The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 02, 1908, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 27

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' :rxHA tomorrow at 1 W wiiwwmwmvvw
the Roman Catholic Church.
Dr. Harry Beauchamp,' of Huyton,
Splendid Paintings Are on Display
Correspondent Writes Appreciation of Ameri
can Artist Who Is Well-Known in Portland.
a recent arrival at the Irvin House.
D. T. Brush and V. Tomlinson, of Port
land, who have been fishing on the
Yohats River, are again in Newport.
They are registered at the Ocean House.
Governor Chamberlain and wife, ac
companied by the Governor's daughters,
Fannie. Lee and Carrie, and son, George,
Jr., Mrs. C. W. Renner and Mrs. George
F. Blair are among the week's arrivals.
They are guests at the Abbey House dur
ing their stay in Newport.
Miss Gertrude Galhraith, of Salem, who
has been visiting Mrs. Charles Loomls.
returned home Thursda'y morning to
Miss Eva French and Miss Flossie
Caneck, of Albany, Joined the French
house party at Nye Creek this week.
Mies Wilda Rowland, of Portland, Mies
Claire L." Chadwick. of Colfax, Wash.,
the Misses Helen and Edith Loosely, of
Seattle, Wash., Miss Rlth Gatch and
Mrs. Claud Gatch. of Salem, are a jolly
crowd who are located lu the Gatch
cottage at Nye Beach.
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PORTLAND, Aug. L (To the Editor.)
It ha been our good fortune In
Portland to know one of the most
eminent of living American artists, not
only In some of his best works, but In
ao manv pictures of different periods as
to Illustrate the phases of his develop
ment and enable us to understand the
underlying spirit of his art as Isolated
examples could hardly do.
George De Forest Brush was born In
Bhelbyville, Tenn., in 1S55. He studied in
Paris under Gerome, whose sound aca
demlo training and careful technique were
at that time a valuable discipline for our
young American student, a discipline by
which none has profited more than Brush.
It was In pictures of the American In
dians, painted after his return to this
country, that the young artist flj-st won
recognition. These were popular in sub
ject and pleased even the unlearned by
their careful finish and definition of de
tail, but they will not depend upon these
qualities for their lasting value. There
Is truest poetry In such pictures as the
early "Silence Broken," shown at the
Lewis and Clark Fair, and in the "Florida
Rice Fields," once lent by Mr. Flelschner.
In the well-known "Sculptor and King,"
which won the first Hallgarten prise In
1SS8, there Is Indeed the suggestion of a
"story," but It is no trivial anecdote that
holds us. It is the portrayal of tempera
ment, the contrast between the Imagina
tive creator and the man of affairs the
" humble pride and sensitiveness of the ar
tist before the self-conndent Juditment of
the worldling. There Is fine painting in all
these too. and keen perception of beauty.
For some years past Mr. Brush has
painted portraits only, chiefly portraits of
his own family, the mother with her
children. One of these, the "Mother and
Child," owned by the Boston Museum,
was shown at the Lewis and Clark Fair.
In these subjects, while there is beauty
of color, choice of line, every elegance of
technique, the artist seeks through these
means the expression of something deeper
and more significant. The mother will rot
be thought beautiful by those who look
for outward, physical faultlessness. The
cost of motherhood, the price of unselfish I
Palmer. Vancouver. Wash.; Miss Minnie
Offner and maid, C. H. Davis and wife. Oak
land. Cal. ; Dr. John M. Cantonette, Mrs.
Cantonette. Chicago; P. 8. Archibald. Bos
ton: E. M. Cook. Pendleton; Da Marion
Montgomery, Chester Montgomery, Lancong
Montgomery, Seattle; Colonel Wallace
J-amba. Manila; Mrs. A. A. Selden. Helen
Belden. Mrs. E. Sheahan. Oregon City: Mrs.
J. Kenertln. Oregon City: Ed L. Wlggln,
wife and two children. Lawiston. Idaho; H.
A. Swat and wife. Twin Falls, Idaho; J. H.
Bowen and wife. Payette. Idaho; R. F.
Hlner and wire. Tekoa. Wash.; Walter Mc
intosh. Providence. It. I.; Mi. L. M. Nobllt
and daughter. Cleveland: R. M. Nlcholaa.
Glendale; Jessie Oudgell. Mrs. A. Gudgell,
Jennie Tierney. Walla Walla: Miss E. E.
Moor. Glendale, Wash.; Mrs. M. Rosa,
Fannie P. Ross. Harold Ross. Cecil Ross,
St. Helens, Wash ; Daniel Human. New
York; Mrs. J 8. Parsons. New York; Lillian
Long. Agnes Sweet. Boise. Idaho; A. A.
Klrkwood. Forest Grove; T. E. Witters,
Denver. Colo.; Dr. W. 8. Hendrlck. New
Mexico; Homer J. Hendrlck. Kansas; Miss
Hattla Packard, Miss Ball Brush, Mlsa R. A.
Patterson, Mlsa Ethal Patterson. Boston.
Summer Season at Yaqulna Bay Re
sort Now at Its Height.
NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.)
There never was a larger crowd than
that of the present season. Hotels and
boarding-houses are filled to overflow
ing. Amusement resorts, stores and res
taurants are all doing a splendid busi
ness. The past week has been a record
breaker for the number of tourists who
have arrived and Saturday was the
largest day, but the remaining days of
the week have maintained a. good
Deep sea fishing has grown very pop
ular this year. Almost every day a
. crowd goes over the bar on the deep
sea fishing boats to "jigger" for rock
cod and sea bass. Nearly always good
catches are reported and nearly every
report is genuine.
The burglar who has been molesting the
campers' property at Nye Creek was
run to earth this week and sent out of
town Friday morning Nye Creek resi
dents are now breathing more freely.
Cottagers and Tenters.
Mrs. C. E. Fischer and family. Mrs. H.
M. Stewart and family, of Springfield;
Mrs. C- Ross King, of Toncalla; Mrs. B.
F. West, of Salem, and Mlsa Margaret
Fisher, of Salem, form a colony of tenters
In the Rader camp ground at Nye Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McKinney, of
Eugene, are tenting at Nye Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson and family
and W. H. Boals and family, of Turner,
are located In the Boals cottage at Nye
Beach for the Summer months.
George Unkowsky and wife, of Port
land, are among the host of campers at
Nye Creek.
Nat Eddy and wife, of Portland.
Joined Mrs. Mary Eddy in the
Eddy wigwam" at Nye Creek thla week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wehring and Robert
Emerlck and family ax located at Nye
-iv-.-ifr .'.Vj- ,w".
f "
love, are plainly revealed, but with thoin
the beauty and dignity of human experi
ence. And the children are charming,
ruddy children, with bright eyes and ap
ple cheeks, but it is not In their prettiness
and health that the chief charms lies. It
Is in the expression of the universal In
terest and promise of childhood.
At least a dozen different pictures b
Creek for August In the Wehring Sum
mer home.
C. C. Minton, of McMlnnvllle. Joined
his family this week in the Minton cot
tage at Nye Creek.
Mrs. F. W. Fenton, son and daughter,
of McMlnnvllle, and" Mrs. J. F. O'Don
nell and daughter, of Portland, are among
the week's arrivals. They are located
for August in the Fenton cottage at Nye
' Mrs. H. M. Stewart, of Springfield, and
Mrs. Carl B. Fisher, of Mariole, are
oamplng at Nye Creek.
Mrs. William Smith and family, of
Arlington, are located for the season in
the Smith cottage at Nye Beach.
Mrs. C. B. Frissel and mother, Mrs.
J. Sawyer, of Oregon City, are located
in their Seaside cottage at Nye Creek
for the Summer.
Conrad Meyer and family are at
"Meyer'a Sunset" cottage at Nye Creek
for the remainder of the season.
Mrs. H. L. Fenton and son, Carl, and
Mrs. F. J. Coad and son, Tracy, of Dallas,
are In their new Summer cottage for the
season. Tracy Coad and Carl Fenton
were members of Dallas College 1908
championship basketball team.
Mrs. H. Spauldlng and family, of
Newberg moved Into their new Nye Creek
cottage this week. They will remain
during the month of August.
Mrs. John Hendershott and two daugh
ters, of Eugene, are among the recent
arrivals. They are tenting at Nye Creek.
Bishop and Mrs. Castle, of Philomath,
are at Newport In the Castle cottage.
E. M. Hodge, of Independence, and J.
O. Daulton, of Dallas, are camping near
Newport. .
J. M. Ralston and son, Rollo, of Albany,
opened up their Nye Creek bungalow this
week for the month of August.
Mrs. H. A. Nelson and daughter, Fran
ces, of Albany, are among the week's
arrivals. They are located In a Nye
Creek cottage.
J'. A. Perry and family, of Medford,
are In the Hasklns cottage at Nye Creek
for tha- remainder of the season.
, Edward Wilkinson and wife, of Med
ford, and Mrs. Harry.McCallin, of Rose
burg, are located in the Hatch cottage at
Nye Creek for the Summer months.
Charles Goss and wife, M. L. Wol
ford and wife.sS. C. Mills and wlfo
'Silverton, and A. E. Hendry and wife.
of Portland, are camped at Nye Beach.
James Paine, of Ashland, Is visiting the
family of D. L. Rice at Nye Creek.
Lena Miller, of Albany, Is the guest of
Miss Ina Redfield at Nye Beach.
Personal Mention.
J. K. Gow and wife, of Woodburn, ar
rived In Newport thte week and will
spend a short time camping at Nye
Beach. They made the trip from their
home town to Newport by automobile.
E. F. Barnes and wife and Mrs. J. I.
Barnes, of Salem, are guests at the
Irvin House.
Clifton N. McArthur, of Portland. State
Representative-elect, and Van W. Ander
son, of Portland, left Newport this week
I I I w rr
.i ' ?i 4 . ' r -ii
Mr. Brush have been exhibited in this
city besides the three recent portraits now
shown for the first time at the Museum of
Art. The first of these, the "Thea." lent
by Mrs. Charles H. Carey, is one of the
artist's own children, a very human little
girl, we are told, who is tempted to make
naughty faces when called upon to pose.
Judge Carey bought this painting in Flor
for Seaside, 140 miles up the coast. Tbey
expect to walk the entire distance In
six days' time.
The Misses Meta and Evelyn Harding
and brothers, Lee and Harry, of Ore
gon City, passed through .Newport this
week en route to the Tohats River, where
they will camp during the month of
August. -
The Misses Lena Miller, Frances Nel
son, Lucia Wllkins and Hote Kelly are
among the University of Oregon students
to arrive at Newport this week to epend
the season.
Miss Lillian Connaway and Miss Maud
Bier, of Vancouver, Wash., are visiting
miss Ariene Train at Nye Beach.
Mrs. Frank L. Dunn and daughter.
Luclle, of Eugene, are enjoying their
vacation at Nye Creek. They are reg
istered at the Damon.
Dr. C. R. Ray and family, of Med
iorci are among tne recent Deach ar
rivals. They will spend the month of
August at Nye Creek, guests at the Irvin
Blaine Hallock and Jack and Joe Cook,
of Portland, passed through Newport this
week on their way to the Tahats River
on a two weeks' hunting and fishing ex
pedition. G. W. Thatcher and John V. Stranger,
of Portland, are among the late arrivals
at the Irvin House.
George B. Dekum. of Portland, was a
Newport and Siltts Bay visitor this week.
Robert Allen, of Ashland, Is a guest
at the Irvin House for August.
Hote Kelly and brother. John, of
Eugene, arrived In Newport this week
for a two weeks' outing. They are reg
istered at the Sheffield.
Mrs.R. S. Bean, of Eugene, Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. N. Morres, of Salem,
at the Morres Summer home at Nye
Miss Ethel Dixon, of Roseburg, Is a
recent arrival at Newport. She la the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Loomls.
Rev. George Gillespie, of Fall City, is
A Skin ot Beauty is a Joy Forever
RemovM Tan, FlmplM,
Kreckiftts, Motb Patch!,
BasA, and Skin Disuses,
avnri every oienma
on beauty, and de
flea detection. It
bu itood tn tt
of 60 vears, and
ts to birmle8 we
taste U to be sura It
is properly msUe.
Accept no counter
flt of similar
nam. Dr. I. A.
8vre said to a
la-iy of tba faaat
tnn (a patient) :
' As yem ladles
will use them,
I recommend
H.A.flrntKpN rrnm' as the taut harmful of all tba
skin preparations." for asle by all druainsts and Fancy
Goods Cealara 1b tha United States, Canada and Xaropa.
FDIQLT.H0PK1HS, Prop, 37 Bred Jonei Stmt, Htw Tori
23 :
ence, where Mr. Brush now makes his
home, and from Florence comes tne
carved frame enclosing the delightful bit.
The other two are the children of A.
Phimister Proctor, the sculptor. Phlm
ister. Junior, and his little sister. Mr.
Proctor, by the way. Is from our North
west, brought up in the state of Wash
ington. Can anything be more charming
than this dainty little girl? The glow of
health, yet the fragility of a lovely flower,
the eyes so easily startled, the light danc
ing hair, the baby flesh of the tiny shoul
ders, the cool color of the little frock, the
quiet background. This painting Is lent
by Mr. I. N. Fleiscnner.
The portrait of the elder brother, a
little boy In a green blouse and brown
cap, with fair hair, sweet eyes and a
captivating chin, is yet the farthest pos
sible from being merely the pretty pic
ture of a pretty child. Though every out
ward beauty la recorded, we are led to
dwell upon the spirit of childhood. Its
sweet gravity, its serious outlook on the
world to which It Is still a stranger.
"Full soon thy soul shall have her
earthly freight" comes to our mind, and
we drive away the heavy thought with
the fancy of another poet, that the fleet
ing moment is here caught and held for- I
"When old age shall this generation
waste '
Thou Shalt remain."
TVe delight In the warm shadows on
the heck and under the soft hair, the
firm flesh, the delicately rendered pro
file all this and more the artist saw and
told us.
How different In spirit from so much
modern art. Excellent craftsmanship
and great knowledge are here but no dis
play of Cleverness, no ostentation of
technique. The reserve and eleganoe
recall an earlier age.
"We feel no shock of inappropriateness
that the gallery walls behind these pic
tures are covered with drawings by
that supreme master of his craft, the
Immortal Holbein. He delighted In beau
ty of details, perfection of workmanship,
yet penetrated with profoundest insight
the deep and abiding Interest of human
character. H. F.
spending his vacation at Nye Beach. He
Is registered at the Irvin House.
Drew Griffin and wife, of Eugene, are
registered at the Damon for a two weeks'
Roy Nutting, of Albany, is spending
his vacation at Newport.
A merry house party from Freeport,
111., Is located In the Huston cottage at
Nye Beach. In the party are Mrs. E. L.
Ewing and daughter. Miss Florence, Mtes
Ethel Barker and Miss Mary Barker.
Miss Lulu Whittaker, of Jefferson, Is
the guest of Miss Mazy Eddy at the
"Eddy Wigwam" at Nye Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Polders, of Eugene,
are enjoying their Summer's outing at
Nye Creek. They are located at the
Irvin House.
Mrs. M. E. Johnson, of Carleton, Is a
recent arrival. She will spend the month
of August at Newport, a guest at the
Ocean House.
Archbishop Christie, of Portland, ar
rived In Newport this week and will con-
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and All
Sorts of Healthful and Delightful Recreation.
and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs.
All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone,
markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abund
ance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to
be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regula
From AH Points in the Northwest
NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or
Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern K. B. Train service daily and
the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8:15 A. M., main line
via Albany, or 7 A. M. via West Side line.
Season Tickets, on sals daily $6.00
S&turday-to-Monday Tickets $3.00
Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and
Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency elsewhere, for
complete information.
General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Co. Lines in Oregon,
Portland, Or.
AT ii.orn CAP IN'X.
CLOUD CAP INN, Mount Hood. August
1. (Special.) Those registered at Cloud
Cap Inn this week are:
Dr. Gertrude L. Gates, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter V. Fmith. Mis Louise Carey, Port
land: Miss E. C. lingers, Greenfield, Mass.;
Mtss Genevieve Thompson. Miss Malda Hart.
Miss Katherine Hart, Zoger Mann. Ken
neth Manning. Mrs. Ertvrard A. Manning.
Hood River: Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Kelley,
R. W. Kelley. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. James
D. Hart. Henry Smith. J. Wohlunberg-, Mrs.
R. Fletcher. Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs.
George Taylor. G. Sraton Taylor. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Coueh Flanders, Mr. and Mrs. An
drew C. Fmlth. R. E. Babson. Mount Hood;
G. J. Gordon. Mount Hood: TV. Zimmerman.
Spokane; J. I. Gordon, Mount Hood; Miss
Ruth Huntington. Norwich. Conn.; Miss
Isabel C. Thomas, Dayton. O. ; Miss A. C.
Rogers, Miss H. P. Rogers, Dayton. O. ;
Philip Hart, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R.
Koehler, Miss Ike Koehler. William Mack
intosh. K. H. Koehler, Portland; Howard
Delbrlck. Berlin. Germany; Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Lathrop, Hood River; M. E. Lathrop,
Mrs. Carter. Portland; Miss Wright, Free
port. III.; Those reaching the summit this
week: Mlsa lxulse Carey, Miss Malda Hart.
James D. Hart. Henry Smith, R. B. Bab
son. G. F. Gordon, tv. Zimmerman. J. O.
Gordon, Philip Hart, George Seaton Taylor,
TVilllam I.auehlln. Mrs. A. A. Morrison.
Miss Rhoda Rumelln. Mlas Dorothy Morri
son, Miss Ruth Teal, Miss Hoffman, Mrs. J.
N. Teal. W. Silbersteln. F. Drake, Mrs.
Connell, Miss Drake. Mm. S. H. Morgan.
Miss N. Naylor. Miss Septima Ansley, Miss
Hilda Hejcter. Mrs. W. D. Breyman. Mrs.
E. M. P.hodes, H. Swarthout, O. L. Dundee
and family. Miss J. M. Sears. J. E.. Rand
and wife. William Bruess and child. Mrs.
J. James, Bertha Hoffman, Mrs. J. H. Jojffe,
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. White. Mr. and Mrs.
Buer, Sadie Bruess. S. H. Morgan. W.
H. Haight, L. D. Johnson, M. M. Bium. G.
Knna. all of Portland; A. F. Statter and
wire, T.'alla Walla; Mrs. R. St. Johns Clear.
New York City; Mrs. R. Aikman. R. Aik
man, Mifa Agnes Aikman. Boise, Idaho;
Mrs. Andrew Little, Emmett, Idaho; Miss
Alta Rock, Chicago: Sol Davies and wife,
Seattle; II. M. Drew. Salt Lake City; Zida
Goldsmith. Oregon City; Miss A. L. Patter
son, Denver.
Continued From Page 3.
Rev. Lareen performing the ceremony.
Only the immediate members of the
bride's family were present. A luncheon
was served, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Maedke left for Seattle, where they will
spend their honeymoon.
Miss Isabel Gllbaugh is spending a few
weeks In New York.
iMIss Alice M. Winchester Is visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. Parrish, at Long
Beach, Wash.
Mrs. W. L. Greene has opened her cot
tage at Seaside, having as her guests
Mrs. H. O. Stipe and her two daughters,
Ruth and Inez.
Mrs. Reba Dllley, of 1084 Cleveland ave
nue, has joined a jolly fishing party in
the Blue Mountains, where she will spend
the month of August.
Mrs. M. J. ilorse, her mother, Mrs. P. F.
Hunter, and nephew. Dean Hunter, have
returned from three weeks' visit at the
Moir cottage. Ocean Park.
Mrs. Ada T. Beard and Miss Thomas
left last week for Salem, where they will
be guests of Mrs. J. D. Giddings at her
suburban home, the Firs.
Mrs. Walter H. McMonies and family
have opened their cottage for the Summer
at Sea View. Miss Alice M. Wright will
be their guest for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blaney and son
have returned from a successful tour
through Montana and Canada and are
now at Seaside, Or., until August 15.
Miss Teresa Blackwood gave a marsh
mallow toast at Long Beach Saturday
evening In honor of Misses Mary Hay
worth and Emma Fanning, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Cord Sengstake and
daughter, Lila, accompanied by Miss
Elizabeth Bernl, have returned from a
trip to Puget Sound and British Colum
bia. Dr. and Mrs. J. Jay Wiggins an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Marion Margaret, to Roy C. Soule;
the wedding to take place in Septem
ber. Mr. and Mrs. C. MInsinger and family,
with Miss Doris Plummer have gone to
their farm at Monmouth, Or., for a
month. Later they will make the trip
to Mount Hood.
Leo Hahn, of Wadhams & Co., and N.
S. Pendergrast, a prominent tirrberman
of Taeoma, have returned from a trip
No "Special" Charged. (No
around TVlllapa Bay and later on spent
the week-end on North Beach.
News was received this week of the ar
rival at Glasgow on July 15, of J. J.
Price, of The Telegram Btaff. Mr. Price,
who is accompanied by his wife, is on a
holiday trip to his old home In London,
t .
Mrs. Katherine Barry Fisher is spend
ing the Summer at Long Beach with her
grandmother, Mrs. P. G. Baker, with
whom she has made her home since her
return from a three, years' residence in
European cities.
A delightful week-end party was given
at Seaside by Miss Etta Wrenn, of The
Dalles. Miss Wrenn's guests were Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Swanton, Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Wrenn, of Portland: C. M. Carlos
and Miss Blanche Wrenn, of Seattle.
L. Krause, a prominent merchant of
this city, returned on Sunday from an
extended trip abroad. During his four
months' absence from Portland. Mr.
Krause has visited the capital cities and
the renowned watering places of Europe.
Perre Douillet, well known pianist and
composer, who is In charge of the must-,
cal department jt the University of the
Pacific, San Jose, Cal., and Mrs. Doulllet,
Instructor of vocal music in the same
university, after spending some two
months In Oregon, have returned to San
Mr. A. M. Barker, of Chicago, accom
panied by his niece, Mrs. C H. Kellopg,
and Mr. Kellogg, of Crystal Lake, 111.,
has been visiting Mr. G. T. Fanning and
family, of this city, the past week. Mr.
Barber has just returned from a pleas
ure trip to Alaska. He left last Wednes
day evening for his home.
Miss Gilleta Workman, of Los Angeles,
who has been the guest of relatives and
friends for the past month, left for
Seattle, Friday, where she will pass a
At 5o(D)
Directly on the beach, overlooking tha
ocean. Hot salt baths and aurf bathing;
recreation mer for nshlnc: sun Darlors
lectrlo lights; fireplace and furnace heat.
Sea foods a aoerialty. Fine walks and
drives. Rates (2.S0 and $3.00 per day.
For particulars, apply to the Danmoore.
DAN 4. MOORE. Prop.
This famous old Blue Mountain Reaort
M1 K Tiitifl IX for the KBdlOn Of 1908.
under the management of J. A. BORIK, tha
new owner.
Roads, bridges, buildings and equipment
repaired and renewed. Hotel ana aining
room service will be a apaclel feature, be
ing under the care of the best steward and
,h.f nhrlnahln. Rates M5 to 18 a week:
12.50 to $3 a day. Camping privileges, S.t.25
a week each.
For further particulars, write to
J. A. BORIE. Proprietor.
Gibbon Postofflce. Umatilla County, Oregon.
At hcavlew. Wash.
Has lovelv large rooms, a delightful yard
for children, and the meals are gotten up
In such a manner that it you come once you
will come again. Come in for our Sunday
Overlooking; the Ocean.
100 newly furnished rooms; electric
lights, hot and cold water and private
rooms with bath. Sea foods a specialty.
RATES 12.50 AND 3.00.
D. J. ttulmby &. Sons. Seaside, Oregon,
Y. W. C. A. Vacation Cottag'e
Rooms open only for business women.
Bate. S5.50 Per Week.
Dining-room open to ptiblic. reasonable
Register at city offtc. 6th and Oak ats.
The Hackney Cottage
Sea View, Washington
Open 'or tbe Season.
Greatly Increpsed accommodation. Newly
furnished, home comforts, excvllent service,
with table board, centrally located, beauti
ful surroundings. Make reservations by
mall. Postofflce address. Sea View, WajU,
Fosmerly to
Foraaerly to
$ (S.00
Formerly ' fto
Garment Are Carried Over)
fow days prior to her departure for New
York. She sails September 1 for a year's
tour of Uurope. Miss 'Workman is th
daughter of the late Elijah Workman, a
pioneer of Los Angeles, Cal.
Tha following ar.tlcla appeared In a re-
, cent Issue of the Hawaiian Star which
' will K rf InlorAEt tt PnrtlnnH tvftHirsr
will be of interest to Portland readers:
"Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lehigh (the
latter formerly Miss Lotta E. Kerrigan,
of Portland, Or.) were home comers on
the Hilonian after a honeymoon spent
on the coast. As Mrs. Lehigh started
down the gangway Wednesday afternoon,
the Royal Hawaiian Band struck up the
wedding march which made the bride
smile very sweetly. The happy couple
are settled for the time being at the Alex
ander Young."
Ringler's Swimming Baths.
Open daily till 10 P. M. Men and
women, 25c. Expert Instruction; guar
anteed course, JS.OO; 10 lessons.
Special Offer by II, Uebes &
During August.
Take advantage of the quiet Summer
months and consequent reduction In
price to have your furs renovated and
remodeled. At this Reason we can give
this class of work our entire attention.
Garments remodeled now stored free of
charge in our cold storage vaults. New
orders now placed will receive the bene
fit of our mid-Summer prices and will
be laid aside until wanted. H. Liehes
& Co., John P. Plagemann. manager.
Corbett building, Morrison street.
and Back
The grandest vacation voyage in
the world is to Alaska via the "In
side passage"; seasickness unknown,
viewing glaciers, totem poles, gold
mines, mirages, historic settlements
the land of the midnight sun.
E. F. De Qrandpre, P. A F. Agft.
Main 229 or A 2293. 249 Washington St.
Guaranteed pure as it comes from the
Springs. Self-Carbonated Sold in thrre
slics Quarts. Pints and Splits: case lots or
less. Al Famous Wilholt Granular Klter
vesrent Salts.
Labbe & Thomas Realty Co.
Sole Distributors,
S4-35 LABBE BLDti. A S1S0.
The Sportsman's Paradise and Ideal Sum
mer Resort for Women and Children. M
nllicent Scenery, tine lake and stream lisn
lng and mountain climbing. The leading
Mrs. Rose Saylor-Littleton. Prop.. Clellsm
County. Piedmont Postoltlco. Washlnctc n.
Flno Table Fare. Plenty of Fresh Milk.
Cream and Vojetsbles. Oood Rooms. Cot
tages and Tnts. Lake Steamers meet all
Stages. Rate S rer day. fls I'er Week.
Taks Bteam Launch Crescent and Flvsr.
On ths Columbia River.
Hotel modern in erery respect, electric
light, steam heat, billiard parlor, howling
alley, dance pavilion nd every convenience.
Location beautiful, fine view cf the moun
tains and river; good fishing and hunting.
Address C- T. Belcher, manager Collins Hot
Springs. Collins. Wash.
ttighcit MS. ilOOti.
Mnnd RlVtT lO th
immovvd in to aervico 1 ram
Hood nivcr lo tne ina, rono rinin rpt. 1,
A. W. BcRKKDsroH, Mitr... Hood lima. Or mow