5 THE SUJfDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, AUGUST 16, 1908. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. k FEW OF THE BARGAINS OFFERED TODAY. $500 for a bang-up -room strictly modern hou, In ft stylish part of a styl ish city. jSTOti Including street Improvements, sidewalks, etc. : !0-room house, furnace, gas. electric lights and all conveniences, with ) lota, decorated most beautifully with all kinds of trees, East Yamhill st. $3200 Swell 4-room house. In hunny side; has all modern conveniences and Is a perfect place. $StrOO Swell 7 -room house, all conven iences; lot 60x116. Hawthorne ave.. and 44th st. 12700 Modem, complete house, on East Tavlor St.; everything neat and charming. $2."06-Here Is a house, close to business In the center of Sunnyside. 5 rooms, mod ern. ., ' $2500 5 -room cottage, alt conveniences: swell locstlon. within walking distance of business center, on Bast balmon near 20th. $1500 D-room cottage, ail conveniences, Lexington ave., in Sellwood; half block from carllne. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder St. A FIXE HOME. New 7-room and den; small corner lot on E. Morrison st.; full cement basement; frultroom. laundry, tubs, best of plumb ing; piped fir furnace; 4 nice bedrooms upstairs; very large closets and wood hoist; nice kitchen and pantry; In fact tlw house is full of conveniences; walls llnud: floors polished; $4500, llouO cash, terms on balance. HFvvi V a. HARRISON. ill Gerilnger bldg.. Cor. 2d and Alder. 'A COUPLE OF SNAPS. 2-story 7-room frame dwelling on Wood tn,.k v . nir car; new; fiber finish bath, basement; lot 100x100; $2100; IllAM cash $2100 will buy a one-story 7-room house on E 2riih st.; Z carlln'S witnm a dioc, um walls, bath, toilet, gas, electric lights, base ment, etc.; $5oo cash. CALL ON US. Cnlilmhia TVlMt ComDUIV. 714 Couch bldg. 1H 4th st. near Wash. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BI'NGA LOW New roomy all modern Improvements beau tifully finished plate glass windows electric lights gas Bull Run water walls tinted. It would take $4000 to du plicate this properly. Owner needs money and will sell very reasonsble now. Henry '. Prudnomme, 306 Chamber of Com merce. Insurance and Loans. $300 .Vies house, full lot, overlooking the riy'000 5-room house, full lot on Michi gan ave.; cement sidewalk, gas, electric lights j-diiO 5-room bungslow, near Haw thorne ava. ; $600 cash, balanae easy '"MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 1J2 Third St. STOP See here If you went investments, tall and see about the following: 4' loots overlooking the Willamette. 2 business lots Klliingsworth avenue. 4 residence lots tilenwood Park, on the Peninsula. $100 each. Fine modern house, St. John. Terms on the above, and prices right. Owners 411 Couch Bldg. XVANHOE One of the prettiest bungalow In that thriving residence section, with lnoxioo; price $27iio. on term to suit. Goidschmldt's Agency. 25oVj Washington, cor. 3d. $-F:OOM modern house; full lot on East Main and close In; very sightly; an hon-estlv-buill and well-planned house worth $l"6o, but for reasons will sell now for $3400. HENKLE & HARRISON, ill Gerlinger bldg., coiner 2d and Alder. SEE THE RYAN TRACT Tc-dnv on Salem electric line. Alder Spri.igs Station f then see us Monday iu! secure a beautiful acre tract at liaif its value In lota. B. S. Cook & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. RESIDENCE LOTS $650 $ full lots. Including comer; choice location In Hood Morning Addition, near Piedmont; this Is a bargain. James J. Flynn. 612 Chamber of Commerce. 14,V) Choice lot on Willamette Heights: grand view, fsclng the hsrbor and mountains: Raleigh St.. Just west of 29th St.; alt improvements In; a big snap. A. H. BIRRELL. 2"2 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. 4S20O New 2-story 7-room house having 4 bdroonis. reception hall, modern in ev erv respect; lot .toxic", 2 blocks from Union ave. carllne: will make terms to g-od parly. See The Soanton Co., 270 Stark st. FOR SALE. Quarter black. l""xloo. S. E. corner E. 82d and Market: $2i. K.VAPP & MACKEY. 213 Board of Trade bldg. AN independent living. 10 acres, best rar den land, all cleared and fenced, 4 mile from station, on new Oregon Electric line: cheap and on easy terms. Houston. 414 Sherlock. ACRE TRACT. West Side, close in, lavs fine, good soil. Price only $0o. Easv terms. M. E. Lee, Room 411, Corbett bldg. . WE HAVE SEVERAL EXCEPTIONAL Bsrgains In vacant and improved resi dence property; choice locations; inspec tion invited. MOHR A HART. 37S Yamhill St. $.2'H buys a new modern 5-room shingled bungalow. E. 3Sth and Stephens. Small pavment down, balance monthly. PACIFIC BROKERAGE COMPANY. 501 Board of Trade. TWO tine lots on corner for sale, at East 5oth and KaHt Madison: cement sidewalks and streets' graded; owner must sell ac count of leaving town. Addresa X ItiO. Oregonian. M0 FOR ACRE. West Side, 5-cent fare, irood soli, lays fine. Easy terms. " M. E. Le, room 411, Corbett bldg. I J2rtKO New well-built bungalow, 5 large moms well finished and nice bath: desirable location, 2 blocks from carllne; lot 6.'x 1m to lfl-foot alley. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark St. 3 NICE building lots, cement walks, graded streets. Bull Run water; fruit on lota. 21) . minutes from center of city; cheap, as owner is leaving city. AC 164, Oregonian. anxMV COLLEGE, nesr Park: all Improve ments paid: suitable for a single fiat or home; $2750. Culver. 623 Chamber . of Commerce. ' A GOOD home 6-room house, ground lOOx 200. good barn arid chicken house and young frutt. on Oregon Electric, cheap; terms. Houston, 444 Sherlock. FOR SALE: An elegant block, S. W. comer 15th and Gllsun; we offer this. 14 block $:io0 under present value. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay bldg. ELEGANT home, John Irving flrpt addition. 7 rooms, fine lot, complete; $10iio cash, balance monthly payments. East eittl. Do'.en sr Herdman. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room cottage. Just being completed. In Sunnslde: price $2t;50, on terms. Phone Main IO03 Monday or call at room 332 Sherlock bldg. FOUR strictly modern flats, West Side, for sale. Will pay over 10 per rent Interest. M. E. Lee, room 411, Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE 2 lots 4xHX each, on Pth St., within In) feet of Alberta carline: will sH! one or both: price $500 each, cash. Address R 167. Oregonian. HOLLADAY Park snap. 50x32o. 0-room modern bouse, cheap at more than price asked. Owner. 73 Multnomah st. $12 50 per acre: 415 acres nesr Forest Grove. Purse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7.".H. TWO FINE I-OTS in Woodmere, $400 cash or terms. Address C 167, Ore gonian. A NEW apartment house; paying 12 per cent net on price asked. E. P. Moss man, Com mercial Club bidg. COCNCIL CREST contract 19o. 2 choice lots. $13.v: $770 paid In: will eell for $600 cash. K 169. care Oregonian. IN SOUTH PORTLAND. New modern 6-room house; full lot; by owner. P 150. Orvgonlan. ACREAGE JVi. 5. 10. 12 or 20 acres; all near electric line; cheapest offered In district. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark at. OWNER comer lot East 14th and Yamhill sts., suitable for flata or apartments. Barette. the Tailor. Igoo Good modem 5-room cottage, ow Pod rey ave., south of Russell St. Leonard Broe.. 334 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP. 6-room house. 436 Emerson. Phone Wood lawn 1262. 7-ROOM house. 100x100 lot. 436 Oxford St.. East Side. North. Phone Woodlawn 1349. jr-ptv boroaatead looaUons. 333 Chamber Commerce FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY C. E. FIELDS A. COMPANY. 411. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main 4561. A 251. SlO.OOO Hotel on Glisan St.. paying a good rent; leased for a term of years; terms. lla.000 One of the finest 12-room resi dences In Holladay Addition; on Mult nomah st. $10.000 9-room residence, Holladay Ad dition: lot 100x100; can sell on easy terms. jMlflO 50x5' on East lh st., ncir Burnside; this is good prospective busi necs properly and the building on the ground will take care of It. $SO0O block. 100x100, on East 14th St.. 3 blocks north of new High School; you could rind no better property than this for an apartment house. $3000 A modern S-room house on the corner of Broadway and East lillh St.; wo can sell vou this on easy terms. $6500 Five acres adjoining Rose City Park on the south; all platted, making 27 'n lota Anyone who puts this on the market will make money. $15.000 14 block on East Washington and East Tnlrd sts. L1 . We have a number of lots 50x100 which we will sell at from $-00 to $300 near Rose City Park on the south and close to the Country Club. - IRVINGTON. Call and let us give you the prices of lots on Thompson and Brazee streets. CHEAP HOUSES. HMO Brand-new 4-ruom cottage, near Annuel: fine sldde trees In yard; $300 cash huliincii SIS tier month. $110 Nice 5-room cottage, full lot. East 14th St.. Brooklyn; $300 cash, balance like rent. $2oOO Nice 5-room cottage, 34th and East Yamhill: $400 cash, balance easy. $2400 Modern 7-room houee. lot BoxlOO, Eellwood; a fine home; $800 cash. f:to New mooern H-roolll bungalow- corner lot, S3 1-3x100; E3St 27th St.; $500 cash, balance eayy. $.1.100 New modern 8-room house, full lot, on Cnlon ave.; a bargain; H cash. $5u00 Elegant large S-room new house, near Eaet Side High School; part cash. $50Xl Elegant 7-room home. liHlxUM); Mount Tabor; must be seen to appreciate. GRUSSSI A GANTNER. Room 7 Canterbury Bldg.. 2H5 Washington St.. Corner Third. HOOD RIVER FRCIT FARMS. Two rattling good buys: 25 acres 4t, miles) from Hood River, 15 acre orchard, 1000 apple trees, 1-3 bearing, balance pears, plums, pesches, cherrUs. i acre straw berries, 3 acres meadow. 2 garden. 5 pas ture, land nearly cleared, free water for 17 acres, good 7-room modern house, choicest location. $-5o per acre.- Also 20 acres practically adjoining above, 5 .acres cleared. 3 acre bearing orchard, fine. of fruit land, $420o. Would consider exchange for good Portland property In part payment of one or both places. Phone B 4913. Address 1 E. 29th st. North, city. $7750 Nob Hill; full lot; modern 11-room bouse; lot alone worth $6000. $5000 Nlco -room house and lot. 100x 150. on carllne, on East 39th st.; assorted fruits, walnuts, berries, poultry-house, 150 feet of cement wall and sidewalks. $2600 s-room house and full lot, on E. Hovt st.; fruit, roses, etc. $5000 Modern mission finish, beam ceil ing. 7 rooms as good a built house as there Is In Portland: E. Ankeny st. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. A FINE HOME. (4500 A tine residence In very desirable locality, 1 blork f rr m carllne of quick service. A well-built house of 11 rooms. Interior beautifully finished, built by owner for own occupancy; large bearing fruit trees. Two additional lots adjoining if desired. An unurual opportunity. 3 J. 15. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Ohamter of Commerce. A BEAUTIFCL HOME Close In; large rooms; hall, pantry, bathroom and full concrete basement and foundation; best full plumbing: double floored and board ed: fine Interior finish; hot and cold water: hath, sink, lavatory; patent toilet; gas, electric; cement walks; paved streets; high 60x100 lot: superb view; among swell homes; bargain; $3550, $1550 down. Port land Homes Co., 204 Morrison St. $4500 Modern house. Willamette Heights, fine view; streetcar In front of door. $5000 Modern ti-room bungalow, oorner lot In Holladay's Addition. $5700 7-room moilern house. Walnut Park Addition; fireplace, furnace, gas. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third st. A SNAP IN WALNUTS. 10 acres, situated near station on West Side; all in 2-year walnuts. This tract lies high ami level and is the finest of soil. Only $250 per acre. F. J. CATTERLIN ft CO.. 3 Chamber of Commerce. 50X100 lot near loth and Alnworth: nice and level; owned Tty Eastern party, who w.nti money Immediately for hie business. Thla Is right near lots now value at $5fi0. For a few days, $4on. Homereekers' Informa tion Bureau. 333 Chamber Commerce. NOBBY 6-room house for 12.10ft, Vs cash, up- to-date finish tuid llfhting fixtures ana Dutch kitchen: lot 45x1 :::i. with shade. garden and nic? lawn, fenced, close to Kern Park Station on O. W. P. Chapln & Hcilow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. TWO SNAPS. Two lots In North Irvltigton for $000. One lot In Piedmont on Rodney St., at a big reduction In vrlce. CHATIN A HET.LOW. 332 Clfamber of Commerce. SWELLEST $.1000 heme In Vernon and "i00 nist payment will get possession; one block from car. faces east, and "brand new"; seven rooms, perfectly modern and 1 swell finish. Chepln ft Herlow. 332 Cham- 1 her of 1 nirmprra f 11. ATT1 NO TRACT High, level; Al car service; surrounded by gilt-edge restrict ed residence property; absolutely best on market. G. E. Walling. owner, 243 Stark St. NICE HOME. On E. Everett st., house Is modern with furnace; lot Is 5nxl0O with fruit, flowers and lawn: a good buy at $1000; $1250 cash, balance easy terms. t27 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL new 8-room house. 100x100 lot. Thompson St.. Irvington: buy now before carline on 2?d st.. is completed, when owner will raise price; now 87500; terms. Starr Bros., 428 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE by owner, handsome home. Wil lamette Heights. 8 rooms, large living room, hardwood floors, fine furnace: two large porches; beautiful view; $7000, part cash. D 157, Oregonian. $isoo 10 acres 1 mile from O. W. P. car, on good macadam road'. $.-j5fv 211 acres east of Portland, near O. W. P. car. Leonard Broa.. 334 Chamber Commerce. -ROOM modem house; small lot: corner on E. 14th St., near new High School; the very best surroundings: $4500; easy terms. HENKLE HARRISON. 611 Gerilnger bldg.. Cor. 2d and Alder. NEW. modern 5-room bungalow, half block carline: cost $2500; will take $22iK; cash or easy terms; also furniture for sale. 40 Hamilton bldg. TWO new 6-room bungalow cottages on South ave.. Midway; $.100 down, small monthly payments. Kellwood car. 581 South ave. A SNAP One teautlful house, chicken house, barn, on 3 lots, for sate by owner, who Is going to move East. Laurelwood station, 96 S. Taylor st. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE 7-room modern house. Portlsnd Heights, fine view. 60 by 100 corner, psved streets. $7000; half rssh. balance time. Inquire owner, 520 Elisabeth st. FOR SALE Lot on East Davis, near 22d st.. fine location and very cheap at $1250, half cash. See H. Gordon, room 332 Sher lock bldg. $2200. MARGUERITE AVE., corner lot. with modern 5-r."om house. This is a snap. $600 cash, balance at 7 per cent straight lean. Cady A Seiple. 322 Mohawk bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, swell location. 1 block from carllne. plate glass windows, hard wood floors, a splendidly built home. AD ItMl. Oregonian. FOR SALE A 6-room house and 3 lots, highly cultivated, fruit tries of all kinds, berries, etc.. cash or terms. 621 Cor bett bldg. Main 8143. NICE lot In Irvington. on which we will build a house after your own designing and sell on easy' terms. A 1216. or 233 Wor cester bldg. BEAUTIFUL country home; modern build-, Ings: electrlo line; river front: plenty rult: very desirable. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark st. . BEAUTIFUL acre tract on Oregon City car line, near Willamette River, fine neighbor hood, at reasonable price, owner, F 158, Oregonian. NO one will buy property If big commission is added. I do not charge commission or advance the price. See me. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. WILL build to suit tenant on 50x100, near 6lh and Burnside, or on 50x100 near Sth and Flanders. Frank E. Smith A Co.. Cor bett bldg. I HAVE a number of houses and cottages for sale on terms; see me for anything In real estate Thos. McCusker, 05 Couch bldg. Main 7644. NEW, modern 7-room house, near East I.Vh and Hawthorne ave.. $4750; $1000 cash re 4iilred. Webb, SSD East Washlcgon st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- CHEAP LOTS. ' $400 Nice lot In Orchard Place. j-iooFull lot. Mlener St., Montavilla. $hou soxloo, E. ."3d st., near Cllntoa. between two nice bouses; easy terms). S750 2jXllo, corner on Bancroft ave.. South Portland; grand view. $SOO Beautiful lot. 60x100. East Tamhlll; fine to build on; terms. $16.10 100x100, corner Garfield ave.: cov ered with fruit; swell place: hal cash. $17H0 E'egant lot overlooking the river on Kelly St., South Portland. $,vou 56x100, near 3d and Grant; fine for flaw. GRUSPI & GANTNER. Room 7 Canterbury Bldg., 265 Washington St.. Cor. Third. JUST finished. 7-room home In Holla day Park Addition: furnace, fireplace, cove ceilings, lien, large sleeping porch, polished floors; paved street, extra size lot, chance for small gar den, barn or chickens; south front age, large rooms and plenty of win dows; owner unable to occupy and and will sell to realize on invest ment. Phones, East or B 1894. READ THIS. 1-storv 7-room frame house, very well built. 2x42: lame well-framed barn, 34x34: 2ft large fruit trees; lotloOxlOO; H block from M.-V. car. near E. 50th st. ; to De sac rificed for $220; cash. CALL ON ITS. Columbia Trust Company. 714 Couch bldg. 10i 4th st. near Wash. A BARGAIN 5 rooms and reception hall, butlt-ln china' closet and book cases, fire place, best of plumbing, attractive and convenient. Full lot, high and sightly corner, largo fruit trees, near Rose City Park. We are instructed to make a bar gain price -on this for a few days only; iiuo cash, balance at 7 per cent. Cady & Seiple. 322 Mohawk bid. WEST SLOPE OK MT. TABOR. No disagreeable winds. Is aocesslble in very way, either to drive or in your auto; a direct line of cars from center of cltv: the verv Quickest and best serv Ice. We have some choice lots In this locality and now Is the time to buy and a good time to build. Henkle & Harrison. 511 Gerilnger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder. TH1! PBRTTIEST 10 ACRES on the Willamette, within three miles of r.Itv. and $250 ner acre less than anv other similar tract offered. There will be $2500 profit In this buy as soon as papers are signed. B. S. Cook & to., D03 COl'Dell DiUg. CHOICE BUY. $2650 5-room modern corrage. built 4 years aso as a home; full lot, all Improve ments In and naid1: East 22d St.. cicee to 2 carilnes and only 20 minutes' walk to -Madieon-at. bridge; rent ') per month. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. SUNNYSIDE H-acre tracts on 3Rth St.; $2000; new, commodious 7-room house, mod ern, weathered oak finish: $3500, or $500 less than construction value. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. , 253 1 Washington, cor. Third. -ROOM RESIDENCE 20 minutes' walk from Morrison bridge full basement- concrete floor gas and electric lights-first-class fixtures -window shades walls tinted very cosy home $2375 takes it terms. Alao fractional lot near above at a bargnln. Henry O. Prudnomme. 306 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. One of the prettiest homes on the Heights, a half block of beautiful grounds; highly Improved and an unobstructed view; very reasonable. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227. Main 196S. WEST SIDE. 50x106; 2 houses rent $15 per month; very reasonable terms, $55oO. 50x100, neat 5-room cottage, beautiful view, fine lawn. Price, $aou0. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Corbett Building. ACREAGE. $H00O 12 acres, highly cultivated, on the Oregon Cltv line, only 30 minutes' ride from Portland; station right on the place. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of Com merce. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD, see this One of the finest' tt-room homes In IRVINUTON on 100x100 lot, south front, close to carllns. everything modern and complete. For a short time this Is offered at $10(K less than It Is worth. Cady Selple. 322 Mohawk bldg $700 WILL handle beautiful close-in Irvington lot on E. 12th near Broadwav carllne; east facing, just right for bungalow; all improvements in and paid; best buy In Irvington. Both phones 3126. ACREAGE Ten-acre tracts, near Tualatin. on the Salem carllne: lays nne. guou bom. Best buy on the market today; $90 per acre and up; easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 382 Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE on Mt. Scott carline. Section Line roaa; juuo. imii i 1 ,. to: -nnnfh On-nor yj rUv Hurrv W S Stock, c. iT urr' D' owx-a.. ' ' ' ' RESIDENCE LOT. 1000 70x100 feet, choice corner. East Side, near Ladd Addition: a bargain and much below the market price. James J. Flynn. Chamber of Commerce. $3000 A very desirable 8-room cottage, recep tion hall, beam ceiling, large rooms and all Improvements; lot 50x100; fruit trees and shrubbery, 1 block from will lams ave. car.; can be had on terms, by seeing The Spanton Co., only, 270 Stark. 40 ACRES. 20 cleared. $165 per acre: good 7-room house and outhouses; well watered; best land in the Valley, near Tlgardville. 136 acres. 60 in cultivation; a thoroughly improved farm, near Grants Pass; $4000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. 100X313 on Alnsworth. corner, finest residence property In this district. Can be cut Into 7 large lots and bring $4-400 at the present prlreo Price Is $34v. half cash. Home seekers' Information Bureau. 333 Chamber Commerce. i 1 SPECIAL. $1650.00. Fine corner lot. East 26th and East Tavlor sts.; terms. LAMBERT-WHITMER COMPANY, 404 East Aiaer street $3.100 NEWLY-CONSTRUCTED 7-room home and two lots, on West Side; view of river, mountains and city unsurpassed. Best buy on West Side. See llobson. 503 Corbett bldg. $3650 Elegant home, built for a home. 6 large rooms, tr.sement. bath, closets; evervthlng complete: fixtures and shades go with house; terms. C. B. Lucas. 322 Corbett bldg ' - $4000 Eleven-room house, furnace, tinted walls, decorated; on carline; $500 cash. $30 per month. City Realty & Bldg. Co., 430 Worcester bldg. TEN-ACRE FARM, Half-mile from street car at Montavilla. house, barn and small fruits; exceptional bargain at $n.",O0. MOHR & HART. S73 Yamhill St. BY OWNER 7-room. modern dwelling, full lot; East Burnside. r.ear 20th: five-minute car service; beautiful neighborhood; $42O0: half cash: address A. F., 161 Ore gonian. $2,1. THINK of It! You can buy a nice modern 7-room house In Irvington for $2,1 per month; price $:lO00. If you want this, hurry. M. ci Davis, room 16, Ham ilton bldg., 1.11 3d St. SMALL tracts within 5 miles of court house, on West Side; choice land, good roads and water. $100 per acre. 325 Lumber Exchange. 6-ROOM modern houffe, 2 lots 100x100. 10 fruit trees. 2 blocks from carllne. 32 Spruce St.. Firland. Mt. Scott Ry. Call today. For terms see owner. 2 V- ACRE! on Meridian st Just east of Country Club, near O. R. & N. Co. 'a witch: $2650. terms. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A fine hlock. S. W. corner East 3d and Clackamas sts . must he sold in a few days. O'Brien Realty Co.. McKay bldg. CORNER. 40x65. Broadway and B. 7th: Im provements good and all paid; $1550. all or cash. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE, absolutely clear and level, near Myrtle Park Station, $1200; 325 Lum ber Exchange. WEST SIDE apartment site, close In; a real bargain. Inquire Walling. 243 Stark st. FOR SALE Modem 8-room house. 103$ Cleveland ave. Phone Woodlawn 114. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW; price $3500. Terms. Call Ea.st 27th and Weidlex. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REALTY BARGAINS. New 8-room Queen Anne house, lull lot, St. John carllne. $2700; terms. 5-room modern cottage, full lot. East Ankeny carllne. $2300: terms. Full lot with shade trees, E. 32d St., near Hawthorne .ave. ; street improved, ce ment walk, gas and sewer In; a snap, $1150. Full block on Hawthorne ave., the best buy on the avenue: only $4000. The best business corner on Russell st , Improving in value every month. fair buildings, good Income; price $15,000. Quarter block, E. 10th St., close In, choice location for either home or flats, only $5500. Good 7-room house, full lot, Overton St., choice neighborhood; a snap. $5700. Warehouse site on Water st., rail fa cilities, near Jefferson-st. depot, some lm- 6111(1111; absolutely the best buy we now of for the money: If taken now only $$500. ha'f cash. 8 rooms, full lot, near Hawthorne ave., $3500, half cash. 4-room house 1 lot, Mt. Scott line. $050, terms; $75 cash, balance $14 per month. PORTLAND REALTY TRUST CO.. 106 Second St., bet. Washington and Stark. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering ths best thing la acrs er half acre tracts In Portland; water mains laid and terms' of only $10 cash and $10 prr month. CHURCH1LL-M ATTHEWB CO., 110 2d St. LOOK HERE. $2007. 2.33 acres, only 500 feet from Oregon Electric csrlins depot; can make 15 lots or more 50x100: 6c car fare. XI minutes' ride, high and sightly; lots selling at $350 8 times further from depot: this Is a snap, but you will have to act quickly; terms. Russell Houston. 444 Sherlock omg., S3 aa si. $2700 6-room cottage, modern, built 4 years; concrete baeement, cement floor, sta tionary washtuos: gas throughout; all improvements in and paid; northwest part of city, Roosevelt and 22d ata. A big snap; terms. See A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. SPLENDID chance, party leaving city, for sale, brand-new delicatessen store, fine building and lovely living-rooms, right on carline in very pretty suburb of Port land; beautiful lot. building and atock all for $3200 if taken quick. BtauD A Sawtell. corner 3 2d and Belmont sts. Phone Tabor 1811. FOR SALE 100x100. with modern 7-room house; large reception hall; bath, toilet, laundry; gas and electrlo lights; fruit trees; fine lawn; 1 block from Union ave.; S blocks from school; price $4200. B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. INVESTMENT. 10 acres, right In the city, all platted and ready to sell lots; water, gas and carllne; surrounded by thickly settled dis trict; terms. HENKLE HARRISON, 5U,Gerllnger bldg. RESIDENCE LOT $5000 Beautifullv located lot, 60x1 "0 feet. Nob Hill district, west of 2Jd St.; choice location. James J. Flynn. 512 Chamber of Commerce. $8000 12-room moflern house, extra large lot, 55x100, choice oorner, east and north front; non-resident, instructions to sell; 22d st., near Northrup. See me about this Monday. Terms. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. $160Q 5-room house and nloe corner lot, 50x100. on Waverly-Rlchmond carllne. Nice garden and fruit trees; close in; terms $500 cash, balance time ac 0 per cent. C. F. Pf luger & Co.. room 14. Mul key bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. $37.10 7-room modern residence, full base ment, 8 large bedrooms wUh closets, com bination light fixtures. Improved streets, two carilnes, excellent neighborhood. Moore & Frost Land Co., 717-718 Swet land bldg. $1900 6-room cottage, full lot. nice condition; $400 cash. We have a large list of property; all prices and terms. City Realty & Bldg. Co., 430 Worcester bldg. MOST DELIGHTFUL, ONE ACRE home sites on the Oregon Electric; 15 minutes out. See B. S. Cook & Co., 603 Corbett bldg. $2400 Just completed, modern 6-room cot tages. ;;Sth and E. Grant; small payment down, balance monthly. See this. PACIFIC BROKERAGE COMPANY, 501 Board of Trade. RISLEY TRACT. Oregon City carllne. 2 acres or more; all In cultivation: best of land. C. W. RIs ley. owner, Rlsley's Station P. O.. Mll waukie. FOR SALE Two new. strictly modem bungalows, In beautiful loatlon; $22iu, $.100 down, balance on easy terms. Call 1143 East Harrison. Phone Tabor' 12. GOOD home, one block from Hawthorne car- line. Corner lot 50x100; house extra well built; 7 rooms; furnace, etc. A bargain at $4200. 627 Corbett bldg. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT Y. D A. TUFTS. S03H WASHINGTON ST. HOUSES for sale in all parts of ths oltr' acreage close In. and farms tn Oregon and Washington. Phons Main 4486. Kinney A 6tampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE at onoe. owner leaving city, new strictly modern It-room house, lot 57x100; a bargain; or will trade for property In Oakland, Cal. A F 151. Oregonian. NEW 6-room house; full lot, basement ; right at car; only $27oO. Another new 6 rooms for $2000; terms on either one. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $3500 8-room residence on Hawthorne ave.. thoroughly m-ooorn. lot wiud; reei above street; $10110 cash. .Western Oregon Trust Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce. WHY PAY RENT ? $150 cash, balance to suit, buys a modern 6-room cottage, near carllne. A. S. Draper, room 32. Lafayette bldg., cor. 8tn and Washington. HOLLADAY'S Addition bargain, beautiful new. well-built home, near carilnes, nanl wood floors, extra fine flnisn throughout; terms. S 160. Oregonian. GRAND AND UNION. Business property on Grand and Union aves. See .1. J. Oeder, Cor. Grand ave., and E. Ankeny. TWO fine lots In Tremont: $375 for the 2; easy terms. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7300. $2100 Beautiful 'home in center of Forest Grove; ground 100x125 feet; 2 blocks from lectrlc cars. Box 131. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE on very ea-ry terms. 6 near Hawthorne ave.. on 48th at room 332 Sherlock bldg. mall lots st. Call GOOD investment, price right; 2 of the best lots on Council Crest; terms. Puree. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7300. $21.000 Swell new apartment building. West Side, close In. Income $22.1 month; first -claps Investment: terms. S loH, Oregonian. $3000 Modern 6-room nouse. walking dls- lance, near new high school. Inquire 601 East Washington. $750 Beautiful lot on Broadway st., near 2th: street improved; perfect title. 416 Chamber Com. BY owner, lot 50x100. on Lovejoy. between 21st and 22d; price $3800, terms. P 151, Oregonian. PORTLAND Information Bureau, rooms, houses and flats rented. Phone A 1258. 514 Swetland bldg. 10 ACRES of sightly ground, eultabla for platting, on good car llns; $3600. Call room 40. Washington bldg. FOR SALE 100 feet on Williams ave., cor . ner. with two good buildings. Income $05 a month. AE 152. Oregonian. CHOICE bulldmg lots for sale in all parts of the city. Washington A Oregon Realty Co., 108 2nd st.. Portland. 1400 4-room modern house. furnished, half cash. S. Thornton, opposite M. E. Church, Woodlawn. BT OWNER, quarter block with T-room modern house or house and ona lot. 1294 ' E. Taylor St.. a bargain.- BY OWNER 5-rocm cottage at 126 Whlt aker st.. South rortland; all improvements made. TEACHER wishes to buy home, Irvington or Holladav, rent first year, or rent with privilege of buying. C 157. Oregonian. FOR nice homes and cheap lots on easy payments take Mt. Scott car. get off at Crestoa Station. G. H. Taylor, agent. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN HOMES. Mt. Tabor line, close In, good house, extra site lot, with plenty of fruit trees, $3000. , On Broadway carline, close in, never been occupied, $4500. In Holladay. close In, splendid prop erty. $5400. Just completed, on Clackamas, very modern. $4800. We also have several cheap lots in Irvington which we will show buyers. HEILMAN & LATHROP. Both phones. 3126. Over Merchants National Bank. ' BEAUTIFUL. HOME. 137x157 coiner, fine lawn, roses, fruit and berries, nearly new 7-room house, living room with fireplace, dining-room hno heamoH i-ollintra evtrn. large COOl- ing closet, furnace, laundry tubs, full cement- basement, a very complete home. Price with terms, jfioOO. ZIMMERMAN. 521 Corbett Building. "CHEAPEST LOTS IN IRVINGTON. 3 beautiful lots, lying 100 feet north of Hancock on high ground; cement walk and r:urb, graded street: have Just one week to close these fine lots out at the low price of $1200 eac-h; assessments paid. 'Hellman & Lathrop, room 3, over Merchants National Bank. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1500 100x150, adjoining Overlook; fine vie-. $1100 154x166. on Woodstock carllna. $7iM) Vi acre tract nesr Flriand. Small payment cash, balance to suit. C. B. LUCAS, 822 Corbett Bldg. NEW 6-room cottage, lot 50x100, 16 foot alley; cement walks, streets im proved; a snap for $2400; $500 will handle. DABNEY & DABNEY, 412 Commercial block. Phone Main 5866. MODERN -room house, Just completed; fireplace, electrlo and gas fixtures: full ceiresnt basement; new lawn: 10-mlnute car ride to center of city; a beautiful little home; can be had on easy payments. O. M. SMITH, 415 Commercial Club Bldg. $325 will buy choice of 6 fine building lots only 18 minutes from Washington street. Bull Run water, walks and curbs, streets graded. Chance for eontractor or home seeker. Good time to build. Call .Mon day, room 3. 245 Washington street. FOR SALE: An acre with new 4-room cot tage, on ea-y payments, or llbetal dis count for cash. 621 Ccrbejt bldg. Main R143. FOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES, well improved, all fenced; 120 acres river bottom land, good family or chard, fine water, on good county road, ht mile from school. 2 miles from email town; good 9-room house, barn 40x5u; prlca $9000, cash $5000. m 70 acres unimproved land. 4 miles west of Tamhlll; running creek and privilege to tap city main, which runs through place: this is good fruit land and only necessary to see adjoining land Improved; will sell or trade for city property; prtoa $15 per acre. Wa have at present all klnda of good farm land, from 10 to 650 acres, at $15 to $350 per acre; some good bargains, and it will pay you. to Investigate. WILLAMETTE VALLEY INFORMATION BUREAU, 312 Board Trade bldg., cor. 4th and Oak. WHEAT RANCH. 800 acres, with all farm buildings, con sisting of house, barn, granaries, well, etc., all fenced and cleared, no bad land; the wheat cson last year, after paying all ex penses, netted the owners over $3000, but this year on account of the exceptionally dry season there Is very little of a crop In Morrow County and the owner is forced to sell and will make a low price. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. , RI'RIIRRAX FARM. $15,000 18 acres, all highly cultivated; S acres Concord arapes; 600 peacn trees S50 Dear. 100 walnuts. 850 apples, assort ed: 100 assorted berries; 75 filberts. 30 clusrrles: 9-room modern house; large hail and bath; hot and cold water; full-size concrete basement: tank-house. 3000-gal tank, with engine; first-class barn; 3-room cottage an 7 outbuildings. This farm is located on the Oregon City carllne, only a few minutes' ride from Portland; station right on the place. James J. r lynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN FARM. $21,000 30 acres, all highly cultivated, close to Portland and only 30 minutes' ride on the Oregon City line; 9-room house, full concrete basement, hot and cold water; 3UO0-gal. tank, with engine; first class barn; 3-room cottage and 7 out buildings; will divide Into small tracts to suit purchaser, or will exchange for Port land property. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. U-MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION. 00 acres on Dairy Creek, near Forest Grove, 35 acres In cultivation. 5 acres hops 2 acres orchard, 3 acres potatoes, balance hay and grain: 2.1 acres of the finest creek bottom In Oregon: not an acre of the whole 60 that cannot be cultivated: good house, fair barn and other outbuild ings; would make an Ideal small dairy farm; price $3500. RALPH ACKLEY, 603 Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison Sis. 60 ACRES, miles from Vancouver ana close to country town; so acres euiiivairu, bal. pasture; family orchard asst. fruits; house, barn and outbuildings; good well and running stream; fenced and cross fenced; in good neighborhood; livestock, chickens, farm Implements and machin ery: all household furniture, hay and feed; $3K00; terms. Spencer & Co., 611 Swet land bldg. AGRICULTURAL. HOMESEEKER3. ATTEN- TlU.. We kave 50,000 acres dairy lands, sheep lands, clover lands and fruit lands, near R. R. within 80 miles south of Portland; orlce 11O-S20 ner acre: best of soil. For further information call or write GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, LAND DEPARTMENT. 253 Vj Washington, cor. Third. 80-ACRB farm. 23 miles from city, near water and rail, must be sold to satisty creditors. 85 acres In cultivation. 3 acres orchard, good soil, running water, near new school. Can be bought right. Will take buyer to the property. Call room 8, over Merchants National Bank. DON'T write a latter; buy a one-fare return ticket' sea 160 acres, house, barn. 28 cattle, hay. flas little valley home, good neighbors, and you will buy It for $1250 cash; $1050. 10 years, if you want, at 5 per cent Int. O. Mlddlekauff, Yaquina. Or 160 ACRES suitable for fruit or dairy ranch; two miles from good market and cream ery all under cultivation; very cheap at ,40 per acreBNET & DABNEY, 412 Commercial block. Phone Main 5S98. FOR SALE 231 acres of fine land, 25 miles . n An TT'lllamallA River 111- irom ruiun, - - - .., ', iroon nnrn a uu euuu iww- , house, orchard. 2 springs; for sals by owner. Address T 158, Oregonian. 80 ACRES in Hood River country. 60 acres good apple Jahd uncleared, 8 miles from Hood River, 3 miles from Dee and 6 miles from Mosler: price $:0 per acre. Call on or address H. E. Walle, Mosler, Or. SNAP 10 acres, good soil, $1250: 5 acres. good house, close to car. cneap, oouses. lots. 23 Mora st.. Arleta. FOR SALE By owner. 10 acres, all cleared, excellent fruit or garden land. i mils from Forest Grove electric Una and two miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500. This is a tutrgaln. Address P. O. box 314. Forest Grove, Or. 1000 ACRES, goo In cultivation, three houses, barn two fins streams, finest fruit land in Oregon. miles to R. R.. part original farm sold for $loo per acre; best is left. Price $37 per acre. Sailor, 201. Swetland bldg. 160 ACRES, excellent fruit land, 1 mile from Colfax. Placer County. Cal.. $30 per acre; will trade for good Oregon town or country properly. 325 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRES, 30 under high cultivation, fine buildings. 12 miles Portlsnd. want to go East: a snap. $25O0; terms. Al Brlttlng. 403 Second st. . HEADQUARTERS for dairy and stock farms. We have a choice list in Valley; very crreap. Garland A Shelton. 191 4th. A HALF SECTION good wheat land in Mor row County. $20 per acre, or will trade for valley property. G. a O., 220 Morris st. HOMESTEAD rellnqulehment. tributary to Portland. 327 Worcester block. FOR Willamette Valley lands ss Olmsted Land Company. Salem. Or FEW homestead locations, 338 Chamber Com merce. FARMS of all 3izes and In various loca tions. Call 825 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE FARMS. GOOD small farm buys In the productive Willamette Valley, all within 25 miles of Portland and close to good railroad town. $3000 14 acres. M mile from town; choice land, all cultivated; good orchard; fine house and barn. $600 5 acres, hi mile from town; new house and barn: spring wawr. $3100 41 acres, 2 miles from town; good house and barn; fine bearing or chard; 24 acres cultivated: running water. $2100 12V4 acres, nearly all In fruit; good Improvements; mile to town. $3000 2in acres, all cultivated; V, mile from town; all set out with English wal nut tnees. 1 $4000 40 acres, one mile from town; all cultivated; good soli, good bouse and barn, good orchard: fine place to cut In 6 and 10-acre tracts. $2700 3 miles from town; 15 acres cul tivated: good bouse and barn; fine spring and good orchard. $4000 30 acres choice land; 20 acres cultivated; touches tha river: fine bear ing orchard; good 10-room house; barn and other outbuildings. $2000 13 acres good land, close to town: plenty of fruit; running water; good house isnd barn; fine location. $1000 btfe acres, J4 mile from town; touches the river; all cultivated. $2400 20 acres choice land. 2 miK'S from town; good house, bam and chicken house: 10 acres cultivated; good orchard, good well. $2000 8 acres mile from town; the best of land; good house and barn; good orchard; place in the very best condition. All of the abov-5 ranches can be bought on good terms. Have a large list of large farms in the Valley. W. H. LANG, 266 Stark Street. FARMS FOR SALE. 270 acres, ltjo acres bottom land, all In cultivation, balance hill land, can all be cultivated, good buildings, fine springs, two email streams on the place. 9-room house with good well In the house, two good barns, all necessary outbuildings.; orchard: 40 acres of A. No. 1 saw timber; about Bono corde of timber to be cut into wood; situated t mile from large factory that uses 35 cords per day and pays about $3 per cord; ona mile from good thriving town; about 60 miles from Portland; price $:H per acre. This is an excellent borne or 1 aplcndid Investment. 640 acres: 60 miles from Portland: un improved; an elegant farm for stock; some of It can be easily cleared and will make good fruit land, together with an excellent dairy farm. This piece of land can be bought for $.1 per acre by paying $1.50 per acre down, balance at 6 per cnt interest. Good roads run to the land from a good town. There Is a homestead that a man can get the relinquishment of Joining this 640 acres of land. J. W. CURRAN CO.. Suits 225 Falling Bldg. Main 301. A 4701. FINE 12-acre tract near Eagle Creek; partly cleared; running water: on good .road; fine neighborhood: school, church, store and car station close by; $1250. $250 cash. Fine 5-aere tract near O. W. P. carllne; level and no gravel; running water; near school and store; $500, $100 cash. It and 3 houses: rents for $21 per month; $2250, $500 cash, $25 per month. Fine 10-acne tract 10 miles from Court House, near carline; timber enough to pay for Vs place: only $1400, $250 cash. Several other small tracts on install ments, or will trade for town property. OHARLESON A CO.. 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Man 8965. YAMHILL COUNTY BARGAINS. 80 acres of the finest unimproved land In Yamhill County. 6 miles from the rail road town of Willamlna; running water from large spring on the place flows all the year; over 600.000 feet if good saw timber on the place; 50 acres covered with scrub oak. No better land can be found In the country. Price $2600. Will trade for rooming-house in Portland on a cash basis. DEVLIN ft FIREBAI'GH. 50S-9 Swetland Bldg.. Cor. 5th and Wash. 60 ACRES Nice level land, about 18 acres swale very rich bottom, drained by creek; land all suitable for buildings; a lot of tim ber. a.h. oak and flr; nice groves for buildings', located on base lino read 12 miles west of Portland, close to Oregon Nursery, where new town Is springing up; price $100 an acre: will give terms Ap ply to M. L. Nobis Land Co.. Forest Grove. Or. . YOUR OPPORTUNITY: I have a beautiful suburban home, only 7 miles from the heart of the city, on electric caxllne; fine large house, fruit, etc.; price $:mmio. This Is in Just the right ' location to subdivide into half-acre tracts. You can sell these tracts for $450. Come early! SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. JILLIONS f acres Texas school land to be sold by the slate; $1.00 to $5 00 per acre; only one-fortieth cash, ana m ears time on balance: 3 per cent Interest; only ! no onjih for 1HC acres at $3.00 per acre. Greatest opportui.ity; splendid land; send 50c for Book of Instructions and New Stats Law. J. J. Snyder. School Land Lo cator, 101 lh St.. Austin. Tex. Kerer ence. Austin National Bank. AN INVESTMENT. 80 acres in Coos County, Oregon, 5-room house and outbuildings. 3 miles from steamship landing. Has cedar standing for OOOO telegraph poles, 600 cords ehiiifile bolts, m million feet saw timDer. its acres cranberries; $37,10. A fine business Investment. 3 X. 34. THE VETE RAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY MAKER. 205 acres close to Woodhurn. Or., 200 acres in cultivation, new 8-room house, large "Ham and granary, outbuildings of all kinds. 3 fruit orchards, very best soil. A bargain at $M) per acre, will take In trade a nice home In Portland, worth $4000. Part cash, balance terms. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. Dekum Bldg. 20 ACRES of good soil; no rock or gravel; all clear and In cultivation; less than mile from station on main county road: 45 minutes from Portland; adjoining land selling for $250 and $350 per acre. For quick sale will take $150 per acre. In vestigate. F. J. CATTERLIN A CO.. Room 3 Chamber of Commerce. H5 ACRES. All In cultivation, large bouse In fine condition;, good lam. windmill, plenty of water, extra good family orchard. This is a very sightly place and an Ideal home; miles from town and R. R. station In the best farmiag section of the Willam ette Valley. Price $0250. $2,100 cash, bal ance on time. WAIT JUST A MINUTE. READ THIS $S000 for 3.81 acres on the Penlnsula. $175o for 35 acres. 4 Is miles from Me- 'Mlnnvllle. clear and In clover. $2000 for 27 V acres. 7-room house, new barn. 4 acres prunes, assorted orchard, clear. FONES, 518 Oregonian Eldg. 160 ACRES, 7 miles from Mosler. 130 acres good apple land, balance pasture, fenced; 7-room house, fcarn and other buildings. 13 acres cleared, 6 acres In orchard, and 4 vears old; good road; plenty wood: -mile to sclvool: must sell account of sick ness; price $3600. call on or address H. E. Waite, Mosler, Or. 40 ACRES near Reedvllle at $5 per acre; a great bargain. 1-3 unaer ..-uiiivaiioii, more slashed and several hundred cords of wood standing on balance: small house, barn and good well. Cbapin A Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. ...u an anr nndAi mHlTHMnn 9 -'-v hnlnnce loseed-orf land; house, barn and orchard; excellent soli, lies well: good for dairying or any kind of farming: about 30 miles from Portland; very good terms if wanted. 334 Chamber Commerce. 160 ACRES 1 miles from Mosler: loo acres good apple land, balance pasture; 4 acres full bearing orcnara; li acres cleared and ready for planting; good well; strong spring, small house and barn; all ' fencd; price $.'0OO. Call on or address H. E. Walte. Mosier. Or. 375 ACRES, stock snd fruit ranch, mostly Improved, house, fruit dryers, other build ings orchard, springs, fenced, stock under $20 acre. Yrex Bros.. 302 Good nough bldg. 320 ACRES In rich little valley near coast. Lincoln County, Or., will sell Very cheap for cash. J. D. Axtell, owner. Merchant Hotel. Portland. Or PARTIES wanting Information Willamette Valley, the garden spot of Oregon, call and get booklets. Willamette Valley Information Bureau. 312 Bd. of Trade, cor. 4th & Oak sts. BARGAIN Owner 5 acres, 7 miles out Esta cada line, near Gilbert Station, and school, Vj cleared, house, cellar, young fruit trees. L. F. Wagner. WHO wants the best farm In the Willam ette Valley? For particulars call upon or write Connell, Long A Imbrle, Hills boro. Or. 10 ACRES best garden and berry land: black soil; 9 miles from city; will sell cheap on easy terms C. H. Pfaffle, Hills dale. Route No. 2. FREE farms If you wsnt to know how to get free land, sites, acres, etc.. send 20c for copy Calvert's Monthly. Chicago. 640 ACRES, Harney Valley. 4 miles within proposed railroad, $6 acre If sold Imme diately. Owner, AE 163. Oregonian. $1500. One acre. 2Vi miles from postoffice. East Side. Smith, 404 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. A GOOD FARM. LOW PRICES ' EASY PAYMENTS. We are cutting up 300,000 acres of rh old Military Road Land Grant through Southern Oregon, .sast of the Cascades, into 11,992 farms, selling them at $2'0 apiece, payable $10 per month. This grant Is a series of valleys. The valley lands produce all grain and fruits equal to Willamette Vallej, without Irrigation. Had 27 inches moisture last year. Railroad building Into Lakevlew. where we give a lot free with each (arm. R-sad our scores of letters from the oldest Lske County farmers, honest, conservative men. George Conn, oldest living U. S Land Office Receiver In Oregon, writes us from Lakevlew, as follows: "The United States Land Office records were moved hre by me and I assumed the duties of Receiver of the United States Land Office, and later established Lake view as the County Seal. The original Military road was partially surveyed by me in 1865. and I am In a position to know the character of the lands. The road was established through the best por tion of Southern Oregon, and even in 1 865 I recall that the grant was. in many places, literally covored with wild plums, and with rare exceptions these natural fruits have born-e fruit every year since, not to speak of the planted and culti vated fruits, which possess a remarkable flavor and have thriven quite as auccess fullv. Of late years r.-'rhaps. the range, especially along the Military road, lias been grazed too closely; still. If fenced, it reproduces very rapidly and constitutes a country which, even If used, as In tin past, chlefiy for stock, enables those who follow that business to become indepen dent fh a-short time. Of course, at that early date, and until about 1SS5. the nat ural grassos were over knee-deep and covered the great bulk of the grant, and If protected, this same condition would return." This chance for the poor man to get a home will not last long. There are many more poor men than thore are homes, bee us at once. OREGON VALLEY LAND CO., R. F. F1KE, C. M. HYSKELL, PACIFIC COAST AGENTS. 830-831 Chamber of Commerce. DECIDED FARM BARGAINS. $6000 For a beautifully located 50 acre farm with all the stock, crop and ma chinerv; only 9 miles from the center of Portland; excellent for fruit and grapes. Land adjoining selling at $200 and $300 per acre; good terms given. $45 per acre for splendid 235-acrs dairy ranch on tiw Columbia. This place can keep 100 cows, and $3600 cash, balance to suit, will handle It. $15 000 for a splendid 200-acre farm, all In cultivation: handy to 2 colleges; with 50 cattle. 40 hogs. 4 fine horses and all the machinery; y, cash, balance 6 per cent. This Is the cheapest farm in Marlon County. If vou want to buy a good farm of an size or kind in Oregon, and wish to get good value for vour money see F. Fl.'CHS. 221 Vj Morrison street. ACREAGE! FOR SALE. For sale. 6 acn-s. small house and barn. 4 acres under cultivation, all under fence, craek running through, nice and level; can be Irri gated from stream If desired; shade trees, elegant soli, 8 miles from Portland, between electric line and Foster rosd. 400 feet from e:atlon: young cow and calf, hay and some tools go with the place; price $25uO; $100 cash, balance time. This Is without excep tion the best buy for lsnd today. 5 acres, good level land, unimproved, close to the O. W. P. station 8 miles out. at $12'0. H acres of ground. 7-room house, nice well, fruit In the back yard. 1 block from carllne. Something for an Investment as well as a home. Price $2SO0; $5o0 cash, bal ance time. J. W. Curran Co.. Suite 225, Falling bldg. Main Sol. A 4701. BARGAIN. 2S0-arre farm In the Klickitat Valley; ISO acres In cultivation and crop; 15 acres fruit orchard: S-room house, largo barn, granary, woodshed, etc.; windmill, water piped to house; 8 acres beaverdam land; 4 miles good fence; large creek, on county road. :l miles from large fown; price. Including stock. Implements, furni ture, etc., $5iuo. Terms. $2000 cash, bal ance .1 years at 6 per cent. Will take a home in exchange worth $2500, and $500 cash, balance '-terms. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. 504 Dekum bldg. 10 ACRES, all renoed. good house and fac tory building. In the city limits. $l.OftO. 5 acres, miles from Portland, On street car line. $1:15 per sere. 3,1 acres, 11 miles from Portland. 3 miles from streetcar line, all fenced. 30 acres clfared. good barn, $150 per acre. 5 acres, all cleared and fenced. 1 acre In strawberrlfe. balance In garden and clover, water piped to place, 9 miles from Portland. $11tm. ROSE CITY REALTY A INVESTMENT CO. 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM SO acres 1 mile to Salem Electric 2 '4 to S. P. R. R. 3 to boat landing 'i mile to school 20 acres cultivated 10 acres beaverdam 10 acres slashed bal. good timber large barn new fi-room dwg. slock, tools, h. h. furniture and crops Included. Owner Is going East and will sell for less than is asked for adjoining uncultivated land. See Henry O. Prudhomme, 306 Chamber of Commerce. 300 ACHES, All In cultivation-excepting 17 acres, which is good oak grubs. ThH Is one of th finest farms In ths Willamette Valley, close to town and R. R. Buildings all In good condition, windmill, etc. lr you want a good rarch and an Ideal home, come and see this. Price $.15 per acre SWEET, 204 Corbett Bldg. 72O0-6 acres, all In bearing apples: tree In fine condition, no scale, no worms, spraved 4 times, apples thinned twice; fenced and cross-fenced with poultry net ting: good 5-room house, bath and toilet: good barn and well, windmill and tank, water piped to house, barn and chicken lots; mile from carllne. on county road. This is absolutely the best place near Portland. A F 154, Oregonian. 7Vi ACRES, all cleared: garden land; 5-room house, with all modern Improvements; new barn, chicken-house and yard; 50 chickens. 6 a?r9 potatoes. 450 raspberry. 4"0 straw berry and 50 loganberry plants; pump and 350-gallon tank; tools and part of furni ture; running water: $4S'i0: would consider vacant lots in Portland psrt peymenl. Re quick. Beaver Real Estate ' Company. Baverton. Or. HALF-ACRE TRACTS I have some half-acre tracts for sle In beautiful Milwaukee Park; an Ideal lo cation for a suburbur. home; only 7 miles from the heart of the city on an eleclrlo car; price $4.10 half acre. Come early and make your selection as there are only a few of these (tacts to be had. SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. $:iooo. Will buv a 5-scre tract adjoining little town on S. P. about 9 miles from Port land, fair house, barn, shout 3 acres In orchard, personal property, horse, light wagon, harness. 3 hogs, some chickens. 4 tons of hay; would consider city property in exchange. OTTO HARKPOX, 133 '4 First Street. 60 ACRES of fine farm land in Upper Hood River Vallev; 20 acres in cultivation, 110 bearing fruit trees. 400 not yet in bearing: excellent varieties: also raspberries, hlack berrles. gooseberries, currants In bearing. . l acres fine strawberries, 8 acres of potatoes, all under Irrigation: good house and outbuildings, good neighborhood; bar gain If taken soon; part cash: will sub divide. M 14.1. Oregonian. WIHTB SALMON TRACTS. We have a tract of land In. White Salmon fruit belt, well located: first-class soil: verv easily cleared, which we can sell in 5. 10. 20 and 40-scre tracts at $50 per acre; 14 cash or will trade for Improved Portland residence property. DKVLI.N ft r I it imia I tri, 508-9 Swetland Rldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. 160 ACRES .Itfc mites frotu Mosler: 140 acres good apple land. 30 acres cleared, 26 acres in standard varieties of apples 1 to 9 years old. all In strictly first-class condition; running water on the place, also good well, small house and ham; 10 years hard work done on this place; price $11,000. call on or address H. E. Walte, Mosler. Or. A PRIZE FOR THE BUYER. 155 neree on Waldo Hills. 12 miles from Silem. all under cultivation and in crop, all fenced, good orchard, filr house, good barn: this farm must be sold to settle an ectate; come quick: 2 miles from S. P. R. R. Gruesl & Gantner. room 7 Canter bury bldg.. 265 Washliglon st.. cor. 3d. 150 ACRES. 100 acres under cultivation, balance pas ture and oak timber; good house and barn. This Is a good farm and cheap at $.1500. SWEET. 204 Ccrbett Bldg FOR SAIE TIMBER LANDS. THIRTY-FIVE million In Sileta at 00 cents per thousand. See owner. 218 Worcester bldg. ' ' RELINQUISHMENT In Plletx. 7 million feet fir and cedar standing timber: 2 million down: $1750. T 169. Oregonlam HAVE several excellent timber claims, will cruise 3.000.0VI and 4.000,000. Call 1250 . Macadam road. FEW choice yellow pine claims, resdy for filing. AB 117. Oregonian CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.