TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 16, 190S. 8 FOB RENT. Rooms With Board. BLAKELY HALU 300 Jefferson, on of the nicest private boarding-houses in cl t large, airy roomi. running wa ter; brau tfful grounds. n:.ely located tor tourist, transient or permanent guest, a oat.v WANTED Tounr lady to share room with young ladv, nb e home, no other boarders. a month, reasonable amount of wash ing on carllne. references exchanged Phone East lG'JO. THE COLOMAU corner th and Morrison. 3 blocks meat or Portland Hotel; spec.al Summer rates; large, airy rooms, with good board, by wek or month. YOl'NO man. If you ant flist-claea room and board, for 5.au ana so pr w7; all conveniences. god home rook i nr. at the Aster House. 7th and Madison. A VERY" pleasant room, nicely furnished; running watw, use of phone and bath; close In: board if desired. 410 2d st. Pa cific 1554. NICELY furnished rooms, first class table board, strlctlv home cooking, modern. $0 week; easy walking distance. The Un dell, 26.1 Market. FURNISHFD front and side room, with hoard; private family. Phone A 3ti22. 828 6th st. FURNISHED rooms with board. Ths Osark, 225 lUa it Apartments. MADISON PAKK APARTMENTS. Park and Mad son sf a Elegant residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience. Including automatic levator, tele phone exchange; the maximum of con venience, elegance and equipment; loca tion and surroundings unsurimed. TUB WALLOWA apartments. lSft-HM West Park. newly furnished housekeeping rooms, efngle or n suite; also furnished rooms, fca stoves. hot water, phone, strictly modern, centrally located. 3 blocks from P. O. Prices reasonable. Phone A J872. SEATTLE. THB WALDORF Fireproof apart ments, finest building In Northwest le vators, steam heat, janitor service; send frr booklet. The Waldorf. 7th ava. and Pike st I IONIAN COURT Elegant 5 and 4-mom resl- nnoe apartment each having private ves tibule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold wafr, as range. refrigerator. window shade and screens, telephone and Janitor service. Apply Janitor. 18th and Couch. ROOSEVF-LT APARTMENTS. CAS Kearney, near 21st Handsome colonial steam heated building. Just completed; 5-room apartments. possessing modern conven iences; splendid location; reasonable rent. W. L. Morgan, 322 Fa King bldg. t THB LUXOR APARTMENTS. 13th and Clay sts. Unfurnished three and four-room apartments; private baths, hot water, free phones, lanltor service; rents reasonable. Under new management. ! COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co lumbia, elegant 4-room residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. THE SHEFFI FLD Unfurnished 4-room apartment with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; rent rea sonable and location saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, Seventh and Jefferson st. CINCINNATI COURT, 10th and Harrison; 4 and 6-roora apartments, all conveni ences; also elegantly furnished apart ments for Bale. See janitor. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-roora apartment with hath and all modern conveniences, including telephone, gas and electric light, without further cost. H 113, Ore gonlan. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts.. unfur nished 4-room apartments, new. mod ern; verandas: location first-class; rent reasonable; references. Apply to janitor. ELF5HANTLT furnished 4-room apartment, w Kh all conveniences, large yard, walk ing distance, at 111 North 21st, near Gil san; adults. . 4 I OR DAUNT Apartments, 18th and Everett sts., elegant , 4-room apartments; steam heat. Janitor service, excellent location, reasonable rent, walking distance. NEWLY furnished 5-room apartment for rent indefinitely. The Mnrdaunt. corner 18th and Everett. Phone Main 5107. $2.75 FRONT room, suitable for 2; every thing modern; use of kitchen If desired. 232 Mill. WELLINGTON FLATS $37.50; 6-room mod ern, steam-heated! 525 Everett, near 15th. Apply W. L. Morgan, 322 Failing bldg. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia.. 'The Bralntree." Flat. STRICTLY modern upper and lower 5-room flats, clo$e In, good view and light, M .idea, gas and electric light, tinted waits. 2'tl and 2-'k? Knott. Apply 235 Knott. $20 and $21. CENTRALLY located flat; rooms light, cheerful, modern ; have veranda; beauti fully furnished; adults; reasonable. 3004 5th at. LOOKING for a flat? We can please you. Two dandles on Hoyt st. No conveniences forgotten, and lots of "kinks' to make them attractive. Woodward. 304 2d st. WANTED First tenant for new, 5 mom, modern flat, South Portland. Fine view river, mountains, $25. Phone Mam 3060. TWO 5-room, new modern flats. 464 Hall St., near 1.1th, large veranda, tine view. J. F. O'Donnell, 37 1 East Morrison st. Phones, East 140. B 2520. MODERN flat of 5 room, centrally located. West Ride. Nob Hill district, janitor, team heat. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Swetland bldg. . 4-ROOM flat, 2234 Russell st., opposite P. O.. rent $16 per month. J. F. O'Donnell, . 371 East Morrison st. Phone East 140, B 2520. CENTRALLY located flat; rooms light, cheerful, modern; have veranda: beauti fully furnished; adults; reasonable. 80WV 5th st. COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room flat. East Portland Heights, junction '2 carllnes; very desirable, phone Sell wood 2S9. ' MODERN flats, all sixes, for rent. East and West Sid as, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 6. K. cor. lid and Oak- Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT New ft-room flat, upstairs; a tior.ary range, gas stove, gas, eledrio Mrhta. 61 E. 6th at. North. East 5452, C 160. MODERN 6-room flat, furnace, fireplace, porcelain bath set tub. veranda, shades; reasonable. Main 2100. . MODERN, new 5-room flat. East Side, con venient to cars. Inquire 53 3d st. Alain 9229. 3-ROOM modern flat, 621 Overton at., rent reasonable. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 5-room strictly modem flat at 4aife 12th st.; rent reasonable. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT New, very desirable 4-room fists on carline. third block north of Steel bridge. Phone Main 4001. FOR RENT 8-room strictly modern flat, walking distance. M. H. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. 5-ROOM upper flat, desirable location, walk ing distance. Call 266 14th at., near Jef ferson. 17TH and Everett. 6-roora flat; all outside rooms: newly tinted ; nice lawn. Call Monday. NEW. attractive 5-room flat, all modern convenience?, fireplace, fine location, close in. Phone East 610. MODERN 5-room fiat, steel and gas ranges, window shades, cement floors. 2091 Hal sey. FLAT of 5 rooms and bath fJSOSa Northrup, near 19th sc.; rent $15. C. H. Korell, 251 Washington. MODERN 4 and 6-room flac reasonable, near 23d and Washington, Call fore noon, pacific 1245. MODERN 5-room lower flat, beat location, close la. Park and Harrison ata Inquire 22 1st. ELEGANT 7-room, fin location. Phone Mon day after 8 o'clock, A or Main 3215. , 4-ROOM modem flat for owner, 628 William ave. at. Inquire 2HG 1GTH, 5-room modern flat, $18. W. L. Morgan. 322 Falling bldg. LA ROE, modern flat, heat, hot water. Jan itor service:. 715 Johnson. A IftTSL FLAT, five large rooms and bath. 614 E. 21at at- W.-W. or W.-R. car. TWO new. modern Tata, 604-6 East Alder at. Inquire 3U6 Taylor st. Main 6635 FOR RENT. Flats. FLATS. WEST SIDE. 4 rooms, Northrup t.t ?-". 6 rooms, Johnon St., $3u. 8 rooms. K ea r n ey st . " 5 rooms. Hall st., $25.50. 6 rooms, VWh st., s. EAST SIDE. 4 rooms. Larrabee st., $2. 4 rooms, larrabee St.. $25. 4 rooms, Gantenbeln. $15. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 8. E. corner Third and Oak sts. 11 cms keeping- Rooms. TWO large connecting furnished housekeep ing rooms, rront. Mna.' water, wor.a ana gas stoves; two double beds; no cnildren. 4NH- Everett. FIRST floor front suite, nicely furnished for light housekeeping; reasonable. 5h7 Wash ington. Pacific 2001. st 13TH Housekeeping suites; also single room, with gas plate; modern conveniences; no children. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, suit able for two, $S per month; Sell wood car; 64 Karl. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, brick building, central, rates reasonable. 342 i 1st st. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, all mod ern conveniences. 370 7th at. Inquire 335 Montgomery. SUITE, two rooma, well furnished, gas range and lights, phone, bath, $3 week, 602 ra Thurman. 4C8 TA YLOR ST. Three nicely furnished housekeeping room, first tloor; modern conveniences. 886 CORBETT ST., 3 nicely furnished house keeping rooms, gas. Take S car south; no children wanted. I OR 4 clean, neatly furnished modern housekeeping rooms; no children; -reference. 36s 13th at. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; yard and porches, easy walking distance ; no children. 533 Yamhill. TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms, attic, basement, yard, porch, no children. 681, 6th St. A 4538. TWO comfortable rooms light housekeeping, beautiful lawn, view, gas, bath, phone, rea sonable. 613 Yamhill. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor; also single housekeeping, up stairs. 450 Yamhill. 206 6TH 8T. Two neatly furnished house keeping rooms ; gas, bath, phone. Bot. Columbia and Clay. TWO or three nicely furnished rooma for housekeeping; walking instance. ii itn. Main 32i5. TWO room, furnished complete for house keeping, in private residence, ooi K.. wiist st. South. 487 TAYLOR, near 14th St.. very desirable housekeeping suites, furnace heat and other modern conveniences. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms (front); bath, gaa and plume; moderate rent. 348 Clay. THB SANGERT, "Washington and Trinity, between 19th and 20th, choice housekeep ing suites, private bath. SUITE completely furnished gas range, laundry basement. 146 N. 16th; walking distance. Phone Main 5173. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gaa stove ana pnone; fix.w per montn, 605 Water. TWO furnished rocms. ground floor, yard. with fence. 1J 12th st.. near Washing ton st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished com plete. 421 7th st.; gaa range, phone, bath; no children. XdGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished, gas plate, electricity; pnone, nam, tree. i'ac. 455. 2o7 Sherman. $12 PER MONTH Light housekeeping suite, first floor, private residence, gas, bath, phone. 2S6 12th st. THREW connecting ulrninhed or unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 6tl Irving, cor. 17th. Main 3424. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $10. front room, board if desired. 47 J Last Burnside. TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms. light, airy; very desirable; gas, bath, phone. 3h7 llth THE MILNER. 3:0H Morrison, cor. Park Modern apartments, furnished or unfur nished. 704 Glisan Furnished, unfurnished, large. light bay alcove sitting-room; closet, bal cony; kitchen, gas; $16. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in home; modern conveniences; reasonable rent. Phone East 2570. PARLOR bedroom, one or three girls, with breakfast or light housekeeping; modern honte. 8 East 6th at. N. 322 14TH ST.. large front furnished alcove housekeeping rooma, gas, bath, phone, walk ing distance. DESIRABLE 4 rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping ; pleasant surroundings; gaa range. Woodlawn I'iOo. THREE housekeeping rooms, furnished, up-to-date. 307 Wheeler St., bet. Halsey and McMWIen. 5 blocks east from Steel bridge. THE NEWCASTLE apartments, furnished aod unfurnished housekeeping suites, also single rooma. 3d and Harrison. SUITE hcusekeeping rooms. also lars;e sleeping room, suitable two gentlemen; bath. gas. phone. 608 Qulaiby. FRONT housekeeping rooms, new furniture, private residence every convenience. 224 16th st.. North; $12. NICELY furnished fror.t room and small kitchen for housekeeping; no children. 408 Main at. CLEAN, well furnished rooms for house keeping, every convenience, first floor, tent $15. 342 Clay st., cor. 7th! ffain 1700. 2 NICE front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; gas, bath and telephone. 332 Mill. HOUSKKKEPING ROOMS; also single rooms; all conveniences; rent reason able. 20S$i ltne, hot. oth and 6th. 435 MAIN, cor. 12th Furnished housekeep ing rooms, $8 per month and up; central. UNFURNISHED rooms.- housekeeping. Phone, electric light. 2S4 3d st. THREE or 4 housekeeping rooms on first floor. 80 W. Park. , 135 14TH ST.- Cor. Alder. 2 rooms first floor; well furnished for housekdeplns;. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma, 427 E. Ash. Phone East 107. 225 MILL, 2 housekeeping rooms, $10 per . month; 4 rooms, $18 per month. FRONT alcov room for light housekeeping; other rooms. 149 Lownsdale st. Main 724. TWO furnished hcusekeeping rooms, first floor; $2. Apply f4" East 16th at.. North. 240 4 6TH ST. Suit of furnished house keeping rooma. ONE larsre housekeeping room; pantry, clos ets; cheap rent. 565 Irving st. Call after 1. THREE furnkhed housekeeping rooms at 5(8 E. Ash st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms." 140 ISth - st.. bet. Morrison and Alder. 201 13TH ST. Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 665 Morrison st. THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping and sin gle rooms; transient. 191 14th st. , - - - NICELY furnished front room; also house keeping suites. 414 5th st. 427 SIXTH st.. walking dlsance. furnished housekeeping suites. A 4075. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; facing park. 27 W. Park at. TWO large rooma. complete for housekeep ing; $3 pr week. 411 E. Ankeny at. TWO very nice housekeeping rooma, first floor, large lawn. 4o3 2d st. TWO large, clean furnished housekeeeplng rooms; $10 a month. 391 2d at. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, elose in. 300 H 4th. ONE housekeeping room, $12; every con venience. 103 10th st. PRETTY dn, -with bedroom, kitchen, gas range. 67 20th a. NEAT, cheap, central and handy. Phone, gas, laundry. 32 N. HUu FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.. newly furnished, fully equipped for house keeping, Including gas ranges, free use of electric lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room; beauti ful lawn and verandas surrounding the building. Furnished apartments from $16 up; also single rooms; with similar con veniences, $2.50 per week up. There ia nothing in comparison In the city for the money. This place will bear Inspection, fchort distance from Union Depot. Take 'S" or 10tU-at. cars going north, get off at Marshall st. phone Main 6771. No dogs. THE HARTFORD." Cor. 21st and Flanders sts. Main 2782. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms; 8 rooms, bath and receptloq hall, the nicest und most completely furnished apartment-house in the city ; steam heat, hot water ail the time; fcood janitor Service; no children. WELL-FURNISHED connecting housekeep ing rooma, furnidhed cottage, part of cot - ta?e, small flat. West Side river. $1 week each room. Appiy room 31, 323 Wash 'Ington at. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Vi Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot wa ter, free bath free phone, both floors; nice suites from $12 up. THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St.. near Yamhill, thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and cola water in each apartment, both tele phones und baths free; terms reasonable; no children. ' 270 MONTGOMERY, two connecting house keeping rooms, clean, newly renovated, sink, hath and gas, walking distance; one single housekeeping room, $650 per month. Main 44t'9 111 18TH. cor.' Glisan Both first and sec ond floor, suites, nicely furnished, newly tinted, modern, walking distance; rea sonable. A 4047. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room apartment, with all conveniences, large yard, walk ing distance, at 111 North 21st, near Gll-saji;-adults. THE OT13 Housekeeping and transient; bwt rooms for the money. 377 E. Burn Fide; walking distance; gas, free phones, bath- and electric lights; wejl ventilated. FOUR large, lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; modern ; porcelain bath, sink ; pi ano, sewing macli liw; downstairs; line lawn; very 'reasonable. Main 28tit. CHEAP Two furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, pantry, hot water, sink in kitchen, l&l Park.. "WAYNEWOOD." 109 N. 18th. newlv fur nished two and three-room suites; running water; walking distance. $1.60 WEEK. up. large clean furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sherman st.. Bouth Portland. TH REE large housekeeping rooms, unfur nished. Nob Hill district. Call 680 Glisan st. - phono Main 84,. JEFFERSON I AN, 614 Jefferson, choice 3 -room suite, strictly modern apartments; direct carline to depot. THREE nice large rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping, for $16 per month. 4i9 W. Park st. Phone Main 74ol. TWO unfurnished, also single and auite of furnished housekeeping rooms. Cambridge ' bldg., 3d and Morrison, Room 34. TWO front rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping, gas, bath, walking dis tance. 211 Sherman st. BEAUTIFULLY treated bay-window, unfur nished 2-room suite In en t rally located apartment-house, 805 Jefferson, cor. 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; won't object to one or two children. 212 Mont. St. Inquire 384 1st. Pacific 1219. MANLEY COURT, 5574 Williams ave.. fur nished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, sleeping rooms; low rents. THREE clean, light furnished housekeeping rooms ; gas, bain, nice yard ; reasonable. SU Front. 500 HAWTHORNE. 3 freshly tinted rooms. nicely arranged for light housekeeping, gas, bath; adults. Bast-.1426, n U53. 412 10TH Comfortable 2-room housekeep ing suite, modern conveniences; nice neighborhood ; $12 month. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, gas for cooking, good location, $3 suite. $44 I'ettygrove, corner 16th. ONE larce room, furnished complete for housekeeping, nrst floor, rent reasonable. 48 North Htn. 3 FURXISHKD housekeeping rooms, rea- sonable.. 2 N. 14th. Phone Main 35;IS 6-ROOM house, close In; flrst-clasa condi tion, reaitonable rent to desirable tenant. Smith's Rental Agency, 105 Sherlock bldg. MODERN house. 6 rooms, two fireplaces, furnace, electricity and gas. 84 E. 12th st.. rent $32.50. Call at room 301 Dekum bldg. MOVING 7 Let us move you; brick building, ground floor for storage at reduced rates. Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1618. FINE new 6-room house; furnace and gas. electricity, shades, tine bathroom and sleeping porch. . 512 East Market st. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, on Ar thur st.; only $16 per month. Call 147 6th St.. North. Open evenings until 8. FOR RENT 670 E.- Everett, nice 6-roora house; $17. See J. L. .Wells, 806 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. MODERN 5-room" flat, with splendid view; Portland Heights; walking distai.ee; near carline. Phone Main 28o7. $15 MODERN 5-room cottage. SG2 Ganten nein ave. Inquire 27 N. 1st su Main 1SS1, A 1PS1. HOUSE of 7 rooms and bath, 751 Kearney, near 23d; choice location; rent $JO. C. H. Korell, 251 Washington. , FOR RENT Modern 6-room house; good con dition; 17th, East Couch, $25. Phone East 257. FOR RENT Modem 8-room house. 305 llth st. Phone Main 2556. Inquire 427' Harri son. THREE old-stylo houses. In fine locality and central ; $12 per month. Inquire 133 First st., Room 2. MODERN 6-room house; electric lights, nice, . lawn. 8:19 E. 32d at. Take W.-W. cars; no children. ABOUT,. Sept. 1. modern 6-room cottage; barn, lot 100x100; fln garden; cowa and chickens for sale. Phone Woodlawn 117. NEW. modern 6-room house in North Irving ton ; desirable location ; only $15. Phon , Main S1D3. FOR RENT 4-room cottage on Bast Side. Phone Pacific 222o. , FOR RENT 7-room house, corner 13th and Montgomery ats. Phone East 1559. FOR RENT Good 6-room house, 62S 2d st. Inquire next, door. FOR RENT A new R-room house. No. 3H) Failing st. U car. 6-ROOM houee for rent; $13 month. 34S Chapman ft. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage; gas, fireplace. Cor. E 3d and Taylor. MODERN 8-room house and attic.' Call 58 Ella st. 6-ROOM cottage; modern ; rent reasonable. 759 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 1 154. IF YOU want a room, houa or flat call up A 1256. - FOR RENT by September 1, Vroom house. Inquire at room 425. The H1II. FOR RENT 6-ronm cottage, carpets for sale. 70 West Parki .near Stark. WE ' rent houses nnd flats. Haverstic AY Gallarther. 343 Washington st. FOR RENT 249 E. 2d, 7-room house with lawn in front and rear. LARGE, modern. 8-room house. large yard and fruit trees. Phone East 1815. FOR RENT New 7-room house, good loca tion. Inquire 205 Marquam. FOR RENT New 5-room modern cottage. Inquire 414 5th St. 7-ROOM house, corner East Ankeny and 16th. Inquire No. 8 East 12th at. N. NO 5H0 1st at., 8-room modern house. Phon Main 4454. HOUSE of 6 rooms, with gas: house of 7 rooms, with electricity. Apply 425 7th. FOR RENT Modem 5-room house, on car line. 1250 Hawthorne ave. IR VINGTON. $35 per mo., 7-room cottage. 411 E. 16th, bet. Tillamook and Hancock. FOR RENT Modem 6-room house. Inquire 130, N, iota, near Glisan at. FOR RENT. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. WEST SIDE. Modern 6-room house. Grant st-, $3rt. 7 rooms. Water and Hooker fits., $15. 6 rooms, 545 Front st.. $15. EAST SIDE. 6-room cottage, Taggart st.. $13. 8-room tnodcrn house, Clackamas St., $32.50. . 6-room, William ave., $T8. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. corner Third and Oak sts. CALL and see our list of houses and flats. We have many good ones In all parts of the citj" for rent. Parrish, Watklna & Co., 200 Alder st WHEN YOU MOVE- you always need SOMB furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices: ths Bar ings will exceed cos of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rtnt on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and E. Stark, Phone East 2929. FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern im provements; also large barn in connec tion; rent reasonable; long ltaae. Qevvrts A Sons. 173-5 lat at. VERT desirable 9-room modern house, $35 per month, on Waverly carline, 500 East 23d st. Find key at 4:11 . East 26th; cor- v respond with owner, Mr. J. J. Kenny, Leona, Or. MODERN 6-room cottage, stationary tub, electric lights, fireplaces, shade and fruit trees; rent reasonable; Woodmere station, one block north, second house. Mount Scott car. COTTAGES 7 rooms, $18; 4 " rooms, with bam, lot lOOxlOO, $10; furnished cottage, $20; flat, $16. or $11 unfurnished. Ajply room 31, 3234 Washington st. 6-ROOM cottage, W3 Belmont; $15. m 5- room flat, 687 Belmont; $7. 6- room house. 863 E. Itth N. ; $22.60. 8-rocm houce, 2t'2 E. 22d; $33. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. MODERN 8-room house, with garden, nice neighborhood, splendid view of river, walking distance; month $40. Call Rich mond 151. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 784 Kearney St., near 23d-et. carline. newly renovated, rent $20. C. F. Pfluger ar Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 6-ROOM modern house, nice yard, all im provements, East 14th, near Taylor, phone or see F. I Grannis, care Sherman, Clay & Co. TWO modern 6-room houses, $24 and $27.50 per . month, walking distance, near new high school. Inquire 691 East Washing ton. $25 FOR seven-room modern house In Irv Ington. with option of buying. 1 his is a snap. M- C. Davis. room 16 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d t SEVEN rooms and bath, in good repair, with store under; will lease; Thirteenth, near Washington. Sheehy Bros. Main 3072. , , f FIVE rooms, new. modern flats, upper and lower. 250 Nartllla near Madison st. Rent $22. .16 each, parrish, Watklna & Co., 250 Alder st. FOR RENT S-room cottage, $13 per month. Inquire 836 Powell, corner East 20th; take Waverly-Woodstock car. NEAT 4-room cottage, bnth, gas, pantry, tol - let, cellar, shade trees, lawn, water In cluded., close in. 653 East loth at.; $13. MODERN 6-room cottage, same as new. 750 East Salmon st. Inquire 574 Rodney. Phone C 1563. Key next door. 3-ROOM house. Eighth and Pine, $10 a month. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. S-ROOM house for rent, furnished or unfur nished, in western part of city; 1 block from carline. Inquire 123 1st st. 9-ROOM house. 310 10th St.; $:t5 month. Western Oregon Irust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. NINE-ROOM houfe on E. 7th and Everett Ms.. In good condition. Rent $25. Parrish, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st. 229 MEADE st.. near 1st., 6 rooms. $12; nwly pfcpered. Key corner grocery. Main .1013. TWELVE-ROOM house, all in good condi tion, ottl 7th st., near Montgomery. Rent $60. ranrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Aider st. 8-ROOM residence. 689 Main St., $45 a month. Western Oregon Trust Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce. NICE 5-room cottage, nearly new. Maegley Junction; $10 per month. Hatfield, 165Va 4th at. FOR RENT New 7-room house with re ception hall, full basement and attic, newly tinted. 3S8 Hancock. East 1760. 4 8-ROOM house on Kearney St., only $2 513 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT Cozy four-room cottage, cheap. Chambers & Farneworth, Millard ave., Mt. Scott car. Furnished Houses. FINELY furnished 9 rooms aVid bath; very modem : close In ; East Side; cornea lot ; lease .for one year to good tenants; no children; rent $75. O 15a. Oregonlan. 10-ROOM. well-furntshed house and garage, large grounds. Nob Hill district; will rent to responsible party. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 Fifth at $20 Responsible party, rent new, modern 5-room house. Call evenings or Sunday, 403 Ruisett, Glenwood Station, St. John line. NEWLY furnished 6-room residence: piano: modem ; cholco location, Wtllametl HeUhts. Call room 9 Butler Hotel, 11 Washington st. y PORTLAND HEIGHTS, choice 5-room mod ern furnished fiat, large airy rooms, very df-sirable; one block from carline. Main 5995 ; references. 6-ROOM modern house for rent, furnished, $30 ; with furnace and stationary wash tubs. 754 Kelly St., near Failing School, South Portland. Main 8437. FOR RENT Furnished, modern 6-room house, including piano, large lawn, fruit trees, Wt Side, close in. Phone Main 6346. Sunday. 1 CLEAN, well-furnished cottage, flat, house keeping and sleeping-rooms, $1 week arh room. Loom 31, Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. NICELY furnished . house on Porter st. ; terms moderate ; adults preferred ; refer ences. Phone Sell wood 1 109. A FINE well furnished residence on Porter St.; moderate terms; adults preferred. Phon Sellwood 1109. . FOR RENT Modern furnished 8-room house hy September 1, 508 Broadway. Phone East 4050. THE downstairs of a lovely furnished home; very reasonable to right party; piano, sew ing machine; porcelain bath. Main 2K66. NICELY furnished modern 5-room cottage; rent reasonable, or furniture for sale cheap. ni E. Salmon st. Phone Tabor 17 60. -ROM houw on Hall st.,' 4 rooms furnished. $15t; rent $25.50; terms If desired. Inquire 225H Mill. ELEGANTLY furnished five-room bungalow, btff fireplace; piano, sewing machine. Ca'l 142 3d, FIVE-ROOM furnished) house, ga; fine loca tion; $20, including water. 328 Fremont st. MODERN furnished flat for housekeeping, clean and cool. 422' Jefferson. NEW, modern 6-room house, close In. In quire wiom 40 Washington bid. 8-ROOM furnished flat, aloov, bath and gaa Inquire 125 N. 14th. T-ROOM house, Irvlngton. for rent. 438 E. 9th N. Phone East 3767. C 1254. FURNISHED 5-room cottage, for rent apply S7 East 27th at. phone East 1154. FOR RET 5-room furnished house, piano. Inquire 60S East Stark at. Phone B 1308. TO RENT 8-room house, nicely furnished, on Nob Hill. J 147, Oregonlan.-. FIVE-ROOM flat for rent- 344 Columbia at. Call between 12 and 4. Houses for Rent Furniture for Kale. FURNITURE 6-room upper flat for sale, flat for rent; four blocks Hotel Portland, 260s 7th st. Phone A 3504. 7-ROOM house in housekeeping suites. Call 309 7th st NEW. elegsnt furniture of 8-room house, cheap. Pnone A 671L FOR RENT. House for Rentr Furniture for Hale. RRfilTI.AR BFAI7TY. 14 rooms Ml! nrw rolden Oak furniture, Brussels carpets, heavy iron beds, cable net curtains, fine linen, large leather up holstered chairs, hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat; will give a 2-ear lease at moderate rent; this rlaee will easily clear $75 per month; will sell on easy terms; only 3 minutes walk to center of city; you can't beat this and you will say bo when you see it. pnone as 4001. WOULD sell or ren. furniture of 7-room house, nice surroundings, near Portland Academy, and take room and board for self and two daughters; references. Room ouj L'oroeii Diug. HOUSE for rept and furniture for sale; will sell furniture of six-room cottage; call and see this for a bargain. 529 Taylor, do- tween 16th and lth sts. rooms e-nnri furniture, thoroucniy clean, 1ft minntpii' ivnlb to th and Washington; choice location; 4 rocma pay rent. Phone A 3377. modrrv 9-room hou.e. eleeant furniture, including new piano, for sale; close in on North 21st t. ; price $1000; rent reasonable. t. u. pvortnrup, aia coucn oiog. FREE RENT Furniture of modern 7-room steam-heated flat cheap for cah. Cheap if sold at once. Main 8075. D 166. Ore- gonian. w $325 BUYS a completely furnished 5-room modern flat in Nob Hill district; H cash. ' balance monthly payments. Call 693 wv erett at. Phone Pacific 625. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; centra and desirable location. Address E 166 Oregonlan. FOR. RENT Modern 6-room house, close in . rugs, stoves, etc., for sale cheap. Phone B 2384. ENTIRE furniture of a 14-room boarding house must "be sold on account of ill health. 38ft Taylor. FURNITURE of 6-room houa. cheap, pos session given Immediately, pnone iovt 313 Hancock. 7-room house" for rent, furniture for sale cheap; 3 rooms furnished for housekeep Ing pay rent. 269 Wheeler at. tto n R tv xt 5-room modern cottage, fur niture for sale. Rent $13. . 753 Michigan ave. FURNISHQD house for. sale or rent at Sea side, or exchange for lot in Portland. AB 161, Oregonlan. $!!25 Furniture 9-room house, 5 rooms rented for $37. 2 blocka across Steel bridge; house rent 921. au. Aoame. FURNITURE of 10-room house, first-clap condition. 149 ixwnaais si., oei. .Morri son and Alder. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage for $175; a snap If taken at once; good location, 110 12th, near w asn. UP-TO-DATE furniture small rooming house; good Income. 129 14th at., near Alder, afternoons,. FURNITURE. 5 rooms, with or without piano, Sunday and evenings, zwu ltn si. FURN1TURE. 6 rooms, for aale; house for rent. 5S2 5th; call forenoons. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale, by owner. 80 W. Park. MODFjRN 8-room house for rent, furniture for eale; arranged to sublet. Main 3895. FINE 4(-room furnished rooming-house with lease. Address A 17, uregonian. Summer Resort, NOTICE AH persona going to Spirit Lake and Mount St. Helena can get the stage for that point at the Castle Rock Hotel. Castle Rock, Wash. For any information regarding same, aoaresi me piupimiui, M. Fowler, Castle Rock. JUST OPENED The Mountain Rest dining-room. Cascade Locks; first-class, home-cooked meals, 50c; lunches all hours. 5 minutes' walk from boat or train. SEASIDE). Or. Best camping grounds, alao furnished rooms, oeauinui 1 aru. ai'i-ij Mrs. Fannla Austin, Main St.. south M.c Gutre Hotel. WANTED At the beach, cottage with at least 5 bedroom, facing ocean or-near, for 30 days. Telephone Alain oLfl-tt. for- RF.NT Comoletely furnished housekeep lng rooms, also furnished tents. Address Miss Emma one para, cm ww, wuu. Stores, STORE on Oth st., 17x70. Fine store- on 3d. near Oak. , Store, 19th and Washington,. Store, 14th and Flanders. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. t S. E corner Third and Oak sts. 43( WASHINGTON ST. 25x5o. south side of street; will remodel front to suit; 6 roomi upstairs n oesirea; aieo siorcrowm - rear drugstore, 19th and Washington, liv ing rooms downstairs. 5. J- Daly. 222 Falling bldg. FOR RENT Upper Albina, 2 stores, long lease; 2 6-room flats; 2 3-room flats., build ing new and modern, cheap rent to steady tenants. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO., Phone Main 3074. 21 N. 2d st. FOR RENT New. modern 3-story brink warehouse. 50x100, in wholesale district. Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 6th and Washington. Telephone Main 550, A 2537. NEW brick etore, two floors. 25x100 each; Jobbing district, long,, lease, reasonable rent. C 119. Oregonlan. FOR RENT or leae, 2-story brick building, with- basement, 25100 feet, on Front st. Apply 183 Madison. TO LET Small etore; elegant plate glass window; fine for postcard or jewelry busl neas. Aply Pantages Theater. CORNER store, SOxlOO, -basement 100x100. - Merrill bldg., 7th and Oak. Apply Merrill, 108 7th st. STORE, Orand ave., near East Morrison, brick building. V. Schmid, lt5 Grand ave. FIRST-CLASS grocery store, with fixtures, with low rent. O 162. Oregonlan. Offices. OFFICES. Fine offices in the Buchanan bldg. ; also In our own building; rent reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. corner llihrd and Oak sts. DESK room, with use of phone and the en tire office for six weeks. $10 ,er month. M. C. Davis, room 16. Hamilton bldg. Main 4610. THREE adjoining offices: electric light, hot and cold water, radiators; fine for doctor or dental offices; second floor Pantagea Theater. ' OFFICE SUITE, two rooms In heart of whole sale district, $10 per month. Call Main 6479. DESIRABLE OFFICES. Best location. $10 and up. 315 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. FOR RENT Desk room, $10 per month. In cluding phone. Room 4 Milner bldg., 350 Morrison. PRIVATE office, both main lines, use of reception room, rent reasonable. 403 Cor- bett bldg. GROUND-FLOOR desk room. Including both phones; $15. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 5th DESK-ROOM for rent. Inquire room 638, Chamber of Commerce Lidg. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg Apply room 808. - Halls. THE AUDITORIUM, 208H 3d St., large hall to rent for meetings, dances, etc.. on Fri day and Saturday nights. Mlscella neous. FOR RENT 8-room houBe. modern in all respects, with larse barn, newly built and fitted with electricity and latest sta ble appliances, for the care of 6 to 12 horses; near business center East Side. Apply to 1. Gevurta A Sons. 173-5 1st st., or phone Main 3244. Homo A 12S0. FOR RENT Brick oven 15x15. very reasona able. Inquire 229 N. 23d. Main 8240. . ROOMING-HOCSE OFPORTUNITITE8. Arnold & Co.. Main 7811, 351 Morrison at W.-W. WILLIAMS, 413 Marquam building. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED To buy merry-go-round; must be in Rood order; give full details in first letter regarding time ueed. kind of engine, oriran, ca pact t y. etc. A dd re.s Geo. A. Coan, 752 Clayton St., San Francisoo. GOING East and will sell my saloon, lo cated down town; long lease, low rent, good big business; snap If taken at once. Inquire 215 Commercial block. BUSYNESS CHANCES. 6000 National Copper, lOA American Telegra phone, 1kh) American Wheel & Vehicle, 2."0 Alaska Pet. & Coal Tifas.), 5 Alaska Pet. & Coal (pooled), 2500 British Columbia Amal. Coal. 5f0 Com stock Golden (late M. Co., 110 German-American Coffpe. 2 Omaha Telephone pfd., 40 Portland Telephone, 1H Puget Sound Telephone. IO Telepost, hfO United Wireless; 60(K Fidelity ippr. We save you 20 to fcu- per cent. Stocks and bonds sold on installments. Out-of-town correspondence given prompt atten tion. ROBERTS & CO.. 134 6th St. A FINE BUSINESS CHANCE. A fine confectionery and cigar store for sale, worth $S50; will sccept any reason able offer; owner compelled to leave city; Is thoroughly, equipped; very profitable; 2 large Itvlng rooms, independent entrance: centrally located; rent only $15 per month;-thi 1 an Investment that we can recommend. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. PARTLY FURNISHED. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. 10-room house, well arranged and part'.y furnished with best grade furniture and carpets: beautiful comer location. near H igh School ; rent $50. with lea e for 2 years; this Is en exceptional opportunity for some one who wishoe to use fome of their own furniture ; price only $600. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 508-9 Swetland bldg., cor. 6th and Wash. ROOMING-HOUSE BUYERS, ATTENTION. One of the Iargett and most modem, up-to-date hotels In the city for lease, unfur nished, to responsible party; if you know the business and have a few thousand dol lars, we can show you the bluest ?nap in Portland. No phone calls answered. DEVLIN & FIHEBAUGH, 608-9 Swetland bldg. $750 WILL buy a one-half interest In the patent right to a new money-saving, time saving, labor-saving piece of farming ma chinery; big profits bound to accrue, for every farmer will have one; this machine . will be of especial interest to big atock men. Call 329 Marquam bldg. $325 Snap, flnt-ciass place, cigars, tobacco, confectionery, soda and Ice cream; fine lunch trade; good fixtures; good trade; rent $12. Everything goes. Highland Realty Co.. 1051 Union ave.. corner Al berta. TRANSFER" and storage clearing over $LN0 a month, $5500; terms. Light manufactur ing business, salary $loit per month. Orocery store and confectionery ; wood business. Kinney & Stampher. 551-2 Lum ber Exchange, Second and Stark sts. FOR SALE Dance hall In the best mining town In Northern California; 10 furnished - rooma and in good running order. This is a big money maker for the right party. Write to P. O. box 124, Kennet. Oal. WANTED Honest partner with $200 to travel with motion picture -show. For par ticulars call at 330 Ankeny st.. between 6th and 7th. Hours from 2 to 3 in the after noon and from 7 to 9 In the evening. REAL estate man want partner to s!vw .land, etc.; can make $150 to $2K per month; no experience necessary and very little money. Particulars Multnomah In vestment and Realty Co., 1019 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. RESTAURANT Owner docs the cooktng and wants partner he can deind on to be cash ier, etc.; he is tired of hired help; experience not necessary and llttltv money required ; will pay active man $25 a week and board. Particulars, 248H Stark st. PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus trated guide book and list of inventions wanted free to any address. Patent se cured by us advertised free In World's Progress. Sample copy free. Evans, Wil kin & Co., Washington, D. C. WE pay special attention to business open ings , Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 44S6. Kfnney & Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. V. D. SMITH delivers flr wood direct from cars to you : al! wood guaranteed A No. 1. out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark; special prices on large amounts. Phone Main 5683. PARTNER wanted for a growing business; will pay a live man $4 to $6 a day; ex perience not necessary and only $2Go re quired. Call 248 H Stark at. SALOON for sale cheap; good location, long lease, reasonable rent. Address 227 BurnsidA st. Phone Main 18S1. FOR SALE Meat market in best town In valley; 1800 inhabitants; one other shop; low rent. Address D 153, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale, 30 rooms, weil funlshed; central location. L 143. Orego nian. BARGAIN $1500, part cash Best 11-room transient house in city, best of furniture and carpets- Apply 87 H Oth st. x WANTED Some good paying business by a business man; must be tlrst-clase. M. 150. Oregonlan. 60-ROOM hotel; good trade, money maker. Will Bell or trade for real estate. Value $3000. 627 Corbett bldg. THREE small rooming-houses In good lo cation, $650 and $300 respectively ; cheap rent. 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED First-class restaurant In Rood cation; must be strlctiy O. K.; state price. J 163. Oregonlan. I HAVE a mortgage of $5foo on A 1 prop erty and some money to Invent In a mer chandise business. B 157, Oregonian. 24-ROOM hotel and furniture for sale cheap, or trade; Southern Oregon; good town. AD 133, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner, confectionery and cigar store; sickness cause or selling. ,11 N. 3d rt. . A $750 Investment that may make you many thousands will be shown you at 329 Mar quam bldg. $400 CORNER grocery, clean stock, rent 15. long lease, at 4-1 ist st., corner Hall. FOR SALE Small profitable dairy and milk route; best patronage ; two people can hRndle it. M. F De Larges. Oregon City. 30-ROOMS. fine furnished transient rooming- house. $2i00 will handla this. 627 Cor bett bldg. CORNER saloon; strictly first-claw trsde; owner wants a partner ne can o na on. Call 2481 Stark st. SALE or rent, well established pipeon and squab plant. Phone Tabor 1431. w 148, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop; fnr other reasons I will sell cheap; best location in city. 15th and Burnside. $275 FOR real estate busineer; well estab lished; I have made lots or money; wny can't you? W 150, Oregonian. WANTED Honest partner as treasurer frr motion picture theater: must nave a.niu. Particulars, see Newman, 293 Burnside. WANTED A hustler with a little cash to join me in establishing new real estate of fice. L 166, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 22 rooms, nicely fur nished: rent 0; nearly new; noo. Hat field. 163" 4th at. BEST grocery on the market, over $40 dally business, rent only si.oo. Z25 Lumber Exchange. SALOON. 3d et., near center of city, $3000; easv terms. MARTIN J. HIOLEY, 132 THIRD ST. GOOD hotel and bar in city and several good country sa loons for sale. Add resa Columbia Brewing Co.. Tacoma. Wash. 24-ROOM apartment; furniture first 'class. owner leaving tne city. Will aell cheap. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED Man with .i000 to $7000 to in- vost in one or the mot legitimate propo sition. P. O. Box 4S3. Vancouver, Wash. HALF or whole interest In one of the best located saloons. 1 153, Oregonlan. MILLING and feed business, $2500, $1000 down, baiance time. H lo, oregonian. SALOON for sale. 295 Hawthorne ave.; a bargain; long lease. A NO. 1 U. S. patent for sale at a bargain; investigate. a lot, uregontan. FEW homestead locations. 3S Chamber Commerce. BARBER SHOP, 4 chairs, cheap If taken at once. A 146. Oregonian. GOOD paying restaurant for sale or trade. T 165, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Must be sold this week. $250; no agents. u 100.' urciooiau. WANTED Buy an undertaking business. Address F 157. oregonian. FOR SALB or trade, restaurant doing a good business. AW iw. ureaonmn. WOULD like to buy small restaurant; must be good. L itw, oregonian. HIGH-GRAPE salesman : big returns. City Business Exchange, zid- commercial mioca. BCSINESS CrfANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK & CO., 201-2 Merchants Trust Bldg. 32G Washington, S. W, Cor. Sixth St. A FEW OF THE REST BUYS Are found in the following list. But w have others, all styles, all alzes, all prices. If you want any kind of ronming-house that Is on the market in Portland, we can show It to you. Terms may be ar ranged ' on any. ee us quick. NOW ia the T1MB TO BUY. E2 ROOMS SNAP. In best business location, furnished in B. E. maple, quartered oak. velvet and Axmlnnter carpets, all good as new. mod ern steam-heated building; long leae, rea sonable rent: clears $2u0 a month; cost $soin) to furnish; price only $3000. half cash. TUTS WILL SUIT YOU. 27 rooms, tine corner brick building, near ly new; tcam heni, choice location, excel lent class roomers; furnished in B. E. ma pie, quartered ouk. etc., velvet and brusf s. Is carpets; all nret -class ' and in line con dition; pays $100 clear; $1650 cash handle It. F WE'LL APARTMENTS. R5 rooms, well located. West Fide, fur nished in quartered oak. Axuiinster und vel vet carpets, inlaid linoleum in kitchens, rbs ranges, running water, stettin heat, up-to-date In every way; excellent lease, cheap rent. Price, $30tnj, $(H.Hi cash. BTG PAYING PROPOSITION. . SO rooms, in first-claes central location, good carpets anl furniture, leaee, cheap rent, btst small transient houie in the city, paying $200 a month ckar. Price, $2r00. - NICEST APARTMENTS IN CITY. 20 rooms, right In swell location, furnl .ture? quartered oak. R. JU. maple. Aim. and velvet carpets, private baths, etc. If you want the he ft to be found and on terms, see this; $1500 handles It. COMB QUICK. 15 rooms, all one floor, well 'locatPd; bniKsels and H. B. carnets, iron beds; gaa lights, tinted wallF ; nearly now building and furniture; part housekeeping, wit h gas cooking; rent only $40. Price. $75', part cab. You can make family expenses here and then pome. This 1 only $50 a room for first-class furniehings. PARTLY FURNISHED. IO room, beautiful corner dwelling. nar Mich School; modern; will tell all the car v is, w hich are Axm!nttr and B. B., and 5 rooms of high-grade furnituie; rent $00, ' with leae; $,'i5o handles it. HERE IS A OK.M. IO rooms, corner house, south of Mor rison st., 5 minutes' walk, most modern house In the city. furnlt uro cost twice price asked, which ia only $u50; part cash. N ICE, NEAT AND CHEAP. 9 rooms. West Park st., elegantly fur nished a year ago; furnace, gas, pnrcelain bath, pretty premises. Price only $'300 COUNTRY HOTELS. AMERICAN PLAN. 2S rooms, strictly commercial trad, in live town of 25C t population ; rent only $."', with lftHPe; elegantly furnished, some rooms with private baths, electric, lights; rates $1.50 to $2.50 a day; receipts $sw a month ; pric e $25o. $I5o0 down, or might take some Portland real estate. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Or rooming-houe, In live city of ROOO; 25 moms, in e!f uant corner brick building: oak furniture, iron beds : everything good ; rent $rtO end clearing $loo a month : has both permanent and transient businews; price $'Jmh. Come in and got particulars. $12.5ot WILL buy controlling Interest in well developed coal mine, near Portland ; present capacity Vi0 tons daily; can be increased n 101-41. This coal can be laid down in Port land for less than $2 per ton; both water and rail transport)" ton ; $i(rf,niw alreadv sp nt in development. Including bunkers, railroad.", machine shop, commissary, hotel, etc.; prefer some one who will ewume the business manaKempnt of the company; want part of the money to pay off accrued obli gations, balance for working capital; a If Kitlniate chance for a man with nerve enough to back his judgment, to clean up $150,040 besides having his original capital back In less than six months. Particulars In Interview only, Monday or Tuesday. AO Oregonlan. ICE PLANT, growing business, guarantee 20 per cent on investment; this is worth looking up. Grocery. A-I, well located, good trade; sell at Invoice: a gocd proposition. Meat mnrkot, residence district; large established business; will bear investiga tion. Inquire 007 Buchanan Bldg., 286 Washington Street. ELEGANTLY FURNISH Fl. 14 moms, all modern conveniences, els gantly furnished with het grade of Ax minster curpetB and golden oak furniture; good corner location near High School; clears $!H pr month above all expense? ; absolutely bent bucRtiln In th city ; rent only $w, $r..'io cash, balnne monthly. DEVLIN FlREH,UOH, 5ofc-0 Swetland hi. tar., cor. 5th and Wash. R OM 1 NC- HOI 'HE S NATS. 5t rooms. North Oth, $3 tut. 42 rooms, on 1st st., SL'Ooo. 25 rooms, on 4lh St.. $lflint. 2 1 roiims. housekeeping. $150o, 27 rooms. Market Kt. . $t5no. 11 rooms, 011 JefTerwon, $750. H rooms, furnished, $155. SPENCER & 0.. 511 Swetland Mdg. MAKE $2500 to $75O0 yearly without capita!. We teach you the renl estate and general hrokemge business by mail: appoint you our special representative, furnish you readily salable real estate and Investments, help you secure customers and make you quick ly prosperous. i'urtlculprs free. Inter state .Commercial Pules Co., Scranton. Pa. THF1 opportunity ia present to make money and lots of it in the speculation of good, stnndard storks; we have the goods,; see us quick; profits available from 10 to 10,-ottO per cent ; large or small amounts can be Invested. Call City Business Exchange, 215 Commercial block. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. Th Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1W5) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercantile or manufac turing lines, cltv or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE" AGENCY, 403-4-5 Swetland Bldg. . FOR PALE General merchandise 'business of $jo,iHt a year In good town nea Port land; flrst-cla 12-room house, 2 lots each RoxI43 feet. 2-story store building 4x4H and lot; post office In store.; rlos to depot; no drayace. Price $3000. Stock; at invoice. r 104, Oregonian. HONEST, eenrpctic partner wanted for a pro duce nuplness; deals in potatoes, fruit, eggs, etc. ; w ill pay you a reasonable salary anl big profits besides: experience not neceswary and small amount of money required: own ers ca n f urnifih bank references. rarticu lars. 248 fj Stark st. A WELL established store and hardware store In Sa n Jose. Cal., owing to deat ft of owner will sell nt a I argain, below In voice price. Have two of t no best a gen cies for stoves In the county. Address T. If. Wright, Hotel Dnnmoore, Portland, or 35 South 2d Kt.. San Jose. , FOR SALE Meat market in a thrifty near by town of 2000, only shop, doing good business; if interested will pay you to in vestigate; will bear close investigation; owner retiring from business; price $1400; $7on. balance to suit. Address H 143, Ore gonian. LOOK Splendidly furnished 43-room apartment-house, only $25 '; elegantly furnished 44 -room house, ben: location In city. $5tn; fine furniture 30 rooms, pwell location. $2n00 cash and terms. 243 Stark. Main 1070. A 1070. HOTEL MEN ATTENTION. J820OO For 'a tiist-clHHH money mak Ing country hotel which will stand your closest investigation; this price is for the complete furniture and lease. F. FUCHS. 221 W Morrison Street. GOOD BUTCHER BUSINESS. . 2'i acres, highly improved plaee In R. R. town, near Portland, dwelling, shop, barn end slautrbter-house; fine trado; price $3230. Room 503 Corbett Mdg. WILL sell good paying growing business on easy terms. In City of Eugene, afreets paved front and rear; will aU'o sell or lease ths building; clean, new wtack: owner retiring from huslness. Address Merchant, 03 1C. Oth St., Eugene, Or. I oat ent which would bo money maker. Only inventor, who wishes to sell outright or on royalty basis, need answer. Give prie and brief description. S. M., Box &S4, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Information regarding good business for sale ; not particular about character, size or location; prefer to deal with owner; give price and full description. Address L. Darbyshire, Box 1902, Roch ester, N. Y. I WILL give half interest for $500 in profit able manufacturing specialty business: no competition; large Income assured. Par ticulars given at interview only.. Address AB 164. Orcconlan. COMPLF;TE sawmill; 4r acres, with 000,0 0 f -- fir; 10 miles from Sheridan, on god road ; $600. 325 Lumper Ex change. FEED STORK, established for 2s years; death in famllv cause of Billing: good ravins; basis; $200; "chance of lifetime." MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 133 THIRD SX.