The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 13, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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DECEMBER 13, 1903. 1
Remember vour friends with something useful and of lasting character. Make up your mind to buy practical
StfSywKSbuSSKforthe home it is lasting: and will remain for years as a token of
frSnffi. and reeard. Won't cost ou a bit more than useless articles Our Credit System is the best
Santa Claus you can possiDiy nna. it win unug yuu utouauu -
Open Every Evening- Till 9 MSMW
JflSfflfltf Only 10 More Shopping Days
. . ii
t; What Shall I Bw for Xmas?. C
$35 Heather Couch $19.50
Tt-f' J
''it-. Stir.,'..
No. 116 No other Couch Is bo durable as
quarter-sawed oak frames, strong: steel
of Boston leather, hand-tufted and tied
at, special cash price '.
a Leather Couch: here Is a couch having- solid
spring- construction, covered with a high-grade
with buttons; regular 35 values $19 50
Music Cabinets
These Cabinets are
very popular gifts
for y o u n g ladies.
Perhaps your daugh
ter or sweetheart
Deeds one. Look
over our extensive
line and you will,
surely find one to
fit your purse and
purpose. Many
styles to choose
from. Prices are
reasonable, ranging
from $11 to $45
Solid Oak Bookcases for Only
Sturdily made of well seasoned
oak. Glass doors, adjustable
shelves, which Jean be arranged in
a moment to accommodate books of. .
any height, and room on top for
statuettes or . other library orna
ments. . ...
"Writing desks, reading tables,
library chairs, magazine stands
and every conceivable piece of fur--,
niture necessary for convenience
and comfort of the well-appointed
No. 817: Buffet, in weathered or
golden oak, fitted 'with bevel plate
mirror, well made of thoroughly
seasoned stock; regular price else
where $22.50. Special price of
fered by the Big East Side Store
ouly $1325
Only $45
This luxurious Turkish Rock
er, exactly like cut. full spring
construction, upholstered In
genuine leather, with leather
fringe, full ruffle front; gen
uine 160 value. Spe- AK
cial for
mmmmmitA- "wnsjsssa.
Mantel Clocks at
Remember your sweet little girl
this Christmas with one of our
beautiful golden oak, birdseye'
maple or mahogany Writing Desks.
She will appreciate it for years to
come. It will be of sen-ice and
prove an ornament to your hquse
hng after tawdry nickkuacks are
destroyed and forgotten. We have
a most .beautiful'-line of desks. The
one shown in the cut is No.
206'2. and is made of finest ma
hogany. It is 30 inches loug by
18 inches wide. The large drawer
lias polished brass pulls, and is
fitted with brass locks. Note the
convenient pigeonhole arrangement
of the interior. The regular price
of this handsome piece is $16.50
but we are making it an "adver
tised special" for this CI fl
of . K v
Eight-Day Mantel Clocks, adaman
tine finish, four marbleized col
umns, gold perforated dial, cathe
dral gong; hour and half -hour
strike; warranted movements, with
bronze ornament, complete; spe
cially priced at
Solid Oak Dining Tables $25.00
An exclusive design rep
Table" manufacture,
throughout of solid oak
Ished. being hand rubb
, The top measures 44 In
the pedestal is inches
turned from a solid bloc
massive and of entirely
leg being carved and h
predate the value of th
must be seen, -npecim
resenting perfection Jn
This Table is made
and is thoroughly fin
ed and highly polished,
ches and extends 6 feet.
In diameter and is
k of wood the legs are
new design, the entire
avlng clawfeet. To ap
is Table It 25
PAY $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK
Take It Home to "Her"
She may be wife, daughter or sweetheart.
Whoever "she" may be, she will be made
happy on Christmas eve upon receiving
this beautiful mahogany Rocker as a gift
from your hands. When you call ask for
No. 138. The regular price was j?
$7.50, but the price is now only. . . P-
12 Patterns Roxbury Carpets
Orientals, Tans, TworTones at 89c Yard
Silverware and Fancy Vases
$1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week
Special Price
Made in Golden Oak and
No. 301 This is an exact
picture of these little
Parlor Tables. They are
24x24 Inches with shelf
as shown, very graceful
French legs; very at
tractive in shape and
strong and durable;
highly polished. Tables
are usually priced at
$6.50, on special sale this
week at, only
Laclies, Net Waist
On Monday we place on
sale 200 ladies' white and
ecru Net Waists of many
patterns and regularly
priced at $3.7.1. Our spe
cial price, two .to a cus
tomer, on Mon- t J I A
day will be......,P'lu
We are closing out our en
tire line of Pattern Hats
at strictly half price: Sale
is now on. Values tip to
$25.00, at HALF PRICE
And Union Avenue.
A Fi i P If Rii
-sfc-" - wefK Bl l lie low mice
. ...... . , - 1 . Z . . -. I udTiRA nf sninnns was fixed at S800 and '
"What to buy for "hubby,
father or brother is puzzling
many a feminine brain. We
suggest one of our Morris
Chairs as the proper thing.
They are comfortable and at
tractive. This Morris Chair comes in the
solid weathered oak in the old
mission and other designs; it is
well made and is a good, strong
chair. You may choose from
an assortment of velour cush
ions. Special price.
We have handsome Morris Arm
Chairs as low as $9.50
Aing Bench Association Drops Out,
Leaving Debt of $1000 for Other
Members to Liqidate.
! officers of the city water department.
! City Auditor Barbour, City Engineer
Taylor ana inty Aiiomty navmmuju
yesterday, It was decided to proceed
with the laying of several additional
mains In the city under the provisions of
the law adopted by the electors of the
. v . . 1 T 1 Thl.
cny in ine eircnuii wi j uhc. a,wi. iw .
law provides for the laying of additional 1
water mains on the district assessment
plan, the cost to be defrayed by the prop-
...- hoTio tl Tt At the meeting ,
City Attornpy Kavar.augh declared that
the pro1slons of this law were decided
ly impracticable and were certain by
their operation alone to bring about the
repeal of this bit of popular legislation.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Dec. 12. (Spe
i1.1 Harvey E. Cross, secretary of
he Willamette Valley Chautauqua As
embly, and manager of platform talent
r the four Pacific Coast Chautau-uas
t Gladstone Park. Ashland. Long Beach
nd Pailflc drove, has returned home
rom the annual meeting of the repre
pntatlves of the various associations at
Jn Francisco. The Long Beach asso
latlon In California, ran behind about
1000 at the last session and ha
ropted out of the quartet. The flnan-
al reverse will probably compel this
serr.bly to et along with local-talent
t year, and will make It more ex
enslr for the remaining three asso
Istlons to bring talent from the East.
Notwithstanding this discouraging
eature. the two Oregon Chautauqua
nd the Pacific lirove Association In-
end to have programmes that are fully
p to the usual standard, and have a I -eady
engaged Dr. Frank S. Smith,
astor of the Warren Avenue, Baptist
hurch, of Chicago, for a series of leo
ures. Dr. smlth talked at Glndstone
ark one afternoon three years ago
vhlle on his way home from tne Na-
ional Sunday School Convention at se
ttle, and he wa such a favorite inai
he Chautauqua patrons have been
lanmring for him ever since. Fylves
r A. 1-ong. who has been successful
n the East as an entertainment lec-
irer. will come nexi season, ana
n Packard, the noted cartoonist, who
the foremost man in America along
is line of work, will probably be.
niong the platform attractions.
Secretary Cross is negotiating with
"onffresman J. Adam Bede. of Mlnne
polls. and Dr. McCllsh. of Los Ange
la, a Grand Army veteran orator. He
lso expects to have Dr. Matt Hughes,
f Pasadena. Dr. Hughes is under 40
ears of age and receives a salery of
J5O0 per annum. He is a brother of
iishop Hughes, of the Methodist Epis
opul Church. The Knickerbocker
uartet. of San Francisco, will come to
ila.istone Park for a part of the ses
lon. Mr. Crane, the. basso and man
ger of the quartet. Is a brother-ln-iw
of William McMurray. general pas
nger agent at Portland of the Hairi
iati lints.
Correspondence with J. If. Whyte.
mnager of the Astoria Commercial
tub. Indicates that the city by the sea
xpects to org.inlie a Chautauqua,
nd Thomas T. Kerl, a well-known
Hpltalist of Idaho, is bent on having
n assembly on Coeur d'Alene Lake,
tr. Kerl says he will see thnt a Chao
tuqua Is started there If he can be
ssured that it will not lose him more
na i 11000 a year.
.ay Mains hy District Assessment.
Following a conference between the
Dinner Menus for the
By Mllaa Tlacle.
Tuesday. -
Tomato Soup.
Baked HuHbul. ssvorr Bresd rreln.
Iran Bulter Sauce. Philadelphia Rellh.
Mashrd Potato,
rabbase and Celery falad.
Coffee. Jelly. Whipped Cream.
Fruit Cookie.
Fiih Chowder
Steak and Kidney Pie. English Style.
SralloTted Potatoes,
chicory and Orange Salad.
' lale Pudding. Foamy Sauce.
Barley Broth and Vegetables.
Braised Beer With Sauce Plquante.
Savoy Cabbage. Baked Potatoes.
Cbestnut and lettuce salad.
Cranberry Pie.
Broiled Fresh Herring.
Mustard Sauce. Potato Balls.
Cannelon of Beef With Rice.
Brown Sauce.
RuxMan Salad.
Grape Sponge Pudding.
Cream of Celery Soup. Crouton.
Pork and Baked Beans.
Brown Bread.
Cream Cheese and Lettuce Salad.
Open Apple Pie. Cream.
Clear Soup.
Boned Leg or Shoulder of Lamb, Stuffed
and Boasted.
Mint Jelly. Brown Eauce.
Mashed Rutabaga Turnips.
Franconia Potatoes.
Lettuce Salad.
Apple and Brown Bread Pudding.
Creamy Sauce.
Roast Lamb, Scalloped With Macaroni
and Tomato Pauee.
Creamed Celerv. Toasted Crackers.
Apjile and Nut Salad.
Llitle caramel Puddings, Cold.
Mrs. Emil Zeltfurhs. of Wallace.
Idaho, wishes to extend her slncerest
thanks to the many friends who have
been so kind during the past few days
of her bereavement.
Underwear sale. McAllen McDonnell.
Press Agent Pays for
Sinclair's Meal.
Advance Man for Rose Stahl Seen
Opportunity, Selaea It, but Moi'k
raker'a Tiro-bit Meal Coata Him
1 t T3,. kor. fr the Kfl d tlllniC
hiiciv i.. I".. . - .
about it: It cost Mr. Bruner 11.75 to send
the money and message. '
HE'S NEW at the business, at least
he saya he is, and very enthusiastic,
the latter qualification probably being the
reason he was employed as press agent
for the Rose Stahl Company. His cards
announce "Business Manager," Frank V.
Bruner. business manager. Rose Stahl
Company, but that's only euphemism.
Mr. Bruner. press agent, arrived at
Portland Friday night and wondered -how
he was going to "land" a story. It was
his first trip to Portland, which being so
far removed from the scene of real press
agent activity, he thought, ought to be
good for most any kind of yarn he
wanted. But what particular kind of
yarn he should select from his grlpful
he was unable to decide at the time.
It was not until Saturday morning that
he saw the main chance and his decision
was immediate. At breakfast he read
of the bid for notoriety of "The Jungle's"
muckrake author. The story from San
Francisco of how Mr. Sinclair, who was
being overlooked by a great and anxious
public, had found the spotlight by re
fusing to pay a bill of 25 cents at the
St. Francis Hotel for a shredded wheat
biscuit, appealed to him.
Mr. Bruner recognized It instantly for
a press-agent story, and saw how he
himself might profit, or rather his show
might profit, by taking advantage of the
Socialist author's vulgarity. Leaving his
breakfast unfinished, he rushed to a tele
graph office and telegraphed the man
ager of the hotel 25 cents, signing the
name of Rose tahl, and announcing that
she was forwarding the money to pay for
Mr. Sinclair's blscvlt. -----His
stunt was a clever one, and lie
Mass Meeting Called to Protest
Against Action oi Council.
At Mount Tabor there Is great disap
pointment over -the action of the City
Couhcil In cutting out the appropriation
for the erection and installation of an
engine-house and engine company on
Francis avenue for protection of that
district. A mass meeting of Mount
Tabor, South Mount Tabor and Center
Addition people .for next Tuesday night,
December 15. will be held at Woodmen
hall on West avenue, under the auspices
of the Mount Tabor Push Club to take
action in the matter. 3. L. N. Oilman,
president of the Push Club, will preside.
Chief Campbell recommended the engine-house
and engine company at a
point on Francis avenue, near the Base
Line road, from' which point it could
cover a wide district, including Center
Addition. North and South Mount Tabor
and the district toward Suhnyside.
Underwear sale. McAllen & McDonnell.
When Coffee Disagrees
" There' a Reason."
Cafes That Serve Drinks With Meals
to Have Court Decision on
Complaints against the proprietors of
several of the prominent restaurants of
the city will be filed In the Municipal
Court tomorrow by Deputy City Attor
ney Tomlinson. charging a violation of
the city ordinance which requires the
payment of an annual license of $300
by all combination restaurant-saloons
that serve drinks with meals. Mr.
Tomlinsop last night refused to indi
cate the resorts against which com
plaints will be preferred, but the of
fending restaurants are said to include
the Louvre, Turn Halle. Hof Brau and
Quelle. ' .
The-proposed prosecutions
based on the ordinance that was adopt
ed by the people at the municipal elea
tlon In June. 1!07. by which the. annual
license of saloons was fixed at J800 and
a yearly license of $300 was assessed
against restaurants that served drinks
with meals. In February last the same
ordinance was passed by the City Coun
cil in order to correct a defect that
was thought to have attended the sub
mission of the ordinance to a vote of
the electors In the preceding June elec
tion. Following the passage of the Cellars
ordinance a few weeks ago these restaurant-saloons
applied to the liquor
license committee of the Council for a
license permitting them to dispense li
quor with their meals. But In every
Instance these applications were reject
ed, and until they had been approved
by the liquor license committee the
Council wits powerless to authorize the
Issuance by tr.e city auunui ui
sired licenses.
In taking this attitude it s supposed
to be the purpose of the members of
the liquor license committee to make
the Cellars ordinance so generally ob
noxious that the public will soon de
mand its repeal. That such Is the dis
position of the committee Is believed
to be the case from the fact that it is
known that at a special meeting of this
committee tomorrow an attempt will
be made to have a majority of the
members indorse a recommendation to
the Council to the effect that the res
taurant liquor license of $300 be re
pealed. Cnderwcar sale. McAll. n McDonnell.
1 rOU will nerer
Y forget the comfort
of that last pair of.
This one theHYLO
in Cheral Patent Colt
never had an equal it has
"ball room necessary
to properly fit moft feet
And yet the toe is moder
ately pointed and graceful.
B the
A , .3
I 'A 1
; 1
m i
.llfflllii-iiil ;i,;i,,Jr,,;:;;ri&lni!ii8
Always - whatever the last the FLORSHEIM
is "Natural Shape."
313 Washington Street
A Garment of Electro Radiation
in whioh 7000 feet of specially const ructeil. doubly insulated electro
magnet wire is woven all through the garment, torniing one circuit.
The garment is supplied with a long cord for connecting to any electric
light socket. The electricity, passing over the wire in the garment,
generates a mild heat. It is one of the most pt.tent therapeutic; agents
known to the medical profession. There is uo chance of a shock
in this garment.
A prominent physician has re
centlv said: "It will break up a
cold and Incipient pneumonia in on.j
tfAjtmftnt" mid ik un Instant relief
V 'or miy congestion or pain caused
by poor circu iki umi. narinuuiii,,
and nil kindred nllmeota. paralyala,
r h I 1 1 a, la icrlppe. Inxomnla, etc.,
yield quickly in this garment.
Call and Get a Free Treatment
The garment is Indorsed by the
leading physicians of the city. A
demonstration can be given in a
few minutes. See a garment that
will generate Klectro Radiation.
We want you to investigate.
Read This
it. John. Or.. August 11. 190S.
Th Electro Thermal Garment Alfg.
Co.. Portland, Or.
Dear Sir: In March, this year, I
wrs paralyzed and lost the use of
one side, which made me helpless.
I purchased one of your Electro
Thermal garments, and inside of
six weeks I was able to walk
without assistance. I am sure the
garment has proven a great cura
ivo nower in mv case and I gladly
recommend ils use. as I am en
tirely cured. Very truly yours.
Tk. (firPfrnlnl letter is one of
hundred." testifying to the wonder
ful curative power of the Thermal
? "
t t - v" ;i
The Electro Thermal Garment Mfg. Co.
4 Jilxtb Bet. Pine and Oak S., Portland. Or.
Orriee Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Come Today. Repreaentatlves Wanted.