v v - ; .... w . --.r nnmAVTiv TrTVT. iTn ATTrtTTftT 1fi. -IftOft. ' -I I. . A OF FINEST QUALITY Oregon Hops This Year Will Be Superior. ACCORDING TO ED HERREN If .Baled Product Is Not Choice?, It Will Be Growers Fault In Hand ling Hops Market Quiet. Small Demand for Olds. No Interest U shown la the local hop market In either l07s or In contracts, but there la some Inquiry for olds at 1611 cents. Reports from the country that the rain Wednesdsy did the yards much "itood. but the farmers would Ilka to hsve had more of It. Considerable talk Is heard of red spider, but experts who hare been Investigating conditions say the reports are greatly exaggerated. - The Oregon crop of 1909 Is going to be or superior Quality, according to Ed C. Herren. of Aurora. He says: The quality of the crop, barring unfavor able weather from now on. Is going to be unusually line. The hops promise to be per fect on the vines, and If a choice article la not put up It will be the fault of the grow ers In handling the hops. It has been many years since the prospects In this region were so good. "I loo for a crop In Oregon running from 90 0OO to 110.000 bales. I am satisfied that the demand is going to be a slow one and prices will be low. Growers who are holding 190 hops would do well to get them off their hands as soon as possible. In a few weeks, when the new crop cornea on. they will And their old-olds practically worthless. There are today In the state 4S66 bales of 1908 hops In farmers' hands, besides 1:500 baiea held by dealers and not shipped. Of ihe 1907 crop. 6350 bales remain unsold. All those hops should be disposed of to make a clean mar ket when the new hops come cn. Unfortu nately, there la no demand lor the 1907s. but there Is some Inquiry for the 1908 crop at tow prices." English trade reports, bearing dates of July 27 to 29 say of hops: ' C'attley. Grldley A Co.. London The sea sonable weather which at present prevalle Is apparently everything that can be de sired for the grolng crop. T.le turr Is developing regularly and somewhat rapidly, and althouh aome signs of bliKhl anJ mold are apparent, there is nothing serious to complain of In any district In England. From abroad similar accounts are received, and. from a consumer's point of view, the outlook appears ti be very aatlsf actory. ) he market Is naturally quiet, and a small hand-to-mouth trade only doing. The currency Is about the same as last t1i; but when hops are pressed for sale reductions are neces sarv to conclude business. Wild. Notma A Co.. London There Is but little demand for hops, and with some pressure to clear the few lota atlll unsold, values are a trllle easier. Manger Henley. London There Is not much doing: the few orders that come to hand are for present needs oniy. The crop prospect continues favorable on the whole. V. H. A H. Le May. London The trade parsing Is of a retail character. Merchanta only buying to fill orders. The reports from the plantations continue favorable oa the whole. Adolf Heller writes from Prague under date of July 1:7: Last weeK the weather was cool and wet. and this retarded the development of the buir. But. nevertheless, the state of the hop plantations In Bohemia Is a very good one. and It Is not unlikely that the Saam district will produce a record crop and the other Bohemian districts as many hops as last year. If the present flno and warm weather continues It Is expected to start picking In Bjhemla in about eight or 13 davs. In the other Austrian hop-growing countries more genial weather has prevailed anl the plant has done better, but only . moderate crops can be expected. From alt parts of Germany come favorable reports, and If the hops grow out properly It Is ex pected that at least as many will be Brown as last year. At any rate, the surplus on the Continent will be a big one. The demand for 1C'7 hops was a small cne at unchanged prices. ItXEKLT MOTETtEXT OF FRtTT. Distribution of Deciduous Varieties From California Points. The California fruit movement la reported by the California Fruit Distributors as follows: Peaches. 125 cars. shipment baa remained steady but there will be a considerable falling off for the next seven daya The earlier yellow free varieties are nearly finished and the later yellow free will soon commence. There will be clingstones, for points desiring them, available at. all times now. The Bret Falway shipments will go out In about ten days, but they will not be plentiful until about the 35th Inst. From that time on we can load solid cars of Salways as desired. Quality of the Salways promises to be first, rata. riums and prune 107 care Shipment has remained steady. It will remain reasonahly steady for next week with another slight decrease. Bartlett pears. 328 cars There was. a de crease for the week but shipments continued heavy. Tv have probably hal the' heaviest f. o. b. demand for Bartlett pears we have ever had In the same length of time and the demand to still strong at this writing. Ehlpmenta will fall off very materially the next seven days. - Fall pears are coming on nicely. Grapes. 67 cars Shipments of Thompson seedless have about finished and Malagas bave commenced to go forward now In goodly quantity. Tpe Malagas will be as fine as any grapes of this kind ever shipped out of the state- Black Prince. Rose Perru. etc will be ready to go out tn carload lots the latter part of this week and the first of next. Tokays are coming on nicely. YVHKAT MARKET IS QUIET. tanners Are Slow Sellers at Current Prices. Quiet conditions were reported in the country wheat markets yesterday. Exporters' bide were on the basis of 88 cents for club and 91 cents for bluestem, but little wheat changed hands. . There was more Interest In oats than in wheat at the Board of Trade yesterday. For September oats, f 1.25 was bid and for the later delivery bids ranged from 1.2S to 81.3SH. with 11.40 asked. No wheat sellers appeared and offers were at S9 and 89 cents. The barley, market was nominal. Receipts for the day were 28 cars and 6907 sacks wheat. S care and 1S2 sacks oats, 4 cars and 6 Ml sacks barley, 2518 sacks flour and 13 cars and 498 bales hay. Receipts for the week were 156 cars and H5.234- sacks wheat. 10 cars and 829 sacks oats. 11 cars and ISIS sacks bailey and 'SO cars and 3097 bales hay. The range of futures was as follows: "WHEAT. ... Open.. High. Low. Close. Sept. S .ss .... f .ss Deo. 89 .89 OATS. Sept. "..... 120 1.S.1 J 20 125 Dec ..... 1.25 1.40 1.25 1.40 BARLEY. Sept. 1 17H 1 17Vi Dec. 1.20 1.20 Weekly Receipts of Produce. "Weekly receipts of produce are reported by' the Board of Trade as follows: 1"94 boxes apples, 15a boxes apricots; 4 cars bananaa 84 boxes berries, 12i0 boxes green beans, 29 packages fresh meat, 1 car cabbage. 14 cases cabbage. 6 -cars cantaloupes. 216 boxes canta loupes. 23 boxes carrots. 43 boxes celery, 260 boxes cheese, 2 cars cherries, 17 boxes cherries, 63 sacks green com. 40 boxes crabs. 19 boxes crawfish. 3.1.195 gallons cream. 45 boxes crabapples. 8 caws cocoanuts, 64 boxes egg plant. 71 box's fruit. 129 boxes firs. 877 boxes grapes, 24 boxes honey. 1 car lemons, 65 boxee lemons. 8 boxes limes. 317 tons dressed meaty 22.246 gallons milk. 86 boxes nectarines 2 cars oalons, 6 boxes onions. X - car oranges. 88 boxes oysters, 192 boxes pears. 4559 boxes peachea. 38 boxes peppers. 28 boxes pineapples. 224 boxes plums. 48 boxes prunes. l'.jH aacks potatoes, 21 sacks sweet potatoes, 1 car sweet potatoes. 3124 tomatoes. 25 boxes vegetables. 15 cars water .melons. 136 sacks wool. 1 car gTapes sad peaches. 2 esrs lemons and oranges. 5 cars peaches, plums and pears. 1 car sacklng-house products. 470 aacks bran. 623 sacks cornmeal 2576 aacka flour. 614 boxes butter. 1B91 cases eggs. 331 coops chickens. . 2 coops geese. 21 coops ducks. IT mutton. 1 coop pigeons. 1 coop squabs. 350 veals. rX.G RECEIPTS ARB FALLING OFF. Only About Half What They Were Twe Weeks Age. There were no new developments in -the egg market yesterday. Receipts were fair, but the proportion of extras was light and they were In strong demand with sales re ported st 26 and 26 S cents. As showing the shrinkage In receipts in ths past, three weeks, the following returns of the Board of Trade are given: For week ending August 15. 1591 cases; week ending August 8. 1742 cases; week ending August 1. 2796 cases. Poultry receipts were small snd there was the usual Saturday demand with prices un changed. Butter and cheese were firm at former quotations. Butter receipts were 54 boxes. Better Supply of PesK-hes. Business was active tn the fruit line yes terday. Ths scarcity of peaches was re lieved by the arrival of large supplies of Oregons. which sold at 40 to 65 cents. Csll fornlas were held at 90 centa. A car of Elbertae Is due Monday. Three cars of watermelons arrived and met with a firm demand. A car of sweet potatoes wasVlso received. Bank Clearings. 4f the Northwestern cltl follows: Clearings. $ 87o.4.'w Clearings day were a eter- Balances. 3144.6X9 115.401 35,931 HO.327 Portland Seattle . . Tacoma . Spokane . dealings 1.S.M.1WJ . 64B.H15 Out). 1121' of Portland and Seattle for the past week and corresponding week In former years were Portland. 0 '2.H19 .. 7.813.231 .. 6.303.4IO . . 8.e.l46 .. 3.2411.1ift .. 8.3.H.!73 ... 2. !UW .. 2.156.1X12 Seattle. tS.Bs&.aiT .M'4.14l T.718.4C4 6t.3f2 4.2:m.271 s.ttss.tina 4.55,718 2. 162,179 19f8 l'.iof 16 1!K 1!W 1W liXJl PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feti, Etc, WHEAT Track prices; Club, 8c per bushel; forty-fold. 0c; Turkey red. Cue; fife. 88c; bluestem, lc; Valley, 88c FLOUR Patents. 34.80 per barrel; straights. 4 0544 63; exports, $8 70; Val ley, H 45; fc-sack graham. 84.40; whole wheat. 14.65; rye. 6.50. BARLEY' Feed. 124.50 per ton; rolled. I27U28; brewing. 2. IIILLSTCFF Bran. $26 00 per tr.n; mid dlings. 331: shorts, country. 123; city, (.8: V. 8. Mill chop. 122. OATS No. 1 white. .'8.50 per -on; gray. 126. HAT Timothy. -Willamette Valley, 114 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordinary. 11 Eastern Oregon. 316.50; mixed, $13; clover. 3; alfalfa. $11; alfalfa meal. $20. Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FRUITS Apples, new California. $1 25 1.50 per box; cherries. 3 8 10c per lb.; peaches, 40r90c per box; prunes. $125 per crate; Bartlett pears. $1.2301.75 per box: plums. 60'tflc per box; grapes, $1.2501.50 per crate; apricots. $1; blackberries, 1W 1.23. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Mediter ranean sweets, 3 3. 75 per box: Valencia lates, $3.504.50 per box; lemons, fancy, $5.5008 per box; choice. $1.50'a5; standard. $.100 per box; grapefruit, choice to fancy, $3.30 per box; bananas, 6H6c per pound. POTATOES Buying price: 90cS$l per hundred: sweet potatoes, 5c per pound. MELONS Cantaloupes. $2 per crate; watermelons. $1.50 per 100 loose; crated, fcc per pound addlUonal; casabaa, $2.25 per dozen. ONIONS California, $1.50 per sack: Walla Walla. $1.1301.25; garlic, 10c per pound. KUOT lUCTAttl.c xurnips. ei.ow pec sack; carrots. $1.73; parsnips, $1.73; beets. $1 50. VEGETABLES Beans. Sc per ponnd; cabbage. 22We per pound; corn, 25300 per doa ; cucumbers, hothouse, 25 930c per dozen; . outdoor. $1.00 per box; egg plant, luc per pound; lettuce. hei.a. l.c per aosen; parsier, lac per wicni peas, 6c per pound; peppers, 8910c per pound; radishes; 12Wc per doxen; aplnach, 2c per pound; tomatoes. 75c Qtl per crate; aelery, 90cfe$l dosen; artichokes. 73o dosen. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Eta. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 7 Ho per ponnd; peaches. llrl2Vc; prunes. Italian, 5t6lc; prunea. French. 345o; currants, unwashed, cases, 9fcc; currants, washed, cases. lOoj Bis. white, fancy. 60-pound boxes. 6 SaO. RICE Southern Japan. 6Ko; bead. $c imperial Japan, 6-?ae. COFFEE Mocha, 24 0 28c; Java, ordinary 17 O 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18 20c; good. ltlUlsc; ordinary. 12016c per pound; Co lumbia Roast. 14o; Arbuckle, $16.50; Lion. $15.75. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tells. $2 per doxen; 2-pound tails. $2.83; 1-pound flats, $2 10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. Sic; red, 1-pound talis, $1.40; socl-eyes. 1-pound Ulls. $2. SUGAR Granulated, $6.23; extra C$3 73; golden C. $3.65; fruit and berry sugar, $4.25 plain bag. $6.05; beet granulated, $4.05; cube tbarrels), $4.03; powdered (barrels). $660. Terms: On remittances within 10 days deduct a per pound; if later than 15 days, and within 80 days, deduct fee per pound. Maple sugar, 15018s per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 16tt018 per pound by ssck; Braxll nuts, 16c; filberts. 16c; pecans, 16c; almonds, 1614 WlSc; chestnuts, Ohio, 23c; peanuts, rsw. 608tc par pound; roasted, 10c; plnenuU. 10W 12o; hickory nuts, loc; cocoanuts, tfOc per dosen. SALT Granulated. $14.60 per ton, $2 per bale; halt ground. J 00s, $10 per ton; sua, $10.50 per ton. , BEANS Small white. 6c: large white, tc: pink. 4 Sac; bayou. 4c; Lima, ttc: Mexi can red. 4 i. c HONEY. Fancy. $3 6098 73 per bos. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, c.'eam. 90 pound sacka, per barrel, $7; lower grades, $3.5006-50; oatmeal, steel-cut. 45-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 9-lb. sacka. $4.25 per bale; split peaa per 100 pounds, $4.2604.80; pearl barley, $4.5095 per loo lba; pastry flour. 10-pound sscks, $2.73 per bale; flaked wheat, $2.75 per case. GRAIN BAGS Btte each. Bops, Wool. Bides, Etc HOPS 1907. prime and choice. 403a per pound; olds, litflHo per pound; con tracts, nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 19 ei6c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley. 1515Vc MUI1A1K Cnolce. 1801Stte per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 14o pound; dry kip No. 1, 13e pound; dry salted, one-third less; dry calf, 10c pound; salted steers. 1'it 8c pound; aalud cows, 6a pound: stags and bulls. 4o pound; kip; 6c pound; calf. 10911a pound; green stock, lo less; sheepskins, shearlings, 10 25c; short wool, 809 40c; medium and long wool, according to qual ity, 5o90c: dry horses. fiOc9'l-60; dry colt. 25c; angora. 80c 9 $1; goat, common. 109 20c ' FURS No. 1 sklna Bear skins, as to slxe. No. 1, each, $5.00910; cubs, each, $19 3; badger, prima, each, 23930c; cat, wild, with head perfect, 80 9 50c; house. 0920c; fox. common gray, large prime, each, 409 60c red, each. $395; cross, each. $5916; silver ard black, each, $1009300; fis tiers, each. $598; lynx, each, $4.5096; mink, strictly No. 1. each, according to size. $19 8; marten, dark northern, according to sixs and color, earn, $10913; marten, pale, ac cording to size and color, each, $2.6094: muskrat. large, each. 12913c; skunk, each. 80 9 40c; civet or polecat, each, 6915c; otter, for large, prime akin, each. $6910; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $293; raccoon, for prime large, each. 60975c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 3093.00; prairie (coyote), 60c9$L10; wolverine, each, $49800. CASCARA BARK New, 4Kc; carloads, 5c; old, 5c; carloads, eVic per pound. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Extras, 30c per pound; fancy, 17 wc: choice, 25c; store. ISc EGGS Oregon extras, 2u26tc; firsts. 24 21c; seconds. 22923c; thirds, 1620c; Eastern, 2i!24c per dozen. POULTRY Mixed chickens. 12912 He .lb. : fancy hens. 13c; roosters, S&Oc: Spring. 159 16c; ducks, old. 12c; Spring. 13 10c; geese, old. 8c: young. 10c; turkeys, old, ITeiSc; young. 20c. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 14 Ho per pound; fun cream triplets. 14ttc; full cream Toung America, 15 He VEAL Extra, 9c per pound; ordinary, TC74c: heavy. 6c. - PORK Fancy, 7o per lb.; ordinary. 6c; large. 5c. MUTTON Fancy. 8 99c Prevlslons. BACON Fancy, 23c per lb ; standard, 19H.C; choice. lSc; English. 17gl7c; strips. 15c DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, like, smoked, 12Vi0i short clear l-lrs gon exports, beilles. dry salt, 12c;-sm LOked, HAMS JO lO AS X HI lbs. l4c; 18 to 20 lbs., 16c; hams, skinned. lee: picnics, luc; cottage roil, i-c; suouv ders. 12c; boiled ham. 23c; boiled picnic, 18c .' . v.Mt. MnarM' Tierces. 1 3 Ifc C tuba. 13"e; 50a 13fcc; 20a 13c; 10s. 14c; k. ui... ill! standard- LUrc: Tlercea 1:1 lac tuba 12 Mo fioa. 12Sc; 10s. 13c; OS. 13e. Compounds Tierces. 8ttc; tubs. 8c; 60s, 8c; 20s, kmc: Jos. vac s"m- each. TOC; ariea dii uw sides, 15c; dried beef lnsides, 18c; dried knuckles, lie. PICKLED GOODS Bsrrels: Pigs $13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, ....... i ciaAtl- I . m h ,' f nn ri, out beet feet 312; 125 S. P. beef tongues. $20; pig snouts, $12. 50; pig ears. $12.50- M ESS MEATS Beef, specials. $18 barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14 barrel; pork. $21 per barrel; brisket, $23 barrel. Coal Oil. Unseed Oil. Etc RBFINEU OILS Water white, iron bar rela. 10 Vic; wood barrels, 14 He Pearl oil. cases. Igc; head light. Iron barrels. 12Vc; cases, 19Vc; wood barrels, 14 Vic. Eocene, cases, 21c. Special W. W , Iron barrels. 14c wood barrels. 18c Elaine, cases. 28a Extra star, cases, 21c. GASOLINE V. M. and P. naphtha. Iron barrels. 12Hc; cases, io. Kea crown gasoline. Iron barrels. 16c; esses, Z2c motor gasoline. Iron barrels. 15Vsc; cases 22 Vic; 86 gasoline. Iron barrels, 30c; cases, 87Vfec; No 1 engine distillate, iron barrela, aci cases. 16c LINSEED OII Raw, barrela 53c; boiled, barrels, 67c; raw, cases, 61c; boiled, cases. 63c Lumber. ROUGH Dimensions, 2x4 to 14x14 to 82 feet, $lo; 34 to 4. ill: a to u. m; 02 to &I. $17; lis to ixlS' rougn, fit; 1x4 com. als.. S10: 1x8 com. sis.. Ill; cull. 1x6 and wider, sis.. $7; cull, 1x4. s!a. $6; cull., 2x4 to 2x12 slsed, $7; ship iap, com,, $12; cedar, rflm.. 313. FLOOHINO 1x4. No. 1 V. G., $27: No. 2 V. G.. $22; No. 3. $14; No. 2 slaeh. $18; 1x6 alaah. gl: H-lBch flooring. $4 extra. RUSTIC 1x6 and 1x3 No. L $-'5: Nc 9 V or chan. $ls; No. a special paitern, szu; I-, x nil natterna 814. CEILING 1x4 and 1x8. No. 1. $26; Nc 2. $18: No. 3. $12; 1x3. No. 2. $16; No. 8, $12; S-lnch. $2 Ires. FINISH Up to 12-Inch, Nc 1, $26; No. 2. $20: No. 8. $14. STEPPING Up to 12-Inch. No. t, $32; Nc g, f-S: No. Z. $15. LATH Iti-lnch. $2r 714-tneh. $1.75. MOULDINGS 2 Inches wide and under. per linear foot. c: ever z incnew in wiatn, per linear foot, each Inch in width, e. DOOR JAMBS, casings, etc, $30; eurtso cg, $1 extra. Freeh FIsn and Shell Fish. FISH Halibut. Sc lb.; black cod. 8c; black bass. Zuc; stnpea oaes, loc; nernng, 6Vic: flounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, nn.- nerch. 7c: sturgeon. 12V4c: sea trout, 15c; torn cod, ' 10c: salmon, fresh.- 899c; smelt, ic: snaa. nrsTV-Fts Shoalwater Bay. - per gallon, $2 26; per sack, $4.30: Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olymplas O20 lbs.). $8; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25. CLAMS Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 par box. FRUIT IN SEATTLE MARKET CAXTALOCPES MORE FLEXTX FTJIj AND IiOTTER. Millers Have All Wheat They Xeed Upward Tendency In Egg Market. cc.nwT.TTrt TT-. Ana. lit (Special. 1 Owing to larger receipts of cantaloupes, the i... (m1,t mnii nrlces droDSed from 25 to 60 cents per crate. The best stock sold from $3.60. BlacKoemes are comma eitf mnA under the pressure of the heavy nt. th. market declined to $1 to $1.35. Pear receipts are steadily increasing, rac in h.,rr demand and thus far there has not been enough to go around. WTieat was quiet today. Buying here hae . i ii- M,IMi Th, millers have all the wheat they need for the present. "Wheat is arriving In larger quanmiea man iu Fourteen cars paeaea inspection iiw.r. " " lers are getting most of thla Only four ar ,nt tn the elevators. Fresh eggs were firm today. The price everywhere will be 83 cents Monday. . Butter la firm on the best grsdes, although others are not strong. r....i i .irnnmr nn an active demand. The arrival of a car of Eastern livestock today had no effect on vaiuea PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. prices Current Locally oa Cattle. Sheep and xxusje Conditions were without change In the livestock market yesterday. Extremely firm prices prevail on hog owing to their scarcity. In other lines the supply and de- . . -a.iv muhI with the tone of prices steady to firm. Receipts for the day were 65 cattle, enoep, uoS 60 salves. The following prices were current on live stock in the local market yesterday: CATTLE Beat steers, $3.75g-4: medium. $3 25.&S 50; common, $3B3.25; cows, - best, $2503; medium, $2.2662.50; calves, $4f5. BHJSSP Best wethers, $3.60; mixed, $3; ewes, $2.60t?2.76; lambs, best trimmed, $4; untrlmmed, $8.8063.75... HOGS Best, $6,803-7; medium, $5.75j6; feeders. $S.60JS.761 Eastern livestock Markets. CHICAGO. Auir. 16. Cattle Receipt about 10O0. Market steady. Beeves, $3,650 7 75- Texas steers. $3.503.20; Western steers. $3.508.00; stockers and feeders, $2.40ffi4.30; cows and heifers. $1.60iui3.75; calves. $5.60fl'7.50. Hogs Receipts about 8000. Market K9 10c higher. Lights. $6.0.10 6.77H ; pigs. $5.10 ft6 50; mixed, $6.10o.70; heavy, $8.0'8 8 70: good to choice heavy. $6.35'g6.i0; rough, $6.05$ 6.35; bulk of sales, $6.40 6.60. Sheep Receipts about 2OO0. Steady. Na tives. $2.60 4.25; Western. $2 754.35: yearlings. $1.253.00; lambs, $5.3O6-30; Westerns, $4.25&6.40; KANSAS CITY. Aug. 15. Cattle Re ceipts 500. Market steady. Stockers and feeders. $2.85 a 4.50; bulls, $2.503.75; calves, $3.234f6.O0; Western steers. $3.60 625; Western cows, $2-603.50. Hogs Receipts 8000. Market 5 to 100 higher. Bulk of salea, $8.S666.55; heavy. $3.00S'5.70; packers. $6.35f86S; lights. $8 H6.50: pigs, $3.606.25. Sheep Receipts 200. Market steady. Muttons. 3.754.25; lambs, $4.60 8.00; range wethers. $3.60 4.10; fed ewes. $3.25 4.00. ' , OMAHA, Aug. 15. Catlle-i-Receipts 100. Market unchanged. Western steers, 3.50f 3 40- Texan steers. $3 4.60; range cows and heifers, $2.604.2r; canners, $2&i2.85: stock ers and feeders. $2.764.83; calves, $335.50; bulls and atags, $22o4.00. Hogs Receipts 2400. Market 1015o higher. Heavy, $6.334i6.40; mixed. $6.27H tj.32H; light, $6.256.o5: pigs, $i.5O'u6.10; bulk of sales. $6.27 6.33. Sheep Receipts 100. Market steady. Yearlings, $4.004.30; wethers, $3.50 4.00; ewes. $433.trO; lambs. $5.5036.10. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Aug. 13. Closing quotations: Adventure ..$ 9.00 Parrot Allouez 34.75 Qulncy Amalgamated 75.87 Vi Shannon 25.73 84.00 14.75 70.00 18.25 4200 2H.50 43.00 6.50 7.00 Atlantic 14.00 Tamarack Bingham ... .50 Cal Hecla. 670.00 Centennial . . 3O.00 Copper Range 77.001 Daly West... 10.00 Franklin .... 12.50 Granby 100.00. Isle Royale. . 21.25 Mass Mining. 6.25 Michigan ... 12.00 Mohawk 65.50 Mont, C C. .80 Old Dominion 89.50 NEW YORK. Aug. Alice 300 Trinity U. S. Mining. U. S. Oil Utah Victoria .... Winona . Wolverine . .141.00 North Butte. 73.75 27.00 14.37 Vi 120.00 20.25 11.00 Butte Coal. iNerada Cal & Aris. Arlx Com.. Greene Can. 15. Closing quotations: ILeadville Con... 8 Breece Little Chief 8 Mexican 72 Ontario S.M Brunswick Con. Com Tun stock. 22 do bonds. . . . 11 Ophlr 200 Small Hones.... 1H C C va Horn Silver . 73 50 Standard LSI (yellow Jacket. . . 13 Iron Silver 123 New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing, bids: August, 10c; September, 9.33c; October. 9.25c; November, 9.04c; December. 9.06c; January, 9.02c; Feb ruary, 9.04c: March. 9.8c. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 16. Wool Firm: terri tory and Western mediums, 15-3 18c; fine me i Jl I. 14U-. nnkl 13Us! dium, 10916c; fine, 9ffl2c. E Sharp Fluctuations in Stock List. IS STRONG AT OPENING Free Offerings Cause Reaction, but General Covering- Movement Later Brings Prices Vp Again. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. The opening of the atock market was awaited with con siderable interest this morning, owing to the severe decline of yesterday. Reports that speculative pools had liquidated heavily and that important market Intereats were selling were colored to some extent by the lack of support to rpeclsl stocks The mar ket abroad, however, showed little reflection of the weakness yesterday and after early heaviness rallied, so that when business commenced here the comparative changes were slight. This circumstance hsd an en couraging effect on the local speculation, so that first prices were not altered much from last night's closing, though the tend ency wss downwsrd. After a few minutes the bulls began to buy cautiously, and as they met no Im portant pressure of stocks, grew bolder, and soon had a large portion of the list ruling a substantial fraction above yesterdays closing. American Smelting, Southern Pa cific and Kock Island were In special de mand, the reassuring statements regarding the latter road's financial obligation having a tonic effect upon the list. The rally, however, terminated when the traders perceived that stocks were being fed out as fast as the market could take them. The profeaslonala then proceeded to range themselves on the short side and ham mered the list energetically, especially the metal group. American Smelting broke rap Idly to t04. a loss of nearly S points, the de cline being accelerated by the execution of large stop-loss orders Amalgamated . Cop per waa also conspicuously weak and large sales drove United States Steel down to 44. The general railroad list, meanwhile, of fered good resistance at various points, hut Union Pacific had an interval of decided weakness when It sold down to 134 In the final dealings, there was a general cover- ln movement of extensive proportions. which reduced general losses to a trivial fraction and advanced St. Paul to a point above yesterday's closing. The bond market was stesdy. Total sales. nar value. 8S1O.0O0. United States 3s regis tered advanced 4 per cent on call during the week. CLOSINXJ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Hign. Low. Bid. Amal Copper .... 46,400 76?4 74, 76 Am Car & Foun. 1.100 40VI 394 40 do nref erred ... 100 1C2 102 102 Am Cotton Oil... 900 34!a 34 33'4 Am Hd & Lt pf 20 Am Ice Securi.. 1,100 304 2 29" Am Linseed Oil.. 200 11 11 i WH Am Locomotive... 2,800 o6 05 osit do preferred low Am Smelt A Ret. . 60.6O0 94 90V4 904 do preferred ... 300 107 108 106U Am Sugar Ref... 700 134 133ii 133 Am Tobacco pf.. loo 94 trt Am Woolen 254 Anaconda Mln Co. 9.700 46 . 45 46H Atchison 2,100 87i 86 87K, do preferred . 944 Atl Coast Line l Bait ft Ohio 600 93 924 - do preferred 5 Brook Ran Tran. 6.100 32 i 61 M 62 Canadian Pacific.. 2,400 l9i, 1BSH 16H Central Leather.. 3 2 leiMi zs-t, do preferred ... 100 9614 98V4 96lj Central of N J zoo Ches A Ohio 40O 42V4 41 41 Chicago Gt West.- 5'K 6'4 i 6lj Ch nm N SIO 159V1 159 159 C M A St PSUI. 13.600 144 14.1 J4 C. C, C St Louis 100 65 55 & Colo Fuel A Iron.. 2.0OO 83 32 324 Colo Southern.. 3.200 834 324 32' do 1st preferred. 2K) G2 B2 do 21 Dreferred. 4 631 6.H4 53 Consolidated Gas.. 800 137 13814 136'4 Corn Products ... 200 19 184 lS74 Del A Hudson.... 100 16814 1684 168 n R Granrie 28 do Dreferred OG1 Distillers' Securi.. 1.100 38 35 H 33 Erie 22.30ft 22X4 2214 2.114 do 1st Drererred. 200 38 38 3 do 2d preferred 23H General Electric 400 143t4 14214 141t4 Gt Northern pf.. 7.7IO 137 1.16 1384 Gt Northern Ore.. 1,600 664 8514 6514 Illinois central .. 7TO l.ia'vt i i:t Interboroug-h Met. 600 11H ll 11V do preferred ... 4K 324 BJ 32V4 int Paper I0O 10i 1014 l do' preferred ......... 03 Int Pump Son 2414 24 24H Iowa Central .... 1" 1714 17V4 17 K-C Southern... 200 24 23 2.1 4 do preferred ..... 5fli4 IxjuIs A Nac-lrville 600 108 108 1084 .Mexican central.. ltt Minn A St Louis. opo 2ST4 281 28 M. St P & S S M. 4O0 119 118 117t4 Missouri Pacific. 2,600 66 64 65 v "n i't74 31 30 31 6.114 6.H4 6.114 SBiZ ml 84 106? 103 106 42 4114 41 T4 74 7.1 TH4 63 61 61 14 Mo. Ken A Texas. 1,300 do preferred ... 10 national jeea ... o,.w.j iwk. N Y Central 2O0 10634 ln.iv, 106 N Y. Ont West. 800 42 41 V, 41 T4 Norfolk A. West.." 600 74 73 7314 North American.. loo 6.1 63 6114 Northern Pacific. 10..10O 1411 1424 14.1 rfall 300 24t4 244 244 nla 8.000 124 12.114 124tJ Pacific Ma Pennsylva People's Gas .... 300 95 96 P.i1 P. C C St I... . ., 74 Pressed Steel Car 300 34 831 3.1 Pullman Pal Car 163 Rv Steel Spring.. 2m 434 42 4214 Reading 86,sno 1241J j J23V Republic Steel ... 1.70O 2214 21 22 do preferred ... 1.4"o 1 ta ,i4 Rock Island Co.. 1.6v 16 15S4 1H do preferred ... 4.600 8.114 .12 .12 St L 8 F 2 rf. 400 28i 2i4 26 St L Southwestern 17H do preferred ... 100 8S1 SVi Sloes-Sheffield .... 40 63 624 624 Southern Pacific. 12800 94T4 924 94 do preferred ... : 1174 Southern Railway. Wl 19 1R! 19 do preferred ... ino . 414 4ii . 4MH Tenn Copper 2 00 3$ 39 374 Texas A Pacinc. 244 24Ht 24T4 Tol. St L West. SAO 2flJ 26 26 do prefered ... BOO 67H 56 66 Union Pacific ... T3.700 3.514 15414 133 do preferred ... 300 83 14 83 8.1 TJ S Rubber TOO 88I4 32 .1.1 do 1st prefererd "T 99,4 V S Steel 8.1.800 4314 44 44H do preferred ... 4.700 lnSiK 10RU 10814 Utah Copner 1.80O 4VS4 424 4.1 Va-Caro Chemical. 300 284 28 . 28 't an trref ererd ..." 1044 Wabash 100 26t4 264 26 ti do preferred ... 100 2B14 2S14 2614 Westlnghouse. Eleo 700 70 6814 68 Western Union ... 300 664 65V 63 Wheel A L Kris.. 100 9 ' 9 84 Wisconsin Central. 100 2.1 23 23 Total sales for. the day, 472,600 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, Aug. 13. Closing quotations: V. S. ref. 2s reg.10.H4lN Y C G 84s... Bin do counon 103n 'North Pae nc Ss. 71V4 XT. S. 3s reg lOOaNorth Pacific 4s. 10214 ao coupon. ... iihi 1 woutn pacino 4s. nt U S new 4s reg.!20t4lunlon Psciflo 4s. 94 ao coupon. ... irt AMViscon cent 4S. 8414 Atchison adj 4s 90 Japanese 4s 78 D & R G 4s... 02 I Stocks at London. LONDON. Aug. 15. Consols . 86 7-16. for money. 86 : do for account. Anaconda ... 9.62H I N. Y. Central. 109.25 Atchison .... 89.1214 Norflk Wes 78.2.1 do pref 97.00 do oref 83.00 43.00 Bait & Ohio. 95.50 Can .Pacific. .173.50 Ont ft West., Pennsylvania. Rand Mines., Reading 63.75 8.3714 63.50 19.1214 50.00 Ches ft Ohio. 43.no Chi Grt West 6.75 C. M. A S. P.14fl.75 iSouethrn Ry. . 1 do nref De Beers.... 11.73 D & R G 27.50 South Pacific. 96.50 do pref.... ss.oo Union Pacific. 139.25 do pref 88.50 Erie 23.25 do 1st pf.. 39.00 do 2d xt. . 2B..10 U. S. Steel... 46.3714 do nref 111.R214 Grand Trunk 1S.B314 Wabash 1.1.00 III Central. . 0.511 do pref 27.00 L A N. 112.00 Mo. K & T.. 31.8714 Spanish 4s... 92 R714 Amal Copper. 78.6214 Money. Exchange, Cte. LONDON. Aug. 15. Bar silver, quiet at 23 d per ounce. Money. Vi9K per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills 1 1 T-16 per cent: for three months' bills, 114&1 9-18 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 15. Silver bars. 5114c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight. 10c; telegraph. 1214c. Sterling. 60 days. $4.814; sight, 4.8T. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Money on call. nominal. Time loans, firm and dull; 60 days. NETCHANG S SMALL 2 and 90 daya, 214 Per cent; six months, 314 e per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3174 per cent. Ster ling exchange, steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.849034.S5 for 60-day blllsc and 4.St404.8645 for demand. Commercial bills. 4.84'a4.84. Bar sliver, 5114c. Mexican dollars, 45c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, steady. ' QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid tor Froduoe In ths Say City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Millstufts Bran. 128031; middlings. 32.60636. Vegetables Cucumbers. 20$950c; garlic. B7c; green peas, 3fo3c; string beano, 29 6c; asparagus, 3g6c; tomatoes, 211.75; eggplant, 6itt6uc Butter Fancy creamery, 25'ic; creamery seconds. 231ac; fancy dairy, 22c; dairy sec onds, 20c. Cheese New, 1014llHc; Toung America, 12Wt13c. Eggs Store, 32 4c; fancy ranch, 8714c. Poultry Roosters, old. 3. 504X4. 50; roosters, young. f367: broilers, small. X2.60S3; broil ers, large. 33.50; fryere, $455; hens, 34.50 7.50; ducks, old, 33.60&4.50; young, 6.50. Wool Spring. Humboldt snd Mendocino, 15&16C; Mountsln, 4Sc; .South Plains anal San Joaquin, 79c; Nevada, 9?12c. v - Hay Wheat. 314918: wheat and oats, S1S16.60; alfalfa. 3U13.50; stock. flOjjl2; straw, per bale, 60675c. Potatoes Early Rose, 7S85c; sweets; S& S14c. Fruits Apples, choice, 81.60: common. 40c; bsnanas, fi3.60; Mexican limes, $4 4c ."; California lemons, choice, 11.50; common, II. 00; pineapples, 81.50(93. Receipts Flour, 8934 quarter sacks; barley, 3128 cental; beans, 400 sacks; potatoea, 4000 aacks; bran, 200 sacks; middlings, 100 sacks; bay, 407 tons; wool. 28 bales; hides. 482, NO DEMAND ON NEW YORK CROP MOVIXG DOES XOT DIS s TUKB WALL- STREET. Bosition of Associated Banks Is Still Strong One Actual and Av ' ' . erage Returns. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. The Financier will say: The official statement of the New, York As sociated Banks again, as waa the case In the previoua week, showed more or leea im portant differences between the average and the actual Items. The actual cash Increase waa 85.814,000, the latter, however, closely approximated the amount that was estimated upon the basis of the traceable movements of money during the week. It seems probable that the difference in thbe Item of cash was in great part due to withdrawals by trust companies of about $2,500,000 to reinforce their cash in vaults. It is noteworthy that whereas in previous years the banks .have disclosed a loss on the inter-bank movement the result of withdrawal incident to the set tlements for crops these institutions last week- recorded a gain which, though small. seems to indicate that requisitions from the interior have not yet begun. The actual gam in cash, as above noted, was chiefly due to Treasury operations with the banks. The actual increase in reserves was $1,974 275 to $59,112925. Computed upon the basis of deposits, leas those of $9,243,900 public funds, the reserve was augmented by $1,978,- 600 to $01,423,900. Loans increased, accord ing to the actual statement, $1,307,400. while the average gain was $14,392,000. Deposits showed an average Increase of $17,411,800 and an actual Increase of $16,368,900. The per centage of bank reserves to depositors was 29.3; that of trust companies was 33.68. The average statement of the Clearing, House banks for the week shows that the banks hold $57,618,626 more than the require ments for the 25 per cent reserve rule. This Is a decrease of $1,609,060 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The statement follows: Increase. Loans . $1,200,013,000 $14.3U2,O0O Deposits 1.3.S5. 028.300 17.411.80O Circulation . 50,60,00 306,(100 Legal tenders 70.4K4.800 9O3.10O Specie 824,0:16.900 1,844,200 Reserve 404,100,700 2,747,300 Reserve required . .. 846.4K2.075 4,3o2,960 Surplus 67.alS.625 1.605,050 Erx-U. 8. deposits.... 69.925,625 l.OOS.tioO The statement of banks and trust com panics of Greater New York, not members of the Clearlng-House, shows these Instl tutlons have aggregate deposits of $1,025,' 423,000, total cash on hand $100,861,200, and loans amounting to $418,097,100. . 1 Decrease. Dried Fruit at w York. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. No further, change as reported in the market for evaporated apples and very little business Is done. Fancy, 10lC14c; choice, 89c; prime, 63 Tc, and common to fair, 6I4S6V9C Prunes quiet, with buyers holding off, evi dently being of the opinion that bad crop accounts are exaggerated. Quotations range from 4o to 13c for California and 614c to 714c for Oregons Apricots sre unchanged, with choice 8& 9c; extra choice, 9!4910c: fancy, 10t4911c Peaches quiet. Choice. 814914c; extra choice, &$914c; fancy, 81410l4c, and extra fancy, 9t&10fcc. Raisins are steady, with loose muscatels quoted at 4x44640; choice to fancy seeded at 67c; seedless at 66c, and London layers, $1.60ftl.66. Coffee and Sugar. NBW YORK. Aug. 16. Sugar Raw, dull. Fair refining, 8.603.63c; centrifugal, 96 test, 1N.03c; molasses Sugar, 8.2093.28c. Refined, quiet. V"o. 6, 4.80c; No. 7. 4.76c; No. 8, 4.70c; No. 9, 4.65c; No. 10, 4.6V; No. 11. 4.60c; No. 12, 4.45c;. No. 13, 4.40c; No. 14. 4.35c; confectioners' A. 5c? mold A, 6.63c; cut loaf. - 8c; crushed, 6.90c; powdered, 6.30c; granulated, 6.20c; cubes, 5.45c. Coffee Quiet. No. T Rio, 14c; No. 4 San tos, She Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. No fresh feature was shown in the metal market and prices were more or lesa nominal In the absence of cables. Tin was easy at 29.76!J30.25c. Cop per was dull, with laka at 13.6214 13.75c; electrolytic, 13.5013.62 Vic and casting ot 13.2518.3714c. Lead unchanged, 4.5714 .62!jc Spelter easy, 4.67144.724e. iron, nominally unchanged. Dairy Produce in the East. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Butter Quiet, un changed. Cheese Quiet, urchanged. Eggs firm, unchanged. Gold Released. LONDON, Aug. 15. The Secretary for In dia today released $5,000,000 tn gold. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA, Aug. 13. Wheat unchanged; bluestem, 90c; club. 88c; red, 86c. GRANT CANT STAND RIDE Major-General May Be Forced to Retire From Army, BAN FRANCISCO, Aug;. 15. Accord ing to private advices received by army officers here, Major-General Frederick D. Grant, commanding" the (Department of the East, may be forced to retire from the army as a result of his inabil ity to stand the 9o-mlle riding; test for officers, ordered by President Roosevelt. The telegram says that General Grant passed before a medical body recently, and if was found he was in no condition to stand the ride. It was expected Gen eral Grant would assume command of the Department of California in the near future. General Frederick Grant Is the son of former President Ullsees S. Grant- The earnings of India railways during the fiscal year. April 1 to March 31, 1907 1008. were 8185.000,000. comoared with (129,830,000 last year. DOWNING -HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED ISM BROKERS STOCKS --BONDS --GRAIN Boerg-hs and sold far cash and ea snarriab Private wires Rooms 201 to 204, FILLS Ofl SELLING Chicago Wheat Market Takes Sharp Tumble. DECLINE STARTS EARLY Unloading of December by Influen tial Longs Brings About General Liquidation and Prices Suffer. Corn Steady, Oats Weak. CHICAGO. Aug. IB. The wheat market made a brief show of strength, at the start, owing to additional rains in the Northwest, which partially offset the weakness of foreign markets. Before the end of the first hour, however, prices started on the down grade as a result of free selling of December by two influential longs. This selling brought out considerable ales from smaller holders, and before the decline wis checked prices had dropped from mfiHic to lilglWe below the high point. The market continued heavy the remainder of the day and closed weak at almost the bottom. September opened WPSiC lower to a shade higher at 83c to 9c touched MVi and then declined to 93SiS93e. The close was at 93VbC Com closed a trifle above the low mark. September closed at 75c. Oats were weak. September closed 4nTs'?46o. Provision were quiet. September pork was up 12c: lard was 9c higher, and ribs were 6'71c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHJ3AT-. Open. High. Low. Close. September .04 C .1H ' $ .0"Vs Dec., old nT4 .W7 . .95 Dec. new ... .Wit, .05', .!H4 Hay 1.00 Vs 1.00 ' .96!, .99 CORN. September ... ,T64 .77 December ... .64 .6414 May 631, .T54 .754 63 ,63'a .62 .62 OATS. September ... .46 .46, .4T .46 December ... .4"4s .47 .411' .46t May 4S, .405, .4S0, PORK. September ...15.S0 15.10 1R.00 18.07 October 15.21) 16.22$j 15 20 15.221, January 16.05 16.10 15.921, 16.01 LARD. September ... 9 30 8 30 9.30 9.30 October 8.40 9.4214 9.37V4 9.40 January .... 9.20 9.20 9.13 91714 SHORT RIBS. September ... 8.70 8.7214 8.70 8.7J14 October 8. TO 8. Mi is 8. HO 82!j January 8.1214 8.20 8.10 8.171, Cash Quotations were ss follows; Flour Steady. Winter patents, I4.10JT4.60; straights, X3.504.35; Spring patents, $5,503 5.70: straights, f4.005.20; baker's, $2.7i."fi4. Wheat No. 2 Spring, 11.12; No. 3, $.1,003 1.12; Km 2 red, 0414tO5c. Corn No. 2, 78H87S?4e; No. 2 yellow, 7!c. Oats No. 2, 4814c; No. 2 white, 4.714c; No. 3 white, 46g-47c. Rye No. 2, 77iSf78c. BarlejF Fair to choice malting, 6466c Plax seed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.3214. Timothy seed Prime, $3.80(8'3.65. Clover Contract grades. $12.25. Short ribs Sides (loose, $S.62148.80. Pork Mess, per barrel, $15.00S15.0o. Lard Per 100 lbs., $!i.27H. Sides Short, clear (boxed). $8.87H9.12!4. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Ship.ments. Flour, bbls 22.3O0 20,400 Wheat, bu in,iKK 227, 7w Corn, bu. M 14H.90O 147.500 Oats, bu 81D.900 189.900 Rye, bu 17,ono 2.7O0 Barley, bu 35,200 14,700 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. Flour Receipts. 18.000 barrels; exports. 100O barrela Minne sota patents. $4.S0(g4.75; Winter straights, $4ff4.15; Minnesota baker's, $4.1W4.60; Win ter extras, $3.4Otj-3.60; Winter patents, $4.40 64.75; Winter low grades, $3.3O3.60. Wheat Receipts 20,000 bushels. Spot ir regular; No. 3 red, 99c$l elevator and $1.01 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.27 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.04 f. o. b. afloat. Sharp declines oc curred In wheat today from the effects ot easy cables, better Northwest weather news and liquidation. Final prices showed lls0 net loss. -September, $1.0lKi?fl.024. closed $1.01; December, $1.O1iS'!.04i4, closed $1.03 14; May. $1.05S1.06i. closed $1.06. Hops Quiet. State, common to choice, 1907. 4fc; 1906, 2g5c; Pacific Coast. 1U07. 0S8c; 1906, 3Sc. Hides Steady. Bogota, 2g21c; Central American. 2014c. Leather Steady. Acid, 2429o. Wool Quiet. Domestic fleece, 30$33c Petroleum Steady. Refined New York, 87 c: Philadelphia and Baltimore, 87c; do. In bulk, $4.95. Grain at Sao Francisco. SAN" FRANCISCO, Aug. 16. Wheat Firm. Barley Steady. Spot Quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.6214 61.70 per cental: milling, $1.70&1.73 per cental. Barley Feed, $1.82!4g1.364 per .cental; brewing, $1.401.45 per cental. Oats Red, $1.46fl.65 per cental; white. $1.42t48l.B9 per cental; gray, $1.4061.4714 per cental. Call board sales: Barley December, $1.3614 per cental. Corn Large yellow, $1.861. 90 per cental. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Aug. 15. Cargoes quiet, follow ing American decline. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, unchanged at 37a 6d; California, prompt shipment, unchanged at 38s. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 15,. Wheat September. closed yesterday at 7s 4d; closed today at 's 4d. Corn September closed yesterday at oa 9d; closed today at 5s lOd. English country markets 6d cheaper. French country markets firm. LEARNS USE OF CAMERA Kermit Roosevelt Prepares for Af rican Hunting Trip. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Kermit Roose velt is to be the official photographer with the President's party on the African hunting trip. In preparation for this Im portant work the young man is studying with Frank M. Chapman, the ornitholo gist of this city. The responsibility which will rest on Kerralt's shoulders will be heavy, for all his father's accounts of his adventures in the jungles of the dark continent are to be illustrated. It is also understood that the President is anxious to bring back photographs of rare African birds and other animals taken in life, for the big museums, including the Smithsonian In stitution at Washington and the Ameri can Museum of Natural History here. The President was anxious to have Mr. Chapman accompany him, but when this was found to be impossible it was decid ed that Kermit should get a complete camera outfit and be trained in its use by Mr. Chapman. Mr. Chapman has long been a friend of Mlttf A22JI the President. He Is associate curator of the department of ornithology of the museum of natural history and has made a study of the photographing of birds and animals. The question now under consideration by Kermit and Mr. Chapman is the best kind of photographic outfit to take. It i expected that the camera alone, with the several lenses, including a powerful long range lens, will cost about $250. He will have to "snap" birds hopping and flying, and wild animals in motion. It Is not unlikely that a taxidermist of either the American Museum of Natural History pr the Smithsonian Institution may accompany the President to prepare the skins of the big game which the President manages to kill. i Jones Cordially Greeted in Elma." ELMA, Wash., Aug. 15. (Special.) W. , L. Jones, candidate for United Statea . Senator, spent part of yesterday and to-; day In Elma. He was given a cordial ; greeting by the people. III WOMAN'S BREAST AMY LUMP IS CANCER i Any tenor, lump or tore oi the Itp, faou or anywhere, six month, Is osseer. Tbey niver pain until almost past esrs.! THREE PHYSICIANS OFFER $1003 If Tbsy Fall to Cure Any Cancer Without KWIFEorPAIN AT HALF PREtor 30 days. Not a dollar need be paid untilured. Only inrsh I lible cure ever discovered. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. nest book on cancers ever printed. Sent FREE with testimonials ol, thousands cured with cuts failure. A Pacific j island plant makes, the cures. Most won-1 derfnl discovery on earth. Small cancers cared at your borne. No X-Ray or othetl swindle. Write todif . for our 1 30-page boot) sent free I OR. & MRS. DR. CHAMLEY&CO.j 26 Crumley Bid. 696 McAllister St. Sao Francisco' Kindly Send To Someone With Cancer,' 753 Affair J EOT? i Toothache Gum I Tbe only remedy that stops tootbacb 5 tautanUy. 5 Tneonly toothache ram that cleans S the cavity and prevents decay. 1 Imitations do not do tbe work. See that 5 foa art Beat's Teetkaeh aav all 3 druggists, U cents, or by mail. I Dent's Corn Gum SSlSW I C. S. DENT CO.. Detroit, Mich aaiHlfflalllMllla C. GEE WO Tbe WeliKnown Old ' Reliable Chinese Root and Herb IHretor. Cures any snd all diseases ot men and women. Chron ic diseases m specialty. . No mercury, poisons, dross or operations. If you cannot call. write for symptom Itil.nlr and circular. In- iirtiii close 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTATION KKEK. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.. 162Va First St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. I' lease. Mention This Paper. TRAVELERS GUIDE. PORTLAND ry., LIC.irr POWXB CO. CARS LKAVU. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room, first and Alder Streets FOR OreBon City . 6:80 A. M., and every 80 minutes to and Including 9 P. M., then 10. II P M. ; last car 12 midnight, Gresbnm, Boring. Kagle Creek, Eata rada, Caxadero, Falrview and Trout dale 7:18. :15, 11:15 A. M., 1:13, -S. 6:10. 7:25 P. M. FOR VANCOUVER, Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington streets. A. M 6:lft. 6:50, 7:25. 8:00, 8:S5, 8:10. 9:M. 10:S0. 11:10, 11:60. P M. 12:80. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 8:10, 8:30. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50, 6:S0, 1:03, 7:40, 8:15. 9:25, 10:85". 11:4.V. On Third Monday In Every Month the Last Car Leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dally except Sunday. "Dally except Monday. STEAMER LURLINE For Astoria and all beach points. Tickets good to return by train or 0. R. & N. steamers. Leaves Taylor-street dock at 7:00 A. M. daily except Sunday. JACOB KAMM, President. Fast Steamer Ciias. R. Spencer rinliv round trln eTcent Thursday. Astoria and way landings, leaves foot Washington st. 7 A. M.; leaves Astoria 2 P. M. FARE, $1.00 EACH WAY) MkSALS, C0o Sundav Excursions 8 A. M. S1.00 HOVKD TRIP. Phone Main 8618. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday at 8 P. M. from Oak street dock, for North Bend. Marshfield and Coos Buy points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of salllne. Passenger fare, flrst elass. $10; second-class, 87, Including berta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Oak-atreet dock. REGULATOR LINE. Fast Steamer Bailey Oatsert. Round Trips to The Dallea Week Lays. Ks cept Friday, Leave 7 A. M. Round Trips to Cascade Locks Sunday Leave t) A. M. DALLES CITY AND CAPITAL CITT Maintain dally service to The Dalles, except Sunday, calling at all way landings lot (relent and passenrers Leave f A. It A!der-Btr" Phone Main 914, 6U1 Couch Building