THE 8T7ITDAT OKKUU.-MAX. FORTLAyP, SEPTEMBER 13, 1908. r r- - . . " We ha- a very attractive and large l!t of Ongon farms In th Wlllamtt Valley for Hit; mml of them are fully Improved end ready for occupant. Will give ta Income at one. ALSO Rearing apple orchard In Hood River ' district, from $300 upwards. A !.! Farm for .ale in nearly every county In union. AI-0 - Many farma. vineyard, and Ttneyard and fruit lands In the most deslraols countica in California. ALSO Farml in Washington. Including th Whit Salmon apple district, which are held at very reatonkbi prices and will be convenient to Portland wtleB the North Bank raliroad Is In operation. THE VETERAN LAND CO, bJ Cntmbr of Commercs. 2 ACRES, all cleared, near Bethany, new house and barn. $2W. 2. acre, near Beavertnn. 1 acre cleared, four acres pasture; new house, fair barn: y.-ung c.r.-hard: V mile to electric line; i2i-; ra.-y terms. 44 acre, lo acre, cleared; house, barn, running- mater. mile to electric line; $S0t.: easy terms 7 a,-re. three miles from Beaverton; a:', cleared; no buildings; running water; only 111"'"'. 6 acres. i mile to electric line: one acre cleared, balance clashed; new house, good barn; $20"o. 17V, acres. 14 ml!" from Beaverton. a acres cieaied: live-room house. good narn. roothouse. chlrken-houss. g'-od well and faml.y orchard; $woo: terms. SV1 F.ET. 24 Corbett bldg. . A FEW CHEAP ONES. R-acre chicken ranch. '1 mile from electric Una t, acre good bearing orchard, fine soring, cabin, chicken house, etc.; price only $400. FOR PALP? OR TRADE. 2 acres nillea from Oregon ny. rolling land, 6 under cultivation, email house and barn, running water, about 6u0 cords of wood in the tree: this place well adapted to fruit, berriea and chlckena; price $5"0 or will trade for rooming-house In Portland. 32 acres. 3 miles from Oregon City, on good road; acre In potatoes garden, and set to orchard: splendid soil: fine c reek running through the place: jsno t'" vixmI in fir and elder timber; log cabin and shed; price $14.: easy terms. 11. CADONAL. 270ti Washington. Room 3. jna chickens. 15 turkeys. 25 hogs. -9 sheep: heavy wagon, top buggy sprayer. . . 1 ' - - -. ii ;i K( reet ranic tumi.-- hoid furniture and crops. Owner " Eut and will s-ll at ticulara from John J. Nally, J0 Chamber of Commerce, COAST RIVER BOTTOM LAND. One of th flneat pieces of genuine rler bottom land on the Coast lylnj on th. Siletx River. This kind of land can t be mistaken: 68 86 acres with some Improve ments; about 2.O0O.OO0 feet of lmb'r IS acre. In grass; also house and barn and young orchard If this place ( we re In Tillamook It would be worth a'"000;, Be ing In this location we can olter It 'or ,J00. Only a few mile, from a town and not far from th. C. E. railroad. Ralph Ackley. fto3 Corbett bldg. A DANDY, in acre.. 8 acre. In perfect Mate of cul tivation. 2 acre, fine timber, fine little orchard, full bearing, extra . 8;rrra hoice. good barn, well fenced arid cross fenced. 4 tine cow 1 horse .nd buggy. 45 chickens and -all farm Implement. 3Mj mile, from Hlllsboro and 14 .m Portland, t, mile from United Electric extra line soil .nd on line road.. J an elegant little home and one, we can highly recommend to anyone. Price. JT'" easy term- Sweet. 204 Corbett bidg. Main and A 5760. EXCELLENT BUYS. -$I0 For a fine 30-acr place all In cul " tlvatlon. fine .prlng. bt T$: 11 mile, from center of Portland. fine land for track gardening $, ,00 For one ot the be.l hiy Improved farm, around P"'"di: all in cultivation: vary fine buildings. w.ter .y.tem: big money maker half cash, balance to suit. If ou see this you buy It aure. F. FL'CHS. 221 MorriKin t. Two cash take. Oregon', best "'r farm near Forest Orove. on county road, onen.". from railroad .taUon; 1.0 acre, walnut land, under plow; earned I4U00 proht in two year, from onion., potatoes, wheat oata. clover, milk; good house and Tarn : ' o "r living spring r: .tream farm; greate.t Bargain : fered, but must have all cash: no mort gage. VT. T. Rambo. 7b GUsan c. Port land. Telephone Main 18. ' ON NEW railroad, 1 mile, northweat of HUlshoro. IS mile, from Buxton 170 acres 10 acres In cultivation, bio ily f rult. IB icrea paature. 100 acre, tillable: 2,000.000 ?Zt tinker, partly fenced running water; 4 -room house: soil l,0"1-. rolling, eastern slope: flne fruit land, farm can 5. Improved easily, being located on line W. bound to be very T.luab ; good re.n for .elllng. Thomaa Molten, cart Abraiutm A Whit.. Labb bulg. 8 ACRES for $2800 House, barn, orchard, on arn car line at Tlgardvllle: 5 acre, in good cuitlvaUon: running water year 5d- good 11 t the hou: on coun tv road. This la Just a. w. say or w. ieed u to you for nothing Thl. . a map and we can proT. It. Jeed not be a.l "" CAMEROJT CABLE Bll Board of Trade bigg. HOOD RIVER arple orchard. 20 highly cultivated, balance woodland; .90 ap ple tree, from 2 to year, old ovel -Kin pit.enberg and Nwtowni : 8 ""I? ready for planting: 1 acre Krawberrle. at tTe" beat; peachea. rl-Siah ba for home use: term., from w raan. bal Tnce W.g Ume. to li.ioo cah. $.ViO .very lis monlbJ. lfs better than It reads. Ad- JhtTiCE fruit farm of 20 acres, river bottom land, with modern .-room house, mil. and half from Roseburg: 13 acre. ,-re, now bearing, be.t arletle of a ppl-s er. and peache.. Price 8.500. $4300 cash, balance In 3 years. Place can be rnadi to ray for Itaelf with n three year, le.ldea arrordlng a good living. w. c. Harding 1-and Co.. S4 4th .. Board of Trade bldg.. ground floor. FARM SNAP. HJ ACRKS $S 60 PER ACRE. IB acre. In cultivation. 4-room house, good barn, family orchard, abundance of i-ater. plenty of outrange for atock. lot. of good timber, close to school and county road; part cash, balance t per cent, long DEVLIN FIKEBAUOH. $0g- Swetland bldg.. cor. 6th and rv aan. KELTN-orlSHMENT 10 acre. fln. level land .11 fenced, plowed and ready for wheat small house. 18 feet to water, only miles from Echo. Vmatllla County; $7 so P-r acre; adjoining land .elllng at J.o per acre. Walling Payaon. 243 Stark. BIO MONEY IN SUBDIVISION. - Fine farm of 7S0 acres In center famous Douglae County fruit belt, adjoin, rail road line. 3 mile, from live town, finely situated for eubdlvldlng Into 5 and 10 acre tracts; many special advantages. Ad dress Lock Box T. Roseburg. Or. ' a PNAP lOO-acr farm. 30 acres cleared. new bulldlngav i mile from railroad sta tion. In a booming mining town. 20 mile, from Portl.nd. Price $000 without stock and Implement: with stock .nd implements, $10,000. Inquire C. Rablnsky. Scappoose, Or.' DON'T write a letter: buy a one-fare re turn ticket: see jeo acre., house, barn. 2S cattle, hay. fine little valley borne, good ne.ghbors. and you will buy It for $12S0 cash balance J106O. on ten years' time If desired, at per cent Interest. O. Mlddla kauft. Y.qulna. Or. , ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owner, and plant ers In Oregon- We have the only planted tract, on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill 6-arre tract,, planted. $100 rash. $13 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO.. INC., 110 Second at. TWENTY-ACRE fruit farm, one-half mil from Roseburg: river bottom land, partly planted to fruit; 2 house. 1 T rooms andl M rooms: price $noO without the crop: terms. W. C. Harding Land Co.. 84 4tU St.. Board of Trade bldg.. ground floor. 33 ACRES, fruit farm, especially suited for rV-.glish walnuts and applej. 6-room house and barn, plenty of water. 60 bearing fruit tree.; good road.. 5 mile, from MaMlnn vtlle. church and schotl clrwe by; $2100, half cash. 323 Lumber Exchange. 14 H ACRES, quarter mile north of Spring brook, ail In cultivation, about half In fruit: a nloe Tariety. mostly prune, and Bsrtlett pear.; lie. well on south .lope; will .ell cheap. O. Justice. Sprlngbrook, Or. 11.-. ACRES. Willamette Valley. R5 culti vated, balance pasture. i seeded to c'.over. Improvement, good, would make fine dairy. 3 miles to town and milk condenser; $13. 21 Board of Trade. 10 ACRES, on Bin Line road. 7 mile, from Portland: a snap at $;?on. John J. Nally, 306 Chamber of Commerce. j. SN-Ap $:,700 will handle this: SO acres in" Tualatin Valley. 1 mile to Salem elec tric. 2V, to 8. P. R. R-. 2A to boat land ing on Willamette: mile to school; -0 acres cultivated. 10 acres beaverdam, 10 acres slashed: balance good timber; new . 111 . i .n ' horses- 4 COWS. ....... cioua $l!0 BBARINO ORCHARD- $1800. 0 acre, on Lewi. River upland, about Sou large tree moetly apple., heavily, load ed with fine of fruit: other varletle. and 1 acre of blackberrle.. 2 acre, potatoes. $150 worth of clover hay In th. barn: good team, names, wagon.- 3 oowa. toola and Imple ment 12 acre. In cultivation, balance wood.; level road; 1W mile, of live "'," Portland 4 Seattle main Un. and 23 mile. troJ"KarlJ"? v .MTJTT.T. COITNTY. tunny .lope. 10 acre, cultivated. 25 .lashed a-a Kel.nce oak timber, well fenced.V good 6-room house; barn and other build ing.; family orchard: the best of fruit land; two large splint;: half cash. V $4.0-YAMHILL FAHM-$4000. On the brow of a ridge overlooking to the east a. flne a landscape view a. Western Oregon affords; three growing cities In front below and wnow-clad mountains in the background: SO acrt of the flneat hill land, with orchards and good buildings; water from the best of springs piped to house and barn: 60 acre. In cultivation: on Tilla mook stage road. mile, from North 1 am ain. Price $4W0. "A peach." COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM. IM ACRES DAIRY FARM. Sufficient upland for farm. orchard, buildlnge; 25 mile. Portland and 1 mlie to R. R. and boatlandlng: 60 acres river bot tom, the riclwet of land; some fine timber on upianu: aounaaniiy ir ...... orchard, small fruits, 3o tons hay ! acr :res a.l potatoe. z acres in roois aui , i - iorsT tools ana implements. " . h-gs. 2 cow, etc.. etc.. room barn newly constructed. Price only $wo. B. 6. COOK A CO.. 603 Corbett Bldg- BARGAINS IN WASHINGTON COVVTY. 83 acre.: 60 In nice .tate of cultivation. 20 acre in timber, balance In pa"; 1 acre In orchard: good house and 1 mile from school and church; price. $K. h'oS acr?.". 40 acre. In high t- of cul tivation, balance paeture and timber, good well ml spring; two acres In .orchard. 10 room bouse and large barn: half mile school- Drlce $4000. half cash. eOacrejs 15 acre. In cultivation, balance Tatu?.Tn-o building.; on. ind hool. 10 mile, to Portland. Thl. an exceptionally guod buy. Price. w00. h40 aVrea. all In cultivation: good house and brfln. orchard. W -t- of onion land, on Tualatin Klver; R. F. D.. Phone n the house, on milk ml f? from railroad Everything to date and In flne P?cr-XEWt: 83000 cash, balance long time, 8 per cent. SWEET. 204 Cornell bldgj GOOD FARM. ' 100 acre., about 20 mile, from P"land luj mile, from boat landing on the W II ?..... Rvr and railroad station; 70 lamette River ana cultivation; 30 17". Joodh flr tTmber; we... and Uvlng water- lot. of fruit, and berriea; two Joules 5 and 11 rooms; two large bsvrns. S -igon hu,. Pl.ment hou cider hous.. roothouse and woodshed, fenced 2nd crow-fenced: with the place go .1 horses 8 good Jersey cow. (coming fresh ?hT. F.ll. 5 head ..ock cattle 4 rood .ows. 17 .boats; 3 acre, flne corn. 8 acre, potato., about 23 ton. good ha. 1 truck wagon. 1 wagon. 1 new binder. ml rake. 2 plow., harrow, cider mill, spray pump. 2 cultivators. 1 wheelbarrow, horse forkP old buggy, fanning mllK larg. dinner-call bell: good garden and S.o chick en. This plac. must be een to be ap preciate h j RUPERT. Electric Hotel. Oregon City. Or. HOW ABOUT THIS? 19 acre, of the finest unimproved land In Yamhill County; 40 acre easily "'fed and good orchard land; balance haa a million feet aaw timber: plac. la cJar "nd w can .ell for $2500 or will ex ?hangVfor Improved or unimproved city projerty' rooming-house. Title Guarantee. Oregon Tru.t. Merchant. telephone bond., on cash bas . or for good, flrst-claaa mortgage; willing to aa- DEVLIN" FIP.KBAUOU . $0- Swetland bldg.. cor. 6th and ash. ARB YOU FROM THE EAST f Come In and see our farm bargains, all the way from 10 to 130 acres, ranging In price from $10 to $10O an acre: some of them raw land and some of them im proved apple, walnut, dairy and garden land. MANCHESTER WILSON. 608 Well.-Kargo Bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 1400 acre. 3uO In good tate of cultiva tion 600 oak and flr timber, balance open pasture, well watered, on R. R-. more and P. O.. school on th. tract; good farm house, barn. 6 acre, good family orchard: 8 mile, of couaty at. 100 m 1 e .outh of Portland; thl. can all be tilled; at the price It U a good buy to get and hold tor j. raise. Half cash. $18.50 per acre. CAMERON CABLE. 611 Board of Trade bldg. ACREAGE. Good buy. In acreage. won acrea. So 80 acre.. City llmlta on Penlnaola. $4250 for 3 1-3 Cltb per acre for 120 acres $oo per acre for 40 acre Joining city Um' FRED C. KING, lot Commercial block. 2d and Wash. 80 ACRES. 20 UNDER CULTIVATION. Good 6-room bou. barn. 20 acres 1 fine timber. IV. acre good o"hd' ?niV water. V. mil. of electric I n. "''0rR F. D-. telephone, etc.. 7 mile from Ore gon City on public road, only $2300. goo 'u CXDoNAU. T70M Washington Sc. Room 3. 27 ACRE8. 10 clear, under cultivation, bai ance timber; new 6-room house, large barn, good outsheda. good creek on Place. on county road: all fenced; .lock and all Implement, tool, and household furniture Included; $1000 will handle thl.. For par t?cu?.rJ T .ee John J. Nally. 308 Chamber of Commerce- " 820 ACRES WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Only $44 an acre for thl. half section, 2 mile, from Corvallls. and It is all cleared and fenced and ready for the plow; ex ceptionally flne fruit or dairy land; can be divided up Into tracts: reasonable terms. WASHINGTON OREGON REALTY CO.. Phone Main 2404. 108 2d St. HOMESTEADS in th. wheat belt of F.atern Oregon. 10 to 13 mile, from a thriving town on the main line of railroad; ail good tillable oll; flne water to be had; let quick, only a few left. Coast" Com mercial Co.. 604 Dekum bldg. 110-ACRID fruit farm, 214 mile, from Dallas, B-room houee. hot and cold water, large barn, outbuildings, about 2-tOO trees In flneat condition bringing large 'n5'. f railroad and school; $14,000; $5000 cash. 826 Lumbar Exchanges win BALB or trade. 22 acre, of red .hot soil haa two good .nrlnge. 140 bearing fruit tree, and 160 4-year-old: only 8 mile, from Hood River; $3000. Room 820 Swet land bldg. T ACRES land, ail In cultivation, 6 acres apple trees, H acre In grape vines; new 4 room house. 2 wagonav all necessary appli ances; cheap for cash. Inquire 66 1st St., North. Nick Matosin. ACREAGE. tflooO 12 acres, all highly cultivated. 8 miles from Portland, on Oregon City line. 80 minuted rid. from th. city. James J. Flynn. 612 Chamber of Commerce. WHO want. th. beet farm In th. Willam ette Valley? For particular, call upon or writ. Connell, Long Imbrl. Hllls boro. Or. THE bet bargain In Hood River Valley A Dole orchard yielding good Income; good reason for selling. Addres P 22. Ore gonlan. LINCOLN COUNTY orchard and dairy farm, mild climate, pure water; a few acre, on the coast will make you Independent. O. Dalab. El City. Or. 180 ACRES unimproved land, easy to clear, nice creek, near ecappoose. $200: 40 acre. $1000. Writ Joseph Parker. Scap poose. Or. 40 ACRES Hood River land, all tillable, small clearing: B0 apple trees; water rights; term, reasonable. A F 227. Ore gonlan. " t ACRES planted to fruit, on the comer of two prominent avenues, wun iars uw ; price n bldg. Washington 40 ACRES flne land". 30 In cultivation. 2 acres orenara. small Trim, nvw nous ua barn; 3fe mile to carline: cheap; $2-500. terms. A. L. Brlttlng. 403 2d St. THE rush 1. on at the Pine Tree Land Co.; farms, cltv property and business invest ments. 609-510 Buchanan Bldg.. 296i Wash ington st. i-non as. now. 30 ACRES, 18 cleared, 6-room house, bam. other buildings; on survey for electrlo line; 2 acrea la bearing orchard; terms. 248 4 Stark rt. A GOOD 200-acr. dairy and .toclt farm, located on Columbia River, near thriv ing town; no agents. H 217. Oregonlan. 50 ACRES. It mile. Portland. 812S acre so acres same distance. $2 50 acre. Mo tual Realty Co . 803 1 Washington, room S lo ACRES land. S mile, from Forest Grove, one-half cleaned, balance flne timber; $20 per acre take It. r'none uain o. . n vlsitB I run rmf' ' .......... . - , BARGAINS IN FARMS IN CLARK CO.. WASH.. CLOSE TO fi PltTLuUMJ. 310 acrea 276 acre, under fine .tate of cultivation, balance in timber. 6-room house, large bam and other necessary outbuildings, living stream through land, fine spring at house, well and water system at bam. place fenced and cro-fenced. 12 miles from Van couver. 6 mllea from river and railroad town and l4 miles from oountry town. This place Is one of the finest dairy ranches In the county and Is the best buy In the Northwest. Price $55 acre. Owner too old to take care of the place; i cash, balance on terms to ,Uio2 scree 7 miles from this city on fine rod 86 acres under cultivation. 17 acres green saw Umber. 6-room house, large barn, granary etc.. living stream and fine well at house 10 head of cattle, team. 2 wagons, plowa. harrows, binder, mower, rake, all hay sr.d grain on hand and growing crops; price $: Va cash, balance on terms to suit pur chaser. . 80 acres Excellent land. 60 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance all slashed, burned and eeded. family orchard of assort ed fruits In full bearing. 6-room house, fine large barn. alio, etc., living stream, a spring, snd well at bouse, plac fenced and cross fenced with practically new fence, 8 fine dairy cows, wagon, back, plow, binder, mow er, rake. 15 tons of hay. seed grain, and growing crops; 11 mile from Vancouver, mllee railroad towns. 1 H miles from country town on main county road. This Is all high swale land and will grow anything you put In the ground. We can recommend this place to anyone wishing to buy a- home or for an Investment. Price $700o. $4000 cash, balance can stand on place at 6 per cent. 12 acres. 3 miles from this city, on One gravel road, 11 acres under flne elate of cultivation, nice 4-room plastered house, large bam. etc., family orchard of as sorted fruits In full bearing. This li 1 an excellent piece of garden land. Price $Jo00. All of the above places have R. F. D. ajid telephone. See our list before buying; we can suit you and save you money. THOMPSON 4. SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. ACREAGE. 20 acres on the Base Line road: T acre, cleared, balance brush; Mount Hood Rail way survey runs through the place; about 8 miles from town: water at depth of about so feet. Price $300 per acre; cash, bal ance terms. , . 15 acrea on the Reams Road, about 8 blocks from th Base IJne road; lo acres In high, state of cultivation. 6 acres In tim ber: large new 7-room house. 2 cows. 1 Jersey. 1 horse, hack, harness. 2 cistern, fruit trees. ome walnuts; the land Is worth $rtt per acre; whole thing goea for $l500; $o0 cash, balance terma. 4 Villa home site (nearly 1 acre) on Rose City ave. close to car; unrestricted as to cost of residence and character of occupa tion. Price $i:ww: s cash. HARTMAN st THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FINE DAIRY FARM. tSO acres; 10 acres best kind creek bot tom land: can raise 3Vj tons per acre; 40 acres -In cultivation. 30 acres slashed. In pasture, good the. year round: 8 creeks, never dry. and fine, cool spring water piped to the house; fenced; on county road and milk route; family orchard; good 7-room house, with telephone; two barns: 50 tons of good clover and tim othy hay: 0 milch cows, good wagon, mowlngmachlne rake, plow, harrow and other small implements. Exactly as ad vertised, and if a buy you And only once in a lifetime. Price. $.'1300. with terma. WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU. 312 Board of Trade Bldg. KURATLI BROS.. HILLS BORO. Or. 40 acres, all under cultivation, good buildings, family orchard. Tualatin River Is boundary, good soli. 4 miles to Hllls boro, milk route and phone; $5000. a bar gain. 224 acres. 100 under cultivation, house and barn, family orchard, creek and well, on the electric line. 2V4 miles from Hlllsboro. on the Tualatin Plains, desir able for small homes: $20,000. half cash. 80 acres, 00 under plow, good well and creek, house and barn, family orchard, 2tt miles to station, 12 mile, to Portland, .plendld dairy farm; $75O0, terma. 160 acres. 70 under plow, balance In pasture and timber, 8-room house and barns, 1 mile to school and church, 8 miles to sta tion: $SOO0. $2000 cash. 829 ACRES In a good stock farm. 7 miles from North Yamhill, well watered, about 200 acres plowed or nearly ready for the plow. In an estate which the executor and the heirs are very anxious to close up. If our prlc. does not suit, make sn offer. There, la a bargain In It for someone. 160 acrea six miles from Portland, on west side of the hills; 50 In cultivation. 10 sere, of orchard, apples, pear., cherrle. and prunes; only $75 per acre. It will be on a railroad soon and will make someone rich. Half cash. WHALLEY. 615 McKay Bldg. NORTH YAMHILL FARM. On account of sickness the owner Is forced to sell at a sacrifice his 2S0-acre farm near North Yamhill, one of the finest farms In this famous district; 100 acres In cultivation, flne Spltxenberg orchard, berries of all kinds, flne buildings, spring water. All stock, machinery. Implements of all kinds and entire crop. Everything ready to step right Into. For quick sale. $10,000 takes It all. Would take soma city property and good terms on balance. WALLING PAYSON. 243 Stark. 82no A fine farm of 150 acres, good house and barn, fin well. 4Vj miles from R. R. and Columbia River; choice apple land. Must be sold at once. MANCHESTER WILSON, 60S Wells-Fargo Bldg. $5000 MADE IN A DAY By buying the cheapest farm and stock ranch In Oregon; -1040 acre, all fenced and cross-fenced: large, roomy house, fine barn, spring house and other outbuildings; variety of all kinds of fruit; good market for all produce right at the door; situated In the famous Paradise atock range, on rural free delivery route; price only $10 per acre; easy terms. For a few days only, all or address F. M. Batchelor, 214 and 215 Couch bldg., Portland. Or. 160 ACRES. 1 30 acres cleared balance pas ture, 7 mile, from Vancouver, close to railroad, IS cows. 1 bull. 30 hogs, gasoline engine, cream separator, 1 binder, mower, hav rake, seeder, ons 3-horse plow, one 2-liorxe plow, 1-horse plow, disc harrow, drag harrow, cultivator, running water, good well, 10-room house, large barn, 75 tons hay. dairy house. $14,000; $4500 down balance IO years at 6 per cent. Sll Wor cester bldg. EEST IN THE VALLEY FOR THE PRICE. 312 acre. 214 miles of R. R.. postofflce and store on county road. 20 ml'eej of county seat; 100 acrea In flne cultivation, good house and four barns, plenty water by stream snd springs; 100 tons hay In the barns; there Is no waste land on this place. Price, $7000. $2000 down, balance, all the time you want. CAMERON" CABLE. 511 Board of Trad bldg. 13 ACRES. $S50O. all In cultivation: six acres of young walnuts, four acres of cher ries; extra flne five-room plastered house, new: t mile from electric station; flne roads; large farms all around Itinand lies level, and In fine open country; 14 miles from Portland. This Is an Ideal country home. SWEET, 04 Corbett bldg. FINE dairy farm. 60 acres, choice level bottom land, all tilled aid in cultiva tion, 1 mile to railroad and electrlo line. Fine 10-room plastered house. 2 good barns, windmill, good orchard, fenced and cross-fenced. Buildings alone cost $5000. The best buy In Washington County. Price $7730. T. H. Littlehales, Forest Grove, Or. TEN acres 9 miles from city, well Improved, part beaverdam land, good buildings, stock and Implements: all goes for $aooo: bar land In that vicinity selling for $300 per sere. For further particulars about this bargain, call at Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 Vj Washington, cor. 3d. 80 ACRES. 8 miles from R. R. station. IS acres under cultivation, flne fruit lasd, on acre bearing prunes, balance of place has 1.500,000 feet of flr saw timber: 1.4 mile from school, rural route. Price, $2000, $,Vs cash, balance on term.. B. Best, Gaston. Or. SPLENDID HOME. $1700 10 aores of the very best land, near Tualatin, 8L acres In high state of cultivation, new house, flne spring, bandy to Saaem Electrlo and S. P.; a flne buy. F. FCCHS. 221H Morrison St. FARMS Dairy snd stock ranches of various sizes and descriptions, for sale or ex change. Call or write what you want to buy. sell or exchange, to the land de partment, Goldschmidt's Agency, 253 ij Washington, comer 3d. 2O.O00 Finest dairy farm In Oregon: 90 acres, all clear, 4 miles from Astoria: $18,600 In lmprovementa; (K head blooded stock; a bargain: terma Address John P. Sharkey Co.. I22t4 th St.. Portland, Or. WILL trado new 6-room house and 8 lots In University Park for some good acreage: an other rare chance. Room 320 Swetland bldg. IF you are looking for a farm, large or small, cash or trad, call 825 Lumber Exchange. 15-ACRE farm, good bouse. Improved. T miles from city. Sell wood 1160. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. If you do not ace It here we have It at the office. . . SURE BARGAIN. 20 acres all In a fine state of cultivation, level land,' fine soil, near S. R. R. and elec tric line. 14 miles west of Portland. I mil to Reedvllle. V, mile to Wltchazel, etc.; this is ths best buy in the Tillamook Valley. Price $175 per acre; some terms. A SACRIFICE. 40 seres, all fine level land, good soli. 8tj miles west of Portland on good country road, not far from electric line or R. R-; milk route, R. F. D., fair 6-room house, Z big bams, chicken-house, outbuildings, etc.; flne orchard. Be sure and see this. Price 300- GREAT SNAP. 17t4 acres, all under cultivation, flne level land, good soil. 16 miles N. W. of Port land on good country road and .near the United Railway line; this Is a good buy at X1S50; some terms. 29 acres. Us miles to Tlgardvllle and electric line, all fine land. 25 acres under flne cultivation, flne spring on Place; thle Is a fine place and very cheap at $125 per acre; on main road. 30 acres fin. level land. IM mile, from electric line and station, on country road, near good town, school and churches, price $125 per acre. 1-8 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Swell piece of goods. 40 acres. 25 In cultivation and good or chard, good 7-room house, 2 good barns, chicken-house, wagon shed and other out buildings, lfe miles from Tlgardvllle. and IVi to iota grade school and church. Price lOO 40 acres In Tualatin Valley, 14 acres In cultivation, balance timber, 3U) cords wood; ripping buy at only $3000. 20 acres. 14 cultivated. 6 pasture, orchard 76 trees, good 6-room house, barn 80x40. 3 acres In potatoes, balance hay. 2 miles to Tlgardvllle, mile to Tualatin. Price $2rt per acre. ... , , 15 acres, 2 miles from city limits, level and- good .oil, 10 acres under cultivation. 6 timber, brand new 7-room house, Just finished painting, large rooms, bath, base ment and milk cellar, good barn, new chicken-house and woodshed, both old and young orchard, all kinds small fruit, all fenced. 2 flne Jersey cow., horse, buggy . u v,v trra t n and Imnlements ana an tw.e. - . go with the place; last chance for a snap. ' ... . , . . . ,n will a.i'h. r. a Ik f 1 1 r close in; pricw e1-". " -' ' neat little place on Bast bide. 160 acres, all level land. 100 acres mostly all under cultivation. 60 acres flne timber, all good solL located 14 miles west of Port land on 8. P. R. R-. near station: this will cut up nicely Into small tracts without waste; nice creek through place, house", barn, chicken-house, etc.; best and cheapest buy In the Tualatin Valley today; price only $120 per acre and will consider exchange ' for well located Portland property. Call early on this. . lt5 acres flne land; 80 acres under culti vation, balance pasture and flne timber: 40 hogs 2S00-lh. team, harness snd wagon and hack, 60 chickens, with mower, rake snd plow; a complete outfit of farm Implements- good 6-room house, 2 barns, chicken-houses, etc., all crops, everything goes; price $6000. or will exchange for Portland residence up to $4000 value. 160 acres unimproved, level land, Kla math County, Or., 6 miles from Rostand, near schools, churches and stage line," plenty water: price $1200; will exchange for city lot., full value or more. 120 acres raw land. 12 mile, from Esta cada. 14 miles from Oregon City: there Is enough timber on 40 acres to pay for the whole 120 acres; land lies all level; 20 acres nearly cleared; plenty of running water, fine farms all around the property; owners In California; a snap; price $23 80 Merest fine land 12 mllee south of Portland- 22 acres under cultivation, 20 in grain, 2 in potatoes; this Is 2 miles to electric line, stfest and R. R. and river: log house, small bam. other buildings; price $5000, or will sell 40 acres of timber of this 80; price $1200, some cash, balance ''Si acres 12 miles south of Portland; good land- 6 acres under cultivation, 40 acres low land, balance high land; mostly level; flne oak, ash and flr timber, good house, barn and other buildings; 8 cows, span young mares, 100 chickens, wagon, har ness and all Implements and crop, all goes: price $75 per acre, is oash, balano. long time 6 per cent. 20 acres 24 miles to good town, near Salem electric, 11 miles south of Portland, near good school and churches; small house, big bam and orchard, 12 acres In potatoes, balance hay and grain; remember this Is all under a high state of cultivation: all crops go with placeavnot a stump or ston. on the place; price J3800. $1500 cash, bal. any old time. 8 per cent. .... 34 acres of One level land 1 miles of Washougal. Wash.. 12 miles to Vancouvsr; fine 5-room bouse, new bam. chicken houses, etc.; this Is no run-down place; price $3000, or will exchange for cily resi dence property same value. 20 acres, H under cultivation, balance seeded pasture; fin. level land, near Witch hazel station, R. R., electrlo line, school and churches: exchange for house and lot north of Russell St., East of Willamette ave.; price $2500. 114 acres, finest fruit farm In Clark Co.. Wash.. miles N. E. of Vancouver; 90 acres under cultivation. 50 acres orchard. 40 acres hay. grain, potatoes snd garden truck; 8 houses. 2 barns. $7000 steam prune dryer, with all crops, sows, harness, hogs, chickens and a complete outfit of up-to-date farm Implements; price $18,000. or will exchange for Portland property sam "oregon and Washington farms, hundreds of them, sale or exchange. You cannot miss It by calling on the PINE TREE LANT CO., 609-510 Buchanan Bldg., 286H Wash. St. SEPTEMBER SALES. 4000 150 aores. good house and barn, splendid well, flne orchard. 444 miles from railroad and boat landing. on county road, orchard adjoining of IT acres, owner refused $500 an acre this year: must be old at once; part cash, balance long '$60 an acre for one of the best dairy ranches In the Tualatin Valley, 1H miles from depot, all cleared, good house and barn; $1000 cash, balanos $1000 a year at 8 per cent. - $SO an acre for 100 acres of flne land. fiartly cleared, on good road, near town n Washington County, fertile sou, no rocks If you want fruit, walnut, farm or dairy land, come and so us. a w hav It at the Manchester wilson. 508 Wells-Fargo Bldg. SUBURBAN FARM. IB.onn 18 acres, all highly cultivated: S acres Concord grapes. 850 peach trees, 350 pear, 100 walnut 850 apples, assorted, loO assorted berries," 76 filberts. 30 cherries, 8-room modern house, large hall and bath; hot and cold water, full-size concrete base ment, task-house. 300O-gal. tank, with en gine flist-class barn, 8-room cottage and 7 outbuildings. Thl farm Is located on the Oregon City carline. only a few minutes Tide from Portland; station right on the place. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE. 72 28 acres situated In the famous Logan Valley. Clackamas County, all clear except 8 acres In timber, good house and bam, stone mllkhouse and a lot of other small buildings all In good repair, on good road, rural delivery dally, cream route, telephone in house, large orchard, variety of fruits, 5 acres potatoes, balance in hay and grain which Is now In barn. Personal property. 1 registered Jersey bull, 10 cows. 6 of them registered Jersey, about 20 hogs. 8 horses. 2 sets of heavy and 1 set of single harness, buggy, haok. farm wagon, new mower, rake, cultivator, plow, harrow, drill, seeder, cream separator, all dairy utensils; all for $7600; $2500 will handle It. Chittenden & Otto, 268 Stark st- Room 17. LARGE DAIRY FARMS. 930 acre.. 6 miles from Corvallls. 200 acres In cultivation. 100 acres fins bottom land. 230 aores good pasture, bal. timber; 2 good houses, one 7 rooms, one 4 rooms, 5 good barns, all necessary outbuildings. In flne shape; line soil. Price, $20 per acre. 650 acres. i flne bottom land, 300 acres In cultivation. 8 houses, one good one of 8 rooms. 8 good barn.. 6 bead of cows, horses hogs, sheep, all farm implements, fln outbuildings. This Is an extra fin dairy farm and Hes fine and on Lewis River. Price, $ SWEET. 204 Corbett bldg. FARMS FOR FARMERS WHO EXPECT AND IF THEY BUY, WILL RECEIVE. $4300 160 acres fronting on the Lewis River 45 acres river front in cultivation, balance timber pasture: place Is tn full view of the Lewis River Valley and Co lumbia River, 1H miles from Woodland and Northern Pacific R, R. : excellent lo cality for apples, peaches, cherries and wal nuts. X2000 40 acres at Blodgett station, 25 acres cleared: the land cannot be beat In the state; house, bam aad other Improve- THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder St. A BEAUTIFUL FARM. 99 acres. SO acres In high state of culti vation, all fenced and cross-fenced with fins board fence, county road on two sides, fine 9-room house, new, modern barn equipped for horses on one id snd cows on the other, drlvewsy between for taking In bay. storage room for buggies, wagon,, etc.; fine family orchard, extra flne soil: Just the place that would take an Eastern man's eye; 3"i mile from Hlllsboro. t mil from United Electric survey. Price, $10,000; easy terms. Sweet. 204 Corbett bldg. 165-ACRE farm near Yamhill, all planted In young walnut trees. 45 feet apart; of fered rent free to good farmer. Room 201, Rothchlld bdlg.. city. . YiVfOTiVKR. CLARK CO. 20 acres. $600: unimproved, easily cleared, fine roads, thickly settled, near town, railroad and river; half cash, balance time to suit; a snap. 6 acres. $250, $100 down, balance on time to suit: i mile to chuvc-h and store and railroad depot; mail delivered at your door. 40 acres, $2000; 8 acres Improved, 30 acres beaverdam or peat land: fine for onions; all fenced. 4-room house, good barn, 8 tons of hay, 2 workhorses, all farm tools, school on corner of place, telephone line 14 mile to church and store. 20u acres, $40 per acre: walnut and fruit land; 7 miles of Vancouver, mile to depot and steamboat landing: walnut grove adjoining, two-year-old trees from 3 to 6 feet growth and bear ing nuts; adjoining .land $90 per acre. A fine tract to cut up In small acre age; can double your money; wood and cedar timber to pay the cost of land; you see us about this, we can make" you some money. We have business and residence prop- erty bargains. We have not got ft ail. but all that you would want. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., Vancouver. Washington. Big Blue Sign. REAL FARM BARGAINS. $ 2,00l For 92 acres. 20 in cultivation. 25 in fine timber, buildings, orchard and running water, near McMlnn vllle; would be cheap at $3600. $ f.800 And only $1600 cash, balance dead easy, for a 165-acre, well Improved Yamhill County farm; the best buy in the county; do not fall to in vestigate this. $ 6,000 On good terms for a beautiful 60-aere farm, only 9 mllea from center of Portland, with all the stock, crop and Implements: over 40 acres In cultivation; 7 acres In orchard; land adjoining .ells at $200 and J300 per acre; nothing as cheap so close In. . $17,000 For a flne dairy and fruit farm right on Willamette, 176 aores in cultivation, balanoe fine timber worth more than asked for the whole; everlasting- rich bottom land; about half cash, balance 6 per cent. Farms ane going like hotcakes; if you want a good value for your money In any kind or size of choice farms, see F. FUCHS. 221M Morrison St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 6 acres, cultivated, near Council Crest, l-rnom house, good barn, spring. $3500. 62 acres. Id cultivated, 6 acres bearing orchard, good buddings and well, near Forest Grove. $2500; team and imple ments Included. 3ft acres, near Lents. 15 acres culti vated, good house and orchard, living spring; snap. $150 per acre. 20 acres Hood River apple land, 6 seres 12-year-old trees. 3 acres in meadow, balance brush; creek through place; cheap water; $6500 crop valued at $2500 in cluded if sold at once: good terms. . 2980-acre dairy ranch near Corvallls, half bottom land, balance upland; tame grass pasture, well watered, two sets buildings, large stock barns; $24 per acre: will divide. 640 acres wheat land, Sherman County, partly cultivated, $30. 2S0-acra fruit ranch," Southern Oregon, full bearing, $20,000. CITY REALTY ft BUILDING CO.. 430 Worcester block. 3d and Oak sts. FARM BARGAINS. 4 10-acre tracts, adjoining tle city lim its of a good town 25 miles up the .Val ley, all In cultivation, and the best fruit and nut land in Oregon. Price $1000 each. Good school, and churche. close by Tract, of 20 acre, of the best kind of apple and nut land near White Salmon, better apple land than any at Hood River. Prloe $60 per aore. 140 acres of good land for fruit or walnuts, only S miles from Forest Grove; a snap. Only $20 per acre for a short ' "a choice dairy farm of 320 acres, lays ,he elver in th Vallev. good snip ing radiuses; i acre in Tin t nre: oholce river bottom land. Price $45 per aore. or will cut up to smaller tracts. W. H. LANG, S40 Chamber of Commerce. CONSIDER. . " 180 acres on Willamette River. 80 miles from city. 2-3 of which is In bearing or chard. 8-10 years old; at the price asked, $180 per acre, you can treble your Invest ment; remember, $150 per acre for land you'd pay $500 to $1000 per acre for. See, for particulars., GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 253 Washington, Cor. 3d. HOOD RIVER APPLE FARM. 25 acres, 44 miles out, 15 acres In trees, modern dwelling, a bargain at $450 per acre, or will sell 10 acres. Call East 4013 or address 180 East 29th st- North. TO EXCHANGE. S ACRES flne fruit land to be set to treel by January 1, 3 miles from electric line. IV, hours' ride from Portland, In center of very fine fruit belt (Estacada). for Portland property on easy terms, $2000; also 20 acres, $8000; rural delivery, macad amized roads, phone and Just like a suburb- will care for the above 3 years at this price; Just the thine to retire on at that time; this is a piece of my own orchard; have more than I need. Owner. Main 2813. 410 Park st. NICE little business for two. grocery, lunch room, delicatessens, confectionery, cigars, tcbaceo. etc.; 2 large rooms In rear; rent $25; long time. Will for vacant lot or house and lot and pay difference. Come watch the business one day and you will, be satisfied. N 230. Oregoman. I HAVE a first-class brick rooming-house to trade for city house and lots, or acre age rot over 12 miles out. This Is a n.oney-maker. 25 rooms; lease; rent $05 a month; price $2800. Give cr take dif ference. 170 4 3d St.. room 8- FOR SALE 5-room house and 2 lota, 1 H blocks from carline, 9th ave.. Mount Scott carline; price $1250. Will take good team, harness and wagon for part. For particu lars address W. W. Jackson. B 217, Oregonlan- EQUITY of $3000 In new 8-room, swell modern bungalow, most desirable location, awful cheap at $55u0, for sale, or will trade for good property In or around Portland; this is an opportunity to get something good. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. WILL exchange for good grocery or restau rant. In Portland, an Improved 24-acre tract of land a miles from the city, close to R R. and electric line town; write and trade with owner. B 234. Oregonlan. WE have a double house, 10 rooms and 2 baths. lot 45x100, Income $26 per month. 8 blocks from good carline. Will trade or farm of $3300 value. 417 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. 2 new French bas soons, high and low pitch, "Trlbert & Buf fet " 22 keys rosewood, warranted every particular first-class. F. W. Van Dyke, Grants Pass, Or. 60-ACRB dairy ranch, half In cultivation, good plastered hous. well, creek and or chard; 15 acres beaverdam: $8600; will take half cash, balance mortgage, or houee and lot up to $4000.. 825 Lumber Exchange. FINE 40-acre fruit ranch, 6 miles from Hood River; 21 acres apples, best varieties; .no peach trees. 7-room house; worth $12.00"; equity $9000; to exchange for city rroperty; flats preferred. Phone Woodlawn 303. e-200 120 acres, 6-room house and barn, running water, 15 acres In cultivation, near Cape Horn: will trade for suburban resi dence property or acreage. V bailey. 6I.1 McKay bldg. WA.NTED A $5000 residence to ex change for 11 acres improved land, stock and implements. Call 7V First. Riley Real Estate Exchange. 40 ACRES fruit land, near Hood River, for modem rooming-house or houee snd lot In Portland. 612 Oerlinger bldg. WHAT have you to trade for a good auto mobile? Call 320 H Weldler St.. or phone C 1471. FINE rubber-tired, leather-cushioned Stan hope carriage. Frary & Seltx. 132 5th St.. ground floor. $1500 EQUITY In 8-room house for lots, acre age or small house, or will take auto as part. V 228. Oregonlan. . FIRST-CLASS carpenter will exchange work for violin lessons. Address 1415 E. 15th St. COMPLETELY furnished modern home, Pasadena. Cal.. good Income property Portland or vicinity. C 233. Oregonlan. TO exchange new $500 black walnut up right piano for lot or lots. Phone East 3444. j WILL trade for what you have. Gus Bmltb, 404 Buchanan bldg. -ta-XnTED to exchange wlde-tlred wagon for S-lnch narrow-tired. T 22R, Oregonlan. HAVE flne farm want to exchange It for city property. Address AE 221, Oregonlan. WILL trade a new 30-ft. 1-H. P. cabin launch for real estate j ".to, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE cottage. $2500. S43" Stark. 6900-ACRE stock ranch. 2 miles from u"1' htenton v-ouniy; yet- L vide and trade. , 950 acres, near Corvallls. well improved. $20 per acre. . . 15 acres. Just platted, for farm or im proved dairy ranch. . ItiOO-acre stock ranch, near Roseourg, value $16,000, for city property. $10,000 stock ranch, near Wllhoit, tor city property. , 512-acre atock ranch, wellj Improved. Southern. Oregon; value $15,000. 620 acres. 3 miles from Eugene; H cleared; $25 per acre. 500 acres, being one of the beet equipped dairy and stock ranches near 6alem, for city property. 60-acre farm near Forest Grove, $2500. for acreage. 11 acres, near Hillsdale, $500 per acr. for city property. 5 acres, near Counell Crest, for bouse and lot. $.100 home. Alblna. for small acreage. 4 acres at Lenta Junction; small "e. trade for Improved property: valus $.tooo. Nloe 6-room house In Sellw-ood for smaU Improved acreage; value $2600; equity South Portland. 8-room house, comer, for lots. .onnn House and 4 lots for acreage ; $3000. Business property on Mount Scott car line, renting $45 per month; $4500. for C$o5" auto and $3000 mortgage for house or timber. . 90-acre farm, near Aurora; $70 per acre, for city property. . 160-acre dairy ranch, near Astoria, value $12 00O; for property or rooming-house. $13,5003 lots and house, for farm 60 100 acres. . These and many more. List your trades with the exchange department. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. 2534 Washington, Cor,- 3d. TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. One of the best farms In Oregon. 1" acres, about 20 miles from Portland on ths railroad; with all stock and Implements; 74 aeres "under cultivation. 7 cows, 12 hogs, S work horses, 45 chickens, 1 binder, hay rake mower, new seed drill. 2-horwa culti vator, flne new fanning mill. 2 breaking plows, and 1 large lever harrow, new farm wagon, buggy, 2 sets of work harness. 1 set of light harness; 80 or 40 tons of hay. 60 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels ofoats 1 25-gallon kettle on furnace and lota or small tools too numerous to mention, a 11 kinds of fruit: good outbuildings; flne bam. flne new 7-room house; 2 good ells. cel lar under the house; phone In bouse ana R F. D. at door: everything In good or der. This place has about 20 acres of laks bed land that will raise onions. A first-class place. Price $10,000. RALPH ACKLEY. 603 Corbett Bldg. 63 ACRES level land. 9 miles from Vancou ver; 2 miles to railroad station; H mile to school: large house, barns, windmill arid tank of 20O0 capacity; 2 young mares 120O lbs: one spring colt, one yearling Illy. I co. one Spring calf. 12 angora goats two brood sows. 13 Spring pigs. 4 dozen hens, i wagons; one spring wagon. 8-seat. nearly new; buggy, mower, hay rake, reve", le diso harrow, plow, drag harrow. rol ler, cider mill. Numerous small tools. Water piped Into the bouse; n. trait trees; six tons hay; two acres in PoMoa. two acres in corn. Will consider trade for wheat farm, or will take $2500 orth of Portland property. Price, $.000. ill Worcester bldg. PACKING-HOUSE TOWNSITE. DO YOU WANT LOTS NEXT? 100 lots, first Electric Addition. 100 lots Fishers Addltlcn, 100 lot. E'",H1rnB": dition and a big bunch of lots In w.fP mette Addition. WiH trade or sell 1 all or any part of the above lots, price 10o $300 each. $5 down. $5 per mnth. You can get your choice now. In one year you will pay at least three times as much. Also have $15,000 worth of horses and mules, air in fine condition, for farm. A. C McDonald, agent. Peninsular Station. Portland, Or. Phone Woodlawn 813. HOW ABOUT THIS? 80 acres of the finest unimproved land . An easllv cleared and good orchard land; balance has a million leet saw iirrtuei , v- - ----- and we can sell for $2600 or will ex change for Improved or unimproved city property, rooming-house. Title Guarantee. Oregon Trust. Merchants certificates, tel ephone bonds, on cash basis, or 'or good first mortgage; willing to assume dlffer- enC6' DEVLIN FIP.E3ATJGH 608-8 Swetland bldg.. cor. 6th and Wash. nn,Dno TH TRADE. HOOD KlVtiK tjr.t-xuvi, w , Call and ee a ve.y attractive list of profitable bearing appie oi.u"- can be traded for city property. Farms In nearly every county In Ore gon for trade lor city proirou. ALSO M .... , California vineyards and lands suitable for same in desirable localities on line of wpj -aar a V fi THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. WE have a good 8-room house, all modem, on South 1st St.. to exchange for small farm, near Portland; value $1)500. Some nice residences and vacant lots In Woodlawn and St. John to sell or exchange for property in or near Portland. Come In and we will sav you time and PINE- TREE LAND CO.. 2864 Wash. St. Phone M 8890. A BIG BARGAIN. 15G0 acres of flne stock land; 200 acres In hay laud, all wire fenced: prlc. $10 per acre; also several 40-acre tracts that can be had at $50 per acre; this Is located in Union County, near La Grande: will ex change this for Portland property. PINE TREE LAND CO., 509-6 iO Buchanan Bldg., 286 Wash. St. ' TO SELL or trade; $4000 buys elegant home In Forest Grove. 9-room house, modern, large lot. and barn, will exchange for part or all Improved acreage within 100 miles from Portland. For particulars see the Gold schnildt Agency, land department, 2534 Washington st. TO EXCHANGE Modern 12-room house, large corner lot, northweat part of city, choice location and surroundings, 1 block to 23-st or W cars, 15 minutes' walk to Postofflce ; rents $115 per month; value $iv,oO- want acreage close In suitable for platting. Owner. H 222. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE corner stor and tenement, two lots 300 feet from graded school, cars pass. For farm or timber land. C H. Merrltt, 2177 corner Allesandro and D at., Los Angeles. BOOK, stationery and souvenir store, well located. Receipts about $12 per day. Will trade for acreage, house, lots or equity. Price $1800. 8-5 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRES, 2 4 miles east of Oregon City. . running water. 2 springs and timber, for 800 or 400 cords of good wood, for house and lot in Portland. H 218, Oregonlan. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buv sell or trade business or property follow- the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. RENT, sale or trade, 5-room cottage, lot 50 by 100. fruit and flowers. Mrs. Klrthly. 4 blocks north of Grays Crossing, Foster road. A 81i 000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm trac; to trad toward Portland boms or property Fiank Le. 11 Front st. IF you have a house, or lot, or farm, or rooming-house, or business ot any kind that you want to sell or trade, call 613 Chamber Commerce. WILL exchange loOxlOO on 3th St. Bast and Francis ave also lot at beach, value $12h). for house and lot not over $2500 or $3000. Call room 1(1. Hamilton bldg. Main 4610. BEAUTIFUL home In Portland, worth $1.. 000. for farm near Portland of like value. R F. Bryan. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. I1IPROVKD and unimproved city property to exchange for farm In Valley. M. E. Lee. room 4 1 1 Corbett bldg. TELEPHONE BONDS AND STOCK Taken in exchange for real estate. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark st. WILL trade 5 acres Hood River land for some Portland suburban lots. Address, with full particulars. AD 199, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade r exchange? W. Lawrence & Co., Sli Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark- GOOD HOUSE. 7 rooms and 2 lots for farm land, near Portland, on or near carline. J 215. Oregonlan. FRUIT land for sale or would exchange for cltv property. M. E. Lee, room 411 Cor bett hide. IF you want to buy, eell or trade anything, see Kauffmann & Moore. 325 Lumber Ex change. FOB SALE. Hones. Vehicle, and Harness. HORSES, msres. rig. and harness ot alt kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horsa Ap ply 808 Davis st- FOR SALE $400. hotel "bus team and har ness. Call 234 Front st. WANTED Gentle pony, suitable for child to ride or drive. N 234, Oregonian. ONE mare to hire out, sell or trade for a larger horse. Phone East 6398. Bones. Vehicles and Harness. WANTED Thoroughbred registered horse. mare preferred, 15 to IB nanas. 1 1175 pounds. 3 to 7 years, thoroughly broke and gentle. In exchange for my Cadillac 10-H. P. runabout. In excellent order all over; state fully price and where hone can be seen. A 235. Oregonlan. SORREL mare, 7 yean old: weighs about 1100 pounds; Is nice and fat and will make a fine delivery or family mare: perfectly gentle: will drive or ride: also black horse 5 yean old. weighs 1000 pounds! fine saddler; gentle. See owner Sunday and Monday only at him ittn wt. AUCTION sale of 30 head of horsr and mares ranging in ago tro.u f "' Y" from 800 to 1100 pounds: some well-broken and some wild; all are sound and will grow into money fast. Auction will take place Monday at 2 P. M. sharp. He on time. 322 N. 17th St. Take S or lfith M. cars. FOR SALE New light two-horse express . . . .... ,nn .-- ... r ' b wagon wun c...e " - - paclty 1000 pounds; also new double har ness and robe, all In good condition; price $100 Inquire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg. or of A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or. I NEED a horse and buggy a few hours a. day and will give him the best of care -for his keep and place him In any livery you wish: can furnish best of references. Addnss Salesman, E 2H0. Oregonlan. JUST arrived, a carload of Eastern Oregon ,, ..... 1 . Kmken norses. ail young ani eu....... . -. - , - worken and driver., from 11O0 up to li pound.; will be sold at very reaeonaol. prices 802 Front st., cor. Columbia. FOR BALE 2S0O-lb team, harness, wagon with steady jod; one umi, o-yeai-u. black mare; will pay cash for good light double buggy harness. Phone East 152- 4oS Goldsmith St. ONE bay driving mare. 5 years old. weight llOO. City Droae aim 1.. -v. - respect. Red Front Stables, 15ih and Burnslde. - FOR SALE Black msre 7 years old. gentle for lady to drive: gooa rupoer-uro iras.j and harness; price complele, $135. Red Front Stable. 15th and Burnside. PAIR of blacks, hone and man, T and yean old. weight 2600 pounds. This Is an exceptionally nice all-round pair. Red Front Stable, 15th and Washington.- FINE new Stanhope buggy, flne rig for horse show; will sell cheap for cash or trade for good horse. Phone A 2678 or Main 2678. NINE Syracuse slips No. 1, $3 50 each, and 1 $45 Western road plow $16; for lease, 4 Western wheelers. No. 2i,. Phone East. 1346. FOR SALE 'Buggy, nearly new. Cnnrnrd style, no top. iron tires. Inquire livery, corner 6th and Montgomery or 344 Mont gomery. Phone Main S451. WANTED Pair saddle hdrses to rent for few hours each week from pri vate party. State terms. N 232. Ore gonlan. WANTED Ladles" driving horse; will - ex change $150 lot at beach; will give or take difference. Call 901 East Madison at. Ta bor 1761. 15 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddle, harness, ch.sp to oloss out Hub.rt A Halt 26 4th ml. WANTED Good driving hors for lady. Phone C 1334. House 839 Clackamas St., Tuesday and Wednesday. FOR SALE Gentle mare, suitable to ride or drive in buggy or light wagon. Woodlawn, 2304. BTUDEBAKER single-delivery wagon, with top in good condition. Cajl for Walters, 402 Washington st. FOR SALE Light delivery outfit; good con dition and a bargain If taken at once. Main 273. . STYLISH dark bay family hone. 9 years old, weight 1175 lbs., guaranteed without blemish. Phone Bast 1536. FOR SALE Handsome bay mare; also nice -runabout and harness; call Monday. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. GOOD sound horse, weight about 1100 pounds; price reasonable. 3V E. Burnslue si., cor. Grand ave. MARE and colt, gentle, with light wagon. O. F. Wltte. Crystal Lake Park, Mllwau kle. Or. PONY for sale cheap, or exchange for cow; gentle for children. Phone Tabor 934. f A 2-TON platform spring wagon used only 2 months. Geo. H. Walkers. West avs. and East Lincoln, near reservoir. FINE surrey, together with harness, for sals cheap; have only been used a few times. Inquire at 691 Thurman st. AT A bargain 1100-pound horse, harness and light wagon; will exchange for cows. a38 E. 28th st., Woodstock car. 1 PAIR heavy horses, 6 and 8 years old. weight 3000, sound and tru. ,26 N. 15th 1; street. ' , BROOD mar. T years old. weight 1350,: good worker, In foal by Percheron stal lion. 26 N. 15th st. '- TEN head city broke delivery hones, weight -from 1050 to 1350. 28 N. 15th St. Asnomoouee. BRAND-NEW 7-passenger, high-class suto- mobile $1650; $1000 less than factory price; also same machine In roadster: these are , positively the biggest bargains ever offered; also 24-H. P. 6-passenger oldamoblle, first- class shape. $450. or would trade for real estate. 322 Falling bldg. tgoo 5-passenger. 20-H. P. 4-cyllnder car. top. lamps and good tires. ' 400 16-h. p. 4-cyllnder Ford runabout. . $450 5-seated Olds. '50 10-H. P. Burton runabout. W. G. HARTMAN fc CO.. 46 2d st. BUICK runabout. 1908 machine. Model 10, agent's demonstrator, run about 150 mllea first-class condition, will make attractive price. P. O. box 506. The Dalle.. Or. FOR SALE New and second-hand runa bouts from $200 to $575; touring can from $450 to $200t; all In Al condition. . Phone B 2261. East 614. Open Sunday SIX-PASSENGER White steamer, good con dition, cheep for cash. Will trade for real estate. Inquire 410 Corbett bldg. ALMOST new touring car. perfect condition- make big sacrifice If sold tmmeui ately. a 214. Oregonlan. TOURING car, 4-cyllnder, gla" from, top, new tires; fully equipped; $750. N 235. Oregonlan. ' " WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand. Address, stating condition and best prloe. H 94, Oregonlan. - WE will sell you second-hsnd auto. Garagft free. G. W. Hartman. 46 2d St. IF you an looking for a bargain In an auto call at 401 Buchanan bldir. RUNABOUT, first-class order, low figure for quick cash .ale. Apply 394 6th. Main BOOL Piano. ' DO not fall to see the tremendous assortment of used pianos advertised on page 6, section 1. this issue, in the piano exchange and bar gain room. A $500 Vose & Son piano, solid mahogany case, in flrst-clars tone, cheap for cash. Call and Investigate. 433 E. Harrison. FIRST-CLASS piano, almost new. for sale chesap for cash. Address W 229, Orego nlan. . A NEW upright piano for sale, cash or easy paymenls. 422 Everett St.. city. MUST sell mv piano at once: It's almost new snd a dandy. Call 1S1 East 20th. , HAMILTON upright. $150 cash. Miss Leh man. 147 13lh st. PIANO for sale cheap' by owner, leaving city. Mnln 370. 4S2 Hall st. FOR SALE Square mahogany piano In good condition. Tel. Main 4991. Miscellaneous. $12 BUYS fine Rambler bicycle. Morrow coaster. 994 E. 7th St. North. FOR SALE Good cow. cheap 141.1 Grand ave.. North.. Phone Woodlawn 2:16. PEDIGREED Collie pups. prize winning stock. Main 7704. 211 12th st. R. R. ticket via N. P. to Cleveland cheap ; good to Nov. 1. Address A 233, Oregonlan. A LAUNCH for sale or will trade for lot. , Call at 267 Knott st.. or phone C 1419 PEDIGREED English hull bitch pup. whit. 5 months. 185 North 25th st. PORTABLE bake oven. 4x. cheap. $20. Boggess. room 5. 221 Morrison. CANDY makers' gas furnac for sal cheap If taken st once. S6 E. Morrison st. BLACK walnut bedroom suite with double mirror: must bs sold. 369 E. Morrison. GOOD firs-proof safe tor sale. B 2267. : .