THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. TORTLAXD. JAALAK1 :$, iws. " . . - TO KlCHA.NCt 1 FOB RALE TIMBER IlAADS, FOR SALT. , rOB SALE. Vl'AtHIV.TON AM' OREGON FARMS KOFI BALK AND EXI.HAXUE. Mlt trrff! 4 mllea from railroad town of -o;i'attor: ; acrea untipr cultiva tion. l.H.nN feet of good pin saw tim ber, boii. well watered: echoed 1 mil. . ! f.nrtH nn COUntV road: fair nOU. barn and other buildings. Price. $. per acre; S cash. -40 a - res. H mil' to railroad atatlon: 45. arrci under cultivation. 40 acr good t: ier. remainder pasture: all fenced. IKtr g water, good soil; e-room house. ro.t bam, shed, etc ; team, hotw. 3 rows. i'n. buggy and ail Implement to IT $.v"-; Bom term. $24"0 -51 trrfi. 5 ml'ea to railroad atatlon. 12 miles to Eugene; l.t." acres under cul tivation, remainder paature; small or-r',-a;: rtg'it at school and ehurrh. R. F. T ami telephone; ah fenced: living water led well: good J-rwra house, barn 62x 4. and other buildings; .1 horses. 5 cl. 2 raly es 2o hogs, and tool, grain and pav go with place a: :.0 per acre; terma. ti. ISO a- rea. Lincoln vTountv; 30 under filtjvattot-; K mi to school, on K. ?. and telephone; living water: 4 acrea good fir limber; small orchard; mall barn; all good ami. price. $1S'K); Mint terma. Id acres; 5 under cultivation: 2'j milea Vo-n railroad atatlon In Tualatin Valley; aiodtlv level land: small orchard: all fenced: on coun'y road, email house, good rew barn and other buddings. Price only $1200. Invattgste this. For good buys In ranchea. farma or acreage, or for quick Bales and good re sult, cell on TINE TTtEE UXD TO. V:fr-oln Buchanan Bldg. 20 Oon N ABSOLUTE BARdAIN Sn-AiTiB SUBURBAN FARM All highly cultivated. 3 acrea concord g-apes. V50 peai h tree", 350 pear. 3O0 ! mi's, apple, assorted: loo assorted berrtea. 75 niberta. 3" cherrlea. 9-room modern honae with frill concrete baement. furnace and fireplace; large hall and hath.' hot and cold water; tenk-houe and ."" gallon tank wilh engine; flrM-clase barn, with running water; 3-room cottage, and 7 outhuildlnaa. nn the Oregon rlty carllne. P mllea from the city and a ."0-mtniite ride. Station right on the place It alao fronfa on the county road. Thia farm, with a'l implement and toola, wagona, horsea and harneaa, cowa. chickena. piga. pigeon, cream aenarator and everything complete can be had for ;n.ooii. It la without a doubt the moat complete farm on the Ore gon Citv line, and worthv of your Imme diate Investigation: If dealred will aell 19 acrea with aM the Imorovementa for a.l.Y mai. or 12 acrea highly cultivated but no lmpnvmnii. for $ioo(. Term If de alred. Owner la obliged to leave the atate, hnre your opportunity to buy at thia price. J A MRS J. FI.TXX . .MS cuaniher of i'ommerce. r.T.T IV LINK. HERE IS Ol-R LEADER FOR 1V. I.ARQE DAIfir AND FKI IT FARM. acrea. beat aoil in Oregon. UoO in gram and paature. loo of It In Winter oata. loe acrea of beat river bottom land eaaiiy worth $ 1 5 A per acre; R. U. etatlon. atore. T o. and churrh and achool huei t mile f'om the houae; .", acrea f fruit trees con aiatlng of Kngllnh w alnuta hearing, apple. par and plum, alao ail kinds of email fruit, extragood houee. 2 barna. over Sjono worth of atocfc anrl machinery go with the place: all for 93J Mi per acre, come and let tie tell oti about It. Another one tna acr. mile of R. R atailon. R. E It. mail eervice. Tft acrea in Fall grain. fenced, balance heav timber crutamg o'.er 3.000. no ft. fir titr.ber. good houee. 4 barna. 2 large ones. 40 head of cattle. hed of goat, team hors-s, wagon and ha-nea. tlirehlng machine, moncr and rake and all fnrrn machinery: tlT.ISO an acie bipi thia one. 'all or addreae LINCOLN fo I.VVKHTME.NT -0.. SOI Macleay Hldg., Portland. Or. TAMniU. COt'NTT LAND 4'e a- e. nar P.":erldan. l acrea cleared, ba'ance timber an.l paature: adjoin ing fcernment rarge; fair hotiae and barn; en gcod load, wlrh telephone; watered by eprina. Th'a ia lalrahle stock, fruit and But land. Price per acre. term. We alao hate other large holdings In Yamhill founty. wh h la considered the beet cour.ty in the ire. A PNAP. a acre, near Portland, partly cleared, bi ance timber; c!ee to church and achcol; largo hi:ae and barn; must be sold eoun. Prl.-e $ per a--re. Call and -ee na UF..-TFR.V LAND OV. 417 Hoard of Trade Itldg. T.AMHIU, COl'NTT RANCH CHEAP. ItiO acres In aouthern part of Yamhill County, mile from county road. Art acres good level land. 10 acrea lit graaa. ." a"rea can be plowed, balance la all good bench land: all good soil; "JO acres la good bo'tom land; flea creek rune through the place: Tould make a dandy atock farm; prlr e liooo RALPH ACKLET. "i Corbett Bldg. J-v.Tt SALE V fine farm. 4 acrea. .T mle from Portland; acrre cleared. 16 acrea rope. 3 acre orchard. 2X apple trees. e -era! wmltrut. eherrry ar.d othera too numer oua to mention: about 2." acrea fine tim ber, balance open pasture; good 8-room houee. barns and other bulidlnge; fine eprlrg rune througii thia place, piped to the house; a'l crops, hay. wheat, hoj.e. etc.. and a!! etock and fai'nilng Implements go with thia r'a-e; worth $Vi per ac:e: for quick anle J".x per acre, terms eaay; owner non-real-dent; mun aeli O TtniEX REALTY CO., .McKay Bldg.. Portland. 1M ACRF. C1VKX AWAY. STH.V) 1 acrea near Scappoose. The timber will mo: than pay for the place; a aan. t ' ' fto acrea. me g-od timber. $n.vt M acre, o-room house. acrea. efKMi thlmber. I0 au acrea. partly cleared. 5-room Nothing iis better than Oregon land, which ta sure to bring you good returna on your nvjncv .lust try one of theae. KP.ED C. KING. B0 Commercial Block. 2d and Wasb Bta. ACRES, i MILKS From eltv. t mile from car station: the ni--t proposition to cut up small on the market: can be bought for almost half what adjoining land sells for; must be sold at once; terma 209 Concord blag.. ?d and Stark. FOR SALE I'nlted States military bounty land warrant, s-iod for 1HO acres, issued under act of March :;. lV.t. for service Iti Indian war; can be located at any lard ofHce In I'nlted States; price ST acre. T ill send to yuur bank with draft for In spection, duly Transferred. Wire me. W. V. BuKard. Bremen. Oa. R'U"K RIVER VALLFT LAND, lo dm acres of choice fruit and dairy land to sell icresp) In Rogue River Valley, the garden spot of Southern Oregon: tracts from IO acre to 4i acrea; terma reason able: price from SIO up. Write H. R. Hendricks. P.eal Estate. Grants Pasa, Or. GOVERNMENT FARMS FREfl Our II; pare book "Vacant Government Unil." de-B.-rlbe every aco In every county In V. S. How aecured free. 1oa diagram and Tah'es. All about free Irrigated farms. Price. ?c. poatpatd. Webb Pub. Co , dept. rTL Ht. Paul. Minn. FA KM of AO acres. 4-room houee and barn. :lo acres in- crop, young orchard. 10 acrea of tl-nher and a fine creek on the place: tbe beet of soil, lo miles from Portland. ;t miles from streetcar.. Price J-l.trt per ar-. W II. Lang Co.. 40 Chamber of commerce. IP.RIOATED lands cheap now at Orlnnd. HI.: highly rivllized region; fine road, bridges. achoola, college; rich valley land, all cultivated: runny, healthful cli mate: farmers- paradiae. W. W. Payne, UIO Wllllama ae. 20 ACRES. 3 mliea from city. 2O0 under cultivation, balance timber; fine fruit o dairy farm, averythlng goea. atock. ma chinery, etc.. crop now In. For further particulate address P. O. Box 15", Falla city. Or. FARMS t.'Ure1f wcirm well-lnTproed .W a re farm rear Forest Crove; manv more (fod onea throughout Oreg.m. equally aw chean. see the Go;o.-hm!ot g Agency about it. 2.131s Washington at. go ACRES, choice ywatlon: acme good im provements. K.1 acrea green timber, make 4s c -rle of w-iod; cae'. or trade for house and lot. Webb. a34 3d at., room 114 1 . ptVE farm, 14 mllea Portland. A-I build Inge, stock, implements, everything goea. Mutual Realty Co , 103 '-i Washington bl 24o aer-a. ii 1 1 ' ,- 1 acrea In cultivation, batanr pasture. 3. o,w oon feet raviI timber, about 50 fruit tree. 11 Itiar water, n-wd soil, fenced, on ro'iutv road: 4-room houe. good barn. Ne.le and other building. Rig snap at I . . k k w i r 1 1 ilt.a - a a a i i uinv srk KOMR FARM BARGAIN'S 4l-acre farm near Oregon City: best of soil free from rtx or gravel; 3 acres.bear Ing orchard. " acrea In cultivation. 2 run n.r.w springs, several acrea flne saw timber: good bouse, barn and outbuildings, all kinds small fruit, close to echool. on R. F. V. and creamery route; ail kinds of new farm ing implements Included, beside team, har neva. wacon. etc.; land Ilea beaullfull) : price i.i;4i-rt- term 2SO0 cash, balance time. llo-scre farm on new electric aurvey from Oregon Cl'yl 75 acre cultivated, 12 more slashed. 5, acrea tine beirlng or chard. pajrture and fine saw timber; 2 running eprlnge. good farm houee and out buildings; ail new machinery and farming Imp.ementa Induced; 19 head Jersey cows, 2 thoroughbred jerey bulla, liors-. harneaa new btiggy. 2 good wagona. 22 hoga. M '.eep. li chicken. 0 tons of clover nay, 6" bu. wheat, NO bu. oata. jitock and imple ments alone almoat worth the price: price $7.v; terma :tu0u. balance 10 years, low ln tertt. . 210-acre farm, beat of soil: 80 acres In cultivation. 21, acrea fine old bearing or chard, ail kinds small fruit, g-od farm nous. 2 good barna. ever running water; an ideal home, close to achool and R. L. and 17 mllea from Portland; price IJOfO. terma 2Xi. balance time. We have all klnda of farm bargains. Call r"'pk 7-ITY REALTY INVESTMENT CO. Room 5I5-.-.1 Lumber El.. 2d and Stark. 34'joo FCYS thia 12o-acre farm and prop erty deacribed. Thia to be read only by the man who can think and figure: Of fir majestic, tall and straight. A million feet tbut there'a not two). Stands on the land I ofTer you. And thus tan cruised on rcent date. And If you buy the farm and act .he pan of a aenihle man by letting the timber stand for five years, it is my hon et Judgment that then the timber alone will bring more than I am aakinc for farm and peraonal property: this la not gaa, but business sense. Fair 6-room h. use. woodhpuse. poor barn; about 30 ' acres Improved and 30 more easily put in cultivation: good orchard. 2 acres; fences poor, land rolling, well watered: water piped to house; soli good and land adapted to dairying, fruit or general farming- school half mile; R. R. station ana boat landing at Martins Bluff on Colum bia River, onlv 2 miles: 5 miles to Wood land. Wash.; 15 to 20 tons of hay In barn. 14 rows. 8 heifers. Jersey bull. 2 horses, light wsgon and agricultural Implements; all for $4210; 2.V'0 cash and balance at 7 per cent. You becin making money at SCC'0. LANK. WOODLAND. WASH. $1.VO .1ijb CASH. S acres at a bargain, aituate In Greeh am a suburban town to Portland, and right on the car line: fine stream of -water all the vesr on place, all cleared. ln can make an independent living on p.a-- or It would make a due country home; elec tric lights and telephone ail at hand. Ap ply to owners. DA.M.VEIKR INVESTMENT CO., 817 Boar of Trade Hdg. FLATHEAD IlESBRV ATIO.N OPKNINO 1 425 CO acres of paradise mountain, tim ber, open valley: pure mounlam water, fruit lands: no billiards on mild Pad tic Slope.; abundant rainfall; God- Irrigate for us prettiest country you ever suw: lake region: mild, non-arid: this delightful it heretofore withheld from settlement ny 1'ncle Sam: thousand of Am-rlcan citi zen will get homesteads; advance In formation, descriptive book and sectional wall map In colors. $1. This 31 open up more opportunities than any you ever spent Send to Board of Trade, 4G G t.. Kallspell. Mont. READ ALL Or THIS. S"0 acr-s. all bottom land of rich. blacK soil of great depth. 20 in cultivation. 40 acres fine timber. SO acres wheat, balance fine alfalfa, clover, corn, vegetable or fruit land of bet quality, plenty of good water; would make best dairy: over l.'.o hogs. 4 horses, chickens. 3 good wagons gang plows, barrows, mower, rake and all toois to run ran.h. 2 barns. 3 -mall buildings, near school. K. F. D.. IS mllea to good live citv. all for 31.1 per acre; MK0 do"'" Call Monday only. to 11 A. M., 2i0 Sixth at. FARMS. 4 acnes cleared, one-room house; living water: beautiful view : best of laud, not a rock on It: gradual slope: 3 miles from Forest Grove: 1 mile R. R. sta tion; good roads; abundant timber. JftOv; I !mm cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent Farma. improved and unimproved, from ll-'OO to J-'O o0; timber lands, town prop erty and bualneas chances. Call and aee us or w rite your w ants. KOSWIKM ft CO.. Forest Grove. Or. Jf.Srt ACRES. Especially desirable atock ranch In Sherman County; well watered and con trolling: open range capable carrying ooon head of sheep or range for cattle and excellent wintering of stock, located on river, within short distance of thriving town: Improvements fine. 7-room house and outbuildings, fine pasture land, a decided bargain; I25.OO0 will handle it. See A. H BIRRELL, 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. Iti acrro ft cleared. 6 pasture, fw Ring and lf.o Royal Ann cherry trees. U peach and I walnut: One soli, two miles from Forest Grove: on county road: 1 mile to ach.wl. H mile to church; 20.0"0 ft. of lumber for building purposes; fine fruit and chkken ranch: fine view; only 31S"o. Dl'rHIS CROCKETT. Washington Blrig. Room S. Se us for bargains In all kinds of acreage ar.d farms. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. 3S50O for 813 acr-s. with 3o0 acres out side range. Shipping facl.ltles. railway and boat on property. On O. R- N. Hallway and Columbia Ttlver, 12 miles east of Portland. Natural grasses will fatten 3o to 4t head of range rattle for Portland market yearly. Watered by rlver ar.d small living stream. All fenced: no herding required. Ownera. B 537. Ore gonlan. S ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. Two mils from Oregon City. -st Bide of river; about 3 acres cleared: 2 springs of water: fenced: soil adapted to any branch of agriculture: situate In Section . township " south, range 1 east. W. M. A snap for S7K00; ;M00 cash down. Jasy terms: Interest per cent deferred pay ments: no agent. Write at once for tull particulars to GEO. W. BERRIAN'. Moro. Or. BEST stock ranch In Oregon, 1100 acres: milea to good town; no hills; black sandv loam soil: 7oo acres cleared In clover: gently rolling: 2oo acres creek bottom. 125 acres, is cleared and In hay: two sets of buildings: 6oo head of stock now on ranch: will take care of lr0 head more. Price. M4.000. K'OOO down, balance on time to ault at 6 per, cent. Address box 844. Albany, Or. 27 ACRES'. 8- miles from Beaverton and 2 miles from the Salem Electric line. 17 acres cleared, a good H-room house, stone foundation, furnace heat, good barn. 2MxlH. and other outbuildings, all good; well and crek on the plac. 1M4 mllea from Port land: price .5oiMi; will consider an ex change for Portland property. W. H. Lang Co.. 340 Chamber of Commerce. OVT they go to the Great-Judith Basin In Montana, where they raise 40 bushels of Winter wheat per acre every year and wi-nout Irrigation; two new railroads; sp'endld buaineaa openings; we own large tracts of land and we are aelllng It at bargain prices. Write us for maps and facta. Wm. H. Brown Co.. Moore, Fergus County, Montana. 3450. 50 CASH. 20 acres land in Yamhill County, covered with oak grub; b miles to small town on Ft. R. station. DAMMK.IEK INVESTMENT CO., 317 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE STOCK RANCH. A5 miles from Portland. miles from good town. 3 miles to R. R. station: 600 acres seeded to grass: must be sold at once. Particulars 309 . Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BTOvTC RANCH 270ft. acres. 1O0 meadow, no plowed, all covered by good ditch: 1O0 acres more can he cultivated and Irrigat ed at small expense: all good alfalfa land; 640 acres timber, balance range; nrt-claee In every respect; borses, cattle and machinery all for t Pr acre, H. F. Alien. Mitchell. Or. HOOD RIVER apple orchard in upper val ley. 20 acres. 5 acres 12 to 14 years old. tree mostly yellow- Newtown. Thl year's crcp lta-O boxes, running water on place, with It-room Summer house. $Sj0. naif rash. F. H. Llnd, 11SJ loloo are. N., Portland. Or. MAKE XOTB OF THIS. When required to sell, send facta. low est pries, etc.. to buyers' agent. 1022 Koatd of Trade bldg.. H. T. Abataln. Homes, business, farms, citv realty seekers, rail or writ me. to help you find what you want. FVR SALE by owner. S acrea partly cleared. 2 miles from Oregoa City. 3-tiKnn plastered hoiiNe. good well. woodshed. chicken- , house; price $UoO: terms. M. K Wal worth, route , Box 112. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE 40 farm, from 5 acre to ,"w, good for dairying. Charles Fleck. 24 5 Taylor st. JOR Wlllam-tte Valley land see Olmsted Umd Comfany. Salem. Or. HAVE customers for following described propertv; &-room moflern coiiagc. no' m east- 5 to 10 acrea wlthltt 10 miles of Portland: 3 lots together, west of I'nton between Rusell at and Killings- worth ave.. will exchange Improved busl nea propertv that will pay 1.1 per cent on Investment: 2 lota lr. Richmond, near car; acre or more near Washington at., west of 2rth at. F. M. Crawford Co.. 420 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. MAKE. NOTE OF THIS: When required to sell, send facts, low est price, etc.. to buyera" agent. 1022 Board of Trade bldg.. H. T. Abstein. Homes, bualneas. farms, city realty seekers, call or write me, to help you find what yon want. WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer: give price, de scription and state when possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshlre, box 1D10A. Rochester. ?f. T. I WANT a piece of property that will cost anvwhere from llO.Ooo to IHO.OOO; un less you have a bargain don't answer; If you want monev morv than you do your propertv. give me full description In your llrst letter. D 6.13. Oregonlan. WANT to buv fsrm lands. Improved or un improved, in Valley, near mnll townai and R. R. -tstions: must le good bargains. DAMME! ER INVESTMENT CO.. 317 Board or Trad bldg. W ANTED Good aubdivlslon or acreage to plat, to handle on shares or commission basis Have flrst-class selling organiza tion In action. N 533. Oregonlan. WE -will pay cash for your equity In what ever propertv you have partly paid for. National Realty at Trust Co., 32Vs Waah Ington st., room 5!6. WITHIN walking distance. & modern a-room house: can make liberal payments; will give mv equity In suburban home aa part payment. K 538. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy for cash small cottage with full lot or quarter block: West Sloe preferred, near car; gi location. Answer D 538. Oregonlan. WANT to buy cheap lots, acreage, roomtng , house for Investment: have 31100: how would vou spend It? Desire good proposi tion. M. P.. 13 X. 5th t. BCSINESS propertv or flats paying rood interest, about $20,000; give location. R !V.'!5. Oregonlan. . . WANTED To buy a 6-acre tract near car line: car fare must not be over lo cents. E. J. Geloer. 221 S Morrhson st. FROM owner, only lot on Portland Heights suitable for residence; cheap; give de acrlption and price. D 542, oregonlan. WANT small honae. lots to one acre; will pay up to I5OO0; muat be close to car. Owner onlv. N 537. Oregonlan. I WANT to buv a little home; can pay $1MKI down, balance In In.-tallmenta: what have you to offer? Addreea I, B2ft. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot between Hol'aday ave. and Thompson et.. by honweeker. reasonable. S 534. Oregonlan. WANT to either hue a home or some lota: hsve 32500 can pay down; must deal with owner. Call 601 Board of Trade GOOD buv In residence property. from owner; give particulars N 534. Orego nlan. . CASH -iald for lots convenient to Alberta. St John or Hawthorne carllnes; deed or contract. J 544. Oregonlan. I WILL buv limited amount Lewis Publish ing Co. work: state lowest cash price. Ad dres A 51. Oregonlan. WANTED To buv a 5 or -room house and fractional lot. East side, near Steel bridge. E J. Gelser. 221 S Morrison t. WANTED On West Side, income property: have $20,000 cash; no agenta. H 533, Oregonlan. MODERN or 7-room house In Sunnyside; pav up to 13000. G. A. Kaaper. 2M V Mor i iaon St.. room 10. S TO 10 acres, near carllne; give price and location; no agents. Address H 544. Ore- gonian WANT some good house, also vacant lot; hv customers waiting. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Corbett Bldg. TO buy 5-room cottage on reasonable terms: give particulars. 11 537. Oregonlan. RESIDENCE lot from owner; part cash. $300 to 35O0. loll" Board of Trade. WANTED Building lot In Nob HI1L will pay cash. H 5.11. Oregonlan. 1 rriga-ted ljuid. W A NT E D Water rlrhta for ground-floor Irrigation projeefs. P. O. Box 4r,3, Seattle. ACREAGE. 12'i ACrEct. Inside city limits, creek flows through place Ncarlv all can be Irrigated. No gravel: rich aoll; finest garden land on eartn Good small house and barn. Near car station. Price S1i,500 cash. COI.l'MBIA TRCST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth Bt. WOULD yoi; BUT 20 acrea 4 miles from city. 17 In culti vation, running water, fine little orchard. miles to car elation, for almost $100 acre under market price on real good terms? Inquire SOS Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. On acre. all . level and cleared, water piped onto land. A por tion of unfinished house. All for $70. $250 cash, balance $10 per month COLI MBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg.. 10U 4th at. 1110 ACRES. BEAVERTON. Nearly all In cultivation: muat be sold at once: will eacrince, 30 Concord bldg., iti and stark ata. ft ACRES, excellent soli, mil highly- culti vated Ideal location, on fine stream, good neighborhood. exceJient car service, away below market price If taken at once. Own er. 28 Pin St. ACREAGE 500 acres choicest walnut apple land, ready plor. 3 hour- fron "IT Beard of Trade. C. F. J. Portland. WANTED FARMS. MAKE NOTE OF THIS: When required to sell, send facts, low est price, etc.. to buyers' agent, lo--Uoard of Trade bldg.. H. T. Absteln. Homes, business. farms. city realty aeekera. call or write me. to help you find what you unl. WANT to buv SO-arre farm, .suitable for garden truck. In neighborhood of Mt. Tabor: state lowest cash price. X 534, Oregonlan. WANTED Few acrea good land, close in, with small shack: would do clearing to pav rent; give particular and location by letter. O 5.(8. Oregonlan 200 TO 4 acre in Willamette Valley, Im proved: mint he bargain; will pay all-cash. THAD S WEEK. O. H. SEIPLE. Swetland Bldg. WANTED To rent farm with not less than an acres In cultivation: must have fair buildings: give full description. Box 424, Forest Grove. Or. FAR NT ADVBRT1SEMBNTS solicited Saint Joseph's Blatt. 21.tKH subscribers. German weekly. Goodnough bldg. WANT TO RENT a amall farm with etock and tools. G. B. Dalrymple. Manor. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Farm. T mile from Portland, on Hlllaboro electric line. Inquire 924 E. Flander at.. phon B 1355. 6S-ACRB farm for rent for 1 or more yeare. Addreaa R. W. Gilbert. Mt. Tabor. Or. Phone Tabor ISM. WANTED TO LEASE. WANTED To lease a country newspaper plant, with option to buy. or will accept foremanehlp Address P. W. J.. 314 Ferry at.. Albany." Or. TO EXCHANGE. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! tf TOO want t buy, ell or trade buaineaa or property, follow the crowd to Bteveneon A Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. FINE Irrigated farm for good city prop art. N t4., Oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE OR SALE. Elegant nine-room dwelling, walking distance. 120 acre fruit and walnut' land near Salem. TOpon ahares '10 per cent dividend-paying mining atock. safe as Government bonda. for dwelling, farm or acreage. The National Financing Co.. 307 Marquam bldg . Portland, Oregon. TO EIXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY. 125 acre. 5n In cultivation. 1 acre in orchard: all kind of fruit, good 7-room house, good barn and outbuildings. 40 tons of hsy. 13 head good cows. 110 head ftat. mower, rake, cream separator, all . kinds fatmlnar Implements: best of rich, black aoll: price $5775; will take up to $4000 In Port- " RWEP("t.KEA!,TT INVESTMENT CO. Room 516-516 Lumber Ex.. 2d and Stark. TO EXCHANGE Well Improved income residence property for farm with some stork. In the Willamette alley ; 340OO cash rrocerv store for Willamette A ailcy farm- $1400 grocery stock on WiluamB ave for part rah. part trade, rent only $15 Number of rooming-houses to cll or trade for city or farm property. See the Ooldschmtdt Agency, 253 V Washing ton street. S3-ACRE- farm. 20 In cultivation; acre- In line beavernam: barns and outbuildings, with rerv small residence: this lies right close to Hubbard, Or. There la no better land to be found anywhere: will make an Ideal farm; some small fruit: It ! cheap at $3.VXi- will accept Portland property: thl ie a fine opportunity for a person i who want. a farm of that -lie. Call 513 Cham ber Commerce. ' EASTERN OREGON HOTEL. Brlcli building. 50x100. one block from IX R- station in a very thrifty growing - city and in the very best wheat belt of the atate of Oreffon. Price $24.0011 ; will exchange for Portland vacant property or close-in acreage. For further infor mation call on Lind & Co., room 329 Lumber Exchsnge. - 7-ROOM house to exchange for farm. Splendid farm to exchange for drug atore. 31-room apartment house to exchange for farm. Confectionery and cigar store to ex change for city lots. FIDELITY REALTY CO.. 307 Gerllttscr Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 53t4-acr farm; heat of soli, no rock or gravel: 2 spring-, 35 acres In hlgheet state of cultivation. 17 acres An aaw tlmberon R F. D. and creamery route; price $3000; will exchange for house and lot In Port- ROSE CITY REALTY INVESTMENT CO. 615 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. Lota 1 2. 27 and 28, block 24. Berkeley, also two-lots In College Place; for mining stocks. Specify name of stocks first letter. Box A 527, Oregonlan. NICE home in one of the best residence districts In Los Angeles. Cal. 10-room house, modern, large lot. fine streetcar service: owner want something In port land: will consider rjomlng or apartmcn, house, or Improved property. F. M. Crawford Co.. 420 Swetland. I WANT land from the owners for a fin music business, big profits. $3000. Will trade all of part of this for land. West ern Oregon or California: all kind of musical merchandise half price: Ii5 anfa for S40: typewriter, Smlth-I'remier, $-5. Courtney Music Co.. 8S X. 3d st MILLINERY STORE. Old established place, in one of Port land best auburbs, clearing $1500 yearly: price $700. or will take lot or equity In lots In or near Portland, or roomlng liouae. , . MRS. LENT. 430 Waahinfton. WILL EXCHANGE Equity in only available lot. 50x100. In factory district, adjoining Swift's packing plsnt.' for vacant residence lot of $5tJ val- no'sECITY REALTY INVESTMENT CO. Lumber Exchange MUf, u ami i HAVE 040-acre wheat ranch In Sherman Countv and 8O0 acres good graxlng land In cowlitx county, Washington. I want to trad thia for a good stock of general merchandise, anywhere. Address Owner, 120! East Yamhill st.. Portland. 1X)TS 74 chole lots. high-class restric tions and Improvements surrounding, best 5c car; yon can double jour money: sell or exchange for acreage or timber. "Wall ing. 243 Stark. FINE; new modern residence, over block of ground: number of nice fruit treea and well-built barn; for sale at a bargain. W ould exchange for farm. M. B. Lee, room 411. Corbett bldg. DENVER COLO. 9-room. 2-story modern brick, large brick barn lot 50x125 feet: splendid location on boulevard: cost 700o. trade for Portland property. H. C. Stephens, Pendleton. Or. TO EXCHANGE Good Income and vacant countv -eat. live town. SO mile- earn of Chicago. 111., for Oregon farm; will glv time If difference. Address L. M. Ln ford. No. 3 R. F. D.. Salem. Or. WE have a largo list of property for sale and for trade. Including houses, lots, farms, timber, acreage, businesses of various klnrl In Portland. If intereeted In trading, call 513 Chamber Commerce. EX CHANG E 1 500 equity in 5-room cot tage 47x22. modern, porcelain bath nnct basin- :ti-room brick apartment house: all for improved 1 to 5. acre Pay or take difference. P 534. Oregonlan. FOR SALK or exchange for acreage near Portland. I-" acres i.-i .! some Improvements; good fruit or stock ranch: 2.000.000 yellow pine. Address K 3'.'7, Oregonlan. S-ROOM residence. 100x100 corner. 5-room cottage, corner. West Side, and block 230x "HI vacant, aell cheap or take acreage or timber. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark. APPLE land set to apples, cared for 3 years. lO acres $3000, terms, or will trade; 3 miles from electric line. Addres owner, W ., 694 Rodney ave. GOOD grocery, store building, barn and lot to trade for good real estate. Ten-room house aund lot for acreage or farm. loll Board of Trade. A FIVE, well-improved farm of 120 acres In the Willamette Valley. 24 miles from Portland: exchange for stock of gen. mdse. D 5S0, Oregonlan. -ROOM house, two lots, good location, near car- trade for farm In Clark County, Wash. Mutual Realty Co., 303 (s Wash ington st.. room 6 NEW and slightly used automobile for resi dence property or lota In Irvington or Holladav Park. Phone East 1814. Call for C. W., at 1S2 Morrleon at. SELL or trade. tx room bungalow, river bunk, opposite Oaks, for suburban acre age home or acreage in part payment Sellwood 324. or P o"o. Oregonlan. $735 F.QUITY In $1500 6-room house, ex change for lots, acreage, mortgage, room-lng-houe. East 1115. B 1437. 10 ACRES within mile of Euirene: a good trade for some one. Gua Smith. 301 ' Buchanan bldg.. 2S6V, Washington st. FLEG ANT 9-room houseboat, every con venience, value $3000. for acreage In Wil lamette Valley. B 53$, Oregonlan. TWO lots In University Park to exchange for rooming-house, value $750 MRS. LENT, 430 WASHINGTON. 8 ROOMS of excellent furniture for vacant lots or land. Big bargain. Gus Smith. SOI Buchanan bldg, 2S6-, Washington st. WILL get vou anything you want in trade for anything you have. Apply 714 Swetland bldg. HOUSE and lot to trade for a plann; will take mortgage for difference. H. F. Lee Co.. 827 Board of Trade. WILL trade for farm, my half Interest In old established transfer and storage busi ness; valu $5000. J 636. Oregonlan. ACREAGE or city property to exchange for well equipped cigar and confectionery store. Call 16-16 Lafayett bldg. 10 SUBURBAN lot aa part payment on a house. Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. $5O0 FINE-BRED colt. What hav youf Square deal, a ins. TOURING ear or- runabout for real estate or dlamonda Address N 423, Oregonlan. WILL exchange for anything you have. Fidelity Realty Co., $07 Gerllnger bldg. STOP, LOOK. LISTEN! randy confection ery, exchange for lot or lots. Main 1639. AILL trade lot for good safe or T. C. Smith Pro. typewriter. Main 1125. TIMBER LAND for land near Portland. H HI, Oregonian, FOR SALE CAREFULLY SELECTED FIR. CEDAR AND HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS IN TRACTS OF FROM ONE) THOUSAND ACRES AND UPWARD; WELL LOCATED. IN STATES OF OREGON AND WASHING TON. NEAR COLUMBIA RIVER. PUGET SOUND AND IN OTHER LOCALITIES; PRICES REASONABLE; OWNERS WISH TO DEAL. DIRECT WITH EUYEKS, AD DRESS X 458. OREGONIAN BON4.-FIDE buvers, who are looking for safe profitable Investment In Eastern Ore gon vellow pine timber. I have from 160 to 10.000 acres to suit you: alao Western Oregon fir, hemlock and cedar, from u;o acres to 150O; pricea reasonable, original owner. Address J. D. Honeyman. Bend. Or. A SNAP It taken within th next two month A mill and timber for Bale: mill in good order. In half mile of R. R.; iSO to 1200 and tip acre of timber, eally haa ' died accessible to th mill; any further particular wanted. Address G. L. Farra, Corvallis, Or. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. THE OREGON TIMBER A CRUISING CO. Pacific Coast timber, water power located and examined, taxes paid for non-real-dents timber lands cruised and accurate estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of Trado bldg. Phone Main 8ft7 TO RELINQUISH HOMESTEAD InO acres, near Medford, Or. Some Improvement: creek; countv road R. R. aurvey across land: good fruit or dniry ranch: 2.500.000 yellow pine; $1500. Addres S 630, Oregonlan. ONE hundred million yellow pine timber with mill, located on railroad; best pine proposition ever offered in Northwest. Addres- D 636,. Oregonlan, and deal with owners. SACRIFICE 180 acre. 4.000.000 timber, well located, Wsbco County: three sawmill In vlclnltv; good market; $2ono. For par ticulars a."Wrea F. E. Cyr, 2182 Pine etreet, San Francisco. Cal. PO 000,000 feet of fir timber In Claekama Countv, 6 miles from S. P. R. 6 mile from Willamette River; 40 miles from Portland, for sale cheap. 627 Corbett bldg. LARGE3 BODY yellow fir, well Iocs A-d. high grade timber: must aell: no reatk liable of fer will bo refused: buyer only need re ply. K 533. Oregonlan. WANTED An Individual who will Invest $10000 to 32.YOOO in one of the best timber land propositions ever offered. Address B 644, Oregonlan. FOR SALE The best body of timber on Columbia Jliver; 45.000.000 best of log ging show. 405 Washington st WE are headquarter for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Stampher, 631-82 Lumber Exchange b.dg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; Improve ments. 7.0O0.000. half pine. Cheap. Call 1119 Board Trade bldg. CHEAP 320 acres, cruise 10.on0.000 yellow fir. larch and hemlock. $4000. P 529. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner in timber business, with $10,000 cash to put In business. M 630. Oregonian. Timber claim (4.000.000) trade for house and lot or mortgage. Boggess, 221', Morrison. TIMBER claim in Washington: 6.000,000 good fir; will trade. A 534, Oregonian. TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. 327 WORCESTER BLOCIC- WANTED TIMBER LAS OS. I WANT timber land cheap, $2.50 to $4; burned land, $1.50 to S3.0O: from owners; spot caah. I have for sale or exchanse for land music atore. 100 per cent profit; $75 safe for $40; typewriter, $25. Court ney Music Co., b8 X. 3d t- W ANTED Three or four quarter aectiona flr timber; am not looking for cheap stuff but tlrst-claa timber and willing to pay fair price; prefer location in Portland land district. K 526. Oregonian. WILL pav two to three thousand for home stead relinquishment in the Siletz. N 531, Oregonian. TIMBER wanted, from owners only; m e have clients for large or small tracts. 627 Corbett bldg. CORDWOOD stumpage or tract with tim ber near railway or river. Address O 529, Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. O. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. FOR HALE. Honea, Vehicle and Harness. PAIR horse, weight 3O00 lbs., are sound and will be shown to any load and guar anteed, also extra heavy harness; one pair horses, weight 2800, are sound, good work ers: one big brown horse, weight 14tio, make good ingle express horse; Ave head good 12(io-lb. delivery horses; 12 head of general farm horse and mare, all kind buggies and harness, saddles. Red Front Stable, 15th, off Washington st. Main 1125. FOR SALE Black horse. 8 years old. weight 1600 pounds, sound and gentle, also top Bteel tire buggy and harness, nearly new; must sell at once; only $125; can be seen at stable cor. 6th and Mont gomery ats. FOR SALE or rent 3 team with gooseneck furnitur wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purpose, day, week or month. Phonea East 72, B 136. Hawthorn stable, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE- Sorrel horse T year old and rtpht weight. 1450: black horse 5 years old. sound and true; weight 14fS0; also set team harness with breeching; will sell cheap. Call Palace Stables, Cth and Montgomery sts. $140 TAKES bay driving mare, age 4 years, perfectly sound and gentle for lady to ride or drive; also good rubber-tire busgy, with new harness; must sell today. Call Dr. Davis. Main 3300. FOR SALE Bay team horses. 8 and 9 years old: weight 2650; are true to work any place; with set new heavy breeching har ness; only $250. Barn, cor. 5th and Mont gomery sts. Sl-JVEN horses. 2 light delivery wagons. 1 light spring farm WHgon. 1 new Frazier breaking cart. 1 breaking names-. 1 et of new heavy breeching harness. lo9 North 12th st. $50 TAKES top wagon and llOO-lb. mare, also good 1100-ib. horse cheap; one top business buggy and one open buggy very cheap. 8HS East 28th St., Woodstock car to Gladstone ate. I RENT horses, wagons, buggies, harness and saddles, lowest rate In city on busi ness rigs for agent or city salesmen; aisv buv, sell or exchange. Red Front Stables, 15ih st., off Washington. Main 1125. ONE swell pair Jet black, 6 or 8 years old. weighing 2300 lbs. One span, 6 years old. weighing 2400 lbs. 226 Russell. Phone East 4t04. STYLISH, speedy single horse. matched black buggv team, 1300-pound team and harness. Seventy-eighth and H. Stark sts. Montavllla. FOR SALE Dapple gray mare. 5 years old. drives single and double, wound and true, weight I inn; fln looker, yery cheap. R 536. Oregonlan. $150 BUYS team and harness; team weighs 11300 lbs., are good workers; harnes is new; also new wagon, $.5. Call 26 N. 15th St. Mr. Kelso' rig. I WANT to buy 2 3-inch farm wagons, 3 top delivery wagon. 1 top rubDer-tire buggv, 1 set llaht double harness. Phone Main" 1125. $215 TAKES pair of bay horses, weight 2800, with new farm wagon and harness; this team is sound and will stand a trial any place. 1C4 11th st. $100 BUYS delivery rig: mare weighs 1O50. good hamee. nice top wagon, all complete. 26 N. 15th St. TEN small horse, two dirt wagons, two ex press rig: must sell at once. Red bain. Spencer St.. near Base Line, Montavllla. GOOD horse for sale cheap; weight 1200 lbs.; $75. McGxaw, 313 Water i. Phone Main 7451. BROWN HORSE, weight 1C50 lbs.; will ride or drive, single or double. Price. $40. Call at 1061 E. Salmon at. Phone TabOT 648. HUBERT HALL. 880 Front, buy, sell, real horsea. vehicles, low rates on buelneas rig. A SNAP One black mart, weighing 1100 lbs. 226 Russell St. Phone East 4804. HORSES, mares. r!S5 and names ot all kinds for sal. 84 Montgomery. LIGHT rig for sale cheap. Call 946 Belmont st. Phone. B 2513. $so GOOD family horse. 808 East Morrison st. Phone East 405$. PONY and saddle, rlda or drive; W, worth $60. Tabor I0SC. 1 PONY team of black, ride or drive single er double; 1 bay man, J.100 lb. 7SS Savler. Horses, Vehicle and Harneaa. BAY brood mare. 8 years old. weight 1540. Brown horse, age 6 years, weight 13S0. Pair bay marea. weight 2350. age S and 7 vears. work alngle or double. Three small teams, suitable for delivery work. Best combination horse in city, weight 1100. age 7 year, safe for lady to ride or drive. Ten head of cheap horses and mares, suitable for delivery and farm work. One nice pony, gvntle for children to ride or drive: also a few single drivers and small saddle horses. These horses will stand a thorough trial atjd be sold at lowest prices. $$4 1 1th St., near Jefferson. Phone Main 3300. WK have a fine lot of young, sound horses for sale, consisting of heavy draft team, several well-matched teams from 1200 to 1-tOO lbs., choice team of sorrels. ome single horse, team young mules; this stock is all broke and ready for trial in harness; will nav vou to inspect and get our prices. PORTLAND HORSE SALE CO., Stockyard Exchange Stables. North 17th and Qulmby sts. A CART.OAD of mares and horses now on sale at, 506 Alblna ave. Automobile-. FOR SALE 4-cylinder Ford runabout, top, lamps, generator, storage battory and new tires: newly painted and repaired. N 545. Oregonlan. ELEGANT 5-passenger, 22 horse pcjtcr, nw Tourist direct from factory, for sale at sacrifice. G. T. Ketcheson, 231 Lumber Exchange bldg. MA' 5-pa.ssenger automobile for sale or trade for city property or anything good with value. N 538, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up. for sa'e or trade. W. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d st. CHEAP Mode! G, 1907 Franklin. perfect condition. Phone Main 121. Oregon City. STEAM runabout to trade for lot. Phone Richmond 821. Pianos. FOR SALE One Kimball piano In perfect condition and nearly new. cost new $4lK: will sell $200; piano Is In golden oak and a beautiful instrument In every way. Call Home phone C 1876. STEINWAY piano, pianola player and mu sic, used less than a year: great haritain for cash; party going East. 112 Hibbard at., Montavllla. PIANO for sale; Trowbridgo piano for sale cheap for cash, as parties are leaving city 441 Tillamook St. ELEGANT upright Gabler: cost $450; price, $200. 334 Guild St., Apartment G. HIGH-GRADE piano, beautiful tone, bar gain for quick sale. A 049, layior. FOR SALE Stelnway upright, nearly new Address O 537, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SHETLAND pony buggy. In good condition, cheap; also four set of well bound books Shakespeare. Rulwer-Lyttnn, Thackeray, Hugo. Inquire D50 tiasl layior at. FOR SALE or trade 10 H. P. traction en gine, well-drilling machine. 2 It. P. steam drag saw. 144 H. P. motorcycle. 190 Park street. COMPLETE course In structural drafting In the I. C. S., including books and drawins outnt. Cost, lob; will sell lor sao. Oregonian., FRESH, high-grade cow and calf, fresh 8 days, gives 6 quarts of rich milk at one time; price $r0. owen hox. i matiiia ana 25th ats.. Kast seiiwooa. portiana. or. TWO extra tine fresh cows, heavy, rich mllkera. cash or trade for beef cattle; brown house, opposite Ockley Green, st John car. SECOND-HAND 30-H. P. holler: Andrews moist air dry kiln: :io-llgnt dynamo, i-a-relius Mfg. Co., E. 24th and Multnomah sts. STATIONARY gas engine. 4"- H. P.. samo as new. Phone, M 4164, or address 501 Medical Bldg. FOR SALE! Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451. FOR SA LE) 9x10 Munday logging engine, lines, blocks, everything complete ready for work. Address A 617, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoist ing engines. Railway Equipment Co., 72 74 1st St., both phones. $25 CERTIFICATE on White Sewing ma chine for sal cheap. Addres G 533, Ore gonlan. TWO vounr cows, one 2-saI. day. other with young calf: take Oregon City car, Jennings Lodge. Geo. Morse. BEAUTIFUL white fur boa. good a new. for lcea than one-third price. S 539, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Hot cake griddle; 4 feet long. 8 burners: cost $40; will take $10 or trade for something I can use. 303 Larruboe. FOR SALE Large mlselon sideboard. 84; new kitchen cabinet. ?5: oak drop-leaf table, $3. Call 622 Marshall. SCOTCH COLLIE, sable and white, 2 months old; excellent pedigree, $10. Ad dress H 63", Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL floor and wall case for salo: cost $200: $S5 takes it. Frake's, 409 Washington st. AT a great reduction, a man's handsome rain coat, of a well-known English make; used only three weeks. Phone Bast 2116. ALL breed of dogs for sale: fox terrier 1 year old cheap. King Hill Kennels, 630 Washington. SELECTED White W'yandottes r.rd White Leghorn cockerels from prize-winning etock, $2 and up. Phone Woodlann 629. HEATING STOVES, bedroom furniture, in cubator and brooder for salo cheap. 257 Chapman st. FOR SALE Four-foot ash and maple cord wood, $5 50 per cord. West Side delivery only. Main 5001. FOR SALE One upright piano, one electric fan and one small office safe. 324 Everett street. FOR SALE Express wagon at a bargain. Call 663 2d st. NEW bathtub, large sise. for sale at snap. 409 Washington t. NEW silk voile dress, .empire, sire 36, bar gain $12. Apartment 2S. Oneonta. ASTRAKAN coat, size 3S. In good condition and latest cut. Tabor 1890. PHONOGRAPH horn for al cheap. 325 Lincoln st. YOUNG full-blooded Pomeranian Spitz dog. cheap. Phone, East 1296. FOUR months; pedigree: Gordon setter pups. Silas G. Kelly. Hillsdale. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP Office furniture. In quire at 316 Marquam bldg. FRENCH rat terrier puppies. Phone Wood lawn 1610. 761 Commercial st. FOR SALE White ee-wing machine $25 cer tificate for $5. Phone East 2411. FOR SALE -2S pairs fullblooded homer pigeons. $20. A 5:'.S. Oregonlan. A PEDIGREED cocker spaniel pup. Phone Wood lawn 2006. NEARLY new gocart for sale cheap. , S69 Halaey. C 2217. NEARLY new Remington typewriter and desk. Hudson Arms Co, 110 od St. HANDSOME white diamond, 2V4 carats, cheap. C 540. Oregonian. FULL-BLOOD male Spits dog, old. cheap. 321 Fifth st. FOR SALE CHEAP One 3-horsepower !n . ductlon motor. Address T 463. Oregonian. QUANTITY of type In good condition for sale cheap. Address T 464. Oregonlan FOR SALE or trade. Columbia bicycle, nearly new. cost -56. 809 2d st. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, slides. Alms for rent. 165 a 4th st. TWO cornets and cases, $35 each: will sell for $10 each. 112 Hibbard St., Montavllla. TYPEWRITER. A-l, your own price, or will rent. H 405. Oregonian. NEW malleable range, will make terma. Main 35B8. or 405 Stark st. FINE new gas range, gas water heater and some furniture for sale cheap. 584 3d st. FOR SALE cheap. White sewing machine certificate. Phone Woodlawn SS5. GENT'S Ts -carat mud, Aa -carat ring, both tine diamonds. L 537. Oregonlan A FEW choice brown Leghorn roosters. George Munson, 838 N. Fillmore, St. John. Miscellaneous. 1 STEAM shovel. 1 ti ards. 45 tons. 2 locomotives, 10x21, 45 tons. 1 clamshell bucket. 1 yard. 19 1-yard dump cars. 22 IH-yard dump cars. 2000 feet 16-lb. rails. 1 concrete mixer. 1 12-horse power gasoline engine. 1 6laxl2 donkey engine. I R'jXlO donkey engine, swinging (ear. 1 6ixl0 donkey engine, 2 pile-drivers. 1 30-horsc power traction engine. 1 grader and elevating wagon loader. Pneumatic power riveting machines. 1 12-horse power centrifugal pump. 100 slip scrapers. 51 wheel scrapers. 13 1 At -yard dump wagons. Other miscellaneous tools. WILLAMETTE CONSTRUCTION CO., 419 Failing bldg. LCWJGING ENGINES. 9x10 "Tacoma" engine on sled; am a new; a snap. Hxlo "Mundy" engine on sled, with 13t ft. main line. 3200 fi. trip line, blocks, rig ging, etc: $1650. , 9x10 "Smith & Watson" engine on sied, with 1000 ft. main line. 2S0 ft. trip line, blocks. rigcir.K. etc. ; $135o. ilUxll "Willamette" engine on sled, with lrtoo'ft. main line, 3500 ft. trip line, blocks, rigging, etc. Ixl5 "Tsconia" road engine on sled, with 4.VO ft. main line. H.OOo it. trip line. 0lo "Washington" single-drum engine; a snap. A'so several other smaller logging and hoisting engines. For prices on above antl all other-new and second-hand longing equipment, r" F. H. Mallory & Company, 235 Pine St., Toitland, Or. J SOLID oak library table. $6.50: combination bookcase. $lo; extension table. $4; whit enameled dresser and commode, $12.50; Home Quern steel range, with reservoir. $15: food No. S cook stove. $7.5t: four-hole Reliable gas range. $7.50; heating stove. $1.50; gas heaters, 95c; oil heater .5-: $125 pcrlor suit In line condition. $5; bookkeeper's etondlng desk, 6 feet long. $12.50; white maple desk, $4: 60 yard -si.1 heavy linoleum. 4oc: everything to furnish a. home. Western Salvage Co., -.'7-.t5 Washington St., corner 2oth at. Main 1108 or A 3793. MOVING PICTURES. Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereortlcon. cal cium and gas outfits, new films. 3o00 sub jects: guaranteed no rep-atera: largest buvers of new Aims In United State: slides to order and atocked. W teach you to CP'ra'"LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE. 214-216 Wells-Fargo bids., Portland, PACIFIC FILM CO. 803-317 Rothchlld bldg.. will rent yo-i 6 reels. 8 song and record or sheet musio for $18 per weok; now Is the speak; only a limited number "'ryed ; we Install moving-plctur theater. Fhon M. 8085. A FINE safe, worth $S0; for :'' showcases. $!!: 2-foot cases. $4 50: rec ords. 15c: sheet music. ..-; everything cheap: business for sale; $:'.wn; would er chatiKo for cheap land. Courtney Music Co.. N. 3d st. WANTED Country shippers that have ,i ,-... I muii noultrv. butter or eggs to n write na for cash prices. Braden- ArtJ. Meat Provision Co., Astoria. Or. FOR s ALE Mls-slon dining-room ett. oak dresser and chiffonier, mahogany Daven port rugs, rockers, etc., all new. riione B 2365. or call 62 K. 6th t. North, Apart ment No. 6. . FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: easy payments; w rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures: cheap price. Brunwlc Balke-Collcnder. 4i 3d t- TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60 fully guaranteed, easy paimi-uo. ier month. Pacific Stationery & Pig. per Co., 203 2d at. FOR SALF: New -hole Majestic steel range. Phone c i..t. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Specialty commission salesman for Eastern Oregon to sell hiitliost-craile lln- of exclusive calendars, sisns and all kinds advei-llsinu novelties. Boat proposi tion ill countrv. Robertson Putnam I om pany. 340 Dcarooin at., Chicago. WANTED Man: must he willing to learn and capable of aetliiK as our representa tive: no canvassing- or soliciting: good In come assured. Address National Co-Operative Realty Co.. 792 Maiden bldg., Washington. D. C. SALESMEN wanted to take orders for ad vertising thermometers; all goods warranted- 25 per cent commission. Ther mometer Works. 45 No. Division St., Buf falo, N. T. WANTED Successful sale-men; travel for the best St. Louis house In their line; In answer state experience: permanent posi tion and pay big commission. L 620, Oregonlan. t CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover Orea-on with staple lino: hlith commission, with $lo monthly- advance; permanent position to rlcht man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. M Ich. SALEMAN to handle up-to-date line of post cards; great sellers ami very profitable; lilvral commission paid promptly; largest post card house in the West. Arthur Capper. Topcka. Kan. ' ALASKA Men for ditch work: good work; g,',od wag.: free passage: must have $um; a good investment. Address C 647. Orego nian. GOOD live salesman wanted at one to sell tlie Arnold Vibrator; exclusive lerri totv to good men. See Mr Ramnkar. room 417 Corncllu Hotel, between 3 and 4. Sunday. TWO a!suien. one for city, one country: men with life or accident Insurance ex perience preferred; permanent poM'lon. rapm advancement. Addres A 535. Oregonlan. BE a chauffeur: good salary for good men; practical teachers, dny and night . Write or call. Seattle Automobile School. 210 Broadway. Seattk?. Wash. WANT hustling young partner for Seattle. $'1000 a vear each; established business, onlv reqiilrea $550 rash, balance out of business. 502 Swetland bldg- WANTED A man and wife to rent small stoo with living rooms ami few fixture, suitable for a small store or branch bakery. Apply 1. Gevurtx. l.J-1.5 lat at. W NTED Strong boy between 15 and 17 years for general shop work. IlKI'lire, Motulnv lfll Union ave. North, fcenn Nltslkkl & Co. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL gives 2 yesra course with degree; next term open Jan uary 4; both beginning and advanced work 630 Worcester block, phone A STENOGRAPH ER-BOOKKKEPEr. Male; onlv ofnlcient. rapid and thoroughly ex perienced touch operator need imply. Ad dress box 292, Walla Walla, Wasn. WANTED Registered prescription druggist who la a successful seller of pianos. Ad dress S 300. Oregonian. WANTED SALES AND CLERICAL MEN. ' COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO, 407-8-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. TWO men take contract clearing land or cutting cordwood. Address W. Dennett, 203 Main st. WANTED A good meat cutter, one who la able to run shop. Call Sunday of Mon day. 649 Alberta st. r.Ef.IABLE. energetic man to take charge ' ofllce here; $300 security required; exclu sive proposition. DA 512. Oregonlan. STEADY. Industrious, single man. from farm, for farm, orchard work. 6"T Com mercial block. ONE A-l city salesman, must liave "ence; none other need apply. Call Mon day. 204 Corbett bldg. "STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. For Men 250 Burnslde Street. Phone Main 6694. WANTED Young man to learn Turki-h hath business; references. Address O 512. Oregonian. CIRCULAR sayvyer and general mill man able to file and take rare of saws; best references. 0 544. Oregonlan. FARM HAND, good teamster, dish-washer, cook, waiter, land clearing. Call 8-10. 226,3 Morrison. Headquarters cooks, helper. California Win Depot. . Loratt. lea tn. aim wow. BOY for drug business, 1 years old. Call bet. 0 and 8 P. M, 342 Washington St. SOLICITOR for laundry; biff commission to sober man. 2b2 Ihtrrl st. EXPERIENCED marker: good pay. Call today room 3. Benson bliltf. TWO first-class millwrights wanted. Call 24th and Multnomah. I.IPMAN, WOLFE CO. requires experi enced dressgoods salesmen. WANTED Good coupon agent, something new. Apply room 15, 344ia Washington st. 1