The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 15, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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    9 I ' - ,. ,..nKH.B
$. Piedmont rnooem re si denes for
"Vllliltoru.vina home. l-l-0. for V.l
1J4'imf!uth Portlaad 10-room houa. for
.mail irpMJf. ,-. f..f
.vi P-llwood cottage, equity 1j0O. i"r
"tUT" Grov. home. modern, large
gro-ir. .s. fr farm. -,,!
HoM.d.iy Addition borne, equity
14. .n fr rooml-g-hou. . . ,
7-- acr-s. Improved: house Hid barn.
q..1tv IMS., for city h on.
vi ! sees. Mllw.ukle. highly Im-pmv-d.
equity ---.." K. (or horn, or term.
IVW r. acre, well Imi.roved. for fen
en.! mOTUnd,; nay llf"'r'n. . 100
11 .i 1 .nrkama County. 3A acres, J0O
Improved, for g-neral merchandise
l-n, iim. of o-aln-ss chances to ex
change for city and country property, or vice.
WAVTEU-To exchange fo acreage on car
n.. or rlty property. .31K.HI. a 1!;roiJ
hotel, all rurnl.hed. trim restaurant and
pool iahl. .,ft-drlnk bar. etc.. Iwai'l
In F.a.tern Oregon llv. town, on
mak'ng -'on month National Realty a
Trust Co.. 3-' Waah at., room -1-
TOPELI. or trade for Portland or subur
han property, Island In Snake River, con
taining about zoo acres. 70 frea in al
falfa. l,aianre cleared Also 10 acre, on
o,.p...lte lcie of rlv.r. Large ferry con-ne.-ung
lha two propertlea Good hous.
and barn; value 1.X0. A. B.. Oak
c.rove. Or.
FEVEV cia two houses and a restaurant to
exchange for farm: a rooming-house for
houa. and lot or lota; Hood River appla
lamia for lota; restaurant for lots; confec
tionery for Hood River landa; plan'ng mill
for anything. lul Board of Trade.
EVEV lota, two houaea and a reataurant 10
exchange for farm; a rooming-house and
lot or lota: Hood River apple landa for
lots- restaurant for lots; confectionery for
Hood River lands; planing mill for any
thing 1019 Board of Trade.
fix 000 40 acres of irood grain or fruit
land In Eastern Washington. IS miles
from Columbia River; 1 mile from town
on railroad; plenty of water: will ex
change for house or unimproved lota
Phone Main 4377.
II- lis) CORNER, i blocks from Woodstock
,.-rl,r.- aiao blk In center of booming
Cooa Ray town; actual total value I17). In
exchange for a houe and lot In Portland;
not over U0 dlfterenca In caah. O 426,
oreiron tan.
. M A I -I . cottage, for horse and buggy; strlct
Iv modern: nice location: bargain: pries
Jl.v.) horse and buggy as part purchase,
prlo; eay terma Junes C. Logan, Room
411 Corbett bl.lg.
"or -ALB. oheap, or will trade modem 7
rom house, bet. Union and Grand aves. ;
JI01O mortgage, long time: lfl) Insurancs
paid for S yeara; what will you glvo me?
Ownsr. 61 Union ave.. North.
6 ACRES berry land. Lenta. 5c faro, for
ale or trade. .
. W. I.. GREEN',
2401. Washington St.
Phone M MW3.
I HAVE divided my 40-acre ranch Into S
and 10-acre tracts. 2 miles from Van
couver. Waah ; terms to suit purchaser.
11 422. Oregonlan
KtR PAI.E or exchange. Edison grapho
phone and 40 records. good condition,
clothing, wood or groceries. Q 424. Ore
gonlan. Horar. VetUeleo and Haneaa.
PAIK of htg. sound horses, weight 3IO0 lbs.,
are working every day. Job goes with team;
pair wel!-mao horses 7 and S yeans old.
weight 24oo lbs., work single or double;
ope big brown horse, weigh 144s lbs., ex
tra g'd single worker: one pair chanp
firm horses, weight J4UO lha: Ave head
g.iod brood mares, good workers; one very
handsome Arabian mare. 7 yeara old. rlries
or .irtvre.; four head good delivery horses,
wetkht 1H"0 lbs.; three sets heavy tubular
hame double l.arnese. two seta light driving
harness. lx sets single hsmess. two stock
sn.Mlea, one sloe-err I ng top business bug
gv one pneumetlc-llre bike buggy (P.ailey
make), one sie.llng bike and harness. Csll
Ped Front Stables. ISth at.. Just off Wash.
FOR ftAl.E I span of mules, weight 1HOO.
sre i years: 1 team, weight llOO for
1.k- 1 tram weight isnu, for lw): one
team, weight 31'. mare and gelding;
saddle pony and saddle: 3 wagons, 1 bilg
gv. soveral single delivery horsea Nobby
Stshles. U-th and Klandcrs.
SACRIFICE my rav Uelnott driving mare.
7 vears old. sound, syllsh. gentle, plenty
of sjieed. IS hands 3 Inches high, weighs
1140 nearly new hand-made runabout,
cost fZM. rubber tired; harnees. robe,
blanket, whip. If you want the best at
least price, call up A i:w. Mr. Bennett.
WE are opening boarding, sala arid tran
sient stable and are ready to do busi
ness; 40 stalls ready for horssa. plenty
of wagon room and good accommoda
tions. Willis and Chambers. 173 Water
: . cor. Montgomery. Phone Main losl.
"EVERiiREEX FARM" wants a few hornea
to take good care of during the Winter;
well fed and atabled; charges. Xu per
month. Address V 3W. Oregonian.
'K are always in the market to buy, sell,
rent or exchungi horses, wagona harness,
hussies, ea.ld'es. If you have anything
In the above line, see me. Red Front Sta
bles. 1Mb St.. Just off Washington.
W.VTET To hire team weighing about
24im: will buv If satisfactory. Call or ad
ilress C. A. Hergstrom, 179 Burrage. .
Phone Woodlawn 1433.
BROWN horse, weight 1500. must sell:
blsck mule, will exchange for horse or
sell .heao. Palace Slablea, 5th and Mont
gomery st s.
3 Vt"l"NO work horses, well broken: one
spin of marcs. 17th and Carl sis. l'hons
S'llMOod 306.
I TEAM horsea. wagon and harness: one
K-rootn house, nicely furnished. Call after
IS. M. 324 Everott St.
PAIR of good chunks, weigh 2::". young.
g....d workers any place, new harness and
wagon. 214 Montgomery St.
T TKAPK I-lgM tesin for wagon, horsa
l?.Vi to l::isk 10s. Urand Union Tea Co.,
47:1 Washington st.
NICE, gentle sorrel pacer, fine, driver, rubber-lire
buggy and harness, cheap. Sell
aood 1L63.
FIVE driving horse, rubber tire top buggy
and harness or exchange for lot. Phone
Tabor ::4.
PAIR of browns, mare and horse, weigh
2Hi1. work anv place, with brand new
harness, only 1. i".4 Montgomery st.
FOR StLE or hire, ho-es. bugffli s and har
ness; also 3 line Shetland ponlea. 1S2 East
3th st. Phone Tabor 1111
FINE driving team, my broke, weight 21"0.
or exchange for real estate. 212 Aiisky
uni.i V mare, city broke, weighs lotto lbs.,
wf.h new top buggv and harness com
plete. 12j. Main tii.
BFST of feed and rare for the use of a
ssdille norse uurmw ... .w. . vvw
147 Market st.
C.OOP work horse, ts.l ; mere, fsn: heavy
wagon. 2; pair ponies cheap. Red barn.
orner Hase Line ana liri"i,
STYLISH gentle driver. 1 cheap horse,
bugio ar l harncas. 1 cart. 7S0 Kaitilark
cor it.v Rtark mare, weight 120O lbs.:
drives h.uh finale and double; will sell
i,aonab:e. phone East lj
UMN STOl'KYAHPS. span mares, ISO; 1
4-year-OiO. norse, ..; 4 coil e-"'-
HCSINI-S burgy for sale cheap. 5al Jaat
IMP St. rwinc eruwiiwi ii.i
I. A R Ci K horse, suitable tor farm work. O.
. Un Co.
HORSES, n-.ares. r!js cr.J harness of all
klr.v.i for aala Montgomery.
Ftlt sALE very cheap A light gooseneck
truck at 231 Alatlist.n St.
WANTED rvrlvlng horse for his keep; light
driving, good care. t. a:i Main ts4.V
; if ir driving horse chsap. W. J. Jeffertea,
Tremont. Take Mount gcott car.
HlTtERT HAlO.. 3x Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, low rates on ouines rigs.
TWO Jersey helrer calvea cheap, will not
sell for veal, sv sontiarnrrT.
FOR BALE One young draft horse and
double narnees. spuo
XS RUTS good single-seated buggy, with
pole compieio -v r ei.-
WILL trade new g-room house lor auto
laotula, Al. 41a. Oicgoniau
IF TOl' are looking for bargains In new
and slightly used automobiles call on
Portland Auto Commission House, 534-Jj
Alder, tor. 17th. both phones. A and
Main 44j:
AUTOMOBILE. 4-cyllndar. e-paaaenger ma
chine. In A-l running order; a bargain
for cash: will consider roal estate ex
change. Owner. 146 3d st. Phone Main 58a.
AUTOMOBILE. In good condition, for If . r
trade; owner going East; a snap it taken
this week. 43 Market st. Phone Main M94.
WANTED To trade flat on West Sid. for
a While steamer auto. State bow old.
F 410. Oregonian
AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for sale or
trade. Hartman, 4tt 2d st-
.WO PIANO, standard make, used six montho;
a snap. 14l I3th st.
A B.ETTER Piano to, Je- than . we are
reneral SC.Te bSneV WC .re no. de-5-ndent
upon the profit of our p de
partment. See the nice new piano as
sell for 20O. Pay $6 a month. Pianos
for rent: used pianos. 5 and up. at ill
4th st. Hallet Davis Agency, second
oldest and best make In America.
FOR SALE One 44-not Peerless Electrlo
Piano. Also is i., Mima ...
bargain. For particulara call at Moving
Picture Exchange, loo 4th St.
GEl'INE old "Mlttenwald" violin, fine con
dition. Worm DOO". lor Mir. ur win
for real estate. R 4U. oregonian.
RELIABLE couple will care for piano for
.... t ume: hit of care siven. Phone a
BARi'AIN Flnst-class Milton piano. only
Sl-'io. -- down, si montniy. -aii wil
der st.
1400 NEARLY new mahogany case piano;
perrect couaiiiuu. e-tw vmu. au,
g, m lan.
4.-,0 PIANO for sale cheap; party leaving
city; can atternoons. e" jiatu.
FOR SALE Base drum. 18x28. scarcely
Used, cheap. U7 W est rara.
Fl.NE-TONBD upright piano. nearly new,
bargain: must sell. Suite A. 64D Taylor.
1350 PIANO, almost new, for sale at a
bargain. Main -
FISCHER upright piano 135: Steinway 90;
urgaa, -o. a y , -.
Now ready for buainesa. Pacific Film
Co.. 303-7 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. (Jr.
We Install new theaters and furnish
everything. Phone Main S085.
Positively new. Every roll guaranteed.
$1 per square.
344-246 Front St.
tures after your conipeiiiom. a BUa,
tee no repeatera We buy 14 reelsof new
atisocOatlon films every week. Phone Main
7420. Edison Display Co., lttRtj 4th St.
FOR SALE New snd second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy i.B,inriu,
tables with privilege of 'buylt.g; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prlcea Brunswlck-Balke-Collender,
4 3d st
RESTAURANT MEN. ettentlon! Coffee urns.
one six-gaiion sou
cally new. vary cheap. Ureal American
Imp. Tea Co.. 406 Wash. at.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, 120 to ItJO.
fully guaranieeu. sj pj nicuk, ,
f.1 per month. Pacific Stationery fc Ptg.
Co., 203 Second Bt-
LADT'8 solid gold diamond watch with dia
mond chatelaine pin: only .o, wonn ine
the money. At Uncle Myers, 143 3d, near
BEFORE buying elsewhere fnepect the
prices Ol ssu-nre. umiiiuiiun
Uncle Myers. 143 3d, near Alder
PERSIAN lamb coat, mink trimmings, for
amount loaned and intertwi. -
Myers, 143 3d, near Aiders
FOR SALE Goose Beck wagon. plumbing
and tinning tool large pioe-iu..
chine, oregonian agent, Vancouver. Waah.
FOR SALE 2 flrat-class. fresh Jersey cows.
good mliaers. it-o - .,.. .... .
Phone Main 0981.
ELGIN and Wnltham full Jeweled watches.
s a; at , s V sat I n1 1 n
warrantea. ouiy . ' '
Myers. 143 3d. near Alder.
FOR SAI.F, Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest mantei n1",., """""
Water at. Phone Main 74S1.
FOR SALE 100 head Angora goats. 14 head
cattle. 1 registered nereionu ouu. .
Wood. Gaston. Or.
BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerels, best
Strain. SI eacn. Aii'ireaa wa "w
14, or phone Black 2b3.
ANGORA CATS and kittens, all colors, cheap
ir taken soon. ra. i-,iiiii ,
Rivers. Wash.
t3.v SEAIJ5K1N coat, good as new. si
waist: nail price tor iwn. w
gonlan. GOLD plafed. Holton long model cornet
new. cost sue,, win - ..
Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Gentleman's overcoat, sire 44:
also phonograph records. 502 Roselawn
ave. Take Alberta car.
FOR SALE 4 H. P. gas engine, prac
tically new. Main 4164. or address JJO
14th st.
PEDIGREED Cocker Spaniel pup: male; red;
: . . , . . . v. . . l. n n lknn Vain
3 inonuia oiu, uuuw ' .
THOROUGHRRED Black cocker Spaniel
puppies, female $5. males 10. 738 Mon-
I HAVE a good diamond; I need a suit of
clothes and an overcoat. Who wants the
diamond? R 411, Oregonian.
t40 I. c. Smith nammerless, automatic
ejector, high grade, at Uncle Myers. 143
3d, near Alder.
2I-JFWET, Elgin gold-fllled watch, war
ranted, only 15, at Uncle Myers. 143 3d,
near Alder.
GENUINE diamond rings from 15 I" $10 each.
worth twice the money, at inu 'i
143 3d, near Alder.
HAVE two good diamonds, one large and
one medium si.e. which I will sell very
cheap. R 412. Oregonian.
NO D Underwood typewriter for sale, cheap.
105 1st st.
WILL trade good diamond for dental work;
must be A-l work. R 410. Oregonian.
AIREDALE puppies for sale; weeks old.
Main 21t.
GOOD second-hand piano truck for sale;
13. Van Horn Transfer Co.
TWO HEATING stoves and hall tree. 32
Broadway. Phone Fast 22SS.
FOR SALE Cow. milk route; chickens,
rough lumber. 537 East 34 at. S
$5,1 FOR $15 Do you want It? Act quickly.
X 31IH. Oregonian.
14.VE good, loose dirt to dispose of. Ad
dress 421 Going St.. corner East nth.
FRESH cows at 7o Harold at. Take Sell
wcod car. Phone Scllwood 1171.
LAUNCH 22x4. salt water fittings, H. P.
Bargain at $2i0. call D. R. A.. 572 Mill at.
auppltes. slides, films for rent. 165 ir 4th at
FOR SA1,B Physician's office and furni
ture. Phone East 3552.
FOR SALE too sacks of prime potatoes.
I. o. b. Gresham. Phone Tabor 173.
TOK SALE 1 fr-h Jrrsey cow at 7-S
iniley av. Take 811 wood car.
i VAIRS nn Co!' PP- nd 1- Store,
end of Mount Tabor carMne.
mot-. laAPS dairy manure, thoroughly
rotten and clean. Phone Main 81
vrm rat E Drophead sewin machine, al-
momt new. -Inquire 33 Waahington.
rM p a T One 3-hore engine and boiler.
"Lrfr new. Phone Tabor
TYPEWRITER. A-l. Tnr own price, or will
rent. H 40&. Oreoniaov .
TWO fr-h rows. iart-round work horse. 643
Et Madleon. Eat IBKH.
BL.l"B Andaluaian hen and rockerel for
Ml b? Mrs. Knowle. Onk Grove.
MERCHANDISE purchased from Sheriffs
and receiver's sak.
Our prices positively defy competition.
Rubber roofing, positively nea-, 11 per
square. . -
If ever 'in need of any kind of ma
chinery or miscellaneous merchandise soon
as boilers. engines. pumps. dynamos,
tanks, pullevs. boxes, belting, shafting,
hangers, eye beams, rails, chain, sprocket
chain, sheaves, sheet Iron, corrugated
Iron, ruhoer roofing, lire hose, bolts, nuts,
vices, crowbars, picks, mattocks, sle.iges.
wedges, hoists, carwheels. wire, wheel
barrows, rope, sacks and other stock too
numeross to rre-ntlon. see us. as we carry
the largest and most complete stock in
the city and can positively save you
money. Call hr write.
244-246 Front St.
IH. 60 heater, 22-Inch cast front door.
f50'box airtight, 22-inch cast front door.
'""$2.00 airtight, lower nlokel draft, $1.50.
lialianited wash boiler. oc.
Copper teakettle, nickeled. No. 8 Rome.
,5'5.50 enanwled bed, blue, green, cream
233 1st and Main.
These are a few of our many bargain
vi w. a TINT, STOVKS. $1.0 up to cook
Hwf,ove; $rt UP to $!S; wrouKht-lron
Ileel ranSe. .fi: 1 oak si6bo.rd J.
$7!. 14-foot extension table. . haro
wood extension table good iron bed.
$j up to $I2.M; kitchen safe
k.tchen treasure. 2;. hotel drjwer. .
we have the larsest store and the -"pcepi
MoVk of household goods. n-w second
hand, in the Northwest. We buy. eell and
exchange all gortH of """"i J ? v v
. corner of oth st. Main 1 H8 or A 3.03.
McGraht A Glroan. Proprietors.
BEWINO machine. 80 slightly dam1a"?
machines at very low pr-ces r
Wheeler Wilson, mestle. 0.ufhd;
Davis. Olds 4 King. Standard. hite. New
Home, and others. Machines rented by
week or month. Ndle parts and at
tachments for al makes Expert re
pairing and all work guaranteed. S. H.
filgel. agent for 6tngr and Wheeler
Wilson macainea. S3o Mo r risen st.
MOVING pictures.
Edison's and Power's motion picture
machines; dissolving stereopticons; cal
cium and gas outfits; new films.
nubjects. guaranteed no repeaters; largest
buyers of new films in Unlttd States,
elides t order and stocked. We teach
you to operate.
?14-216 Wells-Fargo bldg.. Portland.
GET our prices and save money on rU kinds
Yes, we sell to ail.
Plumbing goods Installed if desired.
110 N. 3d St.. near GUsan.
FOR SALE 1 12 H. P. stationary gaso
line englno.
1 JO H. P. stationary gasoline engine.
Old rails cut to length for concrete
74 1st St. Both phones.
Positively new. Every roll guaranteed.
l per squara.
244-246 Front St.
FOR KALE Beautiful diamond earrings,
brooch, ladies' and gentlemfn's diamond
rings, watches, chains, charms; hand
some valuable Jewels at bargain; no
dealers. A 420, Oregonian.
20 SLIGHTLY marred Sewing Machines; all
makes; sold at great reduction this week
only: also machine for rent. White Sew
ing Machine Store, 420 Wash., cor. 11th. H.
D. Jones, Prop.
WANTED By art expert nurse in Insanity
cane, position to care for patient: highest
reference!: tfen jtuccessful where doctors
felled. For Interview addres A C Sal,
THOROUGHBRED pointer pups $5 and
$7. .V. Inquire Fletbeach. end of Haw
thorne carline. or Tel. Tabor 170. P. O.
Address. Lenta, Or.. R. F. D. No. 1.
ONE sawmill complete. 40 H. P. boiler, one
Ti P nrin and one 15 H. P. engine.
planer, etc almost new. First State Bank,
Gresham. Or.
FOR SALE Fine 6-foot long floor showcase
with piate glasa shelves. Muetc store,
.114 Burnld(.-. Also 40 Victor or Columbia,
phonograph, $13.
FOR SALE I flat-top desk. $10; 1 cabinet.
$10, and linoleum for a large room cheap.
Head Janitor. Wella-Fargo bldg.
THOROUGH BREI , pedigreed Airedale ter
rier puppies. 5HI Earn 18th st. Phone Sell
wood 1 137.
TYPEWRITER Smith Premier. No.
nearly new; 140. J. W. Grussl. Room
'65 Washington, cor. 3d.
FRESH Guernsey, gentle, fine milker, $.;
also fine young Durham, $40. Broad
st. Phone Tabor 570.
INFANT'S bassinet complete, with bedding,
beau ti fully made ; never used. Bargain.
Main B4S3
FOR PALE Bull Terrier female. 7 mimtha
old. brtndle and white, of registered atock.
I hone Woodlawn 1344.
NEW Pope lOOR bicycle, coaster brake,
never been used, cost $45; If sold today
will take $'J5 cash. P 3y. Oregonian.
bred, old and young. co-kerMs and pullets.
7B9 Rodney ave.. cor. Beach. U car.
FOR SALE 3.1 Winchester; take-down; new,
with caee; bargain: $14. Swope, Blake ly
Hall, fith and Jeffenson.
FINE kit of blacksmith and shoeing tools;
good location; shop for rent; bad health;
mupt sell. T 408, Oregonian. .
12-FOOT light duck boat and 1 doen new
decoy ducks, weighted; $11. Call 613 B.
Wash, et., near 11th.
SPORTSMEN Fur rugs, game heade, bird,
etc.. finely mounted by Brexee & JIarrie,
Taxidermlms, no:i& Third St. A 4040.
NEW $1 shotgun. 12 gauge, sacrifice $10,
or exchange for white Wyandottes. A 413,
FOR SALE or rent, hoisting and logging
engine. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st
st. Both phones.
SCOTCH COLTE pup, 3 months old; can be
seen today 2ft. Alder.
BEST-BRED Pitt bull puppies. 1140 East
Ifith st.. North.
BOY about lo" to deliver letters and work
In office. Call at room 219. Chamber of
Commerce bldg.. city.
TRAVELING real estate and stock sales
men wanted. References and bonds. 205
Wells Fargo bldg.
WANTED Young man clerk in real estat
office; give age. experience, references.
Address C 415, Oregonian.
WANTED Registered prescription druggist
who is a eucceawful celier of pianos. Ad
dress S 3O0, Oregonian.
FRFE transportation to Alaska next eeason,
$.. and board; $100 required. T 302. Ore
gonian. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeeper
and stenographers. Commercial Abstract
Co., suite 48 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED First-class cutter; no othar need
apply. American Gentleman Tailors. 94
6th st.
WANTED A night watchman, must hav
good reference, and state experience
W 399. Oregonian.
WANTED 2 first-class roatmakers. no oth
ers need apply. Call at the Wills Tailor
ing Co.. am Stark st. -
GOOD foreman for logging camp; also first
class boom and raft man. 2VS Chamber
1A a M
commerce. mvua.-
$4O0 BUYS my half Interest in good paying
restaurant: terms to right party. Call to
day tor pwin.ui". a-.v.a
SOLICITORS $5 to $20 per day; no capital
w .. j s-ii 019 Vnrrmon .t
rPfJUircu. v en
WANTED An all-around cook at 65 Rus
sell st.
YOUNG roan living at home, to learn good
business, 231 Stark.
WANTED Two college men for eales work
among beat people. 3.18 Worcester bldg.
SALESMAN to handle securities and real
A . . n. 4... oik r' Moo If
eiiatie- o'S - ' " "
W-iNTBP Strong boy. about 18 yeara of age.
Apply l'l 3d st.
OA K sewed sol. fW: rubber 25c.
SLemdard -Shoe Repair Factory, 3V6 Bum side.
: I . I . I HELP WAMID-riMALt I "L.iiiu.i "-"--
SALESMEN WANTED We receive hun
dreds of calls for salesmen from the best
firms In the United States and Canada
and our free employment bureau places
hundreds of our graduates in good po
sitions manv of whom are now earning
from $1ocm to $.t0O0 a year and expenses
that formerly earned only $2.". to $i a
month. If you are ambitious and want
to enter the beet-paid profession In the
world, our free catalogue. "A Knight of
the Grip." will show you how. No former
experience required. Hundreds of good
propositions row open for the "Spring sea
son. Write; t or call) at our nearest of
fice todav. Address Dept. 6fl. National
Salesmen's Training Awn., Minneapolis.
San Francisco, Kansas City. Chicago, New
CAPABLE, experienced salesmen from any
line. Our proposition: Liberal commis
sions, minimum of travel; new. complete
line of calendars and advertising special
ties for next season; no side lines; un
usual opportunities for capable men. Bennett-Thomas
Mfg. Co., 172 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago. 111.
TRAVELING salesmen and general agents
wanted. Write and we will explain how
we pav from 15 to $ir0 per month, and
traveling expenses. No canvassing neces
sary. We need men in every section of
the United States. Write now before it
is too late. R. D. Martel, Chicago, 111.
Dept. 211.
I POINT the way to success to anyone who
will follow ray course; I have shown
thousands how to make money I can show
you. Write for particulAra and free sam
ples today. Sayman, 2272 Franklin ave..
St. Louis. Mo.
RAILWAY contractor's storekeeper for dis
tributing store; must be experienced, ac
tive and possess executive ability; give
full experience, age and reference ad
dresses: applications lacking these will not
be considered. F 409, Oregonian.
WANTED By San Francisco millinery
house. 2 first-class traveling salesmen for
Washington and Oregon; only those hav
ing trade need address or apply to P.
Zemanaky. Portland Hotel, on Sunday,
Nov. 15.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, at5
N. 4th St.. Portland. Or.
ENERGETIC young man to handle adver
tising and subscriptions . in Oregon for
. leading law magazine designed for Pa
cific Northwest. Hare chance for law
student to make good, steady money. Ad
dress The Lawyer & Banker, 30tf Bernlce
Building, Tacoma, Wash.
WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied un
married men. hetwen agres of 18 and SS,
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Appiy to re
cruiting officer, Alnsworth block. $d and
Oak sis., Portland, Or
WANTED Man with small capital as part
near in real estate business; am tired of
hired help and will teach you the busi
ness. Room 32t Swetland bldg.
WANTED High-class representatives by
responsible manufacturing company to
manage branch office; must furnish first
class references and possess $1000, Jfnlly
secured. Chas. A. Foyer & Co., 1120-24
Prospect ave.. Cleveland. Ohio.
100 MEN wanted, all classes, from sawyers
to common laborers. Our mill wlli run
double shift, beginning November- 20.
Employment wlil be permanent for com
petent help. Apply to C. A. Smith Lum
ber & Mfg. Co.. Marshfleld, Or.
for easy work; examinations of all kinds
soon : expert advice, sample question and
booklet 3HH, describing positions and tell
ing easiest and quickest way to secure
them free. Write now. Wafnington Civil
Service School, Washington, D. C.
MAKE $5 to $10 a day selimg trade as side
line, new device making watch tnert im
possible; sells on sifs'hi: Investigate; lib
eral proposition to salesmen. Watch Dog
Novelty Co., Dept. 40, 1 15 Dearborn St.,
ACTIVE solicitor with small capital to sell
household necessity for new manufactur
ing concern; sales easy; very large re
turns on investment; good salary and
commissions. Address, for Interview, C
419, Oregonian.
Employmen t Office Men's Depart meat.
26 North Se-ond St.
Phones Main and A lf26.
Help Free to employers.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line. High commissions, witn ioo
monthly advance. Permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Railway mail clerks, commence
ment salary $.Ht0; no 'layoffs'; examina
tions soon: preparation free. Write Imme
diately, Franklin Institute, Rochester,
N. Y.
SALES MA V wanted, traveling small towns.
by leaning lace-embrolnery importers; wmmj
santples. 20 pounds; liberal arrangements.
Consolidated Lace Works, 470 Broadway,
New York.
SALESMEN for a new patent. Good for $150
or more a month. Interests every arti
ficial gas consumer. Write today for
proposition. Gas Users A&s'n, 576 Madi
son St., Chicago.
WANTED Reliable man to take 30-acre
place for term of years; Improve part f-r
what he could get from whole place full
term; few acres cleared, some building. J
417. Oregonian.
SALESMEN wanted for kerosene lamp
burners; sell trade or consumers; 200-can-dle
power; fits any lamp; everybody buys ;
large profits; state manager. L 415, Ore
gonian. WANTED Solicitor, accident, fire, burg
lary and liability Insurance. Seeley ft
Co., general agents, Fidelity c Casualty
Co., 901 Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED A first-class candy-maker to
take charge of retail shop; must have
references. Address W. W. P. A. S. Co.,
Walla Walla. Wash.
SALESMAN to handle Spring dry goods
novelties on commission; special side line;
boon to dealers. F. C. Roll man, n A Co.,
Mfra, Philadelphia.
WANTED at once, a flnet -class treepruner;
none but an active expert pruner need ap
ply. Apply to A. E. Beard, W First St.,
OFFICE manager capable of running office
in Portland for large -corporation; must in
vest $3in0; salary $150 monthly. 0 402,
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tins; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning, watchmaking, urn
graving .School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
DENTIST Good operator and all around
workman, good salary and working Inter
est in business to first-class man. Dr. A.
F. Campbell. North Yakima, Wash.
WANTED Man to manage branch store In
city; hone-sty more essential than experi
ence; salary $130 per month with advance
ment; bond required. J 410. Oregonian.
SOLICITOR wanted to solicit funds for
charitable institution, permanent position
for right party. Apply, giving age and
previous occupation to G 410, Oregonian.
HIGH-GRADE advertising solicitors, capa
ble handling Christmas Edition. Catholic
Church Magazine, Benedictine Fathers,
603 Goodnough bldg.
WA NTED Woolen spinner; steady Job.
Come prepared to commence work at
once. Stay ton Woolen Mills. Stayton, Or.
TRAVELING salesman for new line of ma
chinery; experienced man, . hustler and
honest. G 415, Orogonlan.
MUST sell established, paying employment
office; owner has urgent business; in
vestigate. Phone M 3022.
MARINE engineer, good mechanic, sober.
Call Monday A. B. C Employment, 226 4
Morrison st. M. S022.
WANTED Experienced chicken dressers
Monday morning at Front and Main sis.
Union Meat Co.
WANTED Man with wife to take care of
small apartment-house, for rent ; light,
heat and water. A 416, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted, good money-making
proposition; nothing better. 17S Madison
FIRST-CLASS bench man, also No. 1 sash
and door man. Acme Planing Mill Co.,
E. W ater and Oak.
WANTED Young men who are desirous of
learning real estate business; good money
from start. N 40, Oregonian.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Lorati, 148 4th. Main 5500-
WANTED First-class coatmakers. Nicoll,
the aiior, j- . oii
ITEU-Coatmaker at 311 BusseU st, ,
local representative; AMVrr
Open Sunday. 10:3O to 1:30.
Wanted Mill hands, $2 to $3.50: loggers.
$2.25 up:, $- up; laborers'. $2
up: several others.
Large llet of new work every day.
Main Office 12 N. 2d st.
WANTED Book sales people. See our new
copyrighted edition. Bret Harte. Hall
Caine. Popular prices; new methods of
producing business; thousands of splendid
names prospective buyers: sales people
with other publishers should Investigate.
P. F. Collier & Son. 400 Oregonian bldg.
GOOD, steady man to represent us as agent
in a city in Ea.-tem Oregon; wagon equip
ment and splendid inducements to secure
trade furnished free; state references and
experience. Grand Union Tea Co.. 4.3
s Washington L '
EXCELLENT opportunity for some young
man with small capital and neat appear
ance to learn and become partner In es
tablished and paying ousiness.
Washington st. Inquire room 417.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick
laying, plastering, day and night classes,
no books, positions secured, free cata
logue. Coyne National Trade School, 230
240 8th st- San Francisoo.
SALESMEN Local and traveling for big
fast seller, expect to double demand of
last year; liberal commission. Write,
British American Trading Co., 39 Cort
land St.. New York.
WANTED A rustling solicitor to take or
ders for articles which sell on sight at
$20; salary or commission, or salary and
commission. Address for interview B 415.
TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine
combination offer of the season; $18
weekly and free transportation; A-l ref
erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M.
R. H. Madden. 602 Swetland bldg.
EXPERIENCED collector, with wheel, for
Installment house; must be energetic and
have ability; no others need apply. Call bet,
11 and 12, Sunday morning at 111 10th, bet.
Stark and Washington.
AN all around business man for permanent
position, salary guaranteed. $100 and
commission: little money necessary; ref
erences required and given. Call 706
Swetland bldg.
SEVERAL young men to prepare for rail
way mall clerk examination. Many life
positions, $800 a year and up to stare.
Call or write today. Pacific States School,
McKay bldg.
WANTED A good trader, familiar with the
locality, to take half interest in well
established real estate business. A good
proposition to the right man. 1019 Board
of Trade.
WANTED Two gentlemen with some sales
experience, who want to make $40 a week
until Christmas, with chance for perma
nent place If they make good. Call morn
ings, 338 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Man for out-of-town railroad
work, experienced In checking freight
and waybills; steady work. Answer with
ape, experience and references. J 406,
SALESMEN wanted by leading lace-em-broidery
manufacturers; must have estab
lished trade among general merchapdise
stores; small towns. Liberal proposition.
Merk Co.. 416 Broadway, New York.
MARRIED man for farm work, wife to do
little cooking for additional help part of
tKne: no use ruei. cow. etc.. rurnisnea:
state age, experience, family and salary
expected. Address G 410. Oregonian.
TO A man of good appearance who can
furnish good references and Is a good
talker, can offer a good position; state
references. E 412, Oregonfan.
FURNISH ING, dry goods, dress - goods, do
mestic, shoe and clothing salesmen, book
keeper and stenographer. P. A. & C. Co.,
room 29-30, 323 Washington st.
COMPETENT man to take position and $3000
interest in a $20.ojm paying manufacturing
business; must act quickly. . B 424, Ore
gonian. WHY not make money? I have a mare money
getter for you. the bert agents' proposition
in the city.
J. D. SHERMAN. R9 Grand ave.
LOCOMOTIVE engineer for logging road,
$4 day; don't come without you have
had logging road experience. Western
Employment Co., 28 N. 2d St., 10 A. M.
WANTED Bright, neat, courteous young
man. over 16. for store; permanent posi
tion; salary to start fjo. A 4, atsu, ure
gonlan. TRINTER Chance of a lifetime, to huy
new printing plant with established busi
ness; cash or terms, ab .irf.i, oregonian
TEACHER to teach pupil reading and
spelling two evenings week. D 429, Ore
WANTED A good solicitor, by business
college; good field; liberal commission. A
281. Oregonian.
For Men 250 BurnMde Street.
Phone Main 5694.
GOOD pay, steady work to honest boy over
14 years old. Phone E. 5231. Call 269
Cherry st.
LADIES tailor, steady work. good wages.
Call at 429 Washington, J. K. Stern, ladies'
SALESMAN for well-introduced .office spe
cialty, city or country; experience. D 4is,
12 North 2d St. Both Phones.
WANTED Office boy. 16 years old, salary
15 per ween. Appiy itemington Type
TAILOR, pants maker, wanted at Vancou
ver Barracks, Post Exchange, Vancouver,
GOOD, all around pressor, steady job. Chl-
COATMAKER. Wm. Veltan. 402 Wfleh.
I 11 I - en ivusau ita,u. as.. s,wa was
partment women's garments, 171 Third
EXPERIENCED cook for general houee
work and cooking, small family. Apply
161 14th st., cor. Morrison.
REFINED young housekeeper for
man of 34. A 417. Oregonian.
TAILORESS wanted to help on coats. Co
lumbia Woolen Mills, 7th and Stark t-
WANTED SO first chocolate dippers. Apply
at once, nui'i of u""r' -
GIRL wanted to assist In housework. 194
1 7 tn 81., norm, curner roi imj.
WANTED Experienced lroner, assistant
starcher. Pacinc iaunory, iwt s.rtnur ex.
YOUNG girl for light housework. Call' 68
Cornell St.. near xrfa ana wanningiun.
LOOK KEEPING Private lessona, 4 nights
. a 1 . V. A ACkAQ lleln Tlift'
in Ween; per hiuiiwi. n. -r-s-. a
WANTED Plain cook to assist with house
work, small family, rnone u lttn.
GOOD deputy for Al fraternal order; guar
antee ana commission, a vi, uregoman.
WANTED Governess to take charge ot
two children; neierences. 4it 2x1 ii si.
WANTED Woman to assist In tailor repair
work. 231 Aider st.
CITY, camp, -waitress, family, kitchen and
other help see Drake, 2051 Washington.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
pay; instructions rree. l 4d. waaa.
WANTED Neat girl for housework. 665
jjOvejoy, u. m
GIRL for general housework and cooking. 363
6th e.
WANTED First-class waist trimmers. 50tt
Marquam piog.
MANICURIST wanted. Perkins Hotel Barber
WANTED First-class experienced talloress.
Ben Welling, leaaing
ljiUKSE OIRU 1S1 K. 24th St., cor. Johnson. 1
BE trained nurse, earn $25 weekly V e pro
vide home, study lectures, hospital prac
tice when desired, employment through
physician; unlimited cem r.o for o-u-graduates;
free catalogue: small monthly
payments. American Training School
Nurses. 479 Crllly Bldg.. Chicago,
Monday 2 cooks. $30 month 1 dlsh-
i Tv,ni v waitresses. -- ana
$20 month; chambermaid. house girls,
nurse girl and alteration hands New po
sitions daily. Merchants Trust Bldg., 3-
Washington st.. room 307.
205V, Morrison Street.
We have a large list of new. places
everv day.
Call on us for a good positlom
YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper
for otTice. iot particular
ence; good opportunity for girl Just from
business college. Must be neat. btart
cn small salary. A 415. Oregonian.
$2 PER DAY paid to one iacy m each town
. , . , . . 1 j iak nrilr
10 aimnuuie irew circumio a.ux " -
for concentrated flavoring in tube. I er
manent position. J. S. Zlegler & Co., Chi
cago. YOUNG GIRL to help with housework; ex
perience not necessary; goon room, .mi
treatment, small family. Phone Main
312. or call 283 North 24th; near ' W
WANTED Experin-ed and up-to-date
furnishing goc-ds men; als saleswomen
for hosiery, underwear, cloaks and suits;
references required. Address W i!97, Ore
gonian. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magaatne
combination otter or ine season. t a
weekly and free transportation; A-l ref
erences necessary. Call after 2 P. M.
R. H. Madden, 602 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Party to care for and board In-
vana isay ir use ,1.0..,.. .......... ,
with wood and water provided. Mrs.
Gray, Archer Place, Mount Scott.
HATS remodeled Hke now. half price. We
dye, clean, curl, remake plumes. Room
204, Mode. Millinery. -caiii 1
Washington at.
WANTED Oood canvassers, neatly dressed
women, city ana siaie; suuu mvwj. v...
room 808 Merchants Trust bldg., fith and
Washington st.
WANTED An experienced lady stenographer
ami DOOKKeeper; must ruuw "i--
Scandinavian. Apply between 2 and 4 P.
M. Overlook Land Co., 207 Burnalde at.
343i Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED A good girl for plain cooking
and general noueewora in smn iwum
$20 per month. Call 523 Lumber Ex
cnange oiag.
GIRL to stay with young married woman
and help with light housework; no chil
dren. Address S. B. R., Box 152, Huod
tiver, kjt.
REFINED young women and high school
gins to earn iv 10 per wcn,
time and after school. Write M 409. care
LADY SEWERS Make shields at home.
Materials furnished ; $1 5 per hundred ;
particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 274,
Imperial Shjeld Co., St. Louis. Mo.
I HAVE the best agents' proposition for you
in the city ; It requires no rormer exper
ience and Is big money-maker for hustler.
J. D. SHERMAN, y tirana ave.
WANTED Young woman to keep house for
widower with two cnnaren; goou noui u
small salary; no cunosny . j. mo,
two fimt-riaMs ladv canvassers: you can
make $10 day: something never been on
the market before; sells every family. Ad
dress S 377, Oregonian.
WANTED Two dining-room girls, also mid
dle-aged woman as aisnwasner. tan
t ween 1 0 and 1 1 . French Restaurant,
12th and Washington sts.
LADY to call on business people; must be
bright talker, good dresser and have good
references; position pays salary and com
mission. E 414. oregonian.
GIRL helD cooking and general housework;
no washing or lunches; must sleep home.
212 Eleventh.
vvpi'DT inritt isitomtion hands, sood nay.
steadv . work. Apply manager. Grand
Leader, olh and Alder.
A HOUSEKEEPER for my country home;
widow with children preferred. Call upon
G. A. G., room &15 Coroett omg., city.
w.KTRn Trustworthy colored woman.
neat, clean and bright; take charge of
fine rooming-house. A sibjy.
WANTED An experienced hairdresser; no
otheis need apply. Frakes, 4tn wasning
ton st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. B09 Roth
- child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
343 M Washington St., Cor 7tlu Upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
NICE-APPEARTNG girl as second assistant
in aocior s oinco; must Know inon nmiu.
Apply 8:30 A M., room 806, Oregonian.
CASHIER. chambermaid. housekeepers,
waitresses, housework. $30. A. B. C.
Employment. 22tii Morrison.
wnM an to take care of invalid : no ob
lection to children. Call before 8 o'clock
today.. 565 Montgomery st.
PUBLIC stenographer taking part office, busy
building; liberal proposition, u iv, ure
Ladies' Department, 205 a Morrison St
Phones Main 1062. A 20ol.
FIRST-CLASS coat fitter take charge alter
ation department; ten peopi- s-nifiujc,
name references. C 4l. uregoniau.
326 hi Washington St., Room S07.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
Tir a -vrfrn sosihle woman to assume bus!
ness management of an office and direct
assistanls. v os. oregonian.
Jence and salary expected; permanent po
sition. A uicamnw..
A THOROUGH course of millinery In 6
weeks; tuition iree. . n
GIRL for general work by elderly lady
alone. ( 'm-
PUBLIC stenographer may have nice office
In good building, and use of mach 1 ne for
small amount of work daily. Call Main
6050 for appointment.
FIRK Teachers' Agency. Rqpister now. $1.
2o2 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man 24 years of age. 10 years' ex
perience drygoods and sboea. PId
in buving. competent of managing de
partment, desires location In Eastern Ore
oV or Washington. A 418. Oregonian.
PLACE as bookkeeper b man past 45
vears of age. experienced especially in
lobblng-house work; recommendations
and city references. Address O 399, Ore
gonian. -
COMPETENT stenographer and office man
with executive ability and knowledge
bookkeeping, desires position with manu
fa?tur?ng or wholesale concern where can
Iwlst with books. A 421, Oregonian.
FVPERIENCED stenographer and former
fwspaper man. desires portion ; married
and steady; references furnished. Address
R 398. Oregonian.
WANTED A position, clerical work pre
ferred. b7 a young- man with 5 years' ex
perience in office work; references. L 412.
Oregonian. .
YOUNG MAN. 5 years experience as book
keeper and stenographer, desires position
In city or country. D 427, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, with
fir-it -claw references, desires posUloa; sal
ary moderate. J Oregonian.
vtypprtpvCED bookkeeper, stenographer,
Slc? man; employment rather tha sal
ary. 20 Ivy st.
YOUNG man with several years- experience
In lumber business, desires position as
bookkeeper. Address AB 370. Oregonian.
YOUVS married man, bookkeeper and sten
oira?h7 desire, position; good ref
erences. C 412. Oregonian.
pvpfriEN'CED accountant open for en
gagement; first-class references. Ollbert.
rhone A 5061.
TOI'NO man wishes acquaintance of an in
telligent hypnotist, i. 303, Oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
RESPECTABLE young married man of
good habits, cnaracter ar.a ani .u
inns to do letter-writing, bookkeeping snd
office work part of the day and evenings
frr small consideration. Employed wttn
large corporation in a position of respon
sibility, but want to increase tnr'n:
Am competent office manager snd shall
be pleaded to give best of references to
your respectful satisfaction. Sincerel,
WANTED Bv voting man. permanent pol
brain, energy and time given without re
serve where appreciated: experienced a of
fice man. bookkeeper, collector; executH e
work preferred; mature and In farm'; sub
stantial Interest In established business Is
sought. W 4o5. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man of -
who has bad wide experience as a nalo
man on high-grade propsit ions and can
produce results. Connection desired w i '
an A-l house- Rtst of references as to
character, ability and habits. Addies
F 412. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCJSD clerk, married, wants po
sition as clerk in office, store, hotel or
. as cashier or collector. B 412.
ATTENDANT or nurse, position wanted by
experienced young man with best of ref
erences: massage given; used to travel;
would take an elderly or mildly lnsans
person. Address S .ISO. Oregonian
VLFT Position wanted by experienced
voung man with best of references, ursd-
iiate In Swedish massage. Address S sHL
WITH many years experience . Ur$ Jj;
llv hoarding-house and hotel. re'labla
Japanese cook wants position; $40 up.
Everett St.
STRUCTURAL engineer, busy during ttisj
lav. but ha time evenings to flgur.
work; reinforced concrete pecislly. B
423, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by reliable, handy man:
Janitor work, chores, etc.. by day. ween
or month; moderate compensation; rsl
erencos. AE ;W7, Oregonian. .
SITUATION wantod by reliable, handy man:
private familv. hotel or boardlug-houae .
janitor, chores, etc; moderate wages,
references. AE 326. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher would 'lk
work in restaurant. American, middle
aged: don't drink or use tobacco; refer
ence tf desired. X 879, Oregonian.
PLANING- MILL foreman with many years"
experience wishes position; first-class me
chanic, also draftsman; estimator and
lister. Y 808, Oregonian. '
WANTED Position as night clerk. P. M.
to 12 midnight, in store, restaurant or
hotel; college graduate; best references.
Address H 409. Oregonian.
BY an experienced hotel man. situation as
clerk, cook or steward; strictly temperate.
State kind of work and wages. C 4U.
Oregonian. "
WANTED .Bv experienced auctioneer from
the East, position in auction house; can
make himself generally useful. N 4u.
BLACKSMITH. German, honest and sober,
wants position in logging camp; 15 years
experience in blacksmlthlng ; no horse
shoeing wanted. N 4118. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 22. willing to work at any
thing; references. Wm. Rouder, lull
Haight ave.. City.
WANTED A home. A young man who
will be as a son wants place In small fam
ily. S 4IM3. Oreaonlan.
EXPERIENCED Janitor wnnta work, atora
or office building; temperate habits.
James Welsh. 3S3 N. Grand ave.
GOOD carpenter wants employment by day
or contract. 374 2d St. Main 2520. C.
JNITOR. 35. in wholesale house, or any
place of trust: temperate habits; can fur
nish cash security. O 411, Oregonian.
COOK Fober. reliable; a steady place mors
of an ohlect than large wanes. Address
George W. Noble, Jefferson. Or.
PRIVATE tutoring in Greek. Latin, German,
mathematics by young man: references
furnished Address G 411, Oregonian
YOUNG man wants position tn office or
store room, hotel; also steward or pantry;
best references. D 411. Oregonian.
SITUATioN wanted, stationary steam en
gineer: can do repairing and keep ma
chinery In order. 828 Kront st.
YOUNG married msi. experienced In stabia
work, wishes position; can milk cows. b.
41'G, Oregonian.
EXPERT ad writer wants to prepare copy
during evenings; can get results; ref
erences. X 387, Oregonian
ENERGETIC young man. age 24, steady
and reliable, desire employment. anythlPR.
Address Grant Rollins. 4.11 Sixth St.. clly.
PATTERNMAKER. wocd, experienced,
wishes situation at once. J 40S. Orego
nian. ALL-AROUND millwright and carpenter
wants steady job. Address R 3!. Orego
nian. EXFFRIENCED young man wants position
tn operate a motor carriage. Phone Main
91 80.
YOUNG man with 6 years' expenenos in
wholesale house as salesmsn desires posi
tion; good references. R :i3, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as manager, clerk or
barkeeper In hotel. In or out of cltj ; ref
erences given. N 407. Oregonian.
JAPANESE young man wants position as of
fice boy or bellboy, any kind work; speaks
good English. O.407. Oregonian.
WORK, wanted by a young German as Jani
tor or porter, ssloon work preferred. Au
dreys K 413, Oregonian.
JOB PR I NT Bit Up-to-tlie-mlniite; direct
rrom tno auuivo. ,w
GLAZING done by day or contract; green
houses and skylights a specially. S 3.!.
Oregonian. -
YOUNG GERMAN wishes work as Janitor,
porter or houseman: willing to work. Ad
dress K 407, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man. reliable, want, worlc
of any kind. Handy with tools. O 4.'0,
RELIABLE partner: man and wife would
takchaige ot a block. F 404, Oregonian.
BY stationary engineer: on large or small
plants. D 401, Oregonian
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation .s a
school-boy. or housework. D 421, Oregonian.
WOODTURNER, bandsawyer wants wfcrk in
or oul of town. H 411. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bartender or waiter , would
'like position. Anton pit. 313 14th st.
POSITION, teamster well acquainted In city.
X 31)2. Oregonian. '
JAPANESE bov wants situation, as school
boy; city or the country. P 4. Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as a
SChOOl DOy. K S"C. -"S"""-
JANITOR and all kinds of work. Phone Main
551)9. J- H. Gomins.
WAITED By flrM-class hotel and cafe cook,
AddrefS 491 K. 22d st.
POSITION wanted by experienced (Iremsn;
-abstainer: references. D 412. Oregonian.
upanesB wants to do cooking or hous
erett st. Main 4659, A 4073.
MAN and wife wish situations as W"ks for
small crew. Inquire St. Charles Hotel.
JAPANESE employment offlca. 249 Couch
J at Main 6521. A 4368
riBW-ClABS chef wishes position in coua
F"y hotel or cafe. B 418, Oregonian.
ru-cT riASS Japanese cook wants position
In family or boarding-house. Main 78S6.
JITSb and J'"V-8 PlA "-SI. mCr'
air. Davis St. Main 83UD. A "-
, ..panESE good cook, hotel, boardlng
Bbona or family K. George, 273 Burn.lde.
WINDOW-CLEANING, dwelling, and f lata-a
--VcSlty. Mai" eve"'"-.
. T, v") T 1-1VCK n watchman wants situation;
besV referencea C 891, Oregonian.
COLORED man wants porter or Janitor
work, can cook. Fhona East 4759.
byVan and wife, experienced cooks; camp
or hotel J. D. Rhodes. Lents, Or.
JAPANESE wanta housework or saloon.
B 4U. Oregonian.