penea.ola. Fla. jl Tennessee Supreme mirt decision oustt the Standard oil Company from th state. 12 Premier Asqulth arnouncrs reorpanlxed British Cabinet. Conflagration In cheteea district of Boston muJtes I0.OJO peopie homeleas. dtstroys 15 lives and .. inflicts pn.oerty damage of 5.675.0t. Klwds In Hankow- China, sink 70O junks and destroy 0..M1 lives. Count Ant'.rcas Pototc. kl. Gov ernor of C.ailcla. Austria, assassinated. 1.1 Car strike riots break out at t Hester, Pa. 14President sen.Is a message to ongress advocating the bulidlrg of four battleships. 15 House votes down Hobson amenmi'nt to naval bill to make number of new battle ship authortxed four (instead of two. Andrew Carnegie mukes a conditional of fer of 3.'".""' additional for Plttsburs; Technical School buildings. 17Ccntral district coal miners and operators agree to renew the mining ecale for two 19 Fifty pe-s,ns killed in atraln collision near Melbourne. Australia. 52 President s:gn the Sferilrg employers liability act. Pennsylvania Ballroad sells $r.o.y.0ii0 In bonds. 3 Baltic and North Sea power sign ths Baltic and North Seas status, quo treaties. olrectlv Interesting Russia and Sweden. 4 Tornadoes In Southern. States demolish several towns and wipe out 4io Uvea. iJ American liner St. Paul rams and sinks British cruiser Gladiator off the Isle of Wight: 23 men drown. I V illage of le Salette. Ont.. partly burled under avalanche and T Inhabitant perish. Showboat Marion canslxea near Helena, Ark.: 1- persons drown. 7 Senste defeats amendment to naval D:u providing; for four new battleships Instead of two. President sends suother pclal mesenge to Congress, again urging legis lation on matters previously recommended bv him. Kurds pillage r.r. Persian-Armenian villages, maissacreing many Inhabi tants. .nter.ary or the Roman Catholic arch- ,!ln.-ese of New York celebrated, oo. Congregational Brotherhood of America o.ginixed. Mayor and aeverat others killed In a polleal riot at Fort de France, M.irtinin.ue. jri KussM Ssge Foundation provines runns 'or scientific investigation oi iyun"iu in Plttahurg. Two robbers loot ex- fever safe on St. Louis express of the Pan- in hanille IU.llpsd. near . Plttsnurg. aner the- express messenger. Japanese cruiser Matsushlma sunk by x- binding training p-osinn Islands: of a projectile off l"e.-adore 200 drown. May. lNallonal J'rosperlty Association of St. louls organizes. S Iarge Aisrhan force attacks the British In Khyber Pa-s. orth of India, but are driven over the frontier. Prince TVt'.helm. second son of King Uustave of Sweden, w eds the Grand Du. heee Psvlovna, of Rus sia. Eleven persons) perish In the burn ing of the New Aveline Hotel, Fort Wayne. I""1- Ferryboat ,h River Dneiper. Russia, capsixee; 1' persons drown. (Bodies of five murdered persons un earth'd In the yard of Mrs. Belle Gunness, !. Porte. Ind.. who. with threw children, was homed to death near their home Apri! 2V ..'her bodies found later. 7 wtiilam Moots ornery, cashls- of the Al legheny Na'lonal Bsnk. of Pittsburg, ar- THE WORLD FOR rej-ted. charged with defalcation of 49,00O. I. awyer Edward K. Brennan arrested in New York, accused of attempting to black mail F. Augustus Helnxe. t Two solid blocks In the business center of Atlanta burn: lot. ll.OOti.iK.i. 12 Tornadoes In Sarpy and Casw counties, Nebraska, destroy 17 lives. Grand IJuchy of MeckenberB-Schwerin the last del man stste to receive a -constitution. U Conference of Governors to discuss con servation of natural resource meets with President Roosevelt. Village of Gilliam, La., destroyed by a tornado. 14 Vreeland currency bill pas.ed by the House. Imperial committee rerommenns that Iceland become an Independent state united to Denmark In the Danish Empire. Indiana coal miners xtrtke. 15 Senate amends the Vreeland currency bill bv substituting the Aldrlch measure and passes it; the bill goes to conference. lgSena;e passes the Southern Appalachian and White Mountain forest reservation bill. Cleveland street car strike bertins, attended by violence. in House passes Senate bill appropriating; II. .-MH1.000 for American participation in the To":lo International Exposition. j Mae C Wood arrested In New York on the charge of perjury after denial of net suit for divorce from Senator Thomas t . CONDON. Or.. Jan. 2. (Spe cial.) Joaophus .Martin, a pioneer of Oregon and one of the earliest settlors of Gilliam County, died at his home near Olex. Decem ber 23, 190S. aned 79 years. He was born in Butler County. Ohio. November IS. the son of Rofrer and Mary Martin, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Ireland. He re ceived a common school educa tion It) hi native state and later learned the carpenter trade. In 1SSJ. ut the age of 23. ne came to California, via the Isthmus, and in lStio iie removed to Corvallis. Or., sr'iiero he lived for two years. Later he ypent some time in the. mines at Idaho City, Idaho, and filially, in 186". permanently lo cated near Olex. Gilliam County, OteKon. Here he entered the stock ratsiria; business In partnership tv i t h Cmrad Schott and John Hielladv. in which they were very "successful. .Mr. Martin's . life In intimately connected with the history of that part of Ore Koii now forming Gilliam County, both before tho organization of f the county and since. He endured sll the privations and hardships Incident to pioneer life and ac hi jtco a comfortable fortune He was married February S. ISiiS. to Alice union were Dorn nine niiniu-n: V. ,. . w- C. W. Martin, Mrs. Grant . atle Olex. Platt. Antwerp (Belgium! express train wrecked by collision and 0 persons killed. 22 Federal Government flies bill in equily "to restrain the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad from controlling the Boston Maine Railroad. House de'eats the niatl subsidy provision of the post office appropriation bill. Campaign pub licity bill, amended to reduce Congres sional apportionment of states having dis franchisement laws, passed by the House. 2.-, central American Court ot Justice holds Its erst meeting. Revolt brenss out in the Islsnd principality of Samos. Floods In Oklahoma and Texas work enormous hivi." anl .destroy several lives Harry K. Thaw's petition for habeas corpus denied. 2a North Carolina voters adopt prohibition. House iias-jcs the compromise currency bill. geml-ccntennlal General Assembly ol the I'nlted I'rcsbl terian church meats In nttsburg. o Receivers sppolnted for the Wsbash- Plttaburg Rsllroad Company. 3(1 Congress adjourns after passing finally the Aldiich-Vrecl.ind currency bill. ' June. 1 Republicans sweep Oregon election ex cept that the people nominate chamber lain, liemocrat. lor rnited States Sen ator Methodist Episcopal General Con ference changes the title "Presiding Kl der" to olu,,! net Superintendent.'' and makes other changes In the church consti tution. Montana Supreme Court upholds for labor the right of boycott. Russian barge laden with Chinese prisoners cap sixes in Amur River; K0. persons drown. 2 Iow a Republican primaries w-on by Sen ator Allison against Governor Cummin for I'nlted States Senator. Charles A. MAXINE ELLIOTT OPENS HER NEW THEATER IN NEW YORK CITY r t-0iiuH 1 "L-J , I v -X S- jfx . VtMk NEW TORK.' Jan. 2. (Special.) Aside from boinfr an actress Miss Max ine Elliott is demonstrating; that she has considerable ability in otiier direc tions, and that she is a very business like woman. She , personally -directed the completion oX her new theater in New York which is named after tier. This theater, which it is claimed is the most costly and handsomest of its size ever erected in this country. was opened Uccember 3". The seating; ca pacity of the theater Is about 300. Coev's balloon. Chicago, flying from Qum cy. III., to Clear Lake. N. D.. breaks the aerial speed record, making an average speed of 75 miles an hour. In Georgia Democratic primaries Brown defeats Hoke Smith for the gabernalorlnt nomination. Announcement of penny 2-cent postage between Great Britain and the Lulled States made in the Brit ish Parliament. 4 At Interment of Zola's remains In the Paris Pantheon Gregorl shoots Dreyfus In the arm. 5 Taft's supporters victorious when the Republican National Committee begins to consider contented sens in the Na tional convention. United States Gov ernment begins suits against the anthra cite coal-carrying railroads under the commodities clause of the commerea art. Kxplosion of a boiler tube on ths armored cruiser Tennessee near San Tedro. Cal., kills seven men. Twenty- ' : f r ,n ., . .... w ' boiUew-sU u(-M1aV( e aiW.M3b(. I 5. 2 m j 1 ;: -r- one persons killed by tornadoes along; the Kansas-Nebraska line. Twelve killed or fatally In.iured in a troney collision at Camp Parole, near Annapolis. Md. 7 Mulai Hand, pretending Sultan of Mo rocco, takes Fez. 8 President appoints a Nstional Conserva tion Commission, wheeling & Ike Erie railroad placed under a receivership., 9 steel manufacturers, in conference In New York, decide upon general reduc tion in prices of finlsned products. American piano Company formed by con solidation of three large concerns. 10 Conference of German Baptist Breth ren (Dunkardsl changes the denomina tional name to "Church of .the Brethren." 11 Anti-racetrack Rambling" bills passed by Now York legislature and become laws, 12 standard Oil Company convicted at Rochester. X. T., of violating the Inter state commerce law. 1.1 Caleb Powers and James Howard, serv ing sentence in Kentucky state Prison for alleged murder of Senator GoebeJ. par doned, lr. State Capitol conspiracy cases at Harrisburg. Pa.. Snyder. Mathues. Shu maker. Huston and Sassel are acquitted At Cadillac. Mich., .Mrs. Daniel Cooper kills her husband, six children and her self. ' 15 National Metal Trades League organ lied at Cincinnati. Louisiana lower House defeats statewide prohibition and passes a high license bill In Its stead. IS Republican National Convention nom inates William H. Taft for President. John Sharp Williams resigns as Demo cratic leader in the National House of Representatives. 19 James S. Sherman nominated bv Re publicans for Vice-President. Taft re- . signs as Secretary of War and Luke E. Wright Is appointed In his stead. 21 Nine negroes lynched at Hemphill. Tex. 22 Mill'on dollar fire destroys 300 houses at Three Rivers, Quebec. Twenty-four constituent companies of the Wrapping; Paper Trust fined $2000 each by Lnited Slates Judge Hough In New York. 2.1 -I.ouisiana anti-racetrack gambling bill finally passed. Persian troops and Cos sucks bombard Parliament buildings and take possession of Teheran. United States severs diplomatic relations with Venezuela by withdrawing the last re maining legation officers from Caracas. 24 Spanish steamer La Rache wrecked on rocks near Muros, Spain; So drown. 211 president orders troops to the Rio Grande to enforce neutrality against Mexican revolutionists. July. 1 Natioral Educational Association, adopts resolutions favoring development of trjdea and Industrial schools, more moral in struction and Bible reading in public school; spelling reform proposition de feated. Receiver appointed for the Nor folk & Southern Railroad. Death sen tence of Harrv Orchard, murderer of ex Governor Stoimcnherg. of Idaho, commut ed to life imprisonment. 2 Readjustment committee ot the W-est-Inghouse Klectric & Manufacturing Com pany accepts the merchandise creditors plans. Gas explosion in RIkovsky mine, Russia, kills T men. 4- -Snl .nil Cabinet of Japan resign. 5 one-llilrd of Port-au-Prinoo. Capital of Havtl. burns. 6 Poiitillc.il decree makes important changes in the Roman Catholic church c. n.Mitution. one being the promotion of Kngllsh-speaklng countries and of Holland out of the missionary category. I'nlon coal miners of Alabama declare a strike. 8 Frank II. Hitchcock chosen Republican Natl, nal chairman. West Virginia Re Miblican J-onvention splits. nominating rival tickets. Hock and warehouse prop erty In Boston valued at 1.500.X" burns, ft Venezuela withdraws lier Charge d'Af fniies from Washington, completing the diplomatic rupture. Limits of Manitoba Province extended to Hudson Bay. Thomas E Watson formally notified of his Presidential nomination bv Hie Peo ple's party. Twenty-five workmen killed 1-y the collapse of a new bridge acroa the Rhine at Cologne. Germany. 10 iiemo.-ratlc National convention nnm Iratcs William .1. Bryan for President and John W. Kern for Vice-President. 11 Battleship South Carolina launched at Philadelphia. 12 I'onnt Katsura summoned to form a iapai.ese Cabinet. Don Jose n. Obaldla eieo'e.l second 'resident of Panama. Jf, Floods n"ar Tokat. Asia Minor, drown oiiuil people. Steve Adiims acquitted at Grand Junction. Colo, of tho murder tf Arthur Collins. Giuseppe Alia. Lenver priest slayer, executed. Ig prohibition National convention names Eugene W Chafln for President and Aaron S Watklns for Vice-President. 19 i-elehration of the 3fntli anniversary of the founding if Quebec begins. 2i) Mnne'arv Commission holus its nrst rreetlng at Narragansett Tier. R. L British House of Lords passes the old-age pensions bill, insuring Its becoming law. 22 United States Circuit Court of Appeals In Chicago reverses Judge Landls' declj aion fining the Standard Oil Company of Indiana '-'40.0110 and remands case for new hearing. Prince of Walea visits Que bec Tercentenary. Two desperaodoa llee Ini? from officers at Jamaica Plnln. near Boston shoot a doaen .persons; one fugi tive killed. , .. , J Harbor of Gary. Ind . opened Several mountain railroads merged Into the Den ver Rio Grande Railroad. 24 "Young Turkey" party In Macedonia "v.--v .r si .Him . : ' J. I-A . : .- . l II I uf 'si1!! P 9 lf-if'-.- .- jj ' .-' ...-'; :. x H if - v - V ' 1. e y' - .f NINETEEN snd Albania having revolted. Sultan of Turkev grants a constitution and Parlia ment and orders parliamentary elections. Twentv thousand striking mlllworkers of Bombay. India, riot against Europeans: several natives killed by British troops. Twenty-five workmwn In the Loctschberg tunnel, under the Bernese Alps, strike a subterranean river and all drown. 25 Norman E. Mack chosen Democratic National chairman. Irish universities bill parses the British House of Commons and later becomes a law. Texas Democratic primaries vote against a proposition to submit a proposed prohibition amendment to the state constitution to the people. Bloodv riot at Vlgneux. France, provoked bv a '.'4-hour political strike by workmen. 20 Venezuelan Consulate at Wlllemstad, Curacao, mobbed. 27 Typhoon at Canton. China, sinks the Chineso vessel Ylng King, drowning Suv natives. 2S Taft formally notified of his nomina tion. Independence party National con vention nominates Thomas K. Watson for President and John Tempie Graves for Vice-President. Astatic cholera epidemic In the Volga region of Russia. 20 Transcontinental railroads decide to abandon the export Oriental trade. Har riman reachea an agreement with Gould to take over control of Kastern Wabash f' stem. Including the Wabash-Pittsburg Terminal Railroad. SO Philadelphia subway completed. West Virginia Democratic convention adopts a Platform calling for the disfranchisement of negroes. Ausrust. 1 Four negro members of secret societies lvr.ched at Russellvllle. Ky. 2 Forest m-es burn several British Colum bia towns; nearly 50 persons perish. 8 Dock fire In Chicago inflicts loss of 11.000. 000 upon the Armours and the Chi cago, Burlington A Qulncy Railroad. Count Zeppelin, "of Germany, makes a record flight in his airship from Frled rtchshafen to Mayence. more than J.h) miles, and returns as fsr as Estordlngen; airship destroyed by explosion and fire during a storm next day. Canadiau Pa cific shopmen declare a strike. 5 New Turkish Grand Vizier and his ministry resign; succeeded by Klamil Pasha. 7 Encyctlcal declares results of Lambeth (Knglandl conference of Episcopal and Angelical bishops; resolutions insist upon the creeds as essential parts of the faith of the church; upon religious education; ' reaffirm the stand of the church on the cllvotce question, and declare against sep aration of races In church communion. Harrv K Thaw goes Into bankruptcy. 8 Pillsbury-Washburn Milling Company, of Minneapolis, placed under a receiver- 10--Mehmed All Bey. Turkish Minister to Wss'r.inKton. recalled. 12 Bryan notified of his Presidential nom ination. Temperance Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church begins a cru sade ngnlnst the re-election of Speaker Cannon. 13 Liquidation of old French Panama Canal Company completed. 14 Race rlota at Springfield. 111., begin. Asiatic cholera menaces St. Pctersbing. 15 Captain Peter C. Halns. V. S. A., ahoots dead Publisher W. E. Ann;! at Paysid" Yacht Club headquarters. L. I., .while his brother. T Jenkins Halns. holds crowd at bav with revolver. Coal miners of dis tricts' In Ohio and Indiana strike. IS James S. Sherman notined of his nom ination for the VIce-I'residenoy by tho Republicans. Seventy miners at Vig3n. Englr.nd. killed by explosion. 1! Sultan Abd-el-Aztz of Morocco, loses his throne to his brother. Mulai Hafid, in a desrisive battle. 20 Belgian chamber of Deputies adopts the Congo annotation treaty. Lusitania breaks trans-Atlantic speed record, cross ing westward in 4 days 15 hours 2." min ijies. Receiver appointed for the South- . ern Indiana railroad. 21 Prussian government grants to women the privilege of higher education. Presi dnt Lewis calls oft the Indiana miners' slrike.. 23 George W. Fltxpatrick arrested, charged with theft of $173im from the United Stales Sub-Treasury of Chicago. Two thousand houses In Stamboul quarter of Constantinople drown. 24 Passengers of 15 Yellowstone Park stage coaches held up and robbed in quick succession bv a lone highwayman. 25 John W. Kern notified of his Vlce-Presl-dcntlal nomination by the Democrats. New York Stock Exchange's investigation of a remarkable day's buelneps on WA11 street followed by the suspension of the broker age house of A. O. Brown & Co. 215 Fire In the Halley-Ola mine at Hailey vllle, Okla., asphyxiates 30 men. Augusta. Ga..' worst sufferer from Southern floods: 50 lives loyt snd nearly 500. uo; damage Inflicted. British steamer Dunearn sinks off the Japanese Island of Kiuhiu: 50 of crew drown. 27 Governor Fort threatens to put Atlantic City under martial law and call an extra session of the New Jersey Legislature, owing to disregard of the Sunday law. Chsries B. Roberts, of Baltimore, shot in a rolling chair on the Atlantic City board walk. 2P Twenty-five persons drown in Clmmaron River following a cloudburst at Folsom, N. M. 31 British bark Amazon wrecked near Port Talbot. Wales.; 27 drown. September. 1 Germany suggests to the se-wers recogni tion of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. -Flre menaces famous Caiaveraa grove of Sequoia big trees In California. 3 Special grand Jury of Springfield. III., ad journs after having handed up 117 indict ments in race riot cases. 4 large section of Rawhide, Nev., burns; SnOO people homeless. 6 Kx-Senator Vila' will gives a fund to Wisconsin University which ultimately will amount to :fo.ooo,ot.. 8 Ex-United States Senator W. V. Sullivan leads mob at Oxford. Miss., which lynches - Neise Patten, a negro. M. Albertl. Danieh ex-Minlster. of Justice, gives himself up, confessing embezzlement, frsud and for gery. 9 Orville Wright begins to break heaider-than-alr aeroplane records. National Re publican Committee decides that Swisher la the regular Republican nominee for Governor of West Virginia. 10 United States Circuit Court In Philadel phia di-imisses Government suits to enforce the commodities clause of the Hepburn act, holding the clause to be unconstitu tional. Forest flres In Michigan. Wiscon sin and Minnesota checked after laying waste iseveral rountles. Cholera spreads rapidlv In St. Petersburg. 1.1 Roman Calhqllc Eucharist Congrfss in London closes. 14 Ketuhllcans carry Maine hv reduced plurality; Democrats carry Arkansas. 15 Republicans renominate Governor Hughes, of New York. National Slavonic Society asks for a receiver. 17 Orville Wrlght'a aeroplane falls, injuring him and killing Lieutenant Thomas K. Selfriilge. IS w. R. Hearst exposes Senator Foraker'e connection as counsel with the. Standard Oil Company. 20 Bark Star of Bengal wrecked on Corona tion Island. Alaska: 110 lives lost. 21 President Roosevelt makes public a let ter written by W. H. Taft in July. 1:W7. declining to sanction a compromise with Senator Foraker. Swisher with.Irays from the West Virginia Gubernatorial race. 22 Gun turret In French armored cruiser La Houche Trevllle explodes, killing .11 men. 23 International conference on tuberculosis meets In Philadelphia. 2 1 Andrew Carnegie gives $1,250,600 to found a hero fund In Great Britain. 25 Governor Haskell, of Oklahoma, resigns as Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. General T. Coleman Du Pont resigns, as head of the Republican bureau of campaign speakers. Chicago. Burling ton A Qulncy passenger train runs into a frel-'it train at Young Point. Mont., kill ing 22 person. 26 tlounty local option hill finally passed by the Indiana Legislature. v 2S Kloods near Hyderabad. IndiH. destroy thousands of livta. Turkish steamer sinks a ferryboat at -Smyrna; Ho persons drown. Colonial Steel Company increases it capi tal to $2,000,000 to manufacture a new composite metal. 2ft Ohio local option election closes 3112 sa loons. 30 Pittsburg celebrates Its sesqul-ceutenninl. Organization or the Associated Manufac turers of Railway Material begun. Cana dian Pacific machinists' strike ends. October. lTwo-cent postage with British Isles be gins. 3 International Congress on Tuberculosis at Washington goes on record against Dr. Koch's hypothesis that bovine, turebculosls is not communicable to mankind. 4 Austria-Hungary notifies the powers of her annexation of Bosnia and Herzego vina. ' E Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria .proclaims the Independence of Bulgaria and assumes the title of Czar. Eleven persons perish in an Incendiary tenement-house Ore in New York. g Captain J. Clayton Erb. Pennsylvania pol itician, shot dead In his home near Me dia by his ister-in-la. Mrs. Cat!$r!ne Bisscll. 7 island of Crete proclaims its union with Greece. Notices of annexation to Auetria Hur.gary posted in Bosnia and Herzego vina. Georgia constitutional amendment prescribing property qualification for voters carries at the polls. French fishing chooner Juanita founders off the Grand HUNDRED EIGHT Banks of Newfoundland: 25 men drown. Grain elevator at Richford, Vt., blows up. killing 17 persons. 8 Union Veteran Legion decides to per petuate Its organization by admitting into membership eldest sons of veterans. 8 Celebration of Philadelphia's 225th anni versary culminates in the greatest his torical parade ever witnessed in this coun try. - 12 Eight hundred lives destroyed during a storm in Cagayan Valley, Philippine Inlands. 15 Typhoon at Chang-Chow, China, wipes out 1100 lives. 16 Forest tires desttoy several villages in Wisconsin and Northern Michigan; relief train wrecked near Metz. Mich.; about 50 pers-ons perish. 17 National Grain Association votes for uni form grading rules. 20 Night riders near Walnut Log. Tcnn., carry Colonel R. Z. Taylor and Captain Qulntln Ranken. attorneys. Into the woods; Ranken hanged. Taylor escaped. 22 Municipal Traction iCompany franchise defeated at Cleveland referendum election. Brougliton Brandenburg, who sold to the press the letter purporting to be written by Grover Cleveland, advocating the eliei tlon of Taft. arrested at Dayton. Ohio. 26 Liberals win Canadian Parliamentary COMES OK MUSICAL FAMILY V i Frltnle von Busing;. t Eritzle von BitKlna;. with t lie I famous opera "The Alaskan," f comes of a family of musicians f and sinsers and is herself one of T tiie most acconipHshed contraltos 4 now in coiuic opera. Site v;is f born in Germany where she fo- iccived her musical education and has appeared in both srrand and liplit opera in this country and I Europe. Miss V"n Busing is an excellent actress and her role of J the Chaperon in "The Alaskan" I grives her many opportunities for I tlie expression of hoih her sinK- I inK ability and dramatic talents. elections with a reduced majority. Cashlor Montgomery convicted of embezzlement from the Allegheny National -t'.ank, Pitts burg. $1 Emperor Wlllism. of Germany, minxes to accept the reslgntftion of Chancellor von Bu"!ow. November. g William H. Taft ele.-led Provident and James S. Sherman Vice-President of the United States; Republican Congress elect ed. 4Rcsignation of Professor Charles W. Eliot as president of Harvard University an nounced. 6 Charles W. Morse and Alfred II. Curtis found guiltv of violating the National hanking laws; Morse next day sentenced to 15 years' Imprisonment ; sentence of Curtis suspended. ' Two bundTed Chinese drown hy the sinking of a steamer near Annoy. 6 Japanese steamer Taish sinks during a storm oft F.tora Island; 150 persons drown. 7 United States Circuit Court of New 1 ork decides thut the American Tobacco Company- IS a trust operating In restraint of trade. Austro-HuiiKKriail Cabinet resign. 9 Ux-Senotor Edward W. Caniiai'k shot dead in a street fight at Nashville. Tenn., by Robin Cooler. 1'oshinfl.ier Edward M. Morgan, or New York, shut and wounded by Eric II. It. Mfickey. a maniac, who commits suicide. Mrs. Genevieve Chandler Philips threatened with dynamite at Den ver by Mrs. H. c. (.'ones, who tries to ex tort from her $20,oto. 10 United Slates Circuit Court .f Appeals In Chicago refuses the Government a re hearing of the Standard Oil $'J.240.0no flue case. Collision of two Union Pacific freight trains at Hoi ie, Wyo., costs 11 lives. 11 United States Judge Taylor, holds tne Municipal Traction Company, of C'eveT.ind. Is ins-olvcnt an.i decides upon a receiver ship. Radical Lalwr 'parly works the downfall of the Ilea kin Ministry of Aus tralia: Fisher Radical Labor leader, chosen to form a new ministry. 12 Radtx.d mine explosion near Hamni, Ger many, destroys more than 400 lives. 13 Owing to the npproaching death of the Emperor. Prince Chun is made Regent of China, and his Infant son, Pu Yl. heir presumptive to the throne. Secretary of the N'avv Metcalf resigns: to be succeeded by Truman H. Newberry. International Copyrlgl.t Consress adopts tho new text of the Berne convention. Francis J. Henry, prosecutor of San. Frmicls.-o graft' .'ises. shot In courtroom by Morris llan?. 14 pu Yl proclaimed Emperor of China on the death of Emperor Kuang Hsu. Gen eral Jose Miguel Gomez, Liberal, elec'e.l President of Culm and Liberal r.inn elected. Baron Richard von Rlcnerth forms a new Austro-Hungarian Cabinet. Morris Haas, who shot Prosecutor Honey in San Frniicis.o. commits suicide In Jail. HScriator Foraker. of Ohio, announces his candidacy for re-election and appeals for vindication. At Okmulgee. Okla.. James Deckard. negro, in resisting arrest, shoots dead seven of a posse, wounds ten others and Is himself killed. 16 First Roman Catholic Missionary Con gress In this country opens. Peter Van Vllssengen. Chicago real estate dealer, con fesses to forging $700,000 worth of paper and receives indeterminate sentence to the penitentiary. People of the French island of St. Pierre-Miquelon demand free schools or annexation to the United Stares. I- Kluperor William of Germany formally accedes to the policy of saying or doing nothing politically except tlirouah the con stitutional channel of the chancellor or Ministry. Night postal telegraphic serv ice Instituted in France. French experi ments with devices to prevent mine x plosions prove s-iti.sfactory. Convicts kin dle' fires in a mine at Pratt Cilv, A'a., in a plot to escape: eight prisoners perish. 4! recaptured. Ig James Gayley resigns as fl'st vice-presi - . 1 ' - s 5 a 3 ' i v 'I M j , J t ri. . J J -f t " I Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is tbe best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in - the diseases of women. It is a safe medicine in any condition of tbe system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol nd no injurious habit-forming drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so jjood that its makers re not afraid to print its every ingredient on each outside bottle wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of the same under oath. It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can get it. Pon't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine of inotn composition. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist who says something else is "just as good os Dr. Tierce's" is cither mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be , trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health may be your life itself. See that you get wkat xou osk for. dent of the United Stales Steel Corpora tion. ISDepartment of Agriculture quarantines all cattle In New York State and Pennsyl vania and closes Ea--l Buffalo stockyards, owing to epidemic of food and mouth dis ease. Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of ieve land, announces the loss of his fortune. 20 Readjustment committee of the Wcstir.g house Electric & Manufacturing Company puts Into operation the merchandise cred- . Itors' committee's plan for reorganization. Explosion in a gas main In Brooklyn. N. Y. kills 20 persons. 21 independent Fertilizer Company Incor porated, with capital of $50.uuo.ooo. 23 Shah of Persia, by refusing to summon Parliament, declines to restore tf con stitution. Campaign contributions to Re publican National Committee puaiUhed. Revolutionary movement breaks out in Haytl. Tornados visit several localities in Arkansas: a number of lives 1. st. 24 Governor Cummlne. of Iowa, elected I'nlted States Senator. 25 Stea juhlp Sardinia burns oft aletta. Malta; 123 persons drown or burn lo -iejth. 20 Roy Lamphere convicted at La Port", Ind.. of burning the house In which Mrs. Gunness and her children ate supposed to have perished. 27 President-elect Taft's first Cabinet sr- lection announced. Frank H. Hitchcock, to be Pojitmae-'.er-General. British House of Lords rejects the licensing bill. American and Japanese governments reaeli an ugiee ment guaranteeing the integrity of China. Philippine coasting steamer sunk by a rock on San Fernando; 7.1 persons drown. 25 Explcsion at the Marlanna coal mine. Pennsylvania, destroys ISO lives. Serviam Cabinet resisn. 30 Decision of United States Circuit .lu.ics Prllchard. declaring unconstitutional the order of the Virginia Railroad Commission, fixing railroad fares at 2 cents a mile re versed by the United States Supreme Court! on the ground that appeal should have; been taken first to the Virginia Supreme Court. Jaianese steamships collide oft Chefoo, China; about 700 drown. December. 1 president orders inclusion of fourfn ctass Postmasters Into the classified civil Service. President nominates Daniel J. Keefe to be Commissioner of Immigra tion, organization of National Sabbath, Observance Alliance begun In rlttsburg. 2 American anil German governments agree upon 2-cent letter postage. Pres ident Nord Alexis of Haytl deposed and exiled by the populace of bis capital; provisional government formed. Martial law declared In Prague, 'riohcmla. Em peror Francis Joseph, of Auslro-Hungary, celebrates Ills diamond Jubilee. Dutch, naval demonstration against Venezuela begins. Til I rl y-f i vh Japanese fishing vessels wrecked bv a tyhoon off Haysu Island: 350 men drown. like steamer Sim City founders in Gulf ot St. Law rence; crew 'if 2 drown. 3 Federal Council or Churches of Christ in America organized In Philadelphia. 5 Democratic Congressional caucus electa Champ Clark party leader. Wesllng honse Electric receivership discharged. 7 Congress meets. S Warrant of arrest issued for T J Kieman. head of the defunct Fidelity Funding Company of New York, organ ized to flna;ice catholic Institutions. 0 Republican Senatorial caucus elects Eugene Hale chairman. 10 Abraham Ruef convicted at San Fran cisco of bribery. 13 Dutch cruiser Gelderland captures the Venezuelan coast guard ship Alexis. 15 -Petition In bankruptcy against P J. Kiernan. head ' or the Fidelity Fundinr Company, tiled in New York. lli People of Venezuela rise in revolt against (.'astro. 17 Turkish parliament holers first session, ft. K A- N- passenger train held up. IS Wilbur Wrlglit breaks two flying rer ords. Taft selects P. C. Knox for Sec retary of State. 21 dninez forms new Cabinet In Vene zuela. 2.1 Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison sen tenced to Jail. Standard Oil companies ounted from Missouri. 24 l'lttshurg hankers Involved In graft s.-audal. 26 Jack Johnson defeat Rurns for heavy weight championship of the world; death, of clans spre.'kels. sugar king; Henry W. Poor & Co. fail. 2S -Eartluiuakc and Hppalling loss of lire In southern Italy. 20- Abraham Ruef sentenced to 14 yean Imprisonment. Abuse Franking Privilege TIIH annual report of the roslmaslor General tells of a deficit in the Postoffice riepal'tnient of uhout $17. 000.000. Tho expenditures of the year were $208,"00.000, the receipts Jlf.l, 000.000. J.'or the fiscal year otidiii"; with July next a like dellcit Is expected. The Third Assistant Postmaster-General, in ills annual report, shows tlint departmental penalty matter and that sent tinder Congrressiotinl frank cost tlie Government over $42.."44.0i0. At first thought that orrTlay seems enor mous, particularly when compared with the stirtemcnt of total receipts and ex penditures of the Postoffice Depart ment. The1 f ranking prlvileRO 1ms heen crit icised freely ever since it came into use. It Is often the case that nnes-tionj-bie use of it by members of Con gress has aroused fresh opposition. Jt is startling-, at letist. to find an out lay for free transmission through tlie United States mails ngsrreBatitijr an amount equal to more than one-fifth of the- total expenditures of the Post office Department. It mifiht be a good thins: if some Inquiry were mnde to discover what abuses, If any, exist. Tlie report on franked mall Is ac companied by a statement of outliy of J57.O00..IO0 for uncompensated service In tlie handliiiK and transporting; of second-class matter of publishers of newspapers and periodicals. The rata on such matter is low. because it is counted of distinct value to the people. The same thin"; Is true of tons of mall sent out from Washington, -phe dis tribution thronch tlie liepartment of Agriculture, for example, must be heavv Rut the educational value to the country at large of the reports and documents given wklo circulation Is undoubted. The probability is that the Investi gation of abuses would yield little. There may be some Congressmen who use the frank too freely. But tlie larger part of the outlays, considered from the standpoint of tlie diffusion of Knowledge anions the people, would be regarded as desirable. Chicago Tribune. Blogrnph I"lctiiresj by Telegraph Wire. Indianapolis News. A Swedish engineer named Grill says he iias patented an Invention by means of which lie can transmit blograph pic tures hv an ordinary telegraph apparatus. 1 Ax m it t N- 7.