ffllE SUXDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 23,. 1908.. mi LI ; LvL T' IL -il LILvJ tt2 1 1 1 IB. 1 ' m - 111 : i ! . j " 1. ' ' 'i . . .. .. 'ymmm. erne's roy ANOTHER "TRIAL" OF JOE'S. One day when Fluffy Ruffles went to pay a party call Joe Traddles came to see her aunt. "I do not know at all The reason why I'm doomed to fail, however much I try To tell Miss Fluffy of my. love Now, can you tell me why?" Aunt Mary had some humor, and she laughed, and said ro Joe, The Desert of Sahara is the place for you to go There's nothing there to fall on you " Joe heaved a littte sigh. 1 ngrowing older every day. My turn may Come to die.' Not far from BJennerhaven Green there lies an open spacegfr: And aeronauts have often tried experiments, for there -:.'- Is tableland, devoid of rocks and fully two miles square. "If we could go to Camp Delight I think I'd have a chance t ii piv-iiiv. intit, jaiu i iciiy, iiiwsi auui auic ui dUIMN - Nhen Fluffy from her call returned: "To morrow, just we three" Are going up to Camp Delight to picnic and for tea" V Oh, not to-morrow." Fluffy said, "because that handsome Dane" Has asked us to the trial of his Danish aeroplane " "He srarrs, I think," Aunt Mary said, "a little after five Our 'party' 'II be quire over long before the guests arrive." Next day in Traddles' motor car the ihree sought Camo Delichc With traps for making tea Poor Joe was really almost bright.- I II wait till tea is served," he said, "and then we'll walk apartr" Be.sure.io tell the symptoms," said Aunt Mary, "of your hearu'-' - (Now Traddles was like Hamlet in postponing of his acts. I'd like, to publish his success, but I must stick to facts). The water took some time to boil, our heroine was coy, - iAnd this and that delayed the game of Joseph, foolish boy. . last she rose to walk with him, it being after five, And nefther noticed that the plain was very much alive ith people who had come to watch the rising of the Dane ho sought to ride to Heaven's Gate on huLnew aeroplane- ,MMiss Fluffy, in this lonely place I wish to say a word, The like of which from my two lips no woman ever heard " "Be quick!" (the airship nses far behind 1heouple there) 4Just tell me what you wish to say I" (the airship's in mid air) "I've had bad luck so many times.. I sought this open space" He stops his speech to gaze upot fair Fluffy's radiant face The airship swerved and came to earth, then lifted Joe in air. And when he landed (safe and sound) Miss Fluffy wasn't there. (COPYRIGHT.. 1 908.. BY THE NEW YORK HERALD CO ) All Rights -Reserved oomu i ...... . i'i--L"r,ii T" If L. I I 01 II. H1 1 fi-E-- ' aJ ti .iJ-J'BI f S V if II I ' . "I. LJ A V I ' 1 1