LONG E EACH. TV ash., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) North Beach la enjoying the crest of its seasonal activity. The steamers Potter and Hassalo bring crowds dally to rest, recuperate and enjoy life at this beautiful resort. The entire beach of 18 miles is dotted with cottages, some pretentious, handsome homes, others typi cal seaside bungalows, camping parties, and hotels. These are clustered In pret ty little tonus known as Ilwaco, Seavlew, Centerville, Newton Station. Long Beach. Tioga. Breakers, Ocean Side, -.Loomls, Oceanside Park, and Nahcotta. Every train coming from Megler the boat-landing station brings an Influx of visitors and cottagers who leave the train at these Various points of destina tion. Carefree anl happy these aoa alders stroll the beach, go bathing In the surf.' take long tramps through the woods, and go on various outing excur sions to nearby points of Interi'st. Just now the cottages are well filled and the hotels are taking care of their usual heavy bookings for the mid season. The weather Is most delightful, and the days are all too short for the visitor at the beach. Every night great bonfires il luminate the stretch or sandy beach and merry parties hold informal social af fairs. North Beach Personals. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and daughter Miss Lilian and Mrs. Fred Stanley accompa nied by her son. George Stanley and two small children, have arrived for a week's stay at the Beach. Miss O'Brien brought her horse, and is a most stun ning figure on the beach each morning. Charles Rosen f eld came down from Portland for an over-Sunday stay. William Dolph is attending the Hol brook's house-party at Toke Point. Jack Spratt. who Is here from California, ac companied Mr. Dolph. Milton Frohman. of Portland, la a guest at North Beach. Arrivals on Tuesday at the beach were C. E. Ireland and Mrs. Ireland, of Port land. Mr. Ireland returned to the city later In the week. Mrs. Ireland, who possesses a most charming and interest ing personality will remain for the sea son. Harry J. Strowbrldge, Jr., with Mra. Btrowbrldge. are at the Breakers station. H. K. Everding and Mrs. Everding and baby daughter Caroline are registered at the North Beach Inn. Adolph Dekum was an over-Sunday guest at North Beach. J. W. Cook with Mrs. Cook and daugh ters. Misses Cornelia and Cully Cook, are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Rothchlld. with Misses Enid. and Amy. and Joe Roth child. of Portland, have arrived for the season. Leo Hahn. of Portland, was a week-end guest at the Beach. C. M. Idleman. of Portland, la a guest at Hackney Cottage. Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Whiting and young son, Charles Curtis, are at North Beach Inn. Henry Jennings. Jr., has joined his family at the beach. A congenial party of Portlandera who were recent arrivals at Seaview is com prised of John Lockhart, Mrs. Lockhart, J. D. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson, with W. H. Goodwin and Mrs. Goodwin. J. Adrian Epplng. well known in Port land musical circles, and recently from Hood River, Or.. Is a guest at Hackney Cottage. A small dancing party of Interest was that given by W. M. Killlngsworth on last Friday night at Eureka cottage. The large floor space was given over to the dancers and refreshments were served later In the evening. Those enjoying the hbspltality of Mr. KilllngBworth were Misses Edith Woodcock. Frances Brady. Marie Zimmerman, Fay and Lou Kil llngsworth, daughter of the host, LeConle Jamleson and Messrs. Glenn Keep, Harry Fisher, and Arthur Skilllcorn. The W. C. Cameron family are ar rivals at Seaview. W. C. Cameron and J. E. Cameron were week-end visitors. E. J. Daly, of Portland. Is a guest at Hackney cottage. Mrs. H. 8. Glle. from Portland, is at the North Beach Inn. H. W. Gamme, of Portland, Is at Hackney cottage. A trio of interesting Portlandera who are at Seaview are the Misses Rachel, Olga and Olive H'alllngby. Among last week's arrivals at Sea view are Mrs. J. J. McMlcken and her attractive young daughter. Miss Anna. An Interesting whist party was given at the Sunset Hotel last Friday night. The house was decorated for the oc casion, and there were six tables. Prizes were won by C H. Hoeg and Mrs. Fred Jennings. Light refresh ments were served and a small musical programme waa given. Those In the party were Mr. and Mra. C H. Hoeg, Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Wheeler. Henry Jennings. Jr, Mra. Fred Jennings, Mra. Charles Jennings, Mra. J. F. Graham, Mrs. Alvord, Mrs. E. M. Watson, Mr8. L. E. Renner, Mrs. R. E. Newlln. Mrs. George Jaeger, Mra. Charles Blllington, Mrs. Calmess, Mra. N. Moliter, Mra. E. B. McFarland and Mra. Pease. COTTAGERS ON NORTH BEACH Tioga. Mrs. Julius Meier is entertaining Miss Margery Houseman, an attractive member of Portland's younger folk, at the Meier's handsome Tioga house. The 'Jeffries cottage has been taken for the remainder of the season by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holbrook. of Portland. W. F. Edwards and family are In stalled In their cottage at the beach. John West and family are down from Portland and have taken the Taylor cottage for the remainder of the sea son. Charles Burchett and family, with Mrs. Raymond Hackenberrjr and her family, are settled In their beach home. Charles Starker and family, from Portland, are arrlvala In the cottage colony. - Mrs. R, Hackenberry Is entertaining Misses Dalrymple and Cranee. of Port- nan a ii i I hi In in. i I 11 i'. - : X ".'Ai;v. 1 11 v - ' a'4t , -U 4(K. - ' I I if. 1 V . - mi , I V i v - T land, and Misa Jones, from San Fran cisco, at her cottage. L. D. Wolford and family have taken the Pemberton cottage for the remain der of the season. Donald G. Woodward returned to Portland on Monday, after a week-end stay with his family In their Tioga cottage. Long Beach. Recent additions to the cottage colony of Long Beach are Mrs. Jack Knott and her daughter. Miss Annie. Also of the party is Mr. Ttbbetts, a nephew of Mrs. Knott. M. L. Stanton and family are settled In their beach cottage. Late comers to the seaside are I- L. Schilt and family, who are installed in their cottage for the month of August. Miss Paula Hellar, who has been their guest, has returned to Port land. R. A. Price, of Portland, is down with his family in their new house at the beach. ' J. H. Stanley and Mrs. Stanley have taken one of the Swetland cottages for the season. L. M. Rice and family and Mrs. R. W. Steel and three children are In stalled for the remainder of the sea son in their cottage. Mrs. B. A. Rives and Mrs. J. T. Brown are recent additions to the cot tage residents. A camping party at Long Beach la comprised of Mrs. L. N. Wright and aon Leonard, Mrs. L. Merlness and her son Glenn, Mrs. H. Boyer, with her family, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Downey, all Portlandera. Centerville. Arrivals in the cottage colony are J. H. Knight, with Mrs. Knight and baby Robert, who will be down for the remainder of the season. Mrs. G. E. Jamleson, of Bide-a-wee cottage, has been entertaining Mrs. George F. White, of Portland, this past week. Mr. White came down for an over-Sunday visit. Mrs. Kate McGulre and children are Installed In their Centerville cottage. Mrs. M. G. Thorsen has with her Miss Pearl Westberg, of Portland, who will remain a fortnight. Early arrivals in the cottage colony were Mrs. Frank Klernan and children, Frances and Ruth. Their guesta are Dr. and Mrs. Earnest Woodruff, from Mon tesano. Wash. Mrs. Theodore Trautman and sons, Frtta and Theodore, are stationed in their attractive Summer home. Mr. Trautman was down for a week-end stay. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoeg and small son, Cranston, who have been guests at the Sunset Hotel, have taken possession of their new home at Centerville. Seaview. Mrs. H. W. Corbett Is entertaining a party of guests at her beautiful beach home. Westborough. She has with her Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason, J. H. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mason, with their children. Caroline and Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sykea and baby Lawrence have . returned to Port land, after a fortnight's occupancy of the Schuylers' handsome cottage at Sea view. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Parker, of Port land, have opened their handsome beach home. They have with Ihem their fam ily, consisting of Miss Eliza Parker and two young sons, Alfred and Jamleson. Their guests, Mrs. 8. W. Church and Miss Genevieve Church, came down on Wednesday. The artistic architecture and furnishings of the Parker home are the work of the daughter. Miss Eliza, who la herself a most talented and origi nal yonug woman. Very early arrivals in the cottage col ony are Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacobsen, who, with their young daughter, Pauline, are down for the season. Mrs. Harvey J. O' Bryan and her two handsome boys. Jack and Earnest, are among the more recent arrivals at the beach. , Late comers to the cottage colony at Seaview are Edgar Allen, with Mrs. Al len and son George. They have , two gueBts with them, in the persona of Mra. Fred A. Douty and Misa Jean Milne, both Portlandera. Sol. Hart, of Portland, has come down for a fortnlght'a visit with his family at their Seaview home. Mrs. W. H. Grenfell and son, Waldo, have opened their cottage, which is most appropriately named "Breakers View," at Seaview. Mrs. E. Stevens, of Portland, la their guest. Mra. Frank Heltkcmper and her friend. Miss Bayley. who has been vis iting the former at her home in Portland, both returned to the city on Wednesday. While here they were at the cottage of Mrs. Allard, who la Mra. Heitkemper'a mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jennings, with their two interesting young daughters, Vivian and Madeline, and the small son, John, have Joined the cottage colony. Mrs. D. P. Lewis and her charming daughter, Miss Ruth, have been recent guests of Mrs. I. Goldsmith. Mr. Gold smith is usually a week-end guest at the cottage. - Miss Mary Millard, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Gamble, with the latter'a young sons, Willard and Albert, are set tled for the rest of the season In their beach home overlooking old ocean. Mrs. Herbert Houghton and young daughter, Helen, are guests In the Rich ard Martin cottage. Mrs. M. Baruh has been a guest at the I. Goldsmith cottage. Harold Stokes, of Astoria, has been entertained for a week at the Adolphe Wolfe home here, as a guest of George Wolfe. He returned to Portland on Thursday, having previously visited with Hoyt Colgate In the Schneider cottage. Mrs. W. Lord, of the Dalles, has opened her beautiful home overlooking the ocean, at Seaview. Her family will arrive later. , J. E. Redmond and family have come down to their cottage. Another Dalles family of " prominence who are at Long Beach for the season are the T. J. Seuferts, with their inter esting children, Roger, Leland, Teddy and Mildred. H. Glenn, with his two daughters. Miss Hattie and Mrs. J. W. Creighton, have been down since the early season in their beach home at Seaview. C. W. Leick. Mrs. Leick and family of interesting young folk, are installed In their cottage. I. Goldsmith and family are in their Bummer home at Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. Lowenson and family are down for the season In their cottage at the beach. They entertained as guests this past week, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hermann and small son, Henry, of San Francisco. M. B. Wells and Mrs. Wells, with their sons, Willard and Bruce, are late arrivals in the cottage colony at their beautiful home on the ridge overlooking the sea. Ocean Park. George Cable and family are Installed In their cottage here for the remainder of the season. Harry Strawbridge and Mrs. Straw bridge are at the Park. Dr. A. E. Marshall and wife from Port land were recent arrivals. Mrs. J. Loller is a guest for the season. Miss Frank Wheeler, of Portland, has come down for the Summer. Mrs. H. Schumacher with her sons, Charles and Tom Schumacher, are recent arrivals from Pittsburg, Pa., guests of D. Beechey at Ocean Park. Mrs. L. C. Stone and Harry Stone, of Portland, are occupying their cottage at Ocean Park. Mrs. L. Dunn from North Dakota are recent arrivals. Frank Dudley and his mother are at the Park. Albert Olsen with Mrs. Olsen and fam ily, from Seattle, are at Ocean Park for the season. Miss Sarah Holmes Is a guest at the Park. NORTH BEACH HOTELS. Portland Hotel. Ely Auspland. Mrs. C. Bryan, Mrs. M. Houghton. J. Rogers, J. G. McNab, A. A. Lancelot, John Bratton, Theodore Cas per, J. W. Bronson. J. W. Adams, Vald. Lidell. D. A. Mclntyre, William Vanders, Georgo Dllworth and wife. Dr. A. F. Nemlre, George S. Lewis, William. Feus tro, D. L. Goldschmldt, B. Hagedorn, Sol Hart, I. G. Coleman, Henry Schell horn, J. C. Moffett and wife, Buelah Moffett, and Charles Wlegand, and Dr. Hooper, all of Portland; D. L. Rosen feld. H. Gelena, San Francisco; J. E. Milan and wife, Miss Milan, Salt Lake; A. R. Johnson and wife, Astoria; Mrs. Alyesworth, Chicago; J. M. Robbins, Boise, Idaho; L. Hunter, Ilwaco; W. P. Spratt, Fresno, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chambers,' Rainier, Or.; Mrs. Venable, Boise, Idaho: Mrs. C. M. White, Miss White, Cathlamet, Wash., -and Miss G. Grubbe, Spokane, Wash. Hackney Cottage. C. A. Kloothe. Miss G. Kleimson, Mrs. Brown, Leo Selling, Mrs. L. B. Darden, S. D. Stanfer and family. Miss M. A. Palmer. Miss M. E. Palmer, Mrs. Harvey O'Brien, Fred O'Brien. Ernest O'Brien, C. W. Master and, wife, Mrs. I. A. Bos kowitz. Miss Miriam v Boskowitz, Mrs. George McCabe and children, Nathan Barde, Mrs. B. Simon, Mrs. J. N. Barde, W. H. Zimmerman, Madeline Stone, Al- fred Stone, W. R. Anderson, P. S. Rldge way, C. H. Anderson, C. S. Part, I- F. Brook, Robert McClelland. Lillian Stone, G. E. Fry and wife, Minnie Peterson, Ethel M. Stiles, Mrs. H. Dolph, C. N. Idleman, Eleanor Ivera, Jessie Elvers, Mrs. W. E. Pierce, Mrs. George H. Stew art, Miss L. E. Nourse, E. J. Daly, J. P. Barnes, H. H. Rasch, H. R. Wakeman, H. W. Gammell, all of Portland. Others are C. W. Thurston,- Payette, Idaho; J. Adrian Epplng, Hood River; Mrs. A. A. Stansburg; Sophie Boellert, Phoebe Orvis, Boise, Idaho; Sister Zeta.' Sister Mary, from Vancouver, Wash.; J. A. Geisen dorffer and wife, Thomas C. Hanford and wife, from The Dalles; Mrs. David B. Garm. Miss Eleanor Garm, Chicago; M. B. Connelly and wife. Mrs. Harvey C. Hayward. Miss Marie Hayward. Spo kane; Jack Scanlon. F. Welhelm, Bene cia, Cal. , Shfellburne, G. T. Kelly, of Portland; Mary Frances Hutton, Cleveland. O.; J. S. Bennett, Caldwell, Idaho C. E. Saxton. Nampa, Idaho; D. W. Stand word, Mrs. Stand, word, Miss Keppel, Pocatello, Idaho: E. J. Van Court, Mrs. Van Court, Boise, Idaho; A. Robertson, wife and children, Oregon City; E. Eugene Snell. Xorth Beach Inn. Mrs. H. S. Gile, C. H. Nelson and wife, H. R. Everding, Mrs. H. R. Everding, Caroline Everding, H. Judy, H. M. Bor stel and wife, A. K. Slocum, Dr. and Mrs. Bandford Whiting, all of Portland; Mrs. J. S. Morgan. Los Angeles; I. V. Doan and wife, San Francisco; C L. Matthews. Mrs. C. L. Matthews, Bill Matthews, Spokane, Wash. Sunset Hotel. Clark M. Comstock, Mra. E. Watson, Mra. L. E. Renner, M. Brady, Aleck Jones, Miss Helen Geoghegan, Miss Sue Martin, Dee Rafatskl, all of Portland; Mrs. J. L. Covlness, Mrs." M. Molitlon, La Grande. Chamberlain Cottage. Mrs. Jessie L. Edwards, Mrs. J. P. Sutherland, B. F. Hartman, Mrs. J. B. Fisher and daughter, Mrs. A. W. Snod grass, Mrs. C. E. Klngsley and children, all Portland people. Others at the Cham berlain are August Huckestein and wife, Salem, Or.; Mrs. E. J. Swart, Frankfort. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Westley Randall, Miss Mary Thlrluen, Vancouver, Wash. SEASIDE'S MANY ATTRACTIONS Beach Only Five Hours From Port land Offers Many Amusements: SEASIDE, Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) . An early-morning start and a five-hour trip along the beautiful Columbia, via Astoria, over the A. & C. R. Road, brings you into Seaside in time for a genuine sea-food luncheon. At Sea side one finds sea-foods not to be ex celled anywhere. To the excursionists who take advantage of the accessibility of this resort from Portland, and the unrivaled attractions It holds out for a day's vacation, the trip will forever be marked with a white stone in the memory. What with surf bathing, swimming feats, fishing and boating on the pic turesque Necanicum, crab hunting and outings into the woods, strolling along the board walk or out on Pacific Pier watching the crowds of amusement seekers, visiting the various attrac tions on the Shell road or wandering through the groves, through winding roads that lead past beautiful homes and cottages there Is no possible op portunity for time to hang heavy, and one day's outing at Seaside is a long-to-be-remembercd one. Every train coming into fhe resort brings its load of people coming from the heated cities for a stay of rest and recreation at old ocean's side. With few exceptions, the cottages are opened and the hotels are kept busy catering to daily arriving guests. Seaside.Personals. Among the interesting affairs held recently a small musicals given by Ed win Patten figures prominently. It was held in the Moore parlor, and sev eral beautiful selections were given by members of the party. Miss Vera Patterson delighted, the guests with her vocal numbers, and Edwin Patten gave several readings. Those Invited were Misses Marie Van Ness, Luclle Dunne, Hazel Therkelson, Lois Scott, Vera and Edna Patterson and M.irie Kattenbaeh; Messrs. Charles Prehn, Gerald Thomas, Lieutenant Holt and Edwin Patten. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lang are spending a few days at Seaside. W. B. Moore, prominent in Walla Walla, and a son of Governor Moore, Is at the Moore Hotel for a brief stay. Ralph R. Dunlway was an over-Sunday guest. Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer and her sister, Mrs. L L. White, are at the Moore. Mr. White and Mr. Bauer wore down for the week-end. Portlanders will be glad to know that Mrs. Bauer is vastly Improved In health. , Mrs. I. N. Flelschner went into the city to see the performance of Mar garet Illlngton in "The Thief," return ing on Wednesday to the beach. Mrs. John McCraken Is a guest at the Moore. Misses Vera and Edna Patterson, daughters of Captain and Mrs. W. H. Patterson, are entertaining a small house party at their beach house, Sea Breeze. In the party are Misses Mar guerite Thomas and Winifred Lewis, and Messrs Gerald Thomas and Charles Prehn, all Portlanders. Edgar B. Piper was a week-end guest at the Moore, returning to Port land on Sunday. Mrs. Piper and chil dren will arrive later to occupy their cottage, the Log Hut. Mrs. Francis J. Bailey is a guest at the Moore. Misses Margarltta Buehner and Meta Buohner have been down from Portland for a short visit with Miss Celeste Moore. They returned to the city on Monday. Mrs. Zera Snow is a recent arrival at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schuela are visit ing a fortnight at seaside and Elk Creek. Mrs. F. E. Harlow was an arrival at the Moore on Sunday. Accompanying her was H. Cook and his twt daughters, MUses Verna and Clara, of Spokane. The Misses Cook are en route to Welles ley, and have been entertained In Port land prior to their arrival here. L. B. Shields, with Mrs. Shields, and three children, accompanied by Miss Belle, of Portland, are guests for the season at Seaside. Dr. F. J. Sladen la a recent arrival at the beach as is also Ellis G. Hughes, of Portland. Mrs. L. A. Harlow and two young sons have arrived for a six weeks' stay at the Moore. Julius Frleland was an over-Sunday visitor at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand are recent ar rivals from Portland. I Mrs. David Raffety, with her charming young daughter, Imogene, were guests for a week at the Moore. Martha Polivka has returned to Port land. W. G. JossIIn and two eons, Leslie and Philip, have returned to Portland after a three weeks' sojourn at Seaside. C. A. Mann and wife spent the past week at Locksley Hall. J. Wilkinson and son, George, and small daughter, Edith, have returned to Port land. Recent guests at the Moore were Mrs. J. H. Page and her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Shindler, and small son. Page Shindler. who returned to Portland on last Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Menfee and children are at the beach. Perry Baker, from Portland, la reg istered at Locksley Hall. Colonel Wallace Lamb, of Manila, J. I., Is at Locksley HalL . Miss jDorothy Morrison, the handsome daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Mor rison, has Joined her mother and young brothers at the beach. Mrs. John .Gearin and daughter, Miss Grace Gearin, are at Seaside. - D. J. Quimby has been entertaining his daughter, Mrs. B. Lewis Smith, and her little son Clifford. They will remain at Locksley Hall for a fortnight's stay. Mr. Smith .comes down from Portland for the week ends. Mrs. S. Cohen and young daughter. Miss Leah, spent last week In their cottage. Old Heidelberg, on Cannon Beach. Harry Flavel and Ted Higgins, from Astoria, are down for a stay at the sea side. - Miss Mabel Ayers, prominent in musical circles In Portland, has been a guest at the Moore recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Root are late ar rivals at the beach. Charles Prehm and Gerald Thomas, j guests at the Peterson house party, took an unusual but very interesting method of reaching their destination, having walked from Portland to Seaside. They left Portland on July 7, arriving in Sea side on Saturday, the 25th. Bn route they camped and fished and hunted, and made the trip an most enjoyable one. They reached Tillamook via Forest Grove, Gales Creek and over the Wilson River road, thence to Netart's Bay and through the Nehalem country to Cannon Beach and thence to Seaside. W. L. Benham and Mrs. Benham are guests at the Moore. A. W. Clark with Mrs. Clark and young child are arrivals at the beach for the season. Mrs. Dr. Ford Warren, of Portland, ac companied by her friend, Mies Alice V. Sprague, spent a part of last week at the Moore. Louis Burke was an arrival for the week end stay. Mrs. L. G. Pfunder ia at the Moore. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Curtis are recent arrivals at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs, of Port land, formerly of San Francisco, with their two children, Bessie and Fred, are guests at the Moore. Among the Cottagers. Mrs. I. N. Flelschner Is entertaining a small house party. Her sister, Mrs. E. Meyer, Rudolph Goldsmith, from Portland, and Miss Fanchon Davis, of San Francisco, are guests of Mrs. Flelschner's well-known hospitality. Miss Daisy Rosener, who has been visiting Mra. Flelschner for Beveral weeks has returned to Portland, the guest of Miss Gertrude "White. M. F. Henderson, of Portland, and Mrs. Henderson with their daughters, Bonnie and May, and young son, Mil ton, are recent arrivals in the cottage colony. Mrs. Henderson has her parents, Mr. and Mra. A. K. Clark, of Portland, with her. Mrs. W. E. Town has taken the Dale cottage for the season. She is accom panied by her guest, Miss Emma Whit ney. Recent arrivals are' W. J. Hawkins with Mrs. Hawkins and four young children, Margaret, "Billle," Helen and baby girl Harriet. Mrs. Frank Rlgler arrived on Satur day for a visit with the J. T. Moylan family in their cottage at Seaside. J. A. Van Ness and family are in stalled in their home Klnnlklnlck Lodge. Colonel D. M. Dunne with Luclle and Mrs. Dunne are among the cottage colony. Mrs. C W. Knowles Is entertaining Mrs. Laura Shaw from Stockton, Cal. Mrs. Shaw will remain through August Frank L. Smith, a well-known Port lander, has taken Halcyon Lodge for the season. Mrs. Smith and her inter esting family are settled for the sea son. Miss Nellie Burrows is with them. Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver Is enter taining her mother, Mrs. A. L. Hassler, from Portland. She also has with her a week-end guest, Mrs. Will Knight and her little daughter Marcia. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson are In stalled in their handsome new bunga low home at the beach. They are en tertaining guests. Misses Amert Cros- ley and Sarah McBrlde, of Portland. Mrs. S. A. Best, the charming hostess of Cedarhurst Inn. is entertaining Miss Florence Smith, of Hood River. W. A. Patterson and family, of Port land, are Installed In Holly Lodge Cot tage. W. J. Curran and family are recent arrivals in the cottage colony. Harry Long and family have opened their cottage at Clatsop Beach. Mrs. W. D. Fcnton Is entertaining Mis:! Lela Goddard from Portland. Louis Clarko and Chester Murphy are week-end guests at the Clarke cot tage. J. A. Strowbrldge came down for an over-Sunday stay at the Blaine R. Smith home, where Mra. Strowbrldge and her charming children are visUing this aeason. Dr. Owens Adair is visiting at the cottage of her niece, Mrs. Samuel Goldsmith, in her handsome home Modesda. Misa Hazel Altman, of Port land, is also a guest of the Goldsmiths. She will enter Berkeley this Fall. Arrivals in the cottage colony are: Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Sherwood and their young daughter Ethel, who are In stalled In Nalagh. Mrs. Sherwood's sister, Misa Elizabeth Miller, Is witfc them. C. E. Rumelin and Mrs. Rumelin are entertaining guests, Mrs. George Getty, of Portland, who will remain several days, and Howard Whiting, who is a week-end guest. After a most interesting trip and fort night's, visit at Elk Creek. Mrs. Edwin Case well and her two children, Louise and Edwin, have returned to Seaside and are visiting in the Wilson cottage. Ac companying the party is Miss Ann Case well, a niece of Mrs. Casewell. Mrs. C. J. Crook and small daughter, who have been guests of Captain and Mrs. Gadsby, hae returned to Portland. John V. Logan came down on Satur day to join his wife and baby at the Doban cottage, where Mrs. Logan is vis iting her mother and brother Tom for the season. George L. Baker accom panied Mr. Logan for a brief stay. A trio of girls from Portland's younger set who are ranching for all Summer In miniature fashion are Mlssea Charlotta, Elizabeth and Luclle Parker, who with their younger sister Zola are occupying the Parker cottage on the Upper Necan icum, about one and a half miles trora Seaside. Miss Elizabeth and Luclle have just finished Smith College, and were prominently identified with athletics for young women. Miss Elisabeth was pres ident of her class at Smith. I. E. Solomon and family arrived on Saturday for the remainder of the season in Pinewood cottage. G. Wilson with his wife and two young sons from Portland are Installed In their Seaside cottage. J. J. Jennings and his two daughters have taken the Tracy cottage. They have a guest with them. Miss Anna Bos covltch. . Mrs. H. R. xowls Is visltlnr her daugh ter Mrs. Will Crane at Clatsop Beach. Miss Arllne Davles has been entertain ing Miss Dorothy Moore for a fortnight. Miss Moore left on Monday for Portland from where she will go to Berkeley in September to resume her studies In the University of California. She la a very striking girl with auburn hair. Bruce Rowen is also a guest at the R. D. Davies' household.. Mrs. M. J. Hawkins and family have opened their cottage. ' A. Welch and family are In their home Necanicum Nook. HOTEL GtTESTS AT SEASIDE. Hotel Moore. Mr and Mr. Theoflore Roy. L. Rub11, William T. Carroll. H. J. Mackln. Julias Frledland. Mr.. Earl. Charles W. !? V Agn. Inaac. Be.aie M. M. R Chase. Misses Chase. Vf. A. Raymond. Miss Anna Hansen. R. L. Taylor Mis. Maym. Dran, A. M. Belllnner, Leota Howard. . c. Wlllla, M. O'Brien. K. F. Jones. Vclte Jonis? Arthur R. Moore. 8. Sllverneld. Mr. an Mrs. Elwood Wiles and ""n-' Blanche Wiles. C. M. Fowler. A. K. Slocum. Val Jenkins. Dr. and Mrs Palcram. Mrs. r w p.n Mrs. D. A. Blilndler, Page lhlndl."itl- Ann. Wlpert. Mr. FortKJ. J. Goodman, wife and child. Mrs. V . l. Pfunder. Mrs. A. J Gray. Dr. and Mrs. Ford Warren. Mis. Alice R- Sprague H. W. Krumbein, Mrs. J. J. Boadley Dr. F. J. Bladen. Frank Drak.. Miss Breneroff. A. W. Clark wife and child. J I curran and family. Mr. and Mra. T. tl. Curtis. Mrs. Q. H. Woodhull. Andrew Frl benr Mrs. E. T. Watt.. Mrs. Earle Hart, I. Held aid wife." M. B ?' Cofnn B J. D 8tuart. A. J. fcustlg. r Ko. B J. Friedman and wife. Louis Hurka. W H Maronl, Elvie Taylor. B. Jen ning. W Good and wife. A. C, Milord. Mrs. Frances J. Bailey Mrs. J. McCra.ken. J n Rndrers. E. 8. Btuart, F. H. Dsnt. i AckernVa" W S. Zimmerman. Oscar Lar i. i A Cone C A. l'oungleerg, Mrs. l. CnLewl.A- JCF Hlil. Mr.. W M Buehner, Mis. Meta Buehner. C M. D SlKler. Mrs. B. D. Blgler. Krne.t Steln houser U B. Shield.. Fred H. Martin. H. Go IdSmlth J D. O.ne... F M Woodcock, f. J. Arnold. J. O. McNet. A. Re"d"' Tvons J B Rand. Mr. J. E. Rand. J--. WaiSman. John L Power. Mr. David Raf fety Imogene Raffety. A. fecnoll, M wm kms Miss Irving, Mis. Summer.. Evelyn Irvine F E. Ramsey. R. T. Dabnfy and daughter; "I. T. Hunbell. Pearl McOlll. Mrs. J Scott. T. G. Amore.mlth. Mrs. Runkle. j! D. Bodjey, Mis. Filch. W. U Bonham. Mrs i W. LT Benham. I. Iwengart. Dr W. if hovd M Freldenuch. A. Zachrlsson, Pigr B Piper. Mr.. N. L. Koblson. Henry Jennings. J. H. Ward. O. B- Blackford PI. h Rasch H R. Wakeman. W. F. Wiggins, c" H Tyler A. G. Flelschheiman. B. N. Broadway. J. C. Specht. Mis. Alta Porter, Sr. McCord O. H. Schwlrdtm.n. Mrs. Schwirdtman. F. E. Ramsey, E. Kllng, Mis. ?nSZ on ill of Portland; R. P. Bonham. Gra?e E Stoke.. M. M. Whitney W. R. SachenJ. W. Garner. D. F.McGee and E'Howe BUI AT.X Stein. H.' B. Leln.nHeld B. Howe, o d Camo. Set WM". Agne. Mur 1 mYeHV F'T BeUKalnl.r- Mis. R. L. Lee. T. F 1,. J. Bell, ...ri. T X RlrV Laurln. Jw."","" . ,, i rest. Mr. ana . J"--ih ";.- r'orCK Cal .: W. C. Caldl'e, Baker City; H. R Miner. Bertha S. Hue. Us. Seattle; Mli Clara Cowan. Mis. Norah Smith. A. M nnfflor. La Camas. Wash.: W. J. Ccnover, netroit; Alice E. Nahlen. Ban Franrl.-n; it V Benson. Seattle; William Altman and wife Boise, Idaho; H. D. Grey. Pendleti-n; Robert Hooter, Canyon City; Edward A. Iuedhe and wife, Milwaukee; Eugene Tonseck. Walla Walla: Edward Jones and wife T. S. Watters. Denver: Mra, William Stephen, and .on, Cincinnati; O. G. Wocd rock Manchester; R. H. Johnson and family, Walla Walla. Locksley HalL C A. Mann and wife. Macule Bogatlo, Charles D. Dodd and wife, Hllja Husuet, W A Love, MIPS Delia Roberts. C R Millet and wife. S. Simmons. Mrs. Simmons. MIM Lois Simmons. Belle Hof.tard. W. G. Joslln. Perry Baker, Arthur J. Calln. Mis. Jean Miller. W. G. Wright. D. A. Babln. H. r. William.. B. C. Smith, W. TV Patrician, Walter B. Btevens. George Johnson, Mrs. u C Lewi., Mrs. B. Lewi. Smith. Clifford Kmith, Kenneth Fenton, Mis. Jennie Porter, R D. Davis. Mrs. R. D. Davis, Anne Davles, W G. Wright. D. A. Sahln, Paul Heslop, Dr L. T. Rosa, A. M. Stearns, Mrs. Stearns, Gretchen Corn way, Mrs. W. C. Saunders. G Saunders. W. G. Telfer, J. Mcfiulre B . I Rmlth. C. D. Wood, Mis. A. B. Wood. MIM Emma P. Wood, U A. Bertllllon. wife and children; L. M. Tyler, wife and children; j E Ingle., wife and chlld; w. C. Yeddoi and wife, all of Portland; Harry Catlln. Pendleton; Captain B. F. Packard and wife, Vancouver. Wa.h.; Mr.. William Ewtng, Miss Ewlng, Spokane. Wash.; Mrs. E. H Wederkend. Ban Francisco; J. W. West ana wife Eugene; Mr.. E. L. Alford. mother and two children. Mr.. Rosa Fletcher. Lil lian Thordason. Arleta. Or.; Waller Burnett. Beatrice Burnett. New York; M. H. Ston. and wife, Hammond, Or.; Miss Winifred (Concluded on page 8 )