I OOINO INTO ITCHINESS? We nave mm good opportunities Im various line In both city and country. If you do not sr. your "opportunity" In this sample lift, call la person to utt jour nnu known. OntnJ merchandise (ton. A number of good openings, every one wall established in good localities, boom n.le proposition for boon Hie investors averaging from to 23.U"0. Hardware A good little stock, centrally located on W.t bide, would evil h Interest or ail. Grocery stores. East 8id 3I2UO buys neat little place on Williams ave.; rent only $15 per month. 1.V or Invoice takes stock om asm street; fixtures go with rent. Two s'rks on Union ave. Invoicing r2300, dotrg business: cbeao rent. VttAs stock. swales piace tn thj city, doing 8"wo business monthly: rent Dly a month, including Una fixtures and modern bam: lesae. M , stock general merchandise doing 312 dally, rent . Including modern ';' rooms upstairs; will consider part residence property. ,. , 32A boya grocery stock on Fuaasll at, would trade lor Aiblna woperty. 2j00 bua grocery slock. Vest 814a. doing 175 a day: cheap rent, well located. R.xmlr.g-buu-a. East bide, .rr sr. red In SUM'S for housekeeping, slweys turning people aa: 4o room house. 33OU0. rent 315". with lease, new bul.dlng. m rme, brick building, cheap rent, price 3.Vjou; trada ooneudtred on residence Rcn.Whousea. West Bids arranged for houswaeeA-lng bus .v2-room house on Farm-. $:f4 burs 2.1-room bouse osi Wan. 13.V buys 78-room housa on Market. Ilouu buss 16-roota bo use near w ashlng- .;u buys) g-room house on loth. 3.v ceh bandies 6-room flat on M Mill. SleuO buys 23-room transient house, Mor- "oreat many other places. List too large to mention. Bereral good hotsls In eastern and Western Oregon. , - our list of commercial bouses) Here and In other cities. Eastsrn or V esters Oregon, from laooo to f.ou0: It wui pay you to Investigate these propositions. COLDSCHMIDT'S BLSINEj-S AGENCY, (531, Washington St. BUILDING NOTICE. For this neit week we'll make a spe cial offer to those who want to bulla before the rains start In. If Too have your lot paid for we will furnish you enough money to build what you want on very easy monthly payments. we have plans ready to show you of ths most mo era bungalows, cottsgea and dwellings, ranging from I12i0 up. We'll prove to you that we can build at the lowest fig ure in Portland. If you are Interested call early rem week at 617 Lumber Ex ehanse Bldg. Architectural Depart ment! or phone Main 8U17 for Informa tion. KEH. ESTATE partner wanted; owner la alone.; must get man at once; experience not necessary beyond ability to show land; very little cash required: active man ran earn $175 to 2J0 per month when deals are completed, particulars National Kealty A Trust Co.. 3-0 is Washington st. Room old- A. GENTS furnishing store to right party at Invoice;, also a book and periodical store to trsds for good property: a good home in suburban residence district to trade for a grocery; the best ssloon In the city for the money, cheap to right party. XiZ Stark st. . A CHANCE. Build before the rain starts In; ws II furnish money on easy monthly payments: p. ens and setlms-te furnished free. Call on arvhlssct at 517 Lumber Exchange bldg. I'bone slain 3UIT for Information. WANTED A good man for a half Interest In an old established real ealate business, honesty and good rustling Qualities are the main essentials; 130 a month easily earned with very Utile money Invested. 272. Stark st. BARE CHANCE. 4-SS will buy an established business that Is netting 13000 per year; this Is a forced sals and will bear the closest In vestigation: terma may be arranged on pari. D II. Oregonlan. MERCHANTS If you want to sell your business quick for cash or If you wn' " good partner with money call Room 417, Hoard of Trade Bldg.. corner 4th and Oak sta CLEAN, up-to-data merchandise stock In thriving Valley town, doing a Una cash business, cheep rent, brick building; a money maker: a snap If taksn at once. A 2u 1. Oregon Ian. PARTNER A reliable man wanta a partner to assist him In cash business; will pay salary of 3123 monthly; trial given be fore buying: very little money required. Call room 315. Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark sis. m A BARGAIN 1-ehalr barber shop, town eno: good business, cheap rent: also house hold goods of 5 rooms, all new. Including Winter wood: fruit, chickens; parties meaning business write M 297. Orcgonlen. SJTOCK. bond offering, mining, electric, In dusuisl or railway company wanted for sale, commission basla Address full par ticulars. Cllenlals. P. O. box 208. Nsw Tork A SNAP One of the best pressing parlors In Portland for man and wife: place do ing I:0 to $l"0 a week; will sell at very low rate Call on proprietor. The Vloiet. th and TamhllL ORBAT bargsln and money maksr. 61 -room rooming-house worlh .T6.iO. for quick sale .ltH; fine location. See owner and save commission: good reasons for selling. Call up Main I7 or write A Oregonlan. BRlNiJ mortgage, acreage or bouss and lot to trade for a cafe tn one of the best busi ness locstlons In City of Portland. Bog gess, tli Morrison, room 6. FOR SAli 12-room rooming-house, good fur niture, csrprts, etc, gss and electric lights, rooms all rented: no reasonable offer re fused. Call 314 Columbia at., cor, nth. FOR SALE confectionery, a neat, attract ive place, good location, low rnt. doing a good busineea. Apply King Oil more, fit. John. lis"" TAKES 80-room hotel: all outsHo rooms: ele-trlo llghus and bath; rent ISO: In city: party must go Essu Address K t7. Oregon lan. OOOD rook wants a partner to look after ths front end. and do ths buying; little money required, balance out of business 274 Stark St. fjTATE RIGHT for sals for one of the most practical and serviceable articles ever In vented. Call at once at 623 Lumber Ex chance bldg. SACRIFICED Must leave $500 confectionery for l:5. chsap rent, big profits, living rooms, fine location, near school. 24 Lumber Exchange- wiRsrT-CLASS logging show, on railroad tributary to Co.umSIa River: lO.000.OuU; 1.-0 vOO; IlO.oOO cash. L 314. Oregonlan. WANTED -Good partner In barber shop do ing a good business. Call 312 Russell st. phone East s:U2 K.N KftC.Y and fltxx will maks yoa lnoo In one year: new business. 325 to Washington St.. rooms 39-41. CHOICE rooming-houses In all parts of the city- all sises and prices; we can con vince yon we have the beat. 272 Stark st. A SN KF In choice grocery In good location, will sell st Invoice or trade for prop J srty. 273 Stark at. FOR SILK by the owner, furniture of rooms, nearly new. for cash or exchange for lot or house and lot. Main guas. SO-ROOM house a bargain; will net $VX per month: look tnts up- Ownsr must sell. Address O 312. Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. The Fletcher Co, IIS Ablngton. WANTEH Interest tn established mercan tile business: reference furnished; no agents, o 313, Oregonlan. Cl'iAR. fruit, confectl.inery: downtown loca tion, low rent: money-maker; 93ou, Inquire Angslee. 242 6th. MIST hsve good man with t& to take an trterest In wood business. Answer now, E 32, Oregonlan. AHK me atout an Income for life for small investment, money returned s-so. Thoa. MrCueker. '3 Couch bldg. CHOICE homesteads; we guarantee abso lute satls:acuoa or your money back. 272 Stark at. OROCERT for ssle cheap tf taken soon. In quire 3J2 Vancouver ave. WANT to buy all or part Interest In small paying business. L Oregonlan. OoOD paving restaurant for eale or trade. E S20. Oregonlan- tAUiON for aale. a bargain, doing good business: reasons. Call 341 First St. HOOMINH-HOVSB. 2-year lease, clearing fUK) per month; see this. 900 4th It. . , I rKIN15SS CHANCES. j TOAKCXM. 1 PERSONAl j BUSINESS BIBtCTOM. r-, .-T--. urn t rji t'Ct 41T-4IS Corbett bldg.. 6U and Morrison sta. Any ons thst wsota- a good hotel, rooen-lng-hocss or apartment-bouse will be Inter ested In the list below: THE BEST EVER OFFERED. 70 rooms, new comer brick on Washing ton at.; steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms: lots of private baths: good long lease at VERT LOW RENT. Including team heat: this bouss Is positively clear ing above all expenses 1900 per month; the furnishings of this bouse are extra good and vary complete; If you want the ERY BEST rooming-house In the city, hers Is your chance; can be handled on good terms. APARTMENT-HOCEB. 144 rooms; steam heat, private ' bathe with every suite; best location In the city and the lowest rent, with good lesee; In come J12"0 per mo.; expenses $ooo per mo., leaving a net Income of e4U0 per month; don't fall to aee this. Price tauuu; terms. ANOTHER GOOD ONaV 64 rooms; steam neat not and cold water; very nlcsiy furnished; rent 200; 2 jear lease; clears I200 per mo. over all expenses; can be handled on 32300; price M00. BIO BARGAIN. 45 rooms: modern brick bldg.: steam beat, hot and cold water In all rooms; pri vste bathe; elegantly furnished; here Is a chance to make 41O00 In 60 days; price 24UU0; very easy terms. A LITTLE BEATJTT. 33 rooms: steem heat, elegantly fur nished: rent lt: steam heat; beaatlful yard and large varandaa; clearing I.o per mo.: price fofO- JCST WHAT YOU WANT. IS rooms: best location In the city; ele gant large lawn, near Portland Hotel; ele gantly furnished and chock full of good roomers; clearing 70 per mo.; witt trade for city property; price $2500. THIS IS ELEGANT. IB rooms: rent 375; 2-year lease: ele gantly furnished; steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms: clearing o over all expenses: the very best bouss In the city. ea-r terms; price 20u0. . The above list are all Al buys; no old furniture, and every one of tbem Is clean and good money-maker, and Is open to In vestigation. DIETZ-MUELLBR CO.. 417 and 418 Corbett bldg. PARTNER FOR SHOE BUSINESS. Wanted, Party of good address wltn IJ.VO or 34000. to loin partj of two ex pert shoe men to incorporate shoe fany to engage In a general wholesale shoe business In Portland young man preferred; must be strictly temperate and a good hustler for busi ness: recommendations snd references must accompany nrat letter. Address 0v. Oregonlan. ROOMI.VO-HOUSE BARGAIN. Modern rooming-house of rooms; new furniture, mission style, new carpets, por celain bath, new large range and dishes, furnsce heated, etc.. gas. electric lights, stationary tubs; price ISOO. Terms. 250 cash, balance easy payments. Call ana see our list of bargains. ROSE CITY REALTY INV. CO.. Lumber Exchange Bldg, 2d and Btark. . A GOOD stock of general merchandise a few miles from Portland: line location; good business, with pcwtofflce. etc: stock will Invoice about 325O0; buildings for rsnt or sale to suit: good terma COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 604 Dekum bldg. . CAStt STORE Owner tired of hired help wants steady, sober partner; prefer man used to farm products; 1500 required and If not suited your money will be re turned to you; owner wlU guarantee act ive man 1125 a month. Call Room 41T, Board of Trade Bldg, 4U and Oat sts. COAL property; a well-developed mine, well equipped and ready to operate; excellent transportation facilities by rail and water: will be leased on royalty basis for term or years. Particulars furnished by owners. Address P 311. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN A very swell little place. In good location; rosl tlvely doing good business; low rent. If you want a small place and , food moneymaker you will like It. Only 27S. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. WOULD like to bear of good mining or other stock for ssle In any enterprise where an investment of several thousand dollars would be safe. No liquor propo sitions considered. L. Derbyshire. Boa 1H10, Rochester. N. Y. 8TORE5 Owner wants steady partner; he will guarantee you tlOO first month and 1150 month after; very little cash re quired, ss you can pay most of it out of ths business. Call Room 417, Heard of Trada Bldg, 4th and Oak. PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus trated guide book and list of Inventions wanted free to any address. Patent se cured by us sdvsrtlsed free In world's Progress. 6ampls copy free. Evans, Wll klns 4 Co, Washington, p. C. CEMENT business; working partner wanted, will start you at $3 a day wagea and pay f6 day when yon learn the work; also big profits on money Invested; 1500. Call Room 417. Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak sts. MONEY-MAKER Swell furniture of 8-room house, clears 1.10 monthly; price IS50; terms; 18 rooms, clears flOO monthly, price 3730: 47 rooma, clears 3250 monthly, price 32500. German American Realty Co, 843 Washington st. WANT partner with 15000 or more to use waste products and manufacture an ar ticle with unlimited demand at 300 to 400 per cent profit per month. I have patent ed machine for the purpose. O Sid, Ore gonlan. BOOKS, souvenirs and curios store; a -very neat place; good location: cheap rent: do ing line business; for sale cheap IX taken at once. SETTLERS' REALTY CO.. 28 North th at. CIGAR and confectionery store; price 3360; rent 330: lease If desired: will Invoice more than price asked: located right In heart of city; reason for selling, partners can not scree: will clear you 3100 mo. CaU Monday. 181 4th St. WANTED Information regarding- patent which would be moneymaker: only In ventor who wishes to sell direct to man ufacturer need answer; give price snd brief description. L. Derbyshire, Box 11 2. Rochester. N. Y. I HAVE ths grandest furnished modern 8 roora net In the city; select location, car pets, rugs, furniture, piano, everything the best; If you want something fine see this. Mrs. Koonts. 243 Stsrk et. BUTTER. EGO AND POTATO store clear ing 3300 monthly over and above all ex penses: owner Is retiring from business snd give trial before Investing. Particulars 623 Lumber Exchange bidg. A CORPORATION, newly organised, offers to enterprising man an Interest and man agement: Investigate this; calls for ability and 31000. C L Wild. 303 Commercial block. WANTED An office man of energy with 3300 cash to Invest In an excellent busi ness; don't reply unless you mesn busi ness and have A-l references. Address 8 303. Oregonlan. WE can locate yon tn paying business, be fore buying be surs and see ua Kinney s) Stampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4484. SPECTAI. Partner wanted for solid office business: will stand closest Investigation; pays bis; f50 required. Call Room 417. Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE for sale; one of the best In the city; clearing 3300 monthly over and abovs all expense-. Par ticulars 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. DON'T TOO KNOW We can give you a special prlos oa any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlla A Co, room 8 Chamber of Commerce. EXPERT baker he's the best of reasons for tsklr.g In a partner In one of the best money making bakeries and delicatessens In the city. Particulars 230 Lumber Exchange. SNAP Cash grocery with 3 living-rooms, sales average 82a stock and furniturs for 31000: rent 315. German American Realty Co, S43u, Washington st MUST sell a flrst-ciass poolroom, cigar and fruit store: 6 new tables and everything brand new; good reasons for selling. In quire today at 2S7H 1st st. CASH GROCERY STORE Owner will guar antee the business Is doing 80 daily; a few days" trial given If desired. Call 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL sell or trade for real estate my flrot claes restaurant: same doing a line busi ness, but cannot look after It: valued 83O00. Address H 318. Oregonlan. GROCERY In splendid lecatkin: win sacH nce on quick aale; muat sell. B 313. Ore gonlan. - tiooo Partner, ailent or actlvs, for the building business; splendid opportunity. X Oregonlan. ,41s S rooms: bargain today. We hava others. Howard Bros.; 618 6 wetland. Main 156s. CIGAR and confectionery store for sale cheap. 23 Everett St.. bet. 3d and 4th. FOR a snap In neat, np-ro-date roocrix bouaa call Al 230 Lumber fTicUnta, TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 11, 1903. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. DEVLIN r IK. r. ma i v ii . 608-5O9 S WET LAND BLDG, STRICTLY MODERN. 82 rooms, beautifully furnished through out, hot and cold running water, steam heat and electric lights In every room; one of the best locatlona In the city; s'rictly modern, fireproof building; very low rent, with long lease: clearing over S300 per month above all expenses; will accept farm property or city real estate mm pert payment; price. SS500. VERY FINE. 9 rooms, elegantly furnished -with best grade of Axmlnster and Brussels carpets; lnlald mahogany and quarter-sawed oak furniture; Inlaid linoleum In kitchen: cur tains, shsdes and ail furnishings of the Tory finest quality, almost new; strictly modern house; beautiful location; abso lutely ths best bargain In the city for the price. Including piano, only 31100. SPECIAL BARGAIN. All of the furniture and furnishings of an 8-room modern flat, fine, close-in cor ner location; completely furnished In first clasa manner: well arranged for renting rooms; all modern conveniences; rent only 338. For personal reasons this can bs had Monday for the very low price of 3450. Act quickly if you want something "01 SOMETHING NEW. 13 rooms, 10 of which are well fur nished; new Axmlnster rugs and golden oak furniture; modern house, all conve niences; fine neighborhood; cheapest rent in town, only 155. This is a snap at fsoO. GENUINE BARGAIN. 10 rooms, new and modern, nicely fur nished, including fancy dishes: 2 porcelain baths, beautiful location for renting rooms; steam heat; rent only 40 per month: this Is a big bargain at 1o0; naif cash, balance monthly. BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. 10 rooma, newly and elegantly fur nished, fine location, near Ladd School; Income 380 per month above the rent; the beet 10-room house In the city; see this today: $550 cash, balance monthly. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. 8 rooms, elegantly furnished 2 years ago at a coat of 12500; rent 337.60; dose In on Park at.; can be had Monday for 3730. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. BOS-9 Swetland bldg, cor. 6th and Wash. MUST LEAVE CITY. On account of other business we are au thorized to offer the following: Rooming-house 38 rooms, rental 311", cleans 8150 per month, good new furniture, all modern rooms, all full and a hummer; only 331O0 for everything. Koorolng-ho'ise, 14 rooms, all new fur niture, mf-dern building, well equipped, rental only 315 per month; 3700 takes lu FEED AND FUEL. Call and gel partlclulars on best feed and fuel business in city; good business and dandy lease and a money maker. PINB TREE LAND CO.. 608-10 Buchanan Bldg. Phone M SS90. ROOMING-HOUSE SACRIFICE. 22 rooms; rent 860. Price 3750. terms H cash; has restaurant tn connection: will sell restaurant or rooming-house separate, but both should go together; this place is well located; all light and outside rooms, well furnished, clean and neat; bruesels carpets. Iron and (oldlng beds, plenty of linens; restaurant Is nicely arranged, plenty of everything; If you can make money, here Is your chance. We have GARLAND CO, 181 4th st. WHOLESALE and retail manufacturers and Importers of barbers' supplies; a fine busi ness; eld establishment, doing a large busi ness; Una location; present owner wBl stay with purchaser and teach the busi ness; will also assume stock In the busi ness If agreeable; this Is In every respect a nret-elass business proposition, which will bear the closest Investigation; will in volce about 8S5.00U; if you are Interested in something that le strictly up-to-ldate, call. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 604 Dekum bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Opportunity knocks but once at your door: here are a few we have to offer: Manufacturing plants, general merchan dise, hardware, dry goods, wholesale and retail grocery stores, transfer and storage business furniture business and a fine list of first-class opportunities. Call and get our list. Call at 628 Lumber Exchange bldg. 83000 TO 310.000 yearly easily mads in real estats business; no capital required; ws will teach you the business by mall, ap point you special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily saleable properties, co-operate with you and assist you to permanent success. Write for free 62-page book. Ths Cross Co, 23 Reaper rlioca, tunicas" BOOMING HOUSES MONEYMAKERS. 800 For the elegant furniture of a 10 room house in swell neighborhood; worth twice aa much: low rent. S2500 For a 20-room roomlng-nouse, one of the best on Washington street; might take a good farm or good city property in exchange. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St, Room 10. I HAVE? a 80-room up-to-date brick rooming house, new a few months ago; am taking In about 3800 a month and clearing 300 a month above all expenses; will sell half in terest to woman capable of taking full charge as landlady: about 33250 cash re quired: principals only need answer. V 2WJ, Oregonlan. ' - PROMINENT real estate owner and dealer averaging 310.000 net per year, has splen did opening for honest, reliable hustler Jo attend office and show property; 3250 monthly or more guaranteed; chance sel dom offered; trial given. Particulars, Ger man American Realty Co, 843 hi Washing ton at. WELL-FURNISHED 43-room apartment houss, long lesss, sell or exahange for resi dence lots; value 33000; One furniture; 38 room apartment-house, clear 3160; sell or trade lor real estate, value $3000. Swell bargains. Mm Koonts, 243 Stark St., Main or A 1878. WE HAVE a cigar, fruit and confectionery store, centrally located; owner Is respon sible and will guarantee business will pay 8200 monthly over and above ail expenses: we have another where owner will take partner. Call 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. WOOD AND COAIH.trjj to ouy nan imww, -. - , mi..: experience not necessary beyond ability to answer phone, check wood. etc.. and little money required. Call Boom 417. Board of Trade bldg, 4th and Oak. WANTED Interest In a nrst-class business. Will Invest several thousand and service- good salesman and business experi ence: references furnished. Wholesale firm preferred. Ho svgants. Address E 82. Oregonlan. WANTED Good business man with 12000 to Invest In new business that will pay 100 per cent profit; will stand close In vestigation; no ons but those having the money need answsr. S 810. Oregonlan. START a mail-ordar business; ws furnish everything necessary: only few dollars re quired; new plan, success certain ; costs nothing to investigate. Mllburn-Hlcks, 358 Dearborn at, Chicago. 83000 FOR Interest tn manufacturing busl ness. nst ovsr 1 10.000 first year: 3150 monthly salary, experience not required. Must be honest food worker. G 82.. Ore gonlan. PARTNER Man or woman with 33000. secured- going proposition; Immediate large returns. Keeler-Slmmona, 34S7 Indiana ave., Chicago. FOR SALE One-half Interest In established retail business; flnsst location In city; clean business; would requlrs about 3500; principals only. K 812, Oregonlan. WANTED Partner with 85O0 to Invest; can show where you can maks $-000 per year on ths investment. Including salary. Call room IB Milaer bldg. MONEYMAKER, best cigar stand In town, cleexs $100 per month; price $G.M. German American Realty Co, 313 Washington street. RELIABLE hustler wishing to lesra real sstals business can buy interest In offics paying 3150 month; part cash, balance from business. Particulars 20St 4th st. PARTNER WANTED Growing business: experience unnecessary: pay you $4 a day: only $200 required. Call Room 417, Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. FOR SALE A good confectionery store In a good location, cheap: reasons for sell ing, sickness. For Information address S SOL Oregonlan. FOR SALE A smaB bakery and confec tionery In a good location, cheap rent: will Invoice about 375: sickness cause of selling. Inquire 851 Russell. CONFECTIONERY Something especially attractive for $550: another for $330. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP for man and wife or two ladies who desire to run a dining-room in a swell lit tle rooming-house, close in. Main 6814. YOITNO MAN. If you want to get Into ths real eetate business on very small capital call at 230 Lumber Exchange. INVESTIGATE THIS Grocery at invoice; guaranteed to be on paying basis; about 82SOO needed. T 304. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY stores: all sixes and lo catlona 323 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Restaurant, bargain, at once. 62 N. 6th at. 123 BUYS honest, paying business. 178 Madison st 1000. Alaska Pet- Coal. Trees, 14c 2miO Alaska P. A Coal. pool. llVio. J.0H0 Am. Wheel A Vehicle. 8c 50 Anglo-American Coal at OIL bid. 100 Antioak Leather. 15c 4 Bonville Pub. Co, $70. 1HK) B. C. Amalgamated Coal, ec 2MK Butte Boys Cons., 5c KloO Cascadla, bid. Fidelity Copper. See me at ones) IT you want a rare bargain. 6000 Mammoth, 3fcc 3OO0 Morning, 4c. 1000 National Copper, give away. THC 3000 Oregon Gold Mining, S5c 60 Portland Coal A Dev., bid. 1000 Portland-Florence; who will biaT loOO Western ExpL Dee, bid. All other stocks and bonds. See me before buying. May be able to do better. 1 bid 6o Cascadla, 25c Alameda. List your real estate and timber with me. 125 ABINGTON BUILDING. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. Ilgoo 40 rooms, with facilities for boarding; haa 80 regular boarders. This Is a workingman's bouse. $2000 23 rooms, brick building, bouse full all the time; a moneymaker. 175014 rooms on Main street; will trada for city or country property. 1600 Five-room flat, elegant furniture.- used only six months; Invoices over $950: must sell on account of sick ness. For full partlculara call at 417 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Half Interest in established transfer and storage business. 815 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark. 28 ROOMS, one block from postoffice; the best of furniture; only $1800. 60-room hotel; will sell half Interest to right party. ' , 10-room neatly furnished; only 3660. -' c munrn a. r-rv Hotel Brokers. S5H4 Morrison. WANTED A man with fair education to take half interest In old established, well paying abstraot office; retiring partner on account of sickness; exceptional oppor tunity; $S00 required. Call today, Sun day. 9 to 2 P. M, 611 Swetland bldg, . 6th and Washington. HOTEL PARTNER Hotel man with a house of 100 rooms, wants a reliable man as partner. Call 315 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and stark sta. TAILOR SHOP, well established, good, lo cation, cheap rent, good tools, plenty of work; no cheap tailoring here: S0d prices, cheap living: snap for good tailor with small capital as I must sell at once as other business demands attention. Ad dress Box 2!8. Coqullle. Ore, Coos Bay.- REAL ESTATE business; owner tired of nirea neip win teach him the business and guarantee him at least $150 a month; very little money required; particulars Room 417. n . n- .i dm, i.h ann Oak. uoara oi iiub .j."b-, FOR SALE cheap, a fins little restaurant, seats 40: fine, large showcase, soda foun tain and confectionery fixtures, all goes, come and Investigate this; owner has mining Interests must be attended tc 400 Vi Washington st. WANTED Capable man to take charge Portland office and warehouse of manu facturing company: experience not nec essary, hut references wanted; salary $100 a month; must nave a-vw Oregonlan. OWNER of ths best short-order restaurant in town wants partner to act as cashier; will guarantee him $5 a day; $i0 re quired. German American Realty Co, ROOMING-HOUSE! I have one of the nicest 26-room houses In the city, near Morrison St.; good lease and every room full: I must go East; house pays $12 per month clear. R 807. Oregonlan. WANTED At once, partner In restaurant, partner In confectionery store and partner In established real estate office; also a good rooming-house for sale. 1018 Board of Trade. ' " REAL ESTATE OFFIFCE Will take part ner, teach him the business and guarantee $100 a month to start: must be sober and a willing worker. Call 623 Lumber Ex change bldg. 81000 Man to take charge of office and look after shipping; will pay salary of $125 per month: money fully secured. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and btark sts. RESTAURANT Owner cook wants honest RrinVr to be cashier, etc; little money required, secured; pay you $4 day and board. Call Room 41T, Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. . FOR SALE 8-room rooming-house, mod ern brick corner, rooms full permanent roomers, good location and good furni ture. Cheap if sold quickly. Io agenta C 823, Oregonlan. WANTED A man to take part Interest in an old established business; $500 re quired. Call today, Sunday. 8 to 2 P. M, 511 Swetland bldg, 6th and Washington. CASH business with 2 living-rooms, will make a good salary above expenses; place for man and wife. $330. Call room 313 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark sta GROCERY store doing good business to trade for housa and lot Value $1200. Lo cated In same place for yeare, 833 unamoer w i,wiuui.. POSITIVELY the best buy: 100-room hotel, cost In 1905 $11,000 to furnish; house run ning full; forced to sell at $4500. Call Main 860. OWNER fine Hood Rfver apple land wanta partner to Join in planting commercial orchard- large profits certain; Investment ab solutely safe. H 816, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY If sold within 10 days $2050 buys strictly first-class paying busi ness; years lease. Call and see, or address 504 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE! Good creamery and fruit stand for aale or will trade with Portland prop erty for email farm. F. E. Seachrest, 832 3d st. PARTNER Man or woman, with or with out services. Invest $1000 legitimate busi ness: immense profits guaranteed; refer ences exchanged. F 315, Oregonlan. YOI'R OPPORTUNITY Volume of business demands immediate partner for one-half Interest In real estate business; $200 re quired. G 821. Oregonlan. urriT.T. Invest 81000 with services In legiti mate business; references exchanged; give particulars or no attention, n zvz, ore gonlan. FOR SALE! A cash business paying 20 per cent net; snap If taken at once; $3500 will buy it. Sea Jos. C Gibson, 200 Common wealth bids. WANTED An active manager for manu facturing business; salary $125 per month; must hsve 33000; money secured. Apply N 803, Oregonlan. CORNER GROCERY Living rooms, busy store; making money, but forced to sac rifice. Call Room 417, Board of Trade BJdg, 4th and Oak FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. $5O00 OR less for first mortgage loan. In- Q U Ire J. XL. i.uit.. u. Commerce MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum: $100 and up; see ua Vaughn at Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. any part of $30,000 to loan on approved se curity. 6 or 7 per cent Interest. 0i Ger linger bldg, Portland. Or. WANTED Capital stock of Portland Coun try Club and Livestock Association. B. T. Burnett. 80 Fifth at, near Stark. 1800 TO $1500 to loan on city or suburban property. Cowllshan, 5o8 Commercial bidg. bldg. HONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $100 snd up; see us. Vaughn Finder, 402 Corbett bldg-. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums from $500 up. Ths Dunn-Lawrence Co, 248 Alder st- A LOAN for ths asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co, 410 Dokum bidg. UON'ET loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn. 440 Sherlock bldg. LOANS on city real estate; no commission. C-all on B. R, Room 40, Washington bldg. BY A private party. $2500 on A-l security. 7 per cent- X 2S5. Oregonlan. loans on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett. 804 Fenton bldg. LOW rates; we loan rt.oney on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx Bloch. 74 3d at. 32500 ON approved security. j jl STIPE, 720 Chamber Commerce. Btate funds loaned. per cent. W. K. Thom as, state ait- Multnomah Co, 400 C of C. Money to Loasu MONEY! MONEY! MONEYI SALARY LOANS TO HONEST EMPLOYES. GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET" $10 TO 3100. ALSO LOANS ON PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL, TELEPHONE. WRITE. -STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKl'M BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. to- 8 P. M. WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY TILL s P. St. THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchlld bldg, cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the wage earner. A clerk bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money or us on his note without security. 315 return to ue J4 f; 330 return to u -f M- 850 return to us 313 5 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential Mo. Seml-Mc Wkly. $75 return to u 320.00 10.W 8500 350 return to us $13.35 8 65 3.23 $30 return to us 800 4.00 2.00 315 return to us 4 00 2 00 1.00 208 McEAY bldg, cor. 8d and Stark sts. SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on Pianos, Furniture. Ware house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policial and all klnda of securities NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO. 403 Swetland bldg. ON improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 8 years' time with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years; leans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses. Equitable Savings A Loan Association, 240. 242 Stark St. A CHANCE. Build before the rain starts In; we'll furnish money on easy monthly payments; plans and estlmats furnished free. Call on architect at 617 . Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Mala 8917 for information. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own aan.es without ss curUy; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 88 principal cities; save your self money by getting my terms first, TOLMAN, 817 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY loaned on salaries; no other security; my system is best for rsilroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bidg, 2864 Washington st. FOR SALE $1200 negotiable paper, gilt edged security; runs about two years; part due within 30 days; 6 per cent in terest; will allow reasonable discount. G 822, Oregonlan. WOULD like to hear of good mining or other stock for sale which would be a safe, profitable Investment; no wildcat fakes considered. L. Sarbyshlre. box 1810, Rochester. N. Y. WE will buy your German-American cer tificates and pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co, 418 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city real es tate at current rates; no delay, JACKSON INVESTMENT CO, 814 Commercial bldg. WANTED For 8 years at 8 per cent, from $1500 to $3500 on first class real estate ' security. F. FUCHS, 2214 Morrison St. LOANS made quickly and privately oa salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and Jewelry. E. Pierce, 211 Allsky bldg. 1 WB loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. St M. Selovags. Jeaelers. o Washington at. 31000 TO $6000 sums to loan at 8 per cent, on Improved city real estate. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO, 250 Alder st. I BUY phone bonds, bank accounts and other collateral. xnoa. Atcwusaer, 400 vui.v.u bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Improved city property current rates. Fred H. Strong, 2424 Stark st. MONEY to loan on real estate or collateral securttiea No delay. O. M. Seiple, 617 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN on realty, sums $1000 to $2000; also $5000 on Inside realty. Gruber, 824 Board of Trade bldg. 3100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co, room 3 Washington bldg. Phons Main 4653. Loans Wanteo. LOAN WANTED A client wants loan of 35000, long term, security first mortgage on property worth more than $12,000; an excellent mortgage Investment; money wanted for further Improvement of prop erty. Elnathan Sweet. WANTED To borrow $1600 on Improved acreage worth $4500; 7 per cent interest; no commission; money to be used to im prove property. G 829, Oregonlan. WANTED From private parties, loans of $400 and 38O0 on good real estate security. Address K 308, Oregonlan. NEED $3500 Building ' loan on Wlberg property, which Is 50 per cent of value when built. C 827, Oregonlan. WANT $6500 for 2 years at 9 per cent on improved real estate, value $27,000. Address H 318, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Several (small) mortgages, real estate: excellent security, high interest Address, D 918, Oregonlan. WANTED $1000, S years, 7 per cent, first class Improved city realty; no agenta. P. M. ex C. Company, 326 Worcester bldg. AT once, $260 for 1 year or under on personal note hacked by good real estate value. M 816, Oraaonian. WANTED $1600 to $3500 for 2 years on good Improved real estate K. 302 Ore gonlan. FIRST mortgage 8 per cent notes to sell; $800 and 2000. M 810, Oregonlan. WANTED $1000 or $1200 for 3 years: good city realty security. R S00, Oregonlan FEHS ON AL IKE GLBNCOB SANITARIUM, located at 354 Montgomery St. Ail mental and nerxous diseases treated; the whisky, morphine, opium and cocaine habits cured In 48 hours; we guarantee no pain or suffering; no money until cured and thoroughly satisfied. Call and Investigate our method of treatment, the fundamental principle of which Is the destruction of that craving which prompts the desire for the drug or stimulant. Phons A 3H2D. INTELLIGENT and experienced young stenographer, naturally capable, wants po sition where later he can do something in Journallstlo or literary work; willing to commence with modest wages and would leave Portland if position demand It. L - 319. Oregonlan. MMB. A. A. LUCKEY. Psycho-magnetio and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances, newest and most improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 80, 8504 Morrison su Main 2oll. SCALP thoroughly cleaned of dandruff and itching stopped; hair colored. Will call at your home. Phone Woodlawn 2095 or B 1767. Lorena Went, 465 Pippin st, Portland. - WANTED Information of Axel Wester, sup posed to have lived in Portland for past 11 years; brother seeks him. John Wester, care Olson ec Peterson, cor. Front and Burnside. YOU MAY HAVR perfect nerves by using Sexlno Pills. $1 a box, 8 for 5. full guar antee. Address or call The J. A. Clem enson Drug Co, cor. 2d and Yamhill sta.. Portland. Or. BLOOD POISON permanently cured. Con sult one who suffered years. Particulars and trsatment free. 328 Arcade bidg, Seattle, Wash. LIKE to get acquainted with- honorable lady with Intent to get married; must have some money, as I have some; age about 40 yeans. - E 324. Oregonlan. OLE BRANDSET, 204 Madison st, wishes to learn the address of Miss Selma Collon Nelson; wlU some friend inform her? LOST oowers restored by Dr. Lorerjs- Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. isysseiis rnar macy. 2S9 Morrison St.. bet. 4th and 8th. TONIGHT, come and hear "Why Peychio Phenomena Is Undesirable." Allsky bldg. Hall 2ol ; freer bring sealed questions. Cant Patrick Bruin's Detective Agency and Collection vcyu, w,-vw - - TO MEN The only sclentlno vacuum ap paratus is manufactured by Erie Medical Co, Dept. E E 2, Buffalo, N. Y, who made It known throughout the world; furnished, together with Important acces sory treatment, on approval and easy terms; write the company for descriptive matter; mailed in plain sealed envelope. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX PITS and all imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, sup perfluous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rags In Paris; no electricity; faces bleached; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME ilARCOTT, Facial Institute, 148 11th St., bet. Alder and Morrlson. DESIRABLE company found ior lonely peo ple or strangers, either sex; 600 to seisct trom; photos on Die; meetings promptly ar ranged by phone, with use of parlors: pri vate place to mail or receive letters; mem bership $2; register of members 10c. Port land Introducing Bureau. 211 Allsky bldg, 205 Morrison su WHAT'S the matter with you? Maybe Its your nerves. Sexine pills are the best nerve and body builders In the world. $1 a box, 6 boxes 36 with full guarantee for all forms of weakness. Address the J. A. Ciemenson Drug Co.. cor. 24 and Yamhill sta, Port land, Or. SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfore gradu . ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam sweat and tub hatha; both eexea. 7 East lith st, one door from East An- keny car. Phones East 260, Horns B 18U3. PROMINENT business man, 81 years, tall, dark, 190 lbs, wishes the acquaintance of handsome, accompIUhed and affectionate lady under 28 years of age, view to mat- ' rlmony. Address, giving phone number, J 304, Oregonlan. J GROVE SANITARIUM Strictly a maternity hospital, where ladles can have the beet care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Ottlce 6UB Merchants Trust bldg, 8264 Washington st, Phons Main 7743. Dr. Isabella Mackle. SUITS pressed while you wait, 60c To vis itors of Portland hotels and to public at large. Suits pressed at 600 at Gilbert, the tailor's 66 6th st, next to Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pressed. 60c Feathers snd boas cleaned and curled. Phons slain 4U64. AZA HOLMES RIBBBCKE, reliable skin spe cialist and beauty doctor. Parlors with Grand Leader, 5th and Aide.-. Largoet atock of hair goods In the West at lowest prices. Halrdresslng. manicuring and beauty cul ture laugni lur iiii.w"" YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves; 60c a box, foxes $2.50. All druggists 0 .ddres. ths j. A- t-iemenaou ji " . - THE Portland Matrimonial Club, for honest, sober single people; fine local list care Jufi, selected. Address with 10 cents Ut particulars, or call 4uO 3d st, room 4; U clr south. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. MIDDLE-AGED German Protestant wishes to marry maiaen lauy or -. " "t,,r with some means; no objection to chil dren; I am good, honest and true; photos exchanged. P 804, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN of business intelligence, aged 24. refined and good looking, wishes to make the acquaintance of a respectable young lady not over 24 years of age. V 31 Ore gonlan. AUTHORS having book manuscripts nov els, poetry, history, genealogy, anything that goea to make a aalable book are In vited to correspond with Cochrane Pub lishing Co, Tribune bldg. New York. HOMELY, middle-aged educated business man. some inuiiw, """. himself with lady having cash means, object matrimony. Addresa S U02, Ore- gouiao. ELECTROPODES for rheumatism, nervdus disorders, poor circulation, etc , $1 pair, $1.05 by mail. Guaranteed satisfactory or money back. Bernla Pharmacy. 233 Washington st, Portland, Or. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as ths best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand PUIS, are sold by druggists everywhere. y ( j t ; i eyes may need attention for diseased conditions or glasses; ws lit glasses right and treat eyes, ears or catarrh In any form. Iropondero-Therapy Co, 608 Mar chants Trust bldg, 3264 Wsah. St. MEN ' whatever your disease or infirmities may bs, our specialist for men will give you tne proper nct,tu.. Therapy Co., 608 Merchant Trust bldg. 8264 wasn. st. GENTLEMAN, age 33, desires to correspond witn widow .without children, or maiden lady: position brings me $100 monthly, object matrimony. Address X 803. care Oregonlan. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes; $1.60 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and de averfee. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark. ADDITIONAL capital procured, bond and stock Issues sold, enterprises of merit financed. nuQiet Newark, w. J WANT The address of A. Bump, H. W. Davla, W. T. Hislop. T. W. Clark, man ager C. S. I. Co, Room 811 Commercial bldg, Portland, Or. YOUNG German widow, good personal ap pearance, owns fruit farm, seeks acqualnt- maiHrnnnv: no trlflers. Ad- Slice, uuj " . cress is om-m, v. p . i 1 . .h.ra.l.r in- Mco?port. lP2tryarrim.mb.r.rpaper . , l 1 t c. T iiv. rifl-r lt-rUll. sealed; ueuu .w - - Denver, coio. DR SANDERSON'S CO. Savia and Cotton Root Pill-. mir remedy for delayed Prlod-. S2 per dox or o wva t- - 2H AUsky bldg., 20& Morrlon U LADIES, do difference what your ailmemu may be. eee our ieuij- a"-' "X V a VrW Impondero-Therapy 5 608 Mercnanui uwi "" . . w-x a tn .aaA. larsacr riBfl ll TS "JU NE W IaIINUJ nAV .j rrv-r, . . Ins manicuring, facial massage. Cham- - , slk- if laslsfl af hi I ss poolng. tiuoaon. ew a,4- . o-Dirti ww.aaw.ecs' sir-lssn t lejt ftD3 tures eaneioay. o . WANTED All ladles to ask their grocers for MrsT Bennett's home-made pies; gen uinely home-maoe. TTPATHERS sclentincany r..., FEATHEH AUstar Feather Co, 8.8 Upanur a- cumOPODI, pedicuring, manicuring. Mrs. F E Dunton. room 1. Iris Apartments, OO i O - rvRUAN French, Spanish and other for GEKUin, , literature a sosclalty. '.'"V SchmaT. Co, 220 1st St. . w no -tA.slr" 1( Vsa tn TTirt cdU GEcned0lkd;robJecrmatrimony. D 815, oregonlan. . -iHn and acaln treat i"ns facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery, w LADY would meet middle-aged gentleman w-lth little home; matrimony.. Address K 300, cars urwtwi- SERVICES and 3375 will give a bright an a business clearing 200 per moi wnm per month. X, 811. Oregeniau. I a DIES Whatever your aliment, call on iuir. s-raduate: advice fr 1704 3d st. Main 8770. vnrxo man of good appearance and good position rTVi. object mmuww- . -........ KiCIFIC Introducing Club for lonely slngls raPlcT circular 10c. 2294 1st st. urii v-S wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. it- D. Hill. 330 Fliedner bldg. M. 3473. Tina AT WOOD; private hospital; maternity 1Jr j terms Haht. AA AIImIcvHI caeeil gwu - HUDSON'S satin cream, 207 Macleay bldg. . .. . 1 . A u,a. A- Wnnk All aruBSiat AN attractive proposition for a lady of means no fake. J 306, Oregonlan. D-r-TtQ reoalred and remodeled by Eaatern parties at rv - a, PERMANENT cure for plies. "Hemlock Ealvs. ' vvppo I'M PRINTED business bards, 31; 100 visit ZSO i-ki" Sehmale. 220 1st. ing cw : - mat ANDREWS, teaches card reading. 235 M.T- phnni Main 7548. JUST opened, ladles' barber shop. 63 4th v. ( 1. V m mA PtnS. St., o"" BALM OF FIGS for all fsmals dlseassa 600 Glisan St. a.m BC8IJ(F.88 DIRECTORY. Chiropody. . E,,,ll. n,n, th only scieoiuic tunuini- lors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. 8. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Pnous Main a sua. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs j Hill, room 339 Fliedner bid. Phons Mala 8478, 11 r -Accordiosi Plaiting;. MIS3 O. GOULD. 833 feorrisoa. cor. 7th. Ae- coruicn enu. s.nue ui.iwui " u-" Account ant a. E. H. COLLIS. 824 Worcester block. publi accountant "u ....... . Investigating, systematlsing; permanent keeping of books and records a specialty. Aaaayers and Analysts. Wells A Proebstsl. mining engineers, chem- 1 . . - nJt -.Ks.-wr. 1U1. -- nHUD St. PAUL, BAl'MEU assayer and analyst. Gold ..mt KnocHt "ilT Aider Bt. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory . , 1. 1,1,1 Moerlaon at ana uit-iwimi w m . Attorneys. EMMONS EMMONS have removed lass Offlcea to WOtf-slA: uoaro. OA raue tfwf Architects and Builders. SEE Johnson' about bungalawa 304 Mo hawk biag. A 43-1. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. EL AM SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and eieciricm repairius. . 1 Carpet Cleaning. THE Ions Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works; carpets clear. en. reuiteu aiiu aviu- . Shepard, xuanager. Phones B 2233, East 800. . . Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNO A CO, ship brokers, com mission mercnania. anenw. wma, '"--- Dancing. Lessons 25c; new opening classes for begin- ners this evening at 1 ociocs; pns sons every morning, afternoon and even-, ing. Prof. Wal Wllleon School, Soll'sit Washington, bet. West Park and 10U sis. - BiNGLER'S schools, danolng, physical culture,- . . ,. n 1. ...... lnwtrlar hall; Drl, : iBW AlOSVIllU Ctll,iD -....a, L ' vats or class instruction dally and Tuea. -Wed., Thure, Sat. eve. Esst 6U. B luu. Doc and I'.orse Hospital, DR C. E. Brown. D. V. ft. D. C. M Dog, , . . i.i ,10 -vr Ath 1 ' 11 Inn TrailB LO IUIH IHWltUU. A tf ' - - -. ' Kducmtlonal. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechajjlo.; al, survey, assay, cyaniue, mi.wi.. -'-- - t Van der Nalllon School, 6iat and Tsls graph. Oakland, Cal. - . Feed Stores. E. 1 COOPER Co.. wholesals hay and grain, lai wasningioa a. 771S, A 8718. . .' Gasoline Engines. Stationery, marine, electric equipments, ' launcnes, accessories. wuui.. engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co, wholesale sad- U . a ana narneaa 1u1.11 . " - - -- Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK si CO, purchasers of hldsa pelts,. . .nun... .i .nhwi uMtal. antA sacks. 812 Front St. -- Leather and Findings. J. A. STHOKBKIDOB LEATHER CO. Es-: tabllshea lanB. i,eaiiir . ".-. - Slockton sole leather and cut stock; Iu.il line Eastern Jumbua lo Front at- . , CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO, 74 Front, leather . ox every ueacriutio". w. - . Musical. 1'OUNQ man wants vocal lessons; terms... must be reasonable or In. exchange lor. French lessons. J BOO, Oregonlan. ROYAL 'ACADEMY Vocal and piano music .,; Ki.ii, nth at.. Morrison., .l'houe . Main 3744. ' . PIANO lessons: charges reasonable. In- uuire at eo iiu - 11)57. . - BAND Instruments. room 20 Tournsy , 3 bldg, 2d and Taylor. L. Seiberllpg. . EMIL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher. guPIl as" SflVOIK. Jt. tiwfc . . r PIANO STUDIO, 2o J4th South; principles' thoroughly tauglit. Phone Main 3ou3. . M. C SMITH, teacher of"plano. 452 salmon st. Main 7340. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. H. B. NORTHRUP. ' ' 415-18-17 Dekum Bldg, -Third and Washington Sta Phone, office. Main 848, rea, E. 103- Falnta,' Oils and Glass. I. E. Bsach A C. te Pioneer Paint Co. - Window glass auu. siaams- warmiisseN as CO, lobbera paints, oils, . sfaasT sish and door.J Cor. 2d and Taylor, Patents. PATENTS New book free; this new hand book on patents tells how to obtain a patent, and fully explains the cost- of a patent! and also gives full particulars of our special advantageous methods of busl-. ness: gives each and every step fully and clearly? Write at once for free copy. O'Meara & Brock, patent attorneys. 018 F st, Washington, D. C. - Patent and Pension Attorneys. - '- R. C WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign pat-' ent's; Infringement caeca 804 Dekum. ,; PATENTS, trademarka Smith & Buchanan. 827 Board of Trads bldg. . . J J. HIRSHHEIMER. pension and pataat attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbs bldg. ; Println. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO, not In trust; . . close figures, good work. 88 Ku&sell bldg.,, corner 4th and Morrison. Photo Kngravers. PERFECT printing platea Hlcks-Cbsttea k," graving Co, corner 2d and Alder eta . . Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks, and all office goods P. uTTc. Co.. 231 Stark St. Both phones 14QT. Ban Francisco Hotels. When In San Francisco, stop at ths WIN- T W?H ESTER HOTEL. 8d st, near Market-:-ioo rootia. Free T'bus. free . baths. Single SA" day; family, 31 up. Kolkln Sharp, proprletora - dates. nTEHOLD SAFE LOCK CO, John E. Da-, DlS?0k". Raraalns in 2d-hand safsa' THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d at Safss at factory prlcea Second-hand safea Signs. FOSTER KLEISER. SIGNS Tha largest sign-makers In- the North- -wast, 5th and Everett sta Phons Trlvats) Exchange 66. Home A 1155. -- - showcase. Bank and Btora FUturea. 1 THE James f. Marshall Mfg. Co, showcases, cabinets, store and office flat urea Ji8 Couch,' st Main 2708. Storage and Transfer. r O PICK Transfer and Storage Co, office, , anil commodious four-story ; brick wars house., with separate Iron rooms and Ore proof vaults for valuables. N. W, -corner - -Sf 2d and Pine sta Pianoa and furniture j moved and packed for shipping. Main 6. A lOw 3. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General trasferrlng and eiorage, , safes, nianos and furniturs movsd and packed ftrhlpment 20t Oak st, bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 347 or, A 2247. Street Paving. warren Construction Co, street paving. "A. ,.. ,4 rrdulnsL 314 Lumber Ex. a.ur . - - THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, at Portland office. 402-8-4 Worcester blook. Typewriters. icirw and second-hand typewriters. . all -makes, repaired, sold and rented; also Se agents the Visible Fox. The Type, writer" xchange. 84 3d st- Main 806. - SPFCIAL prices, all makes rsnted, sold, rs paired. P- D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1401. . Wholesals Jobbers. WADHAMS A CO, wholesals grocers, maa ufacture. commission merchants, .,4th. and Oak. BAKU n &: KM AN -AMERICAN BANK " COR Tri AND WASrilNGTON STS TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINlj BCS1NESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAILA BLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL -'- CITIES Og THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON 8AV- : 1NOS ACCOUNT- AETY DJtPtosHI .vaults. . .... . cil lot.o