10 NORTH BANK KEPT FflOMMDEPOT Trouble With Terminal Com pany Necessitates Another Station for New Road. NOT OPEN BEFORE NOV. 1 Equipment Ordered From Pullman , Company Xot Beady Draw In Willamette Bridge Swung for First flm. That the North Bank road will not be alloa-ed to use the Union Depot for its passenger trains when the new Hill road Is first opened Into Portland now seems probable. Unfortunate terminal troubles between the Hill and Harrlman interests, that have been In progress for the past two years, are still unsettled and are responsible for the present tangle. For a time at least after the opening of the Fpokane. Portland & Seattle Into this city, It Is likely the new line will use one of the buildings In its freight yards as a passenger depot. This Hill terminal Ilea directly west of the Union Depot. Xclthcr Side Can Agree. The difficulty about the use of the Union Depot for passenger trains Is one of the biggest obstacles to the successful opening of the new North Bank road. Application was made last Spring by the management of the new road to the Northern Pacific Terminal Company for permission to use the Union Depot. Since that time the matter has been under ad visement but no decision has been reached. Negotiations have been In -progress between the Hill and Harrlman In trets and each side has made a propo sition, to the other. So far. no adjust ment satisfactory to both sides has been reached, although It Is expected by both roads that an arrangement will eventual ly be made whereby the new road will use the local passenger terminal In com mon with all other roads centering here. Willamette Bridge Swung. Yesterday marked an Important step in the completion of the North Bank road, for the draw span of the new Willamette River Bridge was swung for the first time by the machinery installed to turn it. This is the longest and heaviest draw span In the world and the machinery re quired to turn it to allow steamers to pass up and down the river had to be unusually heavy and of special manufac ture. The installation of this machinery has caused a long delay In the completion of the new bridge. But little now remains to be done to complete the North Bank road ex cept to lay track from the main line of the Northern Pacific on the west hank of the river to the bridge In the shape of a "Y" and finish the track at the east . approach to the bridge. This can be accomplished in a week, so that the road could be opened with in a few days if all other things were favorable. Road to Be Opened November 1. But It Is thought likely that the new road will not be opened until Novem ber 1. although no definite announce ment has been made. This will give time for the possible settlement of the terminal trouble and also for the ar rival of the new trains now being built for the road by the Pullman Company. Fiva new trains will be sent here for use on the North Bank road between Portland and Spokane, and they are expected to arrive In Portland late this month. They are said to b of the latest and best de sign and appointments in passenger equipment. Trouble Between Terminals. The local terminal war Is an inter esting chapter In recent railroad his tory and is still fresh In the public mind. The local terminal company, while being a corporation In which the Harrlman Interests hold the majority of the stock, is known as the Northern Pacific Terminal Company, a misnom er. Some years ago the majority of stockholders became Involved in a dis pute with the Hill Interests over the acquisition of additional terminals ly ing alongside the present terminal grounds. The purchase was contem plated for some time but delayed. When the terminal company attempted to close the deal, it was found that the Hill Interests had acquired the property. Bad faith on the part of C. M. Levey, a Hill director of the terminal company, was freely charged and the feeling became bitter between the rival railroad interests, ind num erous suits were' filed and hearings held. The matter is still In the courts, but an amicable adjustment Is hoped for so that the lltlgatlop may be dropped. The Interest of the public In the matter Is strongly toward a reconcili ation, so that the North Bank trains mav use the Union Depot. Freight trafno on the new line will be handled in the new Hill freight terminals, but It Is to the advantage of the public to have all passenger trains enter the same depot, doing away with frequent handling of baggage and trips of trav elers from one depot to another. MOFFATfEYESONDREGON OIlKuOX MIDLAND RAILKOAD CO. INC'OK POKATF.D. Purposes to Bulltl From Weiser, Idaho, to Portland May Connect With Colorado Midland. That Pavid MofTatt. the Colorado rail road builder, who is behind the Colorsdo Midland, has his eyes on Oregon has b9n believed here for some time and confirmation is seemingly lent to the be lief that MofTatt will extend to the Ore gon Coast by reason of the filing of arti cles of Incorporation of the Oregon Mid land Railroad Company with the Secre tary of State at Salem yesterday. The Oregon Midland is formed with a capital stock of tin'.'". which Is considered a merely nominal capitalisation, and the avowed objects are to construct a line of railroad from Weiser. Idaho, through Oregon to Portland. Tillamook and to Coos Bay. Incorporators are Portland people. R. A. Capiea. C. M. Conry. Miller JJurdock and John P. Van Orsdel. It Is known that the men whose names appear In the articles of Incorporation are allowing themselves to be used for the purpose of Incorporation and have no in terest In the construction of the railroad as projected. The fact that the Colorado Midland la now extending toward Weiser, which It wUl reach, by connecting lines. lends color to the belief that the MofTatt interests are taking active steps to push their lines to . the ports on the coast of this state. Hour Set for Delivery or Freight. The management of the Northern Pacific Terminal Company had a ses sion yesterday with the Oregon "ab road Commission In regard to deliv eries of freight from the local terminal yards. Heretofore, deliveries to the Industry tracks In North Portland have been made at Irregular hours of the. Jay and night, and resulted In incon-. venlence alike to consignees and resi dents of the warehouse district. The terminal company agreed to make de liveries each day hereafter at 6 o clock In the afternoon. Members of the Com mission also had a hearing scheduled yesterday in- Eastern Oregon, where stock-shipping towns are anxious for the O. R. A N. to establish stockyards. Rates to Spokane Apple Show. Special -ates have been ordered by the Hill lines for the International Apple Show, that will open at Spokane, Wash., on December 7, and will con tinue until December IS. Not only have local rates been made from Ore gon and Washington points, but a re duced through rate from St. Paul will be offered of one first-class fare plus $2. Dates of sale will be December 1. 2 and J, with a final return limit of 29 days. Other rates will be made from points further East. Hood River, Southern Oregon and Willamette Val ley applegrowers will make exhibits at the coming fair, and there Is accord ingly a good deal of interest in the event In this state. Oregon City Cars on West Side. Oregon City cars returned to the former West Side station yesterday morning, after having been routed from the east end of the Morrison bridge for the past week. The cars were stsrted from the East Side be cause of the order of the County Com missioners, which prevented trains of more than one car crossing the Madison-street bridge. GOES II.SANE ON STAGE PARIS ACTRESS VICTIM OF LOSS OF HER MOXET. Leaves Theater Without Changing Clothes, Tries to Borrow Money and Writes Strange Letters. PARIS. Oct. 10. (Special.) Another tragedy behind the scenes has been the sudden madness of a music-hall singer. Mme. Gense. She had been en gaged at the Olympla. which reopened the other evening under a new man agement, and with fresh prospects of success. She was doing well there, but had elsewhere lost a good deal of money. The other evening at Olympla her manner was strange and she behaved In so extraordinary a way on the atage that she was asked to leave the theater. Without changing her stage dress, and without putting a hat on, she Jumped Into a motor-car and drove to the Chatelet Theater, where she sought out the manager and cried to him: "You must lend me J10. As you see. I have not even clothes to my back." Then, before he even had time to answer, she was off again In her motor to another theater, the Nouveautes. Not being received there, she went home, refused all TocAl. and wrote Strang let ters by the dozen to everyone she knew. She has now -been placed In a private asylum. EXPORTS FROM IRELAND Industrial Revival in Emerald Isle to Develop Trade. DUB1JN. Oct 10. (Special.) The an nual Irish Industrial Conference, which Was held In Galway. was in every sense one of the most remarkable that has yet taken place. In addition to repre sentatives from all parts of Ireland there were delegates present from Australia, New Zealand. Canada, the United States, France, Germany, etc. The proceedings were opened by Sir James O'Donohoe, chairman of the urban council, and the first resolution, which was proposed by Lord Dunraven. emphasized the Impor tance of an organized effort to develop the export trade of Ireland. Lord Dunraven, in the course of his speech, said that Irish goods should live on their own merits, and while he be lieved the present industrial revival would have the sympathy not only of Irishmen in other countries, but also of many foreigners, he was anxious that the opening of outside markets to them should not be taken as an appeal for charitable consideration. The Rev. William O'Flanagan, an American Roman Catholic, said that for the past 20 or 30 years Irish delegates had been coming to America to ask for money, but If the energy and persever ance so expended were applied in in dustrial effort the results would be In comparably better. BURGLAR NICE YOUNG MAN Entertains Aged Occupant of House While Companions Rob. PARIS. Oct. 10. (Special.) While the mistress of the house had gone out with her children three polite burglars entered her villa at Triel. Xot want ing to put anyone out. they had wait ed until the house was empty. But on exploring the place they unexpectedly found an old lady In bed. the mother of the mistress of the house, aged over S2. She was naturally alarmed, but the polite burglars reassured her. One, a young man. the politest of the three, said: "Madam, allow me to apologize. Have no fear. We know the respect due to years, and would not think of hurting a hair of your head. All we want Is the swag. Allow me to keep you com pany while my friends look for it." The amiable young man. true to his word, sat down by the old lady's bed side and chatted pleasantly to her while his confederates plundered the house. When their operations were over he got up. bowed, apologized profusely again, and retired. The rest of the family re turned to find all the valuables In the house gone. The old lady told her ad venture, and said what a pity it was the young man was a burglar, because he really was such a nice young man. FOR THE HORSE SHOW High-grade tailored suits, coats, skirts, waists, hosiery, gloves, veilings, neckwear, purses. etc. at special prices. Monday and Tuesday. McAllen McDonnell. Third and Morrison. Exposition Rink Open Sunday. The Exposition Rink will be open for skating morning, afternoon, and evening Sunday. De Caprio's Band will furnish music. Roller skating is a clean and beneficial exercise and the Exposition Rink la a model rink. ARE DUETOMORROW Hisgen and Hearst Coming to Win Oregon Voters. AT ARMORY TUESDAY NIGHT Independence Party Nominee and Chairman Accompanied by Clem . ent i. Pollock, -Xoted Mas-. - sacl.usetts i Orator, i Thomas Hisgen. Independence party nominee for President, and party, will reach Portland from San Francisco at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow morning. Mr. Hisgen le accompanied by William Ran dolph Hearst, chairman of the National committee of the Independence party. I - h 1 I Judge Will H. Thompson, of Seattle, Who Will Speak at Selling - Hlrach Hall Tuesday Xlgfit. and who Is suspected of carrying a large-sized portmanteau filled with Standard OH correspondence. Another member of the party is Clement L. Pol lock, of Massachusetts, an Independence party worker and a speaker of consid erable; ability. The three gentlemen will address a public meeting which will be held in the Armory Monday night under the auspices of the Inde pendence party organization of this state. Upon reaching the city, the party will be met at the depot oy a reception committee consisting of M. J. Malley, chairman of the State Executive Com mittee? Paullnus McDonald, who has charge of tne party's headquarters In the Breeden building, and other work ers In the new political party. The dis tinguished visitors will be escorted to a down-town hotel, where an Informal reception will be held during the day. Supposition that Mr. Hearst will sub mit further correspondence regarding the relations of prominent public of ficials with the Standard Oil Company, promises to attract a large audience to the Armory for the Monday night meet ing. From the fact that the founder of the new party read two additional let ters at his San Francisco meeting, Mr. McDonald at local headquarters yester day said it was possible the Portland audience might be treated to letter reading In further exposltion'of Rocke feller's monopoly and its methods. REPtBLICAX ORATOR COMIXG Judge Will H. Thompson, of Seattle, Will Speak Tuesday Night. Republicans expect a large attend ance at the rally to be held in Selling Hirsch Hall Tuesday night. Judge Will H. Thompson, of Seattle, will be the principal speaker. Judge Thompson was a Confederate soldier and for years has been one of the most able and prominent members of the Wash ington bar. He successfully defended his son. Chester, when on trial for the murder of Judge Emory, and his appeal to the Jury on that occasion the appeal of a father for his boy Is CIVIL WAR VETKRAJf AND INDIAN FIGHTER PASSES A WAV. 1 i ; 'ft ' ; I 1 1 The l-ae Thomas' J. Brows, Thomas J. Brown died at his home al Peninsula Station Octo ber I. He was among the first settlers in Gilliam County, where he was engaged In the sheep in dustry. Ke was a veteran of Company F, Thirty-fourth Indi ana Volunteers, and the Nine teenth Kansas Cavalry, also of tfie Indian War, where he served as scout with Buffalo Bill. He is survived by his widow and five children: Mrs. Herman Kaples, of Warrenton. Or.; Mrs. B. B. Rogers, of 1249 Denver avenue, city: Mrs. Sigel Grutze, of 97! Gladstone avenue; Mrs. C. G. Adams, of 47 3 Manhattan street, city, and C. C. Brown, of Seaside, Or. The funeral services were conducted by the G. A. R. at Finley's chapel. Friday. October Thj Interment was at River view Cemetery. . WE ANNOUNCE OUR FIRST SPECIAL SALE OF THE SEASON r LOW PRICES ON EXTENSION TABLES $13.95 VAL. $27.50 $13.95 VAL- $27.50 No. 316: Full Mission Dining-Room Table, solid quarter-sawed oak, early English finish, 6-ft. extension, 45-in. top, dividing ffOI 0C pedestal base. This table is well worth $38; special only.. No. 5268V&: 8-ft. Extension Table with solid quartered oak top and base, dividing pedestal, guaranteed lock, claw feet, 48-inch ffOl flj top; a splendid value at $45.00; special only. ........ ... .fa-sUil No. 061052 : Dining-Room Table, . solid oak construction, pedestal base, 44-inch top, claw feet, like cut.. It will pay you to CI 0 QC take advantage of this $27.50 table offer at only 1 vJ J LADIES' DRESSING TABLES BELOW COST CALL, AND SEE THESE BARGAINS $15.00 VALUE $30.00 SIXTY TO NINETY DAYS TIME No. 6384: Ladies' Mahogany Dressing Table, square mirror, ffQ "TC 18x20, swell front ; value $16.50 ; this week only. :.. ' No. 465J : Ladies' Dressing . Table, mahogany finish, full serpentina front, 18x36 French bevel-plate mirror; the value of this (9(1 (1(1 table is $40.00; selling this week for only tU.UU No. 4604: Mahogany Dressing Table, 16x28 French bevel fflO CQ mirror, serpentine front; value $28.50, this week .T No. 6895: Mahogany Dressing Table, full swell front, oval C1C Qf French glass 18x36; value $30; special at this low price.... . . SIXTY TO NINETY DAYS' TIME J 4 patterns, regular $33.50 9x12 Ax minster Rugs; latest de- CO 7R Mglis, Bfjcuai COVU....T s7 4 patterns regular $30 9x12 Woolly Velvets, exclusive styles; rj hfj special price for this sale. . t"" 4 patterns 8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in. Wool Velvet Rugs; regular tf 10 IE $25; reduced to this low pricr I U.I U 3 patterns 9x12 Smith Velvet Rugs; regular value $42.50; spe- ffOQ 5Q cial sale price, each t4""1" '5 patterns regular $18 Brussels Rugs, 8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in.; a CI 05 fine selection; special price. w-U Regular $1.75 Royal Axminster Car pet, a large assortment to se- CI MM lect from; reduced to, yard.. P Reg. $1.35 Hartford Brus- CI 99 sels Carpet; reduced to, yd.r IN OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT JEWEL RANGE We are agents for the celebrated Detroit Jewel Steel Range ; as good as any and exceeded by none ; guaranteed to save fuel, time, work and worry; price $45 to $6 Regular $1.00 Burlington Bros- fll. . w i w Regular $1.35 Amber Velvet Cl 14 Carpet; reduced to, per yard. I I i Regular $1.50 Lace Curtains, Cl nc white or ecru; special, pair. .-P I ell J Regular $1.75 Lace Curtains, Cl 11 white or ecru; special, pair..Y le 1 1 Regular $2.00 white or ecru Cl OfJ Lace Curtains, special, pair. .r leMU Regular $5.00 Portiers in CO "7C 2-tone greens and browns; pr.rMel u Regular $7.50 Portiers, all C4 QC new patterns, per pair, sp'l..TJ Regular $10.00 Portiers, best C7 OC grade material; per pair .pieXU Regular $2.00 Comforters; Cl OC special sale price, each JleOJ Regular $2.25 Comforters; Cl MC special sale price, each r AJAX RANGE The Ajax Range, the best polished blue steel range on the market for the money; a great fuel saver; nickel-trimmed. On special sale at this low price. .$27.75 recorded one of the most forceful and eloquent addresses ever delivered to a jury in any criminal case In the Pa cific Northwest. Judge Thompson also has an enviable reputation as a politi cal speaker, and local Republicans con side themselves fortunate to secure the services of the Seattle Jurist. Sunnyslde Rally Tuesday Xight. Sunnyslde Republicans recognize no opposition and will hold another rally Tuesday night, despite the fact that the Independence party leaders. His gen and Hearst, are to address a widely-advertised meeting at the .Armory the same night. The meeting at Sun nyslde, however, will be addressed by R. k. Butler, Presidential Elector, and Judge J. E. Magers. Aside from the political addresses, Mrs. Fred Olson will sing selections and E. J. Quillman will recite. The committee in charge of the rally extends a general invita tion to the public to attend and hear the political issues discussed by two competent speakers. Taft Rally Wednesday Xight. The Mississippi Avenue Taft and Sher man Republican Club . will have a rally next Wednesday night at its hall, corner Mississippi avenue and Shaver ' street. The officers of the club have arranged for good speakers.. . All. members should at tend and bring their friends. DARING THIEVES CAUGHT Englishman and American Charged With Snatching Bank Satchels. . ,ft ,cn.Hal The nn- FAttia, uci. " ' - lice recently arrested on a "charge of robbery two men, an Englishman and an American, wno k" James Cullingham, aged . 30. a manu facturer, of Buckingham, and Seraphim Belllsdorn, a merchant, of San Fran cisco. The two had been living in style for about a week at a hotel in the Madeline quarter. According to the police story, the dete'etive .'department was Informed that two men who corresponded to Cullingham and Belllsdorn had arrived from Palermo, where they had com mitted .a - number of thefts. Other charges were notified from some of the principal cities of Europe. Their methods are said to consist of following : a bank-walking clerk from the bank. When a suitable opportu nity offered Itself, one of the two would push the clerk or do something to draw away his attention for a few seconds, while the other snatched the satchel full of bank notes, substitut ing a similar one filled with waste paper. The two men, who had been watched by detectives since their ar rival, were. It is said, caught outside a Paris bank in the act of stealing a satchel containing bonds for $130,000. After 25 years of operation of the Poatal Savings Bank of India the depositors num ber 1,190.220 and the deposits amount to $49.?23.2S3. HAVE YOU A PIANO? A piano in the home is a source of much pleasure. It helps to create a de lightful home atmosphere. It helps to drive dull care away. It would sur prise you to know how easily you may possess a good piano. "Your credit is good." Come and see us. We rent pianos; we also sell on convenient-payment plan. New pianos 25, S27S. 300 and UP to 1200. Used pianos also and up. Sherman, Clay & Co. Sixth and Morrison. Opposite Poatofflca, i'nrt unti, uniioB. : . T IMmmm go. jfl 4-.. .W'. -i--.:-;Yf rr -&rff m High qualitv, great value for the money. That's what we offer; it's our claim on your attention. iVe don't really need to advance a better one. The greatest lot of good clothes ever shown at that price. Raincoats, Overcoats and Suits In all the new, smart fabrics ;$15.00 values. Chicago price $9.35. BOYS' SUITS Mothers who wish to see the little fellows well clothed at a one-third saving in price can obtain such values from us. 1 Chicago Clothing Co. ' The Store That "Eights the Wrong," Which Means Your Money Back if You Want It. SOL GARDE, Proprietor, 69-71 Third Street, Between Oak and Pine 1 Bank Aajoining uimcu -.cww.