THE SUNDAY OKEUOMA5, 1'UKTJLA.NI). JANUARY 3, 1909. One Dollar W Closing Out of a 111 ii Iresser Big Line of Dresser; Reg. $45, $47, $48 and $55 Values at a Uniform Price of x . At AI ,1 ar.A anan 4n TlOV t1 Of) B Wllk dressers oil the come easy terms jum p.y uuu t . .iqMvA"V--5 taioir lome $1 Down and $i a Week BllliilJ X 2o "v - 3gSSySj J NO. 23612: MAHOGANY. This style is in dark mahognny; French plate mirror, beveled eases, size 2t32 inches; full serpentine front, hand-polished, worth $45.00, going for $35.00 $1 Down, l a Week. NO. 523: TUNA MAHOGANY. This is a beautiful wood, especially for bedroom uses; Freneh bevel glass, 23x29 inches, very handsome frame ; a new model dresser, worth $45; same special price $35.00 $1 Down, $1 a Week. NO. 226V2: BIRD SE YE MAPLE. Notice the handsome shape to this dresser,, in birdseye mapi; the dainty figures are very beautiful in this piece; French bevel-plata glass is 24x30 inches in size : worth $45, but sold at ....35.00 And Easy Terms of $1 Down, $1 a Week. NO. 519: DARK MAHOGANY. Here is another new model in Dress ers. The cut does not do the article justice, for the large square mirror is 23x30 inches and is of the finest French bevel plate. Other Portland stores have this dresser, priced at $48. Our closing-out price is only $35.00 Pay t Down, tl a Week. NO. 9: BIRDSEYE MAPLE. A fine model in birdseye ma ple that sells elsewhere for $47. te will sell it at the same low price. .. .$35.00 And the Easy Terms of $1.00 a Week. The French plate glass is 24 by 30; full serpen tine front to case, as shown in cut. faaWtK NO. 034 GOLDEN' OAK. Beautiful Quarter-sawed Oak Dresser, with full serpentine front, handsomely polished. topoed with very heavy French bevel-plate glass 30x36 Indies: all brass trimmings of the finest polish : everv detail perfect: size of ease 22x48 inches; usually sold at $55. These dressers go with the others at the uni form price of 933 $1 Down, 1 a Week. A Big Special Offer in Our Ladies Suit Department To interest new customers in our ladies' Suit Department this week, we offer a special inducement. Besides giving you standard ladies' Suits at prices much lower than exclusive West Side dealers, we give a pair of $3.50 Pair of Ladies' Shoes FREE With every Suit sold this week and extend the advantages of our credit system. Pay $1.00 a week on any Suit in the house. These Splendid $12.00 Enamel Beds Only $7.50 This is one of the most beautiful models made. In any other furni ture store in Portland you will find it priced to sell at $12. our price is only $7.50 This is another example of the great selling power of the Big East Side .Store. We buy from the manufacturer direct, and ship in carload lots obtaining the bottom price on the goods and lowest railroad freight rates. i i ' v. I t vs i v ei Cornef:Burnside And Union Avenue Men's Suits Sold on Easiest Terms We carry only standard qualities , in our Clothing Department. You will find Schloss Bros. Among the very best brands for .piality of material, style and fit. They are right up to the moment in style and finish. .We sell on easy payments of $1 a Week HALE AND HEARTY III 91 JOKL V. CARROLL. OLDKST KT TLL1". IX CXIO.V COUNTY. Crossed Plains Prom Iowa In 1864 and Settled In Grand Hondo Valley, Still His Home. UNION. Or., Jan. 2. (Special.) The oldest resident of Union County, If not in Eastern Oregon. Is Joel D. Carroll, of this city. Mr. Carroll via born In Clark County. Indiana, October 18, lSR. Practically all of his life has been spent among pioneer people. His father was a prosperous farmer, which work waa dis tasteful to the son. At about 16 years of ag ha became an apprentice to a blacksmith, which work has since been his chief vocation. In 1S Mr. Carroll went to Clark Counts", Illinois, where he built a shop of bis own and for live years prospered at the work. He then sold out and returned to bis old home in Indiana, where he soon became the proprietor of the prin cipal shop in New Washington. In this venture he was even more successful than In his first enterprise, and in a few years Invested his surplus money In horses, which were driven south into Louisiana and sold at a handsome profit. Within a few years Mr. Carroll found himself possessed of considerable money, and selling; out hie business at a good fttrure, again started West to seek new fields and greater fortune. This trip was an extensive one and carried him through Illinois, several of the Southern states, and a food portion of Iowa, where he finally located, near Osceola, the County Seat of Clark County. Upon reaching the new home Mr. Carroll acquired an ex- tensive farm, but later moved to town and established the second blacksmith hop In the place. In the Spring of 1S64 Mr. Carroll sold all of his possessions, and bidding fare well to his many friends, started on the long Journey across the plains to Oregon. Two wagons were required to haul him self and wife and their ten children. The start waa made May 10, 1864. and on the 16th Bay of the following September the party reached Union, then a village of a few strangling log houses. A short stop was maue In the Boise Valley, but being dissatisfied with that locality and hear ing favorable reports of the Orande Ronde Valley, the Journey was resumed after a brief rest of a, week. Mr. Car roll' home has been at Union for 44 years, and he has never regretted als choice of a locality. The journey across the plains was an extremely hazardous one and fraueht with the usual dangers from streams, floods and hostile Indians, which the ad venturous pioneers met and overcame a half century ago. The first men that Mr. Carroll met in the town were A. C. Craig and CV Ptvscott, both of whom are dead, but whose widows still reside In the city. After locating at Union Mr. Carroll established himself In the blacksmith business, which he followed for another six" years. By that time, feeling that he had served his trade the allotted time, he closed 0ut his business and enlaced in farming- which he followed until old age forced him to retire from the field. Although In his 91st year Mr. Carroll Is still possessed of all his faculties and Is apparently enjoying life as well as in his younger days. He thinks nothing of taking a Journey of several hundred miles, traveling unattended. When not lsitiLs wiUt acme or b-a children, alae of whom are living, lie spends the most of his time at his pleasant home in this city. REVENUES ABOVE EXPENSE Washington Oil Inspector Reports Prosperous Year's Work. OLTMPIA. Wash., Jan. 1 (Special) State Oil Inspector F. A. Clark, who Is here today, reports that during Decem ber he collected In fees for oil inspection 13421, that his total collections for the two years aggregate $43,500, which Is Just KO.000 more than the legislative ap propriation for the maintenance of his HUT PASSED; GETS CORVALLIS Cni'RCII RAISES DEBT IX FEW MINUTES. Rev. D. H. Leech, Pastor of Meth odist Congregation, Slakes New Record. CORVALLIS, Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.) Probably no town of the same size in the United States has as many churches as Corvallls. There are 13 churches of ....,...... . t :; . . .. - : J J ' r "4 v.; "r:' . V.I 1 ; ... . 't Vi i -laijfc-. rfSinin- - "ittit-Sl 1 ! Joel D. Carroll, Oldest Resident Boils, Pimples and Blackheads Are Caused By Blood Impurity Which May Be Removed in a Few Days by Stuart's Cal cium Wafers. Joel D. Carroll, Oldest Resident in Union County. office for that period. In addition he says that his expenditures have been J1000 more than the amount appro priated. RIGHTS OF WAY SECURED Astoria Confident Trolley Lino Will Be Built to Seaside. ' ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.) Practically all the rights-of-way for the proposed electric road between this city and Seaside have been secured. Arrangements will be made at the next term of the County Court for using the draws of the county bridges across Lewis and Clark and Young's Rivers, and as all arrangements are said to have been perfected for financing the project, work on constructing the road is expected to commence before February 1. Vancouver Will Help. VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 2. (Spe cial.) L M. S warty, president of the Van couver Commercial Club, has appointed Colonel J. A. Munday and W. J. Kinney as a committee to solicit funds for the re lief of Italian earthquake victims. Rummage 'Sale. See page advertlsr meut. Pasa 9, Section L Tuil & Globs. Trial Packs ae Sent free. Why Buffer boils, pimples, black beads, tetter, eczema, rash, scabby skin and eruptions of all sorts, when you may by the simple act of letter writing bring to you proof that blood may be purified in a few days or weeks at the latest? Stuart's Calcium .Wafers contain the most powerful blood purifier known to science Calcium Sulphide. They con tain other known purifiers, each hav lnsr a distinct and peculiar office to ! perform. Instead or a lace full oi pimpjes, or a body which Is assailed with boils or eruptions, you may enjoy, if you will, a skin normally clean and clear by the simple use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They act almost like magic, so rapid is their work of purity done. You know the blood la pumped thiough the lungs. every breath. The air purifies it. Stuart's Calcium Wafers help the lungs do their work by segregating the impurities so that the lungs may enrich the blood. Then they carry off the waste poi sons and decay through the bowels. There is no need for months and years powerful, yet so harmless, that the blood feels its beneficial influence im mediately. Printed words are cold praise, espe cially when you praise your own prod uct and offer it for sale, but here is an opportunity of proving this praise by your own Judgment without cost. Send us your name and address, no matter how serious your skin trouble may be. and we will send you a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers by mall free. It is wholly a matter for your approval. Thousands of peo , pie have used these little wafers with I success, and their praise is our testi monial. Every druggist carries them in stock. Every physician knows what Calcium Sulphide will do. He will prescribe it as a blood purifier and charge for tne prescription. Here is the best method of using Calcium Sul phide, and ou may test it free. Go to your druggist today and buy a pack age of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, price 60c. or write us and we will send you a trial package free. Address V. A. Stuart Co, 1T5 Stuart Bid., Marshall, Mich. ' , different denominations In the town, but all have the same habit of taking up collections. The Methodist Church, the largest in town, passed the hat on Sunday last and $2618.50 was deposited therein. It came about this way: There was nothing out of the ordinary during the service Sunday morning until It came time for Pastor Leech to announce his text. He didn't say: "If you will turn to your bibles you will find my text in so and so." His text was this: "The debt of this church will be paid before the end of the year." In a few minutes it was over subscribed. A debt of J2300 had been hanging over the church fo.- about three years, and Mr. Leech said It would not hang any longer than it would take to pass the hat around, and the hat was passed. Instead of getting $2300, the sum was over subscribed. Rev. I. H. Leech, the pastor, was largely responsible for this. Fifteen years ago Mr. Leech owned several bands of sheep in Eastern Oregon. He quit the sheep business for the minis try. He has a habit of encouraging his flock to pay off debts, wherever the Methodist Bishops locate him, and a year ago he came to Corvallis with this habit. During the past year his church at Corvallls has Increased its membership about 40 per cent, many of the new members coming from outside the state and from different counties of the state. Condemns Rudowitz Decision. ALBANY, Or., Jan. 2. The Albany So cialist Local has adopted resolutions bit terly condemning the decision of Commis sioner Foote, of Chicago, in the Christian Rudowltx case. Rummage Sale. See pag advertise ment, Pags 9, Section 1. Tull & GibbB. TAX STATISTICS IN CLARK Property Values, Exclusive of Rail roads, $9,037,375. VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. -2. (Spe cial.) The annual report of the County Auditor for 1908 shows the value of tax able property except railroads, in Clark county was assessed at $9,037,375; the total taxes collected amounted to $247, 876.63, of which $45,184.97 was for state purposes. $76,814.44 for county purposes, and $37,811.23 for the three road districts. The total assessable property of the rail roads is $891,275. The city of Vancouver paid in taxes $24,240.30. Astoria's Revenue $25,146. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.) The records of the City Auditor's of fice show that the receipts of the city during the year 1908 from liquor and sundry licenses amounted to $2". 146. Diseases oi Men varicocele. Hydrocele Nrrvoue Debility, iilees Poleon. Stricture, Gleet, Troatstlc trouble ana all other private dl eiiee are eucoeeefully treated end cure4 br me Call and eee eboot your enee II you want reliable treatment with prompt - " ana P111''"'",, . Con.uliatlon fres and lnv,,f? oaTee tlon. aetleractorr and f"fld'n.,'il is ?1 , is tour. BA M In P M Bundave IV 1 Call on or addre DR. WALKER 181 Firat St. Cor. Yamhill. PortUnl. Or CENT 3 1 Dili Andrew Kan & Company For the purpose of Increasing its working capital enlarging Its faclll ties, operating new stores and agencies and Ato meet the demand for its goods, which has already been created. The Andrew cmpanr "erS for public subscription $60,000 of its 8 per cent preferred stock. The Andrew Kan Company has an authorized capital stock of l00'00"; of which i 00 8 per cent is preferred and $50,000 is common Parvalue of each share $100, fully paid and non-assessable. Only the preferred stock is offered for public subscription. This preferred stock Is preferred both as to assets and dividends, the dividends being payable semi-annually, on the first day of January and July of each year. This stock Is not issued to liquidate any indebtedness. The present owners, the founders, are not selliug out the business. Every dollur re ceived from the sale of 600 shares of 8 per teat preferred ocl " par value of f 10O a share will b turned Into the treasury of the corpora tion and used for the Immediate extension of Its store capacity, and for taklus cars of the buslueaa which Is nlready assured. In May. 1883, the Andrew Kan Company was started by a young: man whose sole capital consisted of $300. a practical knowledge of theOrlental goods Imported Into the United Slates, undefeatable energy anil an Idea. The original investment of $300 has crown into a business the tangible assets and good will of which are worth more than $100,000. The net earnings of the business for the last twenty-five years have been more than enough to pay above 8 per cetu on the total issue of capital stock. $100,000. for the entire period, and it la estimated that the new capital will double the present net earnings. The Andrew Kan Company has shown an annual Increase each year of tts existence, selling only through its own exclusive store and yet today we are reaching only two-fifths of the business which would bo ours were we in possession or tno capuai requirea to i;auuie it. be By Increasing Its capital so that the wholesale selling facilities can i rt o n i immtHlalclv Anrlrevv Kan & Company will be able to take advantage of their years of experience In buying In China, and direct connection with factories of all lines, and thus the already created demand lor our gooas in inia vast tttnioi; ui uu AN EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY A better opportunity to share In the profits of a thoroughly established business has never before been offered to the pub ic, because never before have there existed conditions similar to those which make this issue of stock desirable. The exceptional security of an investment in Andrew Kan preferred i proven by tangible assets, property in plain sight, that can be seen and felt and counted. The corporation owns and operates the largest and most completely equipped store devoted exclusively to the Oriental goods. All cash on hand, store fixtures, wood carvings, silks, crockery, bric-a-brac, embroideries, robes, brass and china ware, and all real and personal property and equip ment, supplies, stock of goods on' hand in store and warehouse, are owned bv the Andrew Kan Company, free and unincumbered. No mortgages no bond- all their assets together with a large surplus and depreciation fund already accumulated, positively secure the holders of preferred tock. The holders of preferred stock are further protected by the provisions of the charter: "No mortgages shall be placed upon any property of the corporation, or sale or lease of any of Its property shall be made without . . . .... i i. 1 . T , .- I ....... 1.' r. f Ih. fnma the approval Of holders oi a iuajuiiv.y vi luc Vi:i.-wcu PalThe preferred stock is further secured by the good will of the Andrew TCan business foreign and domestic connections, and tho trademark having vSlue in the open market equal to more than full amount of the total Issue of preferred stock. A certiriea xo py u.?... ,""V Vnished to each ourchaser of preferred oi oui"ui "-j tangible assets to m. ?e than $100 for each and every share of preferred stock sold not Including the value of good will, foreign and domestic Ji?mni?: other similar assets owned by the corporation. The net earnings for the last twenty years hnve been in excess of the .mount nVee-ssary to pny 8 per cent dividends on the total Issue of preferred stock, fSO.0410, tor the entire period. The latest years are the best. The current earnings are the largest In the history of the business. statement by the treasurer ana umnuBinK . r.n,.3 will be furnished to each purchaser of preferret ti.. nrnnratifin owns free and unincumbered, real PRESENT OWNERSTHE FOUNDERS NOT SELLING OUT t'p to the present time, the Andrew Kan Company has been a close corporation, its ownership being vested exclusively in its founders and each one has a keen interest in perpetuating the great success achieved. The men actively engaged in the present management arey young men, in the prime of theis powers. Which fact eliminates for a long time the possibility of loss of prestige and earning capacity througn the loss of the genius that created the business. They will continue to work on the Tame principles and according to the same methods which have been re sponsible for rapid and profitable development of the business up to date. The present owners are not selling out the business. The interest which is held by them represented by the common stock cannot receive one cent of dividends until the full dividend has been paid quarterly, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on all the preferred stock outstanding. All who are Interested in this offer are cordially lnyited to inspect the store at 24S Washington street, and the warehouse at 248 Pine street, and to make a thorough investigation of the books, files and records or tne ia... fi,nv Rvcrv facility will be afforded to all prospective Durchasers of the stock or their representatives, who may come to the gen era? offices of the company to satisfy themselves of the soundness of the investment. ' Subscriptions will be filled in order of their receipt. Money will draw Interest from the date its subscription is received by us. The Andrew Kan Company reserves th T right to reject any application or to award a smaller amount than is applied for. A proFpectus, setting forth complete facts and data, will be mailed free on request or mav be obtained by calling at The Andrew Kan Company store at 246 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. Address all Inquiries to K. F5. MOHGAX, Advertising and Selling Agent, at 228 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. f