The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 16, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 19

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    PlCiR ?ALK or nctanir. swej! stock of gro
ceries; fine location, doing $3isa a month;
price $.Vsj; another one at $25t0; will re
duce stock to $!.Vaj; "til tresis lor destrabla
residence pr-aperty; also well located West
Side rooming-houses, one, of 25 room, $25ele;
one 15 roojpj, near Washington St.. $lis0u.
with plana; cheap rent: one 32 room. Bear
Morrison, part houaelreeplnit. $1i; ona
27 iwm'i, $17(.0; one 43 rooma. $.Hk: all
are dera-able placea and are willing to
trade for- residence property. For full par
ticulars aee the business department. Gold
achm'jdt'a Agency. t3 Washington at.
LOOKJXa for roomlni-how? We hare a
fev exceptional iippiwtunlliest; will con
el iVr trade, one 311 rouina, near Park; one
1 1 roorr.a. one 27 room-, one 23 rooms, ona
15 room: all partly housekeeping; one 60
rooma. one 25 rooniac one Tirr-om hotel,
near Washington St.; will take stock ranch
In Eastern Oregon or Washington. part
cash: ore 30-room house, new: some cash:
all well located. Lmk up these chances
a: OiUfrtimWt'i Ageucy. bualneaa depart
ment. 253 S Washington at.
Tt-ROOM house In bualneaa district; 11300
wlil handle it.
0 rooma. all furniture, rent $50: loon.
37 room, furnltupa all good; ,rent $53;
10 ro-ims. furniture very good; S yeara
lease; Jl.
( 515 Lumber, exchange bldg.
FOR SALE One of the best saloone In The
Dalles. Or., located on the beet corner In
the city: doing a good buslenss; owner
wanrta to tace a trip to Europe: will aell
chejap on reasonable term; cheap rent.
I loo lease. Call on or write C. P. Johann-
sen. The Dalles. Or., owner, for full par
i tliculara.
wanted We hae a propoaltlon to
offer you that will pay you more than
anvthlng in the United States: one of the
largest that we have aver listed for a
f legitimate. Investment and a gilt-edge
J- proposition; A-l references given and re
' quired. 827 corbett bldg.
OBOCEItT FTORE One of the bee family
snore In the city; we guarantee the busi
ness to be on a paying basis: owner hue
made) money enough to retire; a chance not
often found to get into a paying
$25TO. iri.-!-l A Gantner. room Canter
bury bldg.. 203 Washington St.. cor. 3d.
SP'iOCIALTY business partner wanted to col
lect keep plain accounts, etc.; owner will
guarantee to pay you $25 a week salary and
your share of profits, divided each month.
. should be never less ihan $U a month be
sides: $750 required. Particulars, 24s
8tark st.
1 FIRST-CLASS rooming-house corner In
buslnesa center: beautiful grounda; finely
located for tourists, transient or perma
nent t-te; elegantly furnished: large,
alrv is,oms: full oasement, laundry, fur
nace, hot . and cold water, baths, range,
large dining-room; piano; lease; reason-
fable rent: price $3000; verms; will boar
Investigation. O 15. Oregonlan.
It rooma on Taylor, close In; rent $53;
very good furnishings: clears $4n per month;
this ia a very gocd buy: price $55o.
417 and 418 Corbett blrig.
W ANTED A partner for strictly cash busi
ness; little money required: first-class
rooming-house, must go Monday; very
cheap: some terms; cigar and confection
ery, tnoo required. Good cook wants part-
ner to do the buying, duties easily learned,
the man Is what Is wanted. 272 Stark.
I!0fO AND services. light manufacturing
tvuslner-s; exceptional opportunity: business
will grow to Immense proportion: money
rres into busines's; dividend from start.
AF 15h. Oregonian.
j "WILL sell our business and machinery and
I the whole outfit for manufacturing all
1 kind- of cutlery and repairing tools, in
cluding 5-hotse-power motnr: a snap; we are
going East. Inquire 421, I'nlon ave.
RARTNER for manufacturing business, es
tablished and clearing over $4oo monthly:
monev fullv secured: $25u0 required. Call
or write W. Laa-rence A Co., 315 Lumber
I Exchange bMir.. 2d and Stark.
CIGAR STAND: SU,-)ear lease, reasonable
rent; doing good business: will Invoice S.'l.Yt;
other business compels owner to .sell; 1n
restlga;e If you mean business. AF 150,
i PLAWIXO TRACT High, level; Al car
" service: surrounded b; gilt-edge restrict
ed, residence propcrtv; absolutely best on
mnrket. G. E. Walling, owner. 243
Stark at.
$3f00 gives half Interest la buslnesa that
nets $7oo a year. For particulars apply
to Richard Morwood McCann. attorne-at-law,
room 1, !. Alder at. R liO. Ore
gonlan. l2S0O WILL give you Interest In old-estah-,
llshed company and exclusive charge and
management of the business here: must
have executive ability and references, as it
Is the man we want. G 165. Oregonian.
FOR 8AI.E Collection business. paying
well: tine furnished office; everything
compete; would trade for lot. Call Mer
chants' Guaranty Co., Board of Trade
bldg.. Monday only.
"WANTED Ia.rty with $.V to tike Interest
In manufacturing In Seattle; run investi
gation and demonstration given here: no
experiment. Main 8K or AF 155. Ora
, gontan.
place and good moneymaker; let us prove
It. Only $5UO. Call 513 Chamber of Com
merce. 1 PARTT wanted with $300 or more to Join
' pool to purchase land on new electric line,
can more than double money In 0 montha.
Miller. 430 Worcester bldg.
WANT good bookkeeper, gentleman or lady,
to Invest 12000 In good business propo
sition and take charge of books; $1)0 per
month. O 158. Oregonian.
A NEW sawmill with eight million feet of
timber; two miles from the North Bank
R. R. ar. Columbia River; $12. out). E. P.
Moavman, Commercial Club bldg.
LADY or gentleman with email capital to
take half Interest In traveltng theatrical
company, fully secured. Address AB 163.
TRANSFER and storage business for sale or
exchange: this will atand Investigation.
Cltv Realty AV Bldg. Co., 4110 Worcester
I TRUIT and confectionery store clearing $125
a month after paying all expenses, for S9O0;
owner forced to go to hospital for opera
tion causes sacrifice. Call 2iSVi Stark st.
FOR SALE A Job printing plant: good lo
cation, good lease, che-p rent; price rea
sonable: good opportunity for an energetic
man. Address V 15o. Oregonian.
MILLINERY store, about 11000: music store,
about $3000, In Eugene, Or.; will take
Portland real eatate in payment. 325
Lumber Exchange.
JF YOU are In the market to buy. sell or
exchange, we want to aee you and you
want to see us. t!07 Buchanan bldg., 2SGVs
Washington atreet.
We cat give you a special price on any
mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A
Co.. room 3. Chamber of Commerce.
WANT to buy 20 to 50-room commercial
hotel in good town. 1000 to 5O00. Will pay
good price for good opening; po agenta.
Address Y l-7, Oregonian.
I1AROAIN Barber shop, clear profit 40
weekly, fine position, new fixtures and
chairs; 180 carmen are working opposite;
$300. T 153. Orcgcnian.
FOR SALE Barber shop. good location.
long lease, cheap rent; good buslnesa: In
' vestlgatlon: sold to the highest bidder.
Make me an offer. N 153, Oregonian.
EXCEPTIONALLY profitable manufacturing
business, requires live manager with capi
tal for enlargement of plant. Addresa A
lfl.S. Oregonian.
Mine in above famoua district i Idaho).
110.000 machinery and work: a bargain,
with eaay payments. 621 Corbett bldg.
f.&VM WILL make within six months,
sure: fortune for right man. D lfi". Ore
gonian. ELEGANTLY furnished R-room boardlne
houpe; everything new; nrst-clasa; must
be sold Immediately. A 5711.
RESTAURANT, all new; easy rent: ga;
living-room; leaee; good business. 2t4 4th
FOR SALE On account sickness-, ls-room
transient hours, elegantly furnished; bar
gain. Main SGStS.
I BUY and sell Morning. Mammoth and Orl
. ole mining stocks.
" F. P. BKl'CK. 611 Rothchlld bldg.
TEA. glassware, crockery, phonograph store;
low rent, big profits; Invoices fl'ooo: snap.
225 Lumber Exchange.
BEST grocery on the market: over $40 dally
business: rent only 12.5u. 225 Lumber
FOR SALE An 8-pagfe. s-eolurtui pa
per. Address Box o, Arleta, or phone
Tabor SS3.
PRACTICAL logger and snwmll! man Is open
for proposition; h" lfln outtlt, AB ld5,
417-4S Corbett blog.. 5th and Morrison.
We have several good roomlng-housee
that hava never been on the market be
fore, and they are A-t buys: no old Junk.
Would be pleaed to show them to you.
15 rooms, rent I5. 3-year lease, only
been furnished two weeks; all solid oaic
furniture and bru seels carpets: extra good
linen, line lace curtains, fine leather rock
era, hot and cold water In all rooms: fur
nace heat, elegant cement basement; house
newly papered and painted throughout; 5
minutes' walk from the center of the
city. This ie absolutely the very best buy
that we ever olferrd. Can be bandied on
easy terms: price J2;O0.
10 rooms, exquisitely furnished, new 3
weeks ago. all solid oak furniture, brussels
carpets and all the rest cf ths fumihlnga
to correspond; strictly modern house, hot
and cold water in rooms, furnace heat.
If you want a swell heme with a good liv
ing, don't fill to see this; rent $o&; 3-yeas
lease; 5 minutes' walk to center of the
cltv. Can be bandied on easy terms; price
'140 rooms; every suite has private bath; 3
ytar lejse at very low rent; this place k
absolutely clearing $400 per month; this la
the very best proposition that was ever
put on the market; price $RMK.
417 and 418 CorbeA bldg.
M. 15. A IKS.
(-ROOM flat, the best buy In the city, $40.
10 rooms, nicely furnished, 2 blocks
from P. O. ; only $5S0.
20 rooma, nicely furnished, $"oo.
47 rooms, nicely- furnlehed, 1 block from
Portland Hotel, on Morrison; cheap rent;
the best buy In th city; $4500; terms.
60-room hotel; a anap at $4500.
12 rooma. nicely furnished; good lease);
33 rooma, new brick, on East Side; ab
solutely the money-masjor; $2660.
28 rooms on Grand ava,; beat location on
East Side; good lease: only $1(00; will
sell half Interest to responsible lady with
small means, to run the house.
165-room hotel, clearing $0 a month;
best lease in the city; no bettor buy tn
Portland: $6000 will handle tttta.
Hotel Brokers, 361", Morrison.
WILL, PAY $4200 year salary and com
mission that will make a man J10.J0O
a vear to handle our line In Western
territory and sell our goods at the
1P09 fair at Seattle: a monopoly.
Parties must invest $3009 to I500U for
Interest in company. Call Sunday
10:30. to Monday, room 3u4, Oregon
Manufacturing business of old standing,
clearing $ annually: owner wishes" to
retire and will Invoice or sell to suit you;
will Invoice, about $15,000; Investlgstlon so
licited. W. Lawrence A Co.. 315 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sta.
ENERGETIC and thorough business Iran
would Join party equally equipped In some
promising business, or would buy part or
whole of established business: no agents
or dreamers coneidered. Write full infor
mation first communication. H 168, Oregonian.
WHOLESALE commission business. One of
the best houses tn the state, doing from
$173,000 to $200,000 bualneaa per year;
solendld profits; a busluess opportunity
seldom offered. Can give terma. Thia la
your chance. 027 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE Rooming-house. 11 rooma, all
rented, furniture and carpets ail good,
low rent; no reasonable caah offer refused.
Call after 11 A. M. 314 Columbia at. .cor
ner oth.
CIGARS, confectionery and fruit store, clear
ing $150 monthly: one of the bet locations
in the city: will Invoice and guarantee s-it-lsfactlon.
Call room 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark.
'$2250 win buy you a good 20-room rooming
house, very centrally located: nice furniture,
good bedding and splendid furnishings other
wise: low rent, long lense; terma. 315 Ger
linger building. Portland. Or.
GROCERY STORE. $300O; another for
$2500; another for $20O0: one for $350.
Look at them. Might trade one for house
and lot. Call 313 Chamber Commerce.
PARTY to take whole or part Interest or
position ladles' tailoring. aliirtwatsta.
and gent'a shirts; good business and- lo
cation. Address Tallora, 125 10th at.
DRUG and confectionery atore; excellent
fixtures; 3 living rooms, with bath in
cluded; $26 int; very cheap at $1200;
half cash. 326 Lumber Exchange.
WE have a place for a man with $2500 to
$3.VW cash; a very rare opportunity: In
vest'gate at your earliest.' 511 Swrtland
FOR SALE 20 sharea of preferred United
Wireless Telegraph Company at $17 per
share, bearing 7 per cent interest. S 141,
TRANSFER and boarding stable: flrst-clasa'
horses and wagons, doing a good business:
fine location; large stable; long lease, at
cheap rent. V 152, Oregonian.
MAN with ability to manage established
real estate bliainess; must be desirable
man tn every way: aend phone numbssr
and particulars, N 169, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 6 good placer mining claims;
will take two or three good span of
work horses, wagons and hainesa; bal
ance cash. W. D. Moore. Medford. Ot.
PARTNER wanted for store; $400 required
and owner will guarantee you $5 a day; ex
perience not necresary; he prefera partner to
hired help. Call 24tUi Stark st.
WILL guarantee 7 par cent dividends on In
vestment of $5000 to $!0,ooo in, stock of
established business. N ion, Oregonian. '
FINE-PAYING butcher bualnaas in a thriv
ing little city. Apply at 548 Union ave.
RESTAURANT on Washington: neat place,
doing aplendld business. 511 Swetland
WANTED 3I0OO cash and services in office;
wages $75; good profit guaranteed; money
back In year. O 105, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Grocery store and delicatessen,
315 Third at., cash buslnesa, no delivery;
two can handle It.
A CONFECTIONERY and light grocery for
sale, low rent; fft50. Phone Woodlawn
CREAMERY for sals cheap if taken at
once; good location. Addreaa A V2. Ore
gonian. -
FOR SALE; First-class restaurant, opposite
depot: -all trains stop for lunch; easy terms.
Inquire Commercial Hotel, Centralia, W'ssh.
TWO rooming-houses on same lot. 18 rooms,
very central, well furnished; $1200. terms.
Will exchange. Hstfleld. lB5y 4th St.
FOR SALE Cash grocery, doing business of
$60 to $110 a day; cheap rent. M 105, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE A business clesrlng $26 to $30
weekly, for $600. 303 Commercial bldg.,
3d and Wash.
I CAN sell your business because I charge
no commission: see me.
WANTED Any kind of legitimate business
that will stand Investigation. H 105. Ore
gonian. We have safe investment for conservative
business man with $.10,000 that bears close
Investigation. 511 Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE Rooming-house, 20 rooms, new
ly furnished; Income $1M) a month; rent
$00 a month. Location 3O0 4th st.
ROOMING -HOURS, 22-room brick, only $15o0;
a money-maker. Webb, 380 East Washing
ton at.
BAKERT A-l. the best In Willamette Val
ley; fine business, stock, etc.; $750 cash.
Box 531, McMlnnville, Or.
CONFECTIONERY store, best buy for $425:
soda fountain. Ice cream tables, etc. 223
Lumber Exchange.
23-ROOM boarding-house for sale; factory
district; rent $30. R. Buetlkofer, 266
Salmon St.
FOR SALE A snap: livery stable, board
ing 30 horses, with wood yard connected,
$.130. S27 Board of Trade.
CONFECTIONERY Only $550. Another for
$450: another for $(t."0. If you want one
call 3 IS Chamber Commerce.
HOTEL for sale. 6 rooms: saloon; vary
cheap. Inquire S3 N. 5th St.
RESTAURANT cheap; sickness In family;
good for man and wife, luo Madison at.
WANTED A good restaurant, centrally lo
cated, ownere only. O lilll. Oregonian.
BARBER SHOP for sale, 3 chairs. 3 bath
tu'os. $375 Inquire 405 Washington at.
WANTED A small grocery, for cash, own
ers only. O 407, Oregonian.
FOR SALE by owner, one of the best saloons
In' the city; bo agents. H lt, Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 14 rooms, new furniture.
Make me an offer. A S5M.
$"50 Partner to show property; experience
ot necessary- btV d -t ro
WE wil. buy. aell or trade:
,Vi Alaska Pet. A Coil Treas.
1750 Alaska Pet. A. Coal Pooled.
3t4o Almeda Consolidated.
75ts American-Canadian Otl.
JO American Telegranhone. .
1000 Antloak Leather.
BOO Big Hill Coal.
6000 B. C. Amalgamated Cosl.
5000. Butts Boys.
3co0 Cascadla Mining A Development.
10.000 Commercial Mining (Rainbow).
25o Cnmstock Golden Gate.
2500 Fidelity Copper.
200 German-American Copper.
10.OO0 Mammoth.
2i0 Morning.
15oo National Coprer.
45iA Oreron Gold Mining.
5o00 Oreeon Coal (Scoti a Mills).
10 Portland Cc-jl A Development.
10 United Wireless (will ttanefer). .
1000 Gt. Western Exploration A Dredging;
5010 Portland Florence A Leasing Co.
We can give you prices on all telephone
bonds and all stocks offered on ths market.
Try us and see.
Chamber of Commerce.
MONEY secured, snUrprlsee Incorproated and
financed, realty, timber and large divldend
peylng bond and stock for sale, also ele
gant, home, close In. THIS NATIONAL
FINANCING CO., li Marquam bldg.,
Portland, Or,
A limited amount of 8 per ceht pre
ferred, and dividend participating stock,
ran be secured for a short time. In a flrst
claas. high-grade bituminous coal prop
erty, already developed; tributary to Port
land and Puget Sound markets, arid upon
railroad; ready for immediate operations.
Two hundred tons dally can be shipped
within 30 days. No speculation. Handsome
fcrortts assured. If you want to avail your
aclf of this excellent opportunity, see me
without delay.
311) chamber of Comrnercs.
$JO00 WILL buy principal Interest In high
class, long-established, profitable business;
Investor must assume active financial
management oi Institution: no technical
experience required: under proper manage
ment business can yield 50 per cent to 100
per cent next year; immense money-making
possibilities on the side;' Investor posi
tively must be good financier: highest re
quirements as to character and general
business sbillty; this Is a clean, staple
proposition, one that will reflect great
crerilt on whoever assumes management ;
particulars given In strict confidence.
Manchester A Wilson, W'ells-Fargo bldg-
One of the best paying and most com
pletely equipped confectionery and cigar
stores In this city: good corner location:
bona fids dally receipts average over $50:
reasonable rent and no better proposition
of Its kind In the oKy; price. Including
everything. $2700.
508-9 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th nnd Wash.
SAWMILL Complete; 6 Vj mlscs from
Mosler: capacity 10,000 per day; skid
road. log pond, slab flume; ready for use;
About 1.260. 000 feet standing timber,
mostly pine; $.000,000 feet more availnble;
cook houa?a, bunk houses and stables;
resdy for occupancy; bankruptcy aale;
must go: price $4560; terms can be ar
ranged on part. Call on or address H. E.
Waits, Trustee. Mosier. Or.
WANTED Druggist or doctor to take full
charge of corner drugstore; good Valley
town: one who con take half Interest and
assume management. Owner has other
business. No competition, flourishing
town, with two colleges: rich country sur-,
rounding. Splendid opening for either,
lit. Angel drugstore. Mt. Angel. Or.
MAN to handle Washington, Idaho. Alaska
and take charge of our goods at the loo!)
fair at Seattle. A ataple line and patent
novelties; can make $10,000 In the next
year. Must Invest $1000 to $2;(. as se
curity; no expetlence necessay. but must
have referencea. AC 150. Oregonian.
REAL estate business: owner has more work
than he can do alone-and wants steady,
sober partner to help show land, etc. : ex
perience not necessary and little money re
quired: wlU pav a man willing to rustle at
least $201) a month. Particulars, 24ftlfc Stark
ROOMING-HOUSE. 20 rooms, finest of fur
niture; all outside rooms: 3 years' lease:
house Is making $125 per month clear of
all expenses; ncaT 14th and Morrison; owner
must go East; come n ul -k . Gruesi &
Gantner. room 7 Canterbury bldg., 205'
Washington, cor. 3d.
WE can suit you In rooming houses: we
can suit you in location, we can suit you
In prive and terms; a few exceptional op
portunities listed with us this week: see
us about. It. Goldschmldt's Agency, busi
ness chance department, 253 Washing
ton, cor. 3d.
LAWSON'S National Stock may prove a
winner, but we have the goods right In
Oregon that will prove .equally profitable;
try us and see; large or small Investments
can be marie. Apply City Business Ex
change, 213 Commercial block.
GROCERY store, one of the best: doing $.K0
monthly; owner in hospital; will take resi
dence property; few others, smaller stocks.
East or West Bide. Ixiok up our propo
sition Business department, Goldschmldt's
Agency, 2."3, Washington st. '
FOR SALE Half Interest In book, station
ary, printing corporation to experienced
party; established 12 years; paid up capi
tal $15.(Vs; annual business IIU.iXKi: refer
ences; no agents. A. G. Thureton, Pasa
dena, Cal.
SMALL store, handling groceries, bakery
and dairy goods', tobaccos, confectionery.
Soft drinks, ice cream, etc. For sale at
Invoice, about $150; living-rooms in rear:
cheap rent; Icae; paying. E 130. Ore
gonian. SPECIAL Monday $1500 with services will
secure one-half Interest In merchandise busi
ness where owner with good iive partner can
clear $4o0 a month; bank references fur
nished and references required. .Call 248
' Stark st.
HOTEI Town of 2500 'people. Eastern
Washington, clearing big money; good
reasons for selling; price $2O00, $1000
cash will handle It: cheap rent. Call 209
Commonwealth bldg.
I HAVE a splendid opportunity for a bright
man to secure a Interest In an old,
reliable real estate firm; little cash re
quited. ' Particulars 607 Buchanan ldg..
;H0, Washington st.
CORPORATIONS. writs for particulars
about having your securltlts liste-1 on this
exchange: we find the buyers for you.
Newark Stock Exchange. 15 Bank St., New
ark, N. J.
CAPITAL FURNISHED (Industrial. manu
facturing, mining and railway stock an3
bond Issues) sold direct to lnvestots; com
mlceion basis. Samuel Graham A Co., sell
ing brokers, Montreal, Canacta.
START a mail order buplness; we furnish
evervthlng necessary: only few dollar re
quired; r.ew plan; success certain; costs
nothing to Investigate. Mllburn-Hlck. Chi
cago. '
REAL ESTATE broker wants reliable man as
partner; net profits of over $2i.0O0 an
nually; If you don't mean business, don't
-' apply W. Itwrence A Co.. 315 Lumber
Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark.
CALL Room 411 Couch bldg., and see what
. have to offer; $10 up to $1000 can he
safely Invested to net you at least 40 per
cent: laborers or bankera are equally wel
come. GENERAL store In prosperous town on N. P.
Ry. and navigable river; about $4000 stock:
best location In the town, and a good live
business; sales $1500 a month. Address
W 154. Oregonian. . (
COR SALE Cigar and confectionery store
In fine location; will sell at Invoice; sick
ness cause for selling. Call at 307 1st st
and Investigate. Bargain.
CASH grocery store In a good suburb, do
Ins a good business and getting better. No
competition; $1100 will handle It. H27 Cor
bett bldg.
FOR SALE Bakery, grocery, confectionery,
lunch room In conne.-tlon: good cash bus
iness In good town; no opposition In
bakery. R 137. Oregonian.
PARTNiCR with some cash and lots of get-
ud in Ice wood and lumber business; It
shows, for itself.' Call and see. Raswurm
A Co., Forest Grove, Or.
CIGAR fruit and confectionery' store, central
ly located, with esse; dlng a nice busi
ness will sel1 at Invoice on account of other
business. Inquire 185 4th, cor. Taylor.
SPECIAL grocery; owner has other Interests
and must sell quick and price is sacrificed
to $075: If you want a bargain, call t Mon
day. 248 H Stark st.
TAILORING business; best of trade and a
splendid location in Spokane: $2oO0 will
handle It. Lock Box 717. Seattle. Wash.
WANTED A rooming-house of from 20 to
W rooms. Q IQS, Oregonian.
r A nil sailing iiiimcumin.. .y
for Interest In exceedingly profitable business-;
splendid opportunity for party want
ing somsthlng new; no old chestnut: will
guarantee purchaser against loss. AB 1U2.
Immediately In . well established busl
nesa; must be right man; $30 weekly sal
ary to commence and third share of profits:
small capital required. Address today for
personal Interview. V 151. Oregonian.
WELL-ESTABLISHED cash business clesr
lng over 2oo per month; owner will sell
on easv terms. M. E. Lee. room 411 Cor
bett bt'dg.
North 3d St. If you want to get Into busl
nesa Investigate; real estate or cash.
Proposals Invites!.
IN the District Court cf the United Statea
for the district of Oregon. In the mat
ter of J. B. McFarland. bankrupt The
undersigned will receive sealed bids at
his office, room 8. No. T 1st at.. Port
land. Or. up to 12 o'clock noon of Sat
urday. August 22. 490S. for the following
. described real property, towit: Lota 1.
2 and 3 In Block 50. In Junction City.
Lane County. Or., together with the build
ings and improvements thereon. At the
same time and place bids will also be
received for the following described per
sonal property, towlt: A stock of mer
chandise conalstlng of hardware, lmpls
inenta and machinery of the lnventoiy
value of $88.63. together with a lot sf
blacksmith's tools and implements of tha
Inventory value- of $024.81. Cash or a
certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount offered must accomuany each
bid. and the right Is reserved to reject
any and all bids, and aald aale Is made
subject to connrn-atlon by the court. Bids
may be submitted for both aald real and
personal property or for each one separ
ately. The aald real, and personal prop
erty may be Inspected upon application
to A. J. Kaiser, at Junction City, Or.
R. L. Sabin, trustee.
Notice k hereby given that the under
signed as receiver of the Davles Electrical
Corporation, at 10 o'clock A. M. on tha
22d day of August, lo8. at 1110 South C
street. In the City of Tacoma. Wash., will
offer for sale at public auction. In bulk,
to the -highest bidder for cash, all of ths
stock of merchandise consisting of elec
trical supplies ar.,1 fixtures, good will and
assets of said business (exept accounts
'and bills receivable), the sale at once tu
be reported to the court for confirmation
or rejection. Complete Inventory and good
can be examined at 1115 South C streot.
F. S. BLATTNEK. Receiver.
Tacoma, Wwh,
NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Ore.
gon Railroad A Navigation Company will
be heid at the office of the company In
the Wells. Fargo building. Portland. Or..
Thursday. September 3. 1H0S. at the hour
of 12 o'clock M-. at which lime a board
of directors will be elected and such
other buslnesa transacted as may legally
come befors the meeting. W. W. Cottoa,
HARRIS, the tailor, formerly cor. 6th and
Alder, has removed to tha cor. of 5th
. snd Alder. . upstairs.
ARCHITECTS, contractora. engineers, gat
Pacific Builder A Eng'neer. 3i3 Ch. Com.
LOST In waiting-room of Bank of Califor
nia, about 14tla of last November, two
promissory notes for $1260 and $500 re
apectlvely; a reasonable reward will be
paid for the return of said notes to the
payee at 12 West ave., city. Phone Ta
bor 1624.
STOLEN from In front of Commercial Club
bldg., Columbia bicycle with new departure
coaster brake, black frame, leather toe
clips, eprlng eeat. Reward for Information
leading to Its recovery. Box V 165, care
of Oregonian.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned sime day. 228 Front.
VI a In 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory H Metxger
WILL the party that took purse from Turn
Hnlle Saturday return same to Turn Halle
office and receive reward? No questions
asked. .
LOST Lady's gold watch, either on 7th at.
or Washington: mone.gram H. T. P. on
back and S. H. on inside; reward If left
at 803 Gllsun st.
l.O HT In one of the lare drygoods stores,
a second-hand clarinet: reward and no ques
tions asked If returned to the Journal of
fice. LOST Bay horse, weight 11C0 lhsf; ring
bone on one hlhd foot. Notify
Hickman Co.. 287 1st at. Main 3121.
LOST Between Dolph and Cloverdale, gold
watch and elktooth charm; liberal reward
for return. Address box 2-1, Salem. Or.
FOUND Watch and fob. 84th and E. Mor
rison. Call 1010 Belmont or phone Tabor
212. -
LOST Black water spaniel, white foot and
white breast; scar on breast; reward. Rich
mond 221.
LOST On Macadam road. Friday evening,
bunch of k-vs. Finder please return to
202 Rothchlld bldg.
LOST Nugget bracelet, wrapped In paper.
Fridav afternoon at Oaks: finder rewarded;
return to M. Silverman. 3C6 Montgomery at.
LOST Brown coin purse containing- about
$40; person finding same will receive lib
eral reward by returning to 122 Stanton- at.
LOST White bull terrier (Tog. six months
old. Finder return to 150 East 17th St.. or
call up East 5127.' " '
LOST 5x4 Eastman camera on Twenty-third-street
car Friday afternoon. Return
$1$ Oregonian bldg., and receive reward.
LOST Buckskin bag. containing .$H3 In gold;
return 120 East 14th. Phone B 1017; re
ceive reward.,
LOST All white fox-terrier male pup; re
ward. Pacific 1191.
LOST White bull terrier dog: one brindle
ear; reward". 207 San Rafael st.
LOST Old collection book. Kindly phone
Bast 424.
FOUND Jersey milch cow with bell. Phone
Tabor 1:2V
LOST A Multnomah belt rln. Return to
840 Washington st. ; reward.
Mosey to Loan.
TO LOAN $3500 on good security at 7 per
, F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison Street.
MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums
from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co.,
248 Alder at
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate
mortgage; no commission. F 165, Ore
gonian. ,
1 AM loaning money on good Portland city
property for 0 and 7 per cent Interest. L
I'll. Oregonian.
MONEY to loan on timber claims, city,
farm property; private party. F 16.
TO LOAN $7(100 or less. Improved West
Side property. 8304 Mill St. Phone Main
322(1 L
MAKE me best offer Portland and Omaha
Home Telephone bonds, with and without
stock. B 159. Oregonian
MONEY to loan In sums to suit. Miller. 4.10
Worcester bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or cbattsl. Ths
Loxn Co.. 4in Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on good city property at S
to 7 per cent Interest. 3o5 Ger.lnger bldg.
State funds loaned, 6 per cent W. E. Thorn
a. state agt Multnomah Co. 400 C. of C.
MONEY loannt on all kinds of security. 40S
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg.
$500 TO loan on good city real estate. Peder
een. 410 Vancouver ave.
$7000 AT 8 P'
Corbett bldi
er cent. Frank E. Smith A Co.,
MONTY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracta. W Tt. Nunn. 44i Sherlock bldg.
I HAVE 1200 to loan on good security. G
157. Oregonian.
$500 on real estate security.
J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce.
MONEY to loan on first real estate mort
gages. R. Buetlkofer. 205 Salmon St.
MONEY to loan on real estate. Gruber, 828
Board of Trade building.
$3000. $40j TO lend on Teal estate. 7 per
cent. 0i Commercial b'df. Main. 2959.
Mower to Loan.
rt 1 1 1 n t n t siiij
402 Rothchlld bldg.. car 4th and Waan.
The rssognlxed bank of the "
earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, .machinist,
engineer or emnloye can obtain moas 01
us on his note without security-
$15 return to us $4 a mo
$10 Return to us -- J J
$50 Return to us $13.i3 a Mo.
Conlldentlal; no unpleasant inquiries.
Special rales on pianos, furniture, ste.
PARTIES having municipal or school dis
trict bonds and wishing to dispose of
same, please call oa or write to
313 W ashington St.,
Lafayette Building. Portland.
Money loaned on salary or chattel mort
gage; buslnsss confidential. v,
Mo. Semi -Mo. Wkiy.
$75 return
$30 return
$30 return
$15 return
it 0"
120.00 $10 00
liar, .a
a. 00 '-o
4,00 2 00
20U McKAY BLDG.. cm. Hd and Stark apt
8ALARY and mortgage loans to salaried
employes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware
house Receipts. Horses. Insurance pollcls
and all kinds of securities.
403 Swetland Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own names without se
curity, cheapest rales, easiest payments;
oitlcee In 00 principal cltle; save your
self money by getting my terms first.
TOLiAN. 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg
MONlil' .eaned ub taiarics; m. other security,
my system is best for railroad uien. clerks,
bookkeepers, etieetcar empires and otnsrs,
busluess confidential. K A. Noe-ion. n
Buchanan blog.. 2iiil 'A asmr.). n st.
LOANS made quickly and privately on
salaries, pianos and furniture. Insurance
policies; purchase contracts, dia.nonu
and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 312 Gerlinger bd
I BUY Oregon Trust, Title Ouarantee. Mer
chants' German-American accounts, tele
pnone bonds, etc. Thos. Mcl'iuxer, 203
' Couch bldg. Main 7048.
1 CAN make several small leans at S per
cent for three years on beat of real estate
. security, situated lu 'the suburbs. 021
Corbett bldg. Main el4J.
WB pay the highest cash price for Oregon
Trust accounts cr German-American certifi
cates, we will sell your telephone bonus.
Ihe E. L r'raley Co.. 41S Cham of Com.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable Interest for lmg or shr-r:
time. A. A M. E'elovage, Jemeiei-a. 201)
Washington st.
1100,000 to loan In rums of $1000 or mors
to suit. 6 to 7 per cent on Impreved realty.
M. G Griffin. 20 1 Stark, opp. Ciiam. of C
LOANS on real estate, crattels er personal
security W. A Hathaway. 10 Washing
ton bid Pacific 1832
$100,000 to loan In aums of $1000 or more
on Improved property.
Cady A Selpi.
$22 Mohawk bldg.
TELEPHONE bonds and Title and Oregon
accounts bcujrr.t at highest market price.
Colin Bros.. lo 1st st.
MONEY to loan on improved city property;
reasonable interest. Coast Commercial Co.,
tv4 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywber
and any sum: $100 and up: see us.
Vaughn A Burt. 402 Corbett bldg
CASH TO LOAN Reaaonable terms, prompt
service. Henry C. Prudhcmme, :lo Cham,
of Com. Insurance and Real estate.
Loans Wanted.
MONEY WANTED I can loan your money
for you on first-class security at good In
terest rates Henry C. Prudhomme, :toit
Chamber of Commerce. Insurance and
WANTED Loan of $500 for 3 years. 7 per
cent on an improved corner lot. 2 blocks
from L carline. No commission. A 157.
WTE WANT money to assist In placing prac
tical labor-saving. money-making ma
chinery on the market. Models, etc., shown
at 3211 Marquam bldg.
$T0 To build modern 0-room house in good
residence district, block given as se
curity; no agents. B -ltlS, Oregonian.
WANTED $3O0O for 3 years at S ier cent
Interest on Portland city property. L Ills,
$7(0 WANTED on Improved property worth
$25(.o; 7 per cent( interest. li lyl, Ore
gonian. WANTED $25oo for term of years, security
2Nll-acre farm. I. . U. Davidson. ol'J
Chamber of Commerce.
WILL sell $10.01-0 worth of contracts, paying
let per cent interest; principle guaranteeo.
Main 851(2.
LOA N wanted $700 wanted
deeded timber worth $-50O.
on lIO acres
K 107, Ore-
LOAN WANTED $2000 on close-in resi
dence property, 7 per cent.G 130. Ore
gonian. WANT twelve hundred dollars. 3 years; best
real estates security: no agents. L lt,
Oregonian. ,
WANTED A loan "f Jooo to build apartment-house
in Seattle; will pay ulg inter
est. AE 100, Oreconlnn.
WANTED A loan of $l:H on real estate
security; 3 years at h per cent. B21 Cor
bett bldg. Main 8i43
FOR a loan of $501' positively eecured. I
will rruarantee .1000. Let me exolaln It
to you. P 152. Oregonian.
LOANS wanted, 10 pei cent per annum,
semi-annually; real estate security. AD
15o. Oregonian.
LOAN from private party on Improved city
property; gilt-edge; no agents. Y 152,
LOAN wanted on valuable newly Improved
property: private party preferred. Arm
strong. 233 Worcester bldg.
WANTED $1000. per cent. 3 years, on
real estate. Address P 1511, Oregonian.
$i)O0. 3 years. 7 per cent, first mortgage,
on - $5000 property.. R 151. Orjgonian.
W ANTED To borrow money on good se
curity. AD l'A Oregonian.
WANTED$tO() fur one year. S per cent,
$1000 security. G 107. Oregonian.
WANTED Money to loan on real estate.
Uruher, r2li Board of Trade bldg.
LADIES Whatever yoUr ailment, call on
Dr Ketchum. graduate; advice free
170Vj 8d st Main H770
LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens Nerrs
Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eysseil s Phar
macy. ,227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 24.
FOR electric massage shampooing, scalp
- treatments, call up Seilwuud llf8: will
call at your residence.
GERMAN French. Spanish and other for
eign textbooks and literature a specialty.
A. W. Schmale Co.. 221) 1st st
LADIES Whatever ycur ailment, tall on
jjr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free.
170V 3d St. Phune Main 8770.
Mme. Ceurtwrighi. skin and acaip treat
ments; facial deformities corrected; plastl.
aurgery. 225 Flleduer bids. M. 5.U2. A 2o6.
LADY 45, w-orth $30,000, would marry;
strictly confidential. B, Box 35, Oorr.
League Toledo. Ohio.
UTOLBS wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mra. M. D. Hill. 31a) Fliedner bldg. M 3473.
PUS ATWOOD; private hospital; maternlty
cases; good' care; terms right. Ad. Allsky b
LUCKY number 30 please call at 230 Wash
ington st. for pillow. . .
BALM OF- riQB for all female dlssssea 44
East 13th st. North. Phope tt 4014.
HAIRDRESSING. face-steaming, scalp treat
ment, by lady from Vienna. 25c. Main t'Mt.
DON'T forget the number. 12 N. 4th St., near
Bumslde, Lady barber shop.
Dermatology. Electrolysis, Body Massage,
Chiropody. Face Bleaching. Electricity,
Bust. Developing, the French Mask, etc.
Opportunity la said to knock but once. This
may be your chance to rise from a hum
drum "dol!ar-a-diy" existence to a position
where your talents, properly trained, will
receive recognition and reward.
Call today for our special low Summer
rates. Dav and evening classes. This ia
the only school of Its kind this side uf
New York.
14 11th St., bet. Alder and Morrison.
If you have any acute r chronic dis
ease, or run-dowa condition or nervous
trouble, we can cure you. even though
others have given you up.
See ua. We have special departments
for the treatment of men, also for tha
treatment of diseases of women, with a
lady specialist In charge.
Also for the eye, ear, nose and throat.
Including the proper fitting of glasses, and
a special treatment fur catarrh and skla
Each department Is In charge of a
specialist who understands the work.
Consultation free.
508 Merchants Trust Bldg., 0th and Wash.
Now la the time' to have your fura re
modclad and repaired Redylng and
blending skillfully done. All work
, stored free of charge Remember, you
will save money by ordering your new
furs NOW. Call and select the skins.
Latest styles on baud and perfect nt
guaranteed. Will call at residence and
give estimate. A 5472. A. Kclner. 5o3
Washington st. Practical fuirier. desiguar
- and expert fitter.
POKTLAND business man. age 40. honor
able, pro&peruus, generous, but too busy
to mingie sociail.v. laKi-s tnls me-ins uf
meeting sincere. cnruuan tiii.s or witlow
stKiut ,.'; renned ana pieponessuuj. wlta
Sfliicinu nieuiis to co-oei'ate In extend
ing net hu-wunJ's business and etauli.-n-1114
coniLUit4uo home. Answer to be
tieaLed ill st.'ict conlulencc. Ouject mitl'l
mon. Adaress Ji4. oregouian.
The! IrLti.NL'UE ftANlTAKJUM, located at
,104 Montgomery st. All mentaj and nerv
ous disea.-es treated; tne woisKy, mor
puins, opium and cocaine habita cured in
s hour; we guarantee no pain or suffer
ing; no mone until cured aud thorougQi
faiistied. call and investigate our meuiod
of it-eatment, the tunoameutal principle of
which is the destruction of that craving
which prompts the desire tor live drug or
stimulant. rbuDe A 3u2D.
.and all Inipeicections of the acaip. Hair
and xace lc-muv-ea busts cieveii-peu. sup
erfluous hair removed uy lae latest
French metnod; an the rage in 1'arla; no
electi'iclt) ; laces Dlettc-neu. booklet tree.
PKOS'tsSoil --iii ft! AUAatE S-AHCOl'l,
Fluaal illbtituce,
148 11th St., bee Auier and Murrison.
MARRIAGEABLE ladles and gentlemen, all
ages, correwpoiiuisnui ; u.auy wealthy;
u..y livo alone .' oenu us only (Sl.ver or
stumps; tur 35 complete names and au
aiescts ot eltber sex, so you can wnte ul
rcct without turiher chaises; your money
reiunaeo, if die.-atisiled. ijuurunlee Bureau,
uux ojl BA.. -ortianu. Or.
blood pekran, atquliel or hereditary, scrof-
eczi-ii.u, rneuinallstn anu a, I diseases
4tie resu.t A impure ur impoverisneu blood
cui-eu without fiieicury or puiasi.. unuer a
pcieitive guarantee; col reponuelice connnen
lial. C'uiilii.entttl aieillc-ine Co., 4il) Pan
ama blug., bt- Louj.', Mo.
WAN I ED VA omen of marriageable aire to
correspond wuu rcs.aenta of Westeru
tnau with view to itiaLrimui.y; no ice.
'1 raiispui-tation furnished U corres-ponu-ence lavurniily. duress ,-ec. ,-tary
Western Development League, Vancouver,
x. c.
SU1TS piecseu wtiiie you wait. Ic.. To view
ers of Portland hotels and to public at large:
buue plesfce.. at oc a. 'ji.uciv. ,ue iaii. ,
(Hi (Jtn St., next to the Oxtord Hoie.. Ladies'
skills ptesseu, 5oc. l-eateis anu ocas
Cleaned anei cur.ed. Phone Ms. in satil.
MME. A. A. Ll'CKiV,
Psycho-majtnetlc and autuesllve thera
peutics; a lull line uf electrical appliances,
newest tnil most Improved eleclricui
blanket. A. I diseases successfully treated.
Room 311. 350 ; Moirisun si. Muln 2U11.
AKDi&H trained nurse. Helslngfora gradu
ate, cui'ea i'..euoia.'.:siii. iluiu-ca tiuuules
and nervous disorders by nuad rubuiug.
steam sweat and tub baths; both sexe.
1 Kast lllli bi., unw door trom East Ah
keuy car ehones East 2uO. Hume taUJ.
CONFIDENTIAL Corresponding Club. for
honest, aouer, single p.-opie, luliy 01 age;
nne local list caiefuny stiecleu. tali or
audress .alra. H. C- v-vilbui. ii3 aJast 12tn
st., Let. vvasn.ntton and Stark. Mount
'labor or sunnMue car.
tOi, can't wurk wueD uu 4on't sieep
well; falmu 'tablet uiaks you sieep and
give vuu steady nerves; juc a box. d
boxes '$2.50 Ali d!Ut,idLS. ur addruss ths
J. A cieruenaoii Dtuic Co.. Portland.
a.ADIES Ask your oruggis; lor Crilnesiora
Dlamuna tiraud P11U. Sur 23 years knowa
as tno best, aaieet. llellab e. laaa uo utbsr.
Clncr.estere Diamond liiaad PUis ana sold
by druggists evecy where.
MARRIAGE paper, hlgrnist character; Incor
pf -rated; 12ili year; 4ouu meiiioeis-; paper
a, -a leu; uend loc. R. E. Love. Box lucio,
ue-nver, Colu.
I1AKTMAN Detective Agency. No. 503. 4. 5
Swetland bidg.. one ut the best uiganiaea
agencies on the pacific Cons: lu get results.
Evidence tui-nlshed by this oaice Is re
liable end we guuranlce same.
YOU MA V HAVF. .perreci nerves by using
twxin Pills. $1 a Dux. 41 for $5, full guar
antee. Audi ess or call Ihe J. A. Cl-m-eson
Drug Co., cur. 2d anu Yamhill u..
Portland, or.
A GENTLEMAN of good address, stranger in
the city, would be pieasea lu meet a lady
of retinetnint; corresLunuence cuuliuenliai,
object matrimony; no agency neeu tep.y. V
153, Otegunlan.
WANTED Bright young lady with $1000
cash. Thla te one ot too best en-r ottered
fur the money. Koum 320, swetland uidg.
W HEIliSALOLTS of Jos M. Kohlman, or
n.a biuiner-in-law. Mr. olumeutnul. Aa
uiess aufcnon Samueu, 1104 West 14th St.,
Oakland. Lai.
PATlE.MTrt wanted for maternity home, best
care, leiina leaaunabw; no ubjecliun to una
email clulu. 32o- lirunu ave. is. pnoue t.
LKLaa "nuiu lit lent, an ,e. .oai.t
- keeps jour clothes cleaned, piesaeu. bullous
sewed un. rips sewed. Prumpl and de
liverer. Cllwue lai.uling -u.. biark.
Hit" SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Hoot Puis, sure remedy for de.aycd pcriuus.
$2 ptr box ur 3 boxes for $3. T. J. Pierce,
5i2 tierlinger blug., cur. 2u and Alder.
PRIVATE detective, ten years' experience In
shadowing; ulvorce and criminal work; will
accept case at one-ha.f agency rales. Ad
dress C 15S, Oregonian.
PERSONS of nis.-rlagesbia sge, either sex. de
siring acquaintance or companion, send loc
for circular. Portland Introducing liureau,
613 Leiilnger blcg.. cor. 2o and Alder
DON'T BE LONESOME .Join the only re
liable marriage bureau in the world. Send
10 cents for the August papoi. Box 231.
Seattle, Wash.
A of-jet hums for nervous and mild mental
cssef. with experienced nurse. E 140.
. ouiET home for nervous and mild mental
cases, with experienced nurse. E 14(1, ore
gonian. BUSINESS man of means wishes to cor
respond with honest working girl; objuct
matrimony. L 167, Oregonian.
MECHANIC would like to meet young lady
under 110, object matrimony. C lUb, Ore
gonian. H KK1 N (III man of $3 would like to meet a
refined young lady or widow; object mat
rimony. N 159. Oregonian.
MRS OBROCK Masseuse, bcths. salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream massage; referenoes
2S2V, Park Main 24Q3; A 2734.
PACIFIC Introducing Club lor loneiy. aingis
people: circular loc 22ul last st.
PILES cured without operation by a well
.stablished physician. Box 300. city.
Accerrdion Plaiting.
MIS O GOULD. 333 Morrison, cor 7th Ac
cordion and knife plaiting and pinking.
E H COIeLlS. 324 Worcester block, publla
accountant and eatate agent. Auuiiiug.
lUYcsUgaLing. systejiiallsuiii , psiuiacacut
keeping wl i,ooks sua recuius a sJialty,
Architects aud xtululesra.
SEE Johnson about bungalows 204 Mo
hawk uiug. A 4J21.
Assurers and Anuiyats.
Wells A Proehstel. mining engineers, chera
lats and er. 24 v, aaiugtoa.
PAUL BAL'MEL. assayor and analyst- Uoi4
dust butil. 2Ue Aluer st.
anu oi-ieuiJ i.rk. 1 JJurrlMcin- st.
ilicyule ana lcU iteperiug,
SHAW MllVHtiLL lilcycie. gasoline, en
gine and slecli'icai renali'll. -2i ftlfrk st-
toul and WouU.
YAMATO WOUPl'AKU wuolesale and re
tall. The t-el 111- wiud lor Vv inlui- sup
pi), 10 ui io.oO. IW utn aud aiaiu,
cut s. a. u leui.
WM. DEVENY and x.eieu Devotiy, tha
umy ecitnunc cuii-upo-n-ris in lue city. P-r-Icis
3ui jei!in,ei u.u.. a. W. cor. 2d and
Aiaer. i'liuiie .kiuiu 140I.
Chiropody ana Pedicuring. Mre. M. D. Hill,
room Flleclner bldg. Phone Alain 4.3. .
YOUNG LADY chiropodist, manicurist, 8 an .
u ttaleigh bldg., out and VA asulnalun .
iDUiiui-aua Mercuajua,
TAVLOK, YoU-Nti A CO., snip bioaers, eotae
jnuwiua mexuuaula, Sherlock bid-., Portlaaow ;
Dug and Horse Hospital. '.
DK. C. al Brown. D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog. ;
dors nospital. 113 N; tftn. Union iransco
FIRST -CLASS dressmaking at lowest prloexv
jars. Aiifc'es, 24J ith anU jaain.
ENGINEERING Civil, e.ectncal, mechanic-,
ai. sure, aat-ay, oaniue; establlsued 16U4. 1
an ucr .Nau.wu aenwui, wist auu Xsie
giaph, uaaiauu, CaJ,
WA.M't-D uelinquelit pupila to cuacb up W '
e.gniu hia.n. f a,. ,lurk St.
1 ecu scores.
E. L COOPER A CO.. bay. grain, feett. 12t
Lnlou ave. b.aat 151i. A4 1J17.
GueejlXae engines.
Statlonsry. airiue. electric equipments,
launciibs, accet-brles, wholesale, retail
ensiiie repairing i-ie.ersuu Machinery Co.,
H antes avoa fraddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale sad
dle and aarneas mnfri bU-6ei 1st. Alula 2-'-)
Juuli. Hides anu Prlta.
L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,,
wool. lurs. taliow. CK1 rubbers, auetals and
sacks 312 Front si.
launches ant 1 scats.
FOR charter and sale marine hardware,
gatoune engluen. llt-ca, 171 Alauisoiu
Lcalilvr sue' 1- luuiligs.
tabushed louS. Leatnar sua naains'i
Stockton sole leather al:a cut stuck; tu.1
line ii! ae tec a Jumbo let Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather
Ul cVtl ) UMSCl llyll-'U ISC, L.I11 . Ul,lliaka
ICE machines. .Comp.r.e inMailatiuns. Aral
strung Machinery Co.. Spokane. Wash.
TO MEN The only aclentiflc vacuum ap
paratus is inauutacturtd uy Erie Medi al
(.0., Dept. r.E, utlaiu. N. 1., vvnu uiaua
it known tlirougauut the worid; fur
nished, tugetber witli important acces
sory ireul.ucill, on appro, al and easy
terms. Write company for Uoscrlptiva
mailer, mailed In pluin sealed envelope.
R. J. JENNINGS, minea and mining 501-4
Gerlinger bldg.
E11IL TH1ELHOKN. violin teacher, pupil ol
Sevcik A 411)0 Pine 3.14 Fan. 2i).
ihiteoputhie Phvalclana.
415-1(1-17 Dekum DlOg .
Third and Washington Sta
Phone, uftlcv.. Mala 34
Residence, E. 102s.
Paints. OUs aad Class.
RASMUKSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor4
F. E. Beach A Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co.
Window class and glaring l:5 1st. M. 1334.
Patent anl 1'cuskon Atrorncya.
This book tells all about PATENTS and
how to obtain them. Explain tne cisst of a
I'ATtINT and our methods uf buelneew. il
lustrates lou mechanical movements and
contains portraits of all the famous Ameri
can Inventors, liook mailed FREE to any
addresi'. O'Meara A lliock. patent attor
neys. 1)18 y .. Washington. D. C.
K. C. WRIGHT, domes'.lc and foreign p st
atu a ; Infringement cases. t04 Lekuro.
PATENTS, trade-marks, copyrights. A. J.
Matter, 411 Conunuiivvealtil bldg. ,
J. J. HlltSHHElMLK, ptn:slon and paten
attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
Pasture for hurses. cows. "Kelly Homestead
r'arm," Kelly Butte, payable monthly.
Photo Engraven.
PERFECT printing plates Hlcks-Cbattsa)
Engraving Co.. corner 2d and Aider sta
It libber tttanitia.
ALSO trade checks and all effice ffoods. P.
D. C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phunes 140.
The Urgent sign-makers in the North
west. 5th snd Everett sts. Phune Private
Exchange 35. Horns A 1135.
vis. tlO 3d st. Bargains In 2d-hand safes.
THE MOSLEIt SAFE CO . I0S 2d st Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes
bbovscase. Hunk and More plxturea.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,
cabinets, store and ufllce fixtures. 2b Couch
st. Mala 2IQ3.
8turage and Transfer.
C o" PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offtea
'and commodious four-etory brick ware
house, with separate Iron rooms snd fire
proof vauils lor valuables. N. W. comer of
2d end Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved
and packed for shipping. Main 5utl, A lMUO.
General transferring and sturagc. safes
clanos and furniture moved and packed
for shipment 20t Oak St.. bet Front and
1st Telephone Main 547 or A 2247 .
direct I'uiiiig.
WAKKKN Construction Co. street paving,
sidewalks and crossings 314 Lumber Ex.
Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, sil
makes repaired, sold and rented, alss
s ate agents the Visible Fox- The Type
writer Exchange. 84 3d st Main ilOtt
SPECIAL prices, all makes rented sold, re
paired. P D C Co.. 2111 Sta-k Main I40T.
JUST ARRIVED A new stork of goO'ln from
the East; ali customers are invited. tt .
Baron. 1714 Van Ness ave.. San rrancleco.
Wholesale Jobbers.
wiimiMfi A CO. wholesale grocers, mat
itfa "urers. commission merchants 4ta
lid Oak