w KELP WA.VITD-MAU. I BELT Jl jravie tfm. I I - 1 I ' THE MElR A FRANK 8TORB r lrt experienced s.e:sop In :1 e Dartrrert App.y be!or l A. M. tomorrow WE reoe ua mora call for almen than we eaa nil Our gradual arn from $looo to llu.ooa a ur and ipaMa W wnl prepar yoo by mall la eight we-k to Bold a position aa a high-grade traveling sales man and ass.st you to Mean It. -No former expersenc required. Wa maintain tha largest fre oiplotnenl bureau In the world. V bava trained hundred of men who had never had any former experience, to ba sucoeaeful tratvilnf salesmen, ilun drtKli frf tbem woo for:i.r:y earned from Hi to Ti a month now earn from $10 to l.e par month ar l expense If you want to enter th moat p.eaaaiiU Independent pro fession In tna wonJ and lncresse your earnings from two to ten time whst they now . writa ua tod-ay at our nearest ofne. For full particular address nearest sfflcsi. Dept. ot. National Sales men Training Association. Chicago. New Torn. Kaiis Ou, San ffimmai, Minne apolis. WANTED-For U. B. Army, aola-bodled un married nun, betarea aaa of U and It. eltixen of United Htat-a. of good charmo far ud Mmptrite habita, who can apeak, read and writa English. Apply to re cruiting officer. A.naMorto block. Id ua Oak at.. Portland. Or. INSURANCE MEN t:art new yaar right: rulld up a renewal conimialon. Our gent ara making Hf money; devote ail r part ttma to vrlUur health and acci dent Iniuranca. Wa writ moat liberal policy lnurd. Fidelity Mutual of Port land. tl Worcester Dldg. WANTED Men to clear land, put In water malna and la aldewalk. .. for 8 houre work; part cash and part apply on pur chase price of lots; ail Winter's job for rinht parties; take Roe City Park car to end or line, go 8 blocka .east on Sandy load to the work. 1V POSITIONS for graduate last year: men and women to learn b-iiDer trade In elgM weeks; help to secure poeltlor.s; graduates earn frcm $15 to $25 weekly; !rt Instructor; too-e free; write lor eaiog-ne. Mohlcr System, of Collegea, -ii N. 4i h at.. Portland, t'r. CIVIL, SKUVICK employra ara paid well for jiiv work: examlntitiona of a!l klnda axn; expert advice, e-implo qiu'Stlona and book-k-t 3a rlescrlblnc positions and t!llii ileat and qiilrkest way to accuro them f:e. Write r.ow. Wanhlnaton Civil 8erv in School. Waahlnxton. I. C WAMEIl Ioc a,1vert1ln( aollcltor for Spanish Kxport Journal; conini'sion on all orders; aoltcltor ehould hove confidence of lo.-al manufacturers; kq.h1 money for experienced men with -atatlt!"hd trad. Hrlta A. A. Hopklna. iil Broadway. New York Hir.H-oaDE, clean-cut. up-to-date aalei man. with a larua local a.iualntance. ref ervneee require; tipen-li In atocki. bonda and Insurance di(r?d. Call at 270 Stark at. Mond.iy, between a and 12 A. M. Ask for lr. atartiiatio. X I SI RIOT MAXAHEM throughout Orejton. Our poif.-y e.isv to :!: most liberal Health and Accnlent policy written; llb er.l contracts to rljrht men. Address Kldellte Mutual of p.liand. It. T. Orean, 8tata Agent. 019 Worcester bidg. EXfi.KII.NCKD advertising solicitors from reiy cttv; liberal conimlealon. Oritnd Ena-ar Number. Mount Angel Magaslne. Addreaa rleiiedlctina Fathers. Goodnough I I. g. Portiaud. or. please give refer-in- ea ) . Al TkM JBIJ.NO. plumblrg. electricity, brick;aying and p:artarlng taught by actual work In soopa and butldinaa: adraaced hoiara earn wages; catalogue free. Coyne National Trade behool. bta c. - ban Francisco, I TWO GOOD SOL.ICITOR8 for biggest magw sina combination offer of the season: $ weekly and free transportation; Al refer enree or bond reoee.arv. Call after 2 P M. R. II. Madden, Sol Sw etlajid b.dg . Portland. Or. WANTED A capable, experienced aalesmsn ta list and ae I property In the rity for an established real estate Arm; must be over year ef age. married man preferred; salary and oorr. rr. '-'.. n. Adrre9a in own i handwriting. H o-l). Oregonian. Torso MEN for railway mall clerka to prepare) lor examination soon; about 970 a month to ataru Ca:l r write for free particulars. Paclflo dtatrs School. McKay bidg. HANSEN'S FMPLoTKEXT OFTICK. Want.i Party to take bcaMlng contract; cook house an l acove ai'd d. sites free ; a good pavlcg propcl;in ia.I at 1 1 A. M. aun day. - N. id. C. R. Hansen. MOTION picture operators earn $35 weakly. Tou can learn tha b.itnesa In a ahort time Easy work, rhort hours, lessons reasonable. Positions secured. 8ea New man. 22 Burnaide. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Of r f Men s Department. -6 North Second m. Phones Main and A 1"6. Help free to employers. WANTED Uailwnv mall clerks; commence ment salary : Spring examination; candldatee prepared ftee; write Immediate ly for schedu. Franklin Institute, Rocb ester. X. Y. 6.VI.ESMAN, eTpertanced In any line, to aall general trae In Orcjon; an unexcelled areciHlty propoeltion; conimlnalons with f"3 weekly advanc for ex;ietises. Tha Conti nentnl Jeeeiry Co.. Cleveland. O. WANTED Salesman to carry up-to-date souvenir pom cards as aide line; money making proposition. Some of our men making monthly; atata references. Oartner : Bender. Chicago. WANTED- PIrght yourg man. wllllns; to jewrn rurinluff autcmori.e ana ouwiirw, iiiui come well recommended and bava $40 to Invest. ArP'y 714 Swetland bl!g. j EXPERIENCED traMlllim talesman, rood IcHusenient to the right man; state full particulars. Addles Travelers. California Notion A Toy Co.. San Kranrlsco, Cai. ' WANTED Man or man and wife to worlc on small plvce near city. Call Heywood Brothers A Wakefield Co , 10th and Irving. Monday between and 10 A. VI. 1 WANTED Flrst-cla-a Individual ledger ho.ikkeper for hank work; must be rapid and have best of references. Apply R (K. Oregonian. FlR S U.F. Fodroom set. eewlng machine, library table, 'leak and chair, chairs ail In ry condition and very reasunabia. S fwt3. Oregonian. VnrN-i men wanted to learn telegraphy and station work, good position guaranteed. ddres Telcgriipn D'pt.. Illheruia bldg.. Market A Jones t.. San Francisco. Cal. A EKW good. live young men not afraid of work must be neat in appearance, good money to those who are willing to hustle, j Z'4'l. Oregonian. GRAVD opportunity for bright young man. r-Icee and e;nall capltRl required: ex perien. e unnecessary. fall Sundiiy, 10 to 12. S2'iz JVashlnguin St.. room li. WANTED An elevator boy with experience and good references. Sargent Hotel, cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. A TOCNO MAN living at home, not afraid cf work, who dealrea to learn a business. 64. Front sL WANTED Man to eoll-it electrical work on commission: one familiar with motor trade preferred. R Oregonian. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP CALL. ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, 13 North 2J St- Both Phonea I f ALBPMSN, all lines, bookkeepers, sten ographer. Rooms 23-30, i'it Washlng ; ton at- tA'ANTED Tounr men to leara telermphy. good wages when competent: quickly ac quired. Oregon college. 83 5th st. I WANTED A grocery clerk, one who can d'ive a team; aiso a good solicitor. Call Sunday or Monday. 640 Alberta at. COLJ-ECTR erd business hwler: future to Ui parrtajicct. CU SieUaaS f.it. I mE SUNDAY OREGOyi Vy. TORTLAXD. JANUARY 3, 1900. 0 , , . 1 uvrrn-irUL I fUIXAXION WANTEi-JIiLt I SITUATION WAKITO-KMAJLE. f WANTEDAGENTS I WAKTBD-MlSC-EIXAXKOTg. OMR MEN Inherit dollara, ail mat Inherit brain. Both ara aubetanrlal aaaeta. The ntaa who employe bla brain a judiciously tiae a dietlact advantage oyer the man with oollara wko doea not use bis brains. VlhlcJi c.aee do you beionr. to? Ara you rettln tha fua value of your asset? Are iu satlaned with your present Income. Ara .,u wllllna- to concede that other maa Kara mora brain than yoa? If Jou ara aatisned with your present Income, then continue where you are. If you are not awt:sOd with tha results of your efforts and would like to enter a proeeetoa wnera It reo.ulrea ro capltaU to atart. wfwre yoa make - money while ypu are learnlna;, and where the only limit to the amount you ran earn 1 yuur ability to produce, then see D. C. Irrln. General aaent. et-;-i Oreinlaa b:df;.. Port.and. Or. FORT ORFORD ORCHARD TRACTS, pierc ed and cultivated for four yeara. only per acre. A nve-ai-re traot will coat you .t7S: 12S caeh an4 10 par month at per cent Interest- Special Inducement a with the first SO tracts. Twenty-two tracta aoij In two davs. Only a limited number will be aold at this price. Come to the office and let us le.l you about thla mar veloua opportunity to aet In on the itrouna fl,Kr or what will nun ba one of the Isrcest apple orcharda In tha world. Otllce oin Suudaya 10 to 4. and avery is;hl ,. i .1. n h- tu.Rn.il;r ( n III - Ullill W D CUT. . ' " - i, . 'any, entire icona noor rtuw IUI, am sum ovwrw MEN TO SELLi subdlvurtoa prrperty; best value on earth; wa aaa auto to show prop arty; Borne men wrhom I atartad In tha ! neM t moatba ago are makmc from uo to 2u00 per mouth. re 1. il HICKOK. AlfBRICAN TRUST CO.. 2i.) Cnamber of Commerce. BARBERS" BOARD Of" E1XAMINERS will he la s-sslon January 11. la. and If. at l7t, 1st st.. this city. Ail those holding perrrJta are requested to appear for ex amination on the abov dates, railing to apiear. their permit, will ba cancelled. T. M. Lea bo. secretary. RELIABLE, strong younr man to prepare for rail mall clerk exam. soon. A short hand course given ftee with each course; free partlculara; many appolntroenta made yearly: good enlary to begin with; sure advancement. Call or write Immediately, Pacific State 8chool, McKay bldg. WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchants In Ineir territory; elegant aid line, conven ient to carry: good commissions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincin nati. O. WANTED Salesmen making Southern or Eastern Oregon, or Southern Washington, twho could handle Japanese fancy goods a n 'i rninewwiw 1 ' ' " 1 s.on. Address, stating reference and par-I tkulars. Box O 634. Oregonian. WANTED A wholes! crockery nous wants an alert young man wno stands th line and can sell It goods. Must hav energy and character; good connection la assured the right man. Ad dress P. O. Pox 181. Seattle. HIGH-CLASS aalesmen; greatest legitimate money maker for order closers of tie; per manent employment; ISO to $509 weekly; no books, hawking or canvassing. Ad dress. Bufflngtos. 116 A. O.. Dearborn. Cliicago. WANTED A young man who has had some experience as furniture salesman, bright, energetic man preferred: atat experience, are. references. Apply AC J0, Oregonian HELP WANTED rEMALB. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434Wash- Inttton st. took, small noiei. .o, 10 no and wife, cook and gardener. ta; house keeper, country, Sj. fare paid; 2 wait resses, out of city, 2.1 and .!, fare paid; 2 chambermaids, J0 and 25; pan'ry woman. 42: 2 second girls. $20 and $2S; 2 kitchen helpers. J5; 8 cooks, private families. f:10 and $o.1; S general hoose work and glrle to assist. WANTED Motherly woman a housekeeper. good disciplinarian. 11 oova; parents in 1 ulnea; keep laundreaa. who aastats with housework. .114 20th at-, cor. Lowll. Portland Heights. WANTED Conscientious. nerget!o women for responsible position: chanc for ad vancement. J 8iS. Oregonian. "FRENCH" AND "GERMAN" in elstrws. tl per month to beginners. 432 Morrison, comer lath. A GIRL for general housework In small famiiv; must be good cook; no washing. 7;s Marshall st. Phone Main 2017. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department- 206 Sk Morrison St. Phones Main 1002. A 3U04. LADY to demonstrate: good talker. Call to day. 10 to 12. 301 Macleay bldg. 2Sd Waaii Ir.gton st. GIRL for general housework. Call morn ings. 10 Thurman, oor. ltd. oa Wll lainetle Height. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand and typewrit ing. 6 per month, set) 14th. near Jeffer son. OFFICE girl wanted at doctor- office. Ap ply at 200-210 Mohawk bldg., oa Sunday only. bet. and 4 P. M. WANTED Thoroughly competent. rapid, accurate stenographer. 615 Beck bldg., 7th and Oak. WANTED Experienced girl or woman to care for child afternoon or evening twice a week, phone Main 119. WANTED At The Cottage Hair-Dressing Parlor a flrst-claa halrdresaer. 6&3 Washington St. WANTED Middle-aged women for general house, or k In email family. 630 Failing at. Take Woodlawn car. TAII.ORE3S for general repairing and ladles' suit, pressing. City Tailors, 423 Morrison. TWO lady solicitors to travel. S0 per month, expense and commission. A 637, Oregonian. LADY wishes congenial lady to share house keeping apartment. 191 14th st., room 17. Phone Main 6444. EXrrTRIENCED girl for general housework: grod vim. Tnquir Dr. Labbe. residence head of Lovetoy et. LI I'M AN. WOLFB A CO. require experi enced saleswomen In piece good section. GIRL for general houaework. 585 Marshall at . near lXth. WANTP3D Girl for general housework; ref erence required. Eat 2418. WANTED Experienced chambermaid at th Nortonla Hotel. WANTED A girl for general housework, small family. 780 MarahalL . , YOUNG girl for general housework. 374 Taylor. THOROUGH course of millinery taught la 6 weeks; terms reasonable. 147 11th st. A GIRL for housework, smart family. Main (V141. GIRL to paste cloth on cardboard. Modern Telescope Bag Co.. 3 SO Second at. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 714 Tillamook St., Irvington car. H A IRDrtEJrpER and manicure, wanted. Pari Hair Store. 3r-8 Waahlngton at. LADY solicitor for laundry and cleaning; atcady Income given. Phone East 2253. A COUNTRY girl to do light housework, small family, aS4 College. WANTED Girl for general work, family 4 adult. Call 796 Irving st. WRLL-ESTABI.1SHED kindergarten sale. Ev Couch and 24th st. A GIRL for cooking: good wage. 74 Bv erett st. GIRL for general housework. Applv morn sing. 203 Marahall St. Main 4123. GIRL for general housework; small family. Apply 635 East Couch, corner 20th. GIRL FOR rrr.cral housework. Phone C 1118 or call 810 Wasco. W VNTED A kitchen and dining-room gtrl at 77 West I'ark st. Call after 2 P. M. GIRL a cook and for general housework. 77o Northrup. ' WANTED Oir! to assist with housework and baby. 77 Johnson- WANTED Girl to do cooking and general housework. C 1809. TWO oook. boarding-house helper, waitress, cashier. -Call 8-10. 226-, Morrison. M. 3022. WAN'tEIe Motherly woman for housekeeper. Cell 1 to 4 today. 203 Allaky bldg. WANTED Good, reliable German girl; email family. 7S7 Qulmby at. WA vted All-around laundry glrL Call today room A Uenaun bldg. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE Want experienced salespeople iB all de partment Apply befor 10 A, M. tomorrow. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AOENCT n' i vn UOVrilT. 1 wwJtreawes. country hotel. 125; 5 wa.t resse. oity. 6; chambermaids. J and 26; family cook, tao to 46: kitchen ne.p ir J6 month and $20; ladles' maid and seamstress. '-'3: boar ding-bo use cook 1-5 to 33: nurse girl and second girls, lo to S26t Wash. st.. room tin., ARE TOU A BORN NVRSST BMonis a trained nurse. Our eyeter home tudy lectures including hospital ' practice whea dealredl. will make you successful finan cially and otherwise; catalogue, msgasin free. American irwining aww. lllS Crllly bldg., Chicago. P. M. K. H. Madden. 60S Bweliana Dioa Portland. Or. . WANTED Tounr or middle-aged lady for clerical and stenograpntc wora in oi...-. must be good handwrlter and competent tenographer; rive age, ecrucatlon experi ence and reference. Address X 630. Ore gonian. WANTED Graduate nurs aa uprtntsmd ent of 16-bed hospital; must have had good traln.ng and oouen executive "liny. Arlington General Hospital. Arlington. Wash. TX'Avrvn x lenv wha understands tha business to rent of us a .lV'0,"-, branch bakery or rnall ""r,t' ? . Apply L Gevurtx, 173-176 tst St. WANTED A woman who hag had domestlo science training and the pract cai enre of managing In dining-room. Apply to Y. W. O. A. between a and 4 P. kl- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 43 ft Washington St., oor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main and A 21102. Help Supplied Fre to Employer. GIRL for general housework: good wages, small family; no children; washing put out. must ba good cook. Call morning. 62 Ella STENOGRAPHERS should Join our n.ght school for special drllle. any ayatem; will place you In poeHion. E- B. U., o-a Worcester block. OO M PETE NT bookkeeper and stenographer for lobbing house; aalary 5 commence with; state experience. Address own hand writing. B 53.1, Oregonian. WANTED Girl, good plain writer, to learn 10 care for and mark samples, writ slock sheets; references required. w nolesal house. G 037. Oregonian. . WANTED Girl to do second work and help with baby; good wagos. Apply 703 Pros psct drlv. Portland Height. Apply morning. WANTED Stenographer for lawyer" offlc; giro references; state experience and aal ary expected at atart. J 643. Oregonian. A RELIABLE Nora girl for general house work : must be good cook. Inqulr at 320 11th st- EXPERIENCED shirt operator wanted. Ap ply Standard factory No, X Grand ave, and Fat Taylor at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 43t Washington St.. Oor. "rn. Upstair. Phone Main 2692. WANTED ReCned. capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 808 Koth chlld bldg.. 4th and Waahlngton. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AOBNCT, 3281a Washington St.. Room 801. Main 8s30 or A S260. OFFICH girl, on that con operate L. C. Smith tvnewrlter and take little dictation. Salary iao per mo. Q 626. Oregonian. WANTED Competent waist and skirt makers: also apprentices for dressmaking. Mra Zeltfucha. 8.-0 Washington. GIRL for general housework. Call morn ings. 1069 Thurman. cor. Ha, on Wil lamette Heights. WANTED Good Christian woman, 46 or over, with daughter, to keep house for elderly gentlemen. Inquire 6H3 Lovejoy, cor, lth. HELP WANTED MALM OB F1MAJX GOOD, bright, lnduatrlou aalesmen and saleswomen demonstrator, dlatriot mgra ; a clean, hlgh-claaa proposition and a big money maker, which none but the Intel lectual can appreciate; none but absolutely th best need apply. 20 Tllford bldg. WANTED Man and wif to take charge hotel, aawmiu w 11, iwn w - wif must be good cook and man hare fair education and executlre ability; both hard worker: reference required. Ad dles P 632, Oregonian. WANTED First-class solicitors, mala or female, to sell high-grade, demonstrated specialty: able solicitors can easily earn ISO per week. Call today 10:10 to 12 A. M.; Monday. 10 A- M. to 4 P. M. S7 Chamber of Commerce. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 452 Morrison, cor 13th; 5 for term of 3 months to beginners. In rlaiue of four. Students' entrance on ISth t. WANTED Singers, comedians, performers snd muslciana Call Newman Theatrical Clreult, 203 Burnaide. 1'hone Main K468. LEARN up-to-date bookkeeping from an up-to-date accountant, ovenlnga N 644. Ore gonian. MARKER wanted at Independent Laundry Co, 3d and Oltsan sts. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs teachers now. 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410, FEW people, either sex, for light work; salary $2.50 per day. O 638, Oregonian LESSONS In abstracting given evenings. N 343. Oregonian. FRENCH AND GERMAN In class", 81 per month to beginners. 62 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. Al BOOKKEEPER and accountant, rapid, accurate and steady; thorough on corpora tion books, desires position at once: no objection leaving city. X 520. Oregonian. A-l STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper and gen eral office man. age 20, desires position; palnry secondary consideration. G 533. Oregonian. 6GBER young man, antl-clgarette user, well recommended, warte position as bookkeep er. Address S 6S3. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and accountant: several years' experience; can fornlsh bond and Beat references. N 630, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED wholesale dry goods clerk open for engagement with good houss. L 521. Oregonian. COMPETENT office man and bookkeeper, with Chas. H. Dodd past seven yeara. Sol R. Falrchlld. 269 North 2oth st. YOUNO man attending business college, wants place to work for room and board. X 4J0, Oregonian. AN experienced hardware and atove man wants position a salesman; good refer ence. C 537, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by expert bookkeeper and office man. P 639. Oregonian. YOUNG registered pharmacist wlshe regu lar nlg-ht relief work. X 633, Oregonian. WANTEJD Small est of books to keep even ings. Inquire X 632, Oregonian. OFFI'tB man. practical and painstaking, references A-1. wishes permanent position. M 637. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper want position in togging camp. O 624. Orogoalaa, Bookkeepers and Clerk. H GH-OHADA offlc man of 15 years' experi ence will be open for engagement Jan. IS; capable of taking charge large office and corresnondanca: hav handled 14 stenog raphers; expert accountant and tematix er: seven years banking, also auditor for larfre corporation; bank reference and bond If d ml red. Address L. 608, Oreeionlan. YOL'NO MAN. now employed, want position with chance for advancement; quick and accurate at figures, and able to help on books; good penman and typewriter; not afraid of hard work. O 631, Oregonian. COMPETENT etenographer and ofIce man with executive ability and knowledge of bookkeeping want position with wholesale or manufacturing concern where can aoc-ist with books. P 541. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man. experienced book been end office man. WSJltS pOSltlOl with reliable firm; understands bank work good relorencea. AUdreaa i 020. uns man. WANTED Position by young married man. flue nenman, quirk and accurate at 0g ures, good all around offlc man; beat reference. A 644. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with wide experience and flrst-claa references open for engagement In Euene or oilier progressive tonn. 606. Oregonian. steady, reliable man. .11 years old. want tMiaitiun in atore : knowledge of drygooda, notiona. eta., and can keep books. O 62-V Oregonian. MiarellajBeoua, nv ctlrv'tiu On A r A DT BT T 1 XT T 1 Q Wanted Leading poaltlon on farm. Irri gated iano or in citj, oy renwio, gotto. Absolutely sober German from Rhine. witn zaniiiy; years in uuuomis, month traveled In Washington. Idaho Oregon a land expert, with lifelong grapes culture, winery, all cailar work. preparing win xor oottung ana cumuiywai making, etc ; best reference. Albert A germayer. General Delivery. Portland. YOt'NO man waata poaltlon, city or outside, 2& wreak.- thorourtily experienced sten ographer, private secretary, water works engineering, railroad o&nstructlou, news paper experieaoe. Tom VJonnor, oo iwa hill at. Phoi.e Main oool. ATTENDANT or nurse position wanted by graduate doctor, car of invalid or eiderly gentleman; very sucoessiui witn muuur m sane persons; massage given: best of ref' erences. Addres f cusi, uregomau. VALET Position wanted la bachelor apart ment. family or .club, by experienced man aanllenn'i elnthee elanned. nreased ant repaired: graduate in massage; best of reference. P 6Sd. Oregonian.. AN" EXPERIENCED and successful farm 1m plemaat and vehlals ealeeman want posi tion: perfectly familiar with all branches or the Dtisiuesat. neat 01 reisraiw. v wv. Oregonian. . A THOROUGHLY competent and experi enced hardware man want poaltlon as salesman. Good references. K. odl, urego' Blan. RRiJISTTORPD drug clerk want position, city or country. 16 year thorough expe- rienca In the buMneaa: willing u wora reference. Address S 644, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with extended experiene d aire position a collector, solicitor or . i , U .. ( c S'lr salesman, on coiuiiiiasiuu vun. wei Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man. medical stu dent wnnts poaltlon a doctor a or oen tit's1 assistant and caretaker. J 633, Ore gonian. E-XPBR1KNCED fruitgrower, familiar with all branches of farming, wants position on fruit farm: married. Address Charles Karsten. 1124 East 28th North. YOUNG man of aood habit desires good. steady job, prefer working in a store or driving delivery waron; acquaiuicu. wn. city. Address 2 uta. A GOOD Jananesa boy. gentle and honest, wlshea position a housework or dish washer and kitchen neip. i. iv., so nana First St., city. WANTED permanent place on farm, by man ana wile, exyerieaceu, niiiaiiic Valley preferred. C A. Kalney, Bucks bush, Waah, NOTICE A long experienced marine and stationary engineer would like a stationary Job or nlghtwatcnman, capaoia oi ouiug repairs. Address u o.wv ureguuuin. POSITION wanted by Chinese boy In l,vl vate family or boarding-houso; flrst-class cook. L 534, oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced cooks, want po sition In country hotel or camp. P 625, Oregonian. YOUNG colored boy. la years old, wants work of any kind; best of reference. Phone Woodlawn 13UL wixnow-CLEANINO. floor rewaxed and polished. Main Boio, evening 5. i nomas Green, 2SU Taylor. MAN AND WIFE, experienced, no children want.t steady work on fruit or other ran I anywhere la state. 664 Marshall, Portland IN STRUM EN TM AN opn for engagement good education and experienced. V. E. 203 East 27th St. WANTED-Sltuatlon by Japanese boy to do cooking, noiei ana uuaiuu's, miw"i Or City. A 04V. ureKUiiisn. GOOD carpenter wants employment by day, . ... ....... i, .t . , i contracLiiiB. an itii ie. o s - liiitsen. main - A COMPETENT day worker want work for Wednesday, lnursoay, rnusy day. Alain nwu. GOOD Japaneae crew want sawmill work or cutting wooa. t'-J. uhiuumu. SITUATION wanted a night watchman by reliable man. N 536, oregonian. GENERAL houseeleantng by Job or hour. Thompson. Main oowt. SITUATION wanted, flrst-class hotel clerk. Address M 643. Oregonian. JANITOR wanta situation: experienced with steam heat. P 530. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, capable of working on books, u OJO. uregon.an. WANTED Position aa traveling salesman. Address M 383. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN of good habit desires work. K 642. Oregonian. JAPANESE! contracts any kind of Job. 249 Couch St., city. Oxaxa. A 4358. A JAPANESE boy wanta a position to do housework, o o.it. regoiiio. YOUNG" JAPANESE boy wants altustlon, any kind of work. M. Naka, Main 3tl. WANTED Pruning by competent man. A. B. McCain, 2Q3 i Stanton st. MIDDLE-AGED man wants a night watch man Job. L 540. Oregonian: GOOD farmhand will work close to city very cheap. B 643. Oresonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and eltenoerraohera. CLERICAL position by experienced business woman who understands bookkeeping, la accurate, good In figures, neat writer, conscientious In application to work. Main 4(12.1. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent posi tion; 4 years' experience; rapid, accurate. Phone East 2175. YOUNO woman wishes position In office, can keei accounts and assist in general office work. Phone Main 3209. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper would like work for half day only D 547. Oregonian. POSITION WANTED AT ONCB by expert bill clerk, six yeara' experience. S 627, Oregonian, or phone Main 5729. COMPETENT stenographer with general office and bookkeeping experience desires position. Address J 541. Oregonian. FOR a stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone E. B. U.. A 6446. WELL educated young lady iwanta position, office work preferred. A 647, Oregonian. RELIABLE girl wants position as cashier or office work. K 539. Oregonian. Ilreesmn Urrs, FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring by the day or at home. Call evenings, B 1S07. EXPERIENCED shirtwaist maker. 3505. 423 Tth rt. Main AN experienced dressmaker want engage ments at once: references. Phone East 49S5. GOOD dressmaker want few more engage ments In private families. Call Main St08. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engaav tuenta; 4L6O and fare. Phon oilwoodU52, FINE needlework, hand or machine, made; lnfant.V lavettes. corset covers. aprons, hemetltchlng, feather stitching. bunch knots. Phona Main 3S!. EXPERIENCED tailoress and dressmaker wishes engagements day sewing; refer ences; reasonable. Sellwood 1278. DRESSMAKING Shirtwaists, prices; work promptly dun. reasonable Phone Uaia FANtTY gowns, dressmaking, tailoring, al terations. Mra. Frost. 47& Alder. Main 4388. EXPKRIENCED your lady wants seeing In dreiewnaklnt; shoo. Call Monday, 209V, 4th. Main 203S. A i24. THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker will go out by day or sew at home. Main 2S38. DRESSMAKING done horn or will go cut. SL&0 par day. 364 Clay. RELIABLE dressmaking by th day. Mis Chiaholm. Phone Main 8206. LADY wanta dressmaking at horn or by tha day. Main 8139. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, also plain sewing. Mlas Otln. the Oneonta. Mam 401" i FIRST-CLAPS Cresemaking at lowest price. Mr. Angeles. 242 6'.h and Main. YOUNG LADY desire work ia dressmaking hop; some experiene. K 641. Oiisonlan, EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work at home, 311 Spencer at.. Montavllla. DRESSMAKING, shirtwaists and ladles un derwear a specialty, phon E. 1921. FASHIONABLB dressmaking at S28 Harrison at. Phon Main 7348. Prices reasonable. LADIES' or children's work la families. Phone A 6269. Call for Mia Cooper. PTtACTICAL nnrse; will do light houses work while caring for patient. Mrs. o. F. Fisher. Y. W. C. A. Main 1206. GRADUATE! NURSE Charge of Infant or In valid; doctor' references; charges reason able. Call 649 Taylor. Flat C. COMPETENT nurse will do housework In confinement cases; physician's references terms moderate. A 639. Oregonian. PRACTICAL NURSE and housekeeper, con finement cases; reference. B 1238. SU7 East Davis. HotwkeeveT. WANTED by experienced woman, good plain cook and' neat, position to do light house work: those with children need not answer. 8 643, Oregonian. WANTED Position ao housekeeper In pri vate family by middle-aged woman. Ad dress J 639. Oregonian. SITUATION as housekeeper by a widow with a little girl 7 years old; good cook Address It 527, Oregonian. WOMAN wants quiet bom, small remunera tion, plain people. Writ, particulars. S 540, Oregonian. WIDOW 89, would k-?ep house In wldower'a family. Call Monday, S014 4th. Main 203D, A 2824. MIDDLE-AGED woman with two small chil dren want position as housekeeper, 0 633, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady want housework by dny or month. East 8013 or B 1013, room 47. POSITION wanted) as housekeeper for old gentlemen or a small family. Homo phone B 16b5. LADY wlshe position 1214. housekeeper. East Domestic, GERMAN girl would like to work In family of 2 or 8, good home, small wages. 832 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 83. WOMAN wants washing, cleaning by the hour on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Phon Main 3511. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work, family. X 626, Oregonian. mall EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman want chamber work. R 631, Oregonian. RELIARLB girl wlshe position to do sec ond work. K 640, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED By refined middle-aged woman, work In a neat, respectable roomlng-honse or a assistant In an office; best of city references. S 642. Oregonian. WIDOW. 30, wishes housekeeping for widow er's family or take charge rooming-house: e-rperlenced. Phon E. 2716. room 8, or D 03u. Oregonian. WIDOW with 14 montbV child wlshe posi tion in small private family; will work cheap: object home for child. Address K 643, Oregonian. - LADY will give private Instruction In Ger- man; conversation ana grammar; reason able terms; references. Phone A 806I. REFINED, capable young woman would like position as companion, would travel; references. Phone Main 3209. PRIVATE switchboard by experienced oper ator; will do clerical work: best of ref erences. O 639. Oregonian. MARRIED lady would do light work In ex change for housekeeping rooma Phone Sell wood 776. COMPETENT laundress want work by d ; fine clothes a specialty; reierences. am 472. Oregonian. WANTED Place to take care of children during the day; references. L. 04j, ore gonian. WOMAN want work Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays; no nait aays. wooaiawn 1011. GETtMAN woman wants washing or sweep ing on Monday ana uuescays. t-aone East 1376 Sunday. WANTED by thoroughly flrst-class laun dress, work ror Monday ana weanesuay; references. H 636, Oregonian. LADY wlshe day work for Monday. Wednesday, Thursday, g-i.TO aay. rnone Main S944. COLORED woman wants place to cook or do general nousewora. i iione mam Call for Edna Donaldson. WANTED Young German woman would like a few nays or lav wora m umi-riaai cook). Phone 6297 Main. Mrs. Smith. WOMAN wants work of any kind; good voirpi H S38. Oregonian. LADY wants day work washing and' clean ing. Phono c I34i. n-ast oou. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40 cent a pair. A 4:sK7. Main oo-e. WOMAN wants work by the day. house- cleaning, etc. Phone taat uon. airs. cnaw. FAMILY washing. 30c per dozen, washed and Ironed. H OIO. uregonian. WANTED Washing and houBecleanlng. Phone Main 6427. rioom u. WANTED Work in copying, addressing. In legible handwriting. f M. oregonian. 1RADTTVTE gives two - piano or mandolin leseon for 75 cents. Main 69fl0. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40 centa pair. Fnone iiain ti.n3. a iw- t'ANTKD Work by day or hour by capable woman. Phone Main 4394. WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone wooaiawn io4i. WOMAN want work by the day. Phone Main 4349. DA Y. week or month work by colored woman. Phone A 2&t9. WOMAN want work by th day. Phone Tabor 159. REFINBD widow lady oity would like care of little girls. V 617, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS PORTRAITS and photo-pillow tops, lowest prices to agents; sampiei. ana premiums free with your orders. Siegfried Studio, 5221 Ellis ave., Chicago AGENTS Go for wonderful new erase. c.ieTtntlfleatlon" : bir money: rou will say so; sample fre. Kaytwo Mfg. Boston, Mass. Co.. CAN gl a town or country contract where by a capaoiO salesman inn ibiu irom f luu to $200 per week. United Wlrelaa Teie grph Co., 410 Oorbett bldg. AGENTS You can know about the profits made supplying pcnunioa i-j ituumca. vi- dres Leffler & Co.. St. Lonls. Mo. TRAINED nurse want a heated unfnr Ulahed. loom, central and-f hono. Main 5350. Auc.xo iiKmua waned nvinirum ... working washer; does th washing by lt alf: rune automatically by waterw.f-ks pressure: saves all the hard work of w-ush day: naw Invention; su.es unprecedented; agents wanted who can handlo hiph-class proposition: exclusive territory: $3u0 to 40tl per month. The Eugle Tool Co.. Sole Mfrs., Dept. 403. Cincinnati, Ohio. TOO dirty to talk about; phone mouth pieces are filthy and a breeding place for germs of disease. Dloxo Phone DiFlnfect ors kill germs and odors; prevent r-M-e.id of contagion; naarveloua sellers; wo?y 'ftul money-matters; some territory still open fur general agents capable of ctupi. ying and managing sale force. Park I' Chem ical Co., Chicago. A RUBBER plantation company which has practically completed its development work, uud will commence tapping its 6- ; year-old trees In a commercial way In June. 1000. will make a liberal arrange ment with acrents unliable of aelllng Its remaining certificates to responsible peo ple. Address J. B. Sanborn, I'reat., 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. AGENTS, make 1909 a prosperous year sell ing guaranteed toilet soaps, perfumes, etc., to your friends and neighbors; everybody ues them; one young man cleared S947 in 154 car slx month straight). Are you doing as wellT If not, send postal today. We teach you how. Davis Soap Works, 4S1 Carroll ave., Chicago. ACTIVE agents maka 325 to $100 weekly selling first practical, standard, two-hand keyboard, visible writing, portabl 815 typewriter evor sold. Does work like 8100 maclttnea. Everybody wants one. Big profits, easy sales, exclusive territory. Get full particular today. Dept. P. O. Junior Typewriter Co., 831 Broadway, N. Y. AGENTS N"w Invention: never before sold in your territory; coin money; automatic hame fastener; horse-owners wild about them: selis on sight; any person getting territory will make a fortune. Free sample to workers. Write at once. Automatic Fastener Co., D bl3, Cincinnati. U. AGENTS Make tloS.60 per month selling wonderful aelf-iirpeittig patented scis sors aud cutlery. V. 11. Giebner sold 22 pairs in 3 hours, made 113. You can do It; we show how: free outtit. Thomas Mttf. Co., 600 4th St.. Dayton. Ohio. WANTED District managers of either sex to sell the beet and moat up-to-date Insur ance policle and to appoint agonta; top contracts to right parties. Cull or write. Oscar Ekman, 313 Eltel bldg., Seattle. Wash. ' AGENTS wanted for Portland and adjoin ing towns; exceptional opportunity to hustlers, either sex. Call for 10 days, day and evening. Th Krdman, 14 North Grand ave., room JO, top tioor. AGENTS earn 825 to 800 weekly selling new stvles "Merry widow- warn puwcino, Mexican and Swiss embrohk-red waists. Catalogue free. National Importing Co., Desk D, 699 Broadway. New York. AGENTS? $300 every month sure selling our wonderful eigiu-piece iin u-n n,-. for our sworn statement of $12 dally proiit outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 500 Jeffer sou st., Dayton, Ohio. WE PAY 136 a week and expense to met with rigs to introduce poultry compound year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. D 78 Pnrsona, Kan. JUST OUT Low-priced 8-lb. mop: turn crank to wring; clean hands; women all buy; loll per cent prom; caiaioiruo nwi. u. S. Mop Co.. 194 Jlain at., iieipftic, v. CHRISTIAN girl wants room and board and small wagea In nice family, for half day s work, not cooking or washing. Inquire 1S W est Park st. vrw MAGIC nocket trick free. Including i lustrated catalogue, sent to anyone in closing 4 cents in Ftamps. into supply -o.. Dept. Z, 270 W. 89th St., New York City, WANTED TO RENT. A SINGLE gentlemnn desires to rent for period of 1 or 2 years attractive modern bungalow of good slxe; nothing under 0 or 7 rooms, besides servants' quarters will be considered; Portland Heights location preferred, or IrvlnKton Additoon: would want to erect garnre on premises for period or rental, j oio. urcsuu'". JEWELRY STORE location wanted. We have a ' client who wants a good down town location: will lea-ie for a term of years. Chapln A Herlow, 332 Chamber of commerce. YOUNG man wishes comfortable room with board In private family; must be reason able: West Side preferred. P 540 Ore- gonia.n. WANTED Modern 4 or 6-room flat or apart ment completely furnished, within walk ing distance of Hill Military Academy. AB 617. Oregonian. WANTED Suite of 2 or 8 rooms in modern building for use as vocal studio and sleeping rooms; must ba close In. I 644, Oregonian. WANTED 3 housekeeping rooms, for mother and son; heat and all modern con veniences; clean and well furnished: walk ing distance. Address box 4L'D, city. A STRICTLY modern 8 or 7-room house In flrst-clasa location; not over .n ooo, Oregonlau. FIVE or etx-room furnished f.at. vicinity of Hills Military Acaueiny, u'tiiiauio nwi January 16. Phono Main 904O. BY Jan. 15. to rent modern 8 or J-rnom flat! would buy rurnlture u reason&uie, aim close in. B 646, Oregoniuu. TWO refined young ladles want nlcely-fur- nlab-3d housekeeping rooms, parior. riwui E 5-103, between 12 and 1. ' lA'fl LADY desires room and board with lined family. East Side; use of piano. . r.-IO, Oregonian. WANTED A room within walking distance of 4th and Washingtoui reasonable Ad dress H 645, Oregonian. WANTED to rent. 5 or 6-room flat or cot tase. Address 6Sd Lovejoy. Phone Main feouo. WANTED 8 or 10-room house, corner lot preferred, bet. Salmon and Harrison; own ers only. A 540. Oregonian. WANTED By young lady, board and room, private family, West Side preferred. S 638, Oregonian. GENTIJ1MAN want board and room, homu comforts, widow lady preferred; strictly confidential. Apply O 540.. Oregonian. WANTED to rpnt. 8 or B-room house, mod ern. Address 022 Board of Trado bldg. WANTED Board and room near East 63th and Belmont. X 527. Oregonian. WANTED to rent furnished farm, large or small; good reference. D 523. Oregonian. WANTED A ft-rnlshed apartment for 3 adults. Address J 540, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-room house on West Side of river. Address D 534, Oregonian. WANTED 2 rooma, one furnlFhcd, good size, atove heated. A 545, Oregonian. WAN TED MISCELLAN EOUS. FURNITURE wanted. 5 rooms, must ba flrst-class, will give cash and fine dia mond. Address, giving full particulars. K 52'., Oregonian. WANTED Visible typewriter, second-hand. In good condition; state price and style. Addresa P 530, Oregonian. FORD AUCTION CO. "Pay the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 8t8. B 2311. CLOTHING CLOTHING. Phono M. 185163 N. 3d. Highest price pair; prompt attention. WANTED To buy a photograph studio In or out of city; must be cheap. Address P O. lock box 307. EXPERIENCED carpentor would exchange work for houeefurnlsliings. B 640, Orego nian. WANTED To let contract to clear ten acres, rear Vancouver.' Wash. L 542, Oregonian. I WILL buy a good second-hand suitcase. Address O 642. oregonian. WANTED A team," harness and wagon to deliver Tood. Phone East 1523. WANTED Second-hand platform acalr. 303 Larrabee. Phone East 4470. WANTED Second-hand military or English saddle. J 634. Oregonian. 400O-GALLON water tank with or without gasoline engine. S 637. Oregonian. WANTED One Bowser OH Tank. H. A H. Grocery, Oregon City SPOT caah paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phon East 1007. WANTED To buy cigar store or lunch counter; good location. Cail ll 4th at. WANTED Faw doxen quart Jar of wild - blackberries. 211 Park at. or A 2613. CLOTHING Clothing. Phone Mala 81S3. Highest price paid. 88 N. 3d st- WE PAY TOP PRICES FOB FURNITURE And anvthlrg else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6G55. A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and hoe: we also buy household furalnhlngs; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 63 8d t. Ngrth. phone Main 92T2. fOK KENT. ItiHiwa. A llEAtTlFth (urntfched room with hot and cold wuur in 100111, free phone, hath, elevator. Tim Westminster, Uth aud Madi son. THREE- or four furnished ur unfurnished r.ioiiis. 4C.1) Taylor st.. bet. 1:1th und 14lli; model n conveniences. FURNISHED, also uufiirnlslird, rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. . l-'urnislied Koorus. THE AUDITORIUM Now Open. 208 ia Third st. Has every modern improvement. Thor oughly rciiovatcii and under new man agement; sieam heat, r-ot and cold want In every room, private baths, eleator and plenty of hot wair dny and nleht; special rates to good, permanent roomers. THB BARTON. .8th and Alder; new man agement; newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms; steam heat, eiectrio lights, etc.: rooms $10 month up: suite with run ning water, $22.30 to $30: elegant publla parlor; phone and baths frea. GLENDORA HOTEL 19th and Couoh, u der new management, nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week and up, large parlor, piano, pool and billiard tables fre to guests, dining-room In connection, eaoel letit meals a specialty. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington vs. Newly fuiniehed throughout;' new buildings, sultu with baths, not and cold water la every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phonea In all rooms. THE NEW BCOTT. Seventh. Aukeuy and Burnaide: In th heart of the city; everything brand new! finest rooms in town; an Ideal Winter home; rates reasonable; fre bus to ail trains. , THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, eieoirld lights, hot and cold water, baths free; $3 per week up; tmnslcu1 solicited. Puobo A 4408. Main 4SH1. I.ARGH NICELY FUKNIbHKD Remns In heart of oity, cheap, eth and Alder. ' THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill at. opp Port land Hotole Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special ratoa to perma nent guests. A. H. practil. proprietor. HOTEL BVEHMARK. Washington and 17th, llisl-cla furnished rooms, single or en sulto; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. Main 6047. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washiogtoa Modern rooms, single and en suite; alto housekeeping ; running ator, private and free baths; rate reasonable. Pacltlo 40a. THE SH HUMAN 123 12tl., cor. Wash., un der new management ; thorouithly reno vated; room. $2 50 and up; special atten tion given to ti-anslents; 30 and up. 2P-". UTH ST. Nicely furnfflied. cozy rooms, at $2 per week; "also one larKO. elegantly lutnislied warm room with ruanlng water. THE GENEV1KVE Newly fmnlalied bay window rooms; steam heat: porcelain buths: wnlkin: dls'.ance. 445 Columbia St. Phone M 7410. ' NICI7LY furnished outside rooms, furnace heat, bath, free phone, four block "nh of poMofrlce, $2.60 per week up. 3oDi Madison st. TWO rooms, both suitable for 2; heat, phono, bath, electric light; one $2.30, other $:!. 614 Everett, cor. 15th. I THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and bath free. 827Vs Stark, corner 6th. Mia Maud J. Estea. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts Furnished rooms, best In city for money; $2 per week; modern; free baths; no docs. PRINCESS HOTEL. 349 East Burnslde st ; only lirenroof hotel In city: modern In every respect; reasonable prices. East 171. NICELY furnished rooms, heat, bath, phone, reasonable. 121 11th at. HOTEL MONARCH. Sl'.S Stark. Modero rooms. $3 and up; transients eo! Idled. THE RANDOLPH. 8d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 600 to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THH1 ANGELES, th and Jefferson, modern rooma and aparimenta; both phonea THE NEWH ALL Grand ave. and H. Wash.; modern, en aulte or aingle: reasonable. THE ELWOOIT Newly furnislK-d. $1! to 3( also transient rooma. 343 Morrison. NICELY furnished rooms, gas, bath, heat, phone, flue location. 473 Alder. $S LARGH light, pltaeant front room, suit able for two; gas, phone. 301 14lh. FUKXItiHKD front room. hath. $2 week. 802 N. 24th at. THflEE furnished rooms, bath, free phones; 1.7B. $2 and 82. nu. auuvi tu. icunilshrd Itoomri In Private Family. 215 12TH' ST. Modern, newly fiirntnhed. sunny rooms, private family, gentle.moa only: also one basement room. A 5tfcr2. SMALL outside room to working girl fir' Jt per week, or the lady will share rooms.! Call 274 Mill st. COM KOItTA HLE, larfre front room, henl.i light, suitable for two, reasonable. Main S1S8. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent; gen tlemen only. 9 r,. lltn su, oiuca Dfiow. Nortonla Hotel. Nlt'B, comfortable ftirnfuhed room, $10 reel month; walking distance. nevemn, oor. Market. J Lir.CH. well-furnlshed lieht room: elec tricity, gas, he:ll : clcirani nat; o-ev a sera.' Ib7 ltltli, near Yamhill. COMFORTABLY furtils'ied room, suitable fori gentlemen; electric, lient, neat; central, ill. 12th. NI'TE. neivlv furnished room, heat. gns.! bath, phone, walking distance. 3S3 East Salmon. WELL-FURNISHED hall room; good loca tion: for ono or two gentlemen. -i ienm.( LARGE, furnished front room for 1 or 2 gen- ., v.!- 1or. D.,1, n.,ae U'a-li iienien, reooi.u.uie. aw . ... .. - HANDSOMELY! furnished large front room.) heat, bath, phone, clone m. n.vi r mnoers. PARLOR and bedroom, with piano, neatly furnished tor 2 Boiuiemcu. i-u in. nai n. NK'ELY furnished rooms In private family; walking distance. 21H loth st. FURNISHED room, suitable for two gentle inon; furnace, free phono. 407 Columbia. ITHXISHED rooms, furnace ho.it. Call 84Vj inth St.. bet. Stark and Burnslde. FRONT bar-window room: bath, phone, heat. 327 W. Park Bt. Main 7f3i. FURNISHED room, adjoining bath; moder ate; close In. SlUi oth st. Fl'RNISHKD and housekeeping rooms; one block south City Hail. 24 3th st LARGE, airy, well furnished front room with iarge closet. Phone Mo in 3078. ROOMS, with or without board, street. 687 Ollsan NICELY furnished rooms, bath and phon free; cetilral. 427 Alder st. NIrE, lnrge front room: heat and phon. 280 7th st. . ELEGANTLY furnished front room, suit able for 2. 2114 7th St. NI0F1LY furnished room. SunnyalJe, with or without bcapl. Phone B lb28. NK'E furnished room In private family, 412 Main. A 6417. references. ROOMS, new house, all modern conveni ences. 4fci Market St., near 14th. FURNISHED room, reasonable; steam heat, bath, phono. 823 12th st. , FURNISHED room for rent. heat, gas and bath. 225 Montgomery St.. near First. NEATLY furnished room, bath, gas, phon.' 32 East 10th st. North. . 1 WORKING girl would llko young glrll roommi-.te. O 643. Oregonian. I LARGE modern room, one or two persons, reasonable. 243 Vj Grant st. . , . " FINE furnished room, rnodera. tirst-ciasa table. 212 1UU st.