The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 11, 1908, SECTION THREE, Image 25

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Pnrtlnmd's Most Modern and Most Liberal Store
The Great Supply Center , For Horse Show Needs
- - . -IF I . 7. . L. Thav " " ' aMM
Bright New Ribbons
A wealth of choosing in the newest colors and
weaves at the ribbon counter. Among the lat
est are the tinsel effects, cretonne patterns, jac
quards, and all of the late plain shades, in
every style and every wanted width. They are
widely used this season for sashes for trimming
dresses, for the hair and millinery. Tis prof
itable, as well as pleasant, to buy here.
Warm Underwear
In the knit goods aisle, we are showing the best
things to be had in women's and children's
Undergarments. For your good and ours, we
invite you to inspect our new lines. We are ex
clusive agents for the Dr. Diemel Linen Mesh
Underwear for women, and are also for Zim
merli and Merode Underwear. "We have the
special agency for women's Stuttgarter Sani
tary Underwear. The materials are silk, silk
and wool, silk and lisle, all wool, lisle and cot
ton and linen.
nf.rf.Tnn visitors to the Horse Show will find a warm welcome here. They
will find a liberal policy, broad merchandise assortments and courteous treat
ment to make them feel pleasure and profit in shopping here. There'll be many
little things to buy at the last moment, and 'tis easy to choose quickly when you
have such immense stocks from which to make your selection. We devote spe
cial attention this week to featuring the various articles needed for dress and
comfort at the Horse Show. The more fastidious shoppers long ago decided on
this store as the only one that met their requirements. We'll do our part to
ward making the Horse Show a success by furnishing the richest of raiment.
Women's Stylish Apparel Is Priced Low
. " j f c...-- sv,.m tnr afternoon and eveninst wear, handsome Coats and
Stunning tauorea juuj, . , ,. j
WmPr hewilderinefr lovely Hats and all that milady needs to make her well-groomed are here
ready to wear. We dirlcTthe attention of particular folk to our very complete line of tailor-made
., Ai York and Paris models and the beautiful gowns and wraps for dress and evening wear.
ir rr . 1 l I A7-.i Every one of our richest pattern hats
Pattem HatS V3 tO V2 LeSS lOW at a reduced price. . The regular
prices run from $50.00 to $150.00. All from $50.00 to $100.00 are
ONE-THIRD, and allabove $100.00 sell this week for just . . .
Lace Handkerchiefs
Kerchiefs -with Armenian lace edge,
French hand-embroidered handker
chiefs and all the newest and daintiest
conceits. Just the thing to select for a
gift, and if you will choose now, you
will select from assortments absolutely
unbroken. They are priced up
from .
Bonnet larreia &ird.
Bonnet black Taffeta Silk is famous the world
over for quality, wear and permanency; of dye.
1400 yards $1.50 and $1.75 grades, 23 m q
inches wide, on sale, the yard, only...O I iUu
?ffc 27 and 36-incn widths, in
3IS white Jan Silk. The 27-inch
grade is worth $1.25 and the 36-ini width jjq
$1.50. Choice, either, width this week.uUu
77 TT TT V f ft Meet Lvery Requirement Uemanaea or a riign-,iass
I Worcester Lorsets yux
Paris Veils JEl $2, 98
Imported Novelty Veils, in
Russian net, dotted or silk
embroidered effects. IV2 or
2-yard lengths, in all the
leading shades. Regularly
worth $5 each, sp'l PQ Q0
for Monday at only OliwQ
Chiffon Automobile Drapes,
in all the wanted colorings.
Regular prices run to Of) Q Q
$4.50 each, special QLiVQ
Women's Kid Gloves, for
evening wear. 2-ctasp style
in cream, white and fancy
shades. Women's 16-hutton
gloves in white, black or
evening shades. 20-button
Irnvth in black or white. A
complete assortment of
sizes, oee the tine snowing
Nothing is more popular than Marabou for smart neckwear. All
the ravre in New York and Paris. Fqr Horse Show week we make
special prices on all our Marabou ,and Coque Neckpieces, includ
ing hos. collarettes and stoles. This gives a choice of a superb
assortment, and regular prices already low are 1 1 CT7P
,i..;.-ia.iN. ttra..tivp at the ereat reduction of. .
urt imuM ' 1 1 ... v . . , o
Colored Dress Goods Bargains
For making Tailored Suits for Fall wear, you'll find no better fabrics than these. They
represent the choicest in coloring, pattern and weave that is offered. Large quantities
are concerned, therefore the sale is of interest to a multitude of economists, ine
. ...u IU
regular $1.00 qualities in this lot, priced this week at
The $1.25 QOft The $1.50 Pi 1 Q The" $1.75. 00
grades. .l.V.ddU grades Q 1 1 1 J grades. ..... 1 1 J J
The $2.00
grades, yd
The $2.50 . Pi. .00
grades: . . . V I lOw
White Tar Soap at 6c the Cake
White Tar Soap, for toilet or S.SS'd'ScoS "rd
shampoo, does not discolor the an(f leathPer' corners, 45c val. 30 iflV.t Irt
water. Begnpne. 10c g Dennison.s Crepe Paper, regularly JJ 35C
the cake, special for only. UU 10(J the roll) pecja 7$ UL Z : 1
rwnUxion Brushes soft white Dress Shields, odorless, adjustable ToUet Pins, in sheets each sheet
Complexion Brushes, soft hite containing 100, black, blue or
bristles, 3ac values, special. .23 wQrth 50(J pair gpl 35j white heads, worth 10c sheet. .5
Parisian Nail Bleach, bottle. 10 ' ' 25c Card Bone Hairpins 18J
29c Box Writing Paper 15 Pearl Buttons, white or smoked, 5c 60-inch Tape Measures 3
10c Writing Tablets, special. .5 coat or J'acket; large or SU 15c Side Combs, the pair.". . .10
k p.nWnlHm-s meeial at onlv 1 sizes' to 1 don on , I HP 25c Cloth Brushes, special at 15
5c Penholders, special at only cardj special, 10 and., I Ob 50c Bottle Pond's Extract. -35
85c Jar Library Paste 49 L- v
HaViland Dinner Sets
der around each article, also around
t of footed pieces. Solid gold handles,
l-piece sets, special at ....... . S-IO. 5
-piece sets, swcial at S39.o
fanev shapes. Narrow border decorations
in clover leaf and tlower design, run goiu
border around each article, also around
11!?-niece sets, special at S65.90
117-piece sets, special at $S0.8o
shapes. Rorder decorations small leaf with
shadings of red. Gold band and line out
hide of border. Solid . gold handles and
tiO-piece sets S42.75
KM-piece sets 62.00
Hipieee sets $6S.75
A sale of Haviland China Dinner
Sets in open stock patterns. Dainty
spray decorations, with pink flow
er and green spray. . Gold handles,
knobs arid embossing. Neat and
dainty shapes. Dinner sets of 60
pieces at special price 0 1 T . C f
this week of only . ... ..Oil lUU
100-piece sets, this 'week.'.?24.90
112-piece sets, this week. .$28.15
plain shapes. Green border, with full
stippled edges and gold lines. Gold traced
handles and knobs.
60-piece sets, special at $31.50
100-piece sets, special at $44.75
112-piece sets, special at $49. SO
117-piece sets, speeial at $62.45
decorations of small green vine and gold
lines on both sides of border. , Solid gold
handles and gold traced or raised work.
Feet are gold stippled. : j
60-piece sets, special only $39.9o
100-piece sets, special at .$55.25
112-piece sets, special at $65.50
117-piece sets, special at. . .... . .$81.25
Stamped Pieces V2
Doilies in Roman cut work, also
Montnielliok designs, some partly
finished. For Monday, reg- J
ular prices are reduced J&
Fancy Laces at l2
Bands and Galloons for dress trim
ming, in qualities that range in
price -from 50c to $10.00 the U
vard. This week reduced.'. . .
TO $2
Women's Muslin or Cambric Petticoats,
made with 12 -in. flounce of India linoh,
trimmed with embroidery or lace. One
style has 5 rows of lace insertion; an
other full plain hemstitched, tucked
flounce. -Regularly worth to $2 Q Q f
each, special Monday at only 3Qu
Women's Muslin or Cambric Night
go wns. A varied assortment; high,
low or V neck; hubbard or chemise
style; long or short sleeves; trimmings
are lace, embroidery and hem- QQn
stitched tucks. Vols, to $2, sp'l J Oil
WOMEN'S DRAWERS Of muslin or cambric. Full flounce of
embroidery, finished with clusters of tucks and hemstitca- fl fl
ing. Worth to $2:00. Special for low price of, per pair. SOU
CHILDREN'S DRESSES Mother Hubbard style; made of fine
lawn or cambric ; trimmed with lace or embroidery. For lit-
tie tots, 2 to 8 years of age. Regularly worth- to $1.23, sp 1. U I U
square styles. ' Come in black only. Values to $2.75.
Lace Curtains $1.25 Pair
Horse Show Footwear
'Tis easy to get a shoe that feels comfortable, as well
as looks stylish, and to be sure of this, let our sales
men fit you. They have all been trained for seven
years or more in fitting footwear of the better sort.
OUR NEW "DntECTOIRE" BOOTS for women are made of tan
Russia calf or patent leather; boot or lace style. ' New last with
.... 11 m 1 1 -Hm nAirnl 4-nr
medium-weight hand-sewea soies. ipey nave-me new vy" "r1 '
littlp hitrher than the regulation cut: suitable for Directoire
gowns. Our price is $1.00 less than shoe stores ask.
We sell these boots for the exceedingly low price, pair.
TAN SHOES FOR WOMEN In all the new Fall lasts. PC CO
I n vmir n dvantasre to look here before buying. $2.89 to. ywiwU
An extra special bargain on fine white Lace
flnrfnins in TJmssels or Renaissance designs.
A lot of about 175 pairs, regularly worth fromfci
$1.75 to $4.50 the pair, selling at tne Pi l t i.jtj
$1.75. grade $1.25
$2.00 grade ..J.. $1.45
2.25 erade ..$1.65
$2.50 grade $1.80 $4.50 grade $3.35
BLANKETS-Plain gray or vicuna brown. Full width and
good weight. Regularly worth $5.00 the pair, a special at
Richardson's Table Linen $1.48 Yard
$2.75 grade- !$1.95 WpfcZ&S-!
linen, made by the famous Richardson
Mills, at Belfast, Ireland. 72 inches wide
full bleached, regularly $l.o the
yard, special this week only
NAPKINS In patterns to match table
linen. Regularly worth $5 the P il Mn
dozen ; special this week 0 ""U
NEW FLANNELS For making Fall
shirtwaists; the yard 35 to 75
bearcloths. FLANNELETTES, in special
designs for kimonos.
OUTING FLANNEL S A full assortment
of new Fall patterns and staples, at all
New Embroideries
Among Vie latest things you see at the
embroidery counter are Skirt Flouncings
in two and three widths, with insertion to
match. There are new baby sets, in Swiss
and nainsook, with allover to match.
There are embroideries that add a touch
of novelty and daintiness' to ' baby
things or lingerie; or. rich, exclusive ef
fects for waists, etc.
Smart Hose 50c
TVe are making a special display of
women's half-dollar Hose. They
come in plain lisle, silk lisle, lace
effects, self or fancy embroidered,
and the new Fall shades in taupe,
porcelain blue,, mulberry, old rose,
claret, etc. Knit Goods r'n'p
Aisle, the pair, only ullu