The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 11, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 22

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.. H. rami. Ho- ' "-"-
.". 412 Jackson st . $-7 iO.
3 rom. n... 7'Jl Everett. ;5.
4 rnoma. 21 Northrop. -.
i rooms. -ot P:t'iit at..
3 roomi, 3forr:a and commercit. sta.
7 rmirn. Fast Salmon, very nlc.
5 room. v.: Eat M!n. nw. or.y
4 rooms. BwUtlfk st '
g. E. Cornsr ThlrJ and Oafc gtrtfta.
MODERN fiats alt sixes, for rent. I and
West Sides. Portland Trust
Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Pbone
Er ran(e 72.
FISB room Bat. West Sid.. Particulars at I
Rose City Art Htore. 42 Washington at. j
HAVE new. modern J-room flat. el East
Btsrk; Inquire ftlH a f
It COIA'MHIA: ram: moJern,
clean. 2au J4th. momlrgs.
Moeua-heeaeng Boacaa.
I NFt RXIFHEO housekeeping rooms, steam
heated, bath. h..t an.l col.l V'"";,! and
mg d' stance. The Newcastle. J1 and
(70 MONTOOMF.KT. 3 or 4 unfurnished
rooms: bay window, gas. "th. centra!
moderate to resectable couple. Main
NKATI.T hvusekeepg TuOBi;
gas bath and pbone; within walking dis
tance. 406 1st a- flat I,
iTHBk-K nicely furnished light liouaekeep
Vr, fL. bath, both phones; adults.
&on Hawthorne ave.
ri RNIHHEO suite housekeeping roon'D()J J
Main H2-1.
TWO large comer room. "''"'"J1.
JOT nOUal',KP'"B ""e
line. 1111 Sherman.
THREE unfurnished room, centrally -orated-
suitable lor man and wife; real rea
sonable. 343 Harrison it- .
W tO MONTGOMERY FT.. S W ;or. :(d
2 furnlahe4 rooms for housekeeping, gas,
bath, sink, central. Main 446'J-
'THRFTE unfurnished h00"!.
newlv paprtl: 12 a month. 233 6th
at. phone M 764S
URR housekeeping room. $ month; also
,eePjng-rooms. 4 snd mnth. 4-2 ah.
Call lO to 4. rhurg A .TTl'.
NKVI,T fumtoeritv. houkplrn r.vm?. two
tnrw tf 4l-ftire.; wt-r inJ rarhae frea.
212 MoBtgomery lnqulr iM I-
KITE larB nvvlfrn tlmible parlom. fnrnlrtfj
for hoj4wksp!n; 'o othr rouma. 3
2d St.
N iTH Furnish hour-kptnK room.
dry. .
ri -RNIBHED front room for Uch t house
Wpina.: lerlc hbt. as. phone and
bain.. Hi lUb t.
at A.f WEEK up. Urr. clean l"'1
rta-ek-plna rmmz par, nr. laundry, bath.
. im Sherman. outh PortiaaJ.
Irtf rooms. ! hounkaepinf nran,
cioVe in. Inquire 163 V1 Park au
in itm AND fSlaWAN Modern front
"it,.,. ?ewfy tinted. rloM In. Phone A
4U7. Main l"SO
TWO room., well rrnfhed for n;7k.;
in- every convenlenre; flrst floor. o4
oiy . cor. 7th. Ma.n 17
rfiPRCIAM.Y desirable, bay-window front
ES l.r,. ary. R'u2S:?i;oJf
lora t Ion; both phones. 554 Morrison.
H-ITB of 9 housekeeplnir rooms f ",t;
lo 1 sinale ro-Mn for gentleman. i- per
t k. Phone Main 47kh. i'ark at.
$1Vk Kearney, two light pleasant con
neunc rooms paxtlv or entirely furniahed. Main -117ft.
BKAt'TIFVU.Y located 6a-w1ndow. unfur
nlnhed 2-room suite In rentraily ,ocV.t.
a pa rt nutn t- bouse. 3"3'3 Jnwm.
apart nyta
?Two unfurnished front rooms pri
vate home. Ilgni. y. a
40H 4th. ner Harrison.
FI RMKHKO housekeeping rooms, alngle or
iit-s. l.s." ana it '
ration. 2"1 fenter st.. cor. Columbia.
3 AND 4 clean, light, furnished hoasekeep
Ini rooms, gaa. bath. ard. reasonable.
aw Front.
rnrn eleaantly Mrnlithed housekeeping
rooma center N'b Hid district. Phone
Main MIT.
VOI R furnished housekeeping rooms: desir
able Juration, modern conveniences; rent
$ia. phone Main 7771.
t NIi'B furnished housekeeping rooms,
with balcony, private family. Hawthorne
Park. Phone East
114 Two furnished housekeeping rooms;'
bath, gaa, electrK: light. il t Morri
son, ntir lath. ,
TWO beautiful furnished front housekeep
Inc rooms. silte or single; conveniences;
close in. ill i Ollsan.
ONE large unfurnished room: use kitchen,
phone bath. heat. -No. S Jris Apartments.
3d and MUi.
TWO unfn-ntehed hou-ekreMn rooms; gaa
rtov bath and phone. ? per month, tft
I OH S unfurnlwhed houteke.-pi-iB. lerge. llJit
roonts. balh. . phone. Mam iv-i- -l
Isi st.
TWO flptht. clean basement rooms, very de
sirable; gas. water, reasonable. -.2 Mont
gomery st.. cor. 4:h.
NICE housekeeping rooms, reaaonable rent;
also nlre( furnished front room. 48 Uth
st- North.
VERT desirable suite, furnished and un
furnished houekeplnr rooms; every con
vnlen.-e. Montnomery. cor. .th.
TWO swell furrtshed hotisekeeping rooma.
water, phne. $1S. walking distance. Phone
Main fTTV.
Rl'lTB furnished housekeeping rooms, modern
home, s 1 U 6lh at., bet. Bumside and
WATXRWOOO, 10 N. 1Mb. nicely furnished
housekeeping suites, runnirg water, fur
ra.e. beat, reasonable ratea.
N1'E furrahed and ur.furni-iied bousekeep
irg rooms for rsnt. 1 North ltfth st.
1 ")R g roome. first flo.r, furnished f r house
kesplng. sink, central. 31 North Park.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, ground
floor, big yard. r2 E. 6th. cor. Oa.
ATTIC rooms for 3 per ont cIom In.
hat and phore. 34V Jrrraon et.
NICEI.T furnished housekeeping rwrni; also
single rooms; reasonable rates. 4d 4lh at.
ri.Hi8ANT lvusekeeplng nn'tn, slncle bed.
heat, light. g. phone; . 55 Jlh St.
4 WRVlSHED houekeeping rooms. $1-' V.
l East ith. cor. Vshiit4rf.
NICVI.T fumlsfted parlor suite for light
btuaekeep'.ni:; no children., 40o Mala st.
11-4T R t BI -E unfurnished rooms, brlrg.
bldg.' 211 Second -.Salmon: aav carfar.
THW KI-Ml FurnlsNed boosekeeptng and
f!.'l roon; tranelent. 191 14th at.
ONE nice housekeeping room, tt M per
'week M North Tark. near Ev-retl.
TWO peasant rooms for hou-tekeeplng;
phons. bail.. Call after today, a.: I 14th.
FVRNIPHET broikeeplng rc-oma The Yale,
THRFK nlrelv furnished rooms for house
keeping, ga. bath. 40a Ut at., flat K.
St ITE of hous-.eepirg rw, bath, gaa,
;aund and phone. i. lth at.
S 1NF1"RNISHEI rooms; gaa and bath; $9
P-e month. tk Corbet t.
NU'Ft-Y furnished housekeeping rooma,
ensuit 3t 4th at. let floor
SOI HOT-LlAT av . two Urga roorre. fur
mahsd fr housekeeping; $l& per month.
MOCPFKEEPtNO roorne. two or three single
ijontf. crear. 34.
BNTtRB fVor. rmi and bath, nicely fur
nlsh.l. newly pai-ered. 2S Grant.
rr'RMHRt) boaaekseptng rooma 4Z9 Mala
HOrSEKEEPINa reoma in private family.
112 Grand ave . N.
r-vr nice furnished housekeeping rooma.
atl conveniences. 210 13th st.
T"0 furaiahed hotseekeeptng rooma en tmne.
Area floor front, cloee in. 2P Jefferson.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall w
D.wly turn!f.fd. fu;y equipped lor housa
kNplrf,; saa rsxajta. frea u
of eWtrtc llfbta. hot water, bath
recaption room and laundry room; beauti
ful lawBf and voraaoas surroundlnr tha rumUbad apartmenta from 1
bp; ao aln;e roocna: wlta atmlar eoo
rcnlencra, t2 SO per week up. Thara la
rolhlnf In comparison In tha city for the
money. This place will bear Ir.spacttnn.
Shsrt distance from Union Depot. T"
-S" or Ith-c. cans oln ronb off
at Marshall su Phona Main 771. No dose.
fpPER floor of furniafced suitable
for 2 or 3 people; electric Uitht. fureare
heat, gas ranae. running hot and cold 'Jr;
would r-nt n-asonabljr to adults. 4
llama ave., near Eugene.
TWO or three rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. In private home, steam heat, pri
vate bth. hot and cold water; will rnt
reasonable to responsible party. Phone
A 4701.
TH E MONTOOM ERT. corner B. 8th and
Morrison, nicely furnished housekeeping
auitea; electric - lights, batha; reasonable
rjtes; temporary entrance on 8th. between
Alder and Morrison. "
Washington. cor. roth Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gaa ranges, hot water,
free bitb. free phone, both T.oora: nice
;:!tea from $12 up.
NEAR the rtver and car. cloae In; beauti
ful location, everything new. new house,
light housekeeping rooms, single and en
suite, or room and board. Obi! East 6tu.
phone Sellwood 13X
THE ONEONTA. 187 17tb at., near Tamhil!.
thoroughly furnished, gaa range, hot and
cold water In each apartment, both tele
phones and batha free; ternue reaaonable;
no children.
CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms.
2 for 8 month; 3 for $15; part of cottage
and lower flat. $18 each; west side river.
Apply "64 North 2tth; ltiih-at. cars on
Washington to -dih, turn aouth half block.
FXt"R unfurnished housekeeping rooms, on
n round floor; gas. water, phone, large
closet and sink, bath; rent rea.onable; 3
blocks from Steel bridge. 275 Hassalo st.
THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms
to couple without children, tower door,
private home. walking distance. 312
Cherry st. Phone East I! 6 S3.
ft PER MONTH for nice housekeeping
suite with private balcony; steam heat,
bath, telephone and u.e of piano. Main
Tiro. 115 North 23d st.
PLEASANT front room, also front parlor,
with housekeeping privileges; very rea
sonnble. Main y.lS. 42 21st st., near
ONE suite furnished housekeeping rooms; hot
and cold running w;er. free bath, phone
and lights; close In. Inquire 348 Mont
gomery or phone Main 6815.
FINE room for "housekeeping, close In. 349
Benton at.. East Side.
741 hoYT ST. Modern 9-room bouse; rent
733 Johnson et., 7-room house, JW.
l!7l N. 14th at.. 7-room house, $-5.
2d et.. ft-room house. $2K
4.1t R.xlnev ave.. 8-roora Jiouae. $20.
233 tStark t.
BI NGALOW9 new. N. E. corner 3th and
East Main; rent $! and $22.50; 6 rooms
and bath; gaa and electric light, call belle,
shade, walls tinted, basement, tuba: rent y
for occupancy on 15th. Phone, owner. Main
29v'S. or call office. 615 Oregon lan.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2- N. 24th,
bet. Kearney and Love Joy. modern con
venience, rent $35 per month: will give
lease to responsible party If desired. In
quire Wakefield. Fries & Co., 229 Mark
J-ROOM house. 742 Lovejoy St.. bet 22 d
and 23d; rent $.17 .10 per month: will fh
lease to responsible party If desired. In
quire Waketleld. Fries & Co.. 229 Stark
THE MORRISON. Mt3 Morrison at., family
hotel modern, new management, board
optional, best table in the city; prices
FOR RENT At Portsmouth, a 4-room house
and three lots, chicken house, place to
keep row; nb e place to raise chickens.
Price $9. Phone owner. Main 1195.
FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, barn, chicken
pvk. ground 100x120. For rent on or
about October 23 at Arleta Station. Ap
ply owner. 87 6th sL
NEW 7-room house; gae. electricity, furnace;
central location; 'Knott st. Inquire 660
Kerby St.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, nice and
clean. 201 William a ave.. near Halsey st.;
7 blocks from Steel bridge.
MOPBRN cottage. East 2d. near Hotladay
ave.; rent $23. Apply at Sul The Dekum
FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 1252
East Madison: practically new; rent rea
sonable. Inquire 106 2d et-
MODERN 8-room house on 24th and Over
ton; nice yard, large rooms. Inquire
Main 2474. .
W EST SIDE, n-room upper flat with attic;
reasonable rent. Inquire 260 Stark, at.
Phone Main 6853.
A SMALL cottage completely furnished,
water and electric light In. Call up Main
8145. Sunday.
MODERN 8-room house, with fireplace. In
Southern Portland; reasonable rent. 153
Idaho at.
7-ROOM modern house. 2d e.. near Broad
way; $25 per month. Inquire L. T. Peery,
638 Williama ave. Phone E. 3377.
$12 ALDER, near lth. nice 5-room flat; $25;
very convenient; central. Isolated. Main
COTTAGE, 5 rooms, on Orand ave.. $15.
Hartman Thompson. Chamber of Com
merce. DESIRABLE cottage, with good grounds,
on Brooklyn carline. Inquire 116 Abtng
ton bldg.
NEW modern 4-room flat at Overlook. Take
Shaver car to Colonial ave., walk, down 2
blocks, river front.
FOR RENT e-room modern house. $25;
newlv renovated; Nob Hill. Inquire 731
Johnson st.
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished aix
room house: new; half block from carltne.
Phone Woodlawn 2271.
COTTA G E fu rn t shed or un f urn tehed . n ort h -west
corner Clifton and loth ets., Portland
HOl'SB of 9 rooma suitable for 2 families,
hot water and gaa. 571 6th at.
BAR15AIN New. modern 6-room house. In-
FOR RENT Modern ft-room house with bath.
Inquire 131 N. 10th st.. near Gllsan.
6-KOOM comer house, 680 5th et., rent $25
Phone Tabor 414.
9-ROOM modern houne. yard. $20 month.
Call evenings. 183 Bancroft St., S car.
732 2D ST. 5-room cottage; bath, gaa; rent
$15. Phone Main 4Ol.
NEW 7-rocm modem house. -Woodstock car
line; $13 a month. Phone Main 6S02.
FOR RENT e-room house on East 15th st.
Apply at 2S East l.Mh
6-KoOM bouse. Eaat 4Sth and Salmon eta.
FOR RENT 7-room house, with bath and
brick basement. Inquire SStJ Kelly st.
MODERN 5 -room house. 67 Ella sC Inquire
4.::- GUsan. Main 457 d A 3578.
1 New. modern, C-room house on East
2th. near Pine. Call 61 E. SSth.
MODERN 7-room houee. 39 Tillamook at.,
near Vnlon ave.. $13-50 per month.
MOpERN 5-room house. Clay st.. between
7th and Park; $25. Phone Main 3431.
FOR RENT 69 Kearnev e . 6-room dwelling.
25- Frank ttoiiam. 12A 3d.
(PCKM house, bath. lawn, fruit trees, barn.
$15. East 43d and Salmon ats.
HOl'SE. A rooms, bath and toilet, in the
suburba Phone East 5191.
AN 9-ROOM cottage. 3 block of East Side
High School. Call Main 5968.
HMSE of rooms. $14. 43 Orand ave, near
Ptrs. Call Monday.
MODERN a-rootn houe with attic. S9A Roas
st. Phone East 851 or C 131.
t!5 5-room cottage: porcelain bath, ahadeta
111W prince si., w oimwiwr.
- ROOM bus. 46f h at -. near Hawthorne
sm, ehssp Phoae Eaet 3.V.
$1 a-room boose: gaa. bath. S2 Sherman
V Ja ettarbey. 171 :a
pr.R East Morrison St.. 8 roomi. H5
415 East Ninth St.. 5 rooms. $15.
4K5 East Couch st.. 5 rooms, $1
412 Spokane avenue, Sollwood, 1 rooma,
1183 Atlantic st.. 6 rooms. 13.
Eaat Water and Washington, 12 rooma.
412 Second at.. 6-room flat. S35.
331 Hall St.. 3-room flat. Jl?
339 Hall St.. 3-room flat. 12.5n.
248 Alder Street.
west side:
rooms. !!'. Curry st.. $30.
10 rooms, 271 Sheridan at.. $-5-7
rooms, 2A8 N. 20th at., $23.
7 rooms. 2S East 14th at. X., $15.
8 rooms. 321 East 33d at $25.
7 rooma, 327 Clackamas, $30.
7 rooms. Iv24 East 16th t. N.. $5.
S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sti.
WHEN TOU MOVE you always) need S0MB
BUT AT NO-RENT prtcee: the amv
Ing will exceed coat of moving.
cupy ene-ha!f; collect rent on balance.
g; rand ave. and E. Stark. Phone Eaat 2929.
8 ROOM house. 74 E. Taylor. $-.
8-room house, 721 E. Taylor, $22.
n-room house. 753 H. Salmon. $2o.
5- room new flat, 774 E. Ankeny. $2
4-room flat, 780 E. Ankeny. $12.
6- room cottage. Ct3 Belmont, J12.
7- room house. 863 E. 9th North. $22.50.
F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg.
11 rooma. cor. 10th and Main, $.0.
9 rooms, 7vtt Everett, $40.
7 rooms, upper. 20u 10th. $40.
A rooms, lower, 3S9 Main. $Ii7.5U.
SENGS T A K E & LYMAN, 90 5th st.
17,50 rooma, 17th and Overton.
$20 S rooms. 20th and E. Morrison.
1-2 6-room flat, 691 E. Morrison.
21. uO 8 rooms, 632 E. Morrison.
$12 Two 5-room flat, 723 E. Stark.
W. O. WADDEL, 309 Lumber Exchange.
9-ROOM modem residence, brana new, sit
uate No. 3US 24th st.. rear Quimby at.;
rent $."-5. F. V. Andrews Co., Hamil
ton blrtf.. 131 3d st. Phone Main 8349
or A 3329.
FOR RENT 848 Belmont ave., near 2Sth.
w-room cottage, modern, 4 rooms can be
sublet for light housekeeping; rent $25
per month. Call for Mr. Feets at Tull &
4-ROOM house, barn, chicken yard, from 1
to 9 acres garden land: all kinds berries;
rent reasonable; near Milwaukle, on Ore
gon City carline. 7 He carfare. Call own
er, 125 12th at.
8-room modern house, 227 Cherry at.,
$26 per month.
133j First St.
a-ROOM house. 185 Caruthers. $20.
.. Tail W.isvrl e 17 AO
8-room house. 166 East 20th, $18.
Call 243 Stark at.
A FINE modern 6-room cottage, gas, electric
light, water and large garden; best location
In Mt. Tabor. 1.W0 B. Taylor, cor. 49th at.
Apply 246 Washington st
MODERN 6-room cottage. Just cleaned.
West Side, eaay walking distance, 226 Car
rut hers st. Inquire next door, 224; $18.
Main 367a.
10 ACRES and good 6-room house, one mile
East Lents Junction. Phone Sell wood 1180;
also 6-room cottage, electric light, on 13th
St.. East Side.
MODERN 6-room nous. 2J5 Broadway;
newlv tinted: near Steel bridge; walking
distance. Take "L" car. Inquire 373
Rosa st.
THREE flats in Overlook, fine view of
citv, new, thoroughly modern; $17.50 per
month. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14
Chamber of Commerce.
SIX-ROOM house. East Side. $11 per
month; nice neighborhood. Western Ore
gon Trust Co.. 3 4 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Office hoy 16 years old; salary
$5 per week. Inquire Remington Type
writer Co.
$16 McFarlsnd's new bungalow. Myrtle Park;
2 lots, electricity, bath. Mount Scott can.
Wells, agent, Stewart Station.
MODERN 7-room house, porcelain bathtub,
wash travs. very fine location. 909 Kelly
st. ; $20. Key at 126 Gaines. Main 6818.
FOR RENT Large 7-room houee. East Side,
cloee In; yard, fireplace, etc; $25. Apply
Imperial Pharmacy. 48 X. 6th.
FIXE modern 6-room house, large garden,
near Mt. Tabor reservoir, only $10. Ad
dress 21 N. 13th St.
HOl'SE. 608 4th st., 9 rooms, bath, closets,
laundry, gas, electricity, furnace. Owner
393 14th at.
FOUR-ROOM house, near reservoir. CaH at
Reservoir Grocery Store or agent acroag
FOR RENT 100x100, with good -room
house and barn, on Vermont st. ; $16 per
month. Geo. D. Schalk, 264 Stark at.
NEW, modern, 8-room house. 823 Weidler
st.. In best resldonoe district of Irving
ton. Inquire 824 Broadway.
MODERN 6-room house. 340 Ross at.; newly
tinted: near Steel bridge, within walking
distance. Inquire 373 Ross st.
6-ROOM cottage. 346 Benton at.. In first
class repair; close In. Inquire 373 Rosa
FrVE-ROOM modem house, close In, West
Side. $17.60 per month. Western Oregon
Tnlat Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce,
FOR RENT 7-room house. 288 Broadway,
near Wlllliams ave. Apply John Patereon,
361 Sacramento.
EIGHT rooms, all modern conveniencee: fire
place, furnace, lawn, rose-. E 27 bo. 753
E. Bum side.
1 1 -j Modern 5-room cottage, 2 lots, fruit
trees, lawn, electric lights, bath. 836
East 27th. Phone Sellwood 307.
OWNER leaving city, would like to rent 6
room residence, partly furftiehed; rent rea
aonable. 721 Hood. Phone Main 6320.
9 ROOMS and bath, furnished or unfurnished;
70tj Everett: reaaonable rent. Sengstake Sc
Lyman. 90 6th st.
SMALL house, furnished; rent reasonable.
1028 E. 30th st. Look tlila up. Take Al
berta car.
FOR R E N T-6 -room modern house. In
quire H. T. Hudson, 110 Third. Phone
Main 3225.
NEW houee of 5 rooma and bath, E 19th
near Everett. Apply Harris Trunk Co.,
132 6th st. "
406 AND 408 Vancouver ave., 16 rooms.
$2. Apply aa sbovt or to owner. 251
a MODERN 6 -room house, furnace, 2 fire
places, electricity, gas. rent $32-60. Apply
room 30 Dekum.
FOR RENT A new 6-mom modern 1
West Sloe. $27.60. Main 3401. 671 W
FOR RENT 2 new 6-room houses; modem;
gas and electric; cheap rent. Apply 202
Stark st.
MODERN oottage of 6 rooms, in flret-claas
condition. 292 Lincoln st. Inquire 315
1'ollege. .
MODERN 5-room cottage, 610 East Burn
side; newly renovated. Phone Eaat 5141.
HOUSE for rent Mt Scott line. Phona
Tabor 633.
Furniahed House.
PART of furnished house with lights and
telephone Included; centrally located.
Phone Main S671.
DO you want to rent a houaet See our
list. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber-of
ELEGANTLY furnished modern 6-room
house tor rent cheap: located Kings
Heights Phone Main 1822.
3n Nicely furnished modern 6-room cottage,
U block from V car: home; rent for Win
ter Call 286 Tillamook s. Phone C 14t7.
NK'ELT furnished new 7-room houee or 2
r 3 housekeeping rooms. 776 East Taylor.
FUR N IS H ED 4-room eottsge; electric lights,
bath, central. Inquire 273 7th.
6-ROOM modern house, furnished. $25.
Phone Woodlawn 1799.
gia (v-rtvini cottage: porce'am bath, shades.
115 Prince st.. Woodstock.
FOR RENT l-room cottage, and 6-room
house. Inquire at 1"6 No. 14th at.
MODERN -r-om house. Clay St.. between
7th and Park: $25. Phone Main 3431.
$5A PER MONTH Modem 5-room furnished
f:at, fir r.oor. 301 Hoi day ave.
FURNISHED HOUS1S Will rent my strict-
jv uouem o-nwra nuuvo, um u v irva
and every convenience, in swell neigh
borhood and completely furnished, rea
sonable to reliable party. 2M Poplar St.,
cor. Hawthorne ave. ; Hawthorne car.
XBW, strictly modern 6-room house. In Irv
lngton. completely and elegantly furniahed.
Including piano, fireplace, furnace, ajid
every convenience for a home: will rent
to reliable tenant. Call room 509 wetland
FURNISHED HOUSES We have some very
desirable furnished houses for rent to re
liable parties from $35 to $75 per month.
508-9 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash.
NOV. 1. 6 room, well furnlihed house, 4
blocks Steel bridge, near Holladay ave.
Phone East 4760 Monday. 12th. from 12
to 2; adults only.
SMALL cottage, $13 month; lower flat and
part cottage, well furnished. $16 each. Ap
ply 364 North 26th; 10th-st. cars to 26th,
turn aouth half block.
FURNISHED 6-room apartment, with bath,
furnace heat, hot and cold water, tele
phone, electric light; no children. Inquire
542 Leo ave Phone Sell-wood 727.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage, gas
range and water heater, bath; walking
distance; rent reasonable to right parties.
430 Montgomery st.
FURNISHED house, 8 rooms. West Side, fine
view and neighborhood; reasonable rent. 20
Mulkey bldg.
NICELY furnlxrhed 6-room house at 109 Whlt
taker st. Inquire of Churchley, pho
tographer. 145 H 3d.
MODERN 8-room house, completely fur
nished, piano. Call 329 West Park, Phone
Main 6 SOS.
S-ROOM modern comfortable home, 750
East Burnside. Inquire 701 Eaat Burn
side. Phone Eaat 3206 or East 310.
FURNISHED flat or suites reasonable, ex
cellent location, corner. West Side, walk
ing distance. Phone Main 2219.
FOR RENT modem 6-room house, well
furnished. 294 East 34th st. Home phone
B 2051.
NEATLY furnished 6-room flat, desirable
location, reasonable. 211 11th st. Phone
A 3343.
COMPLETELY furnished 9-room house from
November 15 to April 1; references. M
318, Oregon ian.
7-ROOM weH-furnished house, all modern
Phone Main 845. Call at 680 Gllsan.
FURNISHED cottage for rent, Sunnyside.
Main 3538.
Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale.
I AM going away this month; have some
personal property to sell; -will give you a
bargain; rather sell as it lays than tear
up and sell to dealer; all goes for two
thirds cost: yen can realize a big profit
in a short time; all furniture new, clean,
neat; mahogany, quartered oak, velvet
carpets and rugs; will give time on part
If desired, but at a cash deal you will
think you found it. Address E 313, Ore
gonian. FURNITURE" of 5-room house, clean and
In good condition; wood in shed and rent
paid until November, for $225; close in:
rent of house. $20 per month; rent of
two rooms more than pays rent of house.
Call at 416 East Burnside at., bet. 1 and
6 P. M.
FINE furniture. 12 rooms, residence, hot
water heat, walking distance, rooms all rent
ed; thla makes a fine home and clears $w
per month; terms on part. Phone Main 361T
or A 2772. Owner; no agents.
FOR SALE The furniture of a 7-room
house In fine location; rent only $15 per
month; price of furniture sacrificed for
$200: good terms given to right party.
F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison St.
SNAP $275 buys the entire furnishings of
modern 5-room flat. Noh Hill district;
rent, phone, gas, water free until Nov. l;
possession at once. 693 Everett st. Main
A FURNISHED cottage, East 9th and Grant;
furniture for sale at $275, and cottage for
rent The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 248 Alder
AN ELEGANT 6-room furnished flat, fur
niture for sale at a bargain; exception
ally low rent; ready to move right in.
G 325, Oregonlan.
IF TAKEN at once the furnishings of the
best 5-room apartment In Nob Hill will
go for $500; rent only $37.50. Mr. Smith,
105 Sherlock bldg.
FURNITURE 5-room cottage; cottage rents
to buyer. Call afternoons, 84 West Park,
near Stark. s
FOR a bargain In a close-in, well-furnished
rooming-house with low rent, inquire at
163 West Park st.
BACHEIaOR leaving city will sell elegant
furniture half its cost; fine room down
town, rent low. $350. A 328, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE- All or part furniture of 6-room
cottage, cheap, house rent for $8; walk
ing dUtance. 172 E. 9th st., cor. Yamhill.
NINE rooms, well furniahed. central; 4 rooms
more than pay rent; must sell by Novem
ber I. A 3377. Main 3377.
NEWLY furnished house, 10 rooms, down
town, central ; fine for boarders or room
ers. Main 7618.
FURNITURE of 6-room flat, 4 rooms rented,
pay over expenses; cheap for a, quick sale.
87 N. 9th st.
ONE of the best bargains in city, lease,
good will and part furniture of 22-roomcd
house. B 327. Oregonlan.
FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale, flat
for rent; parties leaving the city; must
sell by flrst. 145 11th st.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
FURNITURE for eale, house for rent. Apply
728 Bush St., end of Brooklyn carline.
PRIVATE rooming-house for Tent, furni
ture for sale. 172 Grand ave., N.
FOR RENT or sale, 6-room furnished, steam
heated flat. Flat A, 649 Washington.
ELEGANT furniture of 6-room flat for sale,
flat for rent; close in. phone Main 2666.
FURNITURE for sale; almost new. 700
Irving at. ,
60x100. Address S 277.
FOR RENT Two brick storerooms, new, one
for drug business, the other gente fur
nishing, clothing, or dry goods: good lo
cation. Address White & Trowbridge,
Med ford. Or.
6-STORY brick building and basement, 50x
100. with large e'ectrlc elevator, on 1st st..
between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for
wholesale or retail business. Apply to
W. E- Grace care or Commercial Club.
FOR RENT December 1, 4-atory and base
ment, brick store building. 100x165, a B.
corner Front and Pine ats.; also large
dock In rear. 100x200. Apply to C A
Dolph. Mohawk bldg.
FOR RENT 2 nice little stores, one at
347 Morrison st.; other 187 Holladay ave.
Apply at 189 Holladay ave. or phone
East 542.
FOR RENT -Store, A-l location for drugs,
cor. Commercial and Morris sts. ; good
residence district; rent $20. D- J. Curran,
2691 Ruasell st. Phone East 254 S.
60xlOO STORE-ROOM: high celling; big
show windows; offices. Also 100x100 ce
ment basement. Merrill bldg.. 7th and
FOR RENT Two-story brick building. 25x
loo. with basement, on Front si., between
Yamhill and Taylor. Apply 183 Madison
THREE-STORY and basement building, good
for wholesale or warehouse: 4000 square
feet, with elevator. Apply R. H. Strong,
710 Coroett bldg.
STORE on Union ave.. with living-rooms
above. $25. Hartman fc Thompson. Cham
ber of Commerce.
SUITABLE store for millinery, drygoode or
tailor. 917 Williams ave.; ren $20. Apply
at premise.
FURNISHED cottage. pleasantly located:
elenric lights: near two carlinesL Address
1004 East Main st. V
SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house, 2d
floor. Washington st- front. SOS Swetland.
NEW brick store. 60x100. Jobbing district.
Olve long lease. R 2tt5. Oregonlan.
BEST location for East Side branch or shoe
store. Grand ave. V. Schmid. 105 Grand.
LOW rate of rent, good business location.
293 U. 16th. M. S. Rentery. Steams bldg.
STORE, rent 650, Pi N th st. Dooly fe
Cv. Main 1651. Board of Trade bldg
!4th and Flanders. $30.
6th. near Pine. $!5.
Grand ave. and Taylor. $0.
Morris and Commercial. Just the placa
for a butcher, $20.
S. K- Corner Third and Oak Sts.
Nice offices in our own; building: also
on Washington, bet. 4th and 5th sts.
S. E Corner Third and Oak Sts.
FOR RENT Office at 247 Stark et.. form
erly occupied by the Smith Premier
Typewriter Co.. ground floor; one of the
best locations in the city. See Mr. Long,
with Jacobs-Stein Co.. 148 5th st.
Beit location. $10 and up.
Desk room, $5 and up.
SOS Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington.
GROUND floor desk room, furnished or un
furnished. Including both phones. Seng
stake A Ly man. 90 5th at.
SPLENDID, well-lighted front office; newiy
carpeted: front of elevator. Call at 201
Fenton bldg.
THE? AUDITORIUM. 208H Sd St., S large of
fices, suitable for any business.
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Apply room 80S.
DESK room for let. 409 Couch bldg.
Arnold A Co., Main.T31i. 361'6 Morrison st.
LOST Black purse, containing money, gold
viatch, key; left in lavatory at Olds &
King. Saturday at 6 o'clock. Reward
for return to Beall & Co., 32P Hawthorne
$25 REWARD for information leading to
recovery of my red, wire-haired Irish
terrier, stolen 3 months ajro; hits two
bare spots on left side of body. A. C.
Pan ton.
LOST or stolen. Boston bull terrior brindle
pup. In vicinity of East 1st and East 10th,
Holladay ave. and Clackamas sts. Finder
please phone E. 4512 or call 226 Grand
ave North.
LOST Gold locket, lion's head with dia
mond setting; monogram E. C. P. on
back. Reward If returned to E. C- Peets,
with Tull & Gibbs.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST English setter female, collar on
neck no name; apt to follow automobile;
liberal reward will be paid for her return
to 704 Northrup.
LOST English sovereign gold pin with black
enameled monogram G. H. L. Liberal re
ward. Call 553 Broadway. Phone East
LOST Roll city license between 6th and
6th on Washington st. Return to Ore
gonlan. LOST Lady's gold chain and glass locket
filled with gold dust; reward. 202 16th et.
North or Main A584.
LOST small book with checks of deposit In
it; please return to Police Station and
receive reward.
LOST Two deposit checks. Return to C. S.
Mears, 1214 Wilbur st., and receive re
ward LOST Oct. 3, small green and gold enam
eled watch. Kindly return Miss Bechtol,
S07 11th St.; reward.
LOST A buch of keys at Arlington Club.
Please leave at Oregonlan.
LOST Watch fob. initialed F. ribbon at
tached. Return 91 1st st. Reward.
Proposo Is Invited.
SEALED bids will be received by the un
dersigned, until noon on Wednesday, Oct.
21, 1908, for the sale by Multnomah County,
of 46 acres of land situated in section 5,
township 1 south, range 3 east. Multnomah
County, Oregon, to be sold as a whole or
In 6-acre tracts; plat of this land can be
seen at the office of the County Clerk in the
Courthouse. If sold in tracts. 20 feet will
be reserved off the west side for a roadway.
The county reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. F. S. Fields, County Cleric
TO the Taxpayers of Multnomah County,
Oregon Notice is hereLy given that on
Monday. October 19th, liOS. the Board of
Equalization of Multnomah County will
attend at the office of the County Clerk
of said county and publicly examine the
assessment rolls for the year 1908. and
correct all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of land. lots or other
property, and It la the duty of all per
sons interested to appear at the time and
place appointed, and if it shall appear
to such Board of Equalization that there
are any lands, lots or other property as
sessed twice or in the name of a person
or persons not the owner of same, or
assessed under or beyond its value, or any
lands, lots or other property not assessed,
said Board of Equalization shall make
the proper corrections. B. D. SIGLER,
County Ass e b so r.
Portland, Oregon, September 26, 1908.
NOTICE of filing supplementary articles of
incorporation Notice is hereby given that
Dressers Incorporated has tiled supplemen
tary articles of incorporation with, the Sec
retary of State and with the County Clerk
of Multnomah County. Oregon, wherel the
name of said corporation has been changed
from Dressers Incorporated to . Dressers &
Sealy, Mason Co. By order of the board
of directors. October 7, 1908. M. Rein
stein. Sec.
Notice is hereby given that We, the un
dersigned, intend to purchase, and will
purchase on Monday, October 12, 1908. the
restaurant known as "London Grill."
owned by Spero Vergotls. situated at No.
384 4 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or., and
all persons having claims against said res
taurant should present their bill before
that date. JOHN DO AN.
ARCHITECTS, contractors. engineers, get
Pacific Builder & Engineer. 315 Ch. Com.
BARGA IN sacrifice for cash if sold soon
$10,000 stock general merchandise. Those
meaning business address Reliable Mer
cantile Co., Independence, Or.
BOARDING-HOUSE, clearing $125 per
month, on account of sickness, if sold
this week, $700; terms. B 328. Orego
nlan. -
COUNTRY hotel clearing $2, JO per month;
$300 cash will hand le it. Cal 1 room .1 5
Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts
WANTED Partner light manufacturing
business; immense pro fits, $1500 required.
Address D 323, Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT, very cheap, big trade, good
lease: leaving soon reason for selling. 204
4th st.
CAPABLE salesman with $300 can Join me
in high -clam money making business. J
30S, Oregonlan.
A BARGAIN The only confectionery store
In town of 2oo for sale cheap. For partic
ulars call at 185 !i 3d at., or address same.
CAN TAKE the right man in on a big
Hood River orchard proposition; $500 re
quired. G 320, Oregonlan.
WIDOW. S years' experience in em
ployment bureau, wishes gentleman part
ner. R 317. Oregonlan.
MEAT MARKET. $500; this is a sacrifice;
owner has other business Interests. P
31ft, Oregonlan.
WILL PAY right man $3 per eight-hour
dav; hard work; some money required.
H 324. Oregonlan.
GOOD rook wants partner; good proposition
to right one. and little money required.
33 N. 6th.
PARTNER WANTED In small canh grocery
to deliver gDods: pay you $5 dally; $550 re
quired. Cull 623 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FINE chance for man with $1600 to get in
good business If he -can make good. E 321,
SUTTE of 2 clean, nicely furnished rooms:
gas "bath, gas stove, use of piano; good
neighborhood; $16. 228 East 20th et.
WELL-FURNISHED small restaurant:
rmaH capital will handle. Inquire ."563
Morrison st.
PX"RNISHED rooming house for sale, 74
7th, st.. northeast corner Oak st.
tjs'TLL sacrifice my 20-room "house for $800
if sold this week. 305 Third st
62S-27-6:S Corbett Bldg.
Main 3517. A 2772.
Business - Investments. Rooming-houses.
Real Estate and Timber.
One of tlvs best out-of-town hotels;
restaurant and bar in connection; good
loase; cheap rent; price $6000; good
Fine furnished. 92 rooms, corner house;
2 entrances; steam heat; good lease;
owner leaving the city; will give terms,
For party with $.o00 to get Into an
apartment-house; best grade of carpets
and furniture; modern buildings; apart
ments all taken.
50-room, steam heat, hot and cold
water; entrances; this place Is the
cheapest buy in the city at $4200.
65 -room rooming-house; located on one
of the best corners in the city; 2 en
trances; rent including heat and hot
water, only $300; with a 4-year lease;
newly renovated; positively the best
money-maker in the city; price $10,000;
good terms on part.
12 rooms; makes a fine home and clears
$60 besides living-rooms; good hot water
furnace; everytulng almost new; worth
$1L'00. will take $750. i
On Peninsula, invoicing about $SS00:
doing a business of $125 per day; 6 years'
lease; cheap rent: will take residence
property in part payment; be sure and
investigate this.
' We have an opening in an established
canning manufacturing plant that will
bear the closest Investigation; this pro
duce Is an Al seller; party buying in can
havo management of same; $1500 to $CS00
required. Th is is a aure money-maker.
One-half or controlling interest in one
of the best cereal mills In the city; owner
an experienced man ; can make all Bat
tle Creek breakfast foods; a bargain.
Near Portland, doing Al business; es
tablished 20 years: doing $25,000 per
year. This Is one of the best propositions
In that line we have on our books.
Grand opoortunlty for a man with $5000
to $4000 to buy an established business;
clearing from $275 to $StG per month.
This can be doubled.
One of the best In the city; doing a
business of $76 to $100 per week; can be
had for one-half its value; $550 takes It.
One-half interest in one of the best
real estate businesses in the city; wants
good office man as proprietor; Is obliged
to be out of town much of the time; good
references ; investigation desired.
Ona of the best grocery stores In the
city; elegantly equipped; automatic scales,
electric coffee grinder. $750 cash register,
fine stables attached; doing an elgant
business; you can get thla at a bargain.
$950. bakery, in heart of city, doing
good business; we will show you.
Confectionery, cigars, soft drinks; good
trade; Washington St.; elegant place;
must ba sold at once.
Old established business, splendid loca
tion; owner retiring on account of .age.
One of the best in the city, clearing
$300 per month; will sell one-half Inter
ost; must go East. This Is first-class of
its kind.
12,000.000 feet of yellow fir. sugar pine,
and cedar; price $9000. In Douglas County,
18.000,000 feet of yellow fir, in Lane
County; price $11,000.
14.000,000 feet of yellow flr in Lane
County and 1672 pieces of piling; price
lijO.000.000 feet of 90 per cent yellow
fir, 10 per cent cedar; price $1.50 per M.
In Cowlitz County, Wash., 4 miles from
logging road.
6-room, modern house and bath; finely
furnished, on corner; cement basement,
roses, sh rubbery and small fruits ; price
$3au0; terms.
41 acres, about all in cultivation : 12
acres in apples. 3 acres In cherri?s. plums,
peaches, walnuts: good crop goes with
place if sold at once; good 7-room house;
plenty of outbuildings; all kinds of farm
ing implements and tools thrown in.
Everything complete: 1 4 miles from one
of the best towns in Willamette Valley;
price $200 per acre.
030-acre farm near Corvallia, $20 per
200 acres, near Lebanon: $2500.
150-acre farm, near Htllsboro; great
producer: $90 per acre.
130-acre farm near Independence;
cracker-jack ; $ 1 0.000.
48 acres, orchard, fruit, berries, house
and barn; $3300; terms.
626-627-628 Corbett Bldg.
Sawmill, capacity of 35,000 feet per
day; 2 donkey engines, one 10x12. one
9x10, 7500 feet of main line, 14.000 feet
trip line, all blocks and rigging ready
for uce; good planer and traction engine;
250,000 feet of lumber on yard; 250,000
feet of logs in pond, 12,000,000 feet of tim
ber; a bargain for some one; easy terms,
all for $16.0O0.
Oregon City.
The Ames Mercantile -Agency (estab
lished 1805) furnishes free information on
opportunities in merchantlle or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
403-4-5 Swetland Bldg.
mense department store, doing a strictly
cash business, is for sale; business will
bear closest investigation; brick corner. 50
feet front. 2 stories, 10 years' lease, $75
per month Address G.-H. Company. Cot
tage Grove, Or.
GROCERY One of the best retail stores In
the citv; I have been in business 20 years
and wish to retire; I will give you a lease
on store and living rooms for 3 to
vears and guarantee the business to be
on a paying basis; a chance not often
met. R 306. Oregonlan
LARGE office or hotel building. 6 stories,
106 rooms, four stores on ground floor,
good basement, new elevator, near center
of city, now filled with good tenants;
owners want to lease for long period. Ad
dress L 307, Oregonian.
Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil,
gas and railway stock and bond Issues
sold direct to Investors; commission basis.
Samuel Graham & Co., selling brokers,
Montreal. Canada.
FOR SALE: Rooming-house business in
Wallace, building modern, steam-heated,
along with furniture, nearly new, for
$2000 cash, balance on terms. Wallace
Adjustment Co.. Wallace. Idaho.
ANY young man willing to learn and not
afraid to work given half interest in re
liable real estate business and guaranteed
$150 per month. Little money for half
interest. Call room 7, 181 V 1st St.
ROOMING-HOUSE of 23 rooms, a big snap,
at $llo0. Standard Investment Co., 225
Fifth st.
$300 WILL buy 1-3 interest In a good
paying electric store, or $500 for half In
531-32 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Party desiring to go into Insur
ance business wishes to purchase firo in
surance agency which Is well established
and represents good companies. Address
H 310, OregoniaiK
FOR SALE Old-established, good paying
tobacco, stationery and confectionery, in
best Coaet town; price $250O; might ac
cept part realty. J 306. Oregonian.
LIVE, up-to-date real estate man is alone
and must have help: prefers a man to take
interest In the business; Investigation de
sired. 230 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop; rent icr
shop with 2 rooms in rear $10; roust be sold
this week on account of having other buei
nets to attend to; price $125. 4t2 Gliean st.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 38 rooms, clearing over
$150 per month; value $3000; t my equity
is $2200; will trade for house and lot of
same value. Owner 2Va Grand ave.
WRITD for particulars: 70-acre farm on
Yaquira Bay mile to R. R. -tion;
good buildings, orchard, stock and ali tools
go at $2600. O. Daiaba. Elk City, Or.
WILL buy paying electric light plant In
good Oregon town. Address, price. Partic
ulars and net Income to L. A TS ., P. -
Box PS5. Long Beach, California,
GOOD investment; $250 takes a well-estah-Wahed
dyeing and cleaning works: big
citv and rountrv trade; good reasons for
selling. Call Monday. 270 Grand ave.
RESTAURANT owner will take V J
art as cashier, guarantee 34 dally and
board: very little money required. Call 523
Lumber Exchange bidg.
FIRST-CLASS rooming-house. 23 rent
s5. price $1700; terms. D 327, Orego
nian. WANTED To invest $0OO to $10,000 good
income-bearing property. Give location.
D 829. Oragonian. '
BAKERY for sale eheap; good opportunity.
A. Love, Pasco. Wash.
O. C. R. ELLIS ft CO..
201-2 Merchants Trust Bldg..
S26H Washington, S. W. Cor. Sixth at.
Are found in the following Hat. But wa
have others, all styles, all sites, all prices.
If you want anv kind of rooming-house
that is on the market in Portland, we can
show it to you. Terms may be arranged
on anv. see ua quick. NOW ia the TlilH
60 rooms, corner brick ; new. modern,
steam heat: running water, hot and cold.
In every room; 59 beds, all floe Iron beds;
Brussels and B. B. carpets: quartered oak
furniture; excellent location; receipts for
September $750; total expenses S40O; lense
4 vears. This Is one of the very best prop
ositions In the city. Erica $S500; time on
38 rooms, new corner building: steam
heat, no better location in city for botn
per-nan?nt and transient ousmew;
$150; Kase 4 years; furnished: new a sar
ago; has paid average of $200 n. month
clear profit from opening. You better see
It AT ONCE. Price $3800; time on part.
26 rooms, beautiful corne- brick, mod
ern In verv particular, r.i' wenm heat;
furnishings good as new; iron beds, velvet
and Brussels carpets. floss mattresses,
and everything else to correspond; cheap
rent and long lease; clears $l-70 a month;
$1650 cash, balance long iLue.
35 rooma well located. West Side; fur
nished in quartered oak: Axminster and
velvet carpets, inlaid linoleum in kitchens,
gas ranges; running water; steam heat;
up-to-date In evory wai; excellent lease;
cheap rent; pi let $.1000; $2k.w cash.
16 rooms, right near Hotel Portland;
furnace heat ; B. B. carpets, hair mat -tresses
and everything good ; lease
years, cheap rent; clears over $100 a
month besides all family expenses and
help; price $1700; don't look any further;
you can't do better with the money.
97 rooms, most elegant little place In
the city; will take vacant or improved up
to $2500.
50 rooms, good paying, steam heat.
- water In rooms; take clear rea. estate,
farm or city, up to $3300.
8 rooms, swell, modern place; take lot
S5 6th st., near Oak.
A Few of Our Many Bargains.
$575 buys nloely furnished house.
rooms, on West Park, near Wash Ington ;
rent $41 ; clears $50 monthly; bargain;
fine place for man and wife.
Special bargain $500 buys nicely fur
nished bouse of 8 rooms, choice location;
rent $35; don't fall to see this exceptional
$1 000, y cash, buys well furnished
house; 14 rooms, all on one floor, brick
building: rent $.15; good lease, clears
above all expenses; will trado for lot or
$750 Elegantly furnished house, t
rooms, on Johnson St., walking distance,
r?nt $40; this Is one of the finest places in
the city; see quUk; departure cause.
Large list of hotels, apartment-houses,
rooming-houses and flats. Call for free list.
White .Salmon apple land. 20-ecre
tracts. 12"0; 1-3 cash, balance long time;
will take diamonds or piano on first pay
ment on 20-acro tracts.
$650, part cash, buys lot 60x100. with
8-room cottage, choice neighborhood,
worth $1000.
For quick sales list with us; have many
buyers waiting.
So 5th st., near Oak.
Phono A 31S5.
CASH paid for active stocks and bonds. A
fortune can be made in an invention we
have. Little money required. Consult t:"
for speculative opportunities that will pjy
1000 per cent profit or V-etter. Small In
vestors as welcome aa the large. See us
when trading. We deal in everything.
City Business Exchange. 215 Commercial
block. Main 53S4, A 2384.
22 rooms, completely furnished, suit
able for either permanent or transient,
near Portland Hotel ; furnace heat; rent
$110; will easily clear $100 per month
over all expenses. Price only $1100; $500
cash will handle this.
50S-6 Swetland bldg. cor. 5th and' Wash.
SAWMILL In running condition. 1.250.000
timber, skid roads, mill pond, planer, bunk
houses; plenty other timber available;
good local market; write for particulars;
must sell. H. E. Waite, trustee, Mosler.
A CHANCE to get rid of your telephone
bonds with $18H cash and $2000 In bonds
will buy a store and flat in Irvington
that will pay !6Vfe per cent net: don't
delay. Call and see me. J. W. Benson,
166 Lownsdale st., city, phone Main 6474.
owner will take partner to keep aocou n t n
and do the banking; owner guarantees
business will pay $800 monthly. Particulars
523 Lumber Exchange bldg.
ROOMING-HOUSE of 8 rooms, on Alder st.,
onlv $500. Standard Investment Co., 225
Fifth st.
WOOD YARD business complete. Including
300 cords of wood. 3 wagons, 8 h. p. steam
saw. 1 1300-lb. team and harness; every
thing complete; good reasons for selling.
P 309. care Oregonlan.
WANTED Capable man to run branch
sales office in Portland; must have $200;
no risk; you handle your own money: big
thing to right man. Write today. Davis
Co.. 486 Carroll ave., Chicago.
WANTED Partner in real estate and min
ing (new business): integrity and busi
ness experience required, with means in
dependent of first season's business. 3
312, Oregonlan.
PARTNER WANTED Need a good man
with good references to take half Inter
est in light manufacturing business: must
have $1000. Nothing better In Oregon.
Call 513 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Partner; good. Jive man with
small capital to join me in big enter
prise; references exchanged. P. L. Austin,
room 4, Raleigh bldg., cor. 6th and Wash
ington. FOR SALE? New mill, Columbia River; ca
pacity 20.000 feet ; fine water front, err
and cargo shipping point; a snap for
cash. R 206, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted for a good solid busi
ness; pay active man $250 a month; $:;500
required, secured. Call Room 417, Board
of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
FOR BUTCHERS Hav a client wants to
sell half interest In a good paying butch
ershop; write for particulars. C H., Lock
Box 5. Mill City, Or.
EXPERIENCED Journalist, middle-aged,
alone, wants connection with provincial pa
per, with view to interest. Address O 313,
PARTNER wanted for cash business doing
from $10 to $15 daily; $250 required. Ger
man American Realty Co., 343 K Wash
ington st
INDUSTRIOUS man wanted In cash business
that will pay from $4 to $6 per day; $o0
required; secured. 2.10 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Gordon printing pres. 8x12
medium, type, stock, etc.; also hand press
7x11- 628 Everett st. Main 4574.
I HAVE $100,000 to Invest In Portland busi
ness property; only conservative prices
considered. J 29S. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Forty-room house, fine furni
ture' a, money maker: to be sold on nc- '
count of sickness. East Morrison.
B 4RGAIN Well established clof hes clean
ing works, No. 611 North Tower ave.,
ren trail a. Wash.
A GROCERY that Is a grocery: invoice
2r,oo. rent $25; sales $100. D S2 Ore
gonlan. FOR A.LE if taken at one. t;ood dry goo'is
tore best location. laasn: .od rea
sons. 107 4th st., Vancouver, Wash.
BUSINESS cards Is our specialty; good stok
and flrst-elass work; $1.50 per thousand,
phone East 5951. (
ONE of the nicest cigar, fruit and con
Vectionery stores Im city; party leaving
city. 195 4th, corner Taylor. No agent.
WANTED Partner to take half in tercet
In blacksmith shop: small amount re
quired; good location. H 30S, Oregonian.
SIT UP. take notioa! grocery at invoice,
- $900, over $30 dally business. 228 Lum
ber 'Exchange.
40-ROOM hotel, well furnished, doing busi
ness; will sell cheap. Addresa Box 111,
St. John. Or.
SALOON Must sell, good location, at a sac
rifice K Wolfe. 6, 3d st.
FOR roomtng-houses, term"
trade, see Berg & Co.. iVS 3d st.
WANTED A 1 or 2-chair barber shop in
good country town. J 286, Oregonlan.
wanted A small modern rooming-house,
close in. Address B 30$, Oregonian.