The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 11, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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    I ;
Horse Sto
j '.farm? - ' HheMeier
t -i- TTTs : : : - fre.t,r .
Frank Store
Whatever other plans or engagements you have for this week don't fail to come to this store
tmPtimB difrhthe nextsjxdavs-the earlier the better-We promise in advance that you
wilfbTrlcWTewarded for coming, for we're going to make this Fall Opening Saleaweek
oTbanner bargains and red letter economies -All departments have been called upon to do
wndeTslhespecTal pricing of fresh, new merchandise the result is the marshalling of an
army of genuine, simon-pure bargains, such as yon have never before had presented you
Great Sale Kid Gloves for Horse Show
--------- --" ' '
Timely sale of long real French Kid Gloves for Horse Show, dress and evening wear; in 12 16, 20 and 2button
lengths; fine quality glace kid; white, black, street and evening shades. Pernn's, Reynier, Valher and other cele
brated makes! Every pair fully guaranteed; all sizes. Mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention.
1 2-button lengths. $3.50 values, pair, $2.87
1 6-button lengths, $4.00 values, pair, $3.29
20.hutton lengths. $5.00 values, pair, $3.98
24-bntton lengths, $5.50 values, pair, $4.4?
1 U'VMfcfcWll .y . . 1
: , , c . j ui, i. !.u- a .iram'nff cViooc in ll sizps. Let us show vou. On sale at following prices
liCSt real IV-in, oueaes uintu, nunc ou c.tu...6 - - -
16-button. $3.75 vals. S2.98-20-button. $4.25 vals. $3.47-20-button, $4.75 vals. $3.78
$2.25 and $2.50 Silk Hose at $1.12 a Pair
& Matas: MftiEU3L$ 1.12
navy, etc.; me oesi regular j.-.j uuu p-.-"y ""j - . . . .
Fall-Winter I j tl'llifSl
Mailed free to any vf'l'! fV Jf' JfM I
WepubU.hth.lar,- SMWfXr-SsA
est and most com- I f
plete mailorder ; JliM.?j
licitor in the country ' ri'?l KS v
Portland Agents for Trefousse Gloves, Nemo Corsets, MmeIrCcestejle Corsets, Bntterick Patterns and Colgmbja
"Nemo," La Grecqae Corsets
$2.50 to $3.50 Models $1.39
Great three davs sale of discontinued numbers of the celebrated "Nemo" and La
Grecque'1 Corsets all good, desirable models, white only; by far the best corset
values vou have had the opportunity to share in for a long time; all 1 jQ
sizes. Every pair tilted. Regular $2.30 to $3.50 vahfcs, choice, pair.M
Paris and New York Waists
At Wonderfully Reduced Price
I'.. ,
,For Horse Show week a great clearance sale
'of fine French imported waists and New
iYork model waists in exclusive styles -High
Idass novelties for evening and dress wear
hThe materials are in chiffon, silk and laces
Exquisite creations trimmed in duchess lace,
'Armenian lace, rose point, real torchon and
jreal Valenciennes laces Hand embroidered
and Persian trimmings All new up-to-date
waists at prices that must interest the best
buyers in the city On the second floor
$14.00 Wai&ta at $11.85 $28.00 Waista at $24.45
$16.50 Waists at Sgl3.ZDuvv aiats n iia.op
$200JVai8t8j,t 16.954500 Waists at $34.85
S22.00 Waists at $i7.8555X0Waistsat $47.85
$25T00w75sts""at $20".85 $65.00 Waists at $58.(TO
$ 1 .50, $2.50 Black Goods 89c
Great three days' sale of fine black Dress Goods and you know black goods are in
better fashion and greater demand than for many seasons past. Plain and fancy
hopsacking. plain and striped libelines, knub cheviots, heavy wool eta- AOs
mines; 46to 50 inches wide; $1.50 to $2.50 values, on sale at, special, yard.-W
Sale of Room Size R.ngs
Regular $50.00 Values $38.65
Regular $25.00 Values $19.65
Regular$35.QQ Values $26.85
Regular $45.00 Values $33.50
200 high-art Bigelow Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet; regular $35.00 values, ea. $26.85
200 French Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet; $50.00 values, on sale at, each. $38.65
100 regular Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet; regular $45.00 values, on sale at. $33.50
325 Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet; regular $25.00 values, special price, ea. $19.65
In the Art Department, on the Third Floor, 200 dozen choice lithographed
FUlow Tops, handsome designs; great special values, at this low price, ea.
1 000SilkolineComfofters$ 1 .59
$4.50 Blankets at $3.15 Pair
I 1000 Pilkoline-Covered Comforters, bet patterns and colorings; filled with white
' laminated cotton; the greatest comforter value you ever bought at, each.. $1.59
I 500 pairs of light gray Blankets, extra large size, with fancy border; Ql J?
1 the best regular $4.00 values, on sale at this unusually low price, pair.V"
' We are sole Portland agents for the celebrated Ostermoor Mattresses. See them.
Tailored Suits $20.00
Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store offers an exceptional bargain in women's
Tailored Suits at $20.00; broadcloths and cheviots, medium and long lengths, semi
fitted, braid-trimmed; Ratine bands, etc.; also fancy stripes in man- COO QO
nUh mixtures; all sizes; on sale at, each take advantage of sale.
Paris-New York Costumes
$25 to $550 Each
We invite inspection of our superb show
ing of Paris and N.jw York costumes for
evening and dress wear Not alone is the
display the largest in the Western country
but the styles the best efforts of world's
famous artists High class materials, rich,
attractive as well as practical and exclusive
garments for all occasions Magnificent
models in empire and princess effects
Broadcloths, etamines, satins, lace nets,
and Irish crochet -Every new shade and
combination shown this season The ex
tent of the showing will surprise even
those intimately acquainted with resources
of The Meier & Frank Store-We would
consider it a pleasure to show you these
beautiful creations - On the second floor
A $25.00 to $550.00
Evening Coats-Wraps $20 to $250 Each
.-. . -l i 1 XTT .... 3 atr 1?vAnr nam on I Trpffv pffpp.t in all thfi
evening uoaie anu maps m giuuu j j - - ,
desirable styles and materials. Opera Coats in the new mandarin cape effect; full
. - ... v- : - 1. n n T .m a a rVvofo f iliTin C.rtnttl pt.
loose DacK or semi-miea. r.ninic 0, ua. ,
Matchless variety, on sale at prices ranging from $20.00 to $250.00 each. See them.
A Great October jewelry Sale
Mary Garden Barettes, newest thing for Hair Dress; carved shell and amber. Beau
tiful styles, on sale at $1.19 and $2.43 each. You should not fail to see them.
Geraldine Farrar Psyche Bandeaux; the latest thing for evening head- AQC
dress with ribbons, in all colors; on sale at this special low price, each.''''
Large variety of mounted and plain carved Bandeaux, ali prices. Let us show you.
New things in Bavaderes gold plate, jet and fancy beads; $3.00 values $1.9S
Flat and ball-top Rhinestone Hat Pins, exquisite novelties; $1.50 values for..
Gold-filled Beauty or Collar Pins, grand assortment, on sale at this price, ea. 49g
German silver Mesh Bags, silk-lined; regular $7.50 values, on sale at, each..ii.S
Lace and Embroidery Specials
Swiss and Batiste Flounces for waists and gowns,
designs in filet and eyelet effects; 18 to QO
27 inches wide; values up to $4.50 yard. V
Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery Edges and In
sertion, IY2 to 18 inches wide; beautiful styles
for nndermuslins and children's wear;
values np to $1.25 yd, on sale at, yard.'''
Round thread and French VaL Laces, Edges and
Insertion, to 2 inches wide; regular
$3.50 values, on sale at, the dozen yards.
White and cream Galloons and Appliques and
Medallions, in venise. princess and baby Irish;
regular values to $4.00 a yard; buy t 1 fLQ
all you want of it at this price, yd.H
Embroidered Batiste waisi fronungs, in coiorea
effects; $3.50 values, on sale at, yard.. $1.49
Regular $2.50 Waist Nets on sale at, yd.S1.98
Regular $1.75 Waist Nets on sale at, yd. $1.29
Sale Men's Horse Show Apparel
Men's Full-Dress Suits, 1908-1909 models, equal to the best custom-made garments
you are asked to pay $75.00 for; finest unfinished worsted material; fclined
throughout; handsomely made and finished; best findings, etc., pfectfit. .S4U.UU
Men Driving Coats in the newest fashions; tans and browns; made with fancy
flap pockets; regular turn-down or Byron collar; handsome creations, ?25 and $3o
Men'sWhite Dress Vests, Gloves, Neckwear, Canes, etc, in a splendid assortment.
Men's Silk Hate, in the newest blocks let us show you. Men's Dress Protectors.
Ladies' Winter Underwear
At Extrem ely Low Prices
Women 's medium-weight cotton Vests 'and Pants high neck and long-sleeve 23 C
vests, ankle-lene-th Dants: sizes 4. 5. 6; the best 35c values, at, the garment.
Women's wool plated Vests and Pants, gray color only; good heavy Winter weight;
sizes 4, o, o; nneiy maae ana nmsnea; reguim uuu mm -y
Women's extra fine quality, heavy-weight white Swiss Ribbed Vests and
Tights; high neck ana long sleeves, anKie-ieugta iiguis, oo , v
Women's Harvard Mills mixed wool Vests and Tights, air hand-finished QAp
irarments: Winter weiffht. all sizes; best $10 values, on sale at, garment,
Women's mixed wool Union Suits, gray and white; high neck and long Qc
sleeves; ankle lengtn, neavy weigm, sizes , o, v .-x , b
Women's extra quality Swiss ribbed Union Suits, silk front and crocheted QgC
neck; sizes 4, 5, 6; the best regular $2.00 values, on sale at, special, each, -r
Women's regular $5.00 silk and wool Union Suits on sale at this price, ea. .$3.95
Hand - Embroidered Bridal Sets
$22.50 Values for $10 o Set
A very unusual offering of French
hand-embroidered and lace -trimmed
bridal sets consisting of chemise,
drawers and gowns made of fine
French n a i n s o o K materials me
crowns are made with hand-embroid
ered yoke, low neck and short sleeves
and embroidered yoke chemise to
match Drawers made with wide
flounce and hand-embroidered scal
lops and embroidery designs in ruf
flesLace insertion used on all three
pieces Beautiful undermuslins selling
reeularly at $22.50 a set Your
choice of 200 sets at this
special low price per set
Combination GarnVnts
Reduced to $1.95 Each
Special lot of women 's fine nainsook two-piece
Undergarments corset cover and wide circu
lar drawers combined; trimmed in dainty laces
and embroidery; very neat, pretty styles; the
best regular $2.50 values your t 1 QC
choice at this special price, ea.P
2000 women's white Outing Flannel Night
Robes, trimmed in fancy braids and silk stitch
ing, in pink, blue and white; regular $1.75 and
$2.00 values; buy au you want or r j
m mm mm
them at this low price, garment.
Mail orders . promptly and carefully
65c to $25.00 Handkerchiefs at lM Off
Horse Show sale of women's fine French hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs, in ap
penzelle and Madeira effects; exquisite novelties,-selling regularly at Off
65c to $25 each; greatest values in fine handkerchiefs ever offered, at. Vl
$ 30 Neckwear at V4 Off
In the women's neckwear section this week a great
October sale of high-grade neckwear Real Irish
crochet pieces, silk ruffs, stocks, jabots, rabats,
hand-embroidered novelties; in fact all kinds of
new, pretty pieces for dress wear This season's
lumut and nrttift neckwear jtellinor remlarlv at
prices ranging from 65c up to $25 1 I.
Choice this week at 4 off reg. prices He XIl
.1 IU ??erz II
I ' " . II