The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 08, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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Ltd lew Departm-nt. X V Momm .
Pbonea Main 162. A r-4.
Bookkeeper CUrfga.
ACTIVE-MINDED, accurate accountant and
bookkeeper, capable col lac tor. convincing
rorrepondnt. somewhat above average
stenographer, desires position In either
capacity or any combination thereof, city
or country, mercantile, milling and some
lumber experience In Oregon and Wash
ington; difficult dutlee discharged dill'
gently: responsible reference, AC 315.
TlH8Xr-CttASS, r-ttabie man. experienced
In Hand Itng- large wholesale trade, city
and country, doalreg position with reliable
concern; office or traveling; best of ref
erence as to character and ability. I
Iti, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED atenographer and book
keeper, aome experience traveling eales
man. desires poult Ion. Experience with
wholesale house and in lumber office. Can
furnmh reference and bond. K. 384,
TOUNO man, competent stenographer and of
fice man. with executive ability and
knowledge bookkeeping. desires position
with holesale or manufacturing concern
where can asrtst with book. S 39. Ore
gonian. lOl'NG man 24 yeara of age. 10 yeara
perienc dry goods, furnishing goods and
general merchandise: experienced in buy
In;: competent of managing department.
eM to locate In Central or Eastern Ore
gon. H SeO, Oregon lan.
'AW experienced fruit tree pruner who also
aeest all kinds of pruning and trimming of
roe would like to do such wrk in Wash
ington and Multnomah counties. Add rase
N. B. Moulton. Forest Grove. Or.
SOVXa man, yeara experience as book
keeper and credit man. desires position
In city or country; van do stenographic
work. K 37, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bcokkeeper wishes perma
nent position; know city and can furnish
best of references. M 6170. 151 Lowns
daie at.
TOUNG man. bookkeeper and etencgrapher,
alines position In any office. Prone Wood
lam n 21U6, or AC 321. Oregonian.
jnrso man. who recently graduated from
bust nesa college, wan ta work In office ;
bookkeeping preferred ; good reference
given. T 396, Oregonian.
GROrxPS and gardens to lay out by a
landscape architect, who knows his busi
ness and who can furnish reliable refer
ences to that effect. W 381, Oregonian.
JitM'SB and window cleaning; a sperialty.
Main 6573, evening 8 to 10. Thoma
701'NO -man desires position as stenograph
er and assistant bookkeeper; experienced.
K 378, Oregonian.
ACOOI'NTA NT desire position, temporary
or permanent: no money to Invest; $2ft per
week. Addre M 373. Oregonian.
T"(NO MAN. bookkeeper and stenographer,
nVtire rwltlon; experience, references. J
SM Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes acquaintance of an in
telligent hypnotist. I- 363. Oregonian.
p( tSTTION as night watchman; thoroughly
understand hsndllng Of stesm boilers and
team httng; grd character and tem
perate hahlte. A3 342. Oregonian.
PLANING MILL foreman with many years'
experience wishes portion; first -class me
chanic. alw draft-man: estlmater nd
lister. Y 35. Oregonian.
YOUNG. ot,er man. German, who also
MvskJi English: a good horseman, handy
tth tools, understands garden work, wants
work. D 393. Oregonian.
pi KT- "LA -SS cement finisher wants work;
thoroughly understands handling men; am
a stranrer In the city. Address room a.
1M Sherman at.
WANTED by man and wife light Janitor
work or care of apartments. Phcna
H A R N ESS MAKER and carrlaae-trimmer. 20
vears' experience, wishes position city or
country. 301 V, H- Wittenberg.
TV' ANTED Good place for boy to do chore
for board; country preferred. AD 341,
19 TEARS" experience as practical mining
man; can run engine, machine drill, tim
ber and handle men- L $75. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants' position a cook In
family or boarding-house. AD 344. Ore
gonian. WANTED By middle-aged man. light jan
itor work or care apartments or night
watchman: references. J 373. Oregonian.
CIVIL engineer, graduate of a technical
a.-hoot. with experience and good references,
mania a position. J 3M. Oregonian.
fTn,OARIAN. 18 vears of age. good presser.
wishes to do that kind of work; speak a
little English. See Martin. 35 N. 2d sc.
i'OUXG man. experienced offi -e clerk,
wishes similar position with some reliable
firm. J 37H. Oregonian.
HARRIED man wishes poslMnn In grocery
tore or driving wagon; references; will
ing to work. H 37. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer,
office man; employment rather than sal
ary. J91 Ivy St.
pXPERfEX'KO Japanese boy wants posi
tion as cook and housework in mall fam
ily 8 9. Oregonian.
FRENCH chef from East wants position
f..r chef hotel or restaurant, city or
country. French. F 37. Oregonian.
YiV'VO man wants work on ranch or will
care for horses; reasonable waxes; good
hahlta. H 397. Oregonian.
TTOI'VO German, honest and sober, wishes
position as Janitor, night watchman or
night clerk. Address O 3ft. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants situation In
con feet loner v store; also experienced In
pantrv room. P 372. Oregonian.
WA NTFD Situation by bo 1 years of a-e
to learn trade; prefers machinery. C 390.
HiNEST ard eager Japanese w ehes portion
at .'hamb-rwork or saloon work. K. 44,
FRACTICAL bread and cake baker desire
position; city or country. J. 387, Ore
gonian. gdOVIN'rt-PICTl'RE operator desires posi
tion In or near Portland. J 399. Ore
gonian. COLORED man wishes porter work In
o.rn-tioue or office of any kind. Phone
A M42
EXPERIENCED waiter and bartender would
like position. Address 313 14th s.
YOUNG msn want position night clerk; beat
of references. H S78. Oregonian.
BY vming man. honest and steady; good
references. 5 375. Oregonian.
JAPANESE student wishes position a bell
hoy or housework. V 37ft. Oregonian,
WANTED Contract cutting rordwood. R. E.
Snld-r. UStM Seo.nrl phone Main IW42.
THOROI't.H I.Y experienced shoe salesman
wishes position. P 37.1. Oregon lan.
CERMN man and wife want work by
month on farm or city. O 34, Oregonian.
Vtl'NtS man i wants position, any capacity.
city or country. O Oregon hui.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, beat reference-.
N 3A. Oreronian.
WANTED Petition as meat-cutter in coun
try town. N Oregonian.
Hors ECLBAN1N snd .tanltor work by day,
job or bur. Main Thompson.
8AWMILI man wants position. C. S Erlck
on. California Hotel. ,;d at. North.
JAPANESE wants to do cooking- in busi
ness house or family. Phone A .Vtti.
JAPANESE employment office, 349 Conch
at Mala 6A21. A 455
JAPANESE aad Chlness employment agency.
110 Daia s:. Mala 8309. A fr7.
VOfXO man wishes acquaintance of an In
tel.! gent hypnoitst. L 3wi, Oregonian.
WANTED Steady pcsltlon by all-around
printer. O. Boyle. Monmouth. Or.
PHARMACIST, registered In Oregon, wishes
work during forenoons. H 37i. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position as schoolboy
or housework. F 3M. Oreaonlan.
tXrBHirxrrn watchman wants situation;
beat reference C 01. Oregonian.
GONIAN. CLE A R-HBADED. enenretlc Scotchman
wants permanent position, city or coun
try, where executive ability and skill with
fltrures Is required; ready writer and easy
correspondent; operate type writer; ten
years' varied experience in Northwest;
satisfactory references. H 370, Oregonian.
MAN FROM the East, good all-around farm
er, wife and-grown son. d eel res a situa
tion on a ranch where Integrity and abil
ity will be appreciated; distance no ob
ject. Addresa A. K. Fraoeiiberger. Gen
eral Delivery. Salem. Or.
TOL'SO man seeks a situation with horses
In. private family; Is excellent rider and
driver, very smart appearance, total ab
stainer; has taught ladles to ride and
drive. H 373. Oregonian.
ENGINEER from tha East, married, wants
position; will take anything in this line
to keep up expenses. C. E. Boswell. 428
Stark st. Phone Main 7SVJ.
HIGH SCHOOL student. 17 years, want
work of any kind afternoona and Satur
days. R. Harria, 1275 East Yamhill at.
Phone B 2440.
BULGARIAN boy, 16 years old, wishes light
work in family where he can go to school,
has been 18 months In school, talks Eng
lish well. 35 N 2d.
TOUNO man, best of references, wanta re
sponsible position; hardware salesman, re
liable real estate or collections preferred:
can furnish cash bond. H 37. Oregonian.
BOT 17 wants position in elevator or whole
sale bouse. Phone Wood lawn 199S.
Bookkeepers aad Stenograpbera.
Al STENOGRAPHER and office assistant:
can make good; none but those willing' to
pay for competent services need answer.
H 30. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenoerapher desires per
manent position; understand bookkeeping.
Phone Main 740.
RESPONSIBLE young lady wants office work
of any kind; four yearar experience. 3Si
Grand ave. N.
EXCELLENT bookkeeper, fine reference,
desire care small set of books, or few
hours dally work. AD 330. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPH BR wants position Imme
diately. Thone C 12ft3; or A 307. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position by competent lady sten
ographer. vears experience; willing to
work hard and learn. P 370. Oregonian.
NEAT appearing- young- lady wlahea positio
ns cashier or bookkeeper; experience and
references. Main 4H17.
STENOGRAPHER and shorthand, years
experience; like position; wages not con
sidered. 4th st. Main qP; A 2HJ4.
COM PETE NT. experienced stenographer
deslrea position; referencea Main ftlS.
YOUNG lady will work fur email waves In
office: has used typewriter. Main 7247.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion : grod referenre. Y 362, Oregonian.
SHIRTWAIST suit from f!3 and up; pat
terns cut to measure. Wanted apprentices
for dre?n.making. Wiseman A Bryant. 133
12th st. Telephone A 3230.
THE famous Kelstera Ladles' Tailoring
College Ladles, sava dressmakers' bill,
make your own gown bere. We teach
Kistera drafting syatem. 3Qft Stearns big.
CHILDREN'S clothes, dressmaking; and mil
linery work: prices reasonable. phones.
B 1108L E 4611. 624 E. Morrison.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
I1I make engagements In families; ref
erences. Phone Main SM.
LADY wishes dressmaking at home or by
day- also tailor work. Phone Sellwood
SMALL nova' tailoring, pant, blouses or
coats, from either old or new. Address
box 141. McKenna Dawson sua.
LADIES dressmaking and tailoring; 10 years
exirlence In Eastern city. Address. 230
EXPERT DRESSMAKER will take limited
amount of work. Mrs. Mcleland. 487
Taylor, room 22. Phone Main 4260.
EXPERIENCED seamstress wants sewing
bv day. Phone A 3fiK5. Call 3.14 Park
and Market ats.
OLD hats made over. Write or call 49 N.
14th at.
SEWING by the day. Mrs. Black. 269 Har
rison. M 369.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, home or
by day; basement. 349 12th.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring: alter
ations. Mrs. Frost, 47.1 Alder. Main 4.13S.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; by day:
experienced. Phone Tabor 483.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking- at lowest prlcaa
aira Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
LADY would like plain sewing, darning- and
mending to do by day. Phone East 503 T.
DRESSMAKING, moderate prlctl. A 4323,
Main 37rt.
EVERH A RT 8 d ree-mak I n g parlors, 424
6:h st.. formerly of 42oi Morrison at.
FINE hand sewing- "done, baby outfit,
dresses and waists. Phone C 1(124.
STRANGER In city wishes to go out sewing
by day. Inquire phone 10.1S Main.
REFINED woman, good cook, neat house
keeper, with irl of 10 years, good home
with small family, city or country, where
girl can attend school; good home desired
mor than wafcts; no triflera K SOU.
LADY with grown daughter wlahea position
as housekeeper for bachelor or widower,
where daughter can room and board. Ad
dress W 374. Orejrontan.
W A NTrTD Position as housekeeper for
bachelor or widower; spiritualist pre
ferred: by widow with one boy. T 3tH,
A THOROUGHLY experienced housekeeper
wants position for hotel o institution;
best references furnished; country prefer
red . G 4 OO. Oregon ian.
WIDOW, one child, wants position as house
keeper or manager roominR-house. 209
4th st. Main 203ft; A 2S24.
POSITION a housekeeper by mlddle-ared
lady. Call 10th and Gibbs. Marquam Hill,
or phone Main 138.
WANTED Ry middle-aged woman, posi
tion In small family as housekeeper. A B
372. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady of experience would
like to take charge of rooming-house. C
3t7, Oregon lan.
WISH position aa housekeeper for widower
with 1 or 2 children. C. K,. 1034 E. Har
rison. WANTED Position as housekeeper In small
family. B SM. Oregonian.
W ursas.
WANTED Confinement caees; flne private
home, lovely rooms, good practical nurse,
very reasonable terms, beet of references.
Phone Sellwood Si2. Call or addreesi 667
East 21st st. Sou t h .
A NO 1 nurse wants carina; of invalid or
paralytic; good home more of an object
than money; city or country. L 1S.
A WELL-KNOWN nurse, returning- from
vacation, wishes to cate ahead maternity
cask : prices reasonable. Address H 402,
NURSE Much experience with Invalids,
sick will take chars; e most any kind nurs
ing; can leave city. Main 35.
TRAINED nurse wishes more engacements :
maternity preferred; terms to suit. East
'Ml. .
EXPERIENCED nurse, care Invalid or in
fant Twill travel If desired. Main 35.
FOR convalescent or chronic invalid terms
moderate. S4H Mill st. Tel. Main 4931.
SITUATION, g-overness or nurse. 8M East
ftth North. Phone Woodlawn 143.
MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; extensive ex
perience; referencea. Main 22 2.
A MIDDLE-AGED lad experienced nurse
tor child or invalid. Main bC4L
Domes t lea.
ST. LOUIS Ladles' Employment Agency has
several rood girls who want position on
Monday. 209 H 4th. Main 2039. A 224.
WOMAN Good plain cook, would like
work by day or week or cooking and
housework. L 368. Oregonian.
MrDDlB-AGED lady, experienced, wishes'
position as apok or housekeeper. Telephone
Main 6T1. rTom 28, Beaver Apartments.
EXPERIENCED seoond girl wishes a place
In g-ood family. Phone M. 3&3 or call 431
Salmon st.
GERMAN GIRL, S montha In this country,
wants work in family. J 400, Orego
nian. YOUNG LADY wants liyht chamber work;
West Side preferred. K 396, Oregonian.
JAPANESE lrl wanta position, very light
housework or lady xnaldv J. K., 252 1st.
WOMAN wants llsrtvt housework; 120 a month.
A D 34. Oregonian.
MARRIED lady wants to do chamber
work or take charge of rooming-house in
exchange for living; rooms and aome
wages. No phone. S 3m. Oregonian.
LACE curtains, shirtwaists, children's fine
washing, beautifully laundered; fine sun
drying and grass-bleaching; facilities.
Phone Tabor 1530.
MrLLISERT, drawn and fancy work to or
der, shopping of all kinds done for cus
tomers and promptly attended to. 148 E.
l.lth at. South. East 2S0S.
RESPECTABLE woman would stay with
children afternoons or evenings or would
give mother', care at her home. Phone
Sellwood 339.
COMPETENT and reliable laundress with
g-ood reference, wishes work for Monday
and Tuesday. F 383. Oresonian.
YOUNG woman with good education desire
position as companion to young girl or
elderly woman. H 3T4. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation a companion for el
derly lady or Invalid, or aa governess for
child. K 8v3. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady with references wishes posi
tion aa clerk in candy store or as wait
res. Phone Main 7904.
YOUNG lady from East. A-l contralto
singer, pianfste, church soloist nd other
engagements. K 360. Oregonian.
A YOUNG woman desires position by the
day teaching small children. H 375, Ore
gonian. LACE- curtains waahed and stretched, 40
cents per pair. Phones Main 5598 and A
4387. Blankets a specialty.
LADY from London and Pari gives lessons
privately or class, French and piano, A
FIRST-CLASS cook want position In small
boarding-house; best of reference. C :tl5.
EXPERIENCFJD woman wants regular day
work; first-class laundress and house
cleaner. Main 3768. Mrs. Wilson.
l COMPETENT day worker wishes work
all day Monday. Wednesday and Friday;
will take work home. Main lltftt.
YOUNG LADY wants position In stock or
road show; will consider good vau deviate
proposition. K 397. Oregonian.
GERMAN woman wishes work by the day
In German family or restaurant. Write
Mr. Heinrich. 60 Cook ave.
GOOD, reliable lady wants work for a few
hours a day, steady. Phone Main 4386,
room 0.
YOUNG lady with experience would like
position as doctor's assistant. W 378,
WANTED Ry experienced woman, charge of
rooms, dining-room and kitchen; will cook
or assist in hotel. 8K Thurman st.
YOUNG woman wishes to cook dinner and
' help at parties; references. Answer G
- 403. Oregonian.
STRONG, competent woman wants day work
cleaning or laundry. Phone Main 6427,
Room 20.
WORK for Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday,
by experienced laundress; beat of refer
encea F 882. Oregonian.
WANTED Day work, experienced woman,
Monday, Tuesday and Friday; no half day;
referencea Woodlawn 1011.
MIDDLE-AGED lady will take care of chil
dren at their homes, afternoons or even
ings, 7.1c. S 301, Oregonian.
PRIVATE lessons given In grammar grade
studies. German, drawing; references.
Main 8183.
YOUNG lady gives piano. German lessons;
DOc per hour; references. Main 8183.
WORK wanted by the day. Phone Main
GOOD colored laundress wants Monday,
ruesaay, weanesaay; win can. oiu maui.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position, second
work; not less than $25. C 386, Oregonian.
FINE mending and darning. Phone East
AN exoerlenced laundress wfshes work by
the day. Phone Woodlawn 1647.
CO M PETT FjNT colored woman wants work by
day, week or month. Phone E 47S6.
LADY wants day work. Mrs. E. Stelzlg.
1068 East 17th st.. North.
GERMAN lady wishes position as cook. Ad
dress 8 873, Oregonian.
SOOTCH girl, experienced, wants a place
as children's nurse. 617 Overton st.
PIANO graduate gives two lessons for 75
cent: referances. Phone Main 6WW.
WANTED Work by the day or hour by
capable woman. Main 4304.
SWEDISH GIRL wants wn-hlng and house
cleaning. Phone Main 6427. room B.
WANT E D Work by the day, 288 N. 19th
st. Phona Main 4101.
WANTED A child to take care of. 288
N. Iftth. Phone Main 4101.
SWEDISH GIRL want day work. Call after
6 P. M. Phone Main 6427. room 15.
WANTED Work by the day. Address B
3U1. Oregonian.
A COMPETENT woman wants position with
Jewelry' firm. T 382. Oregonian.
W OMAN of refinement desires position as
buyer for house. O 380. Oregonian.
WANTED Ry girl 17 years of are, position
an second maid. Phone Main 3S4.
AGENTS make big money selling our flne
line of fancy good-, embroidered walnt
patterns, petticoats, etc. Catalog and sam
ples FREE; liberal credit given. Schwartz
Importing Co., 1363 Washington ave., St.
AGENTS $30O every month: sure selling, our
wonderful efght-pleee kitchen set; send for
sworn statement of $12 dally profit: outfit
free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 500 Jefferson at.,
Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS Secret out; greatest money-making
proposition revealed and certificate worth
$5 free to each agent writing immediately:
exclusive control; credit allowed. Hull, 2u2
Franklin St.. N. Y.
WANTED Good agents to handle premium
book proposition; salary and commission.
Call Sunday from 9 till 1 or weekdays
after 2 P. M. 227 Washington St.,
room $7.
AGENTS wsnted to handle a line of post
cards : splendid money-making proposition;
600 card free for samples. The HUlson
Co.. 110 Broad it.. Boston, Mass.
WANTED 2 good, conscientious solicitors
to solicit subscriptions for a hospital:
must be honest and reliable and give
good bond. Address O 373. Oregonian.
AGENTS Big profits selling new. useful ar
ticle; can be sold to every household; for
big money-making agents' proposition ad
dress L Smith. Hlbbard. Ind.
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound;
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., D 78,
Parson a Kan.
.$36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rig.
to Introduce poultry compound. Grant Co.,
Dept. 87, Springfield. 111.
TAKE orders for our Juvenile Holiday
Books: 100 per cent profit; aend 2.V for
sample-case outfit. Ill ft a- Co., Chicago.
PHOTO pillow top 55c: portrait. 25c; sara-p-
free: prompt shipment. Siegfried Studio,
&U RViim ave.. Chitago.
AGENTS Are you an agent? Do you want
to be an agent? Do you want to make
monev in your spare time, or get Into a
permanent bupinesa? Send for free copy of
thi month's "Thomas Agent." Read about
new agency proposition, new plans and
ure money-making pointers and experiences
of thousands of successful agents; if al
ready an agent, state what you are now
selling.. Address today. Thoma Agent, 3.4
Wayne ave.. Dayton, Ohio.
MANAGERS and agenta wanted for the
celebrated Flood City an d Tubular wash
er; beat on earth for light fabrics, enich
a lace curtain", ladies' waists, etc. ; f or
term and particulars address Department
174. The Flood City Washer Co.. LAH..
. CurwenavlUe, Pa.
AGENTS Make $103.50 per month selling
wonderful self-sharpening patented ciwKjn.
and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22 pairs
in S hours; made $13; you can do It. we
show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co.,
500 Fourth st.. Dayton. Ohio.
WANTED District managers of hef
to sell the best and most u,P;to-dae J.T
ance policies and to appoint Wits. top
contracts to right partiea Call r write.
Oscar Ekman, 313 Eitel bkig., Seattle.
WANTED Agents, this Is your opportunity.
A wateV filter attached to faucet needed
in rVery kitchen; sure seller; 100 per cent
profitsample 25 cents: parUcuUrs free
Gem Mfg. and -Supply C.. IPt- 33. La
Jolla. Cal.
AGENTS wanted to call on business men
and sell inkstands; something new and
easy to sell. C. H. McUtrr. Welie-Fargo
WANTED Lady agents to take orders for
and sell cold creams, etc. S 3,2. Oregonian.
TO RENT Houses, stores, flats, offices,
whatever you have to rent; see me. Spe
cial attention paid to your property.
Whether you live In the city or ten thou
rand miles away, you should get in
'touch with
J. R. STIPE. 729 Chamber Commerce.
WANTED To rent houses, cottage, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-house, etc. Landlords-will
do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S B. cor. do.
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72
LARGE room with board wanted by two
gentlemen: must be on Wert Side, good lo
cation, private family or b.iardiiig-house;
give full particulars. C 394. Oregonian.
MODERN furnished house. West Side pre
ferred, four adults; must b in good con
dition; give full particulars. M, 30. Ore
gonian. WANTED A 4 or B-room furnished flat or
apartment for adults; must be modern,
on West Side and close In. Answer P 3.4,
BOA HU and room wanted by 2 gentlemen;
West Side: walking distance; modern: no
shacks. Give particulars. S 3UJ, Ore
gonian. WANTED Houses to rent In all parts of the
city. Purse A Co., 818 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 7.T09.
WANTED Board and room In private fam
ily for a young woman, with use piano,
near carline; good references. D oi0, Ore
gonian. WANTBD To rent by family of J adults, a
new modern 7 or 8 -room house; good loca
tion. J 371. Oregonian.
WANTED & or 6-room furnished cottage.
close in; references exchanged. 120 -.
. 18th St., Portland, Or.
WANTED Room, 2 meals, in nice place,
close in. beso of references; will pay rea
sonable price. T 30. Oregonian.
FURNISHED house wanted by December 1.
Address Dr. F. J. Bailey, 80 North 19th St..
or phone M K067.
WANTED A small sleeping-room with
Swedish family, by gentleman. N 383,
YOUNG man wants room and board: must
be centrally located. B a2. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced solicitors. Apply
304 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED 4 or 6-room cottage or bungalow
or flat furnished. Phone A 1948 today.
WANTED To rent a good sized hall. What
have you? A 4o4, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes- we also buy household furnishings,
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
And anything else you have to sell.
Main 56.15. - A 4121.
MIDDLE-AGED working woman wishes
roommate In light housekeeping rooms;
rent reasonable: references exchanged.
K 376. Oregonian.
GERMAN lady living in Lents desires 2
children to board; good home; terms rea
aonable. Address John Hagens, Lents. Or.
WANTED to buy 2000 feet 4 or 6-Inch second-handed
wrought Iron pipe, Addrea
808 Davis st.
PARTY wishes to buy photograph gallry
or millinery business; stale particulars.
F 377, Oregonian.
WANTED A good horse and buggy, must
be reasonable. Call 203 Burnslde. Phone
Main 8458.
I WILL buy a diamond; must be absolutely
perfect and cheap. 215 Commercial
block. Main 6384. A 2384.
CONTRACTOR to lay cement sidewalk In
exchange for tailor-made clothing. Tailor,
A 402. Oregonian. ,
"Pay the price" for second-band furni
ture. East 088. B 2311.
WANTED "French" In exchange for
"music" piano or for reasonable terms.
Address H 401, Oregonian.
STYLISH combination" horse; pacer pre
ferred. Lieut. Malone, .Vancouver Bar
racks. -
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always, given. Phone East 1067.
DRESSMAKING exchange for ladies good
cast-off clothing. A. B. 370. Oregonian.
WANTBD Child to take care of at home,
74 Commercial. Central Alblna.
WANTED Good aecond-hand typewriter
desk. C 3Ui, Oregonian.
DIAMOND 1 karat or little larger; must be
perfect atone. S 387. Oregonian.
CLOTHING Phone M. 1851 83 N. SL
Highest price paid: prompt attention.
KITCHEN range, must be in good condi
tion and reasonable. K 374. Oregonian.
WANTED Black and tan foxhound Ad
dress Edwin Kirk. Oak Point, Wash.
RESPECTARLS woman wants a child to
take care of. Apply 431 Belmont.
20 BABIES, not over 8 months old- Lyric
Theater at 11 A. M. today.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, suit
able for gentlemen. Kamm bldg.. 1st and
Furnished Kooms.
DESIRABLE rooms, flne location, near busi
ness center, modern conveniences, heat,
electric light, porcelain baths, $i.25 week.
SOB Jefferson.
THE ESTES Good zooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 827 H
Btsrk. corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eates.
2&8H 18TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; pri
vate family; new bouse; every convenience;
gentlemen only.
NICE, clean, well furnished rooms. $1.50
and $2 a week. 230 Larrabee, near
Steel bridge.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient rooms. 343 H Morrison.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, bath: 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 weak.
Hotel Royal. 108 H 4th, steam heated rooms,
$1.50 to $5 per week. 50c to $1 per night.
. .. i
FURNISHED rooms and furnished house
keeping rooms; bath and phone. 255 13th st.
NICE furnished room with bay window,
close in. free batb, phona 473 Alder sL
TH E GENEVIEVE Newly furnished bay
window rooms; steam heat; porcelain
baths; walking distance. 445 Columbia at.
Phone M 7110.
Furnished Rooms.
Cor. 10th and Washington Sta
Elegantly furnished rooms, single or
n suite; steam heat, hot and cold water
In all rooms; private hatha; special rates
to permanent people. Room by the day,
week or month.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with run
ning water, $22.5u to $30; elegant public
parior; phonet and baths free.
First and Morrison; steam beat, electric
light, hot and cold water, bath free; $3
per week up; transients solicited. Phone
A 4408. Main 4861.
THE) GOODNOUGH, cor. 6th and Yamhill,
opp. P. 0.; room by day, week or month;
elevator service, steam heat, etc.; single
and suites; $3 weekly up. Mns. Allison
V Snyder.
2S3 10TH ST.
- Newly furnished roonw; furnace heat,
hot and cold water in rooms ; plenty of
hot- water all the time: frets pbone and
bath; popular prices; very homelike and
GAYOSA HOTEL. 392 East Stark. cor.
Grand ave.; modem, new, elevator, -taarn
beat- hot, cold water, private baths; f.iw
per week up; a few select housekeeping
suites, furnished; gaa stoves. Phone East
Seventh. Ankeny and Burnslde; in the
heart of the city; ver"tninbran.nw;
finest rooms fn town; an ideal Winter
home; ratea reasonable; free bus to all
Nicely furnished rsoms. $2 per week up;
steam heat, hot and cold water free baths
and phone; transients 50c, 75c and $1 per
day open all night; office and reading
room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st.
TWO nicely furnished, well kept rooms,
suitable for 2 or 4 persons, private fam
ily of adults; all conveniences; plenty of
heat; no other roomers; no housekeeping;
10 minutes' walk from P. O.; references.
G 367. Oregonian.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sta Newly furnished throughout:
iiew building suite with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phono Main
7 193. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rom. single and en suite; also
housekeeping; runnlrg water, private and
free bath ; rate reasonable. Pacific 4d.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Main 647.
FOR RENT Large, nicely furnished front
room; hot and cold running water; finest
location In the city; desirable tenants
only need apply. 181 14th st.
Furnished Rooms. Private Families.
LARGE, airy rooms, modern conveniences,
extensive grounds, walking distance; ex
cellent board. 617 Kearney, phones A 2618,
Main 3U96. '
TWO front rooms, running water, closets,
furnace heat, free baths, suitable for two,
$:t..V and $4 week; special rate by month.
187 6th. near Hotel Portland.
DOUBLE parlors, bay window, open grate;
also large bay-window room suitable for
two: furnace heat, bath and phone, phone
Main 70o.
COMFORTABLE, sunny room, newly fur
nished, modern, private family. 387 12th
FINELY furnished large rooms, steam heat;
all conveniences; reasonable. Phone A
FURNISHED parlor, single or en suite,
suitable for two or more persons; also
attic room. 349 Jefferson st.
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, pri
vate home. Please call Sunday, 443 10th
st. South.
SMALL sleeping or light housekeeping
room, bath, gas, phone, $8. 255 11th, near
Main st.
NICELY furnished room, private family,
well heated, gas, bath, phone. Br North
Kith st.
ATTRACTIVE furnished room for gentle
man, steam heat, bath, phone. 390 Clay
SUITE of unfurnished rooms. Including
light, and bath, $8 per month. 2tlU N. 2lst
NICE room, close in, every convenience,
suitable one or two young men. $12. 350
$8 A MONTH, nice furnished room; walking
distance; gas, bath and phone. 107 N.
17th st.
4 ROOMS, pantrv and bath, furnished or
unfurnished. 148 E. 15th, South. Phone
East S0.
424 H SIXTH ST. Very attractive, nicely
furnished rooms; reasonable; walking dis
tance; meals.
TH REE housekeeping rooms. newly fur
nished, $15; convenient. West Side.
4th st.
NICELY furnished room for rent at 24
4th S. E. corner from City Hail, rea
sonable. Phone A 4639.
FINE newly furnished room. gas. bath,
phone and furnace heat. 585 Bast Salmon.
Walking distance. Phone A 14S7.
TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen, two
minutes' walk from P. O.; breakfast and
dinner If desired. 422 Jefferson.
FRONT rooms In new bungalow, newly fur
nished, modern; breakfast if desired, close
In. Phone East 4-24.
NEWLY furnished outside rooms. steam
heat, hot water. 494 Morrison st., flat 10.
NEATLY furnished room, private family;
all conveniences, steam heat. 504 Glisan.
FURNISHED room, bath, pas, phone. Phone
Main 6174.
NICELY furnished room; gas and bath. 141
13th, cor. Alder.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen; very central. 149 10th.
LARGE front room, close In. East Side, suit
able for two , reasonable. 4."0 East Oak.
FRONT room suitable for one or two, rea
sonable phone, bath. 44S Yamhill.
NICELY furnished room for rent. Inquire
at 0 North 11th sL
WELL-FURNISHED room with furnace heat;
good location for two gentlemen. 251 10th.
PLEA S A NT room for two persons ; modern ;
two meals if desired. 471 East Ash.
135 14TH Well furnished front room, 1st
floor; rent reasonable. '
188 13TH Elegantly furnfshed, modern, home
like place, walking distance. A 2546.
NICELY furnished front room, 104 11th st.,
near Washington. Phone A 4786.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, use
of kitchen. Ten dollars. 3o3 Hancock.
SUNNY corner room; furnace heat. bath.
542 Morrison.
GOOD room for gentlemen. $10 per month;
modern residence. 528 Morrison st.
NICELY furnished rooms; steam heat and
bath: private family. 325 12th st.
2 ROOMS, ground floor, 2 outside doors;
reasonable rent. 202 E. 45th St., B 1182.
LARGE front room, llght. heat, bath, walk
ing distances. 68 Northrup.
ROOMS for rent, respectable: electric light
and bath. 2S4 N. 17th, near Overton.
FRONT room for gentleman, $8 month. 389
Alder, near loth.
DRSI R ABLE front room, phone, bath, gas,
good location. 534 Morri-on.
FURNISHED gront room. $1.75 week; bath.
36 21st st. North, corner Washington.
LARGE furnished room : also cozy front
room; beat, bath, phone. 632 Flandera
ONE wll-f urn t shed light, clean, room,
bath, phone; no other rooms. 263 7th.
262 12TH, several furnished rooms, with
furnace heat, for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
NICELY furnished outside rooms, bath, free
phones; $1.75 and $2. 209 4th st.
FURNISHED room in private home, all
modern conveniences. Phone E 13S0.
TWO nkrelv furnished rooms in private fam
ily. North th.
2 FlNE rooms for rent. 325 7th it.
FurnUhed Rooms. Private Families.
FINE, large room with closet, fronts south
on street, private house, large grounds,
splendid view of heights, modern, phone,
splendid neighborhood, easy walking dis
tance, convenient to cars, cheap t$10 to
right party, phone B 2537.
PLEASANT front room furnished for one or
two persons, in private family ; bath and
heat furnished; walking distance or easy
access to car. Phone C 1340.
NICELY furnished rooms, private residence;
furnace heat. bath. gas. electric lights;
$7; gentlemen only. 653 Savier. Main
NICE room In steam-heated private apart
ment, suitable for one or two gentlemen,
very reasonable. 5 minutes' walk to Post
office, T 37a. Oregonian.
TWO gentlemen to room, private family,
bath and heat, reasonable ( breakfast if
desired . 94 Tesmlth St., Flrland Station,
lit. Scott.
ROOMS, private family, with use bath and
phone; would board two who could room
together. 560 Glisan St., cor. 17th. Phone
Main 9215.
NICE large, furnished front room, suitable
for one or two; East Side; 2 blocks from
Steel bridge. -65 Larrabee si. Phone
East 47t0.
SUITE or single, suitable for one or two gen
tlemen: private family; 10 minutes' walk
from P. O. ; reasonable; conveniences. Main
. 3SC9.
CENTRALLY located, large, well-f urnlahed
front bay-window room; private family ;
furnace heat, bath, phone; one or two gen
tlemen preferred. 89 North 17th st.
FURNISHED room in private home: all mod
ern conveniences; breakfast given if de
sired. 201 16th. cor. Taylor.
467 N. 23D. near Roosevelt, 3 nicely fur
nished rooms for housekeeping, bath, gaa,
laundry. Phone Main 69U7.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms in eteam
heated apartment, very reasonable. Sec
ond floor, flat "D," 4t:fl Jefferson st.
TWO conveniently furnished bedrooms in an
elegant flat, with or without board; every
convenience. Fiat A, CtiS Kearney.
CLEAN room, nicely furnished, bath con
nected, private family. 1 or 2 gentlemen;
rent, $10. 522 Marshall st.
j COM FORT ABLE basemen t room. gas,
bath, phone, residence district. Main &U2,
361 10th.
LARGE room, suitable for two. 25 each ;
home cooking, 135 N. 2d. Phone Main
394 COLUMBIA, corner 10th; furnished
room, with kitchen privileges; businebs
women preferred. ' '
NICE, large and modern front room ..-1th
modern conveniences, suitable for Ofi or
two persons, for rent at 320 7th si.
LARGE, bright, sunny, bay-window, alcove
room. well heated. residence district.
Mam 3312. 361 10th. .
DESIRABLE furnished front parlor, suitable
for gentlemen ; furnace beat, hot water,
phone. 307 3d st. ,
FURNISHED. 1 large front, upstairs bed
room for rent; near bath, furnace heat.
188 West Park. '
LARGE new room, large closet, newly fur
nished; also small room, sleeping porch
connected- East 1710 or 551 E. Yamhili.
SEVERAL furnished ro. ms, residence; $2
week; bath; heat included. 13 East 7th.
Phone East 1929.
LIGHT room, modern home. Call East 6042,
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday
evenings. ,
ROOM or suite, with private family; no
other roomers; all conveniences; walk
ing distance. Main 9002.
FOR RENT One furnished front roam,
suitable for one or two gentlemen, walk
ing distance. 593 Sixth st.
PARLOR bedroom in modern flat, 3i4 N
16th, just off Washington ; also single
NICELY furnished, large, sunny rooms;
plenty hot water, heat and phone; good
light; central; gentlemen; $10. 86 N. 15th.
COUPLE will, rent nicely furnished room
in apartment; reasonable. Phone Main
PLEASANT front room for one or two gen
tlemen, reasonable; private family. 21)2
3 OR 4 furnished rooms; electricity, gas,
piano. Piedmont. 1212 Moore. Home phone
C 2177.
NICELY furnished room, hot and cold
water. 8 East 0th st.. North.
NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water;
al housekeeping room. 27o 6th.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE unfurnished rooms, private en
trance, yard, use of kitchen. $10. 303
474 CLAY, cor. 14; unfurnished basement,
$12 month. Main 5133.
Rooms With Board.
Board and room only $30 per month.
Investigation will be a mutuat advantage
The VaUamont. West Park and Yamhill.
WHEN in Portland stay at the Hill Hotel,
cor. 23d and Washington; under new man
agement; an elegant family and transient
hotel; beautifully situated, near the City
Park; every modern Improvement; excel
lent table; rates reasonable.
PORTLAND Women Union, 20th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Baw
ling. Supt., 510 Flandera St.
A SUITE of two nicely furnished rooms,
with first-class board; suitable for 3 young
men ; ail conveniences, $5.50 per week.
Aster House. 7th and Madison.
THS MORRISON, 533 Morrison at., family
hotel, modern, new management, board
optional; best table board; prices moderate.
THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or traneient.
FRONT suite and single rooms; hot and eoid
water, steam heat. Phone Main 2118 or
call 147 13th.
VERY large, comfortable room, all modern
conveniences, with board. 452 Morrison
st.. cor. 13th.
BOARD and room. $24 per month for two;
bath, phone, heat. 328 Clay. Phone Main
NICELY furnished rooms with board for
two men, modern conveniences. 27 E- 7th.
FURNISHED roomt with board. The Ozark,
225 11th st.
Rooms with Board In private Families.
WANTED By a family, child under 6 to
board; no children of their own. Phone
E. 2511.
LARGE and nicely furnished, suitable for
two, $25 each; home cooking. 653 Wash
ington st.
ROOM with board, suitable for one or twa;
reasonable ; nrar carline. No. 200 East
52d St., Mt. Tabor.
QUIET girl can have room and home cook
ing $17 month: references. W 379, Ore
gonian REASONABLE to young or elderly lady;
private house. Call 9 Prescott. Telephone
Woodlawn 1724.
LADY would board children In nice sub
urban home. J12 month; no other child
ren. V 375, Oregonian.
BOARD and room in private family, suitable
for two gentlemen, very reasonable. 725
Hawlhorne ave. B 226..
NICE rooms and board, near KIJMngsworth
avenue. 1212 Moore st. Phone C 2177.
ONE large front room with board for two
gentleman. 3H9 Taylor st.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 young men;
walking distance. 94 .East 12th.
GOOD room and board in private family.
1S84 12th St., call Monday
COUPLE rooms, good table board. 392
Salmon st. Main 5937.
ROOM and board for three gentlemen, nice
private home. 320 Tillamook. C 1222
NICE room, private family, home cooking
and conveniences. Main 7224.
43o YAMHILL ST. Front parlor, suitable
for two: can have board. Main 4993.
2 ROOMS with board in private family. 24S
North 20th.
FURNISHED rooms, with board, 355 11th
6t. A. 16:;6.
ROOM, suitable for 2 young men or man
and wile; special rates. ol 12th au
Rooms with Board. Private Families.
LARGE, funnv room, suitable for - or 3
gentlemen, electric light, heat. bath, etc ;
everything new and attractive; West S.o.e,
walking distance; excellent table board.
Call 395 11th. Phone Main 8351.
LARGE front room, bay-window and alcove,
nicely furnished, and board, all con
veniences, private family, suitable for two
gentlemen; excellent location. West Park.
- Phone Main tSt5.
ROOM and board for two young innj
large comronable room: good board; all
modern conveniences; terms reasonable.
:i74 Larrabee st. Phone E ."508.
LAM with nice home near Portland wilt
board children, any age. good schooling;
also music taught if desdred. Best ref
erences. Address G 081. Oregonian.
NEW private residence, good plain cooking;
pleasant rooms. modern conveniences :
alo two nice housekeeping rooms. 5t2 East
6th st. Phone Sellwood 133
333 12TH Large front room, suitable for ,
two men; private residence: walking dis
tance; modern conveniences; home cook
ing. Phone Main 3755. ,
LARGE front rooms, suitable for two. heat, '
bath, good board, private family ; walk- -tug
distance ; rates reasonable. 454 Mont
gomery st.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board, strictly first-class, desirable loca
tion. 1S1 11th st., cor. Yamhill. Main 53.10,
A 3589.
LARGE and small rooms, suitable for three,
modern. $5 month each. 420 Jefferson,
board near.
ROOM and board. $5 per week, newly fur
nished front room. 2 gen.lemen. Unht
and heat, bath. 193 East 7th st. south.
ALL modern conveniences, within walking
distance. 46 N. 21st St., near Washing
ton. Mrs. G. Simon.
3 NICELY furnished rooms with board; suit
. able for 2. Price reasonable. 27 East
7th st.
BOARD and rooms for 1 or 3 persons: prl
vto family: best of location; no children;
near 3 carline. Phone E 2-'U4.
ROOM suitable for 2 and board In privata
home; all modern conveniences: easy
walking distance. 327 Clackamas st.
LARGE and nicely furnished front room
suitable for t v o, each ; homo cook
ing. 239 11th st.
$S MONTH Large furnished room. ne
modern flat, lady or gentleman; board If
desired. 304-A Montgomery st.
MODERN front room,' private family, gnod
home cooking, reasonable 1US2 East
COZY room In private house; sfictly homo
cooking; rtanoreahle; reference; tfurnaca
heat. 6W Eae-t Burnslde.
PLEASANT alcove room, with board, very
reasonable; also single room, close in,
use of phone and bath. 410 2d St.
549 JOHNSON, front room with board, elec
tric lights, phone, furnace heat, .w alking
distance, home comforts.
ROOMS with or without board, private fam
ily. 31 N. 17th. near Washington.
BOARD and room In private family, $23
per month. Phone Woodlawn 15ou.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th. Columbia. S
blocks south of Morrison, lo feet from
Jefferson or Klth-st. carline; easy walking
distance, new, handsome brick building.
In 2. 3. 4-room family apartments; private
reception hall, steam heat, hot water,
elevator, free phone, compressed air
cleaning, janitor service, maximum of
convenience, elegance, equipment; com
pletely furnished, ready for housekeeping:
some unfurnished; rent reasonable; ready
for inspeion and to rent apartments.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartments, each having private vesti
bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas rang-e, refrigerators, window
shades and screens, telephone and Jani
tor service. Apply janitor, ISth and Couch.
W. L. MORGAN. 322 Failing bids., brand
new, beautiful 5-room, steam-heated
apartments at 21st and Kearney; also
same at 15th and Everett; very reason
able rent. Why not have steam heat and
modern conveniences for the Winter?
Sixth and Madison.
Under new management; ulte of four
and single room, with every convenience,
furnished or unfurnished.
mon Three and four rooms furnished and
unfurnished, modern coneniences; private
phone, elevator; no children.
NICELY furnished 6-room apartment!":
steam heat, water, Janitor service. 653
Flanders st. References.
THE DAYTON 3 and 4-room line lower
apartments; thoroughly modern. 660 Flan
ders. .
HARRISON COURT, nth and Harrison; un
furnished apartments of 2 and 3 rooms,
with bath. Phone Main 5148.
6-ROOM furnished flat, steam heat. Janitor
service. See janitor. Flat E, 401 10th.
$4. "
FURNISHED heated 4-room apartment for
rent. Apply to janitor. Apartment V, ISth
and Everett. a
THE MARLBOROUGH 21 st and Flanders,
beautiful B-roora apartment, steam heat,
janitor, ate. .
COLONIAL 6-room upper apartment, thor
oughly modern. 660 Flanders.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart
ments; heat; phones, bath. 191 14th at.
BEAUTIFUL 7-room corner apartment; mod
ern conveniences. 715 Johnson. A 1678.
NEW, modern upper flat. 5 room and bath;
rent 25. East 3d and Schuyler, Unlon
ave car.
NEW FLATS of 6 rooms and bath. 731 ta
733 Hoyt St. Apply Harris Trunk Co.,
132 6th st.
286 16TH ST.. near Jefferson, fi-room,
nearlv new, modern flat; very reasonable.
322 Failing bldg. .
FOR RENT 3-room. modern flat; walking
distance. West Side. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor
bett bldg.
TWO strictly modern 5-room new flats,
magnificent view; large porches, lawns,
etc.; $25. Key next door, 427 14th st.
FOR RENT New. modern 5-room upper
flat, heat and shades furnished, $20 per
month. 1!0 Knott st.
$27.59 FINE modem 5-room upper flat,
large attic, line location, cor. I4ih and E.
Salmon. Inquire 581 E. Salmon.
NICEST 6-room furnished newr flat ever of
fered for $175; cheap rent;;best location.
209 4th st. Main o:, A 2H4.
FOR RENT 2 new. modern 5-rom flats;
$2n and $22.50; gas range. E. Burnslde,
2Hth st.
MODERN 6 and 7-room upper flats. 5th and
Gran': reasonable rent to good tenant.
Wakefield. Fries & Co.. 229 Stark st.
ELEGANT 4-room flats, walking distance,
cheap for good permanent tenant. H.
H. Prouty. B 1395. 9 to 11 A. M.
LOWER five rooms, strictly modern; yard,
porch 6!t3 Everett, near lst. Sheehy
Bros. Main 3072.
NEW 6-room modern fiat, sleeping porch
and attic; choice location. West Side. In
quire 175 ltith st., cor. Yamhill.
NEW. modern. 2 -room furnished flat, 5
minutes to P. O. 304 Montgomery St.,
near 5th.
2 NICE new modern upper Hats, one 5 and
one 6 rooms, rent J5. Call -35 Halsey
St., or phone C 139S.
NEW 5-room flat, Missouri ave.. nenr Fre
mont, $15. Farrington, 416 Commercial
Club Bldg. '
5- ROOM flat. 627 Overton St.; very Tea-
sonable. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
PARK ST. Central, choice location,
good & - room fla t, $ - 3.
REASONABLE, two flats, one furnished.
, Apply 721 Hood at., or phone Main li.'(0.
6- ROOM flat, modern in even,- particular, on
East 12th and Taylor; rent $40 per month.
FOR RENT 4-room flat, furnished. 313
East 3d st. North. ' '
NICE 5-room corner flat, welt located. In
quire rear cottage, 230 Hall st.
NEW 6-room flat, 7391 Overton, near 23d;
choice neighborhood; pore hep. yard.
MODERN 5-room fiat. 292 Margin, near
Steel bridge. Phone East
MODERN 5-room flat, 15:h, near Belmont.
Inquire 161 E. J6th st.
THREE new, strictly modern, 5-room (lata
541 Fifth, near Jackson
ipm io7.o