9 THE STJTAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 6, 1908. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. t'nm&R for dv houi work. $2-23. g housekeepers, country, no objection to lady with small child; ana s-a, room and board. Restaurant rook, $53; 2 boarding-house cooks, $4v; country hotsl cook, $40; camp cook. 8 men. 935. . Family cook.. $40 and $35-$30; 5 second girls. $25 and $-0; 2 nurse girls. $26 Md I JO. , v n k pm t h s -. asyv T waitresses, and $7 week. $26 and $20 a month. Others. wivspvfl i.ini tea AOCVCT. $43 V,. Washington at., cor 7th upstalra PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department 0.i Morrison St. M a v.-t c unvniT Cooks. $;. to $43; wAlirfwei $ to $10 week. $20 to $;0 per monm, wnro room; chambermaid a. houseglrls, etc. rood wages. , Large list of new positions dally. Call early and get Tur Pck, Phones. Mam 1062. A Jo64. $2 PER DAY paid to one lady In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for Concentrated Flavorings in tunes; per manent position, J. S. Klegler Co., Chi- cigo. GIRL, from out of city attending school can receive board ana loaging in private im iiv fnr ho'nfns- with work when not oc eupled with school dutiea Address 2a2 etantoo st. liwiTAB sanrxi ynerlanced and capable, city referencea required. Apply Tuesday moxnlng. 7 30 A. M to McAllsn Mc Donnell. WANTED A girl, not under 18. attending school, to assist in pantry ana wait on table at ainaer. aj7 w North, corner iavia. WANTED Good canvassers, neatly dressed women, city and state; good money. Call room 508 Merchants Trust bid.. 6th and Washington str HANSEN 8 LADIES' AGENCY, $4$Vs VVash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs Phones Main and A SA&2. Help Supplied Free to Employers. UriNTRn Rflnd. tenable woman for re- snonslble position. Viavl Co, 60 d Hoth- chlld tidg-. 4th and Washington. "LADIES to mako pillow topa at home f;ood pay; Instructions free. 452 Washi ngton. KLF WANTED MALT OB rT.MAT.aV W ANTED Fore lady or foreman for fitting room: must ba able to teach help; also Tamper. Also first -class solo leather grader and fitter STILSON-KELLOGG SHOB CO Tacome, Wash. SUBSCRIPTION, agents, 60 per cent com mtuinn. r".t holi inri ftarmari maseslnes, experience unnecessary. Benedictine Fath ers. tr3 Goodnosgn bicg. txt a 'pn nrnHanr(l solicitors, men women; for steady work, on salary and com mission. G. M. Merriu. W2 Commerce it., Taooma. Wash. LBARN to speak Spanish, prepare for a po sition this Winter; modern conversational me t hod : reasonable terms. 406 Com mon- wcalth bid? . 6th and Ankeny sta WANTED For .wholesale house, man 01 m-nmsn thorouchly familiar with mall ordr business. Address, with references. A 205. Oregonian vi.'. h t r hnnl for book keeDlnr. shorthand. typewriting, grammar, arithmetic, etc., five nights a week: low rates now. Buslm University. 68 8d at. Phone Main 4604. fippniT. h on hand course, any system; se- cure positions. Bu;!ness University, 68 3d at. Phone Main 4.-o. FOR HELP FOR WORK x W r EMPLOYMENT CO 22ii Morrison. M- 3022. We are white. HAVE yon $V" to invest at 10 per cent per annum on ampte sccurnj 1 auuitii ais. Oregon Ian. LEARN advertlslnr evenings Holmes Bust les College. lmh and Washington sta Fhone Main 513, A 2554. Khor stitchers to operate power machine The J- A. Held Co.. 33 and 15 Union ave., city. Burt HOPP1CKERS wanted. to buy 600 camping stoves at fc each. 271 1st st. HOPPICKERS WANTED Inquire Gaines st.. or Main 4543. 281 SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. ; TOT. NO MAN 2f years of ago. possessing a f'ractleal knowledge of the lumber and ojtglng business and fully capable to take charre of any set of books, is open for en engagement; best referencea given. Rlb Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, young man. wants any kind of cierlcal position. In or out of city; amall ailary to start; reference. L 213, Ora gonian. TOUNG man. bookkeeper, practical experi ence In both mil and cargo lumber busi ness, woutd like position with chance of advancement; references. A B 20 U, Ore gonian. : WANTED Position by yonng man. age 23, nva years' axparieoca s Btenagrapner; also experience as salesman and book keeper; city refexancea B 207. Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE stenographer, bookkeeper and general offlo man wants position In city; Al local and other rafereooea B 205. Oregonian. TOUNG married man, experienced book keeper and stenographer, desires position In city, best of references. A 213 Ore gonian. 1 TOUNG man desire position ss bookkeep er or ledger clerk with some large firm) best of references and bond. H 07, Oro gonian. ' HOTEL manairer want position as man ager, clerk or cashier; experienced, sober and reliable. Al references. X $10, ; Oregonian. j POSITION wanted by young man 2$ years of age, either as stenographer or clerk. K 3J. uregoman. TOTTNG man, axperlencad bookkeeper and of fice man. open for engagement; references. Y 203. Oregonian. ELEOTRICLAN and draughtsman. 29. de- aires work at once, shop or of oca; refer ences. J 2vd, Oregonian. I WANTED A position as collector by a re f liable man, on who can give a bond. 1 Phone Main 3170. M Isc Uaneoaa 1 . I BORER, trustworthy, middle-aged German t desires position aa bartender or In liquor 1 store: reference G 26. Oregonian. I JiPiVFLSH HOU?ETLBANrva CO. Clean lng. cooking, waiting, washing, by houxv ; M. Taka. Phone a zuio. fSrTUATION wasted by German as hotel por ter or restaurant. 234 Couch. Phone Slain 1 ft63. Louis Coras. J WOULD like to hav position with good wholesale liquor house; will give bond, i d lv Oresonlan. -e I rHAUFFEl'R with Al references wishes ro sitton: can drive and repair. A S 206, Oregonian. ,r YOUNG roan wants position as tailor, sev eral years' experience. John Shi bats. ftS5 Bast Pine st. riRPEXTER wants work, rough or finish ing; wages reasonable. Address M 210, Oregonian. TOUNG man IT years of age would like to do housework In family. Call 227 Alder st. GOOD Japanese boy wants situation gen erally, housework or schoolboy. O 206, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants work, bosrd-lng-house. hotel or restaurant. T 30L Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dry goods man. now em ploeKl, married, would make a change, city or countrv T 202. Oregonian. TOUNG man attending business college wants piece to work for room and board. L 2'8. Oregonian. TOUNG man wishes position, candy-maker or help retail store; thoroughly competent. T 1&6. Oregonian. . TOUNG educated married man from East would Ilka work of any kind. In or out of city. C 224. Oregonian. SO'ERUuNCHD Japanese oook wishes place. F. S., 121 N. 16th st. BAKL'R First-class baker and pastry cook. E 206. Oregonian. COOK Meat end pastry, wants situation, city or out. Address B 206, Oregonian. Japanese employment office; furnishes sll kinds of he; p. 240 Couch st. Phone M. 6621. . WANTED A Job watching a duck lake; san do plain cooking. S 20$, Oregonian. 8ITTJATION W ANTED MALE, Miscellaneous. FILIPINO boy of 19 wishes position In hotel ss bellboy or elevator boy. or any place where he can have time to go to school In the evening; speaks and writes Eaglirh; honest and capable: exi-erlenced In oftlce work. Address ZiO, Urt soman. WANTED By young married man, position aa salesman with wholesale dry goods or grocery firm, city territory preferred; ex perienced, good references. 8 204. Ore gonian. MARRIED couple. Knrltsh, New York ex- oerlcnce desire do It Ion in private fam ily; man fine cook or butter, wife any po sition except laundress; city or eisewnere. B 222. Oregonian. MAN1 with praoticat experience wishes posi tion with large construction company as foreman or manager in or out of city; can handle men and transit. AC 21 Orego nian. JAPANESE civil engineer wants contract excavation, grading, surveying, araxting. concrete work, clear land. S. Oaasa, a V N. Sd st.. city. A RELIABLE, steady young man with refer ences and experience, wants position in gro cery, olty or country, or as teamster. s& zuv. Oregonian. YOUNG married couple wants to learn fnrminr: hoth ilrnnr and wllllnsT to work will accept reasonable wage a S 201. Ore gonian. MOTHER and son. It. want position to gether, as janitors of office building, care of rooming-house; any position of trust; mast be in city, w an, uregoman J A PAN E E, nrex-clssw oook, wants situa tion in private family; aveaaa Jvniufn; nu good references. Address AF JU3, Ore gonian. J. EE'S SON All kinds of Steves or ranges repaired and connected at moderate prices. 8e 17th St., Portland, Or. Tele phone Main 7014. GOOD Japanese couple want position ; man experienced cook ana wu mwuu wv&, m - family, a. a. is, utobuuim. TWO carpenters want contracts or day work on cottages, city or country; plans furnished, ii. Cory, en Yin. iiain JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. JC 223, Ore gonian. JAPANESE, flrst-olass cook wanted, place city or country. reme x. o., w Phone Home 109S. COOK Camp, hotel, restaurant; 25 years' ex perience: an arouna. is- niuiiik, SO, Portland Commons, 22 H N. Front ft. HOUSEWORK wanted by experienced young German; speaks Anglian sail, r urt- gonian. MAN wants to take charge of farm, where everything Is furnished. Address l. r. xsux lock. 224 Curtis su, Mootavilla, Or. WANTED Place to work for room and board by etudent. gentleman. a.ao.resa r 216, Oregonian. STRONG man wants work of some kind; city or country. C Kaiser. a roni si. SITUATION'S WANTED KKMAXJL Beokkerpers and stenographers. tar a VTV.n & TMmnnent nosltlon ss steno grapher or Dining cier oy a youn ui. experience: can also nanaie a imau bbi ui books; reference as to character and blllty furnished. A c ZOJ, uregoman. McCLURB-RICEV 606 McKay bldg.. publlo stenographers and aocour tants: your ouinejsj oil oiled: work called ror ana aeuverea. I 'hows Main 6718. A 1723. WANTED Envelopes to address, copying and other stenograpnic worn; worn cuueu fur and dellwired. Address iui, ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER. 8 years experience, good references, desires permanent position, operate any machine. Address R 203, Oregonian. Torva I.JL nr. experienced bookkeeper, de sires position where intelligence ana ciose attention to Business win oe appreciates. Phooe Main 2fc3. F 216, Oregonian. RELIABLE young lady would keep small set books, stenograpny, arier o tr. ai.; Dusiueas district preferred. P 214, Oregonian. FOlf a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex perienced or beginner, pnone ciencai vi flee. Mala 4504. STENOGRAPHER with 10 . years experi ence wants permanent poeiuon; ony rr encea L 212.- Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer desires position mornings or afternoons. M 205. Oregonian EXPERIENCED and competent atenographer. I nderwftoa operator, aeaires gaoa poeuion. Gall Main 6216, WANTED A position ss cashier and ss- ststant bookkeeper; experiencea. w iof Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, beginner, woum llke position, $9 a we etc 10 starr. s xia. Oregonian. GIRL wants place as stenographer for prac tice and small salary. J itJ. uregonmn. Ireeemskere. AN expert seamstress wanta orders for nns neeniewora; inranis ana cnnnrrni emmre a specialty; lingerie shirtwaists, fancy and tailored; patterns drafted to meas ure. Phone A 4535. THE famous Keisters Ladles' Tailoring Col Use Ladles, save aressmasers dim. make your own gowns here. We teach Keisters drafting system. 306 Stearna big. EXPERIENCED dresmnaker and tailorese. $2 per day ; fit and work guaranteea. ana in 6133. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailortng. Prices reasonable, work guar an Lee a. ars Frost. 414 6th. 4 1622. GOOD dressmaker wants engagements In few families, rapid ana work guaranteed. A 612. Main Vol 7. WANTED Good dressmaker would like work by the day. B 223. UreRonian. DRRSMAKING and plam sewing by the day; experienced, pnone Tabor evsa. PRBBMAKKR, tailor gowns speciaityi $2.5o per day. A BHTRTWAIST milts and plain sewing, reson- able. 514 Jenerson st. rnone Main o.tz. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en gagements in lamillea Alain okw. Hoasekeepers, COMPANION Unincumbered widow, ed ucated and refined, coming to Portland October, deilres position as companion to lady, or housekeper in wealthy bachelor or widower s home: no objection to chil dren; best references exchanged. Mrs. Armstrong. 81 i N. Kings Highway. SU Louis, Mo. RELIABLE, competent woman wishes po sition as houekeerer for a widower with children; references furnished. W 210, Oregonian. WANTED Position as working housekeeper In frt -class rooming-house; At references. M.. lock box 613. city. A GOOD housekeeper wants a position tn a widower's home where there are' no chil dren. K 216, Oregonian. LADY with little girl, 6 years, wants position as housekeeper for widower. W 109, Ore gonian. A WIDOW lady would like to keep house lor a widower. N 201. Oregonian. No: WANTED By experienced nurse. Invalid or elderly people to are for; good home, references furnished. E 3603. COMPETENT nurse will do housework In confinement cases; physician's references; terms moderate. W 198, Oregonian. NURSE wishes maternity cases. 14 years practice; no objection to some housework. AO 216. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, middle-aged, con finement case preferred Phone Tabor 1303; references. 233 49th st. TRAINED nurse desires mare engage ments; terms to suit rich and poor. Phone East 261. WANTED More engagements by experi enced nurse; maternity cases preferred. E 3803. INVALID, mind or old are. S61 6th st. S. Domestic. SWEDE girl wants day work. Phone Paclfla 2024. Room 14. Call after 6 P. M. WANTED Position by experienced chamber maid. Address F 224. Oregonian. A GIRL who Just came from Sweden wants a place. Call at 86a 19th sL. North. GIRL Want a position small family. Phone M. 6049. 176 17th SITUATION WANTED JTEMALK. Domestic EXPERIENCED young woman wishes po sition as housemaid or cook in a family; also an experienced chambermaid wishes a position. Call H. R-. 294 6th st. COMPETENT girl . wants to assist with housework: no cooking; smali family; close in. X 215, Oregonian. SWEDISH young girl wishes position for general housework or plain second work. Call Tuesday at 669 Savler lU North. THOROUGHLY experienced girl . desires place as cook in family where other help Is kept; references. Call up A 64 OL Miscellaneous. MARRIED lady would take care of apart ments or rooming-house in exchange for housekeeping roomp; capable of taking full charge; can give referencea B 226, Orego nian. A "SWISS lady, refined, highly educated, de sires pesitlon as governess or companion; or would take pupils for German, French, Italian, oil painting. P 206, Oregonian. LADY employed during day wants position as companion to elderly laoy or iaay aione nights for room and board; could pay small board. A 203, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as companion to lady traveling or going south by young may of rahnement; references. Address AK 203, Oregonian. WANTED Work by mlddleJaged lady with daughter 16. In private family or rooming-house; home more an object than wagea Mary Baker, St. John. IMPROVE your soars moments: private les son in almost anything you Ilka. Miss Grift I its, Lents, Or. TOUNG Eastern woman, with experience, de sides position as companion or teacher, ranch or in city. A & 208, Oregonian. LADY from London and Paris gives lessons privately or class in (Tench and piano. pnone a iii'wa. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes position as exchange operator. H 2X2, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Expert Eastern lady detective will handle all cases rea sonable, aej 197. Oregonian CAPABLE young woman would Ilka position caring ror eiaeny iaay or children, if Ml, Orbgoman. CONSERVATORY graduate gives two piano or manaoun lessons lor o cents. .Toons Main 6Dtk. NICE Japanese girl wants position at house work or nursing for baby In family. AE? 213, Oregonian. TOUNG lady srlves private lessons In aram mar or graae stuaiei, uerman ana music. K clarences. Main 81S3. CAPABLE woman wishes day work, sweep In it. window cleaning, etc.. 23o ner hour also fine laundering done at home. A 4434. WANTED A home In a good family by an enieny iaay. win Help for same. Mission, &4 worm em si. A WOMAN wishes washing and lace cur tains to launder at noma Phone Main 6713. WOMAN, willing take care of rooms boarding-house; will expect living rooms ana wages; wees. days, rnone b ft 11 wood z&. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cents per pair. Phones Pacific 738 and A HOME laundered laco curtains done by ex perienced hand. Phone labor 634. Mra 3. M. bcott. YOUNG lady gles music lessons; will go to jupu s nome; oeg inner a specialty. uain iv. LADY will give private Instructions In uerman conversation and grammar reason a Die terma fnone A. jobi. EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires P'jsi Lion in private orancn exchange, jlo 21 a, oregonian. AN experienced laundress wants work for Wednesday and Thursday. Phone B 1775, K 6469. LACE curtains and shirtwaists beautifully launaerea; nns sun-drying ana grass bleaching facilities. Phone Tabor 1580. REFINED young widow wants position sten ographer, cashier in restaurant or house keeper, two gentlemen. Main 6&13. MENDING and darning of all kinds neatly lone, i'none vaoor joso. WANTED Day work by capable woman. Phone Alain 43P4. LADY wishes position in bakery or cream ery. La a i , ureg on lan. WANTED -Washing and house cleaning. pnone .racinc zu-s. hoom 1. SITUATION wanted, cars of Invalid old person. Call 331 6th St. 8. PASTRY cook, will take position for half day a Hoom 47. Applet on. WANTED Laundry work by day. Phone A O 1M. FIRST-CLASS demonstrator wants position In or out or oity; reference m zix, uregoman. JAPANESE lady and boy want to do house- woric 2ou ast st. LADY wants any kind of housework by 1 iie usy. w 2u, uregoman. WOMAN wishes sweeping, cleaning, suburbs; posiai. bo 4 zantta ave. LACE curtains laundered at Main 7640 or A 62S9; 30c a pair and up. LADIES' fancy laundry done, shirtwaists a specialty. Phone Main 23oO. YOUNG woman wishes day work, good laundress, pnone A 3548. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 6867. WAN TE D A GENTS. AGENTS WANTED In Oregon, Washing ton, .Bitiiru ia, Antuna, iaa no, Utftn, Montana, for the b?st thing on earth to sell to farmers, mill men, threshers, teamsters; must have some money or be able to make good note. Call Logan block. 10SH Union ave. N., room 12. Portland. AGENTS make $103.50 per month selling wonaerrui seti-saarpening. pa ten tea scis sors and cutlery. V. E. Glebner sold 22 pairs In 3 hours, made $13; you can do It; we show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co., 600 4th st- Dayton, Ohio. WANTED District managers of either sex. 10 sen tne dcbi ana most up-to-aate in surance policies and to appoint agents; top contracts to right parties. Call or write. Oscar Ekm&u, 813 Bit el bldg.. Seattle, Wash. AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our wonderful 8-plece kitchen set; send for sworn statement of $12 dally prollt; out fit free. Thomas Mfg., Co., 600 Jefferson at., Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS to handle biggest' money-making nre extinguisners ; special starting oner; exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month. Padger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, v is. AGENTS Here's your opportunity. $5 daily and expenses easily made; ilatlron shoes, keyless doorlock, Wilson skirt fastener; all fast sellers. For particulars address Dexter Co., Caxton bldg.. Chicago. WILL pay $10 to $40 dally Pay yourself this amount after taking 10 weeks' course In our Advertising School; you can do It; free particulars. Jones Advertising 6chooI, St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS Beet portraits and pillow tops, lowest prices, Bryan-Taft, 4c: special in ducements; Investigate. Siegfried, artist 5221 Ellis ave.. Chicago. THERE is money In the lllumlnstlng busi ness, something new In gas lamps; man agers wanted ; county and state rights given. Kecter. 47 Leonard St., New York City. 100 PER CENT profit selling burner for cook-stoves; no coal used. Every house needs one. Raub Mfg. Co., 67, Cincinnati, Ohio. CHANCE of a lifetime; easily make $3 a day; sells everywhere ; don't overlook this : get big new catalogue and samples free. Utility Supply Co., 6344 Ballard ave.. Seattle. Wash. OUR NEW SPECIALTY SELLS ITSELF. Every sale brings 1 to 12 repeat orders; write today. Lindsay, Clary Co., 421 East lake ave.. Dept. 16. Seattle, Wash. JUST out, low-priced, S-lb. mop; turn crank to wring; clean hands; -women all buy; 150 per cent profit; catalogue free. U. fi. Mop Co., 115 Main St., Leipslc, Ohio. WANTED A reliable party to sell La-Lo' spray. Address Boston "La-Lo" Spray Co., Boston, Mass. v WANTED House-to-house canvassers, good thing. 100 per cent profit. Mt. Scott Washing Compound Co.. 26$ 1st St., Fort land. Or. AGENTS You can know about the profits made supplying perfumes to families. Ad dress Leffler A Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS Fortuns Maker! Wonderful self- Working Washer; does the washing by itself. Jiuns automatically by water works pressure; save all the hard work 01 wain aay; new invention; sates un precede nted. Agents wanted who can handle high-class proposition; exclusive territory; $300 to $400 per month. The Eagle Tool Co., Sole ilfrs.. Dep t. 68, Cin cinnati, u. WANTED Agents to become our represen tatives, taking orders for our fine line of r an and winter custom-made suits. trousers and overcoats. Large line of sam ples arranged in an attractive manner fur nished free; S3 1-3 per cent commission write for further Information and terri tory. Warrrlngton Worsted sc Woolen Mills. Dept. S., 173 Adams st., Chicago. AGENTS Send for free copy of "The Thomas Agent, the greatest agents paper ever published, filled with money- making plans: "no license tax" decision of Supreme Court; pointers to agents every agent In the U. S. should have 1 copy at once; if already an agent, state wnai you are now selling. Aaareis toaay, Thomas Agent, 983 3d st., Dayton, Ohio. WRITE for the best soap and toilet com binatlons for agents; our soaps French milled; see our new Red Cross package. Pierce Chemical Co.. Dept. 26, 162 Fifth ave,, Chicago. AGENTS wanted for "Mendarlp" and com bination hatchet. 8 tools In one; two big, profit-producers; exclusive territory; send stamp for catalogue. T. R. Foots Co., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent from October 1 for one year or more, e or 7 -room xuralahsd house must be modern in every respect, located between East Davjs snd Hawthorne and East 10th and 24th sta; no children; best 01 references lurnlaned. U 17, Oregonian. WANTED October 1, furnished cottage, house, flat or housekeeping rooms, wljh or without piano; $20; would pay more If suited; will rent for long or short time or buy furniture; easy payments; (in business. nave no children)-. L 214, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT By man and wife (no children) a 6 or 8-room modern cottage In good locality; no objection to 30 min utes' car ride; rent not to exceed $18. Can pay several monim in aavsnce. x j.u, Oregonian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses etc Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange i2. EASTERN business gentleman wishes room In a flat, where there are no children; widow's own. home preferred. F 209, Ore gonian. WANTED By two women, after Sept. 10, two or three rooms furnished for house keeping; pleasant location. H 208, Ore gonian. , WANTED Modern furnished housekeeping apartments or furnished house with three sleeping rooms for four adults. Ap ply G 210, Oregonian. WANTED Board for a 15-year-oM boy; must be reason bie In price and near streetcar line leading to either the East Side or West side High School, ad zio. oregonian. MODERN 8 or 0-room house, furnished or unfurnished, the latter preferred; pay good price for right house, west Blue. B 208. Oregonian. WANTED For 8 months, fully furnished, strictly modern 5 or 6-room house or cot tage, must be In good locality and rea sonable. A 206, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady, empIojedt would like room and board In private family. central; references exchanged. Address V 189, Oregonian. FURNISHED house wanted, must be fairly modern. East Side preferred, good loca tion, wouia rent in oeuwooa. jjr. tr- a. Austin, Chicago Dentists. WANTED By young man, board and room in private family ; hot and cold water, tele phone, stove heat; state price and location A C 204, Oregonian. WANTED Board and room by young wo man, walking distance, private family preferred; rates reasonable. Address 8 201, Oregonian. WANTED By young lady teacher, board snd room in private family ; must be reasonable and within walking distance of post office. X 21S Oregonian. WANTED To rent.- by 8 adults, a furnished house, flat or apartment of 4 or 0 rooms; must have 2 bedrooms; best of references. Phone Main 49G6. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping, on -ground floor: must De clean, central loca tion; by 3 adults; state price. G 212, Ore gonian. YOTTG gentleman wishes room and board in private family, cioee in, v eat biae; reier ences exchanged. AE 210, Oregonian. WANTED Nicely furnished small house or flat by responsible couple: must be clean and reasonable. A C 202, Oregonian. WANTED On Oct. 1, by young couple. 3 or 4-room zumtsnea epariment, moacrn, rea sonable; referencea A 22A, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN would like well furnished room wiUiin 2 blocks or 17th ana Wash ington sis. AC 210, Oregonian. WANTED To rent a dairy ranch with cows. on shares or cash rant. Address k. a. Mclntlre, Scappoose, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. WANTED Three housekeeping rooms. partly furnished. West Hide; state loca tion, phone number. T 216 Oregonian. ROOM and board for lady engaged during the day; private family prererred; near in, quiet, moderate. O 209. Oregonian. TWO ladles employed by day can rent fur nished front room, use kitchen. a. 2itt, Oregonian. WANTED 8 or 4-room flat, north of Wash ington to Mar s nan st.; lurnisnea or un furnished. C 2o9, Oregonian. WANTED JL house with 35 or 20 rooms near caxllne. not close in. - m 2UH. ore gonian. TWO rooms and board, private house, by couple with baoy ana aaugnter 01 4; state terms. Druggist, 460 Washington st. WIANTED to rent, 4 or 6 -room furnished cottage; good location. Phone A 4689 or address C25 Montgomery st. OR 4-room furnished house or flat, by Sept. 20; stats terms. AB 200, oregonian. WANTED To rent or buy a 4 or 6-room cot tage. AB 210, Oregonian. WEPT SIDE, close tn, piano lessons In ex change for room. Box 30, city. WANTED House at coast for Winter at small rental. X 204, Oregonian. WANTED S or 4-room furnished flat walk ing distance. R 200, oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A RELATIVE wishes to know the addrees of Henry eianey urane. aoouL w yrre old. Anyone who can give uch Infor mation will confer a favor by writing P 201. Oregonian. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOB. FURNITURE And any thing else you have to setL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6666. A 412L WANTED Men cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Peal." 62 8d st. North. Phone Main 9272. STUDIO of "Music and Languages:" private or class. 452 Morrison, cor. into, slain 2O07. WANTED Letter press and table; state price and where can be seen. U03 Failing bldg. WANTED A pony for child 12 years old; must oe sound, genua, speeay ana gooa looker. H 206 Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS combination saddle or driving horse; must be young, sound, kind and have good spirit. H 206, Oregonian. WANTED A horse, weight about 1100 lbs.. suitable for express wagon, .rnone eariy today, A 4783. CLOTHING Phone M 1S51 81 N. 3d. Highest price paid; prompt attention. BECON D-H AND bicycle with lamp. Ask. for Mack after 12 noon, so. l in. 3d at. WANTED Farm wagon, Z or 8; must be in good order, c 210, oregonian. DUCK-SHOOTING privilege on Deer XaU- nd. Address P. O- Box 627. city. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given, rnone jast iuoi. FOB KENT. Booms. NICELY furnished, also unfumrnhed rooms. single and en euite; quiet; very suitaoie for single gentlemen. Kamra bldg., 1st and Plae. FOB KENT. Fomlished Booms. HOOD RIVER HOTEL. 146 U 6th st.. near Aider. European plan, furnished housekeeping -and transient rooms. Clean and well-kept rooms. One block to carllne. FOR RENT Large front room with alcove ana private balcony and one Day-winaow room, bath, gas. steam heat, telephone and piano; references required. 186 N. $3d at.; jfaoinc sua. GAYOSO, Grand ave., East Stark Well furnished rooms, possessing modern con veniences; steam heat, hot water, eleva tor, oatns; very reason a Die rates. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window and other outside rooms: electric lights, baths, etc.. $2.50 week up; translenta s Washington. Hotel Buehmark. Wash, and 17th, flrst-olass furnished- rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; dally. 76c up; special monthly rates. Main 0047. NEATLY furnished front room 1st floor. suitable for Kent and wife or 1 or 2 cents: reasonable rent; walking distance, close to ear line, aaz ntn st. WANT HID Two young men for large front room; furnace beat, good lights and bath; good location and reasonable. W oth st. . Phone Main 4634. FRONT room with connecting bedroom, small private family, new and modern, reasonable. Call evenings, 461 East An- Keny. Phone iast 6314, Sunday forenoon. NEW neatly furnished rooms, modern conve niences, private home, reasonable. 82 East 7th st., N near Olds, Wortman & King's siaoies. YOUNG couple, no children, would like to rent homelike room in new nouse to young lady, $3; board near. 126 East 18 tli, corner E. Morrison. FINE eleeplng-room for one or two gentle men; $18; all modern conveniences; adjoin ing the Helllg Theater, 450 Washington, flat 2. 4 FURNISHED rooms in private home, ton 10th st., iKiar Portland Academy, to de sirable paroles for the Winter. Inquire 603 Corbett bldg. THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished bay window rooms, steam heat, porcelain baths- walking distance. 443 Columbia bl Phone M. 7410. 827 SIXTH ST., near Clay, newly furnished large rooms, new house, modern Improve ments, board If desired, reasonable. COMFORTABLY furnished room, down stairs, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, run ning water, electrio light, reasonable. 211 12th st. COMFORTABLY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; gas, Hght, very cen tral. 149 10th st. TWO rooms, walking distance, no children; references; rent reasonable. 210 14th, near Ealmon. CLEAN, beautiful rooms; kitchen If de sired; private home, near Last aide nigh. East 6042 forenoons. LARGE modern room, hot and cold water; hot water heat, fireplace, both phones. 642 Morrison. THE ANGELUS, cor. 6th and Jefferson sts., modern front suites, also single rooms, bath and both phones. WANTED 2 gentlemen to room and board in private family on iuast bide; good location, close In. A F 201. Oregonian. NICE room In German family, breakfast or light housekeeping, for neat person, bouth Portland. Phone a 3061. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 H Stark, corner Oth. Mrs. Maud J. Eates. 181 1ST ST., cor. Yamhill; nicely furnished rooms, reason a Die ; both phones, bath ; per manent or transient. NICE, clan, cheap rooms for one or two gentlemen at 414 Main St., cor. llth; bath and phone. 8 NEATLY furnished rooms desirable for gen tlemen or school teachers, -uv, inn at., near Taylor. ELEGANT furnished room In private fam ily of two. $10 per month. 434 3d st. lat B. HANDSOMELY furnished front parlor, very reasonable, 5 blocks xrom poatomce. Phone Main 4009. FOR RENT Room In modern flat, with privilege of cooking own breakfast. 693& Gil san st., bet. 21 -it and 23d. LARGE front upstairs room, modern, no roomers, gentleman prererred. j09 E. Davis. Phone East 2737.-.. GOOD room, 2 blocks from P. O., residence district. $2 per week, 308 Salmon, near 5th. FOR RENT (Nicely furnished rooma pri vate family, with or without board- uu Harrison at. VERY pleasant rooma quiet residence sec tion, $1.60 and up per week. 306 12th st. FINELY furnished rooms for gentlemen. In quire 67 N. 14th SU bet. Davis and Everett. NICE furnished room tn private family; use or bath, gas lights; on canine, call 668 East Morrison. 124 EA3T I8TH Neatly furnished front room, walking distance, near new high school, rea sonable. NICELY furnished front room, full use of kitchen. If desired; price $1350. 170 N. 18th. Phone Main 8S42. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 8d; single rooms, suites, rooms with private baths; tran stent or permanent. ELEGANT furnished steam-heated room: pri vate entrance, bath, walking distance; $10 per month. 406 Karri son, fiat o. $10 per month, front room, private home; all modern conveniences; gentlemen preierrea. 414 7th st. NICELY furnished rooms. alo housekeeping rooms. 06 llth st., cor. btark. ROOM with private family, In good locality; good walking distance. Phone Mais zo:. LARGE newly furnished front room In pri vate family. 90 momn. aa st. LARGE airy rooms at 334 Yamhill st cor. 7th, opposite Portland Hotel. . THE ANKENY1 Swell furnished rooma $3 to $5; phones and bath. Ankenjr. BOOMS, strictly modern, close In, arrange to suit. 403 oth st. a. jy. NICELY furnished front room, suitable f,or 1 or 2 gentlemen. 40 Main st. NICE furnished room, conveniences, $1.50 week. 368 Johnson st. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wlc; also transient rooma 343 Vx Morrison. THE DORMER, 283 18th Beautiful rooms, porcelain baths, hot water, both phones. TWO nicely furnished rooms; tance. 27&H 14th st. walking dis- WILL furnish nice, large room, suitable for one or two. 670 East Everett. A. NICE room for gentleman, walking dis tance. 60 E. 14th, near Oak. 3 NICELY furnished sleeping-rooms; walking distance; $10 per month. 2-49 Hblladay ave. WELL-FURNISHEiD front room; bath, phone, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 6S7 Glisan. NICELY furnished room for rent. 6T1 E. Morrison st. DESIRABLE furnished room In private family, modern, central. Glisan st. NEWLY furnished 2d-story. front room with alcove. 474 Alder St., corner 14th. LARGE, pleasant front room, suitable for two, $8; gas, phone. 861 14th st. WELL furnished room, private family, light and bath. Phone Tabor 1310- ttTS E. Yam hill. LADY, alone, living on East Side, will give free room rent to lady. L 217, Oregonian. LARGE front room, suitable for two, with or without board. Phone M 6971, A 4440 CLEAN furnished rooms, reasonable. Sherrett ave., Sellwood, Or. 640 BEDROOM with dressing-room, llth st. Apply 190 NEWLY furnished room for rent. 827 H- 10th NICE side room, private, $8. gomery. S9 Mont- NIC ELY furnished room, steam beat. Harrison. Flat N. $1.60 AND $2 per week, 2 large rooma sin gle and double. 760 Lovejoy, near 23d. NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for two gentlemen; reasonable, zis xzui st. FOB KENT. Fnrnllsbed Booms, DO you realise that you can get an outside steam-heated, electric-lighted room at ThJ Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts., for $10 up per month? This houee is being repaint ed, repapered and put in first-class condi tion by the new owners. Nice large parlor in connection. Suites, with running water, $22.60 to $36. rr.n.qp: tm west fiiDR Will sell elegant newly furnished flat, everything new, piano, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, large rooms, all outside win dows, laundry, servant's quarters, every room rented; must leave at once for Friaco. Phone East or B 1814 or call room 3 over Merchants National Bank. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths and phone; transients 50c, 76c and $1 per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-492 Washington st. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Hotel, 330 Yamhill; new management; an ideal place to make your Winter quarters; new fireproof building, with modern conveniences. In heart of city; special rates to permanent guests. A. H. Pracht, Prop. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout: new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. HOTEL GLENWOOD. 2d and Salmon New and elegantly furnished ; hot and cold water In every room, private baths, steam heat; transient. $1 and up; special rates by week or month. THE WILLAMETTE. 322H Stark st., large light rooma well furnished, single or en suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $6 week. Mra Hart, manager. A 6192, Main 9017. 298 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; rooma $10 per month and up. Phone Main 4031. HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, bins la and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacilic 406. FOR RENT Large, beautifully furnished front room, In re lined private home; live minutes' walk from postofflce; reasonable to gtcntieman. A 6626. FOR RENT A pleasant room, three blocks from poetofflce, suitable for two gentle men; private family; all conveniences, rea sonable. Phone Main 3678. 247 Oth. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, desirable location, close in, modern conveniences; ref erences. 303 12th st. Phone A 8040. TWO nicely furnished rooms, private family, all modern conveniences, walking distance, references. Phone M 83o5. LARGE bay-window room on lower floor, newly papered, separate entrance, $10 per month. 187 6th. near postofhee. FIVE furnished rooms for rent to man and wife; modern house; take pay In board. 821 Eugene st. East 2305. $2.60 WEEK, nicely furnished front parlor bedroom; batn, pnone, gas, private resi dence. 286 12th st. $3.60 WEEK, well-furnished front parlor. dining-room, kitchen. Ee inciuaea; oatn. phone. 286 12th. SINGLE and double rooms, pleasant, well furnished, centrally located. , at reasonable rated. Telephone Main 9574. Fl NE room, new corner house, modern con veniences. West Side, central, reasonable terms. Phone Main 2219. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; modern home; reasonable. 1336 10th st. N. Take Woodlawn car. COMFORTABLE front room with grate. In modern home, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 547 Yamhill. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, single or en suite: gentlemen only. Call room 14, Selllng Hirach bldg. WELL-FURNISHED front room, suitable for two gentlemen; all conveniences; pri vate family. 564 Glisan st. THE TEMPLE. 3434 Yamhill st. opposlt Hotel Portland, nicely furnished rooms, $2.50 a week; transient. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private family; use 01 panor, piano, lttb .-orin 1 1 tn. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 young men. nrst-clawi location, modern improvement 200 Park st. 202 12TH, 2 nicely furnished rooms, with furnace heat, running water, very cen trally located. NICELY furnished rooms, 270 6th st. ROOMS, single or en suite; running water, walking distance. 0 ixortn inn. LARGE, desirable front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 80 West Park. COMFORTABLY furnished rooms in private family; close in. 294 lutn st. FOR RENT two largn connecting rooms, 181 13th st., cor. Yamhill. THE NEWHALL, furnished rooms, for rent. cor. oranu ave. ana wasmngion. THE RANDOLPH, 3d aad Columbia: modern rooms, bath. 00c to 91 a oay; 2 to wa. NICELY furnished rooma, furnace heat, very central and reasonable. 208 Jlth st. FRONT room, hot and cold water, suitable for two; private family. zx latn. Unfurnished Booms. THREE unfurnished rooms, $10 month. 1015 Raleigh St.. Willamette Heights; call morn ings. Telephone A 3035, Rooms With Board. WANTED -Male boarders, one or two. pri vate family. Jsellwood line; minutes ride. Terms right. A 21L Oregonian. BOOM and board in private family, suitable for two; prefer gentleman who will carry lunch. Phone Main 7476. west fame. ROOM and board for one or two young men; good location, W'eat Side; all modern con veniences; referencea. Main 2281. PLEASANT warm room for Winter, sulta ble for two ladies, modern and home like; two meals. Phone Main 6485. THE THORNDYKE, 656 Washington St.; elegantly furnished rooms, with board; choice location ; walking distance. EVERY modem convenience; table flrst-class, suitable for man and wife or couple of gen t le men. 1 &8 13th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for two, small private family; fine home and board, modern. 212 llth st. L NICE front room, suitable for two, with or without board; very reasonable. 494 Morrison at., flat 11. Phone M 2040. FRONT alcove room, suitable for two gen tlemen or man and wife; all conveniences, with board. In private family. 258 llth. ALCOVE room, beautifully furnished, attrac tive surrounding.', suitable for 2 employed persona Phone Main 2941. 832 10TH, pleasant well furnished rooms, with board, home cooking, all modern con veniences, good location. LARGE, newly furnished rooms with board; private family, modern conveniences. 455 6th. Telephone Main 1762. NICELY furnished room with board for 1 or 2 parties ; private home, Irving ton near car line. Address 766 Schuyler st. WANTED A lady to share expense of a furbished housekeeping apartment. May be employed. P 204. Oregonian. ROOMS with board, also day board, home cooking, flrst-class. The Chrysler, 389 Tay lor. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and co.d water, . home cooking, permanent or transient. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morri son, A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low rates. FURNISHED rooms with board. 838 Colum bia. Mrs. H. H. Anderson. ROOM and board for two. large room, price reasonable. 653 Washington st. FIRST-CLASS room Montgomery st and board at 335 BOARD and room, $20 per month. For partic ulars, call at 428 4th St., or phone M. 6888. NICE small room, hath, phone. $6; board If desired. 196 N. 17th, cor. Kearney. BOARD and room, $5.60 and $8 per week; bath, phone. 328 Clay. Phone Main 6963. 168 H 10TH Pleasant room, with board, suitable for gentleman. THE MANITOU, 261 13th St., rooms large and light, with or without boara; reason ao is. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 365 llth at. A 1636.. 4 OR 6 permanent gentlemen can find good aocommoaauona at montn. tmv iaer si. FOB RENT. Booms With Board. THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch, room aud buard, $25 per month, large grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; Urge parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. 1 BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, one of the j nicest private boardiiig-housps in city; larir Rirv rooms. . runiilnic water: beautiful! grounds, finely located for tourists, tran- CAN accommodate four with board and room, newly furnished, flue location; also 2 large connecting rooms, unfurnished, for 4 gentlemen; will furnish to suit parties; board very reasonable. oUl 7th. HAVE one large, handsomely furnished room with board, steam htat, hot water In room; would bo splendid for 2 or gentlemen; reasonable. Blakely Hall, whole block, 6th to Oth. on Jeffeison. HANDSOMELY furnished room, with board, tn refined Southern home; eteam heat, hot water in room; man and wife or gentlemen preferred. Y 214. Oregonian. PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange. Mrs. Ella Raw lings, Supt., 610 Flanders St. BACHELORS club. West Side, has room for one or two young men ; Una location and quarters; every convenience: cost moder ate; references. T 206, Oregonian. LARGE, airy rooms, modern conveniences, hot snd cold water, extensive grounds, excellent board, walking distance. 617 Kearney. A 2t18, Main 3096. ; BOARD Desirable room, reasonable; reap high school. 3 carlines, walking distance, : private family. 5o4 iiast Oak. Phone East 2314. ATTENTION. STUDENTS We can fumlati you first-class room and board, two in a room, for $3 per week; all conveniences, close In and good home cooking. 2-"l 7th. BOOMS with or without board In private fam ily, with all conveniences and homo cooking. Call 310 Marguerite ave. Take Hawthorne ave. car. Phone Tabor 1719. ( ROOM aad board in private family, outalde room, 10 mlnuteB walk to postofftoe. hot! and cold water, free phone. Phone Mala' 6847. . j ROOM and board for one or two pnopto, nicely furnished, all modern conveniences, walking distance, reasonable terms. Mala 8280. WANTED A rehned young working girl to share room and expenses with 8ir"l companion in pleasant locality. V 210. Oregonian. NICELY furnished rooms, flrst-class tabl board, strictly home cooking, modern. $6 week; easy walking distance. The L,in dell. 289 Market. NICELY furnished rooms; all modern con veniences; walking distance, reasonable, with or without board. Phone A 4J1H. 647H Yamhill, hear 17th. PLEASANT alcove room, nicely furnlehed; use of bath and phone, with or without board; desinibla location, close la and near car. 410 2d st. ROOM with board. 1S7 12th St.. betweon Yamhill and Taylor; Scandinavian pre ferred. NICK room for 2. good home cooking, gas, furnace, hath ; reasonable ; references re quired. 80 East 16th st. North. 452 MORRISON, ror. 13th. very large room, for 2; also single room; modern conven-! lences. I FIRST-CLAPS room and board. $5.30 and $6 per week; all conveniences, good home; cooking. Aster House, 7th and Madison. 1 ACCOMMODATIONS for 2 or 8 young men. ! near 2-d and Kearney, with full home privilege. A 207, Oregonian. BOARD and room In private family for two ; young men willing to share sum room. Phone Main 7tu2. 403 12th st. ROOMS for rent in private family, suitable; fur one or two medical students, nvMir . collnge. X 203, Oregonian. ROOM, board and laundry for young ladyf In private family, $20; walking Uialnnce. , W 301. Oregonian. . THE MANITOU, 261 18th, large, airy rooms, j rent reasonable. j FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ox ark. ; 225 llth st. ROOM and board In private boarding-house; very central. Call 22h West Park. , , 1 t Apartments. W. L. MORGAN. 822 FAILING BLDG, , Apartments: Rnoaevelt. Otis Kearney, near 21st, handsome, splendidly located. Colonial, steam-heiited bldg. Just com pleted, 8 rooms posHeseing modern con veniences; one at $40. one at $:i0; Wel lington Court. 625 Everett, near 16 th, same as above, $37X0. THE WESTMINSTER, 4 blocks from post office; under new management; more beau tiful than ever; three and four-room apart ments; the only strictly high-class house la Portland; private phones, elevator. In fact everything to make It aa Ideal home; ready ept. 16. Phone manager, iMaln 9384, A 8702. T BOOMS, steam-heated, jarettor, hot and cold water $60. 3 furnished rooms, heat, light, watery phone, furnished up-to-date, $40. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OR BOON. 8. B. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IONIAN COURT Klcjcunt 8 and 4-room res idence apartments, each having private vestibule and bath, steam heat, hot and. cold water, gas range, rerrigerators, win dow shades and screens, telephone and janitor service. Apply Janitor, 18th and Couch. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS Park and Madison sta Elegant residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience. Including automa-tio elevator, tele phone exchange; the maximum of con venience, elegance and equipment; loca lity! and surroundings unsurpassed. SEATTLE. THE WALDORF-x-Flreproof apart ments, finest building in Northwest, ele vators, steam heat, janitor servloe; send for booklet. The Waldorf. Tth ave. and Pike st APARTMENT TO RENT Two strlotly modern apartments, centrally located on East Side, near Morrtefcn-et. carllne. For further partloulars apply to Rogers, Hart A Gibson Co, BRYN MAWiR, 186 East 16th, cor. Yamhill 4 and 6 rooms, new and oonventeni; nre places, gas range, refrigerators, screens, shades; moderate rents; ready for ocu pancy August 15. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, llth and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., un furnished 4-room apartment with Data; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable; location saves carfare. Ap ply to Janitor. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apartment with bath and all modern conveniences. Including telephone, gas and electrio light, without further cosU H 113, Ore gonian. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished 6-room " apartment, modern conveniences, sream heat, etc., piano; no children. 660 Flanders, apartment 1. Phone A 6092. THE IRVING. 21st and Irvin sta., unfur nished 4-room apartments, new, modern;! verandas; location flrst-elays; rent reason-; able; references. Apply to janitor. g23 3-ROOM apartment, steam heat and I hot water ana januor scrvirtf, pa.ri.iy iui - nished. Dnmmeier Investment Co., 316 Board of Trade bldg. THE BUELL APARTMENTS, cor. Salmon and 14th sts., new and up-to-date three and ; four-room apartment; private phono, bath, automatic elevator, steam heat, etc. G-ROOM lower apartment, steam heat, hot' water, suitable lor two 1 ami lies, ju. see Janitor, flat E. 401 10th st. 4-ROOM comfortably furnished apartment, . rent reasonable to aesiraoie parties, nut E. 401 10th. ; 4-ROOM steam-heated apartment, all lirhtj rooms, gas range anu junnor service, $32.50. See Janitor, flat E, 4ul 10th. ( THE MORDAUNT, 18th and Everett, apart ment for rent, up to naxe, warning ais tance. Inquire of janitor. MARLBOROUGH APARTMENTS 5 rooms unfurnished, new, high-ciasn bunaing. in quire of Janitor, 21st and Flanders. , IRI3 APARTMENTS, 362 Third 8t., 6-room I $40, 4-room $32 unfurnished. Inquire; apartment 22. 246 Mill st. 1 THE GARLAND. 621 Washington, near 20th. handsomely furnished 4 or 8-room house- 1 keeping apartments; thoroughly modern. I COMPLETE well furnished apartments; mod-1 ern; first floor. 81 4 Park st. BEAUTIFUL 6-roora apartment for rani. 12th and uoiumoia. "The ramtree.n