The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 23, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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CALL. MONDAY. Registration ft.
WAITRESSES. Dalles. Medford, $23;
Nw6r. $20; Eugene.. $25; Vancouver, f.-ti;
Seaside. $3o; Hood River. $25; city Plt
$7 to $9 a week and aome at $-0 to X
room and hoard.
Hotel coo. $6o; help-. $30. or man and
wtf. $ for good country hotel, east of
here; cook, smaU camp. $2: kitchen help,
$1 dav and board and $2 d h?
Chambermaid. $8 a week and $.5 and
$20 a month, with board and room.
Washwomen for laundry. fM.J day.
woman for tailor (fr.op to help repair, no
experience needed. $1.25.
$2 25 a day for woman for pressing, dye
hou. .
Faml'y heln for Pics p!ace. cooks, $3o.
Second girl. $25 and $20; nurse girl,
general housework girls.
Note Girls and women wanting situa
tion in families can secure M plcrt
where they may learn to cook, if willing- to
343 1, Washington at., cor. fth. upstairs.
Requires the services of lUst-clas. experi
enced saleswomen in their cloak and suit
department; also experienced alteration
hands on skirts and coats. Expert litters
and bundle wrapper. Appjy in person,
Monday, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M.
tOUKH $0 to $:: waitresses-, chamber
mids. etc.. in and out of city; several
pom; tons open for cooks in private fam
ilies and boarding-houses; also want sev
eral girls for genera! housework at top
wages, large list of new work for Mon
day morning- Pacific Employment Co.,
ladies department. 2t5 Morrison at.
Phones Main lo2. B 2"Q4.
ELDERLY woman. Protestant Christian
preferred, to look after two or three small
children and to act as h usekeeper in
small flat; pleasant location, very little
work to do. Will five free rnt la Sl-S
suite furnished for small service. No
boosers ne.l apply. Call Landlady. -it
2d St.. cor Columbia, or phone Main
Sunday or Monday.
Jl rocks hotels. M: 3 family cooks. $:t0
- to $:: 2 chambermaids. 2 pressors,
dvehotise 2 dav: 1 ironer. laundry. $1.30
day; 2 second gir.s. $25; 1 waitress. eaitwj.
SJ.V 3 wi'trwr. hotels. $25; 1 maker Lr
miliinery. $8 to $12 week. 326 Wash
ington St., cor. 6th.
WANTED First-class saleswoman for kid
gloves, hosiery, underwear and fancy
good. Good stockkeeper. Give full par
ticulars, references and salary expected
in first letter. Preferably department
rtore experience- Lock box C, North
Bend. Or.
WANTED A young sales-lady who haa gome
knowledge of crockery for basement crock
ery department. Apply between 9 and 11
o'clock Monday. 1. Gsvurts 4k Sons, 13
1st t.
EXPERIENCED salesladies1 for glove depart
ment: permanent positions: state where and
length of time In previous positions; ai-i
aiary expected. Address Box AB 184.
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
wanted In underwear, gloves, hosiery, etc,
$43 Wash. st.. cor. Tth. upstairs.
Phone Main and A 26S2.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
LADY agent to sen cur oil perfumes; latest
thir.g on the market: sella at a'ght. The
Olivette Co., U14 Larkin t., San Fran
cisco, Cal.
WANTED Good canvassers. natly dressM
women, citv and state; good money. Call
room so Merchant Trust bldg., 6th and
Washington si-
LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at
h-me: materials furnished : $13 per hun
c":d. Particulars' stamred envelope. Dept.
74. Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago.
LADIES to make health shields: material
furnhed; $13 per hundred. Particulars,
stamped er vejope. Dept. 863. Heaith Belt
Co.. Chicago.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, with estab
lished clientele, can secure fre dsk and
machine for rme service. AB lXi, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED help In various depart
ments for the new Emporium. Address
Supt.'s office. The Emporium, San Fran
cisco. Cal-
COMPETENT dressmaker for high-clasa trade
to run establishment on commission ha? Is;
muet have executive ability. AB 177, Ore
goniaa. WOMAN of office ability for permanent po
sition; little mony necessary; good salary
and earnings. Call 7o5 Swetland bldg.,
Competent salesladies, boy or some one.
to run elevator. Jjanittr. f reman, stock
girt. Acheson Suit Houso, Aclwston bldg.
A NEAT, experienced girl to assist with
housework and care for baby; no cooking;
kind treatment and good salary; references
preferred. Call 680 Tillamook at. 1 car.
COMPETENT girl to do cooking and general
housework in small family; no washing.
780 Marshall St. Main 2917.
STENOGRAPHER Small wages, good place
for commercial experience. Monarch
Agency. 231 Stark.
Ladles' Department 2uG4 M orison st.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2t64.
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
S adults. Apply mornings, 440 Williams
LADIES to make pillow tops at home, good
pay; Instruction free. Call 432 Washing
ton st.
48 Washington St.. comer 7th, upstairs.
Phons Mala 2092.
GIRL for general housework and cooking:
family of 4; $25 per month; no washing.
Phone EAst 9M4.
A FIRST-CLASS girl for general house
work; good wages paid. Call Monday at
104 N. 5th at.
WANTED Lady to help in kitchen with
other ladies. Clackamas Tavern, Oregon
City car.
GOOD girl for general housework- Call after
coons. 2D North Park. bet. Burnside and
WANTED Refined, capable woman for ret
sponsible position. Viavi Co t 603 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require sales
women for suit a, corsets, etc. Apply to
TWO ladies to canvass city, new proposition,
from $2 to $5 made dally. Call Sunday, 2
to 4 P M. A. W. Sheehan. 4S N. th at.
Washington st.. room 347. I hope Main
A 3'.';6.
WANTED I"if hoppickers to pick oo acres
of -hops: hig crop; fine accommodations:
bakery, butcher shop, restaurant, grocery
store, dancing psviiion. beautiful camping
.round . low exrursion railroad rates. We
pay II per hundred. No charge for the
job. For further particulars app.y to Krehs
Bros., room Bl 1-612 Worcester bldg., cor.
iHik and 3d. Office hours. 9 to 8 P. M. ;
Sun lays. V to 1 P. M.. Tel. Main 2Vn3 and
A 4W3.
tie t ween Sacramento and Stockton.
Choice Innd; purert wier; perfect health;
n extreme heat ; oranges ripen in Win
ter; y rapes pay per acre; 2 0 hens
pa v $." "') yearly ; no farming ; like town
lif e ; $1: very easy terms; practical far
mer neded to plow. haul. etc.. for neigh
bors. Write KnRllsh. B. Marks, Box 628.
Gait. California.
k SOM '.THING nsw for boys and girls to
1 Arb nn itnrinf vacation: ran easitv make
from $t to $2 a day; age from 12 to 13
- years. 41.1 Marquam Diag.
WANTED An instructor In bookkeeping
snd penmanship State ape, experience
and salary desired; give two references.
S 174. Oregonlan.
CATHOLICS everywhere, make big profits
getting subscribers Catholic and German
msgaxlnes. Benedictine Press. Goodnough
GOOD accountant, lady or gent; $inn per
month, who can Invest $2000 in good con
cern. C 178. Oregonian.
FOR hetp or work. A. B. C. Employment
Com pan v. ?:6 4 Morrison st. Ladies and
gents. Main 3022.
8PECI A L shorthand classes, any system ;
secure positions. Business University, 4$
Jd st. Phone Main 4o04.
HOPPICKERS wanted. Room 202 Failing
bldg.. 3d and Washington.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A-l BOOKKEEPER and accountant seeks
permanent position, experienced as head
bookkeeper, office manager, etc.; best of
references. Address "Accountant' Box
249. Denver, Colo.
TRUSTWORTHY gentleman, well versd In
correspondence and advertising, would like
position some extensive business hou $ ;
best references. D 179. Oregonian.
POS I TION s s bookkeeper, cash ler or ot her
office work; good penman or accountant;
A-l references; modest salary. W 176,
AN experienced hardware man. capable of
filling any position, from manager down to
the bottom; best references, wants work.
K 176, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS accountant with seven yeans'
experience desires position : one year on
road; highest city references. Address W
175, Oregonian.
A POSITION as bookkeeper or assistant,
would be accepted by a man of & years
experience, with good references and
bond. N 173, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, clerical position by
man of 3"; if you have a vacancy give me
an interview ; good references furnished.
V 173. Oregonian.
EX PER IENCED book-keeper and statisti
cian wants permanent position ; furnish
any recommendations necessary. 170.
LAW STENOGRAPHER, young man, welt
educated, admitted to the bar, best of ref
erences, desires position. F 163. Oregonian.
WANTED By young man. position as sten
ographer, collector or office work of any
kind. B 171. Oiegonian.
MALE stenographer wants position. Four
years' experience: can furnish reference
If necessary. M 173. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or other
clerical work; town or country; references.
B 17, Oregonian.
HOTEL clerk or manager wants situation;
experienced, reliable and steady; best of
references. W ISO, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man. 25 years of age, open for
clerical position of any kintl ; best of
references. N 172. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER desires several hours' work
dally; oftice work of any kind; refer
ences. X 178, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, first-class accountant open
for engagement. A-l references. E. I.
Gilbert. 1244 E. Madison.
A THOROUGH accountant who has some
spare time would like a small set of books
to keep. AC 184, Oregonian.
POSITION as grocery clerk by younr man,
good references. 3 years' experience. Ad
dress 1413 Vulcan St.. Woodlawn
POSITION by young man, long experience in
grocery and office work; references. C 176,
A YOUNG lady wishes a position as offics
girl. V 174. Oregonian.
CAPABLE married couple want to take
entire charge of bac helor's home; go
anywhere, city references. AB 15. Ore
gonian. If you want watchman that will protect
Jour property and be permanent, write
. C. Donneil. 669 Bybeo ave. Phone A
or Main 18k0.
MAN Colored, wants place as porter or
house work, or camp cook ; Just from
East, with references, phone E 1712. Ad
dress, 366 E. Davis.
WANTED A position as night watchman
with some good firm or to drive a team.
tv a reliable man of good habit, with good
references. G 176. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man of pood
business ability, can do anything; must
have work at once; needs ready money.
Address 62.1 Chamber of C mmeroe.
MAN thoroughly experienced as a buyer and
salesman in plumbing and heating supplies,
pipe, fittings and brass goods; references.
Can make good. W 173. Oregonian.
WANTED A position by a young, experi
enced all-round blacksmith, city or coun
try. Address A. Luck ex, 818 Commercial
at., Salem. Or.
POSITION of stationary engineer. 2 years
experience; will accept position of fire
man until acquainted with plant. AC 165,
DR A FTSM A N, 12. experienced ; electrical
engineering graduate: wants Immediate
employment ; salary secondary; city ref
erences; make offer. D 1S2 Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED carpet cutter and layer,
good all round man, seeks situation;
country preferred ; references furnished.
Address B 181. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Janitor and watchman, re
liable and responsible, want any kind
employment; understands poultry. X 14,
JAPANESE, skilled cook, wants situation,
porter or housework. In family or business
place, city only. Address H. K., 250 1st
st. Phone A ii032.
MOTION-PICTURB operator wishes employ
ment in or out of town and has l!k chairs
for sale. AdVlress O 179, Oregonian.
GOOD reliable young man wants position,
capable office work, though not particu
lar. V 171. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man experi
enced in cigars and confectionery; best
references. C 1K3. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, eight years experience whole
sale house. Do any kind of work in that
line. Address E 179, Oregonian.
WATCHMAKER and salesman will be open
for a position after September 1. Address
R. D. Pet tie, Marshfield. Oregon.
AUTO mschlnlst wsnts private- cars to
overhaul; work guaranteed. T 181 Ore
gonian. WANTED Any kind of a steady Job at
small wages; can give reference. AD 170,
Oregonian. -
CARPENTER. flrst-claas mechanic, 15
years foreman, would like situation. AF
183. Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires a position of any kind
with chance of advancement. H ISO, Ora
gonian. NOTICE I want work; young man, 31. In
dustrious, reliable; wants work at anything.
B 179. Oregonian.
STEWARD, chef with complete crew desire
change, country house preferred. AB 158.
MAN wishes position as pantryman, vege
table man or servant. F. Torres. Phone
Pacific 2334.
JAPANESE married couple with references
want positions, wife as cook, husband as
gardener, etc AD 163. Oregonian.
BREAD or cake baker desires position In
or out of city; prefers running; small shop.
AB 16S. Oregonian.
RESTAURANT or lunch counter man. ex
perienced, can furnish references or de
posit. Y 168. Oreognlan.
EXPERIENCED laundryman desire position;
can furnish best of references. AE 182,
WANTED Position as chauffeur or shop
man: bet of references. W 170, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation by good all-around
printer. City job office preferred. F 170
CHAUFFEUR wants position, has lrcense
and good references; all running repairs.
AC ltT. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires several hours' work
dally in exchange for board and room.
X 179. Orejfonian.
BRIGHT young man wants position; is
good mechanic; good references. AE 177,
PAINTERS, take contract, first-class work;
price reasonable. X 177, Oregonian.
A-l PA.1NTER and paperhanger wants work,
city or country. D 174, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy vants farm work. 315
Couch st .' Portland.
YOUNG man. capnHe. Intelligent, wants po
sition, city or country. C 172. Oregonian.
CH EF and wife want situation In private
family; long reference. Y 153, Oregonian.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kind of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6621.
YOUNG man wants employment evenings
and Sundays. A. S.. Main 6J24.
JAPANESE Employment Co., 268 Everett.
Main 469. A 4073.
NEW lawns grsded and seeded, fences built.
Phone Tabor 1175.
MACHINIST Experienced model worker de
sires permanent position. I) ITS, Oregonian.
Miscellanea us.
YOUNG man 1. coming to Portland from
Chicago about September 20, wishes to hear
from business house where tha services of
an honest and capable clerk would be ap
preciated; two years' experience at express
routing. F 170, Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED salesman in hardware and
crockery, having for eleven years traveled
in Oregon and Washington territory,
would like, position of trust In city or
country; best , of references. AE 171,
YOUNG man, 18 years old. wants place
where he can work from 5:30 A. M. till
T A. M. and two houra in the evening, in
exchange for board and room; home cook
ing preferred. G 181, Oregonian.
WANTED By young: man. position in
wholesale house or business, or any posi
tion of trust; highest references as to
character and ability. Address A D 184,
Oregonian. '
ALL-ROUND dry goods man, capable of
dressing a fair window; good stock keep
er and salesman; open after Sept. 13;
. first-class references. Address M 172 Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED colored mati wants posi
tion in private place to drive and care for
horses or automobile and general work
around place; good city references. Phone
Main S4M.
WANTED Two carpenters will take con
tracts to build small residences, city or
country. We will draw plans. E. Cory,
406 7th st. Phone Main -119-
'0S GRADUATE, civil engineering, wsnts po
sition with construction company. Ad
dress K 2464 7th st.
JAPANESE boy drsires position of house
work in small family. N. S., 311 Everett
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lsdy from the Eart wishes perma
nent position as stenographer or billing
clerk; can also handle small set of books;
reference as to character and ability fur
nished. B lvH4, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady accustomed to general office
work would like either temporary or perma
nent position. Underwood and Remington
operator. G 173. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer, beirinner. would
like position. WiU accept low wages. E
173. Oregonian.
NEAT appearing young lady; excellent pen
man, quick at figures, would like position
In office. Address E 178. Oregonian.
YOUNG ladv. experienced railroad stenog
rapher, desires position; references.
Woodlswn 1611.
FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex
perienced or beginner, phone clerical
office. Main 450 4.
Kl'STER'S" Ladies Tailoring College opens
Saturday. August 2fl, 3i Stearns bldg.
Every lady calling on that date will re
ceive a shirt waist pattern drafted to her
measure free, with full Instructions for
using. We toaeh Kuster's system of draft
ing and msklng of garments, both fancy
and tailored. Call and let us explain our
plan. m
SITUATION WA NTK D 1-a d y , 33 yea rs,
wants place as housekeeper In widower's
home; wages reasonable. Mrs. Lilir.n Dav
idson. Milwaukee, Or.
DRESSMAKER, also fitter, who had chaige
of waist-room In leading New York estab
lishment, wishes similar position. W 163,
DRESSMAKING by day. ladies' or children's
work. Call for Mis Cooper. Phone Main
MRS. ENGLE, dressmaker; tailor-made milts
specialty; JR vears experience. 407 Holla
day ave. Phone East 2013. .
RESPECTABLE mlddle-nged lady, with
references. wsnts position, assist with
general housework. P ISO. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker from East wants
engagement, families, ladle or infants'
dewing. B ITS. Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING at home or by tb day: sat
isfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable.
Woodlawn 539.
WANTED Bv experienced dressmaker, sewing
by day or to take home. Main 3360.
MME HOFM A ISTER'S School of Dress-maklng-
1H3 12th st. A .'.230.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking at lowest prices.
4t8 Taylor et. Phone ain 6842.
GOOD seamstress would like sewing by day.
Pacific 2735.
WANTED Place as housekeeper in room
. ing-house bv experienced woman, able to
take full charge. Miss Golda Wright,
The Quelle, room 24. 6th and Stark.
WANTED Position ss housekeeper by a middle-aged
lady; have one Fmall child; no
objection to children. Call at 3S7 E.
Couch or phone East 18.
LADY would Invest small amount in rooming-house
and take position as working
housekeeper; have experience. S 178, Ore
gonian. WANTED A place to do general housework
or cooking. Addrees W. Markley, Dee,
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as house
keeper; bachelors' club preferred; best of
references. N 181, Oregonian.
RELIABLE chambermaid wants good posi
tion. Call up between 1 and 2 P. M.,
phone East 3300.
TRAINED nurse, diploma Chicago Training
School, has private rooms for invalids;
best care, modern, reasonable. Out-of-town
patients solicited. W 160, Orego
nian. GRADUATE nurse having p!ea.ant home
would take invalid to care for. S2t Cor
bett. Main 6727.
TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements;
maternltv a specialty; terms to -suit.
Phone East 261.
POSITION by competent rnJddle-aged lady
as child's nurse. 3ti2 3d. flat 2. Phone
A 5503.
NEW maternity home, best care, rate rea
sonable. Phone A 5371.
EXPERIENCED nurse; can give best city
references. P 1M, Oregonian. ,
M I seel mo sous.
NEAT appearing. pleasant young lady,
wants position physician's office, any office
work; good talker. T 176. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position as nurse or
companion or doctor's office; references.
T 177. Oregonian.
WILL take few more pupils In art class;
materials furnished; beginners a specialty.
Main 8183.
A LADY of good standing would like to take
care of roomo through the day from 8
o'clock until 5. Call East 18.
A BRIGHT and reliable young lady, with
good education, wants position. Address
AF 175, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position In cigar or con
fectionery store or lunch counter. Phone
A 4928.
YOUNG lady wants position private exchange
operator; had 2 years" experience as toll op
erator. 2415.
SWEDISH woman wants work by the day
or hour. Phone Pacific 20J4. room 7.
WANTE0 Work by the day of any kind.
Call 211 Park st.
SKILLFUL woman wishes day work: fine lin
gerie a specialty; 25c. per hour. Main 5462.
A WOMAN wishes wae-hing and lace curtains
to do at home. Phone Main 6713.
YOUNG lady gives music lessons: beginners
a specialty. Main 4419.
EXPERIENCED womar. i ants any kind of
work by the day. Phone Main 4519.
- r
A GOOD, experienced colored laundress wishes
day work. Phone Sewood lol. -
WANTED Housecleaning or laundry work.
Phone A 5189.
? "
LADY piano player at liberty for position In
city, nonunion. D 170. Oregonian.
COMPETENT and reliable chambermaid wants
work; can give reference. J 172. Oregonian.
EXPFJRIENCED dressmaker will make en
gagements In families. Main 8668.
YOUNG woman wishes day work; fine laun
dress. Phone A 3548. ,
POSITION wanted ae experienced millinery
trimmer, out of town. AE 181, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by refined, educated
woman to assist In household duties (no
washing) In a family of two. living in
small house or fiat on West Side; small
salary and home privileges. References.
H 177. Oregonian.
SEE this space every day of the week for
a good situation, as it gives a few of the
many good ones that will be listed each,
and every day except Sunday, stating the
prices and if In or out of town. The St.
Louis. 204 4th. Main 239. A 2S24.
MOTHER and son IS want uositions to-
frether, rooming-house or ranch; accept
ow wages if good home: capable house
keeper, son strong, energetic C 173, Ore
gonian. WANTED By rospectable middle-aged lady,
work three or four hours each day; good
business woman and must have work. O
184. Oregonian.
WINDOW-CLEANING. floor-dressed flats
and dwellings a specialty. Main 63 3,
morning, evening, 8. Thos. Green.
COMPETENT women would like work of
any kind Monday and Wednesday. Call
phone Tabor 634.
WOMAN want situation at housework in
small family, city or country. 402 Water
WOMAN cook and helper want work, lumber
camp, ranch, hopneld. Box 58, Miiwaukie,
YOUNG lady would like a position a
tutor In a private home. M 162. Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady give private lessons in grammar-grade
studies; moderate terms; refer
ences. Main 8183.
LADY from London and Paris gives lessons
privately or class in French and piano. A
2!3. .
RELIABLE colored girl wlg position car
ing for child during afternoon. Main
OuS, room 23
YOUNG ladv gives German or piano lessons.
50c per hour; beginners a specialty. Main
81 3.
MEN and women of all ages can .make big
monev receiving subscriptions for the
American Boy. a strictly high-grade,
clean, bripht paper for hoys of 10 to 20
We give you helps, suggestions, informa
tion. Light, easy, 'congenial work; pays
larger cash commission than any other
puhllcation: extra cash prizes distributed
monthly. Write The Sprague Pub. Co.,
7th floor. Majestic bldg., Detroit. Mich.
AGENTS Latest fnds: "I'm Afraid to Go
Home in the Dark." "Good-by. Teddy
Good-by." "No Wedding Bells for Me.
Largest and best line of campaign goods,
watch fobs, pennants, canes, rosettes,
streamers, badges and souvenirs; .buttons,
0c and $1 per hundred; catalogue free.
W. F. Miller, 158 Park Rdw, New York.
AGENTS make f.103.50 per month selling
wonderful self -sharpening patented scis
sors and cutlerv. V. E. Giebner sold 22
pairs in 3 hours; made $13; you can
do it; we show you how; free outfit.
Thomas Mfg. Co., 500 Fourth St.. Day
ton, Ohio.
GREATEST co-operative offer ever made; ev
ery agent becomes a partner in our company
and niftkctf big money soiling the "Famous
Don Shoes." This is something out of the
ordinary and every agent should write us at
once and secure territory. Don Shoe Co., 170
Summer st., Boston, Mass.
AGENTS Here's four opportunity, house
hold articles; something new; $5 dally
and expenses easily made. Sell every
where; no capital required. Credit given.
Dexter Supply Co., 334 Dearborn st., Chi-
WANTED District managers of either sex
to sell the best and most up-to-date In
surance policies and to appoint agents.
Top contracts to right parties. Call r
write, Oscar Ekman. 313 Eltel bldg.. Se
attle, Wash.
AGENTS $30 week, expenses paid, no ex
perience required; photo pillow tops.. 3tc;
enlarged portraits, frames, lowest nrlcesi
free samples. Catalogue. Dejjt. 78, Hitter
Art Studio, Chicago, 111.
AGENTS Write for particulars, Ideal Kero
sine Oil Burner using mantle, revolution
izes artificial lighting. particularly in
country homes. Western Light & Fixture
Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful eight-piece kitchen set; send
for sworn statement of $12 dally profit;
outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 500 Jef
ferson at.. Dayton. Ohio.
AGENTS Big money following my plan,
proven success, honorable, no canvassing,
outline free for stamped envelope. Lock
Box 22, Smlckburg, Pa.
WANTED Men and women to handle our
household specialty; large repeat order get
ter. Sells on sight. Sola Specialty Co., box
371, Santa Barbara, Cal.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families'. Ad
dress Leffler A Co., St. Louis. Mo.
THE Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or., want
more salesmen; liberal terms; outfit fur
nished. Full information xn application.
EXPERIENCED photo coupon agents, first
class studio, good seller- 362 Washing
ton. '
AGENTS wanted; something new. C 175,
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for two young men;
can give reference; must be' completely fur
. nlshed; state full particulars, price. AF 170.
WANTED Two small furnished house
keeping rooms by slnple lady, must be
close In and reasonable price Address
P. O. Box 236.
WANTED Two boy?, keep, age 8 and 10. to
go to school In Portland; state how much
wanted per month. Addres box 86. Steven-
son, Waah.
WANTED To rent 2i or 30 acres of land,
or less, for gardening purposes, within 6
or S miles of city. T. K. Johnson, 870 Di
vision st.. city. -
BY YOUNG couple, nicely furnished cottage,
close in. East or West Side. Phone Wood
lawn 1602.
YOUNG lady, employed, desires home in
strictly private family. West Side. T ISO,
GENTLEMAN wants room with two meals.
West Side, close in, in private family; T 178. Oregonian.
PORTLAND Information Bureau, can rent
flats houses and rooms; we have re t era.
M S8o. A 1256". 014 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Gentleman wants unfurnished
room, walking distance from business cen
ter. R 170. Oregonian.
MEDIUM-SIZED unfurnished modern hortse,
close in. small family, no children. H 170,
AN 8 -room furnished house In location suit
able to let out rooms. Phone Woodlawn
WANTED Room and board by young lady,
cloe in; rate reasonable. AF 178, Ore
gonian. SMALL furnished cottage or flat; adults;
West Side; state particulars. AP 173, Ore
gonian. WE can rent your place. Call and see us.
Portland " Information Bureau. Both
phones. 614 Swetland bldg.
YOUNG lady wants nice suite rooms and
board: will pay good price; has one gentle
man friend. D 181. Oregonian.
WANTED By two ladies, one large or two
rooms with board In private familn near
carline. Phone East 3894.
WANTED--Desk room or part office, ground
floor, near center preferred, for real estate.
X 167. Oregonian.
ONE or two furnished or partly furnished
housekeeping rooms, reasonable, close In.
W 171. Oregonian
WANTBD Store room for candy and cigars.
Answer, giving location and rent. A 174,
SMALL furnished house, married couple, no
children; must be near car; cheap. V 170,
WANTED 3 furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance, good neighborhood. AC
1S3, Oregonian.
WANTED Modern 6 to 8 -room house, north
of Washington. Phone Main 909, Monday.
10OR 12-ROOM house, factory district, for
boarders. Lock Box 108. Canby. Or.
GENTLEMAN and wife desire to rent small
well-furnished cottage. W 162, Oregonian.
WANTED by business lady, board and room,
references. AB 180, Oregonian.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
.- ntA. ln Dinn. Main Od.kT
WANTED To rent houses, cottages. flats,
stores, offices, rooming-house, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portlaad
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E- cor. za
and Oak. Phone Exchanga "2.
A 5 TO 7 -room house; must be Btrictly mod
ern, with furnace and close in. Tenant
have girl 8 year of age; best reference.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Houses, .furnished or unfurnished.
Demands greater than supply. Phone
u-if you have houses or room for rent.
67 Buchanan bldg., 2SR4 Washington st.
Phones Main 6984. A 2417.
BY young married couple without children.
2 or 8 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms or flat by September 1; must be
within 5 minutes' walk of 1st and Main
ots. AF 184, Oregonian
WANTED Permanently, beginning. Sept. -15,
completely furnished house. 5 rooms or
more; adults; give price and full particu
lars. Address 283 N. 23d.
WANTED In private family. West Side, by
couple with 3-year-old child, two connect
ing rooms with board, modern and first
class: references. W 160, Oregonian.
CONGENIAL couple of refinement want home
with nice private, small family, in strictly
first-class neighborhood; no other boarders.
D 180, Oregonian.
WANTED Four furnished rooms, walking
distance; price niUBt be reasonable; re
sponsible parties; no children. Phone
Main 69S4. A 2417.
WA NTED By married couple, no chil
dren, two furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; walking distance; West
Side. K. 170, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent house 3 or more rooms,
furnished or unfurnished, September 1.
Irvington or Holladay preferred; 3 adults.
BY Sept. 1 to 15. furnished house. 6 to 8
from car; not over 40; adults only. F 181,
And any thing else you iiav to sell.
Main 6635. A 412L
WANTED at once, office furniture, good
rug, 9x12. typewriter desk, 2 revolving of
fice chairs and sofa; must be good and
bargain; state price In reply. AS 166,
Oregonian. . .
WANTED Men' cset-off clothing and
hoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phons Pacific 1722.
WANTED To buy Butte Boys Consolidated
Mining Stock for cash; give No. of shares,
name and address; will call and see you.
AC 108, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand wheel in good con
dition; must have coaster brake and be
cheap for cash; state make and price. F
170, Oregonian.
WANTED 1 pool table and 1 blllisrd table,
perfect In condition and fixtures, price low.
Address Commercial Club, Junction City,
WANTED Space, private parage, for Max
1 well runabout, lcinlty of Johnson and
2itd. G 17S. Oregonian.
LET ME take care your automobile; Al
city references; get my proposition. G
170. Oregonian.
A GREAT BARGAIN For i-ale. combination
houseboat, furnished, electric lights e nd
fully equipped gasoline launch. C 1T4,
WANTED Marine engine, 12 to 15 h. p.,
2 or more cylinders. Bruckman & Rohan,
408 E. Clay st. Phone East 604.
will reopVn Sept. 1; private or class. 452
Morrison st. Main 2C4i
WANTED To buy camera or kodak; state
make and lowest cash price. F 170, Ore
gonian. COMPLETE set of lessons in lettering of one
of standard schools. Communicate AF 172,
WANTED Complete furnishings for four
room cottage; willing to pay good price for
good goods. O 183, Oregonian.
WANTED To take care of little girl; terms
reasonable. 576 Williams ave. Phone East
FROM 20 to 100 cords of 4-foot oak wood;
must be six inches in diameter. L. D.
Purdy. P. O- Box 9.
A GOOD country home for a child from 3
to 14 years. Information at 422 Everett
st., city.
BIG cash price for second-hand furniture.
East 988. B 2311
WANTED To buy a launch SO feet or so;
must be cheap. V 183, Oregonian.
WANTED Dog house, for large-size- dog;
state sixe, . price, etc. R 174, Oregonian.
WANTED A boy's bicycle; state make, con
dition and prioe. AF 171, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
ROLL and fiat-top desk, office chairs, tabla,
rug, cheap for cash. L 172, Oregonian.
TENT Fly about 20 bv 20 feet. 12:30 to
1:30 P. M. 627 Corbett bldg.
WANTEDSecond-hand nool tables; no
agents. W 179, Oresonlan.
WANTED to rent 50 pairs roller skates. Ad
dress L. P. O. Box 761, Astoria. Or.
WANTED Roll-top desk and some other
office furniture. Phone A 3063.
. : 4
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. S4
Highest prioe paid; prompt attention.
WANTED Launch hull. V 184, Oregonian.
WANTED Roll-top dek.
Main 1976.
ron rent.
Furnllshed Rooms.
CENTRALLY located, clean furnished
rooms. reasonable. phone, bath. 415
Taylor St.. corner 11th st.
THE TEMPLE, 343fc Yamhill St., nicely fur
nished rooms $2.50 a week and up; tran
sient. GOOD rooms. I't4 West Park at., 10 month;
newly renovated, all conveniences; one for
$9 month.
NICELY furnished room, private family. 5
minutes' walk from 3d and Washington.
T 184, Oregonian.
170 12TH, near Morrison, pleasant rooms,
with closets, running water, phorje, bath,
YOUNG man wanted for roommate, pleas
ant room, private home; close in. 195
13th st.
ROOMS, with or without board, In private
familv, all modern conveniences. rates
reasonable. Phone A 3676, West Side.
474 CLAY, cor. 14th.. modern house, home
privileges, parlor, piano, bath, phone, $3;
gentleman preferred.
309 11TH Desirable room for gentleman or
lady employed, quiet home, modern con
veniences; reasonable rent.
432 TTH Small furnished room, suitable for
a gentleman, $6 per month; board if de
sired. TWO ftrst-elass single sleeping rooms at
very low rate, close in. 240 Jefferson st.
STRICTLY up-to-date rooms, 320 S. 7th St.,
cor. Clay. 1
TWO nicely furnished rooms, all modern
conveniences. 494 Morrison st., fiat 10.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
'Z. 125 lth st.
TWO bed rooms, large and nloely furnished,
$8 each. 334 Park.
NICELY furnished, front room, private fam
ily. 327 12th st.
FURNISHED room with bath and use of
phone. 554 Morrison st. Phone Main 8285.
$2. $2.50, $3 East Burnside and Grand ave.,
bath, phone, electric light. Phone B 2194.
406 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, walk
ing distance, reasonable, bath, gas, phone.
NICELY furnishad rooms, double or sin
gle, strictly modern. 200 Park st.
PLEASANT front room, suitable for two
gentlemen, private family. 292 12th st.
NEATLY furnished rooms, one block from
High School. 175 14th. cor. Yamhill.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia: modern
rooms, bath, 6oc to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
NICE single front room, newly furnished,
close In. reasonable. 395 Third t.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient rooms. 343 H Morrison.
Portland's Best Family Hotel.
American Or European Plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Car passes hotel every -minute. Very
reasonable rates. , Largest, coolest and
most comfortable rooms to be found any
where, with every modern convenience.
Large, well-kept lawn.
DO you realize that you can get an outside,
steam heated, electric-lighted room at the
Barton, cor. 13th and Alder sts.. fur $10
up per month? This house is being re
painted, repapered and put in first-class
condition by the new owner. Nice large
parlor in connection. Suites, with running
water, $22.50 to $35.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. lath and Wash
leg ton at. Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings, sultej with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
tl95. Long-dltance phone In all rooms.
CONNECTING parlors, beautifully furnished,
in private family; fireplace, gas. bath,
phone; suitable for gentlemen or couple
employed; some housekeeping privileges.
Phone East 6077. 50 East 8th st. North.
HOTEL GLENWOOD. 2d and Salmon New
, and elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water in every room, private baths, steam
heat; transient, $1 and up; special rates
by week or month.
FURNISHED front rocm with alcove and
private balcony; also two single roome,
steam heat, bath, piano and telephone;
private family; references required. 193
North 23d st. Pacific 9i:2.
FINE large front room, furnished, with large
coat press; all modern conveniences: In
private family, for two gentlemen; location
clone in. Phone Eatft 6u7T. Call at 50
East 8th st. North.
LARGE room, with connecting kitchen, if
desired; excellent light, separate en
trance; best location for dining-room or
dressmaker; also 2 large connecting fur
nished rooms, ground tloor. . 1S1 6th.
S93 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water In rooms, furnace neat;
rooms $10 per month and up. Phone Main
I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee. Mer
chants, German-American, telephone
bonds, etc. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch
bldg. Main 7640.
THE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark St. Large
light rooms, well furnlsned, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.fio to $3 week. Mrs.
Hart, manager, A 6192. Main 9017.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside , rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc., $2.50 week up; transients.
269 Washington.
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern con
veniences, walking distance; prices rea
sonable. 5476 Yamhill, near 17th. Phone
A 4190.
IN PRIVATE family, furnished room, con
net In g bath, hot and cold water, gas,
furnace heat, phone, pleasant home, tiud
5th st.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington.
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 416.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Eelectrlo
depot; running water In all rooms, bath and
phone. A 1539; 5"c to $1 day, $2.50 to $4 wk.
TWO fine rooms, bath. light, easy walk
ing distance, batween two carllnea; splen
did quarters; two men preferred. A 160,
Oregonian. Phone C 1H30.
COOL, quiet rooms, neatly f urnishod, all
modern conveniences, desirable for gen
tlemen who care to sleep in day time.
2081, 17th.
FOR 3 months from Oct. l, l&oS, well fur
nished house of 9 rooma in desirable lo
cality on West Side; rent $100 per month.
Reply AC 168, Oregonian.
Hotel Bushmark. Waah. and 17th, first-class
furnished rooms, single or en suite; all
modern conveniences, $3 weekly up; daily,
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5047.
"THE ROSES," 115 12th. -corner Washing
ton, large light rooms, transient. Mrs.
Wakely. formerly ,'0-1 4 Alder. Phone A
4202; make reservations.
NICE, comfortable, airy rooms, with all con
veniences, for one or two gentlemen, in
private house; very reasonable. 30S Mill
st., 4 blocks from City Hall.
RENT $10. 2 newly furnished rooms in
modern flat, with all conveniences; gen
tlemen preferred. Phone 868. 464 Jef
ferson, near 13th.
ONE large front parlor, also 1 large house
keeping room, lif 3 St. Clair St.. near
Washington. Phone Main 3816. Reason-
FOR RENT Room with large closet, bath,
phone and heat, in private flat, suitable for
one or two. 693 Glisan, bet. 21st and
FOR RENT September 1, 2 connecting out
side roomK suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen;
will rent singly or en suibe; private house;
no sign. 474 Yamhill St.
NICELY furnished front rooms for gentle
men, centrally located; very reasonable.
348 7th st. Phone Pacific 885.
3 ROOMS for rent, partly furnished, gas.
water and phone Included. $13 per month.
489 21et st., Portland Heights.
ONE or two splendid rooms; fine location,
modern, strictly prlvatu . family; mhji and
wife or two young men. 55 East 14th st.
394 COLUMBIA corner 10th, well furnished
room, furnace heat, gas, bath, phone,
walking distance.
LARGE, newly furnished rooma, walking
distance, all conveniences. 530 Davis st.,
between 35th and 16th.
FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 and up. walking
distance, electric lights and phone. 349
Jefferson st.
TWO nice furnished front rooms; also fur
nished parlor bedroom. 4b Main st.
Phone Main 359.
THE AUDITORIUM. 2if8U 3d.; single room,
suites, rooms with private baths; transient
or permanent.
FINE large front room: furnished; strictly
modern; gentleman preferred. East 2737.
Close in. East Side.
392 COLUMBIA Large, cool, first-floor
. room, electric light, porcelain bath, tele
phone, easy walk, reasonable.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
LARGE modern room, fireplace, hot water
heat, hot and cold water; desirable for two
gentlemen. 542 Morrison st.
CONFECTIONERY, $450; another Xor $330;
another for $850; ask to see them. Call 613
Chamber Commerce.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent reasonable,
with or without board; bath. 389 Harrison
A NICELY furniehed front room in private
family, suitable for one or two gentlemen.
127 N. 14th.
LARGE front room, modern, fine location,
private family. 407 Holladay ave. Phone
Bast 2013.
LARGE pleasant rooms for rent, free use of
bath and phone. 180 7th s. near Port
land Hotel.
SUIT3 of 3 nicely furnished rooms, light
housekeeping, gas, bath, good neighborhood.
228 East 20th st.
LARGE parlor, all conveniences, breakfast
If desired, private family. 353 12th. Main
2 WELL furnished rooms, light, airy, sinele
or connected, bath, telephone. 687 Glisan
FOR RENT Pleasant front room, newiy fur
nished, modern conveniences. 731 East
Yamhill st.
3 URGE furnished rooms, lower floor; no
children. 388 Grand ave. North.
LARGE airy front room, furnished or un
furnished. South Portland. Phone A 3001.
MODERN newly furnished front room, two
gentlemen. 204 7th
NEAT single room, bath, phone. $6. 195 N.
TWO rooms, single or en suite, modern. 380
11th st. Telephone Pacific 495.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board;
home cooking. 66 N. 21st, near Washington.
THE ANKENY Swell furnished rooms. $3
to $5; phones and bath. 349 Vi Ankeny.
NEWLY furnished rooms with or without
board: everything modern. 470 Taylor st.
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for rent.
550 Couch at., bet. 10th and 17th.
PLEASANT room, closet, bath. $6.50 month,
36 2lst North, corner Washington.
2 ROOMS, furnished complete for housekeep
ing, private residence. 551 B. 21st st. Sou.'h.
NICELY furnishad. room. CaJl 32 N. 16th at.
FURNISHED rooms. single or en suite,
quiet place, no boozers no-ad apply, jin
gle rooms $1.50 per week. Housekeeping
rooms $S and $10 per suite. Select pat
rons No rouph house here. Working
men home. The Martin Houso, 2d and
OAYOSO. Grand ave.. East Stark Well
furnished rooms, possessing modern con
veniences: steam heat, hot water, eleva
tor, baths: very reasonable rates.
A VERY attracti-e den, electric light, with,
kitchen, gas range, suite of rooms, suit
able for four gentlemen, large and prettily
furnished. 67 N. 20th st.
LARGE furnished front room, with veranda,
running water, furnace heat, use- of hath
and pjione; conveniently located; suitable,
for two gentlemen. Phone Main 1804.
NICELY furnished rooms, good bath, fur
nace heat. 22H 12th, near Salmon, or
phone Main 3383, A 3432. Walking dis
tance. DESIRABLE front room In new modern home,
walking distance, good neighborhood, rea
sonable. 124 B. 18th, bet. E. Morrison and
WANTED One or two furnished rooms for
housekeeping; in private family; must hi
modern and reasonable; state particulars.
AE 176, Oregonian. ..
GRAND, 87 Yamhill, newly furnished rooms
bv the day, week or month; gaa. bath and
steam heat: rates reasonable; under new
management; transients solicited.
TWO rooms, front and back parlor, separate
or connected, bath and phone. 80 West
LARGE front room suitable for two gen
tlemen, with or without board. 440 Jef
ferson. TWO rooms, light, airy, gas, bath, phone,
wulklns distance; no children. 573 Irvintf
NICE light airy furnlwhed room, we of phono
and bath, g-od ne ig h borhood, $0. 01? E.
Salmon. Phone B 2ol7.
COMFORTABLY furnished room. suitable '
for 1 or 2 gentlemen, very central, rea
sonable. 149 10th.
THE MILNER. 3riOW Morrison, cor. Park,
modern housekeeping apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished.
THE HYLAND, 4!0 Morrison, well fur
nished suites, modern, walking distance..
A 2210. Reasonable; transient.
20 N. 17TH Suite suitable for 2 or 4, single
room, modern, reasonable, walking dis
tance. Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite, quiet, very suitable
for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st
and pine.
4 ROOMS with pantry, bath and yard; 41
block from carline. 2 blocks from East
Side High School. Call 148 East loth,
THREE unfurnished rooms; first floor; ten
dollars. 4S9 Hoyt st. Call Sunday or
FROM 2 to 4 unfurnished rooms. 412 Glisan
LARGE light unfurnished and furnished
roonw, reasonable. 204 14 th st.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, 435
East Ankeny st.
TWO nice furnished rooms, rent reasonable,
no other roomers. ,"20 lrvington st.
Rooms With Board.
BLAK ELY HALL, ,HM Jefferson, one of tho
nicest private boarding-houses In city;
large, airy rooms, running water; beauti
ful grounds, finely located for tourists,
transient or permanent guests. A 5:145.
NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without
board, use of phone. fre bath, electric
lights, hot and cold water; price n-HH--n-Oble.
half block from Williams ave "The
Maples," 2tt7 Knott ft. phono C 1 4 1 f.
NICELY furnished room", first -el a sh table
board, strictly home cooking, modern. S'l
week ; easy walking distance. The Lin
dell. 2:9 Market.
LOUISE HOME. 373 Cable st.. corner Mill,
board and room for girls only; modern
Improvements, home coinfcrta; $3 up.
Phone Pacific 188. Main. 8318.
YOUNG man, if you want first -class room
and hoard, for $5.50 and $ii per week, all
conveniences, good home cooking, call at
the Aster House, 7th and MailUson.
THE COLONIAL corner loth and Morrison.
3 blocks west of Portland Hotel ; special
Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with
good board, by week or month.
WANTED Two refined young Indies to
board In private family; walking dis
tance; references required. Call between
10-2, t54 South Hvil.
LARGE, airy rooms; every convenience; hot
and cold water, extensive grounds; excel
lent board ; walking d i stance. 617 Kear
ney. A 2018, Pacific 314.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary; Women's Exchange, Mrs. Ella Raw
llng, Supt., 510 Flanders St.
BOARD and room wanted by young oou-
pie in private family; must be reason-:
able; state price, etc. AE 176, Oiego-'
WANTED Five middle-aged gentlemen to,
rent 5 nice room.1 In new private residence,
house modern, rut-als If oV.-dred, regular
a home, close in. C 103. Oregonian.
SUITE of two "nicely furnished rooms, with
board, suitable for 3 young men; all con-;
veniences, nooi home cooking, very rea
sonable. Call 251 7th Bt.
. 1 i
327 6th st.. new. modern, neatly furnished
rooms; 7 blocks from P. O. ; with or
without board; reasonable.
WANTED 2 gentlemen to room and board
in private family close In, good location,
walking distance. AD 169. Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room for one or two.
small private family, all conveniences,
close in. Phone A 4441.
ROOM and board In private family. Phono
Sellwood 536. Address Mrs. Almy, Wood
stock. Or.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. $23 per
month. The Glendora, 1 block from
Washington on 19th.
NICELY furnished rooms and nrst-olata
table board. 30 17th at.. North. Phone A
THE best money-mnklng store in Southern
Oregon. For information call 513 Cham
ber Commerce.
THE MARLYN, Washlrgtrn and 17th. well
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
FIRST-CLASH board and room and home
comforts lor two young men. 320 Tilla
mook, cor. Rodnoy. Phone C 1222.
A NICE front room for two gentlemen, mod
ern conveniences, beat home cooking.
188 12th st.
VERY comfortable room for 2. also single
room, running water, board. 452 Morrison,
corner 13th.
COMFORTABLE room, with board, private
family, quiet neighborhood. 531 Lovejoy,
near 13th
A WIDOW, owning her home, hns pleas
ant room with good home board, home,
privileges; references. 610 E. Burnside.
430 YAMHILL st. Nice room suitable for
ladv or gentleman. with or without
boa'rd. Phone Main 4993.
A VERY desirable furniuhtd room, fine lo
cation, close in. phone and buth ; board
If desired, home cooking. 410 2d st.
NICELY furnished room, with hoard, mod
ern, central, strictly private; references,
reasonable. Main 3202. 2SH3 Pink.
NEWLY furnished front rooms and board;
man and wife or two gentlemen. J 5 5 (tth.
LARGE front room, with or without board,
for two; bath, phone, piano. 4 4G 3d st.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board. 3M 1st. Phone pacific 1219.
ROOM and board for young lady in private
family. Phone Main 38 1 0.
ROOM nntl hoard for 2. Scandinavian pre
ferred. J 87 12th st.
FURNISHED room with board. The Ozark,
225 11th sL
HAIR CUTTING 15 cents at the Model barber
ehop, 91 6th st. ,
ROOMS with board, very reasonable, close
In. 284 Main.
THE MANJTOU. 21 13th. large, airy rooms,
rent reasonable.
NEWLY furnished room and board for two.
299 Morris st. Phone C 16fHK
2f8 11TH. furnished room with board in pri
vate family: all conveniences.
FURNISHED room with board, prioe $22 ft
montih. call at 469 Taylor st.