THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. 1908. I i t T il t llfT 1 tt.i. FBl! M !- FORMER OREGON GIRL TO JOIN "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY" COMPANY Miss Jean Lillian Vance, Now Visiting in Portland, Received Her Training for Stage Under Madame NoreDi. jyj ISS JEAN LILLIAN VANCE. a i charming and talented young woman, who spent all the earlier years of her life In Portland, and who has been In the city for . the past lew weeks visiting her mother. ha been engaged by Advance Manager Salis bury, of "A Knight for a Day" company to Join that organization when It arrives In this city to play an engagement at the Hellig theater. Miss Vance Is a former pupil of Mad ame Norelli. having had five years' train ing under that wonderful songstress be fore leaving for New York J? has a host of friends in this city, paved the may for Miss Vance's first PI ance In nubile which occurred at Castle Square. Chicago. Since then Miss Vance has appeared with the Jules Murry at tractions: having played last season through the East with "Cupid at Vassar. after which she appeared In prominent roles with the Imperial Opera Company. I.Ike nearly all natives of OreKon. Miss Vance has the warmest spot in her neirt for Oregon and the Pacific Coast, but be lieves there are much greater opportu nities for professional people In N York, and will continue to make tnat city her permanent residence, as she has for the past few years when not on the mad. STAGEXANTJ. Art. came to New York ll week to uprrvUe final rehearsals of The Fair to-Ed" , . . Marie Tahiti will berln her season la The B" nd Bettle.'- at Norwich. Conn, on Octobar J- . . . Count I.eo Tolntoy has been elected to honorary membership In the faculty of the I nlerity of St. Petersburg. tadora nun'an will return to Sew fork for a series of matinees. beRlnnlng at tne Lyceum Theater on octobur II. Blanche Walsh will be starred In Jules F-rkert Goodman's third play. 'The Tt, to be produced early In November. rs Leslie Carter Is planning an elab orate production of a new play in l season. the expects to open late In November. Clvdo Fitch has' received a commission to Write a play fr Sir Charles tt yndham. whlcb. he experts to fulfill during the W lu- Harrv Corson CIsrlM hss resigned from the cat of "The Mimic World" and will probably return to vaudeville in a new .ketch. ... Madame Calve arrived In New York last Tuesdav. She does not expect to sing In opera sUn. bat will appear exclusively In concerts. ... Annie Russell returned to New Terk last Thursday to begin rehearsals of The Stronger fi." She baa been spending a month In Maine. , . Xlebe! Tsllaferro will continue through out the seasou In "Polly of the Circus, her appearance In "Cinderella" being deferred until next Fall. . . William Gillette's New York appearance In tiamson has been postponed until the lat ter pert of October He will present the play on the road flrst. see. Charlotte Walker, it is said, will be star red bv David Belasco In the new Eue-ene Waller play. "The Kaslest Way." Rehears als will begin next month. "Msrcelle." the new PUIey-I.uder opera, was produced by the Shuberts at New Haven. i;onn.. on September 21. with Ixtulse Guanine In the principal role. . William H. Crane arrived In New York on the Cednc last Friday. He will begin his season In "father and the Dors at Atlantic City on September 2i. . It Is said that Maude Adams will appear this season In the new Barrto play. "What Every Woman Knows." recently produced In London. Instead of Mra Dot. . . James H HarlaMt is having a transla tion rrntrte of I .a Krancalse. a play by tu-s-ene Itrleux. which he expects to produce during his season at the Hackett Theater. Amelia Blnrhsm's contract with the Shu berts la not effected by her vaudeville en-casa-menl. She will not so under the Sbu bert direction until this engagement Is ended. ... Denman Thompson. In "The Old Hom-e- a four weeks enraaement at the Academv of Music, on uclooer .. Thompson will be JS years old on tuber 1. Mr. Oc- Klsa Rvan has been eneamed to support Joe. ph 6 Mara, the famous Irish tenor, when he beclns his tour In November In Pesity Machree." a pretty Irish comedy with music ... Mar Irwin will appear at the Derrick Theater after rvptemher -J. In George Arte s curtain raiser. "Mrs. Peckham's (. a rou.r." The ple.e has been successfully acted In vaudevlMe. Jules Eckert Goodman's plsy. "The Rteht 1 , . " . - X rr . i . NaT t v .... ; .1 . w t i MISS JEAN LILLIAN VANCE. to Live." will be produced In Washington. V. C.. on October 2i. The cast will Include Grayce Scott. Hardee Klrkland and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brunnlng. Madame Helona Modleska has started for New York to arranse for the publication or her memoirs. She has been engaged In put ting her notes Into shape since her perma nent retirement from the stage. . . The Shuberts announce that their next Summers Mimic World will ht President Roosevelf. African hunt as a setting. Afl dlson Hunt Is to write the book and Mel ville Ellis will supply the music. Margaret Illlngton will rest for a month before resuming her tour In 'The Thief. PI will begin a six weeks- engagement In Ho.ton the rlrst week In October. with Kvrle Bellew back In the role be originated. . ... FJorn.tjeme Bjotnston. the Norweglsn poet and dramatist, and his wife, celebrated their golden wedding on their estate at Aulostad. near Lllllehammer. on Septem ber 11. Congratulations weie received lrom all parts of Norway. s e "In Old Kentuckv" Is one of the few American plays which seerus to possess en during life. It is now in ts loth )r and Is as popular as ever. t heckers is another American l.lay which shows no signs of waning popularity. Mr. and Mra Otis Pklnnsr returned to New York last Wednesday on the Koetiigln Louise, after a Summer spent In England. Swltserland and Italy. Mr Skinner a II go on tour In "The Honor of the Family before he opens In a new play by Booth Tarklngton. ... Joseph Brooks and A. W. Dingwall own th. American rights to the new Drury 'line d?am. "The Marriage, of May-fair " which was produced a few days ago on the big stage of historic old Drury with great iuccess They will produce It In New York or Chicago later In the season with a big ct- ... Rehearsals began last Wertnesdsy for The Melting Pot." In which W altar Whtte sld. wilt star. The cast will Include Henry Bergman. Orant Stewart. John Blair. Chry.tal Heme. Louise Von OUlnger Louise Muldener and Sadie Connelly. The play will open In Washington about the nrst of October. ... to her native land since she loft there in ls to come to this country under Daniel Frohman s management. She will play As You Like It." one or two other Shakes pearean comedies, and a drama of Ameri can life. . . e Miss Elsie Herbert, who will be seen here with "A Knight for a Day." Is an actress In a class all by herself and has won a most enviable place In the hearts of her IN PORTLAND THEATERS Continued From Tago to come as the head of the new bill t the Grand. Those, noted entertainers. Noble ana Brooks, will bring their latest laughing success. "The Cuban Millionaire." This act has been well received and tho re ports say It Is a sure shot for fun. Har ry Thornton, the celebrated pianist has been Induced to leave the Academy of Music in London for a short tour in vaudeville, and Sullivan Consldlne will send him to Portland. Every music lover will want to see and hear this pianist ft international fame. Pianists of Thornton's reputation are not often heard In a vaudeville house, being usu ally oontlned to the concert platform. Adams & Juhl are known to the amusement world as "the Uerman ex plorers." Their act tells why. They have explored for new and original fields of merriment and have had a successful expedition for the big laughs. It Is Im possible for-any healthy person to Lstcn to them without feeling good. The LeAndcrs hnve a pantomimic od dltv stvled "A Nicht on the Board Wa'k"" During the act they Introduce a number of clover and sensational cycle stunts. There has been no act of this Wind in Portland in several montns. Tops. Toney i Tops are comedy acro bats with trained dogs. it is anact for old and young. Fred Bauer will have a new Illustrated song and the Oiaudl-s.-ope will fla;.h new pictures. Po not rtms the great programme which Is at the Grand today, with FTt avolo In his milk-can mystery: the shurp--hootlng Vivians, the unlcycle feats of II'l! A: Stlvsnl. the Gardner Pres.. musl c ar.s; Welch A Earle. the singers and dancrs. and the balance of the tip-top audevil specialty programme. HILL OF MIUTH AND MUSIC New Week's Bill at Pantage to Be Kind That IMeases. Mirth and music will reiga supreme at the Pantages theater this week, be ginning with the usual matinee tomor row afternoon. The management begs to state that the new bill at the Pan tages will be one of the best this thea ter has ever offered. To begin with, the musical feature will be one decid edlv out of the ordinary and above the usual vaudeville attraction and menu It ts the Zlngarl troupe of eight people, presenting the spectacular scenic op eratic production "Uypay Life. This act which has won much praise over the circuit. Is ofle of the greatest oper atic acts in vaudeville. They present selections and choruses from such well known operas as "Carmen," Rigoletto," "Faust." Lucia." "Romeo and Juliet." Their stage setting represents a Gypsy Camp and the costuming is both ap propriate and beautiful. The eight singers all have well-trained and pow erful voices and the chorus work is said to be especially well done. They also have some catchy and delightful Italian selections in their repertoire. Tanner & Gilbert are scheduled to convulse the audience with their farce comedy. "How to Make Love." Sir. Tanner ts exceptionally clever as a silly kid comedian, while his partner sings. some of the latest popular songs in an excellent manner. Little Al Right, the Japanese wonder, will be seen in Portland for the first time. He Is just returning from an extended European engagement: as an equilibrist he has no equal. His act must be seen to be appreciated. Musical Heuhn, who presents a musi cal act using various instruments, gives a splendid entertainment with a vein of comedy all the way through. Thomas & Payne, two colored aris tocrats, singers. dancers and come dians. They have got an exceedingly bright comedy act which runs fast and furious from start to finish. They also Introduce the very latest In rag-time melodies. Elliott Beamer will render a new Illus trated baritone solo, and the biograph will present the very latest In motion photography. Today wil be your last chance to see the present bill, considered by press and public to be one of the best nov elty entertainments presented for some time. Remember It is your last chance to see Atra, the bullet-proof woman. "The Honej mooners" Coming. There will be something out of the or dinary at the Baker Theater for the week following the minstrels, for one of the famous George M. Cohan's musical com edies. "The Honejrmooners. will oe me attraction. Cohan wrote "ine noney mooners" some time ago, and called It another name, but after It had been so enthusiastically received by the theater going people he reconstructed the piece and added the music and chorus work in its reconstructed form Mr. Cohan hlm ;lf appeared in the piece for an entire Summer season oa the New Amsterdam Theater roof. thousands of admirers. The delicacy of her acting, the excellence of her singing, and the mlrth-provoklng characteristics which are so natural to her, all combined, make a combination that Is Irresistible and car ries her audience from start to finish. . . The Oath of Allegiance," by James B. r-n-n i f R..rnnton Pa., and Jack Dru- melr. of New York City, which will be produced during the present season. Is a politico-historic comedy-drama dealing with the treachery and Intrigue during the per iod of 18o-18i&. So pronounced are the lines of this piece said to be that It 11 thought It will create a sensation. The authors are well known and have en trenched themselves In "The Oath of Al legiance" behind historical data that Is claimed to be unassailable. . Joseph O'Mara. who Is declared by the press of Great Britain and Ireland to be the greatest Irish tenor of this generation, sails for New York October 1. to begin his American tour In "Peggy Machree" under the direction of Messrs. Brooks and Ding wall. O'Mara has long been a favorite In Loudon, where he has appeared annually for ten years In concert and grand opera, and be Is Idolized In Ireland for what he has done in arousing interest In the folk songs of his native land. In Dublin a few riavs ago he was the guest of honor at a farewell dinner, given by the. Lord Mayor of the cltv. The loading men of Dublin were present and o Mara s singing oi ire land's patriotic songs stirred the dlstln gulshed gathering to wild enthusiasm. SP1TZBERGEN IN DISPUTE Conference to Be Called to Settle Ownership of Island. BERLIN, Oct. 10. (Special.) An Inter national conference will be summoned in the near future to regulate the future of KnltT.hereon. and It Is expected that delegates will attend from Great Britain the United States, France, Russia, Ger many. Sweden and - Norway. .The Nor wegian government, which has taken the Initiative In proposing the conference, ae ire to, safeguard the right of the Nor wegian fishermen who work along the coasts of Spltxbergen by an international agreement. The Norwegian fishermen and hunts men were for a long time undisputed masters of Spltxbergen and eajoyed unlimited freedom In following their oc oiinntions. Recently, however, two mln ing companies, one financed by British and Norwegian capital and the other financed by American and Norwegian capital, have begun operations in Advent Bay and both companies have annexea enormous areas of land, and have prohib ited Norwegian fishermen and huntsmen from tresnnsslnir on these territories. It HEI t TT THEATER Uth and WASHINGTON GTS. PHONES MAIN X AND A 111 EOUR NIGHTS begins TODAY H. H. Frazee Presents the Astonishingly Successful Musical Comedy Sensation A-KNIGHT IFOR A DAI Exactly as Presented for One Solid Year in Chicago, Five ' Months in New York and Five Months in Boston Superior Cast of Principals, including BOBBY BARRY & ELSIE HEKbiiKl ana a stunning cumpauy Entire Lower floor, tlJMt. Balcony, it. 00, 70c, 60c GaMery. S0e SEATS NOW SELLING AT THEATER FOR ENGAGEMENT PRICES Phones Main 117 A 4224 THEATRE Empire Taeatre re. (Inc.) Leasee. PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE POPULAR-raiCE PLAYHOUSE. Home of the Incomparable Baker Stock Company. S&EE OCTOBER 11, 1908 Third and Last Woek of the enormous success Belasco's 111 GIRL OF T GOLDEN WEST The Play Eterjeody la Talking About EVENING PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c MATINEES 15c, 25c Don Delnr Gel Teat Seat a at Once for This Week. ' Evenlnc Curtain 8 'Clock Sharp. Matinee a NEXT WEEK "BROWN OF HARVARD" HEILIG THEATER 14TH ANT) WASHINGTON. PHONES MAIN 1 and A lltl 3 NIGHTS OCTOBER 15 SPECIAL rKlk-E. niAiintii """" PRESENTATION HERE ' Of the play that has enthused more than 4,000, 000 American theater-goera. NOW ON ITS 4th RECORD BREAKING TOUR THE DRAMATIC ENSEMBLE OF 60 Original New York Production, Including the Famous Km Klux Klan Cave Scene and Troop of CAVALRY HORSES CLANSMAN riramatlzed by Thomas Dixon, Jr. From his 'two famous novels. "The Clansman" and "The Leopard's Spots." Direction of George H. Brennan EVENING PRICES MAXi.rjB rniLr.3 Entire lower floor U-50 Entire lower floor Balcony $1.00, 75c, 50c Balcony t Gallery - ovu i uauciy Seat Sale Opena Next Tneaday, 10 A. at Theater. ...1.00 76c, 60c 2oc THEATER Oretton Theater Co.. Inc. Leeaee Telephone Main a A B360 GEO. L. BAKER, GENERAL MANAGER He Theater That Plays Big Road Attractions at Popular Price BAKER ONE SOLID WEEK STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE TODAY OCT. 11, 1908 Matinees ' Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Night Prices 25c. 50c, 75c and 1.00. Matinees, 26o and 50c.' NEXT ATTRACTION : THE HONEYM00NERS They've Made the Whole World Laugh RICHARDS AND PRiNGLE'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS One Gala Week of Gaiety. Sweet Songs by Southern Singers. Dexterous Dances by Boys From Dixie land: A Big Ensemble of the World's Greatest Comedians. SIMON B0N0M0R and His Royal Arab Acrobats Is expected that Norway will lay claim to the possession of Spitzbergen by vir tue of the prior rights of Norwegian fish ermen an huntsmen, but in this case it is expected that Sweden will raise a colunter-claim on the ground that Swe dish scientific expeditions have been mainly Instrumental in opening Spltx bergen to the outside world. Since the days of the British Arctic ex plorer, Peary, Spitzbergen has been mainly explored by Swedish expeditions, but recently a British expedition visited the island and collected a number of min eral specimens which reveal opportunities for further mining enterprise. The Spits bergen question was raised in 1871 when Sweden and Norway desired to annex the island, but Russia's opposition prevented the realization of the Scandinavian pro posal. It appears that Germany will op pose the claim of any single country to Spltxbergen and will favor the establish ment of some kind of international con trol whereby the absolute freedom of in dustrial enterprise and scientific research will be guaranteed. . Female Billposter Appears. PARIS, Oct. 10. (Special.) The first female bill-sticker has appeared in the streets of Paris. She wears a long, white smock frock, and carries her pot of paste, her brushes, and her posters in a business-like way. She has learned all the arts of bill-sticking, which is not so easy an accomplishment as It seems, and the oldest male hand cannot elve her points. At first she had to stand much chaff, but she is powerful, with a quick tongue, so she can answer DacK witn tne Dest or mem. ana miie .i ..- u Kfa to "sruy" her. soon found it was not. and felt the I whack of her paste prusn PANTAGES THEATER BILL. CHANGES TOMORROW I ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE STARS OF ALL NATIONS . WEEK ENDING TODAY : Atra, the Bullet-proof Woman. Kiernan, Cole. Kiernan and Company. -The Taming of the Beast"- the Victoria Quartet: Billy Cullen, Comedian: Myrtle Victorine and the Two Zloars, Elliott Beainer, and Animated Pictures. WeekBeginningTomorrow 8Zingan Singers8 Presenting the Spectacular Scenic Operatic Production, "GYPSY urt' TANNER AND GILBERT, Comedy Sketch Artists. MUSICAL REFHN, Novelty Musical Act. ELLIOTT BEAMER, Baritone Soloist. THOMAS AND PAYNE, Colored Aristocrats. LITTLE ALL RIGHT, ' Japanese "Wonder. THE BIOGRAPH, Presenting the Latest In Mo tion Pictures. PERFORMANCES DAILY AT POPULAR PRICES. LYRIC THEATER BLUNKALL COMPANY PRESENT OCTOBER 11 WEEK Y01 IRS mmw Next Week, Oct. 18, "STRICKEN BLIND' Daily Mat. (ex. Sun-boll.) 15-25-50C Pntly Mat, (ex. Sun-holt.) 15-a5-S0c j j 1 THEATER I x r Paylnr Particular At tention to the Enter tainment. Comfort and convenience of Ladies and Children. FORMERLY MARQUAM GRAND ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK COMMENCING Pr esentlnr at all Time, the Best of European and Ameri can Vaudeville At-tractlona MONDAY MATINEE, OCT. 12 TiDeHaven Sextette , 6. . With Thespian." SYDNEY C. GIBSON. " LEWIS fi GREEN 11006 BOOM (3 tOe Comedians With Some New Ideas. In Geors-e M. Cohan's tit AfV f, IftNFS -THE LITTLE BLONDE LADY." BLALn. O JU11M Eccentric Dancing Comedians, AMELIA SUMMERVILLE - in Monologue and Bong.. ORPHEUM MOTION PICTURES PAUL VALADON ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA The Magician. TI . mn.-Kn r. IT V Af lit EVENING PRICES 15-25-50-75C EVENING PRICES 15-25-50-75C Dally Mat. Ox. Snn-holl.) 1S-8S-10O Dally Mat. fex. Sua.-hoIL) 15-25-S0e THE STAR PHONES Main S496; A 1496 PLAYING ONLY STAIR-HAYLIN EASTERN ROAD ATTRACTIONS Commencing Sunday Matinee, Oct. 1 1th A New Kind of Railroad Western Play THE KLIMT & GAZZOLO AMUSEMENT CO. Offer their powerful Melodrama A CAST OF SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXPRESS The Modern Idea Melodrama. With a Scenic Dressing Both Unique and Elaborate Written Around a Series of Exceptionally Sensational and Thrilling Events of the Kail and Mountains of the Far West. MATINEES WEDNESDAY, SATLUDAY AND SUNDAY NTarkt Prices 16c. 25c, 85c, 60c Matinee lSe, 25a. Next Attraction "AT CRIPPLE CREEK," Sunday, Oct. 18 GRAND VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE Last Time-Today TO SEE FRIAVLO Death-Defying Mystery WEEK CF MONDAY MATINEE OCTOBER 12, 1908 EMINENTLY SATISFACTORY VAUDEVILLE. . Headed by SISTERS YLIEROMNE Daring and Sensational Globe Performers. NOBLE 5 BROOKS Presenting "The Actress and the Porter." HARRY THORNTON Celebrated Pianist. ADAMS S GUHL The German Explorers. THE LE ANDERS "A Night at the Beach." TOPS, TOPSY 6 TOPS Comedy Novelty Acrobats. FRED BAUER Singer of Pictorial Lyrics. GRANDASCOPE Latest French Motion Pictures. Evenings and Sunday and Holi day Matinees Lower Floor,25c; Balcony, 15c. Week-Day Matinees, all seats 15c. Three Performances Daily, at 2:30, 7:30 and 9:30 P. M. Sunday and Holiday Matinees, curtain rises at 3 P. M. The dramatization of Louia J. Vance's novel "The Braaa Bowl." Is now In re hearaal In this city. The cast Includes Vincent Serrano, Georre Bamum, Duana Waa-ner. Arthur Barry. Muriel Starr, Mary Graham and Amy Hodgen. The tour be gan at Harrtsburg, Fa., on October I. j H106.0