The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 16, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 17

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WANTED Teacher, female, terra 9 monthi.
salary $03 per month. Apply to Frank
, Koblltx, clerk District No. 1 1, fikamok-
iwa, Wahkiakum County. Washington.
! Don't answer except prepared to take up
work at once.
WANTED A thoroughly experienced and
competent saleslady; no other need apply;
for a ladles' cloak and suit department.
Apply between hours of 1 and 12 A. M.,
I Monday. Gevuru Bros., . Uurnsld and
Union ave.
WANTED Refined, capable, neatly dressed
woman for responsible position; good
mon-y. Call 11 to 12 A. M.. or 2 to 4
1'. M.. room 509 Merchants Trust bids
6th and Washington.
t .
LADY sewers: Make sanitary belts at
home; materials furnished; 13 per hun
dred. Particulars. stamped envelope.
Dept. Dearborn Specialty Co.. Chi
GIRL for housework, three adults In fain
ily and away all day; must have refer
ences; excellent place for a good girl.
Call 505 Swetland bids;.; call at
4s Broadway.
LADY possessing high character, sound Judg
ment, energy and god acquaintance, to
represent large Eastern concern among the
best people of Portland ; give age, ex
perience and references. P It7. Oregonian.
Thoroughly experienced and competent
saleswomen wanted In underwear, dreaa
findings, hosiery. gloves, etc.
143 h Vwh, st., oor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Reliable lady for genera; office
work ; some stenographic; state amount
and nature or experience. At km, uregw
WANTED Experienced salesladies in cur
millinery and neckwear departments;
none but experienced need apply. The
uverneid Co., 4th and Morrison.
WANTED Young lady stenographer (begfn
ner, to work In office for a few weeks;
enate agw and experience. V 158, Ore
gon lan.
LADY stenographer, I will pay 50c per hour
to nave my work done at my nome; ooara
and room, $4 per weea. Address im idi
AD! ES to make health shields; material
furnished; $15 per hundred. Particulars
stamped envelope. Uept. iWd. weaitn iien
c o.. Chicago.
SHOW people wanted, lady piano player
and a general business woman singer ana
dancer preferred. Call at Scott Hotel Sun
day. 10 o'clock. J. H. Hearde.
COMPETENT, trustworthy girl for general
housework and cooking: small family;
wages $30; references required. 823 Mar
shall st. Inquire Monday.
WOMEN MEN To work for us $15, $18 guar
anteed weekly; send 15 cent for samples;
bank references. Geo. I. Fuchs, 20CMJ Clin
ton are.. . New York.
LADIES wanted, house to house canvassers,
small sales and large pro tits. Mt. Scott
Washing Compound Co., 29 First St.,
WANTED Experienced fur finishers; also
girls to sew on furs.
Fourth and Morrison.
WANTED Experienced cook for family of
three; references required. Apply at Sll
- erfleld Co., 4th and Morrison.
COMPETENT girl to help with children and
second work. 211 East 55th su Tabor
m' Department 2064 M orison st.
Phones: Main 1062: A 2064.
LIF'MAN. WOLFE A CO. requires experi
enced saleswomen for suit a pictures, sta
tionery, notions. Apply to Mr. Moyer.
48 4fc Washington si., corner 7th, upstalra
Phone Main 2612-
WANTED Young girl to assist in general
housework; two In family. 443 East 12th
st.. North.
WANTED Cook and housekeeper for con
tractor, steady Job for rift tit person. Ad
dree E. J., Aurora, Or., Box 6.
MRS. HOWE'S Ladles Employment Agency.
titift Washington St., room 37, Merchants
Trust bldg. Phone Main 8836. A 32m.
WANTBD Competent. experienced steno
graphers to register with the Underwood
Typewriter Company, 68 Sixth st.
REFINED lady to visit parents of children in
grammar grades; $5 month. CI 50. Oregon
ian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. iavi Co. 603 Roth
child bid.. 4th and Washington.
OIRL to learn shoe stitching; must te j ble
to run power machine. J. A. Keld, Union
ave. and Ash.
GIRL to do light work In exchange for part
tuition In business college. E 108, Orego
nian. MIDDLE-AGED woman as cook and house
keeper In small family; small house. Ap
ply 323 Alexandra Court. Ella St.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and dnwn-stslrs
work; small family; wages $30 to (35. Ap
ply 785 Flandem st.
WANTED Woman to read and dictate
MSS. to blind lady. Room 20. Marquam
EXCELLENT chance- for 2 couples or 4
girls to keep house, with or without
piano, Sunday and evenings. 290 12th st.
GIRL for general housework, three In fam
ily; fine home for good girl. Apply 808
Clackamas st.
WANTED An experienced second irl Ar-
ply Mrs. -c. Hirsch, 171 St. Clair st., cor.
WANT to keep boarders Dining-room and
kitrhn In roomlnp-house for rent, cneap;
snap. Room 31. 323 H Washington st.
WANTED Young lady for clerical position;
must write nicely and be accurate; salary
$i per week to start. V 167. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced fur liner and girls
familiar w ith fur work In general. H. A Co.. 2SS Morrison st.
WANTED Middle-aged Isdy to do general
houeewo-k for family of three. Home phone
A 5176.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of three. Apply 374 Taylor St.,
cor. West Park.
FIRST-CLASS sTrl for general housework:
good wages, fine home. Apply 104 N. 5th
st., Monday.
YOUNG lady for general store work. Ap
ply Art Souvenir and Curio Store. 349
Morrison st.
WANTED Millinery apprentice; good oppor
tunity to learn thoroughly. Fraley's, 212
214 Third.
OFFICE girt experienced with typewriter,
wanted. State experience. AB 150, Ore
gonian. , . -
WANTED Glr! who can read music and
play piano, make herself generally useful
in office. T 150. Oregonian,
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. German preferred. 725 Weidler st.
Phone East 415u.
W ANTE D Experienced girl for general
h n use w ork ; good wage. Phone Ta bor
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good plain cook; small family. 651 Hoyt,
near 2Uh
WANTED Experienced bookbindery girls,
rail alter 8 Monday, Glass A Prudhomms
Co.. 123 First st.
LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good
psy : Instruction free. Cail 452 Washing
ton st.
WANTED Elderly widow. German, to take
care of widower's family. H 167, Orego
nian. LADIES A good weekly Income earned at
home. Particulars at 406 4th at.
GIRI general housework. Apply Sunday, 2 to
Zt, any time Monday. 60 E. Ash.
GIRL for general housework, no -washing;
must be good cook. 763 Everett st.
WANTED Young girl for cashier; refer
ences required. T 151 Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
508 17th st.. Portland Heights.
CHOCOLATE dippers wanted; best wages.
Good-Roblln Candy Co.. Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED Apprentices for fine millinery.
Apply afternoons, room 401 Tilford bldg.
WANTED Girl for genera) housework and
cooking. Call mominns, 412 Burnside.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 333
Sherman at.
Cook. Goldendale. Wash.. $35; Grants
Pan. $45; 3 Xor boarding-houses, $45 and
2 pantrymen. $3." and board. sleep
borne, easy work; dishwasher, $8 a week.
one SZQ. room and boara.
KniiVin)r ahv rtlace. 15 and found.
fare paid, no objection to one child; 2
i C i ,r . n -. mtn. o mt -.n-
3 at 20; ail with board or room.
it waitresses, beach. 133: 2. 130; 3 res
taurant waitresses. $8 a week; 3 private
hotels, 125 and 20; 1 Hooa iwver.
Dalles, $30; 1 for camp, 20.
PHvnra fomll v rooki i:i5. S40 and 130
second girls. $25; general housework
girls, ego to $15; otners.
343H Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Cooks for private families, boarding
houses, hotels and camps; waitresses..
city and country ; cr ami er maids, house
girls, housekeepers, etc.
We have a large list of new positions
for. Monday morning. Call early and get
your pick.
Ladles' Department, 25 ft Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062. A 2004.
WANTED To buy combings; switches
made to order. Mrs. Vm. Bequeath,
551 East Yamhill, or East 1710.
WOMEN cooks, oity. Willows. Castle Rock;
waitresses, chambermaids tCoat $25), do
mestics. "Drake's," 205 Washington st.
WANTED Young ladles to study telegraphy;
( positions ou to u per montn wnen com -
lcimit. van uivguu iuiKKt:, 0111 si.
NEAT girl to wait on table, assist with
housework; no cooking. 462 Morrison;
call mornings.
VOGUE) School of Millinery A thorough
course taught In mix weeka; terms rea
sonable; position guaranteed. 375 Stark.
help on books. 231 Stark st.
who can
WANTED First-class millinery trimmer.
Butler Schutxe Co., 63 5th st.
AGENTS wanted Get subscribers St.
Joseph's Blatt. German weekly. $1 year;
agent gets 50c commission 121.000 sub
scribers already) ; agents making $5 to
10 per day. Call 3:00. 603 Goodnouyh
TWO amateurs for dramatic company;
must pay own traveling and hotel ex
penses ($12 weekly), free instruction;
fine opportunity for practical road expo-
rience. F 152, Oregonian.
WB secure positions for our students; drills
In any system of shorthand: day or night
claewes. Business University, Worcester
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, understanding
stenography: salary. $100 month ; refer
ences required. P 1 56. Oregonian.
COMPETENT cook in family of three, to as
sist with housework. Apply 53 Ford wt.
LIVE solicitor, man or woman, for office
trade. 231 Stark st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man desires position as stenographer
ano on ice man, laminar with handling of
correspondence, has had thorough expe
rience with ofTIce specialty company. Can
furnish references and bond. M 107, Ore
gonian. A GOOD reliable bookkeeper of 7 years' ex
perience desires position, can give the
best of references and bonds If required.
K 159, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN 12 years general office ex
perience, wishes work part time. A-l refer
ences. Address C, 22l Morris, st.
STENOGRAPHER and office man with
many years' experience and thoroughly
competent. S 15tf. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced grocery
vktk, A-i reierences. rnone Alain N4i.
GROCERY clerk. 14 years' experience. Call
rxrott, Aiain nu.
POSITION of trust and responsibility as
manager or traveling salesman, thorough
ly experienced. ia years with one house.
F 150, Oregonian.
DRAFSTMAN and designer desires situa
tion, experience In structural steel archi
tecture and heating and ventilating. Ad
dress L 145. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
nouseworx ana neip cook. AE 157,
WANTED Fy young married man, position
as city salesman, grocery or dry goods
business preferred ; experienced. N 156,
YOUNG experienced merchant with flrst-
ciass local references, wlrhe to be active
on the outside representing or selling. H
154, Oregonian.
OIL fireman and all round mechanic, 4
years' experience in several first-class ho
tels wishes steady employment ; wages
satisfactory to owner. AB 153, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man 25 years of age, desires po
sition as collector with any reliable firm,
can give personal cash bond. K 158, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man. age 36, wishes position-taking
:re oi norees. experienceu ; references.
John Nick, 35 North Second st.
SITUATION as porter or other work, by col-
ui?u man. rtcinc mi, or 3oi coucn; ref
erences. WANTED Work bv extverlncH riplivrv.
I man; thoroughly acquainted with city arid
I suburbs. Phone Maiu 8664.
WANTED Position to work few hours In
morning. A Japanese boy, M 169, Orego
nian, WINDOW house-cleaning a specialty. Main
6573; morning, early; evening, 8. Thomas
Green, 122 7th St.
BOY 17. living In the city, would like any
kind of work; Indoor referred. M 168,
EXPERIENCED hotel and lodging-house
clrk or watchman, wants work; no bad
habits; references. T 153, Oregonian
ANTED To handle good line in Seattle
territory by successful specialty salesman. -V
157, Oregonian.
WANTED Work on farm by man and wife,
wage reasonable. Call Or address 409
Salmon or phone East 5609. Jacobs.
WANTED Position as superintendent or
foreman. 25 years experience; reference
Phone East 4103.
MIDDLE-AGED printer wants situation r city
job office preferred; long experience at
newspaper printing. V 166. Oregonian.
TOI'NO colored man wants position as
cook, will go out of city; references. 3S5
- Flanders.
TOI'NO man experienced In general office
and publicity work, desires position; will
ing to leave city. J ir8, Oregonian.
ANTED By young married man. position
mlth local real estate firm, well acquaint
ed In city. N 155. Oregonian.
IF YOU want your roof painted or tarred at
a reasonable figure, address H 15l. Ore
gonian. SHOES soled. SOe, Oregon Shoe Co 22
Second st. Phone Pscific 1590.
JAPANESE Employment Co., 263 Everett.
Main 4658. A 4073.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
MACHINIST, small accurate work, desires
permanent ooshlon. B 1&6. Oreronlan.
SITUATION wanted by married man as
porter or janitor. A. F.. 100 Oregonian.
STRONG Japanese boy wants position to do
any kind of work. C 16, Oregonian.
OLD roofs' reshingled: estimates- furnished.
fnone 1 aoor w-k. ti. ord.
HOUSE-CLEANING And new dwellings. Pa
cific .190. A 2361. Fisher.
POSITION by high school graduate; can give
best of references, AD 1W, Oregonian.
NICE Japanese wants situation as - house
work or work on table. L 15ft, Oregonian.
S. OZASA. civil engineer, draughtsman. 80 H
N. 3d st.. city.
TOI'NO man wants work of any kind. V
l OS, Oregonian.
FOR reliable chauffeur call 10l East Mor
rison t., or phone Tabor 124S. C. Richard.
COMPETENT Japanese cook wishes position
in family. S Oregonian.
WANTED Any kind of work, from 6 to 7 A.
M. B 165. Oregonian.
M Lscellaoeoa s.
WANTED Position In city with good firm,
experienced buyer in clothing and gents'
furnishings, also A-l salesman and floor
man; employed at present as road sales
man for clothing; been with present em
ployers four years; clean record; only rea
son for change, to get off road. M 106,
HANDY man fwood or iron) wants situa
tion anywhere, experienced car repairer,
etc., woods or mines preferred. John
Lickess. 1606 Endlcott. University Park,
PKUO CLERK Wide city and country ex
perience; good window dresser and adver
tiser; refernos ; expert relief man. Apply
to Victor Matstrom, 9th and C, Tacoma,
SPECIALTY salesman desires Interview with
eales manager, relative to contract for Wash
ington territory. High grade. Best of ref
erences. J lt7, Oregonian.
WANTED Accounts to collect by an up-to-date
collector. Commission or salary.
Can furnish bond. ltst of references. AC
Iti3, Oregonian.
JANITOR wants situation, 13 years ex
perience, apartment house, office build
ings, references, address any time, S. E.
Johnson. 42 Beacon. Main 7510.
YOUNG man. 26 years old, experienced,
wishes position as coach mn or taking
care of horses in private place; references.
Peter Koles. 105 Vt 3d st. N.
IF you want a thoroughly up-to-date real
estate sales manager who can organize
live sales, force and sell. Add i ess & lull,
MARRIED man. small family, would like
psition taking care farm or stock ranch;
can give good reference. E 169, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE boy wants to do housework,
chamber work or plain cooking for fam
ily. A E 151. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOlTNG lady with four yeaVs experience as
assistant- bookkeeper and In general ofxice
work wishes position. D 158. Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper, ex
perienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office,
Main 4504.
WANTED Position hy a young lady typist
familiar with general of nee work. G lwi,
STENOGRAPHER. thoroughly competent
and experienced, desires position. W 131,
Oregonian. j
LADY would like position as housekeeper for
widower with one or two children over o
years of ae. W 155, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING at home or by the day; re
duced prices auring August, rnone wooa
lawn 5&.
DRESSMAKING at your homes; children's
woric a specialty, fnona Alain aizzi call
for dressmaker.
made for $2.50;
Phone E 3824.
$2. 422 E. Couch.
WANTBD Sewing by experienced dressmaker
by day, or take home, f hone Main Jooy.
DRESSMAKING, 2 princess gowns, tailored
suits, good work assured. Pacific 612.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by th
day; experienced. Phone Tabor 4S3.
EXPETUENCED dressmaker will make en
gagements In families. Main StiCS.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; reasonable.
Phone Main 5432. 514 Jefferson st.
SCOTCH woman desires position as traveling
companion to Invalid; understands nursing.
Address G 116. Oregonian.
GRADUATE nurse, with very pleasant home
on South Side, would take invalid to cars
for. Main 6727.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes children to.
care for at her home ; references ex
changed. M 159, Oregonian.
WANTED By thoroughly experienced wo
man, good cook, position as housekeeper
or will do chamber work In hotel. Pacific
REFINBD middle-aged lady, good cook, wishes
position as housekeeper for honorable Ken
tleman, city or country. P -166, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER would like position on
ranch. Young Women's Christian Asso
ciation. Main &267. Monday after 11.
WANTED A place to do general housework
or cooking. Address W. Markley. Dee,
WANTED Position in widower's family as
housekeeper by woman, good willing boy,
13. T 157, Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman will care for rooming
house or apartments for rent of suite. Ad
dress X 161. Oregonian.
A WIDOW with a little girl wants house
keeping for some ons. F 169, Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper for widower or
small hotel. AE 132. Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman, fine laundress: cook ;
wants engagements in families by day.
Young Women's Christian Association,
Main 6267. Monday after 11.
NORWEGIA N glrf with experience wiehes up
stalrs or second work. Can give reference.
AC 161, Orjgonlan.
YOUNG lady wishes to a wist with house
work for hme privileges; refined - family
of adults. West Side. X 151. Oregon la t.
A GIRL wants to assist with light house
work. 7il Rodney-ave.
COMPETENT girl wants to awdst with work
In small family. W 164. Oregonian.
A WOMAN wants work toy day. Call B3. 5459.
DAY'S work wanted.- Phonw Main 6140.
The Oregonian
Is the Great Classified Medium of the
Pacific Northwest
Four and fire pages of best ""Want Ads." are published every Sunday and
two and more every -week-day. The advertisements printed in The Oregonian,
whether daily or Sunday, are always THE BEST. When positions are adver
tised, they are the better positions.
When real estate is advertised, the best bargains are alwaj-s given to The
Oregonian. '
Real "Business Chances" are sent to this paper, because it is generally
known that the people who read The Oregonian mean business. "
In "Rooms to Rent," furnished or unfurnished, the best ones are alwas
advertised in The Oregonian.
If you want something out of the ordinary in a position, in a real estate
bargain, in an investment, or in a place to live, you should follow The Ore
gonian advertising columns daily and Sunday. The rarest bargains are of
fered, every day, because in Oregon nearly everybody reads The Oregonian.
Start toda.y to read the classified ads., and,you will profit thereby.
Remember, if you desire to insert an advertisement and find it incon
venient to call at The Oregonian business office, you can phone in the ad. and
it will be inserted under the proper classification and the bill sent you later.
Phones: Main 7070; Home A 6095
KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College opens
Aug. 29. room 304 Stearns bldg. ; free
shirtwaist patterns, cut to your measures
to each lady calling: on mat aaie; onng
your own material and make your own
gowns, fancy or taiiorea. unaer our su
pervision; rates 50c per day, hours 9 A.
M. to 4 P. M.
SEE this space every day of the week for
a gooa situation, as u gives a iew on me
many good ones that will be listed each
and every day except Sunday, stating the
prices ana it m or out or town. ins
i.ouis. zvs ft fin. u. a
REFINED, educated business woman, going
East (Omaha) about Aug. 27 wishes by
some means to make expenses back: will
execute any commission, act as traveling
companion, or do any honorable work to
make expenses. u xov, uregonian.
LADY with 2 children wants washing
and Ironlner to take home; price very-
reasonable. .Phone iiain bzvt, bi
Glisan st.
WELL educated Swiss lady seeks situation
as eoverness or . companion; four Jan
guages, oil painting. Address P 157 Ore
YOt'NG lady gives private lesions in gram
mar grade studies. German, drawing; mcd
eiate terms. Main 8163.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work;
references ; state wages In letter. L 156,
WANTED Work by day for Tuesdays and
iriaays, no nan days, rererences. wood
lawn 1311.
, SITUATION wanted by young lady as cash
ier in restaurant; has good references. E
141, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED wfman wants work bv dav
in neighborhood 780 Multnomah st. Phone
East 6HU.
GOOD waitress wants place In hotel to work
dinner time for board and room; must be
walking distance. East 6453, C 1860.
A GIRL about 15 wishes place In a private
family. Phone Main 2447.
RETFINEfD lady wants to care for children
daytime. References. J ltiO, Oregonian.
COLORED laundress; can clean, sweep, cook
dinner or wait on table. Phone East 3106.
EXPERIENCED lady compositor, accurate
and rapid. V 150. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady gives music lessons; beginners
a iiuliliv Uni.nn
EXPERIENCED women want any kind of
work by the day. Phone Main 451A.
COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day
work. Phone Sell wood 1103 Monday.
LADIES' fine waist and dresses done by a
woman. Phone Main 6713.
GIRL, ago 16. wishes position as nurse girl
or companion. Phone Pacific 220.
SWEDE girl wants day work. Phone Pa-
room jan aner o m.
EASTERN masseuse wants position with flrst
clasB) place. Address X 162, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants steady place for Tuesday and
Thursday. Box 320, Portland.
WANTBD Day work.
A 4252, Pac. 936; room
LADY wishes washing and Ironing or house
keeplng. K 166. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position In confection
ary, bakery, grocery store. Phone A 4928.
FIRST-CLASS laundress to go out. by the
day. Phone East 4626.
AGENTS Latest fads: "I'm Afraid to Go
.Home In the Dark." "Good-by, Teddy,
Good-by," "No Wedding Bells for Me."
Largest ad best line of campaign goods,
watch fobs, pennants, canes, rosettes,
streamers, badges and souvenirs; buttons,
60c and 91 per hundred ; catalogue free.
W. F. Miller, 158 Park Row, New York.
AGENTS Make $103.50 per month selling
wonderful self-sharpening, patented! eels son
and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22 pairs in
3 hours, made $13; you can do it; we show
how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg. Co., 600
4th st., Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS WANTED Everywhere to handle
our brand-new household specialty ; big
profits; easy payments: many repeat orders;
write at once for free particulars. L. H.
Fletcher Company, 2324 N. 26th St., Phila
delphia, Pa.
The big song hit of the . convention.
Just off the press; sung in the leadJng
theaters; be first for a copy, as the sup
ply is limited. Sample copy 25c. The Will
iams Co., box 51 1, Seattle. Washington.
WANTED District managers of either sex,
to sell the best and most up-to-date Insur
ance policies' and to appoint agents; top
contracts to right parties. Call or write,
Oscar Ekman, 313 Eitel bldg. Seattle,
WRITE urn at once for the best soap and
toilet article combinations put up in the
country for agents. All our soaps made by
the French process; see our new Red Cross
packages. Pierce Chemical Co., dept 2$, 152
Fifth ave., Chicago.
CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con
tract whereby you can make $100 to $200
per week; write today, giving references.
410 Corbett Bldg.. Portland.
AGENTS $30O every month sure selling our
wonderful eight-piece kitchen set; send for
sworn statement of $12 dally pmflt ; outfit
free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 500 Jefferson St.,
Dayton, Ohio. ,
AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire
extinguishers; special starting offer; exclu
sive territory; $7ft to $300 per month.
Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
AGENTS $5 to $10 day; exclusive patent:
nouewives jump at iu we sen minion a
month. Sample 10c. Imperial Co., 930
Lake st., Chicago.
THE Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Or., wants
more salesmen ; liberal term: outfit fur
nished. Full Information on application.
WANTED Two live-agents; big commission.
17S Madison.
WANTED Agents for DIOZO Disinfecting
Cabinets; 5o,OoO eold first 3 months ; cost
monthly. Guards the nome, oince or
store against contagion. Keeps the home
constantly disinfected. Kills germs ana
moths. Drives out files, mosquitoes and
tUK. Relieves hay fever, asthma, won
chitls. A DIOZO Cabinet in the room
guarantee he-ilthful. refreshing sleep. Sells
on sight. Canva.senf making 910 dally. J
' G. Mayer, Mediical Lake, Wash.
WANTED County and state agents for new
electric generator for medicinal purposes.
including; rheumatism, nervous disorders.
massage, electric baths, etc. Runs by water
, power, attached to your own faucet. 2o
expense to operate. Indlsroeneable In every
nome, bells at sight. Most wonderful m
vention of the age. Retails $1,4. Enormous
proiit to agent. Exceptional opportunity
for men of ability. Conybear Ht Sherman, 40
mver St.. Chicago.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats.
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
' Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E- cor. 3d
and oak. Phone Exchange 7Z.
WANTED Desirable furnished house of 5
or 6 rooms in good location in suburbs
within 20 minutes ride of central pqrt of
city. Address 824 Chamber of commerce,
- Phone A 1231.
WANTED Couple without children, to take
tnree rooms furnished, for nouseiteeping
by doing work for rent; references re
quired. O 15 U Oregonian.
WANTED About the 1st of September, room
for young man; must be within walking
distance of Adf and Washington sts. ; give
ruii particulars, ak oregonian.
JUST out, low-priced. 3-lb. mop; turn crank
to wring clean; clean hands; women ail
touy; loO per cent to agents; catalogue
rree. u. b. Mop Co., Ill Main St., Letp
sic, o.
BY SEPTEMBER 1. furnished or un
furnished 6-room upper flat. West
bide and close In; adults; references.
AHi lob, oregonian.
WANTED Board in private family for the
Winter. In suburbs, by family of 2 adults
ana two cnuuren. Address i ltxs, orego
NINE or 10-room house by September 1;
good neighborhood, within 1.1 blocks West
bide High School; 5-yeur leaee. J 16u,
A GENTLEMAN wants room and board with
private family and use of piano for prac
tice a while evening: state price and lo
cality. B 100, Oregonian.
WANTED By young couple, one large fur
nished room or small suite for house
keeping; close In, West Side. AP, 156, Ore
WANTED 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping
rooms, with bath, for family of three. n?ar
Ladd School preferred. Answer Monday
T. N. Kerr, care Bushong Jk Co.
WANTED To rent a mall house with
chicken yard on 6-cent carllne. Phone
Tabor 42.
SEPT. 1, suitable for 8 young men; references;
neat, light, bath and phone included. R
l(j&, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, employed, wishes room and
Doard; central; must be reasonable. P 150,
WANTED 3 or 4 nice housekeeping rooms.
piano prererra; state price; .East aide or
Albina. 8 167. Oregonian.
FINELY furnished modern house of elx or
seven rooms. West Side; adults. A. F. 162,
5-ROOM cottage, modern. West Side, walk
ing distance. 915 Board of Trade bldg..
Phone Main 1650.
YOUNG man employed night at the I'nion
uepoi wants a quiet lurnisnea room. . v . D.
V., 387 Yamhill.
YOUNG couple, with child, would like to
mane tneir nome with retired elderly
couple or widow. D 169, Oregonian.
REFINED, middle-aged lady desires a or 3
rooms, or nat ; housekeeping ; state price,
E 167, Oregonion.
FURNISHED boarding-house. 20 to 35
rooms; state rent and location. AF 163,
BY young couple, furnished or unfurnished
large room, witn sleeping porch connected.
D 165, Oregonian.
A GOOD 5 or 6-room cottage adjacent to
Irvington or Holladay School; 3 in family.
C 165, Oregonian.
WANTED Choice flats, furnished and un
furnished ; also rooms to rent. 514 Swet
land. Phone A 12-6.
LADY wants two modern housekeeping rooms.
not ana cola water; reasonable. A 165, Ore
gonian. WANTED Unfurnished 4-room fiat; name
location and price; no children. Address
F 167. Oregonian.
GOOD modern 6 or 7-rnom house, good local
ity, yard. none Main 645, between 0 and
10 today.
BY September 1. modern house of 7 or 8
rooms. Nob Hill district; desirable ten
ants. K 156. Oregonian.
STRICTLY high-class rurnlshed ruite of 3
or 4 offices. In modern, building; would
consider unfurnished. O 166. Oregonian.
WANTED A barber to rent a 2-cha!r shop.
St. John. Cheap rent. Call 111 Jersey at.
WANTBD Small furnished house or fiat br
young couple. ADtK, Oregonian.
WANTED To int. house at Seaside. Call
Sellwood Sunday evening or Monday.
WANTED Half store, suitable for station
ery store. Address Y 162, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires'Tome in refined family
of adults; references. C 143, Orr-gonlan.
WANTED Good second-hand phonographs.
Call or addrejw Newman, 293 Burnside.
Phone Main S45S.
WANTED Good family milch cow. Mrs A.
B. CosKrlff. Rmite I. "box 23 A. Milwankle.
The Port of Portland will pay $1.25 per
cord for fir or cedar brush in large or
small lots delivered by wagon at the foot
of 12th st. For particulars call at or tele
phone the office. City Hail. John P. Doyle,
clerk of the board.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 6655. A 412L
WANTED Men's eaex-off clotfilng and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the 'Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1T2A
POSITIONS OPEN List of 500 new firms
just smarting in business that must need
help of all kinds. Send 20c for a copy of
Calvert's Monthly, Chicago.
WANTED Bicycle, any standard make, pre
fer Columbia; must have coaster brake
and be In A-l condition. B 147. Orego
nian. BUTCHER to open shop In connection with
old established grocery, best location on
East Side; good soliciting route and de
livery wagon. AC 153, Oregonian.
WANTED Several hundred fowl, mostly
Plymouth Rock roosters, hens, chickens
and chicks; also incubators, bee Morrill,
I08 7th st.. afternoons.
WANTED 1000 shares Butte Boys mining
stock; state price. Aiso pair eeconcf
hand accurate ccunter scales. 300 to aoO
pounds capacity. AB 161, Oregonian.
PUPILS who canntt attend school, instruc
tion given at the home In the common
school branches. Call bet. 9 and 11 A. ML
Phone Main 3 JOS.
WANTED To purchase for cash, a milk
route and 23 or 30 cows. Inquire at 260
Stark st.
WANTED 3 teams to haul 4-ft. fir In city;
steady work. 847 E. titark. Phone East
231b, B lti&.
17-FOOT launch, h. ' p. engine, equipped
conl'eio; worth $400; will take $.175 cash
or trade. B 167, Oregonian.
FORD AUCTION CO. Is after aii the second
hand furniture they can buy; they pay the
price. East B 311.
WANTED Second-hand Victor phonograph
and records ; must be cheap for cash. A
166, O.-etfonlan.
WANTED Diamond, one or two-karat
stone; state lowest price and particulars.
Phone Main 8458.
WANTED Wide angle 6x8 lens; also
flash lamp; must be cheap. C 166, Ore
gonian. t
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always glved. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 85 N. Id.
Highest prioa paid; prompt attention.
WOULD Tike to buy piano for cash; state
make and finish. O 134, Oregonian.
"W9VNTED Oomtometer adding machine In
good condition. Address A 16S, Oregonian.
WANTED Piano to keep; absolute care guar
anteed. T JWi, Oregonian.
STEAM woodaw wanted ; state condition
and price. Box 881, Forest Grove, Or.
WANTED Stereoscopic camera; state
mane, price and phone, c 16d, oregonian.
FOR RENT Large front room; hot and cold
water, private residence; convenient loca
tion ; suitable for two gentlemen ; refer
ences. R 159. Oregonian.
FumiiNhed Rooms.
PARLOR and bedroom with large closet,
bath, phone, all conveniences, private flat.
6J3 4 Glisan, between 21st and 22d.
TWO connected, well furnished rooms; will
rent separately; all conveniences; terms rea
sonable; private family. 120 17th st. North.
NICE furnished room In private family, one
block from two canines; use of. bath and
phone. 584 3d st.
THE ANGF3LUS. 272 fith St., corner Jefferson,
monern single rooms, reasonable; free bath
and phonei
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, running
water, electric iignt, very central, reason
able. 211 12th. .
HANDSOMELY furnished parlors on first
rioor; piano, gas. bath, phone, BO East 8ta
9L. North. Phone E. 6077.
TAYLOR, near 12th. very neat single
front room for gentleman; private family,
modern, reasonable
ONE room, neatly furnished, in a private
iamuy anuits; oatn, pnone, gas, neat and
references. 368 13th st.
FOR RENT Furnished room for lady. In
(lestrahie locality; references. Apply 24
East 24th st. North. 503 Worcester bldg.
ONE nicely furnished front room, suitable
ror two. 21a litn St., 3 blocks from Mor
rison. .
NICELY furnished rorma. down town lo
cation, $2.o0 and $3 per week. The Ray
mond. 170s 11th
THE ESTE8 Good rooms, reasonable; new
rurnnure, teiepnone ana oatns free. A2i ft
Stark,- corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
$6 AND $8 per month, furr.ished rooms, pri
vate residence; moaern conveniences. 4.K
Lovejoy, near 23d.
26 N. 17TH, first floor, suite, private bath
and toilet; furnace heat, fireplace, rea
sonable; first house right off Washington.
ONE large front parlor, furnished, very de
sirable ror t or z gentlemen ; 7 blocks
from P. O.; cheep. Main 40fltt.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.
suitable ios two; also single rooms. 200 ft
Park st.
NEWLY furnished, airy rooms, in private
ramily; no children, walking distance,
reasonable. 429 E. Davis.
4B4 JEFFERSON ST.. Noar 13th; one or
two pentiemen; new furniture. .Fhone
Alain SH2S.
$1 PER wee,k: neatly furnished front
room: ivivaie residence; bath; phone.
- 28fi 12th st.
4 CUE AN rooms, ground floor; hath, graw,
phore. laundry, yard ; .H blorkf? from Sieei
bridge; $18. 27. Haa!o. East fl44.
house, lig;ht and sightly East 1710 or
551 East Yamhill.
NICELY furnifhed rooms, all modern con
veniences; walking distance; prices reason
able. 'yi2 Yamhill st.
TWO I tent, airy roomn; jras. bath, ption;
walking distance; no children. Pacific
1&33. 573 Irving st.
THE H YL.AND. 4!0 Morrison, well furnished
rooms, electric lights, hot baths, walking
distance. A 2-10.
I .... -
THE COZY, 1M 7th. niTly furnished rooms,
with or without board; 2 blocks from P.
O..I Hotel Portland.
T1E ANKENY 6 well furnished rooms. $3
to $."; phones and bath. 34i Ankeny.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia: modern
rooms, bath, .Vic to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; ?2 to f5
w.k. ; aiso transient rooms. 343 ft Morrison.
Nit 'ELY furnished rooms and' transient. 05
11th st.. cor. Stark.
$9 NICELY furnished mom in private
home. 141 13th, cor. Alder st.
LARGE lieht front room;
frrred. 440 Jefferson st.
gentleman pre-
309 11TH ST. Large front room; small fam
ily; modern conveniences; reasonable.
ROOM for in-altd or old person, reasonable;
modern; kind care. liH N. 17th. t
A LARGE, airy room; walking distance; $H
per month. 64S K. Taylor.
LARGE room, containing two beds. 91 J0th
FURNISHED front room, bath. $S month.
3K 21st North, corner Washington.
2 FURNISHED rooms at 273 21st, cor. Over
ton. Main 7010.
ONE or two furnished rooms; modern. 380
llth st. Telephone Pacific 4A5.
THE DORMER. 2S3 13th Beautiful rooms,
steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable.
FURNISHED room, suitable for gentleman;
modern ; walking distance. 387 3d st.
FOR RENT Two large front room; running
water, free bath. 453 Morrison.
PLEASANT roopis. buth. yhone, etc, 170
Uth et.. between Morrison and Yamhill.
NICELY furnished front room, walking dis
tance. West Side. Main 1106.
FURNISHED rooms, 407 Stark st.
Furalished Rooms.
Portland's Best Family Hotel.
American or European Plan.
Only ten minutes' walk from business
center, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves.
Car pssses hotel every minute. Very
reasonable rates. Largest, coolest and
most comfortable rooms to be found any
where, with every modern convenience.
Large, well-kept lawn.
DO you realize that you can get an outside,
team-heaxed. electrlc-lifchtod room at the
Barton, cor. 3th and Alder sts.. for $10
up per month? This house is being re
painted, repapered and put in first-class
condition ly the new owners. Nice large
parlor in connection. Suites, with running
water, $22.00 to $35.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
lngton sts Newly furnished throughout;
new buildings sultej with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7195. LoQg-dietance phones In ail rooms.
HOTEL OLENWOOD, 2d and Salmon New
and elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water in every room, private baths, steam
heat; transient, $1 and up; special ratfs
by week or month.
FRONT PARLOR Folding bed; suitable for
one or two persons; free Home phone;
baths free Saturday; single. $lu; double,
$12; cloco in. 430 E. Ankeny, bet. E bth
aiid E. 7th.
FOUR furnished rooms, upper floor of resi
dence, gas. electric light, heat, running
water, large yard. Will rent reasonable
to refined couple. References. 42 Wil
liams ave.
NICELY furnished, alao unfurnished rooms,.
eir.gie and en suite; quiet, suitable for
slnKie gentlemen. Call Monday, Kamin
bidg., 1st and Pine.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen in private home; gas, bath,
phone; near Burnside bridge. Phone Eat
6t77. 50 East lh st. North.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark St. .Large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.30 to $5 week. Mrs.
H art, man ager, A 51 U2. Main 901 7.
LARGE modern room, ground floor, fireplace,
hot and -cold water, hot water heat, boift
phones; very desirable for gentlemen.
IH2 Morrison.
IN PRIVATE family, furnished room, con
net ing bath, hot and cold water, gas,
furnace beat, phone, pleasant home. 600
5th st. ,
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; aiso
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Paclna
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Eelectrlo
depot; running water in all rooms, bath and
phone. A 15;t; 5oc to $1 day. $2.50 to $4 wk.
THE GBNEVIEVBL elegantly furnished steam-
heated rooms-, w aiking distance, porcelain
baths, free phone. . 445 Columbia, TtJ.
' M 7410.
Hotel Bushmark, Wash, and 17th, first-class
furnished rooms, single or en suite; all
modern conveniences. $3 weekly up; dally,
75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5047.
FURNISHED room In private family, for
one or two young ladies, references re
quired; location central. Phone Main
7110 or 90S.
2tf3 10TH ST. Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water in rooms, furnace heat;
rooms $10 per month and up. phone Main
ROOM in Irv lngton; gentleman preferred;
reasonable. Phone East Go73. Call 7H)
Multnomah el., city.
$7 LARGE, bright, furnished well lighted
room, quiet, central, tine porcelain hath.
32j 12th st? Phone Pacific 2102. A o7'f2.
LARGE FttONT ROOM, furnished;
breakfast If desired. Phone Kast
ONE large furnished front room, first floor,
for two gentlemen, $4.50 per week. 144
11th. between Morrison and Alder.
01 Mt ORAND ave.. corner East Washington,
nicely furnished housekeeping and. single
rooms; electric light, bath, laundry.
MAXWELL HALL, hot and cold water In
e ery room, lipht and clean, walking dis
tance. u7 14th st.
LARGE) rooms, double beds, bath, closets. $.1
and $3.5 week; chII and sec them. 1S7
0th st., near Yamhill.
COMFORTABLY furnished moms suitable for
one or two gentlemen; very central.
THE TEMPLE, S4fl Yamhill st.. nicely fur
nished rooms $2.00 a week and up; tran
sient. 25Si 13TH ST. Nicely furnished front
room, privf.te family, new house, every
convenience, gentlemen only.
TWO furnished sleeping rooms suitable for
1 or 2 persons; low rate; close In. 249 Jef
ferson. A PLEASANT room, with every modern con
venience. The Chetopa, 18th and Fianders.
Apply to Janitor.
432 7th Two clean, lig'ht, comfortably
furnished slepplnpr rooms for gentle
men. $4 and $t month.
415 TAYLOR, cor. 11th st. ; reasonable, light,
clean, comfortably furnished front rooms,
bath, phone.
394 COLUMBIA, cor. 10th. well furnished
room ; furnace heat; gas, bath, phone;
walking distance.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year; rooms
with bnfird. use of new InK-room and li
brary; Women's Bxchange, Mrs. EJla Raw
lings, Bupt., 510 Flanders st.
NICELY furnished rooms, en suite or single;
every modern convenience, with flnst-clas
table board; only those who w ish a de
sirable place need apply- 188 13th.
THE OLDS Rooms and board. $30 per
month, elegantly furnished, home cooking,
all white labor, bath, hot h phones free.
17ft Ella st.( cor. Washington.
NICE front room for genttemen, in private
family ; modern conveniences; best home
cooking. lbtift 12th st. Main tif!6.
A LARGE front 100m, auitabls for 2 or 3
gentlemen or mun and wife. 835 Mont
gomery. FRONT room with board, central location,
suitable for one or two persons. 24 N
10th st.
LARGE, airy, front room, two or three, honm
cooking, private family, two carllne, rea
sonable. 10 minute to city. B 2481.
NICE room : home rooking; home privileges ;
private, modern and reasonable. &21 Couch
PLRASANT .suite, modern conveniences, pri
vate home, suitable for two or four young;
men; board optional. Main 889ft.
NICELY furnished large room suitable for two
gentlemen, with board. Simonhouse, 22 N,
llth st.
NICE room, with board, strictly private fam
ily; modern, central; references. 284 ft Park
st. Main 3202.
ROOM suitable for two. modern conven
iences, wit h or without board ; rates rea
sonable. 471 Taylor st.
Board and room, strictly first-class, bath,
phone, piano. 443 3d st.
GENTLEMAN' wishes a room mate to board
and room; two good beds; $2tt per month.
428 4th st. Phone Pacific 829.
TH R EE nice furnished rooms, with first -class
table board, gentlemen only. 3 "-3
Market street.
FIRST-CLASS room and boftrd, home conk
ing. 444 ft Park, room suitable for two.
A 40SC.
LARGE 1 room with hoard for young men;
modern convenience; price rrasonable. 27
Kaaft 7th St.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. $25 per
month. The (Hendora, 1 block from
Washington on l'Jth.
THE MARLYN. Washirgtcn and 17th. we'I
furnished rooms, hot and co.d water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
FOR one or two gentlemen in private
home. Kings Heights. Hamburg cooking.
J 150. Oregonian.
LARGE alcove room for 4. with board, rea
sonable. 294 Clay. Phone Main 720.
NICE room and good home cooking, suitable
for gentlemen. B74 Glisan st., cor. ISth.
FURNISHED room with board In private
family. $5.50 week. 102S Front t.
BOARD and room for two. 24 per month.
328 (flay. Phone Mam .!).
lQHft 10TH Large, handsome front room,
with "board, use of piano.
THE MAMTor. 2HT 13th. large, airy rooms,
rent reasonable.
TWO rooms, with or without board; private
family 16 minutes to pcatofflce. East 437&.