The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 16, 1908, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 25

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Ianslelgh cottage for the remainder of
the season.
Mn. J. T. Moylan Is entertaining- Miss
Maude Howell, who la a most popular
and attractive addition to social life at
the beach.
Mrs. John Manning, who spent July
In the Manning cottage at Seaside with
her family, has returned to Portland.
Miss Susie Btott and her fiance, John
Emerson Cronan, and her brother. Plow
den Stott, were recently week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman at
their cottage at Seaside.
Miss May Henderson has recently been
entertaining Miss Ella Mae Manners.
John F. Logan, from Portland, was an
over-Sunday arrival at the Dobson cot
tage, where Mrs. Logan and charming
baby girl. Dorothy, are spending the re
mainder of the season.
Miss Alice Mulford. of Portland, and
Miss Hasel Mount, of Olympla. are vis
iting Miss Marie van Ness In Kinnikin
nick Lodge
Paul YVesslnger. of Portland, spent the
week-end at the Wesslnger cottage with
Ms family. Harold Bates, of Portland,
Is a guest of Henry Wesslnger.
Mrs. Frank Kerr and small son Stuart
have taken a cottage at Seaside for the
remainder of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore Gadsby
(Beatrice H1U) have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Hill for the past 10
days. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chapman
are also guests at the Hill cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaren, of Chicago, are
visiting Mrs. R. S. Oliver at Seaside.
Mr. Oliver has arrived recently from
Bedding, Cal.. to visit his family.
C. M. Meredith has returned home, af
ter a visit with his family at Seaside.
C. E. Smith, accompanied by his sons,
Stanley and Alfred, are domiciled
In their handsome Seaside residence. Mr.
Smith's daughter. Mrs. C. J. Schnabel,
Is also of the party.
Judge J. B. Cleland ha returned to
Portland for a fortnight's stay, but will
return later, to remain until the season's
"cyrus N. Young, of Humboldt. Cal..
and Robin Nelson, of the University of
Oregon, are visiting Kenneth Fenton at
the Fenton beach residence.
Mrs. H. W. Mitchell Is entertaining
Miss M. C. Crockett, of Portland.
Mrs. George W. Hoyt and children,
Martha and George, are occupying But
terfleld cottage No. L Mr. Hoyt U a
regular week-end guest. Earlier In the
season they entertained Miss Zelma Sha
ver, of Portland.
Miss Winnie Abbott, a Portland girl.
Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ken
dall. In the Crows Nest cottage.
Miss Mary Blossom, of Portland, has
arrived to be the guest of Miss Dorothy
Huber, in Butterfleld cottage No. 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Turpley, with their
sons. Fred and Donald, are domiciled
In the G. G. Gammans cottage. Earlier
In the season Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt
and family occupied the Gammans beach
residence. The Holts have since re
turned to Portland.
Mrs. A. A. Wright and children are)
Installed for the month of August In
Bolinas cottage, with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Bowers, of Portland.
Interesting visitors are the guests of
Mrs. Joseph Mac Donald. With her are
Mrs. H. M. Carlock and her smalj daugh
ter. Marcelle. Also In the party is Ru
dolph Carroll, of Portland.
Guests of Mrs. C. E. Rumelln In Rhoda
lyn cottage la her brother, Roscoe G.
Ashley,' with Mrs. Ashley and young
eon Carl, also Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mi"
Cully and little daughter Sara. Mr.
Rumelln is always an over-Sunday ar
rival. Miss Katherlne Johnson who is spend
ing the season with the family of D. C
Pelton In their beautiful home Is re
cently entertaining Miss Florence M
AyeaJ, from Portland.
Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver has with her
Miss Helen Van Schuyver, of Portland.
Mr. Van Schuyver is usually a week end
Miss Gaeta Icorda Wold who has been
recently a guest of Mn Elaine n. Smith
In the Ala-Bama cottage, has departed
for Eugene to visit with her mother.
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Nottage have
taken the P. L. Llllls cottage for the re
mainder of the season. With them are
their guests, Willis and Roscoe Ashley.
Mrs. Otto Breyman Is entertaining Mtes
Sophie Lawrence, of Portland, at her
cottage In Hermosa Park.
Colonel D. M. Dunne has Joined his
family In their beach cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grant are Installed
In their new home at Seaside.
Lloyd Wickersham was an over Sunday
arrival at the Samuel cottage, which the
Wichershams have taken this season.
Mrs. A. H. Patrician, of T acorn a, is a
recent addition to the house party in the
form of a reunion, which Mrs. L. A. Car
lisle, of Loch Lome, is entertaining. Mrs.
.Patrician Is Mrs. Carlisle's sister.
Mrs. M. A. Gough. with her daughter,
Mrs. Leonard Muraskey, are domiciled In
Huckleberry Dell cottage for the month
cf August.
The Misses Carrie and Laura Hansen
went up to Astoria last week to meet
Miss Louise Schneider, from Portland,
"who will be their guest in the Hansen
Mrs. Ralph Dunlway is entertaining
Miss Katherlne Word, from Portland. Mr.
Dunlway Is usually a guest over the week
Miss Josephine Statter, of Portland, Is
Installed in her attractive bungalow
home In the picturesque Necanlcum. Her
father. T. T. Staffer. Is with her.
Miss Millie Schloth and Miss Irene
Flynn. two attractive young Portland
girls, have come down recently to join
Vera and Edna Patterson's popular house
party at their home. Sea Breeie.
Miss Lela Barbur entertained a num
ber of her friends at a taffy pull at
Raymond cottage Monday evening.
Games and music were enjoyed. Those
present were: Miss May Strlne. Emma
Strlne, Louise Dammier, Lydla Dam
mler. Myrtle Hummel. Margaret Dillon,
Deena Lelback, Lela Barbur, Ger
ald Thomas, Charles Prenn, Ed Patton,
John Brown, Abe Blackman, Herbert
Cook, Clarence Miller, Lee Wendell,
Will Curran and Jack Price.
Hotel Mom
William P. Carroll. Henry Zetsch, W. D.
Clarke, lira W. D. Clarke, Dell B. Scully,
J. R. Brig-ham, A. H. McAIlen, Mrs. A. H.
M-Allen. Mm. W. J. Lauder, J. Van Beb
br. Elva M. Bradley. Gust Heckllnger, E.
B. H&gerdorn, I. Mevllle. Met Ixwe. Mrs.
Myers, J. L. Stafford, Charles Wlntermute,
1 S. Kesblt. Lester Stokes, A. Srhwabauer.
E. Stelnhausen, Mary Lela Goddard, Miss
Ada E. Burks, Miss M. Miller. C. A. Ruff,
Mrs. L. Preid and baby. J. E. Rand, L.
G. Pfunder, Mrs. J. A. Sladen. J. P. Ma
srlnr.U, w. A. Camp. Mrs. John W. Kelly,
Mrs. K. J. Drew. A. R. McComb. E. M.
Baker and wlr and daughter, Archie Gold
emit. A. Kalither. Mrs. E. P. Caples, F.
6. Rleder. T. V. Ferguson. C. E. Irwin, D.
White. C. W. Hohlt. C. S. Barton. A. C.
McCord. Ben Berger. c. F. Heywood. Her
man James, F. Robinson. Arthur L. Alex
ander, Mrs. Charles Barenateeker. C. J
Llndsey, I. R. Brydle. Miss H. A. Morris.
Miss Viola Barenstecker, Herbert Baren
aterker, Sol Blumauer. R. L. Adams. C. E.
Potts. Mrs. C. E. Potts. A. C. Chlnchln.
V.'. N. Sylvester. Mrs. Frances E. Sylvester.
Lewis M. Head. Mrs. Lewis M. Head, G.
K. Henry, George Lawrence. Mrs. George
I-awrenee, Minnie L Foster, Miss Wllla
Jennings. J. Goodman, Mrs. J. Goodman and
child. T. G. Sykes. B. V. SchaSer. Bert
Allen. V. McSylva, Mrs. V. McSylva.
Mrs. C. C. Barker. Illani. Barker. R. o.
Johnson. Mrs. R. O. Johnson. George Mc
Gowan. Mrs. George McGowan, S. G. Reed
and family. W. F. Chase, B. Fleckensteln.
Mr. B. Fieckeneteln. Dr. C. T. Prehn. Mrs.
C T. Prehn, Dr. Otto 3. Blnswanger, Alvln
O. Blnswanger, J. W. Ferguson. -Mrs. J. W.
Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Brackett and
son. Clyde Evans, Kirk Sheldon, Mrs. Kirk
Sheldon. W. G. Wright. A. T. Woolprt,
Claire Woe lpert. Mrs. W. O. Wright. Mrs. P.
F Morey. Shirley Bast ham, Edward East ham.
W. J. Brand and child. J. E. Mers. Mrs.
J. E. Men, Emma Buhrmaster, John F.
Murphy, Mrs. John F. Murphy, John G.
Peters. Mn. John G. Peters, W. I. North
rap. George C- Baker. O. N Smith. Mra
G. N". Smith. E. H Carleto. wife and son.
F E. Watson. R. R. Warrfner. George Wilt
shire. D. White. W. A Judge. Mrs. 8 W.
King. F. L Schang, Mrs. Srhang. Mra.
Barns, Miss Berns, George F. Hargls, P. L
.- - ?Q 'A'. :
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Photo by F. M. Metigar.
Harrington, J. W. Mackenile wife snd
daughter. Marvin Kenady, W. B. Griffith
and famllv. B. F. George. William F. Car
roll, Mra Richard Habersham, Mrs. Elliott.
E P Brlgham. Charles Prehn, Abe Black
man. Gerald Thomas, H. F. Tetchln and
wife. George Royer. Mrs. George Royer.
Herbert Rover. Rachel Royer. Louise Royer.
E Shelnhelser, L. Campbell. Edward T.
Owens. Arthur O. Merrick, Theresa Zur
lner. Leans Pearson. Miss Bllnn. Gertrude
Bllnn, I. Aronson. R. E. Kingsbury, L. A.
Walker. J. Olsen. Mrs. J. Olsen, W. E.
Prudhomme. all of Portland; A. Osburn.
Mn. A. Osburn. W. W. Rldebalgh. Mn.
w. W. Rldehalgh. Mr. and Mn. E. Hatch.
Dr. Foatrom, J. S. Delllnger. Charles Nieml,
Minnie Nieml, J. Mannlsto, Mary Kakela.
L. Van Dusen, Lena Emlth, Fred Slmlngton,
Sol Abrams. T. J. Rossbach. Carrie M.
Lauder. Omaha, Neb.; Miss N. O. Brlggs.
Mn V. Evans. D. C. Peterson, T. Melter,
J. Lampert, Minneapolis; Werner Wheatley,
Rolston Butterfleld, Spokane; R. I. Arms.
Hot Lake. Or.; Mn. Charles Miller. O re
ft no. Idfho; E. L. Smith. Hood River; H.
MUlen, C. S. Bradley, Gearhart: Ray Rob
inson. Salem: E. A. Fresa. Mrs. E. A. Fran a.
W. P. Lawery, Mra Daulton Brlggs and
family, Ontario, Or.; J. R. Amary. New
Tork City; Mrs. J. F. Bnnlgan. Mrs. M.
Branlgan. James G. Walllck. Seattle; Dr.
and Mn. O. S. Miller and daughter. St.
Louis. Mo.: T. H. Adams and wife, J. C.
Huston and wife, E. S. Do Bols. Lloyd
Du Bols and wife, E. Erlckson, Vancouver:
Mr and Mn. William A. Pleasants, Kampa.
Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Manshell. Troy, N.
Y. ; Hugh C. Todd. Colfax. Wash.; Mr. and
Mn. M. D. Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Latourette, Mr. and Mn. E. J. Daulton.
Miss Bessie Daulton, Helen Daulton, Oregon
Cltv; Bertha Levlnon. Qulncy. Or.; George
David. Moscow, Idaho; S. A. Tomes and
family. Taylor. Wash.; Mrs. Emtio L.
Heinla.-Mr. - L. A. Heinle, Misses Heinle,
Cincinnati: Miss O. M. Prest, Stamford.
Canada; H. E. Connor, C. F-. Connor, Akron,
O. : Mn. McMahon. Walla Walla; Mn. L.
A. Scott. Helena, Mont.; Mn. Cullen, Fort
Stevens; India C. Stroyd, Pittsburg; H. C.
Bates and wife. J. H. Donnelly, Chicago;
Louella Webb. St. Paul. Minn.
Loeksley Hall.
Mn. H. C Bowers, Mrs. A. A. Wright
and ehlldnn. Elsie Taylor, Bertha Huested,
Mra Edna B. Jones and son, Mrs. W. F.
Baker. W. P. Llllls. wife and daughter,
Otto Stein. Mrs. Otto Stein, Albert Jones,
G. Madison, Q. W. Jeffenon, Arthur Smith,
W. Kenard. Mn. W. Kenard, Miss Allison.
H. E. McCann, Louise Welch, Frances
Welch, Miss Carrie Qulmby, I. K. Levy,
Mn. I. K. Levy, Miss I. F. Defriese. V.
Mone, Mrs. I. J. Levy and child. Miss Har
riet Jacobsen, Mn. A. E. King. E. F.
Younger, LeMere Younger, Harry H. Austin,
Wenifred Kelly. E. F. Younger, Clannce
D. Porter, Mn. Maud Muraskey, M. J.
Davis, George Bamford, E. Lyons, C. A.
Peterson. Mary Carlson, H. C. Bowen, Miss
Emma Fleming. Mrs. H. H. Austin. Miss
Irene Austin. William Adsms and -wife.
Mrs. Brandes. Carroll Wilson, Charles Mar
shall, Mn. Charles Marshall, John P. Miles
and wife. Miss Grace Ryckman Carl E.
Tuggle, Mn A. J. Shanks, E. A. 61111s, Mra
E. A. Slllia. W. F. Barker, I. K. Levy.
Mn C. W. Woods, Captain Packard, Lulu
Whitson. R. Sullivan. J. J. Moonan, Thomas
O'Day. Fred W. Smith, Mn. Fred W. Smith.
J. R. Hammond and wife, all of Portland:
C. T. McCoy. Mn. C. T. McCoy. Kansas
City; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Meredith, Los
Angeles; O. R. Kerr and wife, C. S. Knight
and wife. The Dalles; Mn. J. W. Slaven.
Mn. C. L Mitchell, San Francisco: J. C.
McClaln. Salt Lake City; J. C. Donnelly,
H. Sargent, Tacoma; Mn. Jack Hastle. Mra
Emory S. Adama Seattle: Mn. S. E. V.
Weber. G. V. King. Florence Holmes, Hasel
Holmes. Lansing. Mich.; Rosa A. Nugent.
Etta Dalton, Butte; A. W. Zalondek. Lit
tle Falls. Minn.: F. G. Mitchell, Pendleton;
Mn. J. A. Mastenon, Rena Mastenon,
Elgin. Or.; G. A. Mungany. Mn. G. A.
Mungany. Spokane; J. M. W. Snyder and
family. Walla Walla; Mn. Meyer, Miss
Meyer. Georgetown, S. C. ; A. H. Patrician.
Mn. W. R. Sladen. Oxford Canada; Mrs.
J. Brand. Boise, Idaho; Margaret Ellis,
Boise, Idabo.
Cedarbnrst Inn.
Mrs. F. M. Hudson, Misses Decker, E.
Miles, John Rlckards, Mrs. W. E. Dar
oon. Mrs. 8. H. Gibbons, F. H. Gibbons,
J. W. Marsh. Miss L. Haskel, W. Syr
iana, M. J. Kingston, Mrs. Kingston and
children, alt of Portland: L. A. Eddlngs
and Mrs. Eddlngs, Pendleton; Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson, St. Paul, Minn,; Miss
Webb, St. Paul.
Many Visitors at Hotel and Cottages
of Beautiful Resort.
GEARHART PARK, Or., Aug. 15.
The season is now at its height at this
popular resort, and there are many
visitors at Kruse's Beach Hotel and
the numerous beautiful cottages.
Gearhart Personals.
' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr are enter
taining Roderick Macleay at their cot
tage at Gearhart Park.
Miss Ray Harris Is the guest of Mrs.
Ben Latz at her Summer cottage at
Mrs. Leon S. Rosenblatt Is registered at
Kruse's Beach Hotel for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Marshall and
children are at present located at Kruse's
Beach Hotel. Gearhart Park.
General Owen Summers is a recent ar
rival at Gearhart. -
Mrs. Richard Koehler and Miss Use
Koehler are among the well-known peo
ple who are spending part of the Sum
mer at Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Oieir lit
tle daughter. Jane, and Miss Geraldlne
Talbot, of New York, arrived at Gear
hart Park a week ago last Saturday.
Mrs. John Kiernan. of Walla Walla,
with her daughter. Mrs. E. B. Caswell,
and children, Nadlne and Suzanne, are
installed in the C. E. Morrey cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCraken are
down at Gearhart for the remainder of
the season. Later they will be Joined
by Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCraken. At
present they are entertaining Mrs. John
Wasins... .. ..r.-
- a f&&j&G33&&
S. McMillln. who has arrived recently
from the East to be their guest.
Mrs. W. B. Glafke and her email baby
are visiting at the cottage of Mrs. Hugh
Recent additions to the camping colony
are Nat Simon and Roy Marx.
T. T. Strain was an over-Sunday mem
ber of his household at Hale-Ola cottage.
R. R. Glltner, with Mrs. Giltner, were
recent guests at Kruse's Beach Hotel
Mrs. E. M. Bergen Is entertaining Mrs.
Bert Doyle at the Bergen cottage. Mr.
Doyle, who has recently returned from
New Tork, is usually a week-end guest
at the Park. Miss Verne Bergen la also
spending the season at her parents' cot
tage. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cooke were re
cently registered at Kruse's Beach Ho
tel. Frank E. Hart and Miss Sallte Hart
are domiciled In the Van Tine cottage;.
Mrs. David C. Lewis Is a guest at her
brother's, James Honeyman.
Mrs. William A. Mac Rae has recently
been entertaining Mrs. J. Robtsnon and
her charming little daughter. Amy, from
Portland. Later this week Mra. Robin-,
son departed for Tagg's farm, near Gear
hart, where she will stay through Aug
ust. Mr. Mac Rae Is usually a week-end
arrival. '
John Gill was a week-end arrival at
his handsome home. Klehanee, on the
Necanlcum. River, near Gearhart.
Dr. A. W. Wilson, with Mrs. Wilson
and their small son. are Installed In their
Geerhart residence. Mrs. Wilson's
mother. Mrs. Woodruff, of Portland, Is
w'th them.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lang and children
ara oomiciled In their Gearhart cottaeo.
Mrs. A. L. Dundee, with her two young
sons. Donald and John, have taken M.e.
John Mackle's cottage for the re
mainder of the season.
Miss Lora Cummings is a guest of
M:s& Sallle Hart. Earlier she was enter
tained by Misses Mildred and Grace
Mrs. J. A. Clemenson and Mrs. Edward
Sandeberg, of Portland, are domiciled
hi the P. Rumelln cottage for tns re
mainder of the season.
H. J. Hansen, with Mrs. Hansen and
their daughters, Misses Ruth and Ix-nore
are In their Gearhart home. They
have with them their guest, Miss
C:Ka Allmen. from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand, of Port'und.
with their daughter, Laura, are occu
pying the Beech cottage. With them are
Mrs. Rand's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Mr and Mrs. S. H. Morgan. Sr., have
returned to their home in Clarkesv'.lla,
Tenn. Since early June they have been
guests at the homes of their sons, W. L.
Miigan and S. H. Morgan. Jr., of Port
land, and recently came down with -l.e
Morgans' to their handsome home. B03
cobel Bungalow, for a fortnight's stay.
W. C. Slattery and Mrs. Slattery. with
their young children, Vernlce ani Ceoil,
have taken the Owens cottage at Gear
hart. Mrs. James P. Moffett and Mrs.- C. M.
Cartwrlght have arrived at Gearhart,
wrtre they will spend the remalrder of
tl-e season In their co'tge. Mr. Moffett
is usually a week-en-1 arrival.
Mrs. Thomas Kerr and Peter Kerr
are occupying Mrs. Theodore Kruse's
beautiful bungalow, on the sand
dunes at Gearhart. ;
Mrs. Theodore Kruse and maid are at
Gearhart park for the Summer.
Kruse's Beach Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bay, Miss Caro
line Peterson, J. N. Mann. Mn. Guy Tal
bot and child. Miss Gertrude Talbot, Guy
W. Talbot. Robert H. Storey, B. C. Short.
W. J. Mayrose. Richard Koehler, Use
Koehler. Leonard Rothchlld, L. G. Pfunder,
H. Behrendsen. Mrs. H. Behrendsen, R. Bet
tlnger. Florence Bettlnger, Mrs. W. E.
Prudhomme, Miss Frances Norden, A. F.
Jackson, Max Kaffesldes, Mn. A. Tllzer,
Mr. and Mn. O. Mangold, Miss Warren,
Mrs. F. W. Warren, Jr., Mn. 8. L Rosen
blatt, E. O. Blacksford, T. Soloman, A. S
Manhall, wife and two children, Marie
Nevlns, Thomas Robertson, Mike Jacob,
Mn. Mike Jacob and daughter, Mn. O. M.
Resser, Miss R. Selling, Mrs. F. Freeman,
M. B. Wakeman. G. E. Potts and wife, A.
J. Vantine. Vincent Cooke, R. R. Glltner,
Mn. R. R. Giltner. E. B. Martin and wife.
S. H. Glunls. William Bruess, all of Port
land; Mn. Rosenheim. Mrs. E. L. Heine,
Mn. L A. Heine, Misses E. and F. Heine,
Cincinnati; Mr. and Mra George P. Hoi
man, Salt Lake City; Bertha Levison,
Quincy. Or.; C. L Welster, Everett, Wash.;
John Adair, Mn. H. F. Prael. H. F. Prael,
Astoria; Dr. W. D. Carlisle, St. Petenburg,
Russia: Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts. Salem;
Lucy Schlldknecht, Minneapolis; w. J. Ross,
Caldwell, Idaho.
Campers at Delaura Beach.
DELAURA BEACH. Or.. Aug. 15. (Spe
cial.) Tenting accommodations are In
active demand at this new ocean resort.
Recent campers Include Dr. D. L. Rader.
editor Pacific Christian Advocate, and
wife; Miss Catherine Rader, Mrs. E. H.
Hopson and family. Mrs. A. F. Henny
and family. Mrs. B. M. Randall. Miss
Ella Weitman, Mrs. S. P. Cope, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Loder and family, Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Crane, Mrs. Gertrude Jones and family,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bingham and family,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson, Mr. and Mra.
F. V. Rafferty, Mrs. Deardorff, Mr. and
Mrs. R W. Hicks, Mrs. Earnie, Mrs.
Herschner ' and daughters. Mrs. Darnell,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harbke and family,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ennis and family, Mrs.
Charles Oergel and son, Mrs. J. W. Hig
gins e-nd sons. Miss Blanche Higglns,
Mrs. ' A. J. Sundgren and family, George
J. H. Eakin
Vice President
W. T. Macy
F. H. Caldwell
1ST' r
Huber, Mr. and Mrs. John Louy and
family. Mrs H. W. C -able and sons, Mrs.
H Cooper, Portland: Rev. W. C. Shep
herd, wife and family, Vancouver; Mr.
Solberg and party, Washington. At the
Beach Headquarters House, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Moore. Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Purdy,
Mrs Fitzgerald. Dr. Dela B. Howard,
J. B. Hosford. P. A. McDonald, Mrs. E.
P Prebble, P. Ebaugh, Rev. Dr. Rader,
Mrs. Catherine Rader, Miss Catherine
Rader, Dr. F. C. Brosius, wife, son and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Insley,
Miss Earnie. '
New cottages Jiave recently been com
pleted by Mrs. R. J. Oxer. K Mallory
and EL Morin. Clam digging, fishing and ,
bathing are popular entertainments here.
Travel to Yaqulna Bay Resorts Con
. Unties Tnabated.
NEWPORT, Or.. Aug. 16. (Special.)
Socially the oast week at Newport has
been a busy one. Beach parties, bonfires,
launch parties and luncheons have been
frequent. The crowds are still coming
In large numbers. Very few families
have as yet started homeward. Mer
chants predict a much larger season this
year than for several years previous.
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Clara H. Wal
do entertained at! five hundred In her com
modious seaside 'home, "Takitezy." The
evening passed most pleasantly to those
present. The guests of the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moores. Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Kerr, Professor and Mrs. John
S trau b, Mr. and Mrs. C. El Bhultz, Mrs.
P. M. Dekum, Mrs. Ivan Humason, Mrs.
L. O. Mcintosh, Mrs. Wilson McNary,
the Misses Eva and LaVllla Humason,
Vesta and Lynette Kerr. Addle Pickle,
Erma and Marie Rice, Ryth Gatch, Lu
cene Moreland, Edith Herring, Jessica Ja
cobs. Hazel Reed. Edith Waldo, Dr. H. B.
Leonard, John W. Wlthycombe, Donald
B. Rice, Chester C. Moores, Paul V.
Marls and L. L. Smith.
On the day following, Mrs. Waldo and
Mrs. P. M. Dekum gave a luncheon in
honor of Mrs. Ivan Humason, of Portland,
who is spending her vacation at Newport.
The table was artistically decorated with
ferns and seacoast adornments and a de
licious collation was served. The guests
were Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Mrs. T. E.
Bloomer, Mrs. L. O. Mcintosh, Mrs. D. L.
Rice, Miss Mary S. Barlow and Miss
Esther Sheffield.
Early In the week Floyd Bushnell Davis
entertained a merry crowd of college folk
with a moonlight tallyho party up the
beadh. The evening was merrily whiled
away by the oceanslde and those present
thoroughly enjoyed the novel party. The
guests were chaperoned by Mrs. Condon
McCormack, of Portland. The others were
Misses Lucia Wilkins, Belle Van Duyn,
Kate Kelly, Pauline Davis and Edna Os
burn Messrs. Bush Davis, John Wlthy
combe, Harvard C. Moore, John W. Kelly
and Dr. E. T. Parker.
President Kerr, of the Oregon Agricul
tural College, entertained . a group of
friends this week at a launch party. The
crowd left Newport In the early morning
and spent the forepart of the day In
steaming up the river to Elk City. Here
the party Indulged In fishing, rowing and
climbing nearby mountains. A delicious
supper was served late In the afternoon
and the return trip made down the Ta
quina River In the moonlight. Those
present besides the host and hostess, Dr.
and Mrs. Kerr, were: Mrs. Clara H. Wal
do, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kerr, the Misses
Edith Waldo. Eva and LaVllla Humason,
Jessica Jacobs. Leona, Vesta. Lynette
and Marion Kerr, Marie and Irma Rice,
Messrs. B. F. Irvin, W. A. Jensen and
John W. Wlthycombe.
A crowd of Newport visitors of the
younger set held a bonfire on the beach
this week. The majority of those present
were from Portland High School, so that
the evening was largely devoted to school
yells and songs. A light lunch was
served late In the evening.
Tenters 'and Cottagers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Collins and daughter,
Louise. Miss Mamie Marinan and Miss
Etta Carter, of Albany, form a happy
group of tenters on Beauty Ridge, near
Nye Creek.
G. H. Beebe andfamily, of Woodburn,
are camped at Nye Beach.
Dr. D. A. Paine, of Eugene, was In
Newport this week supervising some re
pairs on his seaside home.
Mrs. J. W. Hobbs and daughter, Min
nie, of Eugene, opened the Hobbs cot
tage at Nye Creek this week. They will
V-l rfxWiP f -
Mr. Wm. Bittle Wells,
Northwest Manager Sunset Magazine,
Portland, Or. - -
Dear Sir:
You may be interested in knowing that the Yamhill County Develop
ment League has been advertising very extensively in papers of the East
and in papers and magazines throughout the Middle Western and Western
States. These ads have' been running concurrently with the page ad we
have been carrying in the Sunset Magazine. Three-fourths of the re
plies we have received have been from readers of the Sunset Magazine.
We are more than pleased with the results we are obtaining from
that medium. ' .
x ' . Yours very truly
! Mgr. Yamhill County Development League,
Yamhill CoitntyThe r Mother of Oregon; The Garden Spot op the West.
remain during the month of August.
Mrs. B. S. Cook and daughter, Agnes,
of Portland, are .recent arrivals. They
have opened their Nye Beach home for
August and September.
Mrs. L. Bowden and grandson, Dick
Babbitt, of Monmouth, are spending their
Summer vacation at Nye Beach in the
Craig cottage.
J. D. Hlbbs and wife, of Gaston, are
spending their annual outing In their
Nye Beach cottage.
F. M. Wilkins and family returned to
their home In Eugene Wednesday morn
ing after a month's vacation at the sea
side. . ,
The Misses Ella Rummelin and Daisy
Harding, of Portland, and Edna Jacobs,
of Corvallis, passed through Newport to
Seal Rocks this week, where they will
spend a few weeks camping.
Mrs F. A. Stearns and daughter, Mrs.
Ralph Terrlll of Roseburg, are tenting
at Nye Creek. They will remain until
the middle of September.
Mr and Mrs. C. B. Moores and son,
Chester, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shultz
are in the Moores cottage at Nye Beach
for the rest of the Summer season.
Personal Slentlon.
Mr and Mrs. George H. Kelly, of Eu
gene, arrived in Newport Thursday after
noon and will remain for two weeks.
They are registered at the Sheffield.
G T Taisim, Charles Tuffer and M. D.
Nuten.' at Portland, are recent arrivals
at the' Hotel Nye Brook.
Stell Zigler, of Roseburg, Is spending
his vacation at the seaside. He is regis
tered at the Bradshaw.
Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Rice and little
daughter and Miss Agnes Pitchford, of
Roseburg, are recent arrivals. They are
located at the Sheffield.
Mrs L Z. Clark and son, Dudley, are
enjoying the ocean breezes at Nye Beach.
They are located In a furnished tent in
the Reeves camp yard.
Miss Lucene Moreland, of Salem, Is a
recent addition to the Gatch house party
Dr P J Byrne, of Spokane, joined his
family in their. Nye Beach cottage this
week. H. B. Schuler, of Spokane, accom
panied him as a guest.
Bert Yates, of Vancouver, T ash., was
a Newport week-end visitor this week.
Charles Burgraff. of Albany, spent the
end of the week at Nye Creek with his
family. - ,
Mrs. William Moore and daughters, the
Misses Lyllth and Grace, returned home
Thursday after a two weeks' outing at
Nye Creek. .
Miss Emma. Sox. of Albany, wae the
week-end guest of Miss Mary Nolan this
WMra. E L. Irvin and son, Dr. Lloyd
Irvin. of Albany, are guests at the Irvin
House. . .
Mrs E. A. Wallace and daughter Vesta
are recent arrivals at the Irvin House.
John W. Kelly and sister Kate, of Eu
gene have returned home after breathing
the ocean air for a period of three weeks.
Congressman Ellis, of Pendleton, Is the
butt of many jokes from his friends this
week, all because he had the misfortune
to be seasick while on a deep sea fishing
excursion on the launch Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Humason, of Port
land are enjoying the hospitality of Mrs.
Clara Waldo, at Nye Creek. Mrs. Waldo's
commodious cottage, - "Takitezy," holds
the largest Summer house party at New
port. David Linn and wife, of Eugene, are at
Nye Creek for a two weeks' rest. They
are registered at the Damon.
Mrs. H. J. Bigger, of Portland, Is a
guest at Rae Cabin this week.
Mrs. L. J. Lewis and two children, of
Baker City, are enjoying the salt air at
Newport. They are guests at the Taft
Howard C. Moore, an assistant Instruct
or at the University of Oregon, has been
enjoying himself at Newport during the
past week. He returned to hia home In
Portland on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. M. Powell, of Gresham, and
daughter, Mrs. George Lee, of Portland,
are the guests ot the Wieneken family at
Nye Beach.
Miss Frank Hayter and Miss Emma
Dempsey, of Dallas, are recent arrivals
at the Irvin House.
Mrs. A. T. Toner and Miss Nora Rob
ison, of Dallas, are enjoying the hospttal
Ity of Mrs. 11. L. Fenton, In the Fenton
Summer home at Nye Creek.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Corvallis, is a
conspicuous figure at the beach this
week. He Is a guest at the Irvin House.
Flint Baker, of Corvallis, joined his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Baker, in
their Summer bungalow this week
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Whltten, of Port
. "Enjoy life
and grow rich in
Yamhill County'
land, are visiting Mrs. Whitten's parents
at Nye Creek.
Miss Hazel Huff, wno has been a guest
at the McDonald House for the past two
weeks, returned home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nichols, Miss Ger
trude and Miss Elizabeth Palmer, of Day
ton, have opened the Nichols cottage for
the remainder of the Summer season.
Miss Edna Paisley, of Portland, is a
recent arrival at the Abbey House.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Barret, of Hllteboro,
who have been enjoying themselves trout
fishing at Elk City, are in Newport for a
two weeks' rest. They are registered at
the Abbey House.
Mrs. Benjamin Woldt and daughter.
Miss Minnie, of Portland, are among the
recent guests at the Abbey House.
Frank L. Dunn, of Eugene, Joined his
wife and daughter at the Damon this
,Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Ellis, of Dallas,
are spending their vacation In the Ellis
cottage at Newport.
Miss Maud McMiller, of Portland. Is the
guest of the family of Rev. C. T. Whit
tlesy, at Newport.
Mrs. W. W. Gill, of Portland, is a guest
at the Irvin House.
Mrs. T. Connel and daughter Mary, of
Portland, are guests at the Irvin House.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Toder, of Spokane,
are Nye Creek visitors.
' Mr. and Mrs. George Mote, of Roseburg,
returned home this week after a two
weeks' outing at Nye Creek.
Ralph Wollenberg. of Roseburg, Joined
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wollen
berg, this week In their Nye Creek tent.
Mr. and Mrs. Joton Booth and little
daughter, of Grants Pass, are guests of
Mrs. Herbert Booth at Newport.
Among the recent campers to arrive
are W. A. Ashton and family, of Port
land. They are located in the Byrne
camp yard at Nye Beach.
J. R. Ryan and family, of Portland, and
J. H. Hamilton and family, of Viola, are
Nye Creek campers.
F. J. Chambers and family, of Kings
Valley: F. McGinnis and family, of Carle
ton; W. J. Baldwin and family, of Eu
gene, and Professor E. Sherwood and
family, of Salem, are hunting In "Cath
erines Grove," near Nye Creek.
B. W. Hoffman and family, of The
Dalles, are tenting at Nye Creek.
Mrs. J. F. Burch and son, Randall, of
Sllverton, returned home Friday morning
after a two weeks' rest at Nye beach.
Mrs. B. J. Colcord and daughters, Julia
and Madge, of Newberg, are among the
recent campers to arrive at Nye Beach.
Miss Eva Kerrigan, of Portland, is the
guest of Miss Emma Bertman in the
Bertman cottage at Nye Creek.
Professor and Mrs. John Blough, of
Portland, are tenting at Nye Creek. Pro-
Directly on the beach, overlooking the
ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bathing;
recreation pier for fishing; ; sun parlors;
electric lights; fireplace and furnace beat.
Sea foods a specialty. Fine walks and
drives. Bates 2.50 and $3.00 per day.
For particulars, apply to the Danmoora
rHigii on Alt. Hood. Improved auto service from
Hood River to the Inn. Season cloeea Sept. L
Y. W. C. A. Vacation Cottage
Rooms open only for business women.
Rate. SS.50 Per Week.
Dining-room open to public reasonable
rates. .
Register at city office, 6th and Oak sts.
THE LARGEST Apple Orchard on
the Coast.
THE LARGEST Oregon Prune Or
chard on the Coast.
the market
CHAMPION Shorthorn Herd at
St. Louis Exposition..
CHAMPIONSHIP on Cattle and
Sheep at Lewis & Clark Expo
sltion. LARGEST FRUIT Evapontor on
the Coast.
' feasor E. C. Blough, of Lakeview, Is the
guest of his son.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Flynn, of Portland,
have rented the Hatch cottage at Nye
Beach for the remainder of the Summer
James Peppard. of Portland, Is a guest
at tha Nye Brook.
Lecture to Be Delivered by Rct.
John Roach Straton.
Rev. John Roach Straton. the great
Southern preacher, will deliver his
famous lecture, "The South In Song
and Story," at the White Temple next
Friday night, August 21. Dr. Straton
Is already well known In Portland as
the writer of the brilliant essay which
won the thousand-dollar prize offered
by the Commercial Club for the best
article on Portland and vicinity. He
also preached at the White Temple
last Summer during Dr. Brougher's
vacation, and those who heard him at
that time will need no urging to go to
the lecture Friday night. This lecture
was recently delivered at the Temple
Auditorium of Los Angeles. When de
livered at Long Beach,. Cal., not long
ago, it proved so popular that he was
asked to repeat It.
Dr. Straton has spent the greater
part of his life In the South, and, hav
ing for .years taught literary interpre
tation In Southern universities, 'is es
pecially well fitted to give a sympa
thetic study of the past achievements
and the future promise of the people
of the South. His sketches in negro
dialect and his selections from the
Southern poets portray the Old South
with rare vividness. He will be as
sisted by the Portland Colored Jubilee
Quartet, which will sing the old-time
Southern songs "Dixie," "Swing Low,
Sweet Chariot. Way Down Upon the
Suwanee River." etc. This lecture Is
given In Portland under the auspices
of the White Temple and the Portland
Commercial Club.
Hot and cold showers, bathing suits
and dressing rooms for surf bathers.
Hotel Moore, Seaside. Or.
Olympla Mail Extract, good for grand
ma or baby. Only 15-100 of 1 per cent
alcohol. Phones: Main 671, A 24CT.
On tbe Columbia Blrer.
Hotel modern In every repc electric
light, steam heat, billiard parlor, bowling
alley, dance pavilion and every convenience.
Location beautiful, fine view cf the moun
tains and river; good fishing and hunting.
Address C. T. Belcher, manager Collins Hot
Springs. Collins. Wash.
At Scaview, Wash.
Has lovely large rooms, a delightful yard
for children, and the meals are gotten up
In such a manner that If you come ones you
will come again. Come In for our Sunday
Overlooking tbe Ocean.
100 newly furnished rooms: electric
lights, hot and cold water and prlvata
rooms with bath. Sea foods a specialty.
RATES S2.50 AND S3.00.
D. J. Qulmby A Sons. Seaside. Oregon.
I..dlMl Ask
I'll I. in Bed
boxes, sealed
Dro1.t. AikforClU-rUES.TEB'n
years known is Best, Safest, Always Reliable
1 W
and (sold tnetalllcXV
with Blue Ribbon. V J
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