EDITORIAL and SOCIETY SECTION THREE Pages 1 to lO VOL. XXVII. Ny V ry Ny v v r 'fy ' " ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY BIORXIXG.. AUGUST 16, 19Q8. y' 33' Oxfords Worth to $6.00 at $3.19 This is the vyay we are cleaning out -women's Summer styles in low shoes 7rere this week. As an aftermath' of the tremen dous sale ofthe last two weeks, we have an assortment con sisting of sffveral hundred pairs of shoes in many grades that are sold dojrrn to a few sizes, in numerous styles, but a good run of sizn when the entire collection is considered. At the price giver, above, our regular $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Oxfords n fact, only four styles in our . entire stok are excepted. Your choice this jp'3 l.7 week, on' sale at this low price, the pair. . . . WOMEN'S OXFORDS in our regulsar $3.00 and $3.50 grades ; also a regular $4J0O qual ity, fancy colored and novelties, n this instance, too, the sizes are very gobd, and the styles unusually attract- t AQ ive; vour choice at, the pair. .fu .WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS 02,T0RDS1 with hand-turned soles; plain toev'and bet ter than are frequently sold for $2 QQ. not fitted; all sizes; special, pair. V7 WOMEN'S OXFORDS, in white or colored canvas. Every pair in the house worth to $3.60, excepting one style. We also include a large assortment of black kid Oxfords, with light or heavy soles. Regular prices are entirely forgotten, and now they all sell for this low price your choice I1 AQ on sale at, the pair r x WHITE CANVAS CLEANER, regu- r lar 10c bottle, on sale for, the bottle. .- i ii hill 1111 rai--Mjrg."v-n7iTaM i i 1 1 i-wmw High-Grade Watch Repairing No guesswork with us. Bring your watch here and you are certain of satisfac tory results. We make it run and keep perfect time, or refund your money; and the best of it is that the best class of work costs no more than ordinary. Cleaning,' $1 Crystals, 15 Springs, 75 to $1 Jewels, 75 to 1 JTrtyf OP'Wrir'DfirC Lawn, Swiss or cambric materials, in blind XLiVlDIWILJlIMlJ or openwork designS; edges or insertions; strips 3 to 6y2 yards each; large assortment of patterns to select 7 9 12 C from; regular values to 35c the yard, on sale at this low price.. Early Autumn Goo as Here at Low Prices Fa 11 Millin e ry Styles Ready Choicest modes for Early Autumn wear, come from the best houses the country. We direct attention to our window display of Fall Hats and cordially invite the inspection of Portland's discriminating public to the large assortments ready for sale on the second-floor Millinery Salons. Tailored models hold the attention of the ultra smart dresser at the present time and it is on these that we have directed the force of our buying and selling powers. Street or semi dress' models in glorious plenty, both as to style and number. Shades to go with any costumes and in the most desired shapes. Goodly numbers here now and new ones arriving daily. In Millinery Salons White Jap Silks 69c the Yard These fabrics are especially desirable for making cool Summer waists or for en tire costumes. Come 27 or 36 inches wide, five grades, all reduced, the gg. 85c grade being prifjed at only.--"... : ....... ... .......... vlv $1.00 grade, the yard..... .-79 II $1.50 grade, the yard .....$1.09 $1.25 grade, the yard'. :89? $2.00 grade, the yard... .$1.69 Womens's Hose at 25c a Pair life Best quality cotton in white, blue, pink, gray or black. You may choose these in boot lace, all over lace or in plain lisle. All the wanted colors for this season's smart wear; handsome hose to go with neat low shoes, and the best values to be had in Portland. Monday 25c CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' WHITE COTTON HOSE Regularly w6rth , 25c the pair. Monday s price only, per pair 19c Again MondaySilk Parasols, Worth to $3.50, Sell for $1.59 Ea. When GOOD Parasols cost so little, surely 3Tou can afford to have more than one. Take advantage of this sale and provide j-ourself with Parasols to match each of your favorite gowns. 'Tis a necessary adjunct to any well-planned toilette. These we offer at this very low price; come in all the leading colors, all one color or plain center with contrasting border, or a border of fancy silk. You seldom find Para sols of such desirability on sale at a. price nearly so low as this one. Covers are of . first quality, silk, handles come in plain CQ wood or rustic designs, values 'to $3.50; special '. P m $2 Cambric Nightgowns $1.34 WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS of fine cambric or nain sook, slipover style, with, low round neck, elbow sleeves and bell cuffs, trimmed, with embroidery or gf Oyf lace. Worth $2.00 each, specially priced at ipl.iJrr WOMEN'S PETTICOATS of black, mercerized moreen, double flaring flounce, extra dust ruffle. gj on $2.00 values,1 at the very. low price of,each . 7 CHILDREN'S HATS of fine embroidery-or lace, trim med in a great variety of styles, worth . Q7r $2.23,. on sale at the specially low price of . CttyrifH. 190S. by Penrhyn Stanlawi Stanlaws Summer Girl Looks cool and dainty and comfortable doesn't sh e! This girl is the product of the imagination of a clever artist, 'whose services we have- secured to illustrate our advertising; but she is not one whit more attractive than the Portland Girl who has shopped carefully at the Olds, Wortman & King Store for her Summer outfit. Drop in and let us show you correct styles for the height of Summer or for early Fall. Men's Fancy Vests Reduced Vz There are plenty of very good styles left in these fancy flannel or wash material vests, in light or dark colors, many patterns; the nob biest styles and the choicest designs possible to pro- j r duce, are placed on sate for Monday at this reduction. -COO MEN'S SILK SHIRTS In plain or fancy colors; blue, 0 AQ white, cream or tan; regular $5.00 values, on sale at, ea. .tpJ.T MEN'S FANCY HALF-HOSE Blue, gray, brown; all sizes, 1 Q gobd assortment of patterns, as well as colors; 25c values, ea. MEN'S BALBEIGGAN UNDERWEAR Ribbed styles, in QQC brown, blue, tan, white or cream; excellent 50c vals., special. w J 'Women's verv fine Lace L,aCe IXOOeS tialV Robes, in grades that have ; brought from $15 to $75 each. Come in white or cream, and there is just one light blue, and one tan batiste robe in this lot. Princess lace, with a few finished with baby Irish lace. Your choice of a large f-Jrtlf Print assortment Monday 1 1UU A ere nana At Low ise Prices BOO -New Fall Suits at lh Less The first Suit Sale of the' season, for Fall of 1908, and 'tis of the sort that has given this splendid store the prestige and the enviable record held for leadership in the garment field. This story has to do with the smartest and jauntiest of models; long-skirted coats and skirts in plain, pleated or circular-fold styles. The materials are all-wool novelty goods in strikingly handsome striped effects or plain colored fabrics itTblue, brown or green. Each one is tastefully trimmed in a manner to match the fabric and color. Regular values! are $25, $28.50, $32.50, $35 and 1m r j r $38.50. Your choice Monday fhr V4 BClOW KegUlar' Summer Vests at 49c Low neck, sleeveless Vests, with lace yoke; our best 75c grade, Monday for low price of, each.. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Knee length, high neck; long sleeves;-splendid 65c garment. WOMEN'S LACE TRIMMED PANTS Swiss umbrella knee, with fitted top; 75c value, for. the exceedingly low price of, per garment, only. 49c JO 48c tBl ribbed, yMjmMAn 48c mm Fall Flannelettes 12lhc New bordered designs for kimonos and house or street waists are the very latest in these goods. We are showing a full line of the choicest patterns, and on z ,r-rr email hore -iVAL 18 and fcivt SUMMER WASH GOODS Less than half price. Fancy figured lawns iu a good selection of patterns and shades; regular 25c quality ; special, per -j q yard, only X Richardson's fine Table Dam ask, worth $1 yd., special NAPKINS TO MATCH Good worth' $3.00 the dozen ; spe cial, the dozen, only 75c size, $2.25 Sale Prices on All Our Cream and Colored Panama Cloths The most staple and called for weave now on sale in the Dress Goods Department. And the colors featured are those most in demand, too. Grades regularly worth $1 to $2, as follows: No need to tell you of the popularity of this weave, and no need to dwell-on excellence of our qualities; $1 ' Rlc 54 inches wide, regularly $2 the yard, special price, j 54 inches wide, regularly $1.75 the yard; special (jjl OQ price, 3Tard. 54 inches wide, regularly $l.o0 the yard; special tf?! "I C price, yard tp X 1 VI 46 to 52 inches wide, worth $1.25 the yard; on special QAr More Bargains in Smallwares Lace Edge Shelf Puper, white or colors, special 30 yards for lOtf Split Bamboo Lonph Baaketx, 35c vals.-.15 Writing- Tableta, ruled or unruled, bond linea or satin finish, letter sire. 35c values, speclal...24 Ilone Hairpins, shell or amber, worth 23c the dozen, special 16 Pearl Bnttonn. one doz en on card, special, the card. . 10f Safety Pins, nickel fin ish, all sizes, special, the card 4 K I b ho a Leaders, worth 10c each 5 White Baatlna- Cotton, size 40 or 60, three spools for. 5f G 1 o loe, cleans velvet, silk, laces, silk ties, white shoes or gloves, special the bottle.. 25 Imported Castile Soap, white or green, 4-lb. bars. 75c values for 49 Somodont, an antiseptic liquid for cleaning: and preserving; the teeth, 25c bottle 19 Pond'i Tarcnm Powder, In .fancy . glass. Jar, 25c value, special. lTd Whisk Brooms, with plush tops or bone han dles, worth 35c each, for , 22 Stationery. English Vel lum Finish paper, 50 sheets paper, 50 en- i ... r. . K : a V r i u Jim , v. w . l . u v v. i . i . box, special 25d m guv... O iMl Rugs$16.50-$27 A tremendous sale of the better grades of floor coverings this week on the 4th floor. A goodly assortment grouped in two lots, and an enormous reduction in values ensues. Lot Number 1 contains just SO rugs in Oriental designs and strikingly attractive color combina-. Hons. Size 9x12, on sale at this low price iplU iUlS Lot No. 2 comes in Oriental and the better grade of floral effects; also in rich plain three tone designs, with center of some wanted shade and border graduating to darker tints. All full size. Values to $40. 00 p y'. ff Your choice Monday, at this low price vv m sale at, yard Embroidered Pieces at $1.65 A snap that no one who is fond of pretty art pieces can afford to miss. Sample pieces in cushion slips, kimonos, fancy bags, waste baskets, aprons, pin cushions, cushion sprs lanndrv basrs. corset covers and centerpieces. These flare all hand embroidered on fine art materials and come in the newest stitching and designs, inviueu iniu wur lots, as follows : Reicular $2.50 to $4.00 fiC II Hegular $3.00 to $8.50 JO Q7 if x mw values, on saie at, eacii..-r - values, on sale at, ea. Regular $15.00 to $20.00 values, on sale at, each. $6.96 values, on sale at, each. Regular $9.00 to $12.50 values, on sale at, each. $4.68 Great Sale of Kitchen Needs Copper Kim Wash Boil ers, regular price 2.1;. special. $1.75 Wash Boilers, "antl rust" style, heavy tin, $3 vals., special 82.39 Ironing Boards, 40c val ues 32 Galvanized Tubs, Soc values 65 Dish Mops, worth 5c each, special 4 Granite Iron Dish Pans, 70c values .55 Jelrj- Strainer and Mash, worth 25c each. special 19 Red Fruit Jar Rubbers, heavy, worth 8c the cloz., special 5 Jelly Presses, worth 3nc each 25 Red Fruit Jar Rubbers, extra heavy, worth. 10c, the doz., special 7 Glass Lemon Juice Ex tractors, medium size, worth 6c each 4 Large slse, 10c val.. 8 Spil nklers, 4-qt. size.. 50c value 39 Sprinklers, 8-qt. size, 50c value 39 Sprinklers, 10-qt. size, 60c value 47 Sprinklers, 12-qt. size, 75c value 59 1. Ink's Roasters, seam less, self - basting. 31.85 size 81.48 $2.15 size, sp'l...S1.75 $2.35 size, sp'l. . -S1.90 $2.50 size, sp'l..-$2.05 Snnltnrr Flreless Cook ers save three - fourths of the cost on fuel and cook more thoroughly than the old way over the hot fire. See them demonstrated and know their advantages. One -Third Off on Re frigerators, Lawn Mow ers. Blue Flame Cook stoves. Window Screens. Why not buy now for this season and next? 'Tis a good way to save money. ft